Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, June 30, 1858, Image 4
****** J*?> ,i)ENfISTRffI . wit. ,!, X. PATEfISON i f OfiA* on '.,;.< uiagto:< -.t, .twi.** etum. ffiJii.-aSf iIMSOd «C all Ola-ra'IOMiirSTVWWi Aiitsios to t',<- pr«f«»:.-a. ,M4 -UJOIT7 a f k-wmor? wot tvnuotrr pai.v «v tun *: mtnrv raylfr, CrntßLEe K. WI^KIT.U' I »'■«. W [ Yp'j*Uinti»> “> Dentistry utLOil .'• jJy/'Vi-vj’Xo^iti^Sriy*’ocU> oticc. * TJCTE. $h s v.utersjgneitf*'havii this day ff fiß.v.-* i»u a Partnertthip for'tbc practice *r Uirf ->«- '■he criminal side of the Court. Otfloe Wmt* >-m JOHN ft. RJEffXY, It JOHN-i. B. FLOURNOY Joseph W. Harrisson, . Wlweuite and Retail Dealer in MATERIALS, oil, window glass. JE BUN as, DOORS. SHUTTERS and SASH KS - auu unglaxcA. - BRUSHES of <n**rv variety : LAMPS, BURN rnu win;*, alcohol varnishes, *tc,eh,. No. 7 3. Meeting-Street, f'J «9r2T CauL.; stox, k C. ly \y. H. Gordon & Co., ! . QFSTJIAI. COMMISSION AX" FOR WAIIDIXO MERCIIA FI'S, * , K IffIUVIUK, TEXXIS3EE, A GENTS for the .Sale ami Deposit of | i\ r Tennessee CtHfonFafcricd, and Cotton Man- i •torturers' General Aleuts. Also. General Ai'evc* for Gootnetfcsville Flour tag Kills, i. Port Royal and Rock City Flot:rftig Mills and Millers generally. Having t’ largest private Warehouse In the * anyth an.! «cst, they are prepared to receive *;> i st':re ail goods entru ued to their care. FYbntii.g Publb Wharf and Market-st. KflfflttviJie, Tonn. aug2l-ly CAMPBELL & BRIDGES, (Bucc - to Campbel 1 , Q&ut & Co.) j **«NKUAL PROA L CK AGUSTS « FOR the purchase, sale and shipment ! of all khldg of Fast TotincHleo sack J as P-iccr., Lard. Wheal, Flour, Corn, Vats ■ Fettft, A'.., KnOxvAle TeimoSfeu. Refer tqfl, L. AynKagoy. augHllv ( t- ZDIMKItJHA' A STOVALL, Wholesale Grocers, Dealers m sugar, coffee, bag- 1 GlNn. ROf F. LIQUORS, and all other ar-. found in the Grocery Business. 1 N'» Broad -street, on© docy above Barrett j A v-arter’s, Augusta, Geo aiuj‘2s-ly ■ Iron And Brass Foundry. J*. mm /*“ n»** fi *■% » . HTGHT & MACMURFH V continue the | . above business, in ail its branches, at the ■ American Foundry, and will be thankful for or-! . tfers for all kinds Iron and Brass One tings, for j ftoM M ues, Mills, Rail Roads, Bridges, and Ma »b r:ery of nil descriptions. oc2Sly j ► L. HKiU, "j. fc. BCTLEH, W.’«! PKTBttS. i HIGH, BUTJLER & CO., tfammissiffn crrbants,; For the purchase and sale of Tonuesseo r’rotfL'u.cso, 1 COTTON, GROCERIES, &c., : A'abama-Htreet, south of M. k W. R. R . Depot ; Atluida. Georgia. ©sl“ Good Tennessee Money taken at par for ■ Produce ndiH-tJin j. o < in hTihi.iV, MirHTEK.«MMH. Doors, bashes, blinds, mould ings and HOrSE CARPENTRY ot every 1 ORcriplAon. neatly and promptly done.. libop oppohito M ofHiell’s staples. Eliis-st. _ novS ts WiiULißSAlik ii RtiCKRSr WE BEG TO CALL TH E ATTENTION, of our friends and of the public, to our largo slock of GROCERIES, (Liquor- exicpted,) in thcity and Charleston, which wo arc pre- 1 panxi to sell for cash, or to prompt paying cus j tomorß t*D favorable term- - . HAND, MfiJJAMS k Augusta, Georgia. DaKim. Ha\d, iiso. W. W LLIAMS. AEAKIAU GRAVXii. ii EG. if. WILLIAMS A CO., CfearWfeton, 6. C Oko. W. Wjuiams, H.mki Hand ( hiujam _ aug26 ly WM M DUNN, (MINERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, TIINNier. BILL, OA. XpOll the puichaso of Wtitat, Corn, JD Oats. Rye, Hour, Bacon, lard, Dry H v .deb. 4c., and lor the sale of Sugar, Codec, Molasses, Salt. Tobacco, 4Jai!s, Iron, Castings, Factory Yarn, Domestic, and ail kinds of Agricultural Jmniements, such as Plows, Straw Cutters, Com jjh>ll©r.-. Thrashers, with and without the horse power combined. Reapers, Mowers, etc __ iy FIRE AND LIFE J NSURANGE! XlVti A FIHK IAS ul.WAfii, CAPITAL, iI.OfXJ.OOO. .♦ITSA (.IKK I\S. 'O’lf IVV, CAPITAL, S2OO 0(h). tWSKCTIIIT IRS. COMPANY. OAPirAL, $200,000- with a large surplus rrbl9 6:u JOHN G. SLKDGE, Agent. AMEX. M. WALLACE. WJ|. C. BOWSSOJ. WALLACE & ROBIN SOW, GKNKKAL Commission Merchai.ts, AND DKALKR-* I.N a? o uncsso Prodvce, W ll give a ecial attention to the sale of JAOON, LARD, FD>UR, CORN, WHISKf/, TOBACCO, 4c.. Ac. ilabama-street. South of the Pamn-tr Depot, Atlanta, Georgia. Consignments respectfully solicit*!- Prompt »ttoi)P'»n given to » order?. ar>3 3h * "MILL" STORES ! UTLLIASi u'ilF.K, Mo nvfaciu rex |rm t| "Snrr ?BMistones, AM D dualer in JSsopus «nid Cologne SKmca, Broad-street, above Upper Market, Augusti. tin. Orders go..cited and punctually attondedto. ianT-ly " J. B. HAWE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 04UUSMOXER OF DKttDS i'OK 30. CA. the Middle District .£. LMlL'l!) VC I! t-I Cuimi It, W.ibh Co. 000. M .' _ 1 _ _i_. A ( AHI). V Spring and Slimmer Opeialngs. Miss IvX- IP. Mstlaows |_TAVIS(i JUST RETURN ED FROM JLX New York, reiißcifullv .aullh the Htenti »a of tier for .aer friohd? and pa kor <, a? well as .stringers vlsittng yd; , to her su>ck of SPRING AND SKIMMER HATS. ►RJVB3 CAPS. RIDING rfATO, FRENCH KIDWERS, , Vbick she will oj tenon Thursday April Ist, at her JSTE'W r STOKE* OPl* 0S I TV.JS MASONIC HALL, formery wcupiod b? Ward 4 Burchard. Also, a full ussortmeit of Cliildren= Hatv LACKSIIX ouASwuRaNLNG MAN nLLAS,DRKfe TRIMMINGS, 1 tidies' 4*BTY, COlteEls^d HOOPS, olevC r ydrljrtfi Miw MATfI ret nr dm tank:-' to her ncmer ous (rieud-i ft. n lt ,i r patron age. vx d sofleits* iVt>» i,ia :'alSa & same. All ardere attf*naod # topron.,tlv. mb29 3) F. MATHKWs. f fc >•?so' ■ A- W wiaii— ■nw I ri if V' Cat\arl/°Ws > 'JR-wL. VY«’'Ai' i 0 W.m.D AN'!. rvBKTHSSK K. £T ■ JuvjiiUti, Fil|(icr*. H.vtiier. PhyPtcUW, •hi | 'ALthrnpti. r,»d tlMlr effect, »»» ri d * e 01 ~ | ihair virtuWL, | f-br cm e of Headache, Sick IJealack*. /o*fc Slam i rm-avßo, Pa May 1, 18&>. % Dr J.C. AVEit: Sir4-I have been repctt.edlj -J cured or the war si hcadmlw any body can bav«- tl- dose or Do of y< ur PULs. Itaeetns ui ansyi’rom a foul atomauh, which they cU-ans*. “ it snce. If they will euro other* as they do me, the r&'t is worth knowirg Yours, with tespe*“t y ED. W. I'REBLE, Clerk of Steamer Clar e Bilious Disorders and Liter Compl^ds. *■' DfeaKXBBA'J OF TBB I.NTralfß, 1 j Wx-mi.vGTo.N, D. C., Fel*- 7, 1556 J I f St k ; I have used your Pill in u y general and j hospital practice ever siueo y' u made thorn, and | cannot, hesihitts to say the” rt * r ® the »>eat. cathar tic we employ. The-, rcg’iiating actiou on the liver is quick and de*Alod, consoqueiilly they are ; > an admirable rerewdy for d raagements of that | ■I organ. Indeed: IhcvocddoTn found a of i bilious disco ' so obfctinate that it did not readily \ I yield to Dem. Fraternally, yours, A OXZO BALL, M. I)., j Physician of the Marine Hospital, j Dysentery, Relax end Worms. j Post Officii, Hariland, Midi.. Nov. 16,1865. | j Da. Aviat : You' - Pills are the perfection 01 j: medicine. They have done my w r ifo more good ■ than I can toil you. She had been sick and pin-1 1 mg away f« - r months. Went otf to he doctored ' .it great expeo-se, but got no bettor. She then i < J commenced taking your which soon cured j | , her, by expelling large qoumUi - s of vrortna j I • (dead) from her bou> They afterwards cured ' i her and our two children of bloody dysentery, ;; O&obf-our neighbors !ia>l it Lad, and inr wife j i cured him with two doste of your pills, while./* otuera around us paid froni live t • twenty rp *■' i lars doctors* bills, and !f.-t much time, y Jv ‘•eleg cured ent rely even then. Such niedi, J cine as yours, which is actually ew)'' ufJ honest-; i will bo prfaed here. GEO, j. f.vtIFFIN, P. M. ji Indigestion and Impurdj ot the Blood. j J j Fr<;in the Rev, J Y K'aFS. Pastor ol Advent j j CUurcli, Boston. ! Dr. Atkk—l ha-*' used your pilL with extra I * j ordinary aucc°. ' my family and among those \ ] 1I am called visit in nistreso. To regulate the | organs c; digestion and purify the blond they 11 I are th>-vefy host remedy I have ever known, 1 | and f‘’-an confidently recoatmcud them to nr. ■ !irieui 1? Yours, J. V. HIMES. ’ ! Wars .w, Wyoming Co . is'. Y., Oct. 24 j am : lam using your Cathartic Pills in s I tnv practice, and fled them on excellent purga* 1 j tivo to the ?y-:tem and purify th. foiin- j ! tains of the blood. J. G MKACIf Av. M. I>. ] Erysipelas. Six of urn, King’.a Evil , fetter, | Tumors, and Salt Rheum. i From a Forwarding Merchant of St. Louis, t Dk. Ayku—Your pills are the paragou of all | ; that is great in medicine Tb. y have cured my ; j little daughter of uk-orous sores npen her hands j | at®et that had proved Incurable for year-, j | sior mother has been long grievously aitlicted j II with blotches ami pimples on her skin and in her j ,! hair. After our child was cured, she al o tried I ; your Pills, and they have cured her. | February 4,1N50. ASA MORGRIDGE, j . Rhtumilisin, Neuralgia and Gout. . | From the Rev. Dr. HAWKINS, of the Metho- ! , dist EplsooptUChUrcii Pt'LAt'KJ ilocsK, Savannah, Jan. 6, 1866. HonokkpS<r- -I should bo ungratofot fbr the £ • relief your skill ha. brought *ne if I did not re j port niy to you. A cold settled in im j, ; limbs anii brought on excruciating neuralyc j pains, which on .led in chronic rbeuniaiisra. I c . Notwithstanding I had tl: best of pfivnidris j r i the disease grew worse m l worse, until, bv the L ■ advice of your exooll n ant In Baltimore. Dr { | Mackenzie,l tried y--ur pins. Their olTecte were . slow, but sure. By persevering ia the :se of • them I am now entirely well. ' a Skx.vyb Cu.v.itnKS, Batnii R<>iige. 'a.. | Decern oer o, Jwd. i | Du. Aykr —l have been entirely tv-red by ]vo '.r pills of Ilheum-itic Gout—u paioA-l disease , Unit liil afflicted me for years. > ! „ , ' kUDKIJ. I tor Dropsy, Plethora, or kimheu vOin^.w.t s I i requiring an activo ptirge, they are an excellent : remedy For t.’ostivencss or Constipation and an a Dir- j ! ner Plil, they areigrceatde andetteclual. Flwt, Sni>pr scion, Paralysis Inflammat'en, J ' j and even Deafness, and Partialßondness. have | 6eea cured b - the alterative avion of these pills.,. ; I Most of the pit is i; market contain Mercury which, although a valuable remedy in skilful j - 1 j blonds :s -laugerou* in a »».biic pill, from the 1 ‘' dreadful consequen tba' follow its | J ' incnutioij:: use. These erntaii no mercury or ! t ’ minerttl saostauce 1 1 AVER’S CHIiRTiY PKCTOItAL. For the raoid curt* of OftU' COLDS, HOARSE j t NK3B, INFLUENZA, ah>« t -THMA. IKCIPI* n iFM CONSUMPTION. BBC » iTIB, WHOOPING j COUGH ; and for the rv -f « consumptive pa - tiouta in udvauced atage.of t disease, j We need not*l4a!; !u*ho i blic ofita virtues. ! - Throughout every tov • and almost every ham- j v _! let of the American Sftea, its wonderful cures I u !of pulmonary comolA sl3 have made it already j r i known. Nay. few r'o tho families in any civd : u ! izod country or. continent without some j c ’ personal oxperienc' of jts efleotr ; and fewer yet! the community, fcay whore which have not! e » among them soif 5 living trophy of its victory >. over the aubilc anil dangerous diseases of the I. j throat aud lung- While it is the most power y j fut antidote yt known to man for the formida d ble and datgrouH diseases of the pulmonary c etgaus, it 'skL-o the pleasantest and safest rein- ' 0 ' edy that be ecouloyod lor infants and young ; persons 'areuls should have it in store against. j theinsi ons enemy that steals upon them un- 1 ' prepurL Wo have abundant grounds io be j lievc P® Cherry Pectoral saves more lives by I ! the c»i’nnptlons it prevents than those it cures, j j fj Kee A by you, aud cure your colds whi e they w I -»re iralde, nor neglect them until no human ! J can master the inexorable canker that, sos- ' 1 j tendon the vitals, eat- your life away. A11. 5 j j{<)W the dreadful fatality of lung disorders, I s i ,au as they know too the virtues of thin reme- j l ! iy we need cot do more than to assure them it , s till made the hot it can be We spare no ? co.-t, no care, do toil to produce it the most per- ; fern possible, and thus aflord those who rely on j' - it the best agent which our skill can furnish for ! their cure. Prepared by Dr J C. AYER, Practical and! Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass., and sold by Druggists aud Agents every wnerc. my o I A X E W AND VALUABLE j .! 1! EME D Y . i r#Ll«Bll.\ BITTERS!! ' } j COMPUSim STRICTLY W TUK ’j CHOICEST VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, i 11 | WM) WAKuaNTKD TO GIVK GREAT RELIEF IN DYSPEPSIA, | And all diseases arising from | A Disordered State of the Stomach. ! SUCH AS NAUSEA, CONSTIPATION,! FULLNESS OF BLOOD to the Head, Giddi-1 j ness of the head, depletion of spirits, loss ol ; | - appetite, pain in the side and back, fever and . *' ague, general debility, and the *‘thousand other ' e j ilia : arising from indigestion aud enfeebled con- j t dition of the digestive organs. Habitual costive- 1 y ’ ness is found very frequently connected will j | feeble constitutions, and persons of sedentary j - j habits, which Often exerts a very unfavortbW influence upon the general health of the subject ■ and is particularly manifested by a restless anc despouoing state of mind, irregular, if not a lost of appetite. For this condition of tho system, this article is . confidently recommended \>itb the positive as * suranoe ihat. if the ddSeis properly adjusted, so h ’ as not to move the bowels too actively, R ELIE F ... may be relied ou, without any, even the least, of the unpleasant consequences rfSOiling from i ihe use of the common purging medicines, uaual- f 1 ly resorted to. I'ersoDs aillictcd w ith Iff EM ORB HO IDS, i can partalf&Hi' thi- mudi< i )*■ * i'tt safely, <w Aloes r£, forms no iwrfsoi i Sold by and merchants {.eueriliy \r ; aud in Augusta, by Hav sland. €hiohcater k Co. I Wm. H. Tutt, and Plumb k i eUner. ' , feb3-6ui Beacon anl* flui r. ' Choice Tcnneanoe HaCCX, bog round ; Super due FLOUR. For .ale in quantities , to suit purchaser*. my 13 BAKER, WRIGHT k CO. i, WUisliey. mWKOTT fabls. Gibson's XXX; !j lii dn do XX ; •b. 20 do do X. id i Just received at i W>l7 _ D AMTGVAC A HUBBARD’S. b-I__ and Syrup. TEHFTY hl.ils. CUBA MOLASB&. -J. Sobols. S. H-iyrit For sale bv . l n>yd TOWS HxSDfci&at*r. V. B . .Hra" THE LIVER .IWIGORATORJ PSUWABBD BV m. SANFOB»,4^ *• WMIPOC^k D_ T3ITY fTHOM IS ONE OF THE BEST PURGATI VE and IJvor Medicines row belore the public. ' mat acts a* a CATHARTIC, easier, milder, and more eTectual than ant other medicine known. 'iltis no only a Cathartic, but & Liver remedy, icting trst ou the Liver to eject its morbid mut ter, then on the stomach aud bowels to carry ofl ihat matter, thus accomplishing two puvpo, i? effuctuM'y. without any of tbc painful feeiltgF ’ experienceu n the operations of most Cathartics 5 J* strengthens liie system at the saxao time thai ' it purges it; and wh-»» i.iken daily in moderati doses, will strengthen ans build A up with un I usual rapidity. j fho Liver is one* ‘of|H ilo digest purify j the ]iriucipal regula- . liog Jtbe Uo«d, givirij I tors of the human p tane and health -o .tm j body, aid when it per- a j whole machinery, re I forms its functions Pi moving the caus** of well, the powers of the p j the disease —effecting [system arc fully de |{a radical cure, j vcloped. The.-tomacb a- Bilious attacks arc |is almost entirely de L cured, what ;= | pendent on the healthy J better , pro routed Uy (action of tb 'Liver for J the occasional ub o! the prr.pei perform- .+ the Liver Iftv.gfratcr. > aDce of it* functions ** One dose eating ! when the stomach is is snffliderJ to relieve at fault, and the whole N the Btomxch and pre- I .-.yEteiu .- - tillers in con * . ent Ae food from ri- I sequence of one organ g i-mit and souring. —the Liver,—having k> Duly one dos-. - U4 ,!D •ceased to do its dutv.y [before retiring P r «* For the diseases of th ■ ”! veate Nightir r«. ‘organ, one ol tl.*, pro- ! Only on r lose taken j prietors Las v.ade it I jatnight- loosens his study, w a prac- ? bowv ! ‘ Kently, and 1 tice of jFrrc than 2£ % CostiveneHS. 1 years * u dud some re- K ! One dose taken after j nn**f whJeruwKh to r each meal will cure counteract the tnan’ »f, D/r pepsin. I derangements tow hit h j one of Iwo tea [it te liable ■ spoonfub will always j To prove that this relieve Pick H:atache, remedy is at last OnoboUletak a for ; found, au y pc rsoti p [female ob.-tnations, j (troubled with Liver —lronvoves Ute okpsq of | Complaint, in any of its *5 the and makes ! i form:-. ha.* hut to try a£ la perfect cure, j bottle, and conviction ■ | Only one ddse imme- j j.i:-. certain. J ((Lately Cholic, These Gums rcniowir | while - all morbid or bid mai -|" ; One do.- r * often ro tor from the iy-qcm. II ipcated is a'Burecure ‘supplying Hi thcdrjfiilor Chobva Morbus. I piaco u heal|h) flow oil i land a preventive - i j bile, iu vigor#tmg the B ] Cholera. 'Stomach, causing food jjj Only one ia . , needed to throw nut ot the system the effects ot j : medicine after a 'ong sickness. One battle taken wr Jauudiee rrno - . a!! aai*! J lowness or unnatural color from the skin. j l One dose taken a short time be ore eating j j gives vigorto the appetite, and make.-: food di .Oet well. ; One dae often repeated cures Chroutc: !Mar* : : rhcea in its worst form:, while Summer aud j ' Bowel Complaints yield almost to the first dote. | One »r two d08e» cures attacks caused, by J j AVorttv :n children, th*'re is no surer, safer, or | | speed h remedy in th world, a.*; it never fails A U.-'K bottles'’cures Dropsy, by exciting the 1 abtn- bents. ] \fe take pleasure iu recommending this medi eire ai a preventive for Fever and Ague. Chill! I F<«er. and all Fevers of a Bilious lype It ope- j j r/tes 'vith certaintj and thousands are w illing w »testuy to its wonderful virtues. All who use it are giving their unanimous tee ' tiroony in its far or. j Mia Water «n the mouth with the luvigorator, | ‘ and swallow noth together. , The UVER INVIGOT'ATOR is a scientific Mod:- j ! cal Discovery, and is daily working cures, al ! j most too great to believe It euros as ii’ by ma- j ■ gic, even the frsr dose 'livin'/ benefit, and seldom; more than one bottle is required to ctirean; kind i 1 of Liver complaint, from the worst Jaundice or ; iK-spopsia, a cconmou Headache, a!! of which are the reault of a Diseased Liver. Brice, $1 per bottle. SANFORD CO., Proprietors. 345 Broadway. New York. Sold, w holesale ami retail, by PLUMB k LKfl j NER, W. H. TUTT, aud Druggist-: everywhere. { mhlO ly j r. .1. DELKKR’S CLU’RH m - n PHILADELPHIA BALM. (MOSQUITO ANTIDOTE.) I HAVE IN STORE it Urge quantity of the above article, which is highly recoin ' mi nded and approved, to prevent Mosquitoes, Ant-, i - and Flies, Be l Bugs and Knats from \ touching the human body, wherever it ia ap- j pliad. It beautitifa t'ji cttnplexJon, impart* 1 -oftness and lily whiteness t» the Skin ; removes ■ tan and stm bum tnsunlaiueoufily. and, through 1 the continuance of its use, removes-ail freckles and pimples. Price 25 eta a bottle. I have also ou band, F. J.DELKER’S Bed-Bug Destroyer, which is certain death to all kin a of Bugs, when 1' used according to directions : and, as it i a j paste, free of grease. U will prevent the return 1 of all Bed Bugs until the paste is hard, which cannot be before two years. Orders from the country respectfully solicit ed V. LaTASTE, Wholesale and Retail Drug Store, two doors be low F. 0. Corner. my3l PIIIMZY A. C LA YTOi\, WARBHOUSE , A.VI) Commission Merchants < Augusta, Georgia. ON THE FIRST OF SEPTEMBER , next, the omlersigned will rttnovejerrrTv / to the extensive ar.J commodious rr- Proof Warehouse owned and tor many' occupied by L. Hoprijks, Esq., and ai pre- < ' sent in tbit oceupauy of Mr. J. C. HARSAIiSON, i who wiil at that time retire from the b- siness. ! They v. ill continu; th. WAREHOUSE AND COM MISSION BUSINESS iu all it * branches, and will 1 ■be bciter prepared than ever to promt U- the in , i terest of their customers, to which their strict personal attention will hr devoted They solicit I consignments from tnoir friends and the public. F. PHINIZY. Augusta. Juno &th, 1868. E. P. CLAYTON. A Card. |mHB CNDfJUSIGNISD intending to discontinue the Warehouse and Commission | Business on the first oi September next, returns his thanks to liis friends and pal rons for their favors during the past year. | Messrs. I HIMZY At CLAYTON iiaving leased tho Warehouse for a term of years. I moat cheer fully recommand them torn} trienus. jeiQ-dawßm J. C. HaKal/sqN. i PhlflP IIRPT UllMl Li dll 1 fTHIE UNDERSIGNED, being Agent i , JL in this city for the North American Kerosene Gas Light Company, )|7K thr sale of KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS, Hare now on hand an«l will keep a constant 3 supply of Oil and Lamps, of different patterns. The Oil is not explo&i rc, and having been teat ed, pn vcr to be the cheapest, best, and safest i light now io use, being almost equal to gas light, . The ibove Company has received Diplomas £ ' and Medals from dtltcrent State Fuics in the U State.-—also, n Diplornu and Medal from th' jAraencaa Institute—for the beat Oil manufar j tured. f will be glad to show the I-arnps and pro? , tLitt the Ail is not explosive, by calling at rr opposite the Post Office. “ mh-qm F- E. SCOFIF.I.D Agent W'AUted to Buy. rinvo sm.vlu' nkoro boys, -u «i& X year-, of agoy• 3**^uire at office. - i ap2i _ ' _ff JOHN A. fICRCKMfER, ‘ Commission Merchant, For the sale of FLOUR, GRAIN, and alt kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. 98 EAST BAY, Chablkston. So. Ca. 4K#“ Liberal cash advances made ou Produce iu store. Mr. NEUFTFR will attend personally to all aalee of pro<lm e. my24-tw3m FernOital Attcntiou GIVEN To REPAIRING, at the bea< Shops in the city. >IACH!NFP.Y anu MILi { WORK, of all kinds, pent from tbe country. I Aa<lr«.= 00,36 [. H. STEAKS fcicO. -r . * % atfCtUsntoiis. _daporiant Cliante of 1 SAIIROAO SCHIOULES, I'U CQU'MBIA, TO 1 WELDON Fart and Time Ou tmm as on any Mr routs. ; m&m&mmw&m I \N And after TUESDAY, 6th Apr'i, lh- following*ill be ihe eiguata and Now Oslhmbta, 3. C : J .«**ve AofWU .gtit.. 1.. 10.A M * -oaveColumbia ..... "M P M f *»a*o Gfearfctta '‘.ol A .cave Raleigh . ... 9WA I heave Weltiori - 2.00 P rrivo at N>vr i ork, by ptiher Pet*** burg or bortsnujuth route. ... • • - 0.00 P M Leave N** York S 00 A M ,«»avp Philadelphia I-00 P M Vavs,SaU.imor&...... 6.00 PM , Leave Weldon (n day) . 12.00 M i Lea*'© Raloigb ... 4 15 P M f l/a?e Chui z Arrive at Colombia 6 30 A M 1 ArriTe at Augusta.... ..... 2.80 P M : Passengers going.fWlh <doairtpg to connect ■ withth Express " > ** a AtColunbia, will take the morning trains at Montgomery, Chatta ! oooga, Augue** and Charleston, and the evening . trains at A-'hnta and Savannah, and connect- ui : Jon with both the Washiogroti * Qjty-ml Hay Routes. /hssengers going South, by taking this route . v.t VYeldo’i, as- x above Schedule will reach j Charleston and V.igusta a* soon a* byanyoih |or line nod connect with either route South i ,or West from that print, as Uieir tit Lot-- will \ | show. j ft.%,8 Passengers going North will buy | | their tickets to Augusta, Ga., only, r.nd those • going South, to Weldon, N. C., at which point? Through Tickets and Through CbecKS can be-. ! had, and where they will have choice of routes. Tills Route is the GREAT CENTRAL LINE, via- Columbia, Chesterville, Charlotte, Salisbury. Greensboro’, Raleigh, FranYiluton. Henderson, uj Weldon, N. C., and posses over au ©Lvated, j healthy and populous coutrry. with flue scenery i and pure water. This route* is almost entirely i free from dust. Passengi?™ and invalid travel j lors wishing to stop at night, taking the day ac ! commodation train, will pass over the entire j route by daylight, finding on the route good j hotels aud resting places. #3~daggngc checked to Weldon from Angus-1 la. Charleston and Columbia, and mce 'cna ‘ For furthur information, see guides of this l route, or inquire ol LEWIS LEVY, Agent at Augusta. : or. c |i. BOV HEX, ! apls-4m Trav* llin •- Agent South. j Light for the Million:’! 'lke Chriynt Ulumhta 'ing Oas eeer Discovered. HAVING pnrclwsed the Patent-light for the Slate of Georgia, aud Edgefield &=• j j trict, H. 0., for making niunimating | GAS FROM WOOD AND WAI EE, ’ | by Choate A Tyler’a proees , we are prepared to j I aoll individual or public right- for the use of i said Patei *. Amongtlc many ad vantages these works have , over all others, are the following : Ist. The abundance and cheapness of the ma terial from which tho Gas is mad:-. \u : fine; wooi> and water. 'id. The durability of the works whoa com > pared with Others. : 2d. Theshnpheitv r f the apparatus aud pro-ess ‘ Any negro may be taught to make the Gas j perfectly in a very short time. Gas manufactured under this patent has been :n uninterrupted u.-e at Kuk pa trick «v Ldtnersj ' bou-e, at Bt rzalia. on the Georgia Railroad, since July last, whore il may be seen. They hftvc a [ very superior light for oxvFotrinu the hkice of. : Gas made from Rosin Oil. Any coniuuiniHtiotii* addressed to either of the 1 ! undersigutM. at Augusta, meet w ith prompt i attetttf-u. PLUMB & U-ITNEE, ! JAMES GARDNER, I J. A. ROBERT. W W. TREMBLEY, HENRY PARDEE. ; febi-tf Gas Works. riTHE UNDERSIGNED is now prepared .JL to make contracts for the erection of GAS HOLDERS, and all the Machinery aud Piping necessary la j ‘ he use of ilium.uatlv.g Ghs manufactured from} light w :>od uad water, uader Choate’s A Tyler's! patent Also, for toe supply of Gas FixtcrAH, i CLiU'iei.or *, &c to consumers. The cost of a Gas cubic feet of Gas, and ali the apparatiis complete for the generation and use ck I this Gas can be supplied for about.. 3350 00! This size is amp)y lufliclent for the of a private dwelliug. Cost of Gas Holder about 6CO feet, suit able for Hotels, about $660 00 Cost of Gas iioider. 1000 el, about 650 10 “ l ' 44 WOO " ....1200 00 ; 3000 • “ ....150000 r fae ast bize would be budtemnt for the large*t Factories and Mills iu the South. Contracts for the furni.-bing and erection ot' Works for Gas Corapaiiit-s in Villages. Towm and Cities -a Georgia am! the adjoining States, ; will be ma/lo on reasonable terms. All orders will be filled with promptness, and! the works will be warranted to giro satisfaction, j COST OF THE GAS. Gonsumerr may ascortfcin the cost of tbrs beau-; tifu! md economical Gas l>y the following s:m•; pl ■ fctatenvent : When the wood co:?h! F«ur Hol lars a cord, a Gas Holder containing 300 feet ‘ •♦an be filled at a coet of about o 0 cents, thi- : quantity woui.i last about one work. The undersigned has made nr-angemeut.- vri b tlie owners of the patent to secure iis uue to each person ordering work? from him. J. A. ROBiiITT. aplD-tf Opp. Post OH ce. Angusta, Gn. EICH DEESS GOODS. BROOM & IVOR HELL HAVE JUST RECEIVED, pet Adams’: . Express Companv : j Rich Organ*]le FLOCN’CKD W)StS , do Twisted Silk do do do Jaconet ROBES A QUHJ.E do Organdie do do French i’RIN’THI) JACX»N ETTS. do do C -i M BRIGS, do do BRrU.UNTFS. A large and handsome Ju sortmcut of MAh TlLt.\s, of IjOcc aud Silk. 1 b'F.N VOKKS. very hand-.ome, PIQUE ChOTH, WHITE TRIMMINGS. A LEX AN Lv ’3 KID Gi .O' VES. my S f IQUOEg. I.J A larg i and well solr-u-d »iock of. Foreign und Domestic Ltquoi’3, V/ine-: and al j on hand and ibr sale low v >v u ’>2 'A. STEVEN'S. TRUSSL-. SHOULDER BRACKS, We have u>w in store a fine as-ortment oi j the most ayprovc-iTRESSKS, ABDOMINAL SUP- I PORTERS, BRACKS, &<*. j my 11 PLUMB & LRTTNER. '! New and l’''reHh JSPRiND MILLIH'ERY. MHB. K. O. C OLI.INS HAS RECEIVED, at her store oppo site the j Hotel, a hundsome sup -9 ply ot all articles of MILLINERY, jsdlTABUt FOS THE """ Spring and Summer, CoD.,i6tinj?, in part, of an aaao-trru-tt of BOK- Pnßl®. RIBBON'S, FLOWERS, RtICHKS, ) BLONpe I.ACB.'. VEILS. MiTTS, DKhSI «|C •'.«*. HEAD JIBEbSBS. lIAIR BRAIDS ♦ OvTi- S, TOILET ITiWOERS-. SJABS, per -f f &J.VNT7T*'^ATAiw'ME... J. DRiaSSSmarto al ohort notice and ia& ihe fflwt fitsaS?enot*.- mh3o • v . v : j SLAVE TRADE Re-OpenedL! e / \KE HUNDRED NEGROES WANT y V_/ FD, ranging from twelve to twenty four years old, for which we will pay the higheelcasb prices Apply at our Stables in rear of the U. 8. Hotel. Any communication through the Post { i Office will meet with prompt attention In oui i | absence apply as above to J. H. ALFORD or B F. GLASSING AME l je23 HECKIJS k WILSON .TP A. T $S# ! SEirrsu -machine, j ii . THIS MACHINE IS ADMIRABLY ADAPTED I 1 FOB. PLANTATION OSEI| | V 't-HBAPSnBSS AND DIIRiBILITY. ' j 1! iIT CAN DU TAKEN AFs.llT AND , PUT TOGETHER t | IN PERFECT RUNNING ORDER, |c ; t Within Three Minutes! j j; *} CAN BE TURNED EITHER » , a Backward Or Forward. IT IS ALL TtIK SAME, AS THE Machine keeps on Running! i J C>l>)M»iiUoi< Will Never KIU Is. i i< ALSO, j i 'TXIB PALMETTO! BEWIXG MACHINE, PRICE SCO. ■ WE CHALLENGE the World to pro- J j (luea its equal for l SPEED, DURABILITY AND BEAU- 5 TV OP SEWING. { A written wan-aoty given witli each a : MACHINE, and the money returned c iin all oases, at any tiiua within .- ix 11 months, if it prove unsatisfactory. The MACHINES can be seen in o; o- i i: jUou at tho Store of t ' I. H. STEARNS, A CO., ■ BAR MECHANICS' BANK, AL'CISTA, OA. r, i AGENTS WANTED FOR THE 1 SOUTHERN STATES. j M . J . Cla IT FF, AGENT FOR THE SOUTH, At (he Machinery Agency of Motors* 1 Kdlog A Dotlgc, - 54 Broad Street, ! u*jO OZmitLCidl ga , c v. i QUOAR. O 40 tibds good to prime N T OSUGAR, 15 do prime clarified do 160 t’ bis A, B and C do 25 do Crushed do 1 For sate low by ’ i p ] , feb22 WILCOX, HAND A: 1 1 ! 2v| the”MW Jr’lERliSAI.<BiK j I OR. t ‘ THEOLOGY OF THE NEW CBWSfU. ' DRKS of Emasull BwKDKMßoiut:an ! Tr Iwrwrarfffiwstwd-al ’♦fre-Y-uv r I library A >:»ta>n, or the use »f Ihe puwir. A«ei-ly Groceries. p T Ula HUNDRED bags UIO COFKgU, ' iO fid bugs Laguyra and Java d< \ n 60 bhti- SUGAR, f . 20© bbk- A. B and 0 Refined SUGAR, } > 50 do Crushed and Row’d io t { 10 boxes LOAF do \ 250 do TOBACCO, 100,000 CIGARS, t :JOO do CAN”DLLS 30 bbis VULGAR , 50 btDxes and kegs !Supcr-Carb SODa\, I 100 bales Cil XXY CL©TH, j j 800 coils ROPE For Hale low by I j i JOSIAH SUJI.FV 4 SO.VI, L. m 1.31 ; No. 6. Warren. BWfc,. ! j BBurning flltd. ii Just received, u frenh supply of BfPlJtfi I , 1 FLUID, at SO cents per gallon, at the AifHhc-, ! cariot*’ Hull. ff. -?. tl j fobtl THOMAS P. FOGArf Y. j Negro Mechanics 1 ; TWO good BRICKLAYERS and WAS- . TKPiEKS. ami one good TANNKt sttf, Til [ IBBF.R OF LKATHKR, can be hireti by Gi«>?ar or mouth, or by the Job. bv appiving to : 18. j * -'if. J. C. BARNUH. jSPECIAL CM ; GKAV&TURJLEY HAVE JUS'r RECEIVED anoUtce lot . of those FINE WHITE llßlLLlANilff. al i 12> 2 t ents per yard | Afco. DapeHtt. joxtannah and Caroline WiD? 1 FpJNGES ; L.di.v:' Marseilles | SBTTB, both white nud colored ; Bnm'nilitrii and Metropolitan EXTENSION" HOOP .SRHkS ; I Black Silk D.lJTri, both long and short, without fingers ; an entirety new an&jfc*«W«BwWe lot of RIBBONS, for l^mie*' Ls ; i 0 pcies *. fine IRISH LINEN, to ow by thc ptece niy, at ex.'raordinary iieov pricisr’; DAKAeKs, POY LIPS, TOWETS cra-h and luicn ; SHhitTINTi. at, priues that cannot fail to y.otu matkd a quick Tho- e in wunt of »uc-iyoods would do well t<» call so on. my 2" T $2,300 R fit ARB* A PACKAGE noKtainihg 'ifl't rjL SAND !V>IJ-Afig m Bank Notes. *u Hall, Most? k Co., Cclumbiw. stolon from the Adams Express ComwjjM V • 26th day of April last, while in t : A t lanta, Ga . to Montgomery. Ala The notes were all ou the ji.'T'’ . ehainea- Bank, of Charleston, S,C.. prtn»Msj "tho de no mi nation of Fives ami Teas, gh j aider ably worn. i i A. t vardof S2OOO will be paid for the rtcov j ary of ,h* money, or m like proportion {>.; aajj k! part thereo; aim Js©o for iuformalipncon « Klim r the thief or thieves. . jMi mv 14-ts it B. PLANT, Superintend| t u m% cw ToSIAtI SIBLEY & SONS. No. f, V«r i pj ran Block, offer for sale a*, tovi (priefe i 50 hhdn. CLEAR SIDES’. C ! 50 do RJBBKD SID&L ”4 20 do HAMSmu»SHOULL«RS, i V 300 bah- GUNNY CLOTH, i i ' ivnoo coils RCd'E, I©W) JjAl-, 50 bbh !ni“ OfleaiiG XimFiH 50hhds ff. O. and Mtt&oyffdu Al r G. r .^ : ■ 200 bbls A B had C. do S ; 200 do Crushed and Powd’d do • j * 1 500 bafS COF EE fßlo, I aguy ra and ** r 4>, _ : 10© boxes TOBACCO l j l>}©,o©dCWL\RS, vannuit brand>- “ i aa*l all articles usually found in a Grocery Jt ! Deluding a llne aseortmeal <tf LIQUORS n»a» l i "JOW PEAS. V> !,U£hPls COW ;f.AS far i>, B-Tffl 4 OIU%. ■■ JBkelhamis ' tmjeorxa7 mShl 1 Sold by OutmcripHoH (My. "nHUhed by I>. Ai-pmston &Go.. N. York I fItRE following Standard Books com- X moem lb* nei ler. Toinatire unlernu-rione ; and rcguhu-Uy !n the dec very of the volumes t» J [(jail parts cf the coatiti}. local iriU he *p**>iuUd Itt in cry city and j principal town , .wi vre Fiaal' «ito employ un ify stich pew»s a* will have the etwtttianee of the ponpte. The feiookr will be tu every re*pe t ; to shown, and »o pains or e.v ; pensie' viUbespwrcd u> produce the works begun I ia a reasonable time, and to the entire approbn ! tioo of Hwfcribor-:. 1 • Tfu> Abriilgfweni of the Debate* of Con grrM; ojv the Political V , H*o»‘ v of the United States. Rom lb® original doeqn e»te. Edited Iby 001. Timtlma.s If. Bkmos. In Fifteen large oc tavo Tol.itn,f> of about 750 two-coluiun pages. This wm; has now reached the With volume, j and w now giving groat satisfaction among all chutsok. it will contain the wisdom of Congrohs for acvetfly yeara. and will be an invaluable part ;ol the IflkUu yof the country. It is of national intend t, and oue of the most valuable coni pen itfiums for public and private libraries ever is sued. Thu work realizes a desideratum iojig felt, anil of ali others, for the jiolitical history of the Government, most wanted. Its wide range of characters, each one speak ing for himself, and representing his own party, and ite far stretch of time, make »t of the great est value to the nation. *lbe Indexing is very complete, o that any umno or subject desired may bo found in either volume at on ze. Termt—Tbe. worn is publishing exclusively by subscription, and the volume are issued wr. in terva's of from 2to d months. In cloth binding <it t-3 ; law sheep $3.60 ; half morocco $4 r half call*extra $1.59; each volume payable op deliv ered^ 11. The Nt v American Cydop&diu, form ing a complete Dictionary cf General Knowledge. Edited by Ghahlks A. J ava and Gzoboe Rirlky, aided by i numerous select corps of writers in ail branches ofß, Art and literature. The object and desire of the publishers and editors is to produce a Cyivlopo'dia of the higher character, and to meet the wants of the Amen can people. The work if not founded on any European! model, l-vfc will, as far as the nature of a Cyclo | paediu pnuiis, posses a strictly original ciiarac j ter. All the information of any importance con tai km in tlio following works Wifi he compiled : in he New American Cycjoraßdftt, viz: Encyclopaedia Britanvica : Pc-nuy Cyclop*ediu : Conversations lexicons ; . ‘ Knv.ycloppoie Morerae'; Dictiouuartc de la Conversation - t Encycl podie Metropolitan*}: Eccyclopeihedo.' Gens JuMoHdc; Nouveau Biographic Generate : together with a large cumber of Dictionaries and! i Cycloj«ciUAß on 8p0..i il :• objects. With the oonmiaad of the most am pie resources 1 by arrangements already mau- with a large number of the most distinguished writers in America and Europe, the publishers do not hos kite io say, that the New American Cyclopedia will be superior in oxteiF, variety, and exact ness of inlorniation. to any similar publication in the English language. The work will be published exclusive, y by subscription, in about fifteen large octavo voi umes, each containing 7-30 ttco-Zolumn pages.': ana in exterior appearance v, ,!1 be at *;ncc elc j gant and substantial. Tim volumes will bn is-] sued aerially in cloth, .it $3 Library siylo, 1 Leather. $3.60 ; half morocco, *4 ; half Euaeia extra. $4.50 ; each payable on delivery. The iirst volume is now ready,and the second i' will be issued early in the Spring, and then eon- j timie the successive volumes every two or throe j mouths. j. IH. Ojchfpocdia of Av.erican Eloquence. — 1 1 A collection of Speeches and Addresses, Forun-icj and Parliamentary, by tin* most eminent Orators 1 of America, w-ith biographical sketches and thus notes. Edited by Frank Moork. This work contains many speeches never be fore published. All the speeches of Patrick Haxny, also speed* is and specimens by the ftd lowhig, among many others . Samuel Adams. wr-.u;., Dr David Hams ay. Alex Hamilton, John Dickinson, Richard Henry Lee, Dr. John Witherspoon, Win Livingston, Dr. Benj. Rush, John Rutledge, Chief Justice Marshall. The work is completed in two volumes, con tabling about 1200 (xuges royal e tavo size, and foui teen liuely engraved portraits from steed plates. Frlco for the two volumes in doth, $5 *X) ; V- , Urary stylo, leather, $6; half morocco, $7; huKj call extra. $6. Subscribers wii! be supplied :>h last as th-- biad ng cao bo executed and us the w ork will be sold only by subscription, ail persons ded- ' rous of obtain ag U, and who have already f ontecvd lli. tr uames, ore i't vit^itv^«kgr^' prising a colleetio i of coiriphto . rtwik s, and 1 specimens ot written H MOR mil EOGJkNiRnd- 1 TTHfertt oin the most eminent Hunorists of Am' * rica, In land. Scotland and F.nglaul. Illustrale-i with 600 Engravings, m.ule exp.esaiy for the text, from original designs ; also 21 Portraits. Editod by WiuiAJa E. Eckto.v, no celebrated * comedian. Among the authors oi the articles 1 which appear in the volumes are t.« follow ing : ' James K. Fauldiug, Dr. Samuel Peters, * Henry Pickering, John Trumbil). Robert C. Samlo Dr. Jeremy Jelknap tjalui Bernard, J«is. Rodrniin >rake ’ Henry J. Finn, V . G. Hallock Tlicodore ri. Fay, John Howard^iyue, Win. C Bryan*, IT. 3 ml. 1.. Sitchell, Gullan C. Verplank. J >cl Barlow, William Dunlap, 11. H. Brackcnrdge, t Washington Allslon, David Paul Bro\n, Dr. Samuel Gilman, Willis Gaylord i'ark, v Judge James Hal!, Eliza Leslie, 8 Col. Wm. 1.. Stone, Mrs. Caroline GOnao, v Robert M. Bird, Nailiau-ul llawi'orne, e Grenville Molten, Washington Irvin- M- M- Noah, J. Cr. C. Drain or d.’ r lb- hard Pt nn Smith, Itobert S. Collin, tie Bor ■ John Irmau, ton B*u d. f The vork will bo i-sued in 24 part* v/ni taonthly, at 26 cents. Forming 2 large vt hmes l at $3 50 e;-.cb, or four divi ions neatly bond in cloth, at $2 each. We beg leave cordially to invite onr teiow citizens :n all parts of the country to co ope-ate with us in bringing out this series of steward and useful workrf. JOT*Subscribers to *• Bouton's Thirty Yoi s’ View-. 1 ' of which more than f. 0,001 have by-n subscribed for. are informed that the s c-v* volume completing tte> work is now ready, uui ' w i!L be supplied in the various styles to uiatdj the first, although considerably larger, at t ir zarne price. Local Agents wanted BENJ. (»..LIDDON. Madison,Geo., 1 frbl _ Gotftra.l AgCfU. p>r th«i Statu , DSALERS i 1 ' - - ! •\ 1 RfeTRUMESIf ; PAINTS .OILS \ • sg n. ■. • ' ' “ ba-Hk paper JWEtS WRA PPIN G PA PE R ASSORTED SIZES AND QUAUTIES. Just received from *he Mills and for sale low hu cash. A dfeCbvmt df fifteen por cent to per* e-OUi taking T ,-n Reams at u time. -■st >*.» room on Reynolds-stroet, U roar of City Bdhk. apS-tf GEO. W WINTER. M.VKEIiEL' ~~ ■J* Rd-? No. 1 . 20 Kite No. 2 i 2d bbic Vo. 3, large; 20 half bbls No, 3 10 half bbw n; (j . «■ io bhla Ne. 1. Jost received at*, for sale by Jay IAH SIBLEY & SONS, aplO No. G Warren Block. Laws ok a rubric ajsd genesali CUARAfTFIt pjwaeJ by tiiu U-jiil.ture of , ytKjTgti. la J 857. Aootocr ripply v.ftt receirwil By roTI WSO3. KJOUHMJI; S6f». Beg ag^, their rnim.Ti, generally to thotr •.% STOVES, GR| and ;t colaptete vuriety to a First da#s House F%y A Our ...s:"»rUaeo|in fSie the tnort cSr. d ♦» every style of W STOV HS kept by jfry •nhr;' mn r.y d«1 rah]e ,-rW tna tab.wh*rsen i A**» fa Oi the4#>pod'#, we hare son within the atifl from dOisign.-:. Wo .. notbiofr ttijtsying that wc can ofN»i I,™™ GREATER Va in this \iefi than a!'* other dealers in binetL;.'” £ ■ ' f 1 *ytng tested aciirly all the dlTOre .t styl RacgeS oxteut, we have for two year- i> .* •-’.I ; f.vav TIN VINCIBLE RANGK«Utt e- believmJSifhem to bo the very r)«teior offered. We l ave Bold jjoauo i Ranges in Aagusta atid viCiii iy, and they nerve failed to give perfect tßtihJavJmn. will i-ell to any customer with & luitguar that these Ranges e.~c perfect ir. in retry jjartietilar. < v , ! w' House Fuinishln,' In this department enumeri?B>a question. Our asaorttnef** plete, and no eJfort will he spart d or. odf retain for our bouse the position it has n for five years past. It i.- w.ell kiiowe b keep MORE T&AN 1 OtJRLF the Asp6k an riety of any house in the City, and our* is ;> Tim vlacx to purchase Flout e Furntehiug G The increase of our business iu this depar has entirely exceeded our oxpecta*-ions. cfTorte to o-tiihhsh a Firat Clast 110-ur .Fu rnit Siore have been crowned, with success hyAn ay pr-v ting public, aud our motto* is •’ ward.* 1 ] r FO awn ms* «'•-dfii umpp** ■ We have in store mi n-uisoilly Tin Plate, Sheet lroa, Short Cvjip®:-, j. Block Tin, Pig ami Bar J/v, 1., stock of Japa.n.rd > V> f ar e, D. or ! Id-tea t-f cv- ry ■ititor-’jmn. m'.< tenth . Tit liters ’ typNf’ X-WSf' *r<*y ■ I NOTICE. OWING to the continued bitd her vrhteh I am now atlHctcd with. a:. j, little prospects ot a final rrcovoiy . * -nderx ur.ftt for bnsinosa an> r longer, I ar»i t desirous of selling out tx> an appi "n very moderate terms, 'ly trade aow kept n the Brick s*tore,JMKpT Mcchatries’ .Bunk, of age HOUSE FURNISHING SUfTl^' SCC« AH 'STOVE-*, RANGES. GRAILS: HOU/>W W. Od' tuc very best kind. ’T'.YINr - W-A.n.l or ALL KINDS : I COPPER. SHEET IRON, BRASS, LEAD, TIN, AN !> SH El F HOODP. | Os too very ' eit cutlery, of late 1 withe Meebatucai bu iness attached, w!;*i own workmen, hich would bo hired m the (same time if de&ired, with - i{chine.-* and Tools, Patterns, aud m-vty ovhe-r I things too tedious to mention. Thi- i= a bii,-.- ; non of T£llltT\' ONE YEARS' oporatk-o, and ii firstrate opening for some yotti.g m n jv* htartlng io the world. Will also be sola, fde sired, • 0 boxes ROOi-iNa 20 do lc do 15 1 x do, and sdo 0 by * iSj£, a’*'a for customer’s work; together wish .• t 7K*. supply of WIRE, all Nos from 20, w-tli «r. kincs of FITTINGS, buit ;ble Aetho basiiA • Tirnr will be given to an lippruvM hi** - Emtulre of ap?* T^' COOK STOF IStilP in the Field. T fcl!!!' have been. AmiaitT :Wi«|®j<«rul at the A'j ;; asu tfette ia' t :a. W- prt.jK»e to Itetp coe.feffljtjtto, both our stor.-s, Broad -t:c*ol,;fc lull !<. ol tbo diftertnt of this ddtAabn -T(4V! - to which we Invite the nttentlou Ande from the fact that the V&TOK is ih - :»ro4luci of Home Industry, and tint h/ ette, .-ivc sale and use for a year past b 4 p teted to be all that Is clal j.eii for it. the m purchasing a Stove manu/ac'ttnd hem where new p’.Mtee arc con.vtmitlv at be apparent to ail. W. H. SAUSBIJIif k 5 No 3 1 ’ s. s. josvet s \ 1 250 Broad Fire aud Life ImiuaUce. !* CON TIN UED FIRftS, and daCFC u deaths, in .*ll parts of our country At *v irn prudent pev.-;c>uj to secure thuin dMf " * seiv-js avainst dertructlou and rum; which can be done with a light ex])ense. flMgk lus I • ran -.e of Hybys and property ■- fr most reasormbli- rates -m he rffhetod VUMiM *: my orh.-e hi M irusoy. Ga. , :n im ' mP? 1 "sis following rt-spoo-ible compamc-A : Southern Mutual Life Insurance Coini* iv, ‘ lumlila. S. G. Howard Fire and Marine. Philadelphia. ‘ Con.-obdated In.-uratico do Farnu-ra'and Media rues’ do ' Bridgeport Fire-and Murine. Bridgeport, Ct ' a«W JOHN ROBSON, A.getftj-Jr Thos. Richards & Sob, ’* MBW*. oa.. * Haiti just received tu* re stock of McOal, :.U* «C 4 OBa ceilaßi-faa ■ ? V JB Ateo—ANNLaa.-. • ’ '-tI?PF'-e: i AW.uti« bound PrtseLu.tion »y.A.’ if« yorv voi. • k.i 'i*!- 1 REnartJ-S, nut abb tor presente ; M-iJH AT WHin Slte w-ra and -‘+ Tuck. Sd-iFpr^^^T?c«h ‘ Ivory, r me, and v*n*> ' fit v r&': { kmdj} of Cowl s ; (bat. Ve*l Mrap. :.:m cv.-ry ot!. : k:. -f of h itiv-i - ; I Glasses, Spectacle c Beads. .VvcklaCes. il<*& ;»aeEyos, Pfes *»« .VfertlM. lvrna«i«Mi C« Whalebone, Marbles flair. Kaltttoe ami N.ji,* Pins ; V eat and Cent Moulds. ISuspeoders, i. -.ur i * rJ *** Belts, new style . Heir and Slv.rj | drashes, Sha\ ;ng Boxes, »>ajes, Wi : A*ps Porto Monnie*. SkiuHoopr'. itve kior ! Otbas and Sqtche'.-, Jec Necklace?*, : ! . X¥ \ Broachea and Br? •.-lets, Latßee 1 E»S | -*:d Bands. Hair yju, Spool Cottons VU ..v-afte. S*>w»ag mm, Tapes, Bobbins: Cotte *2' A u y d , er I>uffs : and a great variety of o*hf acy Artxiev, toe numerous to mention whit tilue s hd trimtiie tosoim. aa •• ar A? 01ir -tamly mikkutg ai*!:tioni i “' ' " are wholesale or * -:*ta , a small advance on e-opt. «j*The> iuvte the inspi'ctior, o fihe mb’- - blank BOOKS m f mu%nu,d to Cl &JT lob Prhuiag neatly und prpWf i , ;r Just Received from Phi la. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Cookine »a«. Haroriog K.\TRACTS, snch ad Rue Apiiia, Liunoo. Vanilla, Strawbrrn- Rasn'ow, Nnthinp, B*U«r Almond, 4r , fc, !_#* " v , „ n. f I'ALIfER’B, »>•»* store, under I-InttiT's Hofei THE O.Nf., ICE PlT^iffiHl! St l '. " Vla'.ed and Utial r, . 'V.y Ain i< u: _L, *'atcrc<oUhe*e Harm d*ys. i® v«- *■ ■ ' "B TOILET Shi'S. Plfß ® ss . sTiNDS, Ac.. .1 > T . HiiN’® .. r yy-; jaoaje, | * heese, Cheese APREK and ' bF DA UI! e :RrlE . l«w r weired by Jen . .- D'ANTIGNAC & H