Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, May 17, 1861, Image 1

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Augusta Evening Dispatch. VOLUME 5. pirating pspatcji. ') l-.V S. A. ATKINSON. 3 per annum £| (Ml I# S Weekly ‘ ] 50 3? AXES OF ADVERTISING: e, 1 '.lay tom 1 square t> days 1,75 2 “ 0.75 i ** 12 * B.iiO • “ LOO 1 “ 1 month 5.»X) l “ ...... 1,25 1 “ 2 “ .... 8,00 “ 5 ** 1.50 1 “ S “ .10^00 \ Largeradvertisement*in exact proportion. , i A ivcrtisements published until forbid will be rigid *o cents per square for tiie first insertion and j HUri#’ ■ cuts for each coptinuance. TERMS CASH. Ilie demands of our business reader It necessary for us in require Cash far aCI.-whcrtiseuianls uat contracted for by tisc year. £v?° Notices of ;i legitimate business eiiMiaiter will be published u t/.is col ’■nm at 10 cents a line. TK.\ ( l. \ l » Will secure iho delivery of the Daily - l)‘"pillcfl FOII ONE WEEK those of onr cit sens who may wish to take it that way. Persons subscribing by the week w ! ll 4 write their names in memorandum books r.i possession of the carriers—pay the .arriers in advance—and look to them for the papers. —« * • Dispatch lor IVnsncola. Our citizens who wisli to send the Dispatch to their friends at Warrington •or Pensacola can have it mailed at 10 | cents a week, or three months for s>l. Onr City Edition. Our edition for city subscribers will K ’be issued hereafter at 4 o’clock. This * will enable us to present a summary of || news from the one o’clock mail. STANDING CG3IBHTTEES AXI) Board of Health: I AproIUTEU IN' ACUOXPANOE WITH A lIKSOLUTh»N m CASHED UY TIIE OITY COUNCIL OF AL’UUSA,, AI’UJL la-ii. accounts:—Robert on, Chairman ; Heard, Fleiu ■ ’ M I In*. (I >»drlch, asp Drains— Gardiner, (.hairumn; Ev mm i»n . Welwter. Fleming. Fancd—Evans, Chairman; I.o.vis, Fleming, Web '(•l'jiiiiroN LvswturE—Hull, (Chairman; llarncs, jkf Allen, KobjrtAon. Rimwr;—Lewis, Chairman; Hoard, Smith, Hull, l’uups and Well*—Allen, Chairman; Lewis, Goo (rich, Smith. * Engineb— Heard, Chairman : Gardiner, llarnes, &J Hull. Riven Banc and Wharves—Lcwia, Chairman; Harms, Allen, Welwtft. ; South Com no nb—Robertson, Chairman; Evans, in Smith. Goodrich. 'll’liUNm- Sntrxn Watek Works—Heard. C'lkih jl man ; Robertson, Goodrich. Fleming. Market—Fleming, Chairman ; Heard, Robertson, Hid!. lli—Gardiner, Chalrmau; Goodrich, Barnes, Heard. City Hai.l—Smith, Chairman ; Lewis, Goodrich, Aden. .I atr Smith, Chairman ; Robertson, Evan-, >\ eb m< r. Lamps—Webster, Chairman ; Smith, Ileft’d, Gard iner. A i'gusta Canal—Goodrich, Chairman ; Gardiner, Evans. Fleming. Cdmltluy Webster, Chairman ; Lewis, Hull, Evans. Hospital—Barnes. Chairman ; Weiister, Alien, Lewis. Flank Roads—Allen, Chairman; Robertson, Good • i rich. Smith. Print in o—Evans, Chairman ; Gardiner, Fleming, .Hull. Magazine—Fleming, Chairman ; Webster Evans, 1 K'Vrtson. Military—Hull, Chairman ; Barnes, Allen, Gardi ner. j Raii.noads—Goodrich, Chairman ; Heard, (Jar.ll ■ uer. Smith. i Snows and Exhibition's—Himes, Chairman ;Hull j .Allen, Lewis. Special Committekon Water Works—Goodrich, 'Chairman ; Barnes, lie. rd Robertson. RECAi’ITTJLATICN. . j Robertson—Accounts, Houghton institute, Turk j v.ett spring. Market, .Jail, South Commons, Flank iKoads, Magazine, Spedal Committee on Water Work-*. Gaklunct—Streets and Drains, Eng ? nes, Health, Lamp*. Augusta Canal, Fruiting, Military, Railroads. Lewis—Police, River Hank and Wharves, City Hosp.tal, Bridge, Sh«*wsand Exhibi- Heard - Accounts, Bridge, Turknott Spring, Mar ket, Health, Lamps, Railroads, Special Comuuuee «n Water Works, Evans —Police, Streets and Drains, South Com mons, Jail, Augusta Canal, Cemetery, Printing, Mag- A Li.en—Houghton imditute. Pumps and Wells. lLver Bank and Wharves, City Hall, Hospital, Finn A i .-uds, Military, Shows aud fcxhiuit.ons. Fleming—Accounts, Streets and Drains, Police, . i urniD'it. Springs, Market, Augusta Canal, Printing, Magazine. , Ha*t n'ks—Houghton Institute, Engine#, River Baric and Wharves, Health. Hospital, Military, Show- ami 1 K.ihib'tions, Special Con.mittee on Water Works. Smith —Bridge. Pumps ami Wells, South Com mons. Flank Roads, .Jai., City Hall. Railroads. Goonrn u—Accounts. Smith Commons, Turknett I Spring, Health, City Ball, Augusta Canal. Flank Road* R .iroiuls, Spechil Committee on Water j Works. Hull—Houghton Institute, Engines, Market. Cent * cri-rv. Printing, Military. Shows and Exhibitions. V.'irnsTEii —Streets and Drains. Police, River Hank and Wharves, Jail, Lamps, Cemetery, Hospital, amt ; Mag iziue. Tii rowing gentlemen, together with tile Ilea! ii < 'omnuf u* •, compose tne Board of llvlaln lor the en -1 vvaid ‘lf.-’. I—Dr. 1. P. Garviu, James B. Bisliop, j John rosier. , ~ „ T IXo. 2—W. J. Owen?, >.B. Moore. (». I. ; v.b: i Xo. 3—Jno. A. Barnes, John Davison, D. B. 1 \. ! !,-'} No. 4—J. W. H«*lon. ’J'hos. F. StGva’i. S. R l* . ROBT. H. MaY. flavor C. A. anrlG I SOMETHING NEW. TANNER’S PICTURE GALLERY, Over Clarke & Cu'» Jewelry &tere. Entrance Xat Dmt ul»m lie I'ust O'Jict. ra'Ui: rX!)ERBfc,IKOI«AVh« Op 4 ii.‘d Ia d thoroughly rc.ovaUd the am,ve rooms, la«! to furnish his f rieu«is ami the pub.ic geueral ly -v tir.-. hie like y A’«.. all of which will \<t executed m ti e v»-fv tY-st sty:, of the art. and at unprecedculed v low Having had several years experten<v m tt»c rrYWion, he flatters hin-s.-B that he h-u* no -mp'-nor ’ „ K. Wanted roMVKVrV-FIVE LIKELY 8 iui-urt' a'ely, t-* Hi! fn,,A •-its Appl* t ' A. WILSON A »-0., 1 ; ;■ Sm ‘ I ‘-.r S. SiSee Bota K’l’.- -'n-et. "hams. 1 y HO '" •WeSKfinn. Fall & Winter Styles. HATS A CATS. npHE FOLLOWING !\'EW GOODS JUST i Ji received: Cents Fine Molettkin, C:\x-iniere. ! French Felt, Olive Brown. T>ark Peari. Black i >v• *iw. Stiff Hiirn HATS: Bov’s Black and liiv"> v HATS, , Children’s Kancv GO<*l>.'; Men av.l Roy’s CAPS; ! Oonntrv-Msu’.e Wool HATS; Claret Renfrew HATS, ! CANES. GLOVES and FMBRKI.LAS. Also. John Woolen’s (irsuiiteville, S. C. HA i’S. C. T. KEMSEN, 174 Broad-st., oppoaite Augusta Hotel, vOctll-dfim An.'Mist*. Gu. FAB Cl' Dx'lMi tSah DODGE’S ESTABLISHMENT. EHtnbliaitcd in firurnr 5i.,\0.2l 1, tia., A I)., 18. VJ, Vktkserf: hr covn\rE« to dye yV and tiuisli every description of Ladies and Gents wearing apjinrci, all shades and colors from a Ladies Bonnet Ribbon to a bale of Dry Goods. He also manulactiires fine Black Writing Ink, ncl for marking Cotton bags or bales. For sale at whole sale and retail as usual. je2o-dtf G. R. DODGIC, Proprietor. FIRE INSURANCE. « ♦ • Security & Economy. 75 l*E« CK.Vr OK V( TV IMIOKITK III \ IllEil WST V I.L Y IV M U 11* TO I’OI.H V IIOLIIEIIS. THE ELMORE Mutual Insurance Co. OK (’llAlil.Es'i’oN, »S. GASH CAPITAL #2XO,OMK THE INSURED FA II I H I FATE IN THE PROF IT*, WITHOUT ANY LIABILITY WHATEVER. MEIF.CINmS: WILLIAM M. MARI’IN, I n d.ici t. J. Legate Yates A. *. J«;hnsiou, Geo \V. IVTlli.tin.J, V. R. Ta:t, William C. Bee, ILnrvHuHt, i s . N. Hart J. Reid Hoyl-trm, John B. iaifll'e, Hugh K. Banks, Win. C. Couriney, L. L. Adams Ld'.v. Sebrtng, i’. S r . Chamberlain, JOSEPH WHILDEN, Sec y Si Treats. The subscriber having been apposnlel Agent for 1 this ci’y, will take risksaa low ua other equally rv- ! siioiiaiblc Coi.ipanie.-. A. M. J U’KSOA, Agriir, marl-dJm 24.', Broad Street. NORTH CAROLINA " MILITARY INSTITUTE, OKARLOTTH, N. C. rwwv ITH *E>-Wl<!\ «»K THIS IVSI I- U lute will begin on isf March. Applicants_ will, i however, be received at any time. FHT LTY : M .D. H. Hill. Late Brevet Major Y. S. Army, j assisted by two giaduaßs tis \ v est Point, two of the ) Virginia .YHluary liiMhuie, and one ot the University j of Virginia. TERMA: ♦2'J I t, per nu nth to include every thing except mi- I d«*rclothing. fehls-dtf Liquors, Wines, Cordials, 75 f 3 f% Utils, of Choice old Monong iiiela VVIIIS -8L 'Jt m KEY', Gibson’s I Land; :l h bis. of Choice Bourbon WHISKEY ; 75 “ “ Rectified do Pike'# and Walter’s Brands: 20 Bhla. Rose d f N : •>0 " N.E. RUM: 15 “ Don. -suc BItANDY; i ~ k *& y* Casks Pure Cognac BRANDY; 2 “ Jamaica RUM ; I F’pe Pure Holland GIN ; lOßbis. Pep; imintCuKDiAL IO - Malaga WINE; 5 O * ’asks London PORTER ; IO ** Scotch ALE ; 50 Ttozen Bottled LIQUORS, WINES and CORDIALS ; J 5 Baskets CH A MFAGN E, in Piuta; Siadeira, Fort, Sherry and Tenerlffe WIN JES. On hand and for sale by eb22-dA< f A. STEVENS Syrup, Syrup,Syrup. IJ v H R ls L s GIIOICK \h W O ll leans S\fup. belecteu e * pr‘> -jy lor this mar ket. r <-r sale 1»y IiEN K Y EDM«> N DS'l’t >N, At M. F. Stovall’s Warehouse, Jackson-st. aprll _ AUG-USTA SAVINGS HANK. IXTEREST ALI.OHT DS DEPOSITS. Ofilin' at tlie Insuranri! Hank 2111 Hroad-Sit. j Open Daily, from 1 o’cl’k nntilsunset. Interest paid on.) >l:ijle ruontlii dejio.-it IX TIIK FIRST WEEK IV JVXLARY interest wx> • redited to each De|Mg»itor on all mo nies that had neen defK>sited iu the precceiltog six montiis. and tins** credits will uovv draw interest whether entered or not on the pass book.-, of the De positor*. Account? are opened for the snal est sums as v/cll 1 as tor large depodts. WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC. Freridcnt. ! C. K. McCay. Treasurer. febltf-dtf i B. S. Sanchez, RECEIVING, 'PORWAIUyim AVD ( OM’.IImIOV MLIU I! VXT, l favanxaii GE'in<;iA. A.MI'LK VHHAVULMLVT* liave been nitile :or pr«»iut aN't c.»rjtul niieiition to rtctivitig atiU R»rwunllnj( v ;i; to the above aitjrees. Illafl dtf PICTURE FRAME Manufactory. K \. If \RPKfI KI’If.L <’ONT3\L K>9 • r.. .*arry on Mie toovc busin*«s«, mulin'the name r.r HARPER A* LADEVEZK, and will atteid 1 pronij'ttv t/> xil or»h*i> in their line. A good stock of Ovals, bpandels. Tassels, and Picture Glass kept on hand. Tlie public can rely uoou having t ueir Picture# Framed promptly at.! neatly. Infctiding to do a g’rtctly c’AriH businesg. tney will be done up at tiie ; LOWEST Cash prices. PIANOS TUsIEO AMD REPAIRED, Actordeotiv Melot’erin,. Violitot. Violit, Rows. li.,r -kM tetd otiivrMusi' a!! repairett« hereto HARI'Elt* I.AftEVEZE. >o. ’ - Kclotodh-otoppogiie the l’ost OFt'-e. ' \rl: dtf ! HEKRY t DMOWDSTON, Produce, Commission and l oru arding Merchant, ALUIKI’A, UEOHIiI rr~ al M. I*. farttVALL’s t ire-r’rnf.f Warv 1 bos*. Street. ui-ilti-Utiat AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, MAY 17, 1861. yy> 101 W.WT WUISKEKS { DO VOl WAXT WHISKERS l DO YOU W AY! A M STACHE ! 10 YOl WAXT A 111 STAC HE ! BELLINGHAM’S CELEBRATED STIMULATING ONGUENT. For the Whiskers and Hair. The HUBscßinaßs tike i*le\s. ure in announcing to the (.’itizens of the United States, that they have obtiined the Agency for, and i are now enabled to otter to the American public, the »b3VP jutfth* celebrated :vid Worid-rcnownctl article. THE STIMULATING ONGUENT is prepared bv Dr. C. I*. Bp.i.i.inghav an eminent nhv.dcluu of London, and is warranted to bring out a thick si t of W hiskers or ;l Mustache in from three to six weeks. This article istheonlv one of the kirni used by the Fieucli, and in London and Paris it is d» universal use. It Is a tmtuttful, economical, soot long, yet stimulat ing compound, acting :is if by magic upon the roots, causing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. It ap plied to the scalp, it will cure dai.dnrsh. ami cause to spring up in place of the bald spots a tine growth of new i.air. Appli.-d acvonling to directions, it will turn kki» ortowy hair dark, and restore grav hair to Its original color, leaving it soft, smooth, and flexible. The “Onguekt” is an indispensable artic ! e in every gentleman’s toilet, and after one w.-ek’s use they would not for an> consideration be without M. The subscribers are the only Agents for the irtiede j in tin* United States, to whom all « -liters must be ad dressed. Price One Dollar a box—*br t.tie l*v all Drug.d. ls • and Dealers; or a box of he “Ong«ent” (wa. muted t" have tiie desired effect) will Iks sent to any who desire it, by mail (direct), securely tracked, on receipt of price and postage, *1.13 Apply to our ad Jr* .*# HOfl ACIC L. IIEGKYf\i\ A VO,, OKUOfUSJS, AC.. mat2l dxelv ?4 William Sireet New York. Free Forwarding! rill VATU BONDED WAREJK)I-&E8 AM, ( IKIOM UUlhi: imOKEItUiE. ! EMVIIB UNKERSIOKKH HAS, WITH Mw«-, ■ Brigham, Baidwm »Vr (’<»., M«-. sr ; . Wilder & Gal , Ik . and Messrs. Hunter tV Guininell, forunsl an Asso j eiation tor the purpose of mitering at tiie <’u-t >iu 5 House, and storing in Bond, in accordance with tin: I Revenue Laws, any Goods arriving at lins poll vs Inch J may he entrusted to ids eustmiy. lie being the managing and active partner, has bonded, with the app oval of the Secritar> of tlie Treasury, commodious Warehou es, where all Mer chandise coming to this port can he stor-d. every at tention paid to its pro eivatiou, and for pr«>.opi delive ry, when entry ha* been made at the Custom House, at. the lowe t possible tarifl charges. Mcrchaiullsc destined to The interior, v* ill be ent' r ed for payment of duties, or in bond, as mav be requir ed by the Consignees. All Goods coilsig ed to nim lobe forwarded, will receive the greatest dispatcli, :«t the lowest rate of charge, and in such manner as may be directed. If tin* the duties are to be paid iu tlii« |K>rt, funds limit be provided tor that; hut it I to he forwarded in bond, the requisite bonds will be given. Goods entrusted to the undersigned, conrigned to points in tie* interior, 'rill I**’ fn warded bv Raiboad.-, urether conveyance, asxtirec H. ftw of c >tiflinlHriott. An experience of nearly twenty >ears iu ti e details of thtstom I louse business, and a tboro.igh acquaiu tanee with the Warehou,e laws, in every detail, will enable this co jHirtuerfhip to givr the gr atest dc:- puLclr consistent with the -afetv oft tie revenue. t’HARLKS ri. WALDKN. Office in Clagliorn »v Guiminghaiii’s Building, ! Captain of Police JS-A-X-iES \V ILL III': SOLD ATI 15 DAY AIOHN J ** ig. *”»th inst., at . In* lower Market, House, iu f the* ettv, between the usuariiouis of sale. One bar j rel vvijskev, )■. band sugar, % barrel slielled com. j y /(f Ih»x l ipes. 1 box starch, y box of nindles, V t box ; «'igar.-, box soap, J quarU r sacks flour, 1 jar nut ] megs, a -ars candy, 1 empty glass jar, l shoulders ha -1 con. lev id <m as the property of Nicev Kucksell, to j satisfy aFi Fa issuing from the Ueeoid»*r.H< 'omt, of the city ot Augusta; levy made this 12th of April, i i-vtd. W. L. FRY'tR. aprlJ-td Captain ot Follce. MRS. 11. L. PRITCHARD, j 310 161, Opposite .McdiiiiikV; Uaiiik, Is now prejiared to sjiow a HANDSOME SUPPLY | AY!) SI MMEII Bonnets, Hats, ri tnlillitg, Silks aud La tes, | to which she invitestlie attention of the Lulies. | Tlieae articles will lie sohl iow tor<!a»li. aprl- rl2rn « . i „• m oO " H „ t i H s ~ K-.--C EKi ** 5 .S O m; h * ~ ■= koj = ! erf ® r*i §e. *Ti | ! n J =o .-j pj » !C • - -S5 < s i? 2j O s ! S a x - * x 45 Ti (H 5 -zri “I 5|4S g H « ,* 2 sin or Ho <~3 Sslaß * Hi •Kj if 5 Si "8 g an * Oats, Oats, Oats. 2000 81,w,8 - w WS ATBfr “ te HENRY EDMONDSTON, | At M. P. Stovall’s Warehouse, Jackson-ri. mar2o d6t GEO. M’DUFFIE STOLL, Will be* pleased to see his friends at Horton & Shepherd’s 120 Mtfutiug-st., Charleston, S. C. nritfCHK >1 \Y BK POI'.XD TIIE largest w w and best assmted r4<x:k of RAYGLS, COOKING STOVES, \Yarming Stove# of the niONt improved #ty Ich. ' LA UNDRY STOVES, FA RMER’S BOILERS, i GRATES for i’ark rs, t'handlers, Olbx*s, Ac., Man- j ties, Copper, Brass and IttOY FORCE AVO LIFTfUCi PIMPS, All kinds of HYDRAULIC APPARATUS and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, At prices which cannot tail to suit purchasers. • Repairing of Stove-*, Kange?., I’limps, &c„ proorptlv ’ atienued t«». A!ho. Country and Factor’s Orders will receive strict attentive. aprikritfn Potatoes & Onions. • HBLK PhWTIVU POT \TOKfc; SWU 150 • Pwci Blow db 50 “ Mercer « cio “ Rml ONIONS; Just received and tor sale by C. Churchill. . fdi* dtf THOHAS RISSEL, CHKAPEHT MWmcil HIM, Jeweller in this < itv. wb»he« to iu!*«rm the citi- • eric of Augusta and vicinity, that be ha# lately re- i unit'd from New Y'ork with all the facilities Tor work L hb* line of bni*i»ie«. He guarantee# to do it a# web ir inv hotise N<>rth or South, and atuiudriowerrateH. All kinds ot horietv Piim and Badges tirade to oiu«r. i.d V. atriieo Clocks neatly repaired, (,'ane** f canted aiao. 8b oppotite the Podi Office. otl°4l uioarwiriued Inlit— r.iar'.er Periwtuai. MNA INSURANCE CO. or mmroii i> coxy. - Ai IT AI #l.Mo.ono >I'MTUb .MW.UW) ASSETS 2,1‘.H.000 fMIIsrmiPAXY WELL L\ this city aud throughout the S »uth; ns the lead n,: Fiie Insurance Om pany. It has earned a reput a ton tot prompt attention to burinesn. aid ih honoßi »’e, lil • ml and equitable performance of it# obllga lOen unequalled by any other t’umpanv. B.H. BROADNAX. Agent, for Augusta and vicinity. Office IG6, Broad-#t .. Opposite t he y2l ly Bridge Batik Buildings. DISSOLUTION. '■mie uo-ivurrvirasinp ov dohey ■ A the Hotel Business at theU. S. Ito el. was dissolved on Uic 2V»!h of last June bv mu tual consent. A igunn, aug&s-dtf Relief in Ten Minutes, 1 miYAN’S Pulmonic Wafers. lie innNt eertnin nnd specify Remedy ever diHcovered for nil Dimchsc’# of lit** Unc#t n--d Lung#. Uongh#, d’dld#, .\#Uiiiun, Consumption, Bronchitis, Iniliien /.n, llonryonom*. Ditticnlt llrcnlh trig Nur Tlmmt, Ac. Ac. These Wafers give the most tiistHutaiuvnis and per ei*t iciief, and when perseveroil with mvordhig to ••reriions never fiTMoeffect a rapid nnd lasting cue. f. t>uaun ds have U*en rest ored to per'eet health wii<» .n ve tiled othrr nnsins In vain. To all clh.*ae# and all institutions they are equally a Messing and a cure— . tot.e need despair, no matter how J«»ng the f may have existed.or however *-'evere it. may bo, pro- /loud the iiriaiiiic si suet ute of the vital organs is no uopeli v»B' ileejiyed. Every one afflicted should give j liem an iiiij'art.ia! trial. To YtM’AI ISTSai d FIV.UCSFKAKERs.Ihe-c *> ah isarc pei uliarlv valuable; they will, in rmrriax \ enw ve the iiioml n<*veiv •nr;udon:d hoanuuiesH, and » their regular use l<*r a few days will, at a!! tines, in, j ‘•c.c«e the power mi l flexibility of the voice greatly . nuiroving Its tone, n>iiq ass and clearness, i r which * mpose they uroicgtti - ul\ used by many p eo*ssioiul j vrsalLsts. JOB Sit )SEB, tfoi.* t*ron >tor, i uecavster, N. Y. ! Price 25 cents pi > box. h )» wale in Augusta h) ‘L'v<ILANI\ UlfK’lli'.S -I.F. A «‘t)., and all dcaiet -n medicines in tbcSmith- i my 25-ly * " Augtbsra Savings Bank.! IXTKIIF.ST tI.T.OUKD OX UEI'OSiTS. OHU r at die liiHurnucc Hank. 2 Ft Hrcnd*#t.. .j OFBN DAILY From 4 O’clock to Sunset. IyOM.Y ItbnilriiV SI SDH T Miril'K ifUl ot iii cn-c-tot nc<c.-.siiv, YviUioiil tioiKT. *\- i.n i e.tlehof deposit having interest will he is-omd to tho-e- \ who pM-lerthem to the ordlnai y Receipt-B Mtk. In- i tcreri ;dioxved lot a singde month’s deposit. Famplilcla j with I 'haitci am! ls> -Laws ready tor disliiluiiion. 'v M. M. DAN TIGNAC, Frisid-nt, 4 r F. Met'ov,Treasurer. orilf A UAISII. HAVIYIJ I lilMinY !>!-UDsLDOf* \\\ entire stock hi trade and Buslues.-, I to mv brother \\ WooimuKr, 1 take this opportuii'ty to return tuy thanks to my Patrons ai d Friends gen enilly, hn their liberal pi Iron age exl endwl to me, ard 1 would respcetn.liy solicit a coniiioiation <il the miiiu-'i lor Mh* new coiicrn. at the same Old Maud -o long " -«-eu|gi<| by me, .whit the full assurance that nil husi nesscutiusU'tl in it, will i*«- with prompt* ness ami s;d'■ taction toiJi inieritsted. ReH|H‘Ctfull)V M. W. WOODRUFF. / ngusta, Ga., Oct. 4,1 <O. X C.VKK. H iTitrinsKooF m iir<>u» r At. \V”. IN oodrnfl, bis entire sun kiu trad* mil inteiett in the ( oinudssioii Bushk •, 1 \yill loutiune. the Produce and General ('oninilsHlon Imsiness in all ' its branches at ihe .same old stand (H’cupn d by liim, * corner Reynold and M' lnto.-h-streets, and with ever\ n*-csv*ry ari;uigeue nt I'm 1 oj the . ) 1 A’llielt a share ol the public , p:ui«*».gv. TtieitMial «ash hwilithw vsdll lx.* extended when wanted. <’ash advances will l»c nmih on con signments in store. refureucc will he : elicerluily given to all who ark it. K. WOODRUFF. Prmiuccftinl General i'om. Merchant, riorner Reynold anti Mclntosh streets. Augusts, Oct. 4, *t»* m-tO-tf ' Wanted. B >llo*l I IO MM) Cord. Tnum-rV llnrh. . mib'iui Apply to J. Wg»tTRvH, Ango.-i.i. Muscovado Sugar, j iioi;»iie\i».-, is HOXi>, omi i Bright Muscovado Sugar, | now lauding Iroin brig “ Ihdlic Jackson,” and leg ’ B. S. SANCHEZ. i-avann: b. April 2 Kd NOTICE. IlfK Alt H \OW MAYLFIf.TI lU\G V V uudei the niperinteaulciice o. J. I*. WILriON* and arc picpate I with GOOD WORKMEN AND TUB BEST MATERIALS, TO MAMfltiniE EVF.ttY K XD OF Gents’ Shoes, Boots, &c., I j and will beplea lie generally to give us their jiatronage. ; Cali at (he Shoe store, on rite Oorner o[i])oate (he Cost ORire. FOSTER BLODGET, JR. March 2!). ’KI. tt G. P. GBEEN, (|MTOinJ AM) MKilt*HA.VI' I AILGL J Broao xtreel, i 1 ave on hand a rim stock, j ot Cloths. Caseivicres and Vest Inga, w hich I will umk# to measure, cheaper : tan gooff Norihem Clothing. Busmens >uit«an.l B »ys Clotldug made to order, i I have a large Htwek m Georgia am! • ,'arolina Jean# whieh I will make up lr.i» *lO to oer suit, sent 4 all VVK JI HT PUT UP A WORK MIDP- No. :’,»'»■* Broad Mreet, Upper Mark) t. and wih ; f Vari.isii (kraches complete for $-'».00; Buggies, ojie j I coat, for $2.00 or two coat# for Tt..vt; Uil the Top ami ; j Apron ani Varniftii *100; Vaniii , :i Bed tends atm . ; >taiu »be Sido from 7 : * f, 'T Is to *1,2.>; VuitiMi Dr .w • •r-wtii« *l.<Ki; Vaini.-ii Drawers v. lhout glav i to 73cents; Paint Hous».* l'hiiir» and Stripe W cent ; { Y'arnl'h do. 2*> cents; Bo -kers -A) to GO coot *; ao lwill Paint Bath Tub-. Ac., Jte. Furniture Repaired. I have just nr rived a fine assortment of Coach ami j i Furniture Varnish. W. N. PAESELL. NOTICE. ; C. CHt RdilU. Urm i.D I.VFOH*I III*- FHIKYII- kill eu-tomers that he ha- ,ju<? renn: 4 »-l frw j fae i North, and U nov/receiving lus usual supply «f pn»- \ du< e. which he will sell at tin* very iow>- t f»ri« t--.. j.t his old stand. No. v, Mclntosh-fttroet. jie has kutr in f j triore— -150 Boxes Fine State Cheese. 25 K’UKCIIOifK «.OHIIK\ ill TTER, 50 Übh reach Klow X I'mk Eye Pwlat«e« 50 DDLS. ONIONS. of) BBLM. PE.IMK NORTHERN AJ»PLi«. mtl2 \V~ J Mease give me a Cali !_X?J ts A €ARiI. OH. \.\V. B\ILKY«FFKUwIIIhPRO fetfIonai sCTvtowt<» the eit'aeii’i ot Augusta and - Vicinity, ufllc*; Jackson street Piosprial. « ai'rt-dSw Railroaa Register. .z: ■ : (EOKcit i:A!i,-noe.>. Onand after SUNDAY, January 1.., its), Facvj i ger Train t.#*•»»*» a • .mi l', M, ” ....... 1 A . Arrive nt Auiomßm rt Os. \ M ** *• •• . titnp. v ATHENS —«M tfIO»YP K\*’Kl I . Li ave A wgt j.'tn at 12 •■ • A L*.ive Atlanta at * : 4‘t F. >i Arrive at Athens at w A. N. Athens at ! 1 no A. Arrive at Atigturinat t* 20 i*. M Arrive at Atlanta at. . 11 »'• F. M. svr* N. B. -Notram on Atlicnn Braneh on Sm.u. WAHVtXOTON nnxxutl—Hl NI I A Yf• K.V I'l Ix-mxx* Washington t • Arrive at Augusta »' 20 . Arrive kt At! 4tita 11 i » . hoiivo Augusta 2 •■frt : . Ni. J.eave Atlanta . 1" *• iA. M. Arnveat washu-gton vo F. M WAUIt l£Nt' »N DUANCiI SINJ'AXS K:,r ICJKt *. I. Warrc’-ton non j . \» Atnve ii Ac. nsia •-»> i'. M. Airive at Atlanta 11 I' F. M Leave A'leiirttH 2 1. M. J. Atlanta A. M. Arrive at Warrontou «* ■“ F. M C :•». YoN'iE,lien’l S'lp’t. SeiTU VAKOLIXY UAil.-liOVi). I Charleston a. m. Arrive at Augusta 1 l'*t. v. ! Lea\T < haiicrimi 2 "<0 v. m. Avnvoat Augusta 11 15 e. m. I.chvc Augiwti 7-'*o\.y. Arrive ot < ’liarlesfo." fi 40 r. v. .Lenvu Avgusta... 71 •i. v, » Arrive at Charles!mu Dla.m, *i ATCUI’A K WEST l*«hYT K.tSl.-«<05l. | laaivea Atlanta in 10 A.M. * ” ” 12 an A. M ' Arrives :*.t West F atit •! 10 F. M j 4rt A. M I 3 Leaves West Point •< no F. M j “ • - • ir» A. M. * At rives a* At.amn 7rid F. M. J •no A. M. GlfiD. G. U’- I.L. upurlDtmidciri. | u»:sn i: w ATLAvrk siajl-roas), j Leaves Atlanta 10 :’V\. M J Leavea ChaUanoo ;:t '! *A M 3 :nn F. M. ! Arrives id Dalton 4;?F. M. | “ •* :’!■■. A. M. 1 A r, ivv at ('beHaii'..,;' • .7 lA. M. i! *. M. | ’’ “Atlanta...'. I 4<) F. M. “ - 11 F. M. ? (riim ct * wit)i tiie groat New *)i leans iml New Ym) | Mall R*'Ub', toui tune.* « d i\, throm;|i tin* I*n v illex v < Italy td America.' Spbualbl soenerv am! h**mde'iii/ : fare. J. \V. I,KV/riupeilirtemlonf ItILL-UC.iu. v !, I.leave Atlanta 2 1 .*» i*.m. V Arrive at Macon.. t•e. m I cure Macon I i • v; vt. , Arrive at Atlanta 7 I" e. \t. •I LmTeAttwlik (uwn) I ' "•> M. Arrive at Maenn 7 b» A. M j Leave Macon (night)... 12 00 m. .. Arrive at At t.antu 715a.'4 The eight ti.lius will not lie run on Sundays, i The 12 oYhi t: m M tnin Irmu Atlanta nnc | with the Cmilral Rail Road |br Savannah, at Ml. , m.. and South West< rn, for Albany and Coluiulmm, a < y »•* a. m. || Tin- II oVlim '; m. 11 t'm i «tT||i--i.s with tic ('cnl i.a .j Rail R'ud at tn p. m. and South Wcst«*rn .»• 11 I'< i v i* Through f 'Li!:-., pon. Atlanta t" New \ k. •» !; ltu«i line f.'t.On. A I.! »:»-.!» 1,. TV t.F’t, Son’t lExnai. uAiuiuYi). J I .cave Savannah 10 Oj asu, I .n p m : .'id II 10 p n Arrive at Macon. ' An a in ami It o’pu *{ Arrive it, Angn-ta . oama ciii K) j» ti Ariixe :*.l Miilcilgeviilu.... . 12 -•*» i».n ; l.'*;*\ 0 Macon | f ).(Kl aui ntid 10.00 pII * Arrive at SaVannali... ( 21* :i in, i top maud 10 iffpti I, Arrive at Augusta .<> .50 am an I ji in ]; «l.eavc Augusta 12 jo a ni and 2 Off p n I A'i ,n .'eal Silvan nan 7 2'.i u m ami 104 op n •1; at Mucoii s i m and 12 o’tpK !; Tma.s that leaV'Savaimnb at h)oh a in. only mi JI to MM.-,, mrivtng tlc rc :»* ..10 p m, umitucliug wjtJ JlO an; Macon iraiu to A'lg'i.-ta. i'‘»iok r* la 1 , tn.' the 2 |sp m Ira’n at Angnita wd fj leave p ni aud tiirive al .Savaneah ct 104( : pnu Puw* , »i?s*«n-kv ) I 10 p m from Savannah will gi ![ through diiuil t<> Au;. , u.-ta. I Passengers t*v«ilH:r. I.eior 11. to n m fron Srtvaiiiiali to *»fai on or points beyond, will meet with i Ito detention at, Macmi. Fas* aigi is fur Atlanta, or poinU beynnd o: Wesfen '! A A. K. R. will leave Savannah oil the 1..50 p. m j .train; for Miiludgevllle and hat on ton on pn; ,; .train ; lor South Western ib*il Road, below Fort Val diy, on 11.10 p ni train ; thus- ior Colunii'/t, Moel 1 p»imay, Ae„ mav tuse either train. !. S'.fv*' , i|._, , is immii Aognst'.t, lor .*ou , h W"-ti rn Geor ij g.... should till e. t!n- 12 •"•) a m train, avoid dri* ntloi I at, Vaivm. 'T• ios-• for Golttml/js, MiiUlgoincry, «kt. | in iv <ak - elth- r ! rain. " Tt kins eoMieet at Menu villi M;non »V We .ten | 4,rubu*.*o Gi'ilih; unit Atlanta, and the V* e-t ;al will .Sonih Wc.*l. j n l;aui-to Albany, Culhhcit, Fulaula T’ori Gaines. A»i«•-»'»< ns. Coiumteis, Monlgornery. Ac. aunt at Milieu w itn Aogiirta and Savatniah R. R. t< Augtihta and tiie iimlh ; at Savannah with !}"• Irl v;eekiy Sfcamsliiii. lo New l oik; ulao, with B Learn to Phikutuiphia and Ba’liinoie. I#y tliik chai-g* in : rhcUnJc, tin coimedion, botl •wnyw. at Augurtn. with the soiiih Carolina Rail Boa* ls-sm urtid, am! nas.VMiaiM’H will have no dclc-itiou u Augusta <ir Alilicn, a- hen iol* rc. GLri. VV. ADAMH, Gcn'l ‘ up’i .February 21, IStiU. inh'il dtf KRMMMpeow *rmmr.-m* -nr—w amsmirm-mrni , Sothem States Hotel Broad-it., Augusta, Ga. MOSHER & CREWS, Proprietors. 4*4 fßnriiH LUiRK ami mix; k*t\i» Ji lirthed IB> I hi>. having bia*n tliorouglily re fit. tc«l and re furnished il.dr siunim r. i.s now pn pared Kilinl'y all tie* wants of the trtvcfUtng cr.miiiunitv, at file iiiont, reu.-<4iiuuV terms. From its cent nil ; oititiffn, in the lNstltldiMt pad of lie city, tin: United Slatesha always enjoved a large , hare of the public patronage and the proprietors are determined to spare i.ritLe i ( V--KH L'/i expense iuliy to stinUin iti) auciciil leputa l on an a first chum J1 otcl. fL-IIIJ'; l HAVIiV; 1)IH- J| i(t>.-4'd of hieioterc.i n l he above. Uotel to Mr. 'I A"M|H CaLwe, J’l Imiis h ‘nicer.- tbffiiks tollie, pub ' Tic for tbj» ir Ijlieral j-atronage, a;;u «.mim >.ds U*» ; new firm lo their cotitl/iued taw* Hi.d patrmuge. ! de(E-d»r' JiJ&Kl'li liusA.VJoND TKK i USIUEh SEWING MACHINE. ra'UK MAKKJiI* AMI KVKH KXTKMI. I in,, iM>puluriiy „l I'inic ri Mii in AiuvriCH »•.'! Kur.,|,c —is «'i' htu m-*» Liblbh thell* MipiMority ev«*i a!l others in tue iia.rkct. Sewing Machine,**--o<» *'Lisi» -may l*e bought, it Jr ti ne, lora smalli» amount of dollars, but it is ncsUikei r ecr-Momy t/» invent anything in a wo,till '.-.s or unrelia jl ble article, mill Uiosc who ill do ui mast abide thf li con.-M-quencea l fi hi Mi KB> % L WIT M? LY M \VUV% F>. ji In order to 3»lH« e the 1 world within the r-.y.h ct all, we, have reduced *»ai . ieinr. A Maaiiln; beautifully ornuinentcd—to fflO 1 No. 1 and 2 Sta'iriard Shuttle M:vhim r. : both of very gem-ial ajrplication and 'Opacity, and i popular faith in l#n laiiiif*/ ami mnnMlaetoi,. Fri< <> f) reduoed, ri'iipeciiveiy tiowi %i /< and *i V) to *.'• and , SIOO. finger’s Standard Shuttle MmJiim*, Urmr <j rtugejnakera and heavy h it her work. Frice. a,m M piffle. ) 1 An. Aivu to <■-•liij.letetl •i. Ran ctitiiriy m w « artirie, ui.cquftlhri for niHntri.u turitiv l NniHti.KH *. RAPlff, aud ' apaele of every kind of work price (Including iro* jflamland draweisj siilu- cheap ) er .J that |n view </ its value than the machine of ftii> f other maker Hi i/>ft. , , , $ Aii of singer >Mv be • maketh ini'rive.;! d- Uh 1 wit,U two thread.-, wiiich ir 4j.c tM *i st.trij known.- f Every j***r >ol» deHirilig to pfm oi’'l’oi ulel leihtble m f manat ion altjiii .erring M:u Uim-. iin ir nix* a. « r., working* and th" bea met.hoils of iMirehai* legcaa olrtuin it ny n».*H<Jii g tot * ni f. M. si:*”- f KK A* o.n (/A/.Kii which Is H ‘-'a iti’.ll f-' pa • per. entirely devoted to the subj»A. It will uk SLP J I'LI*OORAT». . .. !■ '1 m* ,ux vc an: the r.A ca J b K ’ tr in-j*<n •• n \ ( roil tie; Jew York oflj"’ !o the p!-"' "j w *» ri.-rg'd. » I- M. ' 1 ■' f,; ‘ iyj’*' i>,oad-.<5s i, * t, A-ig’i-'ta. Ga. Jyl7tf * M < TriI L S. Ag< tit. KOliT. 1, GKAWUA', Miiolc-iile Bf.alrr li» ’ PKODUCE AND PrtOVISIONS, AXP General Business Agent, . : I eUOMITLV TO 11!>- ;<fiWr. ou »prwoiw*ay NITMBKR 114. Professional Cm a.-, I . -7*- -- _ - 3 - - l >K Oil ' ll LI- IM{l>U!>M(>\\L . vices to ti t* d‘i" N- <4 Atlgusiu. *»v b.VRRT A i'M i \ M Syne. K. lUKSttN, *, I!(m\KVUI,VH . 4 it. Eqi’itv. Auimsfl. (Hi.: will prueri t 1b t. in-'till, ('n!tin. tjurko «tnurtU-a in • J<*' »> :*. :u.' ti fin* Cimilt t'mi. tof tin* ignited States t n lU* :* ? ri.**a of io*nr*{i:». Commissionar tor the N.iteJ Alabama. (Vnuessec md Texan. Office over thi sf<•»e of fftheminn, Je-wup *• *«.tn x :i»*ovnth- f ’ity think: feb:\ c «!.* l\_. VtaiCßT x * TTOUM'VKATI. VtV,YICI H ! \.«i» w UUI vr.\ -'ice iu nil tlie counties ot lu* Nf { ir<*iil\ aril V.V > ri-o ami Lincoln of the N uin-Tu.- t)i'ic > fv- «fieet., in Lafayette Hall hi l-hior. A..IL WRUIiiT, WM. • oN <Ucl v flillh U. <\ Tiim:*r\ ati.wv. uuist I ’4 will In ;ii f.i,'li,t'„- . I lit.- ill ; p I Circuit, and tii l' i » ’ireult Court of the Culled state hMtt.NKi: VOll New York, North Carolina, Ihlnm?, ] MiVtftiusliiiKelte, Sonlh Carolina, Kcnluckv j Pennsylvania, Florida, oino, Virginia. Mississippi, C.ilifornJ* office in tin* rearruotn over Sherman, Jetwup Store. opposite the United States Hotel. K. T"ovr.s, I ]>. M. I>sii (St . Washington, Gn. I Augusta, n TfH»JCB k ttIKOSE, 1 0 Tii Ol’.V'Ys \T I.WY, Wll.l. ril\4 . ti* 1 * m ttc*c»mntieM»f Rh hmond, Colum an . j ! ;, ifke of the Midd'e, and ’I allafero. Elbe n. . . U lur-n. Hancock ami <»_lethorpe of i».e ortherr Circuit. -»r -<'U JHEtt' .!ia.:.U>uE, Jr., I # rTOU.YKV 1T1,WV,X0.3, W.IR.IB* f v l>h *k. will practice in all the counties of 'he Middle t JiiyuU. octlO-tf tomm k khdakds, %TT«!tNKVS \TLWV, V\» SOLIIf I , % Im> hi Equity, Kiljfef.c.Ui, Sontli Carolina, will jgi protnid. all* ntion to ah claims entrusted to them n geiiidd and tin-adjoining Ili.-n it ;. L t>W 1 N UICIIAKHS, Augusta, Ge". .IOIIN I/. AiMHSON, 'mgiV' ts Eil»fcfl**hl Court. l!*i".s*'. w o. Ca. I*. V.. .IAHES, 4 1 i'oim:v / * i.wv, yishym.*. «'» Heri it n county, Georgia. All businessciiirn.46 t to his care will n cofvc prompt aticutiim. 1 autri rtt JOIIV I*. €. Ulim:ilir.A*» Jit., I « r'IOHMtV AT LAW, W yn,> l..roiii'li, r j o 'i l'!7 !!i. IU 'l'tl.i.iAi, <4 I TOkI.VKY AT l-.WV: Wll.l, Ul( ' ;it eionipl attention to :.'l I li’lertriloli, 1 I.VCJ,, en mial.-.I to hiia. <*Uh e onlir'aw Mrect, u*. o. :.t **ia •"* I!.* ! ; Aiitf'iMtu, C.i. cu k)E\l’AI. AMI’Ui;. * rn. A. I\ IIMiAOA, WI IHJKO.S IIKVI jn P i t, icspe» tuiMy liifoniis the elli/ens of Aujr i*'» I oi*i vi< inity. Iliat lw* has taken an office in the Aue.nv a li'itcl huiliiina, hnn 101 tialelvover Clayton so K• »i --id\’; < !.»• mu * Store, where lie is prepared to porhntj .ill <*im laUiiiif; ;•* ilaiiiln*r to the Profession. A shaie * {•wl*m ! dn.ince is lespeetfiiUysolp ~d. apt7*tl Kiam u. i*ewi:as, & ' «••»«>HI \T I.WY .V WH.IdIM ; w in Imj.uh>, An;rusl;i, <«a. All business eo n 114 min tin* paie ot his |*rolc sion, cnliusled to In*- .. will he disehiirtfcd wtlh lidehty. e over .v\ •V arreu bloc*. aug'vdAc.y i>Lvns«’ it'd ri€E—loox at this \ ~ i»a. r.omii.u v \ r<«|Kwi i iroruis his irUnds and Hie 7 / *'* T'f* 11 T*ilt, upper and lower, 011 (•old, fr«> 1 n ♦li.'>.ouioi|l7 *. h'liiin; with (!o|d from Ito*A. All other “pompons in i..»u prop*'lion, and varrenteil. (ilvuidma call and • I spiMuicns. 0(1 • Ni-iiy*. tioiwl st. ianludl "rOR SALE.” D Negro MAN ; '.l Well broke Young MULES; i*. Two lloim* VV AhONS ; I single Home Express AVAGON, (new); —A I>o— l4 SHKKTINOS, and a*k A l.oi of Second-hand (iKAIN feA (HvS. i iV* ~I ne above properly will he offend for Min* •» tin- Mai kit ll*iiiscon the llrst'l'ii«*sday in March next, nub .->.l previously disposed of. Apply to AU'KF.D HAKEII, At the Store <»| P.akmi CasWei.i,, I fi’hlUdtf '-i'Jti lb oad st., August a, Ga. : MOST PLEASANT ROUTE • * * GIUrfAT CENTiiAL MAIL LINE! fSMIHOI Uil TU'HE I SFHOM \K\V OH- R leahs to New oik, via Mobile, A1 outgone . > Augusta, ami (Jolumhiu, tJience by CENTRAL LINE, Fr.ou CGliimbiato Charlotte A\X>IiALK!OII TO \YEU)O.\,.\.C., Connecting at Weldon with lines for Baltimore, i*l •1: - . adelphia, and New Y ork. via JT*tershnrg, Hichrm-n I. and Washington, or by Seaboard und ivoanoke Khii • road 1/) I‘ortmuoidh, and Hay tStcamers to Haitiiuoie , fICfATS GOOD BY THIS ROUi£ UNTIL USED. Fare unu time the same an by other Kail road ilout*-. 'i Li.* itonie pannes tiirough tin-Capital < f North arid , S**uth CuroJiii.t; and that portion fiom Columbia to Walt lor 1 is aiuiorit entirely tree from dust, swamps, and trestle work, punsing through an elevated and healthy eounlrv. 'in" < ,'onncc lions an* inaile at New York by this line to Saratoga, Niagara Falls, ll«. lon, Wiiite Mounlaln i C.inaiia, »ve. NmUicinira traveling with their -ei vauts, by taking lids Hue, will he relieved from me * antioyance to wliicli LJ*<) arenUbjected on other routes * hohdng '1 hrou h'l ickcta are con.eyed in* tween i tepoi F lee ol (Laige. ; Be Careful to Buy Your Tickets Via Columbia, S. C. ‘ If?” Baggnge Checked from Montgomery Vt A-* gust a via Vv tri Point and A Mania, or by lionimi 1 and Macon to Augu.ta, tluuce t/» Weldon, ; \. r. 1 j thena* to Baltimore, by l»;tv June, or to Washintoie 1 ; via Kii;iiUiojid—iiaggage Masteie accompany,ngif ab die way. I For 1 uitlmr particulars, and Tiirough 'J’ickets, r>*. .. I small card.-* »i inquire—in New Orleans of K. fd... M i I>Er*, Ist Gi.ivier-10 *t ; in Mobile, at COX', BKAi.V r Alto) «V «:• oniee ; in Montgomery. A. ,u •• r* • General Ticket Agent. M. AW. i*. K. b..o' U» I.KVYIn \ V, A "cut, AlLUrttu. ij’*. C. 11. 1)0* lU.,*, I’.'uwcnjfcr Ai'rnt, , fyil <lt( ATTENTION MVKtI *:r it l»Vi H IIAYK .11 * *»*.. tJ me..l ousiin'Sfl .wt tie.* Str#re on Hr-nul s-i. -ei lour doors tn*low the Post office corner, where ie.*, aie prepared to *io all kinds of HAIR BRAIDING, * J-jfv; -^y'^sx_ -5, cSliO., d3C., And cxm.uic the same in a superior style ot WOK KM ASM! IP. They Respectfully Solicit a SHAKE OF Public patronage. tem tii/