The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, April 08, 1839, Image 1

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i ®t>r cnrt(»«! !77n a U b v/ IV * T MUNDAV MUNNINn. Al’HII. A. ml" liy William II. BsIIikIi. «t..» ..»• *” fltf. ASH Mllltl*. «a»y IVM« ll*,)» P*i>rr.forsi* lumith* J?*" Tn W«VI?r.r , 'l'"*"" ,,n - ■« '* TrhWrakly |**|««rfiirsix nn"id>a Thlta DwiW** All pay*blria advance- fj* A l^rtiAtieaiiUiiwnr.l iltht usual r*U#. XT Piwur «•*» hr pakloa all CoMMicaf !••*•« «t(rnnf business. l ? or Liverpool. J&A Tin* staunch<'•>< HAVRE. L«pt. (. SUI ter, Has part of Irer raig" engaged. »»« Capmin l.-ini'j. I or fia'gh* •' 00 * ta p t h«p.,_ ~ l»ni%JUr«^T , or Liverpool. /1j |im fn«i rli« *hip COLUMDUd (•• **il Sft in all nreU wrrk) c m comfortably accummo- "I'u "‘“'"^kpWmmino aco. FI*<«>ftlM*rrrr t dill beartby *wsy, ITndhnniM through ages y*t untold j 0>rearth'* proud resln^r **•'• j.iV#* mnnunf's wIwmBwI* unrolled, rla R of the shir*! dill |>erlies* thin*. Through ether's azure vault unfurled, Till every hand and heart entwine, Tn inrrp oppressionfi°*n tl'* wrerld. For Liverpool. &A TIhj fine A. Nil I. Hi Utah bill* fLF.KV tSSft VICTORIA, Chnmben, muter, la now tn receivn cargo fur tho above pmt, freight apply tn mar 27 For PADF.I.POnn, FaYAtCO. I’or IIiiviiiiu. J2a Tin* Bri* WASHINGTON, Capt. E*an. SR lin« half of it rur|;i.i*ii/r™«i % ‘* Wl11 '* , Af *‘ C tdred anon For Baiomv- ofM|litapply to Capt. on board or to , „ nnir 27 FRANCIS SORREL *tC#- PamtiiRe lor llnltlmore. A?A Tim banpio It. II. DOUdLASH, haring JyJt I,sen unavoidably detained, will *•!! fair wind.—For p***ngo Wily, having superior ac- .tinnr. apply In Captain Collin* on Iroanl, •rto MlANClS SORREL 4* CO, april (7 "For l*lilli»d«?lphl»«. iJi. Tim regular packet brig NEW HANOI ER, SZSCapfCariy. willmont withdeapalehfar above port. Fur frwiglit^i.r-^pnjienKWj^'apjHpf to ■pl 4 s. fhilbricka co. FuTfI |"| In tic Ip hi a. AVk Tbo .bl|» OtiOKGI AN, Capt. Spenrer, kt* SSEk Ing completed lin repair*, haa hall liar aarga engaged, and will Imve despatch. For froigbl af gj. hslancr. apply h* the ('apt. on lionrd, ar la mar2rt I'ADKI.FOHD.FAY & CO. For Now Vork.—Kdaldl.lied Line. JPa Till* fn»laiiiliiix pocket ship Celia, G. fluk- SaSt man ninater, will mool with quick diaputrh, Inf freight or patAagti Iming aiiperinr arrmnniaiU* don«, apply UiCapt. U.milMUird at Mmyini upper who if or hi COIIKN MILLKK & CO. aajuil 5 M For Providence. Tim brig FAN DOHA, Can t Shepherd, haa nan of her cargo on iNianf, and will m|| an For Vnle. J2A The alnnp MKRCIlANT af Darlre-ahe ia S«2 abmii (in tuna burthen, ran carry upward* af 100 bilr«<in, nml la in every rrapert well ralra* lated for the river and coining trade.—If dr aired erwdit will be given »n a part of ilia purelinae. Ap ply I u L. BALDWIN, hup Savannah, ar lathe •edeiaigned in Darien. .MITCIIF.L^ WYF.R A CO. Darien. March 20. 1039. mar For CtmrlcNton* Through la dll a light• VIA. HILTON HF.AD AND HF.AUFORTc K C^ - * Pk The anperinr and fait aailing ataam mSknm. ptfkn thorn, k. d. n...«b, muter, will run rrgnlitrly lictween Savannah aad Charleitnn, itvlre a week, leaving Savannah at 7 eVlnrk, «n Mwnd.iy'a and Thuratlaj'a l*a«aeng«*ra will lie landed and reciavedat RUlaa Head and nenufort only. • For fndght nr paiMge apply on knard at Hnltnn'a Wharf, or to april I CLAC.HORN A WOOD. For Mt. AnffiiMInc. Ifr* .Irmufratre/—ateoai rommunirntian from tht Stott of Moiar to Ftniido tomptrlr. A line it now formed by the dentnera Thor* and FtoriiLi, from Clutled-m tnSt. Augudine, via. Firnlala. f* Tbe elegant ateam packet FLOR- 2mIDA, Capt, .fnbn Nock, will leave Saviiunnb, fur I'ienlita, every Wedne<M|ny, alW the •nival ilier'e'inier THORN fmm Charleeton an Tnettlay ni«lil. Returning, leave I'irntata every Friday. 1'at.engera going north will proceed in the .learner Tbmn for CharlrMnnnn Monday morn ing, at 7 o'clock, ariiving in Charleitnn In 13 knntt, The Fl trida call, at Rromwii k, Sb Mary'*, Jack jonville nml Iliad, Creek. april I AUUUSTA HRANCIt or Till'. DAttlES RANK. Th. ChrmlcU an.1 -t th. Sill lh, Ri.ncli i.f llin D,ll«n B,'. 1 * •« " ,IM Uvii dl.runllnuiil, anil II., •••'ly SriW«lil to a clove," JJ* The apptdntment of Dr, MeCIIntock. to lie Metier and Refiner uftheU. S. Mint, mem. tn have met the approvnl of the Whig preai Inelf J nl though hia Damocratio princlplaa ara bold and on- ctimprumiiing. TUB MONIIOK RAILROAD. Wa perceive by the Macon Meatenger. 4lh Inal, ibat a Baa new pa*^eger ear. railed the •* Meran, 1 U uuw running daily between Macon end Fuf.ytb. MODI LB CITY (WARD. We tea by our Mobile paper., that lira City Guard of Mobile have been diami««ed an mmir. The Guard *i< thought ta have been inefficient, in leaking to diirovrr incendiariei, Ac. The New York American hae coma aat In favor of Gen. Scott for the I'reiManey. Thera ara rumon at iha North connecting Mr. BiDDLi'a name with thr I'reiidrnry. hunHinH „.H ,i,l.l>#« iV—. ,,rtin^.—It, liw,”»l e,r|ni*„» l.k,n finir. The cot ton I.»elard et .me million t w o loiudr. d m aiae<»-*u tlem^ml dollar*,«nd the frriglo annmnt. to f.Mtiteen ibou.and bundled aid »inj Ian.'* CONNECTICUT EI.EC1 ION. I Wa tak" the following fmm lire N. Ymk Evaton; I'nat uf TueaJiy la*t, being llw etrp Meat rmwion the lubjeet. Tire rotorn*already recclvo<l from Cminectieut iro in tbo hi gin*, t degree bvurdiii to the Democ retie Tkkn. In Nnw 1^mdon, wlmro them wna n large Whig majority lavt V«*ar, tho Dwihitratio Hole mpm.ontu- tivn ha. I icon eh-cuvl bjr n majority uf 10. In Groton, where tlwrr wa. a Whig majority year, tlw IXunoerat. have lucrceded by a wipnity o,C0 ‘ , | . La.t year the Whig, had a majority m L«-.!yorU —In . ■1.1 thi. joarlhi* IlmMcroU luim cwnnl ll«ir ikSoi by a majority of il.'r. „ KCl ||. ,,ry the 1*1 It, New London County, tho vote wa. Dumucrati 153—Whig! 2«9. In Middletown ilm lit Democratic mpre«?niative .ucceedt d by a majority °f 17, and the 2d by a ma jority of 85. In En.t lluddam tin* return* are at fdlowi. lit l>rm. mprowjntativa Q.i maj. 2d Dein. M i0 ,n *j; The Jem erratic ticket in Chatham wai carnetlhy a majority of 170. Tim Domocrau have nHo triumplmd in ISethany, Branford, llam|«lcn, N. Bmnf.wd, North Haven, Oaford, Wadmgford, Killingw.olh.Clinto.r, A South ington, and gniued in all. Total Democratic guln, •« far oa Imnrd from Uld. Total Whig gain .id — •In,w in? a falling nlTufoe irly «I0(I amu ig tin- Whig. The Keening Tott aay* that 13 Democratic mom her* of tlio State IIou*eofRopre§nnlativc. have Imen gnined in 20 town., and 2 Senator* fmm tlw county of New Haven, where there wrro.nono la.t year. tietadeutlUbufnfre.a. fall* ade^aaW *• over Whelm tho reil.t.nrr llkel* t.i l* h y tbe broken and ilnpi it d Fedet ll*t« . Ar-tlor 1... | will, b c-nftim* thi. vie* WM, « »t|a-rte,| drp.rtuie uf a rondiHA ••on* Ver. C'nu, I. t-n w ith n». h m. o« 'hdUra. A rjifi of pteronii me|vl. wmild nut crriauo/ a •• at I I I I port, tinit wa* iwh'meveiy tn«m ot to bf/T The fbMtow Tranwript of Saturday Evening t»J» «»"(irn. Broil ltd mite arriveil In town thi* morn ing fnan the Eatl, They will remain In to t**o or three day.." ituland evai|Hrated f'"’ Tb. I-tie t'lted by h p are many la.MOi. which m*»at e.»n*| tret't aireptable to tin* pre*. nt ndodnl.linti-' oj among tiro »lmo;eit of whfh reikoned tlie in.urre. tom* breaking out «|iii| •• of lire le,.ub.ii-. Tire rebel- IT ill** g.e«t* •• : iheir f . r« . IIm-a Inn am f.«rMini ,!•••-. and 'I* |* • n iwrr liee. mie ali,i mrd for llieir •try *-miinetii. h nl .pntad v*ten*tvely an-l go-wn poj.iii.u { and the naiiie of Urn a In iliH< tent bad linely nognteiO,*! t*H and in •lm ini- growl mated LATEST FROM FRANCE. Tin? New Yotk J-».iim| of Gunmerrenf »h*» !•» in*', hai the folluwiog, being ont Jog l iter than nut ln*t t Block, whieli •.Itaoerd ab-mt I peteeat, tbe •p -rnl om. Iwlnf of opinion that lire late ma-.a- c ei in liraCarl-i a ramp will la- found material ) til »ei ve tbe rau*e of tbo o h*r party. Th" Ael-vr lliaai. have laro dom nl ll»| to 20. llm Di leiied at || lo ), ami the I'ai.lve at <| to 5. Five pn rent. I', r oijwe-e S-. ck t« 33) to | i Hirer p-rCVn 1 *. ditto 224to|. Five |>er Cent Dutch Stuck i* loll ml. (mat Wniirn ll.ilwny Share* am 122 to I3| pr*m uml L'H'donand Bominghwni, 7F ta II |h'* |.*tmt mow llarat —Tb* parke* iblp F*an-1 miomi ri* I*' Cii-t. I liomp«o»t, bring. Pari* and llavie 1 Tiro o'rl<rk> Sjam'.lt Active Bond, have Tare paper* to the end of Frhtuaiy. th"r advanced .-ttro our fitM lej-mt lo 30| hityrr*, Tt.e approarhing elwlhai of member* lo the I l.m conflicting .l.itemenu arc eirculnttal n* In the f.'liohImt,.l D,'|.'itief.(theoMClidtikt h.vingtu-. n | ,au*e ol Monito** .anghinarv pr aa-*ding-,miniM>ey To lloiif, Th" Atom occupied bv C. II Knapp, pn*- JLiidL *r»»ion givvii tho l.tof Februdiv neat, la- auire »f jan 17-tf FLETCHER A HAG\n. Just Rcndvctl, A SPLENDID a**«nnicnt of Mole Skin, and Silk llM«,L’mhn.||.i«,Sn«pondrr*, ami Shirt*, which will ha .old low by C. C. THOMPSON, A CO. mar I Neat dor,rto the Rail Road Bank. T(ix Itcttirnw. T HE auhirriber t* tcadv In receive the teiiirn af taanhle property fur Chatham County. Uffira In the Evchance. m*r u l-tli i-3wr B. LATHROP.r. t. r. r.e lloriM'w mid Itiironrho T WO good penile cnni.ige l|nr*r«, which ha* been ron*ideralily u«ed umler tho anddlrt one af lhem n very gentle Indy'a hor»e. Al»n a llarnuchr and braa* tiiiointerl |larnr.«, that ha. been u*rd for a «hort time will be .old on arrnnimiHlattng term*. AppW t>» marl! MICH. DILLON A CO. Old J nvn CoirorT /?A B\nS»ojM'»lar old fin.rromeni Java Caf- a fee, .eVrted e.pre.vly for family via**, land ing from achr. Franrii from IWtnn, nml for .ala by mar 11 GEQRGHBI. MAY. Flinmpnlgnc, Ac. QA Baskets treui •• pm.» Appia" Cham- dU\r paigne, in quart and pint botilri. 5 do do ••Star" dn 25 hnaea “Io^*." Soap. Irendinf tod foraala 17 ■P B C. 11. CARTER, Sloruti IHiillicnnlafi. A FEW thniiidndrultinia of the genuine Monti Multicuuli*, wariante,!. Thi* parcel i* In B»e planting imlrr, hiving l«*en rut from th* tree* 4ml/ three day* »inre. Jn.r received and far *alehy •t43-«t J. W. MORRELL,, Hlornw lilultirtiulU. A FEW tree* in boautilul order, warranted from Jlm. th* growth of the Royal Gar-lcm, Pari*, for •alt if applied f *i wvnn. bv ap 2 JnSEPll CUM MING A CO. 50 HitlMiii. BOXES very fine bunch Baiun*, for *ata low by p2 JOSEPH CUMMING A CO. Anelior Champagne. on B.VSKETS Anchor Champagne of tbe aela- drfll brat ml vintage of 1831. For tala bv •pl 1 LADD TUPPEn A SISTARE. Al«n. ITinea of lh« “Hoidtick" "Croi* Dow" naltlmoro Boou wna Um* “ ECKI V-:D ptr )(• II. n>u«l.i. m,r M 'V.VRXr.H**nl.0M0X8. Loaf Vituar. “ OA BOXES fim ud »cmI Su. rill ttr; 3 bbU. “CrmtW tuft. <• fbc tab by wa i.add, Torrr.R * sisTAiir. R . . .. Vwinr. ore CASKS L«U« r« ur, *iml Icpwlltlo,, “fit CORE 4c MILT*. Philip Uodurd 1 . Clininpnauo 3 ■■ 01, .. Brondy. j *- -' m HfM. IHJ Wl Ml MIM. iWCtniiWi.^iW *m mMm,. MlH.JWI >Ml«l ,«| <W Ml, mvi rkSNCISSORRELaCO. VAN BUREN AND CI.AY. The Chitrleatun Courier, which lm* hitherto been thought to lean rnthor favorably tu Mr. ClaT, at a randklate fur the Pn**idrnry, had an able article in laalThuraday'e numlwr, reviewing • eorreaponden t wlio ia • declared ndvoentu for that gentloinan. Tito Courier triumphantly viii(llrau , i Mr. Vah Bu rin,again*! the attack of hi* caluinaiator*; and ia asreadingly happy in hi* argument, lie aay* of Ilia correspondent t— lit haa givonttia *ynnpil» of the Haiti accuia- l iom, whicn have, fur a numltar of yeara pait, been tho pabulum of nrw*jw|»er alang agaiiwt Mr. Van llu* ren.but which Imve failed to prevent that di.linguiih* ntnumm tnnr j-riuKi nnn ion)r •(Anon! —irntiftaiH to ati**ni|it tu belillln or vilify imp, who hui riwu fmm a humble I'm tune tn th" tulo of tlm Empire State, and tlM-C'bk-f Magiatniry of thi* great anden- lighteiHvI n jMildic. lien-, where niun iifree, onim ion free, the Jirea* free.he wholin* uecoiiipli.lH'd ao proud a destiny mu*t lmvo merit, und merit of nu ciinimtui order. We knowr ilmi «uece*» j* not a|- way* a criterion ofde*ert; hot we believe iltnl tlm affiriiialivc uflhi* pn*p«Hition tony lmanfeiys«*unMv| a* a geuerul role inreliilimi to tho Pre.ideuey ol'thia Union, and it should retpiirn tho most invirugublv tevtimooy to mnko out au exception to tlui rule, in- Tolviug no imoll rellectlon ihi tlw American (Maiple, and putting in doubt tiinn’i cap.u ity for «>|f govern ment. Wore Mr. Vnn Huron cti|athle of tho act* of |N)liticnl mid |aT»otml meumie.* und treuchury im puted to him bv tliit writer ntui other purii«aii a*- •aiiant*, Mr Clay would never Imve, a* he did, pule lirl? acknowhalge him to ha a gentlvniwu, roorteoo. aial mild, |KiMe«*hig Id* esteem, as n mun, while Ihi politically deleted him ui u mngiitnite. If tlioro l»e any inroiuiiteuey in thi* tmknovvlo«lgmeiit of pri vate worth, in tlm mine luratli with .orh «tnmg ito- htical denunciation, it tell* rullM-r ngnm*t Mr. Cla > than Mr. Van Hun-u. FavoruhU* te*iim«my 0f.m I1 • rhurartnrfrmn a politienl ndveranryi* entitled to implicit liiith, while political demmeiniinn i* alwnyi to ho taken with many grain* of NlluwaiH*e. Ik* *i'Ie» Mr. Clay'* te*linuo,v, we lutve 1l1.1t of Jmlge ('ht'vesto.Mr. Vnn IhiiroVliiglirlmrncieriindstnici. umiidiip—nml hi relaliun to hi* private worth wo ran jH'r.iinidly vile that of two ol hi. diriiiignitlu-tl |M»lilicul opponent* in thi* Stale. Washington Ip viug, one et tin- i*uiv*i atal iimi-i eoiro-ientiou* nten in our country i* tfai lonmn friend of .Mr. Mutiin Van Uurrn, and thi*, wo have lirnrd one ol hi* ilidtii- gitiriied pulitieiil ndver»nrie* *■ y, U ofitM'lf, ai»i> ranro that tho latter is not to be lightly citerm- ed. Mo»t of tlm aeetiialion* of our rnrrr*|>ondcnt ■gainst .Mr. Vnn Ihirrn linvu over and over again brrn refuted nrinlisfortnrily eiplainedhy teitintuny, at lead a* miu-li to lm relied on a* that on which the accusation* red; and against thr only wrll founded one of any serious moment may ho »et oil' a full atoiirmcnt lor the wrung committed against tho Suutli. The Courier lakes op all the " state arciuation*' —tlm rltargooA lining for fr:t negro t*J'r,ige in New York, etc., etc., etc., atal shows conclusively l!i"*grvnl injustice that has hern done him. Want of *|»aco compels u« to omit this pan of tIhi article, and it will well rvjHiy perusal. Tim relitor winds up with the following avowal of his predilection for Mr. Van Bt'ttr.N, uIhivo nil other cniulidntns. In relation to Mr. Clay, we entertain peimnallv very fiicndly fet ing* and politically misery strong isb.rctioa*—but we have more point* of political agreement with Mr. V*n IIvrkn tlino with Mr. l-Lir. But apnit irons tht«, tho nil absorlnng ipiedinn of Soiiih in right* und Interest*—the vital Smuimrn•jue.ti-n—Idml* u«to Mr. Van Bvrrn. We Imlirvetbst the Somli ean mwarlm in abetter P"*iii-m than w Iren riin«liiiiuoually austamed by a Non hern Prosidenl, with n powrrlol Nurihcrn par ty tuppoiting hi ll t nnd wo think then* i* nothing to be gained, but prrliup* much to lm lad, by Ju* p tring him tor a Southern or Wcatrrn man, a* true a* himself—lo «uy nothing of the impropriety of abandoning one who ha* staked all with tho South and ter the South. The futanml an > other question* may assume a magnitude sufficient to over rule these considerations, amlWlineus tun policy j hut asyet wo sco no iiHltcations of such a n> •ult, ruiI wc thcn-Aira feci lm? to indulge our ori ginal preference for Mr. Van Burkn—who, in rela tion to the tnnlT, internal improvement*, ami almvc all slavery, entertains opinions and pursues a jmltcy acceptable and hcooticiaJ to the South. Wo held it, however, to be a most favorable conjuncture of tir ed, we shall retain a Northern President, with a powerful narty, entertaining kindred views with the liave-ltoldcrs of the South—if his distinguished com petitor be successful, we shall bavo a slave-holder, to tbe Presidency, true of course to the South, and •Iso supported by a strong Xortliem party—in either event, we sco « prospect ol’continued hnrmonv and good feeling between the North and South, and ncr- leci safety to the Union. 1 When will the other presses ia tbe South speak out, who hare hitherto opposed Mr. Van Iil'aci* 7 We soon hopo to seo his name helled by them all— or nearly ell—as the only candidate for tho South! REDUCTION CONVENTION. A correspondent writing from Jackson, Buttr Ce. ••ya that Um# following gentlamrn have been elected to represent that ciNimy in tbe May Convention.— Col. D. J. Daily, Cal. J. It.Stark. I\ Lindsay. Eaq. —ell Union nwa. Jewel McLenion, F.*q. (State Rights,) bed 53 votes. Ha alea writes that a full Uuiea ticket wee run in Jasper county. LAUGE CARGO. The Dr. Ship Columbus, Capt. reatiietk. clear ed oa SaiiMday la*t at this I'uit Avr Liverpool «itb 2t7l haleeof Cotlon, valued at $151,000. Title Is tka Urgasi eargo star tekun from tkle port. The N tic hae Free Trader s»yst— •• Tire ship Tel|ayrea>l, whtcheh^r^Ui ihi*part yesterday f-*t Liverpool, badsHi boarl two thousand ana hundred and Rety halae rf tatina. weidhlng right REFINEMENT OF THE I9TH CENTURY Thu following affiird* nn s'llifyiug ln«lnnesi of the refinement of lids enlighu n d ago in Greet Britain especially. Wa Muds to rea«l even this detail— but wa qu -sliou if any one of our reader* mold h-ar 10 |wru*u e London tporting papi’ij giving u fu I account of tho butclh-rv ! Prize Fight brhcee* Dtaf Unrlr and Hen-tigo. Wit evrart tlu- following from the Livi-r|MMi| Chron icle of Februnry Ifitli t—" Another of iln-*e di*gtt*i- iog Hflitir* look plneo on Tocs l.iy hi*l. nt Otloy. alniiit 25 m |e* from Ilirniioghnni. The ehamiihin* on thi* iKra.lMn U iog Deaf Burke and llcodieM. Iha formr-r attended Iqr M-dymn* nml Cmt>*, nml tho letter hy Peter T lybn nnd Cmtot, Th" *1 tk*-» were £ 190 »»n tho pnrt «vf Huvkw, Its £UU»outh" part of Bendigo, w hich w e* won hy the Inner, after •ume diendfol broi-ing on both sole*, in fft.-en nntnds. Tim battle was height in f .ny-«even min- tiles. A greet number "f blackguatd*, high nml low wet# presntit wtlne»«iug 'hi* intere*iing exhibi tion. sum* of wlmr. wr.ultl It tve acted more coiisIm tantly if they had Iwen seated in their place* in tire lluuta of Lord* ami Contmun* —N. V. Em Mr. Ef»i:o».—In your ln*t rapoit of the pro- reeding* of the City C-intiril, I perceive tint ant| • plication has Iteen ina le liy Presid-nt Du tring, to ••tah'Uh a hiatxch of the Georgia Rail Road Hunk in thi* city, (a provision in it* charter making the consent of the city nere««aty.) \4je lull thi* applica- 11 nnslhecnnimenccnvMifuf ah l-er slate of thine*. Th" position and pro«|teci*of thi* city i« hcgiiiiiini* In lm better iiniler*iood hy our hack country friend*. The industry, enler| rixe, genius nod talent of nil city ie beginning in takn a m-vr‘Start, ami to a*«i-t this we neetl hanking ea- itnl; hence tho upp ieiit-m to nnr last legUlaturo for an im-te.ise, A proposi tion is nnw made to our cllir.eti*, and only raptor* their sanction, to have a capital Itiougl t lure of soma three or four hundred lh-Mi«nndd lUr* (wlo h is already suhicrilied for and p tid In) hy tlm *• ablidimrnt of u brnneh, nut agency of the Georg. Rail Road ami IJ inking Company, Hit hi*litulio whose course hs«, ami will Ise 1 nrii-lil lin , nnd which will wield it* capital in coMcnrirnro wttis the movement* of rotnteerne. It* htnocli here, are prepnrml to say upon high iimlinrily, will have •uffioeot spec* in it* vault* to meet ..venr dollar o| its issue* J independent nf which the rn.ol, which already p ty* 12 per cent, ittiere-l, n* well n* tin ptiv.ttn property of hn stoc.kholih v* i* li.thlr f»r the ileitis of the principal l.aok and it* brun-I.e. know nl no measure, Mr. Editor, latltet calcol.ited to promote n rr-onioo hetwm-n our*elve«, and the op ciiunity, nnd in make it* what wo always ouglnpo havo Itceo, one faintly, nna bmly, one heart nt sou). ANON. •d* ••file- jieople, willt llo-hlea of Jells- piance atel v,naaci,-a'io« from tyrvne). IlH. II,.,<•■». t«- ,,H M„n 1 i... n ri .-ul .r... It, lie P.enipot liliuty ol lit- M**J"*t) »be • l ii licit tliull 1-1 h'I hi to, •..HI, w..r ..rl.o a > Is* it In* a I'rod -hat all M.-xi ... ..j.whotliink tliriiiselve*mnitie*llomd m lor in "• .'he Ksauev. s .ad ,.ie*i-Mt tli ir ..clvimmon. t„ 1 lie G .ver nil,-nl. duly muiIm-i i coieii. I **t 'bev nreybe put m•»|,f -*iii<M, to me .oi l demo d*.—A- O. Pmh tin, 2 1 ins'. . (I.i tbe 15 li Ma c. 1 Co!. Almonte arriv d ,.<T Verd Ci us, in 1 Ik- Eng i*li,-*‘ W. 1 .loj, L*rk.—fciJ. DrsTit or Hr.zr.KiAU Ntt.r*.—Wc regret to Icvrn that Ihi* uveut, which In* frifiiJ* have l'.»r s,oii.! turns anticipated, to »k ptace at Wilmington, IK-Uware, yv.ti rd iy, rmtruing. I le hail been, for r vt year*, 111 declining h. uilh, lie- re«u!l of iilii of great labor, u» ill" publisher ol the "Regis ter." winch Hsreiuh red Iimiiuiiiu iniinoilnl. Mr. Niles wiit u printer, hy prolestioii. a man of strong and ardent feelings of cou*Klcrable talent nmlufaii indti*try *o untiring llmt lw acliiev.-d result* which men ol sii|H-rior intellect, but, less ennoble of labour, would have faded to uccumptish. 1 lo was, besides, ol‘a frank, liooomltle, iod-|H*ndeiit and truly repub lican spirit, simple in liis maimer* nnd habit*, atil-c- ti matu tu liis family, liberal tiflhu**! wlnsm lw em ployed in tie- prosecution of liis business,disinterest ed nod public spirited. His life was 0110 of great urefulucss, nnd lew men in onr country havo done morn to c.onwvt th ;ir nvn;*, in a-.» honorable man ner, with the pulihe fiitcrpriws in which the welfare of society is concerned.— Bu/f. Cl run. JUimt. .<( tin • tilliiched in . lire Fine Aovtx.—O-e 1 ho Coy || .|,-I wa* l«»n "I l< ,,’clork hi* ooMNin.-. !• »*• f r u „.re.y dio o.e e i In tssiii* lobe 111 resieil wit I much danger. Tb* inceiidiurie* who art* Mlppowd In inlesl lint uieceriolidy not aworeol ill" li-k lli'-y 1101. Hi M.lvix- ih-ns 10 l»- in -t ,-irconi«j«c< in riwir loir,- ing*, for in tt.e pi,-reol sia'e ol .latj iiMi • m ml. iniliciin,-nl for nienH, w.nnl tat sum !•» re-ult in >• •eiitencofor liiiugieg without Inuii'lii01 • I r.y. do not know but tout u lump post imgot In- lo> •winging |,a-e, will",ot jury ami witl.ooi <1 igy Tie* lii»t di-covere.1, wdi mmvi* lolwara im uo aiu „f the pu-1 will* ,.f Im* "0 om.dic •* in ..e*i-iM-rioo. A rewind ol $211017 i* oll'eteil for pr-ofor o-n ie- lion Agaio*t any |M*i*on or* «ngnged 10 ito- lv« iiweiehaiy oitenipt« in tlwcity. S*e- a-lve,ii«« — 1 Lou of the thip Lrlia of //«*/(# wore.—it 10 .hip Lcliu, Higglin', ui and hound |br Bultimuiv, from Liverpool, with a fait cargo uf iiinrriiuaduc, -arrived oti tlf) cajM-» nn Saturday evening, during a I wavy gain from tlw ExdvvarJ. Not iiK-eimg a pilot, him! tho 11Jtvrn.itivo Iwiwcen tho certainty of going 011 ,Ti«*,.|v. ,| by lire King.* ,•*1 and remark. And dial tlw .Minister* *»• jwin. Tb" Journal dn /!• in tire imm*-hat" viei fcrr<l wi»holJ*et*'d Fr-sin the varioii* an 1 to lire westwai I l„r- fl- nr ami I .cc.n-g I'.n.m. LATEST F By ye iter Jay's mu paper* of Tuestlajr Is extract from tlw fare from Login id, a* it a uwrcial ol 1 lust cvcnii IK tlw London pa< •adiil from Pert*iia Itavo l.'Cidon pujier* inciu»ivu; our iu*t nil The offi.-ml liazctl ing of Loid Kbroigto re r* of tin- Pr,*y 1 Kiiriiigtou to tlie H Buruu Forit'seuu—ai vvroineol iiflii'iiuid. Mr. Jaim.-* W. Ui caiaJida'e lor tlw Nu vaulted by tlw elevat A blumllc** duel ' mile* from London, tween Lord Power* latter attend, d by >! tin* country. Mr receiving tlio liru of li in* roudim'ft* to apul repled a* a audwiee lur.e <1 lo LjihI ni. u lli<! duel are tliu* set Air. il'Wbuciv bcin, oxprcs.ioos otleiwtvc pit U to oy In* iaf-li olTtiein. Mr. »t,«eb ** 1 c.urged yua,' (lo hirge, w,In lieu w.ocii ti.lrod red la syiM'iu o. carniptioH ill -an* to gu.u iik* e of Pac.ianieot were •111:11 u* 1 conceive 1, mill tlierel tin* iioinortul iraosa *• I Urtlx-r rtiur 4 v cipnl, with Miocln nguinst me, white y •ume cuuincter liuoc CONVENT ION. Ff'urni of the thlrgote* elected. Bibb eeua/y-U. J. Bn lock. J. 8. M. Baldwin. Rolnnd Hivin«ai.dJ.T. Lunar—lliree State U ghts nml one Union man. Hut little puity exeriUo wa* made in the Election, and only about two thirds of the elector* of ihecoiinty vi-tcd. BarFr—Berrien, L'lwmie, llarri*. Mm-h. C’rrrir/irrd—CriitclilielJ. Fowler, llnnier. firrenc—Slock*, Dawson, Dmiel, Terrell, l/rnry— Murray. Johnson, Heck, Wind. Jefferma—Gnni' le, (',mindly, Hdii-oii, Margo*— Floyd, Purrer, Evoi*.Swill. Monroe— E. G. Cnbaihi*, Simon Holt, Littleton .lehu*on. John II. Bunks, nod Z. K. Harman—ol Stale Right* men. Maeon—John Bryan, Win. Brown Robt. Green, all Slate Higfit* men. Setrton— B.i*«, Perry, Colly, Cm* find. IPnrrcis—But:*, Wii* m. Rolrert*. Denid*. Wathlngon—llu-t, I lodge*, Smith, Long FROM 1 LX AS. Our date* from lluu»l<vu are a* lute n* tire 20ih March. Ex (hivernor Budee of South Carolina nn.l Colo nel \\ hit,* of Fmuda, arrived ni Gilve«t«n „n die lAihainlal llou-t"n „n tbe20ili. A national •aim,- as fin--l 00 tlreuecreion of their, and ill y wer,* invited to a pnhlie dinner 10 be giver on tbo 2l*t, at ti e Inter place. Mr. William Breoonn. a riti/en of Texn*. w bo wa* captured near San I’ iiici,, «,,im» nioeili* ago and afierward* impiisom'd at Motmnora*. h.t**nf • f * r ai rived ut llousion, h iving made Ins eseape f,, m ixt place.—The inform ition given by him rolnlivi* In the situation of alfiiis i i.M xico eoiiiui livl widi lire ire-Hint* alrea«ly receivcl here. H" says many eaiigniiit* from Mexico are setihng in tho vrostern counties nfTexas, which pirt of ihe republic, accor ding lo his description, is in n very flnui idling con dition. 1 Ire Tclegropli state* that *everal specimen* of native copper from the hank* of lire Colorado, h ivo been received at ll«<t«tnn. Co.onvl Honnell, who brought them, tulonm-d tho editor of the IVIegrupli that near tho locality of that lie 11, a iced a quarry of excellent m-uhla and aneatoiuivo bed ol' iron ore. Mr. \V. II. Wharton,brnih'T of rnlvrel Jolm A. Wharton, whose d--cea*e on* lat-ly immiunue I dred in lean* on the IPh March. 11 s wi* -m a vi«it at a plvceralb',1 (irre*-’* Retreat, an I wa* pr,-- • •ring 1,1 sell out on h * r -niru t-» hi* rr«i.|,-n.-» .11 Eagle I land.—A<ljn*th>g Id* hol-tcr*, lie nit- mj I- ed lit draw out one of hi* pistol* to ex im-neii, wm-n it went ofT, nnd tho ball ginn ring „n lit" li il«ter. cm away two ofhis fingers ami penctrotrd hi* ahlo- men. Tire clearing nut of the *ttag« and overhanging tree* in thehayon between Houston und lluiri-burg Wax proceeding w»th aneigv It is believed tbui these oJmucIc* will soon Ire removetl, nml tint •leamireat* will he ena'-lrd to navigate between Houston and Galveston at night without tntcrrup- ~Lo*iiianian 2nd last. Nluiro il'ltu remained out, uml tin* unutiuu uf c*ca- ping xudi u fate by running 10 without u pilot, be ing |HVwut,al to Capt. lliggin., he cIhtsc- tire latter; Imt iiotbituiiitU'ly tin* slop etnirk oil tire cd 4 u of tlie Horse Shoo, ku-H-ked otf the fulso keel nml apruiig so hud u leak that it wna fouroil sho woiila hihiii sink, if .lie did not Urn'iV to pieces. Fortunately h -wcv.v .Ire work,ai Irer way over lire sIhmI, anil witli-h - a*« s:an eof a Ualtmi >re pi.,it kou wh.e.i came to her reliel, sli-t wa.* hrooglit mto H.t nptoii Honda, wliciai #hu nncliured, uml tue pilot was s -ut up to Norfolk 011 buuduy uiienioon for hands to av,ut tire pump* tire leak gaining mi lot Uml tho crew wero euiirely unuhle to keep it und r. 'l ire pilot treat re'.urm d to the -lop ear.) thi* morn ing wall lime liuuiUt hut tire nssisiaoco mine tun late. Fearing lliut tire ship woii.d wink ut tier chorage, Capt. II. slipped lii* earl le, nml got under way bn .Weak; Imt *<re liad m tiled muIci'j ly 111 tire water, that nit hojv.- uf keeping her nlbavl wa. uban- dom'd, uml he run her iiidioru about a lyilo ubuve Sewell’s I'uiiit, where sire now lie* in 20 loet water. Tire la-ha i» a now ship, «hi Irer l«rst voyage, up ward* ot m-v.-ii Immlivd l,hi* burtlreu, ami u said to be a vessel ol'a *ujK-rior class. Arrirut 01 the Tuttn Ho.—This fortunate ship, having been somewhat nut of Irer usual time, had uwakem d sunre uppn-heiisious lor In-r sali-ty, vvlren to tire gieat r.-lief ol those cuisvnnil, sire was an* iiouiii*' *1 111 llamptoo RmnU on Sunday. Sire has a large amount of gouds on Ireutal lor some e| our iirerchautv, who have entered with spirit into the business ol'" duvet importations." PROMPT RELIEF.—The m-hmurer St Thomas, Newcomb, from Duitimom which wus run iifoiu in lltu hay hy lire bri{ Clio of Boston, uml pm mto Hatnp 011 IfotuU 011 Sunday in distress, wills loss of oirehors, ami chain, niuiulreom, Sic., wa* promptly relieved hy the Injot* *»l lire U. S. .hip Con*ti!nu«ii now lying ut the navnl iiucii-iruge. '1 lie weath-r hits hccu Stormy for several days uml the cll'orU nfjlie Constitution t« relieve lire St. 'ihuiims wen* ns weit timed as tire)' were generous. Tire Nortolk Uenrou, ol' ya stoolay says.—" Dur ing tire severe blow Iroio N. E. 011 Sumtuy Inst, two small schooner* wero th'iveu from llieiruirehorages near Cnjre Ctiarlcs, one of which, lit" Fu,r Anicr.- , sireeet'ded in reachii g Norfolk, the other, tire Virginian, without any |mtsoj 011 hoard, it is appre hended is lost.—/tit t. Patriot li t.« it, 1 IMei- ,••1 to pn-tatl nniaiid a mm nil th"r,M*t „f Havre, i- a*>a-d n-hon- iC*'li»ly taken merou* boo- [agrd in col- t,n-Up-ed in toto|- I' per Cent, Prolog,ii-ae IIoihI* Iiv'** las-n d ung nt J.*>| 10.311, Ion they nl.o hiv a little upon did lire ,ii«i nt the pnro-ht rn»nrent. •‘Con-*, « hive $$<-vvim- b-Tom" romearntively heavy. Tire inoroy price i« now ft;*! 10 93, while lire q' for rim-1* 91). *• lire Millie Market it vety flat." f*T». II" has aermnplidH J that object, mi I A* not rev that Maim- ha* any right to cromdsta lfA> C n Ire has taken in this affair. Ilv-r right* ha'W m alKii.doired hy Iter own Exta utiv.-, ami she could not exjrect tire agent oft third parly, who hi many iv-opcrt* I rod long stoml as an um agonist, to •tatid rojt in prntorting them Maine hn* rvprailcd five or six hnadird tboaMiad i]o||nt*,aml n! nmred tire wholo country with tbe fear of a war, nml ha* accomplished absolutely wnthiaf. All the territory that she ia anw lenakird m «nr- rite juriwlk-tion owr-she had Iasi year list qwict posM-stiiai of—ami would have been permuted to re tain it without all thi* noiso anil bluster. [ I'b" alHonr news should be regarded with cats* • ion, coming fr«>m thr querulous I VAif Allat.—Ep. Gum.] ND. Ire New York FROM THE CANADIAN FRONTIER. Extr-cr ,-f ■ |, iter dated, Mo 'ix's C.iuton Co- Marct. 22,1, An wulreppy *"vte of thiug* l» exi-ting on ritl* f Mioirr, on ucc-.uiii ol tire loq'ie-t hrirnmg* ol the following i l ain* o'li-lanro *, *f. S ni" 2U have b- eri bn n-*l ! wi ld ... few day* K"*a« excoemeni rxi-t* on .. flx till .idesot tie* line. Most of III" Iniri.hig* h «ve nv Fork Coin- ||( nml 0 iietowo, hut it 1* lenicil I 11 ,-v w,h e\te..,l nil n oog lire l„irler. 'I hi- -lateof*. wh'.c'i | hi"g- ho* I een br -n*h at"«ni i.y u fewr ,.f our eiti- ot March, wc * t,i..| a h- al'-f Canadian irtiuro • « h„ have ta- 2nd, evereug, j Uen -lod er en ilu-» do ot the Ina-.aiid l,y a nuin'rer ie lrt evening. ,,| |,| lin leiv-a.iiid vv ir > h ir.iCtei'M mi flm 01 Irer. ids lire suiiir- 'lire *i„i y, a -HI., I m|,u>i* employed by Mr John . On y us urem- ' Colt roue i% a I a Ireax, Nhii-rogh »he radi.’ala wou 1 uoog t-f Lord ! In* glad t» havv It litre. .)• lire litre i f [Mo-h r’a is ju-t on th" Canadian Iwinl-T, l> n‘ tent tu tire gu- or two vtt from tho litre, nnd ntu,ut lire .iitm* I di-ttt ro front Rmi-re's I'oint. TireNnljoinin town- eti himself as a 1 « .i|,.,l Csr-I , i* II iii'ii.ngfrod — Coot. Adr.) Governor SkwaROIns* very pnqrerly, weave, o f.-rvd a r-w.inl I'o tlio uppi, Iiciisiom ofiliii«o eon- curmd 111 the ounuge.inC 1,00.1 cO niiy. At a m-i off to tire above, wc copy tire following letter from tire Alo.iuva. Ilcroid 01 .Match 2d lire .wulelte,.. UM II l»g,'llH r. g.Ve m .Mil «.c. u,.l ot • ire -Inti' ol firebug mi the ftouiieil a ol |.e|. ,l»g foul wil t'll we ihi lull auiieip.ilu my widely -1, H.iiui"i|'4'ic.'>. but wi.i. m Iroiel.- * ,.,..g coiiiii.UMire otin«t*M. exi»s|"-ta 1 hi -r.I umi, i. .o live itli.l , a.etiMVtr iiN-M«uie» cm. It.- .am-u tor pre/eiuilig uml pioo-limg luce t* ual< 1 «dT uces. Ifm vv imt mo..' mo.isuiu. .li mid be, w-.-roi.l'. s-iliai nl lA-voushuv, ington. niiilre Wootl, 7 I'Fubrnury, be- lluenuck - lire a ell know n in 1 tire air, aftrr tl then tleciurcd isrutioit wasnc- ttre parties n.- ‘1 Ire cause's ot ro uttered sonre sk'ourl, wusap- ai u. di'Uvuwui id — t.uw reitcrat.' in a procud., g of this tow f. I said th- sc ltd u inc.iiiK-r 1 lire d.» D race, r dour, u* lire able, pw.un ut vviiii dunk. larartrr ofprin- .a ut irrcogtou tunc nml in tire jptiug tire pour a.y, and 1 can- litlemau .lioual isoii lor uttering 1 expressed my Ito Ik or iIh-iii; reeu somewhat s about,' 1 said, not been here, MUTINY. Cow r.*, Feb. 2.K—Tire charge of muii .vr hy Capt Galt, of the Am- rrean -hipUiy-scs, iron ilaitinioiv to Ain't nlam, against nine of tho cro.v, has been umler investigation hy the American consul at this port daring tire week, tho m.agi.irat-s having de clined lo interfere, tlw men being foreigner*, ami lire offi'iree happening on tire high *ea*. Tit? par- tienhr* have not trawsplrevl, but report say* the out break wa* occasioned hy tire captain flagging 011 of the tn.*n; tit it tlio men had tire arms; that ono n them « a pistol twice at tho captain; tint it happ-.-n-d wrh *n th*y ha 1 Ireeii out but ni.u, ,| iy«; that they In.I Irecn 1-1 il iys ia iron*: ami tint the •hip wii worked lor that time hy tlm ciptuiu, two mates, tho cook, tho steward ami one seaman. IMPORTANT FROM VERA CRUZ. To tho courtesy ofonr Amsrican Consul at Vera Crux wo oro indebted for file* of " El Como," from tlm 1 Ith loth" 17th imdusivo. On ib«* 15th an ox\vre.a arrived from Mexico.ronvmunicatlRg facta which show a disposition in the Government to ratily tire con vent loo whh France. Tito new* oflho •mimt.le arrangement eau«e,l groat rejuk’lug in Hie capital. Immivdiately on tire receipt i.ftlni 1'ilelll- banco, a I'resl-tvMil ad interim wa. appointed nnd invested with lire Governin' it. na Ion tlret-axt day llu.tameaie nut hlmrelf ri th" Ik vl of a lit!" fi,re" ■ml maiclied lowsid* Tampico, for the piup^ of retting down the rohois thsic, who wero making ksad agalaxt lire Qovarnmsnt. Tha «|aliisri*l pa. NF.W Y»RK LWliSI, v | URE. It AsscstBLT—April I, 1839. After tho present ition of p -titio i* Hi • folhoving commnniciii.Mi was received front tlio l*<v> ol* tlio Ui.ilclState-: U'xitti.voTo.v. March 29, 1819. To the House of A«*oinbly of tho Stain of Now York. It iiiTiul* m" great svhf-teiion to acknowhoL'e the receipt of «tt!i Iry rov-du ion* of yroir h-oironlde Im>Iv. e*|,ii»«»ing its ap|re-*b • of the c.>Ui se ,.ui- >n«*d by tire FVJervI F.vco i v, nml of tire ncii *n of Congress, ill ndarion to tliecomrov i.y Iteiween ihe S'lit* of Maine and Her ll.ituouie VI ij -sty's I',.- vinre of New It un-wick t nirtroiM-ing, a •lie* .le- t rniiiwihm , fyroi Slate lo-M-c-.n.lihe rtf rtsofilwl G-ncnil 0-ivouirnt-iii in pr aervi .g picitic relit ions with Grout Britain, und to hod liorselfiu rcinl.n •* if iMwe««Piy, to iti.l 111 revi-ling Miicioac.nncuis up- <N, tv" term -ry ol'aiiv (Him hi of ilu- U-non. For lh" rxpres*«*i* uf III sentt-ro-uis. nu-l for the rmirn uouMimiiy w iro which it vvu« made, I tl'ir Kr mv it'.pi'ciful and gruief'il aukiiow li'dgmeuis. ’Ill" A«-et»l,ly „f New Y«r; may—uicd that loef-vt HU six'* I'd" ndjil iraeiii of the c.intr .ver.y in qie.iioo 11, s-CmIs on niy |-nn wi.Mn* „nti;|. ,|, that uro oui.i«ient with ro-ison nnd ju-tice, and with that sacred tv-p.-ci fur tli- ulnracier of th" Oouigry, which, Irebig {•ar tmouiil to ad other cm. •nieniio-is, ran never lv riitrcganlcd. SbroilJ ihe*o ,-ff.»ris prove un*ticce«.fiil. a ("Milt I cuonot •tlliwmyve.r to'expect, the Fednnil Govrnim lit will rely with cun fl Inure on tlio proiricd croup, on. •hm of your groat Stair—a coufi l-n o uhkr ju*tdi< d t>y the |irire<-clipg« which have Ireen rommunica rd lumeinyroir In-tialf. nn.l by the known fi.| lily of of New York lo tho honor and iutcrosts of uur Cdmmnu country. \YUh great rctpect. Your obedient ser.’u M. V.<^ DVRKN. A nejrn man bolouging ior Mr. Niles, nfThilHv •W'i\. in a til of rage, lately, struck u negro womi:. n M.err Mow with a tile, umler th", ar, whieli f Lc.l it r u. t .- jr . v.vl. Supivwlttj; that ho kdt^l Irer, Ire wvnt to hi. nuni, Prvur.vl itcv/ cat front car torar. lire woman was rocoverinf.—,V. OrJ***i P'tpir. to.v 11 rd uiiutln r, mat opinion, or tin* " In lutrudiH-'iiig tl satisfaction ut your I nnd tin'll used tilt* li; rudely treated in lire ' lu npply a scourge I count not haw upii . ........ Uis this, tin- dtaiK'iigew a. given hy Lord rowers- court. Mr. Rinl.uck otli rvtJ to wiilulruw hi. charg es if Lord 1'uvv ci .court would deelure tlml they weio not true; or, if his luu^iiugo simply wit* cum- pluiiH'd of, to reiruct or cxpluiu any exprosriuu out absolutely needful to convey tire charges, prov id, d lewd 1‘owerscuurt w uttnl |mmuI it out. Ills lonLh.p would 1I0 ueitlrei, uud so the jwwder wa* biirmu. Two English ini'ii-of-wur hud sailed fur Putrus, to dciiiand explauatiuUH resjacling un attempt to iitur dec Sogtwr ttretli.uiwl au ..tb red to tou Ur.luU consul. A baud ol roMrer* •uddemy euterod the roddeirec of M. Rioti, tlrepntuer ol tlw hou.e of I '. Clurk & Co,, und u servunt, by closing the do..r o. u 1 inner U|*urtliH-iit saved tire lil'u ol his iii.e-ter, w hu ll was llirealciH-tl by- ihi-nswoiu'* knife. Tire Englidi consul, seeing lliut tire |hJkc dal not ,i„ there vlmy, protested ugmust tire negUgcnw v»f tlre hii'iil uutiiorittus, uml liiunstver, received u letter full ol'i.isiius from lire Secretary 01 tire Government, tho chief ol lire gcuduriirerre. For ctteclive uml inm-offectivc service, lire whole uniuiiut to be provided by government is£ti,t7.'>9,Uo8. In the limiso ofGumimui*, tin tire 1*1, .Me. Charles Buller oilered to submit lo lire decision ul' u coin- nottoe, com]>o«cd exclusively of ojquMitiun urem- tiers, on tire question wlreilur Ire Imd vaiuteil lus sent hy- gmug to Cuuiuln w ith Lorvl Durham. ,U.i the ttccuml ivudiiig of tho lr,*li imimcipul cor- penliou* hill, the nioiLn rs twice deli-uti ill heir op ponents by targe tou^oi-.ties—on iiretiui.s to ud^iHuu —tire tir-t t.mj by a vote ot |.il to bo, nml Uk'u- coinl 117 to Ul lo tlie courso of tire deliuto tlie •.peecli oi'i.iird Eliiingtini, iii.luly 183d, was uilvert- ed to J—Lord John Uu.ncli tlccgiring he under stood it 0.1 ,y a. evpia'Sriiig tlw opuooa the re venue* nl Ure prutestant citun'li 111 Irelaud were too large, ami tint Ire agreed 111 that opmion .Mr. IIiiiim iiiuved for ml Mr t-rmicis llcad’scor- ivspo.ah'iice; and .Mr. Lutreuehere strongly iqqiosed tire iiwsti.sit. On th" 12th of February his Excellency S viva in Van tie M’ever, envoy extraroaliaary Uei 9 ium, wus married to Kh*mivtli Anil Sturges, only daugh ter of the wealthy Mr. Hate., ut lire House of iiarmg Urotlrer*. Mr. Hates is au American, hut In- resi ded 20 year* in England Mr and Airs £lew-n*.n. Lord JleiiMntrm', Lord I'atnierstroi, 3 irgit Maxcy, Esq. ami Mrs .Maxcy, lire Menesiy, Mr. Julia Van Ihiivu, uodwreverm of tha lurci 6 o nuiusters, were j.rei'ent at tireccrcmouy Fium Ike ,.,.rdun Cannes. March 2. Letters tnnn Hay.nure, to tlr; uit, confirm the fear* expressed 111 tortuer tulviecs, Hint (ieiicrut .Murolo WMU.d follow up liis previous tliUMUcro, by tire execution uf 11 re seven Cat list ouicers reiiuiatug in hi* ha..ds 1 la y were slnH at Erteua roi tire llftli. AuiiHtg«tth?tnwrro Co.onet Oger (a cou.iu ol l*eu- crat Francisco Ihirera.) Doit D.tiio, Chap- laui-Ueueral of lire Mall, tlie iJuimilUlider L uugu, m,d tii" Governor* o. its,* tort* ol t’uy uml of SauiaUar- bam, near E»ici.a ’ K-ttv-rs ctMtaai a procla mation ot .M .run, i*«uedm-for• tlie execuuuus, a.ui umitirer of Don Car.os, m winch lw a'muiuiice* mat Ire had dismissed .Mamto from In* comuu.,d, and ouituvv* Inin. Dou Cur,,1* lud made a movement 00 Estclla, but. ailed sud-L-uty uml retraced nt* step* .Nothing was knowu ut'Moroto** mowtueot*, but it was *nid that he wa* laying siege to Peralta. Ano ther rumour hud i^ lliut with eight liattmmn*, ho hud joiued Espartero. 1 tre w hore ot his conduct seem ed iuvolvaal ui mystery. Notwithstanding tire protestation* of .Maroto, lit tle doubt wa* cntcrta.ucd of Ins trca*uuaoie corres- poiiduiica with Kspurtcro. Ttio foiluvving tetter gives u fearful account of toe executions. •• EukhhJvi, r'eb. 21, live o'c'ock, P. M. “> to yrot our suuattoa we receivivl uuthing from the royal twad-vpwevers, we know hothiug 04 tire moveiue„u ut lire mug, no one i* a..owed to appr.Hit'li the iroiiticr*,uotetn r*ofu..y dc*cr,pti.>o ica.'ii u*. From 1 pr.vate *our. e ami sur.-1 luce Icar.ieil that Maroto u 111 LStcha, w,tu tire 1st / inhutta.ionso.Navarre, the 3d 01 Gu»- puzcoa, two battiuious ofCastiiha.i*, and four squad ron* of lai.c-.-r* of Navurre. It up j rear, tiut, by mean* ot'nritx-ry amltnUMiug u*eof toe tviag's „utm*, h" gaiirevl overtire 1st ami * ill of Navarre, ami tire tbur*qttadr.iu*, who imtoiuy cunseiifcil to ura-st the general*, lull to execute Urem Poor General Carmona, a man of mild and sim- plo habit* brave a* a iam, and loyal patriot, wa* ar rested at four in tire niormiig, placed ut the haiol* ot' a priest, ami *hut at 3 o'clock; 1.1H having, during the whole of that lime, oitlrer been uccustxl uf any crime, or vUitod hy any oue. He wa* led forth ig norant who wen- hi* persecutor*, and .hot, not iu the of th" army, but secretly. In tlw same manner w a* treated (icocral Guergue - dragged from tire urm* ufhi* family, uml murdered within un hour. The liitcnd Venn wa* urresnd w liile out •hooting, and viiliout |icraiitting him 10 Imld inter course with any on*-. Ire wa* in.tantly put lu death. Tb« murder of tlw Viceroy of Navarro, Gciu-rnl Francisco Garcia, wa* inure refined; he wus brought before Maroto and ituulu-d, tuwl at his vk-maud, to he sent to tlw royal bead quarters, dragged forth and abot. That truly bnanrtlde patriot, Gen. Don Pab lo Sans, wa* compelled to follow Maroto 011 font— hi* lwr*o wa* taken from him—from TuloA to E*- teila. Th" wife of llrigniher Kaus wa* made a pri- siKw-r ami rrurilv in-ntt-d. * r *' ' " €0.11 ill EltCIAL. Latmt utTks rnoM LivcnrooL Mar. • ntrt:s r ito vs IIavkc Fga. it Lxicsr tout vrur Havaxa M arch 23 SAPASSAIt KSPOItrg, APML 6. LIVERPOOL - Ui slop Culumbus—tM 1 bales Up- lainl, si.I 10 ho ,S I Cotton. PlilLADKLI’lllA—Schr Excel—111 bales Cot- 11, .*>U casks Rice, 11J boxes Tobacco, 3 |>«ckag«a Sun • , dries. ft NEW CASTLE. Me.—Behr Watclunan-iO.OWj ft P 1* Timber. 80.000 ft boards. MAC UN, April 4. Cotton—Sales during the week limn 13 tu 15$ cent.. * wwcmg.v 11 • iq.u.i n. CLAR»AcaviLLK, March 25.h. I8J9. Sit—Itwg to vtu r.i, ji.w ..I liiB p.u.wu ..vs -t a "lliut. all 11 1 Imt li.ok place in Its * m Ignm-rlni-'.l •u«i night or raiiiei • uny tin. in .ruing. Ahum 3 ••'chreiv uii nriiieil paiiy I10111 lb" Un.icd Sla v *, 01 • rip. , it,ove vl.iwn cal lire ie*- until «•|•|l••.il0 »ui p.q 01 oil Delicti Bulge pnvKin< > I.f* III.! v.1 ilie.r ■••.iu ng), iiicnciinoiieiici-il bring mire.l ur-n", tiUi Wiitmui • ftW.l, u» ouv pltpt't had vt« 0 •u ni-eivi**, uu«lv*. silver, a»amig ill- r ireurvr ap|, lie- m-Im; io-i gr.-wt l«r pi t i-v him. '1ii<-biig'OHl. tll'-n ll wl h Cannon UO- iireul.iK'ly dvcuuipvd 111 11.0 i.ircciiuu • f Aiourg Spiuig". A ileiiiciiun lit ul lire U-iei'ii’s light lira- g an.., unit tin- tight coiiipui.y el Col. D^ij'*ivj;i- ii.uicia d d|-10 un- |u.e. i.c-ai winch a Um, 01 •IrebriguiHU luinanicd uunl lire i.eur uppiuacli ul nUl lot ce. Ij on uur iiiiivnl nt the spot on tho ieo from wim r»- tire iii.iig p.ui*-, hi i.iimit 11..! cunin.i.,a* oar, l-ui.t, an.l n Uuitv.l Sint, * nm-ku, wild an um. six hall, not a q uiiilliy ut cm- non,shut lying Ht-ntieieil iiImiii. fuun liiu.uj.po.n- mice ui *01111. piece* uf the wnodeii cuhiioh, lam red lo lliut "c-vi-iai u| lire loigiuiiU wen-' woo mini by 11* Inn "ling, murk* «sf b.m.l t«.ng .lu. tinctsy vi.title on tbe |.nw* «imI ice hiouihI. i Ire tiling on tire piqum* in till* vicooiy 1*1,ot mii iihu.u-ii occuttcuve, t ui Hum vliudwiuucu Uas nhota vamu Hum, an,I uur picvuuiioii m placing thv aeutih-* •iinler cuvir, no d nn.igu im. Ium-ii mtivt-d. Ilu.) -In- C.U.II..II not hur.t, w,- liuvo c-veiy n-aMui m.u ( - pu.eiliMtn inoro t-xnniilcil nilu k w.ih inii-mliil, n* we uiu iiiuii mi'il Unit u ruii*iih-iub|o Ibrcu livin unorii r |n. 11. convenient s., u* w* i» in n udine** lo inaivh.n. MUvlMa.Nv-.sim, ti*.-, Gagn iiundlsiw- gau uro now ai lli -dj.iiug., out) I'oui nitre.Ui.Ulil, uiniiln railuca i.eX|avtvvl. P. S. I lm ui jii*t hmird that oiip of lire Ameri can. 1* Min it, uii't *1.1111! wiiuinli it, by th-* lm. «■ nig •4 lie* wiN>,it-i, gnu: ill v aro im-w at lire Altioig Spii- g-, oue ui.leuml a Imi.I tiuiu.-ur line. Since tin- above wit* iu type wo havo r/ccivwj the •u.luwing: From the St. Alban* Mrsungtr of March 28 A. F tut* ox me TkoMitK.—»-tro* on ieir froniKr •“fin to incrviue 111 u i.-uriui ratio. I orilie tn*t two wceiv* thero liuvo been ufio or miirolnvtii.imi.n eve ry night. Apjiaiviitiy they urouilenaneiv each xdo ot tire lino itcluuutioii up|a*.nr* to be tire order ot‘ tire—night. \\ v arc not irele to Math lire extent ot tlio burning, hut prenumo trout the iiiiiiilier ot mv* seen from this puree, uud wliut we have linurit, unit quite a nimiiH-r ut hunding* Imve Uf 11 liun.c-,1, the gieatcr (uirt ol' tlicm ham*, and the tn..»t ol Uiciii •ituaual in C'lump.aiii u.n| U.Letowu. In tire tat ter we uiv luioniiod lliut a. targe lioure wa* burned on t ruluy nigiit him, uud on tlie Friiiuy night pivviuu* two uaro* be.ougiug to it. Lu.t >unU.iy in/lit oue ur two uaro* 1.1 Aiburgh wero de*troyail. Me tnqw tu be able to give tuniK-r |rerticuiar* uext week. Fiom the Burlington Sentinel of March 29. I- mom th». r ire*xTiut.—lire fodowing is an ex tract liom a private teller, dated • A Lot nail, March 22,1839. * • • “CuptainPorier’i*company m regulars are ordered from Un* pun to inure • Point, uud leave to-arerrow innr.iiug; tire cotiqniuy »taiiouedat Iruy are a.*o w itlnlcaw u, In jinn tire- trend quaiter* o| the regiment at PiatUuurgli. lire i-xcitvinent at Ruit/e’ii Point is very grout, in cuii*ei|uunce of tlio burning* which have i*t-ii kept up |..riieuily two wi«x*.! a number ot lm.- ia.iu.H-* are •mu of the place, ur ruber lire icuiare |«»i ot urem. \ou can I.11111 hltie idtu ol the uud coutu*ni.i which prevan thuro u* setui ua night but*, hwry mun iu tliepiuce 1* 0.1 duty, u..dul(y mouutctl dru 3 * 00.1* are stutnHied 0.1 me ime*; yet with a.i tin* pr>- t autinn, Urey t*av« tiro* an around Urem. Several lire, have occurred within sight ot guutd, and wluW they were extinguishing oi.e, iiuutlrerhusbrokvtioul iu uiiotherdtroctinii. LATi-r. still —Bya letter from Alburgh, dated M0.MIJV i4.i, on winch implicit reliance may be placed, we tram tiiatthe burn* bcloogtng to Mr C«>- vcy, an entcqirismg farmer, 111 Alburgh, wire burn ed oy a gang 01 “tuyat voomteer*" on tho Sniurday mght proviou*. Mx or eight In ad td cutue, two |iur»e*, sol about ten ton* 01 liay were destroy- 17ur convijNiiidi'iil add* that scarcely a uight las jNisscd tor throe week.*, witliuu. the heaven* bcu.g mmmuated l>y tire light from some incendiary tiro iu lire l vicinity. CHARLESTON. April ft. Cotton.—VVe have no new leaiurw to nwtica | n the ope no ton uf Upland tloruig the week, Tha mark* t emuinui-s 11 tlw same .late ns noticed in ihii review id tb. 29th ii *i. Hm sales .race cur u*i. embracing ot’sawn day*, a mi Mini to uiuy ub-ml 2900 Ume* at tire following price*—30 nt I3i; 53ut 14$ 1 44 nt 141 22 m Hit 111 at NJ; 17! ui 1441 2U7at I4|t 230ai 15; S3 at l-»4 ; 5bI hi lo|: 15at I6|; 3o4 at 151; 20at 15J; 029 .116 ; 20 at IU|; 113 •• 164 7 U5 at •oji and 850 bn.ra ut 17 «ts. Iheia has been some ueuvi.y umuug Sea Islund vtcnlvtra. About 4J7 ImIi'ii w'nile l-avu bien taken at lire following l-rrei -:—115 1-ale. lioni U5 lo 78; 128 front 55 tn 7*; 41 fiiiiu 55 in sill 129 troiu 55 to 70; 20 tnnn 3oi-4a; i8ui55; Id ui 63; 9 ut b.'Jt 70 ab551 with 4 a 5171 mill 122 siuiiiud 1 In, ul price* mug- i g nuni 12 to 25; 12 Mfciives al 48, ami 9 stained d.». "l 22 VI*. per lb. ificr.—In^inta attirlo there is com|varativalyr iioiiong doing. Too mmkei Inn Xjovii eaueinviy duo imuugiimit tnewiuk. In lael uur present qu -luiiou.Miv wim d.lKi iiity uiaiiitaimnl, via: ti.fw • •••riug'"Hl. pvi tuu, $l«44; lair topr.a>e4|» 44; amt cimicv 4|. lire »a,>aar*—73 rarer* at *«i; 254 ai 44» 45-18; 80? at 4); 185 at 4j5 ant on lie rev* at 4|| Hong* Jlicc.—Ai-nui 10,(781) buihrla havo bean vll»|w-i >1 ul Ml 1124 Cents |M-I buitiel. Uruin— lire ineipl* ut Coin sine* tb« 2Cih nil. re-dCli 12,UUl) bu.tiv.s. Mi stem lm* bioogl.t 75, M..u Nuiih Lniutiiiu 8a cviits i»er busln |, '1 wo cnigire* i.| .ujf riui ipiiiuiy li ivo ctiiiigcd hand* at pr.te. iimoe Aln-ui 4U“U tw.lreis Ma ry.ami Ut . have him. mam ivcviveil, winch louuglit 4aeis. Noamvai. ul Pea>—quiHaiiotia nvmnnal. liny ||.i4 men selling ut l ul) per lOU lb*. I iottt.—Ti.i* uiliuie Iiub Ucuiiih a drug in our pv-.s." - - -"-utimnily *U| plk-tJ. Our c<Ty who ,.avo laige "luck, on turn!, re-fgseutvr- uutU ,,H *> **»-•-d np tin ir sup,die*. 1« •In- |.ivm-ii| slut cut Hn. 111.11 kul we liuvu do. med it pioi'i-i' lu i-r.isa twiiuvi qiiotmiuas, a* all Ut*erii» tl, in. an* 11UII111.U1. ’ 1 Untcrrtrn—Aihhii llli|,lal-. Mu.rnvado Sugar Imvo u vn oal w. |nicM rwngii.g Hum 84 10 8 vta. per ill., uc. uidlng lo •puilliy 11„- mIvm in Cuftew emiq.iiku nh.Mii hi? hug* Culm, at 111 u t 1“4. Uo have 1.0 liaiisaciioi • lo i.|hhi invnlier \\m Imliu ur New U.han. ilulsur,-,^ naota- tHMi" n--nillial. * 1.. Wrum Rn.-..n bn..i,ht ih. s', "v." 8 “ti «*• uit .«t Slnuiid- r-, 84 •'(•- |H*r m. ' M jo Ul,. I*"; 1 ."M ,1 11 —‘"I I *1 c— |k ' H., i. hoi.1.1 l l|i. 14. \\ 11 , 14 tu , lb , A«...l .<»...•—A ,„i „f \\ On.iuowH I, r loinight '.'4 pei bid. Satt. ii.arale.sf tlm w«-k haw hern 1609 •x k« L.v. rpoul at $. t ms i;, n I o-reial small lw«a .... .I..,, luenl arm ,l v • ai 111 „ 11 suck, mi time. * * Exchange. Bill a on England, 10 pci ct. prcm.1 •m. t lance, dl. 10 ■ 5f. 13; Dunre.ra: as last quof ^ WILMINGTON, Antll 5. Steam Sate mill /.umber. Tins piuju m-Iims of ill.: a h ive ii-ilu axl tire pure ul steam mill* |h-i iliiHi-aml ten. Ihe ->U)-ply i«; und ilu- null*cmiing dally Iromn lull *im k i.i limner, all unlei* lor lumber can be rxe* oiled pinuiplly. Hirer Lumber. More demand tbe present ween. Mi.mIi v intis .old wid* bends at $7 25. limning | um $11—$11 25. Lotion, Small puicu.tuf lire pait week may n*d Imvi* met liuy«is) 13 ccuu may be tbe extent at pr. sen>, A 31 rivets smith and north of u* su-tain full pticex f-i W>t I in I iu ai.icle*. Our murki-t is scant at pras.-iii; hill fui.supp.tes are dwi.y cxjiecro-d. Hire. New cum. a in, ami is ol guod quality nml |-rime. Sales of rough rica have been mode h-r Ire Ctunles.un market lively, nod uur supply is veiv luutiwl. I'ncx advancevt, and h«ld lu f 435 $4 58. Lor*, hn* been sold from 86 cents to 90, and $1. Ihe lie nm>d u limited now. Over VtlcvaU v tutiot be un. THE MAINE IIUUNDARY. Tho following show* tint tho .Mad t w.uka War (!) ia over:— (Corretp.n Inter of the But in At tot.) State Hocse, Acocsta, ) luesdny, Muron 2o, 1633. J Our Mnhwaska war nnw- sceat* ua picstiouably r» 1 tjra ar.i la you copie* ut'comaiu^icaxioii* tiiat nave pa.*ed hetwreeu lieu Sreott ami Mr Jehu ll.irvvy, wtucb ptace tn it matter beyond u doubt — Gov. Pa.mchl lias i<*ucd order* thi* nior.nng, dis charging tlio militia mnv in the service ol the State. Tin* arrangement lta* been eflectcd ciitin-iy by Gen. Scott. (Juv Fuirt.c.J seem* to have acted oniv a subordinate jian in the math r—agneiug w ith groat readiness to any term* tiiut were ufi'erod him. By this agreomeut Maiue virtually almmlnn* tire pr.-sint p.MK-**ion and jurisdiction of ttcur.y tlw w Imlc disputed territory to Great Britain—fur in point of fact, Maine hit now muy po*M*s*ii>u of a •mail in the territory—that *lic i* graciotuly I K'rmitted to retain— while she con ten ft that Sit ohn Harvey shall retain jmsu ssieti ol'ai.d exercise juriHliction over mere than thru- founh* of tbe d»- puteil t.-rritorv—for tire provincul porermm-nt now exercise jurisAictioa over all the disputed territory lying north of the t>\. John*, und u part of tire terri tory south of that river, \Vitls tire ro*olve of iavt year—mjuiring tire boundary li re to be nm—ami tire rosulves ul lire 24th January, and tire 20th of February last— requiring tire Guvvrnor to take nos- scssiou of und exetrisc jurisdiction over lire whole disputed territory - in force, I dn not understand bow be could enter into such an amuisrtnent. It i*. in (art, an abnndosinrent of all that ire has himself so valiantly and pertinaciously contended for. It car- rirs fully into effi-ct tire rocotmnendiuioti made at Washington by Air. Fox ami Mr. Forsyth, which -rueily Heatiil. Ibis i. nil lire tiil.irma- tl". governor rv(>mLatrd in hisr-c-nt hm »w»» * have been wSU-to gather; liemmrow yon shaft , (renctalScuti, in thi* bu.inr M , hn. bm-n acting hear lartlrer trout me. j as tire agent of lire general Govi-rtinsein. Jlis L- LoxDon, March 2. 12 o'clock. Tins principal 1 si ructions were, 1 understand, t<« Jitu* tlw roreat movamant ia Forsi|R Markvt has br-n in Spanish | protocol, onterrd into at Washiogum. otrriod into MARSEILLES, Feb. 25. During tbe past week 838 bags Brazil cofiee havo hern »md at 55f ; and 150 do at 53. Circumstances, mure than lire high price, lmvc prov ruted activity fas the cotton market. NANTES, Feb. 25. Some small parcels Louisiana cutlua have been taken at 120a 1251; large sales of rice, iariadiag 150 tc* N Carolina at 36a38 75. HAVRE, Feb. 27. Colt cm —The tnuHartion* in this article bava con tinued in a very hmttrj scale since our last report of tlw 23d inst. haring be»-n confined tnlbemost pres- sing wiuits ot' the trade", and tbo prices of United State* .isn't staple cotton have undergowe a further decline uf 2*3 ermimrs: finally the xwdwcti— of oor rates for these descriptions may wmm bo estimated at fully 3 orotiines per | kilo, fitioi tbe biffcrst |Niiut at w hich Urey were at the beginahy of this Tin. airs enticed-w ’Clwoge Uro bren only t67 bale", r.Hi.oiin- <4 243 |«ies Nrw-Orimns, of which 2t> bale* at Ilu.: 1-3 nt J 1ST to 120ft 15 nt 124ft ami MU good at 132f 50; -J| Mwt-ile nt 115f tsd 119ft 148 I'pUfid. tff which 15nt 110ft 133nt Ilif BUSTUN, March 30. f'ofto*.—'There have hccu no transactions ia this article siuce uur last ropuit that t\i|uire Duriring. I Ire only sale* making ore small parccli taken tor imniiiiiiitu lire. All tho largo puia-lwM-ra have de clined tqKTidiiig, with thu view that tlw next advi ce* from Eunqre would ihvlhre. At the dose of uur n-|Hirt wcuuiit* tinm Limp .4 are received to the 2Jth ult., stating a decline there, ami a dull mar- (i. Coffee.—'Tl cro i* hut n very moderate stock, and holder* are inure i>rm. The inuiracti««s are small, embracing 6a? 00 bags St. Domingo 94a9$r; 2a300 dol’uvno CaU-lio lljal'Jc per Us, ti nis. hole hy auction ut' UK) bags St. Domingo 84«94 per lb, cash. t lour.—Tho market continues dull, and prim must again be quoted lower, and dreiming. Saks ul’ Gcneaev, common brand* $8 62; a tow hen- droit hbt* Howard street $8, cash. Sales ofUah timoro C.ty Muta 7 &7,aiidr'nduricksbure $3 per iilii, ( ms. Mot-rat $ —After our last report of the largo sales which had been made, and w hidi had until that tuna been pmicijaUty scent, the view* ol’ holder* wero much higher,und 38c wot the asking prices, but tbo tunrkcicioM-s again inactive, and howler* leas (inn. Sare* for the week viuhracu ai ozt 508 hhdsL'uba to tu- grocer* at 2dj, 29,29| and 30 per ga). 6 nu. nn I a small cargo d.Milltug at 28c |a-r gal. 4 prrjF d.s.cosh. Sales of lOd hlul* Trundud ot 32.jc per gat, aud 38 do do 3Iu3-i| (H-rgal.6 m*. Prcii'fi a* —Mess Ik it ha* derhued to $!6al6- 50. 1 Ire stock uf oiih r kinds i* very small. Turk and Lard have sold quite largely at quotations. Ai.t —1 he lm* rather improved, and talcs of nlmut 158 cask* 3, jja-ijc jvr th, 6 ms. Sugar.— 1 tre market cuutuiuc* Ireavy and wilh- uut material alteration from our last rvpurt- 2a300- Imixc* 11 avail..a brown have sold at 8aS$c, and aoisitt choice UjaOc, and common quality \Xhito 9$ ulOpr, m\ Img* MamBioUc per ffi.6 ms. Sato* hv auction 50 trials 1'urtu Rico 7 37a? b2 per 100 lb r 4 m*.