Newspaper Page Text
Anting Btspaitb.
Satanlay Evening, .Tally 31. IH5£.
Visit to Alkin. Okf.
Wo have enjoyed no Tccent period of
ruralizing more than a few days spent
amid the quiet shades o: Aiken, and iD
rambling over the vino-clad bills of old
Barnwell This latter term may seem
anovel and exaggerated expree-ion, but
tbe time is not distant when : f will be
a common designation for the briar
patches and sterile hill-sides that now
constitute unseemly blotehes on the face
o* that, goodly commonwealth. But
first, of our observations in Aiken, and
more of onr vinous experiences in con
Aiken naturally possesses a similar re
lation to Augusta that our complacent
Charleston brethren assign for our city
to theirs—that of “a suburb.'' And
among all the sandy environs there is
none perhaps possessing as many artrac
Irons A half-hour's ride from our sun
smitten Carolina depot, brings the trav
ellcr to Aiken, where he will find
Schwartz e large and commodious ho
tel, with airy rooms, and shady piazzas,
ever 300 feet in length. Then, if be
wants recreation, after sleeping com
fortably under a blanket or two, he
may visit the Oraniteville Factory, the
Paper Mill, or tjie Kaolin Porcelain
Works, each of which are within a
drive of an hour or two, or of easy ac
cess by the cars Should he prefer rus
ticating among the peach-orchards,
watermelon-patches or vineyards, he
will meet with genuine Carolina hospi ■
tality on every baud, from the cultiva
ted families of the vicinity. Our Au
gusta people would enjoy a more olote
intimacy with these people, whe lose all
the airs of exclusiveness- -of which they
are accused, and which is not all iraag
inary—the moment you approach theii
own vino and fig tree, and who are easi
ly convinced that the Savannah liver is
not the western boundary of the limits
of civilization!
Aiken has ten or twelve stores, two or
three Churches, and many beautiful
private residences. Its population is
about 1000. It is an admirable location
for educational Institutions, which seem
to have been strangely neglected.—
Messrs Gluts & Maruuh have recently
opened the Classical and Citadel Acade
my, where they propose to prepare boys
for College or for the Charleston Mili
tal? .institute. They are thorough
sC&i&sijc *nd begin under favorable au
spices. Mr. Majouh is a graduate of
.... ,|he Charleston Citadel, jtpjtff*.fWh
lent tactician, while Mr. fTiusff*w-'VftU.-
qualified to impart instruction it« the
classics. We would commend this
school to the attention of onr readers
who give their sons the advantages of
a practical education, where they may
not be removed fiom all parental ohsei
vationor control, and where they art
in no danger from fevers or epidemics.
On Wednesday the "Aiken Vine Grow
ing and Horticultural Association” met
at the Town llall, for the purpose of
completing its organisation, and exhib
iting fruits. We frankly confess our
surprise upon seeing such a rich and va
ried collection of grapes, peaches, apri
cots, plums, apples, pears, snellons, &c.,
which it would be difficult to surpass or
to equal, in any neighborhood in the
Among the principal contributors to
the collection, wo noticed the names of
Messrs Purvis, of Caradkuo, Lzcark,
Cornish, Hook, Kavknel, V. Lalast*.
of Augusta, Brooks, Mrs. and
one or two others, whose names we did
not learn.
A Mr. WnKAT was there from "Fast
Florida" with Borne California grape
cut rings, which sold like hot cakes -
such is the zeal of the people in the
pursuit of the best varieties.
Wo shall have the official proceedings
of the meeting in a few days, which will
tut laid before our readers. The object
of this Association is to promote the
cnltivation of toe vine, and of choice
fruits in the vicinity. Hb scope com
prises three or four districts on the Car
olina side, and Richmond count;, but
competitors for prizes are invi'ed from
everywhere. After tbe meeting had
adjourned, we, in eomparf with a iriend |
from Augusta, visited the farm and ,
vineyard of Mr. A. »* Cahadruc, six ;
miles from Aiken. His arm comprises
several hundred aces of piney woods
slopes, with »ver a hundred acreb of
good bottom land. We found his resi
. donee located in a wild rocky glen,
overlooking his ample fields, and em
bowered amid a beautiful growth of
shrubbery, planted by his own hands,
arid embellished with many striking ev
idences of his mechanical skill ard ar
tistic genius. In addition to his varied
experiments in nistters os practical hor
ticulture, be Iras gathered over one hun- .
dreri varieties of the shrubs and tiowers I
of that section, aud painted them with )
striking exactntp. The chief object !
of interest, aside from the good cheer ;
of his accomplished f amily circle, we
found to behia vineyard—the first wehad
ever visited. It comprises about seven
acres, ehiafly on the slopes of san- |
too ponr-to make a respectable
showing w»,«ds. # He ha* tried every
avoraVe Hxtii&yapbd as feUsuccess lias
been given to the reari-orß of the S msthern
Oultnatcr, perhaps it is not a proper
place to recount it. He regards the (
Warren grape superior to any other.—
I No fai r average test has ever been made,
of the amount of the wine made from
an acre, bnt his estimate is two hun
dred gallons. The late frost destroyed I
most of his crop this season, and he will j
! make but little wine.
His wine cellar contains liquors of va-!
rious kinds, of his own manufacture, all'
strictly pure. Some of his wines are
delicious, and only lack a reputation to
give them precedence among connoisseur*
, We tasted, for the fust time, a new ar
, j tide like brandy, marie from the Chin
:ese sugarcane. It is infinitely better;
I j already than many of the villainous!
'compounds of the day under thatj
1 name.
We would like to go into a more mi ,
| nute description of the .harming re
treat of this accomplished scholar, and
eminently practical horticulturalist— to j
describe his spring, with its rustic house; j
' i tbe rock fences that enclose some of his.
j fields--and the air of rural simplicity!
and solid comfort, combined with tbe
graces of polished manners and cordial i
I hospitality which impress the visitor;
so forcibly. Even the I title girl, not I
i yet taught to look outside the charms |
! of home for pleasure and companion
ship had seemed to multiply the beguil
ring toys of juvenility until no article
in the range of household economy was
wauling in her recherche establishment, j
1 j which occupied a whole end of the;
But craving indulgence for the obser
vations we have made, We must hasten j
to conclude these crude etchings of a
two day's sojourn among our
neighbors, with just a word in reference |
to the vineyard of Dr. McDonald, near
! that of Mr. he Oaradkco. He was one j
1 of the pioneers of the grape culture I
South, and has now about eighty acres
in the vine. He informed us that he
had found the Catawba, so popular in
our Georgia vineyards, inferior to the
Warren, the Burgundsand the Isabella, j
His viDes are chiefly the Izabella. His
were, also, killed by the frost this year. !
We would advise any of our vine-!
growing friends to visit these geutle-i
men. They welcome every vine-dres-j 1
ser especially as a brother, an 1 an inter-
chauge of ideas and experience would |
tend to enhance tbe stock of practical
knowledge on this subject, which is des
,; tined to assume vest importance in the j
; agricultural development of the South, j
i j |g" The editor of the Evening Uepatsk, '
jof Augusta, in his efforts to improve on j J
ja paragraph of ours headed “Storms in,
Macon, ’ says that “one of the old Tres i
- 'hytasis*. OKrrnjSt- ' wan i-ciocK liy light-!
2_nlng TleTi. is but otic di Presbyterian
'flfWSBT- ~S»amah Morning
* Jfef.
■ You don’t say so, old friend 1 Is it
J | possible there is hut one old Prosbyteri
Man Church? Don’t think, though, we
1 S got th • intelligence through the JVfaw—
‘ j might have, though. At any rate, the
' '• Macori Shite Press says, in noticing, the
same storm, that “considerable damage
was done to the steeple of the M Pres
1 by terian Church." There, brother A7w»
if you were not so well posted about
' Churches in Macon, would you not have
r come to the conclusion, that there was.
' a new as well as an old Presbyterian
■ Church in that city r ‘
llotv Is rhisl
Under this heading, we noticed the
other day the arrival of the steamer
( Cahawba, at .Savannah, from Charleston.
for repairs. The Mercury tIiUR accounts
for it.rinft even with this explanation,
we do not think the matter mended
J much Jf a steamer can go to Bavari
I nah, after anchoring for some timein tbo
vicinity of the quarantine ground in
Charleston, withoul dangertotbe health
' of the former place, we do not think the
i undergoing repairs in Charleston, would
Undanger ihe health of the citizens of
i that city. Quarantine laws, in certain
cases, may be beneficial, but they gen
! eraliy are injurious to the commerce of
I the city rigidly enforcing them, without
t giving much protection to the citizens
, The Mercury says
, “The simple explanation is, that the
ship having been for several weeks at
anchor within our Quarantine Ground
and in the immediate vicinity of infer- I
ted vesse's, was considered by onr Quar-I
'antine Physician unfit to come to tin j
(city wharves, and was obliged to repaii
; at some port where the authorities were j
, not so strict.
| Yellow Fevkr Fright, - George Mas
Iterson, a stevedore, had died in the
New York quarantine from yellow fe
. ver on Friday night. While the hearse
which contained the body, was proceed
ing through the main street of Castle
ton to the burying ground, an axle broke
, and precipitated the coffin to the ground. I
The people around, not knowing what!
the matter was, gathered near the,
scene of excitement ; but when it be-'
came known among them that the cof
fin contained the dead body of ayel-j
low fever patient, they ran as though
| their lives depended upon swiftness.—
-There were sixteen cases of yellow fever;
under treatment at the quarantine on
' Friday week.
Murrler l.i Chattanooga.
Three men, named W. Mails*, (bras.
Pkakck and Rich ano O'Borald, got into
a fight on Monday night last, in which
Mabkr drew- a knife and stabbed O'Don- 1
au> to the heart, who died instantly.
-♦-hbad Piasrs in the left thigh,!
who, it is thought, will recover. ~ !,
-V#'-.!>• - , Ml.’ ■'*>-
**——■iifii imam . ---rnri —rnm nm
'frJPlf Lent” oral ,h< “Jtrm.waw i
These are the names o. two puhjica
! tione bailing from two of the Female
institutions of Georgia . the W «, m
| ing from '■ College, Ternplt ' «t New
I nan and the Gem from Kinnewtaw Fa
| male College, in Marietta. Both tl JtfKl! 1
i pampers are issued quaitei|y, aud contain
| articles written by the young ladies.-
i Th© table of contents comprise
| many interesting and creditable* arti
i cles, aud we hope that they may meet
| with such encouragement as to make
! them as permanent and profitable, as
j they are useful, to the institutions from
j which they are issued
! According to a Philadelphia journal,
j the Bulletin, there are supposed to bei
about three thousand newspapers and
i periodicals published in the United
Htates, with a circulation amounting »>!
.the aggregate- to nearly six millJenK,;
; and for the year probably to tie., hun
dred millions. This includes not only,
j the daily press, hot also the tri weekly,
I semi-weekly, weekly, monthly, guar-:
terly and all other descriptions coming|
i under the Head of periodicals. Ail the
I rest of the nations of the earth united,
tio not publish as many periodicals as iV
the United States, nor does their aggre- j
gate circulation amount to nearly so 1
much. There are no morning papers in
| London or elsewhere that circulate so
I many copies as do the papers of the
i largest circulation in Philadelphia and
■ New York.
Slavery tu Virginia.
; Tire Richmond South, replying to an
article in the New York Iftrald, in
I which the writer predicts the early ex- j
i (motion of slavery in Virginia, says— j
, - 'To-day slavery stands upon a stron
ger basis in Virgin than ut any former
I period of its history. It may not," says
1 the South, “bo generally known, but
! it is nevertheless true, that the tobacco;
j planters of this State realise a greater;
proSt on their investments than the 1
j cotton growers of Alabama In the'
; production of Wheat, the other chief
staple of Virginia agriculture, the. ln
i bor of the negro slave is scarcely less j
remunerative. What is the corise ■
i quence ? The very reverse of the state- !
' incut in the /Jerald's article. So far,
from relaxing its grasp upon the soil of j
I Virginia, slavery is daily enlarging its.
basisand strengthing its foundations I
, The tide of Southward exportation has,
| been checked, and of converting
j the!'. slave property into money, oi<rj
i farmers are actually tm/arramny therntdi-s
' to their supply of lai-or.”
And yet the editor of the Richmond’
; SoiM opposes, is opposed, totlie re-open
iog vt tlio slave IriaK, » J .- —ly means
by v.-hieh the people of the South can I
increase their supply of labor.
Musical Festival foe a Monument
i’lie Germai s in various sections of the I
Union, and with the view of raising
funds for a monument to the memory!
of Baron Swbis, held a musical fes
tival on Monday last. A grand ro j
union took place at Arlington, District
of Columbia. The festival at New
York was held for two days, [t wan
i held in' Woods. Some 5,000 peo
ple were on the ground, and the exer
cises consisted of vocal and instrumen
tal music, dancing, gymnastic feats and
drinking lager. Addresses, appropriate
to the occasion, weie made by Dr.
Frcwch and Messrs. FcstbE aud Struve. ,
r I'he Trustees and Faculty of Mer-1
ccr University, Penfield, on Wednesday
last, conferred the degree of Doctor of!
haws on the. Honorable Eugenics A.,'
Nisbbt, of Macon, Georgia.
Young America Incident.—We werej’
highly amused, this morning, while on i
our way to the office, in one of the city '
Passeoger Railway cars, atari instance! :
of offi-uded dignity. A young gentle I
man who appeared from his size and|
I youthful face, to be less than teu years i»
of age, entered the car, aud when" the
conductor approached for hi* fare he
placed in his hand a half dime. The
innocent but unfortunate official, ti ink
ing that the youth was under the age I
which required a full fare, proffered two
cents change to him. ’.Viiat was hisas
tonishment, however, to see tiie offend
ed young man indignantly draw him
i self to his full height and declared that
1 he had reached that pmaod of life when
lie could no longer travel for half price!
lie had laid toy his bib and tucker, and
was now invested with a standing throat!
choker, and sported a heavy eighteen!
carat vest chain. The withering look!
he bestowed upon the chop fallen eon-j
duetor, will be likely to prevent afu-j
ture recurrence of the Insult. Had the;
passenger been a young John Bull or!
Young Ireland, we venture the asser
tion that he would have pocketed the,
insult and the two cents too. Who but I
young America could have refused’—
THladelptiia Bulletin. ! lid.
Corn ami Cotton.
The prospect for a heavy yield of corn
arid cotton in this county,’ was never
! more flattering than at the present
[ time. Early ooruis now made, and late
: corn looks well.
The cotton weed is ut good size, limb-!
ied well and heavily fruited. If no dis- :
aster befalls it from this out, the yield I
will tie hi hat of last year.
Sweet j, itoes are very- promising, I
and having a bountiful supply of seed,!
our farmers planted largely.— OaumgUm}
(Georgia) Times. 2 HOt nut.
Yellow Funks. —The bark Tola Wylie, i 1
l ’atte..ui Jnomastmvu. eighteen,
days from Havana for Falmouth, Eng-j
land, put into the quarantine at jiistoni
on the ’2sth hurt., having lost her stew
ard and four of her seamen from yellow
1 fever. Another vessel from the West;
; Indies, at the same port, has three owes I
of yellow fever on board. '
La er from Europe.
- r -AL V- -’ or THE
New York, July 20. -The steamship
Hammonia, from BaiEbai'g has arrived.
She sailed on Sunday,rfie tsth July, and
! brings Loudon papers of Saturday after
noon July ITth-
The latest accounts from London re
port no eSuugfe in the rates for money
or in the value of Consol*.
Py t;ds arrival we have obtain* d some
fo>v items of general news.
Hostilities had commenced between
the MusseUnen and Rajahs of Bos
i nia.
It was ropoi-ted at Warsaw, that
j thtr. would soon boa general up rising
; in Tuikey.
; The Itussians have been beaten by the
Circnssiyns, with a loss of 1,900 men
! and e“Ut guns.
New York, July 30 vales oi Cotton
j to-day 100 bales, with a declining ten-
Ideney. Flour Arm, sales of 14,500 bar
rais. Wheat firm, with sales of 100,000
i bushels; Southern White $1.20 a $1.50,
and Red $1.32. Corn buoyant, with
salts of 11,000 bushels, White 96 a 90c,
and Yellow $1 a *1.02. Spirits of Tur
pentino dull at -14 cents. Rosin steady
at $1.51 a $1.55.
CuAMJtwos, July 30.—Sales of Cotton
to-day 500 bales, with a depressed mat
: ket
To Rent.
THE DWELLING over the Store t.f
Mr 1 -'. Collins. oppeeite the (Maulers’ £j±£>
; Hotel, with garden ruunli.g through to K,, ; ,
; Kills street. JSaVJL..
Ihe .STORK next above Mrs. C©H>n.-.
Three STORES in !ir< proof buMding, corner ol
i Brotul and Gumming -street k
I The DWELLING occupied by Mr. McCarty be
; tween Cutnmk t and KpUnck, and north side ol
j Oree.i stveet, with six rooms and four nre pla- us
j a pantry and several closets
The DWELLING on El lip atreei. uearly oppo
i cite, with dame aooor.tmodalions, beside- stable
, ind carriage house, o 'copied by Mr. .J Reid.
; Apply to Messrs. T. V STOVALT, to. Oh. or
; J. DANFORIB. in the absence of
South of the Potomac!
• DAILY", $4 per year -WEEKLY", i-1 50. j
*w-srai..-ri v in advance.-##
: DISPATCH, pub! idicd at 2
, tX/ o’clock, !’■ M., i-i deliver-'1 in Ma~.uL
! Atlanta, and iritormediae- point,-, at day-light I
; the morning , fter publieatieti
’ Contains the latest ttlegrayhir and jiiaSl ir.telii ,
! genco, up to the hour of publication, and offers •
to merchants and the reading public a most do- j
| sirab’e medium of
Commercial, General
Tt contains a *-urate reportsdf the leading mar
kets <£this country and Europe, and a careful
daily statement of the PRICES CURRENT in ,
AUGUSTA, b.wsod upon «<•/'■ r.t s. It
reading columns w ill contain h full aud reliable
i summary of the
YxN.TNN.VaVV vn.ym>\
; Our Advantage* in tbi ; department are un
equalled, embracing, in addition to tl.e usual
| mail facilities, telegraphic communication vrltb
j all the princpal cities, and a large corps of spe
cial correspondent
i The rapidity with winch iho DISPATCH Lcs
I obtained a circulation, equalled by very few
! I ally papers .South, sufficiently attests the suc
; cess aud practicability of cheap papers. They
\ follow railroads as naturally as water runs down
! hill. The DISPATCH is located at the most fa
j vorablo point, ami issued at the most favorable
Ltime for obtaining and diftaeuiioatiug the VERY
I Latest NEWS. The telegraphic and mail facili
ty of Augusta, and its proximity to the interior,
given material Advantage over any pt its »l tor
cities a distributing jKiint, and an Evening
, paper, furnishes news to Middle: and Upper
i Georgia, parts <>t Tennessee and Alabama, an :
to Southwestern Georgia, and parts of Florida,
twelve hours in advance of any other publica
tion. Merchants, Planters. Speculators, and the
reading pub»h would do well tntc«»t these asser
tions for themselves
j su* paper la bwu*d vvery Friday, and von
j tains 86 columns, (v.'itii few advertisements,)
I aud ! u addition to the Cuvinorcia' and General
, News of the day, and the Prices Current in Au
gusta, it always contains m attractive variety
; ..f ploixiog HiKetlnay. TtHat Skeickcs, Puetry, 11
- It Is the design of the Proisit-tor to moke the i
emphatically a SOUTHERN PLANTERS HOME ‘l
NEWSPAPER. Thousands of doting are annual
ly sort abroad for cheap papers for the fireside
j May not an established Southorn enbrprist hope !
t tor a share of <bc- patronage of tl/- reading ‘
: public ' *
j #sT specimen copies sent when desi^.l.
! Clubs of Are or more, to the same aidrcss.
! will be furnished with the paper for $1 ou h.
S. A ATKINSON, Proprietor 1
Augusta, Georg*
! ter For any paper in Georgia. South Carolina. I
• Tennessee, or Alabama, copying the above ad -
vertiaoment once or twice, we will advertise to 1
j a like amount. June 16 1
Congress Water.
A SUPPLY" just received, directYrput
/V. the Spriny. jy 0 WU B f
in WO THO U3AND lbe. No 1 TOTa|h
A reeelvM by jvjo IVM. B. njTT.
■k-ditf 5 «! : ' V' j,
%cci;ti Ifltites.
gAf" For Salt 1 - an O<W
V'eHowii’ REGALIA, at about half
Also, u good LF.GAUA for Masons Sold to
help fi»nc \u iistrees. Apply u this office, jyill
|i?*Hanx triirg Debating
CttTßineet at your Room MONDAY FVF.N'IMi,
August 2d, at o'-iock. A pnncUalay , ;i, ' v '
a nee is reque-ted.
W. C-. WHiliBY
UatAbnrg, .' .Jj, 4*-x, *vs d 2
Age and Debility.—As°l<!
age ooiuce creejnig o r ». it bribes with t many
1 attoudant inilrrift'cv. t,os*s of appetite aad weak
ues- impair the health, and want of activity
makes the tnind discontented and unhappy. To wt* re old bid. *dds Its nfluence, it is al
moat itnposHible. to adl vigor and health, and
although many remedies have been tried, all
have fkiled. until HQSRHAVK’c* HOLLAND B'.T
, TERS were known and used. In every case
where they have been employed, they have iu
variably given strength \nd restored the appe
tite. Tiny bare become '•» great agent for this
alone, and are wto by many people wboarv
sufferin'from loft- ot appetite and jsfeneral d>*
b.iiiy. In cases of long stain mg onronic dis
eases , they act a a charrn, invigorating the «y. 4
tem, thus giving nature < nothcr opportunity to
repair physical injuries. Bee udvertigement in
another column jy2T dn*c3
fiT South Cai-otliia Kail*
rood, Gk.v’l StTFJti.'rrrjroKNT’B Augusta.
Georgia, .loly 22. IMS —Resumption of Sxtoda>
morning a Mail and i’assenger Trair. commenc
ing SUNDAY MORNING, 26th ittti.
The Mail and Tra.n on this Road - il
I'nvo Auge-ta. Georgia, >u SUNDAY MORNING.,
it 10 o cl -ck. A. M , and m ccatimm mtil further
cotice. H. T. PEAKE.
1 jy23- \ C General Superintendent.
W e are authorlJKcc! lo
Announce CIJtIBORKE SNEAD. Esq., as n randi
iatn for Attorney General of the Middle Districr,
it the elec lion in January next. ; ?'-2
(iffieortia Kailroail, A«-
GT.'sT.A, July 2'tth. HSS —Double Daily Service
of Mail Train., on Mam Line. wIU Be r. «umeU on
and after SfSDAY, July «M>.
jy*3 GEO. YOSGE, Gcn lSnp’t.
JST Dr. M. J. J ones has re
moved hie office from Mclntosh street, to a room
- over Hollingsworth & Baldwin's store, on Br«>ad
street, three doors above tueUnion Rink, where
Ims may be- found during iha day, and at no.luat
the U. 8. Hotel. Jy-1
flT J Stra yeti or Stolen—A Hull
Terrier PUP, white, with the cxvaptiun of i
brown spot n ar the rump, and «ars croppod ;
utec, inclined to be Mangey “bout the neck.
A liberal reward irili be paid for bis delivery
, at this office. ,|e3o K. SIBLE.Y^
AgOJ»t»—^ r - O DOWI) is
my duly acknow ledged Agent during my ab
sence front the city. >e& .7. M. HILT..
m-TeetH Extracted with
out pain, with Eb etrkity, by
my io . Dr. WRIGHT.
|TA ii giiHta & Savannah
Rnllroad.—Wflt'KtA, G March 11, 1858.
On and after Friday, the 12th instant, the rate of
Freight on Cotton to Savannah will be 00 cent*
per bale, until further notice.
TO f,j7 F t. wItXIS, President.
To Kent.—TWO LOOMS for
*inglu geatk men. couvenienUy situated to busi
ness. Inquire al this Office, or address Box '202,
Post Office. my 13-if
(*:- Wanted.—A Hons.-, not more
I than half a mile from the Post Office, with six
»rooms. Possession wanted first of Octo cr.
) KUt|«»lf al til in "lllu-. jes ts
j Sot i C «•—' THOS. S. W .\JRD
I Esq., Attorney at Law, Waynesboro’, Ga.. is rny
j duly constituted Agent during my absence from
j Burk: county. J. B. HAYNE
' Way nceboro, Ga., Juno 2*2, ISSB. jyl-tiecm
j “ ff§r NOt i c e,—M AO K EN/I K &
: WARD, Attorneya at law, Wayne-boro’, Ga .arc
!my duly constituted Attorneys, and w'.ll repre
-1 sent me in ad matter.-: «»f a profi-.-.ional «-harac-
I ter during my absence from Burke, county.
• i. B IIAYNE.
i Waynesboro, Ga., Juno 22, ISSS. jvl deem
fiTt uff of Over.
—HoxErT'Ai.R Co., Penn., Jan. 10, IB6o—Mr.
ftKTii W i*owi k—isir . You are at liberty to use
the follo w in: i. umi nt for the benefit of the af
flicted :
j i was attacked with the liver Complaint,
which apparently brought me to the bnukotl
the grave. During my sickn s; X was attended i
by three jihysieians in our place, but received
no help. I also tried the various remedies re :
commended for such complaints, but they af
forded me r.o relief. As a last resort. I wa« ,
persuaded to try ir*>tar’r BaUam of Wild •
Cherry, and by using four bottles I was restored J
to better health than I have enjoyed hrforo for i
ten years?. This statement may lie re.'ieJ upon
as strictly true. B:-:t-ky Pnanix.
The above edriiffcate was given in the pre
sence Os D.*. A. Strong. <if Honeadale, vhois well j
known in his vicinity as a successful piactitionor.
Situ W. Fowls & Co. |3S Washinyum-street, j
Boston, Propr etors. Sold by th.dr Agents,
everywhere. mv3i •
A FIRKIN'S choice Goalies BUTTER,.
* * just received by
OA BBLR. prime Tftnuetrec LARD,!
Ol * just received.
jy2o THOS. r. RTfiNALL k dl. i
l or ii.
I plYE HUNDRED Ijiioliels good up
country i 'OR?J. for tie iu ccpot.
Family Corn Meal.
A CONSTANT supply )f ground
CORN MEAL, express j for family use.
from selected White Corn, wil now be kept eon
lamiy on hand. Also, UXMIJPKD GRITS aad
the wants of customers pronynly attended :o.
f’atroimg. l solicited by
jyl» ’ >f. W. WOODRUFF, j
XpOR a Conn try Printing Office, a TWO- i
JL THIKIf> I'RLVI’KR, to whom lair w,;;cs will 1
be raid, inquire of
jy2s I. H. STRARHS A CO. \
TWO HUNDRED bbls. Refined A.’l!
an.iC SUGARS ;
i 4" bbls. Crushed and Iwdored SUGARS ;
; -JOhlids. choice Portoßi.) “
, Kb “ prlfnc Muscreartn SUGAR. Fi»- rain!
low, by jj 21 DAKIEI H. WILCOX. •
Faucj- Bacon.
r -25 hlnls. SHIULDKItS, lamdsomety,:ui,
and Jrce I'rtrn sklppeis, for sain low, by
A. D, SmiJAKS.
J. J, J’earce,
Augtrta. Georgia.
The undekshy'af.u . far
'he liberal r»lren»t ra"rtefideii — v
■■ - b'ai ft>r * wn« «f yetrt wouW >
inform bn> frlenrtaaad the jnibli,-. t ,„ r Efe, j-ntp.
•.mU-ir’ 1,1 ii 1 * Wimi ’ w, 'i' knolv-u BKJOK
«AREHOUSE, o" Campbell street, near D-wes,
Br, *° « ( » '*Hardware Haute, where, by ttrl-t
I"*'*' sttmvoaut all birainess entrwaxi io
j' ... /---
gVr* A in itroly pes for ti
9 Mellonlf you wantadrat-'arc AMBROTYE.
i beautifully ©oh. red etui put >n &nicat.<Ae K
*> : fifty CectH, go u> the orlgina. Fifty C.-«t Gali^i^
1 Post Office c HUer. opposite the if tar# a Kaiitomfl'*
Bank. Fufr/rtt tv ‘he
f PortolK*j v Ji*-- '.*
di WVL ‘;
WrVat P r
Solved f—wi. MOUSE’S ISVIGOS.
UUt.—The dyspeptic wfid
has lost the power of duly converting
1 i life-sustaining element, is relieved
y i .ours*- of this extraordinary tmio.
:- - fluid re acquires its solver * power,
y ! nutriment, winch wasa load any
a j the sufferer, while his digestive or
I ''paralyzed a*d unstrung, bcco?
d | wholesome revolution created it;
li ! ba:*is of activity, strength and V .
v The nervous sufferer, while-
P acute, phy«>eu‘ agony of Keur
. or erdi* pry headache, afltl?
. rors, wakened by periodical
r | pagtljrade. borne down a;
! ten ibie latitude which pr*.,
» ; nervous energy, or exm -ieming at.
.. or disability arising from the unnatural co,.
; l of the wonderful niachiaery which connec t - •
0 |«ry member with the 3©urc-e <>f sensation, n o
n God and thought—derives imroedute benefit
from the use of ibis fbrdUd which atoncecalm?
- invigorates and regelates the shattered nervout
• organisation.
k Females who hare tried It are unanimous it
declaring the, F.lix.'r to be the greatest boor tbm
wom*n has ever received from the ha- J. o
medical men.
Koran's Invigorating Elixir bas a direct, 'ro
11 ! mediate ajad astoniafetag effect upon the appetite
Whih ft ronews the strength of the dige-’iv*
,r | powers it creates a desire for the solid mater ia
! which is to be subjected to their action. As at
! appetiser it ha? ro equal iu the Fharmaoopw.
~ j Ts lung life and the vigor necessary pa Its en
• - joy ment are desirable, th is wodit ine is indeed o
’■; precious worth
r,j Its beneficial effect* are not e nfined to either
; sex or to any uge. Tire feeble girl, the a ding
• Wife, the listless, enervated youth, the overworn
“! man of business, the victim of nervous dtpre?
e j sioc, the individual .=offering from general do
r ‘ j bility or from the weakness of a single organ
j win all find immediate and permanent mil. fV-om
! the ore of this incomparable r enovator To
~ I those who have a predisposition to partly s is il
“ iW’U prove a complete and unfailing safe guard
II i agvinit that terrible malady. There are many
| perhaps who have so trifled a ith their constftu
v t«on that they think themselves beyond tboreaeb
lt l of medlclue, Let not oven those despair; The
Elixir deals with disease as it exivitß, ‘vith-out re*
j lereuce to the causes, ard will not only remove
the disorder itsolf, bur, rebuild the broken con
1/J&3 OF MEMORY, coufnsion. g ddincss, rush
: of blood to the head, melancholy, mental debil
y ! ity, hysteria, wretchedness, thoughts of self- do
r. ruction tear of Insanity , hypochondriasis, dys
s pepsin, general prostration, Irritability, per ous
- ne ?. inability to sleep, distaste incident to so-
I male*, decay of the propagating i 'netcm.-. hys
• ; teria, monomania, vague terrors, palpitation oi
“ i the heart, impetency. constipation, -to., from
■ whatever arising, it is, if there '« any rch
juice to be placed on human testimony, absolute-
I ly infamme.
J CAUTION".—T)r. Morse's Invigorating Cordis*
~ has bec-n counterfeited l.y some ;u»principled
*'! per-one Iu future, all the genuine Cordial will
have the proprif.u.r’s sac .-invite pa - ted over ihe
cork of each bottle, and thr -tepi'd^g'«rordf
blowu in glass : Dr. Morse's Invigorating"V> r
r dial. G. IL RlNG.proprietor, V. Y.
i- This cordial is put up highly cohcm:tra*cd in
» pint I'Ottles : *.”per b'-ttlc ; two ro r sf>; six foi
sl2. C H. P.lN'i, proprietor, 192 Broadway, N
! York. SoldbyDrugtrisft'? throughout the United
States, Canadas and tno West Todies. Also, by
x HA VII, nNi), LIf)CHESTER kO)., and Fl.l MB i
I.EITKKR, Augd»ta fohl9-3»o
frieiul to Improve"
j ? ! tneut w rite-; thus :
y Wrtrox, N. H., Sept 10, 18f»7.
Having had an opportunity to test the value of
: Fro:'. 0. J MoodV. Hair Restorative, lam pro
II i pared to sa*. that it fully makes good its recom
t. meodahont, by restoring to more than its orig
. Inal lusfre, hair that has become gray, cr faded
, from age or disease. It will give tho hair a soft
, -and pliable texture, and what is of H’ltl greater
; importance than that, it is reetored to health;
. it imparts to the wl ole system its ronovati ig,
|f healing properties, and ii...- a tendency to restore
■ health and prolong life, and give to vim aged the
. appearaioe of youth. Its unequalled properties
. j ought t< recommend it to every family. Try It,
ye who labor under any disease of the noad, and
. you win ne\ or have to regret its application.
C-urox.—Beware of worthless imitations, as
, several are already in th • mark- *, callc- by dis
-1 I’ereut names. Use none unless the words (Pro- I
i i lessor Wood's Hair .Restorative. Depot St Lfudii,
1 Mo., md New York'!, arc blown in the bottle.
Sold by all Druggists *ir d Patent Medicine deal 1
ers, also by all Fain'y and Toilet Goods denier? |
1 . in the United States and Cinada* jly2o*2w
[ girTue Oreut Eagltsli
Remedy.—Hlr Jium Cukkf.'s CEI.W-R/TKii 1
, FCM vLK FILLS. Prepared from a prescription ,
oi S ; r J. Clarke. M. D.. !'hygi.- i an Extraordinary i
! o the Queen.
Thin invaluablrj medicine is unfailing in the j
*.ore of U 1 those painful utid dangerous diseases j
10 which d;o female conititation is übject. It ■
| 1 moderates a'l execs’* and removes all obatruc- i
■ tions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. i
TO MAHR;ED LADIES it is peculiarly Suited. f
It will. In a short time, bring on 'he monthly '
jieriod with regularity.
; Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Gov* i
ernmeut Stamp of Gr it Britain, to prevent
I counterfeits.
j These Fills hould not be taken by females
during the f.rst three tKzntht of Pregnancy, as *
; they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any
j other time thev arc safe.
In all eased of Nervous and Spinal Affbetfona.
Fain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight «
exertion, Faipitm.on of the Heart, Hysterics and
Wlnles, those Ihlls will effect a cure when all f
! other mean? have failed, ami although a power
; ful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, anti
mony, or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet around each
truckage, which should bo carefully pvt served. I
Sole Agent for the United States and Canada, 1
JOB MOSES, (late I. C. .mid Win kCo.) '■
Rochester, New York.
K. B.—One Dollar and six Postage Stamps an
cksed to any authorized Agent, will Insure a *
i bottle containing over fifty pills, by return mail
1 Wholesale and Retail Agents for tiie State o
j Georgia. fob! -y j
KT It is not generally con
! ceded that Liver Complaint, or a deranged state
‘ of the Liver, is the cause of most of tbe summer
j and bowel cemplaiots that visit imi dfiring this
j reason of the year.
i Yet some of our first Physicians consider tbe .
j Liner the principal cause of these diseases, or in
j other words, when it pel forms its functions t
; properly it enables tho system to resist of throw
off diseases of the stomach and bowels, and
where they are deranged the surest cure is to
cure the Liver of its disease and cause it to p“r f
form its proper functions. There is nothing ;n
the tb»t so qnlckl> •lt ual»l« Die "
jj oerformauce of Its Bmctionsas
j-,; : ~GR, which, #•
i ab •
jauy .. ,
it cbec
j time H
I racdiciU’
DragHre." ‘ mVitlims trellK.
Augusta, July Ist. l-’S :y3--.lMtr
Sugar ai*«i Syrup.
Three hundred i-bis. xioftneti.*,
B and 0 SUGARS :
50 bbls. INAvderccl and Crushed 3W aR., ;
20 hhds. good anitvprimc SUGARS
15 “ choice f’orto Rico FUG.vFS ;
50 bbls. choice New Orl -.ans bYRGP ;
■.& “ Sugar House SYRUP. lor side by
5,31 g jiAN’llJ. H WIIX»X
< ol¥«*e.
mwO HUNDRED and fifty bags g - oo<l
.1 to dioice >-to DOFFWC
20 Ur,. • dr-' ■ laiguaj ra COFt’KF .
<5 ' *• juntos “ For pale by
j3l DANIEL H. VfHATij;.
FIVE HUNDRED kez» Reading aui!
Old Doioiuiou NAILS
20* kscs WyoniiDfi NAILS
300 • Fall Riv*;r " to arrive, fcr
SEVENTY-FIVE I ioxes Bi-Carb S0I).-‘
26 kegs *op CarbSODA. Forsaleb,
~.31 V NIK. u 'Vll.ixw .
Wanted t« Kent,
ICOR the ensuing year, from the tits'.
. of Oct tier uext, .1 SMALL > AF.M it, FNCL
tan country, with rood ifotneson it. amt
uDi'u ten or twelve idII-h ol the (Ity
litres-- l-os 22, P.O. jySOitCacl
.Vo 2 Jfeual/j Rain)*.
VTniX give prompt attention to tie
VV purchase and «al«- of MERCHANDISE,
and ill kinds €XHISTI RY ’ 10DUCK.
July Ist, 1858 jy29-tf
For Salt-, liy Ansley & Son,
rpnrJlK HUNDRED hales prime HAY
j[ 4io.coils and half (iH in?st i.ic’uiuo BOl*F,
coils hand-made ROPE;
2ti buxes hnV
*:ltl c-N iunl 't,A«» -«-*^ v * ,,?t ' ; ' - P Lv, .
-r 1 bt'OClt PKA3 ; ‘ -(,
>0 • I'KA ViEAJa. jv 20• ff
Ciioicc tianis.
r piIH!TY or.- a Nu-.-f-r Cured Canvaser:-
X. HaMS ; 9 'i-k-; Virginia HAMS, round cat.
For ?ale low, by A. b. WILL! AMR
4ftO Casks Clear BACON SIDES;
100 “ Ribbed “
(iOO Ct-ils best Muehine ROl’K.
For sale low. by
jy2S 3 No 1 Warren Block.
Gold Dents.
[lf STEARNS . c ; CO., Agents for the
• manufacturers:—the MAMMUTH FKN. i a.
boxes, ala low pi-oe. at wholesale Re j?>!ntiog
-lone a., usual. jy2B
Straw Goods.
H AT’S. BONNETS and FLATS hlf-ftth
,i and pressed, ic tho latka'mvtx, wlifcl
lias ♦'un received
jy‘2B Onodoor above Moo hi Dies* Bank.
Sewing MacJiine Notice.
This Machine sews with iwo breads,and w.l
[WtPitted April 14th. 18.TT.
Having ‘earned that R Scovej. fs- it
templing to make sale -f said p; sit forte
'tales o! Georgia and South Carol;ic .we h reiy
iiOtifv al! persoos inter* sit'd, that we arc thostlc
owners of said Invention tor said States, havhg
purchased the same of said Scovki Hi rough Tis
tttoriioy, who had an irrevocable power of i*.
loruey lo: selling sa;d S at* - ' tid |m-w.t of ft
torncy was duly rec rt»c<f i. the ‘att-nt Office *t
ft'rc Ijingu.n. An aft stud c.oj; ol the same nay
be seen by calling on our Agents in Augurtn.
Messrs. HARSH .k ANDRKVS, woo are duly at'
thorized u make sale ol County Rights for said
MacJiiu-is in said States of Georgia and cr.ti
Carolina, also in other Southern Staler belong
ingtour. Wo therelo ’e fork ! hud’. Pcovki. ot
his Agents, or at y poreon or persons, to u nk*
sale of said Fat'-i l or Territorial Kiuh's in s-aii
Statea, or in any pari of said States, under th*
sevpi est penalty of*thft law, for Pitch purixwe
made and provided
All applioatious for Rigid- for vending sa.
via -I i ;* i;-?wly invented M»ihhi'- ..
the QUAKER may 1 to IL\MrF.
k ANDREWS, of Augusta, or to USOI No. 10 Will
Suee New Yotk. . TUGS W JOHN (»$
jy2*)-lm ‘ OLIVER ?■ FRaLL u r
VETHOUSANI) seccud hand , : r r
I GRAIN SACKS, as ; -od « new, c. on
signrnent, and ~a!e k>w tuy -r ‘
{iIKTY THOI SA NI) pounds "Cacou
SIDES, *»n consign men t. aid for »u!e ky
jy2<i M w. WOODRUFF.
Coßiigaiaent X». Si,
OK THIRT Y casks more of those fine
CanvasaiKl Faintly Baton B.iM.s, j.oi up by
Dowel, Mi-Kwini & Co., an co»i»nm«ii!. ami foi
sole by jv 26 M. W. WOODRUFF.
At Hew York Cost,
imints, oii-«, varnishes, fbrfcmf
, „nd a!! the arue'es in the Drug line.
Cal! hoon, atd gut bargains.
Turpin’s Old Stand,
jy24 ts Augbfta, Ga.
To Kent,
FROM the hret of October d '
neat DWELLING, on soutli side 1(1
•is. between Washington "nd
street-*, iromtxlutely in theH«Jgbbo r bo>l
of the Fo-t Gfioe.
JyWjf A ERE Did
.New Buokit. -g*
'll HE Fashionable Science
JL vagi.;, being a series of the n«s ‘
olds ceptEm, nrrauged for araxtahr#
ol the art, ic whirb is addeo an etu* »
praetleo made '
ff» '' if,'