Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, December 03, 1858, Image 2

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    dr betting
Falday Kvenlii*. Dec. 3,X835.
~ One Good Muiare Proponed.
We stated in our paper of day before
yesterday our conviction that the sale
of Brownlow and Pryne’s discussion
ought to be suppressed in the South,as an
incendiary document. Wo a?e pleased
to observe that a bill has been intro
duced into the Legislature to effect that
object. We believe its passage will
subserve the best interests of the com
monwealth. It will at least prevent
the disputants from putting mouey in
their purses from the curiosity to see
the blackguardism of the one, or the
fanaticism of the other. Every man who
buys the hook should remember that
he is directly encouraging Pryne in his
hostilty to the South and giving him
the means of carrying ou his crusade
against our institutions. We hope the
bill will pass.
Georgia Female College.
The nineteenth session of this insti
tution. will commence on Monday Jan
uary 10th. This is one of the oldest
Female Colleges iu the State,and is in a
flourishing condition. It has a large
an efficient faculty, with George Y.
Browne at the head, as President, who
has a very high reputation as a success
ful teacher of girls. To secure pupils
against unpleasant distinctions, and to
prevent extravagance, a uniform has
been adopted for public occasions, an
arrangement which in our opinion com
mends itself to all our institutions of
learning for females. Madison is a
healthy and delightful town, with a cul
tivated population and we know of no
place better adapted for an educational
la Hayti.
In a recent letter from Hayti, it is re
lated that the Emperor Souloque, well
known for his love of finery, and for
his imitation of French manners, has
attempted to establish an Academy up
on the plan of the French Academy.—
He gave for subject to several candi
dates the word citron. The majority
wrote it with an s, some few only with a
c. Called upon to judge, the Emperor
wrote it with ah x (xitron) and was pro
claimed with enthusiasm member and
president of the Academy of Hayti.
Prof. Hughes anil the Ocean Cable.
The New York Express learns from
a private source that the Australian ca
ble has been worked through by Pro
fessor Hughes’ instruments at the ave
rage rate of 20 to 25 words per minute,
•while submerged in tanks prepared for
its reception. The cable between Mal
ta and Corft, only twenty five miles
longer than the Australian cable, is on
ly worked by the Morse system at the
rates of four words per minute.
The London Times refers to ihe state
ment of Professor Hughes that he is
confident of being able even now to
signal through the Atlantic cable, and
anxious to conduct all experiments up
on the wire at his own expense. TheJlmcs
condemns the perverse neglect of the
company to avail itself of the proposi
tiou of Professor Hughes, and hopes
that in fairness and duty to the share
holders, it will accept a liberal proposal,
which, no matter how it results, can do
them or their cable no manner of inju
ry, but, on the other hand, may possi
blv be of immense benefit
Walkers Departure tor Nicara
oca.— lt is pretty generally believed at
Washington that Walker has really
left the United States with five hun
dred men for Nicaragua. It is supposed
the parly put to sea within the last day
or two, and as the point of intended de
parture was not suspected, it is thought
hardly possible that theycan be intercep
ted except it be when they approach the
coast of Nicaragua. The excitement
growing out of the interference of the
Mobile party, was designed to be avail
ed of to cover the more important move
ment elsewhere.
Printing Addresses on Envelopes.—
F. A. McDonald, of Cincinnati, offdrs
SIO,OOO for a machine that will print
addresses on newspapers and other doc
uments after they have been enveloped.
The Vicksburg Whig says that a distin
guished citizen of that place has perfec
ted an invention which he thinks will
print the names on newspapers before
they are enveloped at the rate of two
hundred a minute, or faster.
France nud African Emigrants.
The French Government, it is said,
has received accounts from the coast of
Africa, announcing that Mr. Roberts,
the President of the Republic of Libe
ria, who showed himself so hostile to
the French, in the affair of the Regina
Coeli, has not been re-elected. It ap
pears further that the States of Liberia
and Cape Monte —seventeen negro
kings, nine chieftains, thirty six towns,
and the sovereigns of Dahomey and
Benin—have consented, in future, to
the system es free emigration, as regu
larly organized by the French Govern
The Telegraph lo Colon
The long talked-of project of estab
lishing telegraphic communication be
tween the United States and Cuba is,
according to. the Washington Star,
about to be carried into effect. C. C."
Walden, Esq., late Deputy Collector at
New York, Superintendantin thiscoun
try of the Cuban Telegraph Company,
has received instructions from Havana
to commence the construction of the
route between Savannah and Fernan
diua, and Messrs. Mora Brothers and
Favaro have placed the neeessary funds
at his disposal.
The Key West Key of the Gulf learns
from Havana that the application to
the Spanish Court for permission to run
the sub-marine cable from that city to
Key West, has been granted by her
Catholic Majesty, solely upon the con
dition that both ends of the cable are
to be under Spanish control ; and, if
otherwise, the application is to be con-1
; sidered rejected.
If this be true, it will not be a source
s of regret if it proves as unsuccessful:
• as its Atlantic cousin has done.
.«. —-
Messrs. Tyler & Pierce, late
keepers of the Commercial Hotel, Mem
phis, absconded on Monday last, on the I
steamer Eclipse. It is thought they;
; took a large amount of money with
. them, as they owed heavily about town, I
: and have been doing a heavy business, j
So their creditors were totally Eclipsal.
’ Col. AV. 11. Harper died in Co
lumbus this week, of chronic diarrhoea.
—- -
i £5” Mr. JonN W. Ray, a venerable and l
> esteemed citizen, died in Montgomery,
i Ala., on Tuesday morning, aged sixty- 1
seven years.
r ' —•**
CrMr. Geo. W. Lawson, a printer,
died in Maryville, East Tennessee, a few
, days since, from the effects of wounds re
[ coivedby a fall i rom his horse.
— ——
Milleclgevllle Correspondence.
|k Thl tt'i-AV, Dec. 2nd, 1858.
Senate ihe Senate (net on yesterday
and passed a great many local
One to change the times of the
ot the Superior Courts of the
■le Circuit, and also another to al
Kusta to have the privilege of 40 ad
members exempted from Jury Du
be of some interest to your
He Senate met this morning and
called to older by the chair at 9 1-2
W Mr. Johnson of Fayette (now of Clay-
ton) said that some question had been
raised as to his right to ids seat as Sena
. tor from Fayette, as the bill organizing
l a new county from Fayette and Henry,
1 had cut him off into tha county of Hen
1 ry, he wished the chair to decide the
s point as he disliked to vote here when
- such questions had been raised. The
chair decided that he was entitled to his
The next business was the continua
i tion of the consideration of the lesolu
i tions under consideration on yesterday
r introduced by Mr. Cooper of Seriven re
questing Judges McDonald and Ben
ning to resign.
1 The resolutions were warmly discuss
ed, by Messrs. Whitaker, Harris, of Me
riwether, Tucker of Stewart, iu the ne
gative, and Mr. Cooper of Seriven, in
, the affirm ative. On motion of Mr. Col
quitt, of Muscogee the resolutions were
laid on the table for the balance of the
' session—yeas 07, nays 45.
i, Toallow persons wliomay have slaves,
who may escape and go into Massachu
setts, or into any other State,s who may
' have passed laws repealing the Fugitive
« Slave Law, to collect the full value of
i- said slaves by serving a writ of garuish
ment on any person in this State, who
may owe any sum or sums to any citi
zens of said Creditor until the said mas
- ter may collect the full amount of the
s value of his slaves.
i, The bill was lost by Ayes 46, Nays
i 54. and the hill was postponed until
4th July.
The Senate then adjourned until 3
5 o'clock, P. M.
- Three O'clock, P. M.—The Senate
met and took up the consideration of
4 the
Tocompell the banks of this State to
■ make their returns, and for other pur
-1 poses.
A great many amendments were of
. sered and agreed to.
The consideration of the bill were
postponed until Saturday next. The
Senate then adjourned.
House. —The Journal having been
t read, Mr. Westmoreland, of Fulton,
, moved to reconsider the Educational
bill, which motion, after some diseus
. sion, was lost.
W e promised on yesterday to get the
1 | provisions of the Educational Bill—w#
| ascertain it is as follows :
t Ist It sets apart 3200,000 of the nett
earnings of the Western & Atlantic Rail
road, for the purpose or cancelling the
3 public debt of the State,
t 2d. To add the remainder of the
; nett proceeds to the Poor School Fund,
to devidc it between the different coun
ties ; to be an education fund, each
county to dispose of it as they may
3d. The pro rata is to he according to
the number of poor children returned
; between the ages of eight and eighteen.
t The special order for to day, was to
alter the Ist section of the 3d article of
the Constitution (the Supreme Court to
sit at the Capitol, and there shall be but
- one Judicial Circuit.) This bill was lost
. once and reconsidered. The bill was
I amended by saying to sit at one place,
such plrce as may hereafter be deter
e mined tiy law. The bill wae laid on the
o table till after tile other Supreme Court
bills shall be determined. Various coin
mittessmade repoits.
I. £° iu the construction of the
Eiljay Railroad Compauy.
A motion to dispense with the reading
’ of the bill was agreed to. The ayes
uni! nays were called on the passage of
o the hill—the bill was lost. Ayes 49
a nays 97. ’
A bill to render certain the compen
sation of teachers of poor children, re
a lutes to a good many counties—passed, j
o To appropriate money to the Medical I
i. College of Georgia. Upon the call for
} the yeas and nays, Messrs. Underwood.
Milledge, Diamond, Walker, of Henry,
Curenton and Wilkes, spoke in favor of
‘ the bill, which was opposed by Messrs,
i Taliaferro. Whitfield and Findley. The!
hill was passed. Ayes 81, nays 58.
To provide for the erection of a new I
penitentiary at its presenter some morel
eligible sight. Commissioners to be j
appointed by the Governor; the bill was!
amendftl, and a substitute was offered
by Mr. Irwin, of Wilkes, providing for
an appropriation of $50,000, to- repair
the Penitentiary at its present site, the
labor to be performed by the convicts
Mr. Keenan moved to strikeout 350,000;
and insert 330,000, which was agreed to. j
The yeas are are 82 and nays 66.
' After the adoptiou of the substitute,
came the question of the passage of the 1
bill, when it was lost. 1
The next bill was, to ensure the,
speedy collection of money due on exe
cution—laid on the table for the session.
The third reading of bills continued.
To make uniform the decisions of
the Supreme Court, and provide against
a reversal of the same—laid on the ta
ble for the present.
To provide for a board of visitors to
Franklin College, and to provide for
their compensation—passed,
j To aid in the construction of the Sa
: vaunali, Griffin, North Alabama Rail
j Road Company. With unanimous con
! sent of the House the hill was withdrawn
; by the introducer.
On motion a seat on the floor was
I tendered Dr. Lewis.
To repeal certain portions of an act to
render certain the compensation ot
teachers of poor children—lost.
To aid in the construction of the Geor
j gia Air Line Railroad. An abortive de
bate came up on this bill. In the woids
l of a member who sits near me, it would
take power equal to that capable of a
resurrection to drag up a Railroad bill
in the House this session. On a motion
to lay on the table for the balance of
the Session—the Ayes were 79, Nays 54.
To lay out a new county from the |
Counties of Hall, Habersham, Franklin, j
I and Jackson. _ _ '
To change certain County lines in j
j South Western Georgia—referred to Ju
diciary Committee.
j A motion was made to adjourn to
meet at early candle light.
United States Senator in South Caro
line—The following is the result of ihe
two ballotings for Senator, held Wed
nesday :
Seventh Ballot.—J. H. Adams 47; J.
L. Manning 42 ; L. M. Keitt 30 ; J. Mc-
Queen 29 ; Meuiminger 1 ; Ferry 2.
Eighth Ballot.—J. H. Adams 47 ; J.
L. Manning 62 ; L. M. Keitt 49 ; J. Mc-
Queen 21 : J. P. Carroll 5 ; T. J. With
ers 2 ; C. G. Memminger 2 ; J. B. O’Neal
1 ; R. B. Rhett 1 ; Blank 1.
A Boy’s Tongue Fastened to n Lninp
His father Cuts it Away. —Oil Saturday
morning, a little fellow, about eight
years old, a son of Mr. Gillear, booksel
seller, while playing with some other
boys on North street, approached a
lamp post and carelessly applied his
tongue to a gray frosted surface, when
iu an instant, to the hoy’s own horror
and utter astonishment of his playmates
he was held fast by his tongue to the
post, suffering very severe pain, and to
tally unable to help or extricate him
self. Os course the boy could not speak,
and could only manifest his feelings '.by
signs with his hands. Various applica
tons of warm tea, steam, &c., were
made by some neighbors, who heard
the (unusual noise made by the other
boys, and came to learn what was the
matter, but of no avail—such was the
action of the cold iron that the hold
was even getting tighter. When after
about ten minutes had elapsed the boys
father heard of the affair, and hastening
to his relief he took a knife and was
obliged to cut the tongue, loose, leav
ing its skin still fast to the post, and
causing the bloorl to flow veiy profuse
ly. Immediately on his release the
poor little fellow became insensible,and
was taken home. —London (C. IF.) Press ,
A New El Dorado.—The Santa Fe
' (N. M.) Gazette, says: “Major Stein
> lately from Sonora, expresses the opin
■ ion that Sonora is more prolific of gold
■ and silver than California, and if a Ter
-1 ritory of the United States,would yield
ten million dollars annually. He says
lie has seen single lumps of gold taken
from the mines there, worth from $3,-
000 to 55,000. He likewise informed
; us, that he had seen a ‘cord of silver' in
bars, and all mined without machine
Belgium.—The King’s speech at the
opening {of the legislature was very
congratulatory as to the affairs of the
country. The National Treasury was
in a satisfactory state, and exhibited a
surplus. Among the the measures of
reform promised is a law securing a
more efficacious copyright in literary
and artistic works, and a move towards
establishing additional primary schools.
: —
Mexico Borrowing Monet. —The
Washington Star says that a Mr. Ma
guan has arrived in that city with full
powers, it is said, from President Juarez
to negotiate a loan of from five to ten
millions of dollars, fur the payment of
which Sonora lands are to be pledged.
Senor Mata is said to be authorized to
ratify the contracts entered into by
Maguan; and it is expected that the
latter will shortly he recognized by the
Administration as the Minister from
Mexico to this Government.
An Unpleasant Bedfellow. — A boy
once complained of his brother for ta
king half the bed. “And why not?”
said his mother : “he’s entitled to half,
aint he?” “Yes, ma'am,” said the
boy ; “but how should you like to have'
him take out all tlie soft for his half?!
He will have his half our of the mid- j
die, and I have to sleep on both sides of j
Knoxville Judicial Circuit. —At an
election held in this Judicial Circuit on
the 25th ult., to elect a Judge to fill the
vacancy occasioned by the death of
Judge Welcker, George Browu, Esq., of
Monroe county, was elected by some
two hundred majority over his highest
Balmoral Skirts and Skating. —The
“Balmoral” skirts are going to be worn
by tbe skating women this winter. For
warmth and beauty they taken the lead
of the red petticoat. You will see some
circles cut on various ponds this winter
in the Balmoral. We have a bevy of
i demoiselles who are more expert than
: anything out of the metropolis. —Hew
Bedford Mercury.
“Mother,” said a little boy, “I’m
tired of this pug-nose ; its growing
j pugger and pugger every day.”
: ■ ~~r
Rosendale Cement,
Fresh Rosendale Cement,
'i For sale by AP. BEERS t 00., j
Commission Merchants;
United Slates Senator Selected |r
Columbia, S. C., Dec. 2.—C01. James
C'hesnut Jr., of Keishaw district, was c
; to-day, on the tenth ballot, elected Uni
; ted States Senator.
Virginia Democratic Convention*
Petersbubo, Va., Deo. 2.—The dem- (
I ocratic State convention met to-day, 0
' permanently organized. No nomina- |
' tions have yet been made.
Departure of President Pat 7..
New York, Dec. 2.—President Paez t
departed for Venezula to-day. A grand i ‘
military and civic demonstration was ‘
1 made on the occasion of his departure. '
Secretary Cobb’s Reported Ketlgun- -
, TVasaingtox, Dec. 2.—There is not ai !
word of truth in the reported intention i,
of Mr. Cobh to retire from tim cabinet. ]
Tlie President’* Message.
Washikgtox, Dec. 2.—The President '
Message will not be sent in advance i (
i further South than llichmond, nor (
further North than New York. <
Setv Orleans and tdvcrpool Sltlp Dost.
Boston, Dec. 2.—By an arrival at this i
port, it is reported that the ship Alice :’
Monroe from Liverpool for New Orleans ',
has been lost. \,
Charleston, Dec. 2.—Sales of Cotton it
, to-day 2,200 bales, and during the week j <
' 11,000. The market closes 18 to 1-4 s
| advance on the better qualities. Mid- j
; ; dliug fair 11 7-8 cent,
j New York, Dec. 2.—Sales of Cotton
i j 1,000 bales. The market is quiet with
a declining tendency. Sales of Flour ■
113,000 barrels, at advancing prices.— •
'j Wheat firm, sales 21,000 bushels.— '
j Spirits of Turpentine firm, at 48 1-2 aj,
i4O cent’ • firm. Rice steady.
Magnificently Illustrated London and American
Woiks, of the Fine and Useful Arts, aud splendid ,
Standard Library Books, in all the various de- 1
partments of Literature, to be sold at Auction,
• THIS EVENING, at early Gas-Light.
| Indies aud Gentlemen are respectfully invited f
to call and examine them during the day.
TERMS CASH. Purchasers to pay for and take
, away their Books the day following each gale y
1 Circus and Menagerie,
Combined with the Exhibition of the
; Sands, Nathans & Co.’s
Antony and Cleopatra,
This unique and mammoth establishment com- i
3 biues a greater number cf attractions than were i
j ever before offered to tlie public- THE PER- |
FORMING ELEPHANTS. Antony aud Cleopatra. ;
• are tlie same which, for months, created the t
1 greatest furore in London and Paris, while more ;
- recently their performances were the theme of
i universal admiration for months, at the Eroad
way Theatre, New York. Their wonderful do- ■
• cilily, and the perfection of their t aicing, make
i them the most Interesting specimens of the uni 1
. mal creation that the world lias ever saw. All
i their faculties, have been developed to the great
est extent, and they stand forth sn okskhis the {
i most remarkable of their kind. They stand up- 1
on their heads, play upon Musical Instruments '
Ascend inclined Planes, and go through all the '
operations, of the most acc mplished acrobats
In addition, Bailey k Co’s Circus aud Me ■
nagerie comprises a splendid collection of WILD 1
ANIMALS, including Lions, Tigers, itears, I*o- 1
pards, Hyenas, Panthers, Ostriches, Ac., besides
a large and varied collection of the Monkev Tn
be, and a rare aviary of the most beautiful* pro
pica 1 Birds. 1
The troupe of Riders, Vaultcrs, Lady Eques- 1
trienues, &c., is the largest aud most thorough I
ly artistic now travelling in the U. States and
comprises the following distinguished names:
Mine. LOUISE RUBOI3, from the Cirque Pari
sian. <
Mr. R SMITH, the great Principal Rider.
Mr. E. W . PERRY, the best four Hor.-o Rider
in the world.
Mr. K. STEPHENS, the wonderful Protean
LA BELLE ISABELLA, the Sylph of the Cir
‘ cle.
' Mr. R. SMITH, the Great Buffo Singer. I
HAZLET & BEDEAU, the world-renowned
. Contortionists.
1 uOIIN MULLIGAN, the Comic Negro Delinea
-1 HORNE At DONALDSON, tho thoroughly ac
i complwhed Gymnasts, besides a large corps of
{ Auxiliards and Vaultcrs. A
P the very embodiment of fun and jocularity.— s
[ Their jokes are numerous, fresh, spicy and
f piquant, full of hists at the times and follies of
} the day, yot outirely free from anything which t:
t the most delicately constituted mind could take L '
I the slightest exception to. Psiilev At Co’ s Ex
| bibition therefore eomprizes Elegant Horseman
ship. A splendid Menagerie. Slack R* pc Per
31 romance. New Singing. Comic and Classic 0
1 I) neiag. wonderful Posturing.—Grand Spec b
t . j tacular Effects, tharacter Equestrianism, and
i 1 a more novel and interesting programme than
was ever before offered to tin* public. Each
i entertainment will conclude with a Comic As tv- 2
r introducing all the comic talent in the h
f company.
Tho American Brass Band composed of pick
-1 ed 41 usiciaus,accompanies the exhibition aud will I
precede the Graud Cavalcade on its entrance to I
each town, drawn by Elephants in Harness, at- *
tached to the magnificent Chariot of Apollo,
i The Pavillion is large and commodious, fitted «
,; U P due regard to the comfort and conve- I
• mence ol the visitors, aud the Proprietors pledge
themselves that nothirg shall bo found wanting
• [ *° uiake this the most elegant, beautiful and sat
isfactory exhibition that ever vteited'tbig place- I
; The Grand Entr»?e into tho town will take place I
j on TUESDAY, the 7th Dec., at 10 o’clock.
Doors open at 2 and 7 o’clock ; Perform- _
aDces commence at 2>£ and 7>£ o’clock. }
Admission 60 cents ; Children and Ser
i vants half-price. (
Will exhibit at Augusta TUESDAY, WEDNES- V
j DAY and THURSDAY, Dec. 7th, Bth and 9th. F
nov3O-0 T. F. TAYLOR, Agent.
Special EutiffS.
For Savannah.—The Iron
Company’s steamer AUGUSTA,
will leaveas above with despatch
For freight engagements, apply to
dcc3 4 J. B. GUIEU, Agent.
Grease Up.—Patent
Gi-ense, the l>est article known Tor lubricating
all kinds of MACHINERY, WAGONS, Ac. Just
received, in 25, 50,130 and 300 pound packages.
For sale low, by SPEARS A RIGHT,
nov2o-dtt' Wholesale Druggists.
JST Gentlemen wishing to
obtain good DAY BOARD, in a private family,
can be accommodated by calling at the dwelling
opposite tho Augusta Free School. nov23-lm*
ft ii Dancing Academy.
ft Prof. J. ¥. Biggs/3,:
Respectfully announces that his Second Course
of Lessons in Danci 1 g, will commence on WED
NESDAY, November 24th, at three o’clock, for
Ladies, Misses aud Masters ; .and at 8 o’clock P.
M., for Gentlemen. nov22-tf 1
jsTlVc are authorized to I
announce the Hon. THOMAS W. THOMAS as a |
j candidate for the office of Judge of the Superior j
Courts of the Northern Circuit, at the ensuing j
election in January next. sepJG* j
gl?” A Card. —Ever grateful for the
generous patronage already conferred, the sub-
I scriber would again advertise that he w.ll con
| BUSINESS, in all its branches, at his well known i
I old stand, corner Mclntosh and Reynolds-streets,
■ where he will be pleased to receive -a contiuua
[ tion of his former patronage, pledging himself to
! employ every reasonable means to give cEtire
satisfaction. Consignments solicited and orders
promptly Sited. M. W. WOODRUFF,
Forwarding and G n’l Com’sn Merchant,
Corner Mclntosh and Reynolds-streets,
oel-lf Augusta, Ga.
Jlgf" ToiliC.— From Col. Albert Pike ,
M. C. , from Arkansas —Washington,D.C.,
Juno 111 1856 —‘l have used two botUr* Cf ydnr
Bcerhavk’s Hoilaxd BvtTfJss, and have found it
very useful in cases of Indigestion and Head
ache, and recommend it to all who need a pleas l
ai\t and efficacious remedy and valuable tonic.
j Dyspeptic Women- Notice.—Boerhave’s Hoi
j land Bitters has cured me of Dyspepsia by using
it only one week. I recommend it confidently;
to all suffering from this .disease.
Pittsburg, Oct. 24, 1866. decidewl.
[Mrs. S. is the wife of tho noted Lithographer.} !
(g”Dr. Thayer -would In
form his friends and the citizens of Augusta, ;
that he has returned, ami will now be happy to i
wait upon all who may desire his services.
Office-and residence in Turpin’s Block. Broad \
street, Augusta. Ga. nov4-tf
Dr. M. J. Jones has re
moved his office from Mclntosh-street, to a room ]
over Hollingsworth & Baldwin's store, on Broad j
street, three doors above the Union Bank, where !
he may be found during the day, and at night at j
the U. S. Hotel. Jy2l-dom
'jgT'JYiedical Students, in
search of GOOD CLOTHING, can ha well saito I
bj calling at J. M. NEWBY fc CO.’S,
L'ucler U. S. Hotel.
They also keep beat styles of SHIRTS, DRAW
ERS, GLOVES, Sc. novl-tf
JSf Wanted. —To hire eight or ten
ahle-bodie I MEN,to work on the WAYNESBORO
RAILROAD. Wages. Twelve Dollars and a Half
par month, Enquire of A. Yengo, Superintend
ent. “ octit)
For Fifty Cents 3
Post-Office Corner,
Autguista, G-oo:rgia.
TTrM. H. CHALMERS, the well
VV known and. successful AMBROTYPIST, is
prepared to furni-h pictures in the same superb
and life-like style, that was so much admired
last season, for the low price of FIFTY CENTS
and upwards, according to tin* size and style of
case. All Pictures HANDSOMELY COLORED by
an experienced Artist, end warranted not to fade.
The Gallery having a MAMMOTH BKY LIGHT
and SIDE LIGHT combined, together with that
wonderful instrument, the quick-working
Pictures of adults can be taken as Well in cloudy
as in clear weather. The public are respectfully
invited to oil and examine the many specimens
&e., which adorn the walls of this extensive
Having secured the services of efficient OPE
RATORS, patrons will not bo unnecessarily de
Entrance to the Gallery , one door above the
Post Office. nov3o-lm
25 hhds. Clear Tennessee SIDES ;
15 SHOULDERS. Just received by
dec2 ESTES. & CLARK.
5 tiorces choice Canvassed HAMS, for sale
Mow, by dec2 ESTES & CLARK.
Watch Found.
ON MONDAY LAST, near the Geor
gia Railroad Depot, a SILVER WATCH,
which the owner can have by callitg on the un
dersigned. at the said Depot, proving property,
aud paving for thi3 advertisement.
Spectacles, Spectacles,
Watch. Clock, and Jewelry Store, near the Ix>w- !
oc2B-tf er Market.
Wholesale and Retail
The undersigned lakes pleasure to inform
his friends, and the publje generally,
that ho has re-opened h»s
At his old stand, (opposite the Bridge Bank Build
ing), where he is again prepared to furnish, at
short notice and moderate terms,
Os every description, for
Parties, Weddings, &c.,
Os the latest Parisian style, not easily surpassed
by any Establishment Also, (during the winter
season only), the most celebrated
EM'REMET 8, (Side Dlxlics),
As prepared for the Festivities at the Courts of j
oc2l-3m X» P« GIRARDEY. i
Extra Heavy Seed Oats,
Direct from Canada, for sale by us. Call
aud see them. Also, 500 bushels
decl-dlm CARMICHAEL & CO. j
Whisky, on Consignment
SEVENTY-FIVE barrels ‘Dean's’’
For sale low, by _ „
Special Notices.
! g”Curcof Diseased Liver.
—Hosksdal. Co., I'tnn., Jun. IP. 1860 Mr. ■
?F.TH \T. Fowle—Sir : YS'J are at liberty to '.use j
the following statement for lie benefit o! the »f-
Li /wa9 attacked with the Liver Comp.aint,
which apparently brought me to the brink ol
the grave. During my sickness I was attended
by three physicians in our place, but received .
no help. I also tried tbo various remedies re
commended for such complaints, but they af
fronted me no relief. As a last resort, I "as
persuaded to try WUtar'i Baliam of IfiW ;
Cherry, and by using four bottle? 1 was restored j
to better health than I have enjoyed before for |
. ten years. This statement may be relied upon j
as strictly true. Brassy Perkin.
The above certificate was given in the pre- |
-enco of IV, A. Strong, o! llonesdale. who is well ,
known in his vicinity as asucce-sful practitioner. .
SKTit W. Fowls At Co.. 138 Washington-street, !
Boston. Propr etors. Sold by their Aeenl- ;
everywhere. m - |
gSTTUe Great English
Remedy—Sir James Ciarke’s CELEBRATED
! FEMALE I’ILLS. Prepared from a prescription
of Sir J. Clarke, Ml D., Physician Extraordinary
. o the Queen. ,
This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the
| cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases
to which the female constitution is subject. It
: moderate? all excess and removes all obstruc
tions, and a speedy cure may be reded on.
fOMAKRI ED LADIES it is peculiarly suited.
' It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly
period with regularity. . n
; Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Gev
• ernment Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent
1 counterfeits. , . _ ,
, These Pills hould not be females
Earing the first three months of Pregnancy, as
> Jhey are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any
• other time the> are safe. .
: In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections.
Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight
exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hvstencs and
Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all
other means have failed, and although a power
ful remedy. u not contain iron, calomel, anti
mony, or anything hurtful to the coßStitutiop.
1 ! Fuji dir^V.' v r. a *’ pSlflpElet around each
‘ j package, which shouid be carefully preserved.
1 : Sole Agent for th United States audCanada,
' i JOB MOSES. (late I. C. Baldwin &Co.)
- ! Rochester, New York.
N. B. One Dollar and six Postage Stamps en
closed to any authorized Agent, will insure a
• bottle containing over fifty pills, by return mail
’ Wholesale and retail Agents for the State o
Georgia. febl -y
HPT lie Great P roMem
! DIAL.—The dyspeptic patient, whose stomach
has lost the power of duly converting food into a
‘ j life-sustaining element, is relieved by a single
1 j course of this extraordinary tonic. The gastric
’ j fluid re acquires its solvent power, and the crude
( j nutriment, which was a load and a burthen to J
the sufferer, while his digestive organization was
paralyzed and unstrung, becomes, under Hie
, | wholesome revolution created in the system, the
! basis of activity, strength and health. »
The nervous sufferer, while torroectcu by the
acute, physical agony of Neuralgia, Tie-doloreux (
! or ordinary headache, afflicted with vague ter
rors, wakened by periodical fits, threatened with
paralysis, home down and dispirited by tluit
terrible lassitude which proceeds* from a lack ol j
nervous energy, or experiencing any other pajn i
or disability arising from the unnatural condition
of the wonderful machinery which connects ev
• ery member with the source of sensation, mo
tion and thought—derives immediate benefit
from the use of this Cordial, which at once calms,
1 ! invigorates and regulates the shattered nervous
>! organization.
1 * Females who have tried it are unanimous id
. ! declaring the Elixir to be the greatest boon that
! woman has ever received from the ha- ds ol
, medical men. .
i Morse’s Invigorating Elixir bas a direct, im
j mediate and astonishing effect upon the appetite
i < While it renews the strength of the digestive
j powers it creates a dCßire for the solid material
which is to be subjected to their action. As an
! appetiser it has no equal in the Pharmacopia.
| If long lile and the vigor necessary to its en
i jovment are desirable, this medicine is indeed of
! precious worth
i Its beneficial effects are not c nnr.ed to either
1 sex or to any age. The feeble girl! the ailing
i wife, the listless, enervated youth, the overworn
! i man of business, the victim of nervous depres
sion, the individual suffering from general de
1 bility or from the weakness ol a single organ
M willall find immediate auod permanent relief from
! | the use of this incomparable rcu *va:or. To
. those who have a predisposition to paralysis it
■ will proven complete and unfailing safe guard
1 i against that terrible m iiady. There are many
j perhaps who have so trifled with their constitu
, tion that they think themselves beyond the reach
I'of medicine. Let not even those despair. The
r j Elixir deals with-disease as it exists, without re
5 :erence to the causes, and will not only remove
• | the disorder itself, but rebuild the broken con
' j stitution
LOSS OF MEMORY, confusion, giddiness, rush
! of blood to the head, melancholy, mental debil
i ity, hysteria, wretchedness, thoughts of self-de
' scructiou, fear of insanity, hypochondriasis, dys
pepsia, general prostration, irritability, nervous
ness, inability to sleep, distaste incident to fe
males, decay of the propagating functions, hys
teria, monomania, vague terrors, palpitation of
the heart, impotency, constipation, etc., from
whatever cause arising, it is, if there is any reli
ance to be placedon human testimony,absolute
-3 j ly inrainmc.
CAUTION.—Dr. Morse’s Invigorating Cordial
| has been counterfeited by some unprincipled
| persons. In future, all the genuine Cordial will
j have the proprietor's sac simile pasted over the
! cork of each bottle, and the following words
- blown in glass : Dr. Morse’s Invigorating Cor
• , dial, C. H. RING, proprietor, N. Y.
This cordial is put up highly concentrated in
print bottles : $3 per bottle ; two lor $5 ; six so
sl2. C H. RING, proprietor, 192 Broadway, N ;
i York. Sold by Druggists throughout the United :
i i States. Canadas and the West Indies. Also, by l
j LEITNER, Augusta. febl9-3m
' j HP Blindness Cured.—For re-;
: al worth, Wood’s Hair Restorative is undoubt- j
j edly the best preparation now in use, for restor- f
! ing hair on bald heads, changing grey hair to its i
• original color, and as a cosmetic or cure for pim
! pies, it is fast taking the place of ether prepara
| tions. No toilet now a days is complete with-
I out it.
i Caution.—Beware of worthless imitations, as
several are already in the market, called by riif*
ferent names. Use none unless the words (Pro
fessor Wood’s Hair Restorative, Depot St Louis,
Mo., and New York), are blown in the bottle:
Sold by all Druggists ahd Patent Medicine deal
ers ; also by all Fancy and Toilet Goods dealers
ia the United States aDd Canada. decl d2w
0T A Liver Remedy.—The:
Liver, according to Physiologists, occupies in
our human economy a place second only to the
heart, and consequently 13 one of the greatest
dispensers of health and happiness, or sickness
and disease. To keep the liver in the proper
performance of its duties is to keep the system
' j in a state ol health, and free from all bodily i'ls.
j Dr. Sandfokd’s INVIGORATOR is a great Regc
latch of thb Liver. It instills into it new life
and vigor, strengthens it, and invigorates it,
curing the iountaln from whence so many
streams of sickness flow. We say to all who
are troubled with any derangement of tlie Liv
er, such as Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Sick Headache,
Billiousness or debility of system, do not fail to
try Dr. Sanford’s Liver Invigorator derl-m
JIT Mr. Editor Please an
nounce ALPHEUS M. RODGERS as a suitable
person for the office of Attorney General of the
Middle Circuit. au!7 A Voter.
(ST W e are authorized to
announce CLAIBORNE SNEAD, Esq., as a candi
date for Attorney General of the Middle District,
at the election in January next. jy22
let. F. MAKCHAST...Lesseeand Maoager.
Mir. Neaae,
And L st Night but One, ol the Season^
Friday Evening. December 3,
Will be presented Mr. NeatitPsbeautiful Tragedy, „
To conclude with the I’elite Comply of
, Faint Heart Sever Won Fair Lady
1 Admission —Gallery, 75 cents ; Dorquette, 50c.
*y!oor3 open ni 6*; o’clock ; Curtain wi
i rise at 7 J-, o'clock, precisely. t!oc3
: First Rate Cook for Sale.
1 TT7E have for rale, on commission,
y\ a female slave, who is one among vhe
he-t Mr AT and PASTRY COOKS that is in the •
city. She is inferior to none. Apply to
dcc3 dlcS Eilis-st , iu rear or U. S. Hotel.
Tennessee Pork.
CTTTE have received this day, on con,
VV fignmect. a lot of prime Tennessee PORK,
which will be sold cheap.
flec3 T. W. Fleming’s Old Stand.
Smoking' and Chewing
SARKIS' genuine Tmkisli Smoking
TOBACCO, drums and papers ; 9
Gails’ No. 6,7 ami 8, and Portocanero German
.J. Allen’s granulated. and numerous others
Stultz’s extra fine Pancake, .‘quare Twist, and
superior Oronoko Clewing TOBACCO ;
Keen fc Smith’s Pineapple Pancake, Katy Dar
ling, Twist and flat bar T< IBACCO ;
Anderson’s, Goodwin’s and Lillicntbal’s Fine
1 Cut, &c. Jtc Jus t nceived, and for sole by
dec3 1 276 Broa, w;
(CTeKv books.—
1 Iv. Tonai■ * Ho -i r Embers from Poverty
Vernon Grove.or Hearts as they are.
j Bards of the Bible, by Gilllllan.
The Coopers, or getting under way.
Blonde and Brunette, or the GotLoraite Ai
A Life Dream, and other poems,by A. Smith
Self-made Men, by Chas. B Leynaour.
Tne Sociable, or One Thousand and One
Home Amusements. Illustrated with nearly
SCO engravings and diagran s by the author of
Magic'an’s Own Book.
Also, Les io’s Magazine and Graham’s Maga
-1 zine, for December. Just received and for sale
i at GEO. A. OATES fc BRO.,
dec3 * 40 Broad Street.
THE UNDERSIGNED respectfully in
vites the Ladies of Augusta and vicinity, to
( come and examine his large and well assorted
, stock of all kinds of TOYS, as
1 For Ladies, he offers a assortment of beau
: tit'ul French and Fnnev BONES, CABAS, BAGS.
i i A general assortment of
Will serve .o the enjoyment of Gentlemen.
L T ■ meet tlie taste of a!!, he cflVrs a large asEort
.; ment of
1 French and Domestic CANDIES, Preserved and
l! Brandy FRUITS, PICKLES. Cr>stalled CHER
j RfES, APRICOTs. PEACH S, etc. Keeps con
- stantlv on hand the choicest CITRON, and
variety of NUTS and ALMONDS, and calls partic
:, ular attention to hi* unsurpassed ornamented
J j A share of patronage is respectfollv solicited.
ddCC lm 19C Broad st., near Post Office.
C IOME AT LAST-Harper’s Magazine,
r V_7 for December, trimmed. For sale by
i 1
.Flirt received, a fine lot of Pink Eye Plant
j ing POTATOES For sale low, by
» de' 3 at T. W. Fleming’s old stand.
! U On consignment, two casks of the above
■ which will be sold cheap, by
I : —— ,
A MAGNIFICENT Pitcher tv; is award
- it at tho Alabama State Fair, at the re-
I commendation of a special edeuliflc coinmittce,
, | who pronounced it superior many similar agent
: now in uso. Besides its strictly dis n.ecting
uses, it may be most advantageously applied as
-1 a iherajM utlc agent in the following cast s : All
. j putrid diseases, salivation, sores, ulcers, burns,
. 1 fresh wounds, removing stuns, de troying bad
I breath, curing stings, softening and whitemng
' j the skin in bathing, «.nd especially in limestone
; countries. Nvhcre the water is hard, in making
f j it soft, by pouring a few drops into a basin lull
1 i of water. Read what is said ol it:
The best and most efficient preventative of
oomageous disease now in use —Auburn Gazette.
■ I Wo advise our friends to try it by all mean?,
j — Montgomery Mail.
1| No one who has used it on e will consent to
tj do Without it. —Tush gee Republican.
j t Wo have used it about our premises with en
j tire s&tUfftction. —Savannah Republican.
1 Superior to Labarraque’s French Liquor.—
* j O r. Nat. Intel.
j Has received the sanctior of medical men in
the leadipg cities of the South. —Atlanta Amer.
j i These things Prof. Darby assures us it has
, j done, and we believohe would not even think,
■! much loss say so, were it no: the case.— So.
I j Chris. Ado.
r i It is a most effective and powerful combiua
, tion It should be used everywhere. It will
’! not disappoint you as a disinfecting agent.—Dr.
Steele. •
! It is remarkably sue espful.— Cor. Daily Sun.
j I consider it as infinitely superior to the
! French Liquor of Labarraque Dr. Greene.
j It is not presented to our citizens as a quack
, nostrum, but as a scientific dbcovery to be fully
Ito ted, and to stand upon its actual merits. We
cheerfully recommend it to our ciiizcns.— Mont.
Wherever known no testimony will be needed
to secure to the fullest evidence to any asser
tion of opinion put forth oy Prof. Darby.— Char.
, Courier.
It ought to have a Government award.— Cor.
N. 0. Picayune.
It is purely a chemical preparation upon sci
entific principles by tho Qrst of chemists, aud is
not to be regarded as a patent medicine r offer
ed as such for s tie — Ga. Educational Journal.
It is gaining a wide reputation —Mobile Adv.
I would not do without it on any account, il '
for nothing but my own comfort aud practice.—
R. P ' Wynn, JJ. D.
I regard it as the best thing for fresh wounds
I ever used. — Rev. John B. Glenn.
Endorsed by physicians in Charleston and Co
lumbia, S. C ; New York : Augusta, Savannah,
Atlanta, Macon andCMumbus, Ga.; Montgomery,
Selma and Mobile, Ala.; and New Orleaus. La.
Hospitals, corporations, ship masters, manu
facturers. planters, physicians, furnished by the*
. gal on at reduced rates.
For sale by Druggists and Country Merchants
generally, /rom whom orders are respectfully
' Try at least one bottle. Price 50 cents.
4®* Manufactured only in the Laboratory of-’
i J DARBY, Auburn, Ala., from which it may be
ordered. For sale in Augusta, by
ber. For sale by
Subscribe at Once.
IF YOU wish to secure a copy of that
elegant i ngravmg, “ THE VILLAGE BLACK
i SMITH,” and t' e ART JODkNAL, with the other
premiums, be sure anu subscribe $3, oefort the
ist of January, 1859 Specimen copies of the
i above and full particular* given, by applyingtc>
aov3o-tf THOS. S. HANKINSON, Agent.