Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, November 16, 1858, Image 1
Augusta Ifaptrj), VOLUME 2. (frUraiitg pspafcjj.j PUBUSHt* DAILY AND WEEKI.T, I BY S. A. ATKINSON.: DAILY, per annum S t lx* i WEEKLY, “ tSO I Kir Subscriptions will lio received for three! ‘’norths at $125. Monthly subscriptions, Fifty . cents. if for subscriptions will positively be required in advance. S3' TIIE OFFICE OF THE DISPATCH is on Mclntosh street, one door north of the Georgia Kail road Bank. RATES OF ADVERTISING s Advertisements wilt be inserted by the square •ot 12 hues (100 words.) for 50 cents for the tirst Insertion, and 25 cents for each subsequent in - -nertiou under one month, to be paid for when the a ivertisement is handed into thcoißce. Advertisements under live hues will lie insert ed at 10 cents a hue for the tk'st, and 5 cents a i r.e for each subsequent insertion. littl a;oah sUgtstfr. GEORGIA RAILROAD. J-cavc Augusta 0.46 A. M. Arrive Atlanta 9.45 A. M. Leave Augusta 2.40 P. M. Arrive Atlanta 11.50 I’. M. Leave Atlanta 12 Night. Arrive Augusta 8.64 A. M Leave Atlanta 10 A. M Arrive Augusta 6.45 I*. M. <C ?« »b a m m <nr aii »n n 9-rs. Sovih Cardina Railroad. Arrive Augusta 11.15 P. M. do do 1.15P.M. Leave Augusta 10 A.M. do do 8.06 P.M. 1 Yidern and Atlantic. Railroad. Arrive Atlanta 11.22 Night. Leave Atlanta 12.30 Day. Atlanta and LaG range Railroad. Arrive. Atlanta 9.33 A. M. do do 751 P. M. Leave Atlanta 015 A. M. do do 10.15 A M. Athens Branch. leave Augusta 12 45 Night. Leave Atlauta 12.00 Night. Arrive at Athens 8.30 A M. Leave Athens 11.00 Day. Arrive at Augusta 6.45 P. M. Arrive at Atlauta 11.45 P. M. Washington Branch. ' ’ Leave Washington 2 P M., Arrive A’:gu.-.ti at • 3.45 P. M.. aud Atlanta 12 Night. Leave Augusta 2.45 P. M., and Atlanta 10 A. 1-1.. Arrive Washington7.2o P. M. Warrenton Branch. Leave Warrenton 3 P. M., Arrive Augusta at ■ S.4b I*. M., Atlanta 12 P. M. Leave Augusta 2.15 P. M. and Atlanta 10 A. M., Arrive Warren.on 6.30 IV M. N. B.—On SUNDAYS no Trains run on the Branches* GEORGE YONGK, jyl4 Gcn’lSup’t AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. I.ea’ C Augusta at 2.45 P. M. do do • 0.45 A.M. Arrive at Augusta at 7.28 P. M. do, do 7.00 A.M. Connecting at Milieu with Trains on the Fen iral Railroad. ANDREW YONGK, jy 14 ts Superiuteudant. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. .For Charleston, S. C., ) “ Kingsville, S. C., lat 10 A. M., and 8.05 “ Camden, S. C, f r. 41., “ Columbia, S. C., J and arrive at Augusta at 1.15 P. M., and 11.15 P. M. H. T. PEAKE, jy 19 general Superintendent. ATLANTA' AND LAGRANGE RAILROAD.' Morning Pus’neer Train leaves AtlautalO.lo a m and arrives at West Point 3.39 a m Evening Passenger Train leaves Atlauta 0.15 a m and arrives at West Point 5.3* a m Morning Pa.-s’ger Train leaves W. Point 3.45 a m and arrives at Atlanta at 8.33 a ni Evening Pass’grTrain leaves W. Point 2.55 pin and arrives at Atlanta 7.51 p m Fakkto Wi«t i’oixx, $3.50. GEO. G. Ill''LL. tuperinten lent. .:-Wi STERN RAILROAD. Leave Macon at li. 45 P. M. and 9.45 A. M : Arrive in Columbus at 5 35 A. M. and 3.46 P. M. Leave Columbus 4 A. M. and 8.45 P. M.: Arrive .n Macon 9.50 A. M. and 9.18 P. M, Leave Macon 0.45 A. M. Arrive in Albanv 4.08 P. M., Dawson 5 20 P. M. Leave Albany 3 P. M., Dawson 1 40?. M. Ar rive in Mur,on 9.18 P. M. Tri weekly Accommodation Train Down. Mon day, Wednesday and Friday Up—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Mail Stages to and from Tallahassee, Thomas - ville, Eainbridge, &c , connect daily with regu lar Trains at Albany. GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup’t WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. (Atlanta to Chattanooga.) Diy Passenger Train leaves Atlauta 10.15 a m and arrives at Chattanooga 6.25 p m ■NightPassenger Train leaves Chat. 3.10 p m and arrives at Atlanta 11.22 p w Up day Express Freight and Pass'ger Train leaves Atlanta 4.50 a m aiul arrives at Chattanooga 4.35 p m Down day Ex. and Pass. do. leaves Chattanooga 5.15 a m and arrives at Atlanta 4.45 p ni Up night Ex and Pass, do leaves Atl'a 8.40 p in arrives in Chattanooga 7.01 am Down Night Ex. aud Passenger Train leaves Chattanooga 6.05 p m arrives at Atlanta 4.40 a m Fare to Chattanooga, $5. M ACON AND WESTERN RALLR< >AD. “ I-eavc Macon 12 Night, Arrive Atlauta 7.15 A. M. Leave Macon 10 A. M., Arrive Atlanta 4 P. >1 ..cave Atlanta 12 Night, Arrive A.M Leave Atlanta 11 A. M . Arrive Macon 5 P. M A. L. TYLER,Superintendent. 1. M. SINGER & CO'S, IMPROVED SEWING MACHINES, 'FOR MANUFACTURING, PLANTATION AND 1 FA.\I LY USE. OFFICE AND SALES ROOM AT No. 182 1-2 Broad St., , OITOSITE ADAMS’ EXPRESS OFFICE. ► AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. octl4 HUDSON & MILLER,~ WHOI.RSAI.K AND RETAIL. GROCERS OFFER for sale at their New Store < 100 Bags Rio. Laguira and Java COFFEE • 7 Hhds of Mus. and Port, SUGARS ; ’ * j 30 bbis ABC and crushed SUGARS; \ 75 bbls WHISKY, various brands ; 175 kegs NAILS ; , ‘ 35000 SEGARS of all brands : • 30 boxes TOBACCO, assorted brands ; 50 boxes Turpentine aud Toi let SOAP ; 220 boxes CANf LES ; i 50 cases LIQUORS ; 1 18 cases PRESERVES. SALT. IRON, MO i LASSES, and every other article kept in the Gro cery line. oclls i P~“ LATED WARE.— Castors," Spoons, Forks, Mugs, Butters, Cake Baskets, &c. For sale cheap. oc9 S. C, MUSTIN. FIFTY boxen No. 1 lurp tiue oual ; 26 boxes Colgate’s Toilet SOAP, in store, and for sale low. by DOv9 ZIMMERMAN & STOVALL. SlisttUaiitmt. THE DIVER INVIGORATOR! PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD’S i COMPOISDED KSTIttELY FROM ] O XT 3Vf S . IS ONE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE j and Liver Medicines now before the public J that acts as a CATHARTIC, easier, milder, an< I more effectual than any other medicine kn*wn | It is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver reme y j' acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid mat j ter, then ou the stomach and bowels to carry ol that matter, thus accomplishing two purpose; | effectually, without any of the painful feeling: ! experienced in the operations ol must Cathartics j It strengthens the system at the same time that j ;t purges it; aud when taken daily in moderati doges, will strengthen aud build it up with un usual rapidity. The Liver is one of |t ito digest well, purify the principal regala- , ingjthe ! lo»d, giving tors of the human 6 tMieand health to the body, and when it per- A whole machinery, re- i forms its f unctions • moving the cause ol well the powers of the t> the disease, —effecting I system are fully de 0 a radical cure, veloped. The stomach Bilious attacks are is almost entirely de- L cured, and. what i 3 j pendent on the healthy . better, prevented by , action of the Liver for y the occasional use of' the proper perform- .*f the Liver Invigorator. ance of its functions; ** One dose after eating i when the stomach is is sufficient to relieve; at fault, and the whole L the stomach and pre system suffers in con- ° vent the food from ri-; sequence of one organ a sing and souring. —the Liver, — having a Only ono dose taken ceased to do its duty y before retiring, pre fer tbc diseases of that ■ vents Nightm ire. organ, one of*he pro Only one dose taken prietors has made it g at night, loosens the ' his study, in a prac- o bowels gently, and tico of more than 2C V cures Costive ness, years, to find some re- \ One dose taken after medy w lijerewith to * each meal will cure counteract the many )B Dyspepsia* derangements towliich j One cose of Iw’o tea it is liable ■ spoonfuls will always To prove that this relieve Sick Headache remedy is at last-» Ono bottle taken foi found, any person * female obstructions, troubled with Liver removes the cause ol Complaint, in any of its the disease, and makes forms, has but to try ala perfect euro, bottle, and conviction * Only one dose imme-! is certain. * diatcly relieves Cholic, i Those Gums remove!*! while all morbid or bad mat-1™ One dose often ro tor from the system, [£ prated is a sure cure supplying in thcirli lor Cholera Morbus place a healthy tiow of| 0 and a preventive bile, invigorating tbej *» Cholera, stomach, causing food |jU Only one bottles? is ; needed to throw out ol the system the effects ol j medicine after a long sickness. One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sal- j lowness or unnatural color from the skiu. One dose taken a short tune be ore eating gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food ui goat well. One dose often repeated euros Chronic Diar- i rhoea in its worst forms, while .Summer and j Bowel Complaints yield almost to the first Uo-o. One or lw<> doses cures attacks caused by Worms in children, there is no surer, safer, or speedier remedy iii the world, us it n ever/ails. A low bottles cures Dropsy, by exciting the absorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this modi- , cine as a preventive for Fever end Ague, Chill Fever, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It ope rates with certainty, and thousands are willing to testhy to its wonderful virtues. All who use it are giving thuir unanimous tea tirnony in its favor. Mix Water in the mouth with the Invigorator, and swallow both together. The LIVER INVIGORATOR is a scientific Medi cal Discovery, aud is daily working cures, al most too great to believe It cures as if by ma gic, even the first dose giving benefit, and seldom 1 more than one bottle is required to euro any kind of Liver complaint, fr**m tho worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia, to a common Headache, all ot which j arc the result of a Diseased Liver. Brice, $1 per bottle. SANFORD k CO., Proprietors. 345 Broadway, New York. ! Sold, wholesale aud retail, by PLUMB & LET!* j NER, W. H. TLTT, and Druggists everywhere.. mhlO ly | MILL STONES f WILLIAM BRENNER, Manufacturer of f r cnt| Burr fit ills touts, j AND dealer in Esopus and Cologne, Stones, Broad-street, above Upper Market, \uguata. Ga. Orders so’icited and punctually j Attended to. ian7-lv i Augusta Factory. A NEWLY formed association, which ; will lie known as the AUG IST A FACTOR V, having purchased the Mills, Machinery, &J. of I the .uicrusla Manufacturing Company, and up-1 pointed the undersigned their General Agent, he 1 beg? leave to auuounce that be is now prepared to furnish STANDARD 4-i and 7-8 SHEETINGS and SHIRT- ; INGS, and 7 8 I RILLS and OSNABLRGS at the lowest market figure, desiring to compete with Northern prices, and is prepared to give prompt attention to orders, determined to merit i the reputation *f the old Company, and to make it the interest of Southern Merchants to pur chase these Goods at home, an 26 dAc3m W. E. JACKSON, Gen. Ag’t. AMERICAN HOTEL COU.NEK KING AND GEORUE STS., Ciiarlestoii, £3. C, I MRS M. L. NEUFFER, respectfully i informs the public that she has leased • tno above HOTEL, aud will endeavor to sustain f the reputation which the House enjoyed while , under the management of MRS. A. J. EENNE- ' DY. Every attention will be paid to the com- 1 fort of regular and transient boarders, A share of patronage is solicited. Charleston, October 13, 1858. oct!4-w7w Southern Agency ( PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY Candle Works. TWO HUNDRED aud FIFTY BOXES Hydraulic Pressed Adamantine CANDLES ; 200 half boxes “ “ “ 150 cases of same, in 6 lb. Cartoons. A supply always on hand at the Agency. Sales made deliverable at the Factory if desired. which can he shipped direct to the purchasers. Terms accommodating. A. D. WILLIAMS, i novl-d3m Agent for Manufacturers. 1858, CROP 1858, WE are receiving a part of our sup- \ ply of FRESH GARDEN FEEDS. Our ! stock wiil be complete as soon as it is possible ! to have the Secos put up. As heretofore, we i commence the season with FRESH .SEEDS ONLY. novO PI UMB & LKITNER. i Rogers & Bowen, J MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN RIFL.ES, Double ami Single Bar- ' retell GUNS, Pen and Pocket KNIVES, SCISSORS, POWDER, SHOT, CAPS, GAME BAGS, J FI.ASKS, and SHOT BAGS, aud everything in the t Sporting Lino. ! c GUNS RE-STUCKED and repaired in the best j | manner. snd at abort notice. Store ou Broad , street, No. , the tirst doer below the tate Bank. E. H. ROGERS, nov2 3m W. H. BOWEN. , Onion Setts. WE have received a superior supply ONION SETTS, which are One and dry l nov6 PLUMB k LEITNKR. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. NOVEMBER 16 1858. Ulisctllantous. ! BOERHAVE’S jUOLLABD BITTERS.! THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR j DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF THE ICIDNEYS.j Ijl-vor Goiii-plstiiat, ; iWEAKUESS OP AMY KIND, FEVER AM) AGUE, i And the various affections consequent upon a disordered STOIHI Hi! LIVER (JUCH as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn, Loss ol | ■ Appetite, Despondency. Costiveness, Blind and j ! Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous in ■ stance-* proved highly beneficial, and in others j effected a decided cure. j This is a purely vegetable com pound, prepared j on strictly scientific principles,after the manner j of the celebrated Holland Professor, Boerhavc.! Because of its great succss in most of the Euro 1 pean States, its introduction into the United States was intended more especially for those of | our fatherland s 'altered hero and there over the j face of this mighty country. Meeting with great j success among them, l now offer it to the Amcri-1 can public, knowing that its truly wonderful medicinal virtues must be acknowledged. It is particularly recommended to those per sons whose constitutions may have been im paired by the continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally,instan ! taurous in effect, it finds its way directly to the ' seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the d ooping spirit, and, in fact, iu | fusing new health and vigor in the system, j NOTICE —Whoever expects to find this a bev-1 . erage will he disappointed ; but to the sick, j ! weak and low spirited, it will prove a grateful; j aromatic cordial, possessed of singular remedial j properties. «IAI T TI - | The great popularity of this delightful Aroma j has induced many imitations, which the public | should guard against purchasing. Be not pur j I suaded to buy anything else until you have given i Bnerhave’s Holland Bitters a fair trial. One hot-1 tie will convince you how infinitely superior it i.s | to ail those imitations. i £3“ at SI 00 per bottle, or six bottles for ; S 5, by the proprietors. BENJAMIN TACK, .Tr . k CO., Manufacturing Pharmaceutists and Chemists, Pittsburgh, Pa. i For sale in Augusta by H 4Vi LAND. j TER k CO., PLUMB k I.EITNER, WM. 11. TUTT, 1 and Druggists generally throughout the State. jv2o-ly UNDEIUSEmrsj AND DRAWERS. j THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. All Sizes and Qualities, at BlESirs I Morning Robes, Shawls, Illaukcts, Scarfs, Ties, Gloy es, Hosiery, Hand kerchiefs, Umbrellas, &c. ! EMBRACING EVERY ARTICLE USUALLY KEIT j IN A FIRST-CLASS G-EISTTIjIEIIv/iIIEIKPS FURNISHING GOOD STORE' AT —•.#.« Now on baud, the largest lot of SHIRT BOSOMS ever before opened in this city, ranging in price from 26 cents each, to the rich Embroidered ones, at $lO and sl2, just opened at KERSEY’S. CANTON FLANNEL, SHAKER FLANNEL, SHAKER KNIT, COTTON KNIT, CASHMERE, MERINO, SILK, And other styles of UNDER-SHIRTS and DRAW ERS. Gentlemen who require VUU Os Under-Dress, are inviled to examine my stock, OPPOSITE UNITED STATES HOTEL. nov3-tf The U. S. Hotel, BROAD-STREET , AUGUSTA, GEO., Li. Dwelle, Proprietor, f IS offered to the Traveling Public as a FIRST CLASS HOUSE. The location is dc- 1 cidedly the mast eligible in tho city, being in ( the very center of business ; the Rooms are t commodious and well ventilated ; in this respect f it is confidently believed, possessing advantages 2 over any other Hotel in this city. 1 Permanent Boarders can be accommodated. i Family Suiti of Rooms, furnished or unfur- | nished, at low prices. * Omnibuses always at the Depots, for the con- < veyance of Passengers. No charge for Omni bus fare to holders of Through Tickets. S *3- The Traveling Public arc respectfully in vited to give us a call. 1 oc2 dac3m J. Y. CLARK, Superintendent. lEarejjirose Curbs. Hoard & Derry. THE UNDERSIGNED have this day formed a Copartnership under the namo i and stylo of HEARD & DERRY, for the purpose oi carrying on the WAREHOUSE AND COMMIS SION BUSINESS, in all its branches. They have leased, for a term of years, the commodious Fire proot Warehouse No. 1, Metcalf’s Range, Roy- ‘ uold street, just below Warren Block, where they will be wcli prepared to promote the iuter i est of customers. | Orders for Bagging. Rope and Family Supplier. j , promptly attended to. Liberal cash advance- i made at all times on Produce in store. Their 1 | strict personal attention will be devoted to the ' I business, and they respectfully solicit consign-! inents from their friends and the public. J ISAAC T. HEARD, WM. C. DERRY, ! Augusta. July 1,1858. jyT-t'm A CARD, rpHE firm of HEARD ft DAVISON j JL having been dissolved by mutual consent, j and the foregoing copartnership having been | formed, I would gratefully return my thanks to ; all who have heretofore patronized me, and earnestly solicit a continuance of thrir favor (in ray new business in the firm of Heard k j Derr\. ISAAC T. HEARD- I July 1, 1858. jy7 6m — Heard & Simpson. rFHE undersigned have tlii.-: day asso i JL thomseivrH under the firm r{\~\ \\\ ! name ot 1IEAR1) « SIMI'SON, who will | continue the WARKUOUSF, aud COM Ug-?*" MIsBiON BIJSINERS, in all its I ranches, in the lire-iirocf buildings, lii-t side Mclutosh-strcot, | at present occupied By S. 1). Hu/un, where they ■ respectfully solicit a continnanco of the patron -1 .igo hitherto extended to each of the Uriu while | in businoss separately, and by their united cf lore, hope to merit and receive a liberal patron-1 j age lrom the public generally. | Orders for BAGGING, ROPE, and FAMILY . j JULIES will bo carefully tilled by one of the i firm. The usual facilities will bo afforded on PRO DUCE In store, when desired. S. D. HEARD, J. R. SIMPSON. Augusta, July 1, 1858. jyls-d*w6m Harper C. Bryson, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Hre l'roof Warehouse, Augusta, Georgia, WirKRE liis personal attention will f f be giveti t > the Storage of Cot- fT~u rrv j ton aud oilier Produce. Orders for . FAMILY SCI’M.IFS promptly attended ■ . 1 to. Cush advanced on PRODUCE in store. 1 j Sales Room aud Office on Boy nold, between! I Jackson and Mdntosh-strects. jyl7 dAcfim i PIIINIZV & CLAYTON, ; "W" ! •AND ! Commission Merchants Augusta, («eorgln. ON THE KIIiST OF SEITEMItEIt next, the undersigned will removojrrrrvv j to the extensive an<l commodious Fire Prool Warehouse owned and lor years occupied by L. t'oraixs. Esq., and at pre-! sent in ibe occu|>any of Mr. J. C. HARSALSON, j who wiil at that time retire from the business. I They will continue tho WAREHOUSE AND COM I MISSION BUSINESS in all its btanches, and will! be l»etter prepared than ever to prom< to the in I ternst <»t their customers, to which their stri« t« ! personal attention will bo devoted They solicit i consignments from their friends and the’public, j F. PHINIZY, Augusta, June 9th, 1858. E. P. CLAYTON. ! A Card, THE UNDERSIGNED intending tol discontinue the Warehouse and Commission Business on the first of September next, returns his thanks to Ins friends and patrons for their! favors during the past vear. Messrs. PIIIMZY * CLAYTON having leased! the Warehouse for a terra of years, I most cheer- 1 fully recommend them to my friends. je!o-d*w6ra J. c. HARALSON. John Davison, (SUCCESSOR TO HEARD a DAVISON.) 1 WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, M' Intosh stre-’t, Augusta , Georgia. HA\ ING purchased the entire inter-. . est of Isaac T. Heard, in the late irru \ T \ ! firm "! Heard & Davison, the under ■ signed intends carrying on the WARE £ ! HOU.SE and COMMISSION BUSING on his own account, at the old stand on Mclntosh street. I ! His strict personal attention will be given to all * , business confided to him. | The usual liberal cush facilities will be extend-! ed and orders for SUPPLIES promptly and care fully executed. JOHN DAVISON. } jyl6-dAc6m Rees & Linton, ! TXTTLL continue the WAREHOUSE 1 TT and COMMISSION BUSINESS, iwvin j at their old stand, on Jackson street; i I will devote their personal attention to Lri'SsS" ! the Stunige and Sale of COTTON, BACON, i GRAIN, &c.. Ac. Liberal cash advances made when required, j and all orders lur FAMILY SUPPLIES, BAG -1 GINU, ROPE, &c., filled at the lowest market P r,ce - JNO. C. REES, jy22-6m SAM’L. D. LINTON. \Vm. E. Barnes. (OF the KOIiMEK FIRM OK BARNES k JOXKB.) WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta , Georgia, TT T OULD hereby thank his friends,! Yf and those of the late firm, for f'A i yr. their liberal patronage, and would rc- KffiMßMJi spectfully inform them, and the public, ftlMfflg ’ that he will continue the WAREHOUSE and COM ! MISSION BUSINESS, in all its branches, at the 1 same old and well known stand. He hopes, by | ! strict personal attention to business, to merit a • generous share of public patronage, i He would solicit consignments of COUNTRY j 1 PRODUCE generally, being well prepared with large, c’ose Storage Rooms to sto e the same. All orders for BAGGING, ROPE and FAMILY | SUPPLIES, carefully and personally tilled. The wsual facilities afforded customers. WM. E. BARNES. Augusta, July 16. 1858. jyl6 6m M. P. St oval I 5 WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, Georgia , CONTINUES the business, in all its branches, in his lareeand com mo- KT \ \\\ dious I'ire Proof Warehouse, on Jack son-street, near the Globe Hotel. Orders for GOODS, &c., promptly and carefully filled. The usual CASH facilities afforded customers. jylC 6m W M. BEALL,” WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION • MERCHANT. A.vxgULSt£L, G-eorgia, , THE firm of Beall & Stovall having been dissolved by mutual consent, on the Ist inst.. I will continue the WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, in all its branches, in the Fire Proof Warehouse on Reynolds street, formerly occupied by the late firm of BEALL A STOVALL. Thankful to my old friends for their patronage so liberally bestowed upon me, I ear nestly solicit a continuance of the same, and the l patronage of the public generally, pledging the 1 strictest personal attention to business entrust- r ed to my care. \ Orders for BAGGING, ROPE and FAMILY i SUPPLIES promptly attended to. f Usual Cosh Advances made on Produce in store fc when required. WILLIAM M. BEALL. Augusta .10, 1858. ocl 6m loots, Sjiocs, it, BURCH & ROBERT i A RE now opening one of the largest UL and best selected stocks of BOOTS AND SHOES ever offered in Augusta, consisting, in part, of— Gent's fine Calf P. L. BOOTS : “ Welt ‘* “ “ Cong. “ “ «• “ pegged; >• “ Pegged “ • t: “ “ BROGANS: “ “ OXFORD TIES : “ “ Sewed “ ; ladies’ fine Dress and Walking SHOES and I GAITERS, of all qualities and descriptions ; j Boys’ and Children’s SHOES, orall kinds : | • Men's Plantation BROGANS, Bl’k and Russet: Women’s Leather, Goat and Morocco BOOTS { *uid BUSKINS, suitable for house servants’ wear. , Al! of which will be sold upon reasonable j terms, and warranted as good as represented. Call and see them, opposite the Adams Eixpress j Office, Broad street. Augusta, Ga. seplO ! SADDLES, HARNESS, &c. fallTtrade, 1858. _ ! albert’ hatch, 193 BROAD STREET, AUG US TA , GEORGIA , Manufacturer of and Dealer In SADDLES, Shoe anil Harness Leather, TRUNKS, VALJCES, TO I COLLARS. j LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER 1 BE XjiT’ir^rcs-; AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, OF ALL KINDS, I IS NOW FULLY PREPARED FOR THE FALL TRADE, j With a large and well assorted stock of GOODS, which he will sell at as few prices as they can be obtained at cay House in the South. | Thankful for the generous patronage extender j to him for the last Fifteen Years, ho res pectfully calls the attention of Merchants and Planters ! to an examination of his Goods before pure basing elsewhere. SADDLES, HARNESS, ftC,, 1 Manufactured to order, of tho best materials 1 and by the best workmen in the country, i septO 3m A. P. BEERS FOOT! General Commission Merchants, ATTG-USTA, UA-A rpiE UNDERSIGNED havo this day X entered into a Copartnership for the trans- I action of a GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS, ! iu this city. Their personal attention wiilbe given to sell ing consignments of Produce am! Manufactured I Articles, and also Buying and Selling all kinds oi j Produce and other Merchandise upon order?. One of the partners (Mr. Foster) will remain ! j in Tennessee, proj ared to fill orders for all kinds j | of Tennessee productions. A. P. BEERS, Augusta, Ga., HORACE FOSTER, Louisville, Tenn. i ' ocl-2m !”* FITZGERALD’S Fresli Norfolk Oysters,! mjy Pfr Adi. ins’ % Exi>ress Company. rpilE undersigned having established j JL himself here as Agent for the sale of HENRY i 1 FITZGERALD’S NORFOLK OYSTERS, packed at | | his celebrated Oyster Packing fetablisbment, j Norfolk, Va., would most respectfully inform I i the citizens of Augusta, H unburg, and surround- ! I ing country, that he will keep ou hand a con stant supply of tho above mentioned OYSTERS, which lor deiieacy of flavor, caunot be surpassed. I They may be had at CHAS. R CHJDD’S Ice House, Campbell street. Address Terms cash. R. L. MOSS, Agent. | Augusta, Georgia, j j All orders from the country must be aecom- j panied with the money. j N. B.—The same Oysters may be had at C. 1 j EMERY'S Augusta Ice House. oc9-2m Dawson & Skinner, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN i Family and iPlantation GROCERIES,: OFFER FOR SALE— 7 I 75 bales Gunny BAGGING t 300 coils ROPE; 180 bags Rio. Java and Mocha COFFEE ; 35 hhds. SUGAR ; 75 bbls. Clarified SUGAR, A. B and C ; 25 Crushed, Pow’rd and Loaf SUGAR ; 110 boxes TOBACCO, all qualities ; 300 CANDLES, Sperm, Patent aud Ad amantine, 4’s. 6’s and 12’s : 60 boxes STEAM CANDY ; 40 chests and caddies Fine and Common Green and B'ack TEAS : 2000 sacks SALT, twilled sacks : • S.CCO SEGARS, all qualities ; 300 kegs NAII.S, assorted sizes ; WHISKY, BRANDY, GIN, RUM. ALE, PORTER ; ‘ 75 boxes New CHEESE ; PEPPER, SPICES, i LEAD, SHOT, kc. sep29-3m 1 FOR SALE. ~ Forty shares in the granite VILLE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, of Five Hundred Dollars each. For terms, apply to the subscriber, at Grahamville, S. C. FRANCIS W. FICKLING, Executor ol B. Mcßride, , ocl-eodtf or E. TWEEDY, Augusta,Ga! NOTICE. TJNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, the rates , L; of Freight by the Propeller Lin-.- from New i n York, will be advanced to Jr AkjPWweit- , regular tariff rates—loc. ' per foot for general meas- o/M j urement gooda| 8t ts. per l foot for Hats, Boots and Shoes ; other Goods as per tariff rates. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN k CO. t sep29 Savauuab. Clothing. Fall and Winter CLOTHING, UNDER THE AUGUSTA HOTEL. (LIVTIIN & KKWtlli ARE NOW RECEIVING THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING Tho> liuvc ever offered in bis market, and respectfully invite their old customers aud the public generally, to call and examine their fashionable AND WELL-MADE GOODS, FOR MEN’S AND BOYS’ WEAR. They keep a full supply es SHIRTS -A_kt:d FURNISHING GOODS, —AI.SO— HATS AM) CAPS, OF THE I.A TEST STYLES. Clayton & Kennacly. «cp3-d3m New York and Savannah, 1 The A mcrica n A tlantie Screw Steamship Com pany's yew and Elegant Steamships , 111 N'TST ILLF. Capt. Rohkrt Hakdik. | MONTGOMERY Capt. Fred. Crocker, "\\TILL a weekly line between V Y Savannah aud New York, leaving each (port EVKKY SATURDAY, j These steamers, 1.000 tons each, have elegant accommodations for Passengers, and being of great strength and speed, shippers can relv on the greatest dispatch to Freight. For further particulars, applv to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN & CO., Savannah, Ga., or H. B. CROMWELL & CO.. sop 24 tAplO No. 131 Washington-st., N. V. all a board for Milledge City! THE subscribers bog leave to inform _A. the traveling public that they will run an extra line of FOUR HOR>K POST COACHES, during the next session of the legislature, be tween MADISON and EATONTON, iu connection w’ith all the Trains running on the Georgia Rail road. This route is the cheapest, shortest and quick est, as passengers taking the cars at Athens, Washington aud other places on the Georgia Railroad, will arrive at Milledgevillo the next morning at six o’clock. Passengers from Atlanta will t ike the Mail Trains. With fine stock, careful drivers, and good roads, wo hope to share a liberal patronage. J. W. & L. L. MOORE. | Stage Otfices-—Campbel.’s Hotel, Madison. oc2B-lm Eatonton Hotel. Eatontou. Christoper Brechsel, CABINET MAKER, AND TURNER IN IVORY WOOD, HAS Removed to 145 Broad street, one door below the City Hotel, where he j is now prepared to execute, promptly, and iu workmanlike manner, any orders he may be favored w ith in his line. ! BILLIARD and BAGGATELLE TABLES Manu j lactured, ami repaired so as to be as good as i new. j IVORY BALLS, turned to order, and new Bil ! hard Kills will be given in exchange tor old—an , assortment always kept on hand, j UPHOLSTERING.—He is prepared to do Up I steriug iu its various branches, at the lowest j prices, haviug in his employ the best of work i uaen. All lie asks Is a trial, being satisfied he I will give satisfaction. ' f&T H-; keeps constantly on hand BILLIARD j CLOTHS, POCKETS. GLUES, c. Gm octlo For Sale, fYNE of tiio tiucst CoiTuX PLANTA TIONS in Mississippi, containing 960 Acres. Also, some 36 or 40 SLAVES, . wth Stock, Tools. Mules, Corn aud Foil* '-hi i ier - This is aNo 1 place, and is miles from ; the Mill. It is healthy. and not a dollar has been j paid for medical aid during the year. The soci j ety is fine, and every inducement is offered to i any one desiring to plant on land which pro duces from 1 to 2 bales per acre. Th • owner does not live on the place, and if he does not sell, would form a partnership with any one who would put on from 15 to *2O hands more, and divide the crops. Apply at this offtec. ’ occ2-2m I CABINET MAKING THE UNDERSIGNED has removed to the buildiug lately known as the St. Charles I Restaurant, on Ellis st., to carry on the above business in all its branches. 1 Particular attention given to the REPAIRING ; OF FURNITURE and PACKING, etc. i I solicit a share of public patronage, j ‘Qtlfi ts WM SINGLETON. Light for the Million! | We have just received a supply of the Genuine Kerosine Oil, HAV NG made arrangements with the maun facturers by which we shall lie regularly | supplied, so that in future our customers can I have their orders promptly tilled. 0C23 dtf PLUMB 6i LEITNER LUTHER ROLL, Corner of Washington and Reynold Street HAS ON HAND a full assortment COACHES, RGCKAWaYS, top and No Tot BUGGIES, Pedlar and Road WAGONS. &c.; which will be sold extremely low* and on accommoda ting terms. ALSO—A full assortment of all kinds of matt rials used by Coach, Harnessaud Saddle Maker; SUCH AS &LES, SPRINGS, BOLTS, HUBS. FELLOW- , SPOKES, SHAFTS, SINGLETREES, BANDS,# MALEABLE CASTINGS, ENAMELLED LEATHER nd CLOTH, PATENT DASH and HARNESS LEATH ER, &c., &c. REPAIRING of Harness and Vehicles doa promptly and at low prices. Vehicles manufactured to order. jy22 twl « Fall and Winter Millinery, ' NOW OPEN. Mrs. M. L. Pritchard, Ag’t. OPPOSITE the Mechanics’ Bank, has returned from New York with a lull sup ply of FASHIONABLE BONNETS. Flower aD« Ribbon DRESS CAPS and HEAD DRESSES. —ALSO— A large assortment of Misses BONNETS an. HATS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS and RAGLANS. ocl*2m NUMBEB 575 ffiisttHancmts. lamily Grocery Store. Garwood & Russell to ihe dt new FAMILY cunruDv i l,av, ‘ opened a Planters’ Hotel TbtUr SwL'f s r trc t U ’ a,,nvo lh * lo the best advautaei \ s fres ’■ “nd bought GAR, COFFEF Includes SU RICK. MEAL, grits Bit mom, and the hundred uod on,- li Itlelt „ Bt 3 TEK J Dissolution. nPUK firm of HOLJUN, CURTIS A- 1 n .be name and style of HOLMAN STUKwVwho geor<;e y ccßris! Aeg D ,-ta, Sept. 29th, 18SS. M CopartnerSij,, Notice. T Hfc undersigned have this day form ■lor tie name FRANOISIIOLMAN Augusta, Sept. 29th, 1858. M ’ TCRm - A C.’artl. LTAVINO disposed of iny entire i«- ifFit .‘vciSHOIJIAV 1 Ut^SS Ay ’ C ' RT,s * Co -. tnL-rt»i“ HOLMAN and JESSE M. TL’RPIK I ‘»™ U ‘ Cm 10 "** * Augusta, Sept. 29th, SLAVE TRADE H.e-Opene<i» Oro I I I l NDK ! I) NEGROES WANT* siipSTSs - Jc23 HECKLES WILSON. UNPRECEDENTED INDUCEMENTS! <■'}.*& T r a d ' I cou ß ,®K Va “ y StoCk oiVKm CLBB Carriages, Roekaways prices* AS LOW aa clliV" bougblfn auy ‘Cthitri cuy. Being constantly In tbe “ L*S,r^ef r 10 ,ho i«m££SS£s In addition to the ahovo t i hjud a number of Vehicles of nty Itlv I also warrant all wort that leaves my store. Miss i . e. stevvartT' MILLINER, UNDER PLANTERS ’ HOTEL, TTAS returned from New York and " ber customer a wl ls millinery goods. Drugs, Drugs. ON CAMP having tills (her purchased the DRUG STORE of c'nbnucG PP r SitCl! ‘ e Bank c. nttauo the business under tbe (irm of *" Augusta, Ga., October VOS "»• H'f'l)Vv.s°r d nn, P Business to lmt "P at a “-r (lcl ' dam I'RF.II. VON'.CAMP. Tree T A fe Insurance. HE AUGUSTA INSURANCE AND BANJUNG COMPANY are d.oM,S ““J rcmiums Policies of e“ Saves, either for one, dve or ten r»n o’ iorm - 1 01 application and tables of rates free es charge™ “““ ° r 0,6 Co “P“F C. r. liocor^rf™ 0, Fr 3S? t - CO- $65,000!^ WAS DRAWN IN SWAN & CO.’S Sparta Academy Lottery, T DAILY DRAWING. ICKETB IN ALL OF THE DAILT SCHEMES, also in tbe Saturday $70,000 seneme, c-n be had at my office on Washingtoa street, one door from Broad street. Office hours trom 6 A. M. to 9 P. U. m . v6 -t< C. A. LATHROP, Agent. BATH PAPER MULLS WRAPPING PAPER ASSORTED SIZES AND QUALITIES Just received from the Mills and for sale low for cash A discount of fifteen ]»er cent o per sons taking Ten Reams at a time. Store room on Reynolds-street, In of CUv Bank. apß-tf GEO. W WINTER. FOR CLEAN LINEN AND COTTON RAGS, (packed in bales,) Cash will he Paid, at the office of iiATti PAPER MILLS, on Reynolds street, between Jackson and Mclntosh, Augusta, Georgia. my 3 Cash Paid for OLD ROPE AND DIGGING For hemp bagging and rope, 2% cents per !l> ; 9 For GUNNY BAGGING, 1 % cents per lb : “ GRASS ROPE. 1 “ « ’ At BATH PAPER MILES OFFICE, i)u Rcynold-street, between Jackson aud Me* In tosh. apl4 Rose Cottage Nursery (■□roßx.m’s.) WM. F. SMITH anuoun cos that he has just receiv >*d a large addition to his usual variety, to be found at his N ureer yj#J«iH>sx »nd is prepared to furnish Fruit ind Ornamental TREES, FLOWER M W ING. SHRUBS, Roses, Bulbus Roots, and a arge quantity or well-rooted Boxwood. He res •• cifully invites the public, and the ladies in particular, to give ban a call. octls-tf