Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, June 11, 1859, Image 1

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I VOLUME 3. feratng Hispaiclj. I PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, fey S. A. ATKINSON. I DAILY, per annum $4 OO I WEEKLY, “ 1 s<j ■ SS* Subscription will be received for three kxirths at $125. Monthly subscription,, Fifty Ki-cts. ■ Sir Payment for subscriptions will positively 8.. required is advance. I SW THE OFFICE OF THE DISPATCH is on InitKii street, one door north of the Georgia Bank. | RATES OF ADVERTISING! I Advertisements will be inserted by the square Holl2lines (100 words.) for 50 cents for the first Mio.-ertion, and 25 cents for each subsequent in - ■sertion under one month, to be paid for when the ■alvei tisement is handed into the office. ■ Advertisements under five lines will be insert ■ >.; at 10 cents a line for the first, and 5 cents a ■line for each subsequent insertion. I jMafr Register. I GEORGIA RAILROAD. [ Leave Augusta 0.45 A.M. Arrive Atlanta 9.45 A. if. I leave Augusta 2.45 I*. M [ Arrive Atlanta 11.50 I’. M. Leave Atlanta 12 Night. Arrive Augusta 8.53 A. M Leave Atlanta 10 A. M Arrive Augusta 6.45 P. M. 4'<»v2 ■!» «>«- C B «» ■ a •-*- I South Carolina Railroad. Arrive August* ( t 1.15 P. M do do 1.15 P.M. Leave Augusta 10 A. M j do do 8.05 P.M. Western and Atlantic Railroad. Arrive Atlauta 11.22 Night. Leave Atlanta 12.30 Day. Atlanta and LaGrangt Railrmd. Arrive, Atlanta 5.33 A. M. do do 751 P. M. Leave Atlanta 015 A.M. do do 10.15 A M Athcn* Branch. Leave Augusta 12 45 Night leave Atlanta 12.06 Night Arrive at Athens 8.30 A. M. leave Athens 11.00 Day Arrive at Augusta 6.46 P. M Arrive at Atlauta 11.45 P. 51 Washington Branch. Leave Washington 2 P M., Arrive Augusta at l 45 P !!., and Atlanta 12 Night. Leave Augusta 2.45 P. M.. and At anta 10 A. J., Arrive Washington 7.20 P. M Warrcnton Branch. leave Warrcnton 3 P. M., Arrive Augusta at ,4a P. M., Atlanta 12 P. M. Leave Augusta 2.45 P. 51. and Atlanta 10 A. 4., Arrive Warremon 0.30 P. M X. b.—On SUNDAYS no Trains ran on the I branches. GEORGE YONGE, jyl4 Gen’lSupt AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. Leave Augusta at.. . 0.30 A. M.and 2.45 P. M. Arrive at Savannah.. 7.20 A. M.jtnd 9.30 P. M. Arrive at MacoD 9 00 A. M. and 11.00 P. M. .rave Savannah ut,.1145P. M. and 12.15 P. M. leave Macon at.... 1 0. CO P 51. and 10,46 A. M. • :r:ve at Ai gttsla at. 7.19 A. M. and 7.20 P. M. ANDREW YONGE, Supermtoudant. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. Tor Charleston, S. C., ) Kingsville, S. C., lat 10 A. M . and 3.05 1 Camden, S. C., j P. M., 1 Columbia, S. C., J .id arrive at Augusta at 1.15 P . M . and 11.16 ?, M. 11. T. PEAKE, jyt(» General Superintendent. ATLANTA AND LAGRANGE RAILROAD. Morning Pas’ngcr Train leaves a m and arrives at West Point 3.39 a m Ironing Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 0 15 a m and arrives at West Point 5.3 am MorningPass’ger Train leaves W. Point 3.15 a m and arrives at Atlanta at 8.33 am Evening Pass'grTrain leaves W. Point 2.65 p m and arrives at Atlanta 7.61 p m FaUkto Wrst Point $3.50. GKO. G. HULL, Superintendent. SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD, leave Macon at 1 .45 P. M and 945A. M ; Arrivo in Columbus at 0 35 A. M. and 3.45 P M LeaveOi,umbus 4 A. M.anel 45.45 P. 51 ; Arrive ■n Macon 9.60 A. M. and 9 18 P. M, Leave Macon 9.45 A. M. Arrive in Albany 4.08 .’ M., Dawson 5 20 P. M. Leave Albany 3 P. M., Dawson 1 40 P . M. Ar rive *n Macon 9.18 P M. Tri weekly Accommodation Train Down Mon day, Wednesday and Friday Up—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Mail Stages to and from Tallahassee, Thomas -ille, Fat.ibridge, &c , connect daily wlthj-cgu ■ar Trains at .Albany. VIRGI POWERS, Sup't. WESTERN AND ATI .ANTIC RAILROAD. (Atlanta to Chattanooga.) Dty Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 10.15 am and arrives at Chattanooga 6.25 p m Wlghtl’assenger Train leaves Chat. 3.10 p m and arrives at Atlanta 11.22 p m ■lp day Express Freight and Pass’ger Train leaves Atlanta 4.50 a m and arrives at Chattanooga 4.35 p m Down day Ex and Pass. do. leaves Chattanooga 5.15 a m and arrives at Atlanta 4.45 pm night Ex and Pass do leaves AU’a 8 40 p m arrives in Chattanooga 701 am Sown Night Ex. and Passenger True leaves Chattanooga 6.05 p m arrives at Atlanta 4.40 a m Farx to Chavmnooca 85 MACON AND WESTERN*RAILROAD. Leave Macon 2 Night, Arrive A. M. Leave Macon 10 A. M., Arrive Atlanta 4 P. M leave Atlanta 12 Night, Arrive Macon 7.15 A. 51 Leave Atlantal' A. M . Arrive Macon 5 P.M A. L. TYLER,Superintendent. "rose COTT AGE. Toe- Croaai. SERVED EVERY HAY AM> EVENIm; parties served at short notice. VVM. F. SMITH, mar3l-d ts Telfair Street, j White and Check SOWqUA IVSATTINC FOR 1 S A L E. \T T E have just received 30 Rolls of ▼▼ this Gooun t »-day. It i* tue v-ry best N*<*lifty mai ulactured, aijrt will bo sold low by JaS. G. RAIL!K & BK<* , v 9*tf K**w Gin pet sKiffl, hKWIS 11. CLAKKIG, 'WRRAI. BUSINESS AGENT A' D (TILT.ECTOR, C:nogOVVK WOBI hVRHIVK’eSTORB WUTKIULL KTUKKT, ATLANTA. (IHOKGIA, JJespectfully offers his services to the •'ubiie. Any busuies emr». toil i* Ids ~"J ’ receive- oromiA atteruiou. R.ifega o HOLLAND, Pre*’t Ra..k of |r„ 7 A V T"N 7,1 viMhRMAN, Aegn-t, Ga., ■ s 'MI'SON, Esq.. Altoney ui Imw, lIDNNbCTft TAYLOR, ■, l' ,sn '»»WN, Agent (la. it. ft. ft B. V. H WALLACE, O-ARKE iv CRIL.B, H. STRONG ffl WW4W Jtopsta Ebcnitur iffeptd). M. J. JONES, M. D„ wholesale db retail dealer nsr •; las®, iiiwii a®. NO. 171 NORTH SIDE BROAD ST., AUGUSTA HOTEL BLOCK, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, ; | :0:-:0: ™ ASED THE STOCK IN WW TRAE«OF MR. T. p. FOGARTY, ANDTA ;i jff keiLhe above well-known stand, recently oc- tHT V copied by him, the undersigned can offer with ff '! t 0 his frieni,s and the public, both /* Ik, I/# Danesm l f C „ C1 ’ V ? nd co F'itry, his stock as being of Ac . estc “t, vancty and quality entitling /L -. n aTTO« !! I 1 . 1 toa liberal share of patronage. The ad •i-'V makin g and that will be continued, -i&r W V for , m a complete assortment in the whole- '#-4= -'*& ? a . Ie an «'ctail line, consisting of Drugs, Med- X Jm. * c ; u 3 Chemicals, Paints, Oils,Varnishes, Dye fiT batlls Artists Materials, Fluid, Window and , o.lter Glass, Dental and Surgical Instruments Perfumery ana fancy articles • all wamm.ii „c ... JU »euiuuns, -2-L—-»■ rule and retail, at roasuuable prices The c" P“ ree ‘«»<> ®ffored at whole ful and experienced A.sistanu, wMch has Wn ~c!,; “, ° n ° he Tr° priet,J T wi,h ,be ai " of ski " Families, the opportunity of obtaining rire-crinh Lc 6 *!’ una ios him to olTor to Physicians and care, and in which line he solicits patronage? P ‘ according to order, prepared with the utmost him°wh.h calls, 1 whicdi may* bo mldc\t > tfm Drug Stora C ri h of bis frio “ dsand tho public, as may favor after that hoS at night, a't * day * ““ 1,11 9 °' dwk > > aud M. J. JONES. m FAISIB INKS’ PATENT m PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES, A FULL SUPPLY of all the different sizes, always oa hand land warranto,n o„a < , , i Manufacturer’s prices. Alio, Fairbanks' New and Improved LETTER ncv°3-e o wly JOHN NELSON, n kv eOWIy Agent (or the Manufacturer. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR, PRKPAKKD BY DR. SANFORD, Compomicted entirely from Gums! IS ONE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE and Ijver Medicines now before the public, that acts as a CATHARTIC, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not Only a Cathartic, but a Livor remedy acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid mat ter, then on the s (Attach and bowels to carry ofl that matter, thus accomplishing two purpose.- effectually, without any <4 the painful feelings experienced in th; operations of most Cathartics It strengthens the system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken duly in moderats j doses, will strengthen and build it up with uu j usual rapidity. The Liver is one ot ~ stomach, causing food I the princfpal regula-' to digest well, purify- j tors of the human l| mg the blood, giving! body, and when it per JJ tone and health to the ! forms its functions , whole machinery, re well, the powers of the 0 moving the cause of system art; fully de a the disease,—effecting veloped. Thcstomach ij 1 radical cure, is almost entirely do I Bilious attacks arc pendenton the healthy « cured, and, what is action of the Liver lor J better, prevented by the proper perform *, ihe occasional use of aucc of its tnnetioas fl the Liver Invigorator. when the st mach is « Onedoseafter eating at lault, tlie bowels arc k is sufficient to relieve at fault, and the w hole f the stomach and pre system suffers in con . vent the food trom ri sequcnce of oue organ 2 mg and souring. —the Liver,—having " Only one dose taken ceased to do its duty " >eforo retiring, pre- For the diseases of that vents Nightmare. organ, one of the pro- 1 On'y oue dose taken prietors has made ii J at night, loosens the his study, in a prac , bowels gently, and lice of mi re thau 20 k coses Costiveness, years, to find some re- p One dose taken after medy wherewith t<ea, h meal will cure counteract the many ™ Dyspepsia, dm alignments towhich ■ Or.e dose of two tea it is liable. spoonluls will always To prove that this' relieve Sick Headache remedy is at last 1 * One bottle token for found, any female obstructions. I troubled with Liver , removes the cause »f Complaint, in any ol ile 1 the disease, and makes' forms,has but to try a , 8 a oerfect cure bottle, aud conviction J Only one doseimme ■ • is certain Ic liately relieves Cholic, j These Gums remove ” wiiHe all morbid or bad mat-1 J Oue dose often re 1 ter from the system * coated is a sure cure supplying in their, f for Cholera Morbus place a healthy tl >w oi'W md a preventive ofj bile, invigorating the:J Cholera. Only one bottle is needed to throw out of the system the effects or medicine after a long sick- 1 ness. One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sal lowness or unna'.ural color from the skin. One dose taken a short time bciore eating, gives vigor to the appetite and makes food d-' gest well. One dose often repeated cures Chronic Diar 1 rhut: in its worst forms, while Summer and! Bowel Complaints yield almost to the drst dose.! Oue or two doses cures attacks caused by 1 Worms in children, there U no surer, safer, or' speedier remedy lu the wolrd, as It never fails, j A few bottles cures Dropsy, by exciting tue absorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this medi cine as a preventive for Fever and Ag le. Chill Ferer, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It ope rates with certainty, and thousands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. AT who use it are giving their unanimous tes timony in its raver. Mix Water .n the mouth with the Invigorator, and swallow both together The LITER INVIGORATOR is a scient.tic Medi cal 1 iscovery. and is dally working cores, al most too great to believe. " It cures .as If by roa >ic, eiim the first dos* giving beiwjlt, and seldom more than oue bottle is lequireu to care any! kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst Jaun-i dice or Dyspepsia, to a common Headache, all of’ which are the result of a Lriseased Liver. Price, $1 per bottle. DR. HANFORD, Proprietor, 335 Broadway, New York. Sold also, wholesale and retail, by PLUMB &' LEITNKK, W. H. TUTT, and Druggists every-! whore. aplA-ly 1 j PRICES OF BRICK. jrgIHE undersigned will deliver Brick' 1 in any part ot'the City, omit further notice at the following prices—Building Brick (the ruuj of the K hi) it 97 per M. Paving or all picked 1 h ir.. Brick $3 per M. Building Brick, a-- above, delivered on the Hill at *f» peril Paving or pi ke , hard Brick at $lO per M. Parties other' 1 than resolar contractors, ordering less thau 10 no, 1 brick ".ill he charged one foliar more per \! Prick,', taken at Kiln 50 cents per M. les3 ! Pressed P.Tck at *2O per M.. or for less than ’ i* Ob Sr iwr hundred. Well Brick delivered j wuh . b Citv limits $P tier M.. aud on the Hillj *ll -r 1. CHARLES HKLAIGLK. t ■ y i • uiwtf LEONARD BASoFORO. W7 B. Giflin, IU.UAJISSIO.V MERCHANT. AND AUCTIONEER. STILL CONTINUES THE ABOVE BUSINESS I . a., u bran hcs. and hopes, by a strict attentiou t., ~e interest of those who employ him to merit bare of public patronage. Adininistrat r's. Executors and Guardian’- sle-iatuuded to promptly, and on tin- most liberal terms C'»s!i advances made oil Consl<jrimeut* off Produce xv lieu ever desired. jaii'Jb diwum T3AOON, BACON. 40,000 I bs. pri^ I ) Hoc >ll ShouKtors, now in Store and lor -lale Itiw to ckmc •otiaieument. ‘■y ». W VOODRUTV. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, JUNE 11,1859. BCERHAVE’S ; 1I0LI.AM) RITTERS. THE CELEBRATED IIOLLAND REMEDY FOR dyspepsia, disease of the kidneys Livor Ooiio.iDla.ixxt. ’ W F, A It V F. S N OF ANY KIND FEVER AM) AGUE, And the various affections consequent upon a disordered STOMACH OR LIVER SUCH as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains. Heartburn Lons 01 Appetite, Despondency, Costiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous in stances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles.after tile manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Bmrhave. Because of its great sucess in most of the Ruro pean Suites, its introduction into the United 'tales was intended more especially for th «e ol our fatherland scattered here and there over the face of this mighty country. Meeting with great . success among them, I now offer it to the Ameri I can public, knowing that its truiv wonderful medicinal virtues must be acknowledged. It is particularly recommerded to these per sons whoso constitutions may have been im paired by the continuous use of ardent spirits, , or other forms of dissipation. Generally,instan taneous in effect, it tluds its way directly to the ; seat ol life, thrilling and quickening everv nerve, | raising up the d ooping spirit, and, intact, in fusing lew healih aud vigor in the system. NOTICE —Whoever expects to And this a bev | cr.ige will be disappointed ; but to the sick, I weak and it w spirited, it will proven grateful j aromatic cordial, possessed of singular remed'&l 1 properties. ITTIO IW s I The great popularity of this delightful Aroma , has induced many imitations, which Ihe public 1 should guard against purchasing. Be not pur : suaded to buy anything else uutil you have given ! Boerhave’s Holland Bitters a fair One bot ! He will convince you how infinitely super'or iti- I to all these imitations. Sold at $1 00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5, by the proprietors BENJAMIN PAGE, Jr., A CO., Manufacturing Pharmaceutislsa rt r hemists, Pittsburgh, Pa. For sale in Augusta by H AVTLAN D. CHICHBB - & CO.. PLUMB A LEITNEK, WM. H. TUTT, and Druggists generally throughout the State. jyao-iy CHAS7 CATLIN7 SOLE AGENT FOR CHICKKRING & SONS, BTODART & MORRIS, and NUNNS & CLARK’S ! PIANO FORTES, Opposite the United States Hotel. \\f I T H a world wide celebrity of YT more than thirty years standing, these i Pianos still retain their position of superiority j overfall others. A full assortment >f 6. 6*^ ; 7 octave instruments, varying in price from 1 3250 to SOOO, always on hand and lor sale at i Factory prices, and warranted perfect in every j respect. ! A largo stock of sheet Music instruction Books, ; Guitars, Violins, Banjos, Flutes. Avcordcons. ! Ac., for sale low. All orders promptly filled | warranted to give satisfaction. The csual discount made to Teachers and iSohoois my 6 dfccltn GOTOOSA SPRINGS, ITIIE subscriber having taken t lease . of this fashionable watering place, w.ii open ! it for the reception of visitors on tho Ist day of : July next. j This noted Summer resort, has been justly i known as the SARATOGA OF THE SOUTH, Ami presents advantages in its Mineral Water and healthy location, eqpal, if not superior to any Watering Place in the United State* I shall at all times erdeavor to furnish my ta ble with all the luxurh'g of the season, and shall I provide the best of cooks, and taithful and at- i tentive servants. i The great variety and properties of the all healing Waters of Cotonga are well known Prof Means say* that the Waters of Cotoosa will com p «re favorably with the be*t Watering Places in Svropeor America. Cotoosa Springs aro accessible from all direc- • tionß, and hive direct Rail Roa.l communication with ail the principal to wns of the neighboring ?*tates. Hacks and Oran bases will be found at the Cotoosa plitlorm on the arrival of each train cordially invite the travelling public to giv< i rac a call You wdl find Cotoosa a goo«t resting i place, and no matter where you arc going, Co i toosa will not be oat of your way. my3o-cU w i UtSept. J. i HARMON ___ lUtsdfeitttms. W OOD, EDDY &. CO’S SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERIES! (CHARTERED BY THE STATE OK GEORGIA.) Capital PrSe $50,000 Tickets* oiily^IO! —• • \\ eod, Eddy &, €o«, Managers Successors to S. SWAN & CO. THE following Scheme will be drawn by WOOD, EDDY & CO., Managers of ttie yarta Academy Lottery, in each oftbeir SSnglc Number Lotteries for JUNE, 1850, at AU CLJirA, Ca., in public, under the superinten dence ofCommissionerß. CLASS 23, To be drawn in City of Augusta public.on i SATURDAY, Jure 4, 1859. ’ | CLASS 94 I To be urawn in city of 'iigusta,Ga..ln public.on ’ SATURDAY, June 11, 1850. CLASS 25, To be drawn in City of public.on SATURDAY, June 18 1859. ~ , CLASS 26, To be drawn inCity ofAugusta.Ga.,in public, on SATURDAY", June 25, 1859. ON TDK PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS 1 I IvOjOOO S t Five Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty Jive Pr tes! 1 NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICKETS I MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! To be Prawn each Saturday in JUNE 1 Prize or. *60,000 } . <« 20,000 « I (i tt • 6,000 7 ~ ~ 4,000 r ’oa «• “ ’l° * “ 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Przs of *4OO Ap. to *50.000 Prze arc *1,600 4 300 “ 20,000 “ arc 1,200 * 260 “ 10,000 “ are 1,000 * 220 “ 5,000 <■ are 900 . * ' 200 “ 4.000 “ are 800 i 3 .° 00 “ are 600 4 “ 100 “ ].500 “ are 400 s'ooo 5 ' 000 “ 2# are 100,000 5,485 Prizes, amounting t 0... *320 000 Whole Tickets *lO ; Halves *6 ; Quarters *2.50. i , #** Remember that every Prize in the above . Scheme is drawn, and payable in full without » deduction. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the fol owing rates, which is the risk : Ce rtifleate of Package of 10 Whole Tiekets *BO do do do 10 Half do do do do lOQuar. do 2( do do do 10 Eighth do li SPARTA ACADEMY LOTTERY, CLASS No. 3»9, Dravt * Wednesday, Jane 39tb, 18.5». ON THE THREE NUMBER PI aN. 75 Numbers—l 2 Drawn Ballo s NEARLY ONE PR’ZE TO EVERY TWC TICKET' 1 1 Air and Prize of $36,000. rlzeof - *19.170 2 Prizes of io,(ioo f do of 8.000 ,J f? 2,000 Ac., &c., Ac, Ac 27,814 PRIZES AMOUNTING TO *513,'90! W hole Tickets *lO ; Halves 5 Quarters *2 50 In ordering Tickets or Certificates, enclose the money to our address for the Tiekets ordered . ■ receipt of which they will be forwarded i.y mail. The List of Prawn Nntubers and Prizes wtl) be sent to purcliasers immediately after tbt drawing. Purchasers will niease write their signature! plain, and give tbeir Post Office. Couutv and State. ’ 1 61" AU prizes of *IOOO and under . paid tm mediately after the drawing, -other prizes at the time of thirty days. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Those who prefer not sending money by mail, can use THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO. whereby money for Tickets, iu sums or Tenoi D iars, and upwards, ran be sent us At our Risk and Expense, from any city or town where th< y haVe an office. The money and order must be enclosed in a “ Government Post Office Stamped Envelope or the Express Company cannot receive them A1 communications strictly confidential Address orders for Pickets or Certificates to WOOD, EDDY A CO., Augusta, Georgia, or WOOD, EDDY & CO , Ai lanta, Georgia, or WOOD, EDDY & CO , Wilmington, Delaware, myl EDDLEMAN K BANKS, WHOLESALE and retail dealers iu, and man ufacturers of BOOTS, SHOES, lEATUER LASTS, PEGS. CALF, LINING, and BINDING SKINS, SHOEMAKER S TOOLS AC , of which they keep a large and comtant supply at the lowest ca.h prices, Whitehall Street, Atlanta Georgia We are also Ageut- for Townsends,Shoemakers WAX THREAD SEW I NT! MACHINE, An inoispensab'e article for ShoeMannfacturers the only Machine that sows with a wax thread.’ Would invito the attention of Country Mer chans to our prices. apl-dArn 1859. Spring Trade. 1859. AJETE have now in store a large ana 7 T complete slock of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, among which are REFRIGERATORS Yerke’s, Wiasbip’s. and Parker’s, and Brown’s I’ tent WATER COOLERS different Patterns WIRE DISH COVERS, Ova! and Round ICE PICKS and MALLETS. Jelly and Wane Mange MOULDS, different Paiteras. Flourished and Brittama Tea and Coffee POTS “ Tea and Coffee URNS Canary and Mocking Bird CA EM, all kinds. S. f. JONES A CO., nahl'J 192 li-oarl MICHINEIEWm A LL DESCRIPTIONS OF FINK ANL GOAHgESKWINQ is done with dispatch at the Machine sewing Rooms On Broad-street, above N. K. Buyer’s. The heads offamllie- wII find it to their inte rest to call and examine specimens oi t-caatifol work, which is daily executed there AT MODERATE CHARGES. DRESSES for Ladies and hihtren tucked In tin ' haudsome-t style. SHIRTS, PANTS, VENTS an. ‘ every article of nothing ma o with dispat. i much handsomer thn bv hand. WCall at the “ MACHINE SBWING ROOM.” A »igu.-u, April 28, 1858 »p2B r>IRD CAGES.—Fur Mile by ’ "' |l>a ac. tmsiiN. Netiee. ALL persons having c4tu*Mß agakisl Iho K-tateof Henry 0u viu. Lite 01 Kicb- e moiid county, deceased are notified to preoeni r tbem duly stteet* d within ihe time presence * ny law Also, all pereo*. hub-bir Ito sael ,* , ute will save Oaurt m,t ny oinking laamadiale t paymenv ILUaUiaf 0. CALVIN, Adrai I 0 ts J Utiscetfancom. j S4O SEHGMBI 1 SCOVILL & GOODELL’S PATEdSTT'. I Sewing with two Threads. c DOUBLE LOCK STITCH! ; 1000 STITCHES IMIIUTE THE ONLY LOW PRICED ‘SEWING MACHINE » ■yTC r T OTCTCEIFUIIID Sewing with two Threads t FOR sale at the SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, Corner Broad & Jackson Sts., 3 9 OPPOSITE GLOBE HOTEL, j AUGUSTA, GEO. 1 CLARKE, ANSLEYI CO. 3 feb22-tf. \ biningers , OLD LONDON 1101 k GIN. ! A. M. Bininger & Co., i [bstablisiied 1778. J SOLE IMPORTERS AND PROPRIETORS, , No. 19 Broad st , N. Y. NEITHER A ,! Schiedam Schnapps.” “London Cordial<s* Gin,’’ Nor “Club House Gin,” BUT A PERFECTLY PURE GIN, PUT UP BY A ' «- responsible; hoi sk, -^ And worthy of the public confidence. For eale by SPEARS & HI6HT, WKolocila Oa., doc2l-tf y» 316, opposite Planters’ Hotel Notice TO FARMERS & THE PUBLIC GENERALLY THE Subscriber having obtained a Paten, lor an improvement in Plow Stock* I* row desirous to sell State. County, Shoo, nr Farm nirn. on 'he very best rerms. Abo, Agents w to sell Righw In the dis terent States of the Union. m}4 ts WII. J. GRIKFIFS, Pat. Marietta, Ga. S. C. MUSTIN’S” PATENT Self sealing EARTHEN P. KSFKYKJAR. lor sale at 140. 183 Broei Street, N ear Aogu.u Hotel Augnsta, Ga For Sale. A FINE Set of blacksmith, Wheel- Uw Ueht ami Carpenters fools. Also one fin. now two horse wayon. A plv to a PS <f HARt!ICTC. CAI.VIN. Admi. E.J.BUCKMAST ER, No. 151 Utoad^Steet, ONK DOOR BELOW THE MfXIHANItM’ BANK, AT THE WELL KNOWN STAND SO LONG OCCUPIED BY THE LATE B.F. CHEW DEALER IN TVOMF-STK-HARDWARE.TIX WARS 1 ' an 1 Hoage-kneffing Artirlee, Stoves, Grates and Ranges, Tin Plates, Tinner's Moutlines am) Tools. WOOD & WILIOW WARE. Hydrant Pumps, Block Tin, Lead, Coppor and GalvmiEed Irot Pine. PLATED &, PLANISHED WARE. MY STOCK OK COOKING STOVES Fs very complete, embracing all the popalar Styles now in ÜBe,an«i represen liner not le s than 18 differeat Patterns. Aruorg ’hem are the VICTOR STOVE, Mamafactnred In Augusta, and the celebrated WHU H 1 SELL ON THREE MONTHS TRIAL. If it does not give entire satisf.etion, it may b< returned and noq i.-gUona asko i. I would invite siieola!*ittenlion to my stock rs Goods —Peculiar to the Season, s.-ah as'R. friger ators, Water Co .lors, B i ter Coolers, Bath Tub- Free Minute ice Cream t o hor style, fee Mallets and Picks, Curd Presses, Garrt.i j-aigine , he , Ac mys W, Wanted. ANTED to hire, eight hands t< wo k on the Augusta ana Savannah Rai It wd Alsa, tlir. <■ women to Caok or hand, ANDREW Y VoP Sm.t S. C. MUST IN, IMPORTRJt OF CHINA, GLASS & CROCKERY, ALSO, DZAiJia [g I Fire -stiver P’.to I (Sea ts. I’uenl Lambs, Tabl. «|Uery, LvkijigtiasKCJ. Wmers, and W«d).i». Waro M .anfimturer*’ Agents fa, the sale ~ S’.tenl Fruit Juts, Va. 18. i Mr.nd-street, ne.r th- A' guwU HmU»l. \ii.'u H .. rt w *i. f i' b ritViisik wi.; — — AIJCTIDNggHSANDCUM. MERCH vNTB Agetits tor me purchase anil s.leol RKiLEI- T.vrE, PHBDUUV. HER HAN leF, DKY GOODS, FAN. Y .('OD-i. kO., AO. hat)OKI, AUCTION HOUSK. Next, d.v,r t« (Seo. K. R. Rank Atlanta, fla. HAVING one of the be*t local ioim It. iPe City, baUi for ro au 6iuo< a.B won u /4in;u»m, we off,** i3,,„.-ig,jorß e*ti» iHduct meuCe to send to tin niarkol eod c*ui a*t -♦ure them tW-y will b« qitkkJv nuW, aaticaai prooipiiy refctrnu i. AX* vario rw ul Uwoti* ooc bo <» of Wr* Hhujl a* *jnert koeo - on ktfend a Hioofc, nmi OwmSry r»tp 9*4- ta a MMh 1-dl/ J srofs, Sfeots, tft. BOOTS AND >8 0 lg. BURCH &. ROBERT , ARE JUST RECEIVING A LARGE AS SORTMENT OF LADIES, MISSES, AND CHILDREN BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS ’ AND SIZES. —ALSO— | A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF FINE , SOLE LEATHER, ' TRUNKS & VALISES, CALL AND SEE THEM, ! 188 Broad-gt., Augusta. Ga. marl 2 ’ t £ THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT, GROVER & BAKER’S NOISELESS ' SEWING MACHINES.' PRICES §35 to sl.tO. Hemmers $5 Extra, IT is no longer questioned that these MA i CHIN*KM are tho best in use for family Sew l leg They hem, fell and s itch in a superior manner, and are the only Machines in the mar ket which are so well and simply made, that they may be sent into families with no other in struotions than are contained in a circular, which accompanies each machine, and from which A CHILD OF TEN YEARS may readily learn bow to use and keep them in v order. W» refer tothe testimonial below of Sen ator Hammond, of South Chro'ina : Wsshinotoic, D. C., 11th Dec. 1868. Dear Sir: In reply to your letter, askmg my opinion of Grover A Baker’s Sowing Machines I take pie sore in saviog that they have more than sustained my expectations, alter t ying and returning oihn— 1 l -»c«thr,»»nl'ihem in oner »vh m on my dillerent places, and alter lour years trial, have no fault to dnd. Respectfully, (Signed) J. H. Hamtosn. Agents Wanted in every county in Georgia.— , Sales Room, No. 255 Broad Street. Augusta. r 1-ts STOVALL & UAUTRELL. J JDST RECEIVED A SPLENDID A.-SOKIMr.N I OF SIEGE GOODS, * Consisting of FINE FIGURED AND PLAIN STIJK VESTINGS, ' “ “ “ MARSEILLES “ “ FRRNCH and ENGLISH CASSIMEKS, “ “ “ CLOTHS Os various colors and figures, SIDE BANDS, So., Aid, OF THE LATEST ARRIVALS, To be made up to ORDER at tho shortest notice 1 maxS-tf by J. M. NEWBY ft 00. ' is AT RJ. BOWE & CO’S,, i Uen. Commission Merehants, rH 287 Uroatl Street, MAY BE FOUND Tennessee Bacon, l We«temßirles and Shoulders, J Chandler's Tenn. Hants, " Sugar Cured Hams, Corn and Flour, p Hay, Eastern andNarthern Lime, 1 Cement, Plaster, Hair, Mackerel, Smoked Herrings, Boston Cured Beef, Lard ia Cans and Barrels, Soap, Cigars, and Butter. apl6 WM. M. POTTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, < BLAKELY, EARLY COUNTY, , GEORGIA. Practices in the various counties of South Western Georgia. Particular atten tion given t'i Claims. «uy9 dly Wanted FOR the ensuiug year, a NEGRO <*IRFs, to and iron, and attend a ettambor. Good wages will be paid, and a good home socursd. Address Box 287, Augusta. Ga 1 dec 28-’t Want***! BY A FIRST-CLASH BOOK KEEPER, with a largo country acquaintance, a situa tion as Book Keeper or -ale-man. The beet ol 1 References given. Apply at this office. itbl6-tf. i ALCHOHOL. —The very beat can be hail at 7f> casts |>er gallon, at SC MCSTIN'S MACKEREL! MACKEREL!—IOO bbls. now Isryc No 3 Mackerel, £0 hall Jo. no da., No. I <l>, 60 bbt do small Nc. 3 do. Kor ,-ala low by C. A. WILLIAMS fc Co., my 13 dim No 268 HroaJ street. UN DRIES}.—I,6OO kegs Prime Mails; 3UO boxes Adam inuno Cindies; J6O do io lacoo, all grades; ao do Stared; 100 do Soap; 390 baiafi Heavy Biggiog; 1,200 coils Rope. Lor sale l"W by *,1717 WILCOX. HAST* & AN.-I.EY. Strayed or Sioleu F77ROM the subscriber two Cows, one I welts wit a li;w spots Ol bioiru, ot ame uum size with short horns, md the o hor oi a rgeeire, wiihnuth tins, color white, wiih some 1 large spo s of brown, both oows marked with an ■irrlmb4 a each ear. Live dollars reward wm is jiai i tor thtjr recovery, or uiturinatioo which I wid usd to it. It. BEAsLItY, i inyiSW 297 drool street. , HALL LAMES.— I'he kiUitisoßtesl in '.do tiny m-ts be foxed et a..2* HCMOJPINfI. a v YsitruuDf smell i <ass too oMCAJtifc Hi *a«ty »t fast./ u*4. NUMBER 225 Ulisdlanrras. MOUNTAIN ROUTE TO THE VIRGINIA SPRINGS, A KNOXVILLE, TENN. * the 635 miles, all raiL SPRINGB, Leave Augusta at 1 a if * Montgomery White Sulpha, * Er ° m . tlle “ 0Dt ff°"iery White Sulphur visitor, can find ample accommodations to any and ail Mountains 1 . 0 * 1 * Waferin » in the VirtftS r ™L r *? Ute in successful operation and scenery < and°fln' ’ *‘ lub r ions climate, beautiful Burpaßsed c. B. WALLACE, E Tenu t-r« pd r* Gatieral Agent. ™ Co ’ Knoxville, my 21, ’69 1 Tickets gold at the Ticket OfTln* of u,e Georgia Railroad, Augusta . _il_ ... d3m Wauted. AGENTS wanted in evert to L| tU h 0U * h K Ut the Southern sa.s,.s , Bffi K 3'sra tws; JSXfif;' gj" E.NEBIIUT & BRO., For Art' T. vr Social Circle,Ga. and Too ne * seif' ’ °c th er n Mis;,., Northern Ata.) martO Al ' P ylO J ‘ B ’ &E ’ n ' eb HUT, LaG range, Team. BRADDOCK’S ~ PULMONASY COUGH iIXTMg. THE GREAT REMEDY FOR COLDS COUGHS, CROUP And Bronchitis. THtSMEDJCiNE is not only ( ‘ a t curative and preventive but ta tor«l DBto , the palient ’ 8 irr.tlted ibiS?*' * Dd is 80 a « reeab le to the taste that to'ir" Cl *? r lulW ,alte 11 with Pleasure A half-tea-apoonful taken often, will soon r«- bo o wels eCentCOl<lß;an4wm Dot CoMt! P a t< the MASCPACTI'RED by Dr. John Braddock OF HARTFORD, CONN. r,Jir ? n,,cr ® : £ ned b »Ylng been appointed Agent for Richmond County Ga., for the ahovebe;. Ir'Smn* ° ffur Uto the citlzeUß of Augusta an 1 uwlf. lai P ' e * Sant lnd oxcellen ‘ remedy,and one that will give entire satisfaction. Who esatolVioe ft 50 per dozens Retail Price 60 Cts. per bottle. 010 n . WM C BtKBER, Agent, 219 Broadst., opposite UDited States Hotel JXZu&cT** u LEma LKVY ’ 3 ’ «*• Main right, Sayre & C 0,7 WHOLESALE DRaL)*RA IN CORDAGIL 580 v<uk 'netui .*r,w. -V. Ors, between Robinson and Murray ** “ dI“ HT ' 1 *' “ T “> l A ' TROUT HOUSE* G-_a_ BY Khm. J. I) BOYD. ( J?a7f r!!ora,lrroß 0F Cbabmbio* Hot*.) „ Notice. r HAVE this day sold to Mr. J. a u entlre Bt «nk Os WATCHER, k-KS, JEW ELRY, Hi ~ and it is a pleasure t* introduce to my customers so papular a Watch daker In retiring from business, 1 feel grate ul to those lriends and customers for tbe liber 'll patronage ibey have bestowed on me, and solicit its continuance with my successor at the old stand. ' E. TWEEDY Augusta, Feb. 1, 1859. A CARD, IT is the intention of the subecritar to keep a well selected stock ol CLOUD*. WAT HES, JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, MW dispose of them at the lowest prices ; »«d wiR keep efficient Workmen to assist bmi in tbe prompt execution oi all work left lor repair*. *s mviv. s all tbe old patrons of the bouse, and lia friends, to call and satisfy themselves J. E. Ml NGRR. Augusta, Feb 1, 1859 d* THE OL1) T. P. ffl, rS the purest WHISKEY extant. Fee SAleby THOS WHYTE, Sole Ag't, feb‘2A-tf 135 Broad st., August* Gte. Druggist’s PAPER, 282 Broad Street. atar-25 tt IRON & BRASS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP,* oy GEORGIA RAIL POA D. NEA It THE COW TON FACTORV, AUGUSTA, GEG. ORDERS are solicited lor CASHINGS for RATL ROADS, all kinds of Machinery for Gold dines, Bridges ami Draw Bridge?, lias Works Fiou.'. Paper and Mills, Gin Gearing, Wans Wheels, all linns of Ptnitu work, Shafting ash Circular Saw Mills complete. lips-ly W. M. HIGHT, Proprietor Hardware PAP EK, 282 Broad Street tnari!6 ts 11A M PTON BI RTZ, AUCTIONEERS AND Commission Merchants UKOAiI SIURET, G-eorgia. i«ar* am For Sale. TWO of Phelau’e Combination «nsfc- HH4.IAKI) TABLIiS, and one f? U-‘A KILKTvBIE, but little used, all complete— row preneuts a rare oaporlutittj for any perai* who dcslrca to purohuse, cither for private or oblsiasv They are alt desirable. a»>( sold tm lose a canceru. Address Box 68, ?«' ‘iinafc 'Sloe. dalO C'OFtfKB «00 bags Prime Kit. Cotfn* > iw) Ui'iW Ol i J tvauu ; M ha*» Lawradfr «*i* *msux, hawd * twur.