Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, September 27, 1858, Image 1
Jlupsta CfEirtuijrg Jrsptrj). VOLUME 2. (fbtning ilispaicfj. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, BY S. A. ATKINSON. DAILY, per annum $-1 00 WEEKLY, “ I 50 W Subscriptions will be received for three rtioi tbs at $1 25. Monthly subscriptions, Fifty , cents. Payment for subscriptions will positively be required in advance. THE OFFICE OF THE DISPATCH is on Broad street, a few doors below Setz’s Corner, {(upstvirs.) Entrance next door above A. p. ; f 3ignon & Co. ’s Store. KATES OF ADVERTISING: Advertisements will be inserted by the square oof 12 lines (100 words.) for 50 cents for the first (insertion, and 37cents for each subsequent in sertion under one month, to be paid for when the advertisement is handed iuto the office. Advertisements under five lines will be insert C'l at 10 cents a hne for the first, and 5 cents a line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements will be inserted in both the 'Daily and Weekly Dispatch at 25 per cent above liese rates. sail Register. jesesmb asaa GEORGIA RAILROAD. I.eavc Augusta 0.45 A. M. Arrive Atlanta 945 A. M. Leave Augusta 2.45 P. M. Arrive Atlanta 11.56 P. M. Leave Atlanta 12 Night. Arrive Augusta 8.63 A. M. Leave Atlanta 10 A. M Arrive Augusta 6.45 P. M. - fi«»■ a South Carolina Railroad. Arrive Awgusta 11.15 P. M. do do 1.15 P. M. Leave Augusta 10 A. M. do do 8.05 P.M. Western and Atlantic Railroad. Arrive Atlauta 11.22 Night. Leave Atlanta 12.30 Day. Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad. Arrive Atlanta 8.33 A. M. do do 761 P. M. Leave Atlanta 0 15 A. M. do do 10.15 A M. Athens Branch. Leave Augusta 12 45 Night. Leave Atlanta 12.00 Night. Arrive at Aliens 8.30 A. M. Leave Athens 11.00 Day. Arrive at Augusta 6.45 P. M. Arrive at Atlanta 11.45 I*. M. Washington Branch. Leave Washington 2 P M., Arrive August! at 3.45 P. M., and Atlanta 12 Night. Leave Augusta 2.45 P. M., and Atlanta 10 A. M., Arrive Washington 7.20 P. M. Wxtrrtnlon Branch. Leave Warrcnton 3 P. M., Arrive Augusta at ! 3.45 P. M., Atlanta 12 P. M. Leave Augusta 2.45 P. M. and Atlanta 10 A. M., Arrive Warremon 6.30 P. M. N. B.—On SUNDAYS no Trains run on the Branches. GEORGE YONGE, jyl4 Gen’lSup’t AUGUSTA ANI) SAVANNAH RAILROAD. Leave Augusta at 2.45 P. M. do do 0.45 A.M. Arrive at Augusta at 7.28 P. M. do do 7.00 A.M. Connecting at Miilen with Train.s on the Fen tral Railroad. ANDREW YONGE, jyl4-tf Supermtendant. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. For Charleston, 8. C., " “ Kingsville, S. C., lat 10 A. M., and 8.05 “ Camden, S. C , P. M., “ Columbia, S. C., •and arrive at Augusta at 1.15 P. M , and 11.15 I*. M. 11. T. PEAKE, jy 19 General Superintendent. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. (Atlanta to Chattanooga.) ‘Night Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 12.15 p m and arrives at Chattanooga 8.25 p m Night Passenger Train leaves Chat. 3.10 p m and arrives at Atlanta 11.22 p m ■Up day Express Freight and Pass’ger Train leaves Atlanta 4.50 a m and arrives at Chattanooga 4.35 p m Dow*n day Ex. and Pass. do. leaves Chattanooga 5.15 am and arrives at Atlanta 4.45 p m lUp night Ex. and Pass, do leaves Atl’a 8.40 p in arrives in Chattanooga 7.01 a m Down Night Ex. and Passenger Train leaves Chattanooga 6.05 p ra arrives at Atlauta 4.40 a in Fare to Chattanooga, $5. ATLANTA AND LAGRANGE RAILROAD. Morning Pas’ngor Train leaves AtlautalO 15 a m and arrives at West Point 3.39 a ra Evening Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 0.15 a in and arrives at West Point 5.3 a ru IMorningPass’ger Traiu leaves W. Point 3.45 a m and arrives at Atlanta at 8.33 a m ’Evening Pass’gr Train leaves W. Point 2.65 p m and arrives at Atlanta 7.51 p in Fare to West Point, $3.50. GEO. G. HULL, Superintendent. SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD. I/eavc Macon at 11.45 P. M. and 9.45 A.M.; Arrive in Columbus at 6 35 A. M. and 3.45 P. M. Leave Columbus 4 A. M. and 3.45 P. M ; Arrive liu Macon 9.50 A. M. and 9.18 P. M. Leave Macon 9.45 A. M. Arrive in Albany 4.08 P. M., Dawson 5 20 P. M. Leave Albany 3 P. M., Dawson I 40 P. M. Ar- Tive >n Macon 9.18 P M. Tri weekly Accommodation Train Down, Mon •day, Wednesday and Friday Up—Tuesday, ’Thursday and Saturday. Mail Stages to and from Tallahassee. Thomas ville, Cambridge, kc , connect daily with regu lar Trains at Albany. GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup’t. MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Leave Macon 12 Night, Arrive Atlanta 7.15 A. M. Leave Macon 10 A. M., Arrive Atlanta 4 P. M I/eave Atlanta 12 Night, Arrive Macon 7.15 A. M Leave Atlanta 11 A. M , Arrive Macon 5 P. M A. L. TYLER,Superintendent. Look at This. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO ALL work in the Carpenter’s Hne with neatness and dispatch. Jobbing attended to. Also, Furniture made and retired. _ LENKY ROGERS. ®op on Taekson-streei, near the Baptist Ch nr oh. mb 5 ts O. Whisky. NE HUNDRED AND FIFTY barrels Georgia planters white; 50 bbla. Goo Smith’s colored ■ 60 “ Faulkner’s « ’ 50 “ Johnson’s Magnolia, colored : 60 “ Tennessee Double Distilled White • 50 “ Pike’s XXX, colored ; 50 “ “ Magnolia, colored. In store, and arriving, and for sale on accom modating terms, by Be P® “ A. P. WII.UAMS — , A constant supply of CORN’ MEAL, from carefully selected White Corn ; Cnbo’tol GRITS 1 Irom the same ; COW PEAS, PEA MEAL HAY 1 WHEAT BRAN, and FD)UR, of various brands’ and all for sale at the lowest market price, by ’ d"24 M. W. WOODRUFF. ONSIGNMENT NO 4, of 10,000 lbs I Powel, McEwing Jt Co s Madison, Indiana, Family HAMS, on consignment, and in store, for , sale by au24 M. W. WOODRUFF. WOOD & CO.'S FAMILY 1 10 barrels of the best Family LARD, in t store, and for sale by M. W. WOODRUFF. |lrii dfoobs. RICH EMBROIDERIES! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED [a very large assortment of French Worked Collars, 5 WISS AND JACONET BANDS, SWISS AND JACONET TRIMMINGS, SWISS AND JAJONET FLOUNCINGS Plain and Krab’d LINEN COLIARS, Large ass’t. Plain aud Emb’d L. C. IIPKFS, Rich Chantilly LACE VEILS, new styles. —ALSO Rich Silk and Lace MANTILLAS, LINEN DUSTERS, Rich Organdie MUSLINS Low-priced LAWNS. White BRIIJaIANTS, Plain and Check NAINSO* iKS, do do JACONETS, do do CAMBRICS, do do MULLS. Those Goods having been recently bought at a great reduction on the market price, will be sold correspondingly low, and a portion of them having been bought of the manufacturer about 50 per xent less than they could have been bought at any auction sale, they will be sold lower than the same quality of goods have ever been offered at in this city. Our stock is other wise well assorted, and offers rare attractions in the way of LOW PRICES. All of which we will be pleased to exhibit at our **■• i <*o M _jel7 BROOM & NORRELL._ Augusta Factory. A NEWLY formed association, which will bo known as the AUGUSTA FACTORY, having purchased the Mills, Machinery, kc, . of the Augusta Manufacturing Company, and ap pointed the undersigned their General Agent, he begs leave to announce that he is now prepared to furnish STANDARD 4-4 and 7 8 SHEETINGS and SniRT INGS, and 7 8 DRILLS and OSNABURGS at the lowest market figure, desiring to compete with Northern prices, and is prepared to give prompt attention to orders, determined to merit the reputation «f the old Company, and to make it the interest of Southern Merchants to pur chase these Goods at home. au26 d*c3m W. E. JACKSON, Gen. Ag’t. POWDFR, SHOT, LEAD, &c., instore and for sale by HOLLINGSWORTH k BALDWIN. au2l-d2m Bacon. TEN THOUSAND lbs. Clear SIDES, just received, and for sale by HOLLINGSWORTH k BALDWIN. au2l d2m whtfc \ For clean linen and cotton RAGS, (packed in bales,) Cash will he Paid, at the office of BATH PAPER MILLS, on Reynolds street, between Jackson and Mclntosh, Augusta Georgia. , my 3 Bagging and rope.— 200 bales Heavy Gunny BAGGING ; 500 coils Machine ROPE . 350 “ Handmade ROPK ; 300 rolls Patched BAGGING. For sale by sep3 WIIaCOX, HAND & ANSLbY. DYSPEPSIA'S CURE. NOTICE TO PATRONS AND THE PUB LIC GENERALLY. WE have now on hand one frross of the “INFALLIBLE BLISS' DYSPEP TIC REMEDY V' and having effected a more complete arrangement for a supply hereafter, will be able to furnish all who may desire this valuable Remedy, None genuine without our written signature. Price two dollars—and can be sent to any part of the countiy bv mail. SPEARS «Sk WIGHT, _ au2s Sole Agenda. SPEARS & HEIGHT, (SU< CESSORS TO CLARK, WELLS & SPEARS,) HAVING purchased the entire stock of CLARK, WELLS & SPEARS, will con tin no the WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG BUSINESS, at the old stand, Broad street, oppo site the Planters’ Hotel. And by strict personal attention to all business entrusted to their care, hope to merit a continuance of the libera! pat ronage hitherto extended to the oi l firm. J. H. ."PE »RS, WM. M. HIGHT. Card. HAVING disposed of my entire inter est in the DRUG BUSINESS, in this city, to Messrs. SPEARS * HIGHT I take this oppor tunity to return my many thanks for the libera! patronnge extended to the late firm, and solicit a continuance of the same for ray successors, witn whom I shall remain for the purpose of settling the business of the old firm, and shali be pleased to wait upon my frien ls with any article in the Urug lioe. MAITHIAS CLARK. _ Augusta. July Ist, 1858 jy3l-d*ctf KERO SINE OIL AND Lamps! Another lot of the above re ceived. LAMI'S sold as low as r, $1 25 each, will give a light equal to six Candies— warranted not to gum, Ah&Y explode, smell or congeal ; will give a steady, constant light for TWENTY xfe-/ HOURS without triu ming. The public are invited to call and examine them at the 1/ APOTHECARIES’ 11 ALL, & Under the Augusta Hotel. &P26 T OMAS P. FOGARTY. To Kent, FROM Ist of SEPTEMBER NEXT the Fire Proof W ‘REHOUS.- on Campbell-st at present occupied by Messrs. Coskery &Whlt lock. Ala.,, the DWELLWf. HOUSE adjoining the some on the eoruer fronting the River JO 3 ks JO-HAH SIBLEY 430 NS. THE NEW JEUI’SALEjM, 08. THEOLOG Y OF THE HEW CHURCH. WORKS of Kmanmsl Swedknut 1 noom 1 be found deposits at tne Young Men* - Library Association, for the use •) the pubita decl-ly Life Insurance. rpHE AUGUSTA INSURANCE AND JL BANKING COMPANY are prepar- dto issue at moderate premiums policies of ir durance on, the lives of Slaves, either for one. ave or ten years. Forms of application aud table <of rates can be procured at the offee of the Company free of charge. _ w „ WM. M. D’ANUGNAC, President. C. F. McCoy, Secretary. febll T™°^ artllers *I*P 1 *P Notice. FIE UNDERSIGNED have this da* entered into a copartnership under th name and sty !e of HOLLINGSWORTH & BALE WIN, Tor the transaction of a general Grocer and Commission business, at tho store former! occupied by J. F. GkUtteneo, three doors bek>' the I‘laDter’s Hotel. • .. J ° HN B- HOLLINGSWORTH, 3U WALTER A. BALDWIN, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, SEPTEMBER 27, 1858. Jrn §oobs. SPRING DRYGOODS GRAY & TURLEY BEG TO ANNOUNCE to their custom- i ors and the public that they now have in I store, and are daily receiving a very extensive and choice selection of SPRING AND SUMMER Dry Goods. We wish it to bo remembered that we still keep a resident purchaser at the North, from whom we receive daily the LATEST IMPORTED FASHIONS! i We solicit Country Merchants, buying for cash, • to call and examine our stock, and ASCERTAIN OUR PRICES. i To such we arc prepared to offer superior in- I ducernents. Below we mention some of the MOST FASHIONABLE, as also some of the leading articles in each de partment. Dress Goods, 1 Rich Chintz Phene BAYADERE SILKS; do do RAYE D AQUILLE do do Moire Autique B1 'k and Col ‘d do Bischoff’s Celebrated BLACK SILKS, in great variety ; Marcellaine and Florence SII.KS, all colors ; GRENADINE. CRAPE D’PARISaud SEW ING SILK ROBES ; Challic, Barege D’Jiune and I 1 BAREGE ROBFS. PRINTED LAWN, PRINTED BRIM.ANTE, CHAU.IKS, BAREGE PELANfL a BAREGES, CRAPE MARETZ, e CRAPE DbPARIS, CANTON a.OTn, I t BOMBAZINE, ALAPACA, &C..&C. | AND ; EMBROIDERIES! Ladiea HOSE in COTTON, SILK and LINEN, j Misses do do do do do do Gents y % do do do do do do Ladies GLOVES in KID, SILK, LINEN and SITJv MITTS. , 5,000 Embd. BANDS, in JACONETT. SWIS* and MULL. 5,000 Embd. COLLARS and BET TS, in JACO NET, SWISS and MUM EDGINGS and INSERTING, in great variety. Embd. LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, in great variety. WHITE GOODS. 1 Embd. MUSIJN and LACE CURTAINS, do do for Ladies DRESSES. Plain JACONET and SWISS MUSLINS. N insook MUI Land Book do Printed BRILLANTE and Frei ch CAMBRIC. ! MANTILLAS, SHAWLS, SCARFS, kc., in great variety and very cheap DOMESTICS. 5 cases BROWN SHIRTINGS, o>£e. 5 do WHITE do «#C. 1,000 pieces CALICOES, fast colors, 6>*c. ALL THE FAVORITE BRANDS OF j AMERICAN CALICOES AND Sliirtings, -A_T LOW i A VERY HANDSOME LOT OF I GINGHAMS, IN BLACK AND COLORED. 2,000 COUNTERPANES, from $1 25 to $lO each. 5 cases 11-4 SHEETING, best quality, 31>£c. 5 do BED TICKING, APRON CHECKS, FURNITURE PRINTS, kc. Xj I IV E3 S 3, Best Irish LINEN DAMASK, 50 to SI 50. 1 do do do NAPKINS and DOYLIES, L 100 to 450. Best Irish LINEN TABLE CLOTHS. ; do do do for SHIRT FRONT'S 25 to 150 1 Phin and Fancy LFNENS, for Gentlemen and \ 1 Boy’.- wear, from to 75c. per yard. SUNDRIES. RIBBONS—LUTES, SATIN AND VELVET.—FUR NITURE AND DRESS FRINGES ; PARA SOLS. HOOP SKIRTY. FANS. HAIR BRUSHES, COMBS, FANCY SOAPS, &c , kc. mh22 A CARD. ! jSpring and Summer Openings. i iVEiss 3Vt. 3?. IvLcUtLiG? ws ! fTAVIiSG JUST RETURNED FROM [JL New York, respectfullv calls the iu rut ion of her former friends aud pa rons, as well as strangers visittiig th I aty, to her stock of SPRING AND SUMMER HATS, )RESS CAPS, HEAD DRESSES, RIDING HATS, FRENCH FLOWERS, kc., vhich she will open on Thursday Next, April Ist, at her STORE, OPPOSITE MASONIC HALL, formerly occupied by Ward & Burchard. Also, a full assortment of Childrens’ HATS, LACE SI IK and MOURNING MANTILLAS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladies’ SHIRTS, CORSETS and HOOPS, of every ties ription. Miss MATHE7S returns thanks to her numer ous friends and customers for their past patron age. a d solicits a continuance of the same. All orders attended to promptly. mh29 M. P. MATHEWS. RICH DRESS GOODS. BROOM & JVORRELL, HAVE JUST RECEIVED, per Adams’ express Company : Rich Organdie FLOUxNCED ROBES, do Twisted silk do do do Jaconet ROBES A’QUIIXE, do Organdie do do French PRINTED JACO ETS, do do C .HURD'S, do do HRILUANFE*, A large an 1 handsome assortment of MAN TILLAS, of Lice and Bilk. i INEN YOKES, very handsome, PIQUE CLOTH, WHITE TRIMMINGS, ALEXANDE ’S KID GIGVFS. myß John Davison, j (SUCCESSOR TO HEARD A DAVISON,) WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, • Mclnt r >sh-street. Augusta, Georgia. HAVING purchased the entire inter est of Isaac T. Hoard, in tho late jvry YVV firm of Hbahd k Davis,in, tho under- ktinUgn signed intends carrying on the WARE il-issaw" HOUSE and COMMISSION BUSINESS on his own , account, at the old stand ou Mclntosh street, t His strict personal attention will be given to ail ( business confldedtJ him. The usual ctiSh 'acilities will be extend- s ed, and orders for SUPPLIES promptly aud care- ( fully execute 1.- JOHN DAVIHON. j jy!6-d*c6m -j.-ta-a BMP lEartjjousf fek James >l. Dye & C*L WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION' MERCHANTS, Augusta, Georgia , VX.riLL continue the WAREHOUSE T T and COMMISSION BUSINESS, in ivrrTT\ a 1 it« branches. at their old stand, Fire VMvMI t*roof Warehouse , on Reynolds street, in rear of the Augusta Hotel. Ry strict personal attention to all business entrusted to their care, they hope to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to them. Orders for BAGGING, ROBE, FAMILY SUP PLIES. kc., promptly filled. Liberal Cash Advances made on Cotton and other Produce when desired. JAMES M. DYE, THUS. RICHARDS. Augusta, July 27,1858. jy27-d*c3m Heard & Simpson. lUIE undersigned have this day asso . dated tbenisclvi s under the firm ft\ \ \r\ name ol HEARD & SIMPSON, who will continue the WAREHOUSE and COM MISSION BUSINESS, in all its » ranches, iu the fire-proof buildings, East side Mclutesh-street, at present occupied by S. D. Heard, where they respectfully solicit a continuance of the patron age hitherto extended to each of tho firm while in business separately, and by their united es forts, hope to merit and receive a liberal patron age from the public generally. Orders for BAGGING, ROPE, and FAMILY SUPPLIES will be carefully filled by one of the firm. The usual facilities will be afforded on PRO DUCE in store, when desired. S. D. TIEARD, J. R. SIMPSON. Augusta, July 1. ISSS. jyls-.!*wf>m PHINIZY & CLAYTON, ”W -iAIEAEIEaiOTTSE •AND Commission Merchants Augusta, Georgia. ON THE FIRST OF SEPTEMBER next, the undersigned wifi remove .vr'TTTv I to the extensive and commodious Fire Proof Warehouse owned and tor many fc3Si-v years occupied by L. Korkins, Esq., and at pre sent in the occupany of Mr. J. C. HARSALSON, ! who wiil at that time retire from the business. They will continue the WAREHOUSE AND COM MISSION BUSINESS in all its branches, and will be better prepared than ever to promote the in terest of their customers, to which their strict personal attention will be devoted They solicit consignments from their friends and the public. F. I’UINIZY, J Augusta, June 9th, 1858. E. I*. CIAYTON. A Card. THE UNDERSIGNED intending to discontinue the Warehouse and Commission j Business on the first of September next, returns his thanks to bis friends and patrons for their I favors during the past year. Messrs. PHIMZY v CLAYTON having leased the Warehouse f° r term *»f years, I most cheer fully recommend them t 0 m Y friends. JelO daw6m J* C. HARALSON. J. B. Walker & Sons, SUCCESSORS TO BUSTIN, WALKER S CO., jYXTILL continue the WARE- kvtvw V V HOUSE mid COMMISSION BOHI NESS in all its branches, at the old tand of Bustin, Walkkr A Co., on Mclntosh st. Hy strict personal attention to all business en irusted to their care, they hope to merit a con tinuance of the liberal patronage which has bitherto been extended to the old firm. All orders promptly filled. Liberal cash ad ranees made on Produce in storo, when required. JAMES B. WALKER. JOHN W. WALKER. JAMES W. WALKER, Augusta, July 1,1858. Notice. j rPEIE undersigned having withdrawn JL from the Warehouse and Commission Busi ness, cheerfully recommends to his friends the now firm of Messrs. J. B. Walkkr & Sons, who will continue to transact the business at tho old stand of Bustin, Walker & Co. E. BUSTIN. Augusta July 1,1858. jylO-dAw2m Heard & Derry. THE UNDERSIGNED have this day formed a Copartnership under the numo and style of HEARD k DERRY, for the purpose of carry ing on tho WAREHOUSE AND COMMIS SION BUSINESS, iu all its branches. They have leased. for a term of years, the commodious Fire proof Warehouse No. 1, Metcalf’s Range, Rey nold str- ot, just below Warren Block, where they will bq well prepared to promote the inter est of customers. Orders for Bagging. Rope and Family Supplies, promptly attended to. Liberal cash advances made at all times on Produce instore. Their I strict personal attention will be devoted to the business, and they respectfully solicit consign ments from their friends and the pub ic. ISAAC T. HEARD, WM. C. DERRY, Augusta, July 1,1858. jy7-3m A CARD. riIHE firm of HEARD & DAVISON j X having been dissolved by mutual consent, and the foregoing copartnership Ir ving been formed, I would gratefully return my thanks to i ull who have i eretofore patronized mo. and earnestly solicit a continuance of their saver l in my new business in the firm of Heard & Derry. ISAAC T. HEARD- July U 1358. jy7-3mW Win. E. Barnes. (of the formrr firm of bar.vks a JONK3.) WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1 Augusta, Georgia, YXTOULD hereby thank his friends, T Y and those of the late firm, for PVVTTV their liberal patronage, and would re spectfully inform them,an<: tne public. FIBHW that he w ill continue the WAREHOUSE and COM MISSION BUSINESS, in all its branches, at the same old and well known stiud. He hopes, by strict personal attention to busiuees, to merit a generous share of pub ic patronage. He would solicit consignments of COUNTRY PRODUCE generally, being well prepared with large, close Storage Rooms to sto e the same. All orders for BAGGING, ROPE and FAMILY SUPPLIES, carefully and personally tilled. The usual facilities alforded customers. WM. E. BARNES. Augusta, July '6, 1858. iyi6 6ra M. P. Stovall, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, Georgia, CONTINUES the business, in all its branches, in his la:\eand coimno- NYTVV dioua lire Proof Warehouse, on Jack son street, near the Globe Hotel. Orders for GOODS, &c., promptly and carefully filled. 1 The usual CASH facilities afforded customers. jyl« 6m Harper C. Bryson, ffARFHMUSE AND COMMISSON MERCHANT, Fire t*roof Warehouse. Augusta. Georgia , WHERE his personal attention will U«* given t > the Stonge of Cot NT\TT\ ton and oiher Produce. Orders for FAMILY SUPPLIES promptly attended to. Cash advanced on PRODUCE in store. Sales Room and Office on Re. nold. between Jackson and Mclntosb-Gtreets. * jvl7-<Uc6m Rees & Linton, WILL continue tho WAREHOUSE and COMMISSION BUSINESS, NTYTTV at their old stand, on Jackson street ; will devote their personal attention to MBBB the Storage and Sale of COTTON, BACON. GRAIN, &c., &c. Liberal cash advances made when required, and ail orders for FAMILY SUPPLIES, BAG GING, ROPE, Ac., filled at the low’eat market Price. JNO. C. REES, jy2S-6m SAM’L. D. LINTON. Jaots, Sbts, &% -—2 . , BURCH & ROBERT ARE now opening one of the large* and best selected stocks of BOOTS AND SHOES ever offered in Augaata, consisting, i* \ part, of— I Gent’s fine Calf P. L. BOOTS * “ Welt “ “ Cong. “ j “ u “ pegged ; “ “ Pegged “ “ “ BROGANS; “ “ “ OXFORI>TIfcS ; , “ “ Sewed “ ladies' fine Dress and Walking SHOES and GAITERS, of all qualities and descriptions* ; Bbys’ and Children's SHOES, of sill kinds ; Men's Plantation BROGANS, Bl'k and Russet; Women’s Leather, Goat and Morocco BOORS | and BUSKINS, suitable for house servants’ wear. I All of which will be sold upon reasonable - terms, and warranted as good as represented. i Call and see them, opposite the Adams Express \; Office, Broad street, Augusta, Ga. seplO BOOK. SHOES. TRIM jHiSpi &c - &c -i s|fi fall TRADE.fBI. ‘VXT’E are receiving onr large stock of < W BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, Ac.. e which we will sell on accommodating terms. WE NOW UAVR IN STOKK : Gent’s fine BOOTS and GAITERS ; “ “ Water-proof BOOTS, sewed and peg’d Indies’ GAITERS, all qualities ; Misses and Children’s GAITERS, all qualities ; Boys sewed and pegged GAITERS ; Ladies’and Misses pegged heel BOOTS, cheap; Men’s Kip and Wax BROGANS, all qualities ; Boys’ “ “ “ “ Men’s thick BROGANS. Black and Russctts ; Women’s Leather BOOTS, light and heavy. J All orders promptly filled. CLARKE & ROYAL, Opposite Masonic Hall and Globe Hotel. [{; sepl-d2w*c4 j SADDLES, HARNESS, &c. FALL TRADE, ■l. 1858. t 1 "ALBERT HATCH, 193 BROAD STREET, A UGUSTA , GEORGIA , Maiiufadiim- of and Dealer In J SADDLES, 1 HARNESS Shoe and Harness Leather, TRUNKS, j : COLLARS. | LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER BELTING; AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, OF ALL KINDS, IS NOW FULLY PRtPARED for the : fv I 1 1 With a large and well assorted stock of GOODS, which he will sell at as low prices as they can be obtained at aay House in the South. Thankful for the generous patronage extender 1 7 to him for the last Fifteen Years, he res pectfully calls the attention of Merchants and Planters to an examination or Ills Goods before purchasing elsewhere. SADDLES, HARNESS, &C,, ,; Manufactured to order, of tho best materials * and by the best workmen in the country. r septO 3m • ■ Negro Mechanics TWO good BRICKLAYERS and PLAS TERERS. mid one good TANNER and FI>L ISHER OF LEATHER, can be hired by the year or month, or by tho Job, by applying »o ! (0’565,000 L-OO > WAS DRAWN LN SWAN & CO.’S 1 Sparta Academy Lottery, DAILY DRAWING. ! rnicKETS in all of the daily l ! JL SCHEMES, also in tho Saturday $70,000 Scheme, c~n bo had at my office on Washington I street, one door from Broad street. Office hours , from 6A. 51. to 9P. M. my6-tt C. A. I.ATHROP. Agent. BACON! BACON!— 30,000 lbs. prime Clear Bacon SIDES, on | consignment, and now in store, for sale bv \ au24 M. \Y. WOODRUFF. Liverpool and Alum or , TURK’S ISLAND SALT. IN order to close consignments of Salt, and delivery of stores within twenty days 1 from date, the subscriber offers LIVERPOOL SACK SALT, in lots ->f 20 sacks or more, at 75 cent.? per sack ; aDd ALUM, or Turk's Island SALT, in lots of 10sacks or more, at $1 per sack. The latter in sacks of two bushels each. J. C. HARALSON. Augusta, August 6, 1858. ts For Brandy Peaches. A LARGE lot of GLASS JARS, all sizes, Jttst suited for Preserves, &c., for sale by jau4 WM. H. TUTT. IMPORTANT ARRIVAL.— Dr. Franck's Specific, Tarrant’s Extracts, un ter's Specific. Thorn's I xtract, Cross man’s Specific. French Capsules. Dr. Coxe’s Ext. Co pai va, Sarsaparilla an 1 Cub* bs. For 'ale by auU WM. H. TUTT. New and Fresh SPRING MILLINER!. MHB. E. O. COLLLVS HAS RECEIVED, at her store oppo site the Planters’ m Hotel, a handsome sup ply ol' all articles of MILLINERY,^^^^ SUITABLE FOR THE' =Ss “ a ®£*©t#^ Spring and Summer, "j Consisting, in part, of an assortment of WU WVETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, RUCHES, BLONDE IjtCES, VEILS, MITTS, DRESS CAPS, HEAD DRESSES, HAIR BRAIDS. curt s, Toujrr powders, sjaps, per FUMES, HAIR OILS, &c. BONNETS, CAPS and HEAD DRESSES made at J short notice and in the moot fashionable style. ! mhSO 1 Clrijjing. Fall and Winter CLOTHING, UNDER THE AUGUSTA HOTEL. CHITON & KEMDY . ARE NOW RECEIVING Tire LARGEST A N D | MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF READ Y-MADECLOTHING They have ever offere i j and respectfully invite their old customers aud too public generally, to call and examine their FASHIONABLE AND WELL-MADE GOODS, FOR MEN’S AND BOYS’ WEAR. They keep a full supply of SHI RTS -A.3NTID FURNISHING GOODS. —ALSO— IIATS AND CAPS, * OF THE LATEST STYLES. Clayton & Kennady. scp3-d3m NEW SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING! RAMSEY & LABAYV I {Opposite the Union Bank , Augusta, Geovgia,) ARE receiving daily, and are offering to their friends and customers the arges | and best selected stock this season they have ever offered, having purchased the entire stock I almost exclusively for Cash, and paid unusual I attention to the manufacture of the Clothing. We ! are prepared to offer them at prices to defy com • petition. We have an elegant line of i SCARFS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, ! UNDERSHIRTS aud DRAWERS, every grade ; j Liuen Bosom SHIRTS, from the well-known j I manufactories of Morrison & Co., Golden Hill, i ! John M. Davis & Co., and Fowler & Co. —ALSO— ! A complete line of GLOVES, of every kind ; * HANDKERCHIEFS, SOCKS, Ac. I We have also a very large stook of SERVANTS j ! CLOTHING, of every kind, which we would call ' | especial attention to. Merchants acd others would do well to call be* ■ j ore purchasing elsewhere. mh3l GENTLEMENS’ Fall and Winter Goods for 1857. MY stook of goods is now full and comprises everything that Is fashionable I in CLOTHS, CASSIMERES add VESTINGS, which j will be made to order as good and as fashionable as can be obtained in any part of the country. ALSO, 1 A flne and select stock of Ready-Made CIX)TH ING, which cannot be ex oiled by any Goods in >, the city. ALSO, i A Large stock of FURNISHING GOODS, embra | cing everything that is necessary for Gentle : men’s wear. 1 All goods sold at this establishment warrant ed as represented. oct29 J. A. VAN WINKLE. Saddlery, Harness, TRUNKS, &c. . Vafsftde, S QHERMAN, JESSUP & CO. having re k3 moved to the new and spacious Iron Front Store adjoining the City Bank, a few doors above their old ■ location, and nearly opposite the Globe and United States Hotels, are prepared to _ exhibit for the Fall Trade of 1858, an unusually I heavy stock es Goods in their line, comprising a * j large and well selected assortment of SADDLES r BRIDLES, HARNESS, WHIPS, TRUNKS, VA LISES, CARPET BAGS, and every description of Goods adapted to the trade, manufactured by ! themselves, expressly for this market. —also— J A heavy stock of SADDLERY HARDWARE, j COACH MATFiRIALS, Smith's best VARNISHES SPRINGS. AXLES, MAI LEABLE CASTINGS and | , BANDS, including a very full assortment of j I Goods in the lioe, which are offered to manufac | turers and dealers at low prices. i Leather, Shoe Findings and Tanners Tools. NOW receiving, Oak and Hemlock Sole LEATHER : 'j Harness, Skirting, B. idle and Band LEATHER: Picker, I.ace and Roller “ Patent Skirting, Collar, Dash and Enamelled LEATHER ; Russet and Black Upper LEATHER • “ KID SKINS ; French, German and American Calf SKINS ; French Patent Calf, Kid Calf, and Opera SKINS; Goat and Kid Morocco SKINS; Lining, Topping and Rinding SKINS ; Buck, Chamois and Sheep “ —Aigo- Shoe Pegs, Lasts, Sole Cutters, Heel Cutters, Rolling Mills, Peg Jacks, Peg Breaks, Peg Cutters, Boot Trees, Crimps, Clamps, Hammers, Shoe Knives, Splitting Knives, Shaves, Rub Stones, Bristles, Awl Blades, Eye lets and Punches, Iron and Wood Patent ■fcPeg Awl Hafts, Copper Rivets and Burrs, Lace Tafcks, Iron, Zinc and Copper Sparable*, Size Sticks, Measuring Tapes, Shoe Thread, Fitting Thread, Silk 1 Twist, Boot Cord, Silk Galloon Boot Web. &c.,&c. „ —ALSO— steeS! y ,!esm k S: sfr i CLEARING fi 8 ® --*> °y lon barrel. For sale low. by SHERMAN, JESSUP fi CO., At the now and spacious Iron Front Store ad joining the City Bank, a few doors above their old location, aud nearly opposite the Globe aud United States Hotels. Leather Machine Belting, and factory findings. " , PATENT RIVETED, Stretched and i Cemented Leather BELTING, single and c double, all widths, (1 to 24 inches) curried aud I stretched by ourselves. Quality guaranteed. A 1 large stock always on hand. —also— I COPPER RIVETS and BURRS, WASHERS, RING i TRAVELLERS, ROLLER BRUSHES ROLLER CLOTH. STRIPPER CARDS. PICKERS LAG SCREWS, LAG LEATHER, and '■**" a variety of Factory Findings. J For sale on acco t mndatiag terms, by SHERMAN, JESSUP & CO., At the new and spacious Iron Front Store ad joining the City Bank, a few doors above their i cld location, and nearly opposite the Globe and ’ United Btates Hotels.? au2B-d*c3m DUMBER 533 Iftiscflkuom. EUREKA Thus is the exclamation of; SUFFERING DYSPETTJC, after having tried |an the patent nostrums of the day, when resort lias once been had to that long popular tho- I roughly tested, and never failing Remedy’, tho Colleton Bitters! : Prepared -nder the supervision of Mrs. EMILY J A. JENKINS. I , Tl *e disease is driven from the system like the I de »;-*f?P ‘he Rose-bud in the morning I sunlight. Vt hat greater prool can the commn- RFr.I A m U FRpu vriv e . £ rU ® 1 ? abovo “ amod *» » MMfekOu? REMEDY than that it has heen sold m this City for s series of JVwr/y Phe Tears and has the unsolicited recommendations of Physi cians, Clergymen, Ladies and Gent emen of tho first standing. Hundreds of letters have beem received from the most respectable sources aU speaking in ui qualified measure of praise of Mrs E. A. JENKINS regrets the necessity of informing her friends and the public that sines the introduction of the Celebrated COLLB TON BITTERS, i r itati- ns have sprung up, made by the inexperienced, and of course possessing but little m>-rit, they have usually had but an ephemeral existence ; buttb • suffering and poor Dyspeptic must be on his guard, or worthless imitations will be palmed on him in place of my | well known remedy. Buy none, therefore but | that with my name on the label, aud aso ob i f® r *T. e ?, at the name Bi'ters" is blown m the Glass. ; Th f Bitters is for sale by every re spectable Druggist in the City and State. 9 The Trade will b supplied on Liberal Terms. Orders should be addressed to JOHN ASHHVRST, Special Agent, , 2* Hayue-st., Charleston, S. C. :MACHI»E SEWIRfi, All descriptions of fine and tne is d°no with dispatch at Machine Sewing Rooms* Oil Broad street, above N. K. Boiler’s I The heads of families will find it to their inte rest to call and examine specimens of beautifinl , ; work, which is daily executed there AT MODERATE CHARGES. ! PRESSES for Ladies and ( hildren tucked in the handsomost style. SHIRTS, PANTS, VtPTH and every article of Clothing ma e with dispateb much handsomer Ihan by hand. ■WCall at the “ MACHINE SEWING ROOM.” . ’ Ug’isu, April 2S, 1858 ap2B JVKNnr ~ CARPET STORE IN CHARLESTON, S. C. CARPET DEPARTMENT. ROYAL VELVET PILE; Tapestry Brussels ; English Wire Brussels ; Printed Brussels : Printed Velvet ; «-•», 12-4 and ls-4 Druggets ; Felt Druggets ; Crumb Cloths ; Eng j iißh Venetian for stairs, entries and •hureh aisles; Imperial Three-Plys; American Ingrains, j scotch and English Ingrains ; Canton and Cocoa ! Mattings ; Mosaic, Axmineter, Brussels. Velvet | and Tufted Rugs ; Door Mats ; Stair Carpet, Rods, &c. r UNKN DEPARTMENTS 8 4 ami ID-4 Table Damask ; 7-4 up to 24 4 ’lk* | ble Cloths ; 4 4 Family Linens ; 7 8 Shirting | Linens ; tine Fronting Linens ; Pillow Case Lin j ens ; 3 yards wide Sheeting do. ; Birds’ Eye Di aper ; Scotch Diaper ; Brown Table Damasks Brown Table Cloths ; 3 yards wide Druggrts; j Napkins, Doilies, Tow‘ls, Tray Cloths, Dowlaatk Crash, Huckaback, etc.; 8-4 colored Tabling 1 I Colored Table Covers ; Fruit Doilies ; inano Cov i , ers; Centre Covers; Window Shades, i i FLOOR OIL CLOTHS cut for Rooms or v ntrie*. 5 JAMES G. BAILIE, mhlT-ly Proprietor. Volcanic Pistols and Rifles. 1 THESE PISTOLS carry the Minnie | JL balls and shoot six times with one lo iding, ! the load and cap being contained in the balls. They shoot with great precision and force. Tho Rifles are a cariosity’. With one loading they can be discharged twenty times in one minutCf ■; and are the best guns for squirrel bunting ex j taut. The undersigned is the sole Agent for the com* • | pauy in this city. HENRY .1. OSBORNF, Watch. Jewelry and Optical Store, 256 Broad-st, Augusta, Ga. f e bl2 ! ILL UMIN ATING! CANCEL FOAL, OIL. THIS beautiful Oil is superior to any Oil before offered in this market. It is as j safe, and exceeds in soft brilliancy any Coal j (Kcrosine) Oil before the public, and does not smoke. I will be pleased to 1 tan I .amps, &c., to > j any parties wishing to make a trial. My price is $1.25 per gallon, which will be i j refunded if the Oil is returned. LAMPS, CHIM , j NEYS. &c-, for sale by - | jel6-3m J. E. MUNGEK. f f liepGfl ( ll DWD pHOICEmEA’pPLEandENOLISH • DAILY CHEESE, just received and for sale jby jell D’ANTIGNAC k HUBBARD-y BATH PAPER MILLS ! WRAPPIN G'PAPER :x,. r »€FO Renms ASSORTED SIZES AND QUALITIES Just received from the Mills and for sals low for cash. A discount of fifteen per cent to per sons taking Ten Reams at a time. Store room on Key nokls-street, in fair of City Bank. apß ts GEO. W WINTER. Bacon. Thirty thousand pounds choice new Ten nessee BACON, hog round, on hand and for sal* by feb2 A. STEVENS. WINDOW SHADES- Ijub IY different patterns new style JL_ Window Shades, just received at BENJAMIN & GOODRICH’B S6p 29 Furniture Warerooma COWETA HOUSE, NEWNAN, GA. mJ#Gy SANDERS W. I-EE. STONE MOUNTAIN HOUSE, j DeKALB COUNTY, ga. , r (JIM-ly s. F, ALEXANDER. Ux\ PRECEDENTE O INDUCEMENTS ! I AM SELLING my stock of VEHICLBSI consisting of 1 Carriages, Rockaways, BABOOCHBS, JERSEY WAGONS BUGGIES, with and without tops of ail the differ-el styles now manufactured at prioea As U>W at can bo boughtln anySouthert coy. Being conttau’ly in tho of good! I am enaliloU to t.Hbr to tho public somethma both fresh and now. * In addition to the above, I keep always bn hand a number of Vehicles of my own mauufac ure. I also warrant all work that leaves my store. R. H. MAY, At my old 9tand, corner Jackson and Ellis-sts., in roar ol Globe Hotel d22-ly L~ IQUOBS. A large and well selected stock of Foreign and Domestic liquors, Wines and Cordial* al ways ou hand and for sale low by fet>2 A. STEVENS.