Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, June 29, 1859, Image 1

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VOLUME 3. feing gispatejj PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, BY S. A. ATKINSON.j *3“ Subscriptions will be received for three " s at $1 25 - Mo “ tbl >- Fifty WI “ P^^vely *S* THE OFFICE OF THE DISPATiht i= „„ °“ e door U ' >r,1 ‘ of th * Georgia KATES OF ADVERTISING! Advertisements w,U be inserted by the square ot 12 lines (100 words,) for 50 cents for the first insertion, and ‘25 cents for each subsequent in sertion under oue mouth, to be paid for when the Advertisement is handed into the office Advertisements under five lines will be insert ed at 10 cents a hno for the first, and 5 cents a line for each subsequent insertion. Bail SUab StgUftr. GEORGIA RAILROAD. Leave Augusta 0.45 A. M. Arrive Atlanta 945 A. M. Leave Augusta 2.45 P. M. Arrive Atlanta 11.56 I>. M. Leave Atlanta 12 Night. Arrive Augusta 8.53 A. M Leave Atlanta 10 A. M Arrive Augusta 6.45 I*. M. <?«»«■ -*» ***» C South Carolina Railroad. Arrive Augusta 11.15 P. M. do do 1.15 P.M. I-eave Augusta 10 A. M. do do 8.05 P.M. 1 M'efknt and Atlantic Railroad. Arrive Atlanta 11.22 Night. Leave Atlanta 12.50 Day. Atlanta and LaGronge Railroad. Arrive.AflantaS.33A. M. do do 751 P. M. Leave Atlanta 016 A.M. do do 10.15 A M. Athens Branch. Leave Augusta 12 45 Night ; la'ave Atlanta 12.08 Night." Arrive at Athens 3.30 A. 11, Leave Athens 11.00 Day. Arrive at Augusta 6 45 P. M. Arrive at Atlanta 11.45 P. M. Washington Branch. Leave Washington 2 P JL, Arrive Augusta at 0.45 P. M., and Atlanta 12 Night. Leave Augusta 245 P M., and Atlanta 10 A. JL. Arrive Washington?.2o P. M. Warrenton Branch. Leave Warrenton 3 P. M., Arrive Augusta at 6.4a r.M., Atlanta 12 P. M. Leave Aug -la 2.45 P. M. aqd Atlanta 10 A. M.. Arrive Warren.on 6.30 P. M. ■w. b. ynNffiUNT'AYS no Trains run on the l Branches. GEORGE YOXGE, 1 Geo’lSup’t } augl’sta and savannah Railroad. I Leave Augusta at... 0.80 A. M. and 2.45 P. M. [ Arrive at Savannah.. 7.20 A. M. awl 9.30 P.M. L Arrive at Macon 9 00 A. M. and li.*o P. M. K a- av* S ivunuah at.. 11 45 P. M. and 12.1 P. M. P [ Arrive at A’ gu-ta at. 7.19 A. M. and 7.20 P. M. j ANDREW YOXOK, S ipermteudant. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. .Tor Charleston, 8. C., ■ Kingsville, S. C., at 10 A- M., and 8.05 t 11 Camden, S. C , P, 51., “ Columbia. S. C., j , 1 sad arrive at Augusta at 1.15 P. M , and111.1* p H. T. FLAKE, iyj j General Superintendent. , ~ atlas 9 ?!' axßlagKANge railroad, - Morning fti’nger Train leaves AtiantalO. 16 a m ; at 1 arrives at W< v :H Fviut 3• ; ';9 a m livening Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 0.15 a m and arrives at West Point 5.3* a in j Morning Train leaves W. Point 3.45 aid and arrives at Atlanta at 8.33 a m Evening Pass’gr Train leaves W. Point 2.55 p m and arrives at Atlanta 7.51 p m \ Fakk to Wrst Point, $3.50. GEO. G. Hl'lX, Superintendent. ' s( >UnMYESTEK\ RAILROAD. Le.iv* Mis >n afll .45 P. M. and 9 45 A . M.: p r-r«"e in Golnmbu? at 5 35 A. M. and 3.45 P. M. Leave Co urn bus 4 A. M. and 3.45 P. II.; Arrive j ia Macon 9.60 AM. and 9.18 V . M. , Leave 'ac<m 9.45 A. M. Arrive in Albany 4.03 V M. Dawson 520 P. M. , . b Leave Albany 3 P. M.. Daw.oa MOP. M. Ar • rive <n Macon 9.18 PM. Tri weekly Accommodation Tram Down. Mou- j ■lay, Wednesday ami Friday Up—Tuesday,; Thursday and Saturday. T . , I Mail Stage? to and Iron u. s .irt -ec, . hom,. ;; -; Viile, LiUtiu' -t, sc , ‘ v.,.u a..- iar Trail,.; at Albany vmf;i . pf)W( ,. rp gl , p - t WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. (Atlanta to Chattanooga .) n » p»..... m !-av.v Atlanta 10.1» am and arrives at Chattanooga 6.26 p m DKghtPassenger Train leaves Chat. c.lO p m and arrives at Atlanta 11.2. p m if , .... , ,ei mid Pasa’ger ' i Trait leaves Album ami arrives at Chattanooga 4.*» pto -Down day Ex and Pass. do. .eaves ; Kriv«atAO«U ||p»l ' Town Night Ex. and Passenger Tram | L leaves Chattanooga ► arrives at Atlanta " " 11 FARK TO CaaTIAKOOOA. to. I MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. j W««N ! ght.^m :: A S ..IoA;V. Ka ?A-pbt Arrive Macon7.l6 A. M ! Atlanta | I "lIOSECOrrAGE. It O © “ \ViU.F. SMITH, itmr3l <■! ts _ TellamStreet_ , ~"■ VV 1?» **• t .«» A..ENT AND COUJMH, rT\IC'BSTGKF. t HIThUALL OmCBOVSR MUeiKMISIXK a. I K srarirr vnji.vra. kkokou, WHShO&ErB&I: '"KSggflgt&gß. t C simoon. I. 0 money at uw, IIUNN’I' t T a Ta > ( •'! B eO . PKRINO :-.RoWN. agent ••«- J. R. fcC I! WAILAP'.. CLARKE A ORG ~u L uv-t: ‘ C H. STRONG 1 u apl _ ' 1 _ . _ AWgt*H*)L.- Toe vt-rv '«>i <:«• ban a 1 ' rfl fM ' ;T jL int ru^iu generally. rjniK. I »UIV in^ r Ayr ”..i • -a 'er’^“ r r Ae!.,r V, M dm eeilK.ah-8 *’>« fereut States ol tlu - L“ lu "- . rIES pat. mjl-tf WM. J GRI *£; ietblj 6ft. Augusta Evening Dispatch. Mlrsrellancont. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR, I PUEPARE* BV DR. SANI'ORD, I Compounded Entirely from GnrniP IS ONE OF THE ISEST PURGATIVE and Liver Medicines now before the public, i that acts as a CATHARTIC, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not Only a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid mat ter, thou on the s omach and bowels to carry oil i that matter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, without any of the painful feelings experienced in the operations of most Cathartics It strengthens the Rystem at the same time that it purges it; and when taken duly in moderatf doses, will strengthen and build it up with uu usual rapidity. The liver is one ofstomach, causing food the princfpal regula to digest well, purity tors of the human (j mg the blood, giving body, and when it per t tone and health to the forms it s functions f whole machinery, ro well, thepowersof the to moving the cause of system are fully de a the disease,—effecting veloped. Thestomacl; q a radical cure, is almost entirely de- 4 Bilious attacks are pendent on tlic healthy B cured, and, what is action of the Liver tor * better, prevented by the proper perform L the occasional use of anco of its tunctioi.3 «! the Liver Invigorator. when the st mach is * One dose after eating at fault, the bowels are k is sallicieut to relieve it fault, and the whole f the stomach and pre system suffers in con . vent the food trom ri sequence of one organ 5 sing and eouiiug. —the Liver,—having " Only or,c dose taken ceased to do its duty “ before retiring, pre- For the diseases of that vents Nightmare, organ, one of the pro I Oipy one dose taken prietors has made it ■ at night, loosens the his study, iu a prac y bowels gently, and 'ice <d' more than 20 l cures Costiveness. years, to find gome re- f One dose taken after medy wherewith to eaoli meal will cure counteract the man} * I Dyspepsia. derangementstowhieh W One dose of two tea it is liable. ' spoonfuls will always To prove that thi-‘ relieve Sick Headache, remedy is at last*- One bottle taken for found, any person L female obstructions, troubled with Liver y removes the cause ol Complaint, inany of its! • the disease, aud makes forms,lias but to try ni B a perfect cure bottle, sod conviction A Only one doseimmo i* certain. g diately relieves Cholic, r ; h jsc Gums remove' a while all morbid or bad mat-; * One dose oftefi re ter from the system. B punted is a sure cure supplying in theiilj for Cholera Morbus place a healthy tl >w oil H and a preventive ot bile, invigorating thelj Cholera. only one bottle is r eeded to throw out es the system the effects of medicine after a long sick ness. One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sal lowness or unnatural color from the skiu. One taken a .'hurt time hetore eating gives vigor to the appetite' aud makes food di gest well. Oue dose often repeated cures Chronic Diar rhoea in its worst forms, while Rummer aud Bowel Comp'a nts yield almost to the first dose. One or twm doses cures attacks caused by Worms in children, there is uo surer, safer, or speedier remedy iu the weird, as it never fails. A f-.w bottles cures Dropsy, by exciting the absorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this medi cine a-i a preventive for Fever and Ague, Chip Fefer, and all Fevers of a Biiious Type. It ope rates with certainty, aud thousands arc willing to testify to its wouderful virtues. AT who use it are giving their unanimous tes timony in its favor. Mix Water in the mouth with the Invigorator, atid swallow both together. The LIVER INVIGORATOR is a scientific Modi- j cal Piscovery. aud is daily working cures, ah, most too great to bedove. " It cures as i! by mu-! I tic, even the ftrrt dose giving bm»JU, and seldom i ! more than one bottle is required to curs any ; kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst Jauri-I nice or Dyspepsia, to a common Headache, all of j i » hlcli are the result of a Diseased Liver. ! Price, $1 per bottle. DR. SANFORD, Proprietor. j &;’5 Broadway, New York, fin’d also, wholesale and retail, by PLUMB & I.EITNiSB, W. H. XITT, and Druggists every-) where. apl4-ly ,; - - —■ ... r BCGRHA\J2’S HOLLAND BITTERS. I i *) i*‘l.- C M '-.n: : -•'C? V :;i ' tv*:- 4 . . < i • , fi -i 4 the criKTm vren hot,band remedy fob ItYtfDfAtJSI * DIS EAB E6 F TIIE KI D KEYS, Xj±-vc3X- OoiAXiT>lc\ixat, IVEAKSESS OP A!V Y KIND, I FEVER AND AGEE, And the various affections consequent upon a I disordered STOMACH OR LIVER SUCH as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn, Loss st j Appetite, Despondency, Costiveness, Blind andj Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic,and : Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous in-. I stance- prove i highly beneficial, aud iu others effected a decided cure. I This is a purely vcgetablecompound, prepared : on strictly scientific principles,after the manner i of the celebrated Holland Professor Beerhare. I Because of its great sucass in most of the Euro- i ] pean States, its introduction into the United j ; states was intended more especially for tli «e ol j I our fatherland scattered here and there over the , | face of thi- mighty country. Meeting with great j success among them, I now offer it to the Amerl- j can public, knowing that its truly wonderful j 1 medicinal virtues must be acknowledged. Ills particularly recommended to these per sona whose constitutions may have been im-1 paired by the coutinuou.- use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally,instan : tar.eon- in effect, it finds its way directly to the ! seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, ■ raising up the d coping spirit, and, In fact, in lusing new health and vigor in the system, i NOTICE. —Whoever expects to find this a bav ■orage will be disappointed: but to the sick, i weak and .• w -yiiited, it will prove a grateful I aromatic cordial, possessed of singular remedial 1 properties. cjK.mrMOM = The great popularity cl this delightful Aroma has induced many imitation-, which the public should guard against purchasing. Be not pur ,-uaded to buy anything -lae until you have given fkerhuve’s Holland Bitters a fair trial. Oue bot tle will convince yon how infinitely super'ar it i to all these imitations. $3-?old at il 00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5, by the proprietors BENJAMIN PAGE, Ja., k CO., Manufacturing Pharmaceutistsa id Chemists, Pittsburgh. Pa. For -alein Augusta by IT 'VII,AND. CHK HEB --KK SOI.. PLUMB A LEITMEH. WM. H. I'PTT, ’a 1 Kniggists generally throughout tbe State ■ - iy2o-ly . w. H. SALISBURY & C0 t 5 DEALERS IN ,T-1 - GRATES aM> KAXOES rtN, COPPER. FA' IN GHKKT IRON WAItU GA - ' v 'SIZED IIK> . FAI) AND BI.OiK 1 TIN PIPER. I.IFHV AND FORCE p.HI’A Hid ,-E FURNISHING r ’ G<K)DS, c.,&c. an orders for TIN ROOF;NO, GA.S FITTING pi I*MBING executed promptly and id asu “nor manner. No. ’267 Broad street Augusta, Ga Hlkellamaiis. I, BOTTLES SOLD! J. RUSSLLL SPALDING’S ] ROSE [ Imary ircz^nifka AND CASTOR GIL. TITHE nicest and best Toilet Article in J. the World, for giving richness and brillian cy to the Hair. It will make it grow, and keep it irom falling off, or turning grey ; remove dandruff, and preserve the hair in a good healthy state until the latest period of life. It will force the beard to grow, and give it a rich dark ap pearance. All genuine has the signature of J. RUSSELL SPALDING, Manufacturing Chemist aDd Apoth ecary,— Depot 27 Tremont Row, opposite Muse um, Boston, Mass. Trial Bottles 25 cts. Large size.?, in fifccy boxes, 76 cts and Si. ftß-Sold by all the Wholesale Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers, and by dealers every where. Sold by Barnes; A Park, New York ; Haviland, Sloven-cu & Co., Charleston ; Wm. H. Tutt.Au guita. _ apoO-dawSm MR S . WINSLOW, p.n experienced j Nurse and Female Physician, presents to the attention of mothers, her SO O THING SYRUP,! FOR cm LURK* TEETHING. which groatly facilitates the process of teething, by soltening the gums am. reducing all hiflam ■ motion ; will allay AIL PAIN and spa.-modh',ac tion, and is • SURE TO REGULATE'IHE BOWELS, i Depend uponmoiheru, it will give rest to your reive-, and RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. PRICE 25 cents PER BOTTLE. , We have put up and ' It not only relieves , sold this article for o il the child from pain. ver ten years, and oai L b u t invigorates the | say, in confidence and >J -tomach and bowel.-, truih of it, what wi corrects acidity, and , have never b-ea abli IL give- toce and energy to say of any otliei 1 to the whole system medicine—never ha- It will almo-t instant it failed, in a riugl.i in m ly relieve stance to effect a care, Ji GRIPING IN THE when timely used.—.a BOWEIS. AND WIND Never did we kuow an (J CHOI 1C instance of disratisfac h, and overcome convul tion by any one who Ci -ions, which if not used it. th« con-j-j .p ee< jj|y remedled.cni! trary all are del glited y , u dea tn. W e believe with its operations,am. Jj it the best and surest s peak In terms of high rm remedy in the world, est commendation ol (H in ail cases of DYBEN its magical effects and A n , :R y AX[) DrAR .| medical virtues. W eIU HH u;a IN CHILDREN, i spe*k m this matter |Q whether it arisesfrom 1 “wl-at aedo know, „ teething, or from any I after ten yea rs expo- J, other cause. We would ri nee, and pledge out «y io every mother! reputation for tlie ful- J, w j, o j !as a suffer- i ' fi'.merit oi what wt ► jng f rolm al) y 0 j- t jj o l here declare. In a. [> 'oregoing complaints— | mus t every m-tauci p> m not let yourprcju-1 w lore the infant tssm- r alci .g t nor tll( , , re j u ..i I lering Irom t ain am; J iices of others, stand i oxbau-tion. relief wnl -i between voursufiering! ! Ibe found m fifteen or M bild arid the relief!! twenty minutes a.te r f that will beacas—yes, ! I the syrup is aaminis ' ‘jmsoinstY srnr to ! I tcre I ' Z follow tiio use of this! This valuable prepa [_] medicine, if timely 1 ratiou is the pre-crip- P u-ed. ! tion of one of the ma-t £> Full directions for experienced and skill p> using will accompany i ful Nurses iu New ~ each bottle. None, England, nnd has been ~‘igr-nuineunless the sac- I | used with never faUir.g 'il tim'do of CURTIS & j success in rt PERKINS, New York,! THOUSANDS OF ts on the outside wrap-! r cases. a per. Sold by Druggists throughout the wsrld. ffincipal Office, No. 13 Cedar st., New York. Pried Ably iweaty nv»°® ot ®‘ my2odawly ! COTOOSA SPRINGS, THE subscriber having taken a lease! of this fashionable watering place, will open i ; it lor the rece, Lou of visitors on the Ist day of! | July next. Thi* noted Summer resort, has been justly i i known ns the SARATOGA OF THE SOUTH, ; And presents advantages fn its Mineral Water-! i and healthy location, equal, if not superior to; ! any Watering Place in the United States. | I shall at all times endeavor to furnish my ta-! 1 ! bio with ait the luxuries of the season, and shall* ! provide the best of couks, and faithful and at-j tentive servants. The great variety and properties of the ail i healing Waters of Catoosa are well known. Prof, j Means -ay* that the Waters ofCotoosa wih com ; p*re favorably with the best Watering Places ia ; Europe or America. | Cotoosa Springs are accessible from all direc-; ; Lions, and have direct Uail ftoaJ communication i with a!lthe principal towns of the neighboring! • .States. Hacks and Ginn buses will he found at j j the Colon a j fitiorm on the arrival of each train, cordially invito the travelling public to give j me a call You w .11 tin 1 Cotoosa a good resting ' p'ace, a id no matter where you are going, Co* 1 * i toosa will not b“ out of yeur way. : * J. J. HARMON. VV. B. Orffin, COH.IIISsIOV mekchast. AND ' r AUCTIONEER, ; SniJ, CONTINUE, THE ABOVE BUSINESS iu all; , ! t-s branches, aud hopes, by a strict attention toi ' t* interest of those who employ hm to msrii 1 . bare of pubitopatrouage. Administrator’s, Executors and Guardian's. ; ales attended to promptly, ami on the most' ! liberal terms , Cash oGv ;iices itimle on Contignmrutt ot Frotluce whenever dk-siretl, j jan‘29 iiawtim 1859. Spi-ing Trade. 1859!) WE have now in store a large ana j < complete stock of HOUSE FURNISHING 1 i GOODB, among which aro REFRIGERATORS, I i Yerke’s, Winsbip’s. ami Parker's, and Brown's! ■. pstent WATER COOLERS, different PHtiern- 1 ,! WIRE DISII COVERS, Oval aud Round ICE! - PICKS and MALLETS. Jelly aud Blanc Mange MOUIJD3, different - Patterns. FiO'.irisho<l and Brittania Ten and Coffee LOTS. ( “ Tea and Coffee URNS Canary and Mocking Bird CA ES. all kinds. 1 S, S. JONES & CO., 1 mh!2 192 Broad street. J Wanted Immediateh, A good Cook, Washer and lroner, tr i whom steady employ mem ami gsodwugei 1 wot be given. Addnus Key Box 87. i my 23 dtr To Rent, | SEVERAL Houses, most of which ar< <>n Mclntc.. h street, convenient to the Geor gia Rail Knud Apply to 1 R i MORTSSON, Fx’r, Ac. — | ONE I HOUHAND DOZ. ERUiTJARS. ■ —I have i u hand aLL .-IZEs of M sneV ‘ iieut ’crew Top Fruit Jars Also, stone A Co’ 1 P.tent Jars. The absive are made ol (Lass an i 1 arsons tisir g them nee-: uot tear losing mu 1 roil (as (hoy are tint tike a certHiu earthen are ! 'ar -ojri iu this city la,ty tar that proved worth ’ ess. ) Also on hand Mastin'* Patent Can.-Jar, ’ he best Jar of the kiud ever yet pro meed. Also • u Cans ol all size-. Pi tees of Jars are. ior 1 Qu in*, from *i 25 to $1 per dozen, other sizes iu pro|iortion. N o. Discount made to Country Merobante. m;-28 S. C. MUSTIN. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, JUNE 29, 1i;59. _ ptisalhnwuL u aktWlf’s” SEWING MACHINES ARE the only Machines which sew in a superior manner, Cloth, Kersey’s Silk« Linens, Muslirs, &c. Hems, Gathers, Tucks ami Stitches in cord of all sizes without Basting Uses Flax, cotton or silk thread. Makes a back stitch on both sides which is very elastic ; will not rip nor cannot be raveled. The Machine is very simple Huns at high speed, and in fact is the only Machine made that can be re ied od for doing thu coarsest and finest work on the same Machine with equal J'scility. PRICE, from *55 no to '2140 00. Persons buy ing Machines can have servants instructed how to operate them, free of charge, by sending them to my office. A, LEYDEN, Gen’l Ag’t, Atlanta. Ga. ftysencl for Circulars ami Samples.-ran HAIGHT & ANDREWS, Agents, | my27-dtf For Augusta. Hope for the Sufferer! A BALM IN GILL!AD! Gout and Rheumati m Disarmed of their Stina b]f the ANTI-AItTHHITIC WINE FOR THE Gout & Rheumatism. As Compounded by Dr. Froment, of Doris. fTHVELVE MONTHS EXPERIENCE A and observation jns-ify tbe Proprietor of this Medicine iu assuring the public that it is ai once the most safe aud re’iable remedy for either of the diseases named, which has ever been of fered b> suffering humanity Scores of tho most respectable people of Mobile have experienced its w nderful effects, and will endorse all that the proprietor may sny in its favor *3-We rely upon the testimony of those who have used it, for its sale, and not upon adver tising. I, C. DuBOSE & CO., Water street, Agents for the United States. For sale by Messrs. PLUMB A LEITNER, Ag’ts, je!B-d3m Augusta, Ga. DR. J. T. PATERSON, SURGEON DENTIST. : Offico on Wasbi'',»oii-st., Will attend to all operations pertaining to the profession. EXTR.VOTJ TEETH WITHOUT PAIN BY ELEC TRICITY. jel6-ly SAML'KIa THATCHER, - Attorney at law and notary PUBLIC, Georgetown. Quitmau county, Ga . wid practice iu tho counties of Webster, Terrod, Chattahoochee. Stewart. Quitman, Clay, Earley, Miller ; anil Barbour county Alabama _ my 27 ,11 7 . 250,000 lbs, BACON FOR SALE, lain authorised to sell Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand pounds “SlDES”—de | livcred at the Chattanooga, or Augusta Depots- Samples of Which can seen at Messrs. Wilkinson ! & Fargo and H. T. Peay’s Stores in this . ity. 1 jelO-dtf T W. FLEMING. FOR SALE. ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY bolts of patched Bagging, 51 bales’ oi heavy do, ! 290 coil- of prime Hope, at low price by jot HU!I-ON d MILLER. PRIVATE BOARDING, TWO OR THREE FAMILIES CAN be accommodated with Large and airy ROOMS, and BOARD, at WASHINGTON HAL L, 6pposito tbe Fort Office. A few SINGLE GEN f LEIIEN au 1 DAY BOARD ERS at reasonable terms. JclOdtf MISS C.'. A. EVANS. I:'UR SALE, A SUPERIOR Horse and Dray, all in XX ex client workingc Applv to jc22-dtf KtxCHLEY « SAMCHtZ. JUST RECEIVED.--5 cases Piue-apple Cheese, sdo Dutch Uiscse, sdo Pint t-nampagne, 20 half bills. White Fish, Mens Mackerel in Kits and fia.fßbls. No. 1,2 and 3 Mackerel in all size packages, 10 li-iif b’bls Fam ily Reel, for saie by . BUT, HDKfU'S s Co. my3l XARD. —a few can'2 very cbuiue imm, J I-ard, on oonsigotneut and for -aie by j>6 il v WOODRUFF. ON CONSIGNMENT.—A prime lot of Tennessee Lard ill 50 flj. Cans, jus' ri-ceivid and for sale by KINCHLkY ■>; SANCHEZ, je4 No, 141 RcynoM -tred. FOR SALE. A desirable Country Residence about ot) minutes ride from Town, and upon one or the best roads leading from the ' ity. All im provemeuts aro new—tho lot contains 12 acres of land, well adapted for Gardening aud tho cul ture of Strawberries The land is capable of be ing improved to any degree of fertility. Apply at this office. je.l dtf NEW RUCKS.—GEO. a. Oaths & Bros have just received the following n wand interesting boons : The New and the Old; «r Cali ori ia and India in Romantic Aspect, by f W Palmer, MD. Memoirs of the Etc, ress Cathe rine 11, written by Herself, w iih a Preface by ■ Herz mi. Translated from the French. Acadia; or A Month with tbe Blue Noses, by Frederic S t.ozzens, author ol the “Sparrow grass Pape s.” A Itactr tor’s S ory, by Oliver Bruce. The Cava lier an Historical Romance, by G.P R lames, Esq. Titc War of Roses; or stories of the Strug al".s oi the York and Lanca-t r, by J G Edgar. John Halitax, Gent emeu Illustration, by Ange las Happin The 1/tdy Blau. he; or Tbo Castle ■n • the Cot'age, by iderce Egan, Esq. 5 vol. ot Ctamos, by Hurnboll. jois TUNE 22d, MORE NEW BOOKS.— •I The Gre>k Testament, with critically ievie o.i text, A Digest of various readings , il References to Ve Pal tad E iocuati Usage; Pol oganitn i, and a Critical and BxegeGcat Comnieu I ■ ary, by Henry AHord, d. D.;Huy awru in Af rica-or, Progress of the Prut. F; F, Mission at Capo P Imas, West Africa, by Mrs. Anna M. Pent; Tbe Wars of tbe R -es; or, ijtories oi the Btr ggie iff Yor* and Lmcaster, by J G Edgar with iiiUstrations; Sunday .-cauoi Speaker, liy J R, ntiafljf, DD; Co-mo-, tiy ilumbiadt vol. 5; J bu tiaiiiax Gentiemao, uud ! an oil’s Catechism oi United Stat‘-a -i.-tory ior sulu bv je22 THOSRIHAbD * f 174 Vi*R YBDdY .-to rn , last- *oo l/teil'al^ol. IT* Daily *4—Weekly *L5* ®isatlaHfons. WOOD, EDDY & CO’S SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERIES! (CHARTHtFD BY THE STATE OF GEORGIA.) Capital Prize $50,000 TicketT oiiTy $10! — Wood, Eddy & Co., Managert Successors lo S. SWAN & CO. THE following Scheme will be drawn by WOOD, EDDY & CO., Managers of the Sparta Academy Lottery, in each of their Single Number Lotteries for JUNE, 1859, at AU GUSTA, Ga., iu public, under the suporinten- I dence of Commissioners. CLASS 23, jTo be drawn in City of Augusta,Ga., in public.on SATURDAY. June 4, 1859. ( CLASS 24 I To be drawn in city of lugusta.Ga., in public.on ? SATURDAY, Juue 11 1869. t CLASS 25, j To be drawn in City of public on SATURDAY, June 18,1869. CLASS 26, . To be drawn inCityofAugusta.Ga.,in public ol r SATURDAY, Juue 25, 1859. ’ > ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS I ! ; five Thousand Fbur Hundred and Eighty-five Pr zts! ONE PR!7aK TO EVERY NINE TICKETS l MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! To be Drawn each Salunlay in JUNE 1 Prize of. *50,000 1 “ ‘‘ 20,000 > 10,000 1 “ “ 3,000 1 “ “ 1 501 50 “ “ 'see 100 “ “• 400 ’OO “ “ 3,0 1 100 “ “ 150 100 * “ 190 ; APPROXIMATION PRIZES, f 4 Przs of *4OO Ap. to *50,000 Prze are *1,600 i 4 “ 300 “ 20,000 “ are 1,200 4 “ 250 “ 10,000 11 are 1 000 4 “ 225 “ 6,000 “ are 900 t 4 “ 200 “ 4,000 “ are 80t I 4 « 160 « S,OOO “ are 600 4 “ 100 “ 1,600 “ are 400 5,000 “ 20 are 100,000 > 5,486 Prizes, amounting to *320,000 Whole Tickets *lO ; Halves *5 ; Quarters *2.60. 46' Remember that every Prize in the above Scheme is drawn, and payable in full without deduction. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the fol ’.owing rates, which is the risk : Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets. $8( do do do 10 Half do .. 40 Uo do do lOQuar. do .. 2i do do do 10 Eighth do .. It SPARTA ACADEMY LQTTfcRY, CLASS No. 3 )9, Draws Wednesday, .lane 89th, 1859, ON THE THREE NUMBER PI AN. 75 Numbers—42 Drawn Ballo s. NEARLY ONE PR’ZE TO EVERY TWC TICKET 3 ! I 1 (irasid Prize of I Prlzeof *19,1701 2 Prizes of 10,000 j 2 do (f. 8,0001 4 do of 2,000 , tec.. kc. 27,814 PRIZE'S AMOUNTING TO*slG,t9Ci I Whole Tickets $lO , Halves 5 Quarters *2 50.! ifi tl'dcring Ticket! or C riincates. enclose the money to our address for the Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded ny fitsl mail. i Tho List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. Purchaser? will nb a?<? write their signature! 1 plain, and give their Post Office, County ani State. Ufa” AH prize- nf SIOOO and under , paid im mediately alter tbo drawing—other prizes ai time of tbtrty days. NOTICE TO COXLUKSPOXDENTS. Those who prefer not Sending money by mail, can use . THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO. whereby rnonuy for Tickers* in sums of Tenol D ’ara, aurt upwards, ran be sent us At our Risk and Expense, tram ;.uy city or town whore tin y have an office. The money aud order must be enclosed in a “ Government /V-£ Gjice Stamped. Envelope,” o> the Expt ess Company cauuoi receive them Ad communications strictly confidential Address orders for tickets or .Certificates to WOOD, EDDY k CO., Augusta. Georgia, or WOOD, EIP'Y & CO, A', Georgia, or WOOD, EDDY Si CO , Wilmington, Delaware, rnyl S4O FAMILY JEWING MACHINE SCOVILL & GOODELL’S Sewing with two Threads, DOUBLE LOCK STITCH I 1000 STITCHES I MINUTE. THE ONLY LOW PRICED SEWING MACHINE ’Y-JU’T OFFEIRED Sewing with two Threads! FX)R SALE AT THE SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, Corner Broad A Jackson Sts., OPPOHITK OLOBE HOTEL. AUGUSTA, GEO. CLARKE, ANSLE7 & CO. f«l>22-tf. ....4 , <; COME AT LA3r. rwvt ill om i,i mv ienil* 'tii<l patron 1 I o 1 111. nII ll j l .., Fi: ,t; 1 ;■!, -H ILtMk, I baG u • -i . -■ ro 1 ow comi s I c u e. ,m wilt b. sold 1 pra I.i>' 110 U uui , rin.o Keapeetfully, j J-13 !tt W WOODRUFF J loofs, Sliots, fit, BO 0 T S AND BURCH & ROBERT ARE JUST RECEIVING A LARGE AS SORTMENT OF LADIES, MISSES, AND CHILDREN BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS AND SIZES. —ALSO— A SPLENDID ASSORrMENTOF FINE SOLL LEATHER, TRUNKS & VALISES, CALL AND SEE THEM, 188 Broad st., Augusta, Ga. marl 2 ts THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT, GROYER & BAKER’S NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. PRICKS ®r»s rt) $l3O. Hemmers $5 Extra. IT is no longer questioned that these MA CHINKS are the best in use fur family Sew ing They hem, fell and s itch iu a supeffibr manner, ami are the only Machines in the mar kt which are so well and simply made, tliat tliey may he sent into families with no other in structions than are contained in a circular, which accompanies each machine, and from which A CHILD OK TBS YE.AU9 may readily ksaru bow to use and keep them in order. We refer to the testimonial below of Sen ator Hammond, of South Caro'ina ; WagBiXGTOR, D. C., 11th Dec. 1868. Dear Sir: In reply to your latter, asking my opinion of Grover At Baker's Sewing Machines I take pie sure in saving that they have more than sustained my expectations, aftor t-ying aud returning others. I have three of them in nper ation on my different places, and after four years trial, have no thult to dnd. Respectfully, (Signed) j, H, Haumo.nd. Agents Wanted in every county in Ceorgia.— Sales Room, No. 255 Broad Ktrec-t. Augusta. r I ts BTUVAI-Jb A UAUTUKU.. AT R. J. BOWE & CO'S,, hen. fommission Mercliauts, 287 Broad Street, JIA Y BE FOUND Tennessee Bacon, Western bides and Shoulders. Chandler’s Tenn. Hums. Sngar Cured Hams, Ckirti aud Flour, Hay, Eastern and Northern, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Mackerel, Smoked Herrings, Boston On reri Reef, Lard in Cans ami Barrels, Soap, Cigars, aud Butter. apl6 s. C. MUSTIN’S PA T E N T Self-sealing EARTHEN Pi.KSFRYK JAR, for sale ai No. 183 Broac ■-tract, Near Augu-ti Hotel, Augusta, Ga BININGERS OLD LONDON DOCK (JIN. A. M. Bininger & (Jo., [estabuished 1778.] SOl.ii IMPORTKRS AND PROPRIETORS. No. 10 Droad st , N. Y. NEITHER A “Schiedam Schnapps.” “Luhilou «-(ordial w* (,1n, r iVor “Club House Gin,’’ BUT A PERFECTLY PURE GIN, PUT UP BY A 1 eS-KRSpoNSICLE HOUSE And worthy of the public conff-'ence. For sale l>y SPEAKS .Si HIGHIT, Wholesale Druggists, Augusta Ga., dec2l-tf N» 316, opposite Planters' Hotel MACHINE SEWING, A LL DI'.HCRIP'i'IONS OF FINE ANI , m. COARSE SEWING is dona with dispatch > tho Machine sewing Rooms (In Broad-street, above N K Butler’s. The heads of familiea well lUd it to their im «flt to call and examine speoimens of beautib vork, which te daily executed there AT MODERATE CHARGES. DRESSES for Ladies and hitmen tucked ini' iimdsome-tstylo. SHIRTS, P.tNTS, VESTS, a very ai tide of Clothing n» a with mspai uuch handsomer ito" by hand. «**C4llattfta “ MACHINE SEWING ROOM ngnsta. Anri) 28.15 M ap2B EIJDLEMA.\ & BANKS, \ HOl.f H tI.K *jD r* trtii tUalers n. mi .m : VY ut.ic iirerj* of SIIUKS, \ Tm , pfitte CAFF. LININ' ■, nud Mi vi ii lN.', M-iOuMAKKKGS i'OoLS, W 0 y hi • r-v ;i iar'4o bml uoR-tunt supp’y at M Georgia Wt* are al.- o A t -'or Tow nsend«.iik • • P.-tX TKUEA D NEW ING MACHINE. * u »|i ‘ispu i-.zh'e article or Shoe UouuUcJur •; ne onlv Mac’iliie th tt sews with a wax «hre Would invite the atieutiou of Country ha'-ts to our iirices ’»nl «iAn BIRD CAGES.—For sale by ap26 S. G. MU3TIN. Ig NUMBER 140 llfettltarmi T MOUNTAIN ROUTE * TO THE VIRGINIA SPRINGS VIA KNOXVILLE, TENN. T)’ml^ CE fronn Au g ust ». Ga., to th« > 4 m&S L B S RDR SI>RINGS , »»“fg«m«y g WWt. a U ph A u V rtay « Z^Z'° US WateriD^Uce “ - the This route is now tn successful operation and for good roads, salubrions climate, beautiful scenery and flue eating houses, is not surpassed by any line of Railroads in the Union P C. B. WALLACB, „ „ . _ General Ticket Agent. i- en si A Co., Knoxville, my 21 ’69. ' ffh r .?‘ r0 "® l) „ Ttckets so!li at the Ticket Offlo# ’ "f the Georgia Railroad, Augusta. m ? 3l d»m Wanted. Agents wanted in evert County throughout the Southern -'tales, to sell by subscription our Popular Publications of BOOKS and MAPS. For Texas ;outhern Miss., Southern Ala., Ga., Fla. and south Carolina, Apply to '’ e.nebhut&rro., p . r , rl . T „ ~ Social Circle, Ga. ,1 Ark -. '-*•> -Northern Miss., Northern Aia.l mil Tennessee. Apply to J. B. k E. NEBHCT marcO ___ ’ I-a Grange, Tenn BRADDOCK’S PULMONARY COUGH iWTIBI. —. THE GREAT UEIIEUV FOR COLDS COUGHS, CROUP And Bronchitis. T'lliS MEDICINE is not only X a great curative and preventive, but to ,*‘ h ng w the patient’s Irr toted lungs and hroat, and is so agreeable to the taste that Well a ? adn,ts ,ilke 11 w i‘h pleasure. A kali-tea-spoonful taken often, will soon re «Wjreceo tco ld.;«4wm not c™tl£?e\£ MASIIPACTGRED BV l)r. John Braddock OF HARTFORD, COM. The undersigned having been appointed Age-., or Richmond County 6a., tor the above, be', cave to Offer ft to the citizens of Augusta li t vicinity as a pleasant and excellent remedv ani me that will give enUre satisfaction * ’ Wholesale Price M 60 per dozen. Retail I nee 60 Cts. per bottle. „ , , WM. C. BARBER, Agent, 219 Broad-st., opposite United States Hotel. ™ lkvy ' s - <*• Wainright, Sayre &~CoT' WHOLESALE IN pYK® ,™ E - CORDAGE, Tm/tch**? V , U no“r"‘?t,! UßS; n ’ a, VANAHft ' I_mSorWra 1 _ m S orWra Os HA x> 260 n ath in « t&n Street, N. Fork. between Robinson and Murray. * “ Ze»4m T ' 1 ,iB “■ 1 A - E - w-uyKJotrr. trout house; t BY Mrs. J. d. BOYD. Phorriktor of Charizstos Horen.) NOTICE. ' [HAVE this day sold to Mr. J. E. MILVGKR, mv entire stack of WATCHES* COCKS. JEWELRY, & , and it is a pleasure Ic nt reduce to my customers so papular a Watch Maker. In retiring from business, I feel grate ul to these friends and customers for the liber '1 patronage they have bestowed on me, and -ultcit its continuance with my successor at the >ld stand. E. TWEEDY. Augusta, Feb. 1, 1859. A CARD. ~ II is the intention of the subscriber to keep a well selected stock of CLOCKS v Ar JEWELRY" and FANCY GOODS, and depose ol them at the lowest prices ; and will imp efficient Workmen to-assist him In the 'roiiipt execution of ad work left for repairs. I invito* ail the old patrons of the bouse and lis Iriemls, to call and satisfy themselves. . , , J E. Ml NGER. Augusta, teh. 1,1859 feW-alf iDzrrxsgrisrr® PAPER, 282 Broad Street. mnr‘2s if IRON & BRASS FOUNDRY AND shop r i.V GEORGIA It AIE ROAD, NEA K IHE COT* TON FA CTO rtr. AVGUSTA GEO. \ BORIS are sohciiou** ..«, i [or RAIL nOADa, all kinds of Machinery for Gold 'mes, Bridges and Draw Bridges. Gas Work 3 mir. Paper and Saw Mills, Gin Gearing, Watet heels, all kind? or Smith work, Shafting and ircular Saw Mills complete. M' s •I > W. M. nitlHT, Proprietor, Hardware PAPER, 282 Broad Street. mar‘2s ts Wanted. YTT ANTED to biro, eight hands to V ? wo.-k ou the August* ami S ivannah Rail <uad. A,'so, three women to cook .or bands. oaaris-tf ANDREW Y''NGE,Supt- S. C . MUSTIN, IMPORTER OF CHINA, GLASS & CROCKERY, ALSO. DEALER IN • J- it o -liver Plate i Goods, Patent Lambs, Table c ery I/K-kin? Q asses. Waiters, and Wooden r«* timfHewjreiV Agents for the sale of unit r. nit J »rs, No. IXB Broad-street, ne-ir the *.' H f te 11 !- G I a--efi MM. M. HAK.VtfS to., A V tit >h KERB ANDCOM. MEW HANTS, .ento tortile purchase, and stleof RKtLES r.cTF l'R<dtUCE WEfti Han 1.-K. DUY GOO'.w FAN' V ...iiIX AC. kC. MODEL AUCTION HOUBE, Next ,i,« rto Geo. K K. B.u g aii nta, Ga. f Y YVlNGoneof the tiest locfttiotig m l 1 the < it. noth fprrs ail sale- as well as ''ieß. «e offer to Cunsignors extra Induce ■■ to to read goods to this market and can «*. " b. m th. y wilt bo quickly sold, and, cash nmm'.y returned. Ail varieties «f Goods cam ‘ ( dokly di [Hisedof. W. shall at timee keen •ii hand a gno-1 Stork, and Country Dealer* sup, piled low for CASH. apl-dij