Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, January 12, 1860, Image 1

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VOLUME 9 FBWISHHI BAD T AN* WERKI.Y, I BY S. A. ATKINSON. Wk BA!T.7, per annum §4OO WEEKLY, “ I 50 'ibPcr.ptmße w;H be received for throe ra# *t $1 25. Monthly subscriptions, Fifty COtV.- «#- !»:*>• mw,i v.r - :'>-or ita! twlifey be required m advance. B M-THKOmCF. OF TftE PLSTATCH ts oii .JB* Mcluteeh street. oi- door uenh of the Georgia Ktuir«a4 Bank. 9 KATES OF ADVERTISING« IB^ AdTertl'<*T.ifiiU' wit. bo i averted by the square altfili*«e (100 A -» To- refits f‘"*r the first I*vrti<»u. and 25 ren* tor each m:b>equ-rt ;n %Lji| terkot: under one mcitk. to be paid for * hen the advertisement is handed in;** the office. Advertj.-emeut-' *in ter five lines wnl be :nae. t a t 10 cents a hne for the first, and 6 cents a |||Sr line for each ftiibseqnent insertion. 19 m y cestbal kail road. Leave Shtarmak,. .1- 15 P W and 11.46 P M ■ Arrive in Augu«ta.. .7.30 P M and 6 30 A M ■ Arrive in Mm on 11 P M ard 9A M Arrive i s MiUtdg- v 1 lie 1.10 l M Leave Macon W4A A M 101 M Arrive in Savannah.. 720 A M and ft 30 P M Arrive hi Auzu-1> 740 P M and f., 30 A 61 Ks Arrive la Milledrevid • .. P M XMtve Augusta 1115 A M and *. 46 16* HI Arrive in Savannah. 7 -0 A M and 9.30 V W ragj Arrive in Macon... 9AM and 111 M ■ Passenger' lor points bej ond Atlanta on the ■ Western cA.R.R w. . leave Savaanah by the K 12.15 train an I arriv n Atlanta »tT.k« ■ morning. Pa*«*u«-; ter M'.itftfUeville and Dr jUg tontou will leave by the U 45 train. Bot.j ■ * trains connect at Macon the Macou and M Western R. R. ft»r At »oU, and with the tenth- B western R. R. to Albany, Americas. Columbus B and Montgomery, and at Milieu with the Angus- H ta and Savannah RR- to AiryukW and the North. ■ Je» Jtf BP I W. AiUMa. o*P’lSap t- ItiSPETS 1 AT LOWER I Priors Offered. I v v-e have just received a new and fresh ■ V v stock •f CARPFTS, imported d;r«ct from I EUROPE. • 8 Together with nil the first Manufacto -8 rien in this Country, which w«are 8 Belling at * ' >KVV-Y()RK Wholesale Prices. Rugs, Door-Mats, AiJD a at it S Rj /Ri Ri (*0 v ’ i»\ • |«i‘. U, nil a, „ O Q iiit t2i Q* y j i.v xvjtr.v vaeiett. Damask, Lace and Muslin Shades, Cornices, Pins 1 BANDS an»l LOOPS, I'HK LARGEST STOCK ever OFFERED, I tARPKTS MOOIt CI.OTHS Cut and gut <lown by competent work- , men, and guaranteed to fit. Cail and jurlee for yourselves, before) purchasing elsewhere. * C. A, PLATT & CO., Furniture ami Carpet Warehouse. H 1 BBUAU STREET, *ep. llcUm BININGERS OLD LOMJOft GIN.- A. MI Bininger & Co., [established 1778.] SOLE IMPORTS® AND PROPRIETORS, A’o. 19 Bromd-tt . A”. F. NETHER A “Schiedam Schnapps,”’ « London «-Cordial-e» Lih,” Nor “Club House Gin,” g- > BUT A PERFECTLY I PURE GIN, PUT UP BY A 7 *3- RESPONSIBLE HOUSE, A_d worthy of the public confidence. For sale by SPEARS <k MIGHT, Wholesale Druggist*. Augusta* Ga., 4ecCl-tf N* 316, opposite Plauters* Hotel. THOMAS BUSSELL, TITHE Cheapest Manufacturing and Job* JL bfng JvweHer in this city, w'.shes to Is&rrm the citirens of Augusta and vicinit}-. that he has lately returce > from Kew York with alt the fa cfßties for work in his line of business. Ke qruaraniee.v to do it as well any houie North or j j=outh. aod at much tower rate*. All kinds of Society Pins aad Ba-i gs made to order, acd Watches aad Clocks ueaily repaired. Gtnee mounted also. Shon oppoMte thy Post Osfico. oetS dw" FRESH NORFGIk OYSTERS CAN be loot ] everyday throtigh- *sr~. y —\ j out the sea, U. it ll A^:.SJiffs { B J T ae House, a suppiv of«Aii>'s * • seketed Norfo-k Oysters : v'-' up ia . *419 Gallon and <tee-h&lf Segs, which w ill j he warranted as r?.>-r :a«rAed. ©ci»£-d3ia C. EMERY. IVorite Jo Sii&ppei s, f4r StAtux*? ea. the Atigw* l Jj t& asd Baj&aO, intended far] way freight Trains o' Uoo% and. Thursday, j be sent to the Pep«t before 3,‘>3 P, M. on j Wedaesday and Sa£ur<iay ANDREW. Y9KCB, Augusta, Augfirdtf SuperirtendenL WANTED to Ray ur Seh, Prime Dry fiiiit Cow Hidw. j a«2 M W WOOB3OW JlupstH ibfnittg Qsptr|, j Klfbiral. !H LIVER INVIGOfiATOR, PREPARKD BT DB. BANFORB, Compounded Entirely from Gums I • IS ONE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE and liver Medicines now before the public, I that acts as a CATHARTIC, easier, milder, and ! | tfiore effectual than any other medicine known. I : It w not Only a Cathartic, bat a Liver remedy j , 1 keting first on the liver to eject it* morbid mat ; ; ter. then on the « oaach and bowels to earry ofl : that matter, thus accomplishing two purposes j r effectually, without auv of tlie paiufb! feeling? I experienced In the operation.' of mo*t j It strengtlieas the system at the gam time that ! i it purges it aud when taken duly in mod era U I l do*es wiil -treatgheu and kudd it up with un- j u.«uil rapidity. The Liver a one of stomach, canning food | the princi;»al .cgnla . to digest well, purifN-j Kara of the ouman L iug the bi«xl, giving I ; body, aad when it per • tone and health to the forms Its motions v whole machinery, re I . well, the powers of the # moidug the cause of eystem are fully do g the disease,—effecting veloped. Thestomach fi a radical cure. , almost entirely de- • Bilious attacks are pendent on the healthy * cured, and. what is action of the liver tor J better, prevented by 11 •t* |ir<-;-u,.' ?h** .oV: use ul an;>e of its functions ; oi the Liver Invigorator. 1 whi n the at mach is M One doseaftet eating | at famt, the bowels are \ is at.ificient to relieve, at fault,and the whole f the stomach and pre- j system suffers.ln con g vent the fbod fj;om ri- ( s**quence of one organ C sing and souring. | —the Uvor,— having Only one dose taken ceased to do its duty before retiring, pre fer »'*«‘dUa of that vents Nigntmare. organ, *. »ev,-the pro ; * On’r br.o *1 >ae ffidr.en prif.ori hiU rnade it * at night, loosens the! his id a prac | bowels gently, and; ih.» cf m'-rt thaa toK leavesOr»Uv.*iit»SiS. | years, tu find SA»me re- 0 One dose taken after j medy wherewith each meal will euro j counteract the lUrtnyr* IDyspepfiia. deranfftasußla Uwhiclijp One dose of two tea- I iti' bailie. j spoonfuls will always j To prove that this. # relieve Si*k Heudac-ite. j remeJy is at One bottle taken for j found, may perso; a fe mule eb.Hructious, troubled with removes the cause of| Complaint, in any of its] J. the disease, end makes forms, bas but to try a!" a perfect cure bottle, and conriotion 8 005/one doseimme is certain £ diately- rellevesChohc, These Gums remove“ while Ull morbid or bad mat- J One dose often re | tor Tom the system.'* peaUd ia a sure care i j j*; pi lying in t’heirjf for Cholera Morbus] oJacaa healthy How «•!. * and a prevenuve of; bite, fuvig- ’rating theiffi Choleia Only one bottle is needed to throw out of the |sy&*m the effects of medicine after a long sick ue*s One bottle taken for Jaundice remove* all sal I lowness or unnatural color from the skin. One dose taken a short time before eating given vigor to the appetite and makoa food di . geat wbJl Ouedo-e often repeated cures Chronic War rb*Ta In its worst forms, while Summer aud I towel CompiamtK yield almost to the first dose. One qr two do.>es cures attacks caused by WoritiS in children, there ia no surerv safer, or speedier reai-dy in the wolrd, aa it nev*-r/at7x. A ft w bottles cures Dropsy, by exciting tho absorbents. W«» t«ke pleasure In reron>mend ! ng this m>dl cipje as a pre. euhve (dr Fever aad Agae, Chill Fe*<"r p snd all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It ope rates <riih cerUtioty. and thousands are willing I to tcvufv to the wonderful virtues. AH who use it arc giving their uuaeunous tes timony in Us favor I Mix Water in tl*e mouth with the Invigorator, j j acttawallow both together. 1 uVEJa INFfOWOtItmU a sc.etJtifio Modi- . rfcai D;s every, and is daily working cures, al-i moat too kreat to believe. D <.ure« as if by tna-1 I gm. nyn dote giving aud seld**m j inidrc than one bottle is required to cure any j km<J**f Idver Cosnplaiut, from the worst Jaun- i dice or Dyspepsia, to * common Headache, ail of I ! which are the result of a fpwAtfed liver. Price-. SI per bottle. DR. SANFORD, Proprietor, 335 Broadway. New York | I &)'±d also, wholesule and retail, by PLUMB & j , IJHT.VEK, W. H. TUTT, and Druggists ever) -; whore. _ _ »pl4-ly j MRS. WINSLOW, an experienced Nurse and Female Physician, present* to | the attention of mothers, her HOOT II IK G SYRUP, FOR UIILDftEIf TEETHI6G. ] which greatly faciiitatea the process of teething, i j by Eottetnug the gums and reducing all inflam mation ; will allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic ac- j lion, and is SURE TO REGULATE i HE BOWUI>. L J Depend ujKmil, moihers, it wili give re.-t to your- j se*ven, and BEI.fEF AND HEALTH TO YOCR INFANTS. PRICE *i6 cents PER BOTTLE. I We have pul up and • It not OBl) rellevefi sold this artie’e for o- the child from pain, j , ver ten years, aud «ao bu l invigorates the | in confidence and fJ -Atomach and howeh, j j trath of it, what we V corrects acidity, and have never beea able |L gives b>ne and energy jio say 61 any oth. r to the whole system" j medicine—never h»-r /* It will aimost instant- ) 4 fil led, in a single in- rr. 5y relieve stance m effect a core, 4Ji GRIPING IN THE ! jwben timely BOWELS. AND WIND Never did we know an CHOLIC, j uwtrfnce of disbiitisfac a n l overcome convul- i by any oue who g io n H . W hich il not j u-vejd .t. On the con f-{ speedily remedied,eno i with its operattwrs.ano , t thebCst aod speak in terms of high r remedy in the world, eet comaaeudation e I f 1 m all cares of DYREN ite magical effects and r\ pE R Y AN D 1)1 AR medical virtues. We 'J RHOSA IN CHILDREN, speak is this matter M whether it ari-*wsfron> “what we do know," teething, or from any after ten years’ expc- J/ other cause. We would ri rcce. and pledge our r . t 0 every mother reputation far tbe ful- w ho bas a child suffer flllment of what we •* IC g from any of the here declare. Ia al- foregoing cempiiints - mos t every mataoce p> , i 0 not let your preju wh*T6theiafantissui- U dices, nor thp preiju fermg from pain and J iices of ot hera. stand , exbao?t»on, relief wiil -j between year suffering , be found in filtofita or. H child and the relief; twenty minutee after /ft that will be sea l !—yee, ( the syrup ia admails I H* aßnounxLT suax—to f 2 follow the use of this l This valuable prer® !r] medicine, if timely ration is the preacrip-lPiuaed. tioa of one of the »o.stjj>i Full directions for experienced anif skill j using will accompany fn ! Nerses In New r (each bottle. None j Fuigland, and bar been; ./{genaiooßßleas the lac* a'ied wßli sever failing J i«tei mile of CURTIS A. success in ! ri PERKINS, New York, ] THOUSANDS OF on the outside wrap- CASES, ;k^iper. Sold by Druggist- throughout the w«rld. Principal Office. No. 13 Cedar si., New York. Price only twenty five cents, my 20-d*wly j j. j. wxrxEMJji ; MILLER & VVATERHAS, AUCTION AXD COM. MERCHANTS MACO.V. GEORGIA. YTTILL give paiticaiar attention t< I T the puW : c and private sale of Merchai dize and property of every description, m:#wf make prompt returns Cor the same. i BXHBk£ BY PRaXltteiOX TO JJBfcTTA Ross.Tßßloom;J F> \ Winter. L M Lamar, KBond. -M&c'-n Ga. • | Pre*. Manufacturer 3 Bank, > j WK D^vMsoc.-Laßociir 1 fctßeQ, ) Rifaberrkam • BaldwinACo.TJ ifaish ) j| f W C Dukes He Sen ffhor-’yxi#*. 8. C. \ j aseS ■ dacS-n. .1 jW. H, SALISBURY & C 0„ HEALERS II ].#)YES, GP.ATZS AST) RANGES. TfN, COPPER. r AR* (.ai TANKED IKON. i £AD AND BLOCK TIN PIPES, LIFTING AND FORCE r PUMPS. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ac., Ac. AH orders far TIN GAS rTTTING,.. land PLUMBING executeSTprosiptiy acd in a su- ; I parlor manner. No. 257 Br*.-ad-Btreet, I sar 14-dap. Au*u»ia. Ga j Matxbts, lekfrii d‘s. {Take Notice. |i ffiiiNj DEALER IN FIRST QUALITY WATCHES, ] 111, SOLID SILVER GOODS. PLATED WARE, Spectacles &c„ &c., &C,, . , Still Continues Business AT THE OXjXD LOCATIO 3ST, h»*o. %ti-wi., NEARLY OPPOSITE THRrLANTKRg’ HOTEL, | Where all who are wanting articles of this kind cun ! SA VE SOMETIUKG IX THE PRICE BY CALLING. Everything Now. and Desirable in my Line, will be added to the Stock throughout the Season. attention giveß to Repairing Watch e« aud Jewelry, a« noue but Ex|ierioaoe»i Work men are Kmphiyed. YOt K PATUO.V AGE IS SOLICITED# | oeU> ddccCm October 1,1859. CLARK & CO. HAVE RECEIVED HY PTEAMFR mu ADI)ITIIINS TO THEIR STOCK OF WATCHES, ffE3WELR.Y SILVER WARE, PLATED WARE, AND b ® W } W ft !B -ViT.!^ mm~ J\. W U W ttl W imJ <J j) AND OFFER THEM | AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE KNOWN. Their Stock of WATCHES, j ; i Comprises the finest WATCH now made, as well as the better class ot. Watch, known to-be faithfully triads and honest -time keepers; Cooper, Jur I ! genson, Tobias, Beesley, Johnsot) and j others, figure extensively. SIL VER WARE, !Iha (e tlure, and a prominent corapri* ng | I Full . sJ ette, wdh and without (****, Half Setis | i and Mingle HIYCHEK3 BOWLS.OOBLKTB, j CUPS. FORKS, FPOON’f*, LADIJ3B, and, indeed, | almost every thing? in the line. WEDDING PRESENTS, IN SILVER, In great variety, mauy of them exclusively their own patteroH. SILVER PLATED WARE, OF EVERY DISCRIPTION. I mn goods Guns,Pistols, GUNNING APPARATUS, CUTLERY^ OF ALL KINDS, &C. | i They also have for »aie the fico»t and *argest ; I stock of wz jk ~Mu :u » liu the Southern country, In Diamond, Cameo, Coral, Pearl, Mesaic, EtrciCun. all Gold, &c. SPECTACLES AND TIII3IBLES, of every form aud faishion. GLASSES FITTED IN SPECTACLES, without fear of OuoH-da or Profeseers. Jewelry & Watches Repaired BY COMPETENT WORKMEN. octo d&ct !. MACHINE SEWING. ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF FINE AND j CCIiKS SEWING is done with dispatch at ! . the . Machine sewing Rooms On Brcdii-atreot. above N. K Batier , s. The of CuzulMM will find It to taeir inte • rest to call and examine specliheas oi beautiful work, which U daily execuied there * AT MODERATE CHARGES. for Ladte* audCbiMreit tacked in the * handsome t style. .SHIRTS, PANTS, VESTS, ard every article of Clctlung ma e with despatch much handsomer than by hand. j&r Call at tho “MACHINE SEWING ROOM.” j Augusta, April 28, 1858. ap2B Bbls. WHLSKEY,: ▼ f white and cold, arriviug for dec2l TflOS P STOVALL b CO. j AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, JAN’Y *418«0. IPkflknmts. WOOD, EDDY * ( O’S SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERIES. (BY STATH AUTHORITY.) 1 GRAND , Capital Prize SIOO,OOO NEARLY ON* PKI7K TO KYKRt SIN* TlCinrrS I THE EXTRAORDINARY DR A WFSOS or WOOD, KDpY k CO.’S Single Niimho;-J<otte ri-ik will tako place in public, under the Super in ten deuce of fcworu Commissioners, at AagQsta, as follows : CLASSIC, To in City of Augusta. Ga.,in public,or w Saturday, January 21, isoo. CLASS 00, To be draw n iu-Oityof Augusta,Ga.,ln public, 01. SATURDAY, February 18. 1860 . EXTRAORDINARY DRAWING, To take place as above sped tied. j 1 Grand Ctyital Prize of S x 00,0 O O! 1 Prize of $60,000 1 do or 1 do *.o r 16,000 1 do Tof 10 000 1 do 0f.....' 5,000 1 do of * 6,C00 1 do of 6,000 1. co of 6,000 • '1 do of 6,000 40 Prizes of 2.0(H) 100 do of 1,000 100 do of 600 100 do of 400 160 do or 300 APPROXIMATION’ PRIMS. 4 Pza of S*K»O Ap. to SIOO 000 Pa* are $2,400 4 “ 600 “ 60,000 “ 2JOO 4 “ 400 “ 30,000 “ 1,600 4 “ 300 “ 16,000 “ 1,200 4 “ 200 “ 10,000 “ 800 20 “ 100 “ 6,000 “ 2*ooo 5,000 Prizes of 220 are .100,000 5 520 Prizes amoucting to 1816,000 Wkelo Tickets S2O ; Halves $lO , Quarter! $6 ; Eighths $2 60. THE ORDINARY DRAWINGS of WOOD, EDDY A (X) ’6 Lotteries willt ako place at Augusta, Georgia. as follows— CLABB 63, To be draw nin City o! Augusta, Ga., l:i pal>'ie,oii SATURDAY, December 81, 1860. CLASS 64, To be drawn in City of Augusta. Ga,, in public on SATURDAY, January 7, 16(g). CLASS 55, To be drawn in City of Augusta, G In public, on SATURDAY, January 14, 1380. CLASS 67, To be drawn in City of Augusta. Ga. t In pulllc, on SATURDAY, January 28, 1860. ORDINARY* DRAWING. To take place us above specified 1 firaud Prize of $50,000. 1 Prize of. '.. .-ssl,ooo 1 • •• 10,000 1 “ 6,000 1 “ “ 4,('(JO i “ “ 8,000 1 “ “ 1,600 60 “ “ 500 100 “ *• * 400 100 “ “ 300 100 “ “ . 160 i 100 ‘ «■ 100 APPROXIMATION' PKIZL3. 4 Prz* of S4OO Ap. to $50,000 Prze arc SI,OOO 4 “ 300 “ 20,000 “ arv 1,200 4 “ 260 “ 10,000 “ an* 1,000 4 “ 226 “ 5,000 «* are 900 4 “ 200 “ 4.0(H) “ aeo 600 4 “ 160 “ 8,000 “ arc 600 4 “ 100 “ 1,600 “ are 400 5,000 “ 20 are... 100,000 5.456 P/Ues, amounting to $£20,000 Whole Ticket* $lO ; Halves $6 ; Quarters $2,60 WOOD, EDDY C4>.’S GRAFD EXTRAORDINARY DRAWINGS, OK THE THREE NUMBER PLAN, Capital Prze SIOO,OOO Tatceit plate on the last Saturday in each, month. Whole Ticket* S2O ; Halves $lO • Quarters $6 ; Eighths $2 60 1, In ordering Tickets or Certificate?,, enclose the I I money to our address, for what you w ish to pur ;l eha.*e; name the lottery in wVth y->u wi*h»t invested, and whether >«»u wieh Wholes, Halven nr Quarters or Eighths, oa receipt of which, we -:eud what is ordered, I y first mail, together with the scheme. Immediately after the drawing, a Printed Drawing. Certified to by ihc Commissioner*, will be seut, witb an Explanation. Purchasers will nleaae write their signatureK plain, and give the Iw'iu* *if lhi„r Post Office, County and State. r Ail communications strictly confidential 4'Jr All prizes of SIOOO and order, paid im mediately after the drawing - other prizes at the usual time of 40 days. , Orders for Tickets or Certificates to be directed to WOOD, EDDY h CO. , Augusta, Georgia, or WOOD, EDDY At CO , Atlanta, Georgia, or WOOD, EDDY & CO , Wilm.ngtan, Delaware uovemberl j NOTICE ' r pHE undersigned having disposed 1 of his entire stock la trade, t gether with ► the Paluling business heretofore carried on by me in Monument Square to Mr. JaMES PIER PONT, hopes be may receive 1 continuance ol favors formerly accorded me. J OILS' G FALIJGAVT. Savannah, May 12th, 1869. aug9 ly : FANCY DYING. DODGE’S ! FANCY DYING ESTABLISHMENT. Establit hed in Greene street, No. 211. A uyrula. Ga, A. D., 1*33. he continues to Dye and fin- T ? ish every description of Ladie3 and Gents wearing apparel, all shade* and colors f*ora a Ladies Bonnet Ribbon to a bale ol Dry Goods. He also rnanafactures flue Black Writing Ink, and for marking Cotton bags or bales. For sale at retail as usual. ;j jegQ-tf H DODGE. Propriety NOTICK T'J avoid incoii | wishing immediate and comfortable con- j i veyance, a fine BAROU&dZ. iu connection will I | the city Expr-.-ss wagon, baa been procured, an/ I fi a now offered for the u-e of these desinng i J j Carriage to or Tiomthe several Depots, or,* - ny part of the city—the .-Sand Hill*, Cemetery Ac. ‘ - j Orders for Carriage Vft at the office o' the I | A*Ait3 Express CO., or at nay house, over Y. C j Barbers Exchange Office will be promptly aim ’ filled by SIGH'D Df.MARTIK. * N" B. TJjo re.’ular s'an 1 for the Carriage wii' , f t - in front of the United Hates Hotel. auglS dtf To the Ladies of Aagasta. , T AM prepared to furnieh those Gidies \ JL who wish to enjoy tbr graceful aa4 htafthful' ■ exWCuse of riding on bor-eback, witb gentle and . I h’mii-ome Hordes, aid oiegaat Equipments. i i j acv23*d W £. j FAIJRBA pate: STANDARDS **—Adapted to ere of business wher and durable sea | H quired. SCALES FOR RA SCALES FOR COAL DI SCALES FOR HAY AN Warehouse and Ta a PORTABLE AND DOBMAI SCALES FOR >!RAtN A Counter Scaurs, Bankers’ and Jew SCAB K S FO Tt FA K M WEIGH-MAS T POST.OKKIC DRUGGISTS’ SCALES, WE IST All of which are warranted in ei send for an Illustrated Catalogue. J decl7-d&o6m Fresh Oysters AT THE | EXCHANGE RESTAURANT. uitdersignod takes pleasure to irk- i , X. fora» his frienjhi and the public geuorally, 1 that liii; Reataer&rl Will bvWnenM »«»»AY, 1 September, 1569. by the g-1 ton,” who will be rendy to serve up New York. 1 Norfolk, and Savannah Ovater-i,Gan>o, Ac., Arc., , in Hie beat of sitylo during the fcoaapn. * I. P GHiARDY. MANIPULATED GUANO No. 83 Second Street, ) Baltimore, January 28, 1859. f RETORT OF ANALYSIS ° r I ROBINSON’S MANIPULATED GUANO ron Mr. Francis Robinson: BAL7IMOKE CITY. . A sample of the above, which was Sil ken at your Mill*, was found upon analysis, to be capable of producing of Ammonia, 5.31 Per Cont. And to contain of limn: Plio«|>linti) of Llinc, 45,83 “ , The above proportion of Ammonia and Phos phate of U rue in known to be most proper for concentrated manures. Both theoretical r-'a *( ning and the results of nntnerovb practical experiments huvo approved of It. An appHca tiou of 200 lb«. of thin article per acre, will sup ply more of Heme Ph sphate of Lime than is re qulred by any crop—-thus leaving a considerable eurpltu of this valcubte uutrimem iucnrpareted with tlic (toil ftfler chopping, alsd will larmsii a Bofllcteut quantity of annnonia to act as a nutri ment and stimulant. CHARLES fiICKFLL, Pb, D It K 4*o KT O \ Manipulated Guano, tor FRANCIS ROBINSON. Fho sample uuulyznfl was taken by myself from the bngg In the mill where tho Gu ano was manipulated. It contained of Ammonia, 8.2 i percent. Phosphoric Add, 21.98 “ “ Equivalent to Bone Pboßphateof Lime 42.5 Q li il It is therefore an excellent manipulated guano containing enough ammonia to produce a rapid and vigorous growth, # and a sufficient quantity of phoHpUatod to prt vent exhaustion of the soil. A BN’OWDE.n t PIGGOT, M D Analytical & Consulting chemisl. FOR SALE BY J. A. ANSLEY &CO., 5100 Broad St., Aw^iiKta. dec 17 dtf BOAT HANDS WANTED. STEAMBOAT HANDS wanted by the Di4patc'i 1-iue, for which liberal wa g«s will be paid. Apply to •dcc2B dtf JOHN COSKF.RY, Agent. WET NURSE. ITIHE.—A Wet Nurse, nound and A healthy, and of a good disposition. k. A BAYDRY, (w® ■ ,y ' ; ' H JUST ARRIVED A Lot of the Eureka Patent Shuttle SEWING MACHIMES, XEW-YOKK OFFICE, PRICKS FROM »50 to $IOO! HO EXTRA CHARGE FOR FREIGHT. j >*•-. tiie EUREKA MACHINES CIOMMEND tbemsel ves to the public,as 1 J the simplest and most reliable m the mar- j ket They will fiTITCIT, HUM, RIND, and GATHER, , making a T/X.'K-SfifCH which cannot be ravell- j ed, ana which U alike on both aides of the work, using a and two Threads. This MACHINE is stroogiy built, ru»3 lightly i with great speed, and iis movernent« are simple and easily understood,and operates vqrniiv weit on finest fabrics or the iieavieat ♦VOHK. - Machine '.Varranied. Wo wiH send dinars and Famp.ea of work by mail to all who miv to examico them IIAIGH & ANDREWS, Ag’ts, f No. 220 Bruad-bt , Ar.g.*-lt. Ga, I dc-c 17 . dt! '^(jp Mr R, MACKEY & GO’S RESTAURANT. K. GIRARDKT’a,) ■ 11 Ytdcr Concert Hall and near Lafayette Hall , | IS now regularly supplied with choice 1 game. Fish. New York, Norfolk sg4Savan nah Oyster?, wlr.ob will be served lx th3'best , style by experienced caterers. * . Connected with the establishment aret three flr*t class Table ?. *unj4 a BjW sip- [ •/died w ith choice Liquors and Cigars. t dec2l ddw | New crop haws & siD&..-3,oooj! Iba. New Crap HAMS; 6,000 do. to do. fi SIDES. For sa e low by \ 1 3 imlw gg&B ErTEg A CL4.RK:. j 1 INKS’ iistt <*: SCALES; (1 * ery branch jI re a correct )■ Or ii re- EALERS AND MINERS, N T D CATTLE DEALERS, in» p o r tati o n Scales, , NT SCALES FOR STORES, AND FLOPS 1J E A L E RS , , Evem- Varikti, * mm’ Balances, [ AXDfFAIIIIiY USE, FEUS’ BEAMS, C E SCALES, ENT V DIFFERENT STYLES, j svery particular. Call and examine, or JOHN NKLSON, Agent, No.! 1 Broad-81,, Augusta, Ga. PHOSPECTLS r or The Church Intelligencer. LFIIE undersigned proposes to publish JL int’iacityof Raleigh,‘n North Carolina, a weekly nwrap&per di»B gnctl to advanee the in > tertr.t- ■: Episcopal Church at the South, and ' V‘ conoetning it*j labors, and itrsgi‘(*>C .In thfci • hes htaa roaaon to, hope tbr the approbation,’ tHTCra. sontt; oxinul, tho Bishops of Tennessee, Lbuisfana, Georgia, Alabama. Mississippi, Florida, Houth Carolina, Texas and the Missionary District of the South- West. In each of these dioceses he expects to j: have a resident contributor to the columns of 11 his Journal, who shall give information to its ] readers of any event of interest occurring in the diocese to which tho writer belongs, j Tho benefits of such a paper, if well conduct ! cd, will be acknowledged to be groat, when it is r ) recollected that in all these dioceses just enu -1 merated, constituting in themselves u mighty i and rapidly growing empiro—thoro is not a sin (gle newspaper expressing tho sentiments and j recording the ootem]M>rane4u* history of the ; Episcopal Church—-that 'what is known by its . j clergy and people living iu this extensive and j prosperous region on those subjects is gather* d j mainly from rewspapera published at remote points at the North in which the interests of i these dicM'esos and the especial duties of the j churchman therein are comparatively obscure and neglected subjects. In tho meantime the | principles, the past history and present condl tion of the church are often misrepresented in that tegion of country and still more frequently misunderstood, and there is no organ and no opportunity by which, publicly aud effectually to refu»e such misrepresentations aud correct such mistakes. By means too of a newspaper iu these dioceses conducted in a religious spirit and on judicious spirit ami on Judicious principles, the members of the church might be assisted not only in the general improvement of their spiritual state, but especially in the performance of the peculiar du ties imposed on them by the constitution of so ciety in the Southern country—duties which lie i very near the hearts of mat*? ofthem. It is furthermore intended to enrich the col urona of the paper w ith as many as possible of those treasures o' thought and learning which the Periodical religious literature ol our mother church Is now so abundantly pouring forth—and 1 j to fire occasional Views of the state of religion ami leurniug on the continent of Europe. But there Is one subject closely donnected with the highest welfare of the South to which tt Is de signed that this paper shall give solicitous at tention . It is thy realization of the magnificent idea of the University of tho South at Sewaunee and In order theret > tho dissemination of intel ligence concerning it; aud the issue of appeal* in its behalf. Designed then as tho contemplat ed paper is to effect objects so important and so beuifleent, tho undersigned confidently hopes to receive the active aid of his brethren of the clergy and laity in the Southern country. It Is Intended to give the paper the name of the C'HUXGB INVKLLKIK.V CM B, and tO i*BU6 tllC fllSt uutuber, If possible, early in March, 1860 It* terms will be two dollars and a half per annam, payable advance. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates, and a liberal discount made for standing advertisement*. The paper will be sent free to any clergyman who will forward the namoa and the aubscrip tion price of ten subscribers. * HENRY ¥. GREEN, Presbyter ol the Diocese of N. C. i We approve of the publication and circulation o! a newspaper for the purposes and on the principle* set forth hi the Prospectus of the ( HTKcn iNrKLUGEN'CBR, and we cordially recom mend it to tho clergy and laity of our dioceses, designing ourselves to make use of Its columns i for tho communication of intelligence to Ihem. ‘ Jas. H. Otby, Bid bop of Tennessee, j La ox id as Polk, I Biabop of Louißl>tft. i STHrnE.v Elliot, Bi&l> 0 p 0 f Georgia, j N. 11. COBPTi, Bishop of Alabama, i William V. Ghxkx, Bishop of Mississippi. Jas. H. Rutlkdos, Bishop of Florida. Thomas F. Davis. % Bishop of &>uth Carolina. . v Thomas Am Guw,g, Bishop of Texas. Hejtry C. Lav, Miss. Bishop of the South-West. js£T The e'ergy and other friends of this en terprise are earnestly requested to interest themselves in subscribers, and for warding their Mats to t m Editor at Raleigh. Hai.bjgh, Dec. Ist, 1860. dec29-dtf j—: : i GBORG-IA | Sarsaparilla Compound! OR j DEMVIS’ ALTERATIVK, j j In Pint BoUlti. THE PUREST AND THE BEST. r pHE SARSAPARILLA that has genet- 1 X ally been offered to the public, has been j brought into notice by expensive advertising and numerous certificates. The saying is too true, that a worthless medicine e*teusively ad vertised and highly recommended even by per sons of no responsibility, will sell better than a cemnne ariicle; for the labor, care, and expense that ought to be expended upon the medicine, to make it genome, is expended in advertising ; f and publishing certificates to make it sell; and i by tills means the afflicted have often been in duced to try such as have proved worthless.— Tills ho* injured the reputation of Sarsaparilla. The labor, care, and expense that might be ex pendfd upon this by extensive advertising tof make it self, is expended upon tlie medicine, tot make il genuine. (It is for this reas nPhysi-l clan: have confidence in it, aDd recommend It.) J The statement of the c imposition of this prep-4 1 aratloa, and the evidences of its. purity from its r ta#t£ /tad eIT cm, tends more to* give Fiiysiclaus [and the Intel! gent portion »■ the community ; confidence io It. than all the free gift Almanack I and exagerated advertisemenu that hive ever : been published. an>l are worth more than afi the, v*r-rtiStates that have ever boon appended t<- • spurious Nostrums. dec-'O dfcctl* Notice. i 4 UL PERSONS are forewarfictl from 1 1 Zjl trading for a regain promissory Note. ’ < given by Dkx>:s Hallah fer Ooe Hun f dred Dollars, dated April 7. 1869, payable twelve months after date, to the subscriber, a* the same has boea stolen from n>e. dec24 deodtf JOHN HILLARp. ‘ NUMBER 4 Slkellmtflitt*. U. 8. HOTEL, j -A-xro-craa?A, aa. THE uuUuißigned respectfully a»- uounce to their friendi ana tho Travclhne f I'nhilc generally, that they have leased tho above well-known HOTEL, Where they will at ail times be found ready to devoui their entire attention to the comfort of their guests. Tills House is the most'uCßtraUy located In the City of Augusta, with flue Rothh, .veil vuutilatcd, and will undergo exteoaiye repairs, with tho view of making it, in every roipeet. a PIUST fLA|g U«‘tKL. 1 Tho travelling public arc fnvlied to give us a j call. 1 The Dining Room is jufWgo r.f Thos. E. Baksk j alias “Uncle Tom”, well-known throughout tho 1 South as a skillful caterer,*^ DOBEY& MOSHER, Augusta, (Jot. ISA9.(i3nt Proprietors. BRADBDCK’S PULMONARY COUGH ismmi'n THE GREAT REMEDY FOR COLDS COUGHS, CROUP I' And Bro with s is. , fllHiss i«EDW:?'/riE is. uot only , X a great curative And preventive, but * soothing to the patient’s irritated lungs and i tliroat, and is so ugreeable to the taste that children, as well as adults take it with pleasure A half tea-spoonful teken often, will soon re move recent colds; and will not constipate the bowels. * MANUFACTURED BY Or. John Braddock OF HARTFORD, COHN. The undersigned having been appointed Agon t for Richmond County, Ga., fer the above, begi leave to offer it to tile citizen* ol Augusta an i vicinity aa u pleasant and excellent remedy,»aJ one that will give entire satisfaction. Wholesale Price. $4 60 per dozen Retail Price 60 Ct*. per bottla. WM. C. BARBKR, Agent, 219 Broad. St., opposite Coiled Slates Hotel It Cat) also be obtained at LEWIS LEVY'S, on poattc the Poet Office. * BUCK. MASTER & DERRY, No. 151 Broad Sleet, ONE DOOR BELOW THE MECHANICS' BANK, AT THE WELL KNOWN STAND SO LONG OCOCI IED BY TIIE LATE B. F CHEW, IDEJ-A-ICjEFUSS ILCsf Domestic hardware, tin wars ant House keeping Articles, Stoves Grates and Ranges, Tin Plate, Tinner’s Machines and Too la. WOOD & WILLOW WARE, Hydrant Pumps, Block Tin, Lead, Cooper and Galvanucod Iron Pifc*. PLATED & PLANISHED WARE, OfJK MTOCK OF COOKING STOVES • Is very complete, embracing all the populai chyles now :u use, and representing no leeathaa :8 different Pattcroz, Among them arc the VICTOR STOVE, i Maranlactured in Augusta, and the celebrated wvpswi mmi Having a large Workshop In the rear of our Store, and having, at all times, h sufficient force of competent Workmen, we are prepared to ex ecute promptly and neatly ail orders for TI and SH£E| IKON Work, Repairing, &c. Ac. Augitsta. Ga., August 19. 1869. • dtf IRON & BRASTFOUNDRV AND SHOP ; cia - Georgia railroad,neartiteoo TON FACTORY, AUGUSTA, GEO. ORDERS are solicited for CASTINGS TUri ■ ROADS, all kinds of Machi.., rv t or r ,„u j M’»«, Bndges and Draw Cali? S? ur -, ‘V* r *“ d lan*. Clin Gear “g. !JP ! , Hsaof felt Work, Shafting^ . Saw Mills complete. *r>s-iy w. m, HIGHT. Proprietor; JAMES PIERPOJ\r (Succutor to John G. FkUigant.) WHOLESALE AND DETAIL DEALER IE SASH'UuGRS & BLINDS PAINTS, OILS, Fre’cK Jfliner. Window glass PAPER BANGINGS, BORDERS dC., ; WEST SIDE MONUMENT SQUARE, \\ ___ savanbiah, ga.. ; Aly ILL keep constantly on hand and V v made to erder F. Callaway's NISH DOORS and FUNDS. Bis reputation aa the beet j manufacturer le world wide, and bis work * . i*mt of beauty and durability, d.-ties comtjeM. i tion. btvw I FIFzE BOARD PRINTS,—r have a large assort- J menl i ranging from fiOc to $6 a Print. PAPER HANGING# Common. Plain aad visit. 1 * mfKii recent designs; will well repay a j OILS ol ail kinds ; Linseed, Raw aiid Boiled j NeatnfooL Tanner's, Poppy Nbt, *c., Ac. , ATLANTIC PI RE LEAD, ic quantities to gult [ Purchasers, rftli a very slight ad vans© on New I York prices. FRENCH ZINC.—The \ ery best article will oe gold low in quantities, from twenty-five to five thousand lb Price regelated* bv the market HOUSE PA STINGS of every deSrptkw. SIGN PAINTING.—PIain and Ornamental gig» Board./ Inrnisbod. I wli] contract for Painting ho uses In the country. As nay terms are “inva nabfy cash or city ac.-eptanee,” I can sell lower tiian thoftc* giving svx. moßfchg’ credit. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY F!UJ£P. Please l«vtve your orders at the old stand* Kf'nument Square. augO-dly FORNEWYOEK’" TAKE REDUCED. ' Fraykt end Pauage <M Law ad ’ey any ether Sietmeri. i L'abln I \s/n#e from Augusta l * “ 14 Saranoah - sl9 By h*£pl*‘*djd anjl com mediou* >^' Rl UE-W H E KJL STE/JOEAS . AUG U3T A, . 1 SOO tons Cept. if. S. Woediwd. Fi/TRIIL* 1,3d0 rt .... “ Isaac Crowell. ALABAMA.., i .SCO' M ... 11 G.eo jt.-fichflfettfc.; T# SAIL SYlttT SATUEMAT. ' tc.uGgWp’bpJong i« the ol.d establish*! , and favor it. Ime, Knejlrf* as the “New York and SavanaoJi hv*ura Navfgrjjilon Company,” and hi i comfort arco jHMtxUtionr--. and fare, cannot be ' excelled. They are com«u*iide<i by t xperienccd, futitful, 5 alii poilie officers. JNU. R. WILDaR & GALI.a, Afcfeutg, iitvarnah. «AM ? L E. lUrtIiKLL A i'A)N. jy2B-dlf ’ ‘Agatlß, New YtT