The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, June 01, 1839, Image 2

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#V*imlkeS. V. Commercial, Vf*/A jtW. TWO DAYS I.ATKR FROM ENGLAND, lly l1w|*r-ket *hlp Shukspeme, ('nplalu< 'utm-II, fi«mv Uvctpout, we have Loislmi papers tn t Hit oven- fog tif tbo25lh of April, and Liverpool to tlw 2lHh «rth inclusive. Th» 4mlh of llm f*;irl of K«vw Ik nnnounrrd. Hi* went to hi* n*»l mi (In* ‘.Md of Anril, in iln» 82nd year of hi* ten. I .art your, on I ho death of hi* •lit Cuuntc**, he married Mi** Stephen*, th" vura- lUt, Iwtwern wh on and him*olf it wn* that M engagement Iim<J subdued fin many yuncs, (hocompletion of which wn* waiting IIm ilcnth of the first Imdy Essex, who hml long hem separated from lirr Lord, on account of incompatibility of tom* por. Thu l-Inrl i* sticconded by hi* neplww, Mr. AlgermMi Co itcl. The vessel# rominiiuionnl by Captain James RnM, for a Southern voyage uf tbo discovery—■ the lied* ami Tenor—afiM'njM'ftuI to be ready in An- Rn«t. Tho c*#a nfilix» Canadian prisoners, Me#*r#. Pin-- knr, Aire*, Brown anil Walker, wit* ngniii argued in the Court of Exolmmier on the ‘.Wh. The Court look tlmo looonthler it* judgment. A onrpispondent of the London Time* rive* the follow ing nrconnl ol n recent nnnirie, wrought l y n pari*h prie«t, w hich, he »n\*, i» extensively circulu- ting in 1 rdnml. A report lm» in general gone abroad among the people, (lint a ninn called Henry I 'm land ha*, in consequence of hi* di*lione*ly, Im-cii Mmck into u •ouml »leop, in liar middle of 11 fin'd near I.orpin, in Novemlier ln«t; nnd Mill remain* resting on tho •pule with whirii ho wu* digging when the occur rence took place. The following U the ncrmmtofthi* affair:—Home time lattharveM, Farland *vu* on hi* way to pay hi* rent {he occupied a small farm jointly with a w man tunned Harriet Outline,) and clillcd to km if site wm ready. Shit had the money, Ian *aid that as *lm could not go, he might lake it for her, *i Im took the widow'* relit, lie proci-edi-d on hit way, and no mom wa» heard of the matter for sev eral days, when Mr*, fiitlhrie *nw the agent njs- f iroaclt Iter door, and ask In-r for her rent: *{ie mini t wm already paid, that * lie had given it to I lurry Farland, and mentioned the day on which ho pai I his own. Tho agent said he had recoiled no money lait Farland'* own, *'Well," said »he, “there is Harry In the field, and you call satisfy yourself re garding it." “No," said tho gentleman, “ I cnuinit leavu my horse, lint go to him and t* II him in give you the receipt; she went mid asked him w hat In* und done with her iimney} he did not deny he hud gut the money, hut said, coolly, where wn# her w it- m-ssT Him said them w-ns no one present hut God and herself; •• Your (red, then inadiim," said he, “was nsleen at tho time, and therefore could nut •oe," "Then," said the pour widow, “ I suppose you hnvo not paid llm money; you rheaied me, hut you cannot cheat God," So she left him. Jle was soenhy n mail standing Oil Id* spade, who observing Jiitn tit contiuije in t|iut positimi without moving, was surpris'd. On ajiproachiiig, iurpiiry wn» made hut no an swer. lie attempted to waken him, hut could nut. The man then gave tl|e alarm; so the neighbours Hocked yound Fnrlniul, hut no means could lie found fn woken him. At last they sunt for llm clergy, tho Church minister, the Presbyterian minister, ami llm priest, successively to make him speak. The first *wo had no influence on him. When he spoke he snid, “ I nm to stand horn to the day of judgment." The iieuplo then thought to move him hy force, hut coitlif not stir him. '1'liey got a saw- to cut tho spade on which ho w as leaning, that he might fall, hut the first cut life sqw hrnko into pieces. Then they got hlni|kets In cover him from the roi>|, hut they were hlowrn away; so he, it siients, hy futo, must hear all Wool her. Rev. J. HOLLAND, Jl. KKILNS, (J. MKOARY, I Wish IVIest, Belfast, inno, The Cambridge, packet of April 1st, had not ar rived on tho SOtli, Intelligem-e had heen tveoived, however, hy n privntu loiter from St. John's, N. U., of llm termination of the houinliu-y dispute. Tim Ituoan hold u lover on tho'J Ith. Aiming the presenUthms we observe the inline* of M, C. Paler- son, Ksoj of Now York, and Mr Curiull MactuvUh, pf Maryland | The Parliamentary proceedings of tho Q4th nnd Q5th nro i|Ulto devoid of interest. Lonm»n, April 25. Yesterday we had n great scarcity of nrrivnlsiiud intelligence, to-dny we have still less front all quar ter*! consequently them is no spi-mlntimi in the British or foreign funds to the present hour, Con- •ols may Im qimtod lit the leaving off pricuofyester- tiny, 04 j. hnyurs for tho account, Wki.cii Csi.vinistic Methodist*.—Among tin S ponger* on board tho Liverpool, nm the Rev enry lines, of this town, nnd the Rev. Mosei Furry, of Denbigh, who am sent ns ,1 deputation from tha associated body of Welch Cnlvinislir Methodists, to visit their cmintrymeii, who reside in great numbers in various parts of the United Slates. Upwanl of llifl of thoir friends ncciiiu- pnnied them to the ship in n sienmer hired for the purpose, nnd during tlielr movements nlumt the J.ivei-jMHil, sung n number of verses composed for rim occasion, Wo nro told that tho singing, not withstanding tlm wind was so liigh, was hoanl at somo distance, and the effect was remarkably pleas ing. Previous ti» thpfr going on board tl|e Liver pool, the two tninislers placed themselves in a pnsi- llun which gnvn all thoir friends an opportunity to •ay '? Fomwoll I" and the scene was tmly an affect ing one. It doserves to bo recorded, that, in con jldoratiun of tho object of tho mission nu which Utiso two gentlemen nro going, tlm directors of tho Trinsatlantic .Su-ain Company have, in the most hindsnmo manner, remitted a port ion of their pus- page money.—Liverpool Courier. We have reason to lieliovu that tho purchase of pikes and oilier arm* is much more extensive in this neighbourhood than jsgenendlv suspected. At the mooting at Hind ley, to lay u cimivh-nite, the Char- tilt* assembled, mul inim-hed in processinn tlimugh rilhfgo, pmceiied hy two femnies, etp-h armed . JPIth p long pike, They were followed hy two men »vith naked swords, nnd atnon. it tlm company a number of pikes were exhibited, nnd also fire-arms, which went fired off occasionally. A limit West- houghton, Leigh, and Chowbent, great quantities rfpik es have boon sold; bulged tjicro are smiths in tho Qoiglibouriiood of those place* cnitsUtntly em- ployod fit tins manufacture of those weapon*; and wo beliuvo there i* scarcely a sick nr benefit society in which a majority of Radicals nre not to Imfouiaf, that a resolution has been passed to apply tlm funds in tlio purchako of pike# or other dangerous wen* pons.— irigon Gazelle. FRANCK. Tho advices from Paris are to the 23d nt none. Tho ministerial crists, ns it is culled, wns still tlm areat topic of discussion, und it appears ilmt tlm Chamber qf Deputies liad taken it up us Uto subject ofan oxciting tjehate. The parties whoso names liavo boon before the public in connexion with the fovend attempts to funu a ministry, were inuking explanations of tbuctpisc* of their failure, M. Thiers taking tho lend. Tho Marquis of Dalmniin, son of Marshall Soult, In the name of Ids father, declared that tlm Murshal took all tbo rcs|H»n*ibililv of tho payt he had per fprraod, completely exonerating tl»o King.. 80 far aiwn can discover, tlm nrincilpa difficulty was about tho appointment »f M. Titters, to thp port folio of foreign ufiairs, which his friends insisted im, and to which the Marshal would not agree, tlje flews of M. Thiers on the subject of assisting tho Auoen of Spain being decidedly, hostile to hi* own There tya* a difficulty also about tlm presidency • tbo Chamber, and the making of Odtllou Damn’ glcctign thereto a Cabinet question. Tlm debate was not terminated at the date of tlm latest ad vices. lions ate surh that I connot admit ul tlm timlmr Im- ing moved ft nm lids territory. Your oi mil lent servant Ntr., A*s’t P. f». Agent. To this, Mr. McLaughlin sent only a ten ml an swer that lie would tan-t llm Maine Agent on Fish River. The following nro exlrnrts from the n-p- rt of Mr. Njo to Col. Jnrvi* s— “ On Tuesday, llm 7lh Instant. I reerlved in- fie mat Ion that Jatnc* McLnujIilan, F.*q., wn« at Madawaska with a party of fifty men and some In dian* un hi* way to lid* river to tnko the tiinlmr now (n our laaim and to diite me off, On the next day I rceelted inlbruintion in whieli I had full cun- fidence, that Mr. McLntighlan with a party of thir ty rni-n and some Indians nrninl with gun# and l.mtieknives, had passed llm month of Fish River, on llmir way to the Allal.aih, with the avowed in tention of driving the Luinlmr outof tliejoristliclion of tlm Slate. I consider «ny instruelions requin-d mo to take every measure in my power to retain tho Lniolmr i« id,in llm State, in discharge of this duty I took with me fifteen of rny men on Thursday morning and descended the river to the mouth mid thenni- min Ini the St. John’s about ten miles, where my previous information wns fully confirmed, nml I lintli'T learn llmt Mr. Mi-|.aiiglilmi was on the Al- Iegn«h turning llm lumber into the sin uni. 1 eontiniied on my wny to tin; Allngmh, where I met twelve iff MiT.niighltiu's hunt* returning with their men mid Imggnge. I pria-eedc-d up the river until I had got above nit the timber which wnv run ning, nml came In the eoiielusioii that the whole «f MeLaiighlmi's party had gone down tlm river. I limn tuna d rilirmt mid rlen-i mh'd alioiil nine miles, wlu u I found tin- party whirii I hnd met enrntiiped on the soutii side of the St John's, i iislo-d them what wns their ohjeel, nnd where Mr. M«-l.migliliu was?—of this they would not inform me, hut ihut llmirnrdrrs wrirto turn ofl'uhimv of Timber whirii was then scrim- on llm hank. I ordered tju-in to leave the lugs and liiula-rand to move down llm riv er, whieli order they olmyeil. I followed above sev en miles, where we camped for llm night."*— Host on Timet,' • From He 2d edition A’. V. Fxpret NEW YORK May 25. Tho senateo( Connecticut diJ not agree yest*-r- day In tho choice of a Senator. Mr. Sherman had fqopo yotp» than Mr. Belts. JHE BOUNDARY AQAIN. Tbo provincial wnniun sent hy ngn*cnien»,toitnp and proservo tho limber cut by tlm marauders, has boon upon tho St. J-hn*. upon Fi«h river, and upqn tlm Allagash; whore ilia timber U|*on tlm banks );is been set odgiA to niiidowq iq tha province, it is ftfspecud, by tho Wanh-n’i qidcrs. Alvin N>o, Ujo Sjtlno Assistant Land Agent, pursued and stop, {tod bl# prqceodir.g*. A corres mml-nco l.nik place, U which Mr. Nye stared that his ordcu u-uidd not •How him to suffer tho timber hp remove*j out of tH State of Maine, as follows: St.Johns RiveriSt. Francis Settlement, > Mnv 10th, 1032. ) ToJtMH'HcUvgUin, Etq. Pruv. War. Sut—Having imwivo*! Information ofyaur having tioomMtho St. Joints River with a party of men, fbrdtfotowiNl purpore of .Irlvlnf the Timlmr and I«ft now within lit# jurioliction of tlm Hint- of SlMpo. loin tlm Province «f New Brunswick, I am Under tbo dlsjgriwahlo nree«»ity of Infurmlng ymt that ouch onna pill bo in vlulatiou of tho riglits of tbo Stare. Jr*}«**< you «ha/cfutatc do.i.t, as my inairvc* /Vom the Washington (itvbc 27/A tntt. VIRGINIA ELECTION. Tho result, ns far as wo Imvo receive*l returns, fellow. W o him* i.ot room to give nil thedclnils. Front sumo <>f tlm count : o* we have not n-cetvcil tho full returns; Imt enough to render tho result almost CONGRESS. IM#. I Freih-n rk, (Ihmcdstrr, rio.shl.HMl. fin-* nsville, llninpshov, Hanover, 1 Hi nriro, I aloof Wight, 1 James City William-burg, King dr. Hu<i-ii, 1 King William, | Lmnluini, Louisa, 1 Lunenburg, 1 Madison, 1 Morgan, Nnnseiimnd, Nelson, 1 Norfolk Brough, Not folk county, Orange & I Page, 1 Pel. r-loirg, Powhatan, Prince Edvviud, Prim-ess Anne, PrilM’l* Gefilge, Prince W illinin, I Kappidiiuinm-.k, lliehmund City, II... kl.ri.ic*, Rorkinglmm, 2 Shenandoah, 2 Suulhiiiopton, Hpnttsvlvnuia, Slaft’orV Harry, Su-*ev I 21 15 31 0 of Dolfgnlrs lima i in Senate and llnuse in give i be m joint ballot over tlm eoml.iio d. VIRGINIA ELECTION, Correspondence of the. Alexandria Gazelle, WlNi-MKSTKIi, Mnv 23, HWfl, J III o'clock, P. M. j Dear Sir:—l give vail below nu nulhi-iitic state- nieiit of tlm poll in “Old Frederick." For Congress —Barton (Whig) 572; I.urna (V. 1U5H2. For the Geuernl Assemhlv.—Hherrnrd (Con ) 5fi2; Byrd (V. B.) fi.'JO; Lovett (Whig) 157 ; Bn- ker(V. B.) 11157. Front Jnilersnii, wo learn, by the Curs, this eve ning, that Worlliiegtou olid Keuui-dy, (Whig,) will hecertuinly elertrd; ami that Barton’s mnjority will la* 75. Then* is great Inineiilatiim among the Whig- nver Shermrd’s defeat. It is indeed u must utii-k- peeled and unkind cut. ChnilnllcHvitln, Albemarle 1 County, V11.. Monday I, P.M. ) D**nr Sir:—Tlm polls here now stain) ns follows For Congress —(hirland (Con.) 171 | Goitlot (V. B.) 52. For State Seiiato —Cocke (Whig) 2510; Colei (V.B.)3i. For the Gem ml Assembly.—Gilmer ami S .nth all, no opposition, 225 The best npii-il exists between the Whigsnnd Cnn semilives—most of tlm Conservatives vailing theen tir** Whig Ticket, while tlm Whigs have genera y united im Gurlund for Congress. Uccoqunn, Priucn Win. Co., ) May 21, 11130. j The polls closed, at tills place, Inst evening. Tin result is as fellows: For Congress, Taliaferro. Grayson Occoqnnn -43 • • Hi Dumfries -27 * - 4li Pulls kf|ito|H*n in Dumfries. From the roseript lo Alexandria ClazeVe, 27/A. Up to Saturday night Inst wo heard front t’m bi l lowing counties and towns t Richmond City, 1 Whig; Putcrsburgh, Ido., Al- liermorle, 2 do. 1 Dinwhldio, I d«t.; King (Seorge, I do.; Fauquier, 2 do. 5 Spottayvuiiin, 1 Con«crvntiv**. Wldg gain 1. Fiiirtax 1 Van I’uro i; Frolerie 1 ,2 d- .* Stafford 1 do,; Prince Willmm, I do. Whig loss 3. Partial ret urea front Loudoun und .letleisoit give those cetm'ics to the Whigs, making five more Whig votes. Mr. Mercer Is elected to Congress from the Lou doun District, mul Mr. Butts, from the Richmond District, both Whigs. From the Jfichnwnd Compiler, With, Frtershura. House of Delegates; John F. Mnv elected hy 5(1 nuij: Senate! Flournoy (ii? tint j. Congress: Pegniin 07 nut j. Flournoy lit ahead in the district ns iitr n* heiinl from. King William. According to the litlesl m-eoonts W S Fouliiiin- was 14 votes tiheitd ofShadwii-k fiir House of Dele gates, and.Scott on the 1st day was 71 votes ahead of ilimter, lor Congress. Chesterfield, No opposition to Cox for llotiso of Delegates, nml N114I1 (arnirdlug to tlm latest accounts,) wus (I I ulioad of Flournoy, fiirtlm Senate. lluckingh'ini. The two Whig riindidates were nltrad acconling to llm latest luTonut#, <tml it is reported that Hill, the Whig Congressional Cmididute, is elected in that district, Dinwiddle. Whllew.trtlt it l« supposed will he elected. Aliot.t tl rco o'clock he was ahead CO, und Gliolstmt (f*>t Congress] HI) almnil. (hccntville. A Democratic delegate i* elected. Albemarle, Mr. Garland had about 100 minority over Gen. .Gonlutt. Sussex, and Surry hnvoelectwl Demoernls, The Petersburg It Constelintiou of the 25th Inst, sjmnking of the election say# " Our distant friends may be assured of the rc-olcction ofRivpinnd Dront* goole, hy front three to four hundred mnjority each.’ Fed. nnd Cons, John T. Hill, II. A. Wise, John M. Bolts, James Garland, C. F. Mercer. AI!M>itiiit-te, Shennndouh, Sussex, Richutoiid, Aujustn, 1 1 2 3 3 Federal und C.msetvotive gain thus fur, in the Senate, 1; two m-.nv district* to hear from. HOUSE OF DKLGATKS. Election '3(1. KUx-iIon '33. Dent Fed & Con. Dent Fed »t Con. Albcmar", Amelin, Andters', Augustr, Berkley, Brunswick, 1 Buckingham, CampMI, Charles City Sc New Kei Chailottc. Clmsterlicld, Clark & War ren, CiiinU'rland. Dinwiddle, EIIuiIm-iIi 'City A Warwick, Fairfax, Fluvai.nJ, 1 Denmcfnt gniu in the lloir fur, 10. Democratic, tmll gai of Delegates, ft. Againoffo DeuiiN-nilie parly n majority I'TdernlisI* nnd Ceusurvntive Semilorinl di.lriels which electtwnSenators,nnd counties wliicbelect riKty-live de|egn|us, retnain to lie heard front. Six of I ho l-Vrieriili-ts eletced nre opposed to Mr. Rives; nnd wo nuderslaud, nro pledged to vote n- yiiin*t liim for the I 'nit* d Suites Senate: nimielv Messrs. Gilmer nn.l Southall of Albemarle, Allyn .if Norfolk, Smith of (Jloin-ester, Crawfoid from Eli/a- belli City iiihI Wni wii-k, anil Gregory from Jana s City, York, nml Williamsburg. The four Inst nam ed pledged ayainst Clay ns well as Rives. POSTSCRIPT. By the West, in Moil of L.-duy. CONGRESS. Slciurod, (Dent ) llnymoiul, (Fed.) Ohio county, 250 451 Mur.'lmll county, 52 imij. Tyler com,ty, |U0 do Bruiiku nmiity, 00 do 572 Stciiirod's inn ;urily lima fur, 121. 1'iestoii and .Mouongulin to hem- fronf, Imth De- nocrnlio counties. Huymond lives in .Moimugnlia minty, mul mav gel a siimll majority in It. The Richmond Compiler of the 27lb ult. lias the following RECAPITULATION. W’dtr loss: Soiilhniiiptoii I, (heensvillo I, Fair fax 1, B inswiik I, Powhalitu I, Frederick I, linn psh e I. and Rnppalmiiiioi-k (mny lie) I—It. Gain; rteoatm- in Cnroliuc I, do. in Albemarle I, delegnti* from Diuwitldic 1, from Nelson I — 1. In Cnugiess, the Whigs have lost Mallory, mid prob ably Hunter—they have vo.y probably gained tic Representiititc from Citiulierlnud, Sic. The Compiler, of the 20th says, liticx—Congress: Hunter, Whig, 203; Scoit, A dm., (12. Senate*. Thnrutim, Whig, 2513; Gar nett, Adni., 151, House of Delegates: Lorimer, Whig, 224; Wright. Adm., 144. Hunter’s nm- jority fur Congress is unexpeetedly large; nml the result nf tho contest i* very doubtful. Nothing nntlietaic I'roni King William nml other count ies of the District yet. 1‘ritiee MV//iom—Congress: firm son, Adm, 25lt;Talinfei-ro, Whig. 45. Senate: llouloa. A.lm, 2H7; French 115. Ilmise nf |)«4egat)'s: RatdilVe, Adm. 21)5; llum«D7. Polls kept open a: Dum fries precinct—vote wlllbe little elinuged. Contest between (Sritys'iu und Taliafetro dose nn.l doubt ful. Dls. Dcnmcrnts, 1 JiH'l Hulleman, 5 2 Francis K. Iliyes, C 3 John W. Jones, 11 4 G«m. C. Dmmgoole, 12 10 Francis Scott, 14 13 Litm Banks, 15 William Luca*, 1(» G. B. Samuel, 17 Robert Craig. The seven distticts remaining to he Itcnnl from wont represented in tho last Congress hy tho fol lowing persons: Waller (kilos, (Dem) W S Morgan, (Dent) Archibald Stuart.(D.-m) Jehu Tnlittforro.( Fed) Andrew Beirue,(Dent) GooW 1 lopkins.(Coii) Jasenh Johnson, (Dent ^ All nfwiumi nr • email kites for resdcction,except Mr. Morgan; Lewis StcinioJ (Dent) ruuoiug in his place. STATE SENATE. Election in'30. Electi u in '33. Dent Fed vt Con. Dent Feu vt Con. Chesterfield dirt 1 1 [From the .Y. w Orlcant Pienytine, Mai/ 23.1 OolNos IN Mm# I.*.* if ft.— Wo would wish t.. be lieve the Mississippian* whin nature iiiteiidinl they riioul.i he, liunk.lm-pitahle, generous nnd chival rous; biilrccei.i events almost foicethe conviction on our mind tint they hayn f.iuPy Itiirtnit. cl her design mat that l|te high-easeofhonor vvlodi she placed ill their hnanin for wise and noldo |mi|ioses has been made subservient to a spirit evincing n reckless 1 egurii for life, ami n loo prevalent dusire to imbue thoii hands in tho hlmid of their li-llotv dli/ens. When will nu-n lent 11 litiw a' surd it I# to ■lucid.- persotinl di-pul'-h l.v resort to deadly wea pons? 01 how long i* .t till public feeling will regurd the man wlm goes about mailed with Bowie knives, dirk* mid pistols as a premeditated mill'derer ? 1 lea yen forlcml lino the period may not he far distnu:- Those p-nfurntory remarks have suggested them selves on persuing in the Niiteher. Courier of the 20ili ittsl. un ncemtt nf two street liithls, one of whieli proved ftiinl to one nf the parti.-# engaged, ami is henilcd, *■ Another affray and death," as ii such scene# wete «if nneveiy day nerumnee, m at least intiutitiiiig their rrc(|iiem-y, The unfiirtuiiiilo event took place in tho townuv Woodville, Wilkin, snu county, last week. The particulars are these Mr. A. J. Foster, tl.o foreman of the Grand Juiy, made liintseifaclivo in that capacity, to render cer tain persons inneimbloto the law who hml been par ties to n contemplated duel. Husoinetimos after visited the ntiiec of Mr, Leigh, one of the parties, who called hint an informer, and applied other in sulting epithets to hint. A rhnllcngc ensued nml a duel was derided on ; hut before the appointed til) 10 Mr. Le'gh met Mr. C. Foster, 11 younger brother of A. -I. Foster. Insulting language ensued, and a general tight was the ctm-eqm-nce, in whieli Dt. Moresfo. C. Fq*tcr, Mr. Leigh, Mr. Fielding Davis, Judge Sinitli nml one nr two other* were engaged. Mr. Leigh, who had rocqiv.-d some per sonal injury Irom Mr Davis, sent him n challenge hy Mr. F. A. Moore. Mooreuad Dn\i«, now quar relled, Davis si nick the former with a whip, injur ing him severely —Mr- Davis shortly after pro. Cfe.le.l to |hoI'o*lOllier: Mr. Leigh walked imme diately after him with a drawn knife or dirk in his Intnd. Mr. I). saw- hint 11* lie advanced, and told hint imt to nppronch hint. Mr, L, continued to do so, Mr. D. repeated ids waning, nnd told him if ho did *0 he would shunt him ; und seeing that Mr. Lcig|i did imt stop, ho raised n dcuible-hurrelc.l gun which ho h-ul in liisl.oml nnd snnppvd both barrels nt him, neither of whieli went off. lie then struck hint w tilt the end of die gun ami knocked hint down, and then retreated across the street. Mr, Leigh after rising continued to advance, when Mr. Davis drew a pistol nnd shot Mr. L. in the side, which penetrated Ids spine, l.t'igh, after lingering near two days, died of the wound. Davis was imme diately arrested nml after an examination was nd- Hutted to bail intliesont ul $15,1)1)11. The ie-s kmn-nttible affair to which we have ad verted occurred nt Jackson, Miss., on the 15thtu*r. It uppears that Gov, McNutt was contemptuously spit upon by It. L. Dixon, the clerk nftlw Chancery Court, somo few weeks since, nml that one A. J, 1’nxtor thought it tube his duty in the public pu- l>or# to wipe of ||;e stain. This was the origin of the oftirir, and here is the sequel us given in the Natchex Courier. It is an extract front a letter da ted Jackson, Kith May. We would wishloal-ridge it, imt there is such u chain nf citvtttnrtancc* that we cannot well do so. Tho writer snys: Un yesterday, R. I.. Dixon, the clerk oftheChan cery Court, attacked A. J. I’iixt<-n in the Rotunda of the Capital, nnd gave hint a very severe caning, for nml on necountofn publication ofl’uxton’swhich nppenred in the Misstssippinn of the 3d lust. Judge McKinley of the U. S. Conn, (then in session in the capitol,) fined Dixon $500 for contempt of court. In the evening Mr. l’nxton nr.d Ids friends, about twenty in number, prepared, for tm attack 011 Dix on, hy arming themselves with guns and pistols.and placed themselves in n house hy which D. wo* most sore to puss in going to Id* office. D. hearing of this, prepared himself for defence hy taking his stand in the street, where he stood for hull’an hour, when l*. scot him a challenge, which D. would not accept, assigned ns hi* reasons, that he had n lucra tive office, and should he accept it challenge, he would lose jt, ord by the law debarred front the pri vilege of ever again holding an office in the State. I’axton then canto out and commenced advancing on Dixon, w ho told hint llun if he advanced further it would la* nt the risk of hi* life, nt which I’, stop- |*ed nod denounced D. and then retired, when the crowd almost simultaneously shouted “HiinaJifor Dixon " I lent the umtti r of yesterday scents like ly to stop. But tliia cuming Judge McKioh y of the V S. court, nfter adjourning court, nml whilst on hi* wnv to hi* assn, had hi* m>*a pulled severely, hy n Mr, Janos II. Boyd, n Voting nnui who had I en acting as officer of tie- court during the ufo-i-snid uflruv between I). nml l’„ and for not interfering wn* railed “a stupid Joekn#*" hy Judge McKinley, for which lie Imd ids smeller pulled, Ac Ac. He (Boyd)is jn-tified hy everyone whom I have heutd <jn-ak of tho malt.-t, and will ho sustain- The “Hurrah fm Dixon" given nlsive,shows pu t ty plainly the false feeling of courage which pro* nils in Mississippi; nml till it is hooted down by the it- ie-islihlo voice of public opinion, n U-tler stale of tilings may im looked for in' ain. Ho long a* a nnin is visited with public opprohiutn, for not engaging in un affair of blood, all I iws earn ted for tho preven tion of sneh scenes will Is- nngiitoiy and unavailing. A radical n fiomi i* m-ed.-d. May we look out for it- advent ? Tlte sight ol l|is native shore could not more gladden the heart of tho shipwrecked nmri* in r, lima would the arrival of sm-h an epoch rrenlo in the hosotn# of all wlm love tin- c.oisrtituthm—ad vocate the majesty of tlm laws, ami arc fie ml* of general order. MILITAKY ENCaTmI'.UKNT. Mention Inis r- eeatly been uimlv of a eonleiiipla- ImI military eneampon nt of the regular troop* of the Army, in the vicinity of Trenton. The foil, w- inp General Order on the subject, which we find ill the Washington paper# ofSatunlity, w ill explain i:s nature qml object. WAR DEI’ARTMENT, AtlJfTANT OKNKU.Vt.H* IIKKICK Washington, Mny 20, 1333. GENERAL ORDERS,-No. 20. With u view to thv better instrm lion nfilie troops nnd improvement of the ilitcip iee of the Ainty, such portion* of the Regiment O ’ Dragoini*, Artil lery, and Infantry as rimy lie wiilidiavvu from lle ir slat ioiiswi'liom detriment toot er inter. H |- oftlm •oniee, will be concentrated d ring llie snmiuoi months at some convenient point best calculated for a f’atnp of instruction. The arduous nnd desultory snr ice in w-liii h the troop* inivp been so lone engage I, the unavoidable dismemberment of (be Iti'iri nuril«, and separation of so many officer* from duty in the I an while employ ed on other service, could Imrdly fail greatly to im pair the rs/iriijle corps iifihe Army, a* well a* its discipline nnd Hfiei.-nev. These nm*l lie restored, and evi'iy proper effort speedily ituidc to place the service im a foundnl.011 which will ensure its steady and iinifoitn nilvanei-im iii. . Tim iicciisionnl concent 1 in ion of c •mpnnie# of the “nme regiment, and the liiiii!>iae together troops of diffi rent arm*, where all liie ilnlie* of the nffic nml soldier* of the several corps of tlm army may Im strictly uiti) systematically petfoimcd, from ihc schiinl of the company toil ofthe line, nre iiere*snty«lei>s to be taken tn effect ibis di.-siia- hle nmelionithm. Ma jor General Scott i* charged with the fia-mation it-'d iliirclion of the proposed Gamp of Tnrtrm-tion, the immediate command of wbicliw-ill he 11 .signed tn Mich officer ns he may dortgi.nlc. In choosing a posiliou for the rump, regard will be had to henlili. ehenpne**. nnd facility of transporliilsim, both of troops and supplies. Til*' Rule* niml Begnlnlt.m*, ami e<laMi*lied sys tem* for each arm of service, will be punctually ob served nml -trietlv f.riii-li«cd. nnd no other tliuntliu prescribed military ilres* wiil be w-«i h. All necessary supplies nml traii«poitntion will be promptly furni-iied by tho respective department* uftlm stuff, nnd two officers nf each branch of ilmt service will be ordered wiih.mi dekiv to report to Major Gnnerul Scott for,duty at the Camp of la- st ruction. By order to the S cref.ry nf War: H. JONES. Adjutant General. ExctiANor. Rkadino Room, New Orleans, Mny 25, 1033. OkNTI.RMKN.—The ialelligeiice which I for vnrd- od you some days since, of the capture of Gen. Mnxin, has been confirmed by tho arrival, this morning, of llm schr. G H Wener, from Veracruz, from which poll slm sailed im the Ifith iast Tlm action look place six leagues from I’lichlo, St n pi.ire rallnd Necasito. Gen. M.-xia encoiititer- ed, witli I HOI) men, ilm G.vein-m'nt troop* con-i«- ting of 2500. iinderiii- e.mvnand of Gen Valnm-in. Tlm action coninmin-ed on die 7• Ii in*t. nl4 u'ldock, A M., during which lime G-n Mexi.t fimght in llm hrave*t maimer, having taken and retaken llm ar tillery oftlm enemy three lime* ami wln-n nlniut to complete the vieiorv, Im wn* cbnrgcd ; upon in the 1 ear by Gen. St, Anna, who arrived from I’oeblo with an additional force of I 100 fre-h troops. Tin* Federal army wn* thrown into sneli cimfosiun, ilmt thov tail reined in every direciimi, when General Mexi-i was then taken 11 prisoner, nml wn# m dried to ho .shot imm diat.'ly hv Si. Anna. N. B.—The (/. //. MW.Vrlms $30,000 in specie for merchants in NW-Orlean*. aAT AW1T Altt*. SATURDAY. JUNE I, 1333. King nf the free I still brarthy swnv, Undliimi'd through ages yet untold ; O'er earth’s proud realms thy stars display. Like morning's radiant clouds unrolled. King of the ski.-*! still peerless shine, Through ether's azure vault unfurled, Till evi-iyhand ondheart entwine, To sweep oppression from the world. ANOTHER NI’AV STEAMBOAT. We w-eii-mr.e the arrival of another fine new si •nmlioat, In ran between thi * city and Macon.— Kim i* call, d the Mary Sommers, i* mvtied by our enlen-rirt.ig fellow citizen, G. B. Lamar, Esq., nn.l wn* built in Baltimore. Him arrived here yester day morning. Her length i- 111 feet «inches; her breadth25 feet I inclie*; her is 7 feel 0 hi- che* and sin* men*ore.* 203 tons. 'I lie Mary Summer*, is commanded by Capf. K. f. Wamhkr#ii', nml i* very civditalilo touur city. We wish her sneers.-. ITT* We give insertion 1 hi* day to nn article signed “Charleston," from tbo Southern Patriot defen din'' tlm ronrsi. of the Bank nf Chailoton, in rrin- tioi, to the late eolleeiion made hy that Batik ill this city. A reply to the same article will be al-m found spimdcnt under tl-e sign-itnn* of “Savaimah." An impartial public can judge of ti c merits of tho controversy by perus ing them. IGNORANCE, OR MISREPRESENTATION. We find in a bite number of llm Liverp.o*d (Eng.) Mail, an iiei-ii- uni of tho various Rail Road* now in operation ill lint United Slates. It purports tn ho taken from tin- •mihnriiy of all American gentlemen. Whoever lluu eentb man mny be, nnd we have no mean*, nt pre«eal, of nsrertni-inc hi* whereabouts, lie i* most wilfully ienornnt of llm subject on which he treats ns fur a* (ban-gin is concerned—nnd, when Im i* so vciy wrong respecting thi* State, tlm evi- dearn i# presumptive, that Im may he equally #0 with regard to oiln-rs, I lore is 1 lie snclion concerning our State : Gioitoi*.—Aitnmnlin tn P.rmtswick, 12 ni'les; Georgia Kntli.iad begin* nt Au- ustn, nw<l is to go to Athens, (11 1 mile*) Maron and GreensImiMugl ,~0 mile# done, and locomotive.* upon it; total—1)2 mile*. The Cvatriil Rail Rond of Georgia, confessedly one ofthe most important, fen*ilde, nnd progressing works of tlm day, i* entirely left out nf llm catuln. trim. This r»nd might a# well not have existence at all, a* fin ns tlm infix mat ion of the American gentlemen is al stakp. How could Imlm so blind nr misinformed n* not In know that the Centra! Rail Rond of Gonrgin, whieli is to rim to Mncoo, 200 mile#, and upward*, i* now in successful operation for 70 mile*.and carries 'Im mail mi it*route for Macon, Milledgcvillo.and Augusta three oftlm most populous cities in Gem-gin? Tinty, wo have much to contest with. Some of citizen* inlho interior nre guilty of supine lies*—nnd those interested in speculative plnnsof Internal Im provement, will not stop short of misrepresentation. Wo believe the Cetitrnl Rail llond nf Georgia In* made ns much progress since its commencement, ti nny work of a similar kind in llm United Slates, nn dereven morn fiivnrnblo imspir..'.*, lias ever made. (fur brethren of tlm press in Georgia, should no th-e this misrepresentation, h is injurious to tlm whole State. Ill: 1«S^IIKADY MONEY SYSTEM. That the “credit system" i#carried to ngrentcr extent in tho United Slates, than In any oilier coun try on tlm face of the glolm, will, w« Imlievo, be conceded without argument. is notour present purpose to inquire, whether thi# is to Imnt- tribute.! to tlm extreme honesty of our people, ns distinguished iilmvo those of all other nations, or simply Imcanso we commenced on rreilit when money was M-nrco during tho revolntionuiy con test, nnd hnvo never ln-en nldo to rid ourselves of tlm“ had hahil" since. We will leave tlm question for more profound philosophers than we pietcnd to lie, to determine. Wo belie.0 though, that in no brunch of business has the system heen enrried to a more disastrous length, than in tho newspujier line. Everywhere, hut In Americn, newspupers nro cash articles—they are paid for in advance, In tho pro vincial towns, or bought hy single copies in tho largo ami populous cities, by those who do not wish to subscribe hy the year. It wani'd, indeed, Im well, if this plan was gener ally adopted. In thi* country', where the price of a newspaper is a mere trifle, because knowledge Is not taxed as it i# in Europe, nnd no censorship exist*, but that of pul lie opinion, there is really no excuse fqr those win neglect to pay for n newspaper. Public journals h ive long since become almost ns necessary to salLfy tho mental, a* food is essential to still the cravings oftlm physical appetite. When iliev liavo nttuined this position, it surely lies with their proprietor* tlioinsclves, to inako their own terms: and hy concert of action, they must succeed. Wo despair, however, of anything effective being .done wilhout n complete reform in tho present system. Nothing will do this, until proprietors of newspapers absolutely refuse to lot any person Imvo paper until Im pays lor it. By this plain nnd -piitalde course, nil immense saving will he nmdu to proprietors of public journal*. 1 bey will hnvo ore menus to gratify thoir readers, and tlm dicln- r< ' C1 ' rial—consequential nir of patronage—on which e press in its present condition i* servilely com- •lied to irail—will in a great measure he dnnn away with, nnd the press left, in fact und indeed, n 'frer agent.' 1 Besides, tho wages oftlm operative# in n printing ifice, must be pail in cash, weekly—therefore *!i payment* are absolutely necessary to meet tbo demand. Tbo following, from the Baltimore Post, will ihmv that we are not alono in our sentiments. Wo are glad to see -‘the ball in motion." Co.vimtion or Tii k Purs*.—The condition of tho vps iii thi#country, in reference to tbo system of discriminate credit on which it has been so gener ally conducted, is beginning to engage tho intention •film conductor# of journals in various parts of tbo aimitry. The system, llm Philadelphia North American remark*, “is injurious lmtli to the pul-- dn-r* and to those subscribers who pay. Tho amount of money llm* lost would, if expended the paper a* it might have been, have increased its tmeliveness an hundred fold. It is a fuel which i unit vouch for, that there nre standing on the books of a large establishment* in nil tidjniu- iog city, bud debts to the amonnl of $100,000, uni 011 those- of nnnthcf to the amount of $(!(),000. These arc but two instance# which ve fallen under nor own observation, und there > doubtless many papers in tbo cmnilry which old present a long ami appalling array of delin- I'ticii-s. The press would Im rendered more in dependent by nensh system, nnd would avoid many mutations which are cast upon it. in Loudon this system is universal; the papers e hawked through the street# as the penny paper* are In this country." HARRISBURG, May 21. Dkcision nr Stkvkss’# Tho House of Representative# to-day, sustained tlm report of the mnjority of the committee in this case—yeas (i-l, nay* 31. The Speaker will therefore issue n war rant fin-a new election.—Harrisburg Reporter. , The niFPKUKsrr.—When a Federal Whig is proved lobe n defaulter, his party cling to and de fend him as resolutely as ever. When a Democrat becomes a defuiiltei-. lie is in stantly cast oll’nnd disowned bv hi# party, ai d find# no defenders in its presses. Which is the must honest course ?—V id. Froiu the Washington Globe, 25fh inst font rirauers of Federalism and Conseivatiun to keep their heads above water in Virginia.— The manner in which the F« detail parly pervert the principles ul* the Constitution, will in-seen in llm follow ing article from the Richmond Enquirer.— That every man interested in n freehold in n county might Imvo a vote in legislating for that inti rest, wa* the object of the law in giving the right of suf frage to every one having n freehold in a comity,— The Federalists avail themselves of this, to split up n little spot of ground into votes; and persons liav- irg voted ill their own right in the county of their residence nre converted Into nominal freeholders, mul induced to inke the round.' to vote in the neigh- horii-g counties in virtue of title deeds to land in which they have no interest--if valuable, having agreed to itTmr.sfi r the laud on rei|iie<t. The Rich mond Whig openly calls on the Whig voters oftlm city to move for 41 all the siii roiii.diiig country.” In virtue of this system of fraud, it will lie seen that the Whigs of have it in llit ’r power to vole over and over again in nil the surrounding rmuitiy, nfter having voted in the city in their own right. “ tiirWiiib Voter* or Uiciinoxtv. —The polls are kept open jo the city nod all the sur rounding country. Li t us be nt nor post to-dny, and make n united nml vigourous otlbrts for the Whig cause."—Rich mond 11 'hig. CHARLESTON, May 2fl. From Havana.—By the brig Delaware, Cnpt. Ro-s, arrived yesterday, we received files of Ha vana j npccs to the 10th inst. We have been favored by mercantile friends with the following extracts oflelterst “HAVANA, May 10. The cargoes of llm Catharine and Susan are un fold, for which 14 j had been oili-red; but tho cargo of the Engle, from Snvarnah, has since been sold nt Mrs. Mnlnssc* 1ms been purchased largely on sptvulation nt -la-1] rs." A l’ostcript ton letter ofthe 18thirst. says, “Formerly in 11 nv nun cargoes were purchased by companies, who were generally in opposition to each other; for these last three weeks, they have joined together, nod rule the market ns they please in the article of Rice and Lord. They pi-rchiso ju.t enough to hist for the week, nnd no more; and to udd still more to the low price of Rice in the Ha vana market, large supplies have come from Cum- petichv end l’orto Rico.” HAVANA. May 10. The Daniel Webster’s Rice sold nt l -lj rs. and a cargo from Snvnmmli yesterday, nt 1 I rs. Those per Catherine nml Susan nre still on boaiil, nml the slock, including llWin store, amounts to 020casks. Some holders are still asking l-tjr*. but unless sup plies become sentver than hitherto, denier* will be little iiuTmed to pay that rate. Flour $11.^, cash. "Since nor last. Sugars have continued in brisk demand at 0 rs. good yellow*; 11 jail] whites, bet ter qualities higher nnd in proportion; 7n$0 low thirds, Oja 1 '] good seconds nrd good; those latter si nice ami wanted for Eurojie. Molasses, after continuing firm at -I r*. keg, have, within the last few .lays, evinced increasi d hri*knc*« at nn advance to 41 rs. equal to about U>4 cents jicr gallon on baarvl. “ Exchange on Imndon 8u3 per cunt, pram j N. Y« rk, 3 j per cent ills.” A Stutter »n Weir's CLoniran.—Wo find the following in the Boston Transcript t Brig William, Otis, denied at this port Ncv-m- Ix-r'J-tih, Havana and Proceeded llnuice to New Oi leans, where she arrived Feb. l'L The hoard- ing ojlieer at New Oilcans, in making hi* return of the new, stated lliltl they were the tonm tint Imd left Be»ton in the brig, but odds •' Clonic* Lord pi me* to be u voman ill disguise." BEETS—OF CHATHAM. From Major Bowen wo yesterday received present of beet*—which iu appearance were tbo finest and largest wo have ever seen. They wore of tho rod till nip and white sugar specie.*, nml al though very largo 44 not pnrticulnriy selected." W therefore presume they nro hut children ofthe fruit ful soil of Fair Lawn. Wo shall not Imwevr prniso them yet, until wo prove whether they enn l> beaten. A Imni'li nf Onions whieli would shame our Yankee friends accompanied tho hoots. We shall never he backward in encouraging tho growth of such table delicacies, ami congratiihite the donor that his 41 lines have fallen upon pleasnnl places," and that ho has such goodly vegetable AN EXCELLENT JOKF. An idd suhscrib.-r in Hamburg, S. C*. lias scut u* a fee dollar bill of the Bank of Hamburg, tovvnr.b liquidating hi* subscription dues, nml threatens 41 pass some more such jokes on us before long." We nre plea,-oil with such jokes nnd care not Imw often they are repeated This jest had an additii al zest!—Double post ago on tlm letter was paid— If we are ever able to pay for tho ntnrldo requi riti we shall, if we survive tho few who tiro fond of playing sm-h jokes, inscribe their name* on ti lofty pyramid to incilo tho " Patrons" of the Press to similar deoil*. Suolt joke# are rare nml wo take pleasure in humoring them. TIIE SILK CULTPRIST’S MANUAL. This 1* tho title of a handsome octavo volume, in 40(1 p-iges, addressed to the I’lmilers nnd Fnriner# of the United Slates, on tho culture of Mulberry Trees, nad llm rearing and propagation of Silk Worm*, ns well a* the preparation of the rav terinl lor exportation, hy Mr. John PTInviBtusCK, 11 native nf France, who hns resided upwards often ye-irs in the United State*. Thi* gentleman's ability i* undoubted Ono nf the most scientific men in tho Union, P. S. Du- Poxrr.Af, Esq. of Philadelphia, member of the American Philosophical .Society, introduced tin essays of tbo author to tho notice of Congrrj fur hack ns 1830 Mr. D’H. is the son of nn emin ent silk manufacturer in Lyons, qml hr,.* n thorough practical knowledge of tho silk husiuess. He has given his readers much valuable information in the work before us, nml it should lie in tho hands of every silk grower, as it treats of tho subject more iu extenso limn any puhli-.--ui.ui we have soui. It may he Imd of Mr Euc.rsk Tr.cctlEi.UT,who ha* a few copies for sale. cognizing tlm principle. There can, therefore, have been no difficulty to the Bunk of Charleston in con vening |l« Savannah fund*, as it generally held an amount ofthe fuml# of our Banks, fu lyequxl to any claims it could mnko on Savannah. The clnlms of Charleston on this city, arising from actual business operation* nre very incnnsjdcrtih'e, tho hulnncn of trade being in favor uf Savannah. It is trim largo amounts have bepn sent for collection during tha ln«c winter pnilictilur'y, hut it must ho apparent tq thu Bank of Chariest. » itself, shut these nro Imt nteru kites, founded on m> actual business between tho two cities, and only intended tn nnulde parties to hold Cotton u little longer, nnd using tho credit of Snvnniinh for the benefit of Charleston, tho Cot-, ton being In thnt city, Tho writer next remarks that n largo portion of the demnml against Snvnn- n-ih,consisted of Bills taken on depn$iio hy the Bqnk nt par. Ileiu-e Im argue*that ns40010 weeksolnpi.-ij before theso Bill# accumulated tn nn amount suffj deni to justify the expense nf un agent, the Bank was entitled to something in tho way nf remnnera linn fm tho delay, trouble, Src. This leaves thq impression, thnt the claim of tho Bank of Charles ton wns mnde on tho notes of our different Banks, Tho writer is not acquainted with the facts, iflio supposes this was tho cuso. It is lino a small u- mount of the hills of our Bnnks were presented hy tho agent of the Bunk of Charleston, Immediately after l.i# arrival, which were al once redeemed on the terms which he himself proposed, nnd, judg ing from the quo! alien of Northern exchaagu in tha Courier, the terms enabled tho Bunk of Cliunjeslon to realize half per cent protit, n very good remuner ation for rereiving the biil* of our City Bnnks. Tho principal claim made hy the Bank of Charleston, arose from collections made lor it hy the Plantei#' Bunk. Tho agent waited in this city several days, for some of these mlk-clion* to mature. Those very collection*, to use the winds of Charleston, were in llm note# of tlm Banks of Charleston, Augusta und this rity, n largo portion of thorn hear ing on 1 heir face, payable In current uotes. Tlio Bank here, then, wn* uctually concentrating tho funds from the different points, which it was'requi red to place in Ctinrloion nt the loss of ono quartet: per cent. The ri mark of nn offer of coin at a quar ter discount fin Clinrl< a #um fluids, without intending tn h*» at all disc tspectfu! to tho writer, is not only lnugl|.ihlo,hut withoiH foundation. Tho agent brought nn coin w ith him. All in his possession wns recoivoij from the Bank* here, ni.d in si end of offering at q quarter per cent discount, ho i-xncted tho quarter percent, from our Bunks. Tlm specie wns carriccj to Charleston, at nn expense of n quarter per cent, in preferonro ton check nt pai, nnd what hns been the result? Why only to compel nn agent to visit Chnrb stun, nnd receive from the Bank of Chat lea- toll ilm specie clink'd away a few days before by its agent. Thi* dues not look business-like, bu{ rather child-like. “SAVANNAH."- Cnpt. Win. C. Bolton, U. S. N., has heen aider- •d to the command nf the frigate Brandywine. LATE FROM CANTON. A slip from the N. Y. Gazelle oilier, of Sunday 'i«t, nmntimis tho arrival of the lmrque Trenton, C ipt. 11 Al.t.KTT, nt that port, on the previous even- which furnished that paper with a file of tlm Canton Ungistcr to the 10th January lust. The opium outers, nad dealer* in that drug, were under going tho most disgraceful^!ii!ieiion* of arbitrary punishment. The This is n new name tan kind of 11 liquor sucked in hy loafers. Whenever they shew their face tho bar-keeper mixes 44 the same." No questions asked.—A'. I”. Sun. THE ELECTIONS. The Richmond Compiler, of the 28th, say.*:— We have no Whig losses or gains to report to-day. S» tlm uccuiint stands—loss 8, gaiti 4. The Ad- islnilion party have secured iitiqnulilied Van Burcn men iu the following counties, Inst year represented by (.tonsorvn!ive Rives men—Frederiek I, Hamp shire 1, I Voice George 1, Botetourt 1, Roanoke I, and Montgomery 1—3. Mr. Leggett’s appointment tn Gnutamnln, is said tube that of confide:: tin! agent of this gi.vevnnici.t. The New York Conrior nod Enquirer say*, “Mv. George Spencer, tho Cashier of the 1'bienix Bank nt Litchfield, Conn, hns absconded. Various ru mor# nro in circiilniiou rctqlivu tn tho amount fur whieli Im is n defaulter, Imt we understand llm Di rector* have not been able to discover thnt more than $5,01)0 are missing. Ilia bond is for a much larger sum, nnd it is snid tho institution will sustain no loss." The Election—Col. Downing has a majority of six hundred nnd thirty two voles. Tho other counties yet to he It-nrd from will increase it to nine nr ton hundred. The Constitution i* prohnldy lost, by two hundred nuijm-ily. Tho entire vole is giv en from Eseninbin, Washington, Calhoun, Frank lin, Jackson, Gadsden, Leon, Jefferson and Mndi- son.—Floridian, 25/A inst. “HOW ARE THE MIGHTY FALLEN!" The Richmond Whig of the 2(Jth says “ The Whig* will eertniidy elect at least another Senator, nad thus with the Conservative vote, will have an equal vote with the Loco Focus." Oh dear! Then hns Whiggeri/ come down so low, ns to Im e’en eon I cot to be "equal" with the despised Loro FoeosJ Oh! the ups and downs party—hut 44 Old Virginity never tires I" [TP Tho arrival of the schr. C. //. Weller, at New Orleans, and which left Vera C'mz, nn the Ititli lilt , is conclusive regarding the fate of the gallant Mcxu, and his brave follower*. A letter writer from St. I’etenburgh, say* ihtil the Autocrat of Russia i* nnxious to eoiqpmr Widluchia nnd Moldavia. To gum these princi palities, he should ohinin tho alliance of Austria— hut Austria is too much afraid of British bayonets, to connive nt the scheme. Should she do *0, France \> add join England most assuredly, und a seven year* war would in all probability ensue. Wo do nnuhink there D any danger of wnron the continent for year# to conto— notwiilutunding the restless ninhition of the Cztn. ItrrAi.|. or Kttt (Do. Autiii it.—We l*-nrn front Toronto, says the Richmond Compiler, thill Sir Geo, Arthur has been recalled and that the lion. Fox Manic has been app.di.ud Lii-qumuil Governor. (ron the GF.oitniAX.] Sir:— My attention has boon drawn tn some remarks in the Charleston Courier of Monday last, over the sig* nature of'"Charleston," in relation toiho recent call ofthe Bank of C barb's I on for specie,upon the Bnnks of this city. He professes himself 44 glad of the op portunity to place the matter iu n Imsiimss like point of view." It is not nty desire to enter into n con troversy with the writer, Imt to mnko n few plnin remark# rn what 1 e hns snid, nnd in the course of Miesc remarks in give nn unvarnished statement of 1 he farts. I give every credit to “Charleston," for t ho plausible manner in which he hns stated the case. IIo is in error on tho subject, or Inis boon misinformed ns to the fuels connected with tho oil »f the Bank of Charleston, on the IMunicrs’ Bank of this city. I do not mean to dispute the right of the Bunk of Charleston, to demand specie for any claims it mny accumulate on the Bank* of this, city unless some understanding to tho contrary exist# Courtesy, however, when Bank* collect for each othl er ha* dictated a different course, especially a# tho collection account is ono not free from trouldo or risk. Tho writer argue* that fund# in Charleston nre ntnn appreciation; in other words, that in Geor gia cheek* un Charleston, command a premium. If this lie so, why is it that tho Bank of Charleston re fuses #iieh fund# except,u n discount ? How is it, compelled, ns she is, to get back 44 her funds ns she can," that she decline* payment nt her own doors. Would it ho not only more lutsinest like, but certainly polite, (considering tbnt tho Bank of Charleston has nlw-nys hnd a difficul ty in concert ing its Savannah funds,) nt once to hnvo received rhreks on itself? As tn tho difficulty of converting its Savannah funds, I speak ndvLcdlv, when I say thnt the ncromit* between the Bank of Charleston nml tlm IMnn- ••^*' Batik have always been kept hy the |nt. ter Bank, on iho principle nf debit and rrodit , iu ether words,one iiccmmi hntgonu nr. an olftot to tlm other; ami not mull tlm latter pnrt of March, was the siighlurt iniltnatioli given,that ilm Bank of bar* loiton kept Its ncromit diffutent, M veiul accounts rutft'iii must Imvc pusivd between tlm Bunk* tv FROM Till! CHARLESTON PATRIOT. Mr. Editor,—Hliving given somo aUeiitioti tpthq siihj.Tt of difference between one ofthe city Bunk# and the Bnnks iu Suvunnnh, I am glad oftlm oppor tunity uffnrdcil hy tho publication in tho Courier of the uriie.le Ittmi lho Snvnnnuh Georgian, 'to pluco this matter in a plain husincss-liko point of view. The Bunk of Charleston collects for tho Planters' Bank of Savannah, and tlm latter reciprocate# hy colled ing for the Bunk of Charleston. This hitler, liistilntimi keeps two account# with all it* corte#- potiding Bank*; one iu which the corresponding Dank is charged with tlio fluids collected hy it, and another iu which it gets credit for tho Charleston fluids collected for it by the Bank here. Tlm pro-, prii'ly of keeping tin* necount# ill this way will Ikj l-cudcn d very obvious hy the following explanation. A Bank iu G-orgia, for inslanrr, will liavo lit it* credit on the hoot# ofthe Daub ol'Cliurlestim, $50,- QflO for fund* collected here, nnd nt its debit- $5(1.- 0H() for fund* collected hy it in Macon, (we will say) fin- account nf too Bank ln*re. Now it would nevrt occur to either Bank to oil'sett these amounts in ac count. 'I he funds ofthe Bank in Miinui would hq worth to it a juvmimu of perhaps I.] per cent,wldlo the liimlsof lim Bank of Charleston had probably been placed in Macon ill a discount nf 1 (per cent. The practice therefore is for each Bank to check for its own funds, or in 01 lie; words, to get them back in the best way it enn, as nt-ilhcr Bank umlcrtujicti to oolloc.l and remit. Exchange having hern for seve ral years in favor nf Charleston throughout Genre gin, the Institutions in the latter Stale have laid no difficulty in getting hack their funds; check:* 011 Cliarleslou being constantly in ilennmd nod ul pro; mimn; but nn the other Inmd Georgiu funds, furtive; ry olivi iis ivasotij have not heen equally convertible, and the Banks ol this city found it accessary In send an agent almost every week into Georgia, to snltlq with the I list ilul inns of thnt State. The terms mndq hy tlm Bank of Charleston in the settlement* Imvo always been oft 1a* most liberal character, ns it is liTNy Jieved, the Georgia Banks generally will bear testi- m ay. , This explain* the origin nnd eecos. i'y of Heading nn :ig* nt ali-oad. To relation tn .he particular tern’s nf settlemei.t tillered the .'uivanniih Bnuk. some fur ther explnirilion i* necessary, in that city, it ha# heen hitherto rasinmnry for llm Banks to receivo at their counters in payment, the bill* nf nil tho intcring UmiksofGeorgia, in consequence ofwhich, Savannah fimil# were always nt tho B.vmo discount ns Macini funds: Imt dating the past winter tho Snvnnnuh Banks rofu-icr) tn receive any bull heir own or Ail gits'a Bank Bills either iu pnyment or on deposito, nnd the result of this measure wiis n rapid appreci ation of .Savannah funds, which nro now til par iq this city. Under these circumstances un offsett ac count between corresponding Banks in,tlm two i ties would lie the most equitable nnd convenient,but this appreciation of Snvnmmli funds is lull recent— tlm Bank of Charleston litis'ulw-ays hud great diffi culty in converting its Snvnnunli funds:—has never, tlipnght itself entitled tn nsk tin uflselt iti account and such offsett was tendered hy the Snvnnunli Banks. Of lire, u largo portion of the demand* against Savannah consisted of Bills taken on depos it!: hy the Banks here at pur. Those Billsweregc- la'iully three or four weeks nccmuuhiting to mi n- monnt sufficiently largo to justify tlm expense of sending an agent to coUec.lthem, and this cireunre slaiu-e, together with what litis been already said, will explain tho rensonulilonr## qftho terms offered hy the Bank of Charleston. When tho agent of this Institution appeared iu Savannah with Snvnmmli funds, la* wn* tlmre at the expense of his Bank,w ith n fund of gold and silver. Wlmt did ho offer 7 Hq ollered to redeem in Suvnnnnh with coin, tho Bills of his own Bank, defraying himself tho expense off-- going to Snvniiunhtodu so, when those Bills ntq only redeemable at the cooler nf tho Bank of Chare lesion. Ho offered to giro Coin for Charleston fund* at j per cent discount. That the funds hop; pencil tn ho in his own Bank did not alter the prin^- ciple. The Bank of Churk'r.tnn hnd received for tlnwo very collections, Bill* of tho Bank# in Snvan- nnh & Augusta, Bills of thu - Hamburg, Camden, Columbia, Cheraw nml Georgetown Bnnks—-nm] what dirl the Savannah Bank require at its bunds t Why, that the Bnult ofChurleston should net only .culled and concentrate tho fund# from all thosq points, hut actually at its own expense nnd for tii modal ion ami advantage of the Savnonali Bank, sent tin Agent to Savannah, to hand over thd nmmmr to the Cashiers therein gold and river oi; its equivalent, free of nil charges and expenses!— Now we venture to snv that a more preposterous no-i lion than this never wn# entertained, nnd tho won der is, while our good friends-in Savannah were up-’ hniiiling the Bank of Charleston for refusing to send an Agent to Savannah, to entry them gold nnd silver for their collodions, it never occurred to them 11s somewhat strange that they should feel hostile nt giving the same terms they were so strenuous in demanding for themselves. If tho Bank o( Charleston hnd w ritten to the Planters' Bank, suit ing that there wns n Imlanco against tbo hitter of $80,000, ami requesting that nn Agent should bq sent to Charleston at the expense and risk of thq Savannah Bonk, to bring $80,000 of ChnrleMon fund* |o liquidate the debt with, and to take bnclc also at their risk, the Suvnnunh fund#, nil thiswoulc} have appeared highly ridieulnu* iu tho eye# of our worthy neighbor#, nnd yet this is precisely tho «ct; Dement required nt our hands by tbo Savanmdj CHARLESTON. [ron the orottoiAN.] Mn. Editor:—Now, that tin: proceeding#'of tho public meeting un Tuesday, have enrolled a bridge comiuunieniiiiii over tin* water* of Suviuumli river, union; tin* ini|Nirtutit wink# tolie malertukenbyour nlllzens, it.* ptei'iso location la mine* A qurrtlnn of defp lutviL-st. B it should bv located hulf,or tlirtuj