Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, May 03, 1861, Image 1

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V VOLUME 5. I (Blxeniiw SrspafcL •v f O BY A. ATKINSON. Daily, per nun in it £ I OO Weekly ‘ i s<l RATES (>F A&reilTiS!'iT.: e, 1 day $ V>o | I og iare 6 ciavs 1,75 ? “ O.Toj 1 • 12 “ 3,f)0 3 “ i “ l month 5,'H) “ 4 ‘ k 1,55 j 1 “ 2 “ «im _ r > “ L-V- 1 “3 “ .loioo Pi” I-nrger advertisements in t xuet proportion. 7 V “ Ailve;tisen;ents. published until forbid will be vrgai 50 c -tJsper square for the first msertum and .*> «tits for each continuance. TERMS CASH. The demands of our business render It nercMary for us ti> require Cadi lor all advertisements uot tsslratlfd for ■ by the year. Notice* erf.a legitimate busiuesa character will be published u this col umn at 10 cent's a, hue. TBK CK.Vfti Will secure tiie delivery of the Daily j Dispatch for on:: week. to those of our citiz ns who may wish i to take it that way. Persons subscribin': by the week w’ll write their names inmeinoraiidum books ; in possesdon of the carriers—pay the j carriers in advance —and look to them for the papers. ft ♦ ft 1/ispatoh fur IV nan cola. Our citizens who wish to send the Dispatch to their friends at Warrington or Pensacola can have it mailed at 10 cents a week, or three months for SI. Our City KiTaion. Our edition for city subscribers will bo issued hereafter al 1 o’ebsk. This will enable us to present a summary of news from the one o'clock mail. SOMETHING- NEW. TANNER'S PICTURE GALLERY, Over Clarke it (.Vs Jewelry Store, * Entrance Next Doer above the Post Office. \ «»* • rimiE rXDERSiOXKDHYYIXU Opened Pi and thoroughly ivr.ovated the anove rooiin*, id prepared to furnish his friends and the public general- I lywit.h tine, life-like AinbtYitj’T)es,l , holo‘graphs, Ivory types, &C., Ac., ul! o J . which './ill te executed in «he ! very best style of the art, a..d at unprecedentedly low j prices. Havinghad several > cat* experience in the , profession, 1 flatters hmiKclf that. !.*• iia no s npetlor | in this country, and pledgee liii.j ,-:f to five entire *it istiution, even to the mom fi.c-tLliuus. The public are : respectfully invited to uill and Gxatuirte -i ecunens. F. TAXXJKIJL "manhood, HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED, JUST rUBIifSHED. IN A SKA LEI) ENVELOPE, j OX THE X.VrrKB, Tit E ATM EXT -WD radical cure of- >!*r*n:.:itorrh*ea, or Seminal ■Weakness, Sexual T>* Hdt-\ and invol- | untarv eiuissitnis, inducing s*.potency, ami Mental and Uhyshal lwap-.cily. By K< >lsl\ J. <TLVLIK- | WELL, M. D., author < i‘ Hie 'Green Look,” Arc, The ivorld-renowni-tl author, in this admirable Lee ture, civuriy proves from his own experience that the awful t-oi soqucnecsof h-! 1 ' iibi'C m:iy be effectually removed without mediem and without dangerous surgical operations Iron g! ex instruments rings or cor dials. pointing out a mod' of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every rurifvic-r, no matter what bin condition may be. may cm.; himself cn i:\n.Y'. I’EIVATJ'.LY ANd IADIC ALi.'i. Thi • IcCtUIC Will pIOVC a boon to thousands arid th -r.-amK Vent under seal to any address post paid, on the re ceipt tv. stamps. In addressing hr. <* i'l. J. C. KLINB, 127 Bowery, New Yoik. Porfofficc. box 4,550. janoO-tf j ’ FOR SALE, COAL Fsa at IVE AID 111 ACfiSJIJTD j CL'RFOSES. a JT>. f> 8 TONS OF ('O IL FROM W 4 . \f Minto? C •• . Terms: '■ 2000 lb, cash. Apply to A. M. At Depot • ••■ » '• FISH. ■® KC fl \ f’RELS NO. 0 JI.VCK AKFX; a *>)•-». ;; ;• ;; lO K “ 1 ,y HiUfUir.- hiiaiu.o:,; Quar ** *' , hi k i' , in lOltflj-JS " to » ; >n «r<w ; ;»i.ox. l. 1 . ■* On nai: micnr. stkl fi r ftV lew tol'ie tmdpr— : ’ OV.UX. .MOI.AUUHMN * i:0 - Augtista Sayings Bank. KTtREST ALLOWED OX DEPOSITS. OfSce at the InsuraiM'ft Bank, 2 i*J Broad-K. OPEN DAILY From 4 O’clock to Sunset. TiSONEY REF ll!l ON SHOUT NOTH:fc iIOL «'r i:i casts of I 1 - shy. without notice, v er.iti cates of o’posit having interest will 1»e i.-su -.i totho-e who jirea.r tlieukto ' o • ordinary Receipt-Book. }u terest a«i< >. r cdfor a -nn ' • n'cnthV l ’ami Diets . : and B> ws Vady far di tributto:*. WIU. Al. i.-’/LSTIGNAO, I'resuli-nt, : .i . U Liquors, vvinea, Uordials, .f 1.4- $ ~.., ~.T . 'I ■ 7» • i'. <lo i-*«> ::nd M.'p’br’s Frat cs* 20 B'nic. K< ' LIN : •»o “ a. 111 . ■ . .•. 'i-KAN."V; til libit. i'OOJ" riuilf >. IKlll.' l, JO " S , 14> Caskii J>• te ;V' uX - :> ; a*i S' -b A BE: gOD.--7.en i- •' u WJNESand COKDIAJ>; 1 C TV, . .♦. < If A V 'AO NE.!I)P. ut 1: -*•* -.. , 1 -w errvanf TeaeriSe c, ILFS, S: TEVESS. Syrup, Syrup,Syrnp. B l RH E i.M iWK E N E \V OR •- .:tc- -• ' rtliL- :: ;tr “ ' ,T IIKVUY KUM-iNHOIOX. At U ■ - ■ t\ i )11 (J lj. » If, PERSONS I.MM'.aTKO TO t’S.rO: (r !*• ' r oi'. v », '-t. .ri'i our " iIAAi.-EVA LV SvrupVSyrup, Syrup BARBJELS CUOiC'E NEW Ort -• w. prafc!- for :.. H* EDMONSTON, At M. P. StovaU-t VTtrebwta, Fall tk Winter Styles. HATS & CAPS# «» fIE km cam rRSIHB KOLLO\VIXEW HOODS Jl^T M. received: (ient-s Fine Moleskin, <’ax-imere, ; French Kelt. Olive Drown, Lark I’eari. Black O-nm, Jstirt Brim HATS; Bov’s Black and Brown HATS, ! Children’s Fanev Men ami Boy’s C A PS; Countrv-Made Wool HATS; C’laret Renfrew HATS, CAN ES, GL< IVFN and V M BP. B i .LAS. A i-.r.. •« -dm , Woolen's Grur' wille, S. C. 11 ATS. C. P. 11E31SILN, 171 Broad bt., opposite Augrura Ik»t«-!, i octll-dfim Augu.-ta, Ga. ! THE ONLY DLSCOVEdY Worthy of anv fonraileiifc for K KSTOHIVIi THE BALI) A PJ D GRAY! ■ft* ANY. SJMfV. THE HUE VI ItISCOY iVIi vry o r l*rof. Wood, have attempt eil nut only ft» t iniitato libs restorative, but profess to have diacovered 1 ! something tliat wouul tirodticc results identical; but j ; they have all come and gone, being carried away by j j the wonderful reset is of lr«t. Wood’s jtrepanitlou. • ; and have t*een forced to leave the fi.el-% to its resissUe.-cs ' i sway, lie-ad the following Bath, Maine. April ISth, 1899. Peof. O. .1. \Vf»op ,v ('o.: Gents. The letter I. wroie you in 186 K concerning youi valuable Hair Re : stonitlve. and which von have published in thia viein- ? ity and elsewhere, has given vise to numerous enqui- i rws touching the facts iu the case. The enquiries an ~ • sash is it it act of my habitation and name, as stated i in the eommunieatinu : second, is Ft true of all therem. coutitinCd ; third, hair still continue to be iu t good order and r«f natural <-nl<.r. 'i <» nil I can and do . answer invariably yes. Mv hair is even belli r than in any stage of pi v life f>r to years past, inure soft, thrifty, and better colored f the same i? true of my xvhiskers, dm I the only cause- why it is hot generally true. Is that the. substance is washed off by licqoeht j ablution of the face, which, if cure v ••re used t»v wip ing the face in close couin dion with Uie whivkci:., * the sanie ncsult will follow .vsibo haii. 1 have becu ill I la. 1 receipt <•♦ a great’-er (> ( etters from all ) j-artsoi New Kngl tiil.askiiigiiieifnivliairstillcou tin ued to be good ; as then* is no miuclj fraud in tin* uai u.actnre and sale of various c-nipounds i*.s weli asthis, it has, no doubt. Keen basely inn ate' and been used, rot only w r itlimit unv ~ood t bill to abso- : bite injury. I have nnj. used any < t votir Restorative «.f any account for some u. udhs. and yi I. my ham is : good as Surprise. :.s Fain now sixty-one years old and not a 1 gray hair in my head or on mv face ; and to prove j tills feci, l send you a lock of my- hair taken on iße | past week. 1 received vour favor of two quait hot- , ties last summer, for which I ant ver r grateful. J 1 vc it to rny friends and tliereby induced them totrv it ; many were skeptical until after trial, and then purchased and used it with universal success. I will n.-it as a favor, that you snnl me a test hv winch 1 can discover fraud in the Restorative, sold "by many, l fear, without authority from you. A pure article will , iiMire suceehs. and I believe where good effects do not, follow, the failure is <uu.niml by the i nip me article. ; which Cures the investor i f the good. 1 deem it. my i dm v as heretofore, to keep you apprised of the con tuinco effect on my hair, gs l pas ore .ill who enquire { • of me of my uti 'r.aken o;.ii:iun of ils valuable rc-ults. ; I rcui-.iii), dear sir, yor.iN. A .C-. KAYMOM*. Aa.ions Buk, Kv., N v. .SO, IS-'ib. Piior. O. J. Worn*: I>eai- >r: l would >. eilaji ly , be doing you a great .niusti'-e not to make known t-'- ; j the world, the wonderful, as well as the. unexpcrlc.i i(’suit f lmvc evperienceil from using one bottle ot S your Hair Rest oral l v*. Alter using every kind oi Ke.-toitip.e.s ext aid, but without srecos, and finding, lay b'-a-i nearly ts» l.atr, 1 was ‘.:iaiih d.O •-- I to trv a bottle of yotuUair KestomtTve. Now, can | dor and justice compel me to announce to whoever may rend this, that I now possess a now and beiudi | fnl growth of hair, whlcn I pronounce richer and f han isomer than thu original was, i w ill then .or**, take occHsion to r'*coniui* inl invaluable r. i..* dy , to v-L who may led tin* necvN-iiy o| it. Respectfnhy voucs, ‘ REV.'s. ALI.FN BROt’K. P. S.—This fedimonial of my nppro!-;»:ion for y un 1 va'iuahh medicine. (a,s you are aware of) is unsolicited: . ! —tmt if youtmnk it.w« rthy of n place among tne r*ir«i, insert if you wish ; if n«t, destroy nisi say nothing. Yourr.&c., Rev.'s. A. li. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three si/cn. t viz; large, medium and small; the small holds j<j x pint and retails for one dollar per bottle ; the mediums hold at least twenty per cent. more iu proportion than the small, retaiL for t.v/o dollars per bottle ; the largo holds a quart. 40 per cent, more in proport ion, and re tails for £> a bottle. 4 >. J. WOOD GO.. Proprie tors. 444 Broadway, New York, and ti t \larke,t-st., St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and j Fancy* Goods Dealers, jan3l-d*cAm FANCY DYING. tsab DODGE’S ESTABLISHMENT. Established in <i!reriirSt.,Xo. 211, Augin-tn, Ga.,A I)., 1*45*2, UMriIEKE HE ( OXTI.M KH TO DYK v*t and finish every description of Lauiea and Gents wearing swiparel, all shades at id colors from a 1 Ladies homiet itißUoii to a bale *»f Dry Goods. He aldO manufactures fine Bhick Writing Ink. nd i for marking Cotton bags or bales. For sale at w hole sale and retail as usual. Je2o-cltf O. It. PODGK. Proprietor. FIRE INSURANCE. • ♦ Security & Economy. ... 75 I’KH CENT OP NT TT IMIOPITS III VIDEO ANNS' VITA IN Sl'R.ll* TO POLICY HOLMEIt*. THE ELMORE Mutuallnsurance Co. OF (’HAULESTON, S. C. CASH CAPITAL 3250.000. THE INSUIUfD PARI HI PATE IN THE PROF IT-, WlTHoi’i ANY LIABILITY WiIATFWEiI. DIRRCTUnS: WILLIA M M. Al ART IN, P re; i d r.n t, i -t. r.cgve Yates A. ?*. .lohnsion. Geo W. Williams, V. R. Ta t, | Wihiam C. Bee, Henry iiuiht, ' ft. N. Hart -I. Reid Itoyfcrton, John B. Uifittp, Hugh ii. Banks, Wm. (J., E. L. Adams Edw. Sebripg, <. V. C'fiahihK‘rl*in, JOSEPH WHILDEN, Fcc’y A Treae. i The stihserlber haring appomte 1 Agent for • this citr. will take risk>as low m other equally re -1 soonsibl’e Companies. A. >l. JACKMOX, Agent, mari-#Wm 248 Broad Street. NORTH CAROLINA iVSILITABY INSTiTUTE, CHARLOTTE, N. C. rflili: tTH SESSION op THIS INKIT. B begin cm Ist March. will, however, be jeo.i-.rJ at any litre, r FACULTY: M . p. H. :I:i.i., Late Brevet M cor U. S. Anov, f assisted by tw* gnd:.a?«-s of V* p.*l But, two of th- Vrinki. ySUtlar) lLaliiu»«, and one of the Un'verity ot V irginla. tlrms: > fl* i-« per month to iodide every Uiir.g Wanted r*AVVEXTY-FiYE LIKELY NEGROES I wanted t<» fill an ageti from iJto 2- veers. Apply to' A. WILSON Ar CO., m 4 IC-’dlf rear S. States Hotel, Ellis Street. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, MAY IS. 1861. jQ!» 101 HAST WHISKERS' r»0 YOJ WHT WHISKERS» E>o vor W,«T A MUSTACHE? t>o YOt: W’AST A .Alt SUCRE ? BELLINGHAM’S CELEBRATED 'STIMULATING ONGUENT, For the Whiskers ami Hair. TMIE SIIBWIBIDSRS TAKE PLEAS tin* in announcing to the Citizen* (»f the 1 nited States, that thev have obtilncd the Agency for, hud ■ are now enabled to offer to the Amcrb'an public, the • above justly celebrated ami world-renowned article. THE STIMULATING ONGUENT it > prepared by Dr. C. P. Rkm.inotiam an eminent vlivsietan of London, and is warranted to bring out , atbVksetof ■WhiskorsoraMnstftclic in from three to six weeks. T hin article Is the only one of ti.e kind used by the French, and in IjOtidon • ami 1 ’.iris it in universal iu-*. It is a beautiful, economi al. sootldnv, yet stinmkit- ! Lug I'oinpniiml. acting as if by magic upon the ros-ts, i c.vising a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair, [tap- , phed to tin* snip, if wih cure ualPvkss. and cause to | , soring up in plaeo of the bald a tine gi ■» wth of lew nair. Applied according to directions, it will turn i;i:n ortowv hair iukk, and restore gvav hair to bs original color, leaving it soft, smooth, and flexible, i The "Onguemt” is an indispensable article in every i ! gent lev. ait’s toilet, and after one week’s use they . would not for any consideration be without’t. The aubscrihers are the only A gen* a for the article j in the TTinted Mates, to whom all orders must Ik*, ad : dressed. Price-One Hollar a box—for pale bv all Pmgeisls and Healers; or a I*oy of ♦ lie “Onguent” (warranted to f iiuv“ tiie desired effect > will be sent to any who desire it, by mail (direct), securely packed, on receipt of , price and postage, *1 .is Anpfy to our address IlOil ACE L. IIEGEM W & 4 0., I'EUQOIPTH. AC., mat 21 lUcly 24 William birect. New York. ! Free Forwarding! j I'IIIVATE BONDED il'. I DUOUSES AM) 4 1 STOM 1501 SK KIIOKER \4iIL fSHIK UNDERSIGNHI) HAS, WITH M»wu». Jill Britain, Tlaldwpi A. (.*<»., Me -r j . \Vjhier A G::b J he, and Messrs. Hunter & Gunnmdl, formed an j « elation for the purpose of entering at the (nsi"in ! i I "Use. aid storing, in Roml, in aeeordn'T* e will; , bc iieveijue L-iivs. any <loo«lsarriving at iiespoji which 1 imhv lie eiitrusted to his custody. Me tieing the inamnrmg anil active partner, lih«* j : Ik tided, with tli' approval of the Secretary of .be | Tiv;i‘urv, riuomndi-'V.s NVarobmnes, w»ere all Mcr i rhaiu’ise coming to thh port ran he stored, every at j * tent ion paid to its preservation. ;v.d for prompt de.h\ *•- < ry, when entry has been made at the Custom House, at the lowe t possible tariff charges. . Merchandise destined to the interior, will Vie enter- * I ed for payment of duties, or in bond, ns may be reqwir i rd by the (Tonsignex-s. AH Goods emisig-ed 1e hill) i ; tobe forwarded, will receive the. greatest dispatch, at. | the lowest rate* of charge, and in swell manner as nnv 1 ] he directed. If the the duties are to he paid in this j i port, funds must be prnvuh d for that purpose; but it ' ’ to be forwarded in bond, the requisite bonds will be ; given. i Good* entrusted to the undersign' d, consigned to ■ p< infm in the inferior, v ill be rewarded bv Railroad#, j orother conveyance, as rtircc'id. free of commission. An experience of nearly twenty >ears in the details ! of Custom House busiuess, and a thorough ttcquaiu ‘ lance with the Warehouse law*, in «*very detail, will j enable tliia co partner?hip to give th ; greatest tie.*- ; ’ patch fcousistent with the safety of the revenue. <ll ARLES «WALDEN, (JOeein.Claghorii «t ( 'uuuiugliam'a RuHdlng. . Captain of Police VV ILL RE WMJMH S ATT HI) \ * MOH.V i p, ,'ihinst.. at Ibe 1.-.wgr Market House lit j Ibis fitv, pel ivi en the usual hours of sale, one bar- j r»-! wl iskev, '--j tarred sugar, !*• barrel shelled enin. j . . !»«\ t ipes, I D>x starch, hi»x vs candles, box I .'igarx, box soap,-A quarter sacks flour, I *ar nut- ! legs. tars ■ tudv, 1 empty gla*s jar, 4 shoulders ba con !c*vld on a a the properly - f Nic»-v Kuekrell. to .«:».! isfv a !• i i‘a issuing from tli** Recorder .a vourt, of Hie city of Augurta ; levy made thislStli of April, Htll. W. L. I'RYOR, aprto-td Captain of Police, j MRS. M. L. PRITCHARD, i A:*. RIL Ojtpo-lO HeslniiU' - Itnnli, «I» now prepared to sliorv a HANDSOME NUITLY ! SPR m; AYD SI mi Kit Bonnets, Hats, IflOntiHa?, Silks and Laeer., ! to which she invite* I !.e attention of the T/idicA. These articles will he sold low forf’ash. aprl- d2m 1./ - „• h~« K-.ri Z Vj s '■ a- " - oh': I “H Ti - Bs'i.p rs: ail 22* ® **c 5 :-3 a c- J 3 r g Z* (-! - “T'/. * - ft C O"0 '*ll ?“Os & ii r—* a- £ 22 ® Zt six at, in 1 is sit or •H "S , ~H W3s!§a - “ *4 fi Sg s £ Si i * Oats, Oats, Oats, 2000 BIKH * ' v W‘o ,VTKr,)r “ ,c - HENRY EDMONDSTON, At M. I*. Stovai.l’h Warehouse, Jackson -t. <l^t GEO. iI’DUFFIE STOLL, Will lie pleased to see his friends at Horton & Shepherd’s Mrctinj-ot., Chiirlcnton, S. na/'IIKEE »! IV RE Kol.\n 1 UK ir," =! % w ami b' f a snorted «tr»cb of Rn«j;s, stoves, Warming Woiwof tlir inont Improved Myles. LAUNDRY STOVES. FARMER'S BOILERS, GRATES for Parlor*. Chambers, Others, Ar.. Man ties. (Copper, Era** and IttO.V FORCE AM> LIFTIVL PI TIPS, All kinds of HYDRAULIC APPARATUS and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, At prices which cannot fail to fruit purchasers. Repairing of Stovrs, Ranges, Pumps, <Vr.. nrnntptlv attended fe. Also, Country and Factor's OrrW« will receive strict attention. aprfi dtm Potatoes & Onions. HBI>. PL \YTIY4» POTXTOEg; j£U!f 150 - }’■ " ; blow do 50 ** Mtrr-er do •if) *; K»> ‘iNioN*-: Jit received and for rale '•*' C. Churchill. ' 9H dtf THOTIVS BI SSFX, IMIE 4 HKAPI>T MA\tF\4TCKI\4i Jeweller in this wishes to inferm ti,»* eitl •tr,n of Augusta and vicinity, that fcf* has lately r**- t irr- d from New York with al! the facilities for work r. hiu line of Hu*ine». He guarantee# to do it a# well a# any house North or South, and at much lower rate*. All kinds of Sorietr pi mi and Radges made t« oiuer, d and Clock# neatly repaired. Canes nouateu *uw. Shsp oppoeite the Poet Oflice. oclHf ' iiicort>or«(ett fhl2—Charier f'erpetuid. J /ETNAINSURANCE CO.v or (MftTFOllO. coy\. ..AI JTAI V,,.Viu,oiM . >l. i\l’l.L T S.> MW,ikn) | 1 ASS E l'S 2.1'.»4,0<>» HWKLL K\OW\ !\ ■ this city and throughout the South, as the lead ng Fiie Insurance Company. It has earned a reput a- j turn tor prompt attention to businesa, and an honora- j ale. Id «ntl and equitable oerfonuanee of Ita übiiga aons, unequalled hv anv other Compaiiv. B.H. BROADNAX. Agent, for Augusta and vicinity. Office 136, Broad-si.. Opposite the y3J ly Bridge Bank Buildings. DISSOLUTION. HEPIIF ( O.PARTXERKHIP OF DORUY M it MOSHER,in tin* lIot»»l Business at the IT. S. I Hotel, was (MrsrHvcd on the 2bth of last June by mu [ Dial consent. Augusta. ainr2M-dtf Relief in Ten Hinctes. 11R Y r AN’S Pulmonic Wafers. I Bo moNt lu'rtnin mill speeily ID‘nu*dy nv«»r ilis’fuereil for all Diurnal** oflhe 4 'first a»td Lungs, Uougha, Cold*. Vsilnnu, < o:i-m»»])tfon. Rrom'liifi*, lii(lm*n /a, DiHB iih Hryutli ing Sere Tliroat, A-e. tY<*. ■rikoe** Wafewgln Ihe most instantaneous and per- ; j led relief, and when persevered with aceording to • i .btecilOTis, never fall toeffeet a rapid ami lasMng cim . I'kon.-anda have Im cu restored to p<»rtect health who j ti j.e t: ifd other uk%is in vain. To all classes and all •Mifttitutions they a r e equally a blessing and a eure 1 none need despair, no matter how long the disea? ' may fuive existed,or however severe it may Ik*, pro vuied the. organic structure of the vital organs is no i nopele.ialy decayed;" Every one afflicted should give ihem an Imj-artial tri-J. I'nVl H A LISTS and PUBLIC SPEAR K.RS, tlies.- vvaleisitre peculiarly valuable; they will, in one dav t :enu»vc tli« most sex ere oocawonaf hoarseness, anu Ijieir regular use for a few ilavs will, at nil tin>°-*, in, ■ 2i «ase the power anj flexibility of the voice greatly I mproMug Its tone, compass and clearness. . »• which - tirpose they are regularly used by many p-- lessioual I yocaJiats. JOB MOSEB, Soirf *rno'.etor. tit client er, N. Y. I??" Price 2fi cents p<. r box. For sale in Augusta by ifAfILANR, CHICHNS EK & < 50., and all dcait t-* in medicines iu the .South' Btutell ur, 2*)-ly “Don’t deist nnu old uncial lor a new fare.’ (Olt» Proverb.) COL. SAM. COLT’S REVOLVING FIRE ARMS. PISTOLS, RIFLES; UABRINES AND GUN’S. I I’ATI NTS or l^fio; 1H&&; 1867; lp.V;. rfITMIHfcH AILMK H \YK NO I MI A!> l.\ S quality and finish,are ad,opted by ti, • Army and Navvol the.Unitfd States, and the. nrncipa! gtnacii ni‘»nrß of Eurojw ; are uniiomi in all their parts, are sirr,pie, sn f e, sure, serviee-abte, and can be had in one j hundred varieties, as vvli :v» Cartridges of powder. uirt am* shot,nnd all small parts for n*pairs, irom all re.- 1 ntotal•!( gundi-Hlers, and the Hardware trade g« n- I cral Iy. Ar* nu >*a, iSxeu ki aii y ' 01,T> PATENT FLUE A RMS M A NTU U< apl7-dVf Haiitki ro, (,'onn A CAKI). |H W IXO TIIIBDAY .MY i( El entire stock in trade and < <»m • ; « **hu.-i»<- ; to my brother F. VV'oouri rr, I take i< -nortunfiy ' to return uiv fhr.nks to mv Patrons an • <. gen crally, for their liberal pa*» lage extended i • , end i would respectfully solicit ontlmiatinn of th -.,u o ! for the new concern, at, th- same Old StunJ h<> long | occupied he me, with the hull assuraijce that all hint , ness entrusted to it, will t-e conducted with prompt- i ness and sat in* act ion to all interested. Respect fully, M. W. WuuDRUKF. Augusta, Fla., h/cl. 4, 1 M". \ ( IKD. Having i*i h< hamicooe mv :ir»tii<-r M .\Y . \\ nod ruff, in • entire, slock in trade and • t Interest 111 the «'oiunilEhion business, J will contlnm ■ ihe PrndueA* and General i'-’’omh-sion business i», all j | its branches st I lie enmt olrf sf.,m# (.rcupn.,! .»y* hi in, ! comer Reynold and Mclntosh sireehs. and with every i j nwessaryarr.ingeiiie.nt for th»* pt-omotion ot the i*usi- I | nos.x, would respectfully solicit a share ot the public, j palronuge. The usual cusli faoilltiiv will he extended ; i when wauled. <'ashadvances will he made on nu. j teguments in utore. t-atisl'aetory reference will he i ! cheerfully given lo all who :isk it. F. WOODRUFF, Produce and General Com. Merchant. Corner Reynold and Mclntosh si ru ts. Augusta, i>< •. 4, 'to i ■ 1 1 Wanted. IX ROM Ito 500 Uords TnnnrrM* Vlsrli. _ mrlsm Apply to J. WriHJKOIf, Augusta, Muscovado Sugar. IMMiWIKADM, 18 HOXF>, and I 4 sP hhl Bright Muscovado Sugar, now landing from brig “ Hallle Jackson,” and lor i B. S. SANCHEZ. i Bavftnnali, April 2 lot NOTICE. «rw \«K xovv >i\M K\rmii\d , Vy umler th- . uperintend -ncc o. .1. B. \\ 11, i and arc prepared with GOOD WORKMEN AND TUB l BEST MATERIALS, r« uAwncTiisr. eyeby kui> or ■ Gents’ Shoes, Boots, &c., and will he plf t.ted to have ntir friends and IhO pub* | : He generally to give us their patroneg**, fall at (he Shoe Store, on (he Comer Opposite the Cost tlflire. FOSTER BLODGET, JR. March 201. u It. P. GREED,! trXIFOII.M AXD .MEIMIIIAXT TAILOIv ) ]c'»<L«v Broad street.. I 1 avc on handafirt ntock : of Cloths, Ca.-tfimor *s and Veaflng-s, m hlch I will nuke ;to meanim*, cheaper i.t tn good Northern Clothing. I BtiHineM an 1 tl >y* Clothing made to ortler. I have a large «twek or Georgia and t 'aroiina Jeans j which 1 will make up from 410 tosl6 oer suit. «ppl4 ! s3srud »II V\ Vj 'U HI PUT ll* A WOIIK HlfOl* No, Broati Mpo, Upper Mark<t. :u-<; v.j ! Yrirnixli Ctrfiches complete for fc/Hi; jinggn-s. ot.e i r«»;u for‘t>r two coat? for (nl tin- Top and , ! Apt on and Varnish *1 00; Varnish Bed tear!* and ' Main the Sides from 7'* eenlx to $| VrmJ-h Drvv ! ersw tn glmiN Vainirii Drawer.-*, withoul cl;u« • to 7'»c* lloti,‘ Cltarr • ann Blripe retd-; V;trnihh do. ?. r . cente; I,ockerß £0 lo .V) cent.-; and will i • Paint Bath Tubs. Ate., Ac. Furniture Repaired. 1 havp ju«t rereivod a fine assortment of <‘oa< h and ' Furniture Varnish. W. N. FARSELL n s K dim NOTICE. C.CHIRfHUX (VOILI) IXKOHM IH- Ft! IICMI- NM) eurt'-r-'-ra tbat V.*- ha«.-* returned tr- r -. the North, and i*- now receiving h;x rn'iml supply nf pro duce, which h<- xvill h\ < *h»* very lowest pri <v at hb old stand. No. 9, Mclntosh-rtreet. ife ha.*, how :n ntorc— -150 Boses Fine State Ghcsse. 2ft K’US CHOICE UOKHEN 111 IT HR, 50 ilbln Ura: h IlitH K Pink Eye Potato*- 60 f'.IU.S, ONIONS. 30 BBLS. I'KIMK KOBTHEPN AITLBS -Vtu nc 1-ICTu-c gin me a o,i! !_/fl t! A CARD. r»lt. \.\V. HAIt.KI OFFERS HIS PRO- Mw frraoional to the of AoguxUtand . ir.jtv. Oft <e at Ja.kiv/n Wreet Ho«pi»al. apr&-d?w Railroad Register. f.EOKv.It ItAII.-RC'tt, On and after SUN DA Y, January' l-’>, ;ti<'. ; ger Trains 14'ova a . t .ml’. M. ; “ * l-v;o A. M. Arrivent Augusta f t h» A. \[ i ** “ ** “ 620 I*. M ATHRJTB nnANCII ITI"!;”. Leave Augusta at I > Ni Leave Atlanta at 8 -P.» P. M Arrive at Athens at S Ho n Leave Athens u 11 *n» A. \i Arrive at. August i at.. „ f. P. M. Arrive at Atlantaat 11 L- T. M. r*T N. B. Notram oil Athens Biam-li mi Sumla WASUINOTON BUAM II—BUNUAYK EXCICrTKO. JiOave W’aMhington l :i»* Arrive at Augusta •• *h» . Arrive at Atlanta II 4‘* . . l. 'Hve Augusta ,2 ..o | . \j. Leave Atlanta H»m» a. M. Arrive at tvualungton 7 20 I*. M ! WWRJtKNTnN UltANi II - Hi:.N I>A VN K\CK.PTK.I •. I.eave Warrentou nun j*. M. Arrive at Augusta fi jo j*. M. Arrive at Atlanta II -J . P. M. Leave A’lirusia 2 •» P. M. Leave Atlanta. ... tnr.A.M. j AnlvL* at Wanent>>ii fi. a" I*. M fi: Tri». VONG !•;. Geli’l Suv't. SOITII fAKOI.UA P.VI.-BOAH. liCJtve ('harleatoii a 4’> a . m. Arrive at Augusta I I.'. e. v. Leave Charle-ston...; 2 x«> j*. *t. Arrive at A*u v usta 11 1. e. w. Leave Augusta 7 f*n a. v. Arrive nt t'haileston ...H 40-r. m. Leave Augusta V 1-7 r. m, Arrive at Charleston l,‘iO a. m. ATI.AATA & WEST POiiYl KAU.-ttOlu. Leavea Atlanta 10 Id A. * | “ ** i- :o A. Arrives West Point .*? lo p. . -n A. M Leaves West Point Hoop. M Arrives at Al uua 7 ;.i p M. j jnoA.M. ! GKO. G. 11 LL. • uperiutemleut. ; U’ESTURX ii. ATLANTIC lii!L-ROAD. Leaven Atlanta 10 20 A. M 44 44 s If, l‘. M. Leaves CJiatlamiogY A M Arrives at DyiK on in- p. t 44 21 fi A. M. !\M. Arrive* at <'lmltanoogi t A. M. ! " " Atlanta !l M !•: ,\ll I '*»i * I m’i'l s with 1 la* or.- || M'\V loh n.s ■ >ll Nev \ ovk M.i'l B.oiip. four tliii-'a -itl tv. through 11 t.-n vallrv? j t Italy t»t' Ameriai.) c t.Lu*< ll- 1 s • ■. f « i v and htmutcinit. ; fare. .?. Vs. L , ’. ,, ‘ '. r---u.-ruii.t MtlrOXA. UKMTKRV KAII^ItOAII* Leave Atlanta -j ' . r. m. A reveal Macon ; \ . y. y. Leave Maci.u | r. i ; m. Arrive »>t Atlanta l»i im. , i - are Atlanta mighO.. I ’ 'ti m. i Arrive -it Macon I•a. m. 1 Leave Mae.ui ;night).. I; (H> »i. 1 Arrive at At laid t ; If, a. m , The night 1 1 tins ill not he run on v n inlays. The 12 oVIo. k night ir. iu from Atlanta count .* with the (Viitml Rail Road for rinv.-'.im ih, :<t 10 4w r I m„ and South-Wi.’rtteru, so: Aihjny and (•’(dunib.i,. a i I » 4fi a . «. The ll o’clock a. m. tiriLminc-'t iwlth theCc’itrn i | Bail Road al lo r. y. m<| : out) V< o r.i at II l-< r y Through tiekclA, ft<•»- to N<--v York J* 1 1 this line *21,00. AhhtK *PA I KB, Sup’v | a:\TKAi. oxiy. ! LrxiVe Savannah 10 05 a in, 1 .'to pin and 11 ■' j • i i Arrive nt. Ma* •>'. -c in and 11 o.‘. j. * Arrive :>t Augu-ta... 3 ,)a a m and .v» |i ji,.,. ! Arrive .t. MilledgeviUe.. . ' 'g* ). n‘ ; I Leave Maeon. . rm.'Hia iu .oui lo.oltp fi J ; Arrive at Savannah.. .72a a in, . lfipiiia ni |o4U> *; . Arrive at August.t t;am and ti ifi p n. I Leave Augusta .:•> a > iNipk i Arrive at Saviiinmn JfSp i ■ > out UKUi. > ; I Arrive at Maoi ~ | • . i-’uf, . j Trains fMt ler.-rT*aviit.»MM ~u \ .nu, . ...» . I to Milieu, .'irriving llicr* ~t jo j. m, ■ Png with loam Macon trd i toAngnria. Passengers taking tin 2 lap m t *-»’*• il Aiijrn-.ln w-il' leave Mill' ll fi.fiO p n, and arrixe at :■ i-,anr.,h at 10*1' ‘ P »*'• Pafnenge.'s hv II 10 p i: fi'un v-i t*| v. 51 g j through direct to Apgusl-.. Pa w tigers by either, 1. io» !!.!«» j m trams j Savannah lo Ma«-on or poail.s bryonu, v. iil rn-*ct v. dl i no detention at Macon. Passengers tdj Atlanta, orpolct. on Wester: A- A. R. R. will leave Savannah on Inc l.'tO p. in t Irsin; tor Mlllcdgevilli! aad laatouton mi II.!') pn train ; for Sooth Western Rail Road, h. low Fort Vjd Icy, on 11.10 p m train; those fi.r Columbus, Mo. t g'.mery, <Vc., may takeniliei train. Passengcisfr-mi Augusta, f- r Sou‘l: We.-tcrn filcer g ~ should take tliv 12 -" h hi '.r oid delt-idho at M vmi. Those hr « aliutiha ', M'ndgomerj, «Vi. may taku eltlier train. ' '1 rains con m** lat Mai'-.n with Macon A Weden 1 rains to Gritllr. and Atlanta, and the \V< *i , also, with I W« stein tniins to Albany, Cutld.crt, Kufaula. i Fr»rt Gaines, An.eiic i', C*ihimf.m : , M<mtg«»m* , ry, ,kc., and at Milieu v ilh Augusta and i-avaunab R. It, lc Augusta ami the north : ut t s a\aiinuh wolh I'a Iri . weekly Stcauisidp!* tc» New \ oik ; nlr/i, with hletUß I shins to Philadelphia and Knltinimc. l»y Uiln change in Scin dulc, tin- connection, both ; ways, at Augusta, with the Si-nth < amlin i Kail Rote i is secured, and passenger* will he\e uw detention '* ! Augat,la or Milieu,,- -h» r't* fore. GKO. W. ADAMS, Gen’l Soffit j February 21,1860. mil'll dtf j So them States Hotel j Broad-st., Auguista, Ga. MOSHER & CREWS, Proprietors. ♦ -* • riMIIK LMIGK \.\ll UlVi KBl\||. H li.Jird IH.TLL. It!l-. ilig been I liOMHlglilv rc til ! ted and re-furnlshcd this NUinmer, is now pie j tred t«. | Rjdiffy rll the wantr e-f flit* tr ivelling c«-nimunlty, at i the inoet rcaM.nahh* tcriiis. From it** central | omtn.n, j in the healthi- stpari oftlc ('ey. Hu I 'lilted Statenh:if : 1 always enjoyed a large alia re "f the jtnldic patronage and the proprietors arc determined to spar* in-ithei • pains nor lully to sustain its aneicnt rejuita ’ t ion ar. a first clawt Hotel. riMIK I \DKKHbM II If A \ IX(» DIK- j - I p.ised ot i’lsint* reM in the alKtve Hotel *o Mr. j i 'I aomas fi'EBWH, retnriiM h .*** n* * re thanks totlie pub lie for their liberal patronage, ami reeomni'tnda tbt ' new Arm to tlnfir continued la .-or and fmtr'mage. decs-dtf ./<>.-KPII KusAMGND THE MNGEfI SEWING MACHINE. MADKIID \M) UV KR LXIIC.MI. [j| me. popul.tidv r»f Mnger’« S* v.,ng M:>* him •- h-/ih AttiMPaaiul stu b a l.e-.t lo cr, j tablitdi th**ir F'lfteriority t»ver all otliers in Hie mark:-! Sewing - ma.v i"t bought, ll it ; j t:uc, tor a .-.mailer amount of dollar*, but it i.« m'Miakei | ' l.le article, and tho.-ic who v. 11l do so ui'i&l a!»i<U; th» hIMifciZUSXKW I A MILY’ M A< IIIMX In ord* r to place tin: best Family M't*ld*ie in thi world within H>e rea- h «.f all, we have retime*) our ; Setter. A Ma* lint U.iutilui:> t.t. ..melded -lo p.O f.laiu fV. singer’s No. 1 and 2 Standard Shuttle Machines. | r.f very general ai.pln rt .on ;o capacity, anri popular both In the tatnfly .and rp:uu-fi'«'»ory. Pri« es reoueej, reHfK’divT-ly jrom fia*.d SI.V» to ♦:»'» and sloO. Singer'* Stamlarti :*)iu.l'e Machiup, for *ar riage. maker/, md heavy leftiher work. Price, com pjete. Uil. Al»a*. to comph'l e t r»e il-t. an entire! . - *.‘-W article, u*.* quaii- d for man a i adoring r.urj * Nojpki.kss, pa pin, arid ens-sDi*- of every kino of work psloe (Imd’idmg is.n staurl and dra-v*••*,/$J 14—< l.eap prat Hud |n view of its value than the mat bine of any otlicr maker asagiff. * All of Singer’. Machine* nude the interlocked ft itch with two thread*, which is the I*p t at itch known.— Every y*ar**on desiring to {>r«»< *tre full and relianlc in- Prrntation atioul Sewing M.m-hine>* f their prices, workingcap-e itie.-,, aiaith*- !-<'*t i;ie!h*cl» ofnurthtm mg'an obtain it, by (tending f"r ;t <t>pv of I. M. Siwo- y t p. Oi. fi ( lAzr.rrr., w)-ic|i i* ;• U'*autifuJ j-i*"'rial f«t* per, entirely devou *1 to lh* * •' ii wiLLßaaui*- PI.FKPORAr.’K. i Theabnvtam the r>*-t ra-h j-rice*—tran-jg-it.d <*n from, the No a York offi- - to the phv ••• oi .-ti*-, will be charged. 1. M . SINGER A- ' •).. 192 % Boutd-sf r* *i, Augusta. Ga. jyFitf ■ M. i ‘ >HKN, Agent. < ROBT. L. GHAWLEY, n holcenic Retail »ea!er in PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, General Business Ageut, WILL \TTKXD PROMPTfI.i TO BUS. M inehf entrusted t ft him. Store in h .-ankiln Bull* A ng, on Alabsmartreet. . aprl'i-dlw*cly NCMUEII 1(1 ?. Professional Cards. t>st. OH'KISS Mis l‘>lOl-KKBIOV\L HKK. vices to titv citizens of Augusta, office over I Uaubv »te Uattv’B More. novlSnitt JOHN !i. JACKSO!^ A TTORNRVATLAW AXDHOLIUITOF /M. in Equity, Augusta, tin.; will practice in KicL nmnd, Columbia and Hurke counties in Geojgia. a.c n the Circuit Court of the United Mates lor the Die riets of Georgia. ('oimnissioner for the States ol Alabama, Tennessee and Texas. office. overtJie store «f Sherman, Jessup & ro.,nex above the t ’itv Hank: feh*2B-dA.-1 v UKM.HT & CIBSOV \TTOH \KYK AT LVW, Al <iI'KT \. <;« n ill pructici l In all (lie nnjnlies ot' ‘Ji* 1 Middle ' 'i-I'nit. :i:ni Warren and l.ineoln of Tin N (irfhnMi.— (Mininil lirnail Sin at, in Laiayette Hall IniilUlnir. •* A. R. WllldllT, \VM. IlIHSiiN* | tUcly --K rtt.i.Yß ii. liiixrii, VTTOItX K Y Vl' I,AW, Al «;i WT V, <i A’ wifi praet.h •• in all the counties ofthe Middle Ci.- Circuit, and in Hu* « ’ircult Court ofthe United state i UfclMlssioXEU 1 ‘>U w V-'rk, North Carolina, Illinois, Massachusetts, South Carolina, Kentucky - ! I ci'iisyivai ia, Florida, Ohio, i Virginia. Mississippi, California ! * ‘Mice m the rear mom over Sherman, Jo* up i Store, opposite the United States Hotel. t p b ’' djMdv ; !»• 'l';’;,’*I*"' 1 *"' I i>. M. Pollm-E, . WaalMi.dim, tin. 1 August*, Ga TOOMBS & JMBOSE, a ri'OItAXVS \T I.VW, VVH.r.PRAC. j l tin* in tin* i imnlleanf Kk'limnml. 1 'olumUa, and , Hmki-nflhr Middle, and Tallufeni, Kllicrt, Wilkes Warren. Hancock ami Oglethorpe of he Northern (.limit. or-M-div JAIISI rHiLLKDCE, Jr., Cj onyicv ATI, \U . \o. ;i, WARHKIY 7* nli’trk, «11l praetice m all the comities of the l Middle Circuit. nctlOtf ADDISON & KiniUtDS, A rrOHXKVH ATI.AW, A\ll HOMCI tom in hipilty, Lilgefleld, South Carolina, will gi proinnt attention to ah claims entrusted to them n getleM and the adjoining Districts. EDWIN RICHARDS, Augusta, <ico. JOHN Is. ADDISON, .tuigtb-t.f Edgefield Court House, M. < , ir. ii. janes, ATTOIt.A'EY AT LAW, \\*||VILLE ; ?* He*lien county, Ueorgin. Allhusinessentrusted to hin Pa re will receive prompt alicmiou. nng*2 . dtl JOHN I*. C. UUiTkUKAD, JH„ 4k iIOHMA AT LAW, Way nodi,#,rough,Ua. u ' dtf ■ts. 11. mi*OT, ft ITOHM.V AT LAW: WILL <SIVK , is !'io;ii|»t attention to nil Professional Bnsmew* en* j iru .fed to litin. i >fth on Broad Street, .opposite Mu- Ha!!. Augusta, (la. oeHhMtf ihtiu, yoiiik. OP. \.C. HIfCVOX, M IHJKOX IIKYI. i-d, respo* tfully Informs the eitl/.ens of Augusta aid vicinity, that he Imstakeniin oflh-., in the Angus a Hotel building, immediately over Clayton A Ken* uady** Clothing Stop-, where no is prepared to perform j all operations iM-itaining to Hiu Profession. Anhareot ! public patronage is respectfully soli'' ~d. apl7dly M>\m H. POWERS, %TTOH\EY \T L\W <A MILUTTOi; b Equity, Augusta, fin. All business coming I ithln the pan-of Ids profession, entrusted to his erne | will In# uncharged with dddily. OtUee over No.' Wauin Ht« ‘on. aug.i-d&dy fovs IST NOTICE—IiOOK AT TIMS l llfi. K.OFFIOIt>S V\ r. HiMM t- Hilly inlorms his 1* * nds and the . ptiljli, that he. inserts lull -»t a of _ te l •. or»».i ’ toil I over *i| |jif nith Cold from lfo *r*. All otherop< rutlons In like propi.riion, and Aiirrmited. (Hvehima call and see ! p<*oimens. Oft » No cm, Droad-nt. |an!9 dly FOR SALiT I Negro MAN ; •J Well Young MCLKS; •* Two Horse \VAC« »NS ; I . ingle llor.M Lxpress WACON, (new); —ALM>— HalesCrmltevilie 4 1 SIIEEriNOH, and mx* A I-ot. of Seooml-bund GRAIN SACKS. If If”'l'hr aiiove property will he offered for sale at the Matket House on Hie first Tuesday in March next imk’.Yn pievlou.-ly »li.s|>OhC(l of. Apply to ALFRED MAKER, At the Store of Makku A Ca»wki.l, f* ldi» ill f 20ft Broad st.. Augusio, Ca MOST PLEASANT ROUTE GREAT CENTRAL MAIL LINE! rg'IHKJC <;ll Tl< I4KT* FROM\KVV OH. m h'lte.s to New oik. via Mobile, Montgomery, Augusta, and Columbia, thence by CUN 111 A L LINE, FROM Columbia to Charlotte A.\ll H ALKUsII TO \VKLDO.\, C., i ’ormecting at Weldon with line* for Baltimore, J»hU* ad'-ipliia, and New V<»rk, vja i’etersburg, ivlelimond, and W'Hshlugt<ui, or by M<‘;il*eiard and Roam»ke Kail j r(«vd to Portsmouth, and Hay Steamers to Ataltiu,<,re. TICKETS GOOD BY THIS ROUTE UNTIL USED. ! Karr and time the same an by an»y other Railroad Route. This Route passes througii the Capital of North and | South Carolina; and that portion from Columbia u t | Weldon is almost entirely free from dust, swamps 1 and trestle *ork, passing through an elevated and ! healthy (vuintn'. Vfi f,ot.m ' t sons are rnadi- at New York bythislim; t b» Saratoga, Niagara halls, H<» ton, White Mounlams, t'anada, Ai>\ Southerner* traveling with their s. r | van!.*, liy taking this line, will he relieved trom the anooyam <• to which they are subjected on other roup s. 'I hose hoPitng Through Titkcis are conveyed be • t ween 1»r ;mt t rcc of Charge. Be Careful to Buy Your Tickets Via Columbia, S. C. I-aggage t’herkcii from Montgomery to An gust a via M tM. I’ointaiui Atlanta, or by Columbus ;oi(! lo Aug : -ta, them.-e to Wfcflh'ij, N. ('., thenoc to Haiti more by itny Line, or to Washiiiaton •. i RleUmotid—Hapgege .VlasUrs it all , ilie way. 1 «./ further parti':ulars, and Through Tickets, see *>>i*:»tl card*, or in'iUJic :n .New Orleans of K. GKD Dr.s, jo (iravi» rstreet • In Mobile, at COX, BKAIN AKI»<V c» Ottlre ;in Montgomery, of A.HOFE, Ceueral 'l’ickc! Agent M. Ac W. I'. K. K., or to LEVVIH LEVY, Tan-eager Agent, Augusia, <;a. U. 1). IMJVIJE.Y ratv<i'ngrr Agnit, Montgomery, Ala. Jyfti _. ms ATTENTION &A2ISBB. I>ir<H KT A HALIL HAVE .ILOTCOII men,eU Misineos «it the store on liroud street, fmir d'sun below the Tost Office corner, where they ate prepared to do ail kind •: of HAIR BRAIDING, Ji3WEL,HY dbo„ tibc., Ar.d tv cite the ‘•ame ia a sufs*rior style of WOUKMA.AhIiIP. They Respectfully Solicit a SHAKE OF Public patronage. feb-B d« r IX