The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, April 09, 1839, Image 1

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W Nexv DomiriH. •I * h«*t» J'»«t rerelv il the • Parri**imi Pmierii .siik ll-ihin-u fu m-' hrwnlal«o l rn«n pi t*-. Flnretiv bini.l U.inn.-u, | iIm«. *ii|N<iior tin do Victoria do, I it • Enili»li tin iln ..ji,.), | wl.ii.* •Iniw do, 6 (•«•<•« Nint'a lino It Mprll a S .mil. I II. Mn.Vft Sim-. T lli'.nvltii; Itci'olvcd. Ilr. following ma* il»»* riraxvit nmnVr« nf lli». G-cen? and .’ul Monument Lottery. No. lit lit liken fniiii tin* nlfirbil |t»t. W 40 41 30 9 03 SO 4! 77 62 22 43 23 The bnldei* nf Nii. 42 40 fill, ii prize nf Twn Ilun-lre-l Dollar* nnl other* of lot Jcnutniim* lion cun lecuivu ilia ea*l m i*. I). PENDRUG \ST, *pl 0 Corner of null «t. nml Bov I,-me. Drawing Kneel veil. T HRr..||.iw niir i-o Hi.* drawn nil iiher* fin* iIn* Greene on.I Pulmki Lnttrrv. Clu** No. 14. •VJ 40 44 30 0 03 20 42 77 02 22 43 23 40 30 02 u tirito of lOUU ilollu.t wu* sold ut tl.i« office. l!uli)tr.}uf prize* will rnll for >1.« rn*h, nt W1TIIING TON'S Up! f) Lottery nml Excli-c-1 Mile-, Non nnd Prime Keel* nml Fork 1 |\ WWI.H nn*.« r.uW,n».l..|.ri.i.i* il l. 10 *1. U'i-f III i|-i i-.ifi..- ilu. Irti. liiitf fr..rr bug M .>li*i)i fro... Now Y'-ik. for nil.. i. v upia (ICUIUIB II MW. inutile* nml Ctiil'cc. Q/\ IU»XS4 S i-r.n - \, .1 .*.| «!««*• •J\7 3 bjg*o!il Jitvn (!• |V e.«i!o l.y I.ONO & PATTERSON. «|» Mt ,N-i. I r.M-l. ...R . Do k. r N«clinr lViite, ^[f]| L A-SCS of «..*» douii i*a;h *' Nockor Wino" •JU or Sparkling H-.:k For *a!e hy .JM'li JLAD.i TUPPER & SlSTARK. 830 Kcwsird. A .NEGRO liny .mini-.I FENTON, belonging .0.1.0 »*i'iilx)i'. rui. i.w'uv or win hi.iI-i., nn tin* 20lii or 27.1. u!t. from tin* *>li».i[» Muiiii.-i of Darioii. 20 il illnr* r * f.*r lii« ..|i|*r*-l..*.i*i->i. l *nd lit unv j .il in this Sum*. 10 <| ,|. W* if *tok*n, «....! il.«* thief t*iuivict<'il. II-. .« tthnut 19 year* old iiho.i. 5 fret-5 incite* .high, nml win*.. spoken to »m miner* in •pei-cl.,— Applii'Ulion... thi* Office, npril 0 4t» HRNRY CANNON. Dr. J. B. Police, H aving re*«i>ii.*ii it<« prnnico, respectfully of. fer* hi* prnf***innal «ervice* to tin* public.-— Ho cuii hi* fonn.l nt hi* "flloi* in Dinugliton *.n*i*t, between Bull hm.I Dray-on *'r—t*. upl 8 Ot Mu t Fisk. OOlflO LBS. n».ti*ivi*il p.*r brie Hnvre from t£i\J\3 v Uo»ton, nml lor rule l.y nr,.il U COPB & MILLS. Spriu? nml Sumtuur Clothing. R ECEIVED l.y brig* Wo. Toy lor nml New Hnnoveri ut. nmmriinont, nr..) f.n*«i.|i. hv npl8 •1*1!ICR » VENDER. Commit. BBLS. Hy.lrn.ilii. Cement* landing dip Culi.i, it.»l for -ml- In * fr«mi ihu wl.nrf by COHEN, MILLER & CO. opt a 25 Coal Tar. BBLS. put nt Coni Tnr, n nr<’-*nriii-lr r.iniiil to l.n efeitr of till corrosive umi ter, nm.ling ami for sole by upri-0 CLAG HO BN & WOOD. Mess and Fri nc Beef. BBLS. Mo** Brel, Hill do l'riine <lo, juat • recuivod and for«*hy "l»l 8 ClLAGHOBN & WOOD. Cjoslicn Butler. Hog* G i*I.1*ii Botiec, just received by »hip ' JL vF Celin, nnd for unlit l.y 8 COI-R & MILLS. ^ CtibitCoirce. BAGS Culm Collie, of various quuli* for* l.y COHRN, MILLER &CO. .tl t»rns MtiHleatilis. THfllfl Mor.,. Mutual,li*. 0 " Ft r v* l"*l li-Ctiu-iluii I for *nli* I*v «; ,ri1 C. U. CAUTRU. L’’ , n MJHl lists’. 1000 BUSHELS 0#.i, SUOLumllw Il.v. »Cil 0>11011 DILLON, ,t C.' W ILL l». I Hill Y.nvl S20 ISi.'n iiril -• r.*i*DVt*ry of a rlinkrr to|-*.i IV-tin ulongtidi lurk Q-it on Viri-rin. S.iid •-••nt i« nli .i.l 2tlfi*i*l lone, oi.**idt* .n.iii.i*il g*et*i. w iili w'.itn li •on, i.itiili* «*r**fi. uml |.*i.i| i'iil*ir, will, .lie .mint* '•Queen," hrouleil on liei tiiwnr.*, long I'.vmcusoN, npl 4 fit No I Kxeli inj.* I took. UntiU or Hip mute UI Ocorirlii. Havt>xAil, Apiii A 1019. TVTOTICn TO STOCKIlUi.llLUh.-O.i Mon* d -). till* lilt, ilitv nf M iy en.llmtf .1.1 . I.H-li n. Ai.l In* l.el-1 nt tlie.r il.u.k fur .■* Dini-t-rn on |l.<* p.ri of ill • iioekl.oltler*, to t.-nelor tweUw month* lion. il. it dale. JJI'I « A. FORTH 11, Ca**r. 11. • ediior* nf .I.-* A'ijii«t.t C-M.*ii.iilioiieli*i. nml Se...del, W'n.liinglOi. New*, Alln*u« Bni-l.e.*, Stniiiliud of U,,io i, nn l Ri*i*«ir.l«*i, M.lhulgeville, will |de..*n | uo|.»h tint above the day of e|rc. Notice. ,4 LL d m .ml* ugiin.i lit * B»i.l*h brig E*Sl. QUI1JO, n. i t I** In.i l. d in l>> lIn* «»'•'••*..her* hi* dny, It OB A U IS A: CUNNINGHAM, npril 3* |t • € t en in' ,il .‘. A BBLS Ueodt cream A to landing from ship *jC t F Celia A.ul for *.»le by ar>«il 5 MICH DILLON. * Co. Upholstery, and C abinet \iarc- lltMsse. Broughton Street, 3 / dourfrom Barnardttrecl Sotumiiiih. D. FERGUSON, K ERFS <*ninu.inilynn blind, u genornl n«*nrl< mem of FURNITURE, ofihelm,.*, wbu b be will w irr mi in p.ii it if l.enuty, w-nk.nin- nliip, *»r, to vie with noy o|l.--r i*».,*|.. monl.—Among w l.iel, will In* found tin* following S-f.*, C-m l.eH, Otl-iinn..*, Centre a. Wind,**, W.i*li.|.ih.|* Sidebouid-. nil with ... Miilniguny fruni-.l I king Gb,**,*- Dien.ingG in, „ r will,on. d.nw*; Mnlmg. any, Wu.mii.nud Fnney Clnir*. u grout varlo.y o| putt.-r.i*—I,. d ove.y otborn„ie|i* in il.ouliovo line; nil n| wlnel. h- w |l ..oil on uccoi.imodming term., for CAnli or npjirove-l .lit UFIIOLSTRRY. Con*...oily on l•■•ll.l, Boil.iend*. Fo-uher Bed*. Hnir, M-m*. nnd Wool MutlroMi.*, I'iilowh. &e. Al*„ on, or i.iinlo to oul-w, Clmroh. iiu.i Cl,.,„ Cud OitomuiM, Foot* .....I,.. U-d, urn. w ""l *«• Ci.rimiw, *c.,, nnd linn*, UCur- pet*, Od Clo.It*, i.n-l In-Ini Mulling, fitted toll i r-* Sldp mii-l Si»*i,.uilmiit Co hi..* fu’ri.mlied will, Cur- pou, Cimniii*. Boil-ling dec. m *li--rt imli-e. 1). I*, will nil.'ml t-i i lie miking nn-l lining up n Dnip-ry. nnd l.u*,. ll. .1 l.y „ t emi.,„, |„. ' ’f tin* piiblin pmro,n,go l-u any o. then—ive i-ood* 'iil't-ili.iu, be p icked will. vco.iim-Mlu.lngieinw. N. B.--Cui-li paid for Moaa and F.uiberA, w il o.r-ri? .. *hnr-* Or-ler* fm... it iliwli.i id meei will. i...n.o.|j, d forw nided o 400! upl 8 F»lf»t and Navy Bread, iVc. 1 I’l'LS. F 1.0 Broinl, 200 do Nnvy -In. I.OU 75 .1. Cm.,I Flour,50 Half do do do, },H-idmg for »u!u by npl 8(.'LAGHORN & WOOD, Hay, 4Q BUNDLES pum- ■rtliorn Hny. binding Irom ship Coriolonu*, forVulo by WlllTF. dc RAUTKLS. Tickets only S5. On Wr-lii-sd-iv will he -1 -ci-lc-l tlm Greene aud Pulaski iTloiiiiiiicuf Lottery. by th- rirnxving of ilu* pnr-ii iir Mni'ylnnd Stmn I,m- trrv, Nr-. 8, ill- remli of which vx ill lie open for ex* inaiimi oil Monday. SCHEME. 3 prize of. . $15,000 1 " .... 1 " .... 2.889 1 " 1 5'i'J 1 " .... 1.488 1 " .... 1.1.3 in « .... 1,088 10 « .... 500 10 « .... 251 JO « .... 209 29 " .... 159 20 « .... 125 2(/0 « .... 100 &c. &«*. x*c. Wlio'e Ticket* ?5. Il.ilve* $2 58, Quart- r. hv tlm p-ic'ingo only $ H 25, ni ce nficnliM $17 41.^ for *nlu hy V. B. PE.NDF.nnAST. /Manager* Agency Ollice, con ami liny bin-, i—.ir the l.xclinn-e KJ* Adventurer* in l»wn ,ir emiiilrv encb-iiig tlm price nf a ticket or *h.ire, xv d M-CeiVxi tho i*ii iMx* Immediately theteiift-r npl 8 Spring and Summer Uoods. 1 4 I •" b.. LS Mipur.or l.-i.-ln.i Lim n Dt.lU JLvF nu-i 6-4 Linen •» d • 5 4 d- do fi -l-i rich Fu*i. Chii-.z 20 do *u,M*rior liiiliu yeliow Nunkeon 20 do do Gooigin .jij 3 do G.ioiliii-on* 10 -I., mi,-cur Fumiiii..* Dimity 5 d •/.-., Linen NupkinH (Jdo liili knlnn k loweU * 2 pieemt blu-* lit-K.ili li-il. 13 do V.c.oiii. Flint*, new ttyle 2 do Fr i.cii do 2 do do J.ickonct* 5do* do L'lwint < 2 -lo •up’r. Sdertii. Towelling, a *pjendi-l it. tide (id-t 'ii cl.i,dreii* Linen H-Iki'h. fi p.i-ce* now i>lylc Beil UiLbuiu 8 d Zen do do do do 1 piece b n.-K S-lg- 3 12 hv 2tl Cm i-li CI-iiIia 4 12 bv 28 do d , 12 810 exi-u i.up'r. brown Dimn.k do 12 1011 do do d. do do .hint received p.-r Now Hinover, SMHEit, LvnntoF & nfvitt. 15,000 DOLLARS, Greene and Pal iski Monauicat Lottery. CLASS NO. 15. FOR 1839. Decided by ilio drawing of .be Maryland State Lmtory, No. 8, in In* iluini. nt B.ihiniure on Wednesday tin* 10*It in«t. 75 nuinbrrt. 13 draicn ballots. FRIZES. 1 prize if. $15,0(10 - 1 « I0.IH10 ] " 2.000 1 0 1.500 I “ 1.400 1 " 1.453 10 " 1,000 10 '• 50D 10 " 250 10 " 200 fie. &e, Arc*$5; Hnlve* $2 50 {Quarter* for ante by the package only at W’lTlHNGTON’s upl 8 Lot.'y Afc F.x. Olfi -o on ilio Bnv New G«0$ls»—'lvr Ceiia. f* FI ECUS rich Cl.iu.z Fur.iitu.e< j4rl€# 5 do Idiirk l.mlring 5 do r.iperior Quibiug 5 do F'* nrh *i|mmi Q iilling 4 do 4*4 \Vi,*h Blond ] do (5 4 blnck Sliullro 1 do do white do 10 do fancy Bel. Ribbon* 5 do blue black Tnfi.iln do l do Linen Cumin in 10 In lilnck nnd *hi,n Bi-h -p Liwn* 10 d-i while nnd colon-cd Fuller Mu*!in ■’V. 3 dozen Indie* blnck *ilk Mono <5 do Shell Quill buck C-onb* 1 cur,iinu 5*4 *ewi.ig *iik Shawl* 50, fro,., 24 l»32 inch Guig u.m Umbrella* 25 do d-i d i do do Cambric do « 24 inch Indie* Silk do 75 14 to 22 inch Indie* Fnrnsnl* 25 coloured Table Cuver* npl C SNIDKU, LATH HOF & NRVITT. Superior Uitlcr. 6Tb BBLS "I' lyniiV* pi.per.or r-icked Cider, jal U* lorlioitli.ig,i'-r «.!•• I.v fi I. .Ml SMAFTKH, Bob cud* H tinge Hi. Frolx nilgai* un«l Ituia Ac. B HUDS firit quality St. Crois Sugar lOliluU N. E. Rum, 50 bbl* do 50 bbl* Gin, 30 bbl* domeeic Brandy. For *ale by opril 3 Midi DILLON, & Co. Beef Pork an l Mackerel. Ac. BBLS primo Beef, 20 do Me** Bcrf, Q5 »Pif bliU primo Pork, 20 dj me** do GObbls No 3 Mackerel G hhd* new Bacon. Jun ar rived and for sale bv n I ,| 'H ^’ MICH DILLON, & Co. liny. ^ Rpiimu liny, b.mF.i.g from sj.iii Celia, und for-alehy "I 1111 * COHEN, MILLER St CO, 8a^{irR. HMDS. St. Croix Sugar, bin.ling from on bouid 4 *bi|i C'eliu, f..r sale by ■■P'H 5 C. B CARTER. 8t. Croix Su^ar. A H11DS. choire Sr. Croix Sugar*, lumliug dt from ship Celia, nnd f- r * il«* I.v T. M. CHAPTER, n l"^ Bolton'* lintige. Sr. Croix Siiyur. •1*^ HIlDS. '* r*n"liri.nd, -f •■i|ii,rior quality, ■m ml fioin •bin Celin, from New York und fur -uie by FRANCIS SOKUELL & CO. wprtl 5 .\cw Guni-rji.1 Post O.tlee Build- in ir. Offick ok,Commissiont R* or Funt.ic \ Uutl.tiiNo*.—.Mur. b 29, 1839. ( L umber.—I'mpo-ui*wiii i»«* icceiv.iim iid* oHice until .he 12,1, day of April, in*., for ibe delivery m micI, place n* may be d---igi.ii.ed by lltu (.'on.»,i**ion-*r, .bn following bill of Lumber 200,01111 f« ft nf while |■ int: iucii com uou culling* 20.000* Ice, of 3 by 4 yellow pine n.erclu.niablo •; 10, Ifi. |H, uiul-20 feet lengih 20.000 lee. of j-ii*., yellow- pine, 3 mche* il-ick, by 8. 9. 10 w ide, from 10 to 21 feet 20,000feet nrk, 2 incl, white pine for *oi(r-il-ling. The whole to hu soi.u-l lumhe., free fi«,... -di-tke* mni large knot*. Ttie pr-ipo*nl* i...i*l suite tin* price per tli--u*nnd feet hoir-l, to lip ile- I vered near lb--new Pun Oflie- Building, subject m the in-peciiuii o| surh per*un a* I lie*-i.iuer mny iippniiit for tint purp»«.*, in *uc|. oiiiin.i.ic* npl 4 3t ’ ~ - • 1 — Koticc. C OUNCIL will rleet on rimr-diy, Hill In*t. a Jai/o‘, for th-* eliv nnd county. t„ ink- pmu -p><Mion an tit- I*, of ,\i-iy iu*x. Salary, $1500—* l-n $10,000 nre leq-iircd. Appliti-'.lio.i* ‘.,ti be l--|| with u.epreviou* I-* .1.-* -lav of election, npl 4 M. MYERS t f . c. Dr. SI. San it Hr I.*, H WING M-t.led ii, Savuni.ul. lor ■ In* purpiino of p.i.ctu'ing .i.e.lutin-* in nil il* hr-ou-he*, ii-p-'Cifu ly lender* l.i* Reivice* >o .lie cuzct.i-of ■ bn place, i»u-1 udjiicem c-untiy. lie willmteud m nil <iti.r*,ci.llx in th** ciiy nr cin.ii.ry, Ollice in Tuf *’lii.iiding.c-iruerof |lr- ugh* l-Ul lilid *lieel«. npl -t-IOi* Hay. 2 ^ BUNDl.ES pri-.n* Hay,Inn-ling from *d,r. •3 Extru, unil for nnl- f-o-n the wliuif bv i„.,r Hi Will I E & U MITELS. w, ,1.-1 Bit*dies Fancy Gouds. II. «VS. IHKiKKS h ive .In* pav opene g-o.l* r- ce.v.d per Wm. Taylor inn I II... n New Ybrk, in ud-liiiou to th-i*e u-lvei L-.l .e-ieiil .y, ilie loliaajng limey nruetps, viz: Slie.l T i-t Coma*, new si. ,u d-> Si-b- -l-i. vari-.i* *nw* Mi.*-e» Tn.tlx i.ii-1 Si.lx; U-uzili in Comb* II -v* L- l In . Beit* , %. K-.glMi Dies-ing Comb. lofuui* It i-r Bn.-In*, G.*.i,‘it Fruucl. do Shell Cm.I Cu--* Sind, d- ml ii-1 xvirli prntl F.-U I Ve*. Bn.loll-, Sir,-I |!„,m Plni ed lb-a* I Eye*. Sci**.,r* S. xer Til inl-le*. Tuiiont T.iimlde* ’ F-ick l B -*kit, M-I.uir Bn-* Mol.m. Cap* nnd B nnl* F. u-l.e*fnl wor-t d w-.k, (i - nrni.* .*iz-») ChiiViih*, x« l.lle, blue, green i.u-l u-d Orange, v.u el, und brow ii Zt*piiyr Wonted Toy B..-k-, Emery Cu-hi-m* G. ml-.nd ■>iixer T-reiid, W-ir-ieJ Fuitcrns Fringe* (I'm- lt-j}-) Sn*e| Ring* Blank nml col-nii'e-l UiuImvIIj* il-i do Paia-oltt. &r, xVe.. Ace. S-» in «n|e Meik-t Squmc. 300 fails A .kj»:»li!s.. K-g.Na. *..**-i..l 20 hbl pie*, Imi-liug fro Ap. ling I luvie. mid tor L- BALDWIN. Dim Hi on New York! ATOId.y, /I. npr.lfi W. WOODBIUDGR. Bale I Cope. COILS Bale Hope h-r * i e hv DU '1. M. SHATTER npnlfi Billon'* Rmge. 75.! Cider -tnd Gin. BBLS. IIU.I 10 lili-l* Newark Ci-ler; 27 lo Eil>w.i.,lt*it C-iniiec.iru* Gin—just r-.*- i per *clu'> Elliot, nn l lor *uli* l.y fi HARDEE A* HARDEN. M R. .1. S. SPACE, i* our milh iriz-d nformy during the ubseu-'e of Win. II. Roger* Ijou. lie Slate. \V. II. A S. ROGERS. Wees** Gi a. « PIPES puro Il-dhnd Gin, "Stag,”'Crown' nnd ‘Swan* brand*, received direct from im porter*, outnfCiutonf II-iUK* store* und warranted pure. For 6alo by mur 28 GEO II. MAY. Cliy Treasaret’s OiH.te. N O I ICE I* ll l.y riven ... all concern. ed, •III.) ill- Ci y T x-* liir tin* pic*po, year, ill l-e r- eeivcij nt ilu* ofli-e fr.-ui the 2.1 n.*«. l-i iIf* l*r May n-xi, al'liT whi-*lid ite ex*-e,utiou* will a* i*.iie.|*. -leliiullrr*, eiitif.n-nu.blv t-* mi Or- ilium-, film Ciiy. JOSEPH FELT, -I- 1 W l'mu-jr Hi-t'lltK (loail-t. H A S. ROGERS, won11 itHperifnl'y In. • f--r.ii the |nilie* iif Bavnm.tlh and Hr- puli lie g* iieml-y, ihai ,,|.e of ilu* Ilio. (W, || Iui«j.i*| ,i ii.i iie.l li.Mii New y-.ih, bringing xxiib |,,.n .... eleg.'in, ii1.1 .1, I. eitou of F.iub, E e i-h J.'' 1 "' I ,nry Dry -n.|*. lion, ii„. l.urop-- ini.i ii< ni», winch nro the to.l.miig. 5 l-lect *Gioili* Nnpie* •I -Id pink i.n-1 white Foiitl dn Sol 3 -I- Hr,, do ,\ino / 2 il iGfo de Hwi*« I *1 • Ii .Iiu.i .ii.a-ri-ir.l ) , fi .ln E-.g-i-h Gr-idu Na.-lo* l 1 do Adeiniile *l.ipe d-i \ fi tl i *oiie. l-ir V.ei.ii in do 5 -I-l Eieiii li fignad Lawn* K.loSen.I, do id do Fun*,aw* 5 do lit .ck and white Sal.ii, 2 do e.ub,...ed tin ID -b. Pongee IldnlV. 4 -I - Spin.field 2 dozen lle.lli.ui (L.uxe do 8 do Li.-lie* ph,id t'.uvat* 2 do I duck lieu Glove* 8 do i-lack mat xvlute Victoria do Culored «-,t.iu R.l-hon*, plaidG:n«*i do, Grodi {■''I! 'J" -AInc do, plai-l Gr.) d- Nap do Milmtilii, I duck*, Engl *h So, Much Itnliiin Lnivi.t*, lilnck Boinl.-uzoie, lli.hit Build* (•"il-",i,*, black, white, nml colored El-,*iic Glow Kmit*, him k*ewing silk Glove*, mourning Fimt* tf-'" Lawn*, Id ink Chall-*y, lig-u.d lint Siik lhn*ni| Luce, Wui*lmv Edging* nml Imerl.iig*'in Dr. *-.-*, la-li-* black niik U-.,o, 1„ fnm* Cup* und AYiii.*t*, Ae. Ac. »Vc. u l'- ^ Sunil, *hl,• Moui.n.i-n. Square, ^ _ Prime Pm k, Beef Ae. •# BBLS. P-rk ; 25 lu.nol* prim JLfJ Bceft 21-ld* *mi,k.-d tougu-1 ‘ Id hall bid*. Fulton Mu.kel Beef; j..*t rcccivoil umI l-.i n..!u by I.OXG & PATTUIISON, S No. I K«,-I,.ii, a ,- 0 .ck. AUCTION SAl.KS. IL-lfa*t Polntne*. By OelaviiD Cotton. TIMS DAY, At 11 ii'elnck in fn.i.t of Snnr. 300|Hxr» B--lfa*l P-datoo*, lit good order. 150lu.*heU d-i do do tin AI«o, 10 bucket* Cliampuigne. •I' 10 Term* Ca*li. Ekccuiur'* Suleofllouxe, Furiilluio xml Wine, By OctnvtiB Colicn. Will ho *ntd ut tlm tho late 8. B. 1 ailman, K«q. dereun-.l: in, Ftiduv, the I2ih dny of April, 18311,1.1 || o'clock, l.y order of,In- Exec. nter, under a d-ereo Inequity. pa«t.-d b, Chnlhun, superlnr Conn,, term, 183!) Tim duelling N"»*„..i,d L-lr, No*, 47 ..nil 43. Brown Ward, knot.. M * the r.)*i.|enrenf S. B. Park.nan. crH«ed* together with nil .lie hou*eln hl und kitch* en hnri.-ii.r..cuniahied therein cnn«i*tii,c b. pnrt of Chair*, Table*, Tea Table*, Si-In Board*, S.if.,*, Curpei*. Curtain*, Chin.,, Gb.**, Bed*, Bedding Brdileud*, »Vc. Ac. b ’ Al*o, ukoi,. 30 dozen Mndelta Whm, nil belong, mg to the emit* nf S. B. Puikinno, E*q. _ F. HALSEY,Q-mlified Executor. TERMS. For tlm Furniture. Ci,«h.—-For the IIoimc, the lent* will bo declared on tlm day of *alc. mar 12, ^ .. !*'nr I.Ucl. n„.l RonIiii. 1 flO 1 “ r . 1 25 Wml, I’itcli and JL v/w lo bbl* Ronm. I-or *ale by LONG &. PATTERSON, _“l ,nl 5 Ni>. 1 Kxclianjjp Doll,. ^rnncli C,',|lur» 5Jr“ NEW *ivie lac* trimmed Ficnch Collur* h do do MimIIi, do do 12 do do uni rimmed do do fi l-oxe* new* -tylo lit, IMkf*. I d--z. I* ile, Sl.uwl*, v-ry liu.uUomo •) piece* |iaml*oiue French M.ixlin 4 do do Cambric. npl 4 SNIDER, LATHROP nevitt. New Curriatfc Kcposituiy. Br-u In in, *..-•-., near M>iuu„ii-ul .Square, when* they Inive on bnud of iheirnxvn manufactory, u cute t tu.pply of ('in,cl.--*, Buriumhe*, Gig*. Smkey* tVre., which th-y will di.*|u,»c of on very rciuuiiulik* le.m*. All kind* of ropuiring done will, nnatne** nnd ile*putcl,. jun Sellilie: oil'at Cost. T HE -lock of C-.-.I* of W. J. Lawton Sc Co. r-iu-i*liiig nfCbiihiug B-nu*, Shoe.*, I Lit * nml 'ap*. U.nlua'llu* mid Slock*, will Im told ut cm*., e,•*--„- xvi-liii-g *och in,mb * will d-i wed in cud n-li-x-nii'ie -I,-* -lock, <Hutin^ini,'* Range, corner f B iruaid nml Bryan Stree.*, oppiwile ,li>* Mar* kef. Uinr 9-.f Tar. 200 W’limnig.' Tar for *nl- i»v ■J,ADD TUP PER ASISTARE. 115 "y r 14 Pi'iinc Gruuii CitlTcc. BAGS prime gre.-n Cuba ColTee,binding l.o.i. ccl.r, Engle, from il-.vauu, nml for COI1EN.MfLI.ER A CO Dissolution of Cn-iMi'tiitis'iiliii). ^1111 E 1!—p l-llier-hip l|CM*M|-OV exi*l,i.J lie, *tcell L ,/. II l. mratfer, IV. ./.*«-•*. awl.1. U l- vert- ling under ill- foul of IP .tones .p Co , i. ul c -.1 me •q-.e All *1,-1 mid nil lb- d u.e pi.yn, to urn n-ithorized t hi - dny -li—oLv-l hv n.-n wh-ou *n».l fi-io me imle'-r in Itie.r Hi'cnunt* for m-I||- -l-l-led l--* ii-1 fir i, l-i mako VV.J-im-*, or .1. It. Bx-e, 1*0,1 lo recei-xe tlm *-tme. JOS B. LANCASTER, WILLIAM JONES, J. II. EVER ISON. G-.rey'* F--rry, E. F. March 2-5. 13)9. npl-1 K-'raut'i* Sorrel A <;o. O FFER for H ite on i,cu<M>iinii.t .ting .c.-n*, 7590 !u,*l,e|ri piirn-* wl.itu Muryluud Corn Hum -loSh-.H* or B-i.h 211,111)01 *. Ball in,mu cured Bacon, I,nmi, tide* and rle-ulder* 3*111 R-y nil-in' Hum* 150 hid*. I l-ixviiiil hi rent Flour lilt)-l.i 38 d-. Corn M- ul 4 I hug* Havana C-xfll'R 2!ll) bbl* BhIi-iii-wi- W'hi.-key 1211 do R-ii , h*p"ing Gin HI pipe* White'* do HU) bbl* Wlii*key 7-5-l-.l'. I. Brandy 5 pipe* I loll-,ml Gin (Sw,m) 5 pip—, 5In,If, uml 5 quitter do Sclgnntt# Bramlv 58 1-ox-** Will'nin** Tobacco Hln'-I* Wr-a.-ping Txvino HHI.M. heg-.r* 123 I ,-ieci-ri (L.I lion Hollow' Ware,r.nn«i*tlng of Pol*. Oven*, tan. ip K-t An*, Spider*, Ac Ac 4l.ld.Cid-. Vinegar 5 do Ma'ng.1 W iiio 500 hag* .'•bol 2 . k-c* bar Lea l. See. Ac feh 25 Great Central and I»I«a Kuute BETWEEN THE NORTH AND SOUTH, Fin the Chesapeake Hay Steamboats, and the Portsmouth and tionnokt Rail J{oad. B Y un entered into Im.wi-en the Pori*m--,.th R.mmikn Rail Rond Com pm ny. nnd the Maryland und Virginia Stomn Boat Company, tl.ere will be on und nfier the l-t day of April, 1839, u daily Mail ami Pa**i-nger Line lie- twnen Bal.imure, und Weldon N. C. (ut wbicl, lut- ter placecommonce* the Wilmington nml llulilbx Rail Rond Line, r,inning daily to Cl, S. C.) Through between Baltimore and IVeldon, (by Steamboat 180 mites, and Rail Road 80 mitts,) IN TWENTY-ONE HOURS, DAILY. Being never.,I hour* Inn* liino uml much lcj« ex* pence than by nny other unite— will, but one change of Buggugc—without tlm Imt* of o..u m-nnent’* -Inep, uml without travelling by Ruil RumJ uficr dark. orl ^&e Or tlio Hiilety of ilu, Bay Line of Steamboats, it w ill bn *011',cic,it to •i.tiely tlm public to *tnto tlm remarkable fuel, tin,t in 22 year* running, imitlm. life nor limb ha* been |o*t. Tlio Portsiiioutli and Roanoke Kali Koad, i»nnw in complete oidcr—Inn mine but aplemli.l new eight wheel pastenper ears, to which no bur/lf enears are to be attached; nml iImt company pledge* it-xelf,»lint if FAITHFUL AGENTS-. CAREFUL and EXPERIENCED ENGI NEERS, uc.ii,guilder u c-iiMliin. MUpeivLIun, can make ihi* route uccnpinblo to tlio public, thou it •hull bn *o. Office of tlm I’. Sc R. R. R. Co ? Portritooiiih, Vn. March, 20. 1839. ) O* Piiriri.-Iigorri from ill - Smith hy the above ruiito WnnShFltoltnyakp limu for the apnl2 I in New and Important. Discovery. PHELPS’ COMPOUND TOMATO PILLS. A NEW and invaluable Mcdicino for all di*. eases arising from impolitic* of tho blond, morbid secretions of the Liver mid Stiimucli, und a substitute for Culomul, us m. alterative; and ulxo, a* a cathartic in FuxfVs nml all Billion* Afluctioux. . Extract from tho “ Synopsis of Dr. l'hclp*' Ceni- piniiul Tomato Pill*,” u* contained in tlio "Mudicul Examiuur,” of August last “Tl.e*c Fills having been fully and extensively tested in prlvutc practice hy the inventor, uml also by several omiiicnt physicians, in nil discuses depend ing upon impurities of tho blond, morbid secretions of the stomach uml liver, and ull kinds ufobstruct ions; likewise as a substitute for Culomcl, for a cntliurtio in bilious alTuctions—aro now oHercd to tho public, as ono of the mast important und useful discoveries ever made; tho use nnd benefit* of which ure secured to tho proprietor by right orputent. This valuable nml popular Medicinu can bo obtain ed in Savannah by wholesale or rulnil at tho storu ol . GEO. It. HENDRICKSON, npl 3-Ct Agent. T'! N«\v Guutb. Per Brig S-vannah. 11READ E-Ijii.e* and l.... niug« do Elgx’i't'j, mixl -ji-up itwc<w( L-icxa Mn.lin E-Ijingx, -mile very pretty Fiench Collur*. -iiiik* triinm-r Blnck D.-il-y (ilibed *llk liulfl|x'*e, China do. fi -l.-z. I.l-iek uml while Pic NV Glove* 4 m *. Iil iclx Sir*nel*. 4 do Sim-liaxv* 4 d->|irio'e-l Sxx-m A|u*lin. fi d-i Paper Cambric 12 Viiii.ii in T-i oil Cover*. 12 common do ' 2 i (••. Hr--end- 11-lkf*. 12 40 inch blk. silk Aprons l ilnz *ilk xx-i ldx Suspender* | do Rnvnd- r-‘ Sc-o I* 3 do G -ii/.- Shawl* I -l-i black nml white Poli«h Shawls I do 5 4 T-iyli -ni Sl-awl* ' m.r 29 SNIDER, LATH ROP A NF.VITT. Osu»lmi'g§. AXES Oriiiuburgri of tlio best quality, fn ROUT HABERSHAM. i ;iLAXF.A 1 sale by npl fi T HE Bo day r 1'lantcis Bank. A PHIL 5, 1839. rd of Director* will elect on Medio *• «t. ii P--r cr and A*i>i*!unt Clerk, w ith v of $850 per uonuoi. Applimti-n*, with inline* ef two M-cniitte* to In-I-.und .jointly uml seye-iilly in tlm nun of $.5UUt) must be ban J- d in prexioo* l-« that day. npril 6 3t J. MARSH ALL, Caslder. Orniimcntnl Head of Hair. M R. QUIRK, of New York deem* it poly m- cessary to nniioiinre hi* urrivnl to indnee nil standing in nc- dol u gm-d niiilof ll-xii iiiin-nn* ilicir giving him n call; to tbo*e loo-in- tl-eir hair an «nrly appliciili-m may he the means of rc-toriiii! tho •nine u* my stay i«limii—l toilmovenii-c «-f the llili in«t. I yhn I he plen*-d in receive tin immediate call* of nil >ho*e *ta-tding in need of a moderate or luxuriant Head of lluir. My UTg* nml Tuvets Jront curls are too w II known to need limber com ment n* it require* only Hit inspection to he con- .vinced, apply ut my ro uu ut ilu Mansion H-mi*u. npril fi-3i Hcslniblt* Goods, Jos' received per brig I Pm. 'Taylor. PIECES 4-4 xopeimr Scotch Gingham, DU black an.I colored. 10 do 5-1 printed French Lawn* Ido bine black Rep Silk 1 do Oil Silk | d«Z<-i, hl-ek Love Hdkf*. H) do fancy *ilk Shawl* 3 do Frei.cb -ill: llo-o 21) do bell * English an I German c.'ittun do 25 in.'ii’ri I lime. upl 5 SNIDER, LATIIRuP A NEVITT. X*i1ol and Navy Bread. BBLS Pilot and 50 bbls navy Bread. For ,J sale by LONG A PATTERSON, upril 5 Nu. I Exchauga Dock. Il»'i9(!-k«cpini; Dry Goods. L l.NE.S ami (*i)l• on Siieelinguml Slorling. plain uml figured Dinner for towelling white Quill*, ip and coloured C.ninleip line*, linen uml cot- ton Brd Tick, plain nml fignr-d grv- n llnize, green mid lawn colored Moreen*, Fin nilore Chintz, x\yr. Ac. kept ci>ii*)iii-iK on ban I, nnd f r *a e bv apit. 2 SNIDER, I.ATI1 ROP A NEVITT. 1 C ASK southern Stripe, f .r I bale bine Drid*, do ill IVcw Goods. Per bl ip Madison. rvants wear, do 3 piece* Sommer Cloth 3 do Plai-l Drill* 8 do *iipei lor Pari* piintrd Muslin I do liguied hl-iek Satin ll) do ci-lore-l Sin in Pibhon I-I-Z • > in<>roiik > rud >uwiag Silk lldkfs. 1 do Mnliuir do do 3-In Fancy do Sliaxvl* upl 3 SNIDER, LATH ROP A NEVITT. Now supply of Jltillicaulis. feJ’L Jn*l i --c--|veil ut lliu »lorx' of ..»)i'28 L. BALDWIN KJ* Ail • r-lrr* will bn supplie.l nnw,nfti-r the Much finals i* tlio best se-ioin f-r planting the ahove. Hiram ICobcrts Continues to keep ah No. 3 and 14 Gibbons' Building, A GENERAL n**irrinicjit of Foreign nnd l)m uiMritic Dry GomU, nnd ofT.-is tho *ninn for ixnle on former liberal turn.*. Men liani* vbiling iIII- oily nru miuemed in cull and cxamhia for them *e|ve*. All iii(|er*(ihnt me siitirliiclory) filled at the -xlmr.esi uoti.-e, mid the good* sobjeut to ha r turned if nut it* cheap u* to liu hud clsuwhere. fel. l).if Flower Seeds. J UST received 20 vur«iie*ufchoiceFiuwcrSecds, for *a|u hy mar 12 T. M- x^r .1. M. TURNER. Hay and Potatoes. (i\ (AA BALKS prime eiisinrn Hny, nnd 300 JmlyPxJ humpor* Irish I’ntatoe*, for *n|e low bv m.r 2 .1. CUM.MINGA CO. * Cuba iH ol asses. 111 DS. prime new crop MoIiimc*, for huI v in clo*e n xtouniKnuietit mar 15 I.VDD. TUP PER A S1STARE. 28 !'■!'!: 8 “Oiard” Brandy. HALF pipe* "Omr-I, Doptty A Co." bc^ C-ig ur. Dion ly, rec-ived uml fir hu In by ..r i5 Ladd, tupper a si.stare. 53!! HI olasses. IIIIDS. M-)!n**e*. lauding from *cboonr Iagle, from llavitnu, mid for Hide low l.y 14 L BALDWIN. 25!? JLn rd. r 14 ROBARTS A CUNNINGHAM. 100™ Sugars. IIIIDS. very prone Porio Rico; 29 do fair Hid ) choice N. Urletui-xd-; L5 ilnciim. Miirii'iivn.lo; 19 do coinnion I'oriu Rico, fur sale on ruuwuiuble term* hv feb 7 WASHBURN. LEWIS Sc CO. 20.!,'!" Flour, Wavy Bread, dec. g /MV PULS. Canal Fluor,59do Navy Brent JLvk Ik 58 liiixes |tai*in*, 19,090 half Spuni, S-gai*. 5.0U0 Spaui*li do. For milo by mar23 WHITE A DAKRTLS. Suiierinr R>e{llsli Lavender Water. jyjANUPAC'nillK li.v I'rioo St Oorn.ll, for'' ' ,y t. .v. s-si. TunNF.n. 50 Nlaekarcl. BBI.S. No. 3 .VLickuiel, lunding and Cor «3vk *uleby moil 2 GEORGE II. MAY.- Notice. rilllR Mihiicrili'r will bn nh*ent from the city JL fnrnfow d-iv*, on pmfe«*iniu,l lm*ine** in Smith Cnmliiin.—l’er»nn* de«iring itiforniatiou re- lutivt to hu*'iie->* li iw in I.U band*, run obiuin h by applying ut,tho.coiniting room of Ontnvus Co* bin. . ap 4-3t SOLOMON COHEN. Wanted. BALES rollon in ci-mplole ilm cargo 1UU nf thoSUPERB, for Greenock. a pi 4 D. KF.iD. flavanunh Poor IKouao and llo«pltal. C OMMITTEE lor April and May, Me«*r*. Jolm Gmlner, and A. B. Fannin. Physi■ elam, Dr». Arnold 6Kolloek. aptII 3 Prime Leaf Lard. , P*f\ KEGS prime L«nil l.ard, for *nh* by 23 '• W. M'tJODBIUDGE. Disioltnioa of Co-Partnersliip. T HE Cii-piirtner-hip lier.nof#,rn nxbiing undei the firm of Sapurs (J* Dot sett, wa* di**oive:l on iIk* 27ib Febinary, by mill mil con*enl. AH de* ninn-i* will In) settled by Jolm D-,r*eti, who i*nn- llini'.Z'd t» d-i the name, nnd all |,-1*011* in.lebt' d will make Li,mediate pajm-mt t-. Iiin, HENRY SAGURS, n , , r 01 JOHN DOUSETT, Beef, and Potatoes. f, 38 »l»l*. Po Captain Thatcher, on board hbip Nexvurk, at Mousin'* up per xx bai f, or to mai 9 Hay, T f* Bund m of II iy, 591.1,1*. Be. Sj l.itne*. lor *ab* elieip. Apply in WASHBURN. LEWIS A CO. ill or ns .llnitieaulis. CUTTINGS, xviirianipd of the gcunine Minn* MulticuuUs, for Mil- in lot* it, mit, by f 1)21 S PH If BRICK A CO. White Kassi l Hats. FEW .lozei, of superior quality. j-i»l received . nml for *ulu by PRICE Si VEADER. Captain Ityd, O R ill- "Wizaiil of the Sea," a Rnmancohy thn nntlior „f"Tli-Soiilhwe*i," "Lalitie," “Bur* inn," Ac., receive-1 und fur »u!e bv mar l TIIOS. PURSE. For Sale. A VERY highly lini-li.-d r-x*e xx-nml Piano Forte. ZlL nml 11 lie plum, Ac. of the mu*'t lisilliisnt Mine*. Any lady or geniluman wi*hing m iioiriim-nt of iiii«iirpn**ei| In-nu,y, nml rir.hnn** of mu*ic, will find ihi* n fir*t min ii|ipxjitunity. For particular*, npplv ut the slnrw of W. J. G. A J. S. Me DON ELL, npl 3 Mn.-iiumnt Sqiiiri Notice. A LL per*uii« indebted in the riii'x*crib.TS Im i—'c or account, will f-l-n«o *etlle the *»my forthwhh. fALDEll A HUGHEY. Darien. Feh,5'h, 1839. nun U 2m Stor:>«€!. ( NOTTOS will Im luknn on Storage, in tho fir« J pfoof Warclmurie* of tlm undertigned. ap 2 JOSEPH CUM Ml NO A CO. Oinubnrga, Ac. T HE *nli*eiiln»r Ii •* now binding fr-,m brig Ida, Clinrle«ton, direct fmm Ditmlei*, 49. bile* FbiX'xn Oriinduirgri, und oilier Linen*, which m iy Im expected Imre dully, uml xvHl Ihi nfli-red for Hide lit vety low pricoi, in (Tii-ititie* mi riiilt purrhn—rs by J A M ES ANDRiinON A CO. Nu. 3 8c 10 Waxing’* (lata Young'*) Building*, •pi 3*IOt Pilot and Navy Bread. 1 UBI.S. Navy and Pilot Bn ail. of fir*t J. \ quality, lao J mg fnun Schuylkill, nnl f *11 o by Nil 19 ermEN, MI I.I.F.rt X1 CO. I-H-.C White Lead. -ll ,-rrr KEdS - I'. uli .lyV' .ii|M*rinr Ullilo JL.JU Eiuil, I'nnii tltu »yik. ntSali'in, Six... For -ab* l-y imr22 I,\l)I), TUPPER ASISTARE, A For Sale, PRIME Negro Boy. Enquiro tt till* once, mar 23-tf Chauipa^iie. BASKETS nnd 5ci.e* L'iu».an*’s bnpe- rial Cn -mp ijne.-i mumrinr uriic e, landing from »hip M< Hodge vide fnim New York, nml lo. sale lei, |3 FRVNCIS SORRF. L A CO. I'VoticCi A LL per«iin* imlebl-l t-i tlm »u’-»crU«r» by imtii or lucuuiii, w ill pl-x-i*-* ricitle ilia *nrnn forthwith. ^ CALDER& HUGHEY. D iriee, K.#5lli. 1819 m*r 0-2m JOSEPH CUM MING A CO. BOXES mar 0 liaising. very fine bunch Rni-ius, for »iilc‘ t JOSEPH CU.M MING A CO. Prime Sutfur. *i 0y IIIIDS. priinn Sugar, landing fiom ihi B Cml Trenton, uml for mle hy mm 14 COHEN. MILLER Sc CO. the .luint*. Ac., for *ale by A. BARTOW To Lease. F OR 3 to 5 yenr*, lot No. 0 Jaxpcr Wind, ( feet finnt nnd Iflfl feet deep, on the corner Bull iimJ Liberty**red*5 nl»ii, Int No. 3, Sprin hill, (ipiM,*hix, (North.) *he Cetnrnl Bull Rmul I) put. 70 feet fiunl und 220 feel deep. For lerr uiuilv to j nn 4 WM. 11. CUYI.ER. Linseed Oil. y »nl« by mar 7 GEO. D. CORNWELL. 13 low by mar 27 Porto lliee Stuar. IIIIDS. Porto Rico Sugar, liir W. WOODBRIDGE. 50 ICaifiiiis* umnt, and for »nlc by mar IA WHITE A BARTELS. 10 "iTIaiiuf:ictured Tobacco. New Spring Goodi* R ECEIVED pc, brig Sivmuwh, a gcnenil M. / *nrtnmm I,f Spring nnd Summer GmuU, via t tiiigla milled C ix-lmer-') 5 Cu»'-'ni* ro«l Drafd. e to. Bxiintcuiiic*, Drilling*, Vetting'. Ar, which they un* prepared to tniko loonier mar *0 PRICE A VEADER. f-h 15 cbiMi file* by CImIrM. of various p»W4)fB»- AUCTION HAI.KS. S|M-»m Oil' r 111 By Fi JV. ia«liienmtiit. At pilvute *nlu 1080 G.,|lnn* Wintor aitalned Sperm Oil, f„« ( received prr Mm.IImiii. him 112 «, By F. W. Iloliiotiiutiii, * At prlvote iuIi-. , 40|«.cnp|Hxrdittllled Wlihkey, 5(1 do *uner- film r lour, ju«l r-relved. 1 By F, W. Il«lii«uinun. At lit!vatu Sale. * Juit received un« iavoict of Summer Clothing, •> consoling In pnrt of chock, cotton, lliiott, uml (may *trl|Mx,l Shirt*; atrljtnrl j,-an, whlto drill nrtJ 1* I wwu Ilmiit, 1 tint, nml JnnlufU, >urinu< Siiimrn-r X nu, UmhulM L'ouu, block luilrlngCimli, (Lc, * c - tp mnr i'll Wlriie Havnnii Sugor. £ By F. W. Heiiieinaiiii, ' 1 At priviiin milo, Ju*t received per brig Wnriiliigtiiii, 20 boxoa wliite llavmui Siigur, u *upmior article, inn r 2(1 Suw Gin. “j 1 By F. W. Iloiunuianii, ! At privntn mile. ii A Savx- Giii.liui vmy liul.r un'ri; mndn hy Little of CliHrlettim, who I* cebdirqled f r the inaniifiic. tore ol tlmt nrttele, nnd will he*nld low. nmr21 Greene Coflen. ~ By F, IV. llolufeutanii, ' At privuto sale, 50 ling* prime green Cuba Cofioo, ju*t lueelved , per «chr Engle fr.un llnvnna. mar 15 un Lut* in Curry Town. By r. XV. Kc-inciuann. r At privuii, *11 In; V 0 Lot* in Curry Town, No*. 7, 9, 24,25, 30, nnd of 37, being part of Garden Lot*, No*. 3 uml 4 wont di pint ol which cun bo *ccn nt tiny time at tlio ul cotiining h-n-xe. * llllir |o By F. W. IBciucniami. Al private *nle. 50 bill*, me** and prime I'urk; 00 doPlInt Brend; _ 30 keg* Butler; uml a furl her »upply of G0U0 lb*. T- (il'Wliiin Lend in oil, of puttx No l,utid 2, in 100, *“• 51), mid25 lb.keg*; juil rucvlvud par *chr. Itide* pmideiice, mnr 11 ni Letter Paper. C'ti By F. W. Httliiomanii. At private mile. 2 cures *upnrler F. L. Lotlur Paper, "Arne*,' — juit rccleved per Augiiitu. , nar j ITIonifi jflulticaiilis. i'u /40 fHin °. r ‘J. 10 K e "»:im morns j„ niulticnuli*, for»alo ut tho atoro .... -r TURNER EASTMAN, * r:„. " °|d l*3t Excluuign Dock. Havana Mohistus. P r •J 0y MUDS prime quality, f„r -tile low nt An- I* 1 L«W deraon'i wharf. Apply onboard Inig Wu*h. inginn. 1 I»ntcii( Wine Bolllcs. . "f A CRATES l'ntont Whio bottle*, contahilng uiio groce nnch. Foranlo by apll LADD TIJPPER Sc SISTARE. — Boston KcIIllfi.ll Ku/rni. ,A mn730-lt JOS. GUMMING * Co. |j c IVcw Orleans lUolassos. TIERCES prime, lor aide by ‘ JOS. CUMMI.NQ St Co. ,tn 'mnr 30-4t noa Claret. A TT.W cn*k« excellent Clurut, Imported frem viz zjL Frnnee, fur aide by wl inm 19 ROSERSc O’DRISOOl.L. Cider. t BBLS. superior Newmh Chlor, Inmllng T IL* " from ship Miienn, for aalo by j ninr20 MICHL. DILLON Sc CO. Prime St. Croix Su^ar. . iy K HDDS, prime St. Croix Sugar, lor »u1n on nccommodutiug term* l.y , mnr20 . W. WOODBRIDGE. d Provisions. £Trh RRLS. titimo I’urk, 25 do, do, Beef, lJ V/ riTi’ived mi connignmenl per brig Snviui* ‘ mill und will be aoiil low by mur20 COPE & MILLS. Iflackerel and Prime eef. P?(\ BBLS. No. 3 Mackerel till 50 BBLS. primo Bucf N. Y. City Inspui- tion, lamling from brig Snvnnnali nnd for aulo by mnr 20 MICH. DILLON Sc CO. A Card. 4 TLTR.S. M, A. BATTEY reapectfolly Inform* LTX ilio Imlle* of Suviinmih nnd vicinity thnisbu lin-xjiiat received the lutu*i I'm i« Spring funhion*, iiiiiI will bo pleased touttenid lo nil who mny fuvor Imr w iili a cult, wlui tlninkri them for their form- * or pniiuniign nnd aollcil* n coniiimnnce, - lVorkiloiio in tho nuuii>«t murmur, and with tho tN(Hi p-iririihle ill*patch. rnnr 18. iUoNqiiitlo Notliiig, fZf\ PIECES 4-4 white, bluu, and grown JLDU Netting r 88 do 5*4 do do do do J list received per -*hlp Orhit, mid for *nle low hv f mnr29 SNIDER. LATHROr A NEVlTT c ItUlcN, nines, UideH. TTNUYON, SUN & C()„ muniifucliirer* ufiupn. J. rior warranted Rifles, No. 134, North 2d •treel, Plrikidelplria. They aoliai^ or-ler* from •* Soul hern nnd We*tcrn moichant*, and nilinri, con fident from ilm lon^ experience ol ih-rir aenior port lier, mid tlieireiilendve (ncililie* for mmuifucturing, tlmt they cun f'irnLli n auporior artiole, on n* good, if not Imitni t-rni*, tliun uny other rsiiililishniiuit in the Uuili'd Slnte*. They iil*o ni'iiiofiicliirn tho cel- ehnileil .Armstrong Pitlols. The trade enn boaup- pli-il with coinpoiiciil part* und muterinl* in every variety. felilfi-*-2niH. Vieuvy Linen Goods. PIECES 12-4 •Burnaly Linen bhei-lng; 2 do £J 12-4 Irl*li Linen do do { 2 do linen Ticks; 3 do Tntile Diapvf ( 38 do hrown Dumu*k Tnhlu Cloth*; 2 do plain green B rize; | do figured do do. mur 1 SNIDER. LATIIROP Sc NEVITT Loaf Sugar, Ac. 4V4V BOXES Bi-ttoo rnfnieil l.-mf Sugar: 15 j hlil*rrn*hed d-i. front BimIiiii refinery; 25 Iiiix-* l.imejuica: 50 do Sperm Candle*; 5 hbl*. 1 Smoked Tongue*, ju*t received nnJ for sale by mar 1 . C. I.. M- NISII. Baron SldcN and Sliouldci'8. IIIIDS. prime new CiiiciuimUicured Side* 25 do do do do do Sliouldcr*, for sale on iiccommoduting term* hy m.r21 W. WOODBRIDGE. Groceries. iy AAA LBS. Bu*t-n refined Loaf Sugar „ Oa\/*/" " 29cheat*l’owcliong foa / J.J hall do Ilysmi do n 15 da do Imperial do 1U do do Gunpowder do y 5 ca»c* u**(irltj«i Cordial* , l 25 boxen Poland Siurch, very auperior f 59 haifhoxe* Bidtimorn Soup IQ Rikv* l'n**eive* nnd .1.1 lie#, assorted 3000 lb*, dried llnddock Fi-h 21) liuxe* siii'ikcd IJeiiing 0 29 c.irid* S-irdinn* f 5 do box Table Suit * Just received xnd fur «u!c by ii- mnr 30 G. L. McNISIl. Saif. Potatoes, Hay, Bricks, Ac. T IVERI'OOI. Salt, in hulk an-lin suck* 1 A Potatoes in hamper* and iu bulk 18,000 hard Brick r 5.900 double WcMi Slate*, 7x11 Inches 15,01)1) Lady do do 8 x 18 do Improved portable Shower, Valve, and Chair Bath*. Landing from bark Robert A. Parker, from Bolfutt, and for sale by lo feh20 HARPER Sl DOUGLAS. N. O. Sugar. — "d HUDS primo N. O. Sugar, landing from 111 »clir. Avon, and forsnlw lew from tho whojf. n- mnr 12 GEORGE H. MAY. Old Java Coffee. —- BAGS old Government Jaya Cofiee, seloet* t)U ed uxpreuly for Ctmily u*e. For *ale by “ nur as GKO. H. MAY. Mackerel and Cod I'tili. OA HALF bbl*. No. 1 Mackerel SO do do No. jl do rk, 29 quarter do No. 1 do •ro ” 3000 lb*. Codfish •I* Landing from *cbr. Now Engl tnd, from, Bottom ri ( and for••!• bv , mar 30 TURN!Ri EASTMAN dc CO. AtKITION BALKS Ft- Arm*. 19. Piillhrlck Sk Co# SATURDAY, I Mu.l-c*—lfl Piitul*. ^01 Id'..—Tlio obovo fira-arm* wer« left at (Im l"»ra mm riinlih Ii, ihi* city for repair*, (■ part Ill-Ill mIiru than 2 Jtuix ttnen) and will HOW int I n* above, in.let* nil dun get tliall havo bu*a Moim Wim-iiiid Chirr. - i By S, Philhrickxk Co. Ib-g fn-ni rid.i. Ilnrtlot from Hartford, Cu . jiuru Cider—nil invnico of Jug*, Jura and ap!4 Smokeil Herring, Mackerel, Ao, liy S. Phil brick JL Co. At PririiloSnlo. • No 3 Muckorelt 10 bb!*.*india Pulnt Gin, •hi*, diiiiieniio Brandy. niar 19 By S* PhTlhriek A Co. ' At private tule. muling from nhr Extra, from Pliiludelplih, 9S •rilJoHnml Gin. mar If P» 'me erawn Cuh-t CiriYee. By «. Pliilbriek 4k Co. 'ing from ric.lioaiu-r Englo from Havana, 42 i''ie gieen Culm G'ofiVe, mar 14 The Siubscriber bFEUS for *nle, 150,000 feet of dear and iiierchiiiiiublo Wliilo I’ino Board* nnd Plank, J. R. THOMPSON. McAllister A Co. AT THK OI.I) KHTAIII.IhHKO BTAKD. 48 Chctnul theft, Philadelphia, ^ Spectacles, mationl Imiiruinciit*, TnpuMonturea, Spy Thermometer*, MicriDConeH, Walkiotr I... IW.I, lU.S.Ga*. To Contractors. ) I'mptinil* will lie received until tho 1 fir*t day of Muy next, for thu croclion of *uit*> ding* fur a Lnnuilc A*y|um, near Midway, icinity of Milluilgnvilli), according to a plan rifiotitioim which will Im drpi^itcd at tho at TOMLINSON FORT. BENJ. A. WHITE, U K. IHNES, S. ROCKWELL, WM. Y. IIANSELL, Com’ra. 7IMlr United States Hotel. rdfirietor of that well l;nov/n aland called tho KD STATES HOTEL, aiiuulrd 0,1 Broad fwlicro ho hone*, with atrict utteiition to luri* ) of uuhlic palronngo- D. MIXER. (niur21-th3in Ang.Con.^ niolnssea. - HUDS. i-r'uno m-iiUng Mo'nxict. for *a\® I by GEO. D.COUNWELL. Mloseiry* rUST rerclvi'd, ncompleto iiixxorimentof Cotton and Silh hall Ilo-xu; Silk,uml fino Merino utj* md Drawer*, for *alo by PRICE Sc VEADER. npl 4 Cider. - BBLS. firit qunliiy Cider, lauding from ' hdir. Elliot, nml for sale hy \ COHEN, MILLER A CO. I* 11 Her. | FIRKIN'S piiuie (Sod.en Butter, lunding * 1 from brig Now Hanover, and fornulo by GEORGE D. CORNWEI Chocolate. | R? BOXES "Sditnit* xt Ling'*" No. I Cho* * eolutu, uud20do "Ittiode*" do, forxiloby I GEORGE IL MAY. CopeiiluiR’en Cliorry. ' CASES, containing 1 dozen each, Capon* 9 hu-oo Cherry, a Miprrior nrlicle, fur aulo by , npl 4 GEORGE II. MAY. Tlio Western Insurance t¥I> TRUST COMPANY OK THE CITY OF COLUMBUS. CAPITAL, $1,000,000. THE umler.-iigiied, n* Agent of tlm nbovqjCom* puny, I* nuiinirizp-l ntnl prepared to tnke JM*4» VE, INLAND, AND FIRE RISKS, at th* mnnry rule*. •13-01 GEO. SCHLEY/ • Flue Hats. USX received pai drip C’eliu, 4 ru*r* fine wlmpe.T Beaver Nupt Mata 4 do do do do brond biim do 4 do do do wli'txi do do do 4 do do do block Silk du 4 do do do youth’* do do marl II. N. ALDRICH & CO. Fly ULukct Beef. I llALK t-bi*. ju»t rocuivod. nml for vnlohy mur I COPE & MILLS. Calicoes. WNEea*e *upi , rliue 9-8 French Culicoe*, fa»h* 9 i-miililc puitern* and m-iiiilbld color*, juit re red uml fur file by L>b5 \V. 3VOODBRIDGE. Ciller and Cheese. 0 BBI.S Huperior quality Newurk Cider; 25 box#'* prime Go*lien Clinene { fica*k*-iml* on Engli*li do., a Miperinr article, lunding from 1 Clinton, und lor miIii by r 7 - GEO. D. CORNWELL. IVcw Bacon. ANDING from *chr. Avon, (mm New Orleans,. J 30 Idol*, uml ti-'rcc* Middling*, 8 bhd*.. milder*, and 7 hlidn. Hum*, of luperlor quulity,. 1 aule by marl l COHEN, MILLER & CO. Hoslien Butter. k KEGSriUjieriorGoriheii Butter, landing fronv r brig Siivaiiuah, for *ulo by r 18 CLAGHORN Sc WOOD. Hay. yiUME Huy, for mile by mur 15 JOSEPH CUM MING 4c CO.- Low Priced Osiiaburgs. SNIDER,LATHROP&NEVITT. ■ % Heady made Clothinff. HIE *u!ueriber* have received per brig §uv»n . nuh, 0 full and geni*rol auortment ofCluthing' •priug ond * wear manufactured Inr tbein r al«n a large »up| ►ply of liny* vino under nt*, Glove*, Stock*, *ilk and cotton Half* Siiriii-n-ler*, Ctnvut*, Engliih^Vrik pocket [••rcliiofri.Strapi*, lliu-n Collftt*,»)»ohM».pl»li»i n.'nr 10 HAMILTON, HOUSTONiCa. llnm«, &c. 1 PZ HHDS.»n,l lloi.:a. prim. H.IW, 5U,rcw> J.O Si.lM, 5 btil«. Bol^n. Suumjm, Unalng COHRN. .MILLUR A CO- ■! and for Rule by mar 18 TVliiokey. - nm.S. «».I C hl..l». WWik.y, ltndl»»fn>n> Prime and Mom BBI.S. J’rlmo R'-af; 75 bivAv 200 do Pilot aud Navy Dread; for «aU CLAOHOUN 6c WOOD. 15 Jnvtx Como. DAOS iiMJnv. C'-IT,-., r'>ri»l«hy .. Mi ID RODARTS ft CUNNINGHAM-