Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, June 12, 1858, Image 1
Augusta (Sirnuug psjratrii VOLUME 2. doming Jlispatdj. P PUBIJSHHD DAILY AND WEEKLY, BY S.A. ATKINSON. DAILY, per annum $4- (Ml WEEKLY, “ 130 i£if“ Subscriptions will bo received for threo moi th 3at $1 25. Monthly subscriptions, Fifty cents. Payment for subscriptions will positively bo requireil in advance. JB®“ THE OFFICE OF THE DISPATCH is on Broad street, a few doors below Setz’s Corner, (upst'Mrs.) Entrance next door above A. i. Bignon & Co. ’3 Store. hates of advertisings Advertisements will be inserted by the square of 12lines (100 words,) for 50 cents for the first insertion, aud 37cents for each subsequent in sertion under one month, to be paid for when the advertisement is handed into the office. Advertisements under five linos will bo insert ed at 10 cents a hne for the first, and 5 cents a lino for oach subsequent insertion. Advertisements will bo inserted in both the Daily and Weekly Dispatch at 26 per cent above hose rates. lait iloab Register. GEORGIA RAILROAD. (From Augusta to Atlanta.) Leave Augusta at 2 30, A M, and 4 P M. Arrive at Atlanta at 1136 A M and 1 04 P M. Leave Atlanta at 12 A M and 10 A M. Arrive at Augusta at 8 66 A M and 7 P M. [The 2.30, A. M.. train from Augusta connects through to Memphis.] Fare—ss GO. Conn n't toil h South Carolina Railroad Trains. ArrlveatAugustuat 1 A M and 2 30 P M. 1-eave Augusta at 10 A M and 8 05 I* M. With Western and Atlantic Railroad Trains, Arrive at Atlauta at 11 22 I’ M and 933A M. Leave Atlanta at 1 45 A M and 12 30 P M. With Atlanta and La Grange Railroad Trains , Arrive at Atlanta at 10 15 P M and 7 00 A M Laave Atlanta at 2 A M and 1 P M. Connect with Macon d Western Railroad. Arrive at Atlanta, 9 15, A. M., and 6 05, P. M Leave Atlanta, 10 30 A. M., and 12 Night. Athens Branch —Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta at 2 30, Night. I-ouvo Atlanta 1200, Night. Leave Athens 12 00, Night. Arrive at Athens 10 30, Day. Arrive at Augusta 9 00, Morning. Arrive at Atlanta 11 34, Morning. Washington Branch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta 230, Night. Leave Atlanta 12 00, Night. Arrive at Washington 7 36, Morning Leave Washington 3 30, Morning Arrive at Augusta 8 53. Morning Arrive at Atlanta 11 34, Morning On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays an Ex tra Train leaves Washington at 1.45* evening, and couneets with the Down Day Passenger Train from Atlanta, and returning to Washing ton at 5.45 eveuiug. Warren ton Branch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta 4 00. Evening Leave Atauta 10 00. Morning Arrive at Warrenton 8 00, Evening Leave W> rrniton 3 30, Evening Arrive at Augusta 7 00, Evening Arrive at Atlanta 1 14, Night GEO. YuNGE, Superinte. dent. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. (Atlanta to Chattanooga.) Morning l’ass’gor Train leaves Atlanta 2.10 a m and arrives at Chattanooga 10.07 a m Morning l’asscngor Train leaves Chat. 1.30 a m and arrives at Atlanta 9.33 a in Night Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 12.15 p m and arrives at Chattanooga 8.25 p in Night Passenger Train leaves Chat. 3.10 p m aud arrives at Atlanta 11.22 p in Fare to Chattanooga, $5. MONTGt)MERY AND WEST POINTR. R. COMP’ V. (from Columbus to Montgomery.) Day Train leaves O lumbus . 10 00, A M do arrive at Montgomery 4 00, P M do leave Montgomery 8 30, A M do arrive at Columbus 2 50, PM Night Train leaves Columbus 7 30, P M do arrive at Montgomery... : 30, A M do leave Montgomery. 5 30, PM do arrive at Columbus 1 00, A M Daily connections to Huntsville, Memphis ami Knoxville. SAMUEL (*. JONES, Super'!. MUSCOGEE RAILROAD. Day or Express Train leaves Columbus 4 pin do do do arrives Macon.. 1028 p m do do do leaves Maoou... 1 oa m do do do arr. Columbus.. 852 a m Morn’ng or Ace. do leaves do .. 155a ni do do do arr. Macon 856a in do do do leaves Maccn.. 1130 am do do do arr. Columbus.. 63’ pin .1.1,. MUSTIAN, Sup’t. EAST TENNESSEE AND GEORGIA RAILROAD. Leave Augusta 2 30 am do Atlauta 12 15 pni do Dalton 6 15 p m Arrive at Knovville 12 20nignt Persons leaving ugusta on the 4, P. M., train are detained at Dalton. Time from Augusta to Knoxville, 21 hours and 50 minutes—mostly in daylight. R. C JACKSON,Superintendent, AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. Leave Align.-ta, 2.10, A. M. and 4 P. M. Arrive at Millon, 4:uf> A. M. and 6:35 I‘. M. Leave Millon, 6:40 A. M. and 3:45 P. M Arrive at Augusta, 9:00 A. M. and 6:47 P M Connecting with trai. s to aud from Savannah and Augusta. ATLANTA AND LAGRANGE RAILROAD. Morning Passenger Train leaves Atlanta2.oo a m aud arrives at West Point 7.28 a m Evening Passenger Train leaves Atlanta'l.oo p m and arrives at West Point 6.28 p m Morning Pass’ger Train leaves W. Point 4.00 u.m and arrives at Atlanta at 9.27 a m Evening Pass’gr Train loaves W. Point 4.30 p m and arrives at Atlanta 10.15 p m Fare to West Point, $3.50. GEO. G. Ill'LL, Superintendent. MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Morning Pass’gr Train leaves Atlanta 10.30 a m and arrivos at Macon 4.15 u m Evening Pass’gr Train leaves Macon 12.00 p m and arrives at Atlanta 6.05 p m Farr to Macon, $4. E. FOOTE, Superintendent. CENTRAL RAILROAD. Between Savannah and Macon. Leave Savannah 1 15, am, 2 46, p m Arrive in Macon 10 45, am, 12 30, a m 1 eave Macon 9 45, a in, 11 30, p m Arrive in Savannah 7 20, pm, 8 60, a m Between Savannah and Augusta. LeaveSavaunah 1 15,am, 11 15, a m Arrive in Augusta 9 a tn, 7 pm Augusta 2 a in, 3 45 p m Arrive in Savannah 8 50 a ui. 10 55 p m Between Macon and Augusta. I eave Macon 9 45*a m, 11 SO p m Arrive in Augusta 7 p in, 9 a m Leave Augusta 2am, 3 45 p m Arrive in Macon 10 45 a in, 12 30 a m EMERSON FOOTE, Gen'l Superintendent. SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Day Mail and Passt-nger Train leaves Augusta at lOo’clock, A M. ; and arrives in Augusta at 2.30 P M. Night Mall aud Passenger Train leaves Augusta at 8.05 P M: arrives in Auuusta at 1 P M. H. T.PEAKE, GeueralSuperintendent, jjar Day Trains leave Macon for Columbus at 11.30, A. M., ami arrive at Columbus 6..'13, P. M. Leave Columbus at 1 55, A. M., and arrive at Macon 8.56, A. M. jgjf Night Trains leave Macon for Columbus at 1.30, A. M., and arrive at Columbus 8.23, A. M. Leave Columbus 4, P. M., and arrive at Ma con 10.28, P. M. i* Passengers going North," desiring to connect with either tlio route by Wilmington or the one by Weldon, can do so by taking the morniug trains at Moutgomery, Chattanooga, Augusta , and Charloston, and the evening trains at At . lanta, and connect at Weldon with either the Washington City or Bay Route. §rii €>ook SPRING DRYGOODS GRAY & TURLEY > TO ANNOUNCE to their custoin y U ors and the public that they now have in store, and are daily receiving a very extensive n and choice selection of > SPRING AND SUMMER Dry Goods. We wish it to be remembered that we still keep e a resident purchaser at the North, from whom t we receive daily the LATEST .IMPORTED FASHIONS! Wo solicit Country Merchants, buying, for cash, to call and examine our stock, and " ASCERTAIN OUR PRICES. - To such wo aro prepared to offer superior in ducements. Below we mention some of the . MOST FASHIONABLE, t as also some of tho leading articles In each de partment. Dress Goods, Rich Chintz Chono BAYADERE BTLKS ; do ilo RAVE D’AQL’ILLE ilo ih.Miiire Antique Bl’kaudCol’d do Bischoff >s Celebrated BLACK SILKS, in great variety ; Marcellaine and Florence SU ES, ali color? ; RRENAIII.N'E, CRAPE D’PARISaudSEW ING KII.K ROBES ; Challio. Barege Il’J-ame and BAREGE ROBFS. PRINTED I,AWN, PRINTED BKII.I.ANTK, t IIAI.iJfS, BAREGE 'IiEI.ANE, BAREGES, CRAPE MARUZ, I CRAPE DkPARJS, CANTON CLOTH, BOMBAZINE, AI.APACA, fcC., SC. hosiery AND EMBROIDERIES! Indies HOSE in COTTON, SILK aud LINEN. • Misses do do do do do do Gents do do do do do do I-adius GLOVES in KID, SILK, LINEN and SILK MITTS. 6,U0() Kmbd. BANDS, in JACONETT, SWISS * and MULL. ; 5,000 Kmbd. COLLARS and BEITS, in JACO ’ NET, SWISS and MULL. EDGINGS and INSERTING, in groat variety. Kmbd. LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, j ’ in great variety. WHITE GOODS. s Enibd. MDSLIN and LACE CCRTAINS, do do for Ladies DRESSES. Plain JACONET and SWISS MUSLINS. : Nainsook MCI I, and Book do : Printed HRII.LANTE and CAMBRIC. MANTILLAS, SHAWLS, SCARFS, Ae„ in groat variety and very clioaji. DOMESTICS. 1 » I 5 cases BROWN SHIRTINGS, 6«.'c. i 5 do WHITE do 6kc. i 1,000 piecog CALICOES, fast colors, o>4'c. i ALL THE FAVORITE URANUS UF AMERICAN CALICOES AND Slilrtings, at ir'RIOEJS; A VERY HANDSOME LOT OF GINGHAMS, IN BLACK AND COLORED. 2,000 COUNTERPANES, from SI 25 to SlO each 5 caeca 11-4 SHEETING, beat quality, 31 JVC. 6 do BED TICKING, APRON CHECKS, FURNITURE PRINTS, &c. LT 3NT E3 JXT S, Best Irish LINEN lIAMASK, 50 to *1 50. do do do NAPKINS aud DOYLIES, 100 to 450. Best Irish LINEN TABLE CLOTHS, do do do for SHIRT FRONTB 26 to 150 Plain and Fancy LINENS, for Gentlemen aud Boy's wear, from to 75c. per yard. SUNDRIES. RIBBONS—LUTES, SATIN AND VELVET —FUR NITURE AND DRESS FRINGES ; I’ARA SOLS. HOOP SKIRTS. FANS HAIR BRUSHES,COMBS, FANCY SOAPS, &c., &c. mh22 Dry Goods! Dry Goods!! MILLKR & WARREN are now receiv* . ing thoir stocks of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which they are prepared to offer and sell as low a-s any house in tho city. Tho stock has been selected with great care, and comprises a great variety of Ladies’ Dress Goods, such us Rich and elegant Silk Robe deQullle, Bayadere Silks, variety of styles, >ilk Valencias, striped and plaid, Plain Silks, all colors. Mourning Bayadere and Cheno Silks, Plain Black, l’laid and Striped do Silk Poplins and Victoria Plaids. Delaine Robe de Quille, Rich Fig’d Delaines and Cashmeres, Erab’d French Merinoos, new styles, Plain French ami English Merinoos, Mourning Delaines. French and English Prints, Amoricau do Mourning do Scotch Ginghams, Mourning Ginghams, Chene Giugbams, An exteusive variety of Shawls, comprising silk Thibet Shawls, Brocho Shawls, Flush Bordered Stella Shawls, Chenille Shawls and S arts. Ladles’ black and colored Cloth Cloaks Rich Velvet Cloaks, overy varietv ' All Wool Ixme Shawls, Plain bl’k and Second Mourning Merino Shawls, A lot of beautiful Embioideries, consisting oi Rich Muslin Sloovcs and Collars, in setts laoonct and Swiss Sloovos, Unen Collais Maltose lAoe Setts. Imitations Lace Collars and Sleeves, lacouot and Swiss Bands, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, plain and em broidered, Hemmed and Moiyning Handkerchiefs, Misses’ and Boys’ Wool Hose, Wool Gaiters ; Nett Sacks, Misses’ Merino Vests Ladies Meriuo Vests, short and long sleeves, For the Gentlemon's line may be found— Black Cloths aud C’ussimeros, Fancy Cassmieres, latest styles, Rich Velvet aud Cashmero Vestings, 1 North Carolina Casslroeres, superior article, Cravats and Collars ; Merino Ties. sept lQ MILLER & WARREN. Life Insurance. HPHE AUGUSTA IN.SI)BANOE AND| JL BANKING COMPANY are proparr dto issue at moderato protniums policies of insurance on, - tho lives of Slaves, either for one, rive or ten ! years. Forms of application and tables of rates j can be procured at the office of the Company * free of chargo. WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC, President. 1 C. F. MoCJoy, Seoretary. febll AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, JUNE 12 1858 grjr §odk SPRING AND SUMMER I Dry Goods! AND MILLINERY! ;CHEAP FOR CASH!! 0 JAMES HENEY HAYING just rel urned from tho Nor thern markots with a superior stock of FANCY /ft fmXr— ■ and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS.« comprising some of thel|fc=|igj| Of,Y ' nowest stylos, as well as^Fr^fMlgiL 00 s ]ji]] the finest texturo of DRESS Wp£_ tti GOODS, to which ho wishes to call tho attention of all persons visiting Au- Igusta. plei ging himself that he will permit no one to undersell him, and is confident that he can sell at least from 6 to 10 per cent, cheaper • than any other Casli Store in this < it. . He aud those in his employment • will feel a pleasure in waiting on those who . favor hfm with a call ; md as they will of ne cessity have to examine tho stocks of tho city in order to find tho best value, ho hopos they will bear in mind his store, which is one door above tho Georgia Railroad Bank. CALL AND SEE HIS STOCK. STUDY YOUR INTERESTS. NOBODY COMPELLEi * TO BUY. EVERYBODY WAITED ON WITH PLEASURE. Dress Silks, I ALL STYLES, VERY LOW. ’ Printed Lawn, Organdie and JACONETS, all stylos* very low ; Printed Lawn, Organdlo and Jaconet ROBES, different stylos ; . . Printed Lawn BAREGES and GRENADINES. 1 A large lot of GINGHAMS and CALICOES. Swiss, Jaconet and Mull MUSLINS. ; A of EMBROIDERED GOODS. u SUM MER SHAWI.S aud M A NTIIJ AS. IN THE iHUinmi jQtpartmtut , is to be found all that is novel, never having been better supplied with all that is desirable in BONaNTETS, *■ am «* ■* ■* ?«*, &c., &c , &c. • Slirrilngs, Shirting* ami Osnnlmrgs; IRISH LINENS ; TABLE LINENS and TOW FLINGS ; Musquito NETTINGS; BEDSPREADS, BRINGS, I &c. A full supply of HOSIERY. mil3l New and Seasonable STOCK OF DR! GOODS. P & M GAPLAHEII Respectfully solicit thcattontioa of the ladies ot Augusta, and tho public generally, to their NEW AND FASHIONABLE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Purchased within tho past month l»y one of the’r own firm, who spared no pains to obtain Tlie Most Desirable Styles of SPRING aud SUMMER GOODS, suitablo for tho most fastidious of the ladies of the South. , To (heir varied and extensive assortment, in each Department, they call special attention, and particularly to tho comparatively Low Prices at which they aro selling. Tlieir stock em braces in part tho latest Fashions : SUPERB SILKS. Rich Chintz Chene Bayadere SILKS, Rich Moire ..ntique Black and Col’d SILKS, do Marcellaino and Florence do do Black SILKS, in endless variety, GRENADINE, Crape do Paris ROBES, CHALLIE, Raroge Delaiuo do Printed LAWNS, Printed BRILLIANTES, BAREGES, CRAPE MARKT7. C iALLIES, BAREGE DELAINE, CRAPE DePARIS, CANTON l LOTH, BOMBAZINE, ALPACA. EMBROIDERY. Embroidered BANDS, beautiful patterns, do JACONET, SWISS and MULL, do COLLARS, in great variety, do linen Cambric HANDKERCHIEFS. EDGINGS aud INSE TINGS. HOSIERY. ladies’ SiIkHOSE, best quality, do Cotton do do do Misses’ Silk do do do do Cotton do do do Gents’ Halt Cotton HOSE, all size- and quality, Ladies’ and Gentlemens* Silk GLOVES, do do do Kid do, various col. ' MUSLINS Embroidered MUSI.IN, for Ladies’ Dresses, Plain Jaconet and Swiss MUSLINS, Nainsook. Mull and Book do Embroidered Muslin and Lace CURTAINS, Printed BRILLI ANTE aud French CAMBRIC. American Calicoes, At Unprecedentedly Low Prices. DOMESTTO GOODS Brown SHTKTIXUS and SHF.KTIN(iS, OSNABUKHS, STRIFES and DRILLINGS, at Fac tory prices. GINGHAMS, In great variety. IRISH LINEN. Finished and Unfinished LINEN, in half and whole pieces, : mported direct from Ireland. DAMASK, NAPKINS, DOYLIES,TABLECLOTHS. Miscellaneous. COUNTERPANES; BED TICKING ; Apron CHECKS ; Furniture PRINTS ; RIBBONS; LUTES ; Satin and V*lvetFuruiture and Dress FRINGES; PARASOLS, HOOP SKIRTS. FANS. CO MRS ; HAIR BRUSHES, SOAPS, PERFUMERY; MANTILLAS, SHAWLS and SCARFS in endless variety. aplo-(Uw3m I i i iiiw I JOHN N. GOW, ; MARBLE WORKER. Monuments, of ail descriptions, ; executed in the best form, at THE LOWEST PRICES, ; and in tho shortest time compatible j with faultless workmanship. IIiAILLT l Persons in want of Marlile Work of any kind aro invited to call. Shop on Campbell-stroet, be tween Broad and Greene street. fflcsrsH - nov2B JOHN N. GOW ■■ * 1 ICE CREAM AND SODA WATER, j YXfE shall furnish daily through the ■ \\ Summer, at our Store just below Briuge Bank Building, tho choicest ICE CREAM and j SODA WATER, and respectfully invite our friends and the public to give us a’call aplO FLISH & SUMHRAU. SSimjjDiist Carts. JABHC9 mTdte 4 CO., WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION .MERCHANTS. . Augusta, Georgia THE UNDERSIGNED have formed a copartnership under tho name and.vv'\"\'v\ I style of JAMES M. DYE k CO. for I transaction of a Warehouse and Commis * slon Business, at the Warehouse receutly uocu pied by Dye k They respectfully ten I dor their services to their personal friends and the public, with the assurauce that any business entrusted to them will be promptly and faith * fully attended to. Particular attention paid personally to the sale . of Cotton and other Pro> ucc, aud also to tho re ceiving aud forwarding of Goods. I Liberal Cash Advances made on consignments j of Cotton and otbor Produco JAMES M. DYE, I THOS. RICHARDS, f Augusta, Feb. 5, 1868. feb24 J. C. HARALSON, r , WAREHOUSE AN COMMISSION MERCHANT At tho old 9tand of L. Hopkins, Augusta, Georgia. septlS ly Cabinet Making anil Re t pul ring, Ac. ' XT J H. PROUTY & CO. having dis | ▼ ▼ • solved, by mutual consent, tho under I j signed may be found at the same stand, ready tc do all Jobs committed to him in the way of CABINET MAKING AND REPAIRING. AND HOUSE CARPENTERING. W. H. PROUTY, Shop on Washington, botwoen Broad and i<ei nold -streets. jai>l9 New and Valuable PUBLICATIONS ! ii TA ROM the great Publishing House of L BLACK!E & SONS, Glasgow, Edinburg and London, consisting of the .ollowing standaid editions : Tho Imperial Family Bible ; Brown’s Biblo, with Cook’s Notes ; do do Dictionary ; Imperial Gazettoor, highly illustrated, ’56a’67. Italy—Classical, Historical and Picturesquo ; Works of Robert Bur 114, comp eto and illus trated ; Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen Gold-mith’s History of tho Earth ami Anima ted Nature ; g Prof. Andrew’s Cyclopedia of D. mcstic Medl n cine and Surgery ; Poetical and Prose Works of EttrickShepherd- Memoirs of Napoleon, by M. Bourienne ; The above, and many otlior Works in the Cata logue aro recommended by Rev. Dr. Smythe of Charloston. ’ ; Carpenters and Joiners Assistant, by Emv Krall't. and others ; Book of Oruameiital Designs, with 40 plates • l, Rural Architecture, by Juo. White, Architect • 1 Railway Machinery, by I). Kennear Clark ; Engineer and Machinists Drawing Book bv M. Lo Blonc. ’ Practical Tailor’s Guido to tho Cutting Room. Subscription and orders received for the above by tho Agent, at I. 11. STEARNS & CO.’S office. ' first door above Mechanics’ Bank, Broad-street Augusta, Ga. J. CUMMING. Ageut Mr Agent for tho Scottish American Journa', < a weeklv newspaper. mvll IceNotioe. riIHE Al (jUSPA ICE HOUSE, on Rev- X nold-street, and Branch on the Corner of Greene and Campbell-streets, will be kept open during tho ICE SEASON, FROM 5 O'CLOCK, A. JL, UNTIL 8 o’clock, F . r On SUXDAY open at 5 o'clock, and closo at ] I o clock, amt in no case open after this hour, un- 1 .. loss in case of sickness, when an order must bo I sent stating this fact. We continue to sell ICE at One Cent, per Pound, 1 or as cheap as tho cheapest. j J I myl3 m C, EMERY, Agent. ' Sewing Machines. Receiving and opening this day, Fifteen handsome SEWING MA CUINES, of various styles aud finish. For sale h l) y TIIOS. P.STOVALL & CO., ; General Com. Merchants. |i ’ reform” Practice of Medicine , DU. B. F. PALMER, having perma nonttj' located in Augusta, Ga., respectful ly tenders his services to tho citizens, boiug prepared to treat, scientifically, the various ‘ forms of disease incident to tho climate, both acute and chronic, with that success that mat be confidently expected irom tho use of irnio cent vegetable remedies Calls promptly attended to. Charges mode rate. He may bo found at all times at his ston under i , lanters’ Hotel, unless professionally or my 6 m HICKMAN. WESCOTT & CO. Have a large and splendid stock of TNT E -\W SPRING GOODS! Just received from Js'uw York, winch THEY WILL SELL VERY CHEAP. Merchants and Planters aro respectfully re quested to call and examine their gjods, as’they will bo sold low H., W. & Co. would respectfully invite tho at- i t» ntion of Ladies to a beautiful assortment of | DRESS GOODS .'Maiilillus, STEEI.-SPIII\« SKIIt IS, :uhl a great variety of other articles opened this day ap9 TTEAST powders. i Five liross Frostou & .Morrill’s VEAST FUWDEILS just recetvod at mhl3 D’ANTIGNAC 4 HUBBARD’S. WM, H. TITT, WHOLKSALK AND RETAIL Drug gist, OPPOSIIE AUGUSI’A HOTEL, HAS IN STORE, and now olFors at very low rates— lI.UOO Him WHITE LEAD, equal to best English, OILS, VARNISHES and COLORS, of all kiuds, 300 oz. SULPHATE QUININE, 25 “ MORPHINE, 50 lbs CHLOROFORM, 25 doz TRUSSES, all kinds, 12 “ HAIR DYE. do 100 gross MATCHES, 12 doz Prof. • ood’s HAIR RESTORATIVE, 24 “ SARSAPARILLA, all kinds, 1 gross LUBIN’S EXT ACTS, assorted, 20 doz HAIR BRUSHES, do 300 boxes French WINDOW GLASS, all sizes, 2,000 lbs No. I POTASH, 1,000 lbs. SAL SODA, 500 gross TAPER BOTTLE CORKS. myß d*cm TN Id’S HIGHEST STATE OF PERFEC -1 TION, m Ith a great varioty of tho choicest FRENCH SYRUPS, may be had at the Drug Store or Wlf. H.TUTT. N. B. CONGRESS WATER always in ice. ap9 dm ARTHURS' CELEBRATED PATENT Air-Tight Soli Sealing CANS atid JARS, for preserving fresh Fruits, Tomatoes, etc., for sale at mys 9. C. MUSTIN. FIFTY bags Old Gov’t Java COFFEE, I 50 do I.aguira do 500 do Rio do For sale by my 4 WILCOX, HAND & ANSLEY. |\oots, t, BOOTS AND SHOES. / 1 ENT'S CALF CONGRESS GAITERS VJT Do KID do do Do Calf Skin do do Do P S Strap Shoes Do Calf do do :o do Pump Sole Oxford Ties Just received per last Steamer, and for Sale by JAMES W. BUNCH, Opposite Express Office, Broad - trect. My 1 _ SPRING GOODS. SPRING GOODS! HAS THIS DAY RECEIVED a large lot of SPRING GOODS, and will continue to go so through the summer, consisting in part of Ladies’ Silk Fixed CONGRESS GAITERS, do do do do do Glovo Kid Congress do do Colorod TIPT do do Blaek do do do Fino Philadelphia Kid and Morocco SLIP PERS, Misses’ Fixed Kid-Top KOSSUTH ROOTS, do Kid and Morocco SLIPPERS and TIES, Childrens’ SHOE-, of overy description, Mens’ Calf Opera PUMP BOOTS, do Goats HEELED INVINCIBLES, do Patent W. S. PUMPS and Oxford TIES, do Goats B 3. do do Call B. S. do do Kid Congress GAITERS, do Calf do do Boys’ de do do With a variety toonumerous to mention. Call and look, as I have attentive Clerks who will be glad to show 11 o Goods. mh27 JUST RECEIVED, \ FRESII lot of those justly famous MOROCCO BOOTS, front Philadelphia, I sewed through and through, warrentod never to rip. Cull and see them. JAMES W. BUNCH, My 1 Broad street. THE liREITM' SHOE | IN THE NATION. OXE THOUSAND PAIRS SOLD H | NOT ONR PAIR KNOWN TO RIP!! Sewed Through and Through. IADIES- Kill WELT BOOTS, sewcrl J through and through. Just received, all sizes, from 1 to 7, bosido a still assortment of LADIES, GENTS, MISSES AND CHILDRENS’ ■*: « s* , of all kinds. Call and soe thorn. jan2s JA3. W. BURCH. Broad-street. \ TTIOH CLEAN LINEN AND COTTON JL RAGS, (packed in bales,) Cash will lie Paid, at Hie ollico of BATH PAPER MILLS, on Reynolds street, between Jackson and Mclntosh, Augusta, Georgia. my 3 l NP RECK D IN TIG D INDUCEMENTS ! IAM SELLING my stock of VEHICLES, ■ consisting of . Carriages, Rockawa.ys, lUROI'CHES, JERSEY WAGONS BUGGIES, with and without tops, , of all the different styles now manufactured at pricoa AS LOW as can be boughtin any Southerr city. Boing constantly in the receipt of goods ( lam enabled to cll'er to the public something \ both fresh aud now. In uddition to tho above, I keep always on t hand a number of Vehicles of my own muuufac ure. • I also warrant all work that leaves mv store. K. H. MAY, At my old stand, corner Jackson and Ellis-sts. iu roarot Globe Hotel d22-lv LUTHER ROLL," AT HIS NEW STAND.! Corner of Kill* a <1 Jackson.St*., 1 Nearly in the Rear of the Globe Hotel , ON TII E COR NER BELOW ARCHER’S STABLES, « HAS ON HAND a full assortmunt of ' COACHES, ROCKAWAY 3, lop and No Top BUGGIES, &e. ; which will bo sold extremely . low and on accommodating terms. ALSO—A full assortment of a!l kinds of mate rials used by Coach and Harness Makers, the.- J SUCH AH AXLES, SPRINGS, BuLTS, HUBS, FELLOW’S. I SPOKES, SHAFTS, SI.VGLETRF.ES, BANDS, r MALEABLE CASTINGS, ENAMELLED C LEATHER nd a.OTII, PATENT a DASH aud HARNESS LF.ATH- I ER, &c., &c. e REPAIRING ot Harness and Vehicles done t promptly ami at low prices. 2 \ Vehi lea manufactured to order. > Tho same assortment to be found at the old stand, corner of Washington aud Reynold sts., t; in rear of tho Augusta, Hotel. jan-twly r Candles. , riTO'O HUNDRED AND FIFTY Boxes '' ' A ADAMANTINE CANDLES. For sale bv <• rayl2-m A. I). WILLIAMS. " CABINET MAKING. STABLES, ou Eilis-street, to carry ou the above business in all its branclios. Particular attontiou given to the REPAIRING / OF FUR Nil UKE ami PACKING, etc. S I solicit a share of public patronage. s j my 10 ts \VM. SINGLETON. e BACON. A J7UFTY hhds. Choice SHOULDERS ; 1 10.000 lbs. CLEtR SIDEr ; 20,000 lbs. RONE SIDES ; 5,000 lbs. HAMS. For sale by I myl2 m A. P. WILLIAMS. UI'NDRIES. - 9 IO 200 bbls PLANTING POTATOES ; ‘ 300 boxes TOBACCO, all grades ; f_ 100 kogs SODA ; 300 boxes Adamantine CANDLES 600 kegs NAILS ; 15 tierces RICE. For sale low by feb?2 WILCOX, HAND k ANSt.EV. ytthiskey: T V 100 bbls PIKE'3 WHISKEY, for sale by apl2 TIIOS. p. STOVALL k CO. j /THILDREN'S CARRIAGES Just received a lew more single and dou hie MGS, aud CHAISES. For salo low. niyß S. C. MUSTIN. V TEN THOUSANDSACKS LIVERPOOL ¥ SAIT 2UUO bushels Bulk SALT, 300 saoka Alum SALT, for sale low by rei novu DANIKLH. WILCOX. JkibMtof (Tlotljing. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER ■ c .m j CLOTHING! RAMSEY & LABAW (Opposite the Union Bank, Augusta , Geovgia,) ARE receiving daily, and are offering to their friends and customers the arges and best selected stock this season they have ever offered, having purchased the entire stock ’ almost exclusively tor Cash, and paid unusual atten ion to the manufacture ot the Cl-thing. We aro prepared to offer them at nrices todety com petition . Wo have an elegant line of SCARFS. CRAVATS, STOCKS, UNDERSHIRTS and DR \ WERS, every grade : Linen Bosom SHIRTS, from the well known manufactories of Morrison & Co., Golden Hill, John M. Davis & Co., and Fonder &Co. —ALSO — A comploto line of GLOVES, of every kind ; SOCKS. &c. We have also a very large stock of SERVANTS CLOTHING, of every kind, which wo would call especial attention to. Murchan-sard others would do well to call be fore purchasing elsewhere. mh3l , New Spring anil Summer CLOTHING! For 1858 YT7E ARE GETTING IN h splendid ▼ T stock of GOODS, and invite all who need any artich iu our lino to call and examine them, consisting iu part ot Side Stripe < AS IMERE COATS aud SACKS, with PANTS and VESTS to match ; Black Cloth and CashmeretFßOCKS and SACKS; Black Cassimere PANTS; Black Barathea and Grenadine SILK VESTS, (a light article for spring) ; Brown, White and Check Sido-Stripo Linen ami Marseilles, COATS. PANTS and VESTS ; A large lot of FURNISHING GOODS ; Marseilles White and Colored SHIRTS, DRAW ERS, SOCKS, HANDKERCHIEFS, COL LARs, GLOVES. TIES amt SUSPENDERS. BOVS’ (LOT 111 Mi. ALL SIZES AND PRICES. Tailoring! Our stock of nice CLOTHS, Black, Blue, Brown aud Claret, In ve arrived, together with a beau tlful assortment of side-stripe CASSIMERE for pants ; side s ripe LINENSamI MARSEILLES for pants ; Rich SILK and MARSEILLES PATTERNS for vests. All of which Mr. JOHN KENNY will he pleased t<> show and make up to order, war ranted to tit and nlease or no sale. JOHN K. I!OR A & CO., Successors to J. M. Newby Sf Co., mh3o Under U. S. Hotel. Augusta. Ga. (4KNKR \Tj STOCK OF READY MADE CLOTHING, «C-«-- IWTOW is the time to buy the following it articles for Mens’ am Boys Wear, cheap er than they should be sold in this market : RAGLANS, OVERCOATS, SHAWLS, BLANKETS ROBES. Fino Cloth and Cassimere COATS, Fine VESTS, PANTS* SHI RTS, DRAW ERS. SUSPENDERS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS, TRUNKS, V ALICES, and every article in our line. nov6 CLAYTON & KENNEDY. GENTLEMENS’ Fall and Winter Goods for 1857. MY stock of goods is now full and comprises everything that is fashionable ' in CLOTHS, CABSIMERES and VESTINGS, which , will be made to order as good and as fashionable | as can be obtained iu any part of the country. ■ALSO, A tine and select stock of Ready-Made CLOTH- ] ING, which cannot be ex. oiled by any Goods in . the city. also, ' A large stock of FURNISHING GOODS, euibra- . cing everything that is necessary for Gentle- • men’s wear. All goods sold at this establishment warrant ed as represented. oct29 J. A. VAN WINKLE^ THE IP#THEORIES HILL, AUGUSTA, GA. rpHE Proprietor of X the above <'stablisli ment respectfully invites the attention of Physicians and Families to his stock of select D UGS, MEI)I CIXES anti CHEMICAL ol /L the purest qualities and at moderate prices. Sc. jpjMjl Amongst my assortment arc the following articles: vSCTu Surgical Instruments of ovory variety ; French, F.ngli-U and American Per lumorv, Trusses, Shoulder yg Wt Braces and Abdominal Sup jjorters ; every variety of ~~T ■* Combs and Toilet Brushes; Lump n,. . \\ irks and Lamp Shades ; Paints, Paint Oils, Patent Brushes, Window Glass, Varnishes, &r.; Meui citial Wines and Brandies ; Burning Fluid and Camphene ; Spices of ull kinds ; Pot and Pearl Ashes, Indigoes and Dye-Woods Starch, Tapioca Sago, P.-arl Barley and Arrow Root. Also, acons*aut supply bestSweedish<hos. Quinine, Morphine, Elaterium, Strychnine, Ohio reform, fcc. Ac., from the most responsible La boratorics. The preparation of Ptaarmacopeial articles L conducted personally by Dr. A. S. RAVENS CROFT, a graduate of the London College of Phar macy. All articles warranted. T. P. FOGARTY, 195 Broad-st., d24-tf Uuder the Augusta Hotel. KEROSINE OIL AND Lamps! Another lot of the above re ceived. LA MI'S sold as low as j Si 25 each, will give a light equal to six Candles—warranted not to gum . ■Evp \Y explode, smoll or congeal ; will give i a steady, constant light for TWENTY HOURS without trio miug. BW"a The public are invited to call and “Bp* examine them at the 1/ APOTIIEt ARIES’ HALL. $ Under the Augusta Hotel. ap26 Ti OMAS P. FOGARTY. i A C 0 Vi f>J | hhd9. Prime SHOULDERS, O*U/ 10 do. Ribbed SIDES, without back bone 5 do. Clear do 4 do. PLAIN HAMS. 2 do. SUGAR CURED HAMS. For sale by ap2B McCORP, HORTON k WAI TON. Hath (South Carolina) Paper HVLills YT7TLL KEEP ON HAND in this city, Vs and for sale at lowost cash prices, con* dant supplies of BOOK, NEWS, and WRAPPING PAPER. of best qualities. Orders promptly filled. Store Room on Roynold street, immediately ear of City Bank. GEO. W. WINTER, Augusta, April 6, 1858. MMtt apS-tf NUMBER 443 HBsttllantom. Sunaries. ONK THOUSAND kegs -‘Beading" nil*! “Old Dominion" NAILS, 2000 sacks Liverpool ?AI T, new, 1(M) bushels bulk do 100 sacks Alum do 50 bbla pure CIDKR VINEGAR, 100 bales heavy GUNNY BAGGING, 1 300 roils Machine ROl'E, , 50 boxes King land's Pearl STARCH 50 do No. 1 and Pale SOAP, 50 do Fresh CANDY, 200 do TOBACCO, somo very cheap, I 20 do prime Layer RAISINS. 20 do do MR do *2O half boxes do do, &c., Ac. For sale low by mh2K ' DANIEL H. Wll COX. Maclterel. ONK HUNDRED AND FIFTY pack ages MACKEREL, just received and for sale by mh-24 McCORD, HORTON A WALTON. Bacon. Thirty thousand pounds choice new Ten ucsaee BACON, hog round, on hand and for sail by fol»2 A. STEVENS. Back m 30 ra.-ks prime Tennessee Shoulders, to ar -1 rive within alow days. feb 6 * BAKER, WRIGHT ft CO. I window shades: I Lut 1 1 different patterns new style Window Shades, just received at BENJA MIN & GOODRICH’S sop 29 Furniture Warerooms COWETA MOUSE, NEWNAN, GA. STONE MOUNTAIN HOUSE, DsKALB COUNTY, GA. mhß ly S. F, ALEXANDER. TENSESSEK i-HOIIK H. TITHE undersigned is prepared to axe- JL cute with promptness orders for Bdcoirt, Lord , I ’heat, Bye, Oats, Cum , Flour or any other products of Middle Tennessee. D. I*. DICKEY, N«>. 5 College treet, Nashville. Tenn. aug‘2l ly R. P. SPELMAN. SR.. Greeuo-street, Augusta, Goirgia. f»( ETTR.EK.A ! rpms IS THE EXCLAMATION' of tile X. Fl* ERTNG DYjJPEITIC. after having tried dl the patent nostrums of the day, when resort lias once been had to that long popular, tho roughly tested, and never railing Remedy, the Colleton Bitters! Prepared under the supervision of Mrs. EMILY A. JENKINS. The disease is driven from the system like the •lew-drop from the Rose-bud in* the morning sunlight. What greater proof can the commu nity require that the article above named is a RELIABLE REMEDY than that it has been sold in this City for a series of Twenty /Ye e 1 "ears, and lias the unsolicited recommendations ol Physi cians, Clergymen, Ladies and Gent emeu *f the lirst standing. Hundreds of letters have bee n received from the most respectable sources, a l l speaking in urquaiiflod moasuro of praise of this truly Mrs. E. A. JENKINS regrets the necessity of informing her friends and the public that since the introduction of the Celebrated COLLE TON BITTERS, i i itati ns have sprung up. made l*y the inexperienced, and of course possessing but little in rit, they have usually had but an ephemeral existence ; but th suffering and poor Dyspeptic must be on his guard, or worthless imitations will bo palmed on him in place of my well known remedy. Buy none, therefore, but that with my name on the label, and a'so ob serve that tho name “Colleton Bitters” is blown in the Glass. The Colleton Bitters is for sale by every ro spe table Druggist in the City ami State Tho Trade will b supplied on Liberal Terms. Orders should be addressed to JOHN ASHHURST, Special Agent, 29 JLlayue-st., Charlestuu, S. C. For sale in Augusta, Ga., by PLUMB & LEIT NER and R. F. PALMER, M. I).; in Hamburg by *A. J.PELLKSEIR & CO. em my MACHINE SEWING! \LL I)ES(TUITIONS OK KIKE AND COARSE SEWING is done w ith dispatch at tho Machine Sewing Rooms' i On Broad street, above N. K Butler's. L The Iliads of families wll llnd it to their into l rest to call and examiue specimens of beautiful work, which is dally oxecuted there AT MODERATE CHARGES. DRESSES for Ladies and hiluron tuck»>d in the handsomest style. SHIRTS, PANTS. VESTS, and -very article of Clothing ma e with dispatch much handsomer tha. bv hand. XM- Call at the • MACHINE SEWING ROOM.” i ufiu-tu April 28. H-5K ;i poß c ajrpetTtore , IN CHARLESTON. S. C. ( A R PET DEI*A RTM ENT. ROYAL VELVET PILE; Tapestry Brussels : English Wire Brussels ; Printed Brussels : Printed Velvet ; 0-4. 12-4 and If-4 Druggets ; Felt Druggets ; Crumb Cloths ; Eng lish Venetian for stairs, entries and church iisies; Imperial Throe-Ply**; American ingrains, and English Ingrains : Canton and Cocoa Mattings ; Mosaic, Axudhster, Brussels, Velvet •ti! Tufted Rugs ; Door Mats; Stair Carrot, Rods, &c. LINEN DEPARTMENT. 8 4 and 10-Tabus Dutliask . 7 4 up U> 24 4 Ta ole Cloths ; 4 4 Family Linens; 7-8 shirting Linens ; Hue Fronting Linens ; Pillow Case Lin ens ; 3 yards wide Sheeting do. ; Birds’ Eye Di. • per; Scotch Diaper ; Brown Table Damask; Brown Table Cloths ; 3 yards wide j* Napkins. Doilies, Tow >ls, Tray Cloths, Dowlass, Crash, Huckaback, etc.; 8 4 co'ored Tabling; Colored Table Covers : Fruit Doilies ; Piauo Cov ers; Centre Covers; Window Shades. FLUOR OIL CLOTHS cut for Rooms or ' ntries. JAMES G. BAILIE, mhl7-ly Proprietor. Volcanic Pistols anil Hides. fPHEKE PISTOLS carry the Minnie X balls and shoot six times wiih ono loading, the load and cap being contained in the balls. They shoot with great precision and force The Miles are a curiosity. With ono loading they can be discharged twenty times in one minute, iud are the best guns for squirrel hunting ex tant. Tho undersigned is the sole Agent for the com puny in this city. HENRY J. OSBORNE, Watch, Jewelry aud Optical Store, 256 Broad-st, Augusta, Ga. febl2 General Advertising YT7E DESIRE to act as Agents for all V ▼ tho Publishers in the country, to procure Subscriptions, Advertisements, and attend to any other business required iu Augusta. Proprietors are invited to correspond with I. H. J? EARNS & CO. Ro'erences : Wm. H. Goodrich, H. J. Osborne, »Mnmb fc Ldtner. Carmichael ft Bean my 18 WHEELER & WILSON SEW INC MACHINE, very littlo used, for sale choap by my2o I. H. STEARNS? ft CO.