Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, June 23, 1859, Image 1

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Augusta Abcniug psimtrlj VOLUME 3. fl-'bcning Dispatch. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, BY S. A. ATKINSON. DAILY, per annum $4 00 WEEKLY, “ I 50 Subscriptions will be received for three norths at $125. Mouthly subscriptions, Fifty . cents. gg~ Taymont for subscriptions will positively • be required in advance. gs THE OFFICE OF THE DISPATCH is on Mclntosh street, one door north of the Georgia Kailf tad Bank. KATES OP ADVERTISING! Advertisements will be inserted by the square of 12 lines (100 words,) for 50 cents for the first Insertion, and 26 cents for each subsequent is • sertion under one month, to be paid for whon the advertisement is handed into the office. Advertisements under tivo lines will be insert ed at 10 cunts a hue for the first, and 5 cents a line for each subsequent insertion. Sail JUitb gtgisttr. GEORGIA RAILROAD. Leave Augusta 0.45 A. M. Arrive Atlanta 9.45 A. s*. Leave Augusta 2.45 P. M. Arrive Atlanta 11.56 P. M. Leave Atlanta 12 Night. Arrive Augusta 8.53 A. M Leave Atlanta 10 A. M Arrive Augusta 6.45 P. M. »»«'«*< South Carolina Railroad. Arrive Augusta 11.15 P. V. do do 1.15 P. M. Leave Augusta 10 A. M. do do 8.06 P. M. Western and Atlantic Railroad. Arrive Atlanta 11.22 Night. Leave Atlanta 12.30 Day. Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad. Arrive, Atlanta 8.33 A. M. do do 7 51P.M. Leave Atlanta 0 15 A. M. do do 10.15 A M. Athena Branch. Leave Augusta 12 45 Night. Leave Atlanta 12.00 Night. Arrive at Athens 8.30 A. M. Leave Athens 11.00 Day. Arrive at Augusta 6 45 P. M. Arrive at Atlauta 11.45 P. M. Washington Branch. Leave Washington 2 I’ M., Arrive Augugta at j. 45 P. M., and Atlanta 12 Night. Leave Augusta 2.45 P. M., and Atlanta 10 A. M., Arrive Washington 7.20 P. M. Warrenton Branch. Leave Warronton 3 P. M., Arrive Augusta at 5.4 b P. M., Atlanta 12 P. M. Leave Augusta 2.45 P. M. and Atlanta 10 A. M., Arrive Warren.on 6.30 P. M. X. R —On SUNDAYS no Trains run on the Branches.- GEORGE YONGE, jy 14 Gen’lSup’t AUGUSTA AND SAVANNATI RAILROAD. Leave Augusta at... 0.30 A. M. and 2.45 P. M. Arrive at Savannah.. 7.20 A. M. and 9.30 P. M. Arrive at Macon 9.00 A. M. and 11.00 P. 51. Leave Savannah at.. 11 45 P. M. and 12.15 P. M. Leave Macon at.... 10.60 P M. and 10.45 A. M. Arrive at At gusta at. 7.19 A. M. and 7.20 P. M. ANDREAV YONGE, Supcrmtendant. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. For Charleston, S. C., “ Kingsville, S. C., at 10 A- M., and 8.05 “ Camden, S. C , P. M-, “ Columbia, S. C.. and arrive at Augusta at 1.15 P. M.. and 11.15 i>. M. H.T. PEAKE, jy 19 General Superintendent. ATLANTA ANiTLAGRANGE RAILROAD.' ~ Morning Pas’nger Train leaves a m and arrives at West Point 3.39 a m Evening Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 0.15 a in and arrives at West Point 5.35 a m Morning Pass’ger Train leaves W. Point 3.46 a m and arrives at Atlanta at 8.33 a m Evening Pass’gr Train leaves W. Point 2.65 p m anti arrives at Atlanta 7.61 pm Fare to West Pout, $3.56 GEO. G. HULL, Superintendent. SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD. I,cave s!acon at. 11.45 P.M. and 9.45 A.M.; Arrive in Columbus at 5 35 A. M- and 3.45 P. 51. ..eave Columbus 4 A. M.and 3.45 P. 51.; Arrive n stacon 9.50 A. 51. and 9 18 P. 51. Leave Macon 9.45 A. 51. Arrive in Albany 4.08 ?. SL, Dawson 5 20 P. 51. Leave Albany 3 P. 51., Dawson 140 P. M. Ar rive in Macon 0-18 P 51. Tri weekly Accommodation Train Down, Mon day, Wednesday and Friday Up—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Mail Stages to and from Tallahassee, Thomas ville. Bainbridgc. &c , connect daily with regu- , .ar Trains at Albany, VIRGIL POWERS, SupH. _ j WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. (Atlanta to Chattanooga.) Day Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 10.15 am and arrives at Chattanooga 6.25 p m flghtPasscnger Train leaves Chat. 3.10 p m arid arrives at Atlanta 11.22 pm Jp bay Express Freight and Pass'ger Train leaves Atlanta 4.50 a m and arrives at Chattanooga 4.35 p in 3own day Ex. and Pass. do. leavo3 Chattanooga 5.15 a m and arrives at Atlanta 4.15 pm Jp night Ex. and Pass, do leaves Att’a 8.40 p m arid res in Chattanooga T.Ol a m j Down Night Ex. and Passenger Train leaves Chattanooga 6.05 p m arrives at Atlanta 4.40 am Fare to Chattanooga, $5. MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Leave Macon 12 Night, Arrive Atlanta 7.15 A. 51. ..eavo Macon 10 A. M., Arrive Atlanta 4 P. 51 ..eave Atlanta 12 Night. Arrive A. M .xave Atlanta 11 A. M . Arrive Macon 5 P. M A. L. TIM ER, Superintendent. ROSE COTTAGE. Ice- Cream. SERVED EVERY DAY AND EVENING. PARTIES SERVED AT SHORT NOTICE ' VVM. F. SMITH, mar 81-d ts Telfair Street. White and Check GOWQUA MATTING, FOR I SALE. have just received 30 Rolls of ▼ ▼ this Goads to day. It is trie very beat •quality maLu facta red, and will be sold low by JAS. G. BAIi,IE S BRO , rnv9-tf Now r>met Store. i LEWIS 11. CLAItKE, GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT AM) COLLECTOR, ! OFHCE OVER MUELKXnRIXK’S STORE WIUTBiUIX STREET, ATLANTA, OKORUIA, Respectfully offers his services to the , Public. Any liii-tnis entrusted to bis »*'e win receive '.romot attention Refers to— < K. W. HOLLAND, Pres’t Hank of Fnltmi m SCRANTON fc ZD. MERMAN. Digusl* Ga , , I. C. SIMPSON, E-.q. Attur. cv ui law, HUNNUX-’T is TA)I.UK, PERINO BROWN, Age' i” h ■ p Cf>. !] *. R. &C H. WA! I.A «,ARK,: At GRP. U il. STRONG M»T flrn M. J. JONES, M. D., WHOIjBSA.DB dfc RETAIL IIsT Bill, law M, NO * Ul NORTH SIDE BROAD ST., AUGUSTA HOTEL BLOCK, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, {Ftk HAVING PURCHASED THE STOCK IN IJ TRADE OF MR. T. P. FOGARTY, AND TA ken the above well-known stand, recently oc- Ijgr Am. cupied by him, the undersigned can offer with Ig. confidence to his friends and the public, both /J_ <X of the city and country, bis stock as being of £g/Q/' ii . extent - variety and quality entitling lfeVv»nF?iga'M l ‘im to a liberal share of patronage. The ad- MUVX iitions making and that will be continued, •C will form a complete assortment in the whole- yttLmggUr sale and retail line, consisting of Drugs, Med- Fm. icines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils,Varnishes, Dye Jm Artists’ Materials, Fluid, Window and fflsS other Glass, Dental and Surgical Instruments, I erfumcry und fancy articles ; all warranied of the best and purest quality, am! ollercd at whole sale and retail, at reasouablo pnce3. The personal attention of the Proprietor with the aid of skill fui and experienced Assistants, which has been procured, enables him to offer to Physicians and Families, the opportunity of obtaining prescriptions according to order, prepared with the utmost care, and in line he solicits patronage. ’ Ho will continue the practice of his Profession, to such of his friends and tho public, as may favor h n lh . C K, 8 ’ w , hich , “ a * 5? “ ad( -“ at tlle Drug Store during the day, and till 9 o’clock, P. M., and after that hour at night, at his Rooms, United States Hotel M. J. JONES. B FAIRBANKS’ PATENT fi PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES, A FULL SUPPLY of all the different sizes, always on hand, (and warranted) and for sale bv Manufacturer’s prices. Also, Fairbanks’ New and Improved LETTER RALANCEi For sales at on , JOHN NELSON, nov-9-eowly Agent tor the Manufacturer. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR, PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD, Compounded Kittln ly fr*m Counts! IS ONE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE and Liver Medicines now before tbc public, that acts as a CATHARTIC, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not Only aCathartic.bat a Liver remedy acting first on the Liver to ejoct its morbid mat ter, then on the s omach and bowels to carry oil that matter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, without any of the painful feelings experienced in the operations of most Cathartics It strengthens the system at the same time tbal it purges it; and when taken duly in moderate doses, will strengthen and build it up with un usual rapidity. The liver is one of „ stomach, causing food the princfpal regula- to digest well, purify tors of the human ing the blood, giving body, and when it per JJ tone and health to the forms it s functions * wholo machinery, ro well, the powers of the • moving the cause of system are fully de , the diseaso,—effecting veloped. Thestomach q a radical cure, is almost entirely de- • Bilious attacks are pendent on the healthy I cured, and, what is action of the Liver for J better, prevented by the proper porform- ", the occasional use of ance of its iunctions ; JE the Liver Invigorator. when the st-mach is « One dose alter eating at fault, the bowels are k is sufficient to relieve at fault, and the whole 9 the stomach and pre system suffers in con - vent the food from ri sequence of one organ B sing and souring. —the Liver,—having J Only one dese taken ceased to do its duty iiefore retiring, pre- Forthe diseases of that vents Nightmare, organ, ono of the pro- t Only one dose taken prietors has made il * .it night, loosens tiie iiis study, in a prac bowels gently, and ticc of more than 20 t cu>-os Costivoness. years, to find some re- f One dose taken after medy wherewith to each meal will cure counteract the many * Dyspepsia, derangements towhich ■ One dose of two tea- It is liable. spoonfuls will always To prove that this >i relieve Sick Headache, remedy is at las t*■ One bottle taken for found, any personL f e male obstructions, troubled with Liver g removes the cause of Complaint, in any of its I, Hie disease, and makes forms, has but to try a ■ a perfect cure, buttla, and conviction J Onlyonedoscimme is certain i® (lately relieves Cholic, 1 k sc Gums remove “ while all morbid or bad mat- • One dose often re ter from the system, * peated is a sure cure supplying in their • for Cholera Morbus plane a healthy (low of * ind a preventive of j bile, invigorating the $ Cholera, j Only one bottle is needed to throw out of the | system the effects of medicine after a long sick i ness. l One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sal ! lowness or unnatural coler from the skin. One dose taken a short time before eating | gives vigor to the appetite and makes food di gest well. ' One dose often repeated cures Chronic Diar | rhata in its worst forms, while Summer and ; Bowel Complaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses cures attacks caused by j Worms in children, there is no surer, safer, or speedier remedy in the wolrd, as it never fails. A few bottles cures Dropsy, by exciting the j absorbents. : We take pleasure in recommending this medi cine as a preventive for Fever and Ague, Chill Defer, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It ope- j I rates with certainty, and thousands aro willing to testify to its wouderful virtues. AM who use it are giving their unanimous tes-I timosy in its favor. Mix Water in the mouth with the Invigorator, 1 and swallow both together. Tiie LIVER INVIGORATOR is a scientific Medi cal Discovery. and is daily w orking cures, al most too great to believe. ’ It cures as if by ma gic,. even the fire.! dose giving benefit, and seldom, more than oue bottle is required to cure any* kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst Jaun dice or Dyspepsia, to a common Headache, all of '■ which are the result of a Diseased Liver. Price, $1 per bottle. DR. SANFORD, Proprietor, 335 Broadway, New York, ; Sold also, wholesale and retail, by PLUMB & I.EITNER, W. H. TUTT, aud Druggists every where. apl4-ly j 1,000,000 BOTTLES SOLD! J. RUSSLLL SPALDING’S j ro"s~e r 111 ARY r AND CASTOR CIL HPHE nicest and best Toilet Article in J. the Worn, .or eivmg riebne- s ami brilliun c> to the Hair. It will umk>- t grow, and keep it rom falling off or turning grey ; remove dandruff, and preserve tiie hair in a good healthy state until the latest per'ml of life. It will form ibe beard to grow, and give it a rich dark ap pearance. All genuine has 'he sigm.'nre of J. RUSSELL [SPALDING, Manufacturing hemift aud Apnth e ary.—Depot \!7 Tremmjt R..w, opposite Mu-V o Boston, Mass. Trial Battles 25 eta Large foxes' In fumry boxes 71 cl« and 1 1. by all the Wholesale Druggists and Fancy G.ioda Dealers, aud by dealers every where -old by Barnett V Park, New York ; Haviland. 'trv neon v Co., Charleston ; Wm. H Tmt am eu-tii ap3o-d*w3ta BCERHAVE’S .HOLLAND BITTEIJS. ■ THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR r DYSPEPSIA, : DISEASE OF THE KTDNE YS, | ULtivor Ooiix-pigtiiat, ; WEAKSIKSS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AJ\D AGUE, • And the various affections consequent upon a disordered ll STOMACH OR LIVER SUCH as Indigestion, Acidity of tho Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn, Loss ol ) 'Appetite, Despondency, Costivencss, Blind and | Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and j Neuralgic Affections, It has in numerous in l I stances proved highly beneficial, and in others 2 euected a decided cure. 1 This is a purely vegetabiecompound. prepared on strictly scientific principles,after the manner ■ of the celebrated Holland Professor. Bterliave. ! Because of its great sucess in most of the Euro pean States, its introdnetion into the United - States was intended more especially for those ol ’ our fatherland scattered hero and thereover the . face of this mighty country. Meeting with great r success among them, I now offer it to the Amgri , can publie, knowing that its truly wonderful f medicinal virtues must be acknowledged, i It is particularly recommended to those per sons whoso constitutions mav have licca im - paired by tho continuous use of ardent spirits, , or other forms of dissipation. Generally .instan taneous in effect, it finds its way directly te the seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, 3 raising up the drooping spirit, aud, in lact, in i fusing new health and vigor in the system, f, NOTICE —Whoever expects to find this a bev I ernge will be disappointed ; but to tbc sick, v weak and lew spirited, it will prove a grateful -' aromatic cordial, possessed of singular remedial j properties. I The great popularity of this delightful Aroma ; I has induced many imitations, which the public . | should guard against purchasing. Be not pur | suaded to bny anything else until you have given . j Boerhave’s Holland Bitters a fair trial. One bot -1 j tie will convince you how infinitely superior it is ,! to al! these imitations. *3“ Sold at *1 00 ucr bottle, or six bottles for r $5, by the proprietors. .[ BENJAMIN PAGE, Jr., k CO., 11 ManufacturingPharmaceutistsaudChemists, Pittsburgh, Pa. For sale in Augusta by n tVILAND, CHICHES ! | TER & CO., PLUMB k LEITNF.R, WM. H. TUTT, and Druggists generally throughout the State. , i- jygo-iy J~ COTOOSA SPRINGS, riIHE subscriber having taken a le asc .A °f this fashionable watering place, will oP en ■ it for tiie reception of visitors on the Ist day of July next. > This noted Summer resort, ha 3 been justly known as the SARATOGA OF THE SOUTH, ; And presents advantages in its Mineral Waters ; ani * healthy location, equal, if not superior to j au y Watering Place in the United States, j I shall at all tiroes endeavor to furnish my ta ble with all the luxuries of the season, aud shall j provide the best of cooks, and faithful and at tentive servants. , The great variety and properties of the all i healing Waters of Cotoosa are well known. Prof. I Means says that the Waters of Cotoosa will com jl pare favorably with the best Watering Places in *1 Europe or America. ! Cotoosa Spriugs are accessible from all dircc [ tions, aud have direct Kail Roai communication r with all the principal towns of the neighboring | States. Hacks and Omn buses will he found at j the Cotoosa platform on the arrival of each train. cordially invite tho travelling public to give |j me a call You will lind Cotoosa a good resting : place, and no matter where you are going, Co loosa will not be out of your waj'. j | Hiy2o-dAwttstSept. ' J.' J. HARMON’. W. 11. (xrflin, COMMISSION MERCHANT. i AND AUCTIONEER, STILJ. CONTINUES THE ABOVE BUSINESS in all t ts branches, and hopes, by a strict attention to c c mt rest of those who employ h m to merit hare of public patronage. A ! iillustrator’s, Executors and Guardian’s • les attended to promptly, and on the most liberal terms j - Cash advances made on Con«txnim‘iit« of Produce whenever desired. ! J ja*29 4&w6m j B MAGGING, ROPE AND BACON.-121 j bates heavy Gunuy Bagging, 300 rolls heavi 11 l atched do., 100 pieces heavy Dundee do.. 35t t coils Machine and Hand made Hop;, 50,000 tbF "eunee-'ee Baev*, hog round. For sale low fer t Gash or on time by ESTES A CLARK. P mar 23 A*c3m AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, JUNE 23 1853. WOOD, EDDY & CO’S SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERIES! (CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF GEORGIA.)! Capital Prize $50,000 Tickets Only $10! Wood, Eddy & Co., Managers Successors to, S. SWAN k CO. THE following Scheme will be drawn by WOOD, EDDY & CO., Managers of tne Sparta Academy Lottery, in each of their Single Number Lotlerios for JUNE, 1850, at AU GUSTA, Ga., in public, under the superinten acnce of Com m ission ers. CLASS 23, To be drawn inCity of Augusta, Go.,in public,on SATURDAY, June 4, tßi9 ’ CLASS 24 To be drawn in city of Augusta, Ga., in public.on SATURDAY, June 11 1869. CLASS 25, To bo drawn in City of Augusta, public.on SATURDAY, Jui.e 18, 1860. CI,ASS 26, To be drawn inCityofAugusta,Ca.,in public, on SATURDAY, June 25, iB6O. ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS I !>«»,«»<»<» anck c .« !S S Five Thousand fbw Hundred and Eighty floe Pries! NKARLT ONE PRIZE IO EVERY NINE TICKETS I MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! n be Drawn each Saturday in JUNE 1 Prize or. *50,000 ! « 1, 1 .. 6,000 ioo “ « 4^ ;Z“ « i ™ 100 > “ Z APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Przs of S4OO Ap. to $50,000 Prze arc $1,600 * 300 “ 20,000 “ are 1,200 4 250 “ 4 “ 225 “ 5,000 <• are 90C 4 200 « 4.000 “ are 800 4 160 “ 3,000 “ are 600 5 000 “ JS° “ I’6(JO 1 ’ 6(JO “ aro 40 « 6,000 20 arc 106,000 5,486 Prizes, amounting to $320 000 Whole Tickets $lO ; Halves $5 ; Quarters $2.50. *S- Remember that every Priz* in the above Scheme is drawn, and payable in full without deduction. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the fol lowing rates, which is the risk : Ce rtifleato of Package of 10 Whole Tickets *BO <l° do do 10 Half do .. 40 do do do 10 Quar. do .. 2C 1 do do do 10 Eighth do .. 10 SPARTA ACADEMY LOTTERY, CLASS IVo. 339, Draws Wednesday, June 1411th, 1859, *' ON THE THREE NUMBER PI AN. 75 Numbers—l 2 Drawn Ballots. NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY TWO TICKETS 1 I lira ml Prize of $56,000. 1 Prize or $19,170 2 Prizes of ...10,000 \ d« of 8,000 20 do of , 130 do or *c., Ac., &c., ic'. " 27,814 PRTZES AMOUNTING TO $513,100 ! Whole Tickets $lO ; Halves 5 Quarters $2 60. In ordering Tickets or Certificates , enclose the money to our address for the Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by fiist mail. The List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. Purchasers will niease write their signature! plain, and give their Post Office, County and State. -111 prizes of SIOOO and under , paid im mediately after the drawing --other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Those who prefer not sending money bv mail, can use THE ADAMS EXPRESS 00, whereby money lor Tickets, in sums of Tenol D lars, and upwards, can be sent us At our Risk and Expense, from any city or town where tto y have an office. The money and order must be enclosed in a “ Government Post Office Stamped Envelope,” or the Express Company cannot receive them. All communications strictly eonddential. Address orders for rickets or Certificates to WOOD, EDDY A GO., Augusta, Georgia, or WOOD, EDDY & CO, Atlanta, Georgia, or WOOD, EDDY A CO , Wilmington, Delaware, myl EDDLEMAN & BANKS, WHOIJSSALE and retail dealers in, and man ufacturers of BOOTS, SHOES, I BATHER. LASTS, PEGS, CALF, LINING, and BINDING 1 SKINS, SHOEMAKER'S TOOLS, AC , of which they keep a large aud constaut supply at the lowest ca.h prices, Whitehall Street, Atlanta Georgia We are also Agents for Townsends,Shoemakers WAX THREAD SEWING MACHINE, An indispensable article for ShoeM.iuufacturers the only Machine that sews with a wax thread. ’ Would invite the attention of Country Mer charts to our prices. apl dfim 1859. Spring Trade. 1859. AXTE have now in store a large and I V Y complete stock»f HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, among which are REFRIGERATORS, Yerkc’s, Winship’s, anti Parker's, and Brow n’s Patent WATER COOLERS, dirterent Patterns. WIRE DISH COVERS, Oval and Round ICE PICKS and MALLETS. Jelly aud Blanc Mange MOULDS, different Patterns. Flourished and Brittani* Tea and Coffee POTS. “ Tea and Coffee URNS. Canary and Mocking Bird CAGES, all kinds. S. 8. JONES ft CO., tdltl'J 192 Broad-street. MACHINE SEWING,; All descriptions of fine and I COARSE SEWING is done with dispatch at» I the i Machine sewing Rooms On Broad street, above N. K. Butler’s. | Tho heads of families w il find it to their inte rest to call and examine specimens of beautiful work, which is daily executed there 1 AT MODERATE CHARGES. DRESSES for Ladies and hiiuren tucked in the handsomest style. SHIRTS, PANTS, VENTS, and ‘ every article of Clothing ina e with dispatch much handsomer than by hand. -W Call at tiie •• MACHINE SEWING ROOM." Augusta, April 28, 1868 ap2S HIRD CAGES.—For sale by ■*P" K S. C. MUBTIN. Notice. ~ ALL persons having claims against the Estate of Heury Calvin, late oi Rich- 1 luoiid county, deceased, are notified t* preser.i t them duly attested within the time prower; .e i f ■y law Also, all persons indebted to -aid os 4 woe will save Coart cost by miking immediate 1 payment. HARRIET C. CALVIN, Adnti. t apß ts I Slkellanrom. S4O FAMILY SEWING MACHINE SCOVILL & GOODELL’S PATEJNTT. Sewing with two Threads, DOUBLE LOCK STITCH! 1000 STITCHES iMINUTE. THE ONLY LOW PRICED SEWING MACHINE 1 ~2"EJT OFFERED Sewing with two Threads! FOR SALE AT THE SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, Corner Broad & Jaekson Sts., | OPPOSITE GLOBE HOTEL, I AUGUSTA, GEO. | CLARKE. ANSLEYI CO. } feb22-tf. BININGEKS ; OLD LONDON DOCK GIN. ) :o: > A. M. Bininger & Co., [established 1778.] ) SOLE IMPORTERS AND PROPRIETORS, No. 19 Broad St , N. T. > —io:_l NEITHER A t “Schiedam Schnapps.” “London **CordiaK*^rin, , ’ ' Nor “Club House Gin,” BUT A PERFECTLY PURE GIN, PUT UP BY A ' U- RESPONSIBLE HOI SE.-J* And worthy of the public confidence. For sale by SPEARS A HIGHT, Wholesale Druggists. Augusta, Ga., dec2ltf Na. 316, opposite Planters’ Hotel. .Notice TO FARMERS & THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, THE Subscriber having obtained a Patent for an improvement in Plsw Stocks, 1 is now desirous to sell Slate, County, Shop, or , Farm Rights, on ’he very best terms. Also, Agents wanted to sell Rights in the dlf lerent States of the Union. mj'4-tf WM. J. GRIFFIEB, Pat. Marietta, Ga. S. C. MUSTIN’S PA TE N T Self-sealing EARTHEN PRESERVE JAR, for sale at No. 18S Broad Street, Near Augusta Hotel, Angusta, Ga. For Sale. A FINE Set of Blacksmith, Wheel right and Carpenters Tools. Also one fine new two-horse wagon. Apply to apfi-tf HARRIET C, CALVIN, Admx. E.J.BUCKMASTER) No. 151 Broad Steet, ONE DOOR BELOW THE MECHANICS’ BANK, AT THE WELL KNOWN STAND SO LONG OCCUPIED BY THE LATE B. F. CHEW, DEALER IN Domestic hardwaee, tin ware and Houso-keeplng Articles, Stoves, Grates and Ranges, Tin Plates, Tinner’s Machines and Tools. WOOD & WILLOW WARE. Hydrant Pumps, Block Tin, Lead, Copper and Galvanized Iron Pipe. PLATED & PLANISHED WARE. MY STOCK OF COOKING STOVES Is very complete, embracing all the popular Styles now in use, and representing not 10-s than 18 different Patterns. Among them are the VICTOR STOVE, Manufactured in Augusta, and Die celebrated wmw vim WHICH I SELL ON THREE MONTHS TRIAL, If it does not give entire satisfaction, it may be returned and no questions asked. I would invite special attention to my stock cf Goods —Peculiar to the Season , such as Refriger ators, Water Coolers, Butter Coolers, Bath Tubs. Five Minute Ice Cream Freezers,and other styles Ice Mallets and Picks, Curd Presses, Garden Engines &c , tic. mys TIT ANTED to hire, eight haftdg to ' M wo-k on the Augusta and Savannah Rail Road. Also, three women to nook or hands. marjs-tf ANDREW Y'»NGE, Supt. S. C. MUSTIN, IMPORTER OF CHINA, GLASS & CROCKERY, ALSO, DEALER IN ' Fine Silver Plate I Goods, Patent Lambs, Table Cutlery, Looking Glasses, Waiters, and Wooden Ware. Manufacturers’ Ageuts for the sale of Patent Fruit Jars, No. 188 Broad-street, near the Augusta Hotel, Acguita. Ga. a , - 2« W M. H. lUK.IEB dfe OU„ * AUCTIONKERS ANDCOM. MERCHANTS, Agents fur the purchase and s ilo 01 RF.\L ES TATE, PRODUCE, MERCHANDISE, DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, «C„ AC. KODEh AUCTION HOUSE. Next door ts Geo. R. R. Bank Atlanta, Ga. I HAYING one of the best locations In J the City, both for re’ail sole as well a. J Auction, we offer to Consignors extra induce / ments to send goods to this market and can as I sure them they will be quickly sold, anu cash | promptly returned. All varieties of Goods can : 0s qaiakly <h posed of. We shall at limes keca ’ - on hand a goo-i Stock, and Country Deale.s sup , plied tow for CASH. apl-dly ‘ J Sjwrs, st, BOOTS AND BURCH & ROBERT ARE JUST RECEIVING A LARGE AS SORTMENT OF LADIES, MISSES, AND CHILDREN BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KH#f)S AND SIZES. —ALSO — A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF FINE SOLE LEATHER, i TRUNKS & VALISES. CALL AND SEE THEM, 188 Broad-st.. Augusta, Ga. marl 2 ts THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT. a IA 1 v¥ GROVER & BAKER’S NOISELESS ' SEWING MACHINES. PRICES $35 to $l3O. Hemmers $5 Extra, IT is no longer questioned that these MA CHINES are the beat in use for family Sew ing. They hem, fell and s itch in a superior manner, anil are the only Machines in the mar ket which aro so well and simply made, that j they may be Bent iDto families witli no other in structions than are contained in a circular, which accompanies each tnachlue, and from which A CHILD OF TEN YEARS may readily learn bow to use and keep them in order. We refer to the testimonial below of Sen ator Hammond, of South Caro'ina : | Washington, D. C., 11th Dec. 1868. Dear Sir: In reply to your lotter, asking my opinion of Grover & Baker’s Sewing Machines, I take pU*ißure in saving that they have more ? than .sustained my expectations, alter t ying and < returning others. I have three of them in oper ation on my different places, and after four years trial, have no fault to dnd. Respectfully, (Signed) J. H. Hammond. Agents Wanted In every county in Georgia.— Sales Room, No. 265 Broad Street, Augusta. * *-tf STOVALL&GAUTRELL. JUST RECEIVED . A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF PIECE GOODS, Consisting of • FINE FIGURED AND PLAIN SILK VESTINGS, 1 “ “ “ MARSBUJ.ES •« “ FRENCH and ENGLISH CASSIMERS, “ “ “ CLOTHS Os various colors and figures, SIDE BANDS, Ac., ALL OF THE LATEST ARRIVALS, To be made up to ORDER at the shortest notice mars-ts by J. M. NEWBY A CO. ( AT R, J, BOWE & CO’S , j Gen, Commission Merchants, - 287 Broad Street, MAY BE FOUND Tennessee Bacon, Western Sides and Shoulders, ; Chandler’s Tenu. Hams, , Sugar Cured Hams. i Corn and Flour, I Hay, Eastern and Northern, Lime, 1 . Cement, Plaster, Hair, Mackerel, Smoked Herrings, Boston Cured Beef, Lard in Cans and Barrels, Soap, Cigars, and Butter. , apJB WM.M. POTTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ; BLAKELY, EARLY COUNTY, GEORGIA. Practices in the various counties of South .Western Georgia. Particular atten tion given to Land Claims. myS-dly Wanted FOR the ensuing year, a NEGRO GIRL, to wash and iron, and attend a Lady’s [ chamber. Good wages will be paid, and a good ! home secured. Address Box 287, Augusta, Ga. r dec2B-tf Wanted BY A FIRST-CLASS BOOK-KEEPER, with a largo country acquaintance, a sltua -1 lion as Book Keeper or Salesman. The best of References given. Apply at this office, lebie-tf. AICHOHOL.— The very best can be had at 75 cents per gallon, at ap2B S C MI'STIN'S. MACKEREL! MACKEREL!—IOO bbls. new larga No. 3 Mackerel, 60 half do. So do., No. 3 to 50 hbl- do small No. 3 do. For sale low by C. A. WILLIAMS k CO., my 13 dim No. 259 Broad Street. 1 SUNDRIES. —1,500 kegs Prime Nails: I 300 boxes Adamautino Candles; 160 do To-j banco, all grades; 50 do Starch; 100 do Soap; 200 i bales Heavy Bagging; 1.200 coils Rope. For sale low- by ' mvl7 WILCOX. HAND A ANM.EY Strayed or Stolen FROM the subscriber two Cows, one white wit i a few spots oi brown, of a me dium sire with short horns, and theoihc. oi a targe size, without horns, eofor white, with some H lai se six’ eof brown, both co ws marked with an J • uuiLrMi iu each ear. Five dollar* reward will t'l | in- paid for their recovery, or lufbrmatioo which Th wr. lead to it. it. BEASLEY, w niylo-tf 297 .iroi-l ,-rr-et 1 1* ■ I j ALL LAMPa.— !'be h.indsoine-c in • < I_L the City m..y be f >-md at 1 K.m srr vc 'Tlva 1 1 , ’VEHVBODY shorn lake ihe , iSSi Ai H. LA Daily 54—Weekly *1,50. NUMBER 135 Stkdtaws. MOUNTAIN ROUTE TO THE VIRGINIA SPRINGS VIA KNOXVILLE, TENN. TVuTm NCE from Au £ üßtft ' Ga., to the luTaZ r gS HCI! SPMN «* Montgomerjf Whuifo > ¥" and arr4ve 14 4p. m . y " bl,e Sulphur Springs next day at can'd nd SSEmSSSJ*** SulplWr, visitors of the various WanS n, tlonß to “Y and » n Mountains. 8 pl * ces ln lbe Virginia This route is now in successful , for good roads, MlubriouTchnSS, w’ffl scenery and fine eating housed“tf sSSfiJS by any line of Railroads in the Union SUrpassed c. b. Wallace, p T .„„ . _ General Ticket Agent. R ' Co ’’ Knoxville, my 21, ’5«. *rThrongh Tmkets sold at the Ticket Offioe of the Georgia Railroad, Augusta. my3l d3m Wauted. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERT C Z M Li tI l rough J'“ the Southern t>nhn ’ Bali b Y subscription our Popula* I übhcations of BOOKS and MAPS. For Textut southern Mias. Southern Ala., Ga. F'ia aS South Carolina. Apply to ’ ’ ’ E.NEBHUT k BRO. .. T „ „ Social Circle, Ga. Ar *-» ta., Northern iiiss., Northern AiaJ and Tennessee. Apply to J. B. A E, _ mlr£o Lac range, Tenn. BRADDOCK’S PULMONARY COUGH SWIMI. THE GREAT REMEDY COLDS COUGHS, CROUP And Bronchitis. THIS MEDICINE is not .nly X a great curative and preventive, but to soothing to the patient’s irritated langs and throat, and is so agreeable to the taste that A < i rß i?’.* B wellas ai *ulta lake it with pleasure. A half-tea-spoonful taken often, will soon re bowels reCOnloold2 ’ an,t WiU “ 0t COllßti P ate tb« MANUFACTURED by Dr. John Braddock OF HARTFORD, CONN. -™ 0 u ndera i i ?ued having been appointed Agent tor Richmond County, Ga., for the above, bem ioave to offer it to tho citizens of Augusta an. 7 .* 8 a P , f asaDt and excellent remedy,and onethat will give entire satisfaction. 1 Wholesale Price $4 50 per dozen. Retail Price 60 eta. per bottle. . . WM. C. BARBER, Ageet, 219 Broad st., opposite United States Hotel poiitot n hoP^t c officT edatlj;Wl3 LEVY ’ S ’ °p- Wainright, Sayre & Co., B WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ROOMS, WOOD WARE, OORDAGHL PAu!s anil TUBS ; manufactures VANA I sSiAßS n ‘lf.(?HC S k e< i im P° rt * ra of HA ™ent,bK°anuMurX " d«^9-Sm HT ’ liAa '“ SA ™’ I A'F teouTlousY BY Mrs. J. d. BOYD. Ja° u R 2™ PKO ™“ TOB « Chaslestom Horn.) notice. r H u ™L th ‘ 8 day to Mr. J. 1, introduce to my customers so pepular a Watob floUn l th/J n L etir T g from business, I feel grate ful to those friends and customers for the liber a ii£ a . tr . oUa * e lhe,r h * Te bes, owed on me, and ;idst,nd. conUnuaacewUh YvmaStf* Augusta, Feb. 1, 1859. TWEEDY. A CARD. IT is t the intention of the suhsorihec ,J. 0 E, e rvP a . selected stock ts CLOCKS, wAT HFX, JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, and dispose of them at the lowest prices ; anu wtf keep efficient Workmen to assist him in the prompt execution of all work left for repair*. He invites all the old patrons of the heuse, and his friends, to cal! and satisfy themselves. Augusta, Feb. 1, 1859 JE ' Ml fob4Htor THE OLI) Y. P. ffl. IS the purest WHISKEY extant. Nor sale by THOS. WHYTE, Sole Ag’t, feb2B-tf 135 Broad st., Augusta Ga. Druggist’s PAPER, 282 Broad Street ma'2s ts IRON & BRASS FOUNDRY AND MACHINTE SHOP.K O.v GEORGIA RAIL ROAD, NBA R THE COT TON FACTORT, AUGUSTA, GEO.' OH RDERS are soliclted*or CASTINGS for RAIL ROADS, all kinds of Machinery for Gold Mines, Bridges, and Draw Bridges, Gas Works Flour. Paper and Saw Mills, Gin Gearing. Wate« Wheels, all kinds of Smith work, Shafting and Circular Saw Mills complete. aps-ly W. M. MIGHT, Proprietor HCarciware PAPER, 282 Broad Street mar2s _ ts ’ HAMPTON &BI RTZ, AUCTIONEERS AND Commission Merchants BROAI) SI BEET, Albany, G-eorpla. mar 3 dm . For Sale. rWO of Phelan’s Coo* hi nation cueb iooed Ui IXI \KI* I'aHLFH. at tl o*i t» >i.X --111 IFTaBI.E, but hUletiren. all compute.— i ' prcuit a rare unity tor any jh rsoa rhoßcsrw 10 {Mi»chas«, eifhc lor pri- >$ or •:i i-e. They are all tie--.ii abL a*i < 'A » cAnC-'YU .\«ldrt>Aß R.ij (\ft *‘ll 1i t». rfaiO - 1)00 wT Prime Rio f i a (ML