Newspaper Page Text
(Stating jpsgatdj.
v . ~ - «
it O’CLOCK P. M. DEC, 84, IS3*.
Ko Pnper.
In accordance with time-honored cus
tom, there will be no paper issued from
this office to morrow evening. We ten
der our readers the compliments of the
season, bespeaking for all, a merry
Colton’g General Atlas
We alluded yesterday to Colton's Atlas
of the. World. We should have said
Colton’s General Atlas, which is a later
publication than the former, and supe
rior to it, in every respect. We were led
into the error in terms from having the
name of the old work in our mind at
the time we wrote, and deem it proper
to correct it, that our readers may not
have the impression that the Agent is
still selling the old edition. The work
under notice has 170 maps and descrip
tive plates.
Aik Kill tor In Toan.
We had the pleasure of a call, on yes
terday, from C. B. Barrow, Esq., one of
the editors of the Georgia Weekly Visitor,
published at Madison, Ga. The Vidor
has recently been purchased by C. B.
Barrow & Co., and it is their purpose
to improve the paper and give it a wi
der circulation, It is located at a favor
able point to advance the interests of
Augusta advertisers, and those who be
lieve in Printer's Ink ought by all
means to advertise in the Visitor. Mr.
Barrow is at the Planters’ Hotel.
Free Lunch.
The attention of our readers is direct
ed to the notice of a free lunch to-mor
row morning at the United States Ho
Georgia Conference.
We have not yet received a list of the appoint
ments of the Georgia Conference, but a friend has
handed us the following, for this city and a few
other places :
Augusta —St. John’s Church—Jos. S. Key.
St. James—Tiios. H. Jordan
Asbury, (New Church)—.Tames M. Dickey.
Trinity Colored Charge—Robt. A. Conner.
Athens District — J. 0. A., Clark, P. E.
Athens— !•. W. Shear.
Columbus —A. T Manx and 1.. Pierce.
Washington —Tho3. F. Pierce.
Tile Marsh Juveniles.
This troupe of celebrities will make
their first appearance on Monday night,
when they will play the Naiad Queen,
and the farce of Nan, the Good for
Nothing. The Atlanta Intelligencer al
luding to this troupe, says :
We commend the “Marsh Juveniles’’
to the special favor of our people.—
Their performanc es thus far, have been
free from everything that would offend
the chastest modesty, and we hazard
nothing in saying that ladies, and the
mist fastidiously moral, will not find
anything in their performances, which
they will regret paying half a dollar to
Strnkosch’g Concert.
The operatic festival passed off last
night in the most brilliant style; Concert
Hall was full, and we have never seen a
more delighted audience. Piece after
piece, was encored, ami the enthusiasm
heightened with each succeeding show
er of musical harmony. The Company
appear next in Savannah for two nights.
There will be preaching at the
Green Street Presbyterian Church, by
G. W Bonos, on Sabbath, at 3 o’clock
P. M. Also at 7 o’clock in the evening.
At the Baptist Church in the morning
and at night, by Key. J. E. Ryerson.
At the Presbpterian church morning
and night by Rev. J. R. Wilson.
[communicated ]
To Ihc Honorable ami Ancient Fra
ternity of Grampus Vlteas.
B. & S.—The auuual meeting and
election for officers of our Order being
near at hand, and understanding that
the present G. 11. P. is a candidate for
re-election to this responsible office, and
believing that none but truly worthy
members should aspire to that dignity,
the writer deems it necessary to make
known to the members throughout the
State, some incidents connected with
the said G. H. I’, and his visit to the
North last summer. The first event
occurred at one of the Palace Hotels of
New York city. It seems, as far as can
be ascertained from the confused ac
count of the inmates and the gentle
man himself, that in attempting to
leave one of the parlors, he came in
contact with another gentleman who
intercepted liispassage, and being noted
for his politeness, made way, when, as
is not usual, the stranger also made way,
which of course brought them face to
face, and so they dodged hither and
thither for some minutes, until our G
H. P. became excited and belligerent,
and came to a dead bait against the
wall, and imperiously ordered his inter
cep ei to “pass on and not make a fool
of himaslf any longer,” when to his
astonishment he funud he had been gy
rating before a huge mirror. He was
pet ll tied,and might have remained so
to this day, bad he not been aroused by
a guffaw whicu shook the immense
building, and turning, found all the
servants, man and maid, with a goodly!
portion of the boarders, witnesses of
the scene. Our G. H. P., worthy lam
sorry to say no longer, was carried out,
and mi his recovery subsided into an
obscure part of the city and was no
more seen
I will only add that the scene occur
red near the bar room, and leave the B.
&K. r.. draw their own conclusions, and ■
judge if such an one can worthily fill
1 the big 1 ’ office of G 11. P.
j Having extended this beyond our own 1
/ expectations, we will defer further dis
closures, when. if he does not, in the a
meantime withdraw, we may have
something to say of the Indian maids a
of the Hatchwatchies in Canada. 00 ti
How the IVorlh Supplies the South
with Literature.
No little surprise has, at times, been
manifested at the want of success of
every attempt to establish literary pa
pers in tlie South, and at the failure of
almost every weekly journal which has
ever been issued. Some have asserted
that the people of the South were not a
reading people ; that, absorbed in busi
ness or devotion to pleasure, they neith
er bad time to devote to literature nor
inclination for such relaxation. Such
an impression can only he entertained
by those ignorant of the habits and the
particularities of our people.
The inhabitants of New Orleans and
of the South are liberal contributors to
Northern Journals. Instead of nourish
ing those which have their origin here
and would reflect Southern opinion and
Southern intellect, they are regular
readers of such as are published in
Northern cities, and contain the trash
iest pro luction of even Northern intel
lect. A brief summary of the weekly
sales of Northern newspapers in this ci
ty will establish this assertion. In the
facts condueed it is also worthy of note
that the New York Ledger—a journal
that contains only the whipped sylla
bub of literature—has the widest circu
A few months since, the following
weekly sale of papers published in
Northern cites was made in New Or
leans: Harper's Weekly, 1,500 copies;
New York Ledger 2,500 ; Police Gazette
500; Frank Leslies 400 ; New York
Heraid 150; New York Clipper 300 ;
Ballou's Pictorial 350 ; and several oth
er weeklies of New York and Boston,
ranging in number of copies from 250
t 500 copies each, making in all a to
tal of 8.500 copies per week.
Household Words, by Dickens, is sold
to the amount of 100 per month.
The American monthlies, published
at the north, reach a circulation of
5,000 copies in New Orleans, of which
Harper's has a circulation of 8,000 co
pies. The total expense of these pub
lications to this community is J>45,000
per annum.
Here is the secret of the want of suc
cess of home journals of a literary char
acter. The North ha§ possession of the
field. Thirty-two thousand of our pop
ulation, allowing only four persons to a
family into which these journals go, are
brought constantly and habitually in;
. contact with Northern mind. We need j
i not say that the. character of most of
these Northern Journals, indeed, of al
most all of these except Harper's, is
such as is ill-calculated to improve the
taste, develop thought or puryfy the
heart. Still le6B do they communicate
valuable knowledge, or anything high
er than to cater to morbid sensibilities.
If we desire to create a Southern lit
erature, we must first determine to fos
ter home journals instead of those pub
lished in the free States, and nourish
them into a prosperity that will react
upon Southern mind and incite it to ac
A comparison, which we are able to
make, will give to the views here ex
pressed still greater force. Two first!
class magizines are published in the
Southern States Russell's Magazine,
published in Charleston, and the South
ern Literary Messenger, published in
Richmond. These will compare favora
bly witli any Magazines in the country.
The latter has been regularly issued for
twenty-five years. Os these journals
there are but fifty-five copies circulated
in this city—forty of Russel’s and fifteen
, of the Messenger.
The fact is, the South haslittle litera
ture because it shows no liberality to
Southern productions, and is coutent,
while berating the encroachments of
the North, to pay tribute to every en
terprise which any literary adventurer
• of the Free States may undertake.—
• New Orleans I'icayune.
Cflntmtraal Intelligence.
December 24, 1858. j
REMARKS —The inclement weather, with rath
er unfavorable advices from Europe, have re
’ suited in a light week’s business in Cotton. The
Produce trade exhibits no new features of special
’ note ; indeed, the prices of grain have been re
markably uniform lor many weeks, and opera
tions hive been light. Bacon is getting scarce,
. and but little new Bacon has been received. In
Groceries there is a tendency to full rates, with
quite an active trade.
> COTTON —The receipts of the week under rc
t view have been 7,771 bales, against 9,008 bales
• for the week previous. The total receipts at all
j j the ports, compiled from the latest commercial
; reports, are 1,575,560, and show an increase on
the last year of 655,362 bales,
i At the close of our last report, we left the
7 market quiet at the following quotations : Mid
a dling 11 ©11.%, Good Middling 11%, Middling
j Fair 11% cents. Ou Friday the steamer’s ac
counts unsettled the market, bat caused no ma
• terial change in quotations ; and during the en
t tire weak juices have beon quite uniform on
f good cotton, holders refusing to submit to con
k cessions. The lower grades have been dull, and
to-day wo noted a decline of % cent on them.
The sales of the week are about 6,000 bales
and we quote at the close of operations to-day,
• as follows :
i Middling 11%©~
Good Middling 11%©11%
1 Middling Fair .11 %© —
Our readers are referred to our tables of re
, ceipts, stocks and exports, for a reliable state
meut made up to this (Thursday) afternoon.
The market to day is extremely quiet, as sale?
reported to us exhibit. Total sales 45 bales, as
follows : 4 at 9, 2 at 10, 7 at JO%, 6 at 10%, 3 at
If, 21 at 11%, 2at l]%c. Receipts 992 bales.
RECEIPTS of cotton.
1858. 1857.
New Orleans, December 17 760,428 554,400
Mobile. Dec. 17 206,103 146,758
Florida, Dec. 3 37,856 4,362
Texas, Dec. 11 60.187 40,106
•(availnah, Dec. 6 2*25,105 71.902
Charleston, Dec. 16 203,507 97,641
sor:h Carolina, Dec. 11 10.985 2,197
Virginia, December 1 11,389 2,806
Total 1.575,560 920.198
. Increase in receipts 655,302
1858. 1857
(New Orleans, Dccemher 17..325.065 288,811
Mobile, Dec. 17 129,580 95,636'
Texas, Ike. 11 26,696 17,377!
Florida, j*ec. 3 21.4->8 1,034
Savanna!*, 1 cc. 16 78,263 31,000
Cbarle Dec. 16 19,925 34,874
Virginia, December 1 1,860 900
North Caxcfcnu, Dec. 11 10,9 3 1,741
New York, Bee. 14 44.193 3t>,833
Total 667,863 56220 6
1858. 1857.
To Great Britain . ..463.619 291,830
To France 224,965 102 522
To other Fore gn Ports 101.1£0 72.921
To‘al to Foreign Ports 780.714 467,273
To Coastwise forts 2:39,140 62 442
WHEAT.—There is a demand .‘or good Wheat,
at 90c. to $l for Red, and tor* White.
FLOUR —There is no change In ’his article, ,
and the demand is only moderate, at the quota- ,
tions in our table.
ARTICLES. | Per Wholesale
L>.kA»Gl.\v*—tiiaui) , heavy.. .1 H'tifid lt>
light 1-4;© 15
BALE ROPE—Handspun ft 7%© lo
Machine 1 9 (a) 10
BACON—liams 12 © 15
Sides .... 9%© 10
Shoulders j B%© 9
BUTTER—Goshen, prime !ft 23 ©2B i
Country 14 to) 16
CANDLES—Spcrmacetti 40 (a) 50
Georgia made ...| ■ 13%/® 15
Adamantine. ...| | 23 ©25
CHKESF/—Northern ‘.... I 11%/® 14
COFFEE—Cuba i ! none.
Rio L... 113'afa) 13
Java 16%/® 18
iAiguayra I 13 © 14
CEMENT—Ro.-Gndale bbl. 200 ©250
Pla«ter Paris, Calcined.. j 300 ©350
/Shirtings, brown, 3-4 yd! 4%/® 6
4 - ’• 7-8.... j.... j 6%/® 7
§ “ “ yd wide.; S © 10
Sheetings.b own,s 4 j....i 12 /® 15
« “ bleached, 4-4. J ; 8%/® ..
2 Georgia Stripes |. .. 1 12' ©
5 Bed Tick ;.... 9 /® 18
Oznnluirgs. Boz ; 10 © 11%
(Yarn, (assorted) • ft 1 17 (id 19
FlSH—Markerel, No. 1 I bbl 16 /® 19 j
“ No. 2 .... 15 fa) 17
“ No. 3 '....10%/® 11%
FLOUR—Tennessee Superfine 450 (a) 500
•• Extra “ 500 ©525
“ “ Family 650%/®575
City Mills—Sup 550 ©575
Family 600 ©650
Extra Family 700 ©750
GRAIN—Corn, Sack bus. 70 fa) 75
Wheat, white 100 ©llO
“ red 80 fid 100
Oats j 80 (id 90
Rye I 90 (id 95
Peas I 70 (a) 75
Corn Meal "5 .. 80
POWDER ;keg. 550 ..700 ,
IRON—Pig i ioo
Swedes, assorted !ton. ; 5 (id 6
Hoop ioo.! 4%/® 5%
£baet I ft j 4%/® 6
Nail Rods I | 7 (id 8
IARD |....' 11 (a) 11%
Exports of Cotton to Foreign and Coastwise Ports, commencing Bth September, 1857.
Savannah. Charleston. Mobile. JV. Oilcans. New York. Other Ports. Total.
wr.'THER exported. ISoS. IS.-yfr. 1858.1 1887. :[1858« ? 1557. . IMSB. j 1857. 1858. 1857. i 1858. 1857 V lm'WJfT
UvorpooiTT. 72877 19758 66896 29024, 57500 19539 188705:145425 18113' 32517 6477' 23182 . 1
Huii 1453 ’ ■ 1 i
Glasgow and Greenock 2050 2178 ! 3981 199 28 !!!!!! !
Cork and a Market ... 1 j i’”:i927i 3426 463911 1’319 424
Total to Great Britain 74927 21936 66896| 3U4771j 61487] 22966 235096;16U725 18786, 32545 6477 ~28182 46361 F 291830
Havre 6995 7r. .ITT„K .. “9747‘'"49504 ; 21211 138251: 67163 :''~379!& 1312 '7777.'^
Bordeaux 1 ; 1948 340
Marseilles _ . 603' 12v'
Other French Poru ....... 643"””’!.!.!...; 1354 051 !.!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!.!!!!
lolalto France IM ...... . ; an.W 10800 i “'405. 4 212 U 'uzins. «K 464 38iwi 1312 HSS hSSai 102622
Amsterdam 'f.'lf'uTl.'.T. ! OiSlii I lsw'j ~?' '..\Y. "*1 “
Rotterdam I ; ; 6656 895 4H2 406 " ...
1 Antwerp ! j :i ! I 14710* 16 15; 312 f 20(6' '
j Hamburg ' 919., 6125 275E ; I#p ,
tl women r seci; 1520 1023 174 24t ... . .
Barcelona, Itc j 650 214' 188*8' 9282 056 '
Mexico, &0 71701 5944: 2080 7342 53i 136'.
Ucnoa, Trieste, &c ' : 5170 13331 9134
Ghent, So ... . 4004 .
' Other Foreign Ports 3070 2056 !!!!!. !!!!..!.!..!!! 1205: !!!.!. !!!.!.!!!!.'!!!
1 Total to other Foreign Ports.. ■ 3i.7e ..;~~lß4W;~iT.7it! 9274 jgjg) 710211 68848 “ 7720 59 i-Wi. 101130 72921
1 New York 35502 "13079 i''24996i 17902 SSui 1*54 3562 ''"BolßT.77Tr?o?'Tr T.T
Boston 13902 ; 45 13639, 610 5765 1 .. 34130 3702 . i
Providence 2012 676: 6460 *■ 8750'.. . . 4890 . . ..
Philadelphia j 5863: 57 , 6368 673 223.. 188 239 ,
Baltimore 5560 282 2634 : 704
other coastwise ports 1404 3i98 5118; ii? 94: 749 s !!. !!!!!!.,!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!...!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Total Coastwise JJ237 , 54090 lum«i . 27026.~»iW 42470 0969 "7. . , sTiSI '2*. 4> '• it:
Grand Total MsTdi 4182811 162511 71501 1473451 '56923 .'491779 289483 3U280|"‘37438j 00313 ' 34542 1030754 i" 530715
CORN.—There is rather more demand for this I . , 0 . I -v «- ■ - ■-■■■ i
... ~ . . . _ A . . averaging 120 to 185 lbs., and $6. GO a $6.85 for, 1 T
article, and lots bring «0 to 73 cents. |, , 1.9 Ivi l“.
those averaging 2201« 250 lbs. At other points JLJ JLXtJL JLJft
, COFI* t E.—Stocks are much reduced, and the . . . t
market exhibits an advancing tendency. | prices bad given way, and the .mpression tha. '
; SUGARS -.New crop New Orleans is tn good prlCa * mim 80 lower ; s ° enl<Kl vfry gencraL Y) I /* VTLi D j
, supply, of very superior quality, for which we *** , | ft fl I fS
' quote 9to 10 cents. Other qualities are un owing ,s a comparative statement of Jj Xjl t) 113 H a
changed Ihe CoD,l »t*°n of the New York Banks tor the w 7
‘ , . . „ ... weeks endiug December 11 and 18 : TT A IT)
BACON.—Our market is not well supplied _ if h\ I 1 \
... , ... . Dec. 11. Dec. 18. JLAJLJLJLJLV •
. with Bacon, an! prices are llrm. We quote ;LoaM *126,520.129 *127.055 010
Western Sides at 9/3)9 Shoulders B>a, Hams Specie. 27,195,522 26.608,877 f 1 lilUff l!l Mlfll
. 10/2)14 cents. The market is quite bare of Clear Circulation. 7,750.166 7.710,6271 B EH . |%J 1
, Sides, and they uro in demand at 1J fa) I>£ cents Nett Deposits 88,981,906 89,690,032; V JaflAfJLJLiali i wSm •
i No new Bacon, save a few email lots of green I The loans show an increase about equal to the ,
I loss of com, while the nett deposits arc up nearly rnrs
. TlSn £” " Ta , three-quarters ofa million. " 500 BBLS. PRIME ROCKLAND IME ;
I ARD.—There is an improved demand for Sterling Bills are held at for bankers, | nnf)
Lard,and prime new in barrels brings 11/®l2c. but at this price there is little doing. The ship- IjUvJU LINCOLNVII.LE LIME
Old is V eer t lower ment of specie by Wednesday J s steamer does j Af\f\
> t )V p .... ' ,» i not promise lo be large—half a million only be- 4llU CFVIFNT •
RYE.—This arise eh in request for sowing, iDg engaged thus far ' | ~CA ’
and we quote nominally at sl. - ■■■ ; 1 u CATCTNFri pr
FEATII RS.—The supply is not equal to the ATHENS, December 22.—CWfnn.—'We quote! onn ’
; demand, and we raise our figures to fifty cents. , morning at from 10>,j to 10K cts ZUO “ FARMERS' PI.ASTER ;
OATS.—The market is well supplied with seed COLUMBUS, Dec. 23—Our Cotjon market is 5 000 !Re pt isTFßtvr min
Oats, at 80c to *l, according to quality. quite brisk this morning, and prices of yestcr /%/ww» ” ’
POTATOES.—The supply continues heavy, and day are fully sustained. The receipts of \ ester- “ fir c t quality GOSHEN BUTTER ■
.. ~ , day were 573 bales, and sales about 700. at 10)f ! J. I. «r,i (jui.iy uwum tuntn.
the article is dull and buyers can be accommo- ,01 *\, eent« 7 i OR
date! on easy terms. We do not alter our quo ll i bbls. prime NORTHERN APPLES ;
tations from last week. OFFICIAL* DRAWINGS t Cfftn/s on J
CEMENT.—There is a good supply in hand, 0? TRB HI OlUlvj CIJIQ tO AFriVCj
and our principal dealers have reduced their Sparta Academy Lottery.
tigurc3 to $2/32.50. OF GEORGIA. Cf)R CA IP AT TUT
• HOGS—Verv few Tennessee Hoes have vet 1 The following are the drawn numbers of the lUI! OnLL nl IML
\ try .ew iennesee nogs iu\e >e j SPARTA AC ADEMY LOTTERY, CIots 809-drawn _
come in. and the tales that have been reported i DECEMBER 23 1858 • T7 T? TJ V T A II T X 1 C
arest $6(257.60 nett. j 22, 67, 39, 40, 72, 7, 70, 27, 44, 05, V 11 1 U AXj O 1
- DRIED FRUIT. Dried Peaches, peeled, are 34, 13 64. \foT*W PotfiC.
- in demand at $3 to $4 per bushel, unpeeled F c BARBER 1 Jidl KCI ±idloß.
a $1.50 to $1.75 ; Dried Apples, peeled, 80c. to $1; D P DUGAS j Commissioners.
ft.; Beeswax, 250. ®ft ; Pea Nuts, 75c to *1.25 Sarsaparilla Compound.
" bushel; Dry Hides, 10 to 12c. » ft.; Peach fpHIS preparation lias been found a 4U.UUU rrißie begaiS I
! j Brandy $1 to $1.25 ft gallon ; Eggs, 18 to 20c. J. valuable article to be used with or pre- 11C Cases Oturd'g
a dozen ; Feathers are scarce and very much in scribed with other medicinos. lodide of Potas- 11D COG’VIC fill ANDY*
~ demand at 4S to 50 cents ft. : Butter IS to 20 f u, » will have much better effect upon the sys- * ‘ “ ’
!1 tem, when combined or prescribed with this 1 1 *i ,e 1,1 st
CONtECfIONERIES.—Cur market is well sup ministered in auy oilier way.
- plied with everything in the Confectionery line. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. D I liflWF /tr flft
s and trade lias been very heavy during the week, Leucorrhea or Whites, it has been fried || # || # aJUivlj
i to meet the demand for the holidays. Choice found a useful remedy. In many cases in- ppvrntT
i a. , . i , ' . . jections should be made use of to contract. GLMLKAL
O ges and Apples are in supply barely equal strengthen, or render more firm the animal tis -n/r i .
a t( > tbo demand, and we quote for the former $3.50 sues or the source of the debilitating discharge. UOmilllSSlOll IflGrCUctlltS,
$ hundred, and for the latter $5/g>s6 barrel. With expectorants, much less medicine will y> IAO . “
e North Carolina $1 lower be necessary than is generally taken in disease. l - 4 Hroau-lHreetj
ALE AXD CIDER. Good supply of both arti- J? r 0 ’ r A^s.? A > GA - OSB BOOK BEWW THE CMOS
= cles on band—the best Philadelphia Alois selling edies lor the Cough will have better effect. m
•at $lO fi bbl.; Champagne Cider at $lO. and Ap- In Sores, Scrofulous or Venereal Ulcers, with — ——
- pie Cider at 59.50. proper external attention, its continued use Utt tjvp I not StOaiYlPr
, pnv . ~ • , , ... ; either with or without lodide ol Potassium, nro- "V bllC LdOl tJbC/dlllGl i
IRON, &c.—Our market is woll supplied with duces good effects. *
1 every description of Iron, and as large supplies For sale by Druggists generally. dec23 \\j I I I II If If DI\I I?
of English and Swedish are arriving, our dealers “ ~ ~ ~ If Ililil ll ll H II K/I 11 ill
1 are well prepared for the fall trade. As Bagatelle Tables. j H4S „ Fr , Fl * !; 1
they are all heavy direct importers, they will be e a \ i r> » * rrpr t t-. nAO v JLU
able to sull at satisfactory prices. Swofies or- X^'aßilfS,“for sale el!ra P ‘, Petet’S Superior Mid <flOFeSs
>i dinary is worth 5/5)6,; do. wide, b%(a/& ; Ex- No. 145, first door below' City Hotel. dec22-4 _ T
tra small 6}i®6J< ; English 3©3,U ; do. refined —— DeLSIieS and Barfi2"PS
Tin Plate 1. C. ™ Bareges '
'^EXCHANGE.—Our Banks are checking on New LETTER, COMMERCIAL NOTE. BILL MailtlliaS (01(1 8(111(11*6
FREIGHTS.—The river is high, and friegbte for AND BANKERS’ ENVELOPE Vi 00l OIIRAV lS •
. Cotton have been reduced to 40 cents per bale. a T> M 'U\ _ ._ _
■ srsisr™i?sisrs or ,, PAPER. LAD ES' MERINO VESTS
. ’ ’ Os all qualities, for sale at low prices, inany uiuiuiiu ■ i ki.
Charleston 60 cents. < quantities, from half ream to a full rase, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF
} Provision Market. At Office Bath Paper Mills, BLACK AND POl’fl FRlNfiF<!>
i Deported by H. R. PHILTm, Clark of the Market. ' d „„„ , f BROAD kTRFFT ’DLrtUft HIKU lIULU milllUtO,
' Beef, on tbot wholesale 4*©s I dec2 - tf BROAD-STREET CLARK’S WHITE AND COLORED
: „ d „° re “ l , J ®rpHE LIFE and Labors of the Rev. .
f * h °!? Salo ,n ®I«, ! 1 Daniel Baker, D. D, Pastor and Evangelist ; Ola Zed Thread 1
• gi oo T - Hl ‘ “ & «»»• HoS£ a.
| Sweet Potatoes, ft bushel 50 ©75 /fa ~g~T^T*tJ*T , * =r n ,
©oo wanted for every county in Georgia White and Red Flannels,
Turkeys SI.OO fa) 1.50 TO SELL VERY CHFAP •
.own 6 * m |«5 Grover & Baker’s NEW' feT-SrXjES
:BWTi==S IS Saline,t,, Lla.«,.„„a
, Butcher’s hides ft , 12 ©I2X THOS. P. STOVALL & CO., BlailkelS^
St; oa ®nn decll-tf Owners of ight for Georgia. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHIRTINGS
Keveipls <>> Knllruud. SlieriO S hale. OTHER GOODS, WHICH WILL BE
The follow ing a-o the receipts of Produce by I) V virtue of sundry writs of fieri facias n .„ T ~w . x , v
the (.’oorgia Railroad for the past week • !JD tome directed, I will proceed to sell, at LJVV ao aiN i UIHLKLASH
Wheat 24G5 sacks. Mgefleld OourtHonae. on the first Monday and HOUSE CAN AFFORD THEM, THIS
Corn 1450 Tuesday in JANt ARY ne*t, the following prop-
F l our ' j,
Cotton." 6 070 bales w - w Geiger vs. Wm. H. Adams, one tract of—
li ■ ' Land containing throe hundred and thirty acres. CYirD.tIUHS anil \>>u Vear
.. ... , ... more or less, situated three or four miles from 1 111
Jlok rrfttle 'Vest. Hamburg, adjoining lands of Umar and others, IKEoLNIS.
From the West, our advices for the week end- known by the name ol the Got!' laud, on which "VTOTHING more suitable for a present
ng tSthinst., report very large receipts, and at WH. Mathis has jived the past year. toaLady, than one ol GROVER & BAKER’S
Qnrinnuti, prices had decliued 50 to 75 cents per ,i s^°V,lhi'‘ Dd ,iT' „eVJ,° iv, n” Pr red Th° f st,vlN " u MACHINES.
cwt. Tho sales during the week were 40,000 purchaser to give bond and approved sureties Machine ItLnH “eii nv iw ma To
head, closing dull at *5.25 to *6.25 for those j decl6-ftd JaC- EIDSON, S. E. D. DUVALL b Machine Rooms, selling ftom*su to
ARTICLED. JVrj Wholesale
LEAD—Pig and Bur ltd. 1 s J® li
Sheet : 6%/® S
White Lead ! 7%/® 9
i.lME—Georgia.. bbl. 17o' /®225
Norihern : 175 /®i!00
MOLASSES—Cuba gal.l 26 1® c 0
New Orleans 45 f® 46
NAIIaS—Cut, 4d to 20d ! 4 (5) 4%
OlLS—Sperm, W. strained 1200 f®226
Fall strained 125 f®l2s
Summer strained !100 /®125
Linseed bbl.i 100 (®llO
Tanners’ I 55 ©C9
Hard 100 (id ..
POTATOES bbl. 250 ©OSO
PORTER doz. 1226 /®250
; PEPPER—BIack ft 11 (id 12%
. PIMENTO 11 (S) 12%
RAISINS—MaIaga, bunch box. 300 ©350
Muscatel 200 ©225
RlCE—Ordinary 100. o? 0 ©OOO
Fair 400 ©450
Good aud Prime '450 ©SOO
fFrench Brandies gal. 300 ©3OO
Holland Gin !i r .o ©175
r C American Gin !35 ©4O
2 Jamaica Rum 150 ©2OO
N. E. Rum. lids and bbls 37 © 40
, h Whisky, Phil, and Balt ; 33 ©35
iI- “ New Orleans 30 ©33
Peach Braudy, Georgia & j
Tennessee ICO ©125
SUGAPv—Cuba Muscovado... ft 8 © 9
P. R. and St. Croix I 9 © 10%
Havana, white \ 10 © 11
New Orleans i 9 © 10
Crushed ! U%© 12
Powdered II %© 12
Refined A ll%© 12
Refilled B .... 11,%© 11 %
Refined C !.... j 10 © 11%
'SALT—Liverpool ! sack 105 ©llO
•>OAP— American, ye110w.... jft f, © 8%
SHOT—AII sizes '.. .. 200 ©225
pEGAßS—Spanish j M i 20 © t’o
American 8 © 10
TALLOW—American I ft j B%© 9
! TOBACCO—Georgi t !.. .. 4%© 6
Cavendish 15 © 15
TWlNE—Bagging ] j2o© 25
Seine '....1 37 © 40
Bank Note Table.
Mechanics’Dank, A u post a PAR
Augusta Insurance & Banking Co., Augusta, “
Bank of Augusta, Augusta u
Bank State Georgia, (Branch) Augusta *»
t'nion Bank. Augusta <i
Georgia Railroad Bank. Augusta “
City Bank, Augusta »•
Bank State Georgia, Bavannah “
All its Branches “
Bank of Savannah, Savannah “
Bank of Commerce, Savannah “
Mechanics’ Saving Rank,: avannah “
Merchants & Planter-’ Bank, Savannah.... “
Marine Bank of Georgia, Savannah “
Planters’ Bank, Savannah “
Centra! Railroad k Banking Co., Savannah. **
Bank of Athens, Athens.... “
Bank of Columbus, Columbus “
Bank of Middle Georgia, Macon
All Charleston Banks “
Bauk of Chester, Chester “
Merchants’ Bank South Carolina, Cheraw.. “
Exchange Bank, Columbia “
! ■Commercial Bank of Columbia “
Rank of Georgetown, Georgetown “
Rank Camden, Camden “
Bank of Hamburg, Hamburg “
Bank o! Newberry, Newberry “
Planters’ Bank of Fairfield, Winnsboro... “
Bank of Fulton, Atlanta, (by the Railroad
Bank only) “ j
Merchants' Bank, Macon 1 ct. dis i
North-Western Bank, Ringgold, Ga.. .1
Commercial Bank, Brunswick, Ga.. .1 “
Manufacturers’ Rank, Macon 1 “ j
Timber Cotters’ Bank, Savannah... .1 lt
Bank Empire State, Rome, Georgia..! 1 “
lAlabama l auks 2f* c t. dis. I
'Good Tennessee Rinks 2
Louisiana Rinks 2 “ |
Kentucky’ Banks 2 “
(North Carolina and Virginia 2 “ I
Wm. H. Goodrich,
i\o. 471 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga.,
Dealer in sugars, coffee, tobacco, segars, candles soa
I^a??*„ A * e,Ne ; *JP FE ’ IW, ? E - NAILS and WOODEN WAKE, BACON LARD fUK
r *“ 1 ' iALT ' kc < * c v including everything usually round in a Wholesale Grocery House,
Excepting liquors.
tuit*. /.
200 bags Tair to choice RIO COFFEE ;
25 “ prime Old Government JAVA COFFEE ■
chcfts GREEN and BLACK TEAS ;
100 bbls, A to C Stuart’s REFINED SUGARS •
20 “ “ CRUSHED “ * ,
12 boxes “ LOAF ••
12 hhds. prime to choice NEW ORLEANS SUGAR ■
100 boxes TOBACCO, various brands ; 75 noo Spanish and r«m, n cvr- 100
1,000 kegs NAILS, assorted : 150 kegs SPIKES, assorted 2 000 licks -
ICO packages NEW MACKEREL ; 40 whole, half andoiartTwes£fw
100 boxes Goshen and English Dairy CHEESE: . 5 keg- prime Goshen b\Vfr LINS ’
100 “ Adamantine and Sperm CANDLES ; B 1 uoanen BLUER ,
50 ** Peurl STARCH ;60 boxes Family and No, 1 SOAP
Cedar TUBS and BUCKETS, Brass and Iron Bound WATER caNr CK ™
and Blasting POWDER, SHOT and LEAD ’
All of which are offered to the Trade on the most reasonable terms
novu-dar.lm »71IlrondStreet, Augusta, Georgia.
Sugar and Molasses,
New Crop.
; Now arriving, and for sa’c low, bv
dccl3 No. 6 Warren Block.
ny BAGGING and Richardson’s Grcenleaf :
, Machine ROPE, (or sale in lots to sail purchasers. )
i dec!6 WU,COX. HAND k AW3LEY.
jXS S 9 .
THE Spring Term begins JANUARY
10th, 1859, under the supervision of a full
. | Board of Instructors. No institution enjoys bet
. i ter facilities for affording a complete, thorough
. and finished education.
Tuition I Horary Departm’t, Spring Term.s32 50 ;
“ Music u “ “ .86 76
“ Pamt’g, Praw'g. kc. t “ “ .1G 25
Pupils are hoarded by the Faculty, and oth- i 13 per month, including everything ex
cept Lights. Weekly recitations in the elemen
tary studies by all classes. Diiily recitations in
- Vocal Music, which, in addition to Latin and
■o French are taught without extra cbacge. Pnt
, rons are earnestly requested to bring their
i daughters and wards at the opening of the
Term. For further particulars, apply to Rev.
i J. L. PIFRCE, President, or
| decO-dGw W C. BASS, Secretary.
Direct From Pittsfield, Massachusetts.
VIZ: 1
170 Bids St. Helena Potatoes.
40 “ Apple “
! 83 “ Peach Blow “
25 “ Early June “
23 “ Pink Eyes and Black Carters,
jfcj* THESE POTATOES were shipped as a
Consignment bv parties living at Pittsfield, at
and will be sold at
Augusta, Ga.-Dec 1, 1858. d&w j
3 j mHE next session of this Institution
I will open cn WEDNESDAY, the 12th Janu
ary, 1859. Board $lO per month, exclusive of
j washing and lights. Tuition the same as at the
i other first class Female Colleges o! Georgia,
i For further particulars, address
President Marietta Female College,
i dec9-d*c3in * arietta, Ga.
i The Democratic Platform,
At $2.00 per annum, in advance,
has an increasing circulation in the host
j graining region in the State, and is an excellent
medium of advertising for all Grain Dealers,
Commission and Wholesale Grocery Merchants.
New Copartnership.
THE undersigned have this day form
ed a copartnership under the name and
f style of BALDWIN & REED, for the transaction
S BUSINESS, at 295 Broad street, three doors be
low the Planters’ Hotel.
Augusta, Geo., December 16th, ISSB.
j A Card,
'i T WOULD return my sincere thanks to
j A mv friends, for their liberal patronage be
stowed on the late firm of Hollingsworth k i ald
# win. and would respectfully solicit a continuance
j of the same to the new one or Baldwin k Reed, i
decltf-daclm WALTER A. BALDWIN.
j V7 any desired variety. Apply to
I decl4-d*c2w Berzelia, Ga.
ALL persons are hereby notified not
to trade for the following described Notes i
to-wit: One Note dated September 18th. 1858 !
for Three Hundred and Sixty two Dollars and
Fourty-four Cents, duo November IBih and 21st ,
! 1858 ; and one Note dated Septei her 18th, 1858
’ for Three Hundred anu Sixty-mur Dol ars and
Forty seven Cents, due December 18th and 21 t,
1858*: and one Note dated September 18th 1858,
for Three Hundred an i Sixty six Dollars and
j Fiity-one Cents, duo January 18tli and 21st, 1859
5 1 All of the above Notes signed by William C.
Hanes (or W. C. Hanes) an t David (hisX mark)
Hanes, and all made payable to the order ol
Bones, Brown & Co., at Bank in Augusta,
Geo. The above described Notes were 10-t out
J of the mail between Auuusta and Jonesboro,’
Geo., or have been lost, stolen or mislaid in some
other wav, and tho consideration for which said i
three Notes were gitfen has been paid or added j
. into other Notes by the payees of said three
■ Notes. WILLIAM C. HANES, j
Jonesboro’, Ga., Dec. 2, 1858. dec7-dactf
, X x 25 hhds. prime Porto Rico St GAR ;
50 hhds. good to prime N. 0 SUGAR :
40 hhds. prime Co a For sale
’ *1 THIRTY CASKS prime city cured,
I now receiving Irom M. Louis, and for -alei
bv deco J- A. ANfcLEY & CO. !
Hiddes, Hides, Hides,
I Highest p. ce paid < r them, by
decU-tf I
Choice Havana Oranges,
And IL)uanas.
25 kegs Pickled OYSTERS, just received
! and for sale low, by
j decl3 A. D. WILUAMS.
1. v Tenant House, or Embers from Poverty
I Hearthstone.
I Vernon Grove, or Hearts as they are.
Bards of the Bible, by Gilfillan.
r The Coopers, or getting under way.
Blonde and Brunette, or the Gothomite Ar
-1 cody.
A life Dream, and other poems, by A. Smith
i Self made Men, by Chas. B. I eyinour.
The Sociable, or One Thousand and One
Home Amusements. Illustrated with nearly
I 300 engravings and diagrams, by the author of
I Magician’s Own Book.*
Also. Leslie’s Magazine and Graham’s Mag.v
I zine, for December. Just received ami for sale
»t GEO. A. OATES * BRO.,
dec3 240 Broad Street.
V_7 fine Cliampaigne Cider, just received aud
cr sale by decß C. CHURCHILL.
FIVE Mechanics, Bricklayers and
Plasterers, and two able fellows. Apple to
Madison, Dec. 13, 1868. dly
100 bbls. prime POTATOES. For sale br
Hudson & Miller
OFFER for sale, at reasonable prices :
50 bbls. A, Band C Crush and PuISUOA.'S
100 hags lAguayra and Java COFFEE :
j ICO bbls LIQUOR, assorted brands :
50 M SF.GARS, “ “
10 boxes CANDLES,
i 50 “ SOAP, assorted brands ;
75 >4, and whole boxes RAISINS :
100 packages Nos. 1, 2 and 3 MACKEREL In
• kits, ‘ 4 , V % and whole barrels ;
125 kegs NAILS, Reading brand ;
10 bbls. ALMONDS :
10 ‘ * Brazil Nuts, Filberts and Pecan Nuts
10 “ CRACKERS, assorted brands ;
35 and y z barrels BUCKWHEAT ;
20 dozen Golden California MUSTARD ;
25 cases of PRESERVES and PIE FRUITS ;
j GING, SPICK, and every article usually kept iu
tho Grocery business. dec7
i A FULL and complete assortment of
with and without tops, selected by myself ibis
• Summer, which I will sell low, and on accom
modating terms.
On hand, a good assortment of ROCKAWAYS
. and BUGGIES, of my owq manufacture,
j ALSO—A full assortment of ad kinds of mate
, rials used by Ceach, Harness and Saddle Makers.
; sucii as
FR, &c., &c.
REPAIRING ot Harness and Vehicles done
promptly and at low prices,
j Vehicles manufactured to order.
Comer of Washington and Reynold-sts.,
. i dec. eodtf In rear of Augusta Hotel.
r\ unny baggingT— ~
VX 10 bales GUNNY BAGGING, a little stained,
for sale very low.
. dec7 THOS. P. STOVALL & CO.
Mess mackerel.—
In kits and quarter barrels, for sale by
decll ESTHS & CI.ARK.
250 barrels Pink-Eye Planting POTATOES,
I for sale low, by
decll-dac ESTES & CLARK.
5 tierces choice Canvassed HAMS, for sale
low, by dec2 ESTES & CLARK.
Cook, Waslier and Ironer.
TXT ANTED to hire, from the first of
Vs January next, for oue ye.r. a goo-! Cook,
also, a Washer and T roner and House Servant.
Apply at this office. dec2o-M,W&F3
TO MACHINISTS —Just received, 10
bbls pure Winter LARD OIL ; 260 gallons
: pure SPERM OIL. For sale low, by
i I WM. H. TUTT.
\ decls 6 Wholesale and Retail Druggist.
500 boxes Hydraulic Pressed CANDLES ;
500 half boxes “ “
150 cas s “ “in car
toons. For sale low, by
declß Ag* nt for Augusta, Ga.
5 » kegs BUTTER ; 250 boxes CHEESE. For
I sale low, by declß A. D. WILIJAMS.
\\ 200 barrels Rectified WHISKY, for sale
| low, to close consignment, by
| declß A. D. WILLIAMS.
New crop pecan nuts.—
10 bills, now crop PECAN NUTS, just ro-
I ceiTed, ami lor sale low, by
| declß ESTES & CLARK,