Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, September 27, 1858, Image 4
Carbs, #t. Partnership Notice. WE, the undersigned, have this day entered in a Partnership for the practice •f Law, on the criminal side of the Court. Office Masonic Hall. JOHN D. KEIIIY, mh9 if JOHN J. K- FLOURNOY N. M. Harris, A TTORNEY AT LAW and NOTAB/ A. PUBLIC, La.Gra.nge, Ga- _£__L hTTlleeke, attorney at law, CassviUe, Georgia- PRACTICES in the Counties of Cass, Cobb, Floyd. Cordon, Murray, Paulding, p n ii. Walker. Whitfield. Prompt and vigilant attention given to collec tion of claims, both In nod out of Court. Clients 1 oao rely on getting tbeir money when co looted., SSiaesos-Hoii.T. H. TRIPPE, and offleora of Court —Cassville, Georgia. state Lands sold on Commission. septß-4m* DENTISTRY. DR. J. T. PATERSON, Surgeon Dentist. - Office on Washington- st., corner of Ellis- Will attend to all operations •pertaining to the profession. I EXTRACTS TEETH WITHOUT PAIN BY ELEC- [ KICITY. mylO-y t CHARLES M, WRIGHT, Beiitlst, r r \FFICE over Carmichael ffijgjgl&i !_/ k Bean' Hardware Store, Jroa i-st., Augusta. Ga. All operations pertaining to Dentistry faithlul jy and scientifically executed. ocib Joseph W. Harrisson, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ARTISTS’ MATERIALS, 1 TJAINT, OIL, WINDOW GLASS, X. BLINDS, noons, SHUTTERS aud SASHES glazed and unglazed. „ BRUSHES of every variety ; LAMPS, BURN ING FLUID. ALCOHOL. VARNISHES, etc. etc. { No. 73, Meeting-Street, nov*27 Charleston. S. C. ly Iron And Brass Foundry. JL W ». ( SIGHT &MACMURPHY continue the above business, in all its branches, at the ican Foundry, aud will be thankful for or fters for all kinds Iron and Brass Castings, for Sold Mines, Mills, Rail Roads, Bridges, and Ma- t ihinery of all descriptions. oc2B-ly fc ir. L. HIGH, J. E. BUTLER, W. G. PETERS. * HIGH, BUTLER & CO., ■ Commission flmfrants, \ For the purchase aud sale of j t Tennessee IPi*ocLtjlco, | < COTTON, GROCERIES, &c., I t Alabama-street, south of M. & W. R. R. Depot 'f Atlanta, Georgia. 1 * gy Good Tennessee Money taken at par for \ Produce. mhß-6m j fl GEORGE COOPER,;' MACHINIST AND ENGINEER, At the old established Shop of George Slater , corner c of Twiggs and Watkins-streets, Augusta , c Manufacturer of steam en- t GINES, BOILERS. GRISI MILLS. CIRCU- 3 LAR SAW aud GANG MILLS, SUGAR MILLS, of the most approved patterns, of various sizes, both vertical and horizontal ; MINING MA- . JHINERY, of all descriptions ; PUMPS, for , dines, both forcing aud lilting. IRON aud BRASS CASTINGS made to order at 1 Ihe lowest prices for cash. Also, one six-horse STEAM ENGINE and BOIL ER for sale low for cash. jyl3-3m Planters’ Hotel, (LATE FULTON HOUSE,) CONVENIENT TO THE PASSENGER DEPOT ! Atlanta , Georgia. THIS HOUSE has been thoroughly refitted and furnished, and is now under ; the management of a good Superintendent, Dr. Johnson, late of New Orleans. BOARD, per day, $1.50 ; per week, $7.00. This Hotel is second to none for comfort. Please give us a trial. GEORGE JOHNSON, aull-dly Proprietor. 1 m BRAY’S HOTEL, m CARTERS VII.LE,G a., jjiSii SITUATED nearest the Depot on the leit hand side of the Railroad coming down, aud on the right coming up. Passengers will take breakfast on arrival of the down trains Good walks to the Hotel, mludfc-y W. M. BRAY, Proprietor. ANSLEY & SON, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 2 Metcalf's Range , RKYNOLDS-STRKKT, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, ‘TXT’ILL give prompt attention to the W purchase and sale of MERCHANDISE, and all kinds COUNTRY PRODUCE. July Ist, 1858 Jy29-tf BYINGTON'S HOTEL, BROAD STREET, ALBANY, GEORGIA. J. T. BYINGTON, PROPRIETOR. Tlie Stage Office, for stages running to Thom i asville, Bainbridge, Quincy and Tallahassee, kept at this House. jy2-daw3ra R. P. SPELMAN, SR., Greeue-street, Augusta, Georgia. LiC J. G. CHURCHILL, CARPENTER-JOliR. Doors, sashes, blinds, mould ings and HOUSE CARPENTRY of every escriphou, neatly aud promptly done. Shop opposite M - onaell’s Stables, Ellis-st. nov6 if FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE! MWA FIRE INS COMPANY, CAPITAL, $1,000,000. /ETNA LIFE INS. COMPANY, CAPITAL, $200,000. CONNECTICUT INS. COMPANY, | capital, $200,000 —with a large surplus. ! mhl9 Cm JOHN G. SLEDGE, Agent. CABINET MAKING. THE UNDER- M SIGNED has opeuedta—jpA . shop, first J above the PALACEOHHH STABLES, on Ellis-street, to carry on the above business in all Its branches. Particular attention given to the REPAIRING OF FURNIIURE and PACKING, etc. I solicit a share of public patronage. mylO-tf WM. SINGLETON. MILL STONES! WILUAM BREN NBA, Manufacturer of french j§itrr It ills tones, AS!) dealer in Ffeopus and Cologne Stone*. Br«»aii-sirwt, above Upper Market, lugusta, Ga Order** and punctually Itten-u-d to. iau7-ly OCOEE HOUSE. CLEVELAND, TENNESSEE. DAXIEL A. TIBBS, Proprietor. fIIHIS HOTEL is a spacious new brick X building, just completed. The Proprietor has incurred a heavy expense in fitting up and furnishing the rooms, to make them neat and comfortable. The House is now open for the re ception of boarders, visitors and travelers, and the Proprietor can afford ample accommodations for one hundred and fifty persons. An Omnibus, with a good and safe team, will be at the Depot to convoy passengers to the Hotel aud back to the Depot again. The Proprietor intends to try to m ike it a first class Hotel, and hopes to share ajlberal patronage. "sepll-6w DANIEL A. TIBBS, Proprietor. Jflketows. . WM. H. TUTT, ' rs CONSTANTLY receiving Urge ad- I a di UOM to hi., stock of DRUGS, MEDICINE*, PAINTS OILS, &c., to which he invites the at ’ tention of purchasers, assuring them that no ef fort will be spired to render them satisfaction in every respect. The prices and quality »f our Goods are warranted equal to any house in the South. Now in store— -50 ounces Sulphate MORPHINE ; 300 “ “ QUININE; 25 boxes PAIN KILLER ; ]2 doz. Cod Liver OIL; ]2 “ India CHOLAGOGUE ; 12 “ McMunn’s ELIXIR OPIUM ; 5 bbls. CASTOR OIL ; 10 ‘‘ EPSOM SALTS ; 100 boxes Pearl STARCH ; 12 doz. JACOB’S CORDIAL ; 12 “ SANDS’ SARSAPARIIiLA ; ' 10,000 lbs. best 'WHITE LEAD ; 5 gross assorted PAINT BRUSHES ; 1,000 lbs. SAL SODA ; | 50 kegs B. C. SODA. jyß-d6aw2m LUTHER ROLL, STAND,^^^^ Comer of Washington and Reynold Street HAS ON HAND a full assortment COACHES, ROCKAWAYS, Top and No Top BI GGIES, Pedlar aud Road WAGONS, kc. ; which will be sold extremely low and on accommoda ( ting terms. 1 ALSO—A full assortment of all kinds of matt I J rials used by Coach, Harness and Saddle Makers I SUCH AS AXLES, SPRINGS, BOLTS, HUBS, FELLOW ' * SPOKES, SHAFTS, SINGLETREES, BANDS, e MALEABLE CASTINGS, ENAMELLED : LEATHER and CLOTH. PATENT 0 DASH aud HARNESS LEATH- j J ER, &c., &c. 1 REPAIRING of Harness and Vehicles don £ promptly and at low prices. Vehicles manufactured to order. jv22 twlj ° VMAt J y c CHERRY (SC PECTORAL, j FOR THE RAVID CURE OF 9 g COLDS, COUGHS, r HOARSENESS 1 Brimfikld, Mass., \ c 20th December. 1855. / II v Dr. J. C. Ayer : I do not licsi a tate to say the best remedy I j have ever found for Coughs, Hoarseness, Influenza, and the concomitant symptoms of a Cold. JBLO , is your Cherry Pectoral. Its con slant use in my practice and my family for the last ten years has shown it to pos-ess superior vir tues for the treatment of these '*** complaints. EBEN KNIGHT, M. D. 1 A. B. MORTLEY, Esq., ol Utica,N. Y., writes: 5 \ “ I have used your Pectoral myself and in my family ever since you invented it, and believe it j the best medicine for its purpose ever put out. With a bad cold I should sooner pay twenty-five dollars for a bottle than do without it, or take q any other remedy.” a Croup, Whooping; Cough, Influenza. Springfield, Miss., K*b’y 6, 1856. Brother Auer : I will cbeorfujy certify your Pectoral is the best remedy we possess for the ~ cure of Whooping Cough , Croup, and the chest diseases of children. We of your fraternity in “ the South appreciate your skill, and commend your medicine to our people. < HIRAM CONKLIN, M. I*. AMOS LEE, Esq., Monterey, la., writes, 3d of j Jan., 1856 : “ I had a tedious Influenza, which !. confined me in doors six weeks ; took many med- j t icines without relief; finally tried your Pectoral t by the advice of our clergyman. The first dose I relieved the soreness in my throat and lungs ; t less than one half the bottle made me completely t well. Your medicines are the cheapest as well t ;as the best we can buy, and wo esteem you, < j Doctor, and your remedies, as the poor man’s < friend.” ] Asthma or Phthlglc, and Bronchitis* ‘ West Manchester, Pa., Feb. 4, 1856. j Sir : Your Cherry Pectoral is performing mar vellous cures in this section. It has relieved several from alarming symptoms of Consump * j t'on, and is now curing a man who has labored J under an affection ol the lungs for the last forty ] years. HENRY L. PARKS, Merchant. | A. A. RAMSEY, M. D., Albion, Monroe Co., ’ lowa, writes, Sept. 6, 1855 : ‘‘During my prac \ * I tice ol many years I have found nothing equal to = your Cherry Pectoral for giving ease and relief i to consumptive patients, or curing such as are} curable.” j We might add volumes of evidence, but the , most convincing proof ot the virtues of this rem- 1 i I edy is found in its effects upon trial. Consumption. * i Probably no one remedy has ever been known which cured so many and such dangerous cases as this. Some no human aid can reach ; but even to those the Cherry Pectoral affords relief; and comfort. , Astok House, N. Y. City, March 5, 1858. j > Doctor Ayer, Lowell: I feel it a duty and a , pleasure to inform you what your Cherry Pec -1 toral has done for my wife. She had been five ; months laboring under the dangerous symptoms : of Consumption, from which no aid we could j ‘ procure gave her much relief. She was steadily ! ! j failing, until Dr. Strong, of this city, where we j 1 I have come for advice, recommended a trial of! j your medicine. We bless his kindness, as we ! j j do your skill, for she has recovered from that i J ; day. She is not yet as strong as she used to be, |! I but is tree from her cough, and calls herself j) ; well. Yours with gratitude aud regard, CRLANDO SHELBY, of Shelbyville. j Consumptives . do not despair till you have j tried Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. It is made by j , one of the best m dical chemists in the world, I , and its cures all around us bespeak the high j, merits oi its virtues. —Philadelphia Ledger. ; , AYER’S CATHARiIC PILLS. The sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have : been taxed their utmost to produce this best, i most perfect purgative which is known to man! i Innumerable proofs are shown that these Pills ! have virtues which surpass in excellence the or- ' j dinary medicines, and that they win unprece- I dentedly upon the esteem of all men. They are , ; safe and pleasant to fake, but powerful to cure. , Their penetrating properties stimulate the vital activities of the body, remove the obstruations I of its organs, purify the blood, and expel disease. They purge out the foul humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or dis ordered organs into their natural action, and im part healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they cure the every day ■ complaints of every body, but also formidable aud dangerous diseases that have battled the best of human skill. While they produce powerful effects, they are at the same time, in dim nished dost s, the safest and best physic that can beem ployed for children. Being sugar coated, they ! are pleasant to take ; and being purely vegeta- I ble. are free from any risk of harm. Cures have been made which surpass belief, were they not substantiated by men of such exalted position | and character as to forbid the suspicion of un | truth. Many eminent clergymen and physicians j have lent their names to certify to the public I the reliability of my remedies, while others have j sent me the assurance of their conviction that my Preparations contribute immensely to the relief of my afflicted, suffering fellow-men. The Agent below named is pleased to furnish I gratis my American Almanac, containing direc j tions for their use and certificates of their cures, I of the following complaints : i Costiveness, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Heartburn, Headache arising from a foul Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Morbid Inac tion of the Bowels and Pain arising therefrom, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, all Ulcerous and Cutaneous Diseases which require an evacuaut Medicine, Scrofula, or King’s Evil. They also, by purifying the blood and stimulating the sys tem, cure many complaints which ;t would not be supposod they could reach, such as Deafness, Partial Biindness, Neuralgia and Nervous Irrita bility, Derangements of the Liver and Kidneys, Gout, and other kindred complaints arising from t j a low state of the body or obstruction of its func » tions. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with \ some other pi 1 they make more profit on. Ask for AY’ER’S PILLS, and take nothing else- No . other they can give you compares with this in its intrinsic value or curative powers. The sick want the besi aid there is for them, and they should have it. Prepared by Dr.J. C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Price 26 cts. ; per Box ; five Boxes for sl. Sold by Druggists • and Agents everywhere. au2d l i Rope and Twine. EIGHT HUNDRED half coils Rich ardson’s Hemp Leaf ROPE, in store and ar * riving ; j 300 whole coils Richardson’s Hemp Leaf ROPE, 1 in store and arriving ; “ 900 coils Handspua ROPE, good brands, in 1 store and arriving ; 6 6 >°°? pounds beat BALKING TWINE, to arrive. For sa'.e ou accommodating terms, by B ®P 4 J. A. ANSLEY & CO. N Slisallantmis. BOERHAVE’S HOLLAND BITTERS. THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, Xj±-vt3i- Complaint, WEAKNESS OP ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, And the various affections consequent upon a disordered STOMACH OR LIVER, as Indigestion, Acidity of tho ’ IO Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn, Jxjss ot < Appetite, Despondency. Costiveness, Blind and 1 Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and 1 Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous in- * stances proved highly beneficial, aud in others ( effected a decided cure. This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared 1 on strictly scientific principles,after the manner t of the celebrated Holland Professor, Boerhave. ( Because of its great sucess in most of the Euro ( pean States, its introduction into the United £ States was tntended more especially for th »se of our fatherland scattered here and there over the 1 face of this mighty country. Meeting with great f success among them, I now offer it to the Arneri- 1 can public, knowing that its truly wonderful 1 medicinal virtues must be acknowledged. It Is particularly recommended to those per- ( sons whose constitutions may have been im- < paired by the continuous use of ardent spirits, * or other forms of dissipation. Generally,install 1 taneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the * seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, f raising up the d ooping spirit, and, in tact, in- 1 lusing new health and vigor in the system. < NOTlCE.—Whoever expects to find this a bev- i crage will be disappointed : but to the sick, l weak aud low spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of singular reined ; al t properties. (IJIIUGCXOMs I The great popularity of this delightful Aroma has induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Be not pur suaded to buy anything else until you have given Boerhave’s Holland Bitters a fair trial. One bot tle will convince you how infinitely superior it is to all these imitations. 4Li-Sold at $1 00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. by the proprietors, BENJAMIN PAGE, .Jr., & CO., Manufacturing Pharmaceutists and Chemists, Pittsburgh. Pa. For sale in Augusta by IT WILAND. CHICHES TER k CO., PLUMB k LEITNER, WM. H. TUTT, and Druggists generally throughout the State. Jy2Q-iy - THE LIVER INVIGORATOR! PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD'S COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM o TT rvr £3 , i IS ONE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE . and Liver Medicines now before the public . that acts as a CATHARTIC, easier, milder, am 1 more effectual than aDy other medicine known < It is not only a C.thartic, but a Liver reme y acting first on the Liver to eject Its morbid mat i ter, then on the stomach and bowels to carry ol ’ that matter, thus accomplishing two purpose: effectually, without any of the painful feeling: experienced in the operations of most Cathartics It strengthens the system at the same time that * it purges it; and when taken daily in moderate doses, will strengthen and build it up with un usual rapidity. The Liver is one of $t to digest well, purify* the principal regula- . ingjthe Uoed, giving tors of the butnaD | tone and health to th< body, and when it per- A whole machinery, re forms its f unctions W moving the cause ol well, the powers of the the disease, —effecting system are fully de | a radical cure, veloped. The stomach Bilious attacks are is almost entirely de- L cured, and. what is pendent on the healthy J better, prevented by i action of the Liver for Q the occasional use ot • the proper perform- the Liver luvlgorator. ance of its functions ; J One dose after eating when the stomach is W is sufficient to relieve at fault, and the whole L the stomach and pre system suffers in con- f vent the food from ri sequenceof one organ 4 singand souring. —the Liver,—having 4 Only one dose taken ceased to do its duty u before retiring, pre ! For the diseases of that ™ vents Nightm ire. j organ, one of the pro Only one dose taken j prietors has made it | at night, loosens the his study, in a prac- bowels gently, aud j tice of more than 2C f cures Costiveuess. years, to find some re- K One dose taken after i medy w herewith to " each meal will cure counteract tho many |g Dyspepsia, derangements towhicb One dose of two tea it is liable spoonfuls will alway.- To prove that this relieve Sick Headache remedy is at last j One bottle taken foi found, any female obstructions, troubled with Liver gg removes the cause ot Complaint, in any of its the disease, and makes forms, has but to try ala perfect cure, bottle, and conviction P Only one dose imme is certain. * diately relieves Cholic, These Gums remove £ while ; all morbid or bad mat- " One dose often re j ter from the system, 4 peated is a sure cure supplying in their H lor Cholera Morbus j place a healthy flow of If and a preventive j bile, invigorating the w Cholera. I stomach, causing food!J Only one bottle" ia needed to throw' out ol the system the effects 01 medicine after a long sickness. One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sal lowness or unnatural color from the skin. One dose taken a short time be ore eating gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food di gest well. One dose often repeated cures Chronic Diar rhoea in its worst forms, while Summer and Bowel Complaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses cures attacks caused by Worms in children, there is no surer, safer, or speedier remedy in the world, as it never fails. A lew bottles cures Dropsy, by exciting the absorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this modi cine as a preventive for Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It ope rates with certainty, and thousands are willing to testiiy to its wonderful virtues. All who use it are giving their unanimous tea timony in its favor. Mix Water in the mouth with the Invigorator, and swallow noth together. The LIVER INVIGORATOR is a scientific Medi cal Discovery, and is daily working cures, al most too great to believe It cures as if by ma gic, even the first dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of Liver complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia, to a common Headache, all of which are the result of a Diseased liver. Price, $1 per bottle. SANFORD & CO., Proprietors, 345 Broadway, New York. Sold, wholesale and retail, by PLUMB & LF.TI NER, W. H. TUTT, and Druggists everywhere. mhlO ly GEORGIA Sarsaparilla Compound, OR DENNIS' ALTERATIVE. FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD! mHlS.preparation haa gained popular J favor by its merits. There never has been a preparation of SARSAFARILLA COMPOUND, for gen*;ra‘ use, that has given the universal satisfaction that the Georgia Sarsaparilla gives There cannot be a preparation of Sarsaparilla, made at the North, so go d as the GEORGIA SARSAPARILLA, because the roots do not grow there to make it of. Tho Georgia Sarsaparilla Compound is appre ciated North because it has been tried there and found good. A goo t preparation of Sarsaparilla will sell well in any climate. Physicians will recommend it South because they know, by its taste and composition, there 1 is no deception in it—iu root-taste speaks the truth. Physicians know, too, that if they recom mend the diluted with sweetened water prepa rations, made at the North for Southern people, • and their patients try a bottle of it, and then try . a bottle of the Georgia home-made Sarsaparilla, which will do so much more good that they will , be accused, and rightly too, of not being good judges of medicines. 4®- Those ordering it must express, in their order, either SARSAPARILLA COMPOUND, or DENNIS’ ALTERATIVE. For sale at the South by Druggists generally. Ia New York, by Har ral, Risley & Kitchen. auV.-tf Utisdlanrom. Fare Only 14 Dollars, FROM AUGUSTA TO WELDON. IMPORTANT CHANGE OF RAILROAD SCHEDULES, VIA COLUMBIA, CHARLOTTE, RALEIGH TO WELDON. Time the same as on any other route. PASSENGERS, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE! N® Dnngerotts Trestles, Swamps, or Malaria on this Konte! ! ON and after TUESDAY, 6th Ap th- following will be the schedule between Augusta and New York via Columbia, c C.: Leave Augusta - .00 A M Leave Columbia 7.00 P M Charlotte 1.00 A M I.cave Raleigh 9.00 A M Leave Weldon 2.00 P M Arrive at New 1 ork, by either Peters burg or Portsmouth route C OO P M j Leave New York 8-00 A M i Leave Philadelphia 1.00 P M j Leave Baltimore 5.00 P M Leave Weldon (in day).. 12.00 M Leave Raleigh 4.15 P M Leave Charlotte J 2.00 M Arrive at Columbia 5 00 A M Arrive at Augusta 1.15 P M Passengers going North dosiring to connect with th Express Train at Columbia, will take tlie morning trains at Montgomery, Chatta nooga, Augusta and Charleston, and the evening trains at Atlanta and Savannah, and connect in daylight at Weldon with both the Washington j City and Bay Routes. Passengers going South, by taking this route j at Weldon, as in above Schedule, will reach i Charleston and Augusta as soon as by any oth er line, and connect with either route South j or West from that point, as their tickets will j show. N. B. Passengers going North will buy j their tickets to Augusta, Ga., only, and those going South, to Weldon, N. C.. at which points j Through iickets and Through ChocKS can be' had, and where they will have choice of routes. This Route is the GREATCEXTRAL LINE, via j Columbia, Chesterville, Charlotte, Salisbury, j Greensboro’. Raleigh, Franklinton, Henderson, to Weldon, N. C., and passes over an elevated, healthy and populous conn-ry, with fine scenery and pure water. This route is aimost entirely free from dust. Passengers and invalid travel lers wishing to stop at night, taking the day ac commodation train, will pass over the entire route by daylight, rinding on the route good hotels and resting places. 4*S*riaggage checked to Weldon from Augus ta, Charleston and Columbia, and vice versa. For furthur information, see guides of this route, or inquire of LEWIS LEVY, Agent at Augusta. or, C. I>. BOYDEN, apls-4m Travelling Agent South. Claiborne, Booth & Co., Virginia Tobacco Ag’ts, No. 20 South Calvert street , Baltimore, HAVE IN STORE 10,000 packages manufactured TOBACCO, comprising in part, the following popular brands, to which they invite the attention of the trade : Pounds. Pounds. J. S. Halo, Extra, C. Basham, J. S. Hale, Flue Cured, Holland’s Star, Moorman k Peters, Wash. Martin, Keon k Moorman, 0. Meadow, Grace Darling, Joe Johnson, John Doe, J. I*. Morris. W. T. Hale, C M. Sublett, Mary Adison, Powell k Haynes, Samuei Ward, F. L. Claiborne, John Finny, Cloth of Gold, J. W. North, Claiborne k Taliaferro, P. Fry, Daniel Hickman, G. W. Thompson, W. L. Tinsley, J. Teel. City of Hills, Christopher T., Monican, Taliaferro k Massie, W. F. Flipptn. Betty Oliver, Gray k Brother, Wm. L. Ogden, Charles Asher, B H. Carter fc Co., G. Doran, Griosham Choice, Anderson, W. D. Penn, Lipscomb. CRUMPTOX’S FOILED TWIST, ANDERSON’S “ “ MILLER’S “ “ HOLLAND’S “ “ i- ÜBLETT’S “ “ HOLLAND’S PAN CAKE, HOLMES’ TWIST. MILLER’S NAT. BRIDGE TWIST. HOLLAND’S ROUGH AND READY. Illnck Sweet* Pounds, Five’s, Ten’s, Half lbs. Pilkinton’s,' Planter’s Pride, in Five’s and Half lbs. jyl3-6m GIBBS’ P ATE3NT SEWING MACHINE. THIS MACHINE IS ADMIRABLY ADAPTED FOR PLANTATION USE! CHEAPNESS AND DFRABIIITT. IT CAN BE TAKEN APART AND PUT TOGETHER IN PERFECT RUNNING ORDER, Within Three Minutes! CAN BE TURNED EITHER Backward Or Forward, rr is all the same, as the Machine keeps on Running! Opposition Will Never Kill Us. ALSO, TIEiIE3 PALMETTO SEWING MACHINE, PRICE S6O. WE CHALLENGE the World to pro duce its equal tor SPEED, DURABILITY AND BEAU TY OF SEWING. The MACHINES can be seen ia ope ration at the Store of I. H. STEAHItS, & CO., NEAR mteUANIOB' BANK, AUOCSTA, BA. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE SOUTHERN STATES. M. J. CLUFF, AGENT FOR THE SOUTH, At tHc Machinery Agency of Mewra. KLellog & Dodge, 54 Broad Street, my 6 CHARLESTON, S. C. Bagging, Bagging, i j TDIFTY bales heavy Gunny CLOTH, ' just received, and for sale at l if 15 D’ANHGNAC k HUBBARD’S. JflitteUwirns. . GROVER * BAKER’S SEWING MACHINES, i K EASONS why the Grover & Baker Machine is universally preferred for family sewing: 1. It is more simple and easier kept in order than any other Machine. 2d. It makes a seam which will Dot rip or ravel, though every third stitcli is cut. 3d. It sews from two ordinary spools, and thus all trouble of winding thread Is avoided, while 1 the same machine can be adapted at pleasure by a mere change of spool, to all varieties of work 4th. The same machine runs silk, linen threat ( and common spool cotton with equal facility. sth. The seam is as elastic as the most elasti 1 fabric, so that it is free from all liability tobrea ; in washing, ironing, or otherwise. fitli. The stitch made by this machine is mor 1 ! beautiful than any other made, either by hat 1 j or machine. Merchants can secure the sales of these Mi : ' chines in their different localities, with profits 1 themselves and their customers, bv applying!* 1 I the undersigned, owners or the Right for Genrgit 1 J These machines are always on exhibition . 1 • their Sales Room, on Broad street my 4 THOS. P. STOVALL kCO JNew and Valuable PUBLICATIONS ! FROM the great Publishing House of BLACKIC & SONS, Glasgow, Edinburg and 1 London, consisting of the ollowing standaid 1 editions : The Imperial Family Bible ; Brown’s Bible, with Cook’s Notes ; do do Dictionary ; Imperial Gazetteer, highly illustrated, ’56a’57. Italy—Classical, Historical and Picturesque ; Works of Robert Burns, comp trie and illus trated ; Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen Goldsmith’s History of the Earth and Anima ted Nature ; Prof. Andrew’s Cyclopedia of D mestic Medi cine and Surgery ; Poetical and Prose Works of EttrickShepherd; Memoirs of Napoleon, by M. Bourienne ; The above, and many other Works in the Cata logue are recommended by Rev. Dr. Smythe, of 1 Charleston. Carpenters and Joiners Assistant, by Fray Krafft. and others ; Book of Ornamental Designs, with 40 plates ; Rural Architecture, by Jno. White, Architect; Railway Machinery, by D. Kennear Clark ; Engineer and Machinists Drawing Book, by M. Le Blonc. Practical Tailor’s Guide to the Cutting Room. Subscription and orders received for the above by the Agent, at I. H. STEARNS k CO.’S olHce. first door above Mechanics’ Bank, Broad-street, Augusta, Ga. J. CUMMING. Agent. JJW* Agent for the Scottish American urnal, a weekly newspaper. 'll ATTENTUN rpilE PUBLIC GENERALLY and Phy- JL sicians are respectfully iulorracd that the subscriber has received all the Apparatus and Materials for manufacturing the celebrated new remedies SYRUP SUPERPHOSPHATE IRON and CHEMICAL FOOD;’, and that he is prepared to furnish these reme dies at the low rates of $9 per dozen THOMAS P. FOG VRT V, Broad-st., Augusta, a., under Augusta Hote P. S—As the utmost care and skill are requii e l in their manufacture, the public are cautioi ed against purchasing miny worthless con pounds now in the market. je22 T. P. I (Jhesnut Grove Whisky’ / V v\ j mmiw \c.w./ \I T E ARE THE SOLE AGENT'S for the V V sale of the above WHISKY, made in the •Hate of Pennsylvania, and no doubt the purest and best article manufactured in the U. States Retailers can now be accommodated writh an unadulterated article, certified to by Messrs. Soothe, Garnett and Camac, Analytical Chemists in Philadelphia. For sale by the barrel and box of twelve quart jugs, . y je3o-3m T. W. FLEMING k CO. ’ JOHN N. GOW, , MARBLE-WORKER. Monuments, of ail descriptions, executed in the best form, at i THE LOWEST PRICES, MfchN I and in the shortest time compatible t with laultlessworkmanship. L'-IkLI Persons in want of Marble-Work ‘ of any kind are invited to call. • Shop on Campbell-street, be- tween Broad and Greone-street. ■ ■ ■■ wS nev23 JOHN N. GGW * } Collector and Treasurer’s SALE. WILL be s»ol<i, on the first Tuesday in OCTOBER next, at the Ixiwer Market . House, in the city of Augusta, within the legal | hours of sale, the following described property, > viz : AH that tract or parcel of Land w ith the improvements thereon, situa’ed on the corner of Telfair and Elbert streets, in the city of Augusta, county ol Richmond, and State of Georgia. Said tractor parcel of land is bounded on the North . | by Telfair street, on the Fast by Elbert stroet. ' on the South by a let of Wm. M. Hight, and on the West by James Gardner’s land. levied on as the property of Jesse Osmond, to satisfy three I executions for City Taxes on said property, for • the years 1856. 1857 and 1858, in favor of the City Council of Augusta vs. Jesse Osmond. August 7, 1858. JOHN HILL,, c.a. Collector and Treasurer^ ) SALE. WILL be sold, on tbe first Tuesday in OCTOBER next, at the Lower Market J House in the city of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, the lollowing described property, viz : All that lot or parcel of Land, with the im provements thereon, now occupied by Mr. Cbas. H. Sibley and family, situated on Bay .-treet, bounded on the North by said Bay street, on which it fronts, on the East by Guieu’s lot, _ on the South by Roll’s lot, rind the end of an Alley, and on the West by John Foster’s lot, . levied on as the property of Morti rour H. Willia s, to satisfy a ft fa. fri favor of - the City Council of Augusta vs. Mortimer H. Wil liams, for City Tax fur 1857. Angust 7, 858. JOHN HILL, c *r * a T>INE APPLE CHEESE fSr stiie^by JL jy 23 KSTKK kCI AKK. AsCs \> io«s. A SMALL lot of GEORGIA WINE, of the Still Catawba species, the product of Mr. Axt’s Grapes. For sale by jylU THUS. P. STOVALL A CO. On Consignment, FIFTY hhds. (.rime Tennessee BA CON—Clear ana Kibbed SIDES, HAMS and HOULDERS. Also. 25 hhds. prime Western HBBKP SIDES. au3 AN LEY k SON. florae for Sale. A FINE BUGGY HORSE, well broke to Harness. For sale by au 4 ts A. STEVENS. [, T AKl>.—Prime Lard, in Cans, for 1 4 sale low hy MpH THOS. P. STOYAIX * CO : - StMantm IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS Sdd by Subscription Only. Pnbllshed byD. Applbton&Co.,N. York. THE following Standard Books com mence the series. To insure uniform prices and regularity in the delivery of the volumes to subscribers in all parts of the country, local agsnteare or will be appointed in every city and princijml town ; and we shall aim to employ on ly such persons as will have the confidence of the pecyple. The books will be in every respe t equal to the sample shown, and no pains or ex pense will be spared to produce the works begun in a reasonable time, and to the entire approba tion of subscribers. X. The Abridgement of the Debate* of Con gress; or, the Political History of the United States. From the original documents. Edited by Col. Tiiomab H. Bhnto.v. In Fifteen large oc tavo volumes of about 750 two-column pages. This work has now reached the Fifth volume, and is now giving great satisfaction among all classes. It will contain the wisdom of Congress for seventy years, and will bean invaluable part of the history of the country. It is of national interest, and one of the most valuable compen diums for public and private libraries ever is sued. The work realizes a desideratum, loug felt, and of all others, for the political history of the Government, most wanted. Its wide range of characters, each one ing for himself, and representing his own party, and its far stretch of time, make it of the great est value to the nation. The Indexing is very complete, so that any name or subject desired may be found in either volume at onse. Terms -The work ‘s publishing exclusively by subscription, and the volumes are issued at in tervals of from 2to 3 months. In cloth binding at $3 ; law shoep $3.50 ; half morocco $4 ; halt calf extra $4.50; each volume payable as deliv ered. 11. The Ne c American Cyclopaedia , form : ing a complete Dictionary of General Knowledge. Edited by Charles A. Dana and George Ri plky, aided by i numerous select corps of writers in all branches of Science. Art and Literature. The object and desire of the publishers and editors is to produce a Cyclopaedia of the highes character, and to meet the wants of the Ameri can people. The work h not fonnded on any European model, but will, as far as the nature of a C'yclo paedia permits, possess a strictly original charac ter. All the information of any importance con tained in the following works will be comprised in the New American Cyclopaedia, viz: Encyclopedia Britannica Penny Cyclopaedia ; Conversations Lexicons ; Encyclopedic Modern e; Dictiounarie do la Conversation ; Encycl podie Metropolitan!*: Encyclopedic des Gens du Monde ; Nouveau Biographie General*; ; together with a large number of Dictionaries and Cyclopaedias en special subjects. With the command of the most ample resources by arrangements already made with a large number of the most distinguished writers in America and Europe, the publishers do not hesi tate to say, that the New American dyclopajdia will be superior in exten*, variety, and exact ness of inlorraation, to any similar publication in the English language. The work will be published exclusively by subscription, in about fifteen large octavo vol umes, each containing 750 two-column pages, ana in exterior uppearance will be at once ele gant and substantial. The volumes will be is sued serially in cloth, at $3 ; Library style, Leather, $3.50 ; half morocco, $4 ; half Russia extra, $4.50 ; each payable on delivery. The first volume is now ready,and the second will be issued early in the Spring, and then con tinue the successive volumes every two or three months. HI. Cyclopaedia of American Eicquenee. — A collectiou ol Speeches and Addresses, Forenuc and Parliamentary, by-the most eminent Orators of America, with biographical sketches and illus trative notes. Edited by Frank Moore. This work contains many speeches never be fore published. All the speeches of Patrick Henry, also speeches and specimens by the fol lowing, among many others : Samuel Adams, Washington, James Otis, Dr. David Ramsay, Alex Hamilton, John Dickinson, Rich ird Henry Lee, Dr. Johu Witherspoon, Wm Livingston, Dr. Benj. Rush, John Rutledge, Chief Justice Marshall. The work is completed iu two volumes, con taining about 1200 pages royal o- tavo size, and foui teen finely engraved portraits from steel plates. Price Tor the two volumes in cloth, $5 00 ; Li brary style, Leather, $6; half morocco, $7; half calf extra. SB. Subscribers will be supplied as fast as the binding can be executed and as the work will be sold only by subscription, all persons desi rous of obtaining it, and who have not alroady entered their names, are invited to do so. IV. Cyclopaedia of Wit and Humor , com prising a coflectio i of complete i rticles, and specimens of written H MOR and ECCENIRICI TIES, from the most eminent Humorists of Ame rica, Ireland. Scotland and England. Illustrated with 600 Engravings, made expressly for the text, from original designs ; also 24 Portraits. Edited by Wiluam E. Burton, the celebrated comedian. Among the authors of the articles which appear iu the volumes are the following : James K. Paulding, Dr. Samuel Peters, Henry Pickering, John Trumbull, Robert C. Sands Dr. Jeremy Belknap, John Bernard, Jos. Rodman Drake. Henry J. Finn, F. G. Halleck, Theodore S. Fay, John Howard Payne, Wm. C. Bryant. Dr. S ml. L. Mitchell, Gulian C. Verplank, Joel Barlow. William Dunlap, H. H. Brackenridge, Washington Allston, David Paul Brown. I)r. Samuel Gilman, Willis Guvlord Clark, Judge James Hall, Eliza Leslie. Col. Wm. L. Stone, Mrs. Caroline Gilman, Robert M. Bird, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grenville Mellen, Washington Irving, M. M. Noah, J. G. C. Brainerd, Richard Penn Smith, Robert S. Coffin, the Bos- John Inman, ton Bard. The work will be Issued in 24 parts, semi monthly , at 25 cents. Forming 2 large volumes at $3 50 each, or four divisions neatly bound in cloth, at $2 each. We beg leave cordially to invite our fellow in all parts of the country to co-operate with us iu bringing out this series of standard and useful works. Subscribers to ” Benton’s Thirty Years’ View.” of which more than 50,000 have been subscribed for, are informed that the s:cond volume ccanpieting the work is now ready, and will be supplied in the various styles to "match the first, although considerably larger, at the same price. I/)cal Agents wanted BENJ. G. LIDDON, Madison, Geo., febl General Agent for the State I New York and Savannah. ‘ THE AMERICAN ATI ANTIC SCREW STEAMSHIP p GO'S NEW AND ELEGANT STEAMSHIPS IIUNTSVILI/K, Capt. Robert II a i dle. MONTGOMERY, Capt. Fred. Crocker, WILL FORM A l tween Savannah and x-iew m i York, leaving each port / 'ffi afrn- ‘7 T EVKRY SATURDAY. These steamers, (100 f) tons each, have elegant accommodations for Pas ) sengers, and being of great strength and s - *eed, shippers can rely on the greatest dispatch to freight. For further particulars, apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN & CO., i* Savannah, Ga. •r, H. B CROMWELL & CO., aplMy No. 131 Washington-st, N York. RANGES, W»&C.,&C. S. S. JONES & CO. BEG AGAIN to call the attention of their numerous customers and the pubhc • generally to their extensive assortment of ! STOVES, GRATES, RANGES, and a complete variety of everything pertaining r to a First Class House Famishing Store. • «» Our assortment m this department is all that ’ the most fastidious can desire. We have nearly ; every style of COOK, OFFICE and PARLOR STOVES kept by any other house in the city, and many desirable patterns that are to be found «so ' clusxvdy at our establishment. x*nleN. Os these goods, we have some thirty different patterns, all bought within the last Bixty days and from the latest designs. We think we hazard nothing in saying that we can offer a MUCH GREATER VARIETY in this line than all other dealers in the thy com blued. Having tested nearly all the different styles of Ranges extant, we have for two years past sold Motts’ PATENT INVINCIBLE RANGE exclusive ly, believing them to be the very best article offered. We have sold some twenty of tbeee Ranges in Augusta and vicinity, and they have never failed to give perfect satisfaction. We will sell to ajiy customer with a lull guarantee that these Ranges are perfect in their operation in every particular. House Furnishing Goods. In this departineut enumeration is out of the question. Our assortment is, as usual, com plete, and no effort will be spared on our part to retain for our house the position it has occupied for five years past. It is well known that we keep MORE THAN DOUBLE the sLock and va riety of any house in the city, and ours is, in lact, thk place to purchase House Kurnishißg Goods. The increase of our business in this department has entirely exceeded our expecta*ions. Our efforts to establish a First Class House-Furnishing Store have been crowned with success by an apprecia ting public, and our motto is “ Upward and On ward. ” We have in store an unusually heavy stock o Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Sheet Copper, Iron Wire, Block Tin, Pig and Bar Lead. Also, a large stock of Japauned Ware, Pressed Covers and Plates of every description, Bucket Ears, Rivets, Tinners’ Tools aud Machines, &c., which we offer o the trade on the very best terms. 'S. S. JONES & CO.. ort2l 210 Broad-street. Cash Paid for OLD RAPE AND RAM hemp bagging and ropb, 2 y£ cents per lb ; For GUNNY BAGGING, 1), cents per lb ; “ GRASS ROPE, 1 “ “ At BATH PAPER MILLS OFFICE, On Rcynold-street, between Jackson and Mo lotosh. apl4 GREAT BARGAINS ~~ IN DRY GOODS. JAMES HENEY being desirous of ma king a change in his business, offer*, fron this date, his entire stock ol Dry Goods for Cash, lower than any ever offered in this or any othet city in the South. All persons desirous of laying out their monej j to the best advantage, will do wPll to call and se» ! his stock. They may be sure of saving from 2* . to 50 per et.. as he is determined on sell ug off the , entire stock of liis Goods by the first of October. i If you want STLK, plain or figured, Cart at HENEY’S. If you want BAREGES, solid col'd or printed. Call at HENEY’F. ; If you want MUSLINS, white or col’d. Call at HENEY’S. If you want EMBROIDERIES, for Indies or Misses Call at HENEY’S If you want HOSIERY, GLOVES, RIBBONS, BON NETS. Ac., Call at HENEY’S. , If you want GINGHAMS, SHEETING,SHIRTINGS, Ac., Call at HENEY* Or if you want any other article usually foun# in a Dry Goods or Millinery Store, and wan! I them at prices for cash, at which you never ex- I pected to see them, call at HENEY’S Store, nex*. above the Georgia Railroad Bank. All persons indebted to him are requested to r come and settle up. jylo H. FI LINVILLE. ' 1 Machinist and Engineer, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Manufacturer of steam en gines, BOILERS, SUGAR MILLS, CIR . CULAK and GANG SAW MILLS, Ac., Ac. I The subscriber also keeps constantly on hand . Stationary and Portable ENGINES, from four to . fifty horse power, manufactured by H. Esler & I Co., At'-antir Dock Works, Brooklyn. > IRON RAILING—I am manufacturing the most approved patterns of WROUGHT and CAST IRON l RAILING, and l ave the Agency of the New York i Wire Railing and Iron Bedstead Company. jyß-Iy H. H. LINVILLE. SUGAII MILLS A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL MILL, with wrought iron journals, made and adapt ed expressly for grinding the Imphee, or Chi. nese Sugar Cane, can now hi obtained of the subscribers. Persons who are experimenting in Sugar and Syrup making, are invited to give this Mill au examination. Numbers of them were used last season, with complete satisfac tion. Orders attended to, and all enquiries promptly answered. I. H. STEARNS A CO., Broad-st., near Mechanics’ Bank, Jlyfl ___ Augusta, Ga. SINGER & CO.’S UNRIVALLED Sewing Machines. THESE are the only Machines which will do, #N THE SAME MACHINE, both the finest and coarsest work. We have just received a large assortment of the above MACHINES ; also, HEMMERS that will avoid the unnecessary trouble of basting. We most respectfully invite the public to oall and ex .mine the difference between the anger and the various other Machines now in use. Principal office 458 Broadway, New York. Charleston office, 324 King-street. Columbia, S. C , Hopson ASutphen, Agents. Augusta Agency at H. D. NORRHLL’S Book Store, 244 Broad-street. FLAX THREAD, for Plantation use ; SILK TWIST ; Sewing Machine OIL, NEEDLES, Ae., for sale. Applyfor a copy of Singrr A Co.’3 Gazette. Sent free by maul. aa!6 ts Rope, Rope. ONE HUNDRED coils best Machine ROPE, (Todd Mills) just received by . J) D'AN HGNAC A HUBBARI. Bath (South Carolina) Paper Mills WILL KEEP ON HAND in this city, and for sale at lowest cash prices, con -7 stantsuppliee of BOOK, NEWS, and WRAPPING PAPER, , of beet qualities. Orders promptly filled. * Store Room on Reynold street, immediate^ - rear of City Bank. GEO. W. WINTIR. Augusta, April 6, 1858. apß-tf 3 , Twine, Twine. FIVE bales Bagging TWENE, just re oeived, and for sale at jyl6 IPANTHJNA6 & HUBBARD’S.