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About Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1858)
three a, Fifty I .A positively •! . .1. DISPATCH is on below SetjCu Corner, Aranco next door above A. i. .wyaon At Co.’s Store. UATKS OF ADVKRTIJSOti : AJmt- ••'.■Nionu? will be inserted by the square •t ll hue (100 words,) for 50 ceptetor the first iertion, and :;7>* cent- for each übsequvnt in bon under one month, to be paid for when the irtisunent is banded into the office. 'Jvcrtteementg under live lines will be insert ft 10 c ents a hne for the first, and 6 cents a • for each subsequent insertion. ' "blvertisements ■•. ill bo inserted in both the dy and We ;kly Dispatch at 25 per cent above )so rates. ’flail aa it gUjjistfr. GEORGIA RAILROAD. Leave Augusta 0.45 A. XI. Arrive Atlanta 9.45 A. M. Leave Augusta 2.45 P. M. Arrive Atlanta 11.55 P. M I slave Atlanta 12 Night Arrive Augusta 8.55 A. M Leave AtLuta 10 A. M Arrive Augusta f. 45 P, M. No Sunday Train from ..usguta r.t 2.45 p. >1 and Atlanta at I*2, Night. € «»aaa» ■ « * *s*»* r-.- South Carolina Railroad. Arrive Augusta 11.15 P. M. do do 1.16 P.M. Leave Augusta 10 A. M. do do 8.06 P.M. Wcrtcm and Atlantic Railroad. Arrive Atlanta 11.22 Night. Leave Atlanta 12.30 Day. AtUmia and La fir wye Railroad. Arrive Atlanta 8.33 A. M do do 751 P. M. Leave Atlanta 016 A. M. do do 10.15 A M. Athens Branch. Loavr Athens 11.30 A. M., Arrive Augusta at • 45 P. M. and Atlanta at 12 Night. Leave Augusta 2 45 P. M . and Atlanta at 10 A. XL. Arrive Athens 0.45 P. M. Wail- • '(/lon Branch. Leave Washington 2 P XL, Arrive Augusta at O. P M.. and Atlanta 12 Night. Leave Alien--a 2. ,5 P. M.. and Atlanta 10 A. *. 4 Arrive Washington 7.20 P. M. Wcrrmton Branch. i v;-’fronton 3 P. XI.. Arrive Augusta at ■ JfT, V .Gant*lSP. M. I.cave Augusta w 45 ! \ .?■«}* 10 ■I., Arrive Warreiuon«>' u l _.'‘ . N. 15.—0 n SUNDAYS no 1 " V/i v/t? Branches. GKORGr. ? jyl4 > '■ Gea’r 0.. ’ AUGUSTA ANdTsaYASNAH RAILROAD. Lca-'c A tilt'A.u. >v; 146 P. M ilo do., 0.46 A. 11. Arrive at Antrim at 7.28 P. M. do do 7.00 A. 11. Connecting at Milieu With Trains on the On tral Railroad. ANDREW YONGE, jy 14-ts Superintendent. SOUTH CAROUNA RAILROAD. For Charleston, 8. C., 1 •• King.- vale, S. C.; v m 10 A M.. and 8.05 •• fc!T\ f P. jI , “ Colombia. 8. C., J sr. : arriv. at Augusta ut 1.15 P. M.. aud 11.15 P. H. T. PEAKE. iy 19 General Superintendent. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. (Atlanta to Chattanoofa.) Morning PusH’ger Train leaves Atlanta 4.50 atn and arrives at Chattanooga 5.23 ain Morning Passenger Train leaves Chat. 405 a m and arrives »t Atlanta 5.00 a ni Night Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 1*2.15 pin and arrive? at Chattanooga 8.25 p tn N-ghtPassenger Train len v* s Chat. 3.10 j» m and arrives at Atlanta 11.22 {• m Park to Chattanooga . $5. ATLANTA AND LAGRANGE RAILROAD. Morning Paa’r.ger Train leaves & m and arrives at West Point 3.39 a m Evening Pussougur Train leaves Atlanta 0 15 a in and arrives at West Point 5.3'* a cu Morning Pasg’gor Train leaves W.Point 3.45 a m aud arr» ves at Atlanta at 8 33 a rn EveningPass’gr Train leaves W. Point 2.65 p m and arrives at Atlanta 7.51 j» m Fa he to West Poi.vt. 53.50. GEO. G. HULL, Superintendent. SO UTH - W ESTERN R All .ROAD. Leave Macon at 11.48 l’.M and 9.46 A. M.: Arrl•'(.* in Columbus at 535 A. and 3.45 P. M. i Leave Co.urnhus 4 A. M.and 3.45 P. M : Arrive iu Macon 9.60 A M. and 9.18 V. M. Leave '.!ac<m 9.45 A. M. Arrive in Albany 4.08 P. Mi, Dawson 6 20 P. M. Leave Albany 3P. XL, Daw-* on 140 P. M. Ar rive in Macon 9.18 P XL Tri-weokly Accommodation Train Down Mon day, Wednesday and Friday Ip—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Mail Stages to and from Tallahassee, Thomas .ille, Pai.ibrldge, 4tc , conned daily with regu lar Trains at Albany. GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup’l. MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. 1 leave Macon 12 Night, Arrive Atlanta 7.15 A. M leave Macon 10 A. M.. Arrive Atlanta 4 P. M Lyavu Atlanta 32 Night, Arrive A.M L •avc Atlanta 11 A. M . Arrive Macon 5 P. M A.L. IX'Mil,Superintendent. F. J. DELKER'S CELEBRATfiD •PHILADELPHIA BALM. [MOSQUITO ANTIDOTE.) I HAVE IN STOKE a large quantity of the above article, which is highly lecnm -nen.imt and approved, to prevent Musqultoes, *Ants, ."and Flhffi, Bed Rugs ami Knots from touching the human body, wherever it is ap plied. It beautifies tie complexion, imparts toothless and lily whiteness to the Skin : removes tan aud sun burn instantaneously, and, through ihu continuance of its esc, removes all tree kies and pimples. Price 25 cts a bottle. I have also on hand, F. J.DELKER'S Bed-Bug Destroyer, which is certain death to all kin 8 of Bugs, when nsed according to directions; and, as it is a paste, free of grease, it will prevent the return •of all Bed Bugs until the paste \Q hard, which 'Cannot be before two years. Orders from the country respectfully BOlicit vod V. UTASTE, Whejoaalc and Retail Drug Store, two doors be low P. O. Corner. my.ll iQUORS. A large and well selected stock of Foreign md Domestic Liquor*, Wines and Cordial* ai •r.-ays on hand and for sale low by f*b2 A. STRVENg. Hope, Hope. ONE HUNDRED coils best Machine RGPE, (Tod t Mills) just received bv Jvl6 IVANTJGNAC & HUBBARD. Twine, Twine. "J7IIVE bales Baggiu)>T\%iNE, just re- Wi coived, and tor Bale at * * |yls D’ANTIGNAC & HUBBARD'S. . lssji jl. ....... .sta o : l)filing flisgatrl). Ilrn soobs. l SPRING DRYGOODS GHAY & TURLEY BKO TO ANNOUNCE to their custom ers and the public that they now have in store, and are daily receiving u very extensive aud choice selection of SPUING AND SUMMER X>27*37' C3hO«3<3-S3. We wish'it to be remembered that we still keep a resident purchaser at the North, from whom wt receive daily the LATEST IMPORTED FASHIONS! X\ e solicit Country .Merchants, buying for cash, to call and examine our stock , and ASCERTAIN OUR PRICES. To such we are prepared to offer superior in ducements. Below we mention some of the MOST FASHIONABLE, as also some of the leading article;* in each de- j partment. Dress Goods, Rich Chintz Chmic F.AYADFRS SILKS ; do do do ’ I d-.» M>-iiv Ai Lquoßl'kandCoPd do i Bischoh Celebrated B! ACK SILKS, .n groat variety >»ar.;oliainr. and Klorenee SILKS, ah colors : ( IKNADINE, CRAI’K T)''PARlSand SLAV ING SILK KOK'rlS ;Ci uiliv Barege and BAREGE KOBE’S. PRINTED LAWN. PRINTED BMI&ANTK, ' CIIALL!KS, li VREGE I h'LANE, BAREtJtS. CRAPE MAKfeTZ, CR APE Di.PARId, CANTON • T.OTH, BOMBAZINE, ALAPACA, .vC M AC. HOSIE33R3T AND EM BR() IDE RIE S! jUdie-i HOSE in COTTON, SILK and I.INEN. Misses do do do do do do Gents >£ do do do do do do i Ladies GLOVES in KID. SILK, LINEN and SILK MITTS. 5,000 Embd. BANDS, in JACONETI’. SWISS and MULL. 5,000 Embd. COT .LARS and BEI TS. iu JACO NET, SWISS and Minx. EDGINGS and INSERTING, in great variety. Embd. LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, in groat variety. WHITE GOODS. Embd. MU.-'UN uni! CURTAINS, do do for I-adios ItRKN-^ I'tain JACONKT an i SWISS MOBI.I.VS. \ : iin ook MUI r. and Book do I’rtot-i «Rn.I4XTB ami Krci ch CAMBRIC. j.:.AnIJ,AS, SHAWIS. SCARre > * c ’ ln variety aud very cheap. DOMESTICS. | 5 cases BROWN SHIRTINGS. 6’•.( *. j 5 do WHITE do 63 4 0. 1,000 pieces CAIJCOES, fast colors. o^c. ALL THE FAVORITE BRANDS OF; AMERICAN CALICOES Sliirtinss, LOW LHIOES; A VERY HANDSOME LOT OF GINGHAMS, IN BLACK AND COLORED. i , 2.000 COUNTERPANES, from 51 25 to $lO each i 5 cases 11-4 SHEETING, best quality, 33 >Vc. i 5 do BED TICKING APRON CHECKS, i FURNITURE PRINTS Ac. ' L X IST HI TM S 3, Best Irish LINEN DAMASK, 50 to Si 50. do do do NAPKINS and DOYLIES, 1 100 to 450. ; Best Irish LfNttN TABLE CT/>ni3 do no do for SHIRT FRONTS 26 to 150 1 Pitta and Fancy LINENS, for Gentlemen and ' Boy’a wear, from 18 %to 75c. per yard. SUNDRIES. RIBBONS— LCTFS, SATIN ANI) VELVET, —FUR- NITURE AND DRESS FRINGES ; PARA ■ 80LS. HOOP SKIRT-, FANS. HAIR BRUSHES, COMBS, FANCY SOAPS, 4tc , sc. mh22 Dry Goods! Dry Goods!! MILLER .'i WARRE.N are now receiv ing their stocks of FALL ANB WINTER GOODS, which they are prepared to offer and soli as k»w as any house in the city. The stock has been selected with great care, and comprises a great variety of Ladles’ Dress Goods, such as Rich and elegant Silk Robe de Quille Bayadere Silks, variety of styles. .Silk striped and plaid. Plain Silks, all colors, MEoumlog Bayadere and Cheae Silks, Plain Black, Plaid and Striped do Silk Poplins and Victoria Plaids. Delaine Kobe de Qulllc, Rich Fig’d Delaines an i fhshmero- Emb’d French 2lcrinot->, new styhw, I'laiu Kreudi and English Mertaeee. Mourning Delaine's. French and English Prints?. American do Mourning do Scotch Ginghams. Mo>;rc:og tAoghams. C7ir-ne Ginghams, An extensive variety of Shawls, comprising t Silk Thibet Shawl.-*, Broche Shawls, Flush Bordered Stella Shawls, Chenille Shawls and S^rfs, Laditfs’ block and eolored Clot 1 CSoakf*. Rich Velvet Cloaks, every variety, All-Wool Ix>ne Slmwls, Plain bPk and Second Mourning Mertno Shawls, ! A lot of beautiful Embroideries, consisting of Rich Muslin Sleeves and Collars, ia sotts, Jaoonot and Swiss Sleeves, Unen o*lhws, Maltese Laoe Setts, Imitations Lace Collars and ffieevee, Jaconet and Swisii Bands, Linen Cambric Handkerchivfe. piam and em broidered, Hemmed and Monrntng Handkorchiofte, Misses' aud Boys’ Wool Hose, Wool Gaiters ; Nett Sacks, Misses’ Merino Vests Ladles Merino Vesta, short and long sleeves, For the Gentlemou’s lice may bo found— Black Cloths and Cafwimeres, E'ancy Casstmeres, latcet styles, Rich Velvet and Cashmere Vestings, North Carolina Cassimeres, superior article, Cravats and Collars : Mertao Ties. sepUd IfiLLER & WARREN. « Life Insurance. rpHE AUGUSTA INSUUANCE AND I BANKING (X3MPAN Y are preyar dto new a at moderate preraioms poheies of it.suranoe on. the lives of Slaveertht-r for toe, dve or ten ’ years. Forms o application and table? of rat of can be procured at the offtoc o’ the Company free of charge. WM. M. D’AMUGNAC, Presidoo^ B. F. McCoy, Secretary. fctrftl AUGUSTA, fits ®orts. SPUING AND SUMMER Dry Goods! MILLINERY! CHEAP FOR CASH!! JAMES JHENEY HAVING just returned from the Nor them mark eta with » superior stock of fancy itt<V!L^= s rZan. and DOMESTIC DRY (• (hjw. If A comprising some of aowu t .styles, a- v.o'A as if the finest, texture of DP ESS GOODS t(< which he w -fi. ; * - - to call tl.c atteutiou of nil persons visiting Au gusta. pl©» ging hiruself that he will permit no one to undersell him, and is confluent that he can sell at least from sto 10 per cent, cheaper than any cdhor o£i!s»lx Store in the (lit Ho and those iu hw emoloymeul 1 will feel a pleasure iu waiting ou these who favor ldoi wu.h a tail ; ana as they "ill of ue- ■ cessiiy have » examine the stocks o! the city in i order to find the bust value, he hope they will 1 bear in mind his store, which L one door above the Georgia Railroad Rank. CALL AND BEE HIS STOCK. ST'BY YOUR INTERESTS NOBODY COMPEU.F.D TO BUY. EVERYBODY WAITED ON WITH PLEASURE Dress Silks, ALL STYLES, VERY LOW Printed lawn, Org:ii>d;c -md JACO.MTS all style*?, very low ; Printed Uwn, Orgau iu- aud Jaconet ROBEs, different styles ; Printed Litwu BAREGES and GRENADINES. A large lot bfGINGHAMS and C’ALIUOEB Swiss. Jaconet and Mull MLFLINS A splendid ‘ of EMBROIDERED GOODS. SUMMER SHaWl.Sand MANTILLAS. IN THE itiJlnurs 51 spar 1 nmtt w he found all that i? novel, never having been better supplied with all that is desirable in :q onnets, Jlffi 4Et »« E » sqj &.T., &0,4 c. Sheetings, and f),nnbm-c> IRISH LINENS , TABLE LIN HNS and TOW FLINGS ; Miyquito NETTINGS; BEDSPREADS. BRINGS, Ac. A foil supply of HOSIERY. mb3l men EMBROIDERIES! TXTE HAVE JUST RECEIVED Ja very TT large as-oriinent of French Worked CollarSj SWISS AND JACONET HANDS , SWISS AM> JACOSKTTRIMAIINOS. SWISS AND JAJONET FLOUNOINGB I I’lttiT and Kinfo’.l I.IXFM COI.I A US. 'arge as- 'i. !*!»:« and Emt.’d I. C. HDKFS . . Hlub Cii&iuiUy lACf: VEUS, new styles. - -ir^WO- Rich Silk and lacb MaS-SLA” | LI.VEX DOSTERS, Uich Crf* DI G I 1/)W priced I.AWNS, White BRIId • N > ' Plain and Check NAINSOoK.% do do JACONETS, do do CAMBRICS, do do MULLS. These Goods having been recently bought at a j great reduction ou the market price, will bo i Hold correspondingly low. and a portion of them having been bought of the manufacturer about j 50 .'wr cent loss than they could ha' o been f bought at any unction sale, they will be .sold! lower than (be same qst dity of goods have ever i been off**red at in this city. Our stock is other- ! wise well assorted, amt oilers rare attractions in the way of LOW* PRUNES. Ail of which we i will be pleased to exhibit at our je IT BROOM & NOIIRELL. Stone Mountain House. r PHE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully in i form the public gener- 4 ally.bute-poctallyt’.ost-who wish to find a pleasant and healthy suuuaur rctr-at. Iu j the up-country, that ne is now feSKi prepared co r«ceive and entertain all such as may U or him with a (udl. liin Hbu els conve nient to the Depot on the Georgia Railroad, sa teen miles east of Ai autfl. largo and well ar ranged with a view to comfort He is prepared to lurnish Families or single I Boarder, with Rooms of suitable size, all well I ventilated and furnished in the hi lest style. A sufficient number of faithful, well trained servant# are at all hours ou Uau 1. ready to sup- 1 ply the wants of Boarders, and be promises a : table equal v> the beet. So better water wr more : pureatumspl.ere can any where be found, and for beauty .-f .scenery, the Stone Mountain is I surpassed by but few places in any country. . Charges satis;uotor> . SAMUEL y. ALEXANDER, For Sale, 4 VERY dusirable RESIDENCE on JBl Bay stroot, in view of the steam- boat landing and tbfe river. If a purrha- slut, ■:er is not found, the place will be rented to an approved tenant. This is a rare opportu nity to secure a pond rosideuce at a reasonable ; rate. Apply to WM. WORRELL, or to jyl9 I H.JiTK A N» 4 CO. ' New and FresU SPRING MILLINERY. MRS. K. O. COLLINS HAH RECEIVED, at her store opjx»- site the Piaiiters’ • Hotel, a handsome sup ply of all articles ot | Tf p2K|K^#k ) MILLINERYj;^|^k; SDITADI’.E FOR | Spring and Summer, Consisting, in part, of an assortment of BON- I rariNETS. RIBBONS. FLOWERS. RUCHES,! 1)1 U/T. BLONDE LACES, VEILS, MITfS. DRESS iHrJJt'c vs. hkad dresses, h air Braids. ' J * UUR- S, TOILET PCWDERS, S JAPS. PFJ<- FUMES HAIR OILS, BONNETS, CAPS and HEAD DRESSES made at short notice and in the moet fadhionable stylo.: mhSO m BRAY’S HOTEL,^ CARTERSYILLE.GA., @|«|| SI TOATED nearest the Depot on the : la t hand side of the' Railroad coming down, I and on the right coming up. Passengers will mVp brrnkfast on arrival of the down trains Good walks to the Hotel. mh22-y W. M. BRAY. Proprietor JOIIK L BIRCKMI KR, ; Commission Merchant. , For the sale of FLOUR, GRAIN, and aH kinds o COUNTRY PRODUCE, , 03 BAY, CHAKLKtfTON, 80. Ca. liberal cash advances made on Province 1 in store Mr. NBUFFER wiU attend personally to aM sales of prod oca s>y*24 -sw3jn SM;ircljmise Carbs. Heard & Derry. HSHI. UNDERSIGNED have this dav! ,-fr, ship under the name! !r 5 ; 1 DWIitV.!->r the purpose | WAREHOI-Sf A.VDCOM.MIS.' -ION BLbl.Nfc.-s. in »Uini brae. lies. They have - leased, for a term of j cars, th, cmnmodioiFlre i.rool Warehouse No, ] viciculf’s Ranee R.-v-i iioei street, jiut l.e'ow Warren Bl.nk. where ihey will he well prepared to promote the inter | ; <?-t of customers. - . I Were for Stop., and Family Supplies j pr.-niptly att Qdoil to. Die ral awh ad 'iuU' ■ ruAde at ail lanes on Produce in ptore Their strict per,:.,,-,! atteuttun will bo dev,jtcI to the | „ a,i '“"T rwpwtiully KOlleit consign. I I meats Dor,: their frtenda and the puWir. ; WAdC T. HEARD, , . WM. C. DERRY, 1 1 -” a : J«lr 1,1868. jy 7-3nt j Ta card. HU firm of HEARD & JiAVIHON ... .'; ,vl ' ! « h '-'; n dias.dved by mutual eoneent. ■to .lie or-pem,? .partnership I, rtug been lermed, • aratefnlly return my thank* to; "jo nave oeretoforo patronized me. and i -arp>!ly solicit a contlnuanee of their favor . n my new bu.duei s in the firm of Heard S: ' "JO-, ISAAC T. HEARD j _ July 1,1838. jy7-3m | VY in. E. Barnes, I . y? Tl,: ' “•••:«>.« VIHSI or nun, * rose.,,) j N Ai.hHOlv-K AND OOMMI.'SION MERCHANT i Augmta, Gnrgia, IXfOULD hureby thank his friends,. , ; ,a,u iaose 4 thr- late firm, for irvTTW • liberal patronage, aud would ro-! - . •‘Clfnlly inform them, and the p iblic [ \.7i'!S: |, ». ,!oi: -« ' VAR! HDCSKond COM -'ll. SION -.1 MS Erg, in all it. branches at the ‘ .iri tJi : ' a: , wcll kn ®* r “ «Md. lle hopes, b- Ger ali ■ : ; nal to iHißiaes.., to merit a , Renerous share of luitronape. PROritTKle 1 ' 11 '; 1 11, 1 »f COUNTRY I w Id-Lb generally, being well prepared with’ l on tS? « ,Mn *« slo 0 tin sam. I LoWl lEd LVr Bi l OCW(S ’ ROl ' e “d FAMILY ] 1 •Y(. P. Stovall, ; WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1 A u>ib.ic. Grriryiii, f tin- btutinesg, in all its' * I, in h.s la:*.-, and coniine- rc'-T‘" i duais tire Proof Warehouse on Jack k'fekU} son street, near the Olobe Hotel. I a «J*> t 8 GOODS. Ac., promptly and carefully, The usual CASH fheilities aiforded customers, j jyie om Hees *4 Linton, l\ r|LI - continue tfca WaREHuOKE T t ar.d COMMISSION BUSINES... »vm. jat thoir o! stand, ou Gickaon struct • wiii devote their personal attention to !“** “‘to Sale of COTTON, BACON GKALN, 4c., 4c. Liberal uaah advances made when required, j Mc nlmf/" f'IMH-V .SUI-PI.IES, HAG I ICING ROPE, Ac., hik'd at tl. ■ lowest market - 1 pr I ;< 'f', J NO. C. REPS. ' I, DdL-uUi WAM’I. D. LINTON. Heart! &, Simpson. !r P I:E undersigned have tliia day 1 ' -'‘feu themsaivt 3 under the firm ! | «■»«“ of HEARD k SIMPfkJN, who e .Tl KSSSiI 1 continue the WAREHOUSE ~| COM MISSION^ [USIM.SH. „ »a R, ranrheOnthe lira-proof haildlngs, Hist side- Mrtutnafc street ' at present ia enpled by 8. [). l,, nhere they rapeotiully solicit a contlni.-ance of the patron ! nuherte extendad to e„r„ 0 f tho firm while I m hasineu s-parately,wad by th. )r on,ted et ..irk hope to merit a* receive a tiheral patron • public geoerady. : Orders wf UiuGIM; -R3WS. and FaMU-Y. SUPPIJE? will be carefully filleo of tar , i linn. 1 The usual facilities s.H be afforded oa PRO , DUCK in store, when desired. S. D. HKARD, J. R SIMPSON. ■ Augusta, July 1,185 S jylS-dawflm i • r I John Davison., (yCCCIWSQR TO BKAHD A DAVIHO.V.) j warehouse anti commission merchant, * Mclntosh .4ntet, Augusta, Georgia. HAVING purchased the entire inter est of Isaac T. Hkakd, in the late jY~YTT\ firm of Hkako & D.vyckw, the under , signed .Qtcii • carrying on the W.aRF '&&&? i HOUSE aud COMMISSION BUSINESS on his own . account, at the old stand on Mrlnto?b street j H«a strict personal attention will fcu gi V eu to ali busiuod.-*confided to him. j The usual liberal ct«h facilities will be exten l ed, and orders for BUPPIJES promptly u d care ftilly executed. JOHN DAVISON, i jyl6-dac6m PIIIMXV On CLAYTON, i W I=C ID O XJ- s; E •AND 1 1 Commission Merchants Angiitfta, G«orgin. OK THE FIBST OK SEPTEMBER next, the undersigned w til roinove/YTTTTV to the extensive and commodious Fro .'1 Warehouse owned and lor many ■ years occupied by L. t'opxtxß, Esq., and at j re i sent in the occupany of Mr. J. C HARbALSON, i who wiii at (hat time retire from the b. smoss. They will continue the WAREHOUSE AND COM MISSION BUSINESS in ail its branches, and will he better prepared than ever to promote the in tere.- i of their customers, to which their strict personal attention will be devoted The- solicit consignment- from their friends and the' - jblic. Y. PHLVI/Y, Augusta, Jane 9th, 1858. E. ? CLAYTON. A Card. THE UNDERSIGNED intending to discontinue the Warehouse and Commission Business on the first of Septenibe;* next, returns ’ his thanks to bis friends and pal.'ons for their! favore during the past year. Messrs. PHIMZY A CLAYTON having leaded the Warehouse for a term of years, I mwt cheer fully rtjeommend tkeia to m> frtands. jelO-dswQm J. C. HARALSON. J. B. Walker & Sous, SUCCIffISORS TO DUSTIN. WAUCER 4 CO., ! W ILL continue the WARE- wv-rr, ; TT HOl'rfEandCOMMis-ION nusf. i>\«AAUI NLS3 tn ail its branches, at the old J.wT* .land of Buun.v, Watjcer A Co., on Muiutosh-et. By strict personal attention to ail business en '.rusted to their care, they hope to merit a con-j l liuuaoce of the liberal patronage which Las; sithorto been extended to the old firm. | All order# promptly filled. Liberal cash ad . ranees in ide on I’rodueefn store, when required. JAMES B. WALKER, JOHN W. WALKER JAME 3 W. WALKER, | Augusta, J oiy 1. 1868. Notice. THE undersigned baviug withdrawn! from the Warehouse an-1 Gmmission Bust j ness, cheer full v recommends to his friends the! . ' tew firm of Messrs. J. B. Walskr & Sons, who i j «vjll continue to traj.sact the buslueea at tiie old j fuuui of Boarn Walker A Co. K. AUSTIN, j I Augusta July 1,1858. jylO-dAw2m Harper C. Bryson, WAREHOUSE AND COMMIBS'ON MERCHANT ! , tire I’rtM'f Warehouse, Avrusta, Georgia, TT THERE his personal attention will) IT bo gi you t«the Storage ot Lot- i ton and other Produce. -Orders for : FAMILY SUPHJIS promptly attepded WF-a'l I to. Cash advanced on PRODUCE ta store. Safes /ioor-i and Office on Reynold.‘between j Jackson and jyl? ucbca j S>tots. It, BOOTS AND SHOES. /.'LtM’M CAIN CONGRESS GAITERS ! \_T Do KII) do do I)o Calf Skin do do Ito P S Strap Shoes Do Calf do do i o do Pump Sole Oxford Tie-’ ■j Just received per last Steamer, and for Sale »>y JAMES W. BI RCH, Opi>o»ite Express Office, Broad street. My 1 JUST RECEIVED, AFRESH lot of those justly famous .MOROCCO BOOTS, from Philadelphia, I sewed through and through, warreated never to rip. Call and see them. ! JAMBS W. BURCH. ! Broad street. I ('OR CLEAN LINEN ANI* COTTON RAGS, (packed in bales,) Caslt will lie Baal, j 31 «'«<>««• of BATH PAPER MILLS, m Reynolds street, bet ween Jackson ami Mclntosh, Augu.-ta Georgia. mv °g ’ UN FHECEOENTE D INDUCEMENTS ! IASI SELLING my stock of V EHICLBS, consisting of Carriages, Rockawavs, dAROMHES, JERBEI W AGONS BUGGIES, with and without tops, i of all the different styles now manufacture l. at ; prices AS LOW as can be bought fn any Southerr ! ciiy. Being consuntly in the receipt of good?. •, lam enabled to offer to the public something ! both fresh and ne w. 6 i In addition to the above, l keep always on band a number of Vehicles of my own manufuc ure. I klno warrant all work that leaved my store. H. H. MAY, At my old stand, corner Jackson and Ellis-sts. in rear ol Globe Hotol d22-ly CABINET MAKING. shop, first above the PAIaACLSIHHHI ! STABLES, on Ellis-street. to carry on the above j business in all its branches, j Particular attention given to the REPAIRING ] OF FURNUUP.E and PACKING, etc. 1 solicit a share of public patronage. } mylO-tf WM. SINGLETON. ; OCr-$65,000 r*o WAS DRAWN IN SWAN k CO.’S Sparta Academy Lottery, DAILY DRAWING. Tickets in all of the daily SCHEMES, also Id the Saturday $70,000 1 Scheme, c n be had at mv effice on Washington street, one door from Broadhtreet. Offic*'hours ' from fi A. if. to 9 P. M. ?>>'*£_ C. A. LATHROP. Agent. REWARD! R ANA WAY from the subscriber, on the night of the 10th in-t.. hi; black mjc j man ADAM. He is about 34 years of age, fly five feet 8 inches high, stout built, weighs I about 185 pounds ; is a Coach Painter Aa trade, and is .also a Preacher. He generally dresaee id uark colored w-ooleu clothing. Hu for. merly lived in AbboviDe District, 3o ith i nroUna and he may make for that place, ftu above reward will be padfi for his appre t ; to rod ;or $25 if placed in auy jail so that I can got him. LUTHER ROLL. Augusta, July 12th, 1553. ts Groceries. | 6AA BaI.ES Gunny BAGGING ; j suo Coils Hemp and Jute ROPE . | 100 Cods Manilla ROPE . j 1000 Lbs. TWINE ; 500 Bags COFFEE—Rio, Laguayra auu Java; 25 Hhds. N. O. and Muscovado SUGAR ; j 200 Bbis Clarified, Crushed aud Powde ed SUGAR ; i 2000 Backs SALT : 500 Kegs NAILS , 250 Boxes Adamantine CANDLES 25 “ STARCH; 50 Kegs Bicarbonate SODA, and boxes 1 ft j papers : 50 Boxe.-; TOBACCO : 100 Hhds. choice Cuba MOLASSES . 25 Bids. New Orleans 11 25 VINEGAR, White W ne and Cider ; 250 Lbs. INDIGO. Also, PEPPER, SPICE, BROOMS BUCKETS, Wrapping PAPER, and al’ articles usually found io a Grocery Store, for sale low by . JO3l AH RIBtjCY k SONS, W J No. 6 d arren Block, j Fire and Life insurance. ! IrJ’IHEl r J’IHE CONTINUED FIRES, u« .taiiy 1 « deaths, tn all parts of our country 1 warn prudent persons to secure ttu-m- I selves against destruction and which can be done with a tight annual I i expense. m I 1 ] Insurance of hves and property at v|iF most reasonable rates can oe effected wmm ■ at. in;, office in Madisok, Ga. ; in the following responsible companies Southern Mutual Life Insurance Comptnv, Co-' ' tumble, S. C. Howard Fire and Marine, Philadelphia. , Consolidated Insurance do ' farmers’ and Mechamcs’ do i Bridgeport Fire and Marine*;.Bridgeport Ct. I ml-4 JOHN koBSON, Agent. SUNDRIES. m\VO HUNDRED bags KIO COFFEE, 1 J. 20 bags JAVA COFFEE . 10 do Laguyra do ; 20 hhds Choice Porto Bico 3I*GAR 5 do Kuscovauo do 100 bbls Clarified A, B and C do 40 do Crushed and Powd’d do 30 bales Heavy GUNNY CLOTH 300 Roils Patching do, de; 500 Whole and Halt Coils Han do pun ROPE ; | 600 do do do Maculae do; 50 coils Choice Manilla do; | 10,000 sacks 12vci p >ol SALT . j *2,000 bushels Bulk do ; 100 sacks Alum do , j 10CO kegs NAILS ; 175 boxes STAR CANDLES . 200 boxes TOBACCO, various brands , i 30 boxes PEARL STARCH ; 20 boxes BI CARBONATE SODA 20 boxes Choice M R RAISINS 10 boxes Choice Layor do 5 cases TABLE SALT; 10 sacks Ashton do ; 25 obis Sugar House Syrup ' 50 bbte N w Orleans do , 200 bales Choice HAY; ! 40,C00 lbs IRON, &c.&c. For sale low bv jyl DANIEL fi. WILCOX. Molasses and Sviiigi. ( fTWENTY-FIVE hhds. choice West; Jl India MOI-ASatS : 25 bbis. Sugar House SYRUP ; 2o “ Extra Sugar House SYRUP : 50 “ Choice New Orleans SYRUP For ■sale low, by jy23 DANIhL H. WJLOOX. 1 Bacon. FIYE THOUSAND pounds Tennessee ' H AMS . .u IMao-tt*. T«a«ntt SHOULDERS JO,OOO >■ rtearSIDFS, 10 000 -■ Ribbed SIDES. I j»(J3 THOS. P. STOVALL & 00. |jht>g-l}Me Cbtbina. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER ** r: .m ■ » smc jt»‘K j CLOTHING! RAMSEY & LABAW (Opposite the Union Bonk, Axujasla, Geot+na,) ■ A RE receiving-daily, and are offering ! I s\. to their friends am! customers the «argea , ! and best selected stock this season they have] , | ever offered, having purchased the entire stock almost exclusively tor Cash, Mid paid una.suul i ’: attention to the manufacture or the Clothing. We { are prepared to offer them at orices to defy com- ' petition. We have an elegant line of SCARFS* CRAVATS, STOCKS. UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS, every grade ; " linen Bosom SHIRTS, from the well known ! manufactories of Morrison k Co., Golden Hill, I John M. Da?i«i k Co., aud Fowler «fcCo. —ALSO A complete liue of GLOVfiS, of every kind ; , HANDKKRCHIEFS, SOCKS. &c. n 1 Wc have abo a very large stock of SF.RVANTS 1 j CLOTHING, of every kind, which we would call ! especial attention to. Merchants axd others would do well to call be i fOI T PQt*chasiDfc elsewhere. iah3l GE-VEUAL STOCK OF RE tI)V.M IDE CLOTHIXfi. 'YTOW is the time to buy the following , -Lx articles for Mens’ aoc Boys Wear, cheap- I er than they should be sold in this market : 't RAGLANS, OVERCOATS, SHAWLS, BLANKETS I ROPES, Fine Cloth and Oassimero COATS, Fine VESTS, PANTS, SHIRTS. DRAW KRS, SUSPENDERS. CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS, TRUNKS, . VAUCES, and every article in our line, novfl CLAYTON & KENNEDY. j GENTLEMENS’ - , Fall and Winter Goods for 1857. Mi' stock of goods is now full and comprises everythin* that is fashionable I | in CLOTHS, CABSIMERES and VESTTXGS. which I will be made to order os good and as fashionable ■ ;as can be obtained in any part of the country. ! A fine and select stock of Ready Made CURB- i • 1 ING, which cannot bo excelled by aDy Goods in Fi the city. ALSO, i A Urge stock of FURNISHING GOODS, err.bra- I! cing everything that to necessary for Gcutle : urn’s w’car. Ail goods sold at this establishment warrant . c d as represented. ' 1 ucta> J- A VAX' HTSKT.K. | THE APOTHECARIES BILL,! AUtiI’STA, GA. rPHE Proprietor of i JL the above ‘-.stablsh ■ ment respectfully Invites ! *hc attention of Physicians - and Families to his stock i’ \ of select DHUGB, MED! »i LINES and CHEMICALS of the purest qualities and at / ; v DRCUi i moderate prices. Es: ; Ainonp-t my as4< rtment SmjDQBnSIIH ! . ure the following articles : \BfIKA " tturgical Instrument*. of t j every variety ; French, i English and American Per ' fuxacry, Trusses, Shoulder i Braces uud Abdominal Sop porters ; every variety ol *Sgg-£sg3gKia>g ■: Combs and Toilet Brushes ; Lamp Oils, Wicks i • i and Lamp Shades ; Paints. Paint Oila, Patent - Brushes Window Glass, Varnishes, Ac.; Medi ! j Ciiual Wines an«l Brandies ; Burning Fluid und Campheue ; Spices of all kinds : Pot and Pearl Ashe*. Indigoes and Dye Woods; Starch, Tapioca i Sago, Pearl Barley and Arrow Root. Also, a constant, supply best Sweedish Leeches, Quinine, Morphine. Elaterium. Strychnine, Chlo roform. Ac. Ac., from the most responsible La ! boratories. The preparation of Pharmacopeial articles is j conducted personally by Dr. A. S. RAVENS- ! CROFT, a graduate of the London College of Vbar- : rnacy. Ail articles warranted T. P. FOGARTY, IW. Broad st., . d24-tf Under the Augusta Hotel. | . EERO SINE OIL AND Lamps! A NOTHEF. LOT or THE ABOVE re-; eeived. LAMPS sold as low as r"| > f $1 25 each, will give a light equal to ‘ix Candles— warranted not to gum, Yu& j explode, am oil or congeal will give |tty ')■-) | a steady, constant light for TWENTY HOURS without trimming Han j The public are invited to call and examine them at the 1/ ; APOTHECARIES* HALL. « j Under the Augusts Hotel. mixmtrx. | ap26 T OMAS I\FOGARTY. | Bath (South Carolina'' Paper Mills TKTILL KEEP ON HAND in this city, ! i * nd for sale at lowest cash prices, com i stantHuppiioo of j: BOOK, «r «c \v «s am i WRAPPING PAPER.! i ot bftfll qualities. Orders promptly filled. ! Slore Room ou Reyaokl attest, tmmedlately I rear of City Bank. GEO W. WINTER •i Augusta, Aprifi. 18M. apß-tf THE NEW JXRVSALEh! OR, \ THEOLOG T OF THE NEW CHURCH. • YX7 OKKS of Euan ukl Swbdenborg can i T T be found deposited at the Young Mens’ i ! library Association. for the use #f the publk j decl-ly Negro Mechanics TWO good BKiCKLAYEUS (cod PLA.B-! TERKBB. and one good TANNER and H . 1 1 | ISHKR OF IJiATHER, car be b»red by the year ' | or month, or by the Job, by applying to dls J. C. BARNETT, Madison, Ga. ’ ISPECIAL CARD.- GUAY & TURLEY HAVE JLBT RECEIVED another lot! of those FINE WHITE BBILLIANTKS. at 12Mi cents per yard. j. ALso, Isabella, Jonannah and Caroline WHITE i j FRINGES ; Ladies’ Marseilles COLLARS and j | j SETTS, both white an.d colored ; Birm'nghara i | and Metropolitan EXTENSION HOOP SKIR'rS ; L , Black Silk > I ITS, both long and short, with and 1 ", , without fingers ; an entirely new and handsome ! v lot of RIBBONS, for Indies' Bonnets ; 50 pieces j fine IRISH LINEN, to be sold by the piece only, ! at extraordinary low prices; DAMASKS, DOY i 'LIES, N.-VPKINS; TOWELS, crash and linen ;j > ; SHEETING, at prices that cannot fail to com-;' i maud a quick sale. Thote in want of such goods j ! would do well to call soon. rny27 j " Look at This. , 1' AM SOW PREPARED TO DO ALL 1 ( , X work iu the Carpenter's line with neatoeea i b I and dispatch. Jobbing attended to. Also, Furniture made and repaired. , i HENRY ROGERS. L i Shop on Jack3on-streei. near the Baptist Church. | *'nM ts To Kent, lItRDM Ist ofSEITEMBEK NEXT, the 1 J Fire Proof WaREHOUS. on Catnpbell-st., | ' at present occupied by Messrs. Ooskery & VVfvU- i ? j lock. Afc*i, the DWEUANG HOUSE adjoining s ! the satae on the eortkor fronting the River. ! j«3U WtAH KBLBY A SONS. |l NUMBER 493 i PisttllaiitMt. SLAVE TRADE Re-Op©nedL! ONE HUNDRED NEGROES WANT KD, ranging from twelve to twenty foui I years old. for which we will pay the highest cufe '■ prices. Apply at our Stables in rear of the U. S ■ Hot* l - Any comn.unlcatlon through the Poa Uifire will meet with prompt attention. In our 'F^SssS<SAME* bOV ' 10 JH ’ »>• *• | __j^ s _ HBCKIi k WILSON. Bacon. ~ Thirty thousand pounds choice new Ten I nussco LACON, hog round, on hand and 'or sato I u y «»ba A. STEVKNf!^ ruti™ e J Window Shades, just roceiyed at „ BENJAMIN k GOODRICH'S ; Furniture Warerooma ,COWETA HOUSE. NEVVNAN, GA. j “''Wy SANDERS W. t.ER STONE MOUNTAIN HOUSE, DiKALB COUNTY, GA. ’ mlrt ly S. F. ALEXANDER ■t!iNiVK.SS|.;K PRODIICE. TITLE undersigned ia prepared to ext • X. cute with promptuesH orders for , Bacom, Lard , Vhmt, Rye, Oats, CLm, Flour or any oUicr products of Middle Teoneeso* * « D. D. DICKEY flu t r4 500 ego strei ' t > atg-i i y R. P. SPELMAN, SR., painter. Greene-ytrect, Anguau. Gei rgia. »> EHJREKLA fIIHIS IS THE EXCLAMATION ofi X SIKEFJUNG DYgPEITIC, after hayingtriae I all the patent noMruioa of the day, when re-art bar once boon had to that long I i oughly tested, aod net er failing Remedy, tic jColleton Bitters! llie s " rK ' rr[ ™ of Mrv. EMLT The disease to driven from the Byatom like tbi dewidrop from the Rose bud k, the morn‘s " h . a v f ra * ter l >rool c ““ iho common nity require that the article above natnc-i « iS5 A JS B ? EMEDY than thftt it haa been sold in tbihCity for a series of Tioenty-Fivc Years arwt ! the unsolicited recommendations of Phv»- J clans, ClergymOT, Ladies and Gent emen es the j first standing. Hundreds of letters have bee x < received from the most respectable sources aft i speaking lr. utfualifiod measure of praise dt 'thistruly ***-«'- vi i ;X'l4L J SES?a r 2: SLEETiS ! TON BrirEßS 100 -.°f- tb l o,e hrated COI lT !, ,v . i-vntati/ ns have sprung up. mad# i , y tllell “- , Pfr | enced, and of course paseutaf but little merit, they have usually had bntah ephetnera! existence ; but th l sutteriui- and ik.w ; DyapepUu must he on hto guard or ) lmihitions will be p.dmed on him In plane of my ! '' h el , l reme-ly. Buy none, therefore, txi that will, my name on the label, and a so oh 4r L C tt,e namu 'WoUeUm UitUr j" at blown j m the Glass. I TheOrllcton Blitnrs is (hr sale by every m I speatabto Druggist in the City and State. ‘ The Trade will b. supplied on Libera! Terms Orders should be addressed to JOHN tSHHHRST, Rpe.-lal Agent an Hayne-st., CTiarloaum, 8. 0. talc 10 Augusta, Ga., by PLU iB,U KM h phAkw- m d - ■ in [MACHINE SEWING, ALL DLSCRIITIONS OF FINE AKD 1 COARSE SEWING ia done with dupatch g* , M *ohine Sewiug Rooma# I On Broa street, above N. K. Butler’a. ” . The heads oi famihe- w'll find ,t to thei!-'nto» re.-t to call and eumme specimens of b.-. ft ; w °rk, which is daily executed there AT MODERATE CHARGES. , PRESSES for Ladlec and (hildren tacked mAw I slr f e -„ PAKIS, TJSPTS, w* I m2 bni'H tn ° f Cl ‘" htal * ma e " ;lh , much Handsomer than by hand *r Cali at the ■■ MACHINE SEWING ROOMr" 'ignsta, April fig. IBf.ij ap2 g jw arw CARPET STORE, IN CHARLESTON. S. 0. R cakpkt DEPARTHEST. 0} AL VELVET FILE: Tapttotr Brussels ; English Wire Brussels ; Rrintew I Brussels ; Printfd Velvet : 12-* ami lE4 Druggets ; Felt Druggets . Crujnb Ciotha : Rsg usri Venetian for stairs, entries and ahaiwL •; Three-Plya; Amorican lngrakA, i Ingrt*lna . ('.inton and Comw ! Mattings ; Mosaic, Axmineter, Brussels, aa«i Tufted Rugs • Door Mate : Stair Cart**, | Rods, be. fix. V!! VBV DEP ARTMEIIT. bl. n ,1 1 Vr h ,'- r Parnaak ,74upto iM 4*- ole Cloths ; 4 4 Family wAns • 7.« »hirti»» linens , fine Fronting Linens ; Pillow w.- -Jf •*n.- ; 3 yards wide Sheeting do. ; Birds* «ye i»- aper ; Scotch Diaper ; Brown Table Cauiuk.- Brovn Table Cloths : 3 yards wide Drnagfts* Napkins, Doilies, Tow jle, Tray Cloths, Dowlas irdsh. Huckaback, etc.; 8-4 colored T&bUnS Colored Tikble Covers ; FtvlU Doilies ; Rkiao Oof. ors; Centre Covers; Window Shades. FIX)OR OTI. CLOTH 3 cut for Rooms or Fntrlw JAMES U. BAII,IK, * l - s; Propreetflr, T Volcanic Pistols and Rifles. HESE PISTOLS carry the Minrab balls and shoot six times with one loadkML j the load and cap being contained In the bail; They shoot with great precision and force. The ; Kifces are a curiosity. With one loading they [can bo discharged twenty tiroes in me and aro the beet guns for squirrel hunting eg j taut. i The undersigned is the soie Agent for tlio eoia - : puny in this city. HENRY J. OBBORNJt [ Watch, Jewelry and Optical Store. 256 BroadwA Augusta, Ga. fobl2 ILI.I M INATTNG! ( A N.\KI. COAX. OIL. THIS beautiful Oil is superior to any Oil before offered in this market. It is m safe, and etoeedg in soft brilliancy auy (JimC (Kerosine) Oil l>efore the pubb«. and dbm smoke. I will be pleased to 1 >an Liunna, fsx ut any parties wishing to make a trial. Mr price Is $1.26 per gallon, whick wtU be refunded if the Oil is returned. LARD’S. OHHM NEYS, kc . for sale by je!s-3m j. g StUNGtR Cheese, Cheese. Choice fine apple and English DAIl.y CHF.EBE, lust rovuived aort for- vfe by l«ll D’ANTIGNACRHOBBAROn BATH PAPER, SUI.LS WRAPPING PAPER -«. .>«»«> lu-x*..., ASSORTED SIZBB AND QUALITIES. Just received from the MiHa and for aale Ugp for cavh. a discount of fifteen per sent te per son- tjtkiog Ten Ra&tne at & time. Store rcona on Keynoids street, in rear of Qsf Bank »pS*tf 080. W