Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, September 14, 1858, Image 1

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'Jluattsia tniitjr vlisu;itrb. VOLUME 2. citing Dispatch. PUHLISHKDDAILY AND WKr.KI.Y. I BY S. A. ATKINSON. | DAII.Y, per annum $1 oo WEEKLY, “ I 50 Subßcriptioog will be received for three .'.norths at $1 25. Monthly subscriptions, Fifty ' Payment for subscriptions will positively required in advance. l ,IK OFFICE OF THE DISPATCH is on broad street, a few doors below Setz’s Corner, (upst irs.) Entrance next door above A. l. ' Bignon & Co. ’» Store. KATES OF ADVERTISING.* Advertisements will be inserted by the square ■o! 12 hues (100 words,) for 50 cents for the first insertion, and ;-7>a ceuts for each subsequent in sertion under one month, to be paid for when the a ivertisemeut ri handed into the office. Ad v-i Usements under live lines will bo insert •‘' .I at 10 cents a hue for the tirst, and 5 cents a for «*ach subsequent insertion. Advertisements will be inserted in both the Daily and Weekly Dispatch at 25 per cent above bese rates. |ail jpiirltt Register. GEORGIA RAILROAD. Leave Augusta 0.45 A. M. Arrive Atlanta 945 A. 11. Leave Augusta 2.45 P. M. Arrive Atlanta 11.50 P. M. Leave Atlanta 12 Night. Arrive Augusta 8.53 A. M. Leave Atlanta 10 A. M Arrive Augusta f. 45 P. M. South Carolina Railroad. Arrive Augusta 11.15 P \T. do do 1.15 P. M. Leave Augusta 10 A. M. do do 8.05 P. M. Western ami Atlantic Railroad. Arrive Atlanta 11.22 Night. Leave Atlanta 12.30 Day. Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad. Arrive Atlanta 8.33 A. M. do do 751 P. M. Leave Atlanta 015 A. M. do do 10.15 A M. Athcm Branch. Leave Augusta 12 45 Night. Leavo Night. Arrive at A. M. Leave Athens iTfiO Day. Arrive at Augusta 0.45 P. M. Arrive at Atlanta 11.45 P. M. Washington Branch. | l eave Washington 2 P M., Arrive Augusta at < J 5 P. M., and Atlanta 12 Night. < Augusta 2.45 P. M., and Atlanta 10 A* l Pril., Arrive Washington 7.20 I*. M. t Warrenton Branch . Leave Warrenton 3 I’. M., Arrive Augusta at '3.4b P.M., Atlanta 12 P. M. Leave Augusta 2.45 P. M. and Atlanta 10 A. M., Arrive Warren.on 6.301’. M. N. B.—On SUNDAYS no Trains run on the Branches. GEORGE YONGE, jyl4 Geu’l Sup’t. AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. r Leave Augusta at 2.45 P. M. t do do 0.45 A.M. Arrive at Augusta «it 7.28 P. M. do do 7.00A.M. , nuecting at Millen with Trains on the Fen 1 "tailroad. ANDREW YONGE, *-tf Superintendaut. - SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. Fur Charleston, S. G\, ) • Kingsville. S. C., lat 10 A. M., and 8.05 : Camden, S. C , j p. M •• Columbia, S. C., j 1 -rid arrive at Aug:; da t 1.15 P. M , and 11.15 ■ v V- M. H. T. PkAKE, v Wi \ur* ■’ 1 »*ralSuperintendent. WESTKI •: I)ATI NT!C JS.VIUw-.'ik (Atlanta to Chattanooga.) Night Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 1*2.15 p m and arrives at Chattanooga 8.25 p m Night Passengor Train leaves Chat. 3.10 pm ! and arrives at Atlanta 11.22 p m r Up day Express Freight and 'ger Train leaves Atlanta 4.50 a m and arrives at Chattanooga 4.35 p ni !''»»vrn day Fx and I’a.'S. do. leaves l hattanooga 5.15 a m and arrives at Atlanta p m Up night Ex and Fasa. do leaves Atl’a 8.40 p tn arrives in Chattanooga 7.01 a m I own Night Ex. and Passenger Train leaves Chattanooga 6.06 p m arrives at Atlanta 4 40 a m Fake to Chatta.vooga, $5. , ATLANTA AND LAGRANGE RAILROAD. Morning Pas’nger Train leaves a m and arrives at West Point 3.39 a m | Evening Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 0.15 a m and arrives at West Point 5.3 a m Train loaves W. Point 3.45 a m uud arrives at Atlanta at 8.33 a m Evening Pass gr Train leaves W. Point 2.65 p m and arrives at Atlanta 7.51 p m Fare to West Point, $3.50. GKO. G. HULL, superintendent. I gGtJTH-WESTIRN PaII.ROAD. Leave Macon at 1i.45 P.M. and 9.45 A.M.; i Arrive in Columbus at 5 35 A. M. and 3.45 P. M. r 4LeaveCoiumbus 4 A. M.and 3.45 P. M.: Arrive 1 v a Macon 9.50 A. M. and 9.18 P. M. m. Leave Macon 9.45 A. M. Arrive in Albany 4.08 f .’. M., Dawson 5 20 p. M. k Leave Albany 3F. M., Dawson ] 40P. M. Ar >n Macon 9.18 P M. weekly Accommodation Train Down, Mon- Way, Wednesday and Friday Up—Tuesday, 1 Thursday and Saturday. # v . Mail Stages to and from Tallahassee, Thomas t’ille, Bai.ibridge, 40 , connect daily with regu lar Trains at Albany. GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup’t. f j M AGON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Leave Macon 12 Night, Arrive Atlanta 7.15 A. M. i rjteave Macon 10 A. M., Arrive Atlanta 4 I*. M | /Leave Atlanta 12 Night, Arrive A M I .Leave Atlanta 11 A. M , Arrive Macou 5 P. M • £ A. L. TYLER, Superintendent. I F. J. DELItKR’S CELEBRATED • PHILADELPHIA BALM. ■ W (MOSQUITO ANTIDOTE.) I I HAVE IN STORE a large quantity of the above article, which is highly recorn mended and approved, to prevent Musquitoes, Ant-, .‘and Flies, Bed Bugs and Knats from 1 ♦•niching the human body, wherever it is ap- [ >d. It beautifies tie complexion, imparts . I ness and lily whiteness to the Skin ; removes j |( » and sun burn instantaneously, and, thr ugh li t continuance of its use, removes all freckles If $ i pimples. Prico 25 eta a bottle. £ It I have also on band, F. J. DKLKER’S | Bed - Bug Destroyer, ( W .which is certain death to all kin Bof Bugs, when j (fused according to directions; and, as it is a ! ■luAflto, free of grease, it will prevent the return all Bed Bags until the paste is hard, which j ■Wunct be before two years. wi Orders from the cosntry respectfully solicit- g L,p4 V. LaTASTE, ■jWliotesale and Retail Drug Store, two doors be lt low P. O. Corner. mySJ ■T Look at This. 1 *am now prepared to do all , in the Carpenter’s fine with neatness Jobbing attended to. £ jMtore made and repaired. » t 9 ' HENRY ROGERS. , W - Jackwm-streei. near the Baptttt Church. H mh6 if §xs ioobs. RICH EMBROIDERIES! VXTL HAY E JUST very ▼ ? laree assortment of French Worked Collars, SWISS AA'D JACONET BANDS, SWISS AND JACONET TRIIffMIS’GS, SWISS AND JAJONET flouncings Plain and EmbM LINEN COLI ARS. Large ass’t. Plain ami Emb’d L.C. HDKFS, Rich Chantilly LACE VEILS, new styles. —ALSO — Rich Silk and I*oe MANTILLAS, LINEN DUSTERS, Rich Organdie MUSLINS, Low-priced LAWNS, White BRILLIANTS, Plain and Check NAINSO' KS. do do JACONETS, do do CAMBRICS, do do MULLS. These Goods having been recently bought at a crcat reduction on the market price, will be sold correspondingly low, and a portion of them having been bought of the manufacturer about 50 per cent less than they could have been bought at any au* tiou sale, they will be sold lower than the same qu lity of goods have ever been offered at in this city. Our stock is other wise well assorted, and offers rare attractions in the way of LOW PRICES. All of which we will be pleased to exhibit at our Jel7 BROOM k NOBEELL. SPRING AND SUMMER Dry Goods! AND MILLINERY! CHEAP FOR CASH 11 JAMES HENEY HAVING just returned from the Nor them markets with a /h superior stock of FANCYJglvfeSk— and DOM ESTIC DRY GOODS, J*J2gfe™S|4j comprising some of newest styles, as well the fin eat texture of DRESS { GOODS, to which he wishes to call the attention of all persons visiting Au gusta. pie* ging^himself that be will permit no one to undersell him, and is confident that he can sell at ieast from 5 to 10 per cent, cheaper than any other Casli Store in the cit_- . He and those in Ins employment will feel a pleasure in waiting on those who favor hfm w ith a call ; und as they will of ne cessity have to examine the stocks es the city in order to find the best value, he hopes they will bear in mind his store, which is oße door above the Georgia Railroad Bank. CALL AND SEE HIS STOCK. STUDY YOUR INTERESTS. NOBODY COMPELLED TO BUY. EVERYBODY WAITED ON WITH PLEASURE Dress Silks, ALL STYLES, VERY LOW. Printed Lawn, Organdie and JACONETS, all styles, very low ; Printed Lawn, Organdio aud Jaconet different styles ; Printed Lawn BAREGES and GRENADINES. A large lot of GINGHAMS and CALICOES. Swiss, Jaconet and Mull MUSLINS. A splendid stock of EMBROIDER' D GOODS. SUMMER SHAWLS and MANTILLAS. IN THE Itilliiurjr gMprtmtut is to be found all that is novel, never having been better supplied with all that is desirable in lE3 O 2ST NETS, ««a. ■ » vesMe &c., &c , &c. ShcctmgL. Shirtings “!id flsnaburgs; IRISH TANrABLE LINENS and TOWELINGS ; Musquito NETTINGS; BEDSPREADS, FRINGS. &c. A full supply of HOSIERY. mh3l For Sale, AVERY desirable RESIDENCE on Bay street, in view of the steam boat landing and the river. If a purcha- KjjJl scr is not found, the place willbo muted if a ill to an approved tenant. This is a rare opportu nity to secure a good residence at a reasonable rate. Apply to WM. NOR KELL, or to jvl9 I. H. STEARNS & CO. Lite Insurance. IPHE AUGUSTA INSURANCE AND . BANKING COMPAN Y are prepar- dto issue at moderate premiums policies of insurance on, the lives of Slaves, either for one, five or ten years. Forms of application and tables of rates can be procured at the oflioo of the Company free of charge. WM. M. D’ANTIGXAC, President. C. F. McCoy, Secretary. fob 11 Stone Mountain House. fTMIE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully in- J. form tho public gener- . ally, but especially those who wish to find a pleasant and ofi healthy summer retreat, in W” the up-country, that tie is now prepared to receive and entertain ail such as may fa or him with a call. His llou eis Conve nient to the Depot on the Georgia Railroad, six teen miles east of Atlanta, large and well ar ranged with a view to comfort. He is prepared to furnish Families or single Boarders with Rooms of suitable size, all well ventilated and furnished in the l dost style. A sufficient number of faithful, well trained servants are at all hours on hand, ready to sup ply the wants of Boarders, and he promises a table equal to the best. No better water or more pure atmosphere cun any whoro be found, aud for beauty of' scenory, the Stone Mountain is surpassed by but few places in any country. Charges satisfactorj. SAMUEL F. ALEXANDER, jylo-2m Proprietor. New and Fresh SPRING MILLINERY. MILS. E. O. COLLINS HAS RECEIVED, at her store oppo site the Planters’ astM. Hotel, a handsome sup ply of all articles of MILLINERY.j>S|gm SUITABLE FOR THK Spring and Summer, Consisting, in pari, of an assortment of BON- ] «/7\NETS, KIBBONS, FLOWER*, EUCHES, j> BLONDE LACES. VEILS, MITTS, DRFHS 1 IjIWC PS, HEAD DRESSES, FI AIR BRAIDS, 1 CURTS, TOILET POWDERS, S. AI>S, PER- ] FUMES. HAIR OILS, Ac. BONNETS, CAPS and HEAD DRESSES made at ( short notice and in the most fashkaaole style. mhBO Cop.-ti tnei-ship Notice. THE L NDERiSIGNED have thi6 da» entered into a copartnership under th name and style of HOLLINGSWORTH & B-ALI WIN. for the traowaction of a general Qrocer I and Commtesion bthdaeHS, at the store former! I occupied by J. F. demencc, three doors beJoi s the Planter's Hotel. t JOHN B. HOLLINGSWORTH, < jly 3U WAITER A. BALDWIN, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, SEPTEMBER 14, 1858. Jrn 600b.5. SPRING DRYGOODS GRAY & TURLEY BEG TO ANNOUNCE to their custom ers and the public that they now have in store, and are daily receiving a very extensive aud cboico selection of SPRING AND SUMMED Dry Goods. We wish it to be remembered that we still keep j a resident purchaser at tho North, from whom ! we receive daily the importeTlslls i Wc solicit Country Merchants, buying for cash, ! to call and examine our stock, and ASCERTAIN OCR PRICES.; To such we arc prepared to offer superior in ducements. Below we mention some of tho MOST FASHIONABLE, as also some of the leading articles in each dc-1 purtment. Dress Goods, Rich Chintz Shone BAYADERE SILK? : do do RAYE D’AQUILLE do do Moire Antique Bl'kaad Col’d do Bischoff’s Celebrated BLACK SILKS, in great I variety ; Marcellainc and Florence SILKS, all ’ colors ; GRENADINE, CRAPED’PARISaudSEW- j ING SILK ROBES ; Challic, Barege D’lAino aud , BAREGE ROBFS. PRINTED LAWN, PRINTED BRILLANTE. CHALLIES, BAREGE DELANE, BA REG ES, CHAFE MARKTZ. CRAPE DePARIS, CANTON CLOTH. BOMBAZINE, ALAPACA, &C.,&C. HOSIEDY AND EMBROIDERIES! Udics HOSE in COTTON, SILK aud LINEN. Misses do do do do do do Gents do do do do do do I I-adies GIX)VES in KID, SILK, LINEN and j SIlJv MITTS. 5,000 Einbd. BANDS, in JACONETT, SWISS and MULL. 5,000 Embd. COI.LARS and BETTTS, in JACO-1 NET, SWISS and MULL. EDGINGS and INSERTING, in great variety. ! Embd. LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, ! in great variety. WHITE GOODS. Embd. MUSLIN and LACE CURTAINS. do do for Lidieß DRESSES. Plain J AC® NET and SWISS MUSLINS. N dnsook MUI Land Book do Printed BRILLANTE and CAMBRIC MANTIIJ.AS, SHAWLS, SCARFS, Ac., in great variety and very cheap DOMESTICS. 5 cases BROWN SHIRTINGS, 6Vc. 5 do WHITE do 6*e -1.000 pieces CALICOES, fast colors, 6. l a’c. ALL THE FAVORITE IIR\M)8 OF AMERICAN CALICOES AND Sliirtings, -&ED LOW DRICBS;: A VERY HANDSOME LOT OF GINGHAMS,! IN BLACK AND COLORED. 2,000 COUNTERPANES, from $1 26 to $lO each ! 6 cases 11-4 SHEETING, best quality. Sl) 4 c. i 5 do BED TICKING, APRON FURNITURE PRINTS, 4c. L.I 3NTE3 KT S, Best Irish LINF.N DAMASK, 50 to gl 50. do do do NAPKINS and DOYLIES. I 100 to 460. Best Irish LINEN TABLE CLOTHS, do do do for SHIRT FRONTS 25 to 160 Plain and Fancy LINENS, for Gentlemen and j Boy’s wear, from 18% to 75c. per yard. SUNDRIES. RIBBONS—LUTES, SATIN AND VELVET, —FUR- NITURE AND PRESS FRINGES : PARA SOLS. HOOP SKIRTS, FANS. HAIR BRUSHES, COMBS, FANCY SOAPS, 4c., 4c. mil 22 ; Dry Goods! Dry Goods!! MILLER & WARREN are now receiv ing their stocks of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. which they are prepared to offer and sell as low as any house in the oily. The stock has been selected with great care, and comprises a great | variety of Laches’ Dress Goods, such as Rich and elegant Silk Kobe deQoille. Bayadere Silks, variety of styles. Silk Valencias, striped and plaid, Plain Silks, all colors, Mourning Bayadere and Cheno Silks Fluin Black, Plaid and Striped do Silk Poplins and Victoria Plaids. Delaine Robe dc Quille, Rich Fig’d Delaines and Cashmeres, Emb’d French Merinoes, new styles-, Flain French and English Merinoes, Mourning Delaines. French and Engli.-h Prints, American do Mourning do Scotch Ginghims, Mourning Ginghams, Cheno Ginghams, An extensive variety of Shawls, comprising Silk Thibet Shawls, Broche Shawls, Flush Bordered Stella Shawls, Chenille Shawls and S-arfe, Ladies’ black and colored Goth Cloaks. Rich VelvetCloaka, every variety; All W'ool Lone Shawls, Plain bl’k and Second Mourning Merino Shawls, A lot of beautiful Embtoideriea. consisting of Rich Muslin Sleevee and Collars, in Bette, Jaoonetand Swiss Sleeves, Linen Collate, Maltese Laoe Setts. Imitations Lace Collars and Sleeves, Juconetand Swiba Bands, m Linen Cambric Handkerchief?, plain and em broidered, Hemmed and Mourning Handkerehlefti. Misses’ and Boys’ W’ool Hose, W’ool Gaitors ; Nott Sacks, Misses’ Merino Yeeta Ladios Merino Vests, short and long sleeves, For the Gentlemen's line may be found— Black Cloths and Cassimeres, Fancy Cass meres, latest styles, Rich Velvet and Cashmere Vestings, North Carolina Caseimerea, superior article, Cravats and Collars ; Merino Ties. sepCO MILLER 4 WARREN, m BRAY’S HOTEL,gi CARTERBVILLE, GA., jj«i|| SITUATED nearest the Depot on the < kilt hand side of the Railroad coming down, and on the right eoming op Passengers will i take breakfhst on arrival ot the down trains < Good walka to the Hotel. ] vSSQBPj W . V. BTIAY, Pr»f>rf<!tar I Cavbs. James M. Dye & Co., WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Augusta, Georgia , ; VTriLU continue the WAREHOUSE | T » and COMMISSION BUSINESS, in rrrm\ 1 |a 1 Its brancheu, at their old -tand, Fire TtfaTMl t’roof Warehouse. on Reynolds street. l&g&F*! in roar of the Augusta Hotel. I«\ strict personal i ‘Rtomion to all business entrusted to their care, j they hope to merit a continuance of the liberal: ; patronage heretofore extended to them. for BAGGING, ROl’E. FAMILY BUP- I LIES, &c., promptly tilled. ! Liberal Cash Advances made on Cotton and ! otaer Produce when desired. JAMES M- DYE, THOri. RICHARDS. | Att * ugta . July 27,1858. 3m Heard Simps oil. undersigned have this day assp j JL dated themseiv s under tho firm j name ol HEARD 4 SIMPSON, who will coutmuo the WAREHOUSE and COM . A**! 44- j HISSION BUSINESS, in all its rauchos, in the ! tiro-proof buildings, luxst side street ' ! :l1 present occupied by S. 1). Dkard. where they | respectfully solicit a continuance of the patron-! j - i K e hitherto extended to each of the firm while i 'iu business separately, aud by their united es i ! lorts. hope to merit and receive a liberal patron- 1 age from the public gcnerallv. ! Orders for BAGGING. ROPE, and FAMILY SUPPLIES will be carofully filled by one of the ! firm. The usual facilities will be afforded on PRO- 1 • DUCE in store, when desired. 8. D. HEARD, J. R. SIMPSON. I Augusta. July 1, 1858. jyls-d*w6m j PHIJNIZY At CLAYTON, | "W AREHOUSE -AND Commission Merchants Augusta, Georgia. ON THE FIRST OF SEPTEMBER next, the undersigned will remove,\rv-v n ‘ ! to tho extensive and commodious Proof Warehouse owned and for j vears occupied by L. * opsins. Esq , and at pre ' j sent in the occupany of Mr. J. C. IIARSALSON, who wiil at that time retire from the b siness. ' They will continue the WAREHOUSE AND COM ; MISSION BUSINESS in all its branches, and will | be better prepared than ever to prom* tc the in- i terostof tlieir customers, to which their strict! personal attention will be devoted They solicit ‘ I consignments from their friends and the public. F PHINIZY, ' Augusta, June 9th, 1958. E. F. CLAYTON. A Card. THE UNDERSIGNED intending to discontinue the Warehouse aud Commission | Business on the tirst of September next, returns j | his thanks to bis friends and palrons for their' | favors during the past year, j Messrs. ITIIMZY fcCLAYTON having leased! the Warehouse for a term of years, I most cheer-! fully recommend them to mv friends. jelO-dAwfim J. C. HARALSON, j J. D. Walker & Sons, SUCCESSORS TO BUSTIN, WALKER 4 CO., j WILL continue the WARE- irnar., Y Y HOUSE and COMMISSION BUSI NKSS in all its branches, at the old ;tand of Busn.v, Walkkk 4 Co., on Mclntosh st. j By strict personal attention to all business on-' ■rusted to their care, they hope to merit a con- i linuance of tho liberal patronage which has! Hitherto been extended to iho old firm. All orders promptly filled. Liberal cash ad ! ranees made on Produce in store, when required.: JAMES B. WALKER, i JOHN W. WALKER, JAMES W. WALKER, j Augusta. July 1, 1858. Notice. TDIIE undersigned having withdrawn! .1. from the Warehouse and Commission Busi- ! I cheerfully recommends to his friends thej I new firm of Messrs. J. 1». Walker 4: Sons, wh< j ivill continue to transact tho business at th • old J tand of Bcstin Walker & Co. E. BUSTIN. Augusta July 1,1858. >ylo-d4w2m Harper C. Bry«ou, ■fAREHor.SK AND COMMISS UN MERCHANT, rii'-l y'h'ji. v Georgia, ( VXrHERK his Pt rson.t! attention will Yv the A torugo Os Cot jVTVT w • ton and other Produce. Orders for ! FAMILY SUPFLIrS promptly attended { to. Cash advanced on PRODUCE in store, j Sales Room and Office on Rev nold. between j Jackson and Mclntosh streets. jyl7-d*cCm (h aul & Derry. IMIE UNDERSIGNED have this day formed a Copartnership under the n me | anti style of HEARD 4 DERRY, for tho purpose | of carrying on tho WaREHO?>K AND COMMIS ■ SION BUSINESS, iu allita branches. Tlioy have ! 'eased, for a term of years, the commodious Fire proof Warehouse No 1, Metcalf’s Range, Kov nold street, just below Warren Block, where they will be well prepared to promote the inter est of customers. Orders for Bagging. Pjmeand Family Supplies, promptly attended to. Liberal cash advances! [made at all times on Produce in st -ro. Their| I strict personal attention will bo devoted to ti»o business, and they respectfully solicit consign | I rnents from their friends and tho pub ic. ISAAC T HEARD. ! WM. C. DERRY, ! Augusta, July 1.1958. jy7-3m j A CARD, THE firm of HEARD & DAVLSON : having been dissolved by mutual consent ! and tho foregoing copartnership h ving been formed, I would gratefully return my thanks to all who have , eretoforo patronized mo. and earnestly solicit a continuance of their saver in my new business in tho firm of Hoard & Derry. ISAAC T. HEARD* July 1, 1858. jy7-3m Wni. E. Ua rnes, | (OTTUE FORMER KIRM OK BARNES A JONHS.) WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, Georgia,, YTTOULD hereby thank his friends, Y Y and those es tho late firm, for ky \\t\ ! their liberal patronage, and would re sportfully inform them, auu tuo public, fcstere?;- that ho will continue the WAREHOUSE and COM MISSION BUSINESS, in all its branches, at the same old and well known stand. He hopes, by • strict personal attention to business, to merit a generous share of pub ic patronage. He would solicit consignments of COUNTRY j FRODUwK generally, bring well prepared with ! large, c'ose Storage Rooms to sto e the same. ; Al orders f< r BAGGING, ROPE and FAMILY ! SUPPLIES, carefully and personally fitted. Tho usual facilities afforded customers WM. E BARNES. Augusta, July ’S, 1868. Jy 6 flro M. P. Stovall, WAHKHOU.SK AND COMMISSION MERCHANT,! Augusta, Georgia, CONTINUES the business, in all its branches, in his la.- « and oommo- /VCYTVV dious rire Proof Warehouse, ou Jack v u sen street, near the Olob<- Hotel. ' for GOODS, 4c., promptly and oareiully | The usual CASH facilities afforded customers. ( jy 16 6m Rees St Linton, WILL continue the WAREHOUSE and COMMISSION BUSINBS.', (ST-rTTI j at their old stand, on Jackson street; will devote thoir personal attention to the storage and Sate of COLTON, BACON, GRAIN, 4c., to. Liberal cash advances made when required, and all on'ers ft** FAMILY SUFPUKS, BAG GING, p™** WO, 0. RKKtv i BAM’L W. ukros. Hoofs, Sjl«s, I k, BOOTS AND SHOES. ' /'t ENT’S CALK CONGRESS GAITERS vX Do KID do do ] Do Call Skin do do Do P S Strap Shoes Do Calf do do o do Pump Solo Oxford Ties 1 Just received per last Steamer, and for Sale . ! >y JAMES W. BURCH, Opposite Express Office, Broad treet. | My l JUST KKCEiVED, AFRESH lot of those justly famous MOROCCO BOOTS, from Philadelphia, sewed through and through, warrented never to rip. Cull und see them. JAMES W. BURCH, i My, 1 Broad street. rmii§; If'Oß GLEAN LINEN AND CWION RaGS, (packed in bales,) Cash will be Paid, - at the office of BATH PAPER MILLS, on Reynolds street, between Jackson and Mclntosh, Augusta 1 Georgia. my 3 » CABINET MAXING. <r-- THE UNDER **H. ’ N'E;Dl^ i as opcned i -hop first above the PALA( • - STABLES, on Eilis-street, to carry on the above business in all its branches. Particular attention given to the REPAIRING OF FIJRNI.URE and PACKING, etc. . I solicit a share of public patronage. > mylO-tf WM. SINGLETON. S<;r».ooo! m WAS DRAWN IN SWAN & CO.»S J Sparta Academy Lottery, DAILY DRAWING. Tick El's in all of the daily SCHEMES, also in the Saturday $70,000 •! Scheme, c n be had at my e-ffiee on Washington 1 1 street, one door lrom Broad street. Office hours 1 1 from 6 A. M. to 9 P. M. mye-tl C. A. LATHROP. Agent. Fire and Life Insurance. fJpHE CONTINUED FIRES, and daily « deaths, iu all parts of our country % ) warn prudent persons to secure them |j soives against destruction and rum-JHJ ; which can be done with a light annual HtfU f 'j expense. jlhW A ( Insuran'ie of lives and property at W/Wmf 1 most reasonable rates can be effected at my office in Madison, Ga., iu tbe following responsible companies : i Southern Mutual Life lusurauce Comp iny, Co i lumbia, S. C. Howard Fire and Mariue, Philadelphia, j Consolidated Insurance do Farmers’ and Mechanics’ do j Bridgeport Fire and Marine, Bridgeport, Ct. | mh4 JOHN ROBSON, Agent To Rent, FROM the first of October next, the DWELLING on Broad street, in j Quality Range, and joining Mr. Isaac |§|||| Mayer. The lot has all conveniences on §S»tl ' j it with seven rooms in the house, and a good! j hydrant in the yard. Apply to au!9-lm Mrs E FLORENCE. To Kent SEVERAL HOUSES on Walker and' Watkir. - trcela. Also, a STORE, with TEN-! I EMENTadjoiuiDg. | jyS I. H. STEARNS & CO. /CONSIGNMENT NO. 4, of 10.000 lbs. i \J Powel. Me F wing 4Co s Madison, In liana.' j Family HAMS, on consignment, and in store, for! i sale by au*24 M. W. WOODRUFF. TI/OOD & CO.’S FAMILY LARD.— YY 10 barrels of the best Family LARD, in store, and for sale by ' au*24 M. W. WOODRUFF. UNDKIES.— A eonstant supply of CORN MEAL, from j carefully selected Whj te Torn ; Unbolted GRITS'; 1 lrom the same ; COW PE MEAL. HAY ! WHEAT BRAN, and Fl/OUR, of various braudv’,l i and all for sale at thv lowest market price, by ! au24 M.W WOODRUFF. liams aud Shoulders. THOUSAND lbs. prime Tennes- X. see HAMS and SHOULDER , on consign ■ meat, uud lor sale by __ au 3 ANSLEY 4 SON. Sundries. rjTEN THOUSAND sacks Liverpool 2000 lbs. B' UE STONE ; 4000 lbs. COPPERAS ; ' i iSO boxes Star CANDLES : ! i 50 boxes SUP. CARB. SODA ; 50 boxes PEARL STARCH . 26 bags PEPPER ; 10 bags SPICE ; 10 sacks Ashton SALT. For sale low, by i ! au24 DANIEL H. WILCOX. BACON! BACON!— 30,000 lbs. prime Clear Bacon SIDES, on ; consignment, and now in store, for sale by ! au24 M. W. WOODRUFF. Liverpool and Alum or I TURK’S ISLAND SALT. IN order to close consignments of Salt, j and delivery of stores within twenty days! ■ from date, the subscriber offers LIVERPOOL 1 SACK SALT, in lots >f 20 sacks or more, at 751 cents per sack; atd ALUM, or Turk's islaidj SALT, in lots of 10 sacks or more, at SI per sack. ■ The latter in sacks of two bushels each. J. C. HARALSON. Augusta, August 6, 1859. ts For Brandy Peachesi A LARGE lot of GLASS JARS, all sizes, just suited for Preserves, 4c., for sale by au4 _ WM. 11. TUTT IMPORTANT ARRIVAL— Dr. Franck’s Specific, Tarrant’s Extracts, | unter’s Specific, Thorn’s hxtract, Cross man’s Specific. French Capsules. Dr. Coxe’s Ext. Co I paiva, Sarsaparilla and Cubtbs. For -ale by j au!4 _ WM. H. TUTT, At New York Cost, for cash, My stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHi\S, PERFUME-1 j KY, and all articles iu the Drug line. CaM soon, i and get bargains. B. F. CHEW. t j jy24-tf Turpin’s Old Stand, Augusta, Ga. City Smoked Hams. [ «)A| \ FANCY round cut City Smoked ‘ V/' I HAMS, just smoked, and for sale by aulT-dlm A. D. WILIJAMS. To Keut, FROM the first of October next, the lower BRICK TENEMENT, on Broad j -treet, opposite the Bridge Bank build- njj| ing. Apply to Bml j au2l-tO»*.l W. O NORRH.I. Ribbed bacon sides.-- 30.000 pounds prime Clear Ribbed BacoD riuhS, on consignment, and now in store, for sale by au24 M. W. WOO RUFF. Bacon shoulders.— 20,000 pouuds prime Bacon SHOTUDEBS, (eooslgnmeut No. 4) on consignment, und now in store, and for .solo by i*a24 ' H W. WOODRUFF. lieabj-llabe Clotjjing, ' . NOTICE. SI CHEAT REDUCTION ON j READY-MADE CLOTHING AND HATS! AP. Bignon, at the old stand, • will, from this dale, offer uew, well made, | anil stylish CLOTHING, suitable for tbe season. ! e at very low prices, to close them out. He takes this occasion to inform his old customers and the ! public, that he will soon be receiving an entire j new and elegant stock of s Ready-Made Clothing, L for Men and Bovs, for Fall and Winter wear, to- i ; get tier with SHIRTS, GLOVES, TIES, CRAVATS, j HOSIERY, SUSPENDERS, DRAWERS, COLLARS. HATS, CAPS. 4c. aul3 lm NEW SPRING AND SUMMER ■«. uca n'T-iicjft.ibi: CLOTHING! RAMSEY & LAB AW J ( Opposite the Union Bank , Augusta, Georgia,) ARE receiving daily, and are offering to their friends an-l customers the arges ! n ! auu best selected stock this season they have j • j ever offered, having purchased the entire stock I almost exclusively tor Cash, and paid unusual j i atten ion to tho manufacture ol the Cl thing. We t are prepared to offer thorn at nrlces to defy com- j petition. We have an elegant line of J SCARFS, CRAVATS, STOCKS. r | UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS, every grade ;! 5 Linen Bosom SHIRTS, from the well known : a manufactories of Morrison 4 Co., Golden Hill, e j John M. Davis 4 Co., and Fowler 4 Co. ~ ! —ALSO— b j A complete Hue of GLOVES, of every kind ; j HANDKERCHIEFS, SOCKS. &c. I We have also a very large stock of SERVANTS . CLOTHING, of every kind, which we would call > especial attention to. j , Mfrchauis atd others would do well to call be s | ore purchasing elsewhere. mh3l (iESEItIL STOCK OP (IKIDV MIDECLOTfIINIi, AT 0W^me Allowing ! 10 1 ll articles for Mens’ ant Boys Wear, cheap- j n j er than they should be sold in this market: j •s RAGLANS, OVERCOATS, SHAWLS, BLANKETS ! ROBES, Fine Cloth aud Cassimcre COATS, Fine VESTS, PANTS, SHIRTS, DRAW ERS, SUBPENDERS, CRAVATS. STOCKS, COLLARS, TRUNKS, i VAIJCES, and every article iu our line. I nov6 CLAYTON 4 KENNEDY. 1 \ GENTLEMENS’ Fall and Winter Good« for 1857. A/TY Bto<A of goods is now full and ±TJL comprises everything that is in CI.OTHS, CASSIMERFS and VESTINGS, which I will be made to order as good and as fashionable ' as can be obtained in any part of the country. I ALSO, A fine and select stock of Ready-Made CLOTH i, ING, which cannot be excelled by any Goods in . the city. < ALSO, A large stock of FURNISHING GOODS, embra cing everything that is necessary for Gentle*; j i men’s wear. All goods sold at this establishment warrant- j ed as represented. | oct29 J. A. VAN WINKLE. THE APOTHECARIES HILL l| AUGUSTA, GA. ’(< THE Proprietor of the above I ment respectfully invites SJjT the attention of Phyßlclans J u ’! and Families to his stock \. | of select D UGS, MEDI Cl NEB and CHEMICALS of /C 111 , the purest qualities and at j moderate i»rices. /'Cj, Sc Amongst my assortment VVedi! 1 are the following articles: Surgical Instruments of every variety ; French, j \ English and Anccricpn Per- jKBT , turnery, Trusses, Shoulder 1 , . Braces and Abdominal Sup i porters ; • very variety of | Combs and T< .let Brusbo? ; lamp Oils, Wicks i ’jaud Lamp Shades ; Paint*, Paint Oils, Patent' Brushos, W tnpo-rr Varnishes, 4c.; Meal i. j anal Wines and Brandies , o Fluid aud ! ! Camphene , Spices of all kinds ; Pot am*, i : Ashes, Indigoes and Dyo-Woods Starch, Tapioca , - Sago, P -arl Harley and Arrow R«>ot. Also, a cons’ant supply best Sweedish Leeches, j ! Quinine. Morphine, Elaterium, Strychnine, Chlo | 1 roform, &c. 4c., from the most responsible La- ' boratorios. The preparation of PLarmacopeial articles is | conducted personally by Dr. A. S. RAVENS- i ' CROFT, a graduate of the London College of Phar macy. All articles warranted. T. P. FOGARTY, 195 Broad-st.. d24-tf Under the Augusta Hotel, j KERO SINE OIL ASD Lamps! Another lot of the above re- j ceived. LAMPS sold as low as JTi i $l 25 each, will give a light equal to six Candles—warranted not to gum, vrft j explode, smell or congeal; will give J A i a steady, constant light for TWENTY ' ( HOURS without triu-mlng. Mi ; ' | The public are invited to call and 1 examine them at the ■ ’ A POTHECARIHS' HALL, # Under the Augusta Hotel. mr-wb-c, __ ap26 T OMAS P. FOGARTY. J r To Beat, IT'ROM Ist of SEPTEMBER NEXT, the ■ Dre Proof W .RKUOUS. on Camphell-sf , | at present occupied by Messrs. Ooskery 4 Whit- j . lock. Also, the DWELIJNG HOUSE adjoining I the same on the corner froniing the River. i jo3 ts JftSIAH SIBLirV 4 SONS, j THE SEW JERUSALEM. OR, TIIEOLOGT OT THE NEW CHURCH, i WORKS of Ema.vcsl SwKDEJfBOHOcan ! be found deposited at the Young Mens' Library Association, for tho use *f the public dccl-ly Negro Mechanics TWO good BRICKIE.YEItS and PDAS- \ TKREKS. and one good TANNER aud Fl\- ! ISHER OF LEATHER, can be hired the year j or month, or by tbe Job, bv applying to dls J. 0. BARNETT, Madison, Ga. SPECIAL CARD. GUAY & TURLEY ! HAVE JUST RECEIVED another lot J of those TINS WHITE BRILU ANTES, at! 12>£ oents per yard. I c Also, Isabella, Jonaonah and ChroSne WHITE ! f FRINGES ; ladies’ Marseilles COLLARS and I SETTS, both white ami ooloreti ; Birm'ugham j and Metropolitan EXTENSION HOOP SKIRTS ; Black Silk IiTS, Loth long and short, w ith and without fingers ; on entirely new and handsome lot of RIBBONS, for I Allies ’ Bonnots ; 60 pieces fine IRISH LINEN, to be sold by tho pieoe only, at extraordinary low prices ; DAMASKS. DOY l IKS, NAPKINS; TOWEL?, crash and linen ; SHEETING, at prices that oaanot fail to com mand a quick sale-. Those In want ofsuob fltoods would do weH to aaW sbo®. _ aajriri Wanted to ftire, IMMEDIATKLT, a good Cook, Washer otkl Tz-tmcr. Apply at rifces i NUMBER 522 SlisttUaiiMui. Btj HEKaT ! THE EXCLAMATION of' 51 -X SUFFERING DYSPFITIC H r> or » 1 • | all the patent nostrums offi ,t a> ZfjS . ha- once been had to that inn ? \ . r, *° rt ,: »«‘* K ESSSJ ‘J-, Colleton Bittersf - ?JEVKINsf CTU “ , “ P * rVl * b, “ 01 “’•“•HOLT The disease is driven from the system |, k . lk . dew-drop frcm the riose-bad m the m [sunlight. What greater proof can tho“,min«* i nity roq irp that the article above natnad l* « ■ 1 m E th| A A I .' K t RKMIinY lh “ n ,hat 11 l,aa eolS in this City tor a series of Twenty- Ptve Tears and ] has the unsolicited recommendations of Phym cians, Clergymen, Ladles and Gent emeu «f the j Hun(lr eds of letters have beem i received Irom the most respectable sources at* speaking iu u: qualified measure of praise V I this truly v i Mrs E. A. JENKINS regrets the necessity of | informing her friends and the public thutsinoe TOS SS 1 !" "I the „ Celebrated COLI* ! , BITTKRb. i : itati ns have sprung up, made ;hy inoxpeneiioe.i, and of course possessing but little m rit, they have usuallv had butM ephemeral existence ; hut th suffering and poor i Dyspeptic must bo on his guard, or worth loss I j imitations will be palmed on him in place of mi . well known remedy. Buy none, therefore, but that with my nume on the label, and aao ob- I *I e J!! 111 lhe nttmo ‘‘OoUeUm Bi'teri” is blown i in tne t-riass. ; | The Colleton Bitters is for sale by every ra , : “pe table Druggist in the City and State , ; ™s Trade will q supplied on Liberal Terms. Orders should be addressed to JDHN ASHHURST, Special Agent I 29 Haync-st.. Charleston, S.’o For sale m Augusta. Ga., by PLO II A I.PjC ; A“m.™'v^ R,M :, ;in ! i r" u^ MACHINE SEWING". ALL DESCRIPTION S OF FINE AND COARSE SEWING is done with diapatoh at 1 Machine Sewing Rooms'! '! 0n Broad-street, above -V. K. Butler’s The heads of familial *ll find it to thoir Infe ! rest to call and examine specimens of beaatni work, which is daily executed there AT MODERATE CHARGES. i, DRESSES for Indies an.! ( hildren tucked in the ! handsome,t style. SHIRTS, PANTS, VESTS tuM | every article of Clothing ma e with diapalX ! much handsomer than by hand **- Call at the MACHINE SEWING R 00»” I ’ ugu-u, April 23, ISSB a p2B IcarpetTtore IN CHARLESTON, S. C. CARPET DEPARTMENT. Royal velvet pile ; Tape»*» Brussels ; English Wire Brussels ■ PrinlS j Brussels ; Printed Velvet ; 6 4, 12 4 and lIM I Druggets , Felt Druggets ; Crumb Cloths : Rn» i iish Venetian for stairs, entries and ahurA j aisles; Imperial Three Plys; American IngraiM. | scotch and English Ingrains ; Canton and Coojt | Mattings ; Mosaic, Axmißster, Brussels, Volya and Tufted Rugs: Door Mots; Stair Carre* | Rods, etc. * ’ LINKS! DEPARTMENT.* 8-4 and 10-4 Table Damask : 7-4 up to 24-4 ’fc.. ble Cloths . 4 4 Family Linens ; 7-8 MhlniZ | unens ; line Fronting Linens ; Pillow Case Lin. !. 8 yards wide .Sheetingdo. : Birds' Eye Mt aper; Scotch Diaper ; Erovvn Table DamaakL i Brown Table Cloths ; 3 yards wide Druggrl® Napkins, Doilies, Towtis, Trav Cloths, Dow last .Crash, Huckaback, etc.; 8 4‘co'orcd TahltndE : Colored Tabic Covers : Fruit Doilies ; Piano CoV | ers; Centre Covers; Window Shades. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS cut for Rooms or ' ntriee JAMES G. BAILIE, mhlT-ly Proprietor. Volcanic Pistols and Rifles, fPHESE PIS'IOLS carry the Mimrw X balls aud shoot six times with one lo idtng. tlit* load and cap being contained in the bafff. They shoot with great precision and force Th# ! Kiiiosare a curiosity. With one lading they can be discharged twenty times in an* mintelß, ami are the best guns for squirrel bunting euc -1 taut. j The undersigned is the sole Agent for the eonc - i P»ny in this city. IIENRV J. Watch, Jewelry and Optical Store, *J5€ Broad-st, Augusta, (*u. febl2 ILLUMINATING! CANCEL, COAL. OIL,. riTHIS beautiful Oil is superior to any X oil before offered in this market. It i - ga |safe, and exceeds in soff brilliaucy any Oo&t j (kerosine) Oil belor« ibe public, and do*'.-* uof i smoke. 1 will be plea-ed to l iau I Amps, ts i any parties wishing to make a trial My price is $1.25 per gallon, which wftU be Ii refunded if the Oil is returned. Lamps > h *. N EYS, &e •, for sale by jel6-3m * j. E. MUNGER. Cheese, Cheese, j f t HOICK PINE APPLE and ENGLISH j DAILY CHEESE, just received and for sdtk ;by fell D’ANTIGNAC & HUBBARD-# BATH PAPER MILLS WRAPPING PAPER HBiBM • ASSORTED SIZES AND QUAUTTEE Just received from the Mills and for sals kj«r J for cash. A discount of fifteen per cent to Ar sons taking Ten Reams at a time. ! vStore room on Eeynolds-street, in rear of (JKr ! Rank. apS-tf GEO. W WINTER. Bacon. Thirty thousand pounds choice new Ten nessee BACON, bog round, on hand and for by feb*2 A. STEVENB. WINDOW SHADES^ FIFTY different patterna new style Window Shades, just received j M BENJAMIN & GOODRICHS [ s&pj# Furniture Warerooma [COWETA HOUSE, NEWNAN, GA. ttbS-l.v SANDFAS W, I-Bft STONE MOUNTAIN HOUSF, DbKALB COUNTY, GA. rnliSUy a. g, alfjcavdhr. UNPRECEDENTED INDUCEMENTS ! I AM SELLING my stock of YEHICLBj, consdsting of ! Carriages, Rockaways. t BAROUCHES, JERSEY WAGONS' t DUGOIES, with and without tops, lof all the different styles now manufactured g* ' pricos AS LOW ay cun bo bougl tin any Southed I I ci'y. Being constantly In the receipt ol go<xW i ;I am enubled to r flbr to the public somethin! ; both fresh and new. In addition to the above, I keep always hand a number of Vehicles 01 my own manu&o ure. I also warrant ali work that leaves my stow. Al _„ „ R. H. MAY, At coy otd stand, oortier Jacksoa and Ellie-at» in rwroi i;kbe hotel <i22-I.v ‘ IQUOKa. ~ A large and net] selected stock of Forego and DemesCo lAqoors, Vinat end Cordials al ways oo band and Sw sale lew ejr t»»- a. mratv.