Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, August 21, 1858, Image 4
Carbs, = J)ENTISTRY. D-jj j PATER-SON, Surgeon Dentist. Office <m Washlngtoo-st., lo a» operations ’extraSmTKt.TH\utHOLT pain BV KI.EC. merry - . m >' lo- y CHARLES M, WniUHT, McutUt, r*\FFICE over Carmichael gFCZmSk I J k Bean’s Hardware Store, jpoadst., Augusta, Ga. Ts -1 O'l. r~ All operations pertaining to Dentistry faithful ./ and scientifically executed. Partnership Notice. WE, the undersigned, have this day entered in a Partnership for the practice of Law on the criminal aide of the Court. Office Masonic Hall. JOHN I). REILLY, mli9-tt JOHN J. R. FLOURNOY Joseph W. Harrisson, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ARTISTS’ materials, TJAIST, OIL, WINDOW GLASS, X BLINDS, DOORS, SHUTTERS and SASHES ■lazed and unglazed. BRUSHES of every variety : LAMPS, BURN ING FLUID. ALCOHOL. VARNISHES, etc. etc. No. 72, Meeting-Street, nov27 Ciurieston. S. C. ly W. H. Gordon & Co., ~ GENERAL COMMISSION AND FOR -9B WARDING MERCHANTS, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, A GENTS for the Sale and Deposit of rV Tennessee Otton Fabrics, and Cotton Man ifecturers’ General Agents. ALso. General Agents for Goodlettsville Flour ing Mills : Lebadpn. Port Royal and Rock City Flouring Mills, and Millers generally. Having the largest private Warehouse in the south anil west, they are prepared to receive •»od store all gooefe entrusted to their care. Fronting Public Wharf and Market-st. Nashville, Tenn. aug'2l-ly CAMPBELL & BRIDGES, (Successors to Campbel', Gaul & Co.) GENERAL PRODUCE AGENTS fjlOR the purchase, sale and shipment . of all kinds of East Tennessee Produce, suet a h Bacon , Lard. Wheat , Flour, Com, Oats Fruit, Knoxville, Tennessee. Refer to G. L. Anderson. augl&-ly ZIMMERMAN STOVALL, Wholesale Grocers, Dealers in sugar, coffee, bag-, GING, ROPE. LIQUORS, and all other ar tides usually found in the Grocery Business. | No. 313 Broad-street, one door above Barrett & Carter’s, Augusta, Geo. aug'2s-ly Iron And Brass Foundry. JLia Cm sm. - [TIGHT & M ACMURPH Y continue the Pjl above business, in all its branches, at the j American Foundry, and will be thankful for or-! iers for all kinds Iron and Brass Castings, for , Sifld Mines, Mills, Rail Roads, Bridges, and Ma -, rhinery of all descriptions. oc2B-ly j W. L. HIGH, J. K. BUTLER, W. G. PETERS, j HIGH, BUTLER & CO., Commission fptrtjranfs, For the purchase and sale of Tennessee Produce, COTTON, GROCERIES, &c., Aiabama-street, south of M. & W. R. R.Depot j Atlanta, Georgia. Good Tennessee Money taken at par for] Produce. mhß-tim j J. G. CHURCHILL, CARPENTER JOINER. Doors, sashes, blinds, mould ings and HOUSE CARPENTRY of every escriptiou, neatly and promptly done. Shop opposite M • onnell’s Stables, Eliis-st. nov6 tt _ | FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE! /ETNA FIRE INS COMPANY, CAPITAL, $1,000,000. .ETNA LIFE INS. COMPANY, CAPITAL, $200,000. CONNECTICUT INS. COMPANY. capital, s2oo,ooo—with a large surplus. mhl9 6m JOHN G. SLEDGE, Agent. A CARD. Spring and Summer Openings. TVtisss INI. IE 3 . Tvtatlao-^Ars Having just returned from New York, respectfully calls the mention of her former friends and pa- Irons, as well as strangers visittng th- SrSUv Sty, to her stock of SPRING AND SUMMER HATS. VRESS CAPS, HEADDRESSES, RIDING HATS. FRENCH FLOWERS, &c., rhieh she will open on Thursday Next, April Ist, at her ISTIE'W STORE, OPPOSITE MASONIC HALL. formerly occupied by Ward k Burchard. j Also, a full assortment of Childrens' HATS, LACE SILK and MOURNING MANTILLAS, DP.ESS > TRIMMINGS, Ladies' SHIRTS, CORSETS and j HOOPS, of every des ripticu. Miss MATHEYS returns thanks to hernurae’-- j ous friends and customers for their past patron age, a d solicits a contiuuance of the same. All orders attended to promptly. mh29 M. P. MATHEWS. GEORGE COOPER, MACHINIST AND ENGINEER. At the old established Shop of George Slater , corner I of Tiriggs and Watkins-streets, Augusta, MANUFACTURER of STEAM EN GINES, BOILERS. GRIST MILLS, CIRCU LAR SAW and GANG MILLS, SUGAR MIIX3, of the most approved patterns, of various sizes, V>th vertical and horizontal ; MINING MA CHINERY, of all descriptions ; PUMPS, for Vines, both forcing and lilting. IRON and BRASS CASTINGS made to order at Hie lowest prices for cash. Also, onesix-borse STEAM ENGINE and BOIL ER for sale low for cash. jyl3 3m Candles, Gaisins, &c. OX E HUNDRED and seventy-fivt boxes Star CAN DLES : 25 boxes choice RAISINS ; 50 “ Pearl STARCH: *-5 kegs Sup. Carb SODA : 50 boxes Bi-Carb.SOl'A : 25 bbls. choice Cider VINEGAR. For sale 1 0’Y. by jy2l DANIEL H WILCOX. Nails. FIVE HUNDRED kegE Reading and Old Dominion NAILS ; 300 kegs Fall River NAILS. For sale low, by jy2l DANIEL H. WILCOX. ’ • Pure Peacli Brandy. A SHALL lot, three years old, very j fine. For sale by jyJl-ulm A. D. WILLIAMS, j Cow Peas. A SMALL lot in store, on consign ment, and for sale low, by jy 10 M. W. WOODRUFF. ! Fleming & Rowland EaYE in store, and are receiving— 50bales heavy Gunuv BAGGING ; 200 coiL choice ROPE ; Jo bags gcrod to prime Rio COFFEE ; 25 “ Laguayrn “ 20 “ Maricaibo 40 hhds Cuba MOLASSES • 40 bbls. N. O. SYRUP ; 100 boxes Adamantine tANIit.F- ■ 75 bbls. Clarified SUGAR 30 Crushed 10 hhds. N. 0. «• 40 bales assorted Factory YARNS ; 15 “ heavy Negro WOOLENS ; 20 hhds. BAD *N ; Assorted Swedes IRON. Fur sale low. jy2o-6 FLEMING & ROWLAND. Safes for sz. jr2o I. H STEARNS & CO. Iflktllanim T1 AYER'S H/ Cathartic Pills m W J (SUGAR COATED,) Are made to CLEANSE THE W BLOOD AND CURE THE SICK. Invalids, Fathers. Mothers, Physicians, Phi lanthropisls, read their effects, and judge* of their virtues. , fbr cure of Headache, Sick Headache, foul Stom . ach. Pittsburg, Pa., May 1, 1855. I)R. J. C. Ayer : Sir-—I have been repeated'.' cured of the worst headache any body can hav< by a dose or two of your Pills. It seems tt ariso from a foul stomach, which they cleans*, at once. If they will cure others as they do me the fart is worth knowing. Yours, with respect, ED. W. PREBLE, Clerk of Steamer Clarion. Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints. ! Department ok»the Interior. | Washington, D. C., Feb. 7, 1856. j Sir : I have used your Pills in my general and hospital practice ever since you made them, aud cannot hesitate to say they are the best cathar tic wc employ. Their regulating action on the liver is quick and decided, consequently they are an admirable remedy for d range'.Lents of th; t j organ. Indeed, I huve seldom found a case of | bilious disease so obstinate that it did not readily j yield to them. Fraternally, yours, A' ONZO BALL, M. I)., Physician of the Marine Hospital. Dysentery, Relax and Worms. Post Office, Hart land, Mich., Nov. 16, 1855. j Dr. Ayer : Your Pills are the perfection of ! ! medicine. They have donfi my wife nfbre good 1 ■ fhau I can tell you. She had been sick aud pin : ing away for months. Went off to be doctored iat great expense, but got no better. She then I commenced taking your pills, which soon cured her, by expelling large quantities of worms (dead) from her body. They afterwards cured her and our two children of bloody dysentery One of our neighbors had it bad, and my wife cured him with two dosea of your pills, whil< others around us paid from five to twenty dol 1 lars doctors’bills, and lest much time, withou ' being cured entirely even then. Such a medi. 1 cine as yours, w r hich is actuallv good and honest, will be prized hero. GEO. J. GRIFFIN, P. M* j Indigestion and Impurity of the Blood. . From the Rev. J. V. HIMES, Pastor of Advent ( Church, Boston. I)r. Ayer—l have used your pills with extra !, ordinary success in my family and among those '. I am called to visit in distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and purify the blood they arc the very best remedy I have ever known, and I can confidently recommend them to my ! friends. Yours. J. V. HIMES. Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24. Dear Sir : lam using your Cathartic Pills In my practice, and find them an excellent purga- I live to cleanse the system and purifv the foun - tains of the blood. J. G MEACHAM, M. D. Erysipelas , Scrofula, King's Evil, Tetter , Tumors , and Salt Rheum. i From a Forwarding Merchant of St. Louis, i Dr. Ayer—Your pills are the paragon of all j that is great in medicine They have cured my l little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands j aud feet that had proved incurable for years. Her mother has been long grievously afflicted j with blotches and pimples on her skin and in her j hair. After our child was eurod, she also tried i your Pills, and they have cured her. February 4,1850. ASA MORGRIDGE. Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Gout. i From the Rev. Dr. HAWKINS, of the Metho- 1 i dist Episcopal Church : Pulaski House, Savannah, Jan. 6. 1856. Honored Sir--I should be ungrateful for the i relief your skill has brought me if I did not re- \ port my case to you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excruciating neuralgic pains, which ended in chronic rheumatism , Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians {■ the disease grew worse aud worse, until, by the j advice of your excellent agent in Baltimore! Dr | Mackenzie,l tried your pills. Their effects wer* 1 I slow, but sure. By persevering in the use ol | them I am uow entirely well. Senate Chamber. Baton Rouge. 1.a.,) December 5, 1855. / j I Dr. Ayer —I have been entirely cured by I ! your pills of Rheumatic Gout—a painful diseas'e 1 j that had afflicted me for years. VINCENT SLIDELL. ; For Dropsy, Plethora, or kindred Complaints, ■ ! requiring an active purge, they are an excellent | ! remedy j For Costiveness or Constipation, and as a Din ner Pill, they are agreeable and effectual. | Fits, Suppr ssion, Paralysis. Inflammat on, i aud even Deafness, and Partial Blindness, have i been cured bjthe alterative action of these pills. , Most of the pills in market contain Mercury, i w hich, although a valuable remedy in skilful ! j hands, is dangerous in a public pill, from tho i dreadful conscquen cs that frequently follow its I incautious use. These contain no mercury or j mineral substance whatever. AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL. ! For the rapid cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSE j NESS. INFLUENZA, CROUP, ASTHMA. INCIFI i CONSUMPTION. BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING ! COUGH, and for the relief of consumptive pa j tients in advanced stages of the disease. We need not speak to the public of its virtues, j Throughout every town, and almost every ham- I let of the American States, its wonderful cures of pulmonary complaints have made it already , known. Nay, few are the families in any civil j ized country on this continent without some I personal experience of its effects : and fewer yet i | the communities any where which have not j among them some living trophy of its victory j ; over the subtle and dangerous diseases of the , j throat and lungs. While it is the most power ful autidote yet known to man for the formida ble and dangerous diseases of the pulmonary organs, it is also the pleasantest and safest rem edy that can be employed lor infants and young persons. Parents should have it in store against the insidious enemy that steals upon them un- j prepared. We have abundant grounds to be lieve the Cherry Pectoral saves more lives by j 1 the consumptions it prevents than those itcures. I Keep it by you, and cure your colds whi e they i curable, nor neglect them until no human | skill can master the inexorable canker that, fas- I tened on the vitals, eats your life away. All! I know the dreadful fatality of lung disorders, aud as they know too the virtues of this reme- I dy, we need cot do more than to assure them it ; is still made the best it can be. We spare no ! 1 cost, no care, no toil to produce it the most per j feet possible, and tiiui afford those who rely on j it the best agent which our *kill can furnish for 1 their cure. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER, Practical and 1 . Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass., and sold by Druggists and Agents everywhere. my. 6 .MONT VALESPRINGS, BV nol DON. A DAILY LINE! riAHE UNDERSIGNED, induced by the JL large travel on the Loudon Route last sea ' son, have increased their facilities, and are de termined to make it the nearest, cheapest and ! most convenient route on the line of ailroad | from Dalton to Knoxville—having, from the lo- | caiicn o the country, by nature the best route j —only one river to cross, with cool Sorings ; along the lire aari convenient to the road, which \ is in good ordir. Also, oue of the very bestj | Houses in East Tennessee, at half way distance, ! j kept by Mr. Norwood, who is well known to j | those who have stopped with him or partaken of his good things. He lias enlarged his House. 1 ! for the accommodation of his guests. *At Loudon , LEUTY'S Hotel, convenient to the Depot, is still ! kept by Wm. M. Alexander, who will be pre- I pared to receive and entertain his guests with i i the best the country affords, j Under the presentßailroad^cheduletravelers 1 will reach Ixwdon at half-past ten o’clock at., | night, and leave early next morning, reaching ] I the Springs In the afternoon. Should the Sche- j 1 j dale change during the watering season, we will • !be prepared to meet it. If in day light, and j travelers should arrive in the morning, we wrll , leave immediately and go through, or if at from 1 12 to 3 o’clock, we will leave and stay all night ! at Norwood's, the half-way House, and reach next morning. In a word, without i w ‘* • 4r '-‘ prepared with Vehicles —OMMBLoES. HACKS, ike.—good stock, safe j drivers, and flatter ourselves we will be able to J make ;t a pleasant tnp ;u ail,who mav travel on j our has. ' , . j AULoudon, we have a tri-weeklv (and part of ; the route a daily) line of stages to McMim.ville via Kingston and Sparta, and also steamboat ar ’ - rivals, which will afford other facilities. ; AVe ask travelers to take their Tickets to Lou- I j don and try our line, and also guard against ; j misrepresentations of our route X. B.—lt is import «nt to persons going 'to tho j Springs, that they should not take Through Tick- I etc, but take them to Dalton, Ga.. and then they oan get them to any point between Dalton and Knoxville, Tenn. No Through Ticket.- are given to points between Dalton and Knoxville. J. H. & D. L. CARMICHAEL, W. M. ALEXANDER, JAS. THACKER, Proprietors. Loudon, June 1.1858. je6-daw Palmetto Jlatliiues, r ITH Cases to lock up, thus secur-. * » lug the Machine from disorder by per- | sens not acquainted with it. Cali and see them. ! J7** I. H. STEARNS & CO. ) Slkellanfoat. THE DIVER INVIGORATOR! PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD*B COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY PROM Or TT JVT s , IS ONE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE aud Liver Medicines now before the public that acts as a CATHARTIC, easier, milder, am more effectual than any other medicine known It is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver re me > acting first on the Liver to*eject its morbid mal ler, theu on the stomach ami bowels to carry o that matter, thus accomplishing two purpose effectually, without any of the painful feeling experienced In the operations ol most Cathartic- It strengthens the system at the same time tha. it purges it; and when taken daily in moderah doses, will strengthen and build t up with un usual rapidity. Niaa um IMwa 4 T I to digest well, purify ing {the hloed, giving | tone and health to tht i whole machinery, re -1 moving the cause ol! > the disease,—effecting I a radical cure. I Bilious attacks are I cured, and. what is better, prevented by i the occasional use ol [the Liver Invigorator. One dose after eating I is sufficient to relieve I the stomach and pre vent the food from ri | singand souring, t Only one dose taken before retiring, pre vents Xightm ire. Only one dose taken ut night, loosens the bowels gently, and cures Costiveness. One dose taken after each meal will cure Dyspepsia. One dose of two tea spoonfuls will always relieve Sick Headache One bottle taken foi fe male obstructions, removes the cause of the disease, and makes a perfect cure. Only one dose imme diately relieves Cholic, while’ One dose often re peated is a 'sure cure I lor Cholera Morbus and a preventive 1 Cholera. Only one bottle ie { The Liver is one of the. principal regula tors of tho human body, and when it per forms its f unctions well, the powers of the system arc fully do veloped. The stomach I Is almost eutirely de i pendent on the healthy i action of the Liver for i the proper perform ance of its functions ; : when the stomach is at fault, and the whole | system suffers in con ; sequence of one organ ! —the liver, — having ceased to do its duty For the diseases of that organ, oue of the pro priotors has made it his study, in a prac tice of more than 2C years, to find some re medy w hjerewith to counteract tiie many derangements towhicli it is liable To prove that this remedy is at last found, any person troubled with Liver Complaint, in any of its forms, has but to try a bottle, and conviction is certain. These Gums remove all morbid or bad mat ter from the system, supplying in their place a healthy flow of! bile, invigorating thej stofioach, causing food I needed to throw out ol tho system the effects of medicine after a long sickness. One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sal lowness or unnatural color from the skin. One dose taken a short time be ore eating gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food di gest well. Oue dose often repeated cures Chronic Diar j rhoea in its worst forms, while Summer aud Bowel Complaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses cures attacks caused by | Worms in children, there is no surer, safer. »r i speedier remedy in the world, as it never fails. A lew bottles cures Dropsy, by exciting the i absorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this medi J cine as a preventive for Fever and Ague, Chiil j Fever, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It ope rates with certainty, and thousands are willing to testily to its wonderful virtues. # All who use it are giving their unanimous tes ; tlmony in its favor. Mix Water in the mouth with the Invigorator, and swallow both together. The LIVER INVIGORATOR is a scientific Medi cal Discovery, aud is daily working cures, al most too great to believe. It cures as if by ma j gic, even the first dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind lof Liver complaint, from the worst Jaundice or I Dyspepsia, to a common Headache, all of which : are the result of a Diseased Liver. 1 I’rice, $1 per bottle. SANFORD & CO., Proprietors, 345 Broadway. New York. Sold, wholesale and retail, by PLUMB & LFII NER, W. H. TUTT, and Druggists everywhere. mhlO ly BOERHAVE’S ~ HOLLAND BITTERS. THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR ; DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, Xji-vfcjx- Complaint, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AJiD AGUE, Aud the various affections ‘consequent upon a disordered STOMACH OR LIVER, SUCH as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn, Loss oi Appetite, Despondency. Costiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous. Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous in stances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared I on strictly scientific principles. after the manner | of the celebrated Holland Professor, Boer have. Because of its great sucess in most <•;' the Earo pean States, its introduction into the United 1 States was intended more especially for th »sc of « : our fatherland scattered here and there over the face of this mighty country. Meeting with great j success among them, I now offer it to the Ameri j can public, knowing that its truly wonderful { ■ medicinal virtues must be acknowledged. Ills particularly recommended to those per i sons w hose constitutions may have been im i paired by the continuous use of ardent spirits. lor other forms of dissipation. Generally.instau ! taneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the i seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, | raising up the d ooping spirit, and, in fact, in- . j losing new health aud vigor in the system. NOTlCE.—Whoever expects to find this a bev- I erage will be disappointed ; but to the sick, j weak aud low spirited, it will prove a grateful j aromatic cordial, possessed of singular remed al ' properties. The great popularity of this delightful Aroma 1 j has induced many imitations, which the public ' should guard against purchasing. Be not pur ! suaded to buy anything else until you have given Boerhavc’s Holland Bitters a fair trial. One bot- ‘ ; tie will convince you how infinitely superior it is to all these imitations. at SI 00 per bottle, or six bottles for S 5. by the proprietors, BENJAMIN PAGE, Jp... A* CO., i Manufacturing Pharmaceutists and Chemists. Pittsburgh. Pa. For sale in Augusta bv HAVFLAND. CHICHES TER k CO.. PLUMB vV LEITNER, WM. 11. TUTT, ami Druggists generally throughout the State. iy2o-ly MILL STONES ! WILLIAM BRENNER, Manufacturer of fruit I §urr pi lls fonts,; \ND dealer in Eeopus and Cologne | Stones, Broad-street, above Upper Market. I Augusta. Ga. Orders solicited and punctually j attended to. __ janT-ly j BYLVGTOX'S HOTEL, BROAD STREET, ALBANY, GEORGIA. J. T. BYINGTON, PROPRIETOR. i The Stage Office, for stages .running to Thom aavilie, Bainbridge, Quincy aud Tallahassee, kept at this House. jyl-dAwStu i ACOB S CORDIAL: LCERIUVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS : SANFORD’S LIVER INVIGORATOR ; PLAN FIT’S DYSPEPTIC BITTERS ; HOSTETTER'S STOMACH PURE CuD LIVER OIL. I For sale by au4-d*clm WM. H. TUTT. PINE APPLE CHEESE, for sale by jr* ESTES & CLAE&, Stistfllaitrous. Fare Reduced to $12.50, I FROM AUGUSTA TO WELDON. IMPORTANT CHANGE OF RAILROAD.SCHEDULES, , VIA COLUMBIA, CHARLOTTE, RALEIGH TO WELDON. Time the same as on any other route. PASSENGERS, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE! No Dangerous Trestles, Swamps, or Malaria on tills lioute!! ON and after TUESDAY, 6th Ap the following will be the schedule between Augusta and New York via Columbia, t C.: Leave Augusta .00 A M Leave Columbia 7.00 P M Leave Charlotte I. • 1.00 A M Raleigh 0.00 A M Leave Weldon 2.00 P M Arrive at New'* ork, by cither Peters- I burg or Portsmouth route 6.00 P M Leave New York 8.00 A M I Leave Philadelphia 1.00 P M Leave Baltimore 5.00 P M Leave Weldon (in day).. 12.00 M Leave Raleigh 4.16 P M Leave Charlotte 12.00 M . Arrive at Columbia 5 00 A M Arrive at Augusta 1.15 PM Passengers going North desiring to connect with th Express Train at Columbia, will take the morning trains at Montgomery, Ghatta nooga, Augusta and Charleston, aud the evening trains at Atlanta and Savannah, and connect in ( daylight at Weldon with both the Washington City and Bay Routes. Passengers going South, by taking this route at Weldon, as in above Schedule, will reach ( Charleston and Augusta as soon as by any oth er line, and connect with cither route South j or West from that point, as their tickets will I show. B. Passengers going North will buy their tickets to Augusta, Ga., only, and those! going South, to Weldon, N. C.. at which points Through Tickets and Through Checks can be had, ami where they will have choice of routes, i This Route is the GREATCENTRAL LINE, via Columbia, Chesterville, Charlotte, Salisbury. 1 Greensboro’, Raleigh, Franklinton, Henderson, to Weldon, N. C., and passes over an elevated, healthy and populous country, with fine scenery and pure water. This route is aimost entirely free irom dust. Passengers and invalid travel lers wishing to stop at night, taking the day ac commodation train, will pass over the entire route by daylight, rinding on the route good hotels and resting places. Baggage checked to Weldon from Augus I ta. Charleston and Columbia, and vice versa. For furthur information, see guides of this route, or inquire of LEWIS LEVY, Agent at Augusta. or, C. I>. BOYDEX, apls-4m Travelling Agent South. Claiborne, Kootli & Co., Virginia Tobacco Ag’ts, No. 20 South Calvert-street, Baltimore, HAVE IN STORE 10,000 packages manufactured TOBACCO, comprising in part, the following popular brands, to which they invite the attention of the trade : Pounds. Pounds. J. S. Hale, Extra. C. Basham. J. S. Hale, Flue Cured, Holland’s Star, Moorman & Peters, Wash. Martin, Keen & Moorman, O. Meadow, Grace Darling, Joe Johnson, John Doe, J. P. Morris. W. T. Hale. C M.Sublett, Mary Adisou, Powell k Haynes, Samuei Ward, F. L. Claiborne, John Finny, Cloth of Gold. J. W. North, Claiborne & Taliaferro, j P. Fry. Daniel Hickman, G. W. Thompson, W. L. Tinsley, J. Teel, City of Hills, Christopher T., Monlcan. Taliaferro & Massie, W. F. Flippin. Betty Oliver. Gray k Brother, Wm. L. Ogden. Charles,Asher, B H. Carter & Co., G. Doran, Griesham Choice, Anderson, W. D. Penn, Lipscomb. CRUMPTON’S FOILED TWIST, ANDERSON’S “ “ MILLERS HOLLAND’S “ i-ÜBLETTS “ “ HOLLAND'S PAN CAKE, HOLMES’ TWIST. • MILLER’S NAT. BRIDGE TWIST. HOLLAND’S ROUGH AND READY. Black Swtet* Pounds, Five's, Ten’s, Half lbs. Filkinton’s. | Planter’s Pride, in Five’s and Half lbs. jyl3-6m j GIBBS’ PATENT SEWING MACHINE. THIS MACHINE IS ADMIRABLY ADAPTEDj FOR 1 PLANTATION USE I : Y\A YXYN CHEAPNESS AND DIR. ABILITY. IT CAM BE TAKEN APART AMD PUT TOGETHER IN PERFECT RUNNING ORDER. Within Three Minutes! CAN BE TURNED EITHER Backward Or Forward, IT IS ALL THE SAME, AS THE Machine keeps on Running! Opposition Will Never KU! Is. ALSO, TZEiIEJ PALMETTO SEWING MACHINE.' PRICE S6O. WE CHALLENGE the World to pro-j duce its equal for SPEED. DURABILITY AMI) BEAU TY OF SEWING. The MACHINES can be seen in ope- j ration at the Store of I. H. STEARNS, A CO., j NEAR MECHANICS’ BANK, AVGUSTA, GA. ] I AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ! SOUTHERN STATES. M.J.CL IT F F . AGENT FOR THE SOUTH, At tlte Machinery Agency of Messrs.i Kellog <V Dodge, 54 Broad Street, ! my 6 CHARLESTON. S. C. Baggiug, Bagging. FIFTY bales heavy Gunny CLOTH,! just received, aud for sale at [ JylS D'ANUGNAC & HC3BARD’S?. I gtistellaneous. GROVER & BAKER’S SEWING MACHINES, K EASONS why the Grover & Baker Machine is universally preferred for family sewing: 1. It is more simple and easier kept in order than any other Machine. 2d. It makes a scain which will not rip or ravel, though every third stitch is cut. iid. It sews from two ordinary spools, and thus ill trouble of winding thread is avoided, while the same machine can be adapted at pleasure by a mere change of spool, to all varieties of wort 4th. The same machine runs silk, linen threat and common spool cotton with equal facility. sth. The seam is as elastic as the most ela3t: fabric, so that it is free from all liability to urea in washing, ironing, or otherwise. 6th. The stitch made by this machine is mo» beautiful than any other made, cither by har or machine Merchants can secure the sales of these Mi chines in their different localities with profit t: themselves and their customers, bv applying!* the undersigned, owners of the Right for Georgii These machines are always on exhibition their Sales Room, on Broad street mv4 THOS. P. STOVALL k TO. Sew aud Valuable PUBLICATIONS ! FROM the great Publishing House of BLACK IE & SONS, Glasgow. Edinburg and London, consisting of the ollowing sundaid editions : The Imperial Family Bible ; Brown’s Bible, with Cook’s Notes ; do do Dictionary ; Imperial Gazetteer, highly illustrated, ’56a’57. Italy—Classical, Historical and Picturesque ; Works of Robert Burns, comp etc* and illus trated ; Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen Gold-mith’s History of the Earth aud Anima ted Nature ; Prof. Andrew’s Cyclopedia Os D mestic Medi cine aud Surgery ; Poetical and Prose Works of EttrickShepherd; Memoirs of Napoleon, by M. Bourienne ; The above, and many other Works in the Cata logue are recommended by Rev. Dr. Smvthe, of Charleston. Carpenters and Joiners Assistant, by Emy Krafft. and others ; Book of Ornamei.Lil Designs, with 40 plates ; Rural Architecture, by Jno. White, Architect; Railway Machinery, by D. Kennoar Clark ; Engineer and Machinists Drawing Book, by M. Le Blonc. Practical Tailor’s Guide to the Cutting Room. Subscription and orders received for the above by the Agent, at I. H. STEARNS & CO.’S office, first door above Mechanics* Bank, Broad-street, Augusta, Ga. J. GUMMING. Agent. Agent for the Scottish American urnal, a weeklv newspaper. >ll _ ATTBNTIJN THE PUBLIC GENERALLY and Phy sicians are respectfully informed that the subscriber has received all the Apparatus aud Materials for manufacturing the celebrated new remedies SYRUP SUPERPHOSPHATE IRON and CHEMICAL FO(jD; and that he is prepared to furnish these reme dies at the low rates of $9 per dozen- THOMAS P. FOG ART i\ Broad-st., Augusta, Ga., under Augusta Hole' P. S —At the utmost care and skill are requil e l in their manufacture, the public are cautioi od against purchasing tuiuy worthless con pounds now in the market. Je22 T. P. 1 RICH DRESS GOODS. BROOM & NORREJ.I. HAVE JUST RECEIVED per Adams’ Express Company : Rich Organdie FLOUNCED ROBES, do Twisted Silk do do do Jaconet ROBE.*? A’QUILLE, do Organdie do do French PRINTED JACONETS, do do CAMBRICS do do BRILLIANT**- A large and handsome assortment of MAN TILLAS. Os Taco arid Silk. ] IN EX YOKES, very handsome. PIQUE CLOTH. ' WHITE TRIMMINGS, ALEXANDKa’S KID GLOVES. myß Chesnut Grove Whisky, \ /**-«■* 0 \ \rnms) c.w. / \rn ARE THE SOLE AGENTS f.»r the V T sdie of the above WHISKY, made m the Mate of Pennsylvania, and no doubt the purest and best article manufactured in the U.Ptates Retailers can now be accommodated with an unadulterated article, certified to by Messrs. Soothe, Garnett and C’amac, Analytical Chemists in Philadelphia. For sale by the barrel and box of twelve quart jugs, i y je3o-3ni T. W. FLEMING & CO. JOHN N. GOW, ' MARBLE-WORKER Monuments, of aii descriptions, executed in the best form, at . THE LOWEST PRICES, and m the shortest time compatible Wdjmjll'Pl l with laultless workmanship. f: lM 1 T i Persons in want of Marble-Work ' of any kind are invited to call. ' Shop on Campbell-street, be tween Broad and Greene-street. ijg nov23 JOHN N. GOW » GEORGIA Sarsaparilla Compound, UR DENNIS' ALTERATIVE, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD'. HHHIS preparation has gained popular J. favor by its merits. There never has; been a preparation of SARSAPARILLA COMPOUND, for general use. that has given the universal satisfaction that tLc Georgia .Sarsaparilla gives There cannot be a preparation of Sarsaparilla made at the North, no go d as the GEORGIA SARSAPARILLA, because the roots do not grow there to make it of. The Georgia Sarsaparilla Compound is appre ciated North because it has been tried there and found good. A good preparation of Sarsaparilla will sell weil in any climate. Physicians will recommend it South because they know, by its taste and composition, there is no deception in it—its root-taste speaks the truth. Physicians know, too, that if they recom mend the diluted with sweetened water prepa rations, made at the North for Southern people, and their patients try a bottie of it, and then try a bottle of the Georgia home-made Sarsaparilla, which will do so much more good that they will be accused, and rightly too, of not being good judges of medicines. Those ordering it must express, iu their order, either SARSAPARILLA COMPOUND, or DENNIS’ ALTERATIVE. For sale at the South |by Druggists generally. In New York, by Har- I ral. Risley & Kitchen. aul‘2-tf To Beat, SEVERAL HOUSES ou Walker aud Watkins-streets. Also, a STORE, with TEN ! EMENT adjoining. . jyg I. H. STEARNS &CO UlisteHanecrus. IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS Sold by Subscription Only. Published by D. Appleton &Co., N. York. THE following Standard Books com mence the series. To insure Uniterm prices ami regularity in the delivery of the volumes tn subscribers in all parts of the country, local agentsare or will be appointed in every city and principal town ; and wc shall aim to employ on ly such persons as will have the confidence of the people. The books will be in every reaped equal to the sample shown, and no pains or ex pense will be spared to produce the works begun in a reasonable time, and to the entire approba tion of subscribers. 1. The Abridgement of the Debates of Con gress ; or, the Political History oi the L'nited States. From the original documents. Edited by Col. Thomas H. Ekxio.v. In Fifteen large oc tzivo volumes of about 750 two-column pages. This work has now reached the Fifth volume, and is now giving great satisfaction among all classes. It will contain the wisdom of Congress for seventy years, and will be an invaluable part of the history of the country. It is of national interest, and one of the most valuable compen diums for public and priv fe libraries ever is sued. The work realizes a desideratum long felt, and of all others, for the political history of the Government, most wanted. Its wide range of characters, each one speak ing for himself, and representing his own party. | and its far stretch of time, make it of the great est value to the nation. The Indexing is very I complete, so that any name or subject desired , may be found in either volume at on ze. Terms —The wor*. »s publishing exclusively by , subscription, and the volumes are issued at iu ; tervals of from 2to 3 months. In cloth binding at $3 ; law sheep $3.50 ; haif morocco $4 ; half | calf extra $4.50; each volume payable as deliv !ered. 11. The Xev American Cyclopoedvr, form ing a complete Dictionary of General Knowledge. Edited by Charles A. Dan a and George Ripley. aided by a numerous select corps of writers in all branches of Science, Art and Literature. The object and desire of the publishers and | editors is to produce a Cyclopaedia of the highes i character, and to meet the wants of the Anieri j can people. | The work h not founded on any European model, but will, as far as the nature of a Cyclo- I p«edia permits, possess a strictly originalebarac j ter. All the information of any importance eon j tained in the following works will be comprised in the New American Cyclopaedia, viz: Encyclopedia Britanmca j Penny Cycloptedia ; Conversations Lexicons : Encyclopedic Moderne; Diction narie de la Con verbal:'):! ; Eucycl. pedie Metropolitans ; Eucyclopediedes Gens du Monde ; Nouveau Biographic Generale ; together with a large number of Dictionaries and Cyclopaedias on special subjects. With thecoinmaud of the most ample resources by arrangements already made with a large number of the most distinguished writers in America and Europe, the publishers do not hesi tate to say. that the New American Cyclopaedia will be superior in exten*, variety, and exact ness of iniormation, to any similar publication in the English language. The work will be published exclusively by subscription, in about fifteen large octavo vol umes, each containing 750 two-column pages, ana in exterior appearance will be at once ele gant and substantial. The volumes will be is sued serially in cloth, at $3 ; Library style, Leather, $3.50 ; half inorocoo, $4 ; half Russia extra, $4.50 ; each payable on delivery. The first volume is now roadv.and the second will be issued early in the Spring, and theu con tinue the successive volumes every two or three months. 111. Cyclopaedia of American* Elopience. — A collection ot Speeches wad Addresses, Foren-ic and Parliamentary, by"tiLe most eminent Orators of America, with biogi aphical sketches and illus trative notes. Edited by Frank Moore. This work contains many speeches never be fore published. All the speeches of Patrick Henry, also speeches and specimens by the fol lowing, among many others : Samuel Adams. Washington, James Otis, Dr. David Ramsay, Alex Hamilton. John Dickinson, Rich ird Henry Lee. I)r. John Witherspoon, Wm livingston. Dr. Benj.Rush, John Rutledge, Chief Justice Marshall. The work is uorayletcd in two volumes, con taining about 1300 pages royal octavo size, and foui teen finely engraved portraits from steel plates. Price for the two volumes in cloth, $5 00 ; Li brary style, Leather. $0: half morocco, $7 ; half calf extra, SB. Subscribers will be supplied as fast as the binding can be executed and as the work wili be sold oniy by subscription, all persons desi rous of obtaining it. and who have not already entered their names, are invited to do so. IV. Cyclopedia of Wit and Humor , com prising a coflectio i of complete articles, and specimens of written H MOR and ECCENTRICI TIES, from the most eminent Humorist? of Ame rica, Ireland, Scotland and England. Illustrated with 600 Engravings, made expressly for the text, from original designs; also 34 Portraits. Edited by William E. Burton, the celebrated comedian. Among the authors of the articles which appear in the volumes are the following : James K. Paulding. Dr. Samuel Peters. Henry Pickering, John Trumbull, Robert C. Sands Dr. Jeremy Belknap. John Bernard, Jos. Rodman Drake, Henry J. Finn, F. ti. Halleck, Theodore S. Fay, John Howard Payne. Wm. C. Bryant. Dr. S ml. L. Mitchell, Gillian C. Verplank, Joel Barlow, William Dunlap, H. H. Brackenridge Washington AUston. David Paul Brown, Dr. Samuel Gilmau. Willis Gaylord Clark, Judge James Hall, Eliza Leslie, Col. Wm. L. Stone, Mrs. Caroline Gilman. Robert M. Bird, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grenville Mellon. Washington irving. M. M. Noah, J. G. C. Brainord. Richard Penn Smith. Robert S. Coffin, the Bos- John Inman, ton Gird. The work wili be issued :u -4 parts, semi monthly , at 25 ct.-nls. Forming 2 large volumes at $3 50 each, or four divisions Yioatly bound in cloth, ats2 each. W r e beg leave cordially to invite our fellow citizens in all purls of the country to co-operate with us in bringing out this series of standard and useful works. 4*y Subscribers to *■ Benton’s Thirty Years’ View." of which more than 50,000 have been subscribed for, are informed that the s c-md volume completing the work is now ready, and wiil be supplied in the various styles to match the first, although considerably larger, at the same price. Local Agents wanted. BENJ. G..UDDON, Madison,Geo., febl General Agent for the State DEALERS iN >£URE MEDICINES. / j I'NSfRUMENTi | t>KV€S, /"PAJNTS.OILS l AC S T/K.&f' New York and Savannah, | THE AMERICAN ATI ANTIC SCREW STEAMSHIP I CO’S NEW AND ELEGANT STEAMSHIPS lIIUSTSVILLE, Capt. Robert Hardle. i MONTGOMERY, Capt. Fred. Crocker, WILL FORM A . r tween Savannah and Jtw York, port lßlraljsp These steamers. (100 f“) tons each, have elegant accommodations for Pas sengers. and being of great strength and snecd, shippers can rely on the greatest dispatch to freight. For further particulars, apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN & CO.. Savannah, Ga. or. H. B CROMWELL & CO., apld*ly No. 131 Washington st. N York. Stoto, ®iu. #t, mVEffiITES. RANGES, HI&.C.,&C. S. S. JONES & CO. BEG AGAIN to call the attention of their numerous customers and the pubUa generally to their extensive assortment of STOVES, GRATES, RANGES, and a complete variety of ever) thing pertaining to a First Class House Furnishing Store. toves* Our assortment in this department is a.l that the most fastidious cau desire. Vie have every style of COOK, OFFICE and PARLOR STOVES kept by any other house in the city. and many desirable putterns that are to be fouud ex clusively at our establishment. *• sum Os these goods, we have some thirty different patterns, all bought within the last sixty days aud from the latest designs. We think we hazard uothing in saying tliat we can offer a MUCH greater variety In this Hue than all other dealers in the city com biued. mm *&«>?«-. Having tested nearly all the differeut styles o i Ranges extant, we have f#r two years past sold Mott.-’ PATENT INVINCIBLE RANGE exclusive ly, believing them to be the very best article offered. We have sold some twenty of these Ranges in Augusta and vicinity, and they have never failed to give perfect’ satisfaction. We will sell to any customer with a lull guarantee that these Ranges are perfect in their operation in every particular. House Furnishing Goo<ls. In this departrneut enumeration is out of the question. Our assortment is. as usual, com plete. and no effort will be spared on our part to retain for our house the position it lias occupied for five years past. It is well known that we keep MORE THAN DOUBLE the slock and va riety of any house in the city, and ours is, in tact, the place to purchase House Furnishing Goods The increase of our business in this department has entirely exceeded our expectations. Our efforts to establish a First Class llouse-Furnlshing Store have been crowned with success by an apprecia ting public, and our motto is •' Upward and On ward. " tin We have in store an unusually heavy stock o Tin Plate, Sheet Iron. Sheet Copper, Iron Wire, Block Tin, Pig and Bar Lead. Also, a large stock of Japanned Ware, Pressed Covers and Plates of every description, Bucket Ears, Rivets, Tinners' Tools ami Machines. Ac., which we offer o the trade on the very best terms. *S. S. JONES A CO.. octCl 210 Broad -street. A NE \Y AN D VALI ABLK REME D Y . COLHMBIAN BITTERS! COMPOSED STRICTLY OF THE CHOICEST VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, ANT> WAKRaNTKD TO GIVE GREAT RELIEF IN DYSPEPSIA, And all diseases arising from *4 Disordered State of the Stomach. QUCH AS NAUSEA. CONSTIPATION, kj FULLNESS OF BLOOD to the Head, Giddi ness of the head, depression of spirits, loss of appetite, pain in the side and back, fever and ague, general debility, anil the ‘•thousandother ills ” arising from indigestion and enfeebled con dition of the digestive organs. Habitual costive ness is found very frequently connected with feeble constitutions, and persons of sedentary habits, which often exerts a very unfavorabh influence upon the general health of the subject and is particularly manifested by a restless aa« desponding state of mind, irregular, if not a loss of appetite. For this condition of the system, this article is confidently recommended with the positive is suraace that, if the dose is properly adjusted, s® as not to move the bowels too actively, RELIEF may be relied on, without any, even the of the unpleasant consequences resulting from the use of the common purging mediciuses usual ly resorted to. Persons afflicted with HEMORRHOIDS, can partake of this medicine with safety, as Aloes forms no part ot its composition. Sold by druggists and merchants generally and :u Augusta, by Haviland. Chichester k Co Wm H. Tutt. an I Plumb & i.eitner. feb3-6m Cash Paid for OLD ROPE MB BAGGINB HEMP BAGGING AND ROPE, r ‘3>a cents per lb . For GUNNY BAGGING, I.•••■nts per !b ; *• GR.*S ROPE. 1 *• At BATH PAPER MILLS OFFICE, l>n Reyn dd-stre-rt, between Jaeksou and Mo Intcsh. apl4 Butter and Cheese. I^IFTl r boxes choice NEW CHEEISC; . 25 kegs prime BUTTER, just received, and for sale low, by ’ jy9-Im A. D. WILLIAMS GREAT BARGAINS^ IN DRY GOODS. JAMES HENEY being desirous of ma king a olia/ige in his business, offers, fron this date, his entire stock ot Dry Goods for Cash, lower than any ever offered in this or any othef city In the South. AH persons desirous of laying out their mone] to the best advantage, will do well to call and set his stock. ILiey may be sure of saving from 2- to 50 perct., as he is determined on seU'ugolfthr entire stock of his Goods by the first of Ootober. If 3'ou want SILK, pia : n or figured. Call at HENEY'B. If you want BAREGES, solid col’d or printed, Call at HENEY’?. If you want MUSLINS, white or col’d. Call at HENEY’S. If you want EMBROIDERIES, for Indies or Missea Call at HENEY’S If you want HOSTERY, GLOVES, RIBBONS, BON NETS, Ac., Call at HENEY’?. If you waritGINGHAMS, SHEETING .SHIRTING? Ac., Call at HENEY* Or if you want any other article usually foum in a Dry Goods or Millinery Store, and wan' them at prices for cash, at which you never ex pected to see them, call at HENEY’S Store, neiv above the Georgia Railroad Bank All persons indebted to him are requested to come and settle up. jyio Wanted, BY A YOUNG MAN, employment for a few months. Will do eoiiectisg for Phy sicians or Business Houses in the city, for area souableuo:nyensai;o:\ Best of references gi ven. __ Apply at t : -• rtf • v iyl-m* H. II LINYILLE Machinist aud Engineer, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Manufacturer of steam en gines. BOILERS, SUGAR MILLS, CIR CULAR and GANG SAW MILLS, &c. Ihe subscriber aLo keeps constantly on hand St-itnmary and Portable ENGINES, from four to fifty horse power, manufactured by H. E-.lkk & Co.. Atlantic Dock Works, Brooklyn. IRON RAILING—I am manufacturing th-most approved patterns of WROUGHT and CAST IRON RAILING, and have the Agency of the New York Wire Railing and Iron Bedstead Company. jyS-ly H. H. LINVILLE. SUGAR MILLS. A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL MILL, with /\ wrought iron journals, made and adapt ed expressly for grinding the Impbee, or Chi nese Sugar Cane, can now In obtained of the subscribers. Persons who are experimenting in Sug(.r and Syrup making, are invited to give this Mill an examination. Numbers of them w ere used last season, with complete satisfac tion. Orders attended- to, and ail enq fries promptly answered. I. H. STEARNS & CO.. Broad-st., near Mechanics’ Bank. ■Hy*» Augusta, Ga Copartnership JN'olice. THE UNDERSIGNED have this entered into a copartnership under th name and style of HOLLINGSWORTH k BALE WIN. for she transaction of a genera! Grocer and Commission business, at the store formerl? occupied by J, F. Oiemence, three doors belo; the Planter’s Hotel. JOHN B. HOLLINGSWORTH, _jiy 3tf WALTER A. BALDWIN. A GOOD supply in store, of various brands find qualities, for sale by jy!3 M. W. WOODRUFF.