Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, August 12, 1858, Image 1
Slupsta €Brittg |lisptc|. VOLUME 2. 0* bf'ting Jlisfiiclj. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, BY S. A. ATKINSON, j D ULY, per annum $4 DO i WEEKLY. “ I 50 ! *S“ Subscriptions will bo received for throe j-nioi ths at *1 25. Monthly subscriptions, Fifty I t coots. 4®-Payment for subscriptions will positively De required in advance. if*' fHK (It i-'lOis OF THE DISPATCH i? on Broad street, a few doors below Setz’n Corner, . fupst irs.) Entrance next door above A. i . Bignou & Co. \s Store. K ITES OF ADVEKfISiAO: Advertisements will he inserted by the square '■'H2l os (100 wor Is.) foi r-0 cents for tin- fir.-t Siseriiou, aud cent for each . ' in vSertion under one no nth, to he paid forwheuthe a lvei Jsementis handed into the office. Advertisements under five lines will be lneut .eu at 10 cents a hne for the first, and n cents a Lao for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements will be inserted in both the Daily and Woekly Dispatch at 25 per cent above hose rates. satl 110 ab Register. GEORGIA RAILROAD. Leave Augusta 0.45 A. M. Arrive Atlanta 0 15 A. M. Leave Augusta 2.45 I’. M. Arrive At mta 1 .50 P. M. Leave Atlanta 12 Night. Arrive Augusta 5.63 A. M. Leave Atl aiu* 10 a. M Arrive Augusa f. 45 P. M No Sunday Train from *. usguia at 2.45 P. M., iv: l Atlanta at 12, Night. ■4 I<> am mm «-<*' tl £ mm *a ssi. South Carolina Railroad. Arrive ugusta 11.15 P. M. do do 1.15 P.M. Leave Augusta 10 A. M. do do 8.05 P.M. Western and Ada: tic Railroad. Arrive Atlanta 1 ..22 Night. Leave Atlanta 12.50 Day. Ulat a and Lad range Railroad. Arrive Atlanta 8 .53 A. M. do do 751 P. M. Leavo Atlanta 015 A. M. do do 10.15 \ M. Athens Branch. Leave Athens 11.30 A. M.. Arrive August« at ‘ 5.45 P. M., av*. Atlanta at 12 Night. Leave Augusta 2 45 P. M., and Atlanta at 10 <•* M.. Arrive Athens P. 45 I’ M. Washington Branch. M . Arrive August:* at '■ i ''Y- ‘ . ™ Leave Warren ton o . 1 6.45> P. M., Atl :Lti P. M. Leave An sta 2.45 P. 11. ..mi Atlanta ! A. ; M., Arrive Warren.on 6.30 P. M. N. B.—On SUNDAYS i:' Truius run on the ! Branches. LORGi: YOXCE, jy 14 Gen’l Sup’t AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. Leave Augusta at 2.45 P. M. do do *'.45 A. M. Arrive at Augusta at,7.28 P. M. do do I.OuA. M. ( ‘Utecting at ilillcn with Trains on the Pen tral Railroad. ANDREW YONGK, jyl4-tf Supennteudant. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. i t aarleston, if. 0., ) •• Kingsville, S. C., lat 10 A. M-, and b.o.> *• Camden, S.H, f P. .M., ; • Columbia, S. C., J :n .I arrive a - Augusta at 1.15 P. M.. and ’ *jf. H. T. PEAKE, jyjf. General Superintendent. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. (A anta to Chattanooga >) *Mor.L ig Pasa'ger Trtun leaves Atlanta 4.50 a m and arrives at Chattanooga 5.23 ain Mora:;., Passenger Train leaves Chat. 4.05 a m and arri' .at Atlanta 5.00 a m Night Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 12.15 p m and nrrl is at Chattanooga 8.25 p m Night Passenp*T : An leaves Chat. 3.10 p m a id i.rriv .s at Atlanta 11.22 p m i PV 1 » CIWTTAXOOOA. $5. ATI.ANT V AND LAGRANGE RAILROAD. ; m ,z:.:uz V.«s-iiger 'i rain leaves Alientalc 15 a m ai . j-rrivc; at West T’oint 5.39 am i • fralu leaves Atlanta 0.16 sns an!Aves at West. POint 5.3' a »n Morning P« - -*r Train leaves W. Point 3.45 a m A irr.ves at Atlanta at 8.33: m ! .*.nin: i««**•:• .-Trainleaves W. Point 2.= 6p m •a,d arrives at Atlanta 7.51 p m Vakkto West Point, j-3.50. GEO. G. HULL, Superintendent. 8- SUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD. ijOaVO Macon at 11.45 P. M. and 0 45 A. M.: * • |n Colujobui* gt 5 35 A, M and 3.45 P. M. {vT' 4 A. M. and 3.45 P. M : Arrive =-p \i- rr -t oSOA. M. anil 9.|8 P. M. 1 , Cv >i 9.45 A. M. A' iveia Utaßjr4.o* ' . Ito «on M - ,n ) 40P. M. M- Uv ' A .11 ya i , ; " , ' *' ‘ 1 ■'* ’' am Down, Mon- ' ' Up—Tuesday, bi.;- ,-i . - r-’.... *"homas* rii! to •••-..* irom Tallahassee. •»*. . .sle, t budge, &c , conuect daily with u. ira-ns M Albany. GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup’t. ’ MAC;A’ AND WiCSTERN RAILROAD. Leave Macon .2 Night, Arrive Atlanta 7.15 A. M Leave Macon 10 A. M., Arri\ o Atlanta 4 P. M iiCa. e Atlanta 12 Night, Arrive Macon 7.15 A.M Leave Atluuta UA. M , Arrive Macon 5 P. M A. L. TYI.EK, Superintendent. F. J. DELKER'S CELEBRATED 'PHILADELPHIA BALM. {MOSQUFTO ANTIDOTE.) I HAVK IN STORK it large quantity of ibe above article, which is highly recom mended and approved, to prevent Mosquitoes, Ant j . . and Flies, Bed Bugs and Knats from touching the human body, wherever it is ap olitfd. It beautifies tbo complexion, imparts ' softness and lily whiteness to the Skin ; removes Laa and sun burn instantaneously, und, through the continuance of its use, removes all freckk-s aad pimples. Price 25 cts a bottle. I have also on hand, F. J. DELKEIV3 Bed-Bug Destroyer, which is certain death to all kin’s of Bugs, when used according to directions; and, as it is n paste, free of grease, il will prevent the return -of all Beu Bugs until the paste is hard, which cannot be before two years. Orders from the co-ntry respectfully solicit- V. IaTASTE, Wholesale and Retail Drug Store, two doors be low P. O. Corner. mvR! L~~ IQUORS. A large and well selected stock of Foreign »ud Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cordials ai ways on hand and for sale low by <cb2 A. STEVENS. Rope, Rope. ONE HUNDRED coils best Machine ROPE, (Tod l Mills) just received by jyi» D’ANfIGNAC A HUBBARD Twine, Twine. FIVE bales Bagging TWINE, just re ceived, and lor sale at jy 15 D’ANTIGNAC & HUBBARD'S. Urn fak SPRING DRYGOODS GRAY & TURLEY BEG TO ANNOUNCE to their custom- I ers and the public that they now have in I store, and are daily receiving a very cx-ansivc and choice selection of SPRING AND SUMMER lOiry GtOgOCISS, We wish jt to be remembered that we still keep a resident purchaser at the North, from whom we receive daily the 3^a.TBST IMPORTED FASHIONS! We .-elicit Cguntry Merchants, buying for cash, to call and examine our stock, and ASCERTAIN OU R PRICES. To such we are prepared to offer superior in ducements. Below we mention some of the MOST FASHIONABLE, as also somo of the leading articles in ea h de partment. Dress Goods, Rich Chintz Cliene BAYADERE SILKS : do do RAYE DhvQUJLI.K do > do Moire Antique Bl'kandCol’d do Bischoff’s Celebrated BLACK SILKS, in great variety : Marccllaine and Florence SILKS, all colors ; GRENADINE. CRAPE D’PARISat l SEW ING SIJ.K ROBES ; Challie, Barege IdJitine and BAREGE ROBKS. PI.INTF.D LAWN, PRINTED BRILI.ANTE, CIIALI.IES, BAREGE I ELANE, BAREGES, CRAPE MARITZ. crape departs, cank'N cloth, BOMBAZINE, ALAI'AC.V, &C.,AC. '££. O JE3 3C 3S mPL AND EMBROIDERIES! Ladies IIOSE in COTTON, SOX and LINEN. t Misses do do do uo <!o do Gents j* do do do «lo do do } Indies GLOVES in KID, SILK LINEN asd SILK MITTS. 6 000 Einbd. BANDS, in J ACC N LIT, SWISS and MULL. t 5,000 Einbd. COLIiARS and BETTS, in JACO NET, SWISS and MULL. EDGINGS and INSERTING, in great variety. Einbd. LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, iu great variety. TOTE GOODS. Einbd. MUSLIN and I.dCE CURTAINS, do do for Ladies PRESSES. Plain JACONET and SWISS MUSI I N -. N insook MUI Land Book do Printed BRILL ANTE and French CAMBRIC. MANTILLAS, SHAWLS, SCARFS, &c., n great variety and very cheap. DOMESTICS. 5 cases BROWN SHIRTINGS, 0 ' 4 c. 5 do WHITE do 1,000 pieces CALICOES, fa-1 colors, 0j 4 c. ALL THE F AVORITE BR AN OS OF AMERICAN CALICOES AND , SHirtings, IjO^AT A VERY HANDSOME; LOT OF r't t ivt / 1 Lr A 1\ T O tx 11> ur. AMS, « IN JILAOK AND COLORED. 11 r, 2,000 COUNTERPANES, from $1 25 to SlO each, ii 5 cases 11-4 SHEETING, best qnalitv, „ 5 do BED TICKING, APRON CHECKS, n FURNITURE PRINTS, dec. Ij H IST 3ETS 3>sr JS , Best Irish LINEN DAMASK. 50 to $1 50. do do do NAPKINS and DOYLIES. n 100 to 450. n Best Irish LINEN TABLE CIJ3THS. n do do do for SHIRT FRONTS 25 to 150 a Plain aud Fancy LINENS, for Gentlemen and 11 Boy’s wear, from 18% to 75c. per yard. s SUNDRIES. RIBBONS—LUTES, SATIN AND VELVET —FUR NITURE AND DRESS FRINGES ; PARA SOLS . HOOP SKIRTS, FANS, H AIR BRUSHES. COMBS, FANCY [. SOAPS, &e., i:c. mb22 is Dry Goods'. Dry Goods!! MILLKK & WARREN are now receiv ing their stocks of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, I' which they are prepared to oflet and soil as iow ’ as any house in the city. The stock bus been selected will* great <• re, ami comprises a great j' Variety of Ladies' Press Goods, snob as Rich and elegant Silk Robe do Quilie, Ra»U'*‘ re Silks, variety of sty i«-', SUkValruJ.' 3 ' 4 - striped and plaid, i 'lain Silks, all oUj' >r3, M V-irning Bayadere Alio plain Black, Plaid and U® Silk p© 4 *lins and Victoria Plaid-. Dela’cc l °be de Quihe, Rich ITg'd Delaines and Chshmere-', Eirb’d Merinoes, new styk-s, Plain French aQd English Merkieos, Mourning French and Englk Pr» Q b», American Mourning do Scotch Ginghams, Mourning Ginghams, Che no Ginghams, An extensive variety of ftj'awls, oorr.prising Silk Thibet Shawl.-:, Brotf 0 Nbawis, ”lush Bordered Stella Sbuwls, | eheuiile Shawls and Scarfs, Ladies’ black and eolored Cloth Cio^kv", Pvich Velvet Cloaks, every variety, All-Wool Lone Shawls, Plain bl’k aud Second Mourning Mermo Shawls, A iot of beautiful Embroideries, consisting of Rich Muslin Sleeves aud Collars, in setts, Jaoonet and Swiss Sleeves, linen Collar a, Maltese Looe Setu-, Imitations Laco Collars and Sleeves, Jaconet and Swiss Bands, Linen Cambric Handkerchlois, plain and em broidered, i Hemmed and Mourning Handkerchiefs, i Misses’ and Boys’ Wool Hose, Wool Gaiters ; Nett Sacks, . Misses’ Morin a Vests Ladies Merino Vesta, short and long sleeves, For the Gent lemon’a line may be found— Black Cle‘l is and Caasimorcs, • Fancy Ca»s meres, latest sty sos. Rich Velvet and Cashmere Voatings, i North Carolina Cassimcres, superior article, |; Cravat* andfJollars ; Merinoos. sepGQ MILLER k WARREN. LiO Insurance. THE AUGUSTA INSURANCE AND BANKING COMPANY are prepar d to Issue at moderate premiums policies of insurance on, - the lives of Slave?, tuer for one, dve or ten years. Forms o ' application and tables of rates cun ne prooured at the office ei the Company ■ free of eharge. WM. ts. D’aNTONAC, Preadont. C. F. MoCot, secretary, MjU AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. AUGUST 12 1858 SPRING AND SUMMER Dry Goods! millinery ! CHEAP FOR CASH!! JAMES HENEY HAVII'JG just returned from the Nor the» n market® with a snpe-iOi stock of and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. comprising somo of th;ll»nu|t^Hp RV Id rewest styles, as well *- H “ji'jj t'<e finest texture of DRESS GOODS, lo which he wishes to call the attention of all persons visiting Au gu: la. pledging himself that he wll permit no one to undersell him. aud is confide.n, tu the can sell at least rom sto 10 par cent, cheaper j I than .any other SHtoire j iu the clt.i . lie and those in his employment! will feel a pic isure in waiting on those wh > j favor him with a cal'. : uid as they w!’! of no- j ceasity have to examine the stocks of the city in order to find the best value, he hope they will . bear in miud his t tore, which is ono door above j the Georgia Railroad Bank. CAT T. AND SEE HIP STOCK STUDY YOUR IVERKST^. NOBODY COMI'ELLED TO BUY. EVERYBODY WAITED ON WITH PLEASURE. ! Dress Silk.-:. ALL STYLES, VERY LOW. Printed Lawn, Organdie and JACONEiS, all! styles, very low ; Printed Lawn, Organ lie and Jaconet ROBES, dilierent s'yles; Printed Lawn BAREGES and GRENADINES. | A large k>t of GINGHAMS and CALICOES. Swiss, Jaconet and Mu’.l MU -T.INS. A splendid stock of KM BROILER LI) GOODS. SUMMER SHAWLS and MAN IILI AS. I N THE PiUiiifrw ipepnmn’t is to he found all that is novel, never ha ing ! been better supplied with all that w desirable in ; IS ONKTETS, »sr xm. «* :a» »• kc .. &c , &c. Sheetings, Shirtings and Osnahurgs; IRISH LINENS ; TABLE LINENS and TOWELINGS : i Musquito NETTINGS : BED SPREADS. FRING3, ! &c. a foil supply oi hosiery. mb3i! B.ICLI EMBROIDERIES!! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED > very l-rge assortment of French Worked Collars, S WTSS AND JACONET BANDS, j SWISS AND .T \CONETTRIMMI M GS, SWISS AND JAJONET FLOUNCINGS, I Plain and Emb’ l LINEN COLLARS, Large ass’t. Plain and Emb’d L. C. HDKFS, Rich ChantiMy LACE VEIIi?, new styles. I —ALSO Rich Silk ami Uice MANTII.L.VS, LINEN DUSTERS, Rich Organdie MUSLINS, ; Low-priced LAWNS. White BRILLIANTS, Plain and Check NAINSOOKS, do do JACONETS, do do CAMBRICS, do do MULLS. These Goods having oeen recently bought at a I great reduction c- the market price, will be | sold correspondingly low, and a portion of them having been bought of the manufacturer about ( . 50 pe: cent less thau they could have b„*en 1 bought-at any auction salo. tliey will be soldi lower than tjie saute quality of goods have ever ! been ofterod at in this city. Our stock is other- , •.Vi<c well assort?*! and offers rare ;>tt. icL mh ; in *he way of I.O\V PRICES. All of which we j will be pleased to exhibit at our jel7 BROOM & NORRELt. Stone Mountain House. i THE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully in } form the public gener- . ally, but especially those who wish to find a pleasant and ffiTCSgSoAhL healthy summer retreat, in - l the up-country, that he is now prepared to receive and entertain all such as may fa or him with a call. Hi- Hou eis conve nient to the Depot on the Georgia Rui I road, six teen miles east of Atlanta, large and well ar -1 ranged with a view to comfort. He is prepared to furnish Families or single Bourders with Rooms of suitable size, all well ventilated and furnished in the I 'lost style. A sufficient number of faithful, well trained servants arc at all hours on hand, ready t<> sup ply the wants of B« trders, and he promises a table equal to the best. No better water *r more pure atmosphere can any where be found, and ' for beamy of scenery, the Stone Mountain is surpassed by but few places iu any country, Charges sutisfaelorj. i SAMUEL F. ALEXANDER, i h lu 2m Proprietor. For Sale, A VERY desirable RESIDENCE on j \ Bay street, in view of the steam- AflftSL boat landing and the river. If a purclia sor is not found, the place will be rented to an approved tenant. This is a rare opportu nity to secure a good residence at a rea-.onablc rate. Apply to WM. NORRJEIX, or u> jvvq New and Fresh SPRING MILLINERY. MKS. E. O. COLLINS HAS RECEIVED, at her store oppo site the Planters * Hotel, a handsome sup- ply of all urtiolcs of MILLINERY SVI TABLE ?OR Spring and Summer, Consisting, :n part, of an assortment of BON- ' »NETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, RUCHES, BLONDE LACES, VHILS, MITTS, DRESS CAPS, HEADDRESSES, HAIR BRAIDS, CUR: s, TOILET POWDFJtS, SJAPS, PER FUMES hair oils, &c. BONNET; 5 , CAPS and HEAD DRESSES made at short n-.tico and in the most fashionable style, i mh 30 1| BRAY’S HOTELS'' CARTERSVXLE, GA., Pfcalil SITUATED nearest tke Depot on tlie ; le t hand side of the Railroad coming down, j , aud on ihe right coming up K v.engcrs will: , t »ke breakfast on arrival of the d<.wu trains • Good walks to tlie Hotel. mh22-y W. M. BRAY, Proprietor. JO-1M A. 111IRCKMV1SR. | Commission Merchant, For the sale ©f F <*UR, GRAIN, and ail k ; uds o. * COUNI’RY PRODUCE, tj 98 EAST BAY, So. Oa. II fijr' Liberal cash advaucee \dj o i Prodooe 11 instore. Mr. NEUFFER will attend {K-raonally i to ah sales of produce. my24-tw3m •« Ifecljousr fete. ) u Heard At Derry. T HE liave this day! ,JL formed a ''opurtnership ui der tite mme I and Bty I© of HEARD & DERRY for jof carr> i \i; mi the WAREHOUSE v.VD LOMAHS- [ .STON PUSIS'C*. |n alius bi ocbes. They have jlu .sed, for atc tn Os years, the conTmudious Fire proof Warehouse So. 5, Mutc-if's Range, Rev-i jnold street, uist below Wa rea where;! wiilbe well prepared to promote tbo i ter es t >f customer-. Orders lor Bagging. Rope and Family So plies . oinptly attended to. Ijh-ral ea.-h advances made at ail titties o*l Produce ic store. Their strict p- r invil attention will be devoted to the business, and they respeetfu y -;3licit consign meats from u,r ir friend.-; a,.d .lie p.tb iit 1./.AC T CHARD. | WM. DERRY. Augnsta, Fitly 1,1858. jy 7-3 m ' A CARD, THE firm of HEARD & DAVISON i having b •'on dissolved by mutu i cot sent. I' 111,1 the foregoing copartner* hip j vug been! formed. I would grateful,y return my thanks to I all who have i °retofoi , patrorbsed me. and earnestly solicit a continuance of Vi; favor I in my new business in the firm of Heard & ! T r , y '. MAAf; T. HEAP )■ j July I, 1808. ij : :nn j Wm. E. Barm . (OF THE "OKMCr FIRM OP JUKXF; k J ,\KS.) j WAREHOUSE A .YD COM.MI.® 810 Y MERCHANT. -I ugmta, Gforgio , i TArOULD hereby thank his friends, I "* a '■« those of tbr lace firm for \\ \\ ; their libera! patronage, and would n- SaXVw By inform them, a uiei blit uSttmS'mSSilS® :1 -‘' «'AnEII.iFSE».uI COM- X.fSslON niM.NE-t, )„ all iu t,he« at tt-.l | same old ar.u »ell known stand. He ’iivt- l,vl j strict per onai attention to business-, v merit a’ ; generous ,-baro«f pubic ' ! ppm rv o l ' l :,hc , i . l con -‘ : »tf®Bients of COUNTRY ' , I ROM GE generally being wo 1 ! prepared with ; large. <■ o-e storage Roomj to ft,, e the rame. SUPPLIES, care.ully nil nereonaliv filled. * I The usual facilities, florilea r- turners . ... iVK. E. BARNES, j July a, 1858. jj-efim j Hi. F. Siovalt, :! WAHEnorsE and co.imib.siin merchant,! .iugutta, Onrgia, \ fX»NTINDES the business, in all its! ’ 1 V J branches, in his la 1 , and oommo- nXTr t idious Fire Proof Warehouse on .La* L«V.\ a 4)! son-str. t, near the Globe Hotel. ; j ; j for GOODS, A ~ promptly and carefully i The usual CASH facilities afforded customers. I ,iyl6 3m Kees & Linton, \\ If-I- continue the WAREHOUSE *7 ami COMMISSION BUSINESS, rrm iat dteir old stand, on Ju*k-on street; >■': i wnl devote their personal attention to 1 ffiBIM?. ;tbp f tor age and File of COTTON, BACON. | Gi.AIN, Ac., &c. | Liberal cash advances made when required, ’ jj® . . aU « or , ,,er ‘ : lor FAMILY .SUPPLIES, BAG , jGI.NG, Oi'L. Ac., liiled at the lowest market ‘ !P r,ce - J NO. C. REES. I Jy2?-ftm ‘’UH* D LINTON. | Heard At Simpsop, j r pHE unde;signed have this day asso-l i A cintf i ti)c;nselv< f> under the firm •NV’TTT' 1 name of HEARD * SIMPSON, who will .continue the WAREHOUSE and COM . *““■ j MISSION Bl hINIiSS, in all it; r»ncl: »s iu iho fire proof buildings. Tiast side Mcntosh stre.*t, jat present ocenpi-d by S. 0 s •>>*;«, where they j respectfully solicit a continuance of tl.o p.itron -1 ;'K e hitherto extende ' to each of the firm while I in business separately, «nd by their united es ’ forts, hope to merit and receive a liberal patron age from the p tblic genera My. I Orders for BAGGING, Rope, and FAMILY i SUPPLIES will be carefully filled by one of the ,i firm. i : osual facilities will be afforded on T’RO DUCK iu store, when desired. £ P. HEARD. J. R. SIMPSON. ■ Augusta, July 1, lSj®. j>ls-d«w6m •I oliu Davison, (SCCCESSOU TC HH.'.RD <i D.'VISOY,) [WAREHOUSE AND MERCHANT At /ntosh-street, A -uffusta, Georgia. HAVING purchased the entire inte.* of Isaac t . llkard. ia the late yv UT W : firm or Hkakd a-. Davison, the und. «•- Fwfflv i signed intern s carrying on the WARE- I ’ j HOUSE and COMMISSION BUSINESS on ms own ! . account, at the old stand on Mclntosh street, j His strict persona! attention will be given to alt' j ousiness con tided to him. [ The usual liberal ersh ‘acilities wih be extend-; jo ’, and orders for SUPPLIES prompt!v arc care-! fully executed. JOHN DAVISON, i j [ jylß-dAc(im I PHIMIZY& CLAYTON, | ■ I VA7- AREHOVSE, -ANl> ‘Commission Merchants' Augusta, Georgia. ON THE FIRST OF SEPTEMBER next, the undersigned will remove NVYYXv j j to the extensive and commodious 1 Pro'll Warehouse owned and tor many 5 ! vears occupied by L. ofxins. Esq., aim at pn ’ so-lit in the oc-oupiny of Mr. J. C HARSAI&ON, who will at that time retire from the b- si.jess. They will continue the WAREHOUSE AND COM . MISSION BUSINKiS in all its branches, and will he better prepared than ever to prom v' the m- of tlieir customers, i.) \Vhi“h ‘hbir strict 1 personal attention will be devoted They solicit consignments from their friends and the public. F. PHINIZY. Augusta, Jnue 9th, 1858. E. P. CI*AYTON. 0 A Card, . FflllE UNDERSIGNED intending to a. discontinue the Warehouse and Commission -• Rustacay Ofl IQo first of Sep-ember next, returns bis tbaukj to h; -' frivn-lsj una 'airoua for the.r favors during the past year. Messrs. PHIMZY k CLAYTON having leasdu , the Warehouse for a term of years, I rCOSt cheer fully recommend them to my friends. je’.O-uAwOm J. C. HARALSON. J. B. Walker & Stfns, SUCCESSORS 10 BUSTW, WAIiiER 5: Co', WILL continue the WARE- rrVTA HOUSE and COMMISSION iSCSI (AfESS in all its branches, at the old, itaml or Bl'STix, Walker it Co., on M'-linosn at I nystfict personal attention to all business en-[ ■rusted U/ their care, they hope to merit a eon- I miuunee of the liberal natronaee which has Hitherto been extended to ine old rirm All orders promptly'. Liberal cash a ' ranees made on Produce in store, when r« JAMfS B WALKER JOHN W. WALKER, , , , JAMES W. WALKER. Augusta. July 1, 1858. Notice. jITUIK undersigned having withdrawn JL Irom the Warehnme a d l ness, cheerfully recumnuads in hi frin w ' new Qrm of Messrs. J. It Waucee. Sobs, vii I wi.l continue to transact the business it the old : •■land of Bvsnx WAutt.a & Co. j Aucusta July 1,185'. '' 1* Harper C. Bryson, I 8 AIiEHOUEE and ULMASUIf, - M ‘ HAKT,| j fire i’roof ft'arekouie AxytuEt, Cmryim, j I'VX/’IUSKtS his person. l attention i.ill i be given t '.tit >t-*r -ge t»i ‘oi,- "vt I •* ot.uct}. t»n»aw fc \ ± hYi MT ‘' h *- ““““A ■“ »*' <£*-*■ ■ 1 «V® - h „Hvanoe-l on PR- 'LUC., | U & , Stiei Jaunts .an.l Kero-,.-: b ■ ;em;! - Jacks, a and aipmsh- 1. ,s; . y 17-.tjuG , 1 1 x. Joots, Sljcts, tit, I BOOTS AND SHOES. r'i ENT'S f’ALi GAUI’ERS | IT Do KID do At ] Do (Vdf Slcin do do Do Shoes Do Calf <jf do - o do Pump Sole Oxford I^. . J: ' .eceivod per List Steame-. ar:l fer 8 .;c| j by JAMtehW. BURCH, Opposite Express Office, Broad • troet. My 1 .ILST RECEIVED, A FRESH lot of those jut-tly famous I MOxvOOCO BOOTS, from hiladelpl.ia, sewed through and th.-ongb, warranted never to rip. Call and see them. JAMES W. BURCH, My 1 Broad strt-^t. -1 "" “ '* »-mi ■II ■«— ; I rOR CLEAN LINEN AND LOTION • JL 1 Rags, (packed in bales,) Cash will be Paid, .at tbo office of BATrI PAPER MILLS, on Re> noids! ( street, between Jackson and Mcl Uosh, Augusta I (Georgia. my 3 ’ unprecebentkd j INDUCEMENTS ! I AM SELLING my stock ofVLUICLES, .s'-ting of ! Carriages, Eookaways, UALOUCiJES, JERSEY tV.VKOIi ■ BUGGIE?., with and without .o >s, of a’l the fUffr-rout styles now manufactured at p - os A8 LOW as car be bougutin any Southerr , hy. Being constantly in the rec* ; pt of goods lam enable ! to offer to the public something J bs;th fresh and new. j In addition to the above, I keep always on ■ baud a number of Vehicles of my own manuf&c j ure. I also warrant all work that leaves mv store. R. 51. MAY, At my old stand, corner Jackson and EP -sts. in rearo! Glebe Hotel d22-iy CABINET MAKING "V-iPw ? T ADLES ? on L 1 .-street, to carry on the above business in all its branches. Particular attention b : ven to the REPAIRING OE FURYIiUKE and PACKING, etc. I solicit a stare of public patronage, j myfO-tf WM. 81NGLFTON. to-SfiS.OO()!.CO WAS DRAWN IN SWAN & CO.’S Sparta Academy Lottery, DAILY DRAWIMt. iniCK-STS -N LLL OE THE DAILY j I SCHNMLN, fisVii- tbo Saturday -' 7 0,000 i Scheme, be had at my office on Wa. ..ngton j street, one door Irom IP oad street. Jb.e hours from 6 A. M. to 9 P. M. i tnyfi ti C. A. LAfrTO*' »gmt. §,.50 REWARD! R ANA WAY from the ul terfber, on I tl.e im ht o r the »Oth ins., Ids black man ADAM. He is about! 4 vears of age. My • five fe*s > nches high, stoui built weighs I about I 6. r > pounds ; is a (’oa*h Pa. Jt«*r by -m. traf'e, aud is a Preecuer. lln generally dresses in dark colored wo Jen < ’otb ,ig. He for merly lived in Abbeville District,South Caroliua, anil he may make for that place. The abov o reward will be paid for his appre honsiou and delivery to me ; if plated in any jail s that I can get him. LUTJF.R ROLL. Augusta, July 12th, ’SSB. ts Gi-ocevies. -Y/k/k BALES Giirinj BAGGING ; •)IM7 6UO roil. Hemp ai>n Jute ROPE : lot) Coils Mr iiliaROPE ; loco 1.1)?, TVvi.vK; [ 500 Boy, 00FFEF -Rio, Lttgtiayra and Java; 25 Flbds. N. 0. ar ! Muse' vadoSUG R ; 200 Rhls. Clarified, Crushed ind Powde ed SUGAR; I 2000 Sacks FA LT ; i 500 Kelts NAU.® I 250 Boxes Adamantine CANDLES ; 25 “ STARCH: 50 Keg- l.carbonate SODA, and tcxe-5 1 ft papers ; 1 50 R*>x<-s TOBACCO ; 100 Hbd choice Cuba MOLASSES ; 25 Bbl« New Orleans “ *25 • • \iNH) AK, While Wine and Cider ; j 250 Lbs. INDIGO. Also, PEPPER, SPTCE, BROOMS, BUCKETS, f Wrapping Pa PER, and alt articles usually foui d i in a Grocery Store, for sale low by JOSIAH SI BUSY ii SONS, , | jy9 No. 6 .arren Block. Fire anti Life Insurance. . rjpHE CONTINUED FIKES, and daily 1 •*_ deaths, in aJ! p.irts of our cun .try * \ warn pruder t persona to secure them | seives against aeutrui tion and s which can be done with a light annual jfiM I expense. ME A Insuran-.e of lives and property at WJKm9 inos l reasonable rates can be effected jufi m at my office in Madmon, Ga., iu tbo 1 following responsible corapariea : Souther.- Mutual Life Insurance Company, Co l; lumbia,S. C. M Houar<! Fire and Marine, Phila ’.elphta. •j Cocao idaled Insurance do j Farmers’ and Mechanics’ do I Bridgeport Fire and Marine. Bridgeport, Ct. i mb4 JOHN tOBSOK. A-ent. SINBRIBS: i G IKj.SUP.KD bags RIQCOFi’EE, qT» tap ,;„* V4WF f^ ; 10 -io Laguyra u v . | 20 hhda Choice Porto Rico SDGaR ; -1 5 do Muscovado do ( IQO bbL Clarified A, B and Cdo 4o do Crushed and Powd’d do j I 20 bales Heavy GUNNY CLOTH ; i 300 KblLs Patching do, do • 500 V. bolf and Half Coiv> Handspun ROJ'E ; , 1 500 du do do Machine do ; [SO coilH ohoicc Manilla do ; n f.'o Racks Live p >ol SALT ; 0 Bu.k dn; d ° : n? b.)ie ß ‘s."' R . C A NDI f ■ . , ./o x.-A TOHa. ,a -°a ?«£* »- ■XMPKnRL-b. lA^'*j or . 20 ooxes 81-CARBC?’ 20 boxes Cb’: .MU, Ka ; - , - 10 boxes C lice .'ayer <l9 5 can * TA M EEaLT; 10 »ackß Ashi-ri do ; 26 bbla Saga • House Syrup ; 50 i-jls > w Lrieaus do; 1 - ; -o al« s ’fioice HAY ; Voo lbs IF >N, &c. A.:. I . sale low by JVI M-XML tt WILCOX. Mulafses aud Ijjrup. rnWl.Ni Y-BIYE hluis climuo Went i. In-'iaMOL.nSES; 2f» >. Sygar House f ’RUP ; 2K • -**xt -s U)tar House SYRUP ; oO ‘ "t. « Now <Ti..»n» B\RUP. For • ll ’». -’J Jy 1_ -*AN I LH. dfILODX. ■iaern. l^l’HoLsSAr' 1 ) pounds Ten l 03 pi- nne°<»ee SHOULDERS • L,* *0 *’ Clear EiDEts ; 10 00 * Rib be SIDK& L'** V . -TOVti AC> Jcabn-lfoV Clothing. j NEW 1 WRING A SI) SUMMER «:k a-■► v- vi .n. ■» ms CLOTHING! RAMSEY & EABAtt (Opposite the Union Hunk, Augn-U, (roirji.i,) j 4 RLrc.eiving daily, and are offering JjL their f-lends ai>f! customers the arges und best selected stock fuia season they have j , over offered, having purchased the entire stock i nbn'st "sclusivety tor Cash, and paid unusual atto i ion to the manufacture of the Clothing. We t are prepared to - .ier them at nrices to defy com- | Petition. '.v’e have an eiogant line of S'?/. ".I S. CiIAV \TS. STOCKS, UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS, every grade : | Linen Bosom SHIRTS, from tbo well-known manufactories of Morrison \ Co., Golden Hill. John M. Davis & Co., and Fowler &Co. —ALSO— A eompk-t • line of GLOVES, of everv kind • I HAN DKERCH i EFS, SOCKS, &c. ! j We Lave also a very stock of SERVANTS . CLOTHING, of every kind, which we would call 1 especial KU'-ntion to. j Merchants aj d others would do Well to call be j ffrro purchasing elsewhere. mh3l GE.VKRrL STOC K OF BEADY MiDE CLOTHING, "VTOW is th(j time to buy the followins . -Li articles for Mens’ .me Boy. Wear, cheap er than they should he .-old in this market : j ' RAGLANS, OVERCOATS. SHAWLS. BLAN ETS I ROBPS, Fine Cloth and Cassi: 'ere COATS i. Fine VESTS. PANTS, SHIRTS. DRAW 1 ERS, SUSPENDERS. CRAVATS. STOCKS COLLARS. TRUNKS. . V ALICES, , | and every article in our lino. eov6 CLAYTON ft KENNEDY. * GENTLEMENS’ , Fall and M inter Goods for 1857. MT stock of goods is now full and comprises everything that is fashionable j ill CLOTHS, CASbUIERES u.ul VESTINGS, which j will be mmlo to order its good a..l a. fashionable ias can be obtained in any part of the country, f ALSO. ! A Sue and -,’ect stock of Read;. -Made CJA*TH- j i T NG, which can: <r br * x elled by any Goods in ■ i the city. f i ALSO. .. large ?♦. ck of FURNISHING GOODS, embra- 1 > ring everything tt t is necessary for Geutle ; men’s wear. j Al! goods rold at this establishment warrant . e d as represented. ’ i oct2fl J, A. VAN WINKLE. THE AP6THESIBIES BILL, AUGUSTA, GA. fIIHE Proprietor of i JL the above i‘stablsh moot respectfully invites tHf the attention of Physicians r and Families to his stock Jflk \ of select D UGS, MEDI ' CINESaud CHEMICALS of tb • .airest qualities and at mod -rate prices.. i§|/<QL._ 9c j Amongst my assortment resLV* 'gnictWK-SFH? ; . I a- i the following article? : I ' Surgical instruments of t | ever - variety ; French, i! English and American Per- I turnery, Trusses, Shoulder aBl. } Braces and Abdominal Sup- j porters ; < very variety ot ngtfbrf . Combs aud T>-t Brushes ; Lu. .p Gils. Wicks ; and Lamp Shades : Paints, Paint Oils, Patent . Brushes, Window G’ass, Varnishes, K\; Metii- j , anal Wines ;-nd Brandies; Burning Fluid and’ wmpuem;; Spices of all kinds ; Pot and Pe-rl ; . Ash s, Indigoes aud Dye-Woods-Starch, Tapioca 1 i Sago, Pt-arl Farley aud a..row Root. A jo. iccnsiant supply bestSweedish Leeches, i Quinine, Morphine, Elaterlum, Strychnine, Ohio ! rofortn. fcc.&c., from tho most responsible La- • . boratories. The preparation of Phai macopeial articles is; conducted personally by Dr. A. S. RAVENS- j j CROFT, a graduate jf tho L.mdou College of i’har r mftcy. All articles warranted. I T. P. FOGAPTY, 105 Broad-st.. | d24-tf Under th i Augusta Hotel. , KEROSINE OIL laartitps* ANOTHEIi lajT CK THE ABOVE re ceived. L'MPS >old as low as j* $1 25 each, will gi a I'ght quai to qfs six Candles—wari ;. teLot to gum, Jmkp V i', explode, smell or conger.' ; will give IKvJ'J a steady, cousla' t li. ht for TWENTY HOURS without t i n;ing. Ls" ’! The p'i.die art i.v'te-t to call aud *#!■** i examine them at the 1/ h APOTHEdIES’ HALL. & ** Under tl n Airjiuta Hotel. SQ» . OMAS P. FOGARTY. Ilatli (8 ruth Carolina) Paper Mills V , WILL Kl UP ON HAND in this city. I; ▼▼ and for sale at lowest cash prices, con stant supplies of *JO»'K, NEWS, ami I WRAFP7NG PAPER. j of best qualities. Orders promptly filled. ; Store Room on Reynold street, immediately j rear of City Ba.A . GEO. W. WINTER. )- Augusta, Apri d. 1858. apS-tf TTIK~SEW JERISALEHL •R, , THtX) LOGY OF THE NEW CUITICH. ±XJ ORKS of Emanuel Swedenborg can ▼ Y be found deposited at tho Young Mens’ library Association, for the use es the public j decl-ly IVesro Mechauics » i rpwo good BRICKLAYEUS and PLAS - JL TERERS, and one good TANNER and FI \- I ISHKR OF LEATHER, ean be hired by the year 1 or month, or by the Job. by applying to ' ‘ J. C. BARNETT, Madison, Ga. ISPEILIi GKAY & TI RLEY HAVE JUST RECEIVED another lot of those FINK WHITE RKtLLIANTES, at j izy 2 cent.? per yard. Jon » n na*» and Caroline WHITE f iSSIf'K Marseilles COLIARS and I j .1 and colored ; Birmingham 1 and Met .- 'politan EXTENSION. HOOP SKIRTS • Black Silk I ITS, both long and short, with and without Augers : an entirely new 'ud hantlsome lot o' RIBBONS, for Ladies’ Bonnets ; 50 pieces tino LSII LINEN, to be sold by the piece only* ?i*raorUinary low prices; DAMASKS, DOY i LIE?!, NAPKINS; roWEL?, crash and linen ; IsMLETINg, at prices that cannot fait to cora j n;/ 1. i a quick sale. TkO;e In want of such goods j wo-«ld do well to call soon. my 27 Look at This. . ,\MNOW PREPARED TO DO ALL i w.N'k in the Car fleeter’s Une with neatness and dispt deli. JobbingaUended to. Ufio, ruiture matin and repttired. HENRY ROGERS. shop on JaA son-streei, near the Baptist Church. so Kent, From ut of r fppem beb next, the Fir.- ‘rtof \V k' -G >US on Oampbell-at , ui u sent occupied b>' Moaara. Owkery \ Whit’ i“ k. Also, the DWKu ?JNy . HOUSE a Joining thf me on the corner f». owing the Rlvor. JO.sI.\ U 81BLBY & BOWL , NUMBER 494% SlisdfanwuL , J trade I Fto»Openea! I; () hundred negroes want- if f Li - ranging from twelve to twenty four Bfl ><-.r (.1.1 f'T which we will p.r the W ; ’?■ A i-ply at Qur Si.ihles in rear of the V 3 i«■ u ,!> ' '' '-omuateatiua through the Post 1 | Offiv tvt!, mr t wuh prompt attention. In o " 1 K Hua^YaR 601 ' 010 J - «■ M tmD w * Hi I • HFCKii: & witeoN. i T>AOON. 1 r nM7“ 1J I ' ou , Dda choi, ' r »ew Tod V ne..., BACON, hog r .iund, on hamt and for saU fct) 2 A. STEVENS. WINDOW SHADFB* J. window h-hades. just received at sci, 29 BENJAMIN & tJOODRICH-S i - Eurnilnre Wari-r.xrmji COWETA HOUSE, newnan, ga. mh3 Q SANDERSW LBE. STONE MOUNTAIN HOUSF, DeKALB county, ga. * S l -r s. F, ALEXANDER. n l-KODUCE. f| 'HE undersigned is prepared to exo- I c “to with promptaoss orders for ' Vht ; U ' U,J "' oaU or auy jUicr products of Middle Tun/ssoe .... n - D. DICKEY, i a U *2l SC ° Uege ' S,re *t, Nashville, 'fonn, | R. P. SPELMAN, SR., POINTER, Grcene-street, Augusta, Ce. rgia. EU REK.A THf; IS THE EXCLAMATION of; SOFEKBCfti DYSPEPTIC, after having trio 4 ,an tho patent nostrums or the dnv, when retort rouL°hU C t T", 1 "'' 1 . 10 lhat l0D « p “P alar > '** .roughlj tested, and never failing Rented}-, the Colleton Bitters! i I / <, rSit?ivS der 1,10 su P er vi3iun of Urs.EMUT The disease is driven Trom tho system like the ,?lieh? P m m . ’* t:ose b ' lll * u the morning saulight. What greater prooi -an the commu- e .f tiCl f ab "''° Damed « KEUABLE REMEDY than that it has been old m till. City for a series or Toxnty- Flee rears, and has the unsolicited recommendations of PI vai ! cians, CleD -men, Ladies and Gent emer es tho ; Br»tstanding. Hundreds of letters have been ; received from the most respectable sources, at I speaking m ui qualified measure of praise of I tills truly > \ A !in«heSS S M^,“?Eif j L,f v ulSvua 011 -. of tho Celebrated 0)1 JJk igin BITTERS, imitatu ns have sprung up, made i , Yu/ nex P e f lenc ed, and of course possessing »ut- l.ttle nit-rft, they have usually had bu: an ; fP*»cn»er«l existence ; but th «uflt ring and poor m , l !fL be ? n his or worthier I 0 wiU be Palmed on him in place of my ! * ell k °own remedy. Buy none, thoreßue but | that with my name on the label, and a’soob -1 f., * bc name * 1 Colleton BiHrn" A blown j ui the Glass. I Th * t r '! ,ll^ on fitters is for sale by everv ro spec table Drugg<st in i lie City and State. The Trade will b, supplied on Liberal Term?. Orders should be addressed to JDHN ASHHt-RST, Speciul Agent. 29 H:ij no-st., Cl.arlehton. ». «, For sale in Augusta, Ua., bv PLU' B A-1 8t i £n@6Bar »*■»*rs» MACHINE SEWING? All descriptions ok fine and COARSE SEWING is Ucno with dispatch at I the Machine Sewina; Rooms# ! t"' Broad-street, above N. K. Butler’s, t Ih * «f families w*U iuJ it to their inu re.-t to cal. and examine specimt ns of buuit& work, which is dally esocuied there AT MODERATE CHARGES. DRESSES for ladieSand ' lilldren tucked hi ti» handsomest style. SHIRTS, PANTS, YEFTS and i ? ve| y article of Clothing ma e w ith dwpotcli ; much handsomer than bv hand. Call at the 1 • MACHINE SEWING ROCM,” ‘hgu?ta. April 28. 1858 up2S |carpe?Ttore, IN CHARLESTON, S. C. CARPET DEPARTMENT. BOYAL VELVET BILE; Tapoittr ' Brussels ; English Wire Brussels ; Printeu i Bra. s«ls ; Printed Velvet • 6-4, 12-4 and ie-4 j ; Felt.Druggets ; Crumb Cloths ; Eng , j iish Venetian for stairs, entries and church . j aisle?; Imperial Threc-Plys; American lugraine, ! au J English Ingrains ; Canton and Cocoa 1 Mattings ; Mosaic, Axmlnster. Brussels, 'Velvet and Tufted Rugs ; Door Mute ; • Stair Carnot, ! Rods, kc. LINEN DEPARTMENT.’ 8-4 and 10- 4 Table Damask ; 7-4 up to ‘J4-4 Ta ble Cloths ; 4 4 F.unlly linens ; 7-8 Shirting linens ; flne Fronting linens ; Pillow Case Lin ens ; 3 yards wide Sheeting do. : Birds’ %e DL aper ; Scotch Diaper ; Brown Table Brow n mblfc Cloths : 3 yards wide Druggets? Napkins, Doilijs, Tow?ls, Tray Goths, Dowla^ ■ Crash, Huckaback, etc.; 8-4 colored Tabliui i Colored Table Covers ; Fruit Doilies ; Piano CoT ’ ers; Centre Covers; Window .Shades. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS cut for Rooms or Fntriea. JAMES G. BAILIE, mh!7-ly Proprietor. Volcanic Pistols and Rifles. * rriIE.SE PISTOLS carry the A balls and.shoot six times -•*&• the loud and cap h*- 4 - one loadlo^ T»’“" ’ centained in the built • i BUVw * w,th o reat precision and force. Ute Killes ar«* a curiosity. With one loading tW can je discharged twenty times in on* minmZ -•>h arc the Vest for squirrel hunting ex* ! *»»*• I "“ d ? rßi .r> cd is the sole Agent for the com. liv .'M H lle HENRY J. OSBORKE j Wat h, Jewelry and Optical Store, 26C Broad-ato j Augusta, Ga. 1.h12 jIL L U MI N ATI NG ? CA.YAEL CO AI, UIL. IT^^ 1 oil is superior to am A Oil betore offered in this market. It is ? sate, and exceeds in so.a briidancy aur ft (Kerosine) W1 before the public, and i -moke. I will be pleased u> 1 >au Lamps, Ac * a.y parties wishing to make a trial. My price i? $125 por gallon, which will => vn!-vL <le . d ‘^ thc is returned. LAM? S CH^ NEYa, &c-, for sale by he jo I.w. Bra J J, MUNGF- ro i that Cheese, Cheese. •xtra Ct HOICK Pl ALP) K and KN® J , f I>AIJaY : ;. !!cive.i and for hu* DV i€il D’J' -YAC BATH ” PER HULLS wrappln GPAPER . *.»00 Kvams ASSORTED SIZES AND QUaUTIHL Ju..t rereivtsi from the Mlila and or *Uo lmr for cash, A <lbiCoant of ftltr-nu per oent to Me sons ta-u /ig 'fiu Reams at a time. BU»re room on R.-yx.aldaHitr«et. l> re.-r of Qte i b*" l ' uug-rf «kd. w win TUT