The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, March 09, 1839, Image 4

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Acassr—iSa Ihfl .Jfin-uf thu N«»‘V«»rk Cl#seii*i dated •** ^'di i« W‘» I- *7". M» BriU.1. .M..n*»t U»rH*'" hkl1 br '”*'" Ana to«d»ii »ih« »•>• —• l<W.'rpMl 10 the AH hhcwiy, Heine .Ictell ri.J. I"" *•» «' '••' “ Tl»« «n'. epeecH ■» l “ J,h '« « 1,,D ' » llich ..eupy, uelwewry iH«l el*e of InMmb P,„a k»oi.i»».-T>* Mnm pnek^t.i- wrtionl Oeirt> Knjrer terteed ■> h«lr peal lie n • 32k?bl. «•<*«• *H"'h pwt eh* left o# Ihe llth leu. Iirii>ll»« w ll'« .de>. ” r «•• •»«. I » Fleer ... enmldereHly lower limn nl llie deu of prefer edrlcee. Tlie Cetlon rnerkel doee eel epp. er lo lieve ender|oi»> enj melerlel *”«' London, Fab. 5. OPENING OK PARLIAMENT. HuRMAJMtr’iSncKcij. Yesterday, at two o'clock, her Majesty wont In ■UIC to Um House »f Lord*, i» "I** 1 ''. *»'« W"* 0 " t ! f Farlismcnl 5 awl, on lior arrival. delivered tho fui- lowing moit gmclotM sprech from the tlirotiv: u Mf Lords and Gentlemen, " I rejoice to meet you again in * arllamf nt, I am particularly deiiroui of recurving to your advice and aiiietanco at a period when many matter* of great importance demand your aerioua und deliberate at* Untion. , , , , •• Icontlnuatorrcoive from foreign power* grntl* fying Biiurnnco of their de»iro to maintain will, me Uia uniat friendly relation*. "I hare concluded with tho Emperor of Auitrinn treaty of commerce, which, 1 tru*l, will axlcnd and hnprofe the intercourse between my MibjecU and thole of the Emperor. ,, ,, , "1 barebI*oconcluded a treaty ofllmiamo kind with tho Sultan, calculated to place tlvo cnlUttwt- dal telaliona between my dominion* and tho Turkish empire upon a better and niora secure footing. * "l hava directed copies of thoio trealiea to ho laid before you. - "I have engaged,In concert with Austria, franco, I’nuiia, and Russia, in negotiations, with a view to a final settlement ufthtf difference* between Holland and Uolgium. " A definitive treaty of tMtace, founded upon ante rior arrangement*, which liuvo lieon acceded to by both panic*, ha*, in consequence, Imun propoacd lo theOutchand Belgian government*. I have the aatiifaclion to inform you, thutthe Dutch govern ment haa already ilgnedlolhe Cntifuience it* ac ceptance or that treuty, and 1 truil that a *imilar announcement from tlio ltnljgiau government will put an end iuthuidi*t|oictuda with the present un folded auto of the*c attain bu* nocai*arily produc ed. W ur.o..f tliu iniiii.U'r. I,.l n,„,o .Hel.ep, peace. " l lament the continuance of tho civil wnr in 8pain, which engage* my aiixiou* and tiudimiiililiod attention. " Ddferencea which hove nriacn have occniimu-ri tlie retirement of my Mlnintrr from the court of Te heran. I indulge, however, tlm hope of learning that a aotilfuclory adjustment of tliuio diff.Tonce* will allow like ro-oftablidimunl of my relation* with Peraia upon their former footing of friend- ^EtMtt connected with the aame differences have inducod the Ouvcrnoi (lenural of India tolako measures for pruiecliug lit illali lntere»t» in tlml quar- tar of lha world, and to enter into engugemrnt*, tho fulfilment of which may rondar military oiwrntioni decenary. For this purpose such pienitmtion* liuvo been made a* may bo aulficlcnt to reslit aggression from any quarter, and to maituuiu tho integrity of my Eaatern dominion*. The Heform and Amendment of tho Municipal Corporation* of Ireland ate euential to thciutcrciti of that part of my dontinioni. "Ill* also urgent that you ihould apply your- aelvea to the prosecution amt completion of tlioau tnaaaurei w (licit have bean recommended by tint Kc- cleilaitical C’ummiiiionora of England, Jur tho pur- E iia of inoroaiing tho efficiency of the Kitubjiiliod Iturch, ami ofconfirming ita hold upon the uflection and iei|)cct of my people. " Tha belter enforcement of tho law, and the mure •peedy administration of juitico, are of the firit im. Dortanca to tho welfare of the community: und I reel aaiured that you will Im> anxlou* to devoid your- aelvea to the examination of the meatumt whloonill beaubmitted to you for tho purpose of attaining tbeia benellcial reaulta* " Gentlemen ofth« Home oj Common!. "1 have din<cted the annual Estimates lo be pro- pared and laid before you. 11 Adhering to tho principle* of ecunomy, which it la my deiire to enfuico in every department of tint State, I feel it my duty to recommend that atleqitnta provision bt made for tho exigencies of lha public aervice. I fully rely on your loyalty and patriotism to maintain the efficiency of thoio E»tahli*hmonii, which are cnemial to the atrengtli and ■ecurity of tha country. " My fords and Gentlemen, " It la with great latiafaclion that 1 am enabled to inform you tliat, thtoughnut the whole nf my Welt India r<iiieiiion«, tho period fixed by law fut the final and complete emancipation nf the nogroua haa been anticipated by Acta uf tho Coloniul Legit- Ututaai and that the trunaition from tho temporary •yittm ofapprentioeihip to entire fi n-duin lm« taken place without any dliturbance of public otdor and tranquillity. Any meaiurti which may bu tu cuianry, in order to give Tull efleello this grealand boncficiul change, will, l have no doubt, receive your careful legitimata tight* ofth* King af Holland," and to Im prepared for any unfors#rti*v**t that may arise Horn a struggle between Holland and Uolgium. Dutch l*aram —Wo borrow from tlie Haiti delahlad tho following new a Irom UruueL 1— " I lie name of Count 8eb*tii,ni having pul hia s-gria’itr* to the definitive protocol con cerning the affair* of Ilclgiun and Holland aa a tliumlcrbolt amidst our p nines of wt>r, wlm» aa ynta bate act 11 by M. Iharhami a’, speech, tlermcd the acctaaion of Prance an impnaaihility. However, (lie lender*, who w.ll luon ccaac to pa>« for the organa of pub- lio opinion, know full well that France lua moat arrioukly ileterinined to meddle with the afialra, and have dune with them us anon »a no-aihlc, In nr*fer to prevent cither ol tlie lirlgian corps fiom ai'emp'ii g to unite with the rtvolutioniata of the frontier provincca, and tliu* to embartasa the Fiencli govern ment, it lias bten decided at Fari* to send, not only from thirty to forty thoiiamd men, but cten eighty thousand, to the Ilclgiun lion tier. Thia mdi'ary movem^ut ia tiMking in all h i«'c, ao that, in a few day*, all hope* of producing a confusion w ll be removed. All thla is kept very secret here 1 Leopold alone is apprised of it, and he ia naturally ilcligh'l-d, sinre untiling can he no re agretaiile to h in than to see the a flairs with Holland concluded in a pacific manner." We ahull add to the above, that acrimhuf to our Furis corenpoii- ilcnt'a luforinulion, the sending of an army, not of eighty ihotMand, hu« of ubnve hundred lliousund men, is in agitation.-—Journal dc In Huy c, DISSOLUTION OF THE CHAMUKU OK DK- I'OtIRS—UKI'EAI. OK THE COHN LAWS IN ENGLAND. By a slip from tliu office of the Now York Kipren, dated Monday, the 35lh ult., wu received vthut fol low* : Corn Lnwa cmifinnii to la- dm uiiiv, > r»al to- ■lie of newapuper. and puldie ini-uling di*cu*«iou. The ut'cniion of the whole Kingdom i» « , ngio»*ri| by them! and among the flint movementsiuFuiliu- m.-lit is till* of 11 nqieal ofllio Corn Law*. • Tho N. Y. Courier Sc Enquirer of the 33th any*,-— In the IlniKeerComnion* the important qiieaiinn involving 11 repeal nr mndificiilitin of the Com Law*, had at unco been brought for wind by Mr. Viller'a moving that "countel he heard at the bar in sup. port of die petition* for the repeal of tlie Corn Law*.” Tho same paper referring lo the (Joci-ti's ■ perch any* J—The attendance of peer* wore nniro iiunici- nil* limn u*uul, at so early uii hour. Among the peer* who were liiat in their place*, were Earl Durfiuninnd the Duke of Wellington. The number of oppmdtioit peer* then |iru«eut, win much greater thou that of tho ministerial. Not I hava to aequalnt you with deep concern that tha province of Lower Canada bus ugnin been dli- turbid by iniurrtction, and lliut huitlle liiburtlou* havo been tnado Into Upper Canada by certain law- lets cWient of the U. S. of North America, 'fhoaa violation*of the public peace hnvu been promptly aappicsied by tha valur uf my force*and the loyulty of my Canadian auhjectt. The l'roildont of the United States haa cullo I upou the ciiitcni of the Union to abstain from proceeding* *o incompatible with the friendly relations which auhaiit between Great Britain and the United State*. *' l have directed full information upon all these matters to be laid before you, and 1 recommend the present ilata of them proviuco* to your svriutu con. •ideration. I rely U|H»n you to lupport my firm de termination to maintain tho authority of my Crown, and l trust that your wisdom will adopt such mea- auras as will aacure to tho«v purl* of my empire tho benefit of internal tranquility, and the lull advanta ges of their own great natural retuurcca. u l have observed, with pain, the persevering ef forts which have boon mado in some pails ol the country, to excite my subject* to disobvdienco and resistance to thelaw, and tu recommend dangerous and illegal practices. For the countcraciioa of all •uch daiignt l depend upon tho efficacy of the law, whiehitwili be my duty to enforce—-upon the good aenaa and right dupoattionof my people—upon their atuehmoni to the principle* of juitico, and.thrir ab- borrence of violence and dismder. “ I confidently commit all tbobe great interest* to your wisdom, and l implore Almighty God to as sist and prosper your counciU." Her Mq}atly and her attendant* then retired in Gw same ordci in which they had anlered the house. LONDON, Keb. 5. YesteHay being the 4th of the month, when n loin amount of bills generally fall* due, was found to be unusually heavy, *0 much ao that many of the bankers were detained beyond the usual hour in making up their accounts! nevertheless we have beard of no casts of default worth mentioning, the payment* being mat promptly by tha acceptor* of tbebilla. Money continues in very good demand in tho DUooatt Market, without any alteration in the rata of internet J but at tha Stock Exchange it i» difficult to obtain more than Si per cent, for loans oh English Securities, and 3 to 3| per cent, on the best descrip tion of Forcirn Slocks. Late advice* from Calcutta give a melancholy picture of the indigo prospect* in the district of Tirhoot. The distress of the natives, consequent on the lees of their village*, atooks of rice, cattle, dbc. from the wide spreading inundation for hun dreds cf mile* down the course ef the Ganges, wu very disastrous. It was supposed that tha Tirhoot district would not send down mure than 8000 meumls of indigo this season lor an outlay of nearly 30 lakhs efrapoM. TbO'tttaoont lost year encoded 10.000 mound*. The country around Diitanor* was com- pletnlyundar water,and nothing like it wu ramem- bored by the oldeat inhabitant*. Tho St. rotenhutf eorreipondentof the France, ofthilSUl ult. fUtes that order* liave bean givrn ferihelmnMdHttofWiOM man, with HO pieces of onllkni, In Courlapd, under the command of PriMASiakowaki and Count<t*eblen. Admiral Valreet, Gevensorof 8to«l>«rc, Is also to assemble in4#’torts MCohrin nud Wnmle elghtiall of the- 25*i ••• Wriired’hrigffwlih fiOlmnaporu. Thi object oftlicte Warlike arrangements, lit* ao* cmintuf wbkh Huiulrtscoafinnatlon, Is sintod Ip he detonaiooUuo uf ibe Umpervr tp dsfefid the the d At iivu o’clock the Lord Cliuncellor took hi* at-ul on tlie wooolsNuk. Earl Lovcluce, the noble lord who would in ova the uddrn«s,attd Lord Lyndhorst, wore utllmt time ill tho home. Tho Duke of Cumloidgo win also prt-Mint. The Rnrl of Loveluce, tngoihcr wirii Lord Vernon, tliu seconder of tho address, woio their re- apective miiform* ns lord lieiitniinnta or deputy lien- loiiailta of eoiiotlea.—Earl Dm linns look hi* sent on ilia hack of nil, near tlm bar, and l.uliisid one of the stove*, exactly ru a-rii to the po«itioo occu pied by Lord Lyndhur*l. Lord Bruiiglnnii outer- ed the hou«e shortly lifter five. The Earl of l.ovelucu moved tho oddres* lo her .Majesty, which wan, a# usual, 1111 echo of tho epeecli. I.ord Vernon, no seconding tliu mldr«»s, said that tliu naval servico ofilii* coiinliy, notwiiliatandiiig all that bus iieun said, liad never been on so en larged 11 *culi) in tliu lime of penoo a* »t present lie regretted to act! n dimuiiition of the murine ar tillery and-llie coast blockade, hill ho could not but fuel gratified at the prospects of peace that were l-c- fore tliu country fiom tho treaties between it nod fo- trign power*. It i* iq be hoped tliu com law ques tion would ho settled ut uii early period, nod that restriction* on that commodity uflilo would be iu- moved. The Duke of Wellington rose und wm lull speak ing. Tho Merchant* of to stop the survilo war in -Spain. Tliu Earl of Durham preside* nt tlm eniuiog an niversary of the Printer* 1 Pension Society. A Seirrn Leone vrsud wu* wrecked oil'Liverpool und twelve lives lost. Mis* Burden Cuuti*, tint Heiress, I* to be mar ried forthwith to n Mr. Stewart ,u brother of tliu Duchess of Somerset. Mr. Ilico (.Min Crow) has been engaged at the Adelplii Them re, at 110 iiicrensud aaiaryt Id* for mer terms wore A'40 per week; lie Im* in futiiiu JCUU. KHANCK. DissoI.ution op Title Ciumiikrs.—'The King he- log unuhle to form u ministry which would com niiiinl u majority has resulted os 11 dissolution of the diamines, nod thus mudnaii nppeul to their con- atitiioncy. Till* atop greatly enraged the opposi tion, anil they pronounced it coup d'etat, insisting lliut Loui* Phillipo win following in the cuurtu of Chnile* X. The Mouiteur (official) publishes nn official rc- mine of tlm events w hich had led to till* important step, commencing with the opening of ihu session, dwelling on tho prosperity enjoyed by France at tlml moment, on the league formed hytliu coalition, its liuteiogoiiouui element*, nod then eotvied into a brief sketch of the negotiation opened by tho King with Marshul Soullofnr tint formation of a now min istry, and it* failure. From theso premises the Mouiteur arrives tit the conclusion, lliut it liecumo Uie duty of MiolsUns to resume the rein* uf power, nml to dissolve the Cliumhni*, in order to insure lo tho country the government uf u Parliamentary ma jority. Tho Opposition Deputies livid n meeting nt tho home uf Odiilon But rot, nt which they tusnlvcd, that they would endeavor to effect the election of the member* of the opposition of all shade* of opin ion, nod they would also expota by the Pies* und other wuya nil tliu coriupt way* of the ministry to obtain n majority.' East Inihks.—Officinl information has been re ceived in England that the Boro 0*0 Government hud declared war against the British possession* in Indio, nod that it was probable the Nepaoleso would join the funner, lo consequence of these lio-nlitie* it was conjectured that tho overland comomuieu- tlonlo Imiiit would be for n time interrupted, owing to tho steain-huaiM being required for tho convey- mice of troop*. CoMTAXTtNorLK, Jan 10.—Mr. M'Ncil is ex pected h*re. It I* suiil that he has left Persia be cause lie could not come to 1111 understanding with thoSchah. Hence it is believed that hostilities will certainly begin between tho Knit India Compn- and Persia. This at leurt, is the opinion of most of the English merchants here.—Lord Ponsonbyex- S tetica much displnusore ut the conduct of Mirxo lohammud, Hu finds that hi* character wa* mis understood, and that lie should ii"t have boon ^ble ed on tho throne uf Peisia. Mirtn M.dinmme.1, therefore, play* a very liuaaidousgame if he slimild really quarrel with England, sons to oblige the East India Company to employ all the mean* that it has at its command to dep tsu Idin. These means are great*,Hnd of mnay kinds; to which the Scliah most inevitably yield unless lie apply lo Hut-ia for aid. But, front what we hear, it seems the Scliah really enjoys the friend-hip of Russia, which ouy certain ly make the ruhinet of London nod tlie East India Comp my moro caiitimit, and remove the apprehen sions of‘an invasien «f the Persian territory, nay, even excite nn exportation of the evacuation of tliu island oLKurtack by die English, on which th Srhnh inrifts. Meantime (lie armaments in the Russian ports era said to proceed without interruption, and every preparation to be making in case war should be inevitable. Tlie same is doing at Malta. Ac- counts from Malta state that the Engli-h squadron in iho Mediterranean will soon bo increased to thrice its present strength. A part of the English fleet stationed at Malle is placed on the war establish ment. Three first-rate* are to leave the road in a few days to repair to Smyrna, and, if circumstance* should require, lake up thuii station oft' the Duulu- Miles. Thu Bititor orPantatoaotiaii —The Bishop of Peterborough (Dr. Herbert Marsh) bus been very seriously indUpu.ed for the hut three weeks. His Lordship is of very advanced age, and those almut him evidently iwirrive the rapid decline of his strength. If the right Kov, prelate should out sur vive until ofter Lady-duy. a great lost will ha sus tained by his family, as several important lenses full in at that time, particularly I eld by Kail Fiixwil- liam. Dr. Marsh was raised e ilk-,episcopal bench in 1010, and irenalried |o tha see of Pete 1 boron tit In 1819, TIm value nf the bishopric Helmut 0,500/’ a-year. It is stated that, the huu»et belonging to ihesactiuw under rent to Karl Fiiswillhnn, and which fall in on J^dy day iwat, will he relet at aa advanced rent*,km) only to those who pledge them selves to aun|Hirt Cimtervailve amdidaiesl By tills moans tho {Torfee wilt fila 50 ewtas.—Wantford Htreuty, [Whalami*rr*UeMate uf thing* that must he,that the death of an old divine, bring* up only questions ol how ilMfeiMorn'Mii liicume of Ills family will lie m flee led by Ins dying heforoor after rent day, and how his death will uflert tho votes of one side 01 tlm otherof the political sciamhlers.—Journal of Com merce•! From the A’. F. Commercial, 9.1/A wU. TllxCASAtnas Pius«a*M*.—The case ol the Ca nadian prisoners was not yet dmd> d. Our rendeis will remember thnt it was itinh-r di-eussion in two Coum—the Court ol CJiiwii's Bench und tho Court of Exchequer—writs of habeas corpus having toen grenletl in each. lo tho Court of(4neeii's Bench ihu rase wn* ar gued in pun on the ‘JUrii J hot on tlie ItOili Mr. Hill, of counsel for the prisoners, informed tliu Court thnt proceedings wore going on in tho Exchequer, and, with hi* Consent, tliu chief ju.iieo drt.-imin.-d to [N,.||Mine ihu further considerelion until the deci sion id that court should be made. The argument in tint Court of Exchequer was deferred until tlie next term. A provincial paper xn)'« that Sir Hubert Peel will support lend John KiimI'II iu Ids udvocacy ol a 1110 ilieatioo of the com laws. T be city of Bath was thrown into consternation on the lb’llh of Jut/joty, by the tidings, which prov ed too trim, that Mm. Togwell, the wile of the su- nior portlier io ihaB.rii Bank, had killed Immelf und two oi lier children, in 11 moment id insuniiy. She wn* but H i years of age, n’liiulde, neo-oniplishi-il, nod univerrully la'lovud. Tim details nre puinliilly inter esting. On Thursday slip came from her residence, No. 1, YVhiicnUih-cresceiil, wilt* her lio-lnind rind children into Ruth, where, after proceeding to rnnke pur- chii«osiil various *liop.,»hu wu* seen wniking along the hank ol tlm cntml, no ompiinied t.y iiercitd ten, u«talcus 3 o'clock inilienln ri.oonj •lio then, it hjc Jk-'irs, returned home, n il d.-smng tlm Initlor lo give her 11 decanter ol »|ieny,took herelnidren into a suutmvviiouku la the gulden,faying >bn was going to giro tin out treat. I laving proceeded there, shu mixed sonio pios.ic m id with tlie wine, wliicit sin- Hilniiiiisiered to the whole of ihu tine" children,und llnm took sninu ber-eif. I'ortunalely the eldest hoy (IU years ol age) did ted like tlie tusto of tin* wine, .und dtai.k only a small portion, w liis-li, ns ho *nys, caused iiimio sleep, and up> 11 :■ waking lie fi^pnd In* mother silling nppaienlly asleep, with bis I wobroi It ers, who were twin-of II yours of age, one lying ut hor feel mid llto oilier ueross hoi breast. Finding himself vary ill, and hiving in vain tried to nnIiketi them, ho tu-hed to the door, wlih h he found lock'd, but at length »ticcc< d<'d iu oidtining the hnusn, when tho servants fbittid their inutiess and tlie children den *. Nocaosn eatt ho assigned for tltis melaiii Imlyoct, Iml the lady mint have been for some ruble lime mcdi.uting upon it, ns she laid procured several hottfesof prussic acid, nod taken the precaiilioa to ilestroy tho labels; a por tion of oho ol the labels remained, w hiclt, from its dirty slate, indicated tlml it itad been some limn in lint housu, Tliu murderer of Lord Nmbory laid not yet lie discovered. A number ol pemon* bud been m rested 011 suspicion, hot limy wore all discharged. FROM FLORIDA. The Tallahassee Floridian ol the Q3t\ Feb. says : Our citizens have for the hist week been kept io c< otiooul excitement, by tlie reports of c .miiiiieil liitliau intirileis. In addition to the iimsacre ol Mr- Fit.tlai t.s, lux wile, and two children, winch we noticed in onr last, we have lo record tile uliucs upon three wagons on the Mugnoliu road, louded with provisions for (Jump IVitcisvA, about mite miles from that place, in which four more individuals were added lo tire list of sutuge inussurre. A Mr. S. Guess, of Virginia, who owned und was driving one id the wagons, und litnry Swan, wife and child, from Mtigiinhu, were kilo-d, and Mr. Illuck- more, sm.iilier driver, was badly wounded io the shoulder, hot escaped, nml watt found dis abled in the edge of a pood, thiny-xix limirs idler the titlark. A negro, during the loft- most wagon, tsatpt il iiiiimri. T lie IimImimiac cording to Mr. Hhckmurc numbered Irom fif teen to twenty. Oil Muialoy lust the Tulhditisscc fiil -rds hail u brush wi h 1 lie IiiiImiis in ihc W.tciilla hum mock, in which Mr. Hague u us killed. One linliuii was killed in the light. The In halts mostly lift the liununock uii Munduy night, ami made their way across the Hi. Mums river, where they alt.iked m.d honied the wagons. Uur citizms with great pio.iiptoexs repaired to the assistance of their uolortuoute neighhors —vevirul compa .ies liave been in ptiisuit but returned witliutit success. Geo. Read is yd in pursuit with a parly of horse, und we ieuro the regular troops have returned, ami are now in the Magnolia ham muck, where it is believed that the Indians, to the number of 40 or 50, are congregated. All tin se depredations and murders liave been committed within ten miles of the cupilol of the Territory, tlie regular t roups in the field being iiisiillh h nt to guard the frontier, and ft out present advices from Washington no fur titer ineaxiiics have been adopted for Hie de- fence und protection of our citizens. We be lieve, however, the Legislative Council will au thorize the U.ivcrnor to raise troops for the defence of the frontier in the present enter, geucy, uml until Congress ahull some cl- licicnl measures to close the war. Sixty or seventy men have already repotted for duty anil will to-day join those already in the field.' LATEST FROM MEXICO. Through the politeness of u gentleman ar med yrsteicliy, (says the N. O. I'icuyimc n| • he 26th ult.) from Tampico, in tbe nrhr. Sarah Ann, Capt. Romemps, we have hei-11 put in poxsvttrionot news to the 15th nf Feb. Every thing was quiet at Tampico when the sclinoitiT left. Tlie French have ileclinrd in .king any ur. raugcmelil with the Mexican Government par*y. Rus'iirsx was extremely hi i&k at Tampico, hut money wax scarce. Gen. Echcsnrcsxeu is in c mmai.d of the Federal tan |M at They umcuiit to ahnui o.UUO, The city of Tulncca h.<s tie. lured for the Feder.d parly, I here were no F. cnclt vessels of war nt Tampico. Gen. Mejia lias arrived at Tuspan and ta ken command of the Federal troops, lie np* pe. red It ghiy pleased with the animation manifested by Ins soldiers, and anticipated the most brilliant remits front lhc s r cfioris aga'-nsi the lyraunical party at the head of the Go verumvut. Under vlw'e of the lath uf Fvb. lie writes ..s lollows“ Lust mglu I rccciv. d notice of Uie proclamation - io favor of Fetter- adsnt by the troops of I'cxoto conimaiv-led by Col. Mcntoza. Iu virtue of this act Valencia • oiintermarcbrd from Tensitiuw." This im* portant pioclamoioii proves iliat every where the revolu ion is going ahead, ami we may *0011 exnecl to hear that the Federalists are thundering at the very ga'«-s ol Mex co Gen- Uirea had marched with 1U0O men for St. Louis, lie hud turned s proclamation to the sohliciB uml citizens, calling upon them to resist the tyranuieul und overhearing ucs and measure) of Uustatuentc, Soda Anna, and the government party. Gen. Lemur has also lef Mutant mas. Rust -in. cire is in command of the govern ment troops. Not a doubt existed hut that lie would easily be overpowered. LATE F}tOM VERA CRUZ. T lie U. S. sloop of war Levant, Paulding commander, («..vs the Louis anians of the 26th tilt.) anchored oil'the lt d ze on Suud.i) lust, from YeruCrtix, whence she sailed on ihc 14th instant i a.d after putting on board a towboat about $10,000 in specie, proceeded to Pensacola. There was nothing nrw nt Vera Crux t the blok <dr was still maintained, but no appearance We arc indebted to the pnlitencss of an of ficer of the Levant f-.r a copy of the Unamuno- litaof Mrxiro, of 2d inst, announcing til it Toluca had decl tretl In favor of the Federal party. This news agrees with tlie accounts that we have received via Tampico, that Col Velez was within the walls of Mexico with a division of 1200 men. The Goiinnpol.ta re- marks that the project of war ngailut France haa given w*y, in some respects, to the idea of Invading I'exsa. Getters! Arista had been Yelessed, and was daily expected in the city of Mexico. When the Levant left Vera LVux there were no American vemli uf war at that place. ANOTHER SLAVE CASK. CneM any thing e>mv|nea lha ebolHinnUts of th* uielessnai* of their Interfarenea between mailer and alavn, the followinx should Im enough. But they arn " deaf at the ndder" to ell they dn not with to hear—end blind to all they do not with lo see. The N. Y. Journal of Commerce of llie 25th ult. so)*: Tiik .Slavs. Ca-i —Thn Recorder yestrrlay gave jn.lxment in it,.- r.ns« of Calcita. llw* slave who was bn.ught lien- from Foilo Ilico. His honor derided, that accnnling to the Constitution of the United .Stab’S, und tbu law* of the Stain of New Ymk, all slave* hiooglit into this State from any fo reign c-tuntiy, h.-c>-me* ip*o facto, free, the nio- ment they land here. And lint the laws whMinu* thnrixe llie slave holding States nf this Union b> bring their slaves, and bold them io lubnr here for the spare of nine month*, dues not apply lo the slave* htotigbt here trust any foreign country. After hi* Honor had given thi-decirionhe rnu*rd an Intel prater id inform Calcita that slut was no lon ger a slave. Inn free, und might leave her master or f main w ith him, and stay in this country or return to her ow II, just II* -he chore. Culciie in reply, said that she had a husband and parent* in her native land, and was determined to i.'iniiin u* her muster'* slave und return to her own country. VIRGINIA ELECTIONS. We perceive by the Richmond Compiler nfTues day ln«t. thnt tho effort to elect a Senator, has pruv* ed abortive; nml that tho design hu* been given up for the present. Wo have not received the Enqui rer of 1 lint dale. The Compiler (Whig) *nys: Wo conclude the election has born defeated by tbe very |M-cnliur organization of iho political par* tins of Ibe L< gisluloie. And w hile wo regret the result, were we ever to embarked in polities, we would have no deiiuneMlion* for any of ibe minori* lies, " apnrlnn bandi." or " Impracticable*.” It should be .1 mtqier with ron-cience and with llie constituent body, how far llieir com so comportud “•illi propriety und thedeferencudue the -entirnenls of rite gieul hoily of ilieir re-peciivo parlies, nrw iih the responsibility of making tin election according to the constitutional prescription*. [roit riifc oi.oiiois.v J GDI ION. Mn. F.iutoii,—In perns tig nn Atignx»n p i per, I saw a cotton xiulislir, over tl.c signal 11 re ol Augusta. It led me lo a lew conclusions The first was, how careful llie writer was of Ins reputation, in making his estimate of the crop, thereby dearly shewing himself u short 1 rop man. ‘I lie second was, l Gut he Was fear, fui of being placid -iinong speculators, there- fine not H-ncere und candid. Tlnrdl), that il a speculator, and interested, that Ins esiim te io ns extreme, did not ullVct his inteiest, (be ing too short) mikI if interes’ed, should be ri pen and bold to maintain his opinions ; for a mong long crop, and disinter*stud writers, we find them Imhl to sustain a crop of 1G50,(J00, in the of the best evidence that can Ik- piotluccd to the contrary, und yet they do not think they impair llieir interests or luz.rd their reputation, neither cure they fur being culled speculators. I now will he open and candid, fearless of wlai most col I nn dealers hic, viz : English in fluence, Rank lavor, and long crop statistics, ond give Augusta a fair oppoi liinily of correct ing bis esiimuics, by fair and open argument. The time lias arrived, when we, us Ameri can dealers need nut bar Rank influence nor public opinion. Rut I will say what we may tear, viz. our foreign agents, with some few exception*. I will merely refer hack a few abort month*, in put us in rcmciiihra.,cc. In IH->r. tlie great revulsion took place, an I some lew may r* member it. When the great Ma ple ol ihc United States was ufi'ected lo nc:;r- I) the extent ol about 00 per cent, in decline — lire bunking institutions of ntir count rv wi re compelled to suspend spec ie puynn nts— when every energy of the Americans was plying to save llieir credit, reputation and property,—when commerce its various and numerous channels, was checked, ui.d mir geo- al ruin seemed to hang like uii incubus over the whole opcitoinns o! Irailt’—when the tug of war was ut bund. Then it was, that you might value character by specie s'umlur.'t and whilst we were agmuzmg und struggling to Mtuttd against the storm* I ask where were our funds? Mr. Riddle, (I am proud to acknow ledge him the benefactor of our country,) moved in the storm and calmed the tempest— sustained tlie American character—placed Unde ill i's proper channel—compelled Great Britain to pay something near the value nf our staples—exulted men and properly of all descriptions--sustained tottering W.mks— gave a healthful currency —sent agents abroad to manege our produce—raised the value of the gre.t staphs of the country 100 per 0 tit, und that in a lew short months. It may be ttske I bail lie no opposition—was lie sustained by foreign help? I mply.opposition from within, lor hia greatest enemies were those of Ins own lunittcliuhl; and the fore go help, I] will eu- d uvur tu enumerate. After bis ugems were located, the Bank of England, and all the sin- viv’lng houses commenced the crusade against luid. Circulars Irnm some of the few houses thut stood the shock, were forwarded to this country, declining in make advances on pin- •luce (llie great staple more parti* ultirl)) un less 1 hey, the wrileis, were penniitcdito sell (be produce to meet the lulls, to value, uml class, and control. With such conditions, they were prepared to advance 4 cents per lb. on fair cotton. Such was tlie style und tune ol our foreign agents, when Mr. Biddle took lo baud our cause, lie arranged from Ihc fur Rest lo the extreme Smith, shipped their produce, negneiuled their exchanges, und in one short year, and thut without preeidetil during commercial pros!ration, gave us a place among the nations ol the earth. It may lie asked again, how has lie succeed ed in 'his magnanimous uitti stupendous tin. dertaknig, 1 will a .s.ver for him, his enemies being ju.tges. The American character Mauds higher aln nail than it ever did —produce is as high as at any tune,or nearly so, before the re vuisom—our fanners are out of debt—our merchants are again waging a good w.uf.111:— our Gollon crop bus exceeded every tiling ever known pievimis. Iu 1837, say 1800.00(3 hales repotted that year; prices have risen from 7 cts. to 17 cts, Mr. Biddle has retired from the contest with more glory than ever encircled the brow of Bonaparte » and the pei pie, independent of Mr, Uuldle, who was the great bugbear, are prosperous witliuus comparison, and with the present cotton crop (1838) of nearly 140,000 bales, and we are content with believing it. Without foreign sol, pressed by all the monied institutions ol the con dry, and paying 16J to 17 cents lot- Liverpool fair Cotton, that would not nett in December last, lo cents, and ut presenttnot exi ceding 8|d, and with thia state of thing* cotton is daily advancing. It may be said ol my estimate, that I am interested. I will an. surer, and s .y. I am 1 «'»> those who estimate the crop ut 1650 to 1700,000, only wish to be so. I lierelm-e there is no difference 1 and I predict, with a crop of 14J,000 bales, that be fore the first of July, fait* cotton will be consi dered cheap nt 12d • *nd by individuals that though 1 it dangerous at 12 cents. Onr pre sent and latest price# current, shew a defi ciency in Great lli'iiuut of 238,000- to France and the Cmuincn', 46.000 bales—short rc- ceipts 207,000—.-.lock* in all placts known, 30,000 hales short, with 67 vessels loading to Great Britain against 85—24 against 33 to France, und other ports. Now, to illustrate as nearly ns possible my prediction, they had a stock of all kiln 1 * on llie 25 II Jan. 228,000 in Liverpool, 170.000 American, 58.000 nf other kinds, total iu Great Britain 321,000.— We now proceed to mako our estimate of the American cotton crop, lo prove, ao far as it may be conridcr&l proof, and will undertake tu shew to American dealer*, that Cotton is safer than it lias been in 10 yexrs. taking sup- ply into consideration. We now make our estimate. It will he ailniittcil both by the short crop, and long crop men, that tin* United States nrvei gnm- inoro tint 11 ItlUO,ffOO M»*. and that all but tliepre-' sent cron wn* carried off in tlm last year- Wn 1 stale hvliaviiiKly, ilmithe crop i» J short, which I* hut a tmalurani climate for the Atlantic Slain*, and priawil 10 shew in any nad eveiy way th U llie pre sent crop will ii<U excrihl 14110.080 growth, To ib luiirum |(I00,mill grim th—4 !«•*• being short 120, 000, leaving 1200,000 tha crop. New- York ttltmale krfore me. New Orleans, * 550,000 Mobile Florida 80.000 Atlantic Slate piMMJOO 1390,000 A'ew Orteem ritimate. 500.000 Mobile 200.000 Florida,.*. 100,000 Atlantic blaias, 800.000 1480,000 Atlantic Kitimalee. N. Orlesn* If light,by their own estimate say, New Orleans, 550.IHHJ Mobile 280.1100 Florid* 70.000 G orgia 220.000 Carulniu 170.000 Virginia and N. Carolina, 25,000 1295 000 The above are the various estimate*. Hut for the Ad inlic Slates to receive what is placed to them they mu-1 receive tlie bulaine of the *t*n«»n, more than half that wilt received Iasi t. a-on, from this lime, for we preinim that tlie low price of Cotton- ut tlie pitch of llie Cotton crop and high prices ol provisions, shorn-ned 1 he |>luiiiing 5 per cent, ond the extreme hark word and cold spring, with tliu most excessive and constant rln.nglit ever exp* ri- enced, have hud ihu tendency to shorten and drive the crop into intiiket; not iiuinuutiiig uny thing of |.iicut, which one might suppose would induce the crop to mniket and murkel piuccs sooner. It may ho inkcri into tliu iiccuuni, und we In-g Ml< icutleis to ascertain, us wo hove done, u matter too often looked over ; and yel, in a crop of I&l)U,0d0 hales, amount#to a heavy failure—lliut is the yeld^'rom ihu seed. I have not conversed with one Flantur, who is not much shorter ihuo he lord a right 10 ex pect from Iris col ton reed, It is u fuel admitted hy ult goon i'lniileis without controversy, that 11)1)0 ib«. of Cotton in the seed will pi oducuilUtI 10 325 Ih. of clean Cotton of 101 onlinury year; hui us be fore observed in ao instance, huvu I seen a I’lmii.-r lha* hat had a yield of more than J which is 225 10 250 lbs. cleun Colton from JUUO in seed, the re sult of dm calculation I leave for Augusta, and others tu rnnke. We exported to Liverpool from the 1st of Jamiury lust seuson to ihu lft.liui>-!«38.- 000 oalcs. Wu had a crop as il is called 1600,000 bules without fiautioas. If thiit noumiii wu hnvu u crop of 14,0110 uml do not export more than 500,- 000 up to iho 1st of Juno, will not my prediction hu verified T We liuvo exported 207,000 to Great Britain, up to the 1st Muich; say lliut 87 vessel* now loading, will curry 100,000, and that il will all arrivo hy ihu middle of April, which is not likely; then give the present month an export of 75, to 100,000, which is very douhllul, (with tlie present feeling to ship ping,) and that may arrive during May, which it douhllul, llieir receipts with this ulluwunco will he 407,000, lo tbu 1st ol June, ugniasi 930,000 to Liveipuul. 1 will now divide erdispuse of the esti mates. United States consumption, 300.000 Frunce, and tlm Continent, 350,000 Great Britain, 700,000 1350, WI0. We do not lake into the account the Increased consumption, for we have a Liverpool circulur be fore us, saying thut the consumption will be 10 per cent, on lost season in Great Britain; und France nnd die Continent, 13 pel ct-ni. We will suy mull ing ofmir own consumption, as for five m<Uith* uftlio past season our mills were without water. Aug in to will perceive I huve thrown tliu gauntlet fairly, without tinirhiiig on incensed cimsumpiioti abroad, or tho uxce»sive is mount of orders which have gone out in Greut Britain nml Frunce for execution 1 repeal boldly, speculation has mil yet begun, and thut fair cottons w ill neat before June 12d. MACON. From the Augur la Conilitutiona[i»t. K7*As some typographical errors were made iu llie following communication pulili-lied in our last pnpur, we thought best 10 re-puhlisli il, corrected. [COMMUNICAITD.] Mean. Editors:—Much is daily sniil upon lha very important subject of the Crop nf Colton of lh<’ present year, some say the crop will hu 1,550,0011 hales, oilier* less,—all admit, however, ihnl tlm price will ho governed hy the supply, mid that sooner or later its influence must he felt. Now uii examination into fact* may come near the mark, ul- ihough it is not to he presumed any thing said upon lha suhiect will have much influence, Imteiich will, or'flt to net nml think for himself. The highest estimate from Nuw Orleans is, that they will receive 800.000 hales; but to bu on the safe side, say they will rec’iue 850.000 Mobil*.-, it is estimated m 260,000, but say, 200 000 Florida is estimated at 80,000, say, 90,U00 The Atlantic Stales received ln«t year 660,000; up tn tlm latest dales they laid received267,000—leaving 393.000 hales to lie received to equal last season's.— Here we can judge of what ftnuili Caro lina and Georgia will send forward, in cluding nil nn hand, nnd it will he Imind short of 175,000 hales, although we will plare it at 200,000 Received, 267,000 Atlantic States, 467,000 bales 1,407,000 Tlie above estimate gees beyond all the calcula tions, fiom llm Gulf and Florida, by 75,000 hales, and should lie snlisfitulory nt least in one point of vie-v, lhai 1 he crop wid more limn likely fall -hort uf 1,500,001) hnles, which "pillion will er- l.iug a-.- sumo a reality, flow prices muy rule time will loll. AUGUSTA. TllE MAINE QUESTION. We find the following iu the Boston Couri er of Hie 23d ult. which is the latest on tins subject: The Portland Advertiser of Thursday (21st Fell.) has tlie following letter from ils^urres ponden 1 , dated Augusta, Wednesday evening. 10 o'c.uck — Col'inel Rogers and Mr. McGuire, our ab ducted Laud Agent, has just arrived. I un derstand Messrs. Mclniirc, Cushman and Fills- bury have been released on their parole ol honor. Colonel Rogers brings a Icier from S.r John llarvey, in which lie rei’er.ites 'lie demand made in liis former letter. The as pect of the case is not, us I learn, at all chang ed by the Mi>xiuu of Colonel Rogers. Sir John Harvey has seal a force of about two hundred men to the Aronslnnk. They will soon be billowed by an additional force, lie says his orders uie to delenil the dispu'ed territory, and tlml he shall do il with all the I'oicc his control. I learn tlml Gov. Fail field will order a thousand troops from this (Kennebec) division of the Mlitia, lo proceed forthwith tn the support of our forces now on the Aroostook- A' tlie latest dates, Capt. R lies had about 700 men at No. 10 on the Aroostook—-dl in line spirits. Tbvir numbers were daily incri axing. In addition 10 the above, we learn (says llie Advertiser) from a passenger 111 the 1 o’clock stage, that Mr. Rogers, the bearer of Gover nor Fait field's letter'O Sir John Harvey, re turn* with toe three following propositions from the latter: 1st Tlml the Provincial Laud Agent, Mr. Mcl.uughhn, he released on the smite terms that Mr. Mciutire was released 2d. That the trespassers be given up to be tried by the KritUh laws. 3d. That the force on the disputed territo ry be immediately withdrawn. h'rom the Portland Advertiser. PROCEEDINGS OF TIIK LEGISLATURE. Statx IIousk. Augusta, ? Mondiy, Feb. 18, 1839 $ The fallowing Message from the Governor was sent t« the Hjusc by the Secretary of S ate. # GOVERNOR’S MESSAGE, To the Senate, and Hoes* or RsrRBSRXTATivKs: Since rity lot communication to you upon the subject of the trespassers upon the public lands, there list been forwarded 10 nte a pro- clamatinn, purporting lo have been issued by the Lieu*. Governor of the Province of New Brunswick, which 1 deem it my dutv to com municate tu you. with a statement of my pro ceedings consequent thereon. By ihi* pro. clamatren it teems ih.t while the ftt. Gover- Itor disavows any authority Irom Ilia govern, ment for the seizure of the Land Agent, he yet speaks of the aticrflpt of the civil authori ties uf this Stale lo drite a band of armed trespassers from our public lands as " an out rage," and an invasion i f the territory of the P’Ovinceof New lltir<**ick, and avows the lart of having ordered " * sufficient inilltiuy force" 10 repair .0 the place where tlie Lai d Age id's parly are eiuitavurnig 10 execute )nUr resultr. 1 f the 24rii of Jan. slid to repel what he thus regards *s an invasion of the Province cd Nuw IliU' I mined atel) upon the icceqrt of this extraordinary d<>cu ment I took measures lo Imstcn the drpar- tore ol the reinforct-int'iR ol the Land Agent's l>nny, understood to have bten aistmtdt-d at Bang.,r, aw..i'ing orders and i.umbirug be tween lour ai d live bundled—and also issued an order 10 Maj Gen. Isaac lio igd .0, of lire 8.1 Dirision, to detach one men hy 1I1. ft i.r otherwise, prnperiy • Hiceicd mi.i equip; cd, who acre to ici.dezvoiis A Umgor Mill then proceed at the cm best posx.hlc m i- ment to the pluce 0CtU|t<ed by the Land A- gen ’s par.y on ur near the Ari.os oolt river, (litre to render such mil u* Wi.U d cndric 'lie Land Agent to Curry lido «ILct the resolve ol the 24tn Jam 1 also d s; a'chcd sspcc'sl mesaengtr. with a c< mmiiuiation to M"joi Kiit.y, if the U. 6. Artiil. r). commanding at’s But racks. Until oh, .nfoiini.g biin of die fails, .and ask ing li s co-opt-r.i»ion wirii the troops under Ins command, with the foic<s nf this State, tn ic- tielli-.g invasion 01 our terri oiy, ami sustain- ing our citizens in the luwful and su horize-l protec ion tiny are endeavoring to extend over a portion of ihc property ol tl-C Hate. Ifthe-c proceedings on my part meet the approbation m the I.egirimUie, and appr.qmu- i.imn he made for the pur,.ore. I s'.ull I'ct-I it 10 he my duty to proceed forthwith 10 order a dr .lif 0111 the Militia ol ui leas' ten thousand men, who will bo d themrelves in rcadme-s lo muicli to the frontier should circumstances require it. I have not yd call upon the Pies dent of tl.e United Stales lor aid in repelling ti.e in- vas.on of our territory hy foieign tmopa, deem ng it proper to p< s pone that step until die return of Capt. R..dger» f fiom Iris special mission lo Piederickum, or at least, umil some in.orniHtii n shall be received from him, which will prob .bly be as ei.r'y hs the 20th or 21st inst. If, bow. ver, you should think othei wise, and that no delay vltmiid be allow ed l< r this purpose, an intimation to that effect w II be promptly ohe)td. If I hue mil entirely inis-conoeived the cir cunistai.ces of the c.-se prebt-nud for your cmisnlerulioo, it is one calculated lo excite the derptst Icelings iu the breasts of uur cirizens, and calls for the moBt prompt m.d determined action i.n the p.rt of th s government. WI1.1i is tliat case ? You were inlormeil that a luigc number t.f armed und desperate men, train a neighboring pr. voice, foiced ihemselvts into the territory of this State, with u fixed pur pose i.f cu'tlnguvast amount of timber, and of resisting even unto blood any attempt to unrest them, in the prosecution of llieir unhid |ou e'.l obj. ci. Deeming i' yntir duly to make so effort 10 protect die interests 1 f those, who bad runfidt’d them to your care, you iostiuct- e I th Lai d Agent to pr< Ceed t.i the scene of devastation and plt.n Ur, with a s ifficiei t loice to arrest those who weie engaged in it, ami to brink Up their daring and wicked enterprise. While in the act ol executing 'his order, the I .on I Agent was se zed, transported be) ond the hounds of ttiis bmte, and finally carried upon a sled, hke u felon, ami under the gti rd ol Provincial troops, to the Capital of New Brunswick I'-ir trial. Goal.I a greatei iml gni- ly be ofl'cicd tn any p< ople having a particle ur sensibility to its rigli’3 and its In, or to the sacrcdness of the pctsmul liberty of its ci izi’tis? It is true that the Lieutenant Gov ernor denies that the original seizure was by authority.. But ut Woodstock the magistrates took cognizance of the affair- sanctioned the proceedings, by issuing u Warrant, (acting umlmihtedl) under tin- air homy of ti e proc lamation,) and sending our cit zens upon an ignominious escort to Fiederico’i. Rea ly, if there he tiny apology ir jus'-fiJalion for ill's treatment of our citizens, il is mn to be loom! in uny node of international honor or conn y, with which 1 have been acquainted. Not only this, but it seems that a mdituiy lorcc is sent into a purl nfllic teni'ory of this State to expel from it 11 civil force sent there hy this Government for the prime ion of i s prop- cl’ly. How long are we ilmr to be trampled upon—our rights uml cloius der de.l—onr power cintmniied—hi d llie Stu'c degraded ? If there ever tvas a time wh. n the sp rit o. in • epeideuce and stH-icspect riimdd i.ronsc i'si-lf, dial time is rite fiiereut. Wo Cannot tamely suhuiit tube driven trom onr territory while engaged in the civil employment of looking utter nml prottc ing our property, withoiii ine.itring a large measure of ignomi ny ami disgrace. No pa'liaiing chciimstniices for this outrage cm be found in even a pretence that the where h was committed is wi hitt the colt Urrent jurisdiction of the two Govern ment*: much les. that the IRiusli Govern mviii h:t e hud exclusive j.iriniic 1011. Lands cun highe- up, nml be)Ond this, were sur- Ve)ed and grai.ttd by tin-Stale of Mussurlin. se'ts, more diuit ilinty ye-tfa ago. And Mas- HachiiseiiA and Ma tie li vc long been in the I unit ol granting pi rmi'S to cut the timber on the A'ook muds Wi’limit being, to my knowledge, nmle.-Ud lr«»in uny quarter, to suy uo'h.iig ol llie suits and actual occupation of the lam) i'self. Ii must he gratifying to all who have the true sci se 01 sihe lionoi and interest of the •-'tate, to perciive thut, up-.n this Riibjet die dm of parly warfare is hudied—alld that a on uiimity bus prevailed alike honniuble and pat lio k*. No mii’i-riipdou to tins rommeml- able spirit, I trust, will be fullered. Un on and good feeling—no l< s« than prudence and energy are absolutely necessity in.this ex- traordioaiy e ncigemy. JOHN FAH'FIELD. Godm'IL Cham 11 kh, Feb. 18, 1839 Since writing die foregoing, I have receiv ed aciimmuiiicvion Irom die l.t. Governor of tlie Province of New Rrmiswick, in whiili he set# up an allegtd agreement that the British Government should have exclusive jur-sd c- t.on and p.issesrion of the dispu'ed teirito.y, until the question he settled—and inform* us 1 bat he is instructed not to suffer any inter- fvrimee with 1 It.t possession uml jurisdiction. He entreats us to withdraw the Laud Agent’s party, and adds tliat l.e has directed a strong force ol *• Her Mnjes'y's tr. ops to be in iness to snpp.irt Her Majes )’s nuthnri y, ami protect Her Maj sty's snbjeris in tlie deputed territoiy in the event of this request not being immediately complied with." lo regard to all this, I have only lossy that, for one, I see no rca-ori to dt.iihl tire entire correctness of the course we have thus far pursued, und that with the blessing ol God, I trust, we shall persevere. No such agree ment as that alluded to by the l.t. Governor can be recognized by us—and it is an entire missapprehension, to say die least of it, tliat such an agreement lus ev» rbccn made. The le<ter having been written before Mr. Mcln tire reached Ptericklon, no official commitni- cation is made as to the course intended to be put surd in reg rd to him, and those awes'vri wi'li him. I leant, however, indirectly, that they are to be retained, I am infnrme l that the Land Agent's party hive stationed at present at the termim'ion of the Aroostook road. While there Mr. Me- l.aughlati, die Provincial Lund Agent, pie vented himself, and, in the name of Her Majes ty, warned our party to dsperse.—Mr. Me- Laiigldan and his two asiistums were there fore taken inio custody, and the Agent with one assistant immediately sent to Bangor, where they are now detained. Copi« x of proclamation ami letter of the L». Governor of New Brunswick, are herewith onimunicated. JOHN FAIRFIELD. Correspondence of the New York Express. Micnvirtc *sn Fakokm OrricK, 1 Bungor, Fell. 21,1 o'clirk, P M. j An express nnived this morning, bringing nrdars from the Governor to Gan. Hodgson, ordering him tu proceed forthwith fui the Aroostook. Tbit is rigid, and the troops oncmbled here are rejoiced at th* orders. Th* ho*or of th* Btat* U now lw* votvedi and to delay longer would tilas* «• la m enviable situation lx f»re the public. W* sar>Mw*d that a mi’tsegn from Gov, llaiwy, to dalayhottUU rie*. was im ended as a rose, that tlm* might b* bad ULStren|ihun his fort**, and prepare for Um aaiial* paled Conflict. Wo are rejoiced that ovn Governor has thought it beat 10 proceed In tho hushMts. ond endeavor 10 defend that roil to which we have a righii-our claim, by d*rd • f conveyauco from Great Britain hrnelf, by irenty, In 1783, ami lira posits- lion of which lias been undecided lo., IliRuppoiiiiniiy was nevor more pruphlous than pri’snnt to make a si ith ment of ibis long vexed question. Older* hive juil been received from Augusta,b* Sheriff' Siricllund, to irleasa Mr. McLaucblan, Land Agent, and Mr. Tebhets, on llieir parole of honor—winch we h-arn they will give and retnrn Innnu iinmediaicly. Some uf tho lifipsiicis ara to lie held lo hail. Uidcr* have been issued to establish eXprevies from Bangor 10 Houl on arid ihu Camp, pn llm Aroostook, hy which we shnll receive die earliest intelligence Irom the scat of war. One iliousand men of the Kcnebcc Division, are oidi-red to march to Bangor onSunduy next. The general orders have been issued tu draft 1000 men Irom the 3d division, in addition to the 1000 now on tlicii march from till* city. The new draft will In> minute men, to hold themwlvesin readiue** to muich Nearly ull the tioopi took up their line of march this forenoon for tho seat of wnr. It is iiiin.ired that a party of tho'Quoddy Indians will join uur truup*. Postscuipt.—-The Kustcrn mail of last evening brought no news of Importance. Richard ii. Vose, Esq. of Augusta, a Representa tive in ihu Legislature, ha* been *ent to Boston 10 confer with die government of Massachusetts. Tlm Unngor Whig ol Friday says:—'“.The Fire Depot incut of this city embracing about three hun dred young m-.-n, liuii u meeting yestord,iy ofisr- voted to oigunize them selves ns a buttnliun uf Riflemen, and petitioned the legislature for a supply nf arms. There »oems to be no duubt that their request will bo grunted." BANGOR. Friday, 9 A. M. Ahoostook Exfmktiox.—Tho remainder of tho detachment hnvu left the city, ond somew hat of tha intense excitement is abated which bus pervaded our own citizens, and the crowd of spectators which thronged the city. Musi of the detachment left tho city yesterday io small squads, and this arrangement null* march we Impo will secure comfortable and wurm quarters 10 the xciiloua and patritnic Militia. Every uhl will bo given hy the citizens along the m lino to tho proper officers, nml tha men will bo re ceived in thn nins; kind und hospitable munner.— ’1 he appearance of the troops was such us excited oar surprko trad admiration. Coming together at a moment's notice, every man seemed be prepnred for duly and eager to Much the scene of operations. Ihe Commumjer-in-Chicf ordered, we understand, u rendezvousuk die force on Thursday, ut lOo'clock, must of which, wu liuvo suid, left town the same duy, nnd tho renmiudorthi* morning. Theprumpi- tilude w itlrwhich die call of tho Commanding Gen eral has been obeyed and the order and enthusiasm nf the troops, und tha universal impression of tho ability nnd energy of die Commanding Gen-ral, has impressed the whole community with u full confi dence nl its miccrss. [Whig.] Thu breast work thrown up by our furors at the jane ion of iho Si. Croix nnd the Aioostook, is iwelvo teet in thickness, ond mounted by a brass field piece. Before this time says the Whig of tho. 20ih, tlm force has throe nieces of urtillery. Mr. McLuiichlun, tlm B Irish Land Agent refut-. od to comply with the conditions imposed upon him for his release, and remained a prisoner at tbo last accounts. 'The St J- hn’s Chronirle of the 15th s tyst— W e have just beeh informed, that orders received acre last i.ighi from Head Q-nr- ters, to seitd up all tried spas-ib’.e t rmvps, Ar- ti Icry nod 86U1 Regiment from tins garrison 1 lira garrison at Fi’ctlerickion having marched fur the upper cotuur)." Mikix/i a Co 1.0.1 kl.— Il ip the easiest thing m the world ‘u give a trail a military title. We i citili-cd the other day of a f iend,’ who it somewhat of a wag. ••|».w Mr. S. berame en- • itled tu ti e rank or H Colonel ?" ’*1 made him," w s the r.ply, “as I have made tWtn- ty others, and at die lime t.f dnhh ng i im I also creacil a Major. Tl.e two offi tv* ought *“ K‘» logctlier. Having a speaking a.-qiiauit- w.tli one, and the oilit-r hav ng rtcently tt' rived iu the city, accident rendered it ne cessary fi r me to bring them together for the units 11 lion of some business. Tnk'ng the :».rn of my Goh.nel 1 ..ccomp.-.nicd him to ica die en.btyo M-jor. "Good nratning, Major W.,*' s •) s I "how do tint do lbs miming ?" and then wt U«ut waiting lor a reply, I turned to the ullii i- ui.d, "Colonels., permit me to make you acquainted with M.jorW.” —Compliments pus-ed freely between them, »nd no remaik wax emu hided without h..ving a "Major" or "Calculi l" tail, Stv ralpir- sons came in doting the con vernal ion, uml .11 were pri-scmed m ’• Colonel S and •» Major W." 'I lie tides having been Urns fully con- fi-rtd ever since, have been Universally ac knowledged. Rut your question, con'i.ued our I'riend. hau suggi sted lo me the propriety of promoting the Major, and peril ips the Co lonel a'so. Within a week, at all events, the Major shall have the title of commander of a leg.mi-nt.” I he prediction has been realized. We were present the odier day when the Major was promoted, and the, quiet man ner in which lie tepefied lus additional honor, was i.o less surprising than to see how readily 'he change 01 title wax urquii seed in by .the many present. Ihe Colonel Iras not yet been '•xalU’ii to the dignity of a General, bremise it is don Infill whether he has a sufficiency of grey hairs on his head—they being deemed essential to the commander of a brigade. If lie lives a year more, he will certainly have the honor ufdying a General. And so are our military honors conferred, und often not un worthily. We know several persons, enjoy, mg tlie titles of Majors. Colonels, and Gehe- ruls who never wore a sword, and yet they carry their blushing honors g-acefitlly, and with becoming dignity/ They look like h*-tops, and should be ao considered,— Baltimore Chronicle. From the New England Farmer, Thr Mulberry Fantasiks and tux Trans formations of Saoo — Wc hazarded a prediction n fmv weeks since that the wooden nutmeg gentry would *nnn bo along with silkworm eggs made out ofyi’llnw bees wax, and dropped on the best hot prossnl letter paper, for sale to tho amateurs. We had nntn strong confidence then thut our prophecy was so near its fulfilment as It now seems lobe — The Northampton Courier of the last week announ ces, that Buss wood cuttings have been sold there for cuttings uf tho Mores Multicnnlii; and w« have to add, that u friend of ours received last week a small phial of what was said to the mulberry seed ns a sample of twenty five pounds which the person who sent it, had on hund'fnr aule, wishing to know the price und prospects. Till* snmp!e of mulberry seed is nothing mure nr less than sugo; and, we beg leave lo ndd,u very fairsnmpleof much of the Finn- buggery (we wish we could find abetter word) that, is going on in this very same mulberry send and egg and tree business. '• There are none so blind aa there \\ Im will not seeand in this mulberry spec ulation ol the dny, we see hut teo strongly exempli fied the spirit of the homely saying, " The de’il miy lake the hi.almost." A Bsxn of Hkiioes.—The Carlist General, or rather hotelier. Cabrera, the affair of Maella, comm .n.led eighty sergeants of the division of Faidinas to stay i.ut nf the ranks, and offered Hum the alternate of being shot nr taking service with Don Carlos. "We prefer dying," was ’heir reply. Cabrera im- mtdiutely ordered tlum to be shot, ten by ten « in the hope that the sight of the execu tion of the first ten would terrify the survivors. Every time a platoon of these lieioie ser geants was laid on the ground by the ball* of this savage, bmd, Cabrera had this terrible question uddreised to the next platoon, “ Will t on take service for our Lord and King lli.n Garloi ?" and the xame answer, " We prefer dying, was universally returned. The namei of H csc eighty sergeants ought to t>« written- in letters of gold in front of all the military establishment* of Spain. Lot* or tiik Stkamkr Ci.quxttk.—This steam er was entirely consumed by fire about two weeks since, a few miles above die mouth ofth* Kanawha riv«r.