Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, June 09, 1859, Image 1

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sUpst'a (IfittSf Ssimtfh. VOLUME 3; (to citing gisptcj. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, by s. a. ATKINSON. per annum §4 DO WEEKLY, “ I 30 gs Subscriptions will bo received for three juoi ths at *1 25. Monthly subscriptions, Fifty junta. Payment for subscriptions will positiyely be required i« advance. as* THE OFFICE OF THE DISPATCH is on Mclntosh street, one door north of the Georgia Katiftad Bank. KATES OK AOVKUTTSINU! Advertisements wiil ho inserted by the square of 12 lines (100 words.) for 50 cents for the first ie-ertion, and 25 cents for each subsequent in - aertion under one month, to be paid for when the advertisement Is handed into the office. Advertisements under five lines will be insert jd at 10 cents a hue for the first, and 5 cents a line for each subsequent insertion. gail JUgistu. iiaM VySt' GEORGIA RAILROAD. Leave Augusta 0.45 A. M. Arrive Atlanta 345 A. il. I.eavo Augusta 2.45 P. M. Arrive Atlanta 11.50 P. M. Leave Atlanta 12 Night. Arrive Augusta 8.63 A. M Leave Atlanta 10 A. M Arrive Augu ta 0.45 I’M. 4'<>a> ■■ «*«- C South Carolina Railroad. Arrive Augusta 11.16 P. M. do do 1.16 M. Leave Augusta 10 A.M. do do 8.05 P. M. Watern and Atlantic Railroad. Arrive Atlanta 11.22 Night. Leave Atlanta 12.30 Day. Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad. Arrive,AClanta 8.33 A. M. do do 751 P. M. Leave Atlanta 015 A. M. . do do 10.15 A M. Athena Brunch. Leave Augusta 12 45 Night. I.eavo Atlanta 12.00 Night. Arrive at Athens 8 £0 A. 11. Leave Athens 11.00 Day. Arrive at Augusta 6.45 P. M. Arrive at Atlanta 11.45 P. M. Washington Branch. Leave Washington 2 P M., Arrive August. at ',.45 P. M.. and Atlanta 12 Night. Leave Augusta 2.45 P. M., and Atlanta 10 A. M., Arrive Washington7.2o P. M. Warrenton Branch. Leave Warrentnn 3 P. M , Arrive Augusta at 3.4a P.M., Atlanta 12 P- M. Leave Augusta 2.45 P. M. and Atlanta 10 A. M.. Arrive Warren.on 6.30 P. M. N.B.—On SUNDAYS no Trains run on the Branches. GEORGE YOXGE, jy 14 Gen'igup’t AI'GUfTA AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD, .atave Augusta at... 030 A. It. and 2.45 P. M. Arrive at Savannah.. 7.20 A. M. and 9.20 P. M. Arrive nt Macon 9 00 A. M. and 11.00 P. M. "Leave Savannah 45 P. M. ami 12.15 P. M. ..eave Macon at.... 10.00 P M. and 10.45 A. M. Arrive at A* gusta at. 7.19 A. M. and 7.20 P. M. ANDREW YONGE, Pupcrmteudaut. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. For Charleston, S. 0., j “ Kingsville. S. C., lat 10 A. M., and 8.05 “ Camden, S. P-, I P. M., “ Columbia, S. C., J and arrive at Augusta ut 1.15 P. M.. and 11.15 p. M. H. T. PEAKE, jy JD General Superintendent. ATLANTA ISA LAGRANGE RAILROAD. Morning Pas’ngor Train leaves. a m and arrives at West Point 3.39 a m Evening Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 0.15 a in and arrives at West Point 5.3’ a m MorningPass’ger Train leaves W. Point 3.46 a ni and arrives at Atlanta at 8.33 a m Evening l’ass’grTrain leaves W. Point 2.55 p m aud arrives at Atlanta 7.51 pm Faksto Wkst Point, $3.50. GEO. G. HULL, Superintendent. SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD. Leave Macon at 11.45 P. M. and 9.45 A. M.; Arrive in Columbus ai 5 35 A. M. aud 3.45 P M. Leave Co, embus 4 A. M.and 3.45P.M.: Arrive u Macon 9.60 A. M. and 9.18 P. M. Leave Macon 9.45 A. M. Arrive in Albany 4.08 ?. M., Dawson 5 20 P. M. Leave Albany 3 P. M., Dawson 1 40 P. M. Ar rive in llaouti 9.18 I’. M. Tri weekly Accommodation Train Down, Mon day, Wednesday aud Friday Up—Tuesday, Tb’i.rsdav and Saturday. Mail Stages to and from Tallahassee, Thomas vitle. Bain bridge, Ac , connect daily with regu lar Trains at Albany. ' VIRGII. POWERS. Sup’t. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. (Atlanta to Chattanooga.) Day Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 10.15 ain and arrives at Chattanooga 6.25 p m Might Passenger Traiu leaves Chat. 3.10 p m and arrives at Atlanta 11.22 p m Up day Express Freight and Pnss’ger Tram leaves Atlanta 4.50 a m and arrives at Chattanooga 4.35 p m Down day Ex’, aud Pass. do. leaves Chattanooga 6.15 am aud arrives at Atlanta 4.15 pm Dp nlgut Ex. aud Pass. do loaves Atl’a 8.40 p m arrives in Chattanooga 7.01 am Down Night Ex. and Passenger Train leaves Chattanooga • 6.05 p m arrives at At! .nla 4.40 a m Faiik to Chattanooga. $5. M ACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Leave Macon 12 Night. Arrive Atlanta7.l6 A. M. Leave Macon 10 A. M., Arrive Atlanta 4 P. M Leave Atlanta 12 Night, Arrive A. M ..eave Atlanta 11 A. M . Arrive Macon 5 p. M A. L. TYLER,Superintendent. “ HOSE 'COTTAGE - Ice - Cream. SERVED EVERY DAY AND EVENING. PARTIES SERVED AT SHORT NOTICE. WM. F. SMITH, mar3l-d ts Telfair Street. White and Check SOW QUA MATTING, FOR . SALE. 'IT' r E have just received 30 Roll* of ? \ this Goods-to-day. It is the very best quality manufactured, and will be soid low by JAS. G. BAILIE BUG., my9-tf New Cat pet Store. LEWIS 11. CLARKB, GENERAL business agent and COLLECTOR, CKnCK OVER Mt’HIKXBKI.VK’H STORK. WHITEHALL HTREK'f, ATLANTA, OBORGIA, Respectfully offers his services to the i Public. Any basmes entrusted to bis ! we wiil receive prompt attention. Refers to— E. W. HOiJLAND, Pres’l Bauk of Fulton, SCRANTON A- ZIMMERMAN, AuguataGa., I. C. SIMPSON, E<q., Attorney at Law, j IIUNNIUTT ft TAYLOR, PERINO BROWN. Agent Ga. R. R. & B. CO. J. R. fcc. H. WALLACE, CLARKS .It GRUBB. • C. H. STRONG, FR tAWBTIF. - I #* d6m M. J. JONES, M. D., iWIIOUBSADB cfc RETAIL IDEALER ITC ■! !*§, msk m. NO. 171 NORTH SIDE BROAD ST., D I 1 AUGUSTA HOTEL BLOCK, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA 1 :0:-:0: % {f\ V HAVING PTRCHASED THE STOCK IN UP TRADE of MR. T. I’. FOGARTY, AND TA Q 8 ni ken the above well-known stand, recently oc- 7§ar ik cupied liy him, the undersigned ean offer with 71 e confidence to his friends and the public, both ,4' If 6 C, s ty ? nd co ! ,ntr -V, his stock as beinff of t4Dcl_ Ac J®, ? ,lt exte , l ?, t > vanety and quality entitling m. ‘ , ! . 11 ! 1 t 0 a liberal share of patronage. The ml . 'SsgF 'SM "Ibkinn; and that wiil be continued, wIM form « complete assortment in the whole sale and retail line, consisting of Dntffs Med >c* Chemicals, Paints, Oils,Varnishes, Dye Artists’ Materials. Fluid, Window and ,■*£ MSS*. '! " ottier Glass, Dental and Surcrieal Instruments Perfumery and fancy articles ; all warranted ms the t,,,., j 1 Jhgi 1 unients, rale and retail, at reasonable prices The nerson it tn-nttn quality, and offeree at >v hole ful an d experienced A-si-tanis u i.i-n JL P er3,,nal attention ol the Proprietor with the aid of skill Eamnie^^h?omatrlnnitv^of 1 care, and in winch line he solicits patfoi)age CnPtl ° US * ccor<Un « to ordcr ’ prepared with tl.o utmos hiSwth calls ’"which e mav C be m’a wh^' 0 "' c° 80ch of bis frieDds and the Public, as may favoi MSK lX c m s ZZXXT* the Jay ’ ~ tm 9 -*■*. p - “•> ™ -- j- JONES. D F.HIIBMS’ P.ITEXT #1 PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES. " Manufacturer’s prices. Also, Fairbanks’ 1 Now an.Tfmproved LE"rTER B*4j3iN^5 a0 $" for B *, le nov29-rowly J * ELSON, “ i ibe Manufacturer. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR, PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD, Coiiipoutifli'il Entirely fram Gums IS ONE OF 'IIIE BEST PURGATIVE JL ana liver MeUicmes now before the public that acts as u CATHARTIC, easier, milder, auc more effectual than any olher medicine known It is not only a Cathartic, but a liver remedy acting first on the liver to eject its morbid mat ter, tLen on the s omach aud bowels to carry of that matter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectualiy, without any of the painful feelings experienced in th ■ operation? of most Cathartic's ' It strengthens the system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken duly in moderate doses, will strengthen and build it up with un ( usual rapidity. The Liver is ono of., stomach, causing food the principal regula to digest well, purify tors of the human | mg the blood, giving . body, and when it per * tone and health to the forms it s fu net ion- c whole machinery re well, the powers of the * moving the cause ol system are fully de a the disease,—effecting veloped. Thcstomaeli n a radical cure. • is almost entirely de I Bilious attacks are Pi'Udeuton the healthy * cured, aud. what is action of the liver lor J better, prevented by the proper perform \ the occasional use of auco of its lunctious «1 the Liver Invigorator when the st mach i- * One dose after eating at iault, the bowels are V is sufficient to relieve at fault, and the whole f the stomach and pre system suffers in cen - vent the food from ri sequence of one organ £ -ing and souring ' —the Liver,—having _ Only one dose taken ceased to do it- duty “ before retiring lire For the diseases of that vents Nightmare. 1 organ, one of (he pro • Only one dose taken prictors has made ii J at night, loosens the his study, in a prae bowels gently and tice of mure thau 20 t cures Costiveness. I ; years, to find some re- 1 One dose taken after , I rneily w herewith to each meal will cure , counteract the many “ Dyspepsia. , derangements towhicii | One dose of two tea i it is liable. spoonfuls will always , To prove that thi- ■, relieve Sick Headache. , remedy is at last* One bottle taken for , found, auy per 3 o nj_ fe male obstructions, troubled with removes the cause o( Complaint, inar.yofiis t the disease, uud makes forms,has but to try a. # a perfect cure bottle, and conviction * Only one dusoimme ■ is certain. i diatoly rclievest'holic, These Gums remove” wlille i all morbid or bad mat ] a One do-e often re ; ter from the system, B iieated is a sure cure i supplying in their!# for Cholera Morbus I place a iieaithy flow ol d and a preventive ol • bile, invigorating tliclj; Cholera. j Only one bottle is needed to throw out of the ■ system the effects of medicine after a long sick , I uess. ■ One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sal ■ 1 lowness or unnatural color from the skin. i One dose taken a short time bemre eating I gives vigor to the appetite and makes food di _ i gest well. One dose often repeated cures Chronic Diar rhma in its worst forms, while Summer and , | Rowel Complaints yield almost u> the lirst dose. , 1 One or two doses cures attacks caused by , | Worms in children, there is no surer, safer, or , speedier remedy in the wolrd, as it never faiU. I A few botties cures Dropsy, bv exciting the , absorbents. • , We take pleasure in recommending this medi ! cine as a preventive for Fever and Ag le, Chil , Fefer, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It ope , , rates with certainty, and thousands are willing , to testify to its wondcrfttl virtues. , AM who use it arc giving their unanimous tes ] fitr.oay in its favor. Mix Water in the month with the Invigorator 1 and swallow I loth together. 1 The LIVER INVIGORATOR is a scientific Medi cal Discovery, and is daily working cures al ! m ist too great to believe. It cures as if by ma . kic, eren Ihejirst dnie giving benefit, and seldom ; more than oue bottle is required to cure anv kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst Jaun dice or Dyspepsia, to a common Headache, all of which are the result of a Diseased Liver. Price, $1 pur bottle. DU. SANFORD, Proprietor, 335 Broadway, New York. Folii also, wholesale and retail, by PLUMB fc LEITNER, W. H. TCTT, and Druggists every where. apll-ly PRICES OF BRICK. TITHE undersigned will deliver Brick .3. in any part of the City, until further notice at the following prices—Building Brick (the run jot the Kiln) at *7 per M. Paving or all picked j hard Brick per M. Building Brick, a- above, I delivered on the Hill at S.l p. r M. Paving or picked bard Brick at $lO per M. Parties other j than regular contractors, ordering less than 10, 00b brick, will be charged one collar more per iM. Bricks; taken at Kiln 50 cents per M. less Pressed Brick at S2O per M., or for less than j KWh *2 50 per hundred. Well Brick delivered within the City limits $9 per \L. and on the Hill ’ sll per M. CHARLES DELAIGLE. I ; mylO-dJtwtf LEONARD BASSFORD. W. B. Giflin, COMMISSION MEILCHANT. AND AUCTIONEER, STILL CONTINUKB THK ABOVE Ul SiNKSS in all , ' l s branches, and hopes, by a strict attention to lie interest of those who employ him to merit hare of public patronage. ; Administrator’s, Executors and Guardian’s ! attended to promptly, and on the most j liberal terms . Cnsh advances made on Consignments ol Prodme whenever .test re.t. , I*"- 1 * dftwOm ; T) U.SSELL’B MAGAJSINB FOB JUNE I V For sale by THOS RICHARDS & SON I y ‘ AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, JUNE 9 859# BtERHAVE’S ~ HOLLAND BITTERS, e CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOB a DYSPEPSIA, g DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS Liver OoiAA-plAtintv e WEAKNESS OP ANV KIND, y FEVER AND AGUE, •I And the various affections consequent upon a *• disordered ? STOMACH OR LIVER i- UUCH as Indigestion, Acidity of the | IO btomacb, Colicky Pains, Heartburn. Loss oi , I Appetite, Despondency, Cnstiveness, Blind and - Bleediug Piles. Iu all Nervous, Rheumatic, ano Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous in 11 stances proved highly beneficial, and in others e effected a decided cure, d This is a purely vegetabiecompound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the mennei r of the celebrated Holland Professor, iicerhave. c Because of its great sticess in most of the Euro pean States, its introduction into the United t- States was intended more especially for those ol s our fatherland scattered here and there over the *• face of tilis mighty country. Meeting with great ir success among them, I now offer it to the Ameri cun l'ltbhs, knowing that its truly wonderful « medicinal virtues must be acknowledged. ® 8 13 particularly recommended to tliese per sons whose constitutions may have bccß im ; paired by the couliuuons use of ardent spirits, :, or other forms of dissipation. Generally, instan tam oug in effect, it finds its way directly to the' ' seat ot life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, e raising up the d ooping spirit, and, in fact, in 's •“sine new health and vigor in the system, >1 NOTICE —Whoever expects to find this a bov erage will be disappointed ; but to the eick. e weak and I, w spirited, it will prove a grateful ’’ aromatic cordial, possessed of singular remed'ai properties. 1- M’.th ,-xk.-= Tho great popularity ol this delightful Aroma F has induced many lmuuiams, which the public I- 1 should guard against purchasing. Be not pur suaded to buy anything ,-lse until you have given r I Bcerhave’s Holland Bitters a fair trial. One bot d ti" will convince you how infinitely superior it i ». ] to all these imitations. y Sold at $1 00 ner bottle, or six bottles for ■r i $5, by tlie proprietors, s. BENJAMIN PAGE, .fu , 4: CO., ie Manufacturing l’harmaceutistsa id Chemists, i Pittsburgh. Pa. i I For sale in Augusta by H V VILAND. CHLCHES -1 TER & Co., PLUMB & LEITNER, WM. 11. TCTT. and Druggists generally throughout the State g _iv2o-lv CHAN. CAT!.IN, SOLE AGFNT FOR ’ CHICKERING & SONS, i- STODART & MORRIS, ■- and NUNNS & CLARK'S PIANO FORTES, ,f Opposite the United States Hotel. 1 XV *IH a world wide celebrity of ▼ ▼ more than thirty years standing, these j Pianos still retain their position of superiority te over a!l others. A full assortment MO. 6^ - anP. 7 octave instruments, varying in price from j $250 to S6OO always on hand end for sale at - factory prices, and warranted perfect in ever' i respect. i A large stock of sheet Music instruction Books, • (ruitars, Violins, Banfos, Flutes. Arcordeons, i Ac., for 3ale low. All orders promptly tilled e warranted to give satisfaction. The usual u 1 discount made to Teachers and Schools a I «»y9 d*clm W. H. SALISBURY &. CO., DEALERS l\ ; STOVES, GRATES AND RANGES. TIN, OOPI’SR. ul LEAD. AN SHEET IRON WARE. GAI - ,11 VANIZED IRON, i EAD AND HLOCK n.N PIPES, LIFTING and force PUMPS. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ■ c., &c. I AH order* for TIN ROOFING, GAS FITTING, ; and PLUMBING executed promptly and in a su- I perter manner. No. 267 Broad street, mari4-d*c. Augimta, Ga BAGGrNG, ROPE AND BACON.—I2S bales heavy Gunny Bagging, 300 rolls heavy I Patched do., 100 pieces heavy Dundee do., S6O j coils Machine and Hand-made Rop 3, 50,000 lbs ’ Tennessee Bacon, hog round. For sale low for 1 j Cash or ou time by KSTES k ('LARK. niar23 dsr*3m r!- _ ; t /COFFEE.—6OO bogs Prime Uio (Joflee; \J 100 mats Old Java do ; 50 bags Laguyra do. s i For sale by « my 17 WHsOOX. HAND A a^tw Bacon, bacon.—4o,uuu ibs. pmue Bacon Shoulders, now In Store aud for sale low to close consign ment. lay: M. W. WOODRUFF. Utistclhtncous. T WOOD, EDDY & CO’S SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERIES (CHARTERED BY THE STATE UK GEORGIA Capital Prize $50,000 Tickets Only $10! ii \\ ood, Eddy & Co., Manager Successors to S. SWAN & CO. THE following Scheme will be draw by WOOD, EDDY 4 CO., Managers of tt Sparta Academy Lottery, in each of tht ir Sing Number Lotteries for JI'NK, 1859, at AI GUSTA, Ga., in public, under the superintei dence ofCommissioners. CLASS 23, To be drawn in City of Augusta. pubitc.c Sk SATURDAY. Jure 4, 1819. B CLASS 24 ■ To be drawn in city of ogneta,Ga..!n public.c u SATURDAY, June li, 1859. f CLASS 25, To be drawn in City of Augusta. public t SATURDAY, June 18,1859. CLASH 'id, >To be drawn in City of Augusta. Ga., in public, ( SATURDAY, June 25, 1859. *' ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS ! Id -»«,«»«»«!» ist Wee Thousand lour Hundred and Eight y-ff Pr zes ! or NKARIY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY W.VE TICKETS t :,d MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! To be Dravm each Saturday »n JUNE 1 Prize or. $50,01 1 “ “ 20,01 1 ‘ “ 10 01 1 “ “ 50< i “ “ :: jot \ .. ;; v so “ “ ::::::::::::::::: ’Si at too • “ ii APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Frzs of S4OO Ap. to *50,000 Przc arc * 16( 4 “ 300 “ 20,000 “ are 12( 4 “ 250 “ 10,000 “ are I,o< 1 4 “ 225 “ 5,000 <• arc 91 S 4 “ 200 “ 4.000 “ are 8i * 4 “ 150 “ 3,000 “ are 6< 4 “ 100 11 1.500 “ are 4( 5,000 “ 20 are 100,0( 5,485 Prizes, amounting to $320,0( Whole Tickets *lO ; Halves *5; Quarters *2.51 s? *»* Remember that every Prize in the abov Scheme is drawn, and payable in full withoi St deduction. ; Certificates of Packages will be sold at the so J owing rates, which is the risk : Ce rtiticate of Package of 10 Whole Tiekets SS do do do 10 Half do ~ 4 do do do lOQoar. do ~2 j do do do 10 Eighth do ~ l I SPARTA ACADEMY LOTTtRY, CLASS So. 3 »t>, '■ Draws Wednesday, .June 29th, 1830, UN THE THREE NUMBER PI AN. a 75 Numbers—l 2 Drawn Ballo s NEARLY ONE PR T ZE TO EVERY TWO TICKET® I Grand Prize of $36,000. 1 Prize of $19.17 2 Prizes of ... 10.00 “J 2 do of 8,00 10 20 do or ... in,, a 130 do of 23 Ac, fee , Ac , Ac d 27,814 PRIZES AMOUNTING T0*613,19C! ~ Whole Tickets *lO ; Halves 5 Quarters *2 5( e. /n ordering Tickets or Certificates, enclose til y- money to our address for the Tickets ..rdor.u d receipt of which they will be forwarded j d, s :>t mail. ,e The List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes wv ,1 be sent to purchasers immediately after tin j. drawing. ,1 Purchasers will nlease write their signature) plain, and give their Post Oltlce, County and ■- State. '• fl'e” All prizes of *IOOO and under . paid in, !, mediately after the drawing—-other prizes at i, time of thirty days. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDESTS. Those who prefer not sending money by mall can use THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO. ,j whereby money for Tickets, in sums of Tend I lars, mu i upwards, can he sent us At our Risk and Expense a tri'm any city or town where tip v huS- an uiHce 1C The money and order must be enclosed In t ‘ “ Government Post Office •stamped Envebje.” o> n the Express Company caimot receive them A I oommuuteatians strictly confidential Address orders fur tickets or Certificates of WOOD. EDDY A CO., Augusta, Georgia, or WOOD. ED''Y kCO, Ala tl- 1 . Georgia, or WOUD, EDIiY A Cu , Wilmington, ilelaware myl EUDLEMAN & HANKS, IITHOEESAGE hd i r* tail dealers in, and mau "•I m ufacturer? of BOOTS, SHOES, I BATHER LASTS. PEGS. CALF. UNIX i, and BIM-IN(, SKINS, SHOEMAKER'S TOOLS, &C , of whirl they keep a large and constant supply at th» lowest ca.h prices, Whitehall Street, Atlanta Georgia We are also Agent- for Townsends.Shoemakers WAX* THREAD SEWING MACHINE, ad iuoispeiisab'e article lor ShoeMauutaeiurers the only Machine that -ews with wax thread. Would invite the attention of Country Mr chai is to our prices. api A6m 1559. Spring Trade. IBSG, ,f \\, r E have now in store a large am e tl complete stock of HOUSE FURNIsfflNt y GOODS, among which are RHKIGEKAToP.h ,'j Ycrkcg, Winsblp’s, And Parker’s, and iSrowu’ P' tent WATBR Cuoi.ERS, different Patterns it WIRE DISH COVERS, Uval and Round ICI ,y PICKS and MALLETS. Jelly and Blanc Mange MOUIDS, difl'eren s Patterns. Flourished and Briltania Tea and Coffee POTS “ Tea and Coffee URNS ,il Canary and Mocking Bird CA ES, all kinds. S. A. JONES k CO., mhl2 192 Broad street. i MACHINE SEWING, ! A LL descriptions of fine ani 1. J/jL OOAKSE SEWING »s done with die Butch ai the Machine sewing Rooms On Broad street, above N K Butler’s. The heads of Rimtiie- w I! find t t to their mte rest to call and examine specimens of beaurUb, h work, which is daily executed there AT MODERATE CHARGES. DRESSES tor todies and hil iren tucked In thi haudsome-tstyle. SHIRTS, PANTS, VESTS, anc 3 every article of Clothing mu e with dispatct much handsomer tha , bv hand. 4W‘ailat the “ MACHINE SEWING ROOM.' 1 B vagu.-'W, April 28. 1858 t,,28 , T3IRD CA iES, For anle liv 1 ’ s f - vtppnw. Notice. ALL persons imtmg claims against the L.uteoi .i.'liry Ga vlu, late m Ktci,. j mood county, deoe. ed ire notified to present ' them duly attested within the time presi ri’ed e| ny law Abo, all persons indebted te said tie e tate will save Court cost ny making immediate j payment. HAUHUCT C CALVIN, Adiuz. | “P* ts Ulisfrllaitfom. S4O to j family SEWING MACHIW t* SCOVILL & GOODELL'I I r, -A.T'EXNr r X’. vn Sewing with two Thread the gk DOUBLE LOCK STITCH! 1000 STITCHES IMINUTI THE ONLY - LOW PRICEI “SEWING MACHIN or TEiT OZFCF'iiIIR.iEU) ' Sewing with two Thread fa, 1 F(3r sale at the SEWING MACHINE DEPOT Corner Broad & Jaekson Sti SEo OPPOSITE GLOBE HOTEL, K AUGUSTA,* GEO not» i 7 I CLARKE. ANSLEY & 0 toe | feb‘2*2-tf. [«j: IUNINGxEKS «OLD LONDON DOCK m 20b i - ;o; i. | A. M. Biningor & Co i,g,. [established 1778.] IOC SOLE IMPORTERS AND PROPRIETORS, Xo. 19 Broad-st . X. T. 50 :0: NEITHER A >u ' “Schiedam Schnapps.” “London cryfordial-i* Gin, 181. j 7 4t, Nor “Club House Gin,” j! but A PERFECTLY u PURE GIN I PUT UP BY A Mr responsible house, And worthy of the public confidence. For sale SPE ARS dk HIGHT, >. I Wholesale Druggists, Augusta, Ga., dec2l-tf So 316, opixisite Planters’ Hotel. I Aotice TO FARMERS & THE PUBLI S GENERALLY. po PTMTF, Subscriber havinp; obtaineil 00 i. i'atem for an improvement in Plow Stool .00 is now desirous to sell State, County, Shop, 30 Farm Rights, on 'he vvrv best terms. Abo, Agents wanted to sell Rights In the i terent States of the Union. ;0 tny4-tf WM. J. GRIFFIES, i'at. (ie Marietta, Ga 3 8, ( .MUSTIN’S PATEN T Self-sealing EARTHE PKFSERTE JAR, for sale at No 183 Broi 1( Street, Near Augusta Hotel. Augusta. Ga. < For Sale. 4 FINE Set of Blacksmith, Whee . right and Carpenters Tools. Also one Ui " j new two-horse wagon. Ai plv to _ HARRIET C. CALVIN, Admx. " i E.J.BUCKMAST EB No. 151 Broad Steet, D OSE DOOR BELOW THE MECHANICS’ BtNI AT THE WELL KNOWN STAND )| I SO LONG OCCUPIED BY THE. LATE B. F. CHEV DEALER IN Domestic hardware, tin war an I House-keeping Articles, Sieves. Grat i an, i Ranges, Tin Plates, TiDuer’s Machines ai j Tools. WOOD &, WILIOW WAR! - | Hydrant Pumps, Block Tin, Lead, Copper ai j Galvtnised Iron Pine. si PLATED & PLANISHED WARI t; MY STOCK OF *j COOKING STOVES i very complete, embracing all the re Styles now iu use, and representing not le sth 8 different Patterns. Amoi g thena are the VICTOR STOVE, 11 Mattul u tured m Augusta, and the celebrate l 0 WHIJ H I SET.L UN c THREE MONTHS TRIAI ■. If it does not give entire satisfaction, it may returned and no qm-stinns asked. Jj.' I would invite soecia! attention to my stock Geed„— Peculiar to the Season, such as R. frig 0 I to s. Water Coolers, Bu ter Coolers, Bath Tol ! Eive M.nute Ice Cream Freezers,and other sty s i Ice Mallets rd Picks, Curd Presses, Gar I i Engine , &c . Ae mv -5 fVVauted. ED to hire, eight hands —! VV work on the Augusta and Savannah K i Ro »d Also, thr.-e women to cook or hands. I ’ marlo-tf ANDREW Y NGF Sunt. s| s. c. must’inT ! IMPORTER OF i CHINA, GLASS &, CROCKER) ALSU, UKALER IN e- j ul. Fine ' t i!vsr Plate Goods, Patent Lambs, Tab 1 Cutlery Diking Glasses, Waiters, and Wood. Ware Manufacturers Acents for the sale 1 Patent Fruit Jars, No. 183 Broad-street, near t] 11 i A gusta Hotel, Ausnata Ga. a 2H WM. iFbarjiks di CO., AUCTIUNEEKS AND COM. MERCHANTS, " Agents hirtlie purchase and sale el REal. E TATE, i’RUDUUK, MEit‘ HAN dsE, DRY goods, fani y goods, &c., *c. AODEL AUCTION IIOCSK, Nest .loor te Gre.. K. R. Bank Atlanta, Ua. TTAVING one of the best locations i *’ AX the Liiy, both fcr re ail .saie.*a as u 11 c i- auitmjo, we offer to CoDsiguors extra iuduci it iiieuLs to »eud goods to thi- market and can a* d ettro them ibey wUI be quaklysoid, axulcas v j iwomptly returned. Ail varieties of Gat>.ls ca ic i be quickly dj ixised of. ahail at limed kee ! on hand a good Sleok, ao«.l U vmUkry dealers twi \Ahxl ktw lur GAeiH. apl-dly _ $»ols, Sljors, tfr, 800 T g AND IESS# IS >s —*•* BURCH & lIOBEW is, ARE JUST RECEIVING A LARGE A: SORTMENT OF LADIES, MISSES, AND CHILDREN BOOTS AND { SHOES OF ALL KINDS AND SIZES. —ALSO— pv A SPLENDID ASSORrMENT OF FIN IK TRUNKS & VALISES CALL AND SEE THEM, Is! Broad--st., A iisiisfa. Ga marl 2 ts r, THE LATEST IMPROVEMENI . GROVER & BAKER’S NOISELESS "SEWING MACHINES PRICKS $.-,.1 to $l3O. Hemmers $5 Extra, IT is no longer questioned that these Games are the best in use for family Sev ing They hem. fell and s• itch in a superit 1 manner, and are the only Machines in the ma ket which are so well ai d simply made, thi y• ' ma .v be sent into families with no other h 9 structions than are contained in a circular, whic I accompanies each machine, and from whic A CHILD OF TEN YE A IIS may readily learn bow to use and keep them r; order. We refer to the testimonial below of Se | ator Hammond, of Eolith Caro’ina : Washington, D. C., 11th Dec. 1858. Dear Sir: In reply-to your letter, asking n opiuion of Grover k Baker's Sewing Machine * I take pleasure in saving that they have moi e °y than sustained ray expectations, alter t-ying an returning others. I have three of them in opei ation on my different places, and after four year ,j # j trial, have no fault to dud. Respectfully, J— I (Signed) J. H. MaMKONS). 1 Agents Wanted in every county in Georgia.- Sales Room, So. 255 Broad Street. Augusta. IP; STOVALL «fcUAKfHELL. JUST RECEIVED a A SPLKNUID ASSOKI’MKNf OF PIECE GOODt -ks, Consißliog of ,or FINE FIGURED AND PLAIN SILK VESTINGS dif _ « “ U MARSEILLES “ “ FRENCH and ENGLISH CASSIMERS, “ “ “ CLOTHS a. —— Os various colors and flgures, SIDE BANDS, Ac., ALL OF THE* LATEST EX AftfilVAU?, oad jo be made up to ORDER at the shortest cotici __ mai-5-tf by J. M. NEWBY & CO. el AT R. J, BOWE & CO’S,, iD tien, Commission Merchants _ | 287 Broad Street, l,| MAY BE FOUND Tennessee Bacon, Western Sides and Shoulders, ' K i Chandler’s Tenn. Hams, Sugar Cured Ilams, ;vr t Corn nnd Flour, Hay, Eastern and Northern, Lime, UP Cement, .t,»! Plaster, mu Hair, Mackerel, C i Smoked Herrings, i Boston Cured Beef, &Bd I Lard in Cans and Barrels, Soap, Cigars, and Butter. !£_ aplC t WM. M. POTTER, 5 ATTORNEY AT LAW, BLAKELY, EARLY COUNT I GEORGIA. Practices in the various counties < South W T eatern Georgia. Particular attei lion given to Laud Claims. toy 9 dly Wanted the ensuing year, a NEGR ’ ciiambcr Good wages will be paid, and a g»< rbe home secured. Address Box 287, Augusta, G dec2B-U k of g<r Wanted lb T) Y A FIRST-CLASS BOOK-KEEPFJ If* I J with a large country acquaintance, a situ .T® tiou as Book Keejicr oa Salesman. The host 5 References given. Apply at this office. . leblft-if. k | 4 LCHOHOL.—TIie very best can t f,ai l /jL had at 76 centa per gallon, at t I ap2B IS C MUOTIX’S. MACKEREL! MACKEREL!—I( bblß. new Inrre No 3 Mackerel, 50 hi do. do do., No. i <U, 60 bbl do small No. 3 d YFor -ale low by O. A. WILLIAMS S CU., my 13 dim No. 269 Broad Street. ) OUN DRIES.—I,SOO kegs Prime Nail kT 300 boxes Adamantine Candles; JSO do Ti ■h’® bat co, all grades; 50 do Starch: 100 d# Soap; 2c ten b a | eg Heavy Bagging; 1.200 coils Rope. ® For sale low bv _ the rnvl7 WILCOX. HAND A- A.VSJ.FT. Sirajed or Stolen ITT ROM the subscriber two Cows, one wiute with a law spots of brown, of a Die size »ilb short horns, aa l theolhorufa ar ’e .=lz“. without horns, color white, with some spa’s of brown, both ootrs marked with an underbit in each ear. F'lve dollars reward will 1 ~, , Kl j,i mr their recovery, or information which it / #i.l‘ lead te it. R. BEASUEY, a- | mvtS-’f 297 itrrwd'■irprt. ce ; * ' is II I ALL LAMPS.— the iutmlAoinest iu ah 11 the City may t*e fjund at an ap2B S C MI,’ST IN’S. ip Ijv TKRTBUDT should take the DteP ATCH. JCz Many s4—Waekif NUMBER 933 fiwk-Hlak fiktftkg. 3 Just Received. A LARGE STOCK OF BOYS & YOUTHS CLOTHDi Consisting of BOYS CASSIMERE SACKS AND FROCKS “ LINEN « „ “ MARSEILLES “ « ® “ lrapdeete <‘ u “ QCEEN’S CLOTH« I< rji —ALSO *°EVERY A AND VESTS < LS- AO* RIZES FROM marS-tf *****'JO M. , — — _ J - M. NEWBY & CO. JUST RECEIVED BY LAST STEAME] S T E 100 D ,? 7 '' Mars EILLES SHIR' ill.; 1 aDd without collars, lars. ° Z ' & 1 th aDd without < j A LARGE LOT OF BOYS AND YOUTHS SHIR mars ts J- M. NEWBY & CO , Wanted. f* A WANTED IN EVER - a*%s t, VI South Carolina. Apply to ’ ’ Fla ’> ai E. NEI3HUT A BRO., r„, , . t „ Social Circle, Ga. and U ’’ Northern Miss., Northern All A]iply to J. B. & E. NEBHDT, _ m,rfo LaOrange. Twin. BRADDOCK’S PULMONARY COUGH HttTMIE THE CHEAT REMEDY FOR s, COLDS COUGHS, CHOUI And Rroncliilis. THIS MEDICINE is not on] [A a F ,ea t curative and preventive, but *: rn» eKU V hO patienl ’ 8 I «“‘te<l at ior ‘nun I Bud 8 .. B0 “Fteeable to the taste thi ' °* u , ldre “.«“ well *« adults take It with pleasur Ahall-tea-spoouful takeu often, will soon r In- howels r6Cellt C ° IJs ’ au< ‘ WIU not com!t 'P« la 0 irh * - Ich MANUFACTURED BY Dr. John Braddock cn" „ 0F HARTFORD, CONN. The undersigued having been appointed Aeei for Richmend County, Ga„ for the above, beg • leave to Oder it to the citizens ol Augusta an J '•‘Cinity as a pleasant and excellent remedy,an ire on s-f h f •*. give eutire satisfaction. * ud Price *4 50 per dozen. , r Retail Puce 50 Cta. per !Kittle. irs oiqd C- BERBER. Apent, .19 Broad-st., opposite United States Hotel. It can also be obtained at LEWIS LEVY’S at _ posite the Post Office. ’ ™ n Wtiiright, Sayre & Co,, BWHOI.R-ALE DEaLI'RS IN<apk| ROOMS, WOOD WARE, CORDAGE IWiNE, PAIIiJ and TUBS : miuiularturfli *“*“»£“* BRUSHES ; importers of H* n 'ANA BB3ABS, 250 Washington .Street, y. Yuri between Robinson and Murray. *' WAI j* R tOHT, I JAS. X. SATfRiS | A. E. WA.MiXMf dect!B-6m TROUT HOUSE r eATLiAWTA, O- A » „ BY DIL. J. 1). BOYD. ce ( j a j ßßßli OR CHABimTOJr Hoto.) - _ NOTICE. ~“ I" HAVE this day sold to Mr. J. 8 A HUNGER, my entire gteck of WATCHHE CLOCKS, JEWELRY, A ..., and it is a please. 5, introduce to my customers so popular a Wale, Maker. In retiring from business, I feel graU tul to those friends and customers for the liber al patronage they have bestowed on me, am solicit its continuance with my successor at Ut old stand. r. TWEEDY Augusta, Feb. 1. 1859. A CARD, II is the intention of the suliecrihe to keep a well ..elected stock of CLOCK! WAT HRS, JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, an dispose of them at the lowest prices • and wj keep effleiont Workmen to aasi-t him In th prompt execution of all work left lor repain He iuvitis ail tire old patrons of the house an his friends, to call and satisfy themselves. ’ „ J. E. MONGER. Augusta, Feb. 1.1859 feWdtf THE OLD . Y. P. M. IS the purest WHISKEY extant. K sale by THUS. WHYTE, Sole Ag’t, fcb26-tf 155 Broad St., Augusta Ga. I ’ Druggist’s »P AP E R 282 Broad Street. y.« mar2s ts K)d ' WON & BRASS FOUNOR AND X SHOP uai 0A GEORGIA RAIL ROA D, XEA R THE OL tof Toy FACTORY , AUGUSTA, GEO. — ORI>ERB are solicited for CASTINGS for RA ROADS, all kinds of Machinery for Go It*. Miuee, Bridges and Draw Bridges, Gas Work Floor. Paper ami Saw Mills, Gin Gearing, Wall Wheels, all kinds of Smith work, Shafting ar l Circular Saw Mills complete. QO nps-ly W. M. HIGHT, Proprietor. lalf “—~' " do Hardware PAPER, & 282 Broad Street. :oo war 26 t( HAMPTON & BUKTZ, AUCTIONEERS AND e Commission Merchants ; BROA D STREET, e A.llDiuiy,'.G-eorgia. b mars em it =■ = —=—, —52. For Sale. TWO of Phelan's Combination etwh tened BILLIARD TABLES, and one B.AGA. i ftllß TABLE, but little used, all complete.— This prc-Teats a rare osportunity for any person whe desire* to purchase, either for private a* ■ public use. They are all desirable, and sold m ufose a concern' Address Box 68, S»v ' naJt Offee. dolCk