Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, June 07, 1858, Image 4
<tos, fit. .DENTISTRY. DH. J. T. PATERSON, Surgeon Dmlut. Offlcc on Washington at., corner of Ellis Will attend to all operations Dertaining to the profession. -*—L,L_r extracts teeth without tain by elec- TRICITV. inylOy ~ CHAHLBf M, WRIGHT, Dentist, OFFICE over Carmichael gSJggS» Beau’s Hardware Store, A9BBSjfIE& Broad it., Augusta. (sa. 1 T T t T All operations pertaining to Dcntistiy faithful ly and scientifically executed. octs Partnership Notice. WE, the undersigned, have this day entered iu a Partnership for the practice of Law, on the criminal side of the Court. Office Masonic Hull. JOIIX P. W'-O , mli9 tr JOHN' J- R- FLODBNOT i Joseph W. Harrisson, t VMernlr and Retail Healer in ARTISTS’ MATERIALS, TIUST, OIL, WINDOW GLASS, X BI.I.\’DS, POORS, SHUTrKRS and SASIIKK glazed and unglazed. BRUSHES of every variety ; LAMPS, BURK ING FLUID, ALCOHOL. VARNISHES, etc. etc. So. 7*, Meeting-Street, nov27 Charleston. S. C. ly W. H. Gordon k Co., GENERAL COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANTS, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, 1 GENTS for the Sale and Deposit of OL Tennessee O tton Fabrics, and Cotton Man lfacturers’ Jeneral Agents. Also, General Agents for Goodlettsville Flour tag Mills ; Lebanon, Port Ro’ al and Rock City Flouring Mills, and Millers generally. Having the largest private Warehouse in the south and west, they are prepared to receive] end store all goods entrusted to their care. Fronting Public Wharf and Markct-st. Nashville, Tcnn. aug'2l ly CAMPBELL & BRIDGES, (Successors to Campbell, Oaut k Co.) GENERAL PRODUCE AGENTS the purchase, sale and shipmeiu L of all k nd.s of East Tennessee Produce, sucl as Bacon , Lard , Wheat , Flour , Corn Oats Fruit , kc., Knoxville, Tennessee. Refer to G. L. Anderson. auglfl-ly ZI9IMERMAIV STOVALL, Wholesale Grocers, Dealers in sugar, coffee, bag- j UIN’G, ROPE, I.IQCORS, und all other ar 1 tides usually found in the Grocery Business. No. 313 Broad-street, one door above Barrett & Carter’s, Augusta, Geo. aug2s-ly Iron And Brass Foundry. ; HIGHT & MACMURPHY continue the i above business, iu all its branches, at the American Foundry, and will be t lankful for or ders for all kinds Iron and Brass Castings, for Gold Mines, Mills, Rail Roads, Bridges, and Ma chinery of .ill descriptions. oc2B-1y W. L. UIOll" J K. BL’TLKR, V. G, UKTEK- 4 HIGvI, BUTL.BR & CO., Commission Pm I] ants. For the porch i-e nod -ate of Tannesseo ProdLLco, COTTON, GROCERIES, A.-.. Aiabama-strcct. south of M. v w. R. R.Dc, f ! Atlanta, C»eo gin. Good Tennessee Money tal:t at par for ' Produce. tnhS-Gm J. G. CHURCHILL, I! Hi RENTER -.JOINER,! Doors, sashes, blinds, mould ings and HOUSE CARPENTRY of every csrrijMou, neatly and promptly done. Shop opp Mile M . onnelt’s Stables, Kllis-st. uovs if Vv I lotiCSALE t; HiX;kh s7" WE BEG TO CALL THE ATTENTION of our friends and of the public, to our arge stock of GROCERIES, (Liquors excepted,) u this city and Charleston, which we are pre pared to sell for cash, or to prompt paying cus tomers on favorable terms. HAND, Wild JAMB k GRAVES, Augusta, Georgia. Daniei, Hand, GKO. W. W I.LIAMS, Akakiar Graves. GEO. >V. WILLIAMS k CO., Charleston, S. C Geo. W. Williams, Diniki Hand 1 ( V> fiiJAM aug2s-ly WM miJijnnT GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, TUNNEL HILL, OA. TjlOR the purchase of Wheat, Corn, U Oats, Rye. Flour, Bacon, Lard. Dry Hides. Ac., and for the sale of Sugar. Coffee, Molas.-cs. Salt, Tobacco, Nails, Iron, Castings, Factory Yarn, Domestic, and all kinds of Agricultural Implements, such as Plows, Straw Cutters, Corn j Shelters. Thrashers, with and without the horse power combined, Reapers, Mowers, etc oct2 ly FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE! JiTNA FIRE IAS lOMPA.U, CAPITAL, SI ,000.000. JBTNA LIFE IMS. f OMPASY, CAPITAL. $200,000. CONNECTICUT IMS. COMPANY. capital, $200,000 witli u large surplus, mb 19 6m JOHN G. SLEDGE, Agent. AI.KX. M. WALLA UK. WM. C. ROBINSON. WALLACE & ROBINSON, GENERAL Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN T<3 iiiicssc ProduceJ will give special attention to the sate of BACON, LARI), FLOUR, CORN, WHISKEY, TOBACCO, Ac.. Ac. 4 labama-street, South of the Passenger Depot, Atlanta, Geurgla. Consignments respectfully solicited. Prompt Utoutiou given to cash orders. ap3-3m* MILL ST ON ES ! WILLIAM BRENNER, Manufacturer of frinrfe §urr ||Utlstonts, AND dealer in Esopus and Cologne Stones, Broa'd-street, above Upper Market, Augusta, Ga. Orders solicited ami punctually attended to. jan7-ly j. ». HAVNE, ATTORNEY AT LAV. COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS FOR SO. CA. PRATICES in the Middle District. Special attention given to claims iu W all ington City. Waynesboro, Burke Co., Goo. I My 1 ACARD. Spring and Summer Openings. Ivliss AVt. E 3 . iVlELtlie ws HAVI. G JUST RETURNED FROM New York, respectfully calls the itieutlon cf her former friends and pa irons, as well as strangers visiting the »ity, to her stock of SPRING AND SUMMER HATS, DRESS CAPS, HEADDRESSES, RIDING HATS, FRENCH FLOWERS, kc.. which she will open on Thursday Next , April Ist. at her TSTETW STORE, OPPOSITE MASONIC IIALL, formerly occupied by W«ril * Burchard. Also a foil assortment of Childrens’ HATS, I.ACESII.K and MOURNING MANTILLA-. DRESS TRIMMINGS, Bailies’ SHIRTS, CORSET.- anil HOOPS, of every des rlpticn. \|te, MATHE VS retains thanks to hernmne-- >»:w fneu s and customers for their past pur*-n a > •. d solicits a continuance «>i the aa o All orders* attended to promptly. M. P. MATHEWS. Uktllantoiu. 1858. TBS& ■ SPRING TRADE. CHOICE FAMILY DRY GOODS. BROOM & NORRELL YJCT’OULD invito attention to their l W large and elegant stock of . j SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they are now displaying at the One Price S T O IA E : Comprising everything of the latest and most elegant styles in LADIES' DRESS GOODS , ’JE mmm. i «■ LACE MANTILLAS, SHAWLS; ! HOOP SKIRTS, of every kind manufactured ; j HOOPS, of every kind ; j DUSTERS, a large assortment ; IRISH LINEN'S, of our ovn importation. —ALSO — All the best makes in tbo market of Domestics, Housewife Goods, LINENS, DAMASKS, SHEETINGS, kc. Making up one of the best stocks of Dry Goods ever offered in this market, and embracing all of those -tylo3 most hit prized by good Housekeepers. And as we are the only house in the city that invariably adhere to the One Price System ! ! We would call particular attention to this fea ture of our trade, and ask all to consider its ad vantages. It guaranties to the BUYER the Lowest Market Prices ! Because it forces the SELLER down to the small- j eat sum he can possibly afTord to take for his Goods, and of course BARGAIN'S cannot be ex j pected from any other mode of doing business #tf* Please notice that we adhere rigidly to ONE PRICE *=£» «f*T That pri e we guarantee to bo as low as the lowest.-^® And that we Dover resort to the trick of | BAITING. my 10 i New find Fresh SPRING MILLINERY. MRS. E. O. COLLINS HAS RECEIVED, at her store oppo site the Planters’ a&k*. . Hotel, a handsome sup ply or all articles of MILLINERY S UIT AB L E FOR THE Spring and Summer, Consisting, in part. o> an nimm » U »*' rinVITIS. *!BMOVS. FLOWER U< H • ..J,' pLoNI-EI ACES. VEIIS. MITTS. -Bi - I HEAD •RK.'-.-KS, HAIF.HR \l»- w ,'lTs TOILET POWDERS. S APS I ; MES H AIK OILS kr BONNET CAPS and HE ' D DRES-ES rn»i*u- I short notice and in the most (asbiona de style. I n to Huy. | rnwo SMART NEGRO BOYS, 14 or 15 JL \ ears of age. Inquire at this office. a';. I dtf rjMu:ssi:s, shoulder bracrs, &c. X We have now in store a fine assortment of the most approved TRUSSES, ABIKJMIXALSUP PORTERS, SHOULDER BRACES, kc. my 11 PLUMB & LEITNER. \ To I .ASSES. If I 50 hh Is CUBA MOLASSES, now arriving, or al • very low from wharf. my 14 4* TJIOS.J *. STOVALL & CO. / d LASS, GLASS! VT A large lot of French Window and Picture GLASS, of the best brands, all sizes, from 8* 10 to 36k 50, just received by myII PLI’MB & LEITNER. | Bacon, bacon ! 100 hhds Clear and Ribbed BIDES, 50 do do do HAMS, 50 do do do SHOULDERS, For sale low by my 10 * TIP IS. P. STOVALL & CO. OLD BOURBON WHISKEY. 10 casks of Pure BOURBON WHISKEY, warranted to be 12 years old. For sale by my 10 THUS. P. STOVALL & CO. RICH DRESS GOODS. BROOM & NORRELL HAVE JUST RECEIVED, per Adams’ j Express Company : Rich Organdie FLOUNCED ROBES, do Twisted Silk do do do Jaconet ROBES A’QUIIJLE, do Organdie do do French PRINTED JACONETS, do do CAMBRICS, do do BRILLI ANTES, A large and handsome assortment of MAN- TiLLAS. of Bice and Silk. 11NEN YOKES, very handsome, PIqUE CLOTH, WHITE TRIMMINGS, ALEX AN DE ’S KID GLOVES. my 8 BACON AND FLOUR. Choice Tennessee BACON, hog round ; Superfine FLOUR. For sale in quantities to suit purchasers. my 13 * BAKER. WRIGHT & CO. !-D0 WAS DRAWN IN SWAN & CO.’S Sparta Academy Lottery, DAILY DRAWING. rpiCKETS IN ALL OF THE DAILY JL SCHEMES, also in the Saturday $70,000 S- isome, c n bo had at my office on Washington street, one door Irorn Broad street. Office hours from 6 A. M. to 9 P. M. my6-tf C. A. LATHROP, Agent. Sugar. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY barrels A. II und CsL’GAK. 50 bbls Crushed and Pow’d do, 50 hints prime and choice do. Just received and for sale low by mlr2G DANIEL H. WILCOX. Look at This. I AM NOW PREPARED ’IX) DO ALL work in the Carpenter’s Uno with neatuess and dispatch. Jobbing attended to. Also, Furniture made and repaired. HENRY ROGERS. Shop on Jackson-streei, near tba Baptist Church. mhs ts NEW DRUGSTORE | IIMIKH PLANTERS’ HOTEL, | Augusta, Georgia. BF. PALMER respectfully invites • attention to a New and Fresh stock of PURE DRUGS , MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. Also—A choice a sorlinent of PERFUMERY and FANCY ART CLKS lor the Toilet Fine Hair and Tooth Brushes. Combs, &c. Dental and Surgical Instruments Pure Wines and Liquors, for medicinal use. And, in addith n to tbe above. I shall always keep on band a full assortment of which I will warrant pure. Carden, Gras* mid Field Seeds, kc. A share of public patronage is respectful!* *• licited. B. F. PALMER v ’ j niy3-dA« m Un«l« r aARATOLVWA EK! List r c.-i, ... ,<ige ;.-t >i A.. i ATfcR. f.esh fr.un tbe -p mg-, t B. F. i'ALMKR’S I j my 16 - ru c 'Store, under i'Uuuer’oiiote., I StWlantons. THE DIVER INVIGORATOR! PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD*B COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM <3- XT S , IS ONE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE and Liver Medicines now before tbe public, that acts as a CATHARTIC, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid mat ter, then on the stomach and bowels to carry oil that matter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, without any of the painful fooling? | experienced in the operations of most Cathartics It strengthens the system at the same time that ;it purges it; and when taken daily in moderati ! doses, will strengthen and build .t up with un , usual rapidity. ■» # £*«»■•*• til «**• T The Liver is one oft the principal rcgula- I tors of the human ; body, and when it por- I forms its f unctions ; well, the powers of the .system are fully de veloped. The stomach is almost entirely de pendent on the healthy I action of the Liver for j the proper perform ance of its functions; i when the stomach is j at fault, and the whole I system suffers iu con ! sequence of one organ j —the Liver, — having ceased to do its duty For tho diseases of that organ, oue of the pro prietors has made it tiis study, in a prac tice of more than 2C years, to find some re medy w herewith to counteract the many | derangements towbici) it is liable To prove that this remedy is at last found, any person troubled with liver. Complaint, in any of Its forms, has but to tryja bottle, and conviction j is certain. i These Gums remove i all morbid or bad mat- ’ ■ ter from the system, supplyiug in their place a healthy tloWof!; bile, Invigorating the I stomach, causing food!] to digest well, purify ing {the hiotd, giving tone and health to the whole machinery, re moving the cause ot tbe disease,— effecting a radical cure. Bilious attacks are cured, and. what is better, prevented by the occasional use ol > tbe liver Invigorator. > One dose alter eating is sufficient to relieve the stomach and pre vent the food from ri sing and souring. Only one dose taken before retiring, pre vents Nightm ire. Only one dose taken at night, loosens the bowels gently, and cures Costiveness. One dose taken after each meal will cure Dyspepsia. One dose of two tea spoonfuls will always relieve Sick Headache. One bottle taken for fe male obstructions, removes the cause of the disease, and makes a perfect cure. Only one dose imme liately relieves Cholic, while One dose often re peated is a sure cure lor Cholera Morbus, and a preventive ol Cholera. Only one bottle is 1 needed to throw out 01 the system the effects of ; medicine alter a longsickuess. One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sa! lowness or unnatural color from the skin. One dose taken a short tunc be ore e-Min* gives vigor to the appetite, and makes est el 1 . One dose oft m repealed cures Chronic ; rhoea in its w >rs? forms, while Summer •. Bowel Complains yield almost to the tint do-<*. One or tw do-os cures attacks caused by Worms In elidm there is no surer, safer.->r sp edicr rem< Jy . the world, as it never fails. A oti im. Dropsy, by exciting the i'-s»rb 'it | : iin recommending this m i ; ■ . • for Kever and Ague, Chid . ♦ fa Bilious Type, tupi • ••> • r.Minsaiids are willim < t virtues. .. ; g their unanimous i r • :.«<• v i.. , ilit ’Vi. • • i • ’fi with the luvigoraDr, I mu! sw.ii' iw ?li • - . er. The IJ\ ' r’.l> V'G *. '.iiß is a scientific Me ;i --! ;» : -wcov ry, •, nly working cures, al : • "at t. r« to In c • it. cures as if by ma ' gii ’>,p the firs* dsefjt ■.. nefit, and seldom i iimre n ~■» botut ■ p ed to cure any kind •i' U -’er C‘*!«V'i,tint, ii *. - . worst Jaundice nr -y-pepsin, to a common eadache, all ol which are ihe result of a Di-eased Liver. Price, $1 per bottle. SANFORD k CO., Proprietors, 345 Broadway, New York. Sold, wholesale an ; retail, by PLUMB & LKIT NER, W. H. TI'TT, and Druggists everywhere, ml: 10 ly!;ii>i:ii l i:ls boon and is mm JL ready to furnish ICE to the citizens of Au gusta and vicinity for s.v'kT WITS my3-m CfIAS E. DODI), Agent. Siip’r Black Cloth Frocks. WE have full lined and full trimmed FROCKS, cheaper thnu ever offered be fore. ml»4 RAMSEY & LAB AW. BRAY’S HOTEL,IS gmasil CA RTERSV JLLE, 6 A., SITUATED nearest the Depot on the lelt hand side of the Railroad coiniug down, laud on the right coming up. Passengers will j take breakfast on arrival of the down traius I Good walks to the Hotel. I mli22-y W. M. BRAY, Proprietor. j cheapest assortment of BEST MANUFACTURED ! Umbro 11 as, Parasols, AND Walking Canes j Ever offered in this market wholesale and retail. B JOHNSON Sc (JO., Umbrella Manu • facturers, > o, 2.’t> King street, Charleston, S. C., near Wentworth. We would most respectfully call the attention of our friends and the public of the city and country, to our stock of SILK and OTHER UM BRELLAS. We are now manufacturing and offer for sale some of the best Umbrellas ever offero i in this market. We are in constant receipt of iilksaml Ginghams, manufactured in England under our own special direction, by which means we arc enable 1 to produce a better article thau can be found clscwhei c. which wo are deli riuiuod to sell at the very lowest prices. We have, also, a large stock of Fine Ingham, Linen and Cotton Umbrellas, and Fill: Parasols, Folding Umbrellas for Travellers, and Buggy Umbrellas, with and without joints. Also, a large assortment of WALKING CANES. P. S.—We have also added to the above estab lishment the manufacture of WIRE SAFES, lor keoping provisions, which arc warranted supe rior to any imported, and may be had of any pattern or size. my3-lm New York and Savannah, THE AMERICAN ATI ANTIC SCRFAV STEAMSHIP CO’S NEW AND ELEGANT STEAMSHIPS HUNTSVILLE, Cnpt. Robert Hnrdle. MONTGOMER Y, Cnpt. Fred. Crocker, TXT ILL FORM A \\ weekly lino be- V tween Savannah and t-iow York, leaving each port /// flf >f M EVERY SATL Hi)AY. - . These stoainers, (lOOf) tons each, have elegant accommodations for Pas - sengers, and being of great strengtli and s-eed, shippers can rely on the greatest dispatch to freight For further particulars, apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * CO., Savannah, Ga. or, H. B CROMWELL k CO., apl6-1y No. 131 Washington st. N York. Cask Paid for OLD HOPE Ail (JIGGING I poll HUMP BAGGING AND ROPE, 2cents per lb ; For GUNNY BAGGING, 1 cents per lb ; “ GRASS ROPE, 1 “ “ At BATH PAPER MILLS OFFICE, On Reynold street, between Jackson and Mc- Intosh. a pl4 Confession and Life of RADFObD J. CROCKETT. NOW IN FULTON COUNTY JAIL, I coud- mned ;o be bung on the 18th uav of j June, JVSB. for the murder and high way ron nery of Samuel Landrum, near Atlanta, on the Kth day of April. The strange and .-tarillugad veutures connected with Ihe life of this eccentric yutig mm, ill interest and a-toniah all cla.-sc.s of l eaders. The o k wii! be ready for delivery by the first day of Juno. U J '• -I. • ■ : hau four copies, 30 cents Km,-i •- -nore copies aro ordered to ell. P-*st;ige t,. “• S i ■ -ills w. 4 *; ,CW . - or or ,Ui-y *r« o . icoiveu. d ... rved Audrey. »v , iisi i, .*geut and Publisher, i my«s*d<kc2 Atlanta Georgia, i Ulistellattrous. Important Change of RAILROAD SCHEDULES, VIA COLUMBIA, CHARLOTTE, RALEIGH TO WELDON. Fare and Time the same as on any other route. SUSHI SMB ON and after TUESDAY, Gth April, the following will bo the schedule between Augusta and New York via Columbia, S. C.: Leave Augusta 10.00 A M Leave Columbia 7.00 P il I.#eave Charlotte 1.09 A Leave Raleigh 9.00 A Leave Weldon 2.00 P Arrivo at New‘l ork, by either Peters burg or Portsmouth route 6.00 P M Leave Now York 8 00 A M Philadelphia 1.00 P M Leave Baltimore 5.00 P M Leave Weldon (in day).. 12.00 M Leave Raleigh 4.16 P M Leave Charlotte 12.00 M Arrive at Columbia 5 30 A M Arrive at Augusta 2.50 P M Passengers goiug North desiring to connect with th Express Train at Columbia, will take the morning trains at Montgomery, Cbatta nooga, Augusta and Charleston, aud the evening trains at Atlanta and Savannah, and connect in daylight at Weldon with both the Washington City and Bay Routes. Passengers going South, by taking this route ot Weldon, as in abovo Schedule, will reach Charleston and Augusta as soon as by any oth or line, aud connect with either route South or West from that point, as their tickets will show. N. B. Passengers going North will buy ; n their tickets to Augusta, Ga., only, and those i e going South, to Weldon, N. C.. at which points d Through lickets and Through Checks caii bo • had, aud where they will have choice of routes. I r This Route is the GREATCENTRAL LINK, via! e Columbia, Chesterville, Charlotte, Salisbury, i Greengboro’, Raleigh, Kranklinton, Henderson, L * to Weldon, N. C., aud passes over au elevated, 3 healthy and populous country, with fine scenery *• and pure water. This route is almost entirely J r free from dust. Passengers and invalid travel t ler3 wishing to stop at night, taking the day ac •f commodation train, will pass over the entire s route by daylight, finding on tbo routo good hotels and resting places. aggage checkod to Weldon from Angus- j > ta. Charleston and Columbia, and t nee versa. For furthur information, see guides of this routo, or inquiro of LEWLS LEVY, c Agent at Augusta. i or, C. D. BOYDEN, ' apl6-4m Travelling Agent South. 1 Liigkt tor the Million!!! The Cheapest Illuminating Gas ever Discovered. HAVING purchased the Patent-right for tbo State of Georgia, and Edgefield Dis | i S. C., for making Illuminating ) VS FROM WOOD AND WATER, hoate & Tyler’s process, we are prepared to -tilt individual or public rights for the use of f -“aid Patont. r among the many ad vantages these works have over all others, aro the following : ' Ist. The abundance and cheapness of the ma terial from which the Gas is made viz : PINE WOOD AND WATER. 2«» The durability of the works when cora •a ed with others 3 i The simplicity fthe apparatus and pro ess Any negro may be fought to make the Gas .-erfectlj in a very short time. Gas manufactured under this patent has been ’ *n uninterrupted use at Kirkpatrick A: Lcitno.’s hou-e. at Bcrzclia. on the Georgia R;»ilroa<J, since July last, where it may be seen. They have a . very superior light for o.\k fourth the price of ! Jas rr.nie fro Rosin Oil. I Any communications addressed to either of the r undersigned, at Augusta, will meet with prompt ! attention. PLUMB & LEITNER, JAMES GARDNER, J. A. ROBERT, W. W. TREMBLEY, HENRY PARDEN, febi-tf Gas Works. i riIHE UNDERSIGNED is now prepared 5 JL to make contracts for the erection of GAS HOLDERS, and all the Machinery and Piping necessary in I the use of illuminating Gas manufactured from ■ light wood and water, under Choate’s & Tyler’s patent. Also, for the supply of Gas Fixtures, Chandeliers, kc.. to consumers. The cost of a Gas Holder containing 300 cubic feet of Gas, and all the apparatus complete for the generation and use of > this Gas can be supplied for about.. ..$360 00 This size is amply sufficient for the use of a | private dwelling. *“< Cost of Gas Holder, about 6CO feet, suit able for Hotels, about $660 00: Cost of Gas Holder, 1000 feet, about 850 CO “ “ “ 2000 “ “ ....120000 i* “ “ “ 3000 “ “ .... JSOO 00 The hist size would be sudicieut for the largest FactoriesTlnd Mills in the South. Contracts for the furnishing and erection ot ' Works for Gas Companies in Villages. Towns and Cities in Georgia and the adjoiniug States, will be made ou reasonable terms. All orders will be filled with promptness, and the works will be warranted to give satisfaction. COST OF THE GAS. Consumers may ascertain the cost of this beau i tiful aud economical Gas by the following sim ple statement: When the wood costs Four DoJ-1 i lars a cord, a Gas Holder containing 300 feet can be filled at a cost of about 30 ccuts, this ■ quantity would last aboi t one week. The undersigned has made arrangements wi h j 5 the owners of the patent to secure its use to > each person ordering works from him. I J. A. ROBERT, aplQ-tf Opp. Post Ollicc, Augusta, Gu? Molasses ami Syrup. Fifty hhds. cuba molasses, 45 bbls. S. H. SYRUP. For sale by my 4 WILCOX, HAND k ANSLEY. Whiskey. TWENTY bbls. Gibson's XXX; 20 do do XX ; 20 do do X. Just received at febl7 D’ANTIGNAC k HUBBARD’S. Liquors. A largo and well selected stock of Foreign , and Domestic Liquors, Wines aud Cordial,, al- ■ ways on hand aud for sale low by , feb2 JL. STEVENS. HjjjjjjAKPEß’S MAGAZINE, for June; trimmed. For sale by my 22 THUS RICHARDS & PON. TTOLUIfE 22 GEORGIA REPORTS. V For sale by my 22 THOS. RICHARDS k SON. New Firm. npilE UNDERSIGNED begs to inform 1 his numerous customers that lie has asst) , dated with him in business Mr. J. A. ROBERT, j > The Boot and Shoe business will be continued | at the old stand, under the firm and style of BURCH k ROBERT. JAS. W. BURCH Augusta, May 18, 185 U my2o LUMBER. LUMBER, LUMBER! Flooring and Inch Plank, In Quantities to Suit Purchasers. FOR SALE BY BARNES & JONES. my 0 dtf ; Jack Screws. A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL ARTICLE, at a low prico. I. IT. STEARNS & CO., •n2O First door abovo Mechanics’ Bank. ' . r ASTIC ROOFING. i_T_L The best and cheap st roofing material 1 ever discovered. Orders left at ray2o l_l l STE VRNS k CO. Planing Machine IN IRREGULAR FORMS.—Machine and Rights lor sale by I I H. STEARNS ft 00., First, door anove Mechanics' Bank, Broad-street, i Augu>tn, Ga. m>2o <■ I ’> iiiAU.'o and sugars. JL Olio Hundred Boxes of loBACOO, variou.- i I bra us ; j 50,0u0 regard, imported aud domestic. t 1 For saie by fob 2 A. STEVtNi. j ffikfllamoMs. GIBBS 1 PATENT s3© SEWING MACHINE. THIS MACHINE IS ADMIRABLY ADATTED FOR PLANTATION USE! \V% *V*WA*YV\ CHEAPNESS AND DURABILITY. \ir CAN BE TAKEN APART AND PUT TOGETHER | IN PERFECT RUNNING ORDER, j Within Three Minutes! CAN BE TURNED EITHER Backward Or Forward, IT 18 ALL THE SAME, AS THE Machine keeps on Running! ! Opposition Will Never Kill 1 T ». ALSO r THE PALMETTO SEWING MACHINE, PRICE S6O. WE CHALLENGE the World to pro duce its equal for SPEED , DUR A BILITY AND BE AU TY OF SEWING. A written warranty given with each MACHINE, and the money returned in all cases, at any time within six months, if it prove unsatisfactory. The MACHINES can be seen in ope ration at the Store of I. 11. STEARNS, & CO., NEAR MECHANICS’ HANK, AUGUSTA, GA. AGENTS WANTED FOR TIIE SOUTHERN STATES. M . J. CLUFF, AGENT FOR THE SOUTH, At the Machinery Agency of Messrs. Kcllog Dodge, 54 Broad Street, niyh CHARLESTON, S. C. QUGAB. )0 49 hhds good to prime N O SUGAR, 15 do prime clarified do 160 bbls A, B and C do 25 do Crushed do For sale low by feb22 WILCOX, HAND k ANSI.EY. THE NEW JERUSALEM, OR, THEOLOGY OF THE NEW CHURCH. ~V\J ORKS of Emanotx SwEDENBOKOcan tT be found deposited at the Young Mens’ Library Association, for the use W the public decl-ly Groceries. SIX HUNDRED bags RIO COFFEE, 50 bags I-nru vra aud Java do 50 hhds SUGAR. 200 bbls A, B and C Refined SUGAR, 50 do Crushed and Pow’d do 10 boxe3 LOAF do 260 do TOBACCO, 100,000 CIGARS, 300 do CANDLES, 30 bbls VINEGAR 50 boxes and kegs Super-Carb SODA, 100 bales GUNNY CLOTH, 800 coils ROPE. For sale low bv JOSIAH SIBLEY k SONS, mli3l No. G, Warren Block. URNING FLUIDS Just received, a fresh supply of BURNING I FLUID, at 80 ccuts per gallon, at the Apothe caries’ Hall. feb.U TIIOMAS P. FOGARTY, NEW BUT SUCCESSFUL ~~ REMEDY. JOY TO TIIE CONSUM P T 1 V JE . FRED’K J. DELKER’S Consumption ELIXIR aud TONIC PILLS is doing as ton isliiug wonders to those afflicted witli Consump tion, Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma and Hectic Fever. Substantial evidences of that fact arc acknow ledged by those who have given it a fair trial. Why, then, delay so loug in trying the medi cine? N. B.—ls the medicine docs not give relief af ter a fair trial has been given it, Mr. D. will re juud the money. Price ot Elixir, $1 a bottle, or 6 bottles for $5; for Pills, 50 cents a box, or 6 boxes for $2.50. For sale at V. LaTASTE’S Wholesale and Re tail Drug Store, Augusta, Ga. febll-ly Negro Mechanics rpwo good BRICKLAYERS and PLAS JL TKRERS, and oue good TANNER and FI N ISHEK OF LEATHER, can ho hired by the year or month, or by the Job, by applying to dl6 J. C. BARNKTT, Madison, Ga. SPECIAL CARD. GUAY & TURLEY HAVE JUST RECEIVED another lot of those FINE WHITE BRILLI AN TICS, at 12>£ cents per yard. Also, Isabella. Jonannah and Caroline WHITE FRINGES ; Ladies’ Marseilles COLLARS and SETTS, both white and colored ; Birnrngbam and Metropolitan EXTENSION HOOP SKIRTS ; Black Silk . I ITS, both long and short, with and without fingers ; an entirely new and handsome lot of RIBBONS, for Ladies’ Bonnets ; 60 pieces fine IRISH LINEN, to be sold by the piece onlv, at extraordinary low prices ; DAMASKS. DoV - LIES. NAPKINS ; TOWELS, crash and linen ; j SHEETING, at prices that cannot fail to com mand a quick sale. Those in want us such goods would do well to call soon. my 27 52,500 EIWUI, A PACKAGE containing TEN THOU SAND DOLLARS iu Bank Notes, addressed to Hall, Mokes k Co., Criumbus, Georgia, was stolen from the Adams Express Company, on the 25th day of April last, whilo in transit from At lanta, Ga , to Montgomery, Ala Tii - notes were alt on the Planters’ k Mo ebonies’Bank, of Charleston, S.C., principally of the denomination of Fives aud Tons, aud con siderably worn. A rowan of S2OOO will bo paid for the recov ery of the tnomy, or in I'ko proportion for any part thereof, and SSOO for information convicting the thief or thieves. my!4-tf H. B. PLANT, Superintendent. | Utkdteras. IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS Sold by Subscription Only. ; Published by D. Appleton&Co., N. York. THE following Standard Books com mence tuv.- senes. To insure uniform prices land regularity in tlio delivery of the volumes to subscribers in nil parts ol the country, local agents are or will be appointed in every city and principal town ; and we shall aim to employ on ly such persons as will have the confidence of the people. The books will be in every respe t equal to the sample shown, and no pains or ex peusc will be spared to produce the works begun in a reasonable time, and to the entire approba tion of subscribers. 1. The Abridgement of the Debates of Con [tress; or, the Political History of the United States. From the original documents. Edited by Col. Thomas H. Bunion. In Fifteen large oc tavo volumes of about 750 two-column pages. This work has now reached the Fifth volume, and is now giving great satisfaction among all classes. It will contain the wisdom of Congress for seventy years, and will beau invaluable part of the history ol the country. It is of national interest, and one of the most valuable corapcn diums for public and private libraries ever is sued. The work realizes a desideratum long felt, and of all others, for the political history of the Government, most wanted. Its wide range of characters, each one speak ing for himself, and representing his own party, and its far stretch of time, mako it of the great est value to the nation. The Indexing is very complete, so that any name or subject desired may be found in either volume at on je. Terms -The work is publishing exclusively by subscription, and the volumes are issued at in tervals of from 2to 3 months. In cloth binding at $3 ; law sheep $3.50 ; half morocco $4 ; halt calf extra $4.50; each volume payable as dcliv jcrcd. 11. The Nev American Cyelopccdia , form ! ing a complete Dictionary of General Knowledge, j Edited by Charles A. Dana and Gkokgk Ripley, aided by i numerous select corps of writers in all branches of Science, Art and Literature. The object and desire of the publishers and editors is to produce a Cyclopaedia of the biglics character, and to meet the wauts of the Atneri can people. The work i; not founded on any European model, but will, as far as the nature of a Cyclo paedia permits, possess a strictly originalcliarac ter. All the information of any importance con tained in the following works will lie computed in the New American Cyclopaedia, viz: Encyclopaedia Bnlanmca ; Penny Cyclopaedia ; Conversations Lexicons ; Encyclopedic Moderne; Dictionnarie de la Conversation ; Encycl pedic Metropolitane; Encyclopedic des Gens du Monde ; Nouveau Biographie Generale ; together with a large number of Dictionaries and Cyclopaedias on special subjects. With thecommund of the most am pie resources by arrangements already made witli a larg" number of the most distinguished writers in America and Europe, the publishers do not hesi tate to say, that the New American Cyclopaedia will be superior in exteir, variety, and exact ness of iuioriuation, to any similar publication in Die English language. The work will be published exclusively by subscription, in about Ulleeu large octavo vol umes, each containing 750 two-column pages, auo in exterior ppearance will be at once ele gant and substantial. The volumes will be is -ued serially in cloth, at $3 ; Library siyle, Loath- r. $3.50 ; half morocco. $4 ; half Russia extra. $4.50 ; each payable on delivery. The first volume is now ready,and the second will be issued early in the Spring, and then con tinue the successive volumes every two or three months. 111. Cgclopcedtia of American Eloquence. A collection of Speeches and Addresses, Foivn«ic and Parliamentary, by the most eminent Orators of America, with biographical sketches and iilus native notes. Edited by Frank Moore. This work contains mauy speeches never be fore published. All the speeches of Patrick Henry, also speeches and specimens by the fol lowing, among many others : Samuel Adams, Washington, .Tames Otis, Dr. David Ramsay, Alex Hamilton, John Dickinson, Kiclnrd Henry Lee, Dr. John Witherspoon, Wm. Livingston, Dr. Beuj.Rusli, John Rutledge, Chief Justice Marshall. The work is completed in two volumes, con taining about 1200 pages royal octavo size, and font teen finely engraved portraits from steel plates. Price for the two volumes in cloth, $5 00 ; Li brary style, Leather, $0; half morocco, $7 ; half calf extra, SB. Subscribers will be supplied as fast as the binding can be executed and as the work will be sold only by subscription, all persons desi rous of obtaining it, and who have not already entered their names, arc invited to do so. IV. Cyclopaedia of Wit and Humor , com prising a coflcctio i of complete articles, and specimens of written H MUR and F.CCKN i RICI TIES, from the most eminent Humorists of Ame rica, Ireland, Scotland and England. Illustrated with 000 Engravings, made expressly for the text, from original designs; also 24 Portraits. Edited by WTli.iam E. Burton, the celebrated comedian. Among the authors of the articles which appear in the volumes are the following : James K. Paulding, Dr. Samuel Peters, Henry Pickering, John Trumbull. Robert C. Sands J)r. Jeremy Belknap, John Bernard, Jos. Rodman Drake, Henry J. Fiun, F. G. Halleek, Theodore S. Fay, John Howard Payne, Wra. C. Bryant, Dr. S ml. L. Mitchell, Gulian C. Verplank, Joel Barlow, William Dunlap, H. H. Braekenridge, Washington Allston, David Paul Brown, Dr. Samuel Gilman, Willis Gaylord Clark, Judge James Hall, Eliza Leslie, Col. Wra. L. Stone, Mrs. Caroline Gilman, Robert M. Bird, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grenville Mellen, Washington Irving, M. M. Noah, J. G. C. Brainord, Richard Penn Smith, Robert S. Collin, the Bos* John Inman. ton Bard. The work will be issued in 24 parts, semi monthly , at 25 cents. Forming 2 large volumes at $3 50 each, or four divisions neatly bound in cloth, at $2 each. Wo beg leave cordially to invite our fellow citizens in all parts of the country to co-operate with us in bringing out this series of standard and useful works. j&Sr- Subscribers to “ Benton’s Thirty Ye • ' View.” of which more than 50,000 have l n subscribed for, are informed that the volume completing the work is now ready, and will be supplied in the various styles to match the first, although considerably larger, at the same price. Local Agents wanted. BENJ. G. LIDDOX. Madison, Geo., fob I General Agent for the State C~~ _ DEALERS in \PbRE MEDjCiNES,y" telßDMlEsf I Wti'GS, J PAJNTS,OILS \ ■ -Augusta HATH PAPER MILLS WRAPPING PAPER ASSORTED SIZES AND QUALITIES. Just received from the Mills and for sale low' for cash, A discount of fifteen per ceut to per sons taking Ten Reams at a time. Store room on Reynolds street, i i rear of City Bank. npg-tr GEO. W. WINTER. M ACKEREL. 25 Kits No 1; 20 Kits No. 2 20 bids No. 3. largo; 20 half bbls No. 3 l •10 half bbls No. 2 ; 10 bbls No. 1. Just received and for sale by , JOSIAII SIBLEY & SONS, aplO No. C Warren Block. Laws of a public and general i CHARACTER passed by the Legislature of eorgia in 1857. Anotner supply just received by ml7 THOS. RICHARDS & SON. stoves,ipirl, RANGES, P* &C., &-C. S. S. JONES & CO. BEG AGAIN to call the attention of their numerous customers and the public - generally to their extensive assortment of I STOVES, KR4TES, RANGES, 1 and a complete variety of every tning pertaining t.» a First Class House Furnishing Store. I Our assortment in this department is all that the most fastidious can desire. We have nearly i every style of COOK, OFFICE and PARLOR STOVES kept by any’ other house in the city, and many desirable patterns that are to be found ex ■ clmivcly at our establishment, i m* so I €‘ n. 1 Os these goods, we have some thirty different patterns, all bought within the last sixty days and from the latest designs. We think we hazard , nothing in saying that we can offer a MUCH GREATER VARIETY > in this line than all other dealers in the city com L bined. Ksajim Having tested nearly all the different styles of Ranges extant, wo have for two years past sold Motts’ PATENT INVINCIBLE RANGE exclusive ! ly, believing them to be the very best article offered. We have sold some twenty of these ■ Ranges in Augusta and vicinity, and they have - never failed to give perfect satisfaction. We will sell to any customer with a lull guarantee ’ that these Ranges arc perfect in their operation 1 in every j>a rt icu tar. House Furnishing Goods. In this department enumeration is out of the r question. Our assortment is, as usual, com j plete, and no effort will be spared on our part to retaiu for our bouse the position it has occupied for five years past. It is w'cli known that we keep MORE THAN DOUBLE the Stock and va riety of any house in the city, and ours ia, in tact, the i*i.ace to purchase House Furnishing Goods. The increase of our business in this department has entirely exceeded our expectations. Our i efforts to establish a First Class II ouse -F it rnishiitg Store have been crowned with success by an apprecia ting public, aud our motto is “ Upward and On ward. ” TT fi am smog’s C * «»<»«! We have iu store an unusually heavy stock o Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Sheet Copper, Iron Wire, Block Tin, Pig and Bar Lead. Also, a largo stock of Japanned Ware, Pressed Covers and Plates of every description, Bucket Ears, Rivets, Tinners’ Tools and Machines, Ac., which we offer o the trade on the very best terms. S. S. JONES & CO., QCt2l 210 Broad street. NOTICE OWING to the continued had health which lam now afliicted .with, and but little prospects o’ a final recovery, renders ine unlit for business any longer, I am, therefore, desirous of selling out to an approved purchaser on very moderate terms. My entire stock and trade now kept in the Prick Storo, next below Mechanics’ Bank, consisting of a general HOUSE FURNISHING SUPPLIES, • SUCH AS STOVE-, RANGES, GRACES; HOLLOW WARE Os the very b st kind. TIN WARE OF ALL KINDS ; COPPER, SHEET IRON, BRASS, LEAD, BLOCK TIN, AND SHELF GOODS, Os the very est cutlery, of late importation; with a Mechanical busiue&s attached, with my ov/u workmen, which would be hired at the same time if desired, with the necessary Ma chines and Tools, Patterns, and many other things too tedious o mention. This is a busi ness of THIRTY-ONE YEARS’ operation, and is .n firstra'e opening for some young mm just starting in the world. Will also be sold, if de sired, •0 boxes TFICDOIPTIsrCJr TIUNT, 20 do lc do 15 l x do, and 5 do .0 by lx, suit able for customer’s work; together with a largo supply of WIRE, all Nos from 1 to 20, witli all kinds of FITTINGS,suit hie tetlic business. Time will be given to an approved purchaser. Enquire of apß B. F. CHEW. COOK STOVE Still in tlie Field. T pilK undersigned have been appoint- X ed Sole Agent-, in Augusta, for the retail of the VICTOR COOK STOVE, Manufactured at tlie Augusta Works, in this city. We pr< pose to keep constantly on hand, at both our stores, on Broad street, a full sup ply of the different sizes of this desirable STOVE, to which we invite tlie attention of purchasers. Aside from the fact that the VICTOR is the product of Home Industry, and that its exten sive sab* and use for a year past lias proved it to be all that is el ii i ed for it, the advantages of purchasing a Stove manufacture at home, where new* plates are constantly at hand, will be apparent to all. W. H. SALISBURY & CO„ No 3. Di-Kalb Range S. S. JONES & 0 My 1 dAdm 210 Broad street. Fire and Life Insurance. rj-IHE CONTINUED FIRES, and daily if. deaths, in all parts of our country warn prudent persons to secure them- jfIAA .'•rives against destruction and lu,n . '•• Inch can be done with a light annual ftf'Qt, ff Insurance of lives and property at 'rnffnim most reasonable rates can be effected flbg&F at my office in Madison, Ga., in the following responsible companies ; Southern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Co lumbia, S. C. Howard Fire and Marine, Philadelphia. Consolidated Insurance do Farmers’and Mechanics’ do Bridgeport Fire and Marine, Bridgeport, Ct. mn4 JOHN ROBSON, Agent. Watch, Clock and Jewelry Work. HENRY J. OSBORNE would respect lully inform bis friends and ac- quaintances that ho has employed in f the work department of his establish Juin merit. Mr. T. S. WOOD and Mr. WM. KgEftll G. WOODSTOCK, both experienced in all departments of the trade, each 01 whom will give personal attention to |l ijf the interests of this well known estab- fa—-. lisbraent. A liberal share of public patronage is most respectfully solicited ;-t HENRY J. OSBORNE’S Watch, Jewelry and Optical Store, 256 Broad-st, under the U.S. Hotel, Augusta. fob 12 Thus. Richards & Son, AUGUSTA, GA., HAVE JUST RECEIVED their Fall stock of Classical. Medical, Law aim Mis cellaneous BOOKS. Also—ANNOaias, I.l*o, aua other en-gantly bound Presentation ttttuKS and BLANK BOOKJ, of every variety auU quality ; Portable DESKS ; RETICULES, aim many other fancy articles, suit able for presents ; Musical Instruments, &c., AT WHOLESALE ONLY. Horn and Shell Tuck, Side. Dressing, Pocket, Ivory, Fine, and various qualities of all other kinds of Combs ; Coat, Overcoat, Vest, I’ant, Strap, and every oth rkiud of Buttons ; Looking Glasses, Spectacles, Beads, Necklaces, Hooks ane Eyes, Pius and Needles, Percussion Caps, Whalebone, Marbles, Hair, Knitting and Netting Pins ; Vest and Coat Moulds, Suspenders, ladies’ aud Boys’ Belts, new style ; Hair and Shaving Brushes, Shaving Boxes, Soaps, Ikmnet Wire, Harps, Porte Monnies, Skirt Hoops, five kinds ; Ladies’ Cabas aud Satchels, Jet Necklaces, Gar ters, Broaches and Bracelets, Ladies’ Elastic Head Bands, Hair Pins, Spool Cottons, Flax Threads. Sewing Silks, Tapes, Bobbins, Cotton Floss, Powder Puffs, aud a great variety of other Fancy Articles, too numerous to mention, which usually cost much time and troubic toselect, and to which they are constantly making additions, all of which are offered, wholesale or retail, at a small advance onSost. They invite tlie inspection of the public. BLANK BOOKS manufactured to order. &ST Job Printing neatly aud promptly cxecu* ted. scptS Just Received from l’hila. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Cooking xjL and Flavoring EXTRACTS, such as Pine- Apple, Lemon, Vanilla. Strawberry, Raspberry, Nutmegs, Bitter Altnon L &c , &c.—at B. F. PALMER’S, New Drug Store, under Pluuter’s Hotel. my 4 f ilijiii.iliTiillililll