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About Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1858)
Cark #t. DENTISTRY. Dli. J. T. PATERSON, Surycon Dentist, j Office cn WeeWagton-Bt., ol V:l!i --■Wi ! nitiMid 10 at! operations irrywEJßk lertaicingto the profession. f, lj EXTRACTS TfcKTH WITHOUT PAIN BY F.LEC JRICTTY. ray 10-y M, WIIGHT, OeatW, j \FWUE over Caimli.liael iSSa U k Beau- Hardware Store, AM operations pertaining to Dentistry faithful ly aud sekntlfleally executed. oets Partnership Notice. TTTE, the undersigned, have this day YY entered in a Partnership for the practice •f Law. on. the criminal side of the Court. Office Masonic Hall. JOHN f>. REILLY. mh9-t; JOHN' J. R. FLOURNOY j Joseph W. Harrisson, WkeUaale and Retail Dealer in ARTISTS’ MATERIALS, PA INI . OIL, WINDOW GLASS, K-.IXDS, DOORS, SHUTTERS and SASHES j glazed and unbiassed. BRUSHES of every variety ; LAMPS, BURN ING HA'ID. ALCOHOL, VARNISHES, etc. etc. Xo. 7‘4. Meeting-Street, nov27 Cb.uuxstox, s. C. ly YV. 11. Gordon Co., GENERAL COMMISSION AXD FOR WARDING MERCHANTS, NASHVILLE, TRNKS6BE*, A GfcsTS for tbe Sale arid Deposit of Tennen.-u-e O tton Furies, and Cotton Man ifhctbrers’ JenoralAgents. Also, General Agents for Gnodlettaville Floor tag Mills * T-ebanon. Port Ita* ai and Rock City Flooring Milts, an 1 MtHlers generally. Having the largest private Warehouse in the south aud. west, they are prepared to receive tr.-i su re all voods entrusted to their care. Pronln-g Public Wliurf and Market-st. Nashville, Tenn. aug-l-ly^ ~ CAMPBELL k BRIDGES, (Successors lo Cam* ltd', C'aui & Co.) GEXKIIVL PRODt CE AGENTS ITiOR the purchase, sale and shipment JP of all k ruts of East Tenn esse e Produce, sue! as Baton. Lard, Wheat, Flour , Com, Oatt. Fruit , &c., Knoxville. Tennessee. - Refer to G. L. A.vdkrso.v. auglff-ly ZIMMERMAN A STOVALL, Wholesale Grocers, Dealers in sugar, coffee, rag- CING, ROPE. LIQUORS, and a* other ar tic!e?j usually found in the Grocery Business. No. 313 Broanhstreet, one door above Barrett Ac Car lor’’?, Bee. .vug2s-ly Iron And Brass Foundry. .ADI mm pX mm p* fl »» •» 4Lm *m «. HIGHT & MACMUKPHY continue the ai»ove business, in all its branches, al the Amaricin Foundry, and will be thankful for or- j fer ? for all kinds Iron and Brass Costings for S«dd Mines. Mills, Rail Roads, Bridges, and Ma tbinery of all description?. ‘ oc2B-1y V. L.HIOH, J. K. BCTUSU, W. CI.PKTKKS. mo d, BUT LER &. CO., Commissioit Ihrt (rants, • For the* purchase and sale of Tennessee Produce, COTTON, GROCERIES, &c. t Alabama street, south of M. &W. R. R.Depot Atlnnta, Georgia. Good Tennessee Money take i at par for Produce. rahß 6m J, ©. CH URCIIIC iZ lIIRPJiTER-Jfliiß. Doors, sashes, blinds, mould ings and HOUSE CARPENTRY or every e-ioriytion, neatly and promptly done. Shop opposite U • onuell’a Stables. Ellis-- 1. j nov.x ts FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE! /Etna fikei.\s umipasy, CAPITAL. $1,000,000. JETTS A LII'E IVS. < OJIPASV, CAPITAL. $200,000. CONNECTICUT INS. COMPA'.Y, capital, $200,000 with a largo surplus, mhlttam JOHN U. SLKDCK, Agoni A CARD. Spring and Summer Openings. Tytiss&s Ivl. JR. tX-LYING JUST RETURN*ED FROM N< .v Y'irk, respectfully calls the mention, of her former friends iin.l i«t- j Vons, well as strangers visaing theJeSL*. : gty, to her stock of SPRING AND SUMMER HATS, PRESS CAPS, HF.AD PRESSES, RIDING HATS, FRENCH FLOWERS, fee . Which she will open on Thursday Next, April Ist. at her NEW STORE. OPPOSITE MASONIC HALL, formerly occupied by Ward & Burchard. Also, a full assortment of Children ■’ HATS, X.ACESILK and MOURNING MANTILLA*, DRESS TRIMMLSMG, Ladies’ SHIRT' 4 , CORSETS and HOOPS, of every dee ripticn. M:SB MATHKFB return? thanks to her nume-- oui friOitd? and cusion.ers for their past patron age, a d solicits a continuance of the same. All orders attended to promptly. uih29 M. P. MATHEWS. GEORGE COOPER, MACHINIST AND BN'!INKER, At the old eftalAish-d Shop of George Slater, corner of Twiggs and Watkins streets , Augusta, M‘ A NUFACTURER of STEAM BK GINES. BOILERS, GRISi MILLS. CIRCU LAR SAW and GANG MILLS, SUGAR MILLS, of the most approved pattern?, of various sizes, both vortical and horizontal ; MINING MA UHJNERY, of all descriptions ; PUMPS, lor Mines, both forcing and lilting. IRON and BRASS CASTINGS made to order at the lowest prices for cash. Abo, onesixdjorae STEAM ENGINE and BOIIr £R lor .sale low lor cash. jyl.3 3m Candles. Raisins, &c- ONE HUNDRED and sevimty-fivi iU'ztA Star CANDLES : 25 l*oxeß choice RAISINS ; 60 « Pearl STARCH: 6 keg? Sup. Curb SODA 60 boxes “ Bi-Curb. SODA 25 bbb. choice Cider VINEGAR. For sale ' low by Jy2l DANIEL H WILCOX^ Nail*. FIVE HUNDRED kegs Beading and OM Dominion NaILS : r? 300 kegs Fall River NAILB- For sale low. by I jjrsl BAN I El. H. WILCOX. . —— i Pure Peat’ll Brandy. ANIiALT. lot, throe yews old, very flue. For sale by Jjp-dlm A. I). WII.UAVS* j Cow Peas. A SMALL lot in store, on coring* and for sale low, by maf 33 _ M W. WOODRUFF. j . , Fleming At Rowland n&YK in store, and are receiving— Itt'6o bales heavy Gunny BAGGING ; i.{ i‘9Uft choice ROPE ; fllMfgiLbags good to prime Rio COFFEE": “ Ldguayrn ■ 20 Maricaibo i* 40 ithds Cuba MOLASSES : 40 bbi*. >\ O. SYRUP ; * 100 box«.A'»amaatine 4 ANDLK' . T rb bbl*. CUriOed SUGAR . * 10 •• finished 44 lO hhds N. 0. “ 40 bales Assorted Factory YARNS 15 “ Ipsrvy Negro WOOLENS : W bhii RAUuK: AfiiWtprl Swedes IRON For sale low* FLEMING ti ROWLAND. ; Bisfrilantous. !T> AYERS g w Cathartic Pills jJBLmV / (SUGAR COATED, > , Are made to CLEANS® THE w BLOta • and cure: the: sick . Invalids, Fathers, Mothers, Physicians, Phi latuhropists, rend their elects, and judge of their virtues. /*>»)• cure of Heartache Sick Headache, foul Stom 1 ach. Pmsßi ao, Pji. May 1, 1860. \ ( Dk. J. C. Atbk : Sir—l have been cured of the worst headache any body can hav« -by a dost or t?*o of your Pills. It seems U . •irisc from a foul stoaaach, which they cleanst at once. If they will cure others as they do me the fan is worth knowing. Yours, with respect, FI) W. PREBLE, Clerk of Steamer Clarion, i Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints. j IhiiMMMKNT 0> THK I.VTKKIOK. \ WasBiNGTOH, D C., Feb. 7. 1866. j j j : I have used your PUls in ray general and j hospital practice ever since you made them, and t cannot hesitate to say th y ire tbe l>est cathar | tic we employ. 1 heir regulating action ou the | liver is quick and decided, consequently I bet are : « an admirable remedy for d range > ents o! th t! , i organ. Indeed I have seldom found a case of i i bilious disease so obstinate that it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally, vours. A ONZO BALL. M. D.. Physician of the Marine Hospital. Dysentery, Rehu and Worms . Post Offjc r, Hart land, Mich.. Nov. 16. 1865. 1)k. Aybk : Your Pills are the perfection ot;' medicine. They have done my wife more g *od , , than 1 can tell you. She had been sick and pin- j iug away for months. Went off to be doctored ;' U great expense, but got no butter. She then 1. commenced taking your pills, which soon cured jj f her. by expettag large quantitii a ot worms , (dead) from her body. They afterwards cure<? j her and onr two children of bloody dysentery ' ] One of our neighbors had it bad, ami toy wi*ft j. . cured him with two d'jst-c of your pill?, wkih |, otuers around us paid from five t»iwent} < ! .ol ! j lars doctors’ b.iils, und lest much time, withou ' ; bo!ng cured entirely even then. Such a modi , vine as your-, which is actually good and honest . will be prized here. GEO. j. GRIFFIN. P. M* j Indigestion ami Impurity of the Blood. 1 From the Rev J. V. HIMES. Pastor of Advent 1 J Church. Boston. Dk.Ayxr—l have used your pilis with extra ; ordinary success in my fannD and among those I am cailed to visit :u distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and purify too blood they are tbe very best rein dy I have ever know:.. : and 1 (an coulhlently recommf nd them ?o my Irion us. Yours, J. V. HIMES. 1 Warsaw, Wyoming Co.. N. Y., Out. 21. Dkxk Sir : 1 am using your Cathartic Phis :n my practice, and find them an excellent purga , five to cleanse the system and purify the fouu. 1 tains of the blood J. 0 MEACHAV. M. t). Erysipelas, Scmfidt. Ring's Evil , Tetter, Tumor:, ami Salt Rheum. From a Forwarding Merchant of St. Louis, Dk. Avkk—Your pills are t>ie paragon of all that 1.-. grout in medicine Th?y have cured my little daughter <>■: ulcerous sores uj»on her hands ■ ;*nd feet that had proved iucurable for years. Her mother has been long grievously afflicted 1 witli blotches and pimple- on her skin and in her ; hair. Alter our child was cured, ?hc- at-c tried . your Pills, ami they have cured Per. February 4,1856. ASA MORGRIDGE. Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Gouk From tbe Rev. l-r. HAWKINS, of the Y.etho | dist Episcopal Church I Pi i-aßki Hov.stk, S<»\a:*.aab, Jan. 6, 1856. IJoxorkd Sm--f should be ungrateful for the tor skill ha- brought tne '.f I did not re port my case to you A cold settled in my limbn and brought on excruc.ating neuralgic! j pains, which ended m chronic rheumatism I Notwithstanding I had ttu bes lof physician? , the disease grow worse and worse, until, by thi i advice of your excellent agent in Baltimore. Dr Mackenzie, I tried your pills. Their effects wen } slow, but sure. By persevering ia the use oi 1 them i am now entirely well. Fr.>.frE CnaxasK, Baton Rouge. La., 'f December 5, 1856 j It. Aver—! have been entirely cured by you I pills of Rheumatic Gout—a painful disease that had afflicted me for years. ' VINCENT SLIDELL lor Dropsy, I’iothora or kindred Complaints. ' requiring an active purge, the; arc v.o excellent remedy r'or Cost:\ :»r Con.-tipation, and as a Din ner Pill, they are agreeable r.i.d effectual. | Pits, Suppr saion. Paralysis. Inilammat on, and oven Deafness, and Partial B.tininess, have i been cured b> tbe alterative action of the?'.* p 11s. ’ -Most of the pills in market contain Mercury, : j which, although a valuable remedy in skilful j hands, is dangerous ir a public pill, from the dreadful consequen es ibat frequently follow its i incautious use These contain no mercury or ! mineral whatever. AYER’S (HURRY PECTORAL. For the rapid cure ofCOUG IS.COLDS. HOARSE \E . . INFLUENZA. CROUP. ASTHMA INCIH j ENT CONSUMPTION. BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING COUGH, and for the relief of consumptive pa tients in advanced stages of the disease. We need not speak to the public ofits virtues. ; Throughout every town, and almost every ham i let of the American States, its wonderful cures ’: of pulmonary complaints have made it already , ! known. Nay, few are the families in any civl i ized country on th:- continent without some 1 I personal experience of its effects . and lower yet I 5 j the communities any where which have not r j among them some living trophy of its victory 1 i over the subtle and dangerous diseases of tbe . j throat and lungs. While it is the most power ' I ful antidote yet kuowfr to man for the formida- ' bio and dangerous diseases of the pulmonary 1 ' organs, .t i.-: also the pleasantest and safest rem edy that can be employed lor Infants and young ; v>ersons. Parents should have it in store against 1 the insidious enemy that steals upon them un- ! prepared. We have abundant grounds 10 be j : Heve the Cherry Pectoral saves more lives by I ! the con-umpt>ons it preve nts than those itcures. I Keep it by yon, and cure your colds whl e they I ; are curable, nor neglect them umil no human j | skill can master the inexorable canker that, faa 1 >,toned on the vital-, eats your life away. Ail • , know the dreadful fatality of lung disorders, ! 'i 1 and as they know too the virtues of this rente* ! dy. we need ( ordu more than to assure them It ’* jis still made the best it can be. We spare no 1- coat, no care, no toil to produoe it the most por | feet possible, and thus afford those who reiv on | it the best agent which our skill can fumisli for j their cure. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER, Practical and j Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass., and sold by 3 Druggists and Agents everywhere. mv 6 WM. H7TUTTT . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Aoonrrx. ex., A r s CONSTANTLY receiving targe ad- L ditions to his stock ot DRUGS, MEDICINES, i PAINTS, OllX Ac., to which he invites the at ,r teuticn of purchasers, assuring them that no ef fort will be sp red to render them satisfaction in a every r*spcct. Tbe prices and quality of our Goods are warranted equal to any house In the j. South. Now* in store— -50 ounce* Sulphate MORPHINE „ 300 , * 4 • QUININE; 25 boxes PAIN KIULiI: 12 do/.. G*d Liver Gil , ( ! 12 “ India CfiOIAGOGUE . 12 • McMunn a EUXIR OPIUM . j 5 bbh>. CASTOR Oil* 1 1 10 “ EPSOM SALTS: | 100 boxes Peart STARCH ; 12 doz. JACOB’S CORDIAL 12 “ SANDS' SARSAPARILLA : i 10,000 ib -. best WHITE LEAD 6 gross assorted PAINT BRUSHES . j 1,000 Ibi.SAL.SODA ; J ; 60 keg- B. C. SODA. jyß dGawSm GORDON SPRINGS. LuCATLOi.N NOKITI..KN uKoßiiui, NbAK i’UN- ’ NEL HILL. ON STAIR RAILROAD. TIIHIS PLACiS bus changed hands and j j JL since the last season been iW.vrUed and ; very ranch improved For the aoiiro^'-.l.iag j i Simimor the services of an efficient landlord or 1 j lady will bo secured, whoso sole duty it will be ! to contribute to the comfort and enjoyment of visitors. A competent Baud of Music i. 5 already j secured, and while innocent amusement will be j afforded for the promotion of .sociability, all dis sipation will he strictly prohibited. In short, ( tins shall be a place where the moral and reli gums pubi c may sojourn without being offend ed. Both cold and warm Baths will be fur nished. j The curative properties of Ibe waters are pro bably unsurpassed in the Booth. Magnesia, fvery strong.) Chalybeate in Various combina tion*. &c. Number of Springs ten or twelve. Mr. S. DUNN will run daily Coaches, Hacks, k<:., from Tunnel Hill to the Springs. J. B. 60111 ON. P. B.—Having a plantation attached to the Springs, board can bo furnished much chetper j than is usual at such places. j<*7 *2ra itiulctweii and Syrup. rV'ENTY -FIYE hhds. choice* West! India MOLASSES ; 25 bbls. Sugar House HYRUI*: 25 “ Extra Sugar House 8 YFIT ; 50 “ Choice New Orleans SYRUP. For sale low. by jyM DANIEL H WILCOX. SUsffllaitrom. THE L.IVEB ; INVKtOHATOR ! PREPARED BY T>R. HAS FORD'S | COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM G- IT M S . IS ONE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE and Liver Medicines now before tbe public | that ac)A as a CATHARTIC, easier, milder, an more effectual than any other medicine known It is notonl; a Cathartic, but a Liver reme > i acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid mat j ter, then or. the stomach and bowel* to carry o I that matter, thus accomplishing two purpose j effectually, without any of the painful feeling 1 experienced in the operation*ol moelCaihurtiee It strengthens tbe system at the same time lhai it purge* it; and when taken dally in tnoderab doses, wid strengthen and build it up with ur. j usual rapidity. The liver ":.- one ofjß jto digest well, purify the principal regula- „ i'.ngjthe bleed, givirii 1 tors of the human p| jtene and health to th< » body, and when it per- A (whole machinery, re forms its functions f moving the cause ol well, tbe powers of the • the di-case,—effecting i system are fully de g a radical cure. . voloped. The stomach | B Bilious attacks are its almost entirely de lL cured, and. what is ! pendent on the healthy J better, prevented by j action of the Liver for £ the occasional use o' i the proper perform- -g the Liver Invigorator. | ancc* of its functions; * One doe* after eating when the stomach i- T is sufficient to relieve! -at fault, and the whole N tbeston;uch and pre-! • system suffers in con f vent the food from ri- j S sequence of ono organ g -ingaud souring. —the Liver, — having p . Only one dose take ■ceased to do it* duty y before retiring, pre- 1 ; For the diseases of that ! vents Nightm re. • organ, one of the pro-* . Only one dose taken* jprietor# has made It aj at night, loosens the his study, in a prac- £ [bowels gent»y, and tice of more than *2( w |cures Costivoness. 1 | years, to find some re- l _ i One dose taken after 1 . rnedy whjerewith to f [each meal will curt counteract the many m (Dyspepsia, derangements towhicn j ( One Uu.-e ol two tea ' Jit is liable • spoonfuls will aiway- ' To prove that thb« Irellove Sick Headache ; remedy L- at last | j One bottle taken fui found, an ; person ; female obstructions troubled with liver L j remove* tbe cause of i Complaint, in any of its I tbe disease, and makes forme, has hut tc* try a #. ja perfect cure, bottle, amt conviction *( Only one dose in; me-, is certain. • jdiately relieves Cholic, These Gums remove 1* while all morbid or bad mat " : One dose often ra ter from tho system M ipeated Is a .re core supplying in theirjiitor Cholera Morbus place a healthy fi-ov of! 0 | and a preventive • bile, invigorating the] E (Cholera, stomach, na using food JJj Only one bottle ia needed to throw out ol the system the effects oi ! medicine after a long sickness. One bottle taken for Jaundice remove* all sal lowness or unnatural color from the skin. One dose taken a short time be ore eating gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food di | well. One dose often repeated cures Chronic Diar rhcea in its worst forms, while .Summer and Bowel Complain Is yield almost to the first doe. One or two doses cures attacks caused by 1 Worms in children, there is no surer, safer, or 1 speedier remedy m the world, as it ne\ or fails, j A !ew boltk*A"cures Drojysy. by exciting the 1 . absorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this medi ; « ine as h jircventivc for Fever and Ague, Chill * Fever, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It ope-! rates with certainty, and thousands are willing , to testiiy to its w onderful virtues. All who use it are giving their unanimous tes 1 tiinocy in its favor. Mix Water iu the mouth with the Invigorator. and swallow both together. ! The UVER INVIGORATOR is a scientific Medi 1 cal Discovery, and is daily working cures, al ; moat too great to believe It cures as if by ma- ; gie, evev the first dose giving benefit, and seldom j more than oho bottle is required to curt* any kind ; jof Liver complain’, from the w or§t Jaundice or i • Dyspepsia, to a common tfead.o he. all of which j ; aro the result of a Diseased Liver. Price, $1 per oottii* SANFORD & 00., Proprietors, 345 Broadway, New York. Sold, wholesale and retail, by PLUMB & LF.H NER, W. if TUTT, and Druggists everywhere, mbit) 1$ MILL STONES! \\ ILLIAM BRENNER. Manufacturer of f rtßt | §«rr tunes, \ND dealer in Esopus and Cologne Stones. Broad-street, above Upper Market. Augusta, Ga. Orders solicited ana punctually it tended to. janT-Iy BYINGTON 8 HOTEL BROAD STREET, ALBANY, GEORGIA. J. T. DYINGTON, I'ROPIIItTOR. The Stage Office, for stages running to Thim iasvHle. Bain bridge, Quincy aud TalUha-se? kept at this House jyl-dswcm IMONTVALE SPRINGS. BY MM DOi\. A DAILY LINE! UNDtaKbIGNED, induced by the ! X large travel on the Ixradon Route last sea on, have increased their facilities, ind are de- , tormined to make it the cheapest and : most convenient route on the lino of ail road , • from Daltou to Knoxville—having, from tiie lo- j ! cadon 0 the country, by nature the best route (—only one river to cross, with cool Soring* along the tine and convenient to the road, which }is in good order Also, one of the very bt at ! Houses in East Tennessee, at halfway distance, ij kept by Mr Norwood, who is well* known to . , those who have stop tied with him or partaken I• of bis good tilings He has enlarged his House, ( for the accommodation of his guests. At Loudon ! j LRUTY S Hot*.*l, convenient to the Depot, is stiff t kept by Wm M. Alkxxki kr, who will be !«(* >■ imred 10 receive and cutert cn ina guests with . . the best tbe country affords. i Under the present Railroad schedule Larders r . will reach l.oudou at half prist ten o'clock at j night, and leave early next morning, reaching j the Springs in the afternoon. SUouiu ttra Sche y J dole change during the watering season, we will be prepared to meet it. If iu uay light, aud travelers should arrive in the morning, we will 1 leave immediately and go through, or if ar from jl2 to 3 o’clock, we will leas e aud stas all uigbt , at Norwood’s, tbe half-waj House, und reach ! the Springs next morning. In a word, without j puff, puff, puffing, we are prepa-ed with Vehicle* ''—OMNIBUSES, HACKS. Ac.—good stock, safe J 1 j drivers, and flatter ourselves we will be able to | make it a pleasant trip to all who may travel ou r ‘ J our line. 12 j At Loudon, we have a tri weekly (and part of r the rcute a daily) hue of stage* to McMinnville, ** j via Kingston aad Sparta, aud also steamboat a t | rivals, which will afford other facilities j We ask traveler.- to take their Tickets to Lou I don and try our Hue, and also guard ugainst misrepresentations of our route N. B.—lt is import nt to persons going to tbe ' Springs, that they should cot take Through Tick ets, but tako them to Dalton, Ga., and then they . can got tLem \o any point between Dalton and ' Knoxville. Tenn. No Through Tickets are giver to points between Dalton and Knoxville. J H. k D. L. CARMICHAEL. W.W.ALK ANDER, JAS. THACKER, Proprietors. London. June 1, 3868. Je6-d*w Tobacco. TWO HUNDRED boxes low priced TOBACCO in store, and for sale low, by jy2l _ DANTEL H. WILCOX. Bagging, Bagging. IjMFTSr bales heavy Guuny CLOTH, ' just received, and for 3ale at jylfi IFANTIGXAC& HI BBARD’S. ' Bacon. JT'IVE THOUSAND pounds Tennessee J; HAMS ; 10.000 lbs. Tennessee SHOULDERS . i JO.OOO “ Clear SIDES ; 10.000 “ Ribbed SIDES* jv23 THOS. P. STOVALI. & CO To Kent, From first day October next, a BRICK STORE, soutti >lde Broail street, a few doors above the Upper M*r- SSJigj kit; also, the DWELLING HOUSE over- jgi«B head. —ALSO— A DWEU.IXR HOUSE in the lower part of the city. • r.e .or be'f.v 0 . Dugas’s residence. —ALSO — " I The two TENEMENT DWELLINGS immediate ly in the rear. Apply ta jylO-tf W. H. HOWARD. Hope. ipOUR HUNDRED whole and half i* coils Green Leaf ROPE, for sale low. by jy22-wtf ESTES .It ULARK. UtkfUaiuons. . Fare Reduced to $12,50, FROM AVGUSTA TO WELDOX. IMPORTANT CH ANO K OF RAILROAD SCHEDULES, ' VIA COLUMBIA. CHARLOTTE. RALEIGH TO WELDOX. i Time (he sarne as on any other route. a&mmi&mwm OS and afterTUESDAY. fith April th, toliowing uill bo tire schedule between lugnsta and New York via Columbia, 3. C.; •rtjive Augusta. 10.00 A >:• .oare Columbia 7 00 F i .cave Charlotte 1.09 A .V i/fcave Raleigh IV 00 A 111 Leave Weldon 2.00 P M arrive at New 1 ork, by either Peters burg or Portsmouth route 6.'30 P>' Leave New York S.OO A M ~eavo Philadelphia . 1.00 I* > Baltimore © o<» P \ ! l*cave Weldon (in davl.. 12.00 M Leave Raleigh .. 4.16 PM Leave Charlotte 12.00. M Arrive at Columbia 5 00 A M i Arrive at Augusta.. . 1.15 PM Passengers going North desiring to connect I witht.h Express Train at Columbia, will take j the morning trains at Montgomery, Chaita | nooga, Augusta and Charleston, und the evening trains at Atlanta and Savannah, and connect in daylight at Weldon with both the Washington 1 City and Bay Routes. Passengers going South, by taking this route at Wehlon, as in above Schedule. wilj reach j Charleston and Augusta as ,-oon as’ by any oth or line, and connect with either rou«e Sooth or West from that point, as their tickets will { aIIOW. B. Passenger' going North will buy their tickets to Augusta. (Ja., only, and those! , going South, to W ,ld *n. N. C.. nt *>i hich point* ; Through Ticket? and Through thecas can be , had. and where rlmv will have choice of routes. This Route is the GREAT CENTRAL LINE, via ’oluihbia, CticstcrVilie. Charlotte. Salisbury. ■. *reensboru\ Raleigh. Franklinton. Henderson . ’.o Weldon, X C., anil pas. us over an elevated. healthy and populous co m n . with hue scenery 1 tod pure water. This route* is almost entirely ; free from dost. Passengers and invalid travel ’ * levs wishing to stop at night, taking the day ac torn mod at ton train, will pass over the entire ; route by daylight, finding on the route good ’ Toteis and resting places K9~Baggngu check '-j to Weldon from Augus ! ta. Charleston and Columbia, and nre vena. i For furthur information, see guides of thl? I route, or inquire of LEWIS LEVY. ” Agent at Augusta. f or. C. I>. BOY DEN, ' apls-4m Vravelhor A«r«*»t South. Claiborne, Bootlt & Co,, Virginia Tobacco Ag’ts, No. 20 Sooth Culvert-street , Haiti more, HAVE IN STORE 10,000 packages manufactured TO R A. j comprising m part, the following popular brands, j i to which they Invite the attention of the trade : 1 Pounds. Pounds, j J. S. Hale. Extra. C Basham, J S. Hale, Flue Cured, Holland’s Star, I Moorman & Peters. Wa-h. Martin. ; Keen & Moorman O. Meadow, j Grace Barling, Joe Johusou. 1 John Poe, J. P. Morris. , W. T. Hale, C M.Sublett. | Mary Adisott. Powell A Haying, 1 Samuel Ward. J*. L. Claiborne. .John Finny. Cloth of Gold. j j J. W. North, Ciaibo/ne k Taliaferro, ! P. Fry, Daniel Hickman. | G. W. Thom j* >n. w. p. Tinslev. i J. Teel. City us Hills' Christopher T.. Monk-an. ifa I later ro k M.» • W. K. Flippis: J Be t\ Oliver, Gray & Brother. 1 Wm. J.. Ogden. Charles Asher, j B H. Carter k Co., G. Doran, Grleshutn Choice, Anderson ! W. D. Penn. Lipscomb. CRUMPTON ’S FOILED TWIST, ANDERSON b MILLER’S i HOLLANDS • ÜBLETT’S “ HOLLAND’S PAN CAKE, HOLMES’ TWIST. ' MILLER’S NAT BRIDGE TWIST. ‘ ; IP‘I LA NIPS ROUGH AND READY Black j Pounds, Five’s, Ten'-. Half )bc. Piikinton’*, j . ; Planter's Pride, io Five’s and Half lbs. jylS-om GIBBS’ I 5 A TBIV T IS EWING MACHINE. THIS MACHINE jIP ADMIRiBLT ADAPTED I i for I PLANTATION USE! i! t CHKAPXESS A\D DIR A BH.ITV. 5 ; ! IT CAN UK TAKEN APART AND PVT TOGETHER * IN PEEFECT RUNNING ORDER, i Within Three Minutes! o „ ■ CAN BE TURNED EITHER backward Or Forward,! If IS ALT, THE 8 A MS, AS TBS I Machine keep s on Running! I ! Opposition Will Never Kill Us. ALSO, THE PALMETTO SEWING MACHINE, PRICE S6O. WE CHALLENGE the World to pro- j duce its equal for SPEED, DURABILITY AND BEAV-\ TY OF SEWING. The MACHINES can lie seen in ope ration at tke Store of I. H. STEARSS, CO., NSAR MECHANICS' BASK, AUGUSTA, OA. AGENTS WANTED FOR TIIE SOUTHERN STATES. M . J , OLUFP, AGENT FOR THE SOUTH, | At the Machinery Agency of Messrs. JKcllog & Dodge, 54 Broad Street, ray 6 CHARLESTON, S. C. I Coffee. TWO IITjNDEED and fifty bags prime . X and choioo Kio CUFF tI : bags oboL*e Lag-iajrr» COFFEE: 20 *• “ Santo- COFFEE. For sale low by ,i>2l PAMEi, H. WJLOOX. IHistfllaircoas. GROVER & RARER H 1 SEWING MACHINES. KEATONS why the Grover &l Bake* Machine is universally preferred lor family owing: 1. It Is more simple and easier kept in order ban any other Machine. 2d. it makes a mum which will not rip or avel, though every third stuck is cut. 3d. It sews from two ordinary spools, and thus >ll trouble of winding thread is avoided, while he same machine can be adapted at pleasure y a mere change of spool, to ull varieties of wort 4th. The same machine ruus silk, linen threat j nd common pool cotton with equal facility, j sth. The seam is as elastic as the most clast! j abric, so that it Is free from all liability t.obroa n washing, irouing, or otherwise. 6th The stitch made by this machine i*-; mot beautiful tlmu any other made, either by bar tr machine Merchants can secure the sales of these Mi hiDosJn th«?sr different loonlitiC'*, with proftib themselves and their customer.*, bv app yingv i j the under signed, owners o' the Right for Gvoyn j I These machines are always on exhibition their Sales Room, on Bread .street ray 4 TUGS. P. STOVALL k CO. Sew ainl Valuable PU BLI CATIONS ! FROM the groat Publishing House ofj BLACK IK & SONS. Glasgow, Edinburg and ! liObdon, consisting of the ollowtng >t.-.indatd ; editions Tlie Imperial Family P»ible : Brown a Bible, with Cook's Notes : do do Dictionary ; Imperial Gazetteer, highly illustrated, ’u6a’67. I Italy—Classical, Historical and FT tures-que ; j Works of Robert Burns, comp etc and- illus trated ; Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen i Gold-mitb’s History of the Earth and Aoiira- ! ted Nature ; Prof. Andrew's Cyclopedia of I) mestic Modi- J 1 cine and Surgery ; Poetical and Works of Kit rick Shepherd; Memoirs of Napoleon, by M. Bourionne ; The above, and many other Works in the Cata logue are recommended by Rev. Dr. t-ray the, of Charleston. Carpenters and Joiners Assistant, by Kray KrafTt. and others ; | Book of Ornamental Designs, w ith 40 plates ; Rural Architecture, by Jno. White, Architect; Railway Machinery, by I). Konneaf (lark . Engineer and Machinists Drawing Book, b> M Lc Blonc. ! Practical Tailor’.-; Guide to tbo Cutting Room. Subscription and orders received for the above by the Agent, at I. H. STEARNS k (¥).'S ottlce, door above Mechanics’ Bank, Rr*nd-street, Augusta. Ga. J. GUMMING. Agent. jjfjr Agent for the Scottish American Joorua s , a weekly newspaper. my 11 __ ATTENTION rnHE PUBLIC GENKIiALLV and PUy- A piciane are respectfully informed that the • subscriber has. roevived nil the Apparatus and Materials for manufacturing the celebrated now remedies bVPtUP 6UPERPHOSI’HA'i’E IKON and C H E MIC AL FOOD;; atid that he i» prepared to furnish those reme dies at the low rates of $w per dozen THOMAS P. FOG ART*. Broad .st.. Angusta. •«., under Augusta Hote P. S A ■ the utmost care and skill art* requii el in their xoanufindurr, tlw public arc cant lor ed against purchasing mmv worthless con ; pounds now in the market. je22 T. P. 1 RICH DRESS GOODS. BROOM a NOR HULL H AVE JUST RECEIVED, por Adams’ express C<unpanv ; Rich Organdie FLOUNCED ROBES, ! do Twisted Silk do do i do Jaconet ROBES a’QUTI.I E. I do Organdie do do ;i|t French PRINTED JACONETS, do do C a M BRIGS, do do BRI LI J ANTES. ' A large and handeotnc assortment of MAN TILLAS. of Lace and Silk. , I INFX YOKKB. very handsome. PK4UK CLOTH, WHITE TRIMMINGS, ALEXANDE. S KID GU>VFS. rnyS SINGER CO.’S wnm v jumj kg km SEWINGMACHSNES. fTIHESE arc the only Machines whieq } wilUo, ON /m. phen, Agents. || \ A • REL 1. ’S Book Store. 244 Broad-street. FLAX THREAD, for Plantation use ; SILK . TWLST, Sewing Machine OIL, NEEDLES, kc., ' for sale. Apply for a copy of Scwcr & Co. ! a Gazette. Sent free by mail. jo4 if I Chesnut Grove Whisky, I / * j. ~ c.w. 7 XJF E A RE THE SOLE AGENTS for the V T sale of the above WHISKY, made in the ? fhtta of Pennsylvania, and no doubt the puroet and best article manufactured in lira U.Pt&tes Retailers can now be accommodated with an unadultemtud urtiole, uertifted to by Messrs. Soothe, Garnett and C&xnac, Analytical ChemrsLs in Philadelphia. For sale by the barrel and box of twelve quart >. jugs,«y je3o-3ra T. W. FLEMING Si CO. ! JOHN N. GOW, MARBLE-WORKER. V|"ONUMENTS, of all description!?, j J-t_L executed in the best form, at THE LOWEST PRICES, ■ind *n the sh:rtest time compatible gvdHjfll!')!} 1 ! with faultless workmanship. | f Persons in want of Marble-Work ' , of any kind we invited to call. Shop on Campbell-street, be- ""v -t': tween Broad and Greene-street. nov23 JOHN N. GOW To Heat, i QEVERAL HOtJSIB oq Walker and |C3 Watkin treets. Algo, a STORE, vritfa TEN- BfENTactioluin*. jy a I. H. STEARNS & CO. Children’s Carriages. I HAVE the largest stock, aud best as sortmenr, in the city, at prices from 56.60 to , jjitS eacti. Call and see them before buying else where. jyi4 s. c. mustin. UtkeHamm IMPORTANT ’NATIONAL WORKS Sold by SabscrijXion Only. Published by D. Appleton & Go., Iff. York. "IlilJE following .Standard Books com L mence the aorlcsff To insure uuiiorro price* ■ml regularity in the delivery of the volumes t ubscrlbers in all i»artt< of the country, local gents are or will be appointed in every city und irincipul town ; and we shall arm to employ on y such ;>ereon« as will have the confidence ol he people. The books will be :n every respe t >quai to the sample shown, and u® pains or ex pense will be spared to produce the works begun n a reasonable time, aud to the entire upproba ion of subscribers. I. The Abridgement of the Ddxttee of Con * jress; or, the Political History ol the United States. From tho original rioeun eats. Editoa »y Col. Thomas H. Benton. In Fifteen large oc tavo volume.-, of about 750 two-column pagw. This work bus now reached the Fifth volurno. md is now giving great satisfaction among ail classes. It will contain the wisdom of Congres.- tor seventy years, and will bean invaluable part if the. history of the country. It is of national merest, and one of the most valuable compen Hums for public and priv te libraries ever i«- iued. The work realises a desideratum felt, md of all others, for the political history of the Government, most wanted. Its wide range of characters, each one speak ing for himself, and representing his own party, and its far stretch of time, make it of the great est value to the nation, lbo Indexing is very complete, ho that an v name or subject desired may be found in either volmne du^'C. ‘ Terms —The wor - } s publishing exclusively by subscription, and the volumes are issued at iu- I terrain of from 2to 3 months. In cloth binding it $3 , law sheep $.'1.50 : half morocco $4 ; half I calf extra $4 50. each volume payaole as deliv ierod. 11. The Xe v American Cyclopaedia, form* log a complete Dictionary of General Knowledge. Edited by A. Dana and George R» i lky. aided by * numerous seioot corps of writers in j all brandies of Science, Art aud Literature. ! Tho object and desire of the publisher- 3 and ! editors is to produce a Cyclopaedia of the hichc-s i character, aud to meet the wants of the Ameri ' can people. | The work i< not founded on any European model, but will, as far as the nature of a Cycle ] media permits, possess a strictly original charac i ter. All the iniormation of any importance con- j tamed in the following works will by comprised j in the New American Cyclopaedia, via: Encyclopaedic Britannic a; Fenny Cyclopaedia ; Conversations Lexicons : Euc.) •lopi-.he Moderne; Pictionnaria de la Conversation ; I Envy cl pedie Metropolitan c-; Eneyelopedie ties Gens du Monde , Nouveau Biographic Gem-rale, together w ith a large number of Dictionaries and : Cyclopfodias on special subjects. With the command of the most ample resources by arrangements already made w ith a large i number of tho most distinguished writers in ; America and Europe, the publishers do not hesi tate to say, that the New American Cyclopunha ‘ will be superior in exteir, variety, and exact- ! ness of iniormation, to any similar publication in j tho English language. The work will be published exclusively by | subscription, in about dlleen large octavo vol ume each containing 750 tM-colv nn pages, mm in exterior ippearance will bo at once elo-j gantand substantial. The volumes will be is-} sued serially in cloth, at $3 ; library stylo, j Leath* r. $3.60 ; half morocco, $4 ; bail Russia : extra, $4.50 ; each payable on delivery. The first volume is now ready,and the second j will bo issued early in the Spring, and then con tinue the successive volumes every two or three months. 111. Cydopcedut of American Eloquence. - - A collection ol Speeches aud Addresses, Forensic and Parkamentary, by the most eminent Orators of America, with biographical sketches and illus ti stive cotes. Edited by Frank Moobk. 1 This work contains many speeches never be fore published. All the speeches of Patrick , Hbnky, also speeches and specimens by the fol low -ng, among many others : Samuel Adams, Washington, James Otis, I)r. David Ramsay, Aiex Hamilton. John Dickinson, Rich .rd Henry Lee, Dr. John Witherspoon, ! Win Livingston, I>«\ Rtrnj. Ru.-h, John Rutledge, Chief Justice Marshall. ! The work is completed in twr volumes, con • taining about 1200 i-'ages roya! otavo uize, and; font i.een finely engraved portraits from steel 1 plates. Price for the two volumes in cloth, $5 00 , Li- j brary style, Leather. s£; half morocco, $7; half, calf extra, SB. Subscribers will be supplied es fust as the binding can b executed and as the work will 1 }bo solo oniy by subscription, ail persons desi-i rous of obtaining it, and who have n6t already | entered their names, are invited to do so. IV. Cyclopedia of Wit and Humor , com prising a oofloetro i of complete rrtieks, and specimens <>!' written H MORand EGCENiRK.T -TIEB, trom the most eminent Humorists of Ame rica, frt land. Scotland and England, with 800 Engravings, made expressly for the text, from original designs ; also 24 Portraits. Edited by William E. Burton, the celebrated comedian. Among the authors of the articles which appear in the volumes are the following : James K. Paulding, Dr. &umucl Peters, Henry Pickering, John Trumbull. Robert C. Sands Dr. Jeremy Belknap, John Bernard, Jos. Roviman Drake, I Heury J. Finn, F.G. Halleck, Theodore 8 Fay, John Howard Payne, Wm. (J. Bryant, Dr. S ml. L. Mitchell, j Gulian C. Verplank, Joel Barlow, | William Dunlap, H. H. Brackenridge, j Washington Ails ton, David Paul Brown, I j Dr. Samuel Gilman. Willis Gaylord Clhrk, I Judge James Haß, Ehza l^esiie, ) Col. Wm. L. Stone. Mrs. Caroline Gilman, Robert M Bird, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grenville Mellon, Washington Irving, i M. M. Noah, J. O. C. Brainorri. Richard Penr. Bmhh, Robert S. Collin, the Bos John Inman. ton Bard. Tho work will be issued in 24 parts, semi monthly , at 26 cents. Forming 2 large volume? at $3 60 each, or fbur divisions neatly bound in cloth, at $2 each. •. We bog leave cordially to Invite our follow . citizens in all parts of tho country to co-operate with us iu bringing out thin series of standard . and useful works. Subscribers to “ Bouton's Thirty Years’ View."’ of which more than 60,000 have been subscribed fbr, are informed that the snsond i volume completing the work is now ready, and win be supplied in the various styles to match the fir it. although considerably larger, at the same price. . Local Agents wanted BENJ. G. IJDDoN. Madison. Geo., fvbl General Agent for the State gg;§r~ dealers i lUREIVIEDICINE^ tINSTRUMEfITS f j>«W€B, PAINTS,OILS \ gc - AOCUSTA J* ■zz'm-rr ..u iu New York and Savannah, THE AMERICAN ATI ANTIC SCREW BTEA MSHIP ! CO’S NEW AND ELEGANT STEAMSHIPS HUN Capt. Robert Ifttrtllc. MONTGOMERY, Copt. Fred. Crocker, WILL FORM A r— tween Savannah and «ew 3? York, leaving each port // TT »i’T, 'X I* 1 * EVERY SATURDAY. ts tfi Those steamers. (KMF) tom, each, have elogautaccommofl.nttoaetbr Pas seugers, and being of great strength and s-ecd. ! ihlppors can rely on the greatest dispatch to freight For farther particulars, apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN & CX>., Savannah, Ga. or, H. B CROMWELL A CO., ap!6-ly No. 131 Wj>-&ngton-«t, N York. Sfobfs, &in, fa, STOVES,^GRATES, RANGES, &C S. S. JONES & CO. BUG AGAIN to call the attention of their numerous customers and the puWia generally to their extensive assortment of J STOVES, GRATES, RANGES -1 and a complete variety of even thing pertatumg tea First Clast Hoi?e Furnishing Store. M • <«» 1 Oorasßorimeutm this 'epartment is a’i (hat the most fastidious can desire. Wfc have nearly * every style of COOK, OFFICE and PARLOR STOVES kept by any other bouse in the city, and many desirable patterns that are to be found m - dufvrly at our establishment. I at* I i Ol these goods, we have some thirty differock patterns, ail bought withiu the last sixty day:-: and from the latest designs We think we hazard . nothing in saying that we can offer a , ' MUCH GREATER VARIETY ■ in this line than all other dealers la the city eon> 1 bided. 1 „ . -E9*mm mm f***m~. * Having tested nearly all the different stylet of Ranges extant, we have tor two years past sold ; Motts' PATENT INVINCIBLE RANGE exclusive s ly, believing them to be the very best iiruele offered. We have sold some twenty of these Ranges in Augusta and vicinity, and they have nev-tr failed to give perfect satisfaction. We will sell to any customer with a lull guarantee that these Ranges are perfect in their operation 1 inev'iypartwular. House Furnishing Goods. In this department enumeration is out of the , question. Our assortment is, as usual, c-om •• l>lcb\ and no effort will be spared on cur part to retain for our bouse the position it has occupied for five years past. It is well known that we keep MORE THAN POUBLE the s.ock aud va riety of any nuuseiutbe city.and our? is, intact, \hy. kLKi to purchase House Furnishing •toons. The Increase of our business "in this department has entirely exceeded cur ezpeeta'ioiis. Oar •fiTortS to establish a First Class llouse-Fii rnishlng Store have been crowre-d with success by an apprecia ting public, aud our motto is “ Upward and On ward. -M-E .» «■>«• «»,»»»«■»*_ ; We nave in store an unusually heavv stock o i Tir< Plate, Sheet Iron, Sheet Copper, Iron Wire j Block Tin, Pig and Bar Lead. Also, a largo j stork of Japanned Ware, Pressed Covers and ! Plato- of every description, Bucket Ears Rivets, | Tinners* Tools and Machines, &c., which we offer | o the trade n the very best terms, ' S. S. JO NFS * CO., °ct-l 210 Broad stree:. A NF. M A N I> \ AJL VA D L tfi REME D Y . COLIIMBIAN BITTERS! CQMPOMSfi STUICTLY OF IKK i CHOICEST YEGETTABUS EXTRACTS, AND WAKKANTKI* TO GIVK GREAT RELIEF IX DYSPEPSIA, i j And ail di.sea.-es arising from A Disordered State of the Stomach ; CJEUH AS NAUSEA. CONSTIPATION. \yj FULLNESS OK BLOOD to the- Head, G Jdi • ne«4 of the head, depression of spirit?, loss o( I appetite, i>aiii in the syh- and hack, fever and ■ general debility, and the ‘‘thousand other j ills ” arising from indigo tion and enfeebled con ' j dition of the. digestive organs. Habitual costive ness: is found very frequently connected with j feeb'e constitutions, and persons of sedentary : habiw, which often exerts a very unfavorable '; influence upon tho general health of the subject i and is particularly manifested by a resting aar ! deeponningßtat» of, irregular, if cota i of appetite. For this condition of the system, this article te confidently recommended with the positive as suranco that, if the cose is properly adjustwl, -e us not to mo\ ■ the bowel.- too actively, RELIEF j may be relied on, without any', «veu the least, I of the unpleasant consequences rosultuig from j the use of tiie common purging tneuicines c*na» ! iy resorted to. Persons afflicted with HEMORRHOIDS. | ciiu partake or this medicine with safety, as Alow | j form - no part ot its composition Sold by druggists and merchants generally . a, “ l m Augusta, by Haviland, Cbicheater k Co. ; Wm H. Tutt, and Plumb & i eitner. |.i feb3-6m Cash Paid for OLD ROPE ID BIBBING T7IOR HEMP BAGGING AND ROPE, Jl 2 l i cents per Jb ; For GUNNY BAGGING, J cents per lb ; GRASS ROf’F.. 1 1 At BATH PAPER MILLS OFFICE, an ReynqlU-street, between .Ineksen an.( Mo j Intosh. i Butter and Cheese. boxes choice NEW CHEEfiE . 25 kegs prime ttLTrcf’., just received, non : for sale low by •.'>* l'n A. 0. WgJOAMB GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS. TAMJOS HLNEY being desirous of ma king a change in his business, offers trou this date, his eruire stock of Dry Goods for Cash, lower than any ever offered in this or any othe city in the South. All pers' ns desirou- of laying out monf" to the best advantage, will do well to call and .sa his stock, i hey may be sure of saving from 2 tofto p- ret. u - b«? is determined on sail ngoff’th* outii o sua:k of his Goods by the drat us October. If you want SILK, plain or hgured, Gail a; HENKYU s R you want BAREGEB, solid col'd or printed, Call at IJKNKY’F. If you want MUSLINS, white or coPd, Call at HEN FT S. ® R you t LMBROIDERIES, for L. hies or Mwses 11 Cal' at HENRY’S It you want HOSIERY, UI.OYES RIBBONS, BON NETS. kr... Os til at HENEY’S B If jou wont GINGHAMS, SHEETIN’-:. SHIRTINGS * *c., Call at HKNEY'r t> Or if you want ary other article usually f;«nw h in a Dry Gooda or Millinery Store, and vai e them at prices for cosh, ut which vou never ej peeled to sec them, call ut HENRY'S Store, ne\ above the Georgia Railroad Dank. All persons indebted to him are requested to come and .settle up. jyiq Wanted, BY A YOUNG MAN, employment for a few months. Will do collecting for f'iiy -uqians or B usiness Houses in the city, for a rea soMahlecompcnsation. Best of reference# gi *en. Apply at tliu> office. jyl-m* M. II LINVILLE, Machinist and Engineer, SAVr.N.NAH, V4UWOU, Manufacturer of steam en- GLNI-'. BOILERS, SUGAR MILLS, CIR Ct’LAK and GANG SAW MILLS, Ac., &r. ' The subscriber also keeps constantly or hand Stationary and Portable ENGINES, fro m tour to ;lltv horse power, manufactured by H. E-usk k Co.. Atlantic Dock Works, Brooklyn. IRON RAILING—I am manufacturing the most approved patterns of WROUGHT and CAST IRON RAILING, and r ave the Aiency of (be New York Wire Railing ulvi Iron Bedstead Comp-ny. JyS ly H. H. UNTOLR. SUGAR MILLS A GOO It, SUBSTANTIAL MILL with wrought iron journals. made and adapt o.l expressly for grinding flit linphee, or >'hi nase Sugar C'a».-, ran now b t obtained ortho subscribers. Versons who are experimenting in Sugar and Syrup making, are invited to give tins Mill an examination. Numbers of them > ere used last season, with complete satisfac tion- Orders attended to, and alt enquiries promptly answered. I. H. STEARNS Sr CO., Broad-st., near Mechanics' Bank. Augusta, Ga Copartnership Notice' THE UNDERSIGNED have this day oulered into a copartnership under tin name and style or HOLLINGSWORTH & BALE "IN. for the transsclior of a general Grocer and Commission business, at the store former! occupied by J. F. Cleraeaco, three doors belo the I'lanter’a Hotel. JOHN B HOLLINGSWORTH. ii/ stf Walter a. Baldwin, A GOOD supply in store' bf~vatloDs brands and qualities, for sale by JylS M. W. WOODRUFF