The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, May 18, 1839, Image 3

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• |ng to one party, and one to tb« other. Mr. II. the* uffeml Ut substitute, that laid oa the table by Mr. Rives,of Hall. Mr. Spriaferraae end opposed the plan of Mr. Hull, on the ground that iIhhio who ntumdrd the courta lathe respective circuit* would bo the Sena* •er, while the koaestrltizen in a distant county would Know little of the qualifications of any other candi date. Mr. Tift, of Baker, followed and also opposed the substitute, and argued in favor of tint plan of two Cpatitvous counties* as submitted by the committee. ‘ "Mr. Strickland followed, but t could not bonr bis remark*. Mr. Hunter, of Crawford, next rose ntid argued in favor of giving, as at present, each cotin* ty a Senator, iuid offered a substitute to that efl'cct in the spirit of compromise, behaving that such n plan would bo ratified by tiro people, Some con versation ensued ns to n point of order. Tho Chnir decided that tlic proper question be. fore tho convotition was whether tho Sennto should oonalst of 93 Senators, 40 or 46. Thoquostlon was pot on 93 and lost. Then on 40 (Mr. Hull’* plnn) and lost. The question wns then put on the origi- * nal section, giving ii member to 46 Senatorial dis tricts, and was decided by tollers—yeas 176, nays V lot counted. Mf. Lawson of Burke, then moved that the oommittee rise, report progress and hnvo lenvo to •it again. The ohjoct of his motion Mr. I,, stated was to tnovo in convention that a committee be ap pointed often or less from each political part)' toor- gnnizo tho districts. Mr. Berrien, of Chatham,sup ported tho motion. M-. Wayne objected to (lie * (notion on the ground that it would lie irregular, as the report should first bo recommitted to the com mittee of thirty. Si.c, '• "'Mr.'f.nwson explained, Mr. .Tonkins also stn- * tod his views a* IQ tho point of order, Mr. Gam ble, Mr. Lawson, nnd Mr. Springer, also snbmhed their view*, After the oommittee of the whnta had risen, and tholr elinirman, (Mr. Stocks) had reported progress, Mr. Gamble made a motion that the re port uf tl|0 cammittcn of thirty bo in-committed to that committee with instructions to report such classification of the counties into Senatorial districts, as will reconcile the two pail (os. After some re. marks from Mr. Wofford, and Mr, Gamble, the latter gentleman withdrew hit mution. The con vention then, on motion of Mr. Springer, adjourned until 3 o'clock, P. M Mo.vdat, Mat 13th—Arransoog skssiox Convention mot pursuant to adjournment nt 3 Clock, P M. the President in tho chair. Mr. Berrien iqovui to strike out of the 10th Sen atorial District a* reported, the County of" Bulloch" and insert Libctty, which motion \vouh| connect i* Liberty and Bryan"—Mr, Cano nf Bull >ch Imped that tho motion would not prevail. Mr, Spencer advocated the motion. He remarked thnt Nature and Nature's God hml plnccd "Bryan and Liberty” in connogiqq—an'I observed " whom God hath join ed together, let not man put asunder." ** When Mr. S had concluded, Mr. Gray rose to in quire whether if a subsequent part of the section Were amended they could go back and amend n pre vious part. Tiro chnir decided that it could not bo ■ dune. A motion was then ninth. 1 to take up the see. tion by districts, which was carried. The first dis trict-—"Chatham and Effingham," was then rend — Mr, Dawson rose nnd opposed the Senntoriu! dis tricts, imtjro pipit iff two contiguous counties in nn energetic speech oPnbout three quarters of nnlimir. He objected to tho scheme on the gr -und ofits being pn injustice to the populous counties, and yielding too much to the sm slier counties. Mr. D. howcv rr submitted no plan. Mr. Wofford followed in answer to Mr. Dawson and spoke pearly fifteen minutes in an amusing nnd energetic strain, Tho questina wns then put ns to tho fin' district —"Chatham and Eflinglrnn" und carried without a division. Tho 2nd district composed of" .-criveu nnd Burke," tho3ml of" Richmond nnd Columbia," the fourth of" Lincoln nnd Wilkes,” the oils of Fil bert and Madison," tho titli of “IJnbci>d|nm nnd Lumpkin," tho7lhuf " Union and Rabun," tho 8th of "Forsyth anil 11 nil," were also carried withouta division. Whon tlm9t|i district was rend, a motion wat made to strike out “ Kfaiiklin’* and insert ‘•Clark," so that Juckson and Clnrk «dim|ld form tho pill district. A member front Franklin, opposed the motion in nn animated speech, Mr. Springer, Mr. Gray, and other gentlemen addressed the chair, when tiro question was put and uu dividing, tho motion was declared to bo lost. The lOtli district composed of the counties of '• Clnrk and .Oglethorpe" wns adopted, When tho Ilihdis. wns read "Greene ai>«| Piitiiani*" Mr. Hudson moved to strike opt “ Putnam" without designating any particular county in its stout). Mr. Dawson, of Greene, acceded totlpJ npitimi. Tin* question was put and by tho coupl of tellers declared lost, Yeas, 137—nays, 143. Tho l^th district. " Taliaferro and Warren"—the 13th " Hancock und Baldwin" —tho 14th “ Washington und Jefferson"—the 13th " Emnnuel and Montgomery"—were adopted, with- put a dissenting voice. On tho 16th district being yead. thorn ition to strike out" Bulloch" nnd Insert •“Liberty" was renewed. After some remarks fr m Mr. Spencer, and Mr. Berrien, of Chatham, in fa vor of, and Mr. Cone jn opposition to tho motion, it was by tho count of tellers declared curried. Ycus, J38, nnys, 135. Tho 17lh district, " Bulloch" wns inserted so as to connect "Tattnall and Bulloch." Tho 18th “ McIntosh and Glynn" wns adopted, Tho 19th "G'umdcn nnd Wayne,” Tho 20th " Ware and. Lowndes." Thu 31st " Telfair nnd Appling." Tiro 22nd " Lawrens and Wilkinson." The 23rd “Pulaski nnd Twiggs" were adopted, without objection. The 24th being rend, n motion was nindo to strike opt "Crawford” uml insert "Jones." Lost on a division, A motion wus then made to strike out "Crawford and insert •* Mnn- yoc." Tho chairman decided it to be nut of order. Tho 24th " Bibb and Crawford" wus then adopted. Tho 25th "Jones and Jasper" was oiso udopted, Tho 26th being read, Mr. Stark moved to strike jout " Monroe" and insert “ Henry." I.o-t. So " Butts and Monroe" were connected. The 27 b ‘'.Morgan and Wultun"wii| read, whop Mr, Floyd jnoved to connect" Morgan and Newton"—*' Hen ry ami DeK-ilh"—" Walton nnd Gwinnett"—n* gho 27th, 29th, nnd 20thdistricts respectively, The • .pvitimi was parried. The 3(Jth “ Gilmer nnd Mur, pty" was noxt in order. A morion was made to ponuvcl" Gilmer and Clrotulfee" as tho 3(Jih, and J’JtyMfnd M'irrfy" •» the 31st, Lost, "Cass gnd Cherokee" therefore compose the 31st. “ Cobb flnd Camphrll” were adopted as the 32*1. " Cow- pin and Fayette" as the. 33rd. " Me rriwether and Talbot"as the 34th. "Pike and Ups.hi" ns th- 33th. " Houston and Mucou" if* the 3fith. “ Duo* Jy and Irwin" as tho 37>Ji. " Thomas und J)ecu- tur" na the 38th. “ Baker and Early" us the 39th. When the 40tli district w«» reed, n motion to unite Jlanilolpli with Leo failed, so that > Leo uuri Sump- tei" compose the 40 th. " Itaodulph nnd Stewart" jhe 41st. "Muscogee and Marion" the 42ud. "Harris and Troup the 43rd, "Heard and Car- yoll" the 44th. “ Paniding «& Floyd" the 45th. "Chattooge, Walker and psdn" the 46th. Any new county hereafter laid off to be added to tho yno«t contiguous Senatorial district. Tiro convention then, after receiving the report of (fit committee of the whole, and ordering if, os junendetl, to be printed, adjourned until ten o’clock to-morrow morning. The convention may possibly adjourn to-morrow. JUDGE WAYNE. The eotitipandeat of tba ‘Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel attempts to criticise (he oratory nf Judge Wayne. He sneers at It, and says Ids mind is neither loslcnl nor vary strong. We have no opportunity nf knowing by what standard he tests oratory. We can say, however, that we have heard the first orators of the age, In this, and other lands,amithn Judge Watxii it far above a com* innn place a|ro*ktr—that hit grace of delivery- line flow of words—ind sound common sense, ank* him nmong the first inourStnte—snl-econd to n very ibw in this country. Ills ungracious to make such remarks. James M. Wayne hut nt* mined a station, however, in tiro eyes nnd hearts of his countrymen, that placet him far ahovo the •ench ofevery would be critic, In whom cacathes serliendi is becoming nn incurable disease. REDUCTION CONVENTION. Tiro following from tho Constitutionalist, of Thurs day, is the latest, being until one o'clock an Titos* day, 14th lust t— "Tho convention met tins morning, and tiro m* port «»f tho commit ice of tho whole wps taken up, by paragraph. After tho 1st paragraph wns rand, which contains tiro organituthm of tiro House of Representatives, Mr. Stark, of Butts, nftbred nsuli* stitute for tho whole report. By this substitute every county is entitled to one Senator, nnd tho House is to consist uf 113 mcmlrors, apportioned among tiro counties according to representative population, Without any final action on this sub stitute, tho convention adjourned tq meet at throe o'clock," SOUTHERN LITERATURE. For o long lime, it was problematical whether a periodical exclusively devoted to literature and the arts, could bo sustained in the South. It is no lon ger so. Wo hnvo among ut nmv many vnlunblo lit, entry papers,. The "Southern Literary Messete ger" stands in the front rank. Thu "Southron," and tho “ Augusta Mirror" come next, nnd mnny others, mast rospccmhly conducted, may be found. We should not ho surprised if our own Suvannnh would contribute her mite in the shape of a literary paper—indeed, we huye heard that there was some idea of mnklng the experiment, Thnt we have ta- lent is ndmiltod | nnd surely tho liberality of out ci tizen* should equal those of Richmond nr Augusta. The ordeal has been gone through, and the South hns tuken a stand in the field of literature, Slio can maintain lief position, we believe, Thu evidence afforded by the "Southern Literary Messenger," alone, proves her strength. Tiro pages of thnt pe riodical nrw not filled with puerile trash, " prize tales,” nnd tiro like, hut with contributions that the best English |roriodicals might ho proud of. For instnneo, “The Prediction, A Tale nf tho Hugue nots," in the May number, would tint lose hy com parison with some uf Mrs, Jameson's best talcs. There isn spice of bigotry, howevor, in tho story, thnt might have been avoided, In our remarks yesterday, concerning tho plnginr amoP'ETHUt. Cttuncttiu.," w« would tint he tin. •lersP od ns blaming the ulde editor nf that periodi cal. No ono man can rend every thing; and he oho deals in f‘ Cnrrrnte Calnmosities" is pot the man to suspect others uf filching, 6|ir Mrefcltf ffisrgtan. “ RICHELIEU ; OR THE CONSPIRACY." W» have earefttlly penned this Cm play. Sir Edward Ltttur Bi>iw«a*ha» attained tiro high distinction ofntro of England's fits! dramatic writers Ills name In days to com* will ho associated with BitARSPfcARt.JonNSOK, BlAVNORTRRd FUKMMU Maiiinoer, OnvAT and 'Goldsmith t and also with Iho-o of our own days, 8HIIL, KROWLts, Kemble, and TAirotmn. The Interest of tho play l«, that hlatorical truth abounds. The fame of that great man, HiciikLIIO, tl vindicated fiom the aspersions of Volyamk nnd others—and its chief beauty consl ts In the trU ttmplt of innocence over a most complicated con 'piracy. ltlcHKLiru was the greatest benefactor France ever had. His motto was "justice," and he never allowed even tho ties of blood to intetfere w\th U* decreet. 0* loved France with UU whole soul, and devoted himself to her Iron glory. • Had WoLSRY been ns sincere nn Englishman na Riciik- wns a Frenohnron, there would have been a similarity in their rlmrnciers. But tho Kitgli«h Cordinnl worshipped hi* king, tiro ungrateful Han* while tha French Cnidinnl adored France alone, The langongn lahoau'iful, nnd the enacting such u pluy.must cnll up ever)' sent imeiil ofamor patriae In the le«t seem*, when tiro Cardinal hut unfolded tho conspiracy to tho weak anil woiuirriiig mouaich, tho King any*— "Ono moment mukus a startling cure, Lord Car* dimd It It'll ejiku replies, “Ay sire, for In one moment them did pnss Into this withered framo tiro might of France I Mv own dear France, I have then yet; I have saved thro! I clasp iheo still! It wns thy voice thnt call'd me Back from the tomb I What ntistrosa like our country | The characters of B A tun as, uf Mauprat, and of, nre nobly diawn. Tho work may ho had nt Mr. Purse's through whose attention wo received it from the publishers, Harper St Brotheiis. We had nlmn«t forgot to •tiy, that three historical odes nre appended. They do justico to Bui.wkr's poetic talent, nnd nre on soul stirring suhjtmts. (CT* Tho Aihnny Aigus complains of the most gross corruption, and open importation of voters being the cttttso of the Whig success in thniciiy; nnd snys it is well known thnt tho Democrats nre in the majority. The Argus says, that lust Spring the federal majority in tho city was 601; and last full 1149: It Is now only 321, K5* Showing a demo cratic oain or 328 SINCE LAST PALI.. Verily, this Whig Victory hns boon n Drmocra* tic gain! Tho Whig* can't afford such victories. Al» meeting of the BtockhnMfit of tiro Btcem* boet Compsny nf Gsergle, Md at llit Company's office, no the 13th tost., tbs* (Mlowint gentle men wore elected Directors uf the Company f>*r the cm •Ring twsdva moaths, At Wllllsm Taylor, 8. C. Dunning, A. Porter, P, Sotrel, C, II. CampfivU, Ibamu Putas*. 8. H. Fny, NVm, R. Waring, P, M. Kol'ock, Jahn Balfour. <4/ A*guita^S, Drew, P. Me Tier, J, Bonri. At a meeting nf tiro Board of y« a tesday, Mr. William Taylor, was s.hosen President ul the Coavpnny for the ensuing yen^ CHATHAM SUPERIOR COUHT-Mat Term. The folluwingis a list of tiro Gniml Jumret— William C. Dntdcll, Foreman, J. P. Henry Henry Haupt A.J.C.Shaw Jno.Guiimartin J. F. Posey R. Unberdiunt Geo. Shick Jno. Bnlfnur Sol. Shoftnll Cites. Stepheus Jno. S. Law (loo. G. Faries Wnt. Duncan Jus. Anderson Wlit, Morel Amos Scmhler Norman Wnllnro John Gardner. O’" Ptl.oRtMKTTA" would justly think us gnlinnt if wo did not let her soy a word for herself, As slm has dropped the habit of tho “Censor," and nssumt'd her proper gurb, hear men!—sympa thise with her,ye women! Site snys— Pilgrimcttu is nt present suffering under ono of " tho numerous ills thnt flesh is heir to," bodily in* disposition. But slio takes Iter pen thnt she ntny remove a misrnnroption. P. may sometimes be found in tears, hut never, she hopes, in pouts. She considers herself a reusonnhlo being, nnd views " pouting" without n cqusc, tut unreitsotmblo thing. Pilgriineitu is efa tindd nature, Her Organ o' caution, as Dr. Collyer would express it, must be ve ry large. Site hns not courage to attempt to " come down when slio lists ."and unlnssnided in herdescent hy the friendly hnnil through whose agency sheen, joys her elevated station, *Uo is ilootncd to sustain her pninfiti prc-emSncnru for life. P **•*••• hns n tusto for tiro henntiful and tiro sublime belli lu the world of nuturo nnd of mur ids, but she herself is no " beauty." Every foot thnt enn wenrn gins* slipper does not, in tirosodnys. ne cessarily apportion to n Cindcrilln. And now, Pilgrimetta lays down ln*r pen to re sume iter stuff and scrip, In tho midst of her pil grimage, slu* looked around, nnd beheld a numerous class of sickly "children of q larger growth.” She prepared an alterative, both exhilarating and tonic in its qualities. She even sweetened thn rim of tho cup to make it pnluteahle; but she could find no suit able hand to iidministcr tiro draught. And why ?— Because all doubted its efficacy, or hecansc it lacked the name of Dr. Peters, or Dr. Steers, or Dr. Some body cIsp, from London, to give it authority.— Anil horo she might pause nnd moralim again,— Butshc asks pardon for having moralized bo much, und so long, and so inefficiently alrendy. [FOR THE OKOItalA*'.] Walthourvim.*, \ May 14, 1839, J Mr, Editor:—In a Into number of the Georgian you published over the signature of* **, sonic stric tures on tiro presentments Intely made hy the Grand Jury of Liberty County, mid remarked under your editorial head that your columns were upon for the discussion of tiro subject. To you we remark wo do not consider it a debit- teuiilu question; hut nro nevertheless obliged to you for your oiler. To * * L we would say, your lecture will be unn* vailing—" Wo know our rights nnd will maintain them in our own way-" Yourwrgumcnls maybe irrefutable. Bo it so.— We have asked, we pill qsk no advice upon the subject “ nor wilt we receive it, even from the ablest Jurists of our land." Do y»u wish to know our course! It is " on- ward."—Do you wish to know our intentions! It is to fatten the soil with our best blood before we yield our clainis! Do you \yisl; to know tho tone of our language undourfeeling! I It is, DEFIANCE. French Fleet.—Tiro Galrestbn Gazette of the 7»h Inst, says, "the French fleet jt »uiJ to be in •Ighr. Thu stCRttror Zavalla is getting under way to go out sido and full in with if, At tho sumo mo- aUat the Now York is towing out a proud British barque t savers! smaller steamers are plying in tha distftoca, sod \et* bay is aliya with sells and v«smIs gtaucbof/' [cOMtUmCATKD] CONTEMPLATED HISTORICAL SOCIETY, It is gratifying to find that an interest is beginning to bo excited in this laudable undertaking, and it will be a source of additional pleasure, if it can be successfully carried into operation, A State which is so rapidly rising in importance as Georgia,— which bore so conspicuous a part in tho war of the revolution,—which possesses so many interesting records of her primitive settlement,—|icr colonial history.—her emancipation from regal thraldom, and Iter onward course, as one of the original Ameri can Republics, ought not surely to be behind her sister States, in an enterprise like this; an enter prise, no less honorable to the present, than it will be be.neficin] to future generations. There is tqlcnt enough, there is influence enough, and let there be but spirit enough, and qur aim is accomplished. Already, and in *1)* possession of a single gentle man, are there sufficient documents to constitute a neuclcu* for a large, anti interesting collection, These we have been assured will be given to an in stitution lika this; other individuals con no doubt render similar assistance and what private liberality leaves unobtained, historical research can secure. Let but literary men engage in this subject, nnd devote a portion of their flnorgics to its accomplish ment, and wo feel confident that a Society can lie funned, whose collections though they may not equal in number, will compete in interest, with the ar* chives of any Historical Society in the Union. CLIO. [>OR TltK OKORCIAN.] Mr. Editor:—Purmit ine, through your co lumns, to cnll the attention of tho public ton work which really merits, nnd will richly repay tliulr pa* tvuuage. I ulhulo tu a publication now Issuing from the press of Mr. Virtue, Loudon,entitled "American Scenery, or Land, Luke, and River illustrations of Transatlantic Nature," Tho engraving, which nre after drawings tuken on the' spot expressly for this work, proceed from ll;o bqriuo of the moat eminent artists of Great Britain; and the numo of N* P, Willis, who furnishes tho descriptive matter, will prove an additionnl recommendation with the ad mirers of tliU accomplished nnd popular writer.— The Agent intends torenydn hero fora short period only, so t|mt thusc who desire *.» secure copies, will, if they nro wise, givo him nn early cull This work has already gained no iucohsidernta reputation, nnd must prove n profitahln enterprise to tho spirited piiblislieis. Like tlicir illustrations uf Switzerland, &c, copies have been struck ofl'in tho French langnqgo to supply the demand on tiro continent of Eurojic. Tiro novelty nf the underta king will doubles* contribute much toils popularity, for while every retired nook nnd crumbling hnnile of the old world has been ransacked in search of tho picturesque, tiro soil of our own land is nearly fresh and untrodden, Tho pictorial " capabilities" of itx mighty rive;*, its cver-grccn mountains, anil its linked sisterhood oflnkes, with all llinsu new moral fentures which stand out in such hold relief on eye: ry American land scape, would bu quite unknown to ns, hut for the zeal anil persuveranco of a few un aided, and often mere amateur sketches, Tiro present is tho first systematic attempt to supply tills deficiency on a largo scale, The scenes which nre wrought up (ii this work, ns well us tl|e points of view in which they nre presen ted, have been chosen with great judgment, giving n ne\v aspect to objects with which former prints Iihvo rendered us long siqco familiar. In all thnt harmony, softness, nnd exquisite finish, which con stitutes tho perfection of tlie(nrt, sotno of those en gravings imve never been surpassed. By tho way, wlmt n fine pendant in the gallery of American por traits,—exhibiting ns it does tiro scenes,amid which thn characters of ilro great men them delineated were formed, nnd on which thoso characters in turn have reflected new interest. I nip not sure, Mr. Editor, that wlmt was jntunr •led to Iro only a modest hint, may not have assumed the likeness of n downright puli’. Bo it so- A any rale, I protest, it is perfectly disinterested—an unsought tribute to a most elegant, a>d it piny he ndded, n most useful work. Its elegance, no one will dispute who vulues his reputation as a man of tnste, nnd surely that cannot be accounted unprofita hie which makes us better acquainted, or better pleased with onr country, CRAYON. [r-'R THE QKOROUNjj LONG 1IAIK—GENERAL WOLFE. The following nnccd-Un is related of the renown- mi hero, Gen. WolfK,—tho adversary of tho gnl innt Montcalm—and it is most npplicHhlo in these days, witen sprigs of fn*hion, allow tfieir hair to droop on tlrojr shotd-lets; " G-meral Wolfe had very fair hair. Observing one day several young olfl.-era more ulientiva to thn outtide of their heads, than they ought to be, in the field, he took up n pair of scissor*, and cut off those locks, which had fieqiiently been admired hy I with scxc«. Theft lie gave tho scissors to the young gentlonvin who seemed to hare ihr greatest affec tion for his hair, an l said—** I dare say, sir, you will bo polite enough to follow my example." H° did so, nnd his wellcurted companions immediately eropned themselves." We want a G -neral Wolfe somewhere. What can Iro more sickening limn to seem fine active voting man purling his curl*, with hi« hinds, like one the tender sex. Some of them no doubt, put lhci| hnir in pgper over-night, or use a catling tongs — Ob Folly, how you do make dupes of us 1 A CROPPY. SHIPWRECK Tho Charleston Mercury of the 11th Inst., snys that, tint ship Occamis, («f Portland,) Prince, mns- tor, fYum Boston for Savannah,in hnllnst went nsltare on the 10th inst. on Stone Breakers, ami will ho n. total loss, Capt. Prince and n part of the crew ar rive*! in thnt oily on Friday afternoon for assistance, tho mnto nnd tho balance ofthocrewjn her longboat, and landed nt Stone. Previous to their |cuviug,tho ship had nirout two feet water in tho hold, hut had not bilged. Captain Prince will return to the wreck, nnd endeavor to save wlmt lie tan, Tho Ocennus had a Savannah pilot on boat'd at the tinro uf Iter goine ashore. KT Sinco writing tiro above tho steamer James Adnnts has proceeded to tho wreck. Death oy Dr. Cqorrr,—This veteran of lltor* autre and scionco, has, at length, sunk under the in* firmhies of age. AR«r lingering ftir two or three months, in doily expectation of breathing Ids Inst, ho died, at Columbia, unity on tho morning of the 11th Inst,, in tho 80tb year of hit ngt.^CharUttou Courier, Professor Robert B. Patton died at New York, on Monday, ut the ago of forty-four.—He wn» known ns a distinguished Greek scholar. Gov, Musnn, tff Michigan, hns appointed, in tiro recess,’Henry Howard, Auditor General nfilic State, vice Robert Abbott, resigned I «»d IVtr-r Desnoyers, Stnte Treasurer, vico Henry Howard, appointed Auditor Ucneral. Previous to the Bi(jourumrnt of the Michigan le gislature, Uix Robinson of Kent county, Levi S. Humphrey of Monroe county, and Wm. R, Thom son of Washtenaw, were appointed Slate Commis sioners of Internnl Improv mrnt. Tito schr. Mediterranean, lleury,(of Chnricston) from the South side of tho Islnnd of Porto Rico, was at Mnyaguc.x 17th ult. leaking badly havin;. 1 IrocR u-horo oil Capo Boxa Ueef,**muit di-churge to repair. The At my and Nnvy Chronicle says, thnt Cup- tain Charles W. Skinner busbern appointed to tiro eiving ship Jnw, in place uf Lh-ut. Armstrong relieved, The Boston AtUn conttiulicts n rutnot, which it snys hns been current thnt Mr. Wcbstrr intruds nf? ter hi* return from Europe, to reside in N. Yolk. Tiro Britt-h sloop of war Modette, Captain Eyres, ut rived at Um muda ft urn Hampton Ruuds in four days.. Natal.—Tho U. S. sch’r. Shark, Lira! Coir- Bigelow, hns dropped down from the Nnvy Ynrd to tiro anchnrago ut)' Town Point .—Norfolk Deaeon, 11 th inti. Ttw Millftigeville Journal of Tuesday soy*, A mut- 4er was committed nrer that plareou ttatu day ntght lust, at the Immisc of a Mrs. lhompson, upon IM bralv of Aaron Searcy, by Jnsiah Tlrompson. a SCR of Mta. T.*w8eerry was first shut, and Oien slaldted with a Unwle knife, ami died inafiswhaura. After committing tiro deed, Tbampsou cam* to this gave himself up to au officet, ami is now in jail, to await Ids trial The Weather,—During ilm eveahtg and night rtf Friday, the wind blew with much violence from N E. attended with rain. Tiro steamer Kentucky, Capt. Holmes, bourn) to Baltimore, was detained in eonseqironee ofthe weather until Sutunhy morning, nine oV.Wk when slro th'parted. But finding the wind am) s,>a so adverse, she wns r*nn|ielled to put hark the tame afternoon. She left yesterday morn* ing. The Alalroma left yestenlay at her usual h< ur. —Norfolk Beacon, 13/A inti, Ofium Trade or China,—We "out.ids Iror- Itariaii*” ran form no just conception of the extent and pandciou* consequences of opium smoking and chew lot in China. We know Indeed that vast qunntilies of tiro •• black mild" have been annually shipped to Chian, but we must niso lake into view itsextraonlinnry poteney, in order to appreeinte the extent of the evil, Antcrienns understand itro well the effect* of grogolrinking, ami its Irowitching, Iro* sotting influences; hut from wlmt little we know of the effects nf opium, wo Infer that it begets n worse kind of intoxication ihnn rum ; morn Irowitching, nnd mere de-trurtivr to henith nnd life. We there fore ciinnot hut rejuieo nt tiro |rorst-v«ring, and we trust nt Inngtli successful efforts uf the Chinese go* verumcnt to repre** tin* enormous evil, and that In sod dug it is snowndrd by the Britidi Commercial Rcpre.entntivp in Cldim. Mr. Klliot, as well as by nt-ist of tiro American nnd n portion nf the British mcrchnnu there, The Inst urrnimta seem to indi cate thnt tiro im|Mtrtnlion of opium was qnd would Iro rflcctunlly stoppod. If so, grent will ho tiro tri bulation of the consumers] fm tiro (mbit Dinvetrri atn, nnd admits no denial, It it sn|.| thnt already aomedistnilNincwt hud nrisnn between tl(e populace and thn IVtlicc, in aonsequenco of tho prohibition. And why tliould there nut he, seel a? we nuitclvcs have find a Whiskey Rebellion! The probibitinn however extends nnt merely to thn Importation, hut to tho u«enf the drag "except as a medicine," nnd thn Inw is severely enforced,—sometimes even to tho infliction uf the puniihnront of death {-ajet/r. Co«. FOREIGN ITEMS. At lh« first dinner given hy tho new Lord Lieu- tenant of Ireland were, amongst many others, thn following parsons: Marquis of llendfort, Karl of Howth, Kqtlof Mdtnwn, Master eft Iro Roll*, Most Rev. Dr. Murray, tl\o Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin, D. O'Connell, Esq., M. P„ Mi. Mira- rice O'Connell, M |»., Mr, Morgan 0*Connoll. M. P„ Arc. Tho meeting which wns held In Dublin, at the Theatre Royal, in favor uf thn Government, went off with great eclol. The Duke of Leinster presi* dd, Tiro resiilmiiins were moved hy Iti.h poets, and sivouded hy noninoners of immense wealth. Tit" physician* of Paganini (the prinaonf fiddler*) linve despaired uf being nltle to keep him nllve. He leaves behind him a fortune often millions of francs, £460,000, which ia to hedivnliMl among his musi cal colleague* in France and Italy, whose number is rated ut between 700 nnd 800. Several fires occurred in Philadelphia on Friday and Saturday night* last. AeonsidarabJa rtf property was dsitroyad It i* rumored that Mr. Campbell, Pn*t Matter, at Louisville, Ky , i* a public defaulter, for a eonai* derahlo turn. Me. C. h»a published q notR asking n suspension nf public opinion until an investigation can be had. Hon. Francis Thom is ha* been nominated hy a democratic meeting in Frederick county, Md., for re-election tq Con-resa. The Whigsdo not aiLsntpt to ran a candidate in that diitiict. Tb* Central iff >it Road of Georgia i* making ra pid piogtes* toward* completion, and will soon unite the inland city nf Macon to the seaboard, at Ssvannvh. This road cannot fail to bring to the capital of Georgia a vast accession nf business, and will restore this pleasant city to the prosperity of which the rival.bip of Augusta has in some i sure deprived Iter.—Providence Journal. SpUNOERs.—Tirore are/oo many geotlemen pau pers at tiro present day—gentlemen who do nothiog —who are maintained by the puldie—by their sel*. tiuos—or by their wirtp. Jbov nn great »u> ijwit.V. O. Bun. So we rey. Loni*U, the Inst auiviving duqghtrr uf t|te gren ( nntamlisl Liutirotis, died nt Upsv| on tiroQI* 1 bit qgi-d 9Q. She luia left sumo fortune, which gm-a to the two great grandchildren «if Linnieus, widow .Martin snJ Mrs Riddcrbjetke. Mr. Charles Griswold, late toller in tho Com. mercinl Bunk of Mis*. h*s ah-cmidcd with n deficit his cash nrrount of $11,000. The Batik offers u reward of $500 for hi* apprehension. ■HIP infill. rORT OF 8AVANNA1I. MAY If. •ON MtM*........ .h t)t J moon ||«t •VN BET*..M| molt WATER tunrii. CLKJAKD THIS intKK. Chip Charlotte, Oorhsin, Liverpool—Padelford, Fay A Co. RUluTrct<t<m, Benuvt, Naw Yotk.—Waikbunt, Lew- la* Co. RrbathlLibl \V«U, Johnson, Liverp«iol.~R. Moly- mux, Jr. Brig Kxcvl. fihrrwnod.New 5'orh.—C. 11. Carter. Brig New York. Baker, Trinidad.—NV. Crabtree. Brig Thomas A Edward, Howard, New llndlbrd.— \V. L. Hohinaun. Batk 7,riH>l>ia. Remingtnn. Norfolk, (Va.) Wash burn, Lewis \ Co. 8chr. Roll Roy, Minor. New Irondntt, master, Schr Choctaw, Roblnaon, Camden.—Grccnwoo.| A Uphnin. Blimp Georgia, Shearman, Providence.—White & Bartels. a antran pvrino tub week. Ship Eli Whitney, Dyer, Liverpool, fillip Othello, Tucker. Ilnvro. Br. ship Cimtittny, Ellis, Liverpool, Itnik Denver, Krttit inis. Moliite. Ur hark Clio, Hintth, BermuHit, Bark Gazelle, Merry, New York, Hark LaGrangp. finnncmati, New York. Brig Mndisuu, Oulklcy, New York. Brig General Sumpter. Benuct. St. Julius, (E. F.) fiv.lw Columbia, Btevcn*. IMiilndelphia. Sloop Virginia. Chevalier. Hntillns. fiteamhoat Florida, Nock, tlnreya Ferry. fitnautlMiat Lunar, Oreawcll, Augiiatn. Georgia,'Gould. Augusta. HteamlrontJ Htnno, Mon.lull, Darien. • Steam packet Wm fienhrook. King. Charleston. Steam packet Savannah. Crabtree. Charleston. Steamboat Hamh.inr, Wood. Augusta. WENT TO SKA. fillip Alfred, Chever, Livnrpnol. fillip Trenton, Bonnet. Now York. • Brahitt Alcyone, Muir, Quebec. I Brig Excel, Hliorwood, Now York. Brig Exit, fiiMon, Chnrlestun. flclir Mary Ilnmtnnud.Hnmmond, Cntndon. fh'ltr Cboclow. Itobiiisnn, Camden. 8loop Georgia, Sheariuan, Providence. CORN- THIS DAY'S MAIL—12 M. This day's mail coiituins IIrIq now* of interest. We give nil **o can find, Connecticut U. S. Senator.—The Hartford Courant says that tho Hon. Dennis Kimberly, Uni ted States Senator, has resigned hia office, on ac count of ill hcalth 1 It will devolve upon tho Legis lature now in sesilon, tftflll thn vacanry, Distkk*si\(1 Time* in New mu sola no.—I.ntn pnpeia from NVm fiMtndland, stnte that very gical di.-irrts prrvniUin thnt Inland. Tho Governor had authorized tiro Commisaiouets uf tha Poor, to ox- trond rite *um of £'*0'.l from tiro Treiumty. Tiro lii*li Society had also contiib'itod tho »umof£240 for this truly chnritiih!e pui|Hi«e. Tiro following extinct*preaent a melancholy pictutr oflhu distres sed situation of the poorert.lasses: Distress in tiik Bay.—Oii Suturdny and Mon day last our street* proMOtied a melancholy appear- trace—about, wo supiHiM^tMohun-ln-d pirorfemale* mine fiomlhe Nouh Shore, to seek relief from the Benevolent Irish Socipty of this town, w||trli Such- ty had given fifty pounds f*r tiro piror, and these juror creature* trad acarevly n garment to cover tlreir linked nos*, Wo Im vo liceu informed tiy several gen llcmen, frem Lower Island Cove, ilia* nnthuirwuy to this town cnllrd on several j.rvir fratill**, nnd found them in a and suite uf starvnliun, Sumo fami ne*, they stated, l.ud noicuten a nrorsel from Sun* day morning until Wetlnnsdny evening, and others from M'ind.ty until Wednesday j and we are convin ced, from the report* that ate hourly cuming from thut quarter, lliut this is not the only nuio in which stnriurionnum speedily put un end to their suffer- lugs, unless some relief it alterity given them.—Car bonear Sentinel, The reports whjrh continue to reach us relative to the Footine which prevail* in tiro remote settle ments of thi« ||uy are of tiro most harrowing descrltr- lion, \Vp have no hesitation in stating thnt within a circuit of twenty miles from Harlmur Greco there ate hundied-uifratnilic*, w ho have not, in their re- specific dwellings, nn ounce of tiro common necoa- rnilc* of life; and who, for nocks past, have been •nb*i*iing upoo u aingle meal a day, and this too, in many instances, ufilro most wrctelu-d ait I nauseut- ing cbarut-tei,—Harbor Grace Slur, StkaMKR Lost-—The St, Louis Republican nf the 2d lost, say*} " We lenrn hy the olfic.ers uf the Gen, Luvcnwiittli, which nriivei) here yesterday morning from tiro Mismutiriver,'that tiro Astoria, on hor passngn down, when near tiro mouth of Blue River, nhuul 15 miles below Liberty, tun foul ofn snug and immediately sunk in about six feet water; nnd tiro sum) washing from under ntro part of her, alte liroko troat tiro centre, Site had on about 100 barrel* of Flour and a quantity of B.«lo Rope, which wc understand, wa« partly insured. Tho Astorin wns insured to near her vnlue. This ii the third boat io this vicinity, during this week, which we have recorded as tolully lost," Huviu^iinl, Market, .»«« r«TOUCTl.i,l. r ' COTTON—IInl,nj,„rd idmid...... 14 « tl K. 10 s 04 -'..***........ O.. . I'iIkm ....loja t; ’ B.m I.lnnd 50 • „ ...... . SUM 14 « M ItlCrc—Inferior to good,,,,,,.,,,,,, 4 gg ii. KLouR-Kirfi,;s c„,i, I'tillntl.-lj.liin mtd VlrflnU*.' — 9 — I-R-UII,.., no «RW iV\T. 8 ••••'• • l - 83 * 60 iiav $t etas.' 'VHJSKkV—| ,, . r ,,||on. Jiliil, &libli. 15 a 48 8BSTOBl- ,n > l*r «,Mon 47 « <K IUUAC4O—Cnvffmlllh 51} 9 40*. N .. Manufactured,,,,,,,,,, 13 ©la MACKEREL-No. 1......m ' TALLOW—Per lb 12J© - I’ORK-Mo 2S Prune*. ,..$20 <S> 91, ' BACON V j 0 © 19 IIA.MS H ® 10 LAUD. 13 ® 15 BUTTER—Goshen, .... 28 ® 30ll SUAI'— Yellow 0 © ft CHEESE © — CANDLES—Northern iytould,,,,.,, 16 © Ifi Spermaceti....... Mt1 . 42 © — Georgia M .“6 © —. LUMBER—Yellow i'iuo Ranging Tho* her...... ,,, t f,C © lQ - St. Sawed Flooring Board* $18 0 90 River Lumber, Oourds, l'lnnk and Scantling.... $14 ® lfi Qmirtorud, 14 inch Float* ing Dunn!*.,.,., $15 © 10 White Pine,clear.... ....$23 'a) — Mcrchnuiuble...........$14 — Red Uuk Slaves — fQ —. , W|tito Uuk Staves,...... • — <© 15 Shingles., $4 <S> 5 FORK ION PRODUCTIONS. BAGGING—llcmp....., OSNA BURGS.... BRANDY—Cognac GIN—Ijul land.., SALT—Cargo Sack.., SUGAR— llavnnn, WIdle. Brown Porto Rco.. kluactivndn St. Cmix New Orleans.... Refined Loaf.. Lump,.,....,, ,,,.. COFFEE..,,. TEA—Hyson RUM-rJumoic.a,,...... N«*w England MOLASSES—Hnvnnn............ ** New Orlenns LONDON PORTER—Perihtxoir... * BUS per dux. RON—Swedes The Norfolk Beacon, llihhuL say*, we have heon favored will) the following extract ofa letter from Capt Dearborn,of the achr James Rusirk, ef ibis perL da* ted St. Thomas, Anril 18. " I left Antigua on the 10ih iuit. ami when about four bourn ouL in a violentgust the aclmoiror under my c«Mn- maml was struck hy lightning, which split the main mast and topmast, burst the larboard pump, anti other wine damaged the vessel. At the same time twti tif the crow and myself were knockctl down, but furtuimtely soon after tecovered aud proceeded to Uiia port for rejtairs. ••Tiro market* at Antigua, Barbados's and St. Thn mas were glutted, and constrqtronil.v American produce was dull. Flour At B.irhsdnes ilb). and at tint place 69 per barrel. Cnrn Meal continued scarce, but trot mucbileinantl. At present there ia no sale of Dipad Stuffs here. Island produce high,” Propt the Charleston Courier, From St. AyuusTtNE — By the schr. Stephen t$ Franrit, C»pt. Mngoe, urjivctl yrotii f Juy, w«- h ive received Hie St. Augiu'itro ftVn t»f the 1 llh inst. fnon which wt-ctipy tin- folio-*ing: Army Intrlmofncr.—From F'Mt King, nfthc 4tlt in*', we b-urti tiiulnu Indron# bad ynt coma in- A nr to talk ha* been cm ried out by 15 prisonci*. men, •* women urol rlii!t|rvn," euvcrei) wjth prv*«*nt» to the ntch h'-rrtics, that 1 li«-v ntny come in and *ign a tree y to " live in |roacr auutli ol IVas Creek, nnd West of the Evciglade . Tiny ate informed that posts will lie extended liom Tninpu to Fort Mellon, and th« white* are to keep North, and tho reil nmn South. Ttw pi j-oners oie at liberty to return it they please. Gen. Taylor hud demanded a court of enquiry in relation to tho M «*"uri volunteers, nnd tendered his resign-itioit of tiro eoinmaud in Florid*, llo svy-tint he i« wit ing to command a district." Uni Taylor has sta ted for Tampa, where- Iro has cerium informal inn of some w hite* tampering with til - Indian*. Tiro instruction* of Gen. Mnenmh, is "that Ilro Indians nre to abide by the Treaty of Pnyira's Lanriii g." From Fpct pierce, l*t Mny, letter* inform Uwt 22 if Cap*. Bryant's rompaov, 2d Dragoons, hnvpjnincd Col. liurney.amied with " Colt's rifle;" in Ilro hands of such men, and with such an otlicer, we may rxpoct a good account shou.d one occur, of tho em-my. Tb* name* i,f ilro persons nt'intered by the In dinn« nenr Newnansville are Parrine, Smut and Ellis, Young Hnignn w as killed hy his horse throw- jng tjio) agiinxt a tree, when tho In-Jun* horribly muiilated his bialy with kmvns. Thus hate four more of our citizen* been mu.ilercd whilst the white flag ia waving throughout tiro country. Fire.—An alarm of Fire w*e gjvcq yesterday, belwrpn and } o'clock, 1*. M- Mr. Weaner's kitpben, at the corner of Qucro and Masyek streets, was discuvereii lobe in flumes, Irot tliey were soon supj yes*«d, with tiro destruction of 01 Jy a portion of the roof, a number of Fire Companies luiviqg promptly repaired to tiro #p t. Tiro occurrence was entire ly occidental the ttwff hiving been ignited by •parks from the cb mo*y*.—P,id. Rail Road Accident.—As toe car# were mov ing off on Tuesday utorn ng, jure above BranchviJIe, on tlroir way up, the loconn.bre came in contact with a Cow. (which was cnulnxl and killed,) where; by tiro train was thrown off the 1 pad, and -<po of the firemen wia aim thrown off and killed, the engine f*l »ng on him. IY «nro*t» this said occurrence, no re-rious s< ctdent, we learn, ha* occurred 00 the roail for ciglueun mootli*.—Ibid CO.lMIIiltCUL. Lathsr datrs from Livriu'ool Antu. |9 LtTKsr datrs from Havur April ia Latest oaths from Havana May WEEKLY IMPORTS. LIVERPOOL— Ur ship fluurtnay—300 inns Salt. 147 crates and 3 hints Eartiianware, 43 casks Nail*, 103 kegs white Lead, rid rank* nnd ‘J bundles Hnrilwsre. I case Guns, l box Bin*. 39 bundles Sheet I ton,6 bun dies Hoop Iron, l case Steel, 10 bales Linens. SOUTH SEA EXPLORING EXPEDITION, Extracts from 11 lotter to tiro Sncretury of tho Navy, from Lieut. Wilkes, cummiituling t'uu exploring cxjtcxlitioti, ilttletl onlroutri tho U. S. Bum I'oitrnt<iK, ) Off Cupn Horn, Feb. 20, 1(133. ) " I have tho honor to inform you that I partml company with tiro mpmdron ut Orange liurbor yes terday; tho Yiticcntiu*, iiimI.t charge of Lieut. Cra ven, being snugly mirored in thut liurbor, huvittg transferred myself to this vessel in company with tho Sea Gull for thn oxci'Uiion nf you* orders. The l'eucock and Flying Fish schooner, writh Capt. 11 nil- son, left ut the snnin time, 11111) tiro Belief would leuvo to-dny for tho Strnl'sof tiro .N|ugelluu, with a large party »f tho sciontifin corps. " OurendeuvorM, und tlmt of tho l’cannek, \yill ho le getn* far south us we can at this Into Reason. Al though 1 nut aware wo Maml some chance uf hehtg •hut up in tho ice, I could not resist making tho attempt- ^ - "The Porpoise, Lt. Cntnilf. Ringnld, is well pro vided with ten months' (ns Is tilso tho Sen Gulf) of every thing thut can render us cnmfortnlde in tho event uf such an acciriuM. We are ull in lino hualtli nnd spirits." From the N. Y. Commercial, 13/A inst, PERU AND CHILI. Bv tiro arrival of the ship Notches, Cnpr. H ayes, from Valparaiso, wo Imve ntfiainl confirmation ol theucco'ints Irorutttfore received, nf n great hmtlu between the Chilian* and the army of llm Protector Santa Ciux, in which tiro Inner wqs complvtely nuitiHl. Tho spoils nf the victors tyoro 34QQ pris oners, nil tiro protectors artillery, hm*es, iVc,, and $ JO, 0011 in money. Gonorala Aiman nnd Urdird- lien were killed, and five other goucral* wen* mnile firisom-rs- Santa Crux tocuped with only twenty ten, The Chi'inn General, Lnfnente exproted te teach lima on the 28th of Jitniiary. There has also Irooiiu luivulengngi'ineiit in wh'elt thn Poiit-Bolivians weroequally uiilbriunuti', losing one vessel, ntid the oilier thief being much dam nge Tho Castle nfCulIno s’lll romnlned in possession of tiro forces nf Simla Crux, 'who had Uiuto agat*- rison of 1500 men. WEEKLY EXPORTS. LIVERPOOL—Ship ChsrbHte-1843balea Upland and 144 bales fi I Cotiun. TRINIDAU-rUrig New York—80,000 feet P P Timber. NEW BEDFORD—Brig Thomas & Edward- 73,two fcclS S Lumber. NEW YORK—Brig F.xr*1-998bn!|»a Cotton. 187 casks Bice, 1 liltd and I halo Deer Skint, JO packages Sumlrir*. CHARLESTON—Brig Exit—306bale*Cotton. CAMDEN—Schr Mary Hammond—MyOOOft Tim Iror. rSclir Clio>-tnw—.V»,uou leet Timber. Brig Exit, Siamiu, CbarlrtUm.—8. PUilbtivk & Co. ik-lir Mary Hunimond, Hatuiuond. Camden.—J. Can dler. PROVIDENCE—Sloop Georgia—70 bale* Cotton, 61 ca*k* Rice, t bale Wool, 8 pm-kage* Sundries. NEW LONDON—Schr Rob Roy—30,000 feet Board*. AUGUSTA. Mny 16. Remarks.—Bu*inc** of every description is ut a •tuntl with it*, and we do not recollect ever to have si-cn dullertimes than at present, even in mid-sum mer. May Ires heretofore In-en a good month wtth our merchant* but from present nppearanre wc tired n<»r liH*k for much to do before October next. The recent r un* witii which wo huvo boon favored in this seetjon nf country, have been of great advantage to tiro -prowing rntp. Cotton.—Wo Imve another dull week to re|H rt, and since tiro reception of Liverpool ndvires to the IDlh ult. I»y tho steam ship Liverpool prices hove ( allcn ofl'in this morki-t fully hnlfu rent from forau r *tes. Holders, however, do not evince much nuxie- r to sell at present rates, anti there is hut little of fering. Wo quote os the extremes of the market 14 a 10 cents—principal rale* at 144 11 151 rents. Our receipts continue very light, qnj we are stirngth- curd in the belief they will show a failing off in Oc tober next, cnmpatetl with hi»l year, fully 5 ',QUO hales, ia Augusta and Hamburg. Exchange.—Nortlroracxchange is getting inbrisk <)emand; sight Check* mi Nevy York are selling at 2 |>er cent prent; on Sav .nnah para j • Charleston j- Freights.—Our river is in good 'boating p/der, but freights continue dull. To Savannah 50 cent* per bale;to Charleston hy Rail Rood /5 cent* for square and $ 1 for mt;iul bales cotton. •Mttn 1? © 28' **.M*I « ^ 19 40®l 7ft $100®1 2ft 40 ® -t $1,75 © — 13 ® — — ® -* 7|® 0 9 ® 10A 10 ® ir i ll® is 50 ® 05 »l ® ! •§ 41 ® 45 m 38 ® 40 $3 ® —* $34® —. $110 ®12Q / - KXCIIANOR. ON ENGLAND—n 9| por cent pram. NEW YORK—At sight 1^ por cent pre»n. 30 days 4 percent prem. 110 days par ®^ p or cent dis, Draft* on New York at sight) 1 ( por cent.' prom, . 1 \ FWFIGHTge-To Liverpool, 7-10 a Ad: New York 75 cl*, per hole, , 1 ' Fiom the Savannah Shipping and Commercial Lift, May 17. " , COTTON—Arrived since tlinTQth Inst. 1348 bal^ai Upland nnd 61 Imlo* 8.1. Cotton, and cleared at tWv sntm- time, 4128 h.iln* Upluud and 292 hales S. I, Cotton ; leaving n stuck 011 hand, inclusivaof all or ' •liip hon'rd not cleared on llw 17th Inst, of- 1090*; ■ hulcs Upland and 761 hales Sen Island OaUOfi.7" Sinco tlm receipt on Saturday of Liverpool idil*.. co* to tl e 20th nnd Havre to the 17th ultimo, tho ; ‘"utrtfc huritross ilmio in Upland ha* been very limited, eta .th cline nf fully J per ct. per Ib.r-thO Bales are 50ft ho 'or, tiz; 70 ut 15; 11(1 nt 154; 271 at 10; 47 lli): 24 at 17. Tn Sea Llund no change In prices J the rales are 09 hag* white, vis: 31 at 45; 3Llf 46; 35 nt 48; l ut 50, und 71 stuinod at 12a23, Uecoipii of Cotiun at the following placui sinpo ' < October 1st. 183fi J837 Savannah, ftfny 17,, M ... M . 182381 25f30ft South Curelimi, May 10,.. v 183218 240357 Mobile, May 10, '.247244 301002 Non-Orleans, May 10....... ,500259 60224ft Florida, April 27 73218 97184 North Carolina, April 27,..., 10014 15883 Virginia,Mny 1,..,...,.V.,.V.2100Q 2()O0l . 4220304 1346155 Tho following is n stntemoht of t^a stock of Cot; ton mi bund at t||u respective places named. 1 Savannah, May 17.....,,, 17750 00060 Smith Curnlinu,May 10,.,. 39400 -4455ft Mobile, May II 33313 69065 Nuw-Otlcuus, May 10..,.. 123011 11310ft Virginia, May , 2566 4000 Nurth Carolina, April 27,. ..1200- 3800 Augustu * Hamburg, May 1, 10832 2500ft Mucmi, May 1....'.. .3854 770'j Flnriihi, April 27, lOPBfl 20000, l'hihiilelplna, May 4, it.3208 . ’4Q7ft New-York, May B ..85000 50000 From the Baltimore Patriot of Saturday. The Cliopr.—The Harrisburg Chronicle of Wed- nerduy flute* thnt. thus fnr,the winter crop* linjrf n most promising appearance in thut nuigl bjffiood, mnny furmer# Iroitig of npinijMi that tiro grain fields " trover looked better." Vegctn'de* of nil kiudsare oiso to Iro declared in n state of lino forvranlnes*; and for llm fruit tlio hliMsmuing could not he fii-er. Tito editor of tliut paper snys: " Wo hnvo taken several r“le* into the country within a week, nnd tiro nppenrntice of tjie whole country is delightful; tlio green liixiirinnt |rorhnge wliii-h covered tho fiolds, tiro half grown ftiliage nftlio fruit und tree#, togeth er with their * fh!l Mnom h!o*s<im*,' m*t a most un speakable hrnutyand fragrance nronuil. Thn Westinititstcr C'nrrnlltotunn of this morning snys: " The growing crops nre excellent in Frede rick rtmttfy. The wheat i* very good in Carroll— the rye ju some place* not so good." W* learn from our aiti-atim corre«pocdeat %t Columbia, under d<t« pfilro I |ihin*l. Ib.t ifro Ap peal Court, ai ting at that |>l®cc, had paerj Kbt* ewer of daaih on the fu peraon*, for negro stealing, viz: Wm. F<*rd and M. Htoeman, uf Sparta wburg—.^iii. ace to be carried inlo execution pa (be 24 Avgutt oral: also John A4ami, • For* • goer, WU s. nteoced to L« axecuted 0.1 the 31,l iam.for thom-jnier JMr*. MeVny.of rhaiplaca. Post Office. Savannah. May 16, 1B39. On and after Sunday, tha 19th inst. the lollowlng M-iii afrangrment will take place at this Office. AUGUSTA MAIL. Due daily at 4 I'. Ai, Cta$c$ daft* at J P. M, racept f.,r lirority of Au gusta. which will Iro at 8 P. M. MACON MAIL. Put nn Morula*a, 1 . Closes.-n Monday* ) . Wnines-l iy♦ and >1 Thursdays and Sjtuiduy., S Saturday*, y* 1 ’- may I7-2t “7** except for tha city nf Ma- c-m, which will Iro closed at 8 P. M. GEO. SCHLEY, P. M. PASSENGERS Per steamboat J titoat, Irum Vnrmn—lU Young* Ud,.t children sol servant. Alisa J Youngs, C'i Hayne. Dr Holmes, Messrs bUUeU, Haiboek, Hard jog. Rkbmood, NickoU and son . Central Kail Road of Ucorgiii. O N th<* 1st July this roid will Iro 0|Nyird in tiro 80 milu station, a point in Uurku county, near Duck Hcud'Creek, wlrore tlio LouDvillu Road criii>«rs. A largo nnd eointnodiiivis stoin house will )», |.i-<ivided nt thut spot, nnd competent nnd faith ful ngent* empl'^nl i.,rwe.iivw and fliru-ur/1 pr/idn.-e nnd merclianilise. Preihroe from the ni-ighlniring enmities will there Iro teceivnd und fm wared with desp itcli In Savuo- nnh. Merchnnill-c fo| middle Georgia ran with little delay or expense Iro unti-porteil tiitbis vlatbi(t, and will la* ill salirty until called for hy wagons. • The cmiiiniinieatimi la-tu-eeo that pniot and Snvimnuh. and Irot preen that [mini nnd Augu*li, tyill Im daily, and in nil ptuhniiilily will Ly tiro first of July, bo Inily between that point nnd Marnn.- It i» expected thnt the road will bn open to die Ogechce 101 miles front this city, by tile 1st of No vember, nnd so soon ns that shall Iro, a similar pro vision will Iro made ut thnt point of Ware Houses, Agent*, april 27 (Rep.) J. McFARLAND',* Agent. 337914 39276Q > ' RICE.—The market sines our last has butt) quito dull, Hid thn gulps light, ol from $f| to 4). \ FLOUR— Conrimies dull, with a fair supply.— Snvll tales of Howard-street at $8^ a $8}; Canal nt 9j. COK>»'.—No ortiYiis* Rntalls frorp store 9Q q 100 cts, v GROCP/dlES.—In Coffee, Sugar and Mulnssrs, a moderate Vemil business is d<»ing at all prices within the rnngMof our quotation*. BACON-—'\\Vropnrt anlet of 20,0QQi|)S. Wes tern as fojlnyv#! Hums Jk.W, ^ide* 12 a 12|| Shoulders 1U£ ?u.{ ^kegUJaRinjore Lard at 1ft cent*. \ \, . >«. H AY.-rS tle* of 700bunditi, on tbp.wbityf, q( fiom $1 0 $1 2ft 7 SALT.—Sales of 12,00ft hq*hoU Livarpool; re ceived this week at 4ft dts. 'j. ^ ^ ' SPIRITS.—In diimestio liquors, wire of N. B. Rum at 41 a 45; Whiskey at 43 a 46 i^Gin at 48 a. 60 ct#. * v V- EXCHANGE—On England, 9^ ai ; 9| par ct, prem. Drafts op N. York, at sight, l| per cent, prom. , •/ FREIGHTS—To Liverpool, 7-16 LaJd.)Jq N. V./k.75 CIS. per halo, Statement of Colton, Mqy If; Lpl’dsi '*8.1. Stock on buml, 1st October,...... _ 3164 35 Received this wm-k..» 1348 61 “o, previously,.,.... ,..*.,.’. 176353 4014 JftftSW. 471ft Exported thi* week, 4128 292 Do. previously,.. 150748 3602- 163876 3954 Stock on hnniLitiohidlpg wll on ship*' board nut cleared tin lb* 17th May* 16089 • 76t GvorAisifltunai Packet Company. Out |ido Passngi*. through in 0 flours. Fare $5—Dinner Extra. N Cy^ fA THE splendid new strum packet Til wTHl* SAVANMAH. E Cralurc,, ma, ter, will leavo Savannah every Tuesday qnd Tliitrs- day morning at 8 o'clock, urriviag ia Charleston io time t» meet the Wilmington Lout on aume day.— Rctumtny, ivavnff.harUsloti eyery )t odnoiday and Saturday, at 8 o'clock. Travellers frwq tijo Wc*t and Smith West, will find this tiro cltcapcst and itjnit expeditious route, either going North nr returning homo. OCTAVU8 COIIBN, A •pint, Savannah. A. LAFITTK & UllOfHER, do Chareston. »Q«y 3 Por bale. aSa Tlw sloop WILLIAM WRAY, of Free- 1 wiHctown, Mu**., Ditiiel C. Blown, msster. Site is 7 rear* nid, 61 Inns hurliron, ran carry up wards of300 hales Cortmi, and in every resjroct well calculated for tiro lightering business, anil roasting made. Apply 10 tbs ett>i*lo on board, or to may Iraudim MADISON DURFER. In DsrWp. , For Isiverpool®“*. • The new bark BEAVER, Cepr. Eilthnnds, Im* half Iror cargo engaged, and golqgon hourd. For freight pf500 hairs, apply (6 may 17- t PADELFOflD, FAY & CO. jSA The first class American brig Stt Capt. Burton, will ho " ALTHAM, dospatetied iujmcdi- l*or New York* “rig (laursebr.WWne. : The fino pricket loig XlADI^QN, W.'Bulk* SSScL ley. muster, wijl sail on MmHlay, 20lb inst. For freight orps-sagr, having splro-iiii accuramo- dations. apply on board, or to- mny 10 C. R. CARTER. For ISalt'morc*: TljEfii AV THE first ola Sta TER, Bonnet* for tiro above earned | first class )nu ket Brig C "-inneti, muitcr. will ar' SUMP* jvirton Brtanl.iy 25th! last.— For livlgbt or passugu, ltnving extoiislvo ntd haldi sotnn occninmiKlutlmis. Apply to ' * may 17* FRANKS SORREL & PO. itamii. ' 250 "fWY5^ro,l.^ ••* ■ m r a ’ otp. d. conswr.iu