Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, June 11, 1858, Image 4
Carbs, fa. .DENTISTRY. DR J T. PATERSON, Surgeon Dentist. Offlve od Washington Bt., agjii i~a corner of KUis. Will attend to all operations certa>nln«r to tbe profession. EXTRA ITS TEETH WITHOUT PAIN BY ELEC-1 rRICITY mvlO-y CHARLES M, WRIGHT, Dentist, OFFICE over Carmichael V lk*.»n’ Hardware Store, flpEOiSni Broad-st.. Augusta. Oa. All operations pertaining to Dentistry faithful ly and scientifically executed. t)Ct o Partnership Not ce. fTTE, the undersigned, have this day YV entered in a Partnership for the practice of Law, on the criminal side of the Court. Office Masonic Hall. JOHN D. REILLY. mh9 if JOHN-I. R- FLOURNOY Joseph W. Harrisson, Wu-bsate and Retail Dealer in ARTISTS’ MATERIALS, t>aint, oil, window glass, x BLINDS, DOORS, SHUTTERS and SASHES glazed und unglazed. BRUSHES of every variety ; LAMPS, BURN ING FLUID. ALCOHOL, VARNISHES, etc. etc. No. 7‘A. Meeting-Street, nov27 Charleston. S. C. ly VV. tt. Gordon & Co., GENERAL COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANTS, NASHVILLE. TENNESSEE, A GENTS for the Sale and Deposit of ] r\ Tennessee O ttwu Fabrics, and Cotton Man lfacturers’ General Agents. Also, General Agents for Goodlettsville Flour < tag Mills ; Lebanon, Port Royal and Rock City , Flouring Mills, and Millers generally. Having the largest private Warehouse In the south and west, they are prepared to receive I «nd store all goods entrusted to thoir care. Fronting Public Wharf and Market-st. Nashville. Tenn. aug2l-1y _ CAMPBELL & BRIDGES, (Successors to Campbell, Gaul k Co.) general produce agents FOR the purchase, sale and shipment of all kinds of East Tennessoe Produce, sue! j as Bacon , Lard , Wheat , Flour, Com , Oats , Fruit, kc., Knoxville, Tennessee. Refer to G. L. ANDERSON. aug!B- ly _ I < ZIMMERMAN & STOVALL, Wholesale Grocers, 1 Dealers in sugar, coffee, bag- i GING, ROPE, LIQUORS, and all other ar deles usually found in the Grocery Business. No. 313 Broad-street, oue door above Barrett ( & Carter’s, Augusta, Goo. aug2s-ly Iron And Brass Foundry. ALiag«aNtx«, HIGHT& MACMURPHY continue the above business, in all its branches, at the American Foundry, and will bo thankful for or ders for all kinds Iron and Brass Castings, for Gold Minos, Mills, Rail Roads, Bridges, and Ma- j chinery of all descriptions. oc2B-ly j W. L. HIGH, J. E. BUTLER, W. G. PETERS , IIIG.I, BUTLER & CO., Commission ftmbants, 1 For the purchase and sale of Tennessee IProcDuLOO, COTTON, GROCERIES, &c., Alabama-street. south of M. k W. R. It. Depot, Atlanta, Georgia. #3“ Good Tennessee Money taken at par for Produce. mhß-6m J. G. CHURCHILL, Cl II RENTER » JOINER. Doors, sashes, blinds, mould ings and HOUSE CARPENTRY of every escri] Men, neatly and promptly done. Shop opposite M ounoll’s Stables, Ellis-st. novfi ti ~~ WHOLESALE GROCER^ WE BEG TO CALL TH E ATTENTION of our friends and of the public, to our trge oock of GROCERIES, (Liquors excepted,) n mis city and Charleston, which we are pre pared to soil for cash, or to prompt paying cus tomers on favorable terms. HAND, WILLIAMS & GRAVES, Augusta, Georgia. Daniel Hand. Cko. W. W i.LI AMS, Azariah Graves. GEO. .V. WILLIAMS k CO., Charleston, S. C I Geo. W. Williams, D*n»et Hand ‘ iia aug26-ly I WM M DUNN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, TUNNEL HILL, GA. the purchase of Wheat, Corn, Oats, Rye, Hour. Bacon. Lard, Dry Hides, j kc., and tor the sale of Sugar, Coffee, Molasses.! S.tlt, Tobacco. Nails. Iron. Castings, Factor) : Yarn, omostic. ami all kinds of Agricul-ural i Implements, such as Plows. Straw Cutters. Corn She lers. Thrash • •*, with and without the horso power combinod, Reapers, Mowers, etc oct2 ly FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE! Jean i t i • £«:•» t -mpany, CAPITAL, 51.0U0.000. .ETNA HFB IN>.oUPA.\Y, CAPITAL. $200,000 CONNECTICUT INS. COMPANY. capital, s2oo,ooo—with a large surplus, inn 9 6m iOriX li. SLEDGE. Agent. Alex. m. Wallace. wm c. Robinson. WALLACE ROBINSON, GENERAL Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN T o micsso Produ 00, will give h ociat attention to the sale ol BACON, LAUD, FLOUR, CORN, WHISKEY, TOD A < CO. kc. . Arc. Alabama-street. South of the Passenger Depot , Atlanta, Georgia. Consignments respectfu ly »oiicite i. Prompt ittontion giveu to cash orders. ap3-3m* MILL STONES ! V\ IL LI A M BRENNER, Manufacturer of frtnth §nrr Millstones, AND dealer in Esopus ami Cologne Stones, Broad-street, above Upper Market, 1 Augusta, Ga. Orders solicited and punctually Attended to. jauT-ly J. B. HAYNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS FOR SO. CA. PRATICES in the Middle District. Special attention given to claims in Wash ington City. Waynesboro, Burke Co., Goo. My 1 A CARD. Spring and Summer Openings. Miss IVL. HP. rVLtutlae ws Having just returned from New York, respectfully calls tbo mention of her former friends and pa irons, as well as strangers visiting ;ity, to her stock of SPRING AND SUMMER HATS, DRESS CAPS, HEAD DRESSES, RIDING HATS, FRENCH FLOWERS, kc.., which she will open on Thursday Next, April Ist, at her JSTE-W STORE, OPPOSITE MASONIC HALL, formerly occupied by Ward &Burchard. Also, a full assortment of Childrons’ HATS, LACESIIJv and MOURNING MANTILLAS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladies’ SHIRTS, CORSETS and HOOPS, of every des ripticn. Miss MATHK VS returns thanks to hernumer ooe friends and customers for their p . latron age, a d solioita a continuance of the same. All orders attended to promptly. mh29 M. P. MATHEWS. | Utiscellantoin. 1858. 1858. SPRING TRADE. CHOICE FAMII.Y DRY GOODS. BROOM & N< )RRELL II r 0 ITLD invite attention to their jVV 1 ; rge and elegant stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they are now displaying at tho One IP rice STORE! Comprising everything of tho latest and most elegant styles in LADIES' DRESS GOODS, K ■ » ■ ’■-» M* «» fi «■ <l‘ i LACE MANTILLAS, TALMAS, SHAWLS; HOOP SKIRTS, of every kind manufactured ; HOOPS, of every kind ; DUSTERS, a large assortment ; IRISH LINENS, of our own importation. —ALSO — All the best tuakos in the market of r> o m e sties, Housewife Goods, LINENS, DAMASKS, SHEETINGS, &c. Making up one of the best stocks of Dry Goods ever offered In this market, and embruclug all of those styles most highly prized by good Housekeepers. And as we are the only bouse in the city that invariably adhere to the One TPorio© ! Wo would call particular attjntion to this fea ture of our trade, and ask all to consider its ad vantages. It guaranties to the BUYER the Lowest Market Prices ! Because it forces the SELLER down to the small est sum he can possibly afford to take for his Goods, and of courso BARGAINS cannot bo ex pected from any other mode of doing business. #gr* Please notice that wo adhere rigidly to ONE PRICE K3T That price wo guarantee to be as low as tho lowest. And that wo never resort to the trick of BAITING. inylO ! New anil Fresh SPRING MILLINERY. MRS. E. O. COLLINS HAS RECEIVED, at her store oppo- j site the Planters’ Hotel, a handsome sup- , ply of all articles of MILLINERY,|^^P^ | 3UIT A BLE FOR THE ‘ Spring and Summer, j Consisting, in part, of an assortment of BON «NETS, RIBBONS, FLOWER*, RUCHES, . BLONDE LACES. VEILS, MITTS, DRESS j C PS. HEAD DRESSES, HAIR BRAIDS CUR- S, TOILET POWDERS, S >APS, PER- j I FUMES. HAIR OILS, &c. , BONNETS, CAPS and HEAD DRESSES made at , short notice and in the most fashionable stylo. , mh3o ; Wanted to Buy. TOO SMART NEGRO BOYS, 14 or 15 ■ I years of age. lnquiro at this ofllce. ap2l dtf 1 SHOULDER BRACRS, &c.~ i JL We have now in store a lino assortment of ■ the most apjiroved TRUSSES, ABDOMINAL SUP- I PORTERS, SHOULDER BRACES, kc. in vll PLUM B & LF.ITNER. 1 I i Molasses. 50 hhds CUBA MOLAS3KS, how arriving, or al • very low from wharf. mvl4-4 THOS. P. STOVALL k CO. ft LASS. GLASS! ~ ” | OT A large lot of French Window'and Picture i GLASS, of tho best brands, all sizes, from 8 k 10 i to 36 k 50. just received by my 11 PLUMB & LEITNER. i Bacon, bacon! JOO hhds Clear und Ribbed SIDE-’, 50 do do do HAMS. 50 do do do SHOULDERS. | For sale low by my 10 THOS. P. STOVALL fc CO. OLD BOURBON WHISKEY. 10 casks of Pure BoUK ON WHISKEY, I warranted to be 12 years old. For sale b> mylO THOS. P. STOVALL k Cl*. RICH DRESS GOODS. BKOO.U &. NOIiIUELL H AVE JUST RECEIVED, per Adams' | xpress Company : Rich Organdie FLOUNCED ROBES, d » Twisted -ilk do do do Jaconet ROBES A’QUIILE, do Organdie do do French PRINTED JACO KTS, do do C MBRICS, do do BKILUANTEB, A large and handsome assortment of MAN- ! ; TILLAS. of Laco uud Silk. J INEN YoKES, very handsome. PIQUE CLOTH, ' WHITE TRIMMINGS, | ALEXANDK \S KID GLOVES. myß Bacon and flour. P Choice Tenne>seo BACON, hog round ; ■ Superfine FLOUR. For sale in quantities i to suit purchasers. u.y 13 BAKER, WRIGHT & CO. ' i 00= $65,000 ! 1 WAS DItAWN IN SWAN & CO.’* Sparta Academy Lottery,; DAILY DRAWING. rpiCKETS IN ALL OF THE DAILY X HEMES, also in tho Saturday $70.0U0 1 , S i emo c n be had at my r.fflco ou Washington 1 -ire -t. one door lrom Broad street. Office hours 1 from 6 A. M. to 9 P. M. rayfi-tl C. A. LATHROP, Agent. J, Siisail ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY barrols j A, B ami C SUGAR, 50 bbls Crushed and Pow’d do, 60 hhds prime and choice do. • Just received and lor sale loio by m 1,26 DANIEL H. WILCOX, Look at Tliis. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO ALL work in the Carpenter’s Une with neatness j and dispatch. Jobbing attended to. . I Also, Furniture made and reimiroit. I HENRY ROGERS, j Shop on Jackson-stroci, near the Baptist Church. Imh6 tl JNTETW JDRUGBTORE IIODER PLANTERS’ HOTEL, Augusta, Georgia. 3 ! [) F. PALMER respectfully invites [ I AD# attention to a New and Fresh stock of PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES AND > CHEMICALS. Also—A choice a/sortment of PERFUMERY and FANCY ART CLES for the Toilet Blue Hair and Tooth Broshes, Combs, &o. 1, Dental and Surgical Instruments. Pure Wines and Liquors, for medicinal use. ~ And, in addition to tho above, I shall always keep ou hand a full assortment of which 1 will warrant pure, j Garden, Grass and Field Seeds, &c. 2 A share of public patronage is respectfully so- Hcited. B. F. PALMER, M. D., my3-dacm Unde£ Planters’ Hotel. - U[AKATOGA WATER! >- kJ Just received, a large lot of SARATOGA WATER, fresh from the Springs, at B. F. PALMER’S my 18 Drug Store, under Planter’s Hotel. Utkfllanrous. A FORTUNE OF Ccr $70,000 !-DO FOR TEN DOLLARS ! I SWAN & CO.’S LOTTERIES! Authorized by the State of Georgia. THE following Scheme will be drawn by S. SWAN k COMP’Y, Managers ol the Sparta Academy Lottery, in each of th< ir Singh- Number lotteries for JUNE, 1858, at AU GUSTA, Ga , in public, under the superinten deuce of Commissioners. CLASS 18, To bo drawn In Gty of Augusta, Ga., in public, on SATURDAY. June 5, 18)8. CLASS 19 To be drawn in city of ugusta, Ga., in public,on SATURDAY, June 12, 1858. CLASS 20, To bo drawn In City of Augusta. Ga., in public, on SATURDAY, June 19, 1858. CLASS 21, To bo drawn in City of Augusta, Ga., in public, on SATURDAY. Juno 26, 1858. ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS ! ! ! Five Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty- Five Prizes ! NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICKETS ! MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! To be Drawn each Saturday in JUNE , 1868 1 Prize of $70,000 1 “ “ 30.000 1 10,000; 1 4 6,000 1 “ “ 4,'KKI 1 “ “ 3.000 1 “ “ 1,500 4 “ “ 1,000 4 “ 900 4 “ “ 800 4 “ “ 700 4 “ “ 600 50 “ “ 6«0 50 “ “ 3001 100 “ “ 125 230 4 44 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of S4OO Ap. to $70,000 Przo are $1.600 4 “ 300 “ “ 30,000 “ are 1,20<» 4 “ “ 200 “ “ 10,000 “ are 800 4 u ti 12 6 44 “ 6.000 “ are 600 4 “ “ 100 “ “ 4.000 44 aro 400 4 “ 44 76 “ “ 3,000 “ are 700 4 “ “ 50 “ 44 1,500 “ are 200 5,000 44 “ 20 aro 100,000 5,485 Prizes amounting to $320,000 Whole Tickets $10; Halves $5; Quarterss2so. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The numbors from 1 to 60,000 coFresponvhng with those numbers on tbo Tickets printed on seperate slips of paper, are encircled with small tin tubes and placed in one Wheel. The first 457 prizes, similarly printed and en circled, are placed In auother whoel. Tho wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from tho wheel of numbers, and at the samo time a prize is drawn from tho other wheel. The number and prize drawn out are opened and exhibited to tho audience, and regis tered by the Commissioners; the prize being placed against the number drawn. This opera tion is repeated until all the prizes aro drawn out Approximation Prizes. —The two preceding and the two succeeding numbers to those draw ing the first 7 prizes will be entitled to the 2S Approximation Prizes. For example : if tickoi number 11250 draws the $70,000 prize, those tickets numbered 11248. 11249, 11251,11262, will each be entitled to S4OO. If ticket number 650 a raws the $25,000 prize, those tickets numberec 548, 549, 561, 552 will each be entitled to S3OO, and Svy on according to theabovo scheme. Tho 5000 priz<s of S2O will bo determined bj the last figure of tho number that draw's the $70,000 prize. For oxamplo, If the number drawing the $70,000 prize ends with No 1, then all the tickets where tho number ends in , will be entitled to S2O. If the number ends with Vo 2, then all the tickets where thr No ends in 2 wll* be entitled to S2O. and so ou to 0 Certificates of Packagos will be sold at the fol lowing rates, which is tho risk : Certificate of Package of 10 WhoioTickets.... SBO do do do 10 Half do .... 40 do do do lOQuar. do .... 20 do do do 10 Eighth do 10 In ordering Tickets or Certif cates, enclose the money to our address for the Ticket?ordered, ou rocoipt of which they will bo forwardod by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. Tho List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will bo sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing Purchasers will please write their signa tures plain, aud give their Post Office, County and State. Remember that ev ry Prize is drawn and payable in full without deduction. ijfijC' All prizes of SIOOO and under, paid imme diately alter tho drawing—other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for Tickets or Certificates to 1 S. SWAN k CO., Augusta, Ga. Porsons residing near Montgomery, Ala or Atlanta. Ga., can have their ordeis filled, an -avc time, by addressing S. Swan k Co. at cither of those cities jo6 LARGEST AND CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT OF BEST MANUFACTURED iUmb re 11 as, Parasols, AND Walking Canes Ever otforeil in this market wholesale and retail. B JOHNSON &CO., Umbrella Maim • facturers, Not 276 King street,Charleston jS. C , near Weutwi riu ] We would most respectfully call the attention of our friends und the public of the city and country, to our stock of SILK and OTHER UM- I BREIJLAS. j We are now manufacturing and offer for sale .-omeolthe bist Umbrellas ever o fib re in this market. We are in con-tent receipt of silksand Ginghams, manufactured in England uutier our own special direction, by which means wo are enable to produco a hotter article than cau be found elsewhei e, which we aro dot rminod to soil at the ve y lowest prices. We have, also, a large stock of Fine ingham, Linen and Cotton Umbrellas, aud Silk Parasols, Folding Umbrellas for Travellers, and Buggy l mbrellas, with and without joints. Also, a largo assortin' ut of W \LKING CANES P 8. —We have also added to the above estab lishment the manufacture of WIRE SAFES, lor keeping provisions, which aro warranted supe rior to any imported, and may be bid of any pattern or size. my3-lra New York and Savannah, THE AMERICAN ATI ANTIC SCREW STEAMSHIP C<T% NEW AND ELEGANT STEAMSHIPS IIIYT'iVILhE, Capt. Robert Hanllc. i MONTGOMERY, Capt. Fred. Crocker, WJ ILL FORM A r - VV weekly line bo tween Savannah and dew York, leaving each port , K-XT/i EVERY SATURDAY. These steamers, (lOCK) ,a * a fcSa!sig£9CT , y ‘v tons each, have elegant accommodations for Pas sengers, and being of great strength aud sveed, shippers can rely on the greatest dispatch to freight. For further particulars, apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN k CO., Savannah, Ga. or, 11. B CROMWELL k CO., I apl6-ly No. 131 Washing ton-st. N York. - - | Cash Paid for . OLD ROPE M BAGGING 3 TT'OR HEMP BAGGING AND ROPE, X 2 y* cents por lb ; ) For GUNNY BAGGING, 1 cents per lb ; “ GRASS ROPE, 1 “ At BATH PAPER MILLS OFFICE, ' Ou Reynold-street, between Jackson and Mc- Intosh. apl4 m BRAY’S HOTEL,fI 3 gjgiill CARTERSVJLI.E, GA., m: || SITUATED nearest the Depot on the 101 l hand side of the Railroad coming down, aud on the right coming up. Passengers will take breakfast on arrival of the down trains Good walks to tho Hotol. mh22-y W, M, BRAY, Proprietor. THE SUBSCRIBER has been and is no\A ready to furnish ICE to the citizens of Au- L gusta and vicinity for * myS-m CUAS E. DODD, Agent. StisttHantons. Important Cliaiige of RAILROAD SCHEDULES, VIA COLUMBIA, CHARLOTTE, RALEIGH TO WELDON. Fare and Time the same as on any other route. I \N and after TUESDAY, 6th April, V," th' following will »«e the schedule between Au (usta and New York via Columbia, 8 C.: Leave Augusta..: 10.00 A M I>eavo Colombia 7.00 P M Leave Charlotte 1.0) A (<eave Raleigh 9 00 A i Leave Weldon 2.00 P • Arrive at New « ork, by either Peters burg or Portsmouth routo 0.00 P M Leave New York 8 o‘> A M laittvo Philadelphia 1.00 P M Leave Baltimore 5 00 P M Leave Weldon (in day).. 12.00 M i Leave Raleigh 4.15 PM Leave Charlotte 12.00 M Arrive at Columbia 6 30 A M i Arrive at Augusta 2.30 PM j Passengers going North desiring to connect l with th Express Train at Columbia, will take i the morning trains at Montgomery, Chatta nooga, Augusta and Charleston, and the evening trains at Atlanta and Savannah, and connect in i daylight at Weldon with both the Washington City and Bay Routes. Passengers going South, by taking this route at Weldon, as in above Schedule, will rt,.ch Charleston and \ugusta as soon as by any oth or lino, and connect with either rou e South or West from that point, as thoir tickets will show. <6®, N. B. Passengers going North will buy j their tickets to Augusta, Ga., only, aud those! ( going South, to Weldon, N. C., at which points | , Through tickets aud Through Checks can be ! , had, and where they will have choice of r Mites. | , This Route is the GREAT CENTRAL LINt. via 1 , Columbia, Cbesterville, Charlotte, Salisbury. , Greensboro’, Raleigh, Franklinton, Hendersoi , , to Weldon, N. C., and passes over an elevated, j , healthy and populous coun ry, with fine scenery | ) and pure water. This route is almost entirely j , free Irom dust. Passengers and invalid travel | , lers wishing to Mop at night, taking the day ac { , commodation train, will pass over the entire j , routo by daylight, rinding on tho route good , hotels and resting places. , 4Hr.tagg.age checked to Weldon from Augus- I , ta. Charleston and Colombia, and vice tmscl . j For furthur information, soe guides of this l routo, or inquire of LEWIS LEVY, , Agent at Augusta. , or, •' BOYDEN, , apl6-4ra TraveUln? Agent Sc nth. Light for the Million!!! , The Cheapest Illuminating Gas ever Discovered. i HAVING purchased the Patent-right for tho Suite of Georgia, aud Edgefield Dis trict, 8. C., for making Illuminating GAS FROM WOOD AND WATER, by Choate & Tyler’s process, wo are prepared to sell individual or public rights for tho use of said Patent. Among tho many ad vantages these works have ovor all others, are tho following : Ist. Tho abundance and cheapness of the ma terial from which the Gas is made, viz : PINE WOOD AND WATER. 2d. The durability of th* works when com pared with others. 3d. The.simplicity of tho apparatus and pro ess Any negro may he taught to make the Gas perfectly in a very short time. Gas manufactured under this patent has been in uninterrupted use at Kirkpatrick k Leitner’s house, at Borzelia, on thoGoorgia Railroad,since! July last, where It may he soon. They have a! very superior light for ovb-f.iurth thk pkich of j Gas made from Ro.sin Oil. Any communications addressed to either of the j undersigned, at Augusta, will moot with prompt attention. PLUMB & LEITNEB, JAMES GAKDNEB, J. A. ROBERT, W. \V. TREMBLEY, HENRY PARDEN. fel)4-tf Gas Works. qJHE UNDERSIGNED 18 now prepared J_ to make contracts for the erection of GrAS HOLDERS, and all the Machinery and Piping nocossary in 'lie use of illuminating Gas manufactured from light-wood and water, under Choate’s & Tyler’s patent. Also, for the supply of Gas Fixtures, Chandeliers, &c , to consumers. Tho cost of a Gas Holder containing 300 cubic feet of Gas, and all the apparatus complete for the generation and use of this Gas can no supplied for about $350 00 This size is amply sufficient lor the uso of a , private dwelling. . Cost of Gas Holder, about 6‘ 0 foot, suit able for Hotels, about $550 00 Cost of Gas Holder, 100 feet, about k SO <0 “ “ “ 2000 “ “ 1200 00 “ “ “ 3ibo “ 1500 00 Tbo ’ast size would b. sufficient fur tho largest Factories and Mills in the Smith. Contracts for the furnishing and erection ol Works tor Gas Companies in Villages Towns and Cities in Georgia an l the adjoining 8 ales, will he made on roasonuble terms. All orders will bo tilled with promptness, and the works will be warranted to give satisfaction. COST OF THE GAS. Consumers may ascertain the cost of tbls beau tiful aud economical Gas by the following sim pi • statement : When the wood costs Four D>l lars a cord, a Gas Holder containing 300 feet oan be filled at a cost of about 3o cents, thi quantity would last abo t one week. The undersigned has made arrangements wi h the owners of tho patent to secure its uso to each person ordering work? from him J A. ROB RT, apl9-tf Opp. Post On co. Augusta, Ga. Molasses and Syrup. IrUFTY hhdff. CURA MOLASSES, 45 bbls. S. H. SYRUP. For sa’e by my 4 WILCOX. HAND fc ANSLEY. Whiskey. rpWENTY bbls. Gibson’s XXX ; i2O do do XX; 20 do do X. Just recoivod at febl7 D’ANTIGNAC k HUBBARD’S. Liquors. A largo and well selected stock of Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Wines aud Cordial* al ways on hand and lor sale low by •eb2 A. STEVEN a. HARPER’S MAGAZINE, for June, trimmed. For sale bv my 22 THOS RICHARDS & 80 s '. TTOL U M E~22~G EORGIA REPORTS. \ For sale by my 22 THOB- RICHARDS & SUN. New Finn. rf\HE UNDERSIGNED begs to inform JL his nuinorous customers that he has asso ciato i with him in business Mr. J. A. RUB FRY The Boot and Shoe bustuess will be continucu at tho old stand, undor the firm and stylo ol BURCH k ROBERT. JAB. W. BURCH Augusta, May 18, 185 Q. my2o : LIT MB EE. LUMBER, LUMBER! Flooring and Inch Plank, In (tuantltlis to Suit Pure lingers. FOR SALK BY BAltNliS & JONES. 1 ni£_o iltf Jack Screws A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL ARTICLE, at a low price. I. H. STEARNS k CO., > m2O First door above Mechanics’ Bank. ASTIC ROOFING? Tho best aud cheapest roofing material ever discovered. Orders loft at • m y 2o I- H STE VRNS k CO. Planing Machine II TN IRREGULAR FORMS.—Machine l _l_ ami Rights for salo by I H. STEARNS k CO., First door above Mechanics' Bauk, Broad-street, Augusta, Ga. my*2o 1- moBACCO AND SEGARB. X One Hundred Boxe3 of TOBACCO, various , brands; 5 60,000 Segara, Imported aad domestic. For sale b y febi A STEVUXS, Iltkellanm HI BBS™ I YP A T E N T i , SEWING MACHINE. i | THIS MACHINE ! IS ADMIRABLY ADAPTED FOR 1 PLANTATION USE! v\* %yrt\\*YY\ CHF.APNF.SS AND DURABILITY. 1 IT CAN BE TAKEN APART AND PUT TOGETHER j IN PERFECT RUNNING ORDER, i Within Three Minutes! { r | CAN BE TURNED EITHER 'I Backward Or Forward, i IT 18 ALb THE BAMB, AS THE Machine keeps on Running! O2>i)oaltimi Will Never Kill Is, ALSO, . THE PALMETTO !SEWING MACHINE, PRICE seo. WE CHALLENGE the World to pro duce its equal for SPEED, DURABILITY AND BEAU TY OF SEWING. A written warranty given with each MACHINE, and the money returned in all cases, at any time within six : months, if it prove unsatisfactory. The MACHINES can be seen in ope ration at the Store of - 11. STEARNS, & CO., j NEAR MECHANICS' BANK, AUGUSTA, GA. , I AGENTS WANTED FOR THE SOUTHERN STATES. M . J . CLUFF. AGENT FOR THE SOUTH, At tlie Machinery Agency of Messrs. Kcliog 6i Dodge, 54 Broad Street, myO CHARLESTON, S. C. SUGAR. 40 bhds good to prime N O SUGAR, 15 do prime clarified do 150 bbls A. B and C do 25 do Crushed do % For salo low by , feb22 WILCOX, HAND k ANSLEY. TIIE NEW .IERUSAL,fc.M, OK. ’ | THEOLOGY OF THE NEW CHURCH. j TTJ ORKS of Emanuel Swedendorg can y\ bo found deposited at the Young Mens’ Library Association, for the use *f the public J decl-ly i - Groceries. , MIX HUNDRED bags RIO COFFEE, ) O 3° bags Liguyru and Juva do ( 50bhdsSUGAR. } *2OO bbls A, B and C Refined SUGAR, , 50 do Crushed and Pow’d do 10 boxes LOAF do , 250 do TOBACCO, 100.000 CIGARS, 300 do CANDLES, 30 bbls VINI-GAR 50 boxes and kegs Super-Carb SODA, ’ 100 bales G UNNY CLOTH, i 800 coils ROPE For salo low bv JOSIAH SIBLEY & SONS. nihfil No. 6, Warren Block, Burning fluid. Just received, a fresh supply of BURNING l HARD. at 80 cents per gallon, at tho Apothe caries’ Hall. febi 1 THOMAS P. FOGARTY- Negro Mechanics ' rrUVO good BRICKLAYERS aud PLAB - TKHFB.S. and one good TANNER ami FI • fSHKR OF LEATHER, can bo hired by tho year or mouth, or by tho Job, by applying to dls J. 0. BAnNETT, Madison, Ga. SPfi CARD. GRAY & TUBLfiT HAVE JUST RECEIVED another lot of those FINE WHITE BRILLIANTKS, at lcents per yard. Also, Isabella, Jonannah and Caroline WHITE 1 FRINGES ; Ladies’ Marseilles COLLARS ami ■ SETTS, both white and colored ; Birmingham aud Metropolitan EXTENSION HOOP SKIRTS ; Black Silk I .TS. both long and short, with and without fingers ; entirely new and handsome ’ lot of RIBBONS, for L:t'tics’ Bonnets ; 50 pieces fine IRISH LINEN, to be sold by tho piece only, - at ex’raordiu iry low prices ; DAMASKS, DOY . LIE'. NAPKINS ; TOWELS, crash aud linen ; SHEETING, at prices that cannot fail to com nmuu a quick sale. Tlio-e in want ffsuch goods would do well to call soon. my 27 1 $2,500 1 A PACKAGE containing TEN THOU SAND DOLLARS in Bauk Notes, addressed to Hall, Moses k Co., Columbus, Georgia, was stolou from the Adams Express Company, on the 25th day of April last, whilo in transit from At l) lanta, Ga , to Montgomery, Ala Thu notes were all on the Planters’ k Mo ohanics* Bank, of Charleston, S.C., principally I of the denomination of Fives and Tens, aud con * j siderably worn. *Ji A reward of S2OOO will ho paid for tho recov ery of the money, or in liko proportion for any part thereof, and SSOO for information convicting the thief or thieves. myl4-tf 11. B. PLANT,Superintendent. BAGGING, BACON, ROPE, & c . TOSIAH SIBLEY & SONS, No. G, War ' ren Block, offer for salo at low prices : 50 bhds. CLEAR SIDES, 50 do RIBBED SIDES, . 20 do HAMS and SHOULDERS, 300 bales GUNNY CLOTH, 1000 coils ROPE, 1000 sacks SALT, 100 hhda MOLASSES, 60 bbls Now Orleans SYRUP, 50 bhds N. O. aud Muscovado SUGARS, e 200 bbls A, B and C. ffo 200 do Crushed and Powd’d do 600 bags COF» EE. (Rio, 1 aguyra and Java,) 100 boxes TOBACCO, 100,000 CIGARS, various brands ; " *ll articles usually found in a Grocery Store, ncluding a fine assortment of LIQUORS. m 26 s —— COW PEAS. 26 bushels COW PEAS, for sale by J* 2 ESTES & CLARK SJkeUamtras. IMPORTANT -NATIONAL WORKS Sold by Subscription Only. Published byD. Appleton &Co., N. York. THE following Standard Books com mence the series. To insure uniform prices ana regularity in the delivery of the volumes t* subscribers in all parts of the country, local agents are or will bo ap .oiuted in every city ami principal town ; and we shall aim Ufcwmploy on ly such persons as will have the confidence oi the people. The books will be in every respo t equal to the sample shown, and no pains or ex pense will be spared to produce the works begun in a reasonable time, and to the entire approba tion of subscribers. 1. The Abridgement of the Debates of Con press; or, the Political History ot the United States. From the original documents. Edited by Col. Thomas H. Benton. In Fifteen largo oc tavo volumes of about 750 two-column pages. This work has uow reached the Fifth volume, and is now giving groat satisfaction among ail classes. It will contain the wisdom of t ongres for seventy years, and will be an invaluable pari of the history of tiio country. It is of national interest, and one of the most valuable compen diuma for public and priv to libraries ever is sued. The work realizes a desideratum long felt and of all others, for the political history ot the Government, most wanted. Its wido range of characters, each one speak ing for himself, and representing his own party, and its far stretch of time, make it of the great est value to the nation. The Indexing is very complete, so that any name or subject desired may bo found in oithor volume at 0.1 :e. Terms -The wor ; s publishing exclusively by subscription, and the volumes are issued at in tervals of from 2to 3 months. In cloth binding at $3 ; law sheep $3.50 ; half morocco $1 ; hall calf extra $4.50; oach volume payable as deliv ered. „ ' 11. The Ne o American Cyclopaedia , form* j ing a complete Dictionary of General Knowledge. Editod by A. Dana and Geokuh Ripley, aidod by * numerous seloct corps of writers in all branches of Science, Art and Literature. The object and desire of tbo publishers and editors is to produce a Cyclopedia of tho higbes character, and to meet the wants of tho Ameri can people. The work i; not founded on any Europoan model, but will, as far as tho nature of a Cvclo p»dia permits, possess a strictly original charac tor. All the information of auy importance con tained in the following works will be comprised in the New American Cyclopedia, viz: Encyclopedia Britannica ; Penny Cyclopet ia ; Conversations Lexicons ; Encyclopedic Moderne; Dictionnarlo do la Conversation ; Encycl pedio Metropolitane ; Encyclopedia des Gens du Monde ; Nouveau Biographie Geueralo ; together with a largo numbor of Dictionaries and Cyclopaniias on special subjects. With the command of the most ample resources by arrangements already made with a large number of the most distinguished writers in America and Europe, the publishers do not hesi tate to say, that the New American Cyclopadia will be superior in exton*, variety, and exact ness of information, to any similar publication in the English language. The work will be published exclusively by subscription, in about fifteen largo octavo vol umes, each containing 750 two-column pagos, ana in exterior appearanco will bo at once ele gant and substantial. The volumes will be is sued serially in cloth, at $3 ; Library siyle, Leather, $3.50 ; half inorocoo, $4 , half Russia extra, $4.50 ; each payablo on delivery. Tho first volume is now ready,aud the second will be issued early in tho Spring, and then con tinue tho successive volumes every two or three months. 111. Cyclopaedia of American Eloquence. — A collection of Speeches and Addresses, Forensic and Parliamentary, by the most eminent Orators of America, with biographical sketches and lllus tiative notes. Editod by Frank Moore. This work contains many speeches never bo tbro published. All the speeches of Patrick Henry, also speeches and spccimous by the fol low* ng, among many others : Samuel Adams, Washington, James Otis, I)r. David Ramsay, Alex Hamilton, John Dickinson, Rich trd Henry Lee, Dr. John Witherspoon, Win Livingston, I)r. Benj.Rush. John Rutledge, Chief Justice Marshall. The work is completed in twe volumes, con taining about 1200 pagos royal octavo size, and fouitoen finely engravod portraits from steel plates. Price for tho two volumes in cloth, $5 00 ; Li brary style, Leather, $0; half morocco, $7 ; ball calf extra, SB. Subscribers will bo supplied as fast as tlic biud ng can bo executed and as the work will be sold only by subscription, all persons desi rous of obtaining it, aud who have not already entered their names, are invited to do so. IV. Cyclopaedia of Wit and Humor , com prising a coflectio of complete i rticlcs, ami specimens of written II MOR and ECCEN i RIO TIES, from the most ominout Humorists of Arne ried, Ireland, Scotland and England. Illustrate with GOO Engravings, made expressly for tin lext. from original designs ; also 24 Portraits. Edited by W illiam E. Burton, tho celebrated comedian. Aiming the authors of the article.- whicb appear in tho volumes are tho following : Jam s K. Paul ling, Dr. Samuel Peters, Henry Pickoring, John Trumbull. Robert C. Sands I>r. Jeremy Belknap, John Bernard, Jos. Rodman Drake, Henry J. Finn, F.G Hallock, Theodore S Fay, John Howard Payne, Wm. C. Bryant, Dr. S ml. L. Mitchell, Guliau C. Wrplauk, Joel Barlow, William Dunlup, H. H. Braekonridgo, Washington Allston, David Paul Browu, Dr. Samuel Gilman, Willis Gaylord Clark, •In go Jamos Hall, Eliza Leslie, Col. Wm. L. Stone, Mrs. Caroliue Gilman, Robert M. Bird, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grenvide Mellon, Washington Irving, M. M. Noah, J. O. C. Braiuord, Richard Penn Smith, Robert S. Cottln, the Boh John luraati, tonßurd. The work will be issued in 24 parts, semi monthly , at 26 cents. Forming 2 large volume* at $3 60 each, or four divisions neatly bound in cloth, at $2 each We bog leavo cordially to invite our follow citizens in all pans of the country to co-operate with us in bringing out this series Os standard and usoful works ££r* Subscribers to “ Benton’s Thirty Years’ Vie*.” of which moro than 60,000 have been subscribed for are informed that the s cmul volume completing the work is now roady, ami will be supplle-i in the various styles to match tho first although considerably largor, at the same price. Local Agents wanted BENJ. G. LIDDON. Madison,Geo., febl General Agent for the State CHS -LtoS dealers in MEDICINES^ Btrume®® / f!AINTS,OILS \ BATH PAPER MILLS WRAPPING PAPER ASSORTED SIZES AND QUALITIES. Jnst received from tho Mil la and for Bale low for cash, A discount of flfloeu per oeut to per sons taking Ten Reams at a time. Store room on Reynolds-street, i » rear of City Bank. apß-tf GEO. W. WINTER. Mackerel. 36 Kits No. 1; 20 Kits No. 2 20 bbls No. 3, largo; 20 half bbls No. 3 10 half bbls No. 2; 10 bbls No. 1. Just received and for sale by JOSIAH SIBLEY & SONS, aplO No. 6 Warren Block. Laws of a public and general CHARACTER passed by the Legislature of Georgia in 1867. Anotoor supply just received by ml7 THOS. RICHARDS 4s SON. Stores, Cm, &t, STOVES, RANGES, SSI&C.j&C. S. S. JONES & CO. BEG AGAIN to call the attention of their numerous customers and the public generally to their extensive assortment of STOVES, GRATES, RANGES, and a complete variety of everv t.uug pertaining to a First Class House Furnishing Store. Our assortment m this . -pertinent is all that the most fastidious can desire. We have nearly every stylo of COOK. OFFICE and PAttLOR STOVES kept by any other bouse in tbo city, and many desirable patterns that are to be found ex clusively at our establishment. »• Xtß t ei§>. Os these goods we have some thirty different patterns, alt bought withiu the Inst sixty days and from the latest designs. We think wo hazard nothing in saying that wo can offer a MUCH GREATER VARIETY in this line than all other doalcrs in the city com bined. Having tested nearly all tbo different styles of Ranges extant, we have for two years past sold Motts’ PATENT INVINCIBLE RANGE exclusive ly, behoving them to be tho very best article offered. Wo havo sold some twenty of these Ranges in Augusta and vicinity, and they have never failed to give perfect satisfaction. We will sell to any customer with a full guarantee that those Ranges aro perfect in their operation in every particular. House Furnishing Goods. In this dojiartmeut enumeration is out of the question. Our assortmem is, as usual, com plete, and no effort will bo spared on our part to rotain for our bouse tho position it has occupied for fivo years past. It ia woll kuown that we koep MORE THAN DOUBLE tho s ock and va riety of any house in tho city, and ours Is, in tact, the placb to purchase House Furnishing Goods. The increase of our businoss in this department has ontirely exceeded our oxpectaMons. Our efforts to establish a First Class Hoase-FurnUhlng •Store have been crowned with success by an apprecia ting public, and our motto is “ Upward and On ward. ” TiM MOiVw 4>4 JM- Wo have in store an unusually heavv stock o Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Sheet Copper. Iron Wire, Block Tin, Pig and Bar Lead. Also, a large stock of Japanned Waro, Pressed Covers and Plates of ovory description, Bucket Ears, Rivets, Tinners’ Tools and Machines, &c., which we offor o tho trado on tho vory best terms. S. S. JONES k CO., oct2l 210 Broad-street. NOTICE. OWING to the continued bad health which lam now afflicted with, and but little prospects of a final recovery, renders me unfit for bu.siuoss any longer, I am, therefore, desirous of selling out to an approved purchaser on vory moderate terms. My entire stock and trade now kopt in the Brick Store, next below Mechanics’ Bank, consisting of a general HOUSE FURNISHING SUPPLIES, SUCH AS STOVE- 2 , RANGES, GRATES ; HOLI/IW WARE Os the vory btst kind. TIN WARE OF ALL KINDS *, COPPER, SHEET IRON, BRASS. LEAD, BLOCK TIN, AND SHELF GOODS, Qf tbo vory » ost cutlery, of late Importation; with a Mechanical business attached, with my own workmen, which would bo hired at the same time if desired, with tho necessary Ma chines an 1 Tools, Patterns, aud many other thiugs too tedious "o mention. This is a busi ness of THIRTY-ONE YEARS’ operation, and is a (lrstrato opening for some young mm just starting in the world. Will also be sold, if do sirod, ■ 0 boxes IFIOOIPIJNrG- TI3NT r 20 do lc do 15 1 x do, aud 6 do .0 by lx, suit ablo for customer’s work; together with a large supply of WIRE, all Nos from 1 to 20, with all kinds of FITTINGS, suit bio to the business. Tiino will be given to an approved purchaser. Enquiro of apß B. F. CHEW. WWW* COOK STOVE Still in the Field. THE undersigned have beon appoint ed Sole Ageuts, in Augusta, for tbo retail of the VICTOR COOK STOVE, Manufactured at tho Augusta Works, in this city. Wo pr pose to keep constantly on hand, at both our stor s, on Broad street, a full sup ply of tho different sizes of this desirable STOVE, to which wo invite tbo attention of purchasers. Aside from the fact that tho VICTOR is the product of Home Industry, and that its exten ■dvo sale aud use for a year past has proved it to bo all that Is c.lai -ed f> r it. the advautages of purchasing a Stove manufactured at home , where new plates aro constantly at hand, will ho apparent to all. W. H. SALISBURY k CO„ No 3. DoKalb Rango S. S. JONES k C My 1 daclm 210 Broad street. Fire and Life Insurance. TTHE CONTINUED FIRES, und daily s deaths, in all parts of our country * warn prudent persons to secure them selves against destruction and >ull, *««iijwP vblch can bo done with a light annual ij/'M f expense. (ME. A insurant of lives aud proporty at mos« reasonable rates can be effected IflV it my office In Madison, Ga., in tbo following responsible companies : So'ithern Mutual Life Insuranco Compiny, Co lumbia, S. C. Howard Firo and Marine, Philadelphia. Consolidated Insuranco do Farmers’ aud Mechanics’ do Bridgeport Fire and Marine. Bridgeport, Ct. yib4 JOHN ROBSON, Agent. Watch, Clock and Jewelry Work. HNUY J. OSBORNE would respect fully iuform his friends aud ac quuiutances that he has employed In f the work department of his estab lsb ment. Mr. T. s WOOD and Mr. WM G. WOODSTOCK, both experienced in j nil departments of tho trade, each o fegM j whom will give personal attention t |C || I the interests ot this well known estab 4**V,..M. lishment. A liberal sbaro of public putronage is most respectfully solicited t HENRY J. OSBORNE’S Watch, Jewolry and Optical Store, 266 Broad-st, under tho U. S. Hotel, Augusta. febl2 Thos. Richards & Son, ATTOr’WTA TJfAVE JUST RECEIVED their Fall jLjL stock es Classical. Medical, Law aun Mis cellaneous BOOIKLS. Also —ANNUAL, aun othor elegantly bouud Proseuiatum t*_H»KB aud BLANK BOOKJ, es overy variety and quality ; Portablo DESKS ; RETICULES, auu many other fancy articles,suit able for pros outs ; Musical Instruments, kc., AT WHOLESALE ONLY. Horn and Shell Tuck, Side, Dressing, Pocket, Ivory, Fino, and various qualities of all other kinds of Combs ; Coat, Ovorcoat, Vest, Pant, Strap, and every other kind of Buttons ; Looking Glasses, Spectacles, Beads, Necklaces, Hooks ane Eyes, Pins and Needles, Percussion Caps, Whalebone, Marbles, Hair, Knitting and Netting Pius ; Vest and Coat Moulds,*Suspendors, Ladies’ and Boys’Belts, new stylo; Hair aud Shaving Brushes, Shaving Boxes, Soaps, Bonnot Wire, Harps. Porte Monnlee, Skirt Hoops, five kinds ; Indies’ Cabas and Satchels, Jet Necklaces, Gar ters, Broaches and Brucelets, Ladles’ Elastic Hoad Bauds, Hair Pins, Spool Cottons, Flax Threads. Sowing Silks, Tapes, Bobbins, Cotton Floss, Powder Puffc, and a groat variety of othor Fancy Articles, too numerous to mention, which usually cost much timeHnd troubie tosolect.and to which they are constantly making additions, all of which aro offored, wholesale or retail, at a small advance on Sost. They invite tho inspection of tbo public. Kg* BLANK BOOKS manufactur3d to order. Kg* Job Printing ueatly and promptly execu ted. sept 3 Just Received from Phila. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Cooking and Flavoring EXTRACTS, such as Applo, Lomou, Vanilla, Strawberry, Raspberry Nutmegs, Bitter Almond, kc , &c.-rat B. F. PALMER’S, New Drug Store, under Planter’s Hotel. my 4 f