Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, June 24, 1859, Image 1

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Augusta Evening Dispatch. I VOLUME 3: ItDcnutg iJtspatdj. ■ - r— —' ~ . , a I PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, |BY S. a. ATKINSON. I DAILY, per annum $4 00 1 WEEKLY, “ 150 I asrSabscriptiMß will be received for three •norths at $125. Monthly subscriptions, Fifty Kents. I gjf Payment for subscriptions will positively ■be required in advance. 1 #*-THE OFFICE OF THE DISPATCH is on ■Mclntosh street, one door north of the Georgia ■llai'r>ad Dank. I K ATES OF AOVKRTISISGI B Advertisements will he inserted by the square Hit 12 lines (100 words,) for 50 cents for the first Insertion, and 25 cents for each subsequent la- Hertlen under one month, to be paid for when the ■plvcrtisoment is handed into the office. m" Advertisements under five lines will be insert Bgd at 10 cents a 'mo for the first, and 5 cents a Kite for each subsequent insertion. prUSwfc Stgisitr. ■ KAI !dh )Al>. ■ heave Augusta 0.45 A. M. ■I Arrive Atiaula 9.45 A. M. H Leave Augusta 2.45 P. M. ■ Arrive Atlanta 11.50 P. M. H Leave Atlanta 12 Night. Arrive Augusta 8.53 A. M H leave Atlanta 10 A.M. Arrive Augusta 6.45 P. M. H South Carolina Railroad. HB Arrive Augusta 11.15 P. M, H do do 1.15 P.M. BE Leave Augusta 10 A.M. ■ do do 8.05 P.M. ■g Western and Atlantic Railroad. H Arrive Atlanta 11.22 Night. BB Leave Atlanta 12.30 Day. ■ Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad. ■ Arrive. Atlanta 8.33 A. M. ■ do do 751 P. M. BB Leave Atlanta 015A. M. ■ do do 10.15 AM. ■ Athens Branch. H Leave Augusta 12 45 Night. Hf Leave Atlanta 12.06 Night. BB Arrive at Athens 8.30 A. M. ■ Leave Athens 11.00 Day. Arrive at Augusta 0.45 P. M. BB Arrive at Atlanta 11.45 P. M. ■ Washington Branch. Washington 2 P M., Arrive Augusta at H 45 P. M., and Atlauta 12 Night. Augusta 2.45 P. M., and Atlanta 10 A. Arrive Washington7.2o P. M. B Warrenton Branch. ■ Leave Warrenton 3 P. M , Arrive Augusta at K.fa P. M., Atlanta 12 P. M. ■ Leave Augusta 2.45 P. M. and Atlanta 10 A. 11.. Arrive Warren.on 6.30 P. M. ■ N.B.—On SUNDAYS no Trains run on the Branches. GEORGE YONGE, M jyi4 Gen’lSup’t I AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH RAII ROAD. Augusta at.. . 0.30 A. M. and 2.45 P. M. Irrivo at Savannah.. 7.20 A. M. and 9.80 P. M. Hirnvc at Macon 9.00 A. M. and 11. CO P. M. BucaveSavannah at..11.45P. M. and 12.15P.M. fe-cavc Macon at.... 10.C0 P. M. and 10,46 A. M. ■Arrive at Ai gusta at. 7.19 A. M. and 7.20 P. M. » ANDREW YONGE, Superintendent. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. For Charleston, S. C., “ Kingsville, S. C., Int 10 A. M., and 8.05 “ Camden, S. C , P. M., “ Columbia, S, C., and arrive at Augusta at 1.15 P. M . and 11.15 P. M. H. T. PEAKE, u 19 General Superintendent. An ANT A AND LAGRANGE RAILROAD. Morning Pas’nger Train leaves AtlantalO.lo a m I and arrives at West Point 3.39 a m Yroning Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 0.15 a m and arrives at West Point 5.3 > a m Morningl’ass’ger Train leaves W.Point 3.45 a m and arrives at Atlanta at 8.33 a m Evening Pass’grTrain leaves W. Point 2.65 p m and arrives at Atlauta 7.51 p m Fake to Wist Point, $3.50. GEO. G. HULL. Superintendent. SOUTH-WESTERN RAIIJtOAD. Leave Macon at 11.45 P. M. and 9.45 A.M.; Arrive in Columbus at 5 35 A. M. and 3.45 P. M. Leave Columbus 4 A. M. and 3.45 P. M-; Arrive n Macon 9.50 A. M. and 9 13 P. M. Leave Macon 9.45 A. M. Arrive iu Albany 4.08 I’. M., Dawson 5 20 P. M. Leave Albany 3 P. M.. Dawson I 40P. M. Ar rive in Macon 9.18 P. M. Tri weekly Accommodation Train Down. Mon day, Wednesday aud Friday Up—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Mail Stages to and from Tallahassee, Thomas ville, Cambridge, Ac , connect daily with regu lar Trains at Albany. VIRGIL POWE' S, Sirp't. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. (Atlanta to Chattanooga.) D;v Passenger 1 aln leaves Atlanta 10.15 am and arrives at Chattanooga 6.25 p m WghtPassenger Train leaves Chat. 3.10 p m and arrives at Atlanta 11.22 p m Up «!ay I'\l " Ei eight and Pass’ger Train leaves Atlanta 4.50 am and arrives at Chattanooga 4.36 p m 3own day Ex. and Pass. do. leaves Chattahooga 5.15 a m and arrives at Atlanta 4.15 p m Up night Ex. and Pass, do leaves Atl’a 8.40 p 111 arrives in Chattanooga 7.01 am Down Night Ex. and Passenger Train leaves Chattanooga 6.05 p m arrives at Atlanta 4.40 a m ' Fare to Chattanooga. $5. MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Leave Macon 12 Night, Arrive Atlanta 7.15 A. M. Leave Macon 10 A. M., Arrive Atlanta 4 P. M Heave Atlanta 12 Night. Arrive Macon7.lsA.M 'Leave Atlanta 11 A M . Arrive Macons P. M A. L. TYLER, Superintendent. ""ROSE COTTAGE. Ice- Cream. SERVED EVERY DAY AND EVENING. PARTIES SERVED AT SHORT NOTICE. ; WM. F. SMITH, mar3l-d ts Telfair Street. LEWIS tl. tLAJtKKI, •345NERAL BUSINESS AGENT AND COLLECTOR, VTCIiOVERSirEIENBRINK’SKTORB W.'BTMIAJ.I. | STREET, ATIANTA, OBOKOIA, wirtfully offers his services t* the E. W. In Any bustnes entrusted to bis SCRANTON attorn ion. Refers to— T. C. SlMPSov'Tres’Ußank of Kultoa, HUNNICUI<fc TAv] ?>}JAN, Augusta «*., PERINO BfviVN' Ageni GaTt** j xv. * C. It W \ T I A CjF aLARKSI It flJuhß ’ c H. STRONG ER LAWSHE. pl . d«m \ lOL.—Xtie verv best cau lie "‘‘iUa at 75 ceuls ler gallon, at - TO FARMERS & THE PUduC GENERALLY, TTHE Subscriber having obtained a «T...l Ht | CDt lbr an ‘“Provem. •„ i'i.w stocks w BOW desirous to sell . 001,1 farm Rights on tav rM ’ Also, Agents wain terent States »f lb • mj 4-ts Jltmcdliwcom. ; THE LIVER INVIGORATOrT PREPARE* BY DR. SANFORD, ( ompoiimlt <i Eiilhtly fram Gams! ; rs ONE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE L and Liver Medicines now before the public, that acts as a CATHARTIC, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not Only a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid nut ter, then on the s omach and bowels to carry oil that matter, thus accomplishing two purpose? eifectoally, without any of the puinrul feelings experienced iu the operations of most Cathartics It strengthens the system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken duly in moderate doses, will strengthen and build it up with ttn usual rapidity. The liver is ona of ~ stomach, causing food the principal regula- to digest well, purify tors of the human | nig tho blood, giving body, and when it per • tone and health to the forms its functions » whole machinery, re well, the powers of the a moving the cause of system are fully de a tho disease,—effecting ’.eloped. Thestomach ty a radical cure, is almost entirely de- » Bilious attacks are poudent on the healthy N cured, and, what is action of the Liver lor * better, prevented by the proper perform- *, the occasional use of anco of its iunctio. s : *1 tho Liver Invigorator. when the st much is m One dose after eating atlault, thebowelaare k is suflloicnt to relieve it fault, and the whole f the stomach aud pre system sutlers in cen . vent the food Irom ri sequeuce of one organ S sing and souiing. —the Liver,—living " Only one dose taken ceased to do it- duty before retiring, pre- Eor the diseases of that vents Nightmare, organ, one of the pro t On'y one dose taken prietors lias made it J at night, loosens the his study, In a prac y bowels gently, and lice of more than 20 t cures Costiveness, years, to find some re- M One dose taken atler rnedy wh 0 rewith to each meal will cure counteract the many " Dyspepsia, derangements towhicb w One dose of two toa it is liable. n spoonfuls will always To prove that thh » relieve Sick Headache, remedy is at last* One bottle taken for found, any p e r s 0 n L f e male obstructions, troubled with Liver! y removes the cause of Complaint, in any ofits| r the disease, and makes farms, has but to try a j * a perfect cure, bottla, and conviction * Only one doseimme is certain. Ij* iiately reiievcsCholie, Those Gums remove!® while all morbid or bad mat ! $ One dose often re ter from the system,! • peated is a sure cure supplying iu tho 1 1 ! # for Cholera Morbus place a healthy flaw ol J and a preventive of bile, iuvigorating tlieljf Cholera. Only one bottle is needed to throw out of the system tho effects of medicine after a long sick ness. One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sal lowness or unnalnral color from the skin. One dose taken a short time before eating gives vigor to the appetite aud makes food di gest well. One dose often repeated cures Chronic Diar rhasa in its worst forms, while Summer and Bowel Complaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses cures attacks caused by Wermsin children, there is no surer, safer, or speedier remedy in the wolrd, as it never/ails. A f-w bottles cures Dropsy, by exciting the absorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this rnedi cine as a preventive for Fever and Agte, Chill Eefer, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It ope rates with certainty, and thousands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. All who use it are giving their unanimous tes timony in its favor. Mix Water in the month with the Invigorator, aud swallow both together. The LIVER INVIGORATOR is a scientific Medi cal Discovery. and is daily working cures, al most too great to believe It cures as if by ma gic, even the first dose giving benefit, and seldom more than cue bottle is requir'd to cure auv kind of Liver Comnlaint. from the worst Jaun dice or Dyspepsia, to it common Headache, all of which are the result of a Diseased Liver. Price, $1 per bottle. DR. SANFORD, Proprietor, 335 Broadway, New York. Sold also, wholesale and retail, by PLUMB k 1 LEITNER, W. 11. TUIT, aud Druggists every , where. apl4-ly B<EIIIIAVE>S HOLLAND BITTERS. mM&m ; . U ■ ! v THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA. DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, Liver CoiAX-p>ln.iiat, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVF.It AND AGUE, And the various affections consequent upon a disordered i XTOMI! OR LIVER as Indigestion, Acidity of the kj Stomach, Colicky Pains. Heartburn, X/tss 01 Appetite, Despondency. Costiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. Iu all Nervous, Rheumatic, and ' Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous in stances proved highly beneficial, and in others 1 effected a decided cure. ; This is a purely vegetablecom|>ound, prepared | °n strictly scientific principles,after the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor. Boerliavc. ! Because of its great suoess in most of the Euro | pean States, its introduction into tuc United States was intended more especially for those ol our fatherland scattered here aud thero over the face of this mighty country. Meeting with great success among them, I now offer it to the Ameri can public, knowing that its truly wonderful j medicinal virtues must be acknowledged. It Is particularly recommended to these per sons whoso constitutions may have beea im -1 paired by the continuous uso cf ardent spirits, ior other forms of dissipation. Generally, install : i famous in effect, it finds its way directly to the I seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the d oopiug spirit, and, iu fact, iu iusing new health and vigor in the system. NOTlCE.—Whoever expects to find this a bev erago will be disappointed ; but to the sick, weak and It w spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of singular remedial! properties. CAYncro r*r = The great popularity of this delightful Aroma ; has induced many imitations, which the public j should guard against purchasing. Be not pur- j suaded to buy anything ”lse until you have given | Boerliave’s Holland Bitters a fair trial. One bot tle w ill convince you how infinitely saperor it I* to all these imitations. *#-SolU at $1 00 oer bottle, or six bottles for 1 $5, by the proprietors. I BENJAMIN PAGE, JR., A CO., I Manufacturing Pharmaceutists a d Chemists, TKo Pittsburgh, Pa. *nd Dr'u?, in A "B u?ta by H XVTLAND. CHICHES ' !y2O-Jv* LETTNER. WM.H.TCTT, ‘rally throughout the State. | ; W. H, SALISBcIt-,, „„ 1 DEALERS IN* STOVES GRATE* aMIKwGES n.N COPPFR LEAD AN SHEET (RUN W ARE »' ' VANI7.ED IRo . EaI.ANI. Bl.iVk" TIN PIPES. LlFiiv: A *„ FORCE IV MP3, XliU SE FURNISHING GOODS, c., &c. AH Tders for TIN ROOF Nii, GAS FITTING nid I’U'MBINh executed promptly and in a su r nr manner. No. 257 Broad street, " r; * Augusta, Ga Hlkcllimm 1,000,000 BOTTLES SOLD! rj J. RUSSELL SPALDING’S ]r~o"seC 1 AND CASTOR OIL. ! ’ riMIE nicest and best Toilet Article iu \ -I. the World, for giving richnets and brillian ' cy to the Hair. It will make it grow, and keep it lrom falling off’, or turuing grey ; remove 5 dandruff, and preserve the hair in a good healthy state until the latest period of life, ft will force I , the beard to grow, and give it a rich dark ap “ pearancc. \ All genuine has Hie signature of J. RUSSELL SPALDING, Manufacturing Chemist and Apntli • evary,—Depot 27 Tremont Row, opposite Musc ? uin, Boston, Mass. Trial Bottles 25 eta large B sizes, in fdtacy boxes, 76 cts aud sl. tficSold by all the Wholesale Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers, and by dealers every where. ;1 Sold by Barnes & Park, New York ; Haviland, Stevenson St Co., Charleston ; Win. 11. Tutt.As n gusta. ap3o-daw3m j M ® • WINSIXJW, an experienced IyJL Nurse and Female Physician, presents to r the attention of mothers, her ■ SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, a which greatly facilitates the process of teething,! by softening the gums and reducing all infl.un- ; r licit ion ; will allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic ac -1 tion, aud is if SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS, s Depend upon it, mothers, it will giverost to your selves, and 1 RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. 1, PRICE 25 cents PER BOTTLE. . We have put up and ‘ It not only relieves! e sold this article for 0- U,- the cltild trom pain, I s ver ten years, and can _ but invigorates tho ij say, iu confidence and jJ stomach and bowels, truth of'it, what w< ts corrects acidity, aud have never been able 1L gives tone and energy . to say of any other to the whole system medicine-—never has ,t will almost instant . it failed, in a single iu- rr !y relieve stance to effect a cure, JJ GJtTPING iv m when timely used.- a BOWELS, AND WIND, h Never did wo know an U CHOLIC I instance cf dissatisfac H and overcome convui- : ■ f a ;? Wll ° Hsio ns, which if not j 1 Ll°l i t^ e i C ? n ; H speedily remedied,end ! al are ;! el ghwd (_| j a death. We believe 1 • with Us operations,and it the best and surest i speak in terms.oThigh- remedy in the world, r est commeuihition ol C iu all cases of DYBEN ■ its magical effects and A rKR Y AND DIAR-' - medical virtues. We RHCEA IN CHiLOREN, m l j ls , Q wh' therit arises from ; what we do know, toething, or from uny after ten yours expo- (J j other cause. We would! . ? u , r ft) t 0 overy motlier ’ reputation for the fui- JJ who has a child suffer jillment of what we ► mg from any of the here declare. In at- £> foregoing com plaiuts - n \°‘ s ter r lllßtaucP ‘ lo not let your prgiu , wl" re the infant is suf- F dices, nor the preju fermg from |iain and iices of others, stand exhaustion, rebel will between your suffering ■ be found in fifteen or H jhiid and the reiiol J ‘ WCD , t - v minutes after ;f that will bescßß-ycs,! | the syrup 13 adminis- A jusoutely schk—to tered. / follow the use of this . I Tuis valuable prepa- [j medicine, if timely! i ration is the prescrip- P used. ! tion of one of (he most Full directions tbt | experienced and skill E> using will accompanj i fui Nurses in New ' each bottle. None ..! England, and has been geuuinennless the tac used with never failing JJ simile of CURTIS i ' 1 success in H PERKINS, New York, THOUSANDS OF is on the outside wrap- : ■ j CASES. A per. j Sold by Druggists throughout the werld. Principal Office, No. 13 Cedar st., Nexv York. Price only twenty live cents. my2o diwly 1 COTROSA SPRINGS, THE subscriber having taken a lease of this fashionable watering place, will open ! It for the recei tion of visitors on the Ist day of tx July next. V This noted Summer resort, lias been justly i J know n ns ttie ’ SARATOGA OF THE SOUTH,; And presents advantages in its Mineral Waters ' s aud healthy iocttion, equal, if not superior to i any Watering l'lacc in the United States. I shall at all times erdeavor to furnish my ta-! v ble with all tho luxuries of the season, and shall * ! provide tho best of cooks, and faithful and at | K tentive servants. The great variety and properties of the all healing Waters of Cotoosa are well known. Prof, j , Means says that the Waters of Cotoosa wll! com- 1 ; pare favorably with the best Watering Places in j 1 Europe or America. Cotoosa Springs are accessible rroni all direc ! tions, and have direct Rail Road communication a with al! tho principal towns of the neighboring States. Hacks and Omn buses will be found at the Cotoo.-a platform ou tbearrivalof eaclt train. ! cordiaiiy invite the travelling public to give I me a call. You will find Cotoosa a good resting, e place, ami no matler where you are going, Co- j j toosa will not be out of your way. d my 20-daw tlstSept. ’ J. J. HARMON, j W. U. Grffin, COJUIISSION MERCHANT. AND l AUCTIONEER, .! STILT. CONTINUES TJIE ABOVE BUSINESS in ull ts brauclics. and hopea, by a strict attention to j • f interest of those who employ b:m to msrit, ; 1 hare of public patronage. 3! Administrator’s, Executors and Guardian’s j t ales attended to promptly, and on the mot-t . 1 liberal terms j Cash advances made on Consign me lit* of Produce whenever desired. . j jan29 d&wnra 1859. Spring Trade. 1859 XX7"E have now in store a large ana I IT complete stock of HOUSE FURNISHING I - GOODS, among which are REFRIGERATORS, i Yerke’s, Winship's. and Parker's, and Brown’s i Patent WATER COOLERS, different Patterns, WIRE DISH COVERS, Oval and Round ICE PICKS and MALLOTS, ■ Jelly and Blanc Mange MOULDS, different i Patterns. Flourished and Brittania Tea and Coffee POTS. ! “ Tea and Coffee URNS. Canary and Mocking Bird CA ES, ail kinds. S. S. JONES S CO., j mhJ2 192 Broad-street. j Wanted Immediately, A good Cook, Washer and Ironer, tc i whom steady employment aud good wage. ' will be given. AddrcssKey Box 87. * my*2S dtf To Rent, ; SEVERAL Houses, most of which arc on Mclntosh street, convenient to the Geor 1 I gia Rail Hoad Liepot. Apply to * mV' ift R r MORLSSON, Ex’r, ( < ONE THOUSAND IX)Z. FUUiT JARS. c —I have "U hand ALL .--IZES of Misou’s ’.tent Screw Top Fruit Jars Also, Stone A Co’s r t S*.tent Jars. The above are made of Glass and J nWHs using them need not fear losing thei. - hir "so’iAhey are not like a certain earthen" are - less.) Alsfihis citv last year tliatproved worth he best Jar of th 4"" Muslin’s Patent Cane Jar, ' ' « Cans of all SlZ 'g<l ever yet produced. Also O'-rf-. from $1 26 to s'*f r A CPS *^ ar 6 are. ior in proportion. -tozon, other sizes N B. mscount made to Country “J' 2 * 8. C. utel'Z AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, JUNE 24, 1859. SHisrdttantout. B A K T HOL FMgP SEWING MACHINES Allß the only Machines which sew in a superior manner, Cloth, Kersey’s, Silks. Linens, Muslirs, Sc. Hems, (lathers, Tucks and Stitches in cord of all sizes without Basting Uses Flax, cotton or siik thread. Wakes a back stitch on both sides which is very elastic ; will not rip nor cannot be raveled. The Machine is very simple Kuns at high speed, and in fact i 3 the only Machine made that can be relied on for doing the coarsest and tinest work on the same Machine with equal facility. PRICE, from $56 00 to $l,O 00. Persons buy ing Machines can have servants instructed how to operate them, free of charge, by sending them to my office.. A. LEYDEN’, Gen’l Ag’t, Atlanta, Ga. 43'Sendfor Circulars nod Samples "El HAIGHT & ANDREWS, Agents, my27-dtf For Augusta. — —-—. Hope for (lie Sufferer! A BALM in" GILLEAD! Gout and Rheumatism Disarmed of their Sting by the ANTI-ARTHRITIC WINK FOR THF. Gout & Rheumatism. As Compounded by Dr. Froment, of Paris. Twelve months experience and observation justify the Proprietor of this Medicine in assuring the public that it is at once the most safe and reliable remedy for either ofthe diseases named, which has ever been of fered to suffering humanity Scores ofthe most respectable people of Mobile have experienced its w nderful effects, and will endorse all that the proprietor may any in its favor. XKjF-’U c rely upon the testimony' of those who | have used it, for its sale, and not upon adver | tising. I. C. DrBOSE & CO.. Water street, Agents for the United States. For sale by Messrs. PLUMB & I.EITNER, Ag’ts, 1 jeiß-d3m Augusta, Ga. DR. J. T. PATERSON, SURGEON DENTIST. Office on Wasbi"_lon-3t., [ corner o! Ellis. Will attend to all operations pertaining to the profession. EXTRACTS TEETH WITHOUT PAIN BY ELEC TRICITY. jeia-ly SAMUEL THATCHER, Attorney at law aud notary PUBLIC, Georgetown, Quitman couuty, Ga., will practice in the counties of Webster, Terrell, Chattahoochee. Stewart. Quitman, Clay, Earley, ; Miller ; and Barbour county Alabama. I my 27 dly. 250,000 lbs. I BACON FOR SALE, I am authorised to sell Two Hundred aud Fifty Thousand pounds '‘SlDES”—de livered at the Chattanooga, or Augusta Depots. 1 Sampler of which can seen nt Messrs. Wilkinson i At Fargo and 11. T. Peay’s Stores in this city. I jclO-dtf T. W. FLEMING. L FOR SALE. - One hundred and eighty bolt* of patched Bugging, 51 bales of heavy do, 200 coils of prime Rope, at tow price by jeß HUD-ON' At MILLER. PRIVATE BOARDING. TWO OR' THREE FAMILIES CAN be accommodated with Large and airy ROOMS, and BOARD, at WASHINGTON IIALL, j Opposite the Post Office. —also— A few SINGLE GENTLEMEN and DAY BOARD ERS. at reasonable terms. jelO dtf MISS C. A. EVANS. r FOR SALE. ASUPEIIIOR Horse ttml Dray, all in ex eilcut workiugc 'edition. Apply to jc22-dtf KINCHLEY fc SANCHEZ. JUST RECEIVED.—S cases Tine-apple Cheese, 5 do Dutch Cheese, 5 do H Pint Champagne, 20 half bids. White Kish, Mess Mackerel in Kits aDd haifßbls, No. 1,2 and 3 Mackerel in ail size packages. 10 half bills Fam ily Beer, fur sale by BUTT, MORRIS A CO. my3l LARD. —A few cans very choice Tenu. Lard, on consignment and for sale by jeO M W WOODRUFF. ON CONSIGNMENT.—A prime lot of Tennessee Inr l in 50 jfe. Caus. just received aud for sale by KINCHLr ¥.v SANCHEZ, jet No. 141 R "ynold Street. FOR SALK. ~ A desirable Country Residence about 30 minutes ride from Town, and upon one of the best roads leading from the City. Ail im provements are new—the lot contains 12 acres of land, well adapted for Gardening and the cul ture of Strawberries. The land is capable of be ing improved to any degree of fertility. Apply at this office. ' je2l-dtf NEW BOOKS.—Geo. A. Oates & Bros. have just received the following n-w and interesting boeks : The New and the Old: er California and India in Romantic Aspect, by J W Palmer, MD. Memoirs of the Em: ress Cathe rine 11, written by Herself, with a Preface by A Herzen, Translated from the French. Acadia; or A Month with the Blue Noses, by Frederic S Cozzens, author ol the "Sparrow grass Papers.” A Baehl lor'3 S ory, by Oliver Bruce. The Cava lier, an Historical Romance, by G P R James, Esq. The War of Rose-.; or Stones of the Strug gles ofthe York and LaneasD r, by J G Edgar. John Haliiax, Gentiomcn Illustration, by Augus tus Kappin. The Lady Blau he; or The Castle and the Cottage, by pierce Egan, Esq 5 vol. of Cosmos, by Humbelt. ielß TUNE 22d, MORE NEW BOOKS.— •3 The Greek Testament, with critically revis ed text; A Digester various readings ; M.rginal References to Vc bal and Ldiomati: Usage; Pol egurmua, and a Critical and Exegetical Gunmen lary. by Henry Aliord. H. D.; Day I awn in Af rica; or, Progress of the Pfot. E( is Mission at Capo Palmas. West Africa, by Mrs. Arina M. Kent; The Wars of the Roses; or, Stories oi the Str -gg!e of York and 1-aucaster, by J G Edgar, with illustrations;Sunday school Speaker, by J K> nna ly. D D; Cosmo-, by Humboldt, vol. 5; .!■ tin ahfax Gentleman, and Carroll's Catechism of United States .istory vor sale by je22 THOB * ON Everybody *n<mi ■ ut, me utoratuu. Daily s4—Weekly *l,s* UlistfHrWOUs. WOOD, EDDY & CO’S i SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERIES! (CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF GEORGIA.) I Capital Prizrsso^ooo Tickets Only $10! Wood, Eddy & Co., Managers Successors to S. SWAN & CO. - * THE following Scheme will be drawn by WOOD, EDDY & CO., Managers of the Sparta Academy Lottery, in each of their Single Number Lotteries for JUNE, 1859, at AU GUSTA, Ga., in public, under the superinten -1 dence of Commissioners. CLASS 23, j TobcdrawniuCityofAiignsta,Ga.,ln public,on SATURDAY, Jure 4, 1839. < CLASS 24 , To bedrawn incity of Augusta.G».,in public,on s SATURDAY, June 11, 1859. t CLASS 25, • i To be drawn in City of Augusta. Ga.,in public on SATUIU'AY, June 18,1859. CLASS 26, . To bedrawn inCityofAugusta.Ga., in public, on , SATURDAY", June 26, 1859. i ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS ! ao,o«« Ticicetii s l Rive Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-jive Pr test NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICKETS I MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! To be Drawn each Saturday in JUNE. 1 Prize of. $50,000 1 “ “ 20,000 1 ‘ 10,000 9 1“ “ 4,000 1 “ “ 3,000 1 “ “ 1 500 60 “ “ 600 100 “ “ 400 100 “ “ 3(o • 100 “ “ 150 100 < 100 J APPROXIMATION PRIZES, f 4 Przs of S4OO Ap. to $50,000 Prze arc $1,600 t 4 “ 300 “ 20,000 “ arc 1,200 r 4 “ 260 “ 10,000 « arc 1,000 4 “ 225 “ 5,000 <• aro 900 t 4 “ 200 “ 4.000 “ are 800 i 4 “ 100 “ 3,000 “ aro 600 t 4 “ 100 “ 1.600 “ are 400 5,000 “ 20 are 100,000 } 1 - 6,485 Prizes, amounting to $320,000 Whole Tickets $lO ; Halves $5 ; Quarters $2,50. *3~ Remember that every Prize in the above Scheme is drawn, and payable in full without deduction. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the fol lowing rates, which is the risk : Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets. .SBO do do do 10 Half do .. 40 do do do 10 Quar .do .. 2( do do do 10 Eighth do .. 1( e SPARTA ACADEMY ; LOTTERY, CLASS No. 359, ’ Draw. Wednesday, June 29th, 1350, ON THE THREE NUMBER PJ AN. 75 Numbers—l 2 Drawn Bailo's. - NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY TWC TICK ETS ! 1 tirand Prize of {536,000. 1 Prize of $19,170 2 Prizes of 10,000 7 1° 8.000 j 4do of 2,000 20 do of » 1 000 ISO do of Ac., &c., Ac., Ac. 27,814 PRIZES AMOUNTING TO *513,190! Whole Tickets $lO ; Halves 5 Quarters $2 50. In ordering Tickets or Certificates , enclose the money to our address for the Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by flist mail. s The List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately alter the drawing. Purchasers will nlease write their signature! ' plain, and give their Post Office, Couuty aud State. 4®“ All prizes of SIOOO and under , paid irn mediately alter the drawing—-other prizes at ihejgiiiil time of thirty days. , NOTICE TO COIIRESPONDENTS. Those who prefer not sending money by mail, can use „ THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO, whereby money (or Tickets, in sums of Tend D Jars, and upwards, can be sent us At our Risk and Expense, from any city of town where tiny have an office. The money and order must be enclosed in a “ G overnment Post Office Stamped Envelope,” or the Express Company cannot receive them. , All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for fickets or Certificates to WOOD, EDDY A CO., Augusta, Georgia, or WOOD, EDDY & CO . Allauta, Georgia, hr WOOD, EDDY & CO , Wilmington, Delaware, myl r S4O sEwiTiMi SCOVILL & GOODELL’S JP-A-THUSTT. i Sewing with two Threads, DOUBLE LOCK STITCH! ■ 1000 STITCHES IMINUTE. THE ONLY LOW PRICED SEWING MACHINE -SriiiT OFFERED Sewing with two Threads! FOR SALE AT THE SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, Corner Broad & Jackson Sts., OPPOSITE GLOBE HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEO. CLARKE, ANSLEYI CO feb22-tf. COME AT LAST, T 3 all those of my friends and patrort i who •! vc been waiting tor myi'RiMEEX l TRA FAMILY -ug»r cored FRESH IIAMS, I hav\ >he plea-are to say, they are now coum g t i Store an.i are for sale, ana will be .-old I prt Inounce them prime. Respectfully, j,.13 MW WOODRUFF. J | _ SjMS, tst, B 0 O TS AND | sat ii @ BURCH &TrOBERT ARE JUST RECEIVING A LARGE AS SORTMENT OF LADIES, MISSES, AND CHILDREN BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS AND SIZES. —ALSO— A SPLENDID ASSORrMENTOF FINE SOLE LEATHER, TRUNKS & VALISES, CALL AND SEE THEM, 188 Broad-st., Augusta, Ga. marl 2 ts THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT. GROVER & BAKER’S NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. fRICKS $35 40 $l3O. Hemmers $5 Extra. IT is no longer questioned that these MA 1 CHINES are the beat in use for family Sew 1 ing. They hem, fell and H itch in a superior manner, and are the only Machines iu the mar ket which are so well and simply made, that they may be sent into families with no other in structions than arc contained in a circular, which accompanies each machine, and from which A CHILD OF TKS YKAIIS may readily learn bow to use and keep them in order. We refer to the testimonial below of Sen- i ator Hammond, of South Caro'ina : Washinotox, D. C., 11th Deo. 1858. Dear Sir: In reply to your letter, asking ray opinion of Grover h Baker’s Sewing Machines. I take pleasure in saving that they have more than sustained my expectations, alter t-ying and j returning others. I have three of them ill oper ation on my different places, and after four years trial, have no fault to find. Respectfully, (Signed) J. H. Hadmond. Agents XXanted in every county in Georgia.— Sales Room, No. 255 Broad Street, Augusta. r ftf STOVALL, & UAItTRELL. AT R. J. BOWE & CO ! S, ; Gen. Coin mission Merchants, 287 Broad Streel, MAY BE FOUND Tennessee Bacon, Western Sides und Shoulders, Chandler’s Tenn. Hams, Sugar Cured Hams, Corn and Flour, Ilay, Eastern andNorthsrn, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Mackerel, . Smoked Herrings, Boston Cured Beef, Lard in Cans and Barrels, Soap, Cigars, and Butter. apl6 S. C. MUSTIN’S PA T E N T Self-sealing EARTHEN PRESERVE JAR, for sale at No. 183 Broad Street, Near Augusta Hotel, Augusta, Ga. BIN IN(xER S OLD LONDONJOtK GIN. A. M. Bininger & Co., [established 1778.] SOLE IMPORTERS AND PROPRIETORS, Ifo. 19 Broad-st, If. Y. NEITHER A “Schiedam Schnapps.” ‘•London Cordial •%% Gin,” Nor “Club House CJin,” BUT A PERFECTLY PURE GIN, PUT UP BY A 1 AS" RESPONSIBLE 801 SE, «« Aud worthy of the public confidence. For sale bj SPEARS di HIGIIT, Wholesale Druggists, Augusta, Ga., dec2l-tf N# 316, opposite Planters' Hotel MACHINE SEWING", ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF FINE ANL COARSE SEWING is done with dispatch ai the Machine sewing Rooms On Broad-street, above N. K. Bntler’s. The heads of families wll find It to their inte rest to cal! and examine specimens of beauti/bi work, whieh is daily executed there AT MODERATE CHARGES. DRFK6ES for Ladies and. hildren tucked in tht handsomest style. SHIRTS, PANTS. VgSTC. ant every article of Clothing ma e with dtapatcl much handsomer than by hand. Ja-Caliat ‘ MACHINESEWING ROOM.” Augusta, April2B, 1858 ap2B EDDL.EMAJV & BANKS, UrHOLESALE and retail dealers in, anti man ufacturers of BOOTS. SHOES, I EATHfK. LASTS, PEGS. CALF, LIVING, and BINDINi sKIVS. SHOEMAKER'S TOOLS, AC., of whit hev kee). a large and constant supply at lit ow«**t ca.h prices, Whitehall Street, Atlaut Georgia We are also Agents for To wosends,Shoe maker- WA X THREAD SEWING MACHINE. \n tuuispeoaab'e article for ShoeManutacturei me only Machine that sews with a wax tltrea- Would invite the atteatlon of Country ' i haete to our nrices. apt d 6 BIRD CADES.—For »alo by aj.2B S. C. ■ TTT’ ~ 1 ;t;r=r:- - NUMBER 136 Slfecellanroos. * MOUNTAIN ROUTE TO THE (VIRGINIA SPRINGS VIA KNOXVILLE, TENN. .au r « m , the » un »<f°«»ery White Sulphur visitors can find ample accommodations to an v and «B MounU?ns OUS Water,D * h. theV“^ This route is now in successful operation and for good roadj, salubrious climate, beautifvH scenery and fine eating houses, is not surpassed by any lino of Railroads in the Union. P C. B. WALLACB, „ _ . General Ticket Agent. E. Tenn. ft Ga. R. R. Co., Knoxville, my 21 ’59 W- nirough Tickets sold at the Ticket Oflloe of the Georgia Railroad, Augusta. d3m Wanted. Agents wanted in evert County throughont the Southern 2SJ2*> ~t 0 S «H ! by subscription our Popula* i übl cations of BOOKS and MAPS. For T™ ZZItT f BS ” Soo ‘ her b Ala., Ga., Fla.,S3 .x>uth Carolina. Apply to 1 * . E. NEBHUT k BRQ , , , Social Circle, Ga. For Ark., lot., Northern Miss., Northern AJa.l and Tonncssee. Apply to J. B. It E. NEBHUT, 3 LaGrange, Tern. BRADDOCK’S PULMONARY COUGH ammE. TII£ GRiiAT 11EMEDV FOR COLDS COUGHS, CROUP And Bronchitis. THIS MEDICINE Is not only X a great curative and preventive, but & .-,ooth ng to the patieDt’s irritated lungs and 'hroat, and is so agreeable to the taste that children, as well as adults lake it with pleasure. A kill-tea-spoonful taken often, will soon re move recent colds i aud witl not consUpate the oow els. MANUFACTURED BY Dr, John Braddock OF HARTFORD, CONE. Tlte undersigned having been appointed Agou. for Richmond County, Ga., for the above beg, leave to offer it to the citizens of Augusta an t vicinity as a pleasant and excellent remedy and one that will give entire satisfaction. Wholesale Price *4 60 per dozen. Retail I rice Cts. per bottle. „ . WM ’ c BARBER, Ageat, Broad-st., oiiposite United States Hotel. It can also be obtained at LEWIS LEVY’S on. Post Office. ’ ” Waioright, Sayre & (o^ WHOLESALE DEALFRB IN B R OOMS. wood WARE, CORDAGK, TWINE, PAII2J and TUBS ; manufm-turem 1! MATCHES and BRUSHES ; importers of HA VANA SEGARS, 250 WashingtonStr.xt N l™, between Robinson and Murray. * '■ d«SSt BM JAS - I 1 wxtxHtmrr. TROUT HOUSE, -AA r JPT_i^_Jsr r T'^k. y ‘BY Mrs. J. D. BOYD. U’m “f I‘Ropiuetor ox CIUBUBIOB Horei.) NOTICE. " r Have this day sold to Mr. J. H. 4 OCKS N< iFwVMfv 0 fc ire or Watc HE*, I.OLKS, JEWELRY, A and it ts a pleasure to mtrißluce to my customers so popular a Watch Maker In retiring Trom business, I feel grate ul to those Irtends and customers for the liber tl patronage they have bestowed on me and solicit its continuance with my successor at the old stand. t. TWEEDY Augusta, Feb. 1, 1859. A CARD, ~ IT is the intention of the subscriber to keep a well selected stock of CLOCKS WAT HES, JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS aud dispose of them at the lowest prices ; and w>* keep efficient Workmen to assist him in the prompt execution of ail work left tor repairs. He inviUs ail the old patrons of the house, and his friends, to call and satisfy themselves. . . „ t J. E. HUNGER. Augusta, Feb. 1, 1859 feb4-dU Druggist’s PAPER, 282 Broad Street. mar2s ts IRON & BRASS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP.R O.V GEORGIA RAIL ROAD, NEAR THECOT TOU FACTORY, AUGUSTA. GEO. ORDERS are soliciteu ,or tiail., u o for RAH. ROADS, all kinds of Machinery for Gold tines, Bridges and Draw Bridges. Gas Works Elour. Paper and Saw Mills, Gin Gearing, Wats, vhecis, all kinds of Smith work, Shafting ml drcular Saw Mills complete. w, M. HIGHT, Proprietor, Hardware PAPER, 282 Broad Street. mar2s t£ Wanted. 11 uAN TED to hire, eight hands to Vr work on the Augusta and Savannah R-id toad. Also, three women to cook or bands, maris-tf ANDREW Y'INGE, Supt. ■ S. C. MUSTI N, IMPORTER Os CHINA, 6LASS & CROCKERY, ALSO, DEALER IN * Pine Stiver Plate I Goods, Patent Lambs, Table ’utlery, Looking Glasses. Waiters, and Woodeb rare Manufacturers’ Agents for the sale of ■atent Fruit Jars, No. 183 Broad-street, ne.r the A'gusta Hotel. Autra-os <:» , \V»I. H. HAHNEsi & C 0... AUCTIONEERS AND COM. MER HANTS, \geuts for the purchase and sdeoi HE \L ES TATE. PRODUCE, MEKuHAN 4}+ DRY (jistija FAV- V (in- ei- ,r MODEL AUCTION HOOK, Next door ts (ieo. R. « .. Atl ,m«. Ga. I TAVINO one of the best locations ia II it* 1 >t ou, for IU : I a., wall aa .■ ion >e "ff r ui I'oung. or? oitra inuuce 't -■ . -en griris to thi- market and can us «• m they wilt b.. q d kb sold amt cash ~ . i « d of Ge.r a cah '.a >*.’ a' 'if k- ep and tVmntrv Beale, e sup apl-dty