Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, May 14, 1861, Image 1

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■ i i i—■*■7— — | ■-■-■■- - - -- m i ri ■ -11 w ~ 1 ■'• n— ■l ■—■ ' ' «>■— ■ ■«■ I VOLUME 5. I (-filming pspatcjr. I UY S. A. ATKINSON. Daily, |>»*rniiiiiiui $ | Oo U««*hly ‘ | JO KATES OF \Vu!msl\(. : 1 ••■iy iD,V> ] square »i days 1,75 - “ 0.75 1 *• 12 *• .\oo “ l.'V» 1 ** 1 month i.uo “ ‘l “ 1/25 1 “2 “ ajk) “ s** 1,50 1 “ :j “ .10,00 Larger advertisements in exart proportion, w Advertisements published until forbid will be i . 11! f>o cents per square for the Brat insert ion and • -ts for each continuance. TERMS ( AMI. •'!:« demand* of our business render ii lii-eessary for as to require Cash lor I ait advertisements not coni ratted for t by the year. tv?" Non css of a legitimate business latter will be published u this eol- I uinii at 10 cents a line. % • « TEX ( K.\is 'Till .-.eaire the delivery of the Daily Ik ■ ptihit Foit on:: wkkk to thosei.f onveit:/.ms ttlio may wish t.i take it that way. Persons subscribing by tlie. week w-l! <v :‘r their names inihemoiandum books ii. possession of the carriers [wty the i «.itriers in iwlvance—ami look to them : for the papers. . *» Dispatch tor Densaeola. Our citizens who wish to send the Dr cATc.ii to their friends at Warrington or Pensacola can have it mailed at 10 cents a week, or three months for Si. Our City Edition. Our edition for city subscribers will is- issued hereafter at I o'clock. This : will enable us to present a summary of news front the one o'clock mail. *_ - * STANDING COMMITTEES AND Board of Health: A Pi'Of VTI'D T\ ACfOBDAVOK WITH A RESOLUTION ' I- \ uKlt i;y T iIF. CITVL'ot’NVII. Or AL'uUSA,, Apkii. •nit, isr.i. a ■ m.nts : - Robert'-on, Chairman ; Heard, F.em in/, Goodrich, -hp.kth a:,-i> Dk kins-Gardiner, ( hairman ; Kv -11.-, \V«*bsD*r, Fleming. I' i.n i;—Evans, Chairman ; Lewis, Fleming, Weh li'UMHrox Institute—Hull, Chairman; Barnes, Alien, Robertson. iiitihuE—Lewi*, (’hairman ; Heard, Smith, Hull. IV i*s \\i» YVki.i.m- Allen, Chairinan ; Lewi.-, < roo I rich. Smith. Lno inks—Heard, Chairman: Gardiner, Barnes, Hull. Kivf.k Bank and Wii Chairman ; Barnes, Allen, Webster. South Cowmonk— Roberts>o.i, Chalrrnau ; Evan*, Smith, Goodrich. Tikknett Spring W ernu Works—Heard. #hair i. to ; ]voltert -ton, Goodrich. Fleming. M vi<i,kt— Fleming, ('liaiiniaii; Heard, Robertson, I 11 hAi.rir—Gardiner, ('hairman ; Goodrich, Burner, J Heard. »'m Hai.i Smith, (.’hairtuaii; Lewi*, Goodrich, i Aden. • »u.—Smith, Ciiainnan ; Rol»cits.)u, Evans, \\ eh st» r. I L . .\;ee -Webster, Chairman ; Smith, Heaitl, Uard i'.ttr. _ i 'ini - I \ Canai. -Goodrich, Chairman ; Gardiner, l.vane, Fleming. , I « FMiCTLuv Webster, Chairman ; Lewie, Hull, I!.-dual—Barnes Chairman; Webster, Allen, I *:. vi; Roads—Allen, Chairman; Robertson, Good i i'.h. Smith. I*innt in o— Evans, Chairman ; Gardiner. Fleming, Hull. .1 .u; a/.ink—Fleming, ('hairman ; Webater Lvans, Riu-rtson. \iu.iTAßi—Hull, Chairman : Barnes, Allen, Gardi ner. Kaimpiads—Goodrich, Chairman ; Heard, Gardl . Smith. Simwn \ni) Exhibitions—liamcs Chairman ; Hull /.Men, Lewis. *■ I’Kn.u. Committkeon V\ r vrsn Works—Goodrich. , <‘J;airman ; Barnes He rd Robertson. KECA TITC I.ATiON. lionFiiTsoN—Accounts. Houghton Institute, Turk i.. ii spring. Market, .Tail, South Commons Plank®, Magazine, Special Committee on Watei \\ -.rlc*. Garuinkp—Streets and Drains, Eng'nea, Health. L.oups Augusta Canal, rnnting. Military, Railroad'. I j.w is—Police. River Bank and Wharves. City Hall, cemetery, Hospital, Bridge, Shows and Exhibi tions Hr arp-Amounts, Bridge, Turk nett Spring, Mai ki t. Health, Lamps, Railroads, Special Committee «*ii .iit-r Works. Kvah>—Police, Stre.-ts and Drains South Com- Jail, Augusta Cana!, Cemetery, Printing, Mug- Alm:::—Houghton Institute. Pump* and Well*. C.ver Bank and VV'Jiarve*. City Hail, Hospital, Plank ...mis, Military, Shows and Exhibit.ons. 1 i.KMiNU—Accounts, Streets and Drains, Police, . lU’linctr Springs Market., Augusta Canal, Printing, V igazine. Barn ea—Houghton Institute, Engines, River Bank iti.d Wharves. Health. Hospital, Military, Shows and Exhibitions, Special Committee on WatVr Works. >mith —Bridge, Pumps and Wells, South Com mons, Blank Roads, Jai .City Hall. Railroads. (iooDUK ii—Accounts. >outh Commons, Turknett Si ring, Health, City Hail, Augusta Canal. Plank Ko ui >. Railroads, Special Committee on Water JUt.l—lloughton Institute, Engines. Market, Cem ~ Printing. Military, allows and Exhibitions. Wi.sjsteu —Streets and Drains. Police, River Bank : Wharves, Jail, Lamps, Cemetery, Hospital, and .V: razine. '1 he following gentlemen, together with the Health < '■ mmittee, compose the Board of iielulh lor the eu .- umg year: A aid No. I—Dr. I. i*. (iarvlu, James B. Bishop, .J.d.i: rioter. : : NV. 2 W.J. Owens. N. B. Moore, G. T. v. anl No. .iiio. A. Barnes, John Davison, D. 1L V. rd No. 4—J. W. Horton, Tiros. P. Stovall, S. 1.. Robbins. KOBT. H. MAY. MavorC. A. .iLirlli <flm SOMETHING NEW. TANNER’S PICTURE GALLERY, Over Clarke A (Vs Jewelry More. y.rJrattcc txt IJ'jot olujtvt tht I‘vxt o'jict. • • • rflpHK t XDEHSK-.VKn HAVIXi; »penr4 H ami thoroughly renovated the anove ro.*rus, :* a rad to furnish his triends and the public getieral w v. tine, life-like Ami .rot y pe*. Pin »togro; »iis. Ivory * P«N A .. Ac., all of which will I*< executed in the . v iie-r style of the art, and at unprecedented')’ low Having had several yeare experience in (he . 1. »- (. »•;, he natters i:n: that be has no superior , tft . ountry, and p'u liger ii'ims»rlf to give entire sat n, even to the iimKt rd-thliou*. ibe public aie ■ ifully invited • > call vxaiiime spe< jmcire. D. F. rw vFli. Wanted WUKXTYFIVK LIKELY NEGIIOEB E ~ nted immed'atelv, t«» !llt an order, aged fr.-u. . . r-ar 3 . Apply 1,1 A. WILSON A IU, u r.<irS.States H«nel. Ellis Street. HAMS. * A CASKS HVNisFOH SALE BV JUP dtf cLlaKl. Fall & Winter Styles. HATS & i \ i»S. nrs r«iHE followim; yew ggojw.u I received: Gents Fine Moleskin, French Felt, Olive Broam. Dark Pean. Black o>cu. Mill Hi tin HATS; B* 'V*s Black and lirnwn MA'l'n, Children’s h aiicv GOODS; Men and i’.n\• 'A p. v ; Countrv-Made Wool HATS: Claret !< • f HA’I CAN F.S. <i L.o'V r ES and l ■ MB K I!LLAs. A Im*. J' hi: Graniteville, s. HAT>. C. P. UIIMSEN, 174 Broad-nt., opposite Augusta Hotel. octll-d6m Augusta. Ga. FANCY DYm^. ’LI DODGE’S ESTABLISHMENT. iatalill.,li.'<!iii IJrcrnr M.. \o. 211, \ (>•„ A D„ 1H52, M7HERB HE COVfIMKh TO DVE w T and finisli every de.serintioii of Ladies and Gents wearing apparel, all ahaur* and colors from a i Ladies Bonnet Ribbon to a bale of Dry Goods. He also mamitactnres flue Black Writing Ink. ml (or marking Cottou bags 01 bales. For sale at whole sale and retail as usual. je2o-dtl G. K. DODGE. Proprietor. FIRE INSURANCE. Security & Economy. % ♦ * | 75 HER CK\T OK XI Tl' KHOKITM Dl \ I DEI) AXXEVI.LV IXSCRIKTO POLICY IIOLDEIib. THE ELMORE Mutuallnsurance Co. OF CHARLESTON, S. C. CASH CAPITAL £250.000. THE INSURED PAR! ICIPATE IN THE PROF ITS, WITHOU I’ AN 5 Li ABU.IIV WHATEVER. IHIUCUTOHH: WILLIAM M. MARTIN. Pro ldeot, J. Leg'ire Yates A. S.JohiiNtor, Geo W. Williams, Y. R. Ta'T, William C. Bee, Henry liu si, S. N. Hurt J. Reid l»o>hton, John B. Lafltte, Hugh K. Banks, Win. C. Courttiey, L. L. Adam', Edw. Sehring. C. \'. Cliamiu i\.iin, JOSEPH WiiILDKX, See’y A I re:--. The subscriber hiving been appo.ntel Agent for this cltv, will L»k»- ri»ka as low as other tqnaliy n- , Bpomibie Companies. A. M. .JAUKSOY, Ag#*t«!, mur4 dßm X4B Br«ud Ft reel. NORTH CAROLINA MILITARY INSTITUTE, CHARLOTTE, N. C. TIIK 4TII KKNt»IO\ OF THIN l\STf tin«• will begin on Ist March. Applicant** will, | however, be received at any time. FACJULTI : M . 1). H. Hill. Late Brevet Major P. s ‘. Ann' - , assisted by two grad uat.-p of \'est point, iwo.»| tin- Virginia Militaiy institute, and one oi the University ot Virginia. TEKVK: i 1-fi j*er mouth to iodide every tiling except un d«r clothing. feblo-dtt Liquors, Wines, Cordials, g in & lible. of Choice old .MoiiongutiMa WHIS 5- 2 # K KY, Gib.vm’: Brand ; .4 Bbis.ofCiioice Bourbon WHP KEY ; 75 *• “ Recti tied do Pike’* and Walter’s Brands; •JO Bids. Rose GIN ; *‘(l - N.E.RUM; 15 “ Domestic BRANDY ; 1 l M A X Casks Pure Co-mac BRANDY; 5| W “ Jamaica RUM ; I Pipe Pure Holland (iIN ; IO Bid*. Peppermint CORDIAL IO ” Malaga W INU ; IO 1 ’asks Loudon POIITEK; IO ” Scotch ALE; 50 Dozen Bottled LIQUORS, WIN KB and CORDIALS: I 5 Baskets CHA.MrAGN h\ in Pint?; iluiieir... Port, Sherry and Tetieiitle WIN ES, On hand and lot sale by eb22-d*ctf A. ST EVENS. Syrup, Syrup,Syrup. ore BY It It K LHUHOHF Y l. \\ O It il|)| leans S> run, rejected expresvly’ or tills mar kT Forsalcby HEN RY KDMO.N DM’O.N. At M. P. Stovall’s Warehouse, Jackson -t. aprll AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK. INTEREST ALLOWF DEPOSITS. OKiot* at tlie ln*urano« Hank *J 19 Broad-St. Open Daily, from 4 o’cl k until sunsvt. Interest paid on a monUc: deposit I Y TIIK FIItST WKKK IV .l\Yl Vlt\ interest was credited to each Depositor on all mo nies tliat had r*een de|R*sited in the preceding six uiontbs, and theie credits will now draw interest whether eiiUrteil or not on the pass in*okf> of the De poailor>. AccountP are opened for the sn«al . -t .« iu»s :o> web a. tor large deposit*. W M. M. D’ANTIGNAC, President. (]. F. McC’av. Treasurer. fcl»l8-dlf B. S. Sanchez, i:/;c/:i r/.w;, for hm nurse asd (OYIMIhHIOY VILIU I! \\T, SAVANNAH (»E* >RGI A. \VIPLF. YIHIWBKYIKM* Imve Imu-ii . made tor promt and caretui aiicntion to receiving aud forwarding goods .u ni to the above addre-<*. marl Wft PICTURE FRAME Manufactory. I» A. HAIIPKK MILL f OYTIYUK* (kt to carry on the arsjvebos-i.css,’.n.-i - th- n tme I ijf HARPER »jr LADEVEZE, ami ail aft-.-nd * promptly t*> all orders in their line. A go<j*l Htocg ol Uvala, Simride!?. Ta*«els, and Picture Glass Kept on han't. Ibe public can rely upou having their Pictures * Framed promptly and neatly. Intending to do a f strictly‘ ASH bunir.eas, they win be done up at the t LOWEST Cash prices. ; PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. Accordeous, Melodeon*, Violin.. V'i'Jin Bow*. Ban and other Musical Instruments, repaired a- iier-- , o rore . HARPER ir LADLVLZL No. Meliit-Mi. St., Opp*)--iU: tile Post Ottl* e. 9df t J. C. &D. B. Jones, LITE OF I'IUTTU«MiI,T£U., Gen’l Commission nerchanta, NO 533 Co® BHuAll S CCMMiSO SlB , bctl- ALCL*I i i UA. <it/ AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, MAY 14, 1861. S'O voi (vast (ni.sniiis • DO V(>: AVAST A All STATUE.' 10 VOI AVAST A All STATUE J BELUXOH AJI’S STIMULATING ONGUENT, For-the Whiskers and Hair, nrms KCBtscHiaan* r var:*. K u:v in a:.pouncing 1o »!'c of tlie • .nlvd Si .tes, li. •( tin y have . I.ti i :cd the Agency for. and I •a»v uov c'.able'l l>»otl.-r lo tlie American public. The : ! aliove |Ur,tly eeiebratwl and worM-rwmwned aitie’e. | THE STIMULATING QNGU-NT i-preii-.irc! Dr. it. ]iu,uv.n.\d an e:nh etit • iic-iria.i ol i.o'id-.i., .1 wairauu d i'' ' . out a thick s. 1 of \Vhisk(TNora Must:l( 4 h(^ in from tlm-c to six ’veek-*. This aificle i*theonlv i one of the kin*-'used !*y 11.-• Fiencli, and :u I.ondon | and Paris it >s in univi rial use. It a beautiful, eeonouilca!. sc*otiriur, v t >'iniulat ing compound, ac'.ing as if by magi” upon tin* roots, j causing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. It ap- j plied to the scalp, ii will etne a\m«n an i cause ta 1 spring up in plac ■ of the bald spots :• fm- of j new i.air. Applied aeconling to direct ions, it \vi!l ; turn uni'ortowy bait hack, s.udr- sio . , i:iv bav- to its original color, leaving it soft, smoo'.li. and !h-\ib!e, > The "Onm k.m " is an indispensable artic.e m every ' gentletnan’s t«»i!i*t. and after one week’-* use they j would not for any consideration be without >t. The suliscrilu is are the on v Ac- i -for tin-article ; in the 1 toted States, to win,mail orcci s inu.-t 1-cad- | dress»-d. Price One I foliar a bi-x—for rah- he ••.!! Drug i-’s and I >ealei>: nr a b.»x of *he “t tngue’-t” t wa- ranted to bav,- the desired effect» will be nenlio any win» ! i )!. t*v mail (direct) securely lacked, mm tc cipt of price and postage, -fljs App'v to «.ur addr- rs if oh aci; Ij. ii pa: km vy o- t d., l>r.,'t.(ils i.H, ii .. mat?l dacly ?4 YViliiam Sirm-t. N'--w York. , Free Forwarding 1 r/U VATI-: noNDEI) WAIIE/tOf-SRS i AM) CUSTOM IIOI’SK HKOEU'JIA(Ha fBMIU UNDERSIGNED il As. WITH Mi.-m. a Bn 'Lvni .v •'<<.. Me >r-. Y\ 1 -'ci ,V (ia,- : la , and Messrs. Hunter Ar Gammell, forme ! an Asso ciation tor the pnrpoM* of entering at tin- Cu-i'.m 1 House,and storing in Bond, in .•uvonhue-c with tl • Revenue Laws, any Goodsarnvii •. ;\\ ttitspoil which ! ; iuav he. entrusted t-i his rust oily. He l*e'ng the manatring and active i-arimr, ha- I homted, with the aop-ocal of the Secrlarv oft lit).{ I Treasury, cointnodious Warehou es, w»ie:v ail Met- j i chatalise ef.ming lo lids poii o.m be ,-toi'u, ev ry :<t j : teiitlon paid to its pro. ervatiou. aol lor piouip! b-iiv.- j j ry, wbeii entry has been made at tbe Custom llou.v, j at the iowe I possible tanti einiv -s. I Mer' handise destined to the inierb'r. will l*e enter- ( ! ed for p.iyineut of duties, or in h«*n i, as iuav be rei|iiTr ! ed by the Consignees. All Go-xls c.-us'g. ed to him : I to be Rewarded, wiii receive the-Mvaitcsl dispatch, at | ! tin- lowest rat** of charge, and in suds tnaiieei as mu be directed. If tie tlie duties ate to be paid in fills port, funds must i.c provtdi d for tin! purpose; but it j to be forwarded in bond, tlie requisite 1.0,-Is will be given. (roods entrusted to the undersign*-d, i ons ! gned to , : points in tie-interior, v.ill be foi warded by Kaihoads, : j or other conveyance, as direr free, of eoinud-'sion. j An evperic.iee of nea-lv twenty \ ears in tl • ile'ails . iof Custom House buHnes*. and thoroiigli acqu.Tei litnee wiili the Waivln»u.-e law-, in every d will i enable this Co }mrtuei>!np to give the gr-atcst dc:- : patch consistent with the safety of tie* r -vtiiuc. CiI.UILKS C. \V A 1,1 '\S , j * Olfleein Claghorn .V Cunninalnm’s liui'ili'ii. Captain of Police £* JZu. H. 353- +* • YV ILL lll’’ sOLIMIY v \'3THD V\ MOH Y » 11 h ii.*t.. nt the lower Man.: iron- in this civ, betw.-en the u ualbmirsof sol-:. one bar- - mi wi.i-kev, barrel sugar. barn I sbeiled -on,. ; 1 >c b..\ i ipes. fbov si arch, p lu.x of candles, >. t*-.x ..gar-, * I*IA soup.* quartei Slid - (lour, i tar nut , megs,mr* caiidy. I empty «kvw jar, i shoulders l*a eon h-vidonus tlu i.ropeiiv of Nicey Kmkwll. I<» • f aI i i ■ , dug tn in .. ■ Recmd r.sfi uit, of tlie *it v of Augusta: lev> made till- P.’tli of April, Itttil. W. L. PRY()!•. aprb”-td Captain ot Police. I MRS. M, L. PRITCHARD, 1 AO l(iJ,<tpjiOn:U' Sanii, nmv preiwri"! 10 *i*>w a iIAM.SO.Mi-; SlU’i’LY Qxmsm ar n: t. x :« dsi:n r. a : Bonnots, Hals, »'/' .H lEiu!::!.is, Miiis ;iiii! Eut-i-s, , , I to *vh s .eli she invite* the a'tent’.m oi tin; I.a«'t .- i These art i« Ic? will be sold to vtm c.-dt. aprl- n:hn y, £ oO - - r r t r: u* w . ,E- = M 7 ; - d :SMi i ® •- < = > i. Zi U.) *- g-A - . pLi 1 '•* r-*-. w r\ r~* * 3 H r *: »-Mal _ , ‘ - —■ o « • &A h - • / 'fx f \ is r hf Vy V. - “t ■ • °0 W 1,1 -—' f r : if® An ** r- s7 t .j j, z r-l u •" r~" W r--4 C : .. .t r•* rri r-i JT z. ■>. ■ K , f CO r --- :: «-* 1H r r i —* ;j:- ‘ - - f ° -,’f~ »h -• nJ A sn*” Oats, Oats, Oats. Wlll l i: OATS ! r HENRY Ep.IQNOSTGN, uiarh; * *hli GEO. E’DUFFIE STOLL. Will !>e poised 1" ! ■ fi- at, Horton & Shepherd’s 120 Mtftiri^rl.. Cli nlcf-ton, S. i tx r ni:iiK m\v i*K r.-M’XD in:: \s i :■■■ IMOUIAE n.V’U.ES, fOORIXtt STOVE*, \\ (irini Mmr.iif the-11111,1 improvi-i! »l yli*., LACSDKVSToVKS. I Ai:MEI:’S ■. ORATES for J-Hrl'.r,. rhamhem, office*, n-111 ox foe 1 e AVI* Lu rv;. rnies, All k;u.!« i f HYDRAULIC AITAKATU.* ami liorsi; Ki lIXISIIIMi 0001.-S. At pric which eanm.t fail to suit purcb.’-'cr.-. Repairing of Stov-u I : e • •* - • t*’ ! ” a*tended to. A>*-. < • ’iy : .h . ‘or - order* w:b receive strict ito -ti e-. apiD-dlm Potatoes & Onions. 200‘.‘S/*- J’!nA‘? ,in,,vroi> AO • Me: H 9 “ R*- oNION-- C. Churchill. r-t.-x rao-n.vs uisHsx. 8 - I )rt,»-d fr«»ni New York wi«h a!i the fa/-ati»-* *'..r w- ,; I : - *r'uiV lioiii-r North • r South. at nm- h i - e»#r -rite*. Alt kit d» of Swietv f"*;- lid Its*tge- m *; , i La H aTcftCa a r «*l C*-« ».* .•» "•(• a- •.Jti&tftJ ai£o. LL .y U»e i J oet • »0L r 0* i'i* (■ejrporattH! IHl*#—Cfiartt r Kerpelunl. SSTNA INSURANCE CO. OF BAKTFOKD. COW. ‘-API I A L. si,.'.<M.onii >1 uPLUSS AfiSr. PS . . . . . . 2,U»4,«t0U 'hnHS(o>l»»\\Y IS WELL IxYOW YIN N ihD city and throughout the >ouih, as the lead tv Hu* Insuran--e t’®-nipany. It. has earned a reput a- , lion i-»t t.iotopt attention to business, and an bou«*ia : r*le. bl • ml and equitable performance of its obllga do ►!>■, mtu*qnailed by ativ other Comptuiv. b. ii. Broadnax, A***nt, for Augusta and vicinity. Olllcc l'.>6. Broad st.. Opposite the >*2l ly Bridge Bank Buildings. DISSOLUTION. 'EMU: CO-I‘\HTY'KHSIIII* OF OOIIKY il iV MOSIIEK,in tlie Hotel Business at thel .S. Hotel, was dbsolved on the 2Wi» of l:»st June by inu **...! eons; ut. Augusta, uug2H-dtf Relief in Ten Minutes. I’UYAN’S Pulmonic Wafers. 1 l*»* iiu.-t rerlnin mid sperdy Hriiii*d\ di* *over«*d tor nil OisrMses olTln* t la**( «* d Lungs. Coughs, ('olds, \sGiiiih, nroiM’hitis, liillueii /.n. fionrseiiess, Dilllcnlt llrrnih in*g hore Throat, Ac. ike. I’heK* YVah'fsgive the most in*tant;\neon* and jwr- I .ect lelief, ami when perst vered with according to vcetions. never fall to effect a rapid and lasting ouu-. t a i.-aiids have been restored to pertect health who 11 .*e t. i-d otle r means iii vain. To all ch..*s<*s aud all (•ii-iautioii- tlicv a'e equally a Me.-*ine and a cure ii.m- need despair, no matter how long the disease inv have existed.or however severe it nitty be. pro bled the organic structure of the vital organs is no 1 I'-'ieU-.'-slv decayed. Every one atttictcd should give i If"i an iiiiiv-irtial I rial. l o Vnc A I. I S I’S at d 1’ U B LIC s |*K A-K ERS, thoc i at- i - arc pec.nliarlv valuable; t.liev will. In onedav *-niove the most severe occasional lioarsi*nt*s*. and .i-«-ir regular use tor a lew days will, at till thu***. In, ’•.ase the power an-l rte.vH'illtv of the voice great!v lnprovtiig its tone, cuiq ass and clcarimss. ‘ r wliieji utposi- tin y are regiuul\ usiil by many p » icssiouttl i v-calists. JtM’» M* *.SE. S , - , ‘ron .etor, Chester. N. Y. Pricecents pt r box. 1-.. v sale in Augusta by HA 11 LAND, CIIICIIT>- KR .V CO., aud all dean ' hi medicines in the South* j St4»te« 111 V V»-ly Angtistu Savings Bank. i\ :s:in;sT allowld oy deposits. OHicv nt tin* liiNtiratiro Hunk, '1 ID llroad-Ht. OPEN DAILY From 4 O’clock to Sunset. ttfiOYKY Ui:iV\ID«Y SIIOHT MHK K J? fi of tn cases of necessity, without notice. Cert'.ii ealeo of «p posit having interest w ill la* issiml to tho-e , who prete;''■ •• *: ’othe oni'.uaty Receipt-Book. In ti-u-st liowcil; single montli’s deposit. with Churici and )>)-Laws ready for dlstrihutl-ni. WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC, President, C. F. Mi <'ov. Treasurer. j a CiUrih ff R W IYG TIIhDAY I>»H»OnKDOF MY (l Bl entile stock in trade and Conn 4ssii.ii Ituiines*, to mv trot her F. Wo«»i*ki;kf, I take this opportunity to return my thanksto my Patrons and Friend* gen '• loi their liberal patronage extended to me, and : would respectfully sodcit a continuation ot the same for the new concern, at the same Old Stand so long , ccupied hv me, with the hill assurance that all hu»t nca--entrusted to it, will tie conducted with prompt ness and satisfaction to all interested. Respectfully, M. W. WOODRUFF. Augusta, Ga„ Oct. 4, 1‘ 4 «»o. I CARD. r 2 A\ !Xli eutcil VHKDOF MY Bri>tli«r ik a M. YY .YV iMHlnuf, his entire slock in trade aad inlet est ill the ComuiUsion Business, 1 will continue : ; » Produce and General <'’oruiui.M<ioii business in all its brandies hi the siftnc old stand oevopied by him, •oim t Reynold and >lclnto*h streets. and with every uec*'v-.ii \ a.raiigemeiit tor tlm promatlon ot the i»u*i nos, would p-pecifully solicit a >httfc of the public patroiutf -. 'The usual rush fadUtics w|U be extended when wanted. ('ash advances will be made on con signments In store. Satisfactory reference will Ik: < lie* rfuily given to all who ark it. F. WOODRUFF, Produce and Geiieial Com. Merchant. Corner Reynold and Mclntosh street*. Augusta, Oct. 4. ’»*» octw-tf Wanted. B (HOY! 1 to 500 Cord* Tanners’ llark. y 1 milom Applyto J. YV. BuKCil, Augusta. Muscovado Sugar. IIOCKIIK ADS, IS BOXES, ami I Bright Muscovado Sugar, i now landing from brig *• 1 Lillie Jackson,” and tor B. S. SANCHEZ. j Suvnnnsth, April 2 lot. NOTICE. Y» r F \HK YOU MAMFYCTI HIYG V W iin.h-rthf -u|<ciTiiteiid.jiice o. J. B. W iI.SON, j and are jin-pared with GOOD WORKMEN AND TIIK BEST MATERIALS, TO ’IAMI AmiU: EVERY MAD IS Gents’ Shoes, Boots, &c., and will l-e ph-a-ed to have f-ur friends aud the pub lic generally to give us their patronage. I'itlS ai Hit- Shoe Store, oil the Tomer (he I’o-I Olllre. FOSTER BLODGET, JR. March ‘JO. ’•*!. tt H. P. GREEN, 9MFnm; A YD AI Kill’ll WT TAILOL ) i'i>./i • >: (kv, *1 r» 4*t. | I ave on band a 111 < *t** h or Cloili-. <'anhmerc* and Verting*, a hicli I wlllinak* 1<) nn :'-ii:f. rintip ;r l inn good .Noithcrn t/'lothuig. i',u .f. ■ • > i> >y* Clothing made to order. lii -i -ck o/Gc.f*rgia and Caraiina Juaiitt wl - l .in make up frem 4io to ♦ld tier suit. a^^REAO \ GYMS .11 S! ITT n* A W4IKK hIIOP j| Broad Mrecf, l.’pp*r Marki-l, and will . II .i liu-'if -. complete -r .**>; Biiggb**. on'* , ~ii f. M i.'.ijo )»r two coats for i>'t..V»; Gd th** Top and •Y pi on .oi < Y'arniali tl •<): Y'arni-li B'd tea«tn and •i'i!:. ' • '-id< from 7»' fill* 1"♦! .i'»: VarnDh Draw . ,v t git*- *l " ; Y'aMiih Drawer® without gla . ..ria.-ii do. j , i r-nt.*: P.orker® *0 t 0.7-0 ten!®; aud will 1 paint Bath Tui-^.A'.. Ac. Furniture Repaired. j> i 4 . ji, .• j.. a -.-(11 a fin" :.-<or'ue*ut of (*oa« h and W. N. PARSELL I p dhffl NOTICE. i. <iii» i him. U- III'!.II IVrilltM lll» I IIIKMI- \X» tu-tom.-r* t.*;ai he ha* just reiume«l from the NoiiJi. a- now rto-iving in* u«ual supply of pro* V. il b- W-:! ->-ii *t *h«‘ very .owe«t pri-■«•«*. at ■.i, i t . Meiutoiii ftireet. ite has h->w in IS»J Boxes Fine State Cheese, as hoick <;o*iiex iiit-teii. 50 Ceath Lilxu X l*ink Eye Potato** o(j ÜBUS. ONIONS. ■/) BBI>. PRIME NORTHKK>* APPLE. 1 * *• IJ tff~ Pease give rna a Call! Jttl t! a ( Aim. n * ii. Vtt .BIII.KI OPKKKIiHiOPRO; USf ■ ilflurili/rl:-, Ol A ‘ip 'i't« »nd . iulty. *■*.»■ ctJa aprb-fi?**’ Railroad Register. CEDKLU UAII.-IUUU. .l;„:i.:iry !V —« K,*i' Tntlti. I .*-•*»••» * • P M - * Arrive at Augusta p* *• - • Y| ATHBN* UHANi lI -scKOaV* K\< k- Leave Angusin at .1: A V Leave Atlanta at • »h P. M Arrive at Athens at -> A. Leave Atlu'ii.® nt I! no ,\ . \i Arrive at Augusta at <• :*u M i A h ettf Atlanta at i'3f~ N. li. N.» Irani on Atlu-iv- lb an b WASHINGTON unwell SINOAIN ».X< 1 f ■ - I . Leave YY'ashing!on . I • Arrive at Augusta »* _»n . I Arrive :*.! Atlanta 11 . . Leave Augusta . ... J .;«• I . V. Li .o >■ AUurita o mi v . '• . Aniveat Washington ■' P. M WAIIUENTON I’.llANril- sI NOW.® CM if: . i Leave Warreulon on !'. M, ' Arrive at Augusta n I '. M , . | Arrive at Atlanta 11 ••1 *. V t Leave A'lan.-ta P. M . I L**a vc Atlanta o'. A. V . ' Airivc at Wancuton. ♦. ■*P. Ni GKO. YoNGK, G. I Snv’i. Sill TH (AUDL.AA I*. UI.-IIOU!. Leave < 'harlesfoti *• r» a . m . Arrive at Augusta I : . v | Leave Charleston J ■» i*. \i Arrive nt Augusta I i r. m < I.eiivc Augusta . . T-'s'a.v. Arrive aI * Diwrledon 140 r, v | Leave Augusia 7 r m. Arrive at Charleafoit S,‘tO a. if. ; ATI.AM I \ UEsT I*O.AT K'.II -UOAW. Leaves Atlanta 10 In A. M. “ “ 12 mu A. .M [ Arrives at We«t J'oint. in P. M I •A. M I Leave* West Point ' »n P. Y| ’* ’ ” Ih .'. M. I Arrives a* At Uita Pfl P. M. M ** - . simi a. M. | <«K.O. G. H’- Id,. UlHM'hitnhdciit. i \u:sri:K>A. viLViTH imil-koad. Leaves Atlanta M ;*n A. M Leaves Cliauanoogx '. Yi Arrives--7t 7 ilton i •' P. M. Arrives :■ • dtanooga iA. \| ** •” Atlanta 1 h» P. \l. , C« aufCts with the great New t iilean.- and N w Y ork , Mall Ro i's, four tliin s:t dav. tliroueb lln-ifii vai «■ (Italy of Americtt.f SnlM-did sn-m-ry and i-■ -um-• 1 fare. J. YY’. LEV/!!-. >upeiiii!c'n!fiit. .turn:-, ii. UEVI'EKA It AU.-P.OAD. i Leave Atlanta .. J''•r, m. ■y hv nt Macon ... I » »*. v Lean- Macon i » • i , m, Avriv( tl Atlanta !'. r. \t Ley.c * ti t (night) !Jim Arrlv 'l.a on. I . a. • Ivc.iu . »n l 1 "" " Arrive ' Atl ini . 7bi a * The ni;*b .aiu? will not Ik* run on Sum! i. i The I*J < o' k nlr'ld from Atlanta ( : with the i r«1 Rail Road Ibr ?-.i vannah. at In ' ' m„ and Sou ii YVesU*'ii, tin Albany mid t 'olunil» : l» 4o A . ’J . i The 11 o' '• ka. M. tiaiuc(*inif< ts w:l h the <' i : Rail Road *l\ M. and South- YVcsti-n MM. cm Throiii h ti< .*ts, troiu Atlanta ?-• N • v Y'-.h this line ♦it > AI.HIK.D L. TV LKII. Su*.’» ( .THAI. UAIEUDAD. Leave Savannah 10 06 tt Ui, 1JO»• m and II if • n ® J Arrive at M;a *.'•>-am .md it o , t ,, .Arrive at A«n i u w‘# a m and '• -Mt j- n , Arrive at M it tut] 1 • • ! : Leave Macon H'.iHia m and lo.on |. u I Arrive at Sa. ih.. ./2fi am, 7 lop in and ID lopn i Arrive at At'- -U* am and <! f. ;> n< Leave August I .n :% m and 2on p i Arrive at Suva. i 7 - H * a iii and ID in j> n Arrive at Mu*. S6o a in and IJ nr> p u Train* tha' S-ivannah at tun;, a in, oniy mi I to Milieu, arrix her** at MO *» m, coni'ccliii- will [ lOtt m Macon I to Augusta. | Passengers ta the i lop in train at Am;n wll J leave Mlmm 5.« uind arrive at. Savaui* iii at 10 K i p Hi* PttiweiigiM-s f • ID p m fioi.i Savanna!' will g< i tlirough direct. • igusta. Passengers hv ei-r. or 11.10 t* in trains f'oii Savainmli to Macon or |H*inl* beyono, will meet witl i no detention ut Macnii. » Passengers l< • Ali uita, "r[Hilnts b'-v uidoi YY'. t<-ii .V A. K. R. will leave *v,..ontali '-n lie 1. u» j. m lialu; for MiJledge\ii'c and f *»• • lon mi pn train; for South Western 1.-d R-*.o', low Foil Yui j ley, on 11.10 pin train; thow- ■ i < olurnieis, Mo. t goinery. Sir., may take d'. Passenger* fr< in Align 'i \\ '■ iii « or j/... should take tin- 1 2 ■ ■ ■<> avoid d- 'i ldioi at Macon. Those for c* 1 ,-»*it.-*i*v, «V-. i may take either I lain. i 'lndus connect ai *-l.y on ,V YV. *-n I train* to Gillll; and Atlan’.i, lb** ;a a ", will Solltl. m - «*. A . .. •'■ ’ Huf.Oi • ; F»»it tJalne.-. An.’ii*. c>. Cohimi 'is, soif <io-.-., ,*«• . j andttt Milieu will. Aug'iMuai.d . . :o.n I: It. 1< Auguftta and tie.* nmili; ut snvai naii v i . t-.. tri weekly st" New Y* • . ai..... v.. m ships to Pl.lla.h*lphla and Btt'tlmme. II) this change In Sfle-diH.. tie eon- ■*.••!. » .-t 1 wa>». at Angn -ta. with tl.--* So..»|. ('.uolliu R.n! h Is secured, and nasHcnger'' will have no ilctfiitioii a Augusta or Milieu, as iien-iofor.-. GEO. YV. ADA MS, Gen’l <up’t February 21,1WJD. ndi M dtf mmmmmmm-mrmmmmmtmA iib.- -. ■< Sothern States Hotel Broad-st,, Augusta, Ga, MOSHER & CREWS, Proprietors. • • • ffMIIH L MILL \YI> LO.\t; ■ lisl.ed IlG'l'f.l,, la • ii«g t»Cfn Ih* i ngid'- i- i. ted and rc-funddicd this sumn r, i* i.ov, j.m-| .o-d t< i satisfy all the Want.»•»! I In- Ir.vdiing * »i.ununity, a i the mop-! rea*> •• bini-. Iron. i‘- »'i ’. .M . I in the healthiest part of Ilf city, tin* I 'inffo Mat. - l.a j always cnjoyefl a large, nhan- ot the puh! <■ palrm n ’>■ and the pioprb-tor- arc ilet* rmllieo to n'nn- u>• jistifis nor expen.-c Mill) to atisiain ilf ;uu lit 1 **;»':Ci lion a* a Hi si class Hotel. fIMIK I NDI7HsD.M II II \\ I.Yi; IMS. j J pored of his inter'-®! >ii tl.eabov- 11« »i *• ilo Mi '1 toMA* < "kEWs. r*-H*im n »*♦•• i* | lie for their lit»eral pulroiiagc, ttuu recoiouiend tie i new tlim to tlicir tonlinof o l;.vi>r and patronag**. ! decb-dW JosKP.I ROSAMOND THE lijuEK SEWING MACHINE. ri'IIK JUIiKOI *.M*::V!.lt UX IIMI. JI. t*'g pop'daril) of : r- S'-wi:. : ;»iacl. n«*r. noi nin A mciiea so-I Lurope •• . • I t • ) lablisii tlisir nUpeiHirity ov.-f all "iln f ,n J,.-- k ni-ei Sewing Marl * ho. si.i.i i if i/i.t, ' , lf*ie, Ibr a Hii.allcrainoint of dollars. !-ui it js m: •!.*.;••-* ’ ! economy lo inv»-.t ahvHAng i: a■• •s* I.:• m ■ • . hie article, and thoac wko will do-*; nr; » ’ * 1 j consequences! HI.MJKIIXXEVV FUlll.l M \Cill\l>. I Jn order to place tie- l*est Kamily Mach <• i»> >- 1 world within the r<*:e-h < i ali, v. <■ l ave u •:*.« • •! mu lettei. A Machine h«!ii::titub'j i-ri..n.< - '■ f l -*' plain fVo. i j .■‘ingcr’.- N". 1 and 2 s!a*»«| -’li .’tJe M.i< 'r. l-oth ol v-i y g- n . f ; .»* .oi. an : .-..p.e.-.i v, am- J popular *H»tli In the tamil;. en<i!.a-nuy. Jj (•'ijiiecd, rc.-i cctiv-dy Iron, ti . and fi.V) to p- am - j , |!i|t». singe. - Standard * In.:* .Yl. •n> . t-e -id i:«*.Avy leather wJ'»-• *. «•*>;:s plf«f. fpJV. Ab<-. to ••ofnphde !:■•■ • an • ! . wticte, unequalled foi i u ■ Nijinfcl.Kss. ii.M'Ui, atid-. ap.ii ;<• "t .- r> i.’i.d of v,-ur. I'rjce (inel ahfig iron'ia,o*lit!.D«'ra v r . • j! P» < •■--p •-rat that in view of il value than the in - l.a - ! -•••) i other n.akf r :u- a gift. AI! "t Sing 1 Mlu •• in /.<■ ’ - •! ••» i. with iwo Um Wl r4i fa fl • » •• '• * own. Ever) person dc-.img >o pi-"‘.’e I .p. i-. in- i f'y/mat ion a!s»nt >e wing .YLeldiic®. tiicf si/'-, prices,: I working ii, . •-! V mg •aa obtain it . . • • / t ' I XH A * GAZr/IT v/liiei. i* a ail '* pa 10. ai J-a- I per, entirely devoted to tiic sui'je;l. It wile hb bur- | en/fci* ok -. e*. Th*- a l . l t- • *-t '. - ; ’ • 1 ' ‘’! * ' ‘ tron. tin- New York oiu“ to the , ■ ' • w - < ta-; 1 dkargi l:-2'A B:oad-r.lf - Augusta. Gu. jylTtr M.GMIIKN. Agent. ! ' ROLL L. ORAWLEY, Wholesale and ttcfail Dealer '.ii PHUDUJE AND PROVISIONS, AKI> General Business A;ent, i iVU,I.Cn'K*II PHO!H*TI.» T<» Ht ®- ItiCM fall ■ ' ' .Vng,oo ( NUMBER 111. Professional Can it ii t hi- raoFr>sio.\a>. **•*•■ S'? v !«• I’ ' «.i Augusta. i»th. ■ *v 1 I.mhiv *■ t•' '■ i \ . nmi . ii'ivi .-<!» k. JA(ft! . flk TTOlf>'!■';> Vi MW VMI-LILt '•> . /ft in ! *j• vi y, Ai - i*,i'i, will | ~ic»i ’ • nioitd. r :'tuii,''lii an * Burke counties i >J'» :: t. tin- r 'ireult ( of ih»* I whet St n.> i >i *m- . • r.< Is of Geo;gm. Commissioner lor the Male- Alabama. Teem .-**" an 1 Texas. : Oilltv «.vc tin More of .Sherman, .Jessup *m'm t. v • »’itr IVink: fclf'R-dv I \ V, HM.IiT ÜBSttS, a tt'Mixbv* xti.wv, «'«( st.* e. /fL Will J>r" i'< >' in :tli tin- cti'intics of he M.trt I '' l rouii. ni VN mil L ol rlie Nojtl ; nttlcc.u liron.S <i m, i, in Lat'.ivettu Hail bt .Him-. ! A. H. WBIGHT. MM.'. u\ W-21 i] f .c\ V . u . mnea, <\ i \Ti.\w, u«;ivn,iM /n • l ai-t: vin nil tin* M-.ntlv- ofthc V , ‘'miMh, ni‘«! 11. lit <V • nil ( An: rt »ht* I ,'ntt«,i * <M M ISS'ONKK IUK .■‘•‘•v Y Noith • Vintilna, Jl : \l;n*-i.-hMM*!K Smlli CuOUlm. I i IN i»iis> lvaiiM, \- iorlda. \ - > Vil l, Misstssippl, <Y,.iurni» i i dllce nt the rear room over Shomvwi, Jessup I Store, opposite the United States Hotel. I i.>- |K. IIIH. I 1). 11. |>|r|i(.KK . Vl'.liiiigtou, (la. I Autusiu, »m TeOUKS ii Dl'BffSE, a rroi: \s \t i.\w, \\ ii.i.ivi \«*. |> U ti'''-In (! • i oiuitiesof l>H h:i,o|ii| ('oi.ujj i , I , Burke oll'-t M |||l|'. ; in! Till Inter' >. Ull.e Vi , \V:irr Mi. H:mi'o«-k nmi Oglctlmrpe m h > **ll, • Circuit. o t . Jr., Ik IT(Ml\{a \VL AU. \o.:J,\V \15.i1.> JI will practice iti all t l , -lint*,-s m ' Middle (Mreidt. or* |o i» AlfoilsWV It IIHIIAKOS, A TT»It\BVK AT S..UV, WII Hll.ll i ! / W tors in Kip nt v. I* Icefield. S.mtli raroliim, . I'rojnjit atteMioi. to nil elai him entrusted l«> tin m i .tetie.d and the i.! >\V l N Kiel! At: ns. Autrnsi'i. JOHN L. A I >| 'I t/ K.l|fefleld<?»mrt House. ■ > .<' i l). M. s, £ TTOKM.V \T \*\\ WSIIVJLt. r.errlen eountv, Heovida. A ! misiiie.eiitiit<*l*- i •o lii* care will receive prompt atie **i. au>f9 Ut JOHN I", f. UliiTitih i f> irmiMiv vi W :«r i /4 f-1.-J7 i" .in ii. Tif.uin, tj, ri'OVXr.Y IT I.WV: Ui till t i'A , rump! aitentlOll to ull rrolesslon. I n • >U ted to Idm. < >dl«>' on liroad Street, . • t*» onie ' fall, A ntfusta. Ha. ' •'t • us/vm wmcc, Vt«i. \.i\ hh;\o\, st h<jkon rv,\ r ; t <y o -|" < ilidiy inr.inns the i iti/. ns <- . •• 1 : i .ml *, ■ nity. Ihnt In-ha taken an olth wln th« u u. u 11«»!■ -1 I'Uitdlmf. imitiedialelv over (’laytun ,* h v's < 1 h>i h nip -ti.i'f, when* lie In prepared to ;• • in •il ooemiioii* jt.Ttalninj'to tliv rroiertshm. A \■ •' e’d tie in n .peel fully soil' ~d. apiT ‘ i n. ivnvksis, «t anx \i:\ at i.wv «v m>ij rjt) J*4 .'»• I Augusta, tin. All huso v j; •v |I nln ti e pan id' his pi'or.'.tT.nn, entrusted In .. ill I"- di*M itur,'.* ! v.itn tel.-I'd\ . Ojlic.- -.Vi i \ u:u . n illnc*. u.i/O ! k V*ly liidTis'i' mithe—!.«ea at tiiwi g*" ««*•»».,_ hit . F.Oi* I MUM \ \ j..", • . jK-' ~j « '+ s-J's Htllj iiifVirtm* lili trlenti /TVv-"'"’- that he Inserts lull . i i V‘Y Y * 1 '• n f*Pand lowei, , . t i 1 'I•!, from Tj •. eH* tO 11 iMI • v/tt»i Hold from Ito .*•'». All otherojn-ratlonn in ( p10p..Hi, ,11, nu*l Miirented. t live tdlu il e.ill nn*' specimen.', (HI u Mo j. I, Mro.a l-f»t. |.ml.» t» FOR SALE. $ M, mo MAM; U **- • I loot • Voiin • MCI.] ' : 2 Two Horse \V,\<it >Ms ; t n, <>■ Hoi;-- Uxpo'.-H WAfjtiN, (new); \LSO Hale- (Jianlleviile I 1 S! IKM PINOS, an t ,i.i A l.ot olSeeond hand (i lt.\ I M ; AI *K ' . tf**“’l , i,e above property will he o!h ii d for '-ai»* -i '!i< M* ii 1 1. *1 House on the lirst ’i ueedn vhi Man'll le .1 hi.!' previously deposed of. Apldy' to ai.kkuu r.Akk::. At the Stop' of Hakkii A 'Vmi.i. U I I'J dtt* iUti 15road st., Augusta, (.• . HOST PLEISAKT ROOT,- CENTHATiE\INci • ' 4 i;ji i n hKiMHuni \i:\v t... H b.»n to .New . orb, via Mohjlu, nu/linUi, and Columbia, tie '.< e l.y CENTKAJj LINE, i'ilO.Vl Columbia to Charlot t \\»it \li:h;ij to v» kudo.v \.i i at NVeldon with Mm a for Haiti; ore, adelpiiia, and New York, v.a I «teivl.U'*.', i.. mi » >t. and <<r hy tSeahoard and lioat. t , v load to^'oii., and Ji;.> SLeumer; i , TICKETS GOOiJ BY THIS BOBIt UNTIL USED. I’a*e ana »;n.e ti e. kwuc an uy airy cither Katlrou-t K- no*. I ids Houle j , Mhronph H,< <Mi,;;.-.l ol NorM, ■: tomtit ami,n..; ami llmt portion fioto ( oluinlna t ■ Weidon i- idtnori entirely Jiui from diol, oAump-. and tre-'ie uork, pas.m,/ through an elevated amt neallljy count ry, i < oon'ccoi, ire rnadeat NY w York by this Ki‘ an* •, «. M..i( am 1 a,lts ton, Wliitc Aioui u.. • Canaria, .v . .-mitnerneis with Ihejr ri■ vant.-, ny taking ti.i iim> will be relieved fioio ii,-* aUu‘->.lie • to '.vir.u. 11. t y are.-unjvcteAt OH otliei root •• Ji. <• iioldlli/ Th.i • ’I :.• !> ;.r cOntfftJ'U t ween 1 »i-p*n ]* ret- t»l i Tar*e. 4>e Uarciul to Uuy Your Tickoi s Via Columbia, S. C. JJ7'"' H. M'-'j': ('lf- - kid from Moutgorn to A. ►u-i.i \ia \i i'.- t J’l/int and Ailaiitu, or by t'oruiiJm' ami Ma«on to Aujtii-ta, tJunie. to Wetdf .s L\. (’. iJiejiM-?.» ),ait,more by Jiay Line, or to Wasbu»i/<<.r v ia Kiehnionu -Lavage Maetcra :■ ..!, .iiv way. for t urt 1 1 er particulars, and Through Ticket r, -•••• «.m:»:i eaids, oi impnic—m New (Jrlcaos of i;. *« lvi> J >L>. 'JO (jfavit l streot * ill Moldie, at (,’UX. l.iLii.V AKh.t'U'..- (diice ; in ii r 4. (••■I Agent M. Ac W. J'. i,.. o to li;vv is \ i, I'afcfctnger Agent, Augi sta. ij\. i . !>. IIKN, 1'0.'.-rnger Agent,, ~,4. >y ; -i itti ATTENTION h jk ll i 1 f, vyini: i.T eV » \l 21. if \VK .11 - * ■ t Me .''ton* c.n til tad j io tr o ,«/is i " ,’»*v lto‘ so.-t OlHt.e corner, wine ue. ; an- prepaje-ito do all kinds of lialli BIiAIDING, c'toC., dk3o., j And \ • :ute tin- same in a ,p« r:or «tyle (>l W OHhM WsLIS*. They Respectfully Sobcit a SHAKE Ob’ Public patrc_ | f«bSO *“ iltf