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About Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1858)
Augusta iirlftg Disiatrl. V OLUME 2. (fcbcitiiig psjwtclj. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, 3Y S. A. ATKIN SOX. HAPLY* per annum &-1 00 WEEKLY, “ .150 Subscriptions will be received for three! "ao: ths at $1 25. Monthly subscriptions, Fifty i * 49* Payment for subscriptions will positively -■ by required in advance. 1 THK OFFICE OF THE DISPATCH is on . Mclntosh street, one door north of tl:c Georgia Kail road Pack. KATES OF tyVEUTISIAGj Advertisements will be inserted by the square . of 12 Lncs (103 words,) for 50 cents for the first Insertion, aud 25 cent- for each subsequent in • jertion under one month, to. be paid for when the advertisement is hauded into the office. Advertisements under five Hues will be insert o 1 at 10 cents a hue for the frrst, aud 5 cents a hue for each subsequent insertion. . satl *io;D ilcgisttr. GEORGIA RAILROAD. Leave Augusta 0.40 A. M. Arrive Atlanta 9 -15 A. Y. I Leave Augusta 2.4';;'. v. Arrive Atlanta 11.5*> r*. M. Leave Atlanta 32 Might. Arrive A t, :-ta 8.53 A. M Leave Ati-r:ta To A. M Arrive An&unia * .45 P. U. <d«»nu 2 «»jz South Carolina Railroad. Arrive Augusta 11.15 P. M. do do 1.15 P.M. Leave Augusta 10 A.M. do do 8.05 P.M. Western and Atlantic Railroad. Arrive Atlanta 11.22 Night. Leave Atlanta 12.30 Day. Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad. Arrive. Atlanta 8.33 A. M. do do 751 P. M. Leave Atlanta 015 A. M. do do 10.15 AM. Athens £ranch. •• Leave Augusta 12 V> Night. Leave Atlanta 32.00 Night. : Arrive at Athens 8.30 a. M. * Leave Athens 11.00 Day. Arrive at Augusta 6.45 P. M. Arrive at Atlanta 11.45 P. M. WaMigton Branch. Leave Washin&l m 2 P M., Arrive August : at i 6.45 P. M., and Atlanta 12 Night. Leave Augusta 2.45 P. M.. and Atlanta 10 A. M., Arrive Washington 7.20 P; M. Warrtnton Branch. Leave War ronton 3 P. M . Arrive Augusta at 0.4a V. M., Atlanta 32 P. M. Leave Augusta 2.45 P. M. and Atlanta 10. A. M.. Arrive Warren.on 6.30 P. M. N. U.—On SUNDAYS no Trains run on the Branches. GEORGE YOXGE, jyH Gen’lSup’t AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. Leave Augusta at... 0.30 A. M. and 2.45 P. M. Arrive at Savannah.. 7.20 A. 51. and 9.30 P. M. Arrive ; t M icon 9.00 A. M. and 11.00 P. M. Leave Savannah at.. 11 45 P. M. and 12.15 P. M. Leave Macon at 10.(0 P. M. and 10.45 A. M. Arrive at Augusta at. 7.30 A. M. aud 7.20 P. M. ANDREW YONGE, Supertnfcemlant. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. For Charleston, S. €., ') •• Kingsville, S. C., fat 10 A. M.. and S‘os “ Camden, S. C, ( P. M., “ Columbia, S. C., j auu arrive at Augusta at 1.15 P. M . and 13.15 P. M. H. T. PEAKE, jyjfl General Superintendent. j ATLANTA AND laVlraNitE RAILROAD. Morning Pas’nger Train leaves a m j and arrives at West Point 3.39 a m ; Evening Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 0.15 a m j and arrives at West Point 5.3 • a iu : MorningPass’ger Train leaves W. Point 3.45 a m i and arrives at Atlanta at 8.33 am j Evening Pass’gr Train leaves W. Point 2.55 p m and arrives at Atlanta 7.51 p m 1 Fare to West Point, $3.50. GEO. G. HULL, Superintendent. ! SOCTH-WBSTERX RAILROAD. ] Leave Macon at 11.45 P.M. and 9.45 A. M.: Arrive in Columbus at 5.35 A. M. and -3.45 P. M. ! Leave CoUuubus 4 A. M.and 3.45 P. M.: Arrive : 11 M.icoil a.SO A. 51. an,l 9.1 SP. M. Leavo Macon 9.40 A. M. Arrive in Albany 4.08 i P. M.. Dawson 5 20 P. M. Leave Albany 3 P. M.. Dawson 3 4c P. M. Ar- j rive >n Macon 9.18 P. M. Tri-weekly Accommodation Train Down, Mon- j lay, Wcdn. sday aud Friday. Up—Tuesday, j Thursday and Saturday. # Mail Stages to and from Tallahassee, Thomas- : vilie, Cambridge, ftc , connect daily with regu- ; far Trains at Albany. • GEO. W. ADAMS. Sup’t. WESTERN ATI .ANTIC IUILROAIiT (Atlanta to Chattanooga.) Diy Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 10.35 a in and arrives at Chattanooga 6.25 p m Night Passenger Train leaves Ghat. 3.10 p m and arrives at Atlanta 11.22 p m , Up s’ay Express Freight and Pass’ger Train leaves Atlanta 4.50 a :n j and arrives at Chattanooga 4.35 pm ! Town day Fx. and Pa.-a. do, leaves Chattanooga 5.15 a m ; and arrives at Atlanta 4.4-5 p m j "Jp niglit Ex. and Pass, do leaves Atl’a 8.40 p m ! arrives in Chattanooga 7.01 a m : Down Night Ex. and Passenger Train leaves Chattanooga 6.05 p m j arrives at Atlanta 4 40 a m , Fare ro Chattanooga, $5. MACON A a i > W ESTI I Leave Macon 12 Night, Arrive Atlanta 7.15 A. M. ! Leave Macon 10 A. M., Arrive Atlanta 4 P. M Leave Atlanta 12 Night, Arrive Macon 7.15 A.M LLeave Atlanta 11 A. M . Arrive Macon 5 P. M A. L. TYLER,Superintendent. 1. M. SIMER & CO% IMPROVED SEWING MACHINES, .•OR MANUFACTURING. PI.ANTATION AND F.'.M LY USE. OFFICE AND SALES ROOM AT No. 182 1-2 Broad St., OPPOSITE ADAMS’ EXPRESS OFFICE. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. octl4 11U I) SON & MIL. L£ R, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS OFFER for sale at their New' Store 100 Bags Rio. Laguira aud Java COFFEE ; 7 Hhds of Mas. and Port, SUGARS ; 30 bbls ABC and crushed SUGARS; 75 bbls WHISKY, various brands ; 175 kegs NAILS ; SSCO9 SUGARS of all brands ; 30 boxes TOBACCO, assorted brands ; 50 boxes Turpentine and Toilet SOAP ; 220 boxes CANDLES ; ' 50 cases LIQUORS ; 18 cases PRESERVES. SALT, IRON, MO LASSES, aud every other article kept in the Gro cery line. octls T^LATELTtVARE. — 1 Castora," Spoons, Forks, Mugs, Butters, Cake Baskets, Ac. For sale cheap. _oc9 S. C. MUSTIN. EIFTY boxes No. 1 Imp'tine bUAF ; 25 boxes Colgate’s Toilet SOAP, in store, . and for sale low, by nov9 ZIMMERMAN ft STOVALL. j Stistrlhnroui. THE El) Eli INVIGORATOR! PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD’S COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM <3- XT Ivl S . TS ONE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE X and Liver Medicines now before the public * | that acts as a CATHARTIC, easier, milder, an- ; more effectual than any other medicine kn*wn i It is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver reme v 1 acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid mat I i l £ r ? then on thestomach aud bowels to carrwol i dtat niatter, thus accomplishing two purpose effectually, without any of the painful leelinu experienced in the operation 6 of m«st Cathartic.- j It strengthens the system at th* same time thei j , it purges it: and when taken daily in moderate doses, will strengthen and build it up with nn- i usual rapidity. The Liver *is one of ;to digest well, purity 1 the principal regula- , : iugjthe iiosd, tors of the human ■ tenesmi health to thi, bony, and when it per- flawhole machinery, re forms its functions In moving the cause Oi 1 well, the power? of the w .the disease,—effecting system are fully do #ia radical cure, veloped. The stomach « Bilious attacks are is almost entirely de- * cured, and. what is. pendent on the healthy J; better, prevented by j action of the Liver for . j the occasional use oil the proper perform-**! the Liver Invigorator. i anceof its functions; *• One dose after eating' when the stomach is *h is sufficient to relieve! at fault, and the whole ti the stomach and pre system sailers in con- k vent the food from n-i sequence of one organ g singaud souring. —the Liver, — having 8 Only one dose take ceased to do its duty a before retiring, pre- For the diseases of that ■ j vents Nightm ire. organ, one of the pro j Only'one dose taken prietors has made it gI At night, loosens th'.* ais study, in a prac- /. I boweis gently, and tice of more than 2Cj V 'cures Costiyeness. years, to find some re- k j One dose taken after medy wlijerewith to f each meal will cure counteract the many , a Dyspepsia, derangements to which i ' One dose of two tea it is liable ■ spoonfuls will alwayt To prove that this relieve Sick Headache, remedy is at last ? One bottle taken ioi found, any female obstructions, troubled with Liver .-•removes the cause oi Complaint, in anyofits {the disease.and makes forms, has but to try a| i la period cure, bottle, and conviction!* Only oue dose imuie • is certain. j J (diatelv relieves Cholic. These Gums remove] i* while all morbid or bad mat-}" One dose often re tor from tiie system,] A -peated is a sure curt supplying in thelr|«ilor Cholera Morbus place a healthy flow of flf and a preventive bile, invigorating the!« J Cholera, stone.cb, causing food $ ; Only oue bottle P j needed to throw out c! the system the effects o!! medicine after a long sickness. One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sal-1 lowness or unnatural color from the skin. One dose taken a short time be ore eating i gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food d: ! gest we'd. One dose often repeated cures Chronic Diar- > rbcea' i:i its worst forms, while rummer aud ! Bowel Complaints yield almost to the first dose, j One or two doses cures attacks caused by Worms la children, there is no surer, safer, or j speedier remedy in the world, as it never fails. | A lew bottles cures Dropsy, by exciting the : absorbent*. We take pleasure iu recommending this medi cine as a preventive for Fever aud Ague, Chill Fever, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It'ope- ■ rates with certainty, and thousands are willing to testiiy to its wonderful virtues. Ail who use it are giving their unanimous tes timuny in its favor. Mix Water iu the mbuth with the Invigorator, i and swallow both together. The LIFER INVIGORATOR is a scientific Medi- j cal Discovery, and is daily working cures, al-' most 100 great to believe It cures as if by ma-! gic, even the first doze giving benefit, and seldom more than oue bottle is required to cure any kind | of Liver complaint, fr»ra the worst Jaundice or ! Dyspepsia, to a common Headache, aii oi which : are the result of a Diseased Liver. Price, $1 per bottle. SANFORD & CO., Proprietors, 345 Broadw&v, New York. I j Sold, wholesale ami retail, by PLUMB &: LF.IT« : NER, W. H. TUTf, and Druggists everywhere, j mhlO _ ly ‘ BOERHAVES j I HOLLAND BITTERS J <p» tA ’ THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, [DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, 1 Hlji-sLfcii- Complaint, WEAK NKS S OF ASY KIX D, FEVER AM) AGUE, And the various affections consequent, upon a disordered STOMACH OR LIVER BUGH8 UGH as Indigestion, Acidity of the .Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn. la>ss oi ! Appetite, Despondency, Costiveness, Blind aud I Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections, it has iu numerous iu j stances proved highly beneficial, ami in others I effected a decided cure. ’ j This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared i on strictly scientific .principles, after the manher of the celebrated Holland Professor, Boerhave. Because of its great sfleess in most of tbo Euro pean States, its introduction into the United States was intended more especially for th 'se ot I our fatherland scattered here and there over the face of this mighty country. Meeting wit h great success among them, I now offer it to the Ameri can public, knowing that its truly wonderful ■medicinal virtues must be acknowledged. It is particularly recommended to those per sons whose constitutions may have been im paired by the continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally,instiln taut ous in effect, it finds its way directly to the seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the d ooping spirit, and, in laet, in tusing new health and vigor in the system. ! NOTICE —Whoever expects to find this a bev erage will be disappointed; but to the sick. J weak and low spirited* it will proven grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of singular remed'al properties. cjJLirmOiW s The great popularity of this delightful Aroma has induced many imitations, which th© public should guard against purchasing. Re not pur suaded to buy anything -dse until you have given Bcerhave’s Holland Bitters a fair trial. One bot tle will convince you how infinitely superior it is to all those imitations. *s* Sold at 51 00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5, by the proprietors. BENJAMIN PAGE, Jr., & CO., Manufacturing Pharmaceutists a id Chemists, P.ttsburgh, Pa. For sale in Augusta by II \VILAND. CHICHES TER k CO.. PLUMB & LEITNKR, WM. H. TUTT, and Druggists generally throughout the State. jy2o-ly MILL STONES ! WILLIAM BREWER, Manufacturer of f nnt! §ttrr Millstones, AND dealer in Esopus and Cologne Stones, Broad-street, above Upper Market, Augusta, Ga. Orders so’icited and punctually 1 ittended to. ian7-l y AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. DECEMBER 4 1858. | ( (Lark T, rr , Heard & Derry. HL T.NDEH.SIGNED have this day! formed a Copnrtaer.-V.ip und.r n:imc I aau style of HEARU .v I.KRKY, for the purp..-c i [| 2LTr-r “,l^i hv WAWMODSK ANI) COMSIIS-1 i i® N cl '-IMv-s, m alms bmx-h. s. They luivc I ■enseil. for a terra of years, t he commodious Fire , )>root Warehouse No. 1. Metcalf’s Range Rev. ‘ uohl street, just below Warren where i they will be well prepared to promote the inter- ‘ j cst of customers. ! Orders for Bagging. Rno and Tamilv Supplies. I promptly attended to. Liberal cash advances m.vle at all times on Produce Instore Their* personal attomion will be devote j to the j busing, and they respectfully solicit consign | meets trom their friends ai d the pub'K t ISAAC !. HEARD, . WM. C. DERRY, 1 I Augusta, July 1.185?, jyf.’cm I I A CARD. THE firm of HEARD & DAVISON j having been dissolved by mutual consent, ' .ianu the toregoing copartnership htving been 1 i “ grat.-f'iliy return my thanks to I i iUI pave heretofore patronized mo. and i ♦•arii.-tiy solieft a continuance of their favor 1 ;; tu my new business in* the firm of Heard ft! G r n ', ic-o ISAAC T. HEARD- I ; j j Heard Ac Simpson. ! undersigned Lave this day' asso* JL dated themselves under the firm KY'\ * v. . i aamo of HEARD ft SIMPJaON. who will I ; SjHB 1 MISSION BUSINESS, in all it? i ranchos, iu the I . fire-proof buildings, East side McTutoab-street ' I at present occupied by >. D. He a mu, where they , 11 re»pectlu;;y solicit a continuance of the patron- ! . I lii’.aerto extended to each of the firm while 1 I busouess separately, and by their united ef i i>>rts, hope to merit and receive a liberal patron r; age from the public eeneraiiv. J Orders for BAGGING. RuPE. and FAMILY i SUPPLIES will be carefully filled by oue of the firm. , The usual facilities will be afforded on PRO DUCE instore, when desired, i S. D. HEARD, , , J. R. SIMPSON, j Augusta, July 1, 1858. jylo-uawSm • j Harper C. Bryson, ; warehouse and commission merchant, i J ire-1’roof War thorn-., Augusta, Georgia. TT7TIERE his personal attention will » y be given t»the Storage of Cot-- rVTTT\ I ton and other Produce. Orders for Cu -- rtf! | FAMILY SIT/-LIIS promptly attended i to. Cash advanced PRODUCE iu store. 1 ! | Salts Hoorn and Office on Re' uold. between i Jackson jyl7-d*c6m PiIIMZY & CLAYTOY, i "W" AHEHOUSB •ASI> | Commission Mercliants | Augiuta, Georgia. ON THE FIRST OF SEPTEMBER next, the undersigned will removeflTYTT\ . t( > the extensive and commodious Fire r, r \ gt j Frool Warelimise owned ar. i for years occupied by L. ! opkixs. Esq., and at pre- j , sent iu the pccupany d Mr. J. C. HARSAIJsOX. i who will at that time retire from the business ! They will continue tho WAREHOUSE AND COM MISSION BUSINESS in al! its branches, and will j be better than ever to prom- te the in- i j terest of their customers, to which their strict ; j personal attention will be devoted They solicit-L consignments from their friend? and the public, f F. PHINIZY. Augusta, June oth, 1355. E. F. CLAYTON. A Card. THE UNDERSIGNED intending to discontinue the Warehouse and Commission i Business on the first of September text, returns j his thanks to his friends and palrons for their favors during the past year. I Messrs. PHIM7.Y *c CLAYTON having leased i j the Warehouse for a term of years, I mostehecr- I fully recommend them to my friends. jelO-dawßm J. C. HARALSON. John DaYison, (SVCCi:sSOR T) UKAliri A KAV.-oy.) WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, . • Mclntosh-stred, Avgusta, Georgia. HAVING purchased the entire inter est of Isaac T. Heard, in ftie late i firm of Heard ft Pavisus, tli? under ' signed intends carrying on the WARE ; • HOUSE aud COMMISSION BUSINESS-oh his own ! account, at the old stand on Mclntosh street. His strict pers<>ual attention will be given to all !' business confided to him. | The mua! liberal cisS facilities will be extend - j ed. and orders fur SUPPLIES promptly acd care fc ily c. >:ec -: ted. JoHN DAVISON. jylu-dAcOm Rees X Linton, continue the WAREHOUSE T> and COMMISSION BUSINESS, .T\TV\T> | at their old stand, on Jackson street : .. C. -.'VS-j will devote their personal attention to | the .--orago and Sale of COTTON, BACON, GRAIN, ftc., &c. | Liberal cash advances made wbi-n required, j and all orders f-r FAMILY SUPPLIES, BAG GING, ROPE, &c., Qlle<l at the Invest market ! price. JNO. C. REES. jy22-6tn SAM E. D. LINTON. Wm. E. Barnes, (OF TEE FOUMER FIRM OF BAK.VES A JONES ) WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, G \rgia,, VT r OULD hereby thank bis friends, T f and those of the late firm, tor IVTU \ ?\ their liberal patronage, and would re- i'! -"jj spectfully inform them, nun tne publii 1 , that he Will continue the WAREHOUSE and COM MISSION BUSINESS, in ali its branches, at the saine old and well known stand. Ho hopes, bv ■ strict personal attenti -a to business, to merit a generous share of pub ic patronage. Ho would solicit consignments of COUNTRY PRODU* E generally, being well prepared with j large, close Storage Room? to sto e the same. AH orders for BAGGING. ROPE and FAMILY SUPPLIES, carefully and personally filled. The usual facilities afibrded customers. WM. E. BARNES. Augusta, July ' , 6, IS6B. jy 16 Cm M. P. Stovall. WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, I Augusta, Georgia, /CONTINUES the business, in all its; yy branches, in his la.- c and commo- ■ffTTTTk ' dious Hre Proof Warehouse, on Jack- , son street, near the Globe Hotel. Orders lor GOOBB, ftc., promptly and carefally Qlled. The usual CASH facilities afforded customers. jylQ 6m W. M. BEALL, WAREHOUSE AID COMMISSION' MERCHANT. G-eorgia. rI'HR film of Bkall & Stovall having X been dissolved by. mutual consent, on the lstinst., I will continue’the WAREHOUSE AND I COMMISSION BUSINESS, in all its branches, in | the Fire Proof Warehouse on Reynolds street, 1 formerly occupied by the lute firm of BEAU, ft STOVALL Thankful to my old friends for their patronage so liberally bestowed upon me, I ear-; neatly solicit a continuance of the same, and the i patronage of the public generally, pledging the STRICTKST personal attention to business entrust ed to my care. Orders for BAGGING, ROPE and FAMILY s SUPPLIES promptly attended to. Usual Cash Advances made on Produce in store ' when required. WIUJAM M. BEALL. Augusta . 10, 1858. ocl 6m lltktlkttotis. UNDER-SHIRTS, AND i DBA WEES. the largest stock in the city. All Sizes and Qualities, at iiKsirrs Morning Robesj : Shawls, Blankets, Scarfs, Ties, j 1 Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, j UmbrellaSj &e. ' 1 ! EMBRACING EVERY ARTICLE USUALLY KEPT ; IN A FIRST-CLASS G-E^TTIjEMEN 7 S I FI RNISHING LOOD STORE - ■ *•«*-. : Now on hand, the largest lot of SHIRT BOSOMS j over before opened in this city, ranging ! | . iu price from 25 cents each, to the rich Embroidered ones, at $lO and Sl2, just j opened at KERSEY’S. | jCANTON FLANNEL, j SHAKER FLANNEL, SHAKER KNIT, COTTON KNIT, CASHMERE, MERINO, SILK, I ’ And other style? of UNDER-SHIRTS and DRAW- j ERS. Gentlemen who require j dW’nder-Dress, are invited to examine my stock,; i OPPOSITE UNITED STATES HOTEL, j nov3-tl' ! Saddlery, Harness, TRUNKS. &c. 3 ■ X'&*3«ale, M m-w**. OHERMAN, JESSUP & CO. having re moved t« the new and spacious Iron Front Storo adjoining the City ; Bank, a few doors above their old location, and nearly opposite tho Globe and United State? Hotels, are prepared to exhibit for tie* Fall Trade of ISSB, an unusually . 1 heavy stock of Goods :u their line, comprising a ; I urge and well selected assortment of SADDLES, j J BRIDLES. HARNESS, WHIPS, TRUNKS, VA LISES, CARPET BAGS, and every description of] ' Goods adapted to the trade, manufactured by ; themselves, expressly for this market. —also— ;• A heavy ?t : k of SADDLERY HARDWARE, | 'coach materials, smith's best varnishes,! .-BRINGS, AXLES, MAILEABLE CASTINGS and! BANDS, including a very full assortment ot; , Goods in the line’, which are offered to manufac turer? and dealers at low prices. Leather, Shoe Findings and Tanners Tools. VOW receiving. Oak and Hemlock Sole LEATHER ; Harness, skirtla*. 15 idle ami Band LEATHER at Picker, Race and Roller “ Pan u- Skirting. Collar, Dash and Enamelled iLEATHER : Russet and Black Upper LEATHER ; • KID SKINS: French, German and American Calf SKINS : i French Pater; Cii.Kid Calf, and Opera SKINS:! Goat and Kid Morocco SKINS; Linin’.. Topping and Binding SKINS ; Buck, Chanio i aud Sheep “ —ALSO— Shoe Peg-. la-t-. Sole Cutters, Heel Cutters,] Rolling Mills, Peg Jacks, Peg Break?, l’eg j Cutters, Boot tree-. Crimps, Clamps, Hammers. Shoe Knives, Splitting Knives, Share.?. Rub Stones, Bristles. Awl Blades, Eye let? aud Punches, Iron and Wood Patent Peg Awl Hafts, Copper Rivets and Burr-. Lace Tacks, Iron, Zinc! and Copper Sparable?, Size Sticks, Measuring Tape.?. Shoe Thread, Fitting Thread, Silk | Twist, Boot Cord, Silk Galloon, Boot Web, ftc., ftc. , CURRYING FLESH ERS,. FINGER 1 STEELS, i EAM FACES. SLICKERS, BRUSHES, RUB STONES, CLEARING STONES, ftc. Tanners i OIL, by the barrel. For sale low. by SHERMAN, JESSUP ft CO., At the new aud spacious Iron Front Store ad joining the City Bank, a few doors above their [old location, and nearly opposite the Globe and, i c-uited States Hotels. Leather Machine Belting, AMJ FACTORY FINDINGS. PATENT KIVEXED, Stretched aud Cem.nted Leather BELTING, single and double, all widths, (l to 24 inches) curried! and stretchod by ourselves. Quality guaran teed. A large stock always on hand. —vlso— OOPPER PIYETS and BURRS. WASHERS. RING ! TRAVELLERS, ROLIER BRUSHES ROUTER CLOTH, STRIPPER CARDS, PICKERS, , LAG SCREWS, LAG LEATHER, and j a variety of Factory Findings. For sale on accommodating terms, by SH ERM AN, JEBSUP ft CO., ! At the new and spacious Iron Eront Store ad- j joining the City Bank, a few doors above their j old location, and nearly opposite the Globe and. i United States Hotel. ' au2B-dftc3m ' CANDLES.— 200 boxes Shileto STAR CANDLES ; 100 half boxes “ “ For sale 1 low, by nov22 DANIEL H. WILCOX. I BAGGING. —50 bales heavy Gunny i BAGGING. For sale by I nov22 DANIEL R. WILCOX. RIO AND JAVA COFFEE.— 600 bags Rio COFFEE ; 50 bags Old Government Java COFFEE. For sale by n °vl2 WILCOX, HAND ft ANSLEY. Hoots, gjgff, tft, BURCH & ROBERT I A CE now opening one of the largest XX. and best selected stocks of BOOTS AND -HOES ever uffered in Augusta, consistinsr. in part, of— Gent’s fine Calf P. L. BOOTS: “ Welt “ *• “ Cong. “ I "* ‘ “ Pegged : “ Pegged “ '■ “ " BROtrAXS; 1 “ “ “ OXFORD TIES ; I “ “ Sewed . “ ’ ' Dross and Walking SHOES and WAITERS, ol all qualilirs and descriptions • Coys’ and Children s SiloKS, oral! kinds • M. Plantation BROGANS. Uric and Rnsset : T\ oinenjs Leather. Goat aud Morocco Limits and BtdKIXS, suitable for house servards’ wear. 1 All of which will bo sold upon reasonable terms, ami warranted as good as represented. Caii aud see them, opposite the Adams Express | Office, Broad street, Augusta, Ga. seplo j SADDLES, HARNESS, &e. | FALL TRADE, 1858. __ ALBERT* HATCH, 193 BROAD STREET, AVGUSTA, GEORGIA. Maiuifactuvci* or ami Dealer in i SADDLES, ! HAR.ISTEg’s : Shoe aud Harness i.eather, TRUCKS, VALICES, •I COLLARS. LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER BE LTI3NTG; ' AND SADDLERY HARDWARE.! OF ALL KINDS, IS XOtV FUI.I.Y PREPARED FOR THE IF ALL TRADE, | With a large and well assorted stock of GOODS, which he will sell at us low prices as they can be obtained at aay House in the South. I Thankful for the generous patronage extender to him for the last Fifteen Years, he res- . pectfully calls the attention of Merchants and Planters i to an examination of Ills Goods before , 1 1 tire basing elsewhere* SADDLES, HARNESS, &.C,, 1 Manufactured to order, of the host materials . and hy the best workmen in the country. I sept 93 m FITZOKR AL D’S Fresh Norfolk Oysters,:' /frks / X RECEIVED EVERY DAY, / \ * S jfy Pci A,lam8 ’ SJy Express Company. npHE undersigned having established j JL himself here as Agent for tiie sale of JIENKY i i FITZGERALD’S NORFOLK OYSTERS, packed at ' his celebrated Oyster Packing Establishment, f j Norfolk, Va., would most respectfully inform the citizens of Augusta, Hamburg, and surround- f } ing country, that he will keep on hand a con- t stunt supply of the above mentioned OYSTERS, , which for delicacy of flavor, cannot be surpassed. 1 They may be had at CHAS. E. DODD’S Ice £ j House, Campbell street. Address Terms cash. R. L. MOSS, Agent, Augusta, Georgia. I All orders from the country must be accorn- ■ i : punied willi the money. N. B.—The same Oysters may be had at C. ! EMERY’S Augusta Ice House. oc9-2m l 1 Dawson & Skinner, ! WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN Family and plantation GROCERIES, OFFER FOR SALE— 7 . 75 bales Gunny BAGGING ; , 300 coils HOPE'; 180 bags llio .Java and Mocha COFFEE ; I 35 hhds. SUGAR ; 75 bbls. Clarified SUGAR, A. B and C ; ‘ i 25 *• Crushed, Pow’rd aud Loaf SUGAR ; \ \ 110 boxes TOBACCO, all qualities ; 300 CANDLES,, Sperm, Patent aud Ad amantine, 4's, G’s and 60 boxes STEAM CANDY ; 40 chests and caddies Fine and Common Green and B'ack TEh\S ; [ 2000 sacks SALT, twilled sacks ; 75.C00 BEGARS, all qualities ; 300 kegs NAILS, assorted sizes ; ( i WHISKY. BRANDY, GIN. RUM, ALE, PORTER ; - 75 boxes New CHEESE ; PEPPER, SPICES, j LEAD. SHOT, ftc. sep2o-lTn I ■ J ■ Music, Music. rPHE subscribers have lately received 8 a large assortment of both New and Stan dard MUSIC. A liberal discount made to Teach i rs and Schools. GEO. A. OATES ft 8R9., novls 240 Broad street. NOTICE TyNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, the rates of Freight by the _ Propeller Line from New \ York, will be advanced to >fv uigaWwfafc I • regular tariff rates—loc. 1 per foot for general meas- ' WdF* jfe | j urement goods : Sets, per ' | foot for Hats, Boots and ' Shoos ; other Goods as per tariff rates. BRIGIIAM, BALDWIN ft CO. | j sep29 Savannah, j YY t HISKV.—SO bbls. Howard's Crys- ' : fT tal WHISKY, now in Tlnpot, and for sale I Iby nnvio THOS. I’. STOVALL & CO. I Gunn y Tagging.— 15 bales GUNNY BAGGING, for salt rerj I low, to close out. : novl9 THOS. P. STOVALL & CO. Cottou Seed Wanted. T 1 WENTY-FIYE HUNDRED bushek COTTON SUED wanted. Parties desiring to 1 sell, will please address the subscriber, suiting quantity aud price per bushel, sacked or loase, delivered in this city, or any point on any Rail road Cash will be’ paid on delivery. noyl9 A. D. WILLIAMS. A LIIM SALT. — ljl 200 «acks for sale low, by nov!9 A. D. WILLIAM**. §rg iooks. DRY GOODS, DRYGOODS JAMES HENEY, BEGS leave to call tho attention of bi 3 friend.?. and the public to his large and j well assorted stock of Fancy and Domestic DRY GOODS. He Laving disposed of all bis old previous to i his going to the North, is now in nossecson of [an entirely NEW STOCK, I which comprises all that is new and desirable l in style. , He has also added to his Store another de j partment in which he keeps a large supply of Negro Blankets, Kerseys ix iicl UPlains, jail of which qyill be sold at prices not ta be beaten by any House in Augusta. octl9-tf ■CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! J. KUFFER, Under the Augusta Hotel, I bog to inform the public in general, that I have received a new lot of Ladies’ Cloth Cloaks; Ladies’ Velvet Cloaks; Misses’ Cloth Cloaks ALSO, A LOT OF White Stella Shawls, With round corners ; ZEPHYR SHAWLS: THIBET SHAWLS ; LONG SHAWLS. EMBROIDERIES. HONETON PE ITS ; HOXETON COLLARS : SWISS and CAMBRIC COLLARS; SWISS aud CAMBRIC BANDS. DRESS GOODS. WOOLEN PLAID, at 12^c.; VERONICA PLAIDS; RAW SILK PLAIDS ; C burg aud DeLaine ROBES. COLORED AND BLACK SILKS. New lot of all kinds Handkerchiefs, <i j- cents. I I respectfully invite all wanting CHEAP DRY GOODS, to give me a call. J. KAIFFER, UOVI7 ts Under the Augusta Hotel. New York and Savannah, The American Atlantic Screw Steamship Com pany's Xew and Elegant Steamships , HUNTSVILLE Capt. Robert Hardik, MONTGOMERY Capt. Fred. Crocker, TX7TLL FORM a weekly line between TV Savannah and New York, leaving each port EVERY SATURDAY. These steamers, 1,000 tons each, have elegant accommodations for Passengers, aud being ol great strength and speed, shippers can roly on the greatest dispatch to Freight, f For further particulars, apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN ft CO., Savannah. Ga.. or H. B. CROMWELL ft CO., sep24-tApl6 No. 131 Washington st., N. Y. Ghristoper Drechsel, CABINET MAKER, } AND TURNER IN IVORY it WOOD, HAS Removed to 145 Broad street, one door below the City Hotel, where he i is now prepared to execute, promptly, aud in workmanlike manner, any orders lie may be favored with iu his line. BILLIARD and BAGGATELLE TABUS Manu factured, and repaired so as to be as good as new. IVORY" BALLS, turned to order, aud new Bil liard Ralls will be given iu exchange for old—an assortment always kept on hand. UPHOIisTERING. He is prepared to do Up stering iu its various branches, at the lowest i prices, having in his employ the best of work ! men. 'All he asks is a trial, being satisfied he I will give satisfaction. tftp He keeps constantly on hand BILLIARD ! CLOTHS, POCKETS. GLUES, ■' c. 6m oetl6 CABINET MAKING, rpmc UNDERSIGNED has removed to the building lately known as the St. Charles Restaurant, on Ellis st., to carry on the above business iu all its branches. Particular attention given to the REPAIRING OF FURNITURE and PACKING, etc. I solicit a share of public patronage. < ctld if WM. SIXGLETON. Light for the Million! ’,Ue have just received a supply of the Genuine Kerosine Oil, HAVNG made arrangements with the manu facturers . by which wo shall bo regularly supplied, so that in future our customers can have their orders promptly tilled, 0c23 dtf PLUMB ft LETTNER M TIl i: n ROLL, oM; AT HIS cJKSy| OLD STAND. Corner of Washington and Reynold Sired HAS ON HAND a full assortment COACHES, ROCKAWAYS, Top aud No To]. BUGGIES, Pedlar and Road WAGONS,ftc.; which j will be sold extremely low and on accommoda ting terms. AliJO—A full assortment of a’.l kinds of matt rials used by Coach, Harness and Saddle Makers SUCII AS AXLES. SPRINGS, BOLTS. HUBS. FELLOW' SPOKES, SHAFTS, SINGLETREES, BANDS, MALE ABLE CASTINGS. ENAMELLED LEATHER and CLOTH. PATENT DASH acd HARNESS LEATH ER, ftc., ftc. REPAIRING of Harness and Vehicles dou j promptly and at low prices, j Vehicles manufactured to order. jy22twl;' Fall and Winter Millinery, NOW OPEN. Mrs, M, L, Pritchard, Ag’t, OPPOSITE the Mechanics’ Bank, has returned from New York with a full sup j ply of FASHIONABLE BONNETS. Flower and j Ribbon DRESS CAI*S and HEAD DRESSES. —ALSO— , A large assortment ot Misses BONNETS and HATS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS and RAGLANS, j ocl-2m mHREE MONTHS afterdate, applica- L tion will be made to the following named j Banks, for the payment of the annexed Bank j Notes, jin full, as the right hand part of said notes was mailed to rne by \V. H. Wootten, at j Mcßae’s Store. Ga., on the 17th September, USB, j and received by me on 21st September, lSof I ! Tho same person mailed, at the same place.tin i left hand part of said notes to John J. Harris,*} Macon, for me, aud they .have never cow ! to hand. I shall therefore apply to the Baai for payment in full: One twenty Dollar Bill. No. 61* Goorgia Rai road ft Banking Co., Augusta, '<4a. One Twenty Dollar Bill, Nv. 3101, Bank of U gusta. JOHN J. ALLEN. Macon, Nov. 15, 1858, novl7-3m NUMBER s*o HUsfcJktncotis. Family Grocery Store. Garwood & Russell Respectfully announce to the at izens of Augusta, that they have opened n : r A „ J ? 1 '- Y OBfiomr ana PROVISION STORE p“antJr»‘ ?> °. a ‘, a ™ streets, above the "SS" Tl,l ' lr stock is rtesh. and bought C, ait nrcvSr^P 1 for casll - a “'> includes SU ' Rlrv , U! ™ SVK,;I ' MOJABRES, FLOUR, 1 SJS t heSJ®- I!ACOX - L -«r>. bitter! • n fV| tired and one knicknucks embraced in a fun assortment of FAMir V SUPPLIES which they oiler at the lowest prices ' “ U Families sending servants inav relv noon re ' ceivingjast what they order. ' oe6 3m Dissolution. THE firm of HOLMAN, CURTIS ,v CO IS this day dissolved hr mutual consent! th» )’ Us ““ - '-' 3 *''*> l*e cartietl oil in Future under the name and style of HOLMAN IcTl Rl'IX who • a , ne a * e authorized to use the name of the Arm m liquidation. FRANCIS HOI.MAN GEORGE F. CURTIS, I Au g n=ta,Sopt.2 S th,m J ß . UTl ' RPLN '- mm |l, l rtller ?! ,itl Notice. j IHK undersigned Imve this day form f. ed a copartnership for transacting- th« wholesale and retail CROCKERY HUSI.VBSB. nn , der ta.e name and style of HOI.MAN’ ft TURNIN'. FRANCIS HOLMAN, ’ , Augusta, Sept. 20th, less'. U ' Tl RILN ' A Card. TTAVIXG disposed of mv entire i«- iu pt t viiVmVr'w'lx"' 1,1 M " : Cfuto Is Co., HijI.MAX and JESvt: M. TURPIN, I ,akc pleasure in recommending them to the fit !. turn patronage or the public A , „ GEORGE F. CI'RTSS Augusta, Sept. 29th, 185 S. acs.u --’ SLAVE TRADE Re-Opened! ONE HUNDRED NEGROES WANT , ranging troni twelve to twentv four > ears old for which we will pay the highest cash prices. Apply at our Stables in rear of the U S XKr u ny com judication through the Post . Office will meet with prompt attention. In our abscnceapnlyasabove to J. H. ALFORD or B. r. JbLASSINGAME. F"-"' heckle & Wilson. UNPRECEDENTED INDUCEMENTS! *■ ra <• I AM SELUNGmy stock of VEHICLES consisting of Carriages, Rockawaya, BAROUCHES, JERSEY WAGONS BUGGIES , with and without tope, of all the different styles now manufactured at prices AS LOW as can be bought in any Souther* city. Being constantly in the receipt of goods. . ar P gabled to offer to the public something both fresh and new. 6 In addition to the above, I keep always on k^ nd a number of \ ehicles of my own munufac- I also warrant all work that leaves mv store. ... , R. H. MAY, At my old stand, corner Jackson and Eili--ste in real oi Globe Hotel- Sep2B-Sm MISS C. K. STEWART, MILLINER. UNDER PLANTERS’ HOTEL, HAS returned from New York, and is prepared to offer to her customers a well selected assortment of ocl if MILLINERY GOODS. Drugs, Drugs. FRED. VON CAMP having this day purchased the DRUG STORK of ClUßnw I'AIMKDO, opposite the Bridge Bank Building will continue the business under the firm of „ FRED. VOX-CAMP. Augusta, Ga., October 1.1858. • HAYING sold my Drug Business to- Fred. Vo.v-C.tstr. I cordially recommend linn to my friends who have so liberally palron ,3ed nl< b CHARLES PALMEDO. V" OTlCE.—Prescriptions put up at any time in the night. ocl ' d:im FRED. VOX-CAMP. Life Insurance. rpHE AUGUSTA INSURANCE AND A BANKING COMPANY arc prepar- dto ic-ao at moderate premiums policies of insurance on the lives of Slaves, either lor one, live or ten years. Forms of application and tables of rates can be procured at the office of the Company free of charge. „ ra „ „ M. D’ANTIGNAC, President. C. F. McCoy, Secretary. febll wSlid.iltlO !-U> WAS DRAWN IN SWAN & CO.’S Sparta Academy Lottery, DAILY DRAWING. Tickets in all of the daily SCHEMES, also in the Saturday $70,000 Scheme, cp v ii be had at my s-ffice on Washington street, one door from Broad street. Office hours from 6 A. M. to 9 P. if. my6-tl C. A. LATHROP. Agent. B ATH PAPE It MILLS WRAPPING PAPER ASSORTED SIZES AND QUALITIES. Just received from the Mills and for sale low for cash A discount of fifteen per cent o per sons taking Ten Reams at a time. Store room on Reynolds-street, in rear of City Bank. apß-tf GEO. W WINTER. For clean linen and cotton RAGS, (packedjn bales,) Cash will he Paid, at the office of BATH PAPER MILLS, on Reynold* street, between Jackson and Mclntosh, August, Georgia. my 3 Casta Paid for OLD ROPE m BAGGINfi T7IOR HEMP BAGGING AND ROPE, £; 2}* cents per lb ; For GUNNY BAGGING. 1% cents per lb : “ GRASS ROPE. 1 “ “ At BATH PAPER MILLS OFFICE, Dn Reynold-street, between Jackson and Mc« I»i tosh. apl4 Rose Cottage Nursery E TCOMdIWS,) VTTM. F. SMITH anncun ! YY ces that he has just receiv { ed a large addition to hte usua 1 variety, to be found at Ins Nursery and is prepared to furnish Fruit l and Ornamental TREES, FLOWER * » ING, SHRUBS, Roses, Bulbus Roots, aol a large quantity of well-rooted Boxwood. Ho res pectfully invites the public, and the ladles in particular, to give him a call. oci!s ts