The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, May 25, 1839, Image 3

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Cft» 8We»fi>ly ttrorgf*N. bank of the state ok ukouuia. Alt sptelil wetting of the Bostd of Directs• »fiU Bank of the Suit ofUnsgia.liclil aitlicir banking house |n Savannah, on Monday thefiOih Inst, for the purpose pf electing Director* of the several Branche* of the in stitution, for Uie ensuing year, ilia Mtafal |W»lf tnan ware duly elected, via i For at Branch at dig**to- b Mn Phlnlay I»»»o T«wte Wm.IL Turpin Robejt McDonald Adam Johnaton Oeorg* M. Newton Philip McOran K.C. Baldwin James T.Oray ?• B.Oretner. ' Fortht Branch at Nillrdgrrillr. C.J. Payne \Vm. Sanford Isaac Newell M- J- Keuto E. Balls. For tks Branch ot Macon. Issue G. Beymqur Levy K pk,e y B. If. Randolph Tarpley Holt Jf. Siiqma H. E. Carter Tbos. Hardeman Fur Ot Branch at Rntonlon. Irby Hudson Joslah Flournoy J.C.Mason Jer. Clark HH Henry Branham Joel Branham. For at Branch at Athtnt. ^ John A. Cobb T. N. Hamilton Thomas Hancock J esse Robinson B. J. Mays. For at Branch at Washington, ft, L, Alexander J. H. Pope G Andrews A. 8. WingfiolJ Thos. Semmes, Oli fie, Augusta Artillery mon 1 Yon hd no word your invitation thus “ citizens of both tra ct are invited," &c.* To cull the divinities that dwell in your pleasant city, by the name of citizen!— why not citizonosso* I You should have, at least, suid “ ladles and gentlemen," for we knew there two many of tho most beaut iftri ladies in tho world in Augusta—-excepting those in Savannah,who one peer, joss—-and you ought to know tluit- tlu-re must he some gentlemen, at nil events, in the same place— the brothers, husband*, or fatljor* of |ho heauties. Ypq'must bo more polite. Artillery folks—or tho gentle aox will give you n wordy volley, to which you long toms would ho only popguns. * Seo Augusta papers last week. THE KNICKEHIHICKF.H FOR MAY, The number for tho prcsoi't mouth is amongst |he richest vyo hqvo seen of the usually rich und en tertaining tqotjley* of friend Dtmmtctj. f he |}p»t bequty that meets onr eyo is n splendid engraving on steel of "The Lake of the Dismal pwnnip" by Chapm 'S, from a drawing by SUIM.U. It is, indeed, a line specimen of uit, Gttomfkr C a a von has two articles in tho Mny number—*" Sleepy Hollow,’’ and “ The Birds of Spring;" of them wo need not speak. "Mocha Dick," by Kkynoi.iis, is an aninslng ^nlc ; and “Genoa und the Genoese," by tho llov. Mr. Colton, is well worth pcmsnl. Tho poetry is very excellent, ynd wp would ad vise nil who would bo amused uml instructed, to cull |o Col. Williams, for tho May number of the ft Knickerbocker." Tint GouvKftXKi'R Cask.—At 12 o’clock, the jury in this csso rumo into Court, and thioogh tho foremnii. announcedthnt it was impossible for them to agree.—On enquiring lelalive to the matters of difl'eronce. which were deemed irtec«nei|shle, iho Court gave some further instructions relative there to, and they again retired. At 4 o’clock in tho afternoon, the jury after an ahsnnco of upward* of 2!) hour*, came into conit •ml renderrti n verdict lor the United States of f-26,- (10(1 75, " withont prejudice to tin* claims of either party to the following drafts, via*— '»1M8, Sept. 24. paid Hccsidr, $2 000 00 “ 1834, Match 24 " “ 1,000 00 “ " July II, " " 1,500 00 " “ Get. I, “ “ 500 00 “ 1805, Mny 5, draft on " 1,000 00 [FOR TIIR OEOHOIAN.] Mr. Kpitor.—In your paper of the 9th tnstnnt* ]ius nppo tred it piece wjthnut a signature, purport- jug to bo a anninient upontlie imp "I'roseninients of the Grum{ Jury of l.iherty county," in which your cm respondent expresses n)i|c!i surprise tliut such a document should jiiivo emanated front such n source. His nstwui(l;ii)ent may l»o partially di- punished .however, when ho is informed that It wns tint intemied by tho Grand Jury ns u presentment plamiiug the intorlpruncu of the court, and to he acted on, a* all presenttijenis ore, 11$ n subject of ^judicature, but rn«*re/y 11* liio docituient avows, und jtstlio jury declared it tube, the expression of their feelings. The principal and nlnto-t solo olijecl jlro Grand Jury had in view, was to spread the sub* jer.t before their follow citizens, mid thereby to oh- jnln a mooting of their Countrymen, that tln*y might pomo to S"tt|o settler} «lo terminal jon as to tho mini- per in which they may meet iho approaching con troversy. Your eqrrospun Jem says, “tho language pf the presoatiment is not ti ho misunderstood. It j* tut matter, of quibbling.'' Ho is tight. It was pot intended ns hyperbole, tier "liravni|o;’’ and we ftnve pretty good reasons to believe that 11 language ^Wt less dccisivo wjll bo spoken by oijr ussmnMrd •*. Believing, as they do, that these claims pro founded in fraud, ami now urged 011 by a spirit pf reckless speculation, they will, no doubt, net in suclj a fpnnner, nijd lyitli the single yiew of avoid ing a controversy, which though dignified wiih tho form "legal," will iny.ilvo them in n vortex of peer p)r]ritic* und distress Ijurnusing iho riel}, ntjd ab solutely grinding the poor to powder. Coult} this plotter bo settled by any other course, nmj adjudged )iy nny other tribunal, than that before which it will Jietried; could itenmehuforoqur "imj'iiuinl judge,” pad our “candid jurors,” it would then present u different aspect. Wo would by no menus inrinti- pte that tho judges am} jurors of our higkor courts nrc pnrtjql and uncundul. It is not tlpil wo want ponfidenco in thior justice und parity, no, no ? We believe if justice is meted out tyith impartiality pnder any government pn tho face of this earth, if tho ermined robe ho worn spotless and unsullied by mortal mnn in uny rj'inrtor of tips globe, it is in this beloved hnd of ours. Y.nir correspondent ro- pommonils that it) the event ol failure in our court, ."the wholo series of judicature," may be resorted to by successiva appeal*. Now, this is tho very • yhing wo wished to avoid. Our citrons Ijnvo no )dez oflniing dragged into a protracted lawsuit which will prove a canker tq their own happiness, pnd probably a blighting mildew on their children’s peace,ami ull too, on n cinim so uttorly ridiculous. •The rich may stem this legal torrent—the Wealthy may wado through this "series ofjmlicutures;’’ but fhe poor, the industrious poor, where are they to he found T Many snippet} of their laud* by which fhey subsist j or lunassod by suits, would leave the land of their birth, tho home of their fathers, and *N^iilgrim Ijke, wander to another pnuntry. Your correspondent in tho attitude of a censor, peprehends the proceedings of tho Grand Jury, facing “Lynch like," np 1 tlpiii- tono lint ol "defi ance mid resi«tniice f ’’ nml that "Canine like," &c. Now, Mr. Editor, your nameless writer, knows tta filing of this matter, or at all ovonts of onr tide of ft, or he would not hnvo used such epithets and cognomens in reference to tiie Grand Jury. If tho curtain that conceals this fraud couli) he withdrawn, ff he knew as much nbqut it* hisfqry as wo do, so utterly disgusting to l.i* ethics would it appear jLhat he would severely regret the tone of repri mand which ho Ims used.. Mnnyof the citizens of Liberty know the history of this fraud. They know llie laws regulating surveys, and the distribution of land warrant*. Our surveyors, too, who have been pen as cnnscientiou* a* any other*, and in their va- . rious duties acting under the solemnity of their oath, W nave crossed and over crossed the lines now in ques tion, without the least compensation, knowing it to be a tlssueof fraud from beginning to end. We, are •ware that the claimants, aflat “ corporation." may have grants, plots, titles, Stc. speciously exhibit* ingthe justice of their claims. But so did the Ya- *•0speculators present all these manifestations, of apparent coirecine**; but when sifted tq the bot : tom, what did nn Indignant legislature dot But ,wa forbear—we will not pain tho ji/ing participa tors in that transaction, if there be i.uqij, nor disturb fbe ashes of the dead, by recurring to that history On# word more, ami we have done. Your cor respondent need not feel the least alarm as to the conduct of Liberty County in this business. He need not fear that she will so far abandon the iu‘ premaey of law. a* to surrender the last bulwark oj republicanism. She paid a heavy price for jiernowr, and the very soil now claimed by foreign •rs, a as onee stained by tbe blood wfbersons. She knows well hpw foappreciate bet freedom, to pre- •onprbec Veriltory, and to defend -them both. LIBERTY. Liberty Comity, May 15,1039. tG.UOO 00 The jury wore then di<ah irge<l for the term with thu lltauka of tho court. From Halifax,—We have received front our eorresptmdent n file of Hulifax papers to the 9th iust. The Hnlilux Times of the Htli inst. mentions the arrival of the steam frigqte Medea, Inst frqm Bunnudu—adding thut while on her way from Ha- vuiin to Jntnnicu she wus fired into, at night, by a French ninu-ol-wnr brig. One man was killed und several were wounded by the fire. The French commipider suid that ho mistook lew for a .Mexican. Ho upologixed to Commodore Dougins, on discovering Ids error, nml tho apology wua accepted.—AT. Y* Com. 1U//* inti. SutivBYiNo Yksski.,—'TheN. York Star says; The United Stipes Surveying brig Washington, Cqpt. fjedney, is now in oqr harbor, uial on the p *ii)l qf resqintag her duties of exiutiining the cni;st oil* Long Island uinj the udjuceiit waters between that and New England. Shu is in muiploto order, und the following are her otli- Tlnnntis R. Getlney, Esq’r, I.t. Commanding, Charles W Chnuncey, l.ieuteimnt, Richard W Mead, do Franklin Clinton, Passed Midshipman, A 1 lulconjb, do R W Ruche, do Dnvid P Porter, . do S Sharpe, 5) I), Surgeon, " The sch’r Jersey, commanded by Lieutenant Griffith, and attached to Captain Godncy’s com mand. has proceeded to Gardiner’s B11V.—Her land, lias Proceeded to Gardiner’u Bay.—Her Pusseil .Midshipmen are .NJessr* Ring, Pull, Putei> son and Wuitiwrighl.’’ From the f'eimsylvauian, 20.'A iutl. As the Semimle drain is to hestopjmd, wo trust that the states will begin to ask about tho sos|M*ial- ed fourth onsttilment. Our state Executive should inquire of the Treasury when her state share cun bo bad. It was due on the 1st of January, it must lie remembered.—.\'<i/iciuil Ciazotic. As tile surplus revenue wus only deposited with the stales, subject to recall, what would the Gazette think of it if the General Government, being in want of the funds, should demand 11 return of its money 1 Would it lie pivtt ipleil that n deposit is n gift T We join hpurtiiy with the Jounm) of Commerce in the subjoined remarks on the call of the Gazette for mure surplus revenue, Tho Distribution Bill wus a measure fraught with evil—u wretched device that placed |||C states in the attitude of pen.-ioned beg- gars, uml the slpiiv which wns doled oat hud the ef fect, in Pcuusyivuubi nt least, of giving u fresh im pulse to the log-rolling system of legislation, contri buting largely to create that reckless extravagance, which was the distinguished feature in the manage- mint; of state nllair* under Ritiier and Stevens, and wljich finally placed the cmr,nioiiweath upon the verge of bankruptcy. Let ••■* lnivo in* more *oihhi. Ides of this description, tli" prospect of which prompts the representatives of the people to neglect general interests, nod to MitVcr national nfiairs to sink into insignificance, that they may earn local popularity by bribing the people wi'.li their own too- Mstuw .nKA.— \ geatlentsn from Qiatlivc In- fotms the editor of tho Kennebec Journal that the British are about eomineacing a Fort at MaJawas- kn. U is to In> cntlc«( bitmtck*, but tho wall* are to bo eight fi’et thick. We have some doubt whe ther tiro home government will enter fully into tpa vlew» of the provincials (n fortifying their position in oqr tetritmy— that Is, unless our government should be iinpsrdunnldy romiti (n ill duty. Iflhn British, says the Journal, wish to build a Pi . , ,'nrt nml makeus a piesent of ita*nn oil'set for Fort Blun der, ( Rous *'* Point) it may feu very well.—.V. l r . buprctt, HP* The New Ymk Anterirnnconsidersihennnoiinee- mem of Lord Palmerston’s letter to Mr. Seven- son, of iho determination of the British Government, in the new survey it proposes of the Noith Eastern Boundary Line, to recognize the* ol the treaty of 1783— ns removing qjj tkft of future negotiation*, Watch DtAt.*.—According to tbe New York Transcript, there is in that city onn of the most ex tensive Watch Dial Mnnufur.iertot (a the world. The style and quality of tho work s|(o dusaribed at infinitely sopet ior to, tlyise of any foreign ntunufuc- lure,—nut excepting etren tin? French^ Swiss or En glish. The business done by this Connera is im mense—thn qiiiiual uosumption o[gok)nnil silver for material, Htitoqiiting to t^reo or fqur hundred thousand dojlur^. A Hkimiikvk.—•'The Governor hn« granted n Re- Jirievq of one month to Wilbur, who wns to have been executed on the 23vd inst. for the murder of llarber, to enable 1 his Counsel to upply to the Su preme Court for n new Trial. Tho npplicnluui is (m«ed upon evidence that the Jury had two bottles of nun in their room while deliberating mg their ver dict.— Albany Even. Jour. From the Oxford (Chenango) Timet Ft UK.—Our village has met with destructive con- fiagmtioii. On Monday mominir. lie tween Good 7 o’clock, our citizens wore alarmed by tho cry of fire,’ and the toHim: of the bell. The Fort Hill House, (in tho garret qf which tho lire originated) ownoil by Mr. Ira Willnox, und occupied by Mr. C« II, Cur tis, is in mins, together with the building adjoining, occupied by Air. Rnliis Baldwin ns dry good store, by Mr. Peleo Glover ns 11 hat store, by Messrs; Washburn & Tuttle ns a chair manufaetory, mid by Drs. Sands and Holmes as an office. Goods mid furniture mostly saved, Mr. Curtis, however, sit*, mined quite n damage fiom the destruction of pr.t- visions, and injury done hi* household chattels in removal. Tim whole loss is estimated nt between $ 111,000 and $12,000. Thn buildings wore insured. Also, a small hack hat shop wns consumed. A NOTH Kit RonnKRV of this Express.—A slip from tho office of the Nashville Union,dated the 12tli informs us tliut the New Oi joimspacket of the 18th April, due at tliut city on the 22d, was missing from 1I10 Img. The most searching inquiry wns institu ted f rthwith by tbe Postmaster nod others, who succeeded in detecting the robber in the person of ono of the riders, named Wm Gill, whnnuide n full confession of his guilt, mid gave up the property which he rilled from the mail. After furnishing n list of the checks, letters, See. stolen, the Union ndd*—" The mnount of exchnngo and cheeks thus recovered by the intrepidity of our citizens amount* to about $1*2(1,GOG. Gill was ox- examined before Judge Brown tliis morning mid committed tnJuU, thereto await his trial before the Circqit Court in September next,”—^Jonlgomcry Adotrliter, 17/A inst. The Jour'na I of Commerce snys t " We fervently hope that not number cent will over he distributed from the National Treasury among the slates. To • much Inis been distributed already The nation now lias to borrow, by menus of pest notes, in order to supply its deficiency thus occasioned. Let every tub stmid on its own but- tom." [/Vrfin the National (iazettc,] Attention is duo to llie following mat ter concern ing Coiiiinodore Elliott, with which vie mv favored Instil 11 proper source. Editors who linvupnimulg- ed the charge which oar correspondent shews tube initial ailed, should do the accused the justice to cor rect tip* error, Public opinion in his case, whether right or wrong, needs no further siitimlmii to his pre judice, COMMODORE ELLIQTT. A statement has fo'cii published in the Alexandria Gazette, Cnniinndore Elliott has, in the pend ing inquiry, endeavored to uyiijl himself of technical grounds, to avoid mi ciifpiirv into his conduct. Thu following is 11 copy of the paper presented by Com. Elliott to the Court. “ Tho precept coiivenning tljo Court of Enquiry in this casenutliorisc* them to enquire into rurtniu specific, complaint* tpul charges prefi’vretl nml exhi bited against Captain Jesse I). Elliott, which tiro set fourth, ‘and also to ein/nirc into H,coJ)io.ialcon duct gentrally of thn said Cap inn Jrtscc l>. Elliot, while commanding the Fluted {stales ftaval forces in the Mediterranean Sea in the yrwr,lfi85, 183G, 1837, 1838. The letter of the Secretary of the Na vy, oft lie 22d April, 1039, extends this enquiry 'his conduct while commanding tho Constitution in llunti.ton Ronds.’ " With great respect fur tho authority from which the order organizing the Court einmiutuil^ mid a pro per diffidence in his own judgement, Cupt. Elliott states thnt this general form el* enquiry is not in ac cordance with precedent or uutliority; but he dis tinctly waives the objection lljoretu, and desires that every ground of complaint may ho fully inquired into. In order however, toprepare for his defence^ lie requests 4 specification of tin* charges nial complaints intended to be exhibited uial preferred against him, major tho general cnoso above quoted, as wpll as the nipqcs of the licensors (if any) und of the witnes ses intended to bo resiwctivoly oxantined ujkwi said cliarges.” When the pajior was presented the Judge Advo- cate stated that he could not give any specification of tho charges. Tlpit it wus a general enquiry into the official conduct of Com. Elliott, und tliut every ground of complaint must be enquired into, as it should lie elicited from tho witnesses in the course of examination. The Court then said that if the Judge Advocate would comply with tho request of Com. Elliott, it wouid be u grout conveiiicnCo to all concerned, mid promote economy of liotli time and expense; but as the Judge Advooutocould not,front the iiatqro of the inquiiv, comply with the request, the Court would give Com. Elliot* ample limy to prepare for hi* defence. The President of the Court wished Coin. Elliott to tile tho tilst paitof tlioabove paper relative to the fiitm of enquiry, in order that the attention of the Navy Department might lie call- Vd to its peculiar character; but Com. Elliott fear ing that the nature of the paper might he misunder stood if hut u part of it were published, declined, aud ut the suggestion of the Court, with the con currence of the J uclgc Advoca’te, the whole paper was withdrawn. So far is this clinrg^ frotq being well founded, Com. Elliott wished Ins whole life to he enquired into, and hiul in attendance upon the Court, witnes ses summoned at his request to give testimony rv- lativcto the affiiir of Lake Erin, ‘which tho Court discharged on the ground that ull matter was pre cluded .which was not distinctly referred to in the order of tlic,Dcpnrtmcnt convening llie Court. It may Ini proper to suite that nil Courts of In quiry heretofore hqvo been called to inquire into tbe conduct of the nccuscd on n particular occasion; and into n specilc and insulated transaction, sqch os Utc loss of q ship—the failure of an expedition; and that there is no instance ot an inquiry like this of Com. Elliott, which is inquisitorial—into his whole conduct during a cruise of four years, and search ing into nil his rdntions, public and private. To all which, Com. Elliott makes lo objection, and has no apprehension as to tlie event. A FORGERY. Tba New York Express of Saturday says;—A forgery ofu few thousand dollars hqs been discov ered in om-of the banks in Wall sUeet. (t is pot of sufficient mgaoiiude to be of any consequence to ilm bank. Tho person changed with it, it nn individual who lint been in ilia street at a broker, and w ho it now absent on business at the south.— The disclosure has caused some surprise, a* it is supposed to have been kept up 011 accommodation paper for some time, 11m party implicated is ♦ ary respectably connected A highly re*pecti|blo Ami.-Abolition Meeting hn« boon nHiciitly held ut Noiynrk, (N* J ) tint Mayor of tho city presiding. Resolution* were adopted strong ly condemnatory oft lie Fanatics, and in a tine Con servative Constitutional spirit. They are qll that the South could wish or desire. Tho Abolitionist* have latterly received some rebukes front high places ns well ns distinguished m**u, tlpit will upentlu in a salutary manner on their bold fanaticism. They can claim no distinguished iiqmc ns the advocate of their doctrines, c::*ept it be Dr. Clmooiog, m,.l none of tho inthicntinl journals of the country will now dare, commit themselves, if own sniuclimnl, to such no advocacy. Thu iiillucnco of tie* Aboli tionist* is evidently on the wane, uml tho triumph of good sunse, of real philantlpopy and 11 diffusive patriotism, will, we eontiduully expect, insure the overthrow of their destructive theories with their pernicious power.—Southern Patriot. CliERAW, (S C.) Mny 17. The long continued drought itr April mid theer ly part of the present month bus destroyed many of iho morns nuilticuuli* cuttings in this neighborhood, Somo were killed lifter two or thre.i Innvcs had opened, and others before the sprout appeared above ground. Tie* cuttings which wore planted perpendicularly Mtcceedrd best; und lor tliis obvi ous renson, tliut with the upper end ut n given dis tance ijnder tliu surface of tho ground tho lower end wns deeper? and, of coqr«e, in npdstcr earth, that iftljw ootjing Ind been planted with mi iucliaatiou. Wo novi r could sec any good ru'tson for tho advice cammonly givnn to pliiqf with nn inuliimtion, nml novel have folluwud it, when wp used short cut tings. We understand that the lailuro caused by tho drotiglit extended us fur south as Augusta, und how imiih fat titer we know not, From the Knickerbocker for May. l’liucr AND I'laoiaiiism.—Wc have before qsq linndsotne London edition of Dr. Caleb Tiuknor’x excellent work on quackery, which wns no ticed at length n short time since in this muguzine, A previous work by llie same until a*, “The l’hiloso- pby of Living," was not long ugo published in Lon don by Dr. Mayo, as his own production, and that just onoyeur after tho publication in this country of the original work, by the Brothels Harper. Some of tho Loudon .loitrtudists, who havp discovered the fraud, think it rather foitimate for the fome of one countryman, thnt tii* volume was ii*aied *q loti: before tho pirated mid plagiarized copy ! TIIB TWO COLONIESt Ht trMOKK roWKR. Two colonies vet exist within I'ennsylvniiin— •xmplei oflhitb, indeed, may ho found a (thin n few tidies of IMiiliidp|phiii-rat!4 lilt’s® fionstjiate, witlt mo, n never fulling source of Interest and amuse- menu Tlpy nr«composed of I)uu*h and Irish, of* ten lofatod on adjoining townships, hat ki*t*plng their bolder* as clearly defined a* though iho wall of Chins were drawn between them. No two bo dies exist In Nnturomoro tepellant; neither time, nor tho necessities of traffic, which dnily ntl»e amongst a growing population, can indue * n repeal of their tacit iiourintcfcourso system, nr even render them loir taut of each other. 1 have understood thnt i’nt hns, on occasions of high festivity, been known to egtend his courtesy *.> fur u* to pay his Gertqtiy neighbors a cull to inquire kindly tyhetbpr “any gentle matt in the plnnj might ho.ln&Vint>t\ lor a tiglq,'Abut this evidence of good nature appears to huvo been neither understood nor reciprocated, and, proof against the blundishmont, Mynheet; wns net to bo hamincred Into Quptac.1 vjth ".deqnylld Irlshcr."* It is a ouylouq n\attey toohijervo thy purity w[h which hntlj piinp'o havo conserved tho di degt of their respective countries, nml the integrity of their manners, costume, prejudices, nay, their vary air —all of which they yet present fresh mid charnclet,-. istic, ns imported by their mice.tors, although sente of them met In* third in descent from the first colo nist*. Differing in nil idler particulars, on till* point ofeharacter their similarity is striking. Amongst tho Gqrmitu*. | have laid families poin ted out to me, who«e Cither* beheld tin* commence ment oftho war of Independence in IVunsylvuniu, yet who are nt thisd iy us ignorant of ii* language, extent, policy, or population, us was the worthy pa-tor of whom it is related, that, having boon re quested to communicate to his ilork tho want of supplies which existed in tho Amciicnn camp, he assured the authorities t lint lie bad done so. ns well ns described 10them the exact slaleofnllNir*. “ I said to dent,"he repented in English, “Get op min broilers and mine sisters,nml put cm paced by die vngon, mil brood mul ooraj mit sehoap’s flesh mid flesh of dio groote big*, nml ossllesh; alias lie hropnio to go opdevtiy, mit odor good mens, to simply General Yashtnglen, who fighting die Knglishe Konig vor our peoples, amlerlifes, un- dor libeidies, npon dem banks of the Schuylkill, dies sido of die Western Indies." In his piggery ofu residence nml his pnlncn of it bum, in ins wtiRoti,* ids oven, his pipe, bis person uml physiognomy, the third in descent from tho worthies exhorted above,remains unchanged. The cases upon which, a* a juryman, h • decides, bo hear* through tl o medium of mi official interpreter; he lias his own journal which serves out hi* own por'ion of politics to him in Lmv Dutch, uml in the sntnn language is primed such portions of the nets of the State Legislature ns may in any way relate to the section ho inhabits; the only puiiout of the community, indeed, which ho knows, or cures to know nny thing about. My honest countrymen of tho snmo class. I can answer for being at tdigdlly sophisticated os tlieiv odder neighbors; it is Iran their tattered robes have been superseded by sufficient clothing, nml a bit of good broadcloth for Sunday or Saint's day, ami their protracted lenten fare exchanged for abundanceofgon I meat, nml bread, and lay—galore for the priest and tho mistress j Imi when politics or nny stirring cause Is oflered to them, their feel ings uiv found to bo nscxcliiiblc.nml their tempera ment ns fiery, ns though still siumhng uu thu bank* of thn Suiror the Shannon. On all occasions of rit-tic holiday, they may yet bo readily recognised by their slinging gait, the bit of a stick borne jn the (pillow of their huud, tho ini- iqitaldu sjmpn ami set of the Int, the lovo of lop- cunts in the men, nml iho abiding Insiufur red rib ands and sijk gowns unpmgxt tlm wqnton. Tho inherent difference betweeq tho iwq people Is never more strikingly perceived then when you have occasion to make uny-inqipry whilst passing iliroitgh their viluiges. l’all up yoqr horse by a group of tittle Dutchmeii, in ofiier to lorn 11 your wayur n*k any information, and the chance is,they either run 11 way '* iipoiiiitsiim't," or uru screamed at to come within dolor* by their prudent mothers t upon which cry they scalier. like scared rabbits for the ivarien, leaving yon to “ Try Turner,'' ur uny oile r shop within laid » For my-elf, after a slight oxp olmcp, I succeed ed with my friends to admiration; the few senten ces of iiidilfeiem Dutch which i yet conserved from my education amongst tlm Vue loan's nt the Cape, sin ved as a patspot t to their civi.ity. Without this accomplishment, all strangers mo suspected of be ing Lisliers ; und,u* such, partake of the dislike and dread io which their mmo mercurial uuighhui* are held by ibis sobcisaidcd un i cluse-laimlud genera tion, On tho other hand, enter an Irish village, nml, by nnychntieo, see the yoiiui’vjllains precipitated out of the common -chool; e ill tonne of those, hnd 4 dozen will he under your liorse's feet in a moment, prompt in their ruplios, even if ignorant of thnt you reek to huirri, and ready and willing to show you any placoor mud they know nny thing, or nothing, about. I have frequently, on theseiN'cusioiis, when linked to walk into their cabin by tbe old people, 00 hearing their accent, and seeing myself thus sur rounded, almost doubted my being in the valley of l’minsyLunin. So litile indeed does the accent of tho Iri-h- American, who lives exclusively uuiongst his own peoide jn the country parts, differ from chut of tho sctt|er of a year, tlmt, mi occasion* of closely con* tested e|,-atinns, tliis lends toimpodlion 011 tho ono linnd nod vexation oil the other; nml it is by no means uncommon for union whose lather was horn in the Slates, to he questioned as to his right of itilizcihdiip, nt|d requested to bring pi oofs of a three years’ residence. SINGULAR SENTENCE. A varyrom irkablo sentencu was passed upon a man named Nicholu. C. Robinson, who was con* victod uf manslaughter nt Wilmington, N. C. not long ugo. Judge 1’ijrsoo* delivered the sentence in the following form t "That the prisoner be taken to tho jail whence ho name, bo brought into court ut 4 o'clock, P. M.. be branded on the brawn of the thumb with the letter M. nod tliut ha lie couliuud in .jail for six month*.' It nppuming to the satisfaction of tfi« Court that hgjsa lawless mpl dangerous man^-tHq circumstances*of the trial of u highly aggruvoud character, amounting, in tho opinion of the court, to murder—ordered that ho cater into recognizance with two good and sufljcicnt securities in thu sum $5l)0 each, for hi* gmrtl behaviour fur five years front iho expiration of Ids imprisonment. Am) that should bo remain in the State nt tho expiration uf five ycurs, bo shall then come into court at the first term of the court for this comity, and make his re- cognizniipo nu l and void, and s)aod committed un til costs are paid." Praiseworthy.—Among the passenger* w-lm left Mobile 011 Tuesday la-l in the ship Flo;idiiin for New York, wns Mi*» Anon Wheeler, thoyoung cleve of the Mobile Rifle Company. Her history is interesting. It will be jn tho recollection of nin ny of our readers, snys ll;e Planter^ Jouraql, tliut some years since, on the sudden drath of Mr. Mor ris Wheeler, n popular member of that yhlontcer Corps, bis brother soldier* nailed in paying every tribute uf re*pcet to |i>* memory j nod ns a further suhsiuntini and uhidiiig testimony uf their estoom, undsrtiHik the ‘charge of mi-ing und educating his daughter, then 11 little child. That trust they have faithfully executed, nml have provided ample foods lor the increased expenditure required by her ad vancing growth. The child, now on intelligent girl of ten or eleven yenrs of age, hns been sent to the north, to receive nt the best schools there, eve ry advantage of mental and moral cultivation, such a« her liberal beaeficmrs desired to bestow upon tho orphun of their deceased friend- \y« nroglad to be n*»urvd that this tyc.t of noble sensibility has been worthily bestowed, mid that llioir pro tege exhibits all the signs of a gentle mid docilo disposition, and the proofs of a superior capacity, which must gratify tho hearts of her young protec tors.—AT. O. Picayune, 18th inst. A fact for those wiio i>mqzlikve the costa- own or Plaoob.—ft is u little remarkable, us stated by Mr. Baldwin, that among upwards of a miLiqn of inhabitants carried off by the Plague in Upper eud lower Egypt during the space of four years, not a single oil mnn or dealer in oil suffered. The same fact was noticed during the plague In Lon* d -it- It is now tbp common practice fur all physl- cians and nurses in the plague to besmear their fie cos, hands and Mies with oil, and to wear oiled The British Brig of War Ringdove, Capt Stew- art, went to sea from Hampton Hoads on Thors* 1 day evening,—Norfolk Deaton, 20/4 inst. namewaaFanlgaiiius—as lie had been christened Cox, and hod only been in this country four montlii from London. As tho lady iiersiAcd ho was her husband, Mr. Fniilg.iaitts, and ho tvns equally |khI* live that he was Mr. Co*, tho Imslmnd of iioImhIv thn magistrate tvn* pnrplcxed how pi decide, until “ tlini the tho Indy recollected dint there wns a certain mark upon her hitslmpd's hotly by tyhicli ho could Im iden- ilnitl. A committee nt investigation w as inttnetli- ately.nupuimt:d to exntttitte tho gentleman's jtomh, hut nil their scniliny wns tintddo todetpct tho tnnrk descrilied. This settled tho tnogistrme's doubts, half satisllotl lady, and tho gentlenipn depnrtiHl, with n stronger delennlimtioii than ever ty kiMtlit'leur of thu femuies.—/*A*7, Ledger. A TiiAOKniA.y tuiinko Pukaciikr.—‘Tlm.tq.qls- villu Theatre wus laloly crowded to excess ttl'tvlt- ttwASCharles B. Parsons's cclchiqtcd pi»rii*tTnanco of Othello, when tho mnniigercnioeforwunlaiid an- iiouncetj that there could Iw no perfiirtnauce, that evening, in consequence of the surprising eottveriinn or Mr. [Verson* under Mr. i\ I a tin’s preaching, Tho nudloUfio was very imlbtiiiut and quite a number of young pyojilo run into .Sir. Mnlfit's meeting houso mid empmenced crying “Othello!" "Othello!" so loqij that Mr. Malfit stop|>cd his sermon. Immedi- ately, ftlr. Parsons walked into tho broad nilso and prmtovmccd in tho mostomphatio manner “Othoilu’s m-oapatlini'n goRo j" mid then proceeded to say tiint "A cluingu hud come over the spiritof ins dreamho hud “frettisi^ itis brief hour upon the singe"nf'i’haa* pis and henceforth should "|mrfiirm" in tho House uf Prayer qnd Temple of Zion; lie had left the “sock and buskin" for the sword and helmet of righteous ness, nialthiit, instead of fighting Shnkspcnr'* mimic hnlllos, liq should hereafter light under tlje Cross of Jesitai Clirist; and liiuilly, ho exhorted hisqldconi- niijos iqicmnin lylfti liitq qiidlonvo the TliQntro tii iHU’.onie the nlipcjo of but j. The Hupers uqy it wqs Cbipleys fo.s.i pet fortnn lice, and 11 pit )tlq thrilling el- iNpieueo lyili win him twenty fold laurels In lioly orders when cotiijniu-d tyitli the qtqge.—Chicago Pcmocraf, just as well demand remuneration from the United Btntos for nny English vessel tnkp#. by pittites in tho West India sett ♦, or in the strnlu of Mqlncca. \Yby do they nut doinitndretnnitf ration from tho King of Greece, when nn English vossel is ryibbcrl by a gang of tho Hydriote bitccaneor* T Pirates are common enemies, end no government is hold responsible far their doings. I10 resignation of Lords Melbourne and- A Business Hoax.—A journeynmn tuftor hqs been playing Jerenty Dlddlcr on 11 large scale n- ntong tho Ballitnore merchiiuts. Ho made Ills ap pearance among lliuiq under the nnmo of Jtimejt Webb, pqtting up qt tho Globe Hotel, ainl papritr senting hirqSolf to bo i|pierclmiit in pursuit of gauds, ho wont nlwiqt mukiug large nssorttqont* fop. tyjpqlt ho wns to make cash payment*, The gait says thut nt tmnhmi.o he selected goods to tho value of $5,000, nt another $l,0U0,‘Jcc. until he had made engagements to tho value uf$30,00l>. Ho did not nsk to hnvp possosiinit of the gnnds until he should pay for them, ami thn delighted merchants laid tho articles carefully aside to await Ids planking up tljo needful. Every otto wns in ccstncics at having such n customer, so accommodating, so nffiihlo, so gem tool, uml so rich. Ho wns feasted and flattered; dinner parties were given in Ids honor; 11 sen of clmtnpaigno wns qonil'nd to hi* health and many a ride u..d pleasure excursion din lie tuku nt tlidr ex- pome. If Mr. Webb expressed fatigue, n dozen car tages were at his disposal, and the owners felt hon ored nt his condescending to ride in them; If he ex pressed 11 desire to engage in nny amusement, busi ness was thrown oside to attend upon him and pro mote Ids enjoynt „nt. I Io lived liko n fighliagcock, r.nd lie wns tlio cock of the walk for some days. At length ono morning the gentleman wns missing; dinner tiiuo entne and ho wns not to ho foul'd, and; til simper time the tenth nppenred evident thnt Mr. Webb laid gone oil* without bidding his friends fare well, nr paying Ills landlord’* bill, It wit* nfter- wards ascertained that tlio gentiemun lmd boon playing it practical joke upon tlnwo who had been pampering hint, for so far front Iwlng a rirli mer chant ho wns q pour journeyman tailor, without live dollars in the world, nnd no ctipitul hut unblushing 'tjVontery, nlumihlo nddruss, qnil a good suit of :lo|lins, The trucks ho miuin, according to the Sim, pointed hithoiwnnl.—N. Y. Sun. A Novel Divorce Cask.—The Now York Gn- zetto says: A yietition is before tlio Legislature of Connecticut, which excites n* great deal of interest, nnd ns it tip|>eiir* to us a good deal ofill feeling. It is nil iipjilicaliou of tho Indy oftho Rev. Stiinnel F. Jarvis, i). D. L. L. I), for r divorce front her husliuud, mid for the settlement ofmi tilimotiy of live thousand dollars per niiinun from hisestnto. Tlio lady urges the measure on thu ground of uiditishan- like mid illiberal treatment—aigaidliaossRiid inipe- CRniosity of provisions for her mai.itaiiiimcc. T he frienijs of the Rov. respondent, who is son of the late Bishop Jarvis, und a elerguymiili of the I^tisco- pal Church, enjoying a very high reputation ior his talents and excellent character, insist upon llm vix en disposition of the petitioner. Theysuy she i«un unensy, uncomfortublo and extravagant woman, whose conjugal conduct n(Tools much stronger grounds for tin application for 11 divoreu on the part iif tho husband, than she can ciaim herself. She, too, belongs t» onn of the most ra*|M'ctnblc families in Connecticut, and her sisters are married to sumo qflljo most distinguished men in lli« country. “The Fiki.l of Blood" at Jerusalem.—At a late soiree of the Dublin college of physicians, n highly interesting paper was read by Mr. Wilde, giving Rtt nr.rotmt of »v rattwrkable imnli discovercil nt Jerusalem, which ho laid in person oxantined; nnd from the remains found therein lie was led to bcliovo it to Im tho “ Aculduniii, or Field of Blood," purchased w ith tho 30 pieces of silver returned by Judas to the Jewish priests! Thu doorway of this tomb was of a mixed architecture, tlio pillar* nnd pediment being Grecian; the floral embellishments 011 tlm architrave Hebrew, nnd die door itself solid stone j bung on horizontal binge*. Inside it wns a lurgo chamber hewn of tho solid rock, each having smaller crypts in each of the fhroo sides, in nil of which huntun remains wen; found. 'The skulls which ho exhibited, were of natioa* who never in- habitci) that land, therefore " strangers" nt Jerusa lem at this period. No Jewish remains wore found! Tlio skulls belonged to thn Mongolian. EibiopiRii, or tiro mixed rices; ttyo of them on the authority of Dr. Pritchard, were of Turkish origin, onn an African, probably n negro Mozambique. The tqnjb was accidentally discovered by tin Arab, of tiro vil lage of Sibro. Tiro Inference Dr. Wilde drew wus, that it was the true Potter's Field. Iroiug used for the burial of strangers who died in Jerusalem. Sir Stephen Chapman, Major General In the British Army nml the flovernqr of tho Bermudas, und Lady CImpman, lifter passing n Gay or two in this city, left yesterday morning for Washing ton.— Dallimpre Post, THIS DAY'S MAIL—12 M. KF Tiro Mail of this* day Is very Imrreii mdeed ; tiro follow ing luting ihpophrimn^of IntrroAt we.can find. fYont tie Kingston, (U. (,'• Chronicle.) Wo leant, op tho au|hprily of private juttfrs by tin* I.iverjMtol, lint it is Ute lixivl deterininallon of Her Majesty’s tninjsier* to demand oftho United State* rumuneiptipu for the steamboat Sir Robert Peel, It is snid-Lonl Mellrourae Is about to retire, In consequence of ill Ironlth, mid that Lonl John Rus sell hns also dctcmtiimd on resigning, without nny refi' tiro vi»m. of tlio Ilnnso on tiro govern ment of Irelninl. Touching Um stnteinont in tho first of the ahovo i|Uoted paragraph*, about thn ilomnnd of rentuper- nlioti for the.Sir Rolrort Peol, wo venture to say thnt it is iho fixed deli riiiin il oji of her Majesty's minis- t> r| to |»qrpctrate no such nhsnjxUqv. They might well d ’ .*.... •K' As for th „ Russell, wo shall know more about It, probably, In tiro course of tho ijegt fortnight,—jV. y, c'omnier- eial, 20/4 ins/. BcorginMcnm Packet Coiniinny, Fan CHARLESTON. Oqt side I’asHRge, through in 0, Honrs. Fare $5—Meals F.xlru. ' THE sjjtmi'Jd steam packet WM, GASTON, Geo. Fioelnnd, mas- will in future leave‘Knoll's wharf nt G o'clock, A. M> on Tuesihiys nnd Thttj-silays. The nhjcct. of shunning tho nmif is to ensure trayollors going not th, tho. minting of thn Vyilipbigton line. For ftoight or passage, nppjy on board to George Freo- land, master, qr to rttnya-l ' " pCTAVUS C0HKN, Agont, 9(. B. Breqkfn»v and d\mror will he fttfnishwl, for which nnexttn charge will ho mqde. gte ajMB aaBUBasiBS Central Rail Road Qf OcQrRia. O N tiro 1st July this mini will be opened to.the 80 mile station, n point in Burke county, near Ruck Head Creek, where tho Louisville Road spisies, A largo and commodious store house will he provided at llial spot, nnd competent mid faith ful Rgnnts employed iorecoivo nnd forward produ o nnd mrruhnndi|c, Proihroe hunt tiro neighboring counties will thore he toueivod and for wared with despatch to Savan? nail. Mcrchnndiso fm tniddlo Georgia can with little delay or vxjroaso Uo transported in this station, and will l»o in solely until called for by wagons. The communication hot ween that point und Savannah, nml between that point und Augusta, will ho daily, nud in all probability will by tiro first of July, bo dnily between that point mid Mncnn. It is expected that tho reed will Iro open to the Ogl'd roo 101 miles front tills city, by tlio 1st of No. v'litlier, mid so soon 11.1 that shall lie, a similar pre vision will ho made ut that point of Ware I louses, Agents, Ait, npril 27 (Rep.) J, McKARLAND, Agent. Orcat Northern ami Southern Mail route via Wilmington, Halifax and Char• lesion, express lint, daily, T HFjjrnntUnitp.) States hjipl jy nqw transpor ted 011 till* Lino‘daily, through fjon\ Chafes- ■avnnSab market, Mnzai. lityu nt-nucTiiiNi* COITON—pn'lMiord. to mid...... 14 • II Ilia Iff M Set . Mfe;:;;:::;; n «»»' c.mi;v..;v..v.v.. n a — • IN.II. I i *i.r • • ..l •• .v_ am -JJ ilia iff iffl« If 30 • S3 14 4* 8J' cojin- oats iiay „ i'iiii.jaJiiKViVl‘»hU;; *-« — »sgMv*v-J-S-v MdBIto *•/».*■.,|1 (sill 3a WibsKEY—iv^iinin, jtuiii. - ,5 a 43, (*IN—Northom,pir ganon......47 3 63®, Mnn«fiictured;.,.,r,13 <9 itf MACKKREL-No. 1..........-3 -* 2., * * ^ ‘ TAT,LOIV'—P„r Hi -...V.'.V.* S ....fSj’S JS I-rlme. .,$21 9 S3. bacon.;...: Vi.'..'.. low HI, — into ... I1AMS.....V...... ....7 It*® Iff- I.AIU) .v.v.vjs lia if UUrTKII-OwKonV,'.',.,...,.. ;..v so a 30 SOAP—Yellow .... **•*,•••,.*« ,',*.*.* ff® »: cuBjafe:...;.;;;;:;;,*;;;....;. _ 2 -i C'AftDLES—-Nortliorn Mbgld»•••••*»' 16 ® 18 Georgia ...V»...'.*,T*Vi 2(1 LUMBER—Yellow I’ino RunglnVTtm- iror Q © IQ. St- SatyVil Flooring BdnriTs|l8’ 2tt Blvcr Lumber, ’'Boards, I’lnak and .Suititling..•. |14 <9 16 QourtorbiV, U iacli Fiddl ing Hoard*.,,.',, ; # ;, t ‘8|f, Q 18 . Whitu Vino, c)r 0 r,-..,\;.;lag ® c* MerrliHnrablu , , , , M , • .,814 tfc' mm a Btnvos.# t t»-S lak Staves,.'..,,,*, — © 15 Merchnntublu gfrf Oak 5 D blip bait w—........... —. w jingle*......$4« $ „ roKKION Vroductiom. • • . ! ,8 , 2 ?S - SALr-Wu....... ( ,V.-,-.... 49 * —■ ■im 8U0AR 2 Z ljruwn.'. — ® —. Pori it Rci.',;.7|® n Si*'Croix,' .ut ttt MV. Now Orleans,',.._ Rufinod Lqaf,'.".%* 16i<9 17” £9TOt i te <:;.* SSK ts, 1K A—My son,,50 & 65 RUM—.liimnicu,,.,,.;,,,i,^,,,',, $i qp ] 3 New England ............... 41 ® 43' MOliASSES—llnvmia.. 23 3|)' Now Orleiili* 36 fQ> 40* LONDON rt'UTER-Vcrdozeii.... $3 ® -4* 00 S per dox.. $34® '*4 UON—Swqde*..fUt) gxqH^KOK. ' ' ■“.*** ON ENGLAND—Di a.M pR^.ijpnt nrom, NEW YORK—At sight l^por cent prfrp,. # 30 days 4 per cent ppm A * 00 days par'^Apof cent djs t Draft* on Now York at sight, 1 j per cant, prom. FREIGHTS—To Liverpool, Ad dull; Nowt ' York 75 cm, porbalo. ' * (RmniEUGIAL. Latest dates from Livkuimhii. April 19 Latest dates from Havre April 15 Latest dates prom Havana .Mat b WEEKLY EXPORTS. LIVERPOOL—BrshipOiwislplum—2170 bales Up land and 2t holes S ( Cotton. LIVERPOOL—;rtldp Hritlnnia—18.W holes Upland nnd 187 bains 8 I Cotton. Side Gov Fcinior— 1050Itnlos Upland, and 133bale* 81 Cotton. BOSTON—Brig Mentor—107.000 feet Timber, NEW YORK—Rrig Savzamib—108 bales C'uUon, C5 pnekneos Sundries. CHARLESTON—SclirColumbia—901 bales Up land Colton. BOSTON, Mny J7. Coffee.—There Is hut very little doing, uml prices nre ousellled two recent import* of St. Domingo (which is ull there I* of that description in market,) ure held lit 1 lc per III und upwards. Tlio only wiles we have to notice is J u 400 bags Java at 13 a 13 j, and Porto Cuhcllo m 12 u |3 C p,. r ||», (i ms. Cotton.—The demand has somewhat revived till week, and considerable has lieoii done nt rather hot ter prices, particularly at tiro close of tho week, when somo parcels were taken nt about \e. per 11, nilvancc. The transactions consist of 1100 n 1200 hales New Orleans at 17 a 10c, uml Upland ul 17 a 174cpwlh, 6 ms. Flour—The mnrkst has boon dull throughout tho past week. Sales of Gcuessce, common brands, nt 7^'7j, Soles of Ohio nt 74“7,31, Cash. Tho sale* of Southern embrace nb or 1500 bids Petersburg at 7; fialiOO do Howard *t7 j, nnd 5 ii 000 Frede ricksburg ami Alexandria ul 7n7l per bb|, ull cash. Tiro market closes languid ami unsettled. Rice— Privnto sales nrn moderate at 4|, 4J nnd 5c per lb, 4 and Q nt*. Sale* by miction, 54 tierces nt $4,00, 4 ms, nnd 20 do nt 4i| per 100 lb*, cash. Sugar—S des nl'OnOOO boxes Havana brown gt Oj-iHjc per Hicnslt. No sales white. Sules by nor- lion, 100 boxes ilnvnnn brown nt $0,05 per 100 lb; 107 do do ordinary, 7,00 a 7,03, nnd 12 hhdsSt. Croix at 8|u8j per lb, 4 m*. SHIl* NFffWS* PORT OF SAVANNAH, MAY 95. sun RISKS 3 02 | MOON RISKS 4 08 SETS 8 58 I HIGH WATER 6 50 A genuine cotqcdy oferror* occurred in New York ty day or two since, which is related in tlio N. York Dispatch. A foreign gentleman, named Funigaatai, about n year since, paid hi* addresses to a young lady named r}evlin. He wo# accepted, uial led her blushing to tiro nltar. where tho inutrirqotiiol knot was tied, not sqfficieully tight, however, to ctfoctu- nlly S4*cure the husband, wi;o, in tiueo week* time, gathere'i nlxiut eight himdrcd dollars jn money lie- longing to hi* wife and Iwr brother, and then ran off. All the means tiro forsaken fair ottw had re course to failed to discover the place of Ills retreat. On Sunday last, ns she wu« returning from church, slro discoverml Mr. Faiiignatns standing upon thn step* of a hotel, employed io picking his teeth with a quill. Miss Devlin hastened to a magistrate, ob tained a warrant, nnd had it s-'rvud upon tho genilo- man who was picking his teeth upon the hotel stops Ho was brought before tho Justice, and licensed of his cruel desertion of her. Tho getuleiutut wiu as- toriithed to find that he Ind • wife,as he had always inspected himself of bring an ineurahlo okl balcho. lor, but w«* still nivra •urprised to hear that bis A It IIWED DUIIINQ TUB WEEK, Ship Millodgeville, Porter Now York. Ur uurk Barlow, Spencer, Bormqdn. Brig Win Taylor, Hoey, New York. Brig Exit, Hinson. Charleston. HelirHoutii Carolina, Goodwin, Charleston, grhr Emeliiie, Gale, New Orient*. 8cln Hamilton, Rudluy, Ogcccliee. gclir .North H'tar, Sinitli, Bqili. ( Hlmip Mnuoa, Ridiardson, Ujcebero. Slcniiilront Ciinrlvstoa, Hubl'anl, Careys parry. BteamboutGustoii, I'n-nluu’d, Charleston. Steamboat J Halinoiid, FroileridJ, (larey* Ferry. SteatnlionlJ Hume, Mendall, Darien. Steamboat Duncnu MocRne, Colvin. Augusta Steamboat Wm Seobrook, King, Charleston. Sie imlKint Florida, N»ick, Pii-olsta, Brunswick, nt Marys, JarkvtnviUu and Black Creek. Steamboat D W St Juba, l’undl, Augusta. Steam packet Savanuah, Crabtree, Charleston. rileainooat C'ol Jewett, , Darien. ' Steamboat Forester, Drake. St Msrys ami Bruns wick. Stoamlroat Lamar, Creawcll, Augusta. Steamboat Choiokee, Norris, Augusla- C LEAR HD. Ship Sarah Parker, Davis, Charleston.-—G. B. Cum* ndog. Ship Washington, Adams, Charleston.—Padelford, Fay tt Co. '* ' Br sliip Gmsipium, Urown. Liverpool.—D. Reid. Ship Brittunia, Cook, Liverpool,—A. R. Gordon, Ship Gov Ponnur, Ueniist, Liverpool.—E. Molyneux Brig Menbir, Mayo, Boston.—-W.G. Robinson. Brig Savannah,' Hubbard, New York*.—C. B. Carter. SclirColumbia, Stevens, Charleston,—Master. WEST TO SEA. Ship Charlotte, Gorham, Liverpool. Batk Zcitnbin, Remington, Norfolk, (Va.) Brig Muntor, Mayo! Boston. Brig Savannah. Hubbard, New York. Scfir. Rob Roy, A|inor, New London. DEPARTED. Steamboat John Randolph, Dugg. Aggusta. SieainboalGastoo, Freeland, Ciiarlfston. Stesmboat Clurlealon, Hubbard, Gareys Ferry. For €lmrlttstoii,v»u Hilton llciid, Ucuiiforii ami Eillato* K K" ■ pi Tho iplendid steam packet WM. S&SBEc&mwIUSKABROOK, A. King, master, will depart for lint above places on MONDAY MORN ING, tl'°-7rh inst., at Oa'ohrok. For freight nr C as«nge, having •uperlor’accommodotloin apply on mini, or to may 23 CLAGHORN& ^VOCjOp. toil to Portsnt-oith nmj Rlchmomj in 4fi hours, fare $•15, m\ie* of tip? ynll roml tu« completed and in operation, nmj tiro Imlqnra )n rapid progrevs. flw Ringing U already rediroad to 7RmUas, which is In first inteqrd'-f, nud will Int refulnrly diminish- ini of the riyjl rquil Is opened. 'fhP company has three of the finest soty stonm pockptl |q the United State*, (nil trow) vie t tlm CJov. Dudley, Noith Car* olina and C. Vanderbilt, which leuvo Charleston for Wilmington altornutely every nfternoon at 4 n’clovk, or n* soon after a* tint Cars arrive from Au gusta. This lino connects ul Wi-ldon on the Roan- olio itiver, with tiro Portsmouth nnd nod i’eteishurg Rail Rond*, affording to tiro triyvnller a choice, eith er via Portsmouth and thuCTrosopenkn Bouts to Uul- timorn dnily, nr vin Petersburg, Richmond nnd Fredericksburg Rail Uoudi dully, This line Is rqnip|K>d will) llie bust bouts, lucumotlyo*, cur* and stages, that can bu procured, nnd for comfort, safety and speed, rnnnoy lye equalled* Fapt through to Welden, $2U-rlo Wilmington $0, All slave pas sengers must boolenred nt tho Custom House. For passage, upply on bouril. nt t|ai Wilmington Steam 1’ockot wharf, B. II. JACOBS, Agent, Wilmington Steam Packet wharf. Charleston, Mny 10, 1838. mayOO-Sm From the Sagunnah Shipping aiyl CqvyncrcigL Lift, Ffay 24. COTTON—Arriyod lino* U^.l^th ijtty. 1^8ba!ni Upland and 01 Imlo* 8,1. Cottun, and oleo^od at tljp" I'D', 6W Wm. IJi-VwiV w/i lAW.-a.i, {fountt tjeuvltyjr a tutek on hand, lnclqxWo qf all dr llilp bpu^l no\clco/ui\ nn tlio,24tli Inst, of 1358$ hales Upland and 453 hales Sea Island Cotton, Tho demand this wook for Upland has bean to ^ fair extent, ami tho market elites with an ypwx^ tendency; the sales are \200 bales, v!xt23 at 14j>t 78 at 14^; 301 at 15.y 209 at 13j; 218 at 15|| 4ii' ut 15J; 204 at I5|; 24 at 16; 87 at 10j. In Sc^ Island wo have no sales of any import to ropprt. Receipts of Cotton at thu follotglng placet xln^ October 1st. 1838. 1837 Georgia,'May 191134- 27067 A South Carellriiy, May (8^.^ ., 180522 253732 Mobile, Mny Ifl,...........244083 30360? New-Orionns, Muy 18, t 51 <728, 6188.40, Florida,May 4,. 73218 lQfl55Q t North Cnrellnn, Muy 4,.. ...,10073 |5883 Virginia, Mny 10,,.,....‘.^...*21000; 2420,qj Nfotistc. T RAVELLERS nrn again cautioned ngninst the many misrepresentation* mqdo to prejudlco thorn against tho route to and from the south, via the Chesapeake Bay Steamboats, and the Ports mouth and Rnnnnko Rail Ruud, M«ra th&it twenty-two years have thn boat* on this Bay huso miming nt all seasons of the yeur, and never has life or limb been lost by thorn, Tbe trains on tho Purtinniuih nnd Hunnokn Roll Hoad have now run more than 125,000 miles within tlio lust 18 months, nnd not an Injury of any kind, how ever small, has happened. Through dally between Baltimore and Weldon (where commences tho Wilmington and Charles ton daily linn) Ill 121 llOUl'S, with but ono chungo of baggage, no loss of sleep, no qjghl travel- “Tii * • • ■ -• ling on Rail R<nu|*, nm| ut less exponip limit on nny other lino, Office of tho P. * ft. R. R. Co. > Portsmouth, May -$»h, JUftlj. j .may 21-lm /Votlcc. Daily mail from Sitvannah to A"2 U 8 ,R hy Central Rail Rand nnrf four horse postcoaclip*. O N and after Monday, 2(hh inst,, |hp mnil fur Aqi>u*tn tyljl leave Savannah nt 0,o’clock. A, M., dailyi l»y the wny ofrlro Cunlrnl Rail Kona for 7Q milos, and thonpo to Augus'a, 60 mins, in four l|or*a |iqit oonphes—arrives io Augusta at 10 o' clock nt night. The mail will leayo Augusta daily, at 11 o’clock, P. M.,ln four hqrse nqu conches, and arrive by way of the Rail Road in g^nnah, n) r ““ “ j”iIi,'AIU.ANd! A{,nlO.R.n. ay 15 (Rep) iflucon Sleumbout Couiimny. (iilk Under Slilrtfi nnd Drawers* Y HUPKRIOft jrtlcK for sale by_ may 25 HAMILTON Si HOUSTON. rv 1H K Macon Sioao.T.oat Corppnny titka this m« X thud ofinformiugthe Merchants of tlifj intori- or ofGeorgin, and iho piihljo generally, that their lino af Bonis are in full operation, and solicit tlroir patronage t Irolieving that good*, forwarded byway of Dnrion, is the most expedition* route. Tho Com K nyhqvn five now STEAM BOATS, commanded first rain Captains, vjx I ' J.STONE, - Cam. W.C. Mendall, CHIEFTAIN,' - ff Geo, Wilcox, EXCEL, • ff O. Guinn. SUPERIOR, “ Wm. F. Johnson, J. GODDARD, “ J. L. Wilcox. Also, sixteen first rate TOW BOATS, hujlt ex- c essly for thp navigation of Alntumoha and Ocmul- gee Riycr*. The J. Stono i* n side wlrool Boat, low pressure engine, carries 7011 hales of cotton, and rum regu larly throe times a week, between Suvnnnuh and Darien, Tiro Chieftain is a side qrlienl Boat, ami carries 500 «»r 00D boles of cotton, runs regulnriy between Dnricp and Chqfleifon, qnri between Sa vannah and Charleston. Tho Excel, Superior and J. Goddard, run m-jolnrlybetween Darien and Ma con, towing two boats each. Ono of them will leave Darien regularly every three days—the usual time of nasfogo up j* five ot six day*. This line is connected with a linpof*eypn packets ntnuiug regularly Irotweett New York nnd Darien. Any good* or produce shipped to their agbuts, ot or dered to Iro dripped by tho’r line, wilj Iro forwarded with despatch. Thn company, thankful fqp the p» troiroge they luivv received, hqvo incrensud thoil tneansofeouveyanco largely, nm| pledge themselves tbuseevory exertion to furilitnte tjio itppreiM of thirte who may ship hy theit linn. There are also n line ofsrhooners running Irojween Cljarlestnq and Darien,to tho Company’s agent* in each place. ‘ f" The agent* for tbe Now York u*d Darien lino ol packet*, ore R. M. DEMIL. 186 Front st. New York,and HAWKS, MITCHELL & CULLJNS, Darien,- AfftfoU qf the Macon Steamboat Company. L. BALDWIN,Savannah. MARTIN & WALTER, Charleston. O. K. ROBERTS. HawklmvlHe. ^ HAWKS, MITCIIKU. & COLLINS, Dart,,. J. OOIIDARI) SCO. M.rmt. R. SI. DKMIL, IWl Froom.. N«w YmIi. m Iff 10*1715 ISBSjOl Tbp.rulfowtflff i. O ■tiuutDC/il of tljo .took of Cot. do im Imoil at tlio roimotivo ntooo, nauiatf,. tiuvonimli, Muy 2ff lffl)43 ,v “— Sootll CoroIJno. Moy 3,ff37 Mobile, Afny 18,., 2482! Now-Orlcans, May l8>ttttUI03U Virginia, May 10,...... .!.. North CqryUnn, Muy 4,,,. v ll'ofl, Augusta*Hiiinbijrg, Mny 1, (6832 Macon, Mayl...... 3854 Florida,May Hi.. r lonnn,i\iay 11,.«......•• 7,000 Philiidelphiu, May 11,., 3203 N.ow-York, Muy 15, .......00000 299970, 37150V VICE,—In this articlu. tlppro Ups bean bat very, little do up since our lust; the fijw sales ^iad<i ha^ bean at FLOUR.—Tho plour market contia\|tM very dull. Small. sajci.H^'nr^ %trooJ at $8^8^\ Caoal at Now prloqns qt $8. CORN-vjD retailing fram, store. t\t flOaWftcU,.^ lots to suit purchasers. GUOCEUIFffS.—In Coffee, Sugar and Mobuucf, a fair retail business doing qt nnott^fons. . ’ ’ 3,\CON.—Salos,of I5,n0ft Ibg. Western SUbuf dors nt lOalO) lO.QpO Ibg. Sixles at I2|. HAY.—Sales of 2fl0 bum^jes Eastern, op, tbq whnrf nt $1 25. WttXtr-ARot* WO taS-k I-Woti^n W 1A mse week qt 42 cts. EJ^C4IANGE-~On England^, ^ia9| per ct. prem, Drafts op N. Yo^k, at sight, 1^ 9L prem. ’"FREIGHTS—To LiveriKTOl, dull,at Id; to.Nom XoritJ^cU. bale. J. Statement of Cqtton, A/WjfJ24- Stopk pn hand, IstOtpajrpr,...,., Received, this week....~. t ,.... Do. previously,,...... tweek. GOWi 32k - Do, previously,..103870 3954 |6R002 ffBft Stock on hniyl.lnclufflintr nil nn fhip-. * bonrd nqt Reared on tho 2^ '1 May. 13587 458 im? 'ZAi; For lafaciwi Gnil (he intermediate places. fat Macon, on'her return from Charlmton.. being her last trip this season. f!or. frctgUt, vj»Vch \gtU lioukon imo .1010, Ujjffluho srrixql of (ho bofft.oj- ply to oj.yS| p. P. BDTT8 CO; Towing. TO" CUATBAW, Cog, XRMBpL. tv™,, fflllbo leapt h^ocfiilw ‘V •ummer ipontlj, fa lb, pntpon of nixing jpnMU up or down thr n»er. Foe terms, apply at tpa G/*- ftce of the Georgia SteamiroAt Company. .. . may M-fli WM. TAYLOR, r. g.ju-p. For 8i»lc. WILLIAM V .. town, Mu**., Dioirl C. R.roqq, rqaste^. Slro Is 7 year* old, 61 tons burtUeo, gan carry up wards braoo bides Cotton, anil in every rr ‘ For Snlo. A Jgh The -loop WILLI A M Wfc \Y, of Froq- SBftto “ K ris of300 bales Cotton, andinepry respect ulate.l for lha lightering witV*t*. aijd coasting . . l ,» n | n IW| tKtarj, ** MADISON 1 mud#. Apply tu the captain on board, or to’ 1-eodim MADISON DURF EE, In Darien. F4»C /2A The ship OTHELLO, R. f|. Tucker, Jr. TM18 master/ ianoyr ready to re< cWo a corgo of I.OOJV rrmly To r ve.vo a corEu Cotton. For freight, opply to morffMV J.r.HEMRY. .Iverjool. Jjk Tho uBErU bKAVKR. Copl. Xlm,o4.. ’ SB bu lwlfh-r e,r,o eur-H. »jxt tjolrff. For freight rfgfM Ijol.,, apply I. "O/O • ‘l-ADEUOUD,rAY4 ! f0. / JH ■BK-