The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, March 30, 1839, Image 2

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s«i* WlseM® U*l «M| Im r*%**4 w» W Semowy «C th* tftojtutm. Kmii»i Fi« <iw»4*«> wf imj S ti*w marmmdl %4thii» tW U« II ter TWtewli iW pTrawfarirwi «f <W Cfc**- lm«iiiililM4ili«rMMi4i rw^lwiMitMWm- uflW Aaartaw >M lW4a» a»- l>uyh» aWtUta if»alty»t>dfx«fr>4 iWNkiA ^www U-iki|»»^ yrtwlwatma kIwwIii i lb 4tngw£a* —\ihifcrd Iy W* VM«M«iMn llMMlMNlitlthliMtlKrtUV »4Uws m*4 IW m4mrj k» ««iW» *tth wliwl«n,w>»NHwi>);»*W»i)4rnJii WW». Um<m, >W »JH» ri|4fMn ku 9k »* SMstfrf a alfUiUM it—Hatfc m —ads U <MI I'«*mI «» fu rtWr, i* w4t la ex*xhImam >«Vl« lk>«r K> lrf»i iW «il«tnMi »(t>«'<*U« vq*-w. «W< M, | >* »v«w*ka •» • l**»u» »**krt.ii»J »k*' kr k»tta««MfUk *4 telhte t**|«xt* Mirn* >«V.»lmMl, fiev4»x • '«*? rv*.»ni»«4kkr* w‘fit us AawfarAa the im mrenmrest nitnmv w»l»i4rw than)* »«ww 4 ky, «• ww»hnw»4 afa tW Wy tWc «n v»cb m U«WW «V *4 NlwMm, imI w*Im Ii f-w iW jaw^ iSftlrfr?*•!** **' | *.J ^sswea^ WW***»vec.»; cra-wlvt SS3»l ’li'* »»»|llM»^ w*h» iuoamkl* ikil •H«WWwkl{« * iW W«tV I* w |wi-»<w , {*k«r-v MmIh WMitm, it auuU l«q< |on\ynWbyihnmKat »*4-4;*- ... • — *•— 7. RM*S «****,.. •n xjftew fi*vwi di*|v1«xv<4, wwhw* the Am*m of damage. Nw*of pft-taUW. 9 Kt. Ml KIMIM llUUIrd, . , II .\*afL»**afcta*»4»« R. at XkalWwn |»t»l} Utawiiat, 111 N*. «t Ron**-* c*MR|..v«rlv uarwlcd, 9 W Xm. ul Umw fMitully ».»»uafi <1, 3UIU Nw. «*f ehimurya blown duw n, LV.*7 Xm. U windows I4u* m bi, IMJ ,\m. «f Mur. ul gitSX imi iiiImnI lu u btukrn, ao.uua .Vo. uf vatu.Lie tree# bl**wa down, !iH*«!U biuamluan, NO M>m vlUtM-tM.*» mil includ* nl mi iIm tlww, I 0 3259 3!»i§ 4T-*J 97100 4 WO 1100 3147 41 m3 500 lO.f.07 • Wall*, the fTwvwwwewt 1**4 w* *W*w*tws k*»t ••llww*rMi»t»tlirOMHr*l»r*, ikalwVw.faw,- MHy wf r^ma** (wwd n'^ikw* **4* P'****-» WM wfatMteWTOlW »tl WreriraMc) •* tw *V*« »Www w4w< wftbr M4wtAir)e vff the vv*n*titwtVrtw» Bw4 hy mm»ln tW*> IlntM, llm »* *tawiw that (lwl <a af MttMt 1*4fatitwd*vifsagykln iwtt which 1* ►*«■ Wfttki 4i»rtlM*4*»trMrtWrtW*'MnTit?y,**»ltK»*fa>*»» «fK«t<*(M>. Aa tl*»y Ms**r rrJ* «f** Hie IVl|if Grtvmnw***, *«»*4 <• M*rwr»t|y la* willful Him iVn %ill 4»» 7 »*fl*oi*'M mmwmI e«**M »t^ » WiiiliHim4et*»« *»U^{»***MI. He* *Wli tlwy «*e 1.* IN*nv«' TM* U*Ai« re*4fTM 4il**.'**»i n**4 **»'»** by ik* te*i{viili<M* Mf ibe >Ni*Uki-« elflNeawf^ «w4 4*»*tWe CD. Ilewt mI Iwrett) tlutejm'pw'j itwikrw wwl Tlwmlie«kt«*ft>ie MivtlMrt* UtWieW la* W tribMeA hi tWrtr |we».v**l *wt t%» *a«y ftaerel tiiaerait b^*«MM* Utmm *kr«r cv*.K*t**s e»Wleri»e0*liii«*4lwb«'v«lvMi *W« *w-m mmAtmi' •MefherfiieftWrtril.'wUi h* *b» j*mMw e*%w^ wtolwt'ripfeeMweM *4e*ir* «e e\nte ev^y *'w sn*fa»»4Akr la kiv|* mj* .mI » b»**r a* mutly t» |m»- er*4 «U »«4U »{;*M»*a*« «mI |**vUatmy »«*!• M kietiiif MT^ectahoM to emVebl* hrtwiiMi TlwwVw kirbW Im* |mv*4>*^4 ibe «niwa ♦<*. miWmk It *j*p6*r« ib»\ the iwr 4*umsl e^MieUefMt «f tin t4en.M«| SVt* jeecVU* • l>**.M** ;v~ wrt) t* tlw mmxWm, W*« (ixeei u**h**$'r»v*ih wMttt *rfV*etw*»*»*4 iWHie, ^nehftny ««n*tViM4itc tvs Iwtli Hw eeeees h* thfevr |aa»«|aMtv «a4 t« ^lRmeehim**e*et,W''bi» »b^“l tetie tfottatt iftt •h.'Mkl MM 4e «MM*v<h4s TW W.t>t»\|MI*tt<*> MMS »h*t • 4*r*b4 IVhW*«I tv* IMwAm Hm k>»4 Wren <4rt**a, «•« <,xrM tvH'*M*t» K»vt. k«t %t>l SetVe**4rwf, tvw«)*«Mh 4.--m»*4vsI *W* • o*4 w-fel Inw tin* flvw m * 4m a* Mw'IAty rtf 4f*ir*7 4^1 TVt-r Wo* hte* «f th.'t«’>4<> vJ «h^ ll a,.'^ W«et • e**tet>*.**4f *cn myierti*^ the tvbaUl^; <4 tkllml IX*'h* ItMe*etfMt*4tW*t tW Jll**ff*r 4 tV* l*V wettll few*** tWe epf**h*f»t *t M, lblhU*v«> Iwft **4 Mn Mtitet. «« »*,VTa« v4 KlMat «**4 UtmJMItlli TV <*** « WUr^MIMy 4tW«> VffM> eAiwitlefMie* •* tV eve***! tV tv. 4r*« KWfMItUw, Wwv l'4«w) 1 fi»y*ft,—Tk» <M'Mw'WhvmIj* *a «M% ea^fiiwA 4* the «*i*4a v* tW *x*f»A evr wwf ^ •» 1*4.4 t* 1 yve wa.ts evfWix* v4 llw *lM4Wi «Mt t V vxnhMMK * ?. TVim iVmmm Vy* *f Orth* V**4 fMiwVMfxa 4W»xUy, atrxte*lrh><y«xv.i4t« IVm* |m* xyavar*; Af *Mb^% «fft£wf*4 tv* tV t**kx ■hvm.’v^oM'X'*. hrt V\t*| «M*4e«^ hMvW*s«thfMibt>«-x vJ#.-*. H •exetel Vv TV Vmmw* tx^vi.v.xv'l **» ee*j^y m Amniom 4mn^mm I««a *|4 fwrfOoU** m. W.-T>* uW •totelNWw ****** tv. IlifMI b*tv v4 *Vh V ,i*i WW tMCte* <M* MfMCMltllWMI. T**4Mxxllf«Mf UMbxtv ^ AtHx»fe wxwtwwMhwtlit C*mw4 St^twl UtV» mm wftW itV mm 1*1 era paJfr'Wtri . iwuf Iwfiitwe, IwsVe iV* ha*Wv« baCvae uvwiroou FJh sXtttxhl Ami Wm QaAAtx i, Vim* WvJkVt A4i.itlUV.MitM, -**4 Kwms^wwCVHm|vwi« I.-* -a, ,W*vU.h-Ma Vl^, bxKwhhVxMt VMafa*, «*i«aha, A*k VxWf Wtait *mwnm »*h the ah**. «My* U*<t|w4 Ww**l f Xx-»->Vvab; tV Vtee *w«eif^ ivmn*. <4 Wit |kH« vnyaxy. **4 ^ivmxAxI wa k«< xvx be tVe IWtkMkt, U. W^HM Tax* K«fl%y k^rAaa, **4 Jti v* tV atwatw. T.wHflwib m t V e***w* v4t VI l*V tV l^b %*eM*Sat*e4ej-4av<vht* lvf*4Me yu^re *H' iW Wt. wMpIi V> *■< <XM*f M Vf». bfc*4«-~M <Mrt yavr UVyMkwe VarltV ebiyr-’khe »»'4 *»akf *$• OuwiT. eeyetbat tW »«♦ ir'x.makl'waiV l\l V*e tV fell MtkrlIII*. TV *k*y. Xa^*f» fc fa» h win tV wo 4^. tPi* Twut S**r Xs'MtM XexeK * ] fAHUAMliXTAKV rHtkt'KKIUMvS Amww wCtx *v*e —*A* vH>*vo*m v»m«i>ux- ' bwettet, MejxxetVae fxx.vajvav.1'.mwV hb<*X V tV *f«V mT CVmJi*s TV IkJU %T Uw.tivr.twe **>4: JtfMe. I ew emehtW l*«t y«tt ef *V W** 4* ^ b**xe > Vh'fr*A %i h tV KAiMrvH h*hVyt %*41 *ee Vyyy t* tt/wJI v* tVx v^-es-h hVh xeex Hmm^ MeoeavMx- to, t t v ^w*.*t vcvm.>W, hawrf^j, * ^MUratt * «n* tV y*tt Mt V 34 ^x tk Wit fcee JVwee'MWv. .**•»aue Va wxv*M<an MwebM-fevaVex w \v, xh Awmwtm 34y twaris. |«ffk14*ShtUttV>A<*^k.-'Mv«rii v4 Dee N Vfoe*<ve«wyMveM*41; xvaix^Muim^ aWratv * WtUt kftMv*^ tv* v*«xx Hw*k wtHuiitu* u<^* hi* e hb#fn£ ivMinrfvxVffv *>n4 <vo&w*4 t» e***.* I kres*a*> I ke**M ewe, ttHlkiv&itart la tlua |nu* '*.whhIi, «Vt maajxr t**rtk.ia* W, «Mltirx|<«t hlbfMtiNMkl.4 tVt'ntlMl X t s I •***♦ *at»hlVeeite«li*V that exrty nu-an» xUI IV ulex* txt «4*x tVt « hk-h it i* thr 4*dy u|Vx r . t 7»inxeK«ll tw*b\ Munrly, lu V|H ilt .alijvtti «.iUx.t..«k t'«vat*f«,ae4 |U*xv«tWlM>«wf Mien. tVx*bJr.vtx«4 *vMf xtair, Mk.Wu^ etUvWx wu iWir Mf|<bV* * t« •a*ttet. IhMMMWMoa, I*fywW»l > *uJuaM ih*»*n- wt* J *4fIV(mxm*mmmnM *4'tV I'uiirtl Si .*.•* m t<> lUWwhlMMMty i*tw lV t>ill.|lM|- wMU*e*{«4.n.Jalx-« luiHiMrifktxux; tuil t t-vu< ♦x4*-ti*<t tViMlutx*vf tVv«xumirx—\on.uU-iu»g iV x^xtexhM.lv4 th tion-rx— r.w* ih*-(HM:«ia ivxv «*) w| th xMiliuiicU—ann|«4o,e»u»»i,fcnHg thv* V«>xct«u xrflV <uxvtMue*ei—i» iau«t ku u.lnnt- tv4tVt*t W***e*KHM4i*^ul»M*uacu«iviui wiili IMIJWJ Ikixwhjrct Ua«<Mkxt. Kxvay «■ vittux: bweever, ku»« V*utrJ l ieU«f. nrfae vfMtaiMM* Vx htfai eaab*. U oatlvr lu ImIim x *V{*x*t*MMrMi4iVb > iMtvHStetMxtuee«iiU«*.U (ur tb* vi‘j r .-v*(Wur. Vim J) 11V* vtWtiuxt t Imi ihwM* »t. ilk»>* *eill V ebave ell,« V» it *.Ua*«k.t V* Uv* lV tvaalt iuoai |muv exva. a W*ev-xvty etivtu|-t tVt h*x baru m uk.* at iuvaxkm k XXUvaCV.-V(kWtvie ktuvvalk'inl. li.uxi, then-. Vx*x t Vt a* * Mil* lU U- fMt iuth.Ua *t«| *pi«»i, * hkh i» kxOaaeeauax tu tVaur a* gihkuaa a* it «lu«.-(Ml>iabk tu iV «<vitUv*MUtth«p VNitvxlStahf«(Var > Vat!) tuMvIMvtbMWfMeaax Wluaaxl »MiwalUit tu the *a*uv vOvvi.b; U4 UumjVo>. TV htnvvax k *um| h*UMHxiip, wl.ich buun.U-J iV \aarfaa-uik .txivx tuaatUCaaaia «at wiU. Ur* tea, aa4 i* Maay (xV*r«iiMcahix«u*irw* acMui.lvr* *V* xbv#a<e ; i V truatUa xWU be au*ily uxx» k a*| tVaa «m huh* «mt au iui ( *IUx>«ut lugu* i*( huMx tV HrtxUvnx o» uue Male tuthat uf it** oil* *»* TViwkhfAu.exuiAtVuVlUluijuUlcliiu- 4a.«4 lUf.ut*%tuv*\> x^a im *b- aU. tuj.i uri Ca- Mela 4a| hvt atUe hum aay auk tu aUt iheXx- VUimm. bat tVt t Vji ax'iw iu9u«ijcv«l l>x a wur**» |'UI* ^TV euktelUU MthliVt Uthix (Xv-JaiOfy ayttcui x-u4v.uxH—-.t .t aaiv jx iMrxvtaxt lu—all the puaart at i V Kx<u*k (wxvtuiaeat in t‘nu.ui » w..alil nut be xWMTu Hivxvat txt Juviuun by ihx* |vu|..V gfCauuilu u* *V euxivU Maieax, Wax* iVy tu be tuM tkit all the |*uaart of the Cvaafuantut—akwk «*«*nua «MiUly vtubMu J a«>l luvxk ua-ux* x^uiuii in Uxx-Uuacter than il.e Cuxvtuuutul vf iV t'liuaU Stiie* t-uuM U—wvu iVy tube tvhltVt uar yuxecuutt, auk 12,000 tv ^alikt tto«f|uib(ukVaahujee aailuii ktceakau bacL> *el by tV balk vf tV itoyW-*a* uuible tu du ihn wkwk M*< IXeiuikrM Vat* Buieu auk xv*y xlendvr ****** **—aitk tV feufle nut taking ynrl aub him, tvat Milk tV l-ewMle ugaiiutkirn, uud u»d- kixing a tvgWikt aiuxy aiui a »Uwug u*ilitL» tuhuck buu—wax *i«u<^ty xnmmmmmI f u ium du*ug t Uua italih and V* juuly i-uukl Mr. Yea Burra t*kt f«ia»>4 tW*xx«ik*e akru V heard it *uid, or. tVaatkfMMy *4 tW awkleduke,,that rxva our oau gwerteuMfnt. *a«*k n naueU bugxt fu.c« uud much anua iMNkty exlakuhed.coulduo* ^rrx^ai irurixaU. TVy aw abu laid thru the** |.(>kxh d>m;« chiedx atauf fxoM* tV iutmd'y of tko Wvlihg of OUlike to tV UxkMkioerx V rural. A«Wt*uotf k Vavxet, *ku tbo im«e«iiy of tkia <«rUe^ avuxxgiva* a* an* irpivivnivd,* xliil hr tVeg.kt tkut tVtx* a ax l.tti* doubi a. tu. he xiucvr* i*y oltVtW lieuulV x*>w*.t. U* irgardvl llli* Kii. »U4i noMrriwoeat. lie k-lt lot hi.x »an (rail, xmy »Uo*tly a tkio^evt tuaux ailiu-kou ibv Auieikuu fi,*v|V ox goxvtuUMfiU, a kick au^lu j.ut a x.up to ihr fx-aee Hat Vfv4y raunrtl Uctarx'athiieuuntry and tk»> C idled Si.w, a kick he ioekrtl ojhui u, o4‘ tie gxealvxt j**udWe iu^iortaiue tu badland u. ux‘U a* »xAuf«*a *,aediiukv.i.tuthe4vaxc a..d iVk Ot tV akoie awxhk. k*hrki*j» tWutwv, Uk the wee xcuie of the Snb auh-eat tVooimeuoce vftkexe gaetke rviaiiotu, aud vt iliuoehtwkvu kurtaway that now frevuiJeti, akdeuxtVxMkr raaa the value of the of the X onudt.u |»MUkxxiMUxwf the ctoare, the latter noold UMMt xxiuujy; uj. ku o^uiuotu kick the bean. ' T.'ta', £01,054 The |w.|iu!xlhM. <.f tie* «lletrirt tuny hr ralculxusl at 250,000. u>h1 I hr nurn'k-r •>! It •■."«>< m 2 <,000. alucl. otii gixe un Mierx^e lu«» of Hx>' •billin'* rxvry ialtatuant; oud tin* mean |.n*jMi*iun oi dx* ttuje d ole to tie* hulhlingx ni • y Ik. . x'i n*t -il at • xvij |ou caiculutiof, a* miMUMii.g to A"I t.» r*« r\ bu«n'. LdNDON. F« l'. B. Cvem Muiht—T<*o fiexlt viiixjI ot* Kn^lll!< wheat wax xvi) xm .ll th x mor.iln^, nor Im« notch addiiMiit l em i.m hi to tin* rx-x.vii.tx *>l •iuev Wxuii.ra.lay; tho trade ovt. ithelrxx rnnlinuoxl Inn gu.ll, thr.e waul ot* all •|H-C*lltttive hvluig. tin? triad xule» inuilv to thohn-il miilcrx werv. I.oxx- r«rr, at lolly Mninl.ty'x «|*ti*tuliolx.t, ax l.ohlerx rx- (und to uccvju loner jun«*x l»r tbrlr £* gluli or lo- cigu. /Tver wax xrry d Hi- ult to <1 xj.n»r of; arid in loaii made xrurc.-!y any thing wa« dor.r, mu! ui* hough the »u|i|'l> of Hour wax on ice, iortnertrriiix w,ro ruivly tdilaiiiithle. . /'•era the TnUnkttue tit nr of 20 th in it. INDIAN ML’KliKItS. W'e sta|> the |ire»x to tell arnulivr n»lo r.f Indian fighting,l.luod mill murder. W’e xhnll hr brief, I' r »* me xick at heart uj.ou even an uppruuch lu thix mhjx'ct. On Momlny, xxhih*Capt. lluxxrll'x companyxvrre tcouting, they Ml til unit un old negro mini, who told tl.x-iM he h .djiut *f«n«,uiid dm rtt-d the •ohlirrx wltrre they might liu.l them. Thu xcuut* charg' d on, and xoon came in xiglit of two Indimi*, *xho wr.erpiietly xvutrd upmi dm f.-ncr, und who brekonvd tin 1 whites in a friendly manner to up- prouch, which tlixi latter yli I learlexxly, und upon i.cuting the fence, Worn fin'd on Ity u large party of ludiun* who were concetihsl ia tin* hurnnttHtk, sujn jnu.d to number from 09 to 70 Two of Copt. U’x company were killed on the spot, and two badly wounded. Ona dead Indian wu« nfti rwariUlhti'.il on the ground. Tin* affair linppfinal in I'atterxuu'a Hummock, u few mi.Vx caxt of the Ocillit. Capt. Howell and hi* men are xuid tohnvo fought bravely, hut hail not »ufficienl force lo contend xuc- cexxfully with the foe. MAINE. Nrw.Twnn, Mofch 93. At th* Ivt ndvicr* fr to tho fWmth r, the Maine Acret #tilin t*m -«l iHjan-aklo aad undix|Hitcd po** •rxiioti of th" ArooxIooW C«*uniiy, while hir John llarxey occuphnl tbo Tokojao settlement with a military fun e of olrout one hundred ami twenty-hve men. The rranlutintl aulhoriiing tie 1 finwrnor tn with draw the imlitan I >rre wltem ver lie )ia» uttikfartory nuuiaui' Imm Sir John llarxey that he hax nbtiu* dotted the idea nf rx|icUing our lotvr, nr re«is»ing our ntt*-inpti to drive otf tn'#pusxer*, id tin A MA.NO.N 10 'ADD EHrt, Delivered alths Unitarian Church, Savannah, on Ft, John • Dky.V'tlr Dcivinlwr, I9:ifl,l.y Brother ItICH Attn 1). Alt.tuLO. Bavannalu I’.iuteJ L-y Tlioamx Panf.lD) Tne Matonic Society l« certainly the ntoxt ancient and imnorahle . fall ilia lay imuitutioti* lliatesixt at the preicnt day. It w ilhxtotxl tho attack* of bigotry tluougli all a.ex. It rii*t» now In all the pihtine pu rity tUal.lixlinguiilietlitin the day* ofliltuit. Cliar ity, virtue, and artive hciHttoleine, are the *tara hy our aiirinjns to urivu on xn>«|>uaxvr«, in urn xaui" i ^bitlillte Maxouio inxtitutioii lux been ever known in tiino keeping a xnlhcicnt numU*r to |irut» I tluj ter* | all ’•E 1 ’*- I<» memherx were generally the wixext, the ritnry, puevl th- Senate of Maine on tin- Ifith in«t. | l<e»*. and ti.oxt Jcxrr.ed men if their day; and lienee iho •aine rcxolni.ou wa* Utkcn up in the IJoum: the I they were looked on with jejluu«y and ii iVraiity l.y next dux, and tifier aineridinunl uiainitnoiivly tulo)** j the vulgar ami the illiterate. But the day bn*putted ted. Tin* following uccount i* tiven l.y the Aujut* J when in.i.oniry wji viewed will, auaplciuu. Thu en tu forrc*lHmdent ol tin* l<n*tun Morning I’«itJ_ I lightened iff ull |erkua«ious, even titoae who do not ! know how to form t!.o " mystic lie, 1 ' are convinced tlut The Itexol 4 Till day, i the Boundary, which | k«ed mu •day, ram*' tip in the Unit sc tho xatne KMiUMX 1'rxuu tVyupor* by the IVuhotUan at l'hihulvl- fkia wo v.\tn* t xoum* aUxlitiouixl itx tux of inU*n.*xt IHH'SK or LORUHk Fta «. THK 4H tir.VS ANSW £K TO Till: ADDRESS 4H V YARUAMENT. TV Iwd i'ktUMtvUwc mMivivk-xI the lVwe xff LoeAv wd SMpmintexI thru that Vr tmycxtj hod rvvvxwU thru alW, ami pKxcwxl to return the WaVc rvply^—** | tkiutk you lur your loyal and vViStl wUrVHs. Kx* lying cntirvly upou your wixtlnoi oml pukviotartUK I cun kuxe at* greater xutudkctixui tbcvx tb.a ot hmbng tuy«cM'Mip4ixMrtvxl by your ugivc* metit aiui eoifcurxwxx ” or the iu an* 1MW of tV wanftvy; bug ik b.»rx Vna *cwur(v<vi/wt : w«x coiirvly unl*«*.n*Tu aanl cxi^ctcU by ute, but ly %asav*iyk wr.4 *w *v**,dk ttgrux* tv gvvwort. aful which. i*x«lvvdaJteTOtioa*«uul ucw amuigvim-ntx in •***«■ Wt-tiMty % fummuAhe xn7*jjfvt* o<* *U the di.-utihutieu of the wdScvx cf h>-r majcxtx ’* C’ubt- |attt w twt rwotet t^jikasg He I’i/tvl Scxtvw^ ,w * ** ki.*v k.^t t..... — r.. \i.? 19 teVbdk.AxvftV i\«Na SkkteWs «ml Vt so. X«*ir «aa uVuver Wt Vmune bee 3Ai^y> oW>nrct% W% akediiwt *»l IionJI bft V* N<tK*,’3 '[hxwi.!! and Oaaartaly^any Wl\ I WWd waJh tw. ax aewatex. paaikrn gerymtw;»M. w*cK *,d am-uouitew odophnA. •vtt-M'rf«cMt*yVg Vro cwoiaV* tlk- VNotJmnx akkkWtHtjNM' VxdhvilurvdL, yf stum fcouxuie tux MVdMiwtttUpvaww ItVxxJ My V4\ tV ay Ha •* sa gaxvtfte was winch, goeawdn. oo, kVatewMara, *x imAmm** w* any vibes giut of ahs —O. W.mlrf wttOMf.M, (W IM. ,, ItMkaNVa SMtMMftw—wewudvf xcehta xx-uvoticwR*-*.*a*wiMchg„ wWk buicd V* w**«j a* caaMivk Alfi hew* wvv wmxvt Vakwawa «c*aina CHWJMMWMX. Naves Wy«e there aog ikitewitu *affxMt»wam.hsawcsu l cstij)acduni.wor> T MN hNAAhlmd* and *V vahos S.«ws of r*riV* WteftVMlaskmIMtrfinhVsomm bWxcxy anp>i«^ hats Wlptifc, «*4 dhaw aV aWNShV*. vf gvkvoinit) ac ahsteAt t»k; H«ifipt>M%a/iatikv<tnnNo;ly smvw. <•*?«*» wrme ctmueans vWd V Scum, a* unhmv kVfitetcananiftvf «V 1'o.wd SJwow tw. pug u.t^ wyydtte MtewajRvantkli Mwtriwc affll»aa cM^aptoo* payevtedm^w hem. JJ iMdbtea c*i*a**A*s cHwtfiy *V cvinvipurocswot tsMankiiM, bos ift wvw* a#. um- s *hua ui xonoe xivpw V4 H#t4^ Wo. to. *V gar A of Vc Mijo-t^x VdktelVpM«k>x otftA,r»mtWl xpevvh. of w Vh, iwr atthnjVy* WSvih*a thnl tun feoxinev ok ViyssCkmaAk tnwMtd a*at*h th. *V won* way m. wyjVHrt. fcotxatcw of T*«m hum Vow tawMbnlL a**raw^Vfvt>Jtag*sagM*tOwikvii hrsM’jjfaty *gy* IcaawigaflARnaaaotnieoArs fWwauMrwxai £ir w* V>At—la>wtV»A*w] 5 anavoMiaVr *****kV *4P* A si wbteag iiaia iWi«-or. imxo»<xcv4 its Du w*4 tknit HWVMlteteWilotaalVseMtwie vf wa.awu if w r **** owg^.- Mtd Wtet^athtay gcated oft u tJl titenelf Secretary fo, h i/ti/nte*.—1.'’id kilcuclg made u frw rvmurks it ♦woe to. u xutcxiuN* put t^ hint by Lord Broughaui, nrspcvtvig tbo “• xluvo trwh,’ vx'hkk wetv i^uitv iu- uiiihhleuk thk* gcJUcritnt llu* Lotddtiptheu xtuted thrnt ik vomniunii.uiion hud l>cvu made t» him, v* hich S3?* . _ aaaVCiMMfd Simm» (amw. I f«ofl Acnip s-g*Mti omh ueU which, hud hcxrt* nwoNcd igiua. To'tltu ur- PMJgyuiotiU »ud dn«ribntton k andchnnge, which had beet* uimlv. I Wu ajtvt tV a met mature coiwi.k-nt- VtU ia wa>x impwxxibh.* Vr me to accede, and there* Vf I WU U my dbuy to xeod us my txmignulioo. Ike Hot* Kvx-a oM*o exptVM bl* regret, such % xtep xhouid have been taken hy the (ioxertmteut, ii* the pciMMtU exethed xt its of tV Ctohnutd nffiur^ Jko. TRILkTY BETW EEN ENGLAND & AUSTRIA. TV Ltd of Abctdevn xoid V wax glad to »eo thttt 1* aow comiitereuil treaty hud been termed bo- twvon Unglund and Aa*tm* in whiik it wax xoid new umnvr hudbexn* introxluevxL The xtkvt of the treaty wax toxevuev lla* tuimUxiim of Aumriitn xex- xehs. coming bom the Danube, into the [>ortx of Ureal dveuaiu. ilk v.vtctly the same way ox it'they hud come icons Auntriiuk uoxtx; and there'wax also*on under* that BxxtL*lk tnrsMds xlnoild be phnx-d on tV srixf looting with Aaotrctaye^x going to Au*- trium port*. IWX L VW. Lord Brougham pivwnted a pxuition front the MouicipxtTTrwa iWtcii of Btrminghum, praying the a xpeevNr and edbctunl re-leaw* from the prexxmv vt tu.* v vKinrf fora Law. Eiud I'itjwilbnm pcvxealvdapetitiotk 01* the same subject* with. IT.UUU signatures* *. L*mi Beou^hvu. wa* r.xiuextexl tn xupport tV pcayev of the petiuouer** and to xuy that, bud it nut aeon. lA-strubin-1» pee*cut it at the earliest possrhk* jstxd. twice the number of passoun would have stgaed it* , Mr.JU U Wad, i» tkt CVunuos* presented a sirmiuepcotee* signed by sa wpial tmraber of p *r* XUUIS. Bom m Covmmss—FeU 8. Air* Tkoiloeepevxented*petitiou praying fiearv feat «f the cociklikwv Ettmoao for the repeal,and ag^tooaaay altertiaua of the com laws, were also pBCMcnanl by ether hxm* memherx* Ct* aaewxc a* tV iptestant frvmt Mr. Leader, re* huittg a* k'hmnllv Lonl Joba RitsaeU said that be KHe goturN artmifJb d at Lord IVhamV report ap- penriog bt % amrutog poncr. Ue hoped to be able t>lw the- report bxHuce- the llotur mt 4'ndxv. Cod Sxbthnrje gone nodes that oa the 21 xt u.*t. V xhna&k nwxf tiw wretueiv. end Lake tV xease of ir BhnMsnpmsih, e«'ihireapetMex**fLinl Durltnm x iCis ax l»"« iw Cmred of CkuoKs, and of the xaeiow reccTMnl by hnnwrlfsot hi» officer^ tbs: basil mr dullm>. «»* V>—Vj— vrrt.fc«lrf ij* y—Mte* kg dke gMurrar—ac .or aV Tatr lky.Vig). (MiiJnDlfH^yTiksadihiisx ■ xiawmim., Ww Jmhc Vc dost dV, unartrruu* NEW ORLEANS, Match 23, 1339. KUHTI1EH PARTICULARS. TVe lutve received thu following dentils in addi tion to those already given in relation to thu late negotiation between Admiral Uaudin and tlio 3Iex* icon pleuipotruiianes. Tht* right of trailing by retail, formerly refused with so much obxtiuucy hy the Mexicans, D granted to French subjects hy the treaty. Thu sum uf $tiUU,000 is to Ihj jciid to the French government ax ixiutneusatiuii of old injures, Vsi.les the indent* nity to French subjects xxiio have been driven from the country.—Thexe poyiueiit* tiro guaranteed hy th*‘ English minister. Refore entering upmi any negotiation. Admiral Buuiliu dt-nmiuli-d full n-|Ninition for the insult put upon him hy Suntu Anna mid nfii-rxvurdx liv Presi dent Bustameute, in their relation of the skirmish at Vera Crtu, iu which the admiral was limited of having violated u xus|»eiuiiin of arms. ’This n-pur- aiiott was made iu tho uiort satisfactory uiuiincr. Having thus ulitaiued reparation for injuries inllicl- ed upon himself and his fellow »-uhjeets,lhuiiilminil thought himself authorised It. he generous in what iutetvsnxl Ids goxerumcM. lie gave up tho de* maud tor reimbursement of tlio war exiHinses, on being advised by tlio plenipotentiaries of tlio ileplor- uhlo of tlw Mexicutt,finances, und being assisted Hint it wus with dtlHculty tho iudemuiUex stipulutevl iu tlw* tteuly could Is: puul. And finally to save the feelimts of nutii.iial honor from latiug too xexvrely wounded, waved his privilege of sign, iug tlw* treaty uu board uf his ship, und consented tu perfimn tliut ceremony 011 shore. NEW ORLEANS, March 22. It is tho opinion of sumo intelligent persons with w hom we haw conversed, tliut the luteurmngcmciil of ihedillicullies U*tween France and .Mexico {snot tlu* only jiroof of British inlluciKu in American ul* lairs, we may exjuxt to hear of in this tpiurter — They think that the city of llnvana will mm.ii pass under the cmitrol of England, ns uu indemnity for th* itutuy millions limned to Spain since lQUil,— Those who entertain this opinion,believe tliut u trun* tv ur convent ion will be negotiuird Imtween (irent Britain and the United States, settling the iHNiiidary question to the satUfo.'tioa of Maino, hilt ut tht: smite lime stipulating that tht* United States will ac quiesce in the occupation of tl|o port mid fortresses of the llavuua by English troops. Once niasU-rs of the hey to the tiuU' of ‘Mexico, (5r**at Urituin will he able to extendin'!*commercial teliilHins luulstreiigtli- en her inlluuiice in Muxieo and Texas. M e hope Mr. Fox may not prove too cunning for our ruk rs at Washiugteo, hut tliut if they do treat, thev will take cure that the interests of Jur trade with Cuba are uot sacrificed. The |<euccalilu tidings from Vera Crux have ul* ready giving new life to one branch of rnmmrr*^ iu this city. Many merchants wiU avail themselves of the opi*onunity afforded by the opening oftlie Mexi can ports, fur sending large quantities of goods to the markets iff that country . We have heard that thirty cargoes will have entered the Mexican ports l.y the end of Match, and that other shipments will tollow, should the Mexic.m government ratify ami observe the treaty with France, of which we bolievc there is now little doubt. It L« somewhat strange that wo learn nothing of tho civil war iu Mexico liv tho late arrivals. NEW HA.MISIIIUK. AXU IIKR tiCMOCUACT. Tho Conconl I'nh ioi of the Ifith inst. states that “ <he wholeilciuiH-ratic Congressional ticket isele ’ted by about tbe same 1111ijtnity us that for John Pago —between six and sewn tliotisund. James Wilson run on the abolition ns well as federal ticket forth*- vernor a*did Joel Eastman for Congress, mid tlieir vote, so far as welmve cotn|Kti\xl them are about the same; whilst Mr. l'nge’s vote runs parallel with Mr. Shaw’s and our oilier candidates for Congress. Al though the federalists and nholitiouixts have poured their whole venom upon Mr. Atiikiito.n, his vote will uot toll two hundred short of tlw* highest on our ticket, nnd will overrun that of Joel Eastman, who received the united federal and oboliliou vote, bv more than SI X THOUSAK D. Abolitionism hi« been nourished und chciidird here by the federal party, which n view to btenk dawn lit* del ins* nicy— ami dm i"giliix election llicie has been n |***rlect understand.!ng und concert bo rvvn tin* fv.lcruli-m and ubolitionisin, in n*ort in- antes voting for tbe *mn<* cundulul«*s—but ill tlntse cases wli-re they leive ion separately, the whole vote i* taken fioni tt.e fed -ral sirengib, without oTilw least degieeoff olio- the d"n*> cniti. votu. The fedvr ili»:n.of New Uampxl.ire is placed in a dilemma t the f*'derali *tanptst either go over en tirely tealoditiiioi-m, now that the federal lend-is rlsew hen* have cut !.»>mmii..| ,i.flercd it lo go rapid* iy un tb** way »o its owndo-truction, or they must lusdve tin tr met* party, which, without ih<* aboli. lionists, {* not able to make even n sIniw ofutrength. lhi» is n**t the !h-*l time tint' vuu.’ting umbitiou has erected its own fallow*.** NEW VOWK March 22. Faojt Maixb.—The E.istcrn mail . f to-dny bemgs u*nn im port ant now* either front tin* fron tier or the Maine Legislature. The Linger Wl.ig xtatoson the aitli .ritr ot n gentli-tnen from Mud;*- wasen, rlwt great depredstion* b»\e lately lieei. made on tho timber LokIs along the St. Jolins and , on It« passage to ho engrossed. Alt nmeiuh ■it was ofl'cred hy Mr Dcletd.*rnier, to thecfleci that the military force shall not la* uitiidrawn until the l.t. fJovcrnor of New nnmrwick shull ubandoa h x claim to exclusive jurisdiction over lie* disputed territory, whirli led to miirh debate, hut the lloiNe ai^ourm-d without taking imy (jin'stion. This tnor- tiiug, tho mover of the tibovu amendment withdrew it, and offered another, striking out nil tlio resolve, nnd iiucrting new ones, which ure in sule stance ns follows: They nir.nii the indclensihlo right of Maim* to exercise exclusive jurisdiLtioii over the whole of the disputed territory, hut waive for tho present the ex ercise of mii Ii jurisdiction over tlmt puitofthe terri tory heretofore in British possession. They, how ever, dcciure it lo be the duty of.Mainu to t*x n reise jurisdiction ov**r the wluile territory, so far ns juris diction is involved iu the expulsion of trespassers, 11ml the protn lion of tho public property. They furthermore authorize tho CJovemor to withdraw the military, when he L satidied that they ure not necessary to suxluin the civil force uu the territo* nf- All rxpn-iseJ thcmtclvcx satisfied with the Ib*- ■olves es they would stiitul, by the amendment—af ter which they were ununituoiisly adopted. CHARLESTON, Muich26 COMMERCIAL CU.SVE VJ'IUN. The Convent iuu w lticli i* to be m Charleston on lint liiitd Mmnluy, being the 16d: of April, promises to Ini onoofifiu luigestund most imposing u*semblivs tliut lias ever Im-, n convened in 001 country. It is ct'ilniii licit llieiu will lie n full iep* res. niatiuu Irotn tbe Stales of North Cuiolinn, Vo* gioin, Alabiiiiiu, Tennessee und Mississippi, und alstifrum tin* Teiriioty of Florida. Tltu object of mis, us of iliocicmlCooveniioim lioid on lliix sul-jcet. is to promote at Hie South ilit* Came of Virvrt Importation ami Internal Im provement. In this great object all tlmSmilncrn and Suut||.Western Stine* have a common interest, Wholly disconnected wtili nil quest ions of par ly politic*, and piiiiucd in no -pint of hostility or uiikindoess towanls otir Noil hern brethren.— 1 hose Conventions mu im ended lo enligho-n the public mind, ami by combining the energies of the South to develop** esoiirees nnd eniurgu our Contineiee. A *l*tmg impulse Im* ulreudy' In- given to the industry und etiteiprise ot oureitiu-iis in ull our Commercial eitins. Tin* Conveiiliiin iiliout lo Itc held In re, ciiriuot fail, by keeping a live till* spirit and promoting general lurmony. to 1I0 inueli goml. tin tlio citizens «f Charleston will duv-lve, on ibis ocensioii, tin* grnieliil doty of giving n cor dial und liospiiubln im option to ’those wlm will coinu, Hot only Iron* tint iiiioiior ofSomli Carojua, Imi lioni the iiei^liboriug Slate-, to miiigli* w uli u, lit cummon toiincil, for ilia common bm.elit of all. .Tlic following gentlemen have liectt npn»iuli'il Delegates from Columbia to the Comnieienil Con- vention, to la* la-!d iu Cbarlestoo, «m the tliitd .Mon day iu April next:— W. C. IV. slon, F. II. Klnmre, D. .1. McCord, II. F. Taylor. W. Hopkins, Dr. Joel II. Adam*, J. I). Trade*ell, S. I. Coln'ii, J. II. Adam*, W. Hamp ton, sr , II. L- .Mi-Lain*hlm, J. L.Clarke, C. B mb- ter, J 1. Chacev. R. Brjre, J is. Bmtiwrigb*, J. S. I'reslon. R. S*n.ll.*v, M. II. D A. Wailace, H. Davi*. Join. Fio-t, A. F. Do’-aid. B.T. Elmore, II. II (Sin, wyn, b I). Moi.b-cai. It. O’Neal. It. Young, L. Chcve-, Jolm Fi*ln-r. I). Ewart. .Min M. la an. J.nux Feni.m. Jo'.m Caldwell. E. Fiblav. W. F. D. S.ui«*.ir", R. W. Otblh s, T. II. Wadi*, T. Starke, .1 (!. Brown, A S. Johnson,Thus. Da vis, Jas. Douglass. SroltM.— About tin* haule-l rain we over knew, fell on Finlay ni-jbt lust. It poured dmvo Ilk * I hi* biiMling ofn outer spout 1 All ubove, uionn I ami la-low, was wider, wain. Not a f.„r ol d v land wa. to be seen. Thunder mi-1 lightning, ami wind mil Imil. at ila* siime.tiniii wa* awl'ul, M my gii- ileus iinil films are totally riiim d Tim seed and growing eiops nro wu-hed mil oftlie earth—fences «l9«tioVeil—beautiful li.-ld* torn into goilies.llie soil wnslu-d away, leaving mulling hut tin* primitive na-k, or a desert waste. The roads lire also infaeli out up, and we expect to hear of many tiulis and bridges wiuhed nvvuy, Tin* Oemulgee ro*e sudd.-nly some 20 feel, mul i* still full, tnoogli falling —Macon Telegraph of Tuesday. Tn the Editors of tho National Inlt/ligeneer. Me*sis. Hales ,*i Seaton—In .In* spe, cli w Inch I nd ln-s-ed to iln* Semite on the sobj.-et of nli.Mli.oi |*eiiiioiis, I nsserib.-d to Dt. Urankliii ilie.mtliMisliip oftlie luvv passed by thu State of |Viiu*ylvnni.i in 173!) for the gradual emuuc.ipntimi of s.nv* s. Such wax tin* iinprv's. ion on my mini; but, Ir.mi a com- mimicalioo. which I have since received, 1 believe that tie* measure originiite«l wi'li miotlier di«im- goisbi-d cii 17.1*11 of I'eoiisylvaiiia, tin* late Imnor ibh* (iitorge Bry.,ii. I will ibaiik you to mike thi* cor* rcclion.uoimporlant in respect to tin- uxeufilio fuel, but otln-iwixeju*t und proper. Yours,ie-p.-ctfully, II. CLAY* Wailiiiigtoii Al iic.i 2, l B E). mlUmmmogkmdom aflte»*|^| "* moummot amafiftor- L £lt~XJMQ lU^W.OW JC5545TJHW m uicsroBxn dc»u.v IT<uatf»«<rtbilba ip i* m fcangfia blwbw __ f *^ **• #«a off i«« frteitu-r-« aitiart 1* ouudlUe* w^JkiC n** • wMRa tkc rr&z.~ r °~ The thninr of N- w Brunswick, dated March * 12*h, say*; *’ Tbe transport banpt • Eliialieth, with n detach,- ret of tie* bibb regiment, xiiuck on Bmtil ll*K*k, a*ar Cape Slide, on th* night oftbo 27th ult. nnd **n* c.Ki*«iicrnMydsmag*-.|. Shegot off with lux* •ffimbb-t, xml ( l aky, by the assistance ol xcbisHier Victory and a brig, aad was towed into Shetkoree, uhrie tbe troop* landed. Tin* draft* from the City M. H i. for netuil xer* vice, morchrvl brut hanac’sx on Thnr-d iy last, nnd bate HOC* bee* pm (ranting garrison duty. * Th** asm • ncrgetic military prep«r«rions are in ptMgrass litreNxghyot tlie Province Troops, can* a..**, awtxltet*. amovinitioa ami provixkms are tlaily Ustr.f IWwx drd (lorn ihr* post to lbs* frontier. A party s/ the Ftadcricimi Vobmtsx r A»lilV») came to th* dry U*t week, f»e the | *if|Mxe nf taking ■fcsrg* u sum* told piteexand ammunition, With wkitb Cws miuree.1 to ll**iltjtartets on *Prl.|iy. AackndWm spun per vails in ihi« wijr, in tint pc- nwtpwt. imwntl Vwluatrrr onupanic*, •• Uaniam frxtlBbag up—liotss, W$t,Bco rl Vn^sem Camfn). ks. ■(ittEAT Al’CTios Salk or tiik Chinese Montis Mt'LTit'AL'l is.—Astonishing ns it may appear, there has Imvii ntiothcr ndvntii-e in the auction prices ob tained for this invaluable—a tree destined, as it appear.*, to liecometlte source of immense uiitinuiil wenltli, mul to render foreign nations tributuiy to us for the tu tide of raw silk, to an nmount far exceed ing our imports of the manufactured article. The sale yesteidny took place ut Franklin’s miction roiitn. Tho throng iff purchaser* was veiyvfmit. Compe tition sceuied to be nvvnkeued by the greut dimmii- lion in the stock now remaining for sale, and with the near approach of tint planting season: mul the prices throughout were full 25 jier cent, over nil pre vious sales. The largo specimen lives sold ut $D earh, and some bundles of less sirs* commenced ut H‘J,5U to $4 per tree, und th-.t smaller ones sold ot $1,20 down to about 40 to GO cents. Roots sold from 15 to 1(1 cents each, in parcels of2 to 4,000, and the entire stock, consisting of about 1^,000 trees, good, Itad, and indifferent, nod many til thorn very much injurevl during the voyage of imjmrtntion, found willing and enthusiastic purchasers.—A’. }’. Etc. Star, of Wednesday. It is perhaps not generally known that tic flow ers of tin* Yellow Jesamioe, i* uu active ami dui.- genius poison. A ease occurred on Thursday last in the family of the editor of this paper, which had well nigh resulted in the death of ids two children, who had eaten of tho (lowers, for the honey they contain. About two hours after, both were attack ed with violent vomiting which continued for near ly two hours, und but for sjtccd, medical uid would liavo proved fntul. la fact, the cases, w ith every attention, were lor some time extremely doubtful. The yellow jo<«ami:ie crows ehiiud.mtiy in the for ests in this country, is uu exceedingly beautiful flow er, nn,l olh-ii transplanted erumul the dwellings nf our citizens.— Tol.akottce t'loridian, Iti/A ii,it. it is a purely charitable society, and that a qoq! masoii cuii be rarely u lud man. Tlic uddre.a before- us, Is one of tlinso nnnual oru- lions, wlddi the biotlicrlioiKi have delivered before Iliein, to keep alive that spirit which Ima been instilled in tlic initiated iu all climes, and through all time, since the days f Sot.uuoN liimself. The bmilitfilinod of •• rtolnmon's Lodge, No.1," were fortunate iu tlieir omor. at their last anniversary. Tie- page* Iwl'orc us, show that be uud*-nUNN| Ids subject, uud that lie|N)shcssct all the acquirement* necessary to commuidcule bis knowledge to his brethren. Il is u production which displays depth nl'lrirniug. research, industry and elis|ueace of no com ■ on order; ami did we pnu>c*» space enough, we should submit it to our readers nt length, in Biip|iort of our opinion of its mer its. As ills, we iiiusicun.eui our.elves with a two ex tracts;— “Into erotic**, mixrcpr.'scutminn, p'-rs-cuiiiirV-av" ill tor,, hurled their mtrsilcn tigniii»i Masouiy ; liu* "rmo.| in Tssitli and shielded by Justice, they drop- ped ii.irinless ut its feel, euch ns tins spear ’of dm net Vi-less I'rinm ngniiisl tlic buckler of I’yrrlm-. N«r have ligliti-r, and in rn.uiy insiu.,ces mioceff.-c tuul wi-upons, been sp ired toil--mo|isli our beaut f-sl fabric. Ridicule and Sarcasm have been invoked, when heavier and suv* ror ones have failed ; it vvu* loudly iliought that in the pretended antiquity "four lostHmil'll, n vuineruhln beet been lounil in tliuollier*vi-t- invincible Achillea. Far be it Irwm mo lo deny Unit those Brethren who carry Mason- lybi-youd dm Hood, show more zunllliiiu diseretim,; nod in.-ii preleiixmiis may meet with the *ume fin*- n- tlio genealogy *d ihut Welsh liitniiy, in tlic mid •lie of whoso pedigree **u» placed n note, Muting llial iihout llnit time Aditm vvns creulnd. Wo will rcuddy yield lo Hie reiisiinubli- doubt* of all sceptics on that score, und yet wo will l'cnrb*»iy assert, in* Society now in existence run lay micIi on- doubled claims to the tide ••l Aiicii-ut, ns ( -un ours. “.Masonry, lays rlmm to tbu login-*! rank. The solid mat, i luls v* id. v* loci. it«*|N*rat,-s, Iron) dn-irvcry durability, t-ieuie uu im- pre*»iuu ofgrandi-ui : und when, by the combina tions iff gcniti*, we sue sliapelcss mus.e* united into •uiesmid and impo-ing whole, tbu rough block, through the agt'in-y ol tin-work mini, inking its place as die giocclulco uinu, mul u stately bnil.litig ris* s tu cur view, irom rude ami liuiuregem-nu- materials, wc me foictb.y impressed with tlio id. a iliata high Older of intellect hits presided over lli,t new hut- minimus combination. Operative masonry includes m itself tint various urduis of urcliiteciuro us un .mil part of ii—mid as socb- y advanced, it in crease.1, uniil we find il rising Irem the humble be ginning ot raising u sued, until it succeeded in *• •'•-I'ling buildings, the pride uud glmy of tlmir age, und the wondt r and udiiiirulioii of succeeding ones Nred I u-fer lu tlio-e beuuiifm tempi.-*, whose ruins siirrivoiK the ravages of time, si ill udorn ilie ehi*»ir. uind ol Hr*, re, or to those gig tin do masses ••! ma sonry m Egypt, whoso origin wus wrapt in obsr.ii- iiiyii.-iir lin.e ihuitMiud years n^o. '1 lie builders ol die pyramids have long since mouldered into ilii.t, un.l lln-ir veiy natmts have pus*i-*l into oloivi on: yet does tlieir work still reimiin it pcrpeioal w itiiu-s of the perlcuiiou to which operative mason- iy li.ul ult nil., it ul that distant day. “1 iti-ul enter into in* mhiuned iiigtinteni tu prove openiliv,- m.isuux mu-t evui have formed a in-isi iaipor.uut class ol citizens in nil countries ** hem civiltz iiiiin und Its consequence* prevailed, t iicir utility c.mMitiitcd tlieir vulue. In nucieio times, when it ii lion advanced in rivilizu-uui, q'u-icd or eohuiizu.l iu u rude uud harharu*i« coun try, lln-ir first cure wa* tn introduce dm useful imi* mm the new setdomeiits. Thus, n debt of gr.ililiidc was itup.'seil ,*u the colony, uud u common lioml • >1 *i • iiar i:u*liuns und in lx was cn-ut*-d. Among the Kouiaus tl.ix current priu-ee.liug was a settled pan ol their poli-y, nnd ii* u writer oh-erves—'*• I'liet thus, n* it were, cuiiivutcd tlio soil, ihu swonl had | gullied. ’ The orator pursue* Ilia subject, and show s the great benefit tiio ••collcijiu" did .he world by tlieir antliitvi lu- ral works, and quotes, in support of Ids re- murks, lie proceeds— *• But the most -an, historical proof exists that *iii-Ii was die lad, nnd that n society of this k nil cxi-tt'd in vniloiix i.ntiunsund wus coin.msi •■l • from Italy, Hi-imany, th** Nnilo- l ii.d*, Fram e.Eiiglunii.Sc.iiluii.l, mul even Greece 1 , ml that moo in tlto*edays of cou*luni si'i.f. u rival nation*, they viewed each utlicru* brollu-is, n.dioogb b ..die cum in-,, may have given them ImiIi. Wc here find dm gemi of that love which it isih, duty of every mason to tmldviin and to extend toward* eoci other und tovvuid* nnfti- kind hi geio-ml. Tlio C'l.ureli of Rome, which tlmu had iht* enure spiritual power over theso nations, granted tlio sm-hoy of masons peculiar privib-g. ami die iliff.-reut secular government., wlm wislmd ui ihennatlvesol du ii uiithiierliiiul kumvledg. . did the Same. Ilceo they travelled iu vurnnis coiiiitrie* uionolesleil, m.d timn this came thu dlie of lr* e ni.isun. “ But when we nppr nch the tenth century of the CliriMiun era, we mi longer dt*|>eial on collateral uf the nnliqoiiy of imisoury—but can p dm-eevidence which will eonvint-o oveiy unpreju- dtr* *l nml impartial mind * f the itulli of its claims •m by^ <he ohle-t society n tw in existence in the world. ’I lie liistory of masonry, brief h* it mo* necessarily be, «• it. explain in you wby, us it exist, now*. H looks to England ax it- lit-ml. When Un* min wn* oven mi by the Bids, Scuts and Dam m-ai Iy ull (lie Roman works wu*e lael iu ruin.— Need 1 brim* to your mind, n« a proof of this fi. flat great seareiiy of Roniui works l.-l'i stim.ling then*, iu 1‘ompaiixon will the great numla*r on tlo continent of Europe, With tile works, the collegia established by*tho Roman* vanished from tliut Is land.” We regret inclose the address with these brief ei tracts—hot mir.liinits preclude ut from giving more. In conclusion, wc may, however, any, that the society of iii.Hun.liive Imi (.lulling in tru.tlni. tlieir caul, to 0«,r c l» In au lm|.iirlonl a haly. i vjrlt mi uble defender, and that liberality and kimlli- • - • , - *i t-If.* ness of sentiment pervades the entire address. W we a mn.son, we would fed ourselves exulted,os we are not, we cimiint hut admire the beauty of the structure itself, which is composed uf such materials. Tar. Post OrrtrE.—The report which we notic ed yesterday, of tlu* contemplated removal of Mr.,?. S. Skinner, from the Postmastmhip in this city, wc are assured, on whnl wo deem unqti*.*stioiml)le ntt- thoriiy, is without found-itiou. While we have our |H*n in It imi wc will take tlic occasion to hear testi- inuny—briefly, blit with the decision warranted bv daily intercourse with the office for many years, to the i-ffteient, attentive and objiging nmuuerin which the affairs oftlie Baltimore Post ofiicchuvx* been uni- formlv administcreil.—Bat. American. Fatal Accident—The Oxford Ri'puhlicun gives this neen'Oil of un incident that has been much distortvil in pnhlie prints. “A fatal amt! -nioccniredat G.ei*m*,in thisromi- tv. on tin*,veiling of tint 5 h*in»t. It nppeurs tint Arnold ll'Mlou, u •loinol’gencrally lem|M-nitoh dots, bin wlm was somewli'U imder the iullucneofli- q-mr nt il.e time ill I.lit bis wnybito a nmni wht'tv it nunilier of |ht«sons were reMiiuting tbe polit-cal v.etmy ill- y bad j'ist r< c- tvr,l; lie tieing ofiqqioxitu inilitir* to tlio P»ny in ilium m, wn- olden'd loco •»ui, wliivh budidl sonw xnys, th it nl't*r lint* going •ct In* uia.lo u second attempt fit gain admhmmv, but mu -a 1'ivdj >g, Im b-nned against tlio I smd*- l* ix of tin* stilts, ttP‘1 f**ll over; wo i-cdovu tla- (.’onon-r- jury ieioine.1 u vei.luq, that In* cn-m- to bis deaib i.y U*ilig pu-lndorilitottndwwiixtidtx by peix-n* in.Lit .wn. ll« ♦••*d on Fiidav uft« r lb« ur* cidt'iH. | is a truly ii'cUm It *ly afi'dr, m.d Jb** ul* trin|it I.f a few, to create p-1 lical I'npiiul »a|l of It, ix to In* d.-pici-Mli'd. It bell uy x u ini «um'»» w bit'll slum hi not ba tolrrutcd. F.w AMTtvot t's X. a k i» Prim. At to**.—'Tim 0, Plates Marshall for <?te Nortlu ni District of this fitr.ii*, Im* lev i. dun Pwartw.mi's interest in eight ' hundred union! uf Ch‘.tj»*aw Und.— Sentknn * ( All ) Aryh. The Army nml Navy Chronicle nf the 21st inst. says:—“ Major General Mitenmh will leave Wash ington this day to tnlti* the chief direction of affairs iu Florida, llis stay there will depend upon cir cumstances which cannot be known until ufler his arrival in the Territory. Gen. Tuvlor w ill remain on duty in Florida. At n Convention held in Richmond of the friends of the Administration, James' Scldcn,' Esq. of that place was unanimously notniuntrd ns thu Repub lican Candidate to represent that District in Con gress. Mr. S.-M.-n lm accepted tho nomina tion. On tho25th February, 250 Indians nnd negroes, left Tampa, ia the trnni|mrts Moliasehe, and Siont- ;o-i)*»ry, under charge of Capt. P. Morrison, and Lieut. Srott, for tlmir dcstinuUon^n Arkuiuu*. A MURDERER KILLED. The Limisviile Juurnnl rays: A letter dated ut Little Rm-k, Arhnnsns, gives the following aeciHintuf tho wuy which fellows dcs|«tch ea.'h other in that Plate. “ Every hmly lu re goes arnuxlt utid thev have very littleeonipuin'liiui ulVoti- *riemv idmut slim a in** eaih other. At Montgome ry’s Point,about loti mile* Ik*1iiw this, 1 saw a great rascal shot. His Mime was Garrison. Ho was a reli'hmtiil raltlu-r nnd niiiiderer, and Umiteil nfiinv- log klll.-il ii humiivil Hteit. lie was slnt.dliig mi the w Itarfw lien tlie ■leumluiui arrivixl, ami raid some* lltbig to h geiiiUtiiiau wins came in Imr. Tlw gen tleman out pistol, shot him timmili lit* neck, und biohu it, and tUui wm tlic t ml of Mr. Garrissm*” BANK OK CHARLESTON. We Irani that tltis Institution, pursuing (lie libe ral policy of tlio Banks of Augusta, a day or two since called on one or more of tho hanks of litis rit; for settlement of alwut one hundred thousand dol lars. Tbu hanks hem having claims on thnt city fur a aunt fir greater titan the nmount demanded, tendered in (inymcut the bills of the several bank* in Charleston und checks on tlw Bankuf Charleston. This mode of settlement wav refused, unless our hnnks would agree nml allow a discouut nf one half of one per cent, on the funds which they tendered. We are gratified to learn that the hanks of our city replied that tliey would not so far undervalue the hills of die Charleston hanks, and paid promptly, the demand in sppeie. This courso on the part of tlio Bank of Charles ton has caused tho Dunks here to call on tho Charles ton Banks, for an nmount equivalent to their dntiu— l low can our citizens expect accumtnodntiun front the Banks here when such a system of brokerage is adopted hv our neighboring Institutions. It wn* a pitiful idea for a bank nf three million* of capital tu perform such nn operation for the paltry gain of five hundred dollar*. The spirit of Hamilton hns, however, departed from the directory of thnt Insti tution, nnd thus, n* n public journalist, wc ore com pelled to note n departure from thu comity which should prevail between Institutions of rival cities. We shall recur to this subject. REDUCTION CONVENTION. Wc were anxioiu in the organization of this con vention lo avoid anything savnuringof party divisions. That all, of whatsoever difference of opinion cm oth*r subjects,'might unite in the selection of men not only capable, hut in tho possession of thnt expe rience which would fully qualify them for the impor* tout duties with which they would bo charged by the people. Wo deemed tho occasion one on which party strifes should not be indulged. Being a convention for tho full discussion of a cardinal amendment in the Constitution oftlie State, wo were anxioustosco some of the best mind* ofbolh parties brought togeth er in union of feeling and interest tn accomplish, if practicable, the great objects of the Legislature, when they enacted the law providing fur the Con vention. From the course of the opposite party in tho up. per counties of the State, which hns come under our observation, wc were Inst week induced, ittcon- trudictiun of the nbovu opinions, tn spread before our readers sumo reasons why tho Union Party should be fully represented in the Convention. We still adhere to our belief thut as the orgnniza-, tion hns been made in many counties n party ques- ‘ tion, if each party is equally represented, thu Con vention will effect noire than a decided majority of either party could. Wo believe.too that if “ Chatham’’ sends not a full Union delegation, us also tho other Union coun ties, that the opposite patty will have in the Con vention that decided majority. For ourself, how ever, we are, uu reduction, prepared to throw on them tho responsibility of being iu the majority, in asmuch us, until tlio amendments nre ratified inOc- tuber, they will not be binding on the people, and in decluring this wc would slate briefly the reasons which actuate us. The opposition in this county, heretofore urrnycd against the Nutionul Administration, have runic for ward in a spirit of conciliation to prepose but two gentlemen ns candidates, expressing a disposition to yield to the majority iu the county throw out qjj five of thu delegation. Such a course, wo think, will meet with favor from the Union Party of this county, as, in the opin ion of many, nut jotipardittg those principles which ut our regular elections have liccn regarded os es sential in the selection of members to represent tho county in the Legislature, und which we ore not yet prepared to yield, at a tlmu too wltan tlu* party opposed lo our principle sure struinin gevery nerve to acquire and retain political power. With an Exe cutive untertuimngthe principles ofthe party styled “theStole Eights Party uf Georgia,'* wo would as otiu clinging to the principles of “ the Union and State Eight* Party," nnd approving the mea sures uf the present Natiunul Administration, ad here in October to those lines which dividu the two parties, unless wo could see, with the eyes of some, who profess so to sec, that the prosperity of the State und of Savannah, her principal seaport, were retarded by such considerations. Uni motto ix—ouit C'uuNtuy—oi)n State—outt I'aRiY. . Wit ure therefore prepared lo disregard thu latter when the interestx of Country uud Suite, we aie convinced, me jeopiinh-d. Wo coincide, vrilti lexs relueliiuce, in 'ho courso of tbo opposite parly in Cluilli on, when we renu* ln*r that wc are till (wlm lever parly muy have heretofore separated u«) GkouuIANS, alive lo tbo prosperity of our State, und more united every day in forwarding loin eiiliitlitraod pu.icy which i- teplnce her at a day n*it very remote, perhaps first —certainly second in mine uf her S*»m hot n Sisters in Commercial mid individual happiness. Seii-ilivo ton on the subject of u preservation of the federal basis, a f.inditm-n ul principle in our Natiunul uud State Constitutions, we d sire to have all parlies *11 icprest'iued tInn they mny be united iu'securing in tin* counties interested that influence in tlio gcucral assembly, which sound policy dic tates. These views we throw nut before our renders, not as tin* or.-nn of lie party w-hnse principle* ure ours, but in the nature of surgestioux uf our own, nf er joniu* reflection on tin* subject, and consultation with sunn*of the uiornber* oftlie parly. Did wo not believe that the pnqrer course is to meet our opponents, on this occasion, in the spirit iff emnj-remise, so licit tin aide nnd enlightened De legation might represent the first settled soil of the contem plated convention, we would have permitted the uihject tn rest with the few remarks heretofore bestowed on it. We would suggest, however, a meeting of Mr Union and State Eights parly to morrow evening, to consider the subject of n noniiniiiion. The Exploring Expedition squadron was spoken on the 18th of January, in lnt. 3G 40 $., long. 5 20 —■ten days out of Rio Janerio—by the Ingn, arrived r. cent I v at Boston. Captain MAnrtT ATT lias written to the .London Post denying in loin that he has received or *c- -epred on offer lo ro nmnnd tho Brux-linn navy. Uu say * lie prefer* his own flag. A NEW RACE BOAT. We hive had thu pleasure of viewing n boat just received by the Boat Club of Savannah— Thc Low er Creeks. She was built at New York, by Benj. SitAMBi'Rr, after a model furnished by the Club, and is named the FLOYD, in rompliment to their honorable competitor,—. Gen. Floyd. Site is 33 feet long, carries six oars, ami is clinker built, having “ a skiff bottom." This latter charac teristic ofthe u Fia yi" is, wo loam, something new. We ure gratified to see such spirit ev-nred by The Lower Ckekkl It proclaim* thut, ni though unsuccessful heretofore, they are determined lu strive for tlw duplet of victory, whenever tho occasion r f- fers. Success crown their efforts as a Club, and prosperity attend them as individuals. COMMUNICATED. RIFLE SHOUTING. In tlw publication of Rifle Shouting in tlw Geor gian of the Villi, tin important omission tank place, which 1* supplied hy tha following word*, ” Seven shots hilling Iks bull’s rye." Tills your readers will perceive ii tht very pith of the spun. A RIFLE MAN STATKIUoS^SEETiNOr*®* At a mat-ting of the State Rights party of Chat ham county, held at the Exchange, in the City of Suvanaali.ou Tuesday evening, 20ill March, 1839, under a call to *' nominate Delegates to tho Reduc tion Convcntiou to be held at Millcdgevflle, In May next," on motion WILLIAM C. DAMELL wa* called to the chair, and Edward J. Hardkm ap pointed Secretary. The object of tint meeting having been briefly ex plained by tlw chair, Mor. Shuftull, Senr. Eaq., of fered the following resolutions, which wore unani mously carried: "Rr solved, A* the sense of this meeting, that tho Convcntiou commonly ctdled tlw Reduction Con vention, which is to assemble in Muy next, ought to engago tho earnest attention of tho citizens of Gcor« giu." “ Resolved, Thnt the reduction of tho number nf the Legislature is uu object of vital interest to thu State, ns tending tu secure a more enlightened and impurtiui legislation to udvance the great purpo*o of isternal improvement; thu prompt und efficient en couragement uf which is indispensable tn tho best interests iff Geurgia; to marshal the resources of tlw^ State, so as to give to iudividual enterprise, that as sistance which sound policy and the best interest* of bur citizens domain!; and by wLo legislation, and a duo applic ation of the increased tneuns of the State, to sccurcio our citizens a direct trudo with Europe/ Jit least to the extent uf supplying their own want*.-’ “.Resolved, Tliut sucli a body as the proposed' Convention, ought to he constituted without refer ence to tlw party strifes, which have divided, and continue to dividu thu cilizons of Georgia, on other subjects." 44 Resolved, That to give nn earnest to the »ln- cprity of thu opinion thus expressed, the State Right* party of Chatham will proceed at their present meet ing to noiniuuto only two persons as candidates for tlio Reduction Convention, and will cobscnt ia thu support of any three other suiteblo persons, • who- mny be nominated in the spirit of these resolution* f by those from whom they hove been accustomed to dill'er on subjects uf general ur local policy." Tlio meeting, was addressed by the chairman r Judge Law, Mor. Shcftul, Esq., Judge Berrien,ami others, whereupon tho following nomination wa* made under tho fourth resolution: JOHN MACPllEltSON BERRIEN, JOSEPH W. JACKSON. On motion of Col. Williams, it was 44 Resolved, That the foregoing bo the only nom ination which the State Rights party will make for the npprouching election." Resolved, Tiiat both tho newspapers of this city, be requested to publish tho proceedings of thismeet- ing. Tho meeting then adjourned. WILLIAM C. DANIELL, Chairman. Edward J. Harden, Sec’ry. . Loans.—-It is stated in Wall street that the Gi rard Bank bus taken Governor Porter’s loon of million nud a half 5 per cents nt par. For the loan of this State on 5 per cent, stock, there are plenty of offers at par.—A'. Y. Jour. Com. 22d .ml. From the Augusta Chronicle, of Thursday. PUBLIC MEETING. At a meeting oftlie eiiiz- n* of Jeff*rson county, Geoi'ttin, buhl at the Court in the town of LouUviil**, an tlio 13th of Mnreli, 1039,for tbe pur pose uf appointing d- l.-gut*!* To* the Commercial Couvi-u'io.-i to u*«*mhltf in Chnrlc-lon on the third Monday in April next, Judge Samuel Tarver wm* balled to the Clinir, and Jamks W. M. Berrien Appointed Seeteiniy. On mum ion of |)r." P. S. Lkmi.e, Retolcel, That a commute*! uf five be nppoinled to report iu tint premise* to the meeting. Wli* r- upon tin* Chair nppoiiipol Dr. Lemle, Pa trick B. Connelly. Ehenezer Uolhwi II, Julia Crooks, n I 11-my B. The* «*.niter a short consultation, report ed the following prconihle nud resolutions, to wit: In conunoii with our felluu-eitiz-ns oftlie south- fit nnd soutlfwexteni suites, wo have looked with itcrct ut slit* in.-.oi* which Imvo bean in prsgres*. ■t ncenni|i.i*h ii direct emiiiM-rciut iniciconr-e wills Korop... We believe that it is Iruoght with rouxv- qtteiioes ofioiim-iisiintblH bum* Hi to all tlm inicie»lx ofthe country. It will net only have tint t-ft’eei of sdv.iii.-iug imr prosperity, hut will serure to us the •n-iin* ot io.h-p.-udeiiCi-, under tho |Htssible, if not pio'eilth* canting in y, iff n disruption with our nor thern brethren. Holinring, thereliire, that every section of the co nmy ought to be olive to lliasys- t'-oi of t-xeilions now being made lo eon-ummutc .hi* gieat intere.t to the country, and believing the Conventions which Imvo been held, nud tha ono proposed lo Im held ill Clmtb-slon, lor the purpnio •tfi'iuixoliiug op ni and d vising the best means to itt tin'lie nliovt* nbjeei, ure highly conducive to fll *iici:k*« uf tie* enterprise. Bo it therefore l.nolvcd, Thnt tho county of Jcf- fursuti send five delegates to the Convention to bo held iu the City of Charleston, ju tlio J5th of-April next. , ; Whereupon the Chnirman appointed tlic indivi duals, to wit: James W. Berrien, Patrick B. Con nelly, Dr. P. S. Lemle, Charles Cunningham, nnd John W. Uothwcll. Upon motion of Dr. Lund*, the Chairman was added to the delegation. Upon motion, Resolved, That these proceedings bn signed hy the Chairman and Secretary, and for warded to tho Chronicle nml Sentinel lor publica tion. S. U. TARVER, Chairman. J. W. M. Berrien, Scc'y. Judge Wilkinson and Mu. Murdavor Ac quitted.—M'o leant from tho Louisvillo Journal, that the trial of these gentlemen ended in their bc- quitul. They were indicted us principals in an of- liny which took plucoat the Galt-House in Louis ville, nnd which resulted in the deullt of one or more persons. Tho Journul say*: 41 The jure were out only three ur four minutes. Eleven of tho ju ror* were for rendering a verdict of 44 not guilty" without leaving tho box, but tbe twelfth objected to tliut course." Curious R KLATiuNsiiir.—Acce ding to the Dun- bury (Mn<».) Times, there is a boy- in that town whose mother is his cousin whose cousin is bisniere, whose uncle is liix father, uud who*** grandfather is his undo. Who cun give us un explanation uf this T (ruoM the southern rose.) THE PLAYMATES OP CHILDHOOD. 1 see ihcm uft—the youthful crew, That met at inorning's dawn, YV’hep spire and tree their shadows threw Across the dew} lawn; And merry shout auJ sportive yell ^ Sent forth tlieir echoes there, - t 'Till luted sound of xi-liool-hnu>e bell Brought book-time and despair. But year* nnd years have fled away. And ol'thst youthful train. The playmates of my childhood's day, Alas! how few remain ; Some wander in a distant land. Some roveabm-c the sea, And nmny’neuih their native sand From all life's ills are free. 'Tie true that some still linger here, But ah, tlieir luoks’are cold, 1 miss the welcome, worm stid clear, That greeted me of old ; Heart giveth back to heart no tone, Hand rlatpeth hand no more. And changed both fi*rm and tniud havo grown* From wlial they wero of yotc. But atil! we mceL my comrades dear, For inem’ry hath a spell, That bringoth back distinct sod clear, The forms beloved so well, Aim' tlio’ despair ami sorrow low'r Upon Ufa's checkered sreoe Still fancy uft renews tbo hour, V.'rf met- upon the green. B.M. C. DIED. lit Clur'eston, on tlieWtli ln«t Mr. M. C. LEVY#- nearly 00 year* «fage, a natWe ufLiacnw. i>» un 11, resident of that city fur M y u tt. Tla dtrtasa® wu. «.|u*. ,ftl awful .■, h .,1 ..nwlw lu rli.rilj,JadulMM I* ataJM l »r l-.triiMitlimmtemiiersmviit. Binrart^y plnas and laar ns,l in the fititii* fills fiithtrs. he |.r#.eniad, duriag + « tod existence, hi the various relation »• Itte-•• poriint. husband, friend ami master, su axatap'* « ilumealk and sia-isl virtuts, os Ids daalb **J!*HJ tompjxiod by the rorrowx of a few bui^endeared rHQ - live* and tbu regre.sofslsrgaclfclt •» attACMtu Intaul - CksrUsUtnpspiri