Newspaper Page Text
We have aeen many dolorous complaint* in tlie
Whig journals, conccring the Virginia Election, Inq
h take* Cel. Stour to distill gall and wormwood,
that would make Uto angel* weep. “ l’ity the *or
hrwsufa poor old maul” Do hear the veteran
Viiminia Ejection*.—Tlio return* nro coming
In quite a* fan a* we rare to *ee them. In ad
dition to the member* of Cnngre** whom election
wa» announced yesterday, we add tin* name* of U.
It. Samuel and Robert Craig—both administration.
Seven districts to be hennlfrom 5 two of which were
represented in the Inst Congress by Whig*, Talia
ferro, and Hunter, (Sub-Tr.) and live l»y Van Buren
men. The Richmond Whig think* Hunter i* pro*
Hablvdefeated. Hnymnnd, Whig, presses Stcenrod
hnrd in the Monongalia district: result uncertain,
the Whig* bavw lost funrteen inemlmr* of the
Hnusn of Delegates 5 and by consequence, to tiny
for their obstinacy in not re-electing Mr. Rives, they
have now the bitter consolation of not being aide to
elect any body.
Ah! these naughty Whigs! who could not swallow
Mr. Rivri!! They're sad fellows!!! The Colo
nel give* them up!
[for tub okohoian.]
Wai.thouviuM.ic, 2Uih May, 1839.
Mu. Editors—Enclosed you have ten cents in
payment of postage on ray first commun {cation
the receipt of which plenra to acknowledge
Mr. * * * i* out again. Did lie not intimnto
in hi* lir*t 44 that ho had no personal interest in
tlio expected conflict T What, then, prompt* him
to take so public and decided n stand against us f
l)n you, Mr. Editor, or doe* any other man believu
he is laboring against us without 44 fee or reward,
or the hope thereof?" If you do, you give him
credit for more than wo over cun.—We know not
who he is. He may be the man whom, above all
ethers, we (of Liberty County) most delight to
honor. Ho may he one for whose support wo
would rally to u mnn, and whom wo would linvo
gloried in lining in the anticipated contest taking
the lend in our defence. If so, wo rogict the
stand he lias taken—we regret that lie who should
hnve been for us is ngnlnst us. but we can't help
It—the fault is not oure. And firmly, we say
again, '* We know our rightt and will maintain
them in oar own way." Mr. * * * says in hi:
last— 44 The pr'nciplcs which were laid down in
our first stricture are still unnnswored, and by no
ruin of equity can ihey.bu controverted." Mr.
Editor, no 0110 attempts to controvert them, in
999 cases out of I DO he would be light. But
there am exceptions to every general rule, and it
would bo beyond tho power of erring muo to enact
a code of Inws under the administration of which
flagrant injustice would not tnmnrim** be done.
In the present insinncu, we know our claims to
^ laud to be just, either by “ inheritance or purchase,"
&c —wo are confident too that tho pretension* of
the 4 Corporation * are based upon fraud nod de
ceit, for there are m«-n now living amongst us
who recollect the whole transaction. But shim!'
wo submit to a suit we may not bo able to prove
these fuel* in Court.—For might wo know to ilia
tho cutilriuy, these witnesses may be considered
parlies concerned and their evidence not udinilted.
Wo nm not up to all iho “ Lawyers' trick*," and
know littlo of the law save its ' af.oRiou* uncer
tainty."—Again it will cost a large nmoimi of
money to defend our claim*. Hud we im better,
by a summary process,-save this sum 1 (Oh, seys
Mr. * **, the fee*—ilio fee*. To cut the mutter
• short, Mr. Edit, r, stern necessity knows no law,
mid if we cannot hold mir lands alter an undispu
ted possession of halt* a century, wo bad better
try mid bold them l.y “ right of conquest."
In the conclusion of bis last, Mr. * * * made
•nine remarks which lie thought wry cutting. Hot
ids venom missed its nim; mid Ids luhui in pen
ning that paragraph was well bestowed if it ollbtded
him half the mnusoiiieiit it did DoS'•nice. O.m
thing was certain, Defiance* Jjud acenin/ilislied ids
object. His shot laid told—and the gieal * * *,
tho mighty fiuliuh writhed although the shall
w as aimed liy an almost infant arm.—He seems to
think there is hut litilu danger of the soil ol I.b'ei-
*y being fattened by tho blood of Defiance. Hea
ven grant ii may bo so. Definnco won't dio so
long ns he can see anyone oiso alive. He luvos
life ahnott os well ns * * * docs money. And i
tho |tcoplo of Liberty County wi l take ids advice,
✓ they will let Iduod letting Im one of tho Inst reme
dies used. When our hivadei* come ho would ad
vise the use of mild measures first—tunli ns 1 pitch
{or tar) plasters—alter tho application, laying
them gently on f-nihor beds, first removing tho
ticket!—then Iry " rid in’ an n rail," nrcnmpnniod
wtih tho usual apothecary's direction “ When taken
to be well shaken." If this will tmt do, why
“blitter, bleed and purge." Mr. "* may
Lite when lie again feels disposed : it only reminds
si* of tho 44 uddei mid lilt* file." He may write
again mid dip his pen in gull. Ho ntuy with,
Jiis scorching satire, sear our heart-strings.—
’We heed him nut. One tiling we know, it is mi
nruholy came which forces tin* learned und Infant-
•cut * * * to resort to such means for its support,
and in bidding him furewull we must again hid him
Imp* tlm littlo we have obtained is more valuable
from the Ion if the balance.
And now tell me, Mr. Editor, is there not some
trutli in the remarks of the gentleman " at tho top
of tho ladder I" Why I* it, else, that you can’t
proclaim the election of tho Director of n Society,
Ithuut aflixing the pre-nomeo of " Honorable"
The trutli is, that in all governments und among all
people ilium is n strong lundeiicy to aristocracy,
and the symptoms of (lie prevailing epidemic dc-
volupc themselves 00 every suitable, nyo, and un
suitable, occasion. It pervades nil classes nod nil
conditions, from the stage driver who usked tin*
Dukn of Snxe-Weinmr if " lie was the man that
was passenger in the stage," and on Ids nnswei*
ilig in tho allirtnative, informed hint thut " I nm
the gentleman wot dlives yon," up to the Excol-
Icm-ie* and Honorable* of the land. It sit* in tho
Chair Editorial, the Sent Judicial, the Sofa beau-
tifnl. In short, sir, tho’ we talk about “equal
rights," und " the aristocratic fools of England,"
we go ns far as »u dare do, to imitate tho example
of tho latter in our love for tiiio and for show,
rho'syoor Constitution says that ‘ no title of no
bility shall bo granted by the United States," yet
you call your omnibusse* "Lady Washington,"
nod your Judges nud Senators “ Honorable."
Now, l tillnk, Mr. Editor, wo hnd'keltcr leave
those tilings to tho Indies. They arc tho aristocra
cy of Nature. You could not expect such u level
ling doctrine ns democracy to luivo any place in
their fuir bosoms. Lot them linvo their clique*
mid tltoir cabal*.—Let them ostracise Miss A.
becauso she Inis n lingo of red in tier hair, (red
headed women ought not to be solferod to exist,)—
or Miss B. because she wears her frock so short;
(You'll not understand that / make any objections
to Mis« C. on that score). But, for mercy’s sake,
Ml* Editor, let in, as rational creatures, give up
tiiis parade of titles, and when you next announce
tilt* election of directors to any Society, say, *• tho
following gentlemen were elected," and add their
names without any TITLE.
From the Georgia Journal.
This great work is rapidly progressing, a* will in
seen from the following, which we copy fiom the
Inst Sandersville Southern Advocate:
•* We tire plcnsej to congratulate nor fellow citi
zens on the progress of internnl improvement among
os. The Central Rail Road goes on finely. Tin
hands are ut work within n few miles of ibis place,
and tlm route is loented nearly to tile Oconee, Wo
sou little doubt lint wlint our cotton will go to Sa
vannah next fill nud spring. This will form nn en
tire new era in our trade. A great saving in the
transportation of our stnpiu must iicec.sni il ■ he
neriencod, for which n largo price can be obtained
in 11 seaport market, mid unr wants supplied better trims. Tlie county of Washington
will save by tin* new means, a sum imi less than
ten ihmismid dollars pet tilinmn—sufficient to pay
our taxes for three yea is—we nre glnd to see the
energy displayed by the director* of the Rnl Rond.
We hope tlmy may meet encouragement; the cour
tesy and gentlemanlydepoilmem oftl»t*eemu
oil in iis location iil-n ph ases us—iiltngcihor they
look like 'goingabend.' We trust Savannah will
1 lien open facilities t«» her ilp-enmilry citizens, mid
induce by lihrrnliiy and energy Iter own people to
coniine their trade to their own seaport—but this
can only lie done by extending In our merchant* and
planters those facilities, the meet with in any note
on Char estoo, for if she ha I fifty rail rand*, unless
she make* it In men's interest to trade with her,
she will find her merchandise unsold, uml her streets
Watering places, for ilmso who desire them, are
hv an means rare. The Indian Spring,for medicinal
virtues, is |»erlmp* not suqmised in tho United
States. Tho Montpelier Spring near Macon is also
fnst rising into notin—nod tho Warm Spring, In
Meriwether, has for sonio time eqjoyed an enviable
notoriety. Reside* these, various others too num
erous |o‘detnil Imre, nre deserving attention.
if you would hnvotho nn country merchant* quit
going to the North, tho rich merchant* of the sea
board must set tho nxnntple.
Wo nn* aware, tliat tho route of nil 44 Fashionable
Tourists," Is northwardly—and thut tho most ex-
peusivo routes, nnd houses, and mode* of convey
ance, are always preferred: nud that n Tour through
tho up country of Georgia, litis until* vot liecomu the
fashion—mid consequently, that it would ho export
ing too much, to expect it to lie suddenly adopted,
by our fashionable people.
But then, our seaport friends, must remetnlier,
that Fashion is very enteli'mg! Tho count rv invari
ably patterns nfter tlie town. And, if tho big inor*
chants below make their animal iritis to the North,
must they not extinct, that tho littlo merchant* in
the country will follow their exnmplo? Nor, need
they he surprised, if, while mi their northern visit,
they should at the same time, lay tit their supply of
goods there.
[for THE OKORUIAt*.]
“80 arc they nil—ill hon o r-a ble men."
Mr. Editor;—In one of my daily perambula
tion* in tho streets of our “ monumental city,” I
•observed two “ gem'men " of tho clos* culled
•** Loafer*, No. fi," sitting upon a box of dry goods,
aind discussing the nn riu mid contents of your vuiu-
able diurnal. Tho encomiums then nnd ilieru puss-
•ed upon your “ unpretending sheet" would, had
^•ou have heard them, Icon us gratifying to your
pride ns they were to my feelings. Olio of them,
{I mean the loafers und lint my fueling*,) read tlm
poeticul motto witli giout enthusiasm, and I have
sin doubt it would linvc touch elated tlm spit its of
Abe distinguished author tram whom you madotlio
selection, if ho could have heard the tone of udini-
-^ration with winch his poetry was pronounced by
tho reuder as ‘‘the clean tiling." I’m-sing by
sit lie r matters, they nt length readied die proceed
jngt of u newly organized Sim: ety, w hich were pa
raded conspicuously in tho " Georgian" u few day*
Atgo. After they laid gone thro’ with this, the fol
lowing dialogue en.-u d. “Jim, why do they
call sonio of (hunt men * honorable * mul other*
plain •Squire,' nod tho rest' Doctor*,'—why dun’l
Alley eall’them ull ‘ Honorable 1" “ ’Cause they
flint,,' respoadud tho other gem'man, 44 cuu»u they
n’inL Thom m n 1cat's called 4 Honorable ’ is
Honorable, and thorn wol’s called ' Squire ’ aint
Honorable, and them wot'* called ' Doctors'
is only Doctors." “ Rut aint Doctor* honor
able 1" wus the query that followed. “ No how
you can fix it," was the immediate, and to my
mind, tho illiberal response. " Honorable is tho
Democratic title for ' Lord,' ami ii belongs to
k luwyers and Judgos, and men wol’s high up. You
see Dick, I’il make you sensible on this point.
Democracy is a dead level—a smooth plain with a
ladder rising up in tho middle of it. Tlm men
on tho ground it plain ‘ Hitters; ’ when )uugct
•one atop up tlso ladder, and leurn how to feel a
pulse and blued, you are culled * Doctors,'—next
step make* you a 4 Squire,'—0110 step more, and
you uro * Honorable,’ and whan you get to the top
of the ladder, like you and me, Dick, and bccomo
• the observed of all observer*,' with nothing to do
and plenty to help us, why they call us 4 L<hi far*,'
and when you get that high, you can't go no
With great regrot I announce to you, Mr. Editor,
that at this period of tliu conversation, tho pro-
prioto* of tho aforesaid box of dry good*, rushed
out with a whip in hi* bunds, ami applying it with
considorshlu emphasis lo the shoulder* of your ad
mirer*, hid ilmm begono for "blackguard*." I
iha* lost the tuque) of this late railing essay on do
th; title*, tut like tlm took* of tho Sibyl, pec
Captain I'iiwkh, ok the ship John Com
—Wo puhli.hcd a low dnyssinco tlm examination
of several scunmn, in relation to niincciirreiirn w hich
took pilin'on lumidtlii* ship, between Cnpt.Tlinyor
ond his si mate, John M. Newman. Captain
Thayer did not think il necessary to bring forward
any witnesses, us he hud the most overwhelming ev
idence oftlie uiiliiirnrs* und mUivprescululiniis of
tho parties. Tlm sail has Imen discontitiiird und
selllei|. lull in juslmu to himself. C'uptain Tin
thinks il proper to publish 1 lie following letter from
under the hand of tlm second male, widt h fully and
completely exonerates him from nil blame.
On iioauii the ship John Cu.m mis a, )
at 8I-.A, April 1089. J
To f'apt. George Thayer:
Sin—In nousidcniliou of what lias transpired be
tween its since llm ui»riiing of Tuesday last, mul on
11 calm and serious rellcciion of • II llm painful cir
cumstances llini linvo unfortunately occurred ill tlm
presence of the crew nnd passengers, I consider, il
my duty deliberately to nekiiowledge to you now my
regret for evety misdemeanor which, in the* bent of
passion and without due relied ion. t may linvc com
mitted to you tu llm Ciiptniii und Cdiminmlerof this
ship. I 1110 perfectly sensible thut ilwits my duly,
us well ns that of every iiuiti 011 l-onrd your slop,
while in your service to do every tiling in their pow
er, as subordinate officers and seamen, towards (be
discharge of v»ur orders; noil ns in t lie height of pas
sion ! have liisnheyvd your instruction* mid resisted
your orders. I have now no hesitation whatever in
saying, in yniir capacity of eunmnmder you were
justified in Inking the means yon li ivo taken, howe
ver pin infill to us both, in order that your cmnuimid*
might thereby Im tlm more promptly obeyed. By
tlm course which I linvo been hurried into in the
bent of passion in resisting y.nir orders, f am sensi
ble of the severe penally which I have nccored, and
that I linvc 110 doubt rendered myself mnciuihlu to
tlm laws of my country. But ns I have now by tins
acknowledgement made nil tin- reparation in my
power, and iis you have my sincere nssiiraiicetlint n
recurrence nfa similar nature shall nevi ruguiuhnp-
pen, I lrust you will look over the whole uliiiir—
With these se.iliuivul.*, und imping for 11 renewal of
the former connections between ns both in n friend
ly and ollicitd point if view, 1 subscribe myself in
presence of .Ur. McLemi, w aiving suit,
Willi duo respect, yout most oli’t serv’t.
Witnesses present nl subscription.
A. McLean, D win Ai.i.k.n, Frkdeuick State,
[C'W J
From I he Macon Telegraph, 4 Hi inst.
Tim Daily Georgian, in copying our short article
011 Savmiiiuii. prefixes to it tlm remarks below. We
tlinnk tlm editor for tlm complimentary manner in
which Im lias noticed our nrlieie, nud more, for tlm
genuine Southern feeling that pervade* his remarks.
l’liere is nn identity of interest lietween tlm up
country und our senports, (lint does tint admit of
rivulsliip. There is noenuso of jealousy, und none
should exist lietween tItem- All that is wntited. is
a better acquaintance, to uiake them tlm best friends
in the world. Hereafter, we liojm the nrqmrint-
niico will Im cultivated on both sides; satisfied, that
tlm closer tlm connection, tlm more will tlm interest,
the prosperity and happiness, of each Im promoted.
A little reflection will convince our friends of the
seaboard, tlmt tlmy lose nothing, hv tlm politeness
they bestow on tlm Backwoods. Without tlm sup
port of the country, wlmt would tlm cities do ? They
might build line stores, nud fill tlmin with choice
goods: Blit so long ns there is n choice of inurkols,
the up country will continue to trade where feeling
us well us interest, is strongest. Now you must
create a feeling in favor of your city, as well n«
make it tlm interest nl tlm up country to trade with
you. And how can you better erunto feeling, than
by sometimes visiting us, mul learning our.ways!
With the aid of llm Rail Bond, it is hut 11 step,
now, front tlm seaboard to Macon—yet wo venture to
say, that not 0110 in n hundred of the iidiiihitnnt*
and husiimss men there were ever so high up the
country ns .Macon! and that scarcely one in fifty
over heard of tlm place! In tlm meantime, while
our seaports an* linis different, wliut nre their Nor
thern rival* about f It is well known, tho North
ern people lire less given lo travelling tlinu llm Sou
thern (except on business)—yet scarce 11 day pusses
tlmt we lire not visited by nirrclinnU from New
York, I'hilmlelphin, Baltimore, Boston «fcr._ While
our mercliunts uro roaming about at tho NORTH
in search of pleasure, Northern merchant* are hero
in pursuit of Inisitics*! It might not bo convenient
for our friends below to ttiond their winter* in the
up country; but tlmy might*0 *|Hind a go**! many
of their stunmer*, without ever regretting it.
Speaking of un op country tour, we do seriously
belfavo, tlmt, if tho tiling was only Fashionable,
there would Imi nn pleasanter tour in the world,
than one through the tniddlu nud upper parts of this
State. From Mncon upward* in any direction, the
topograph is varied by a constant siireessioo of hill
und valley, and atreuninnd rock—interspersed wiih
iwm faint*, pletisitnt villas and nourishing town*
Tho decency—rffieieuey—nud silk stocking par
ty, known as the Whig party in Now York, have
lately made one Wilms IIai.i., Attorney General
of tlmt State. Ho u u young gentleman, of strong
political feeling, und among llm rest of Ids qunliii
cation* for tlint responsible office—and ns n convinc
ing proof of id* legal acquirement*, we muy re
mark that nt the time of Ids appointment, how**
not n Counsellor at-Law! The Albany Argus
thus touches 011 lids dcliculo subject—lids turn
Whig job:—
“ If uny tiling could astonish us in relation lo
tlm conduct of tho Junto who now mismanage tho
affair* of llm Slnto, it would he tlm fort which has
recently transpired, that they have palmed upon ihe
people a muo for on Allotiioy-G.-nenil who was nut
qualified to appear ns n counsellor in the Court
wherein the people's business is principally trans
acted. In tint May term of thut Court, which bus
just closed, the judges were required, ex necessi
tate rci, in eider to cnuble Willis Hall, who had
Imen selected n* Attorney-General of tlm Empire
Stair, to uppenr us tin advocate therein, to admit
him a counsellor, spcciali gratia. Tlm* il nppimrs
that the 14 whig" Atiurnfy-Gonaralhud not utiai ad
that advance in his prof, ssion which is required
to enable u lawyer to he made the prosecuting attor
ney for the people in the smallest county of the
Slate! If the Court had t.ol dispensed with one of
its general rules, wo should hove find 1111 Attorney-
General who hud not rcncliod tlmt standing in his
profession which would have given him n right to
appear in the Supreme Cour — an Attorney-Gene
ral chosen by the " Whig*," to transact the peo
ple's business without the qualification to appear
in the Court where that business is required lo be
transacted l As it is rim right has been conferred
as a favor by llm Court, without hi* being in a sit
uation to claim it. Oilier lawyers nre required to
submit to an examitmiioo in oilier to test their ac
quirements; but not so w illi Willis Hall, the At-
t.-rnej-Geiierulelected by llm" whig" Legislature,
lie hud not progressed so fnr in his profession us to
ImenuhVd lonsk nn tidmisrioii ns -j matter of tight.
Tho " whig" administration of the State have re
versed llm natural order of things. Heretofore the
Attniiiov-Gcneiiil was taker, from those who stood
ill the head of their profession; hut the 44 Wldgi
have taken their* from tlm oilier end of it.
*• It is tlm proud boost of the federal parly (hot
.hey have the learning uml tulcotc of tin* country on
llieii side, and this banal lins been often mndo with
parricu'ar to the profession of tlm luw.
Without yielding to their vuiii-gloiious preten-
-ions in this anil other respects, ii in conceded that
tin y have a full proportion of lawyers of extensive
leaitiiog uml eminent abilities. I hope it may he
n-Ued wit limit giving offence to the reigning dynas
ty, why all these qualified persons were passed by,
and the huh nnd responsible office of Attorney-
General oftim Empire Slate given to one who iiud
imt the qualification* required for admission into
the rank of counsellors of tliu Supreme Court 1
" It i» not imchutitnhlo to indulge thu suspicion
that tltiMO who dictated the choice of Willis Hull
'or Attorney General, foresaw that services would
bo required of tlmt ollimy hirli a sound luwyi
one that had a profession'll reputntion to lose—
would mu willingly perform. Though ono profes
sional gentleman who entered tho list of competi
tors foe tlmt office, find given un eat nest of how
low In- coiiid stoopbyhis 44 shirt washing opinion,"
yet it wus Icuiail thut Ire might lack thui degree of
subserviency which future exigencies might require.
I liulir-t fruits of the Attorney-General'* new ac
quirement* by tlm special favor at court will proba
bly lie an opinioo, demonstrating that an office in
which there is an incumbent duly qualijied by law
to exercise the duties thereof, is rraly vacant.
Sumo philosophers hold that nuiurcnhhor*ue<reti» nr,
but the Albany Junta in relaiinnto offices, have es
poused an opposi o tenet. .They abhor 11 plenum,
unless tlm incumbent is n trim nnd approved Whig.*'
Tho National Intelligencer of yesterday exhibits
tlm following chnicu specimen of this qnuliiy. It
luis been, no doubt, curcliiliy laid by, to liuve the
benefit of n Inpso of memory.
Tliufollowfiig cxpluiu* itself and gives us a sad
specimen of tho system of regarding friends nnd
punishing enemies," first introduced by tlm 44 Great
est nnd Best."
From the. Philadelphia Spirit of Times, May 3.
I, George Reed, of the district of Kensington,
having been elected, through tliu votes of Demo
crats, County Treasurer, do hereby solemnly pledge
myself to make nil appointment* out tlm Demo
cratic party, and will use tlm utmost of my exer
tions to advance the interests nnd promote thcstic-
cess of tlm Democratic pnrty; and thut office shall,
in nil respects, Im strictly nnd entirely Democratic.
Given under my hand this I7lii dnv of April,
[ \ true copy of the nrit:iiml.]
A recurrence to the I’liiliidnlpliin papers some
five or six weeks ago. woofil show tlmt this 44 sad
specimen" neither explains itself, nor is any putt
of tlm system of the 14 greatest and host." It is nei
ther more nor less titan a "sad specimen" of Fed
eral Wliiggery. This Mr. George Reed was tho
candidate of the Federalists for County Treasurer,
and wus elected l.y Federal votes, in opposition to
II staunch old Democrat, Col. Joint Thompson.—
The whole ufluir was exposed in llm newspapers ut
at the time il occurred.— Wash. Globe,
r. Evening
Tho American of Saturday pubiiihc* rather eon-
snicuously tho following communication, in which
tlm fact of thu Webster Rent i* confessed, und ill*
admitted that the contribution of money, under tho
disgulso of a loan, was mado for political rensnn*.
Wo think that tuch matters are perfectly proper
subject* fur animadversion in tire Journals. If a
Senator of the United State* receive* n pecuniary
compensation for his public services, it is lit tlmt
those for whom he legislate* should know it. If, h*
the writer *ny», the contribution* of money were
liunomhlo testimonies to Mr. Webster's merit il
is pru|H'r that the public should know tlm lire.. and
tiicuxtcut of this testimony.
From the Hew York American.
Tlie 14 Evening Roll," 44 Globe," and other kindred
print* have attempted to 44 torn a point" against
Mr. Webster, on the ground tlmt the friend* of hi*
goiuleiimu, in the expression of tltoir gratitude for
his unwearied labors in behalf of the great guaran
tee* of public liberty and security, took occasion to
loan him money, to relieve him from tho necessity
of sacrificing property. We have heard that some
such p net'Oiling 1 ok place, the particular* of which
bdtig of totally private nntnrc, we have not cured to
scrutinize or enquire into—not deeming it tlm prov
ince or dutv of public journalist t to meddle with such
matters. These, at most, nru hut liouumiile testi
monial* from private citizens to a public servant,
whoso whole life lias been devoted to public good.
Wo think it more befitting typos, to set them in
wntclr over thu conductor public servants, who en
joying high places and full pay, scruple not to rob
and pillage that purse they ure selected to protect
and guard. Q.
Mr. Ritchie, in tho Enquirer of Monday, al-
ludos tu sumo personal stricturco in regard lo him
in 0 recent speech by Mr. Rivks :
" Mr. Rives line been nleused to make us the sub*
ject of some of hie dignified stricture* nt tiro gront
Amherst dinner. Wo slinll return tho compliment
in our own way, us soon as wo have time lo spnra
from mm* important mutters than Mr. Rive* or his
from tlmt place, and deserted hi* family. Burton
has been in this country for six years, enjoying nn
excellent character, und having hi* family with him,
all hut a son, whom lie is educating riiratiilly in Eng
land. We call a six year* character In iliiscountiy
pretty fair.—.V. V. Star.
An—Mr. Ilatiglitonoftlie Bos
ton Alin* brought nn action against Mr. Male oftim
Lowell Advertiser for $I’J, being tlm utuount of
•‘diflerenco" in nnexchnnge of papers for a year mul
11 half. Haugliton recovered tlie $12, witli costs of
action, although il dor's not up|mnr tlmt tlmro was
any ngivemem thut tho "il'illirivneo"shottlil he paid.
Tliu Atlas doubtless speaks feelingly wlmti it rails
against tlm condition of tliu "domestic exchanges."
— Philadelphia paper.
Latkst dates from LiVKitrotn May 17
Latest dates from Havre May rt
Latest dates from Havana May M
NEW YORK—Brig Win Taylor—231 bales
Upland Cotton,91 cn*k* Rico.
NEW 1*0RT—Schr Eagle—29 hales Cotton.
Ocn Country.—Tho following paragraph, from
a recent number of tho New York Litorary Gazette,
lias Imen travelling tlie circuit of tlie press these six
“A cockney sportsman, who had rend with de
light Mr. Ilolfinan's now work on tlie wild sport*
of America, took pussage in a London packet, and
arrived hero during tho present week, in search of
wild game. He brought letter* to a highly respec
table merchant, with whom we nre well acquainted,
and desired, after delivering thorn, to be directed to
tlie boast limiting grounds without delay, ns ho could
only remain here n few days, Purposing to return in
tho Grout Western. Ho Haiti that lie came In New
York principally to shoot honr*. Due mercantile
friend, satisfying himself thut his now acquaintance
wr perfectly serious, iufnrnmd him that tiro sport
hrd been greatly cut up here,and recommended him
to proceed to Philadelphia. lie dupurts for that city
this day; and wo call upon our friends there to
extend to tho distinguished stranger their usuul hos
Their is doubtless somewhat nf exaggeration in
the statement, nnd yet is is very truo tlmt Urn igno
rance of nur country, in England, is much more' ex
tensive uod profound titan would Im supposed. For
example, some time ago wo received 11 letter from
mi English correspondent, making inquiries respect
ing some 11110liir.ini {mrsou living in the m-iglihorlinod
of Natchez—the writer evidently supposing that lie
must lien neighbor of ours! . Even tills, however,
is not quite up to nnntlier instance within mirkuowl-
edge. A friend Iwing on u visit to England a lew
years since, wus usked if he knew Mr. Dobbs, from
Newcastle-itp-.n-Tynu. 4< No sir, I do not,” wus the
reply. "Why von most know hint, I nm sure," re
joined tlie other, "fur ho lias lived in Anterior three
But these nre tint tlie illustrations which we quo
ted tlie almve paragraph for tlie purpose of making.
Our design wus to relate tlie following incident.—
One dear bracing morning Inst autumn, iu we were
stepping into tho Schenectady cars nt Albany, whom
should we meet hut a New York friend, iiiliisslioot-
ing jacket, accoutred with pouch mid gun, in the
net of placing ids dog* in un adjourning compart
"So ho, friend! Whither ore you hound?" wc In
' 4 J nm only going fora few day* ■hooting’ hr the
country "
"Upon n fine prairie in Michigan—only about
three hundred miles from Detriot I a in told there
is lino shooting there."
Tills single incident, which is literally ‘true,
speak* volumu* upon the extent of nur country,
tho spirit nnd habit* ol our people, and the fncil’i,
ties every where enjoyed for inicrcommonicntinn-
Detroit Is eight hundred miles from New York,
und our friend was hound for the prarie* n long way
beyond. Ami yet he wit* slurring out fot n shunt
ing excrusion, with us little enre for tho distance,
as r.n English foxltunter would experience in going
to a chasn in a neighboring county.
Our friend had lino sport during hi* excursion,
ns we happen to know, ns one of our firm, who wns
himself wandering tlm prarie* nt the sumo
timo, fell in with him in tho heyday of Ids frolic
Tlie sportsman informed us tlm other day,' tlint
having procured the best 44 fly " tlmt lie ever saw,
he wns going down lo the Kcunchec for n duy or
ilny or two, on a fulling excursion!
Nor is tills spirit of dashing on»erpri*o nn ex
clusive characteristic of Americans. Foreigners
coming hither soon linvo their ideas expnndcd by
the lirond expanse of our country, elnvutcd by the
height of our mountains, nnd inspirited by tlie
chn«e of bear* nnd huffiiloes For instnnee, in the
case nf Sir William Stewart, wiioso pictures of
hear and Buffalo hunt* amid lire stupendous peak*
nnd glens of tiro Rocky Mountains, linvo been ex
hibited for a few day* at tint Apollo Gallery—tho
Baronet, wn nre told, having spent five year*
nntnng the scenes described, started on Ids return
to Knglnnd, nnd ranched New Yoik on hi* way.
Lingering Imre n few duy* Ids mind reverted lo
tho w ild sports of tlie West. It was asking ton
much to leave them so soon ; so hack I10 started
S‘f r r T 'r ,rn °£ Cll " ni n,v light 1 without any
nritiUun in prices. Tito sales of 6 n <100 Img* ilio,
ra recent inquirin'inn, llje; 2 a 300 Img* St, Do-
iiiugii I»4 n I Its, and Porto Cnfa'lln, in small pare
Appuenticf. Boys in thk Navy.—Wo have
spoken of the necessity of encouraging this school,
und ore much pleased to leant from tho following,
whirls wo take from tlie Newark Daily, that the
Secretary of the Navy is carrying tlie low of Con
gress, on litis subject, into pmetieu! execution:
An interestino School at Sea.—The Naval
school on hoard tlie U. S. Ship Ohio, is well spoken
of in ii letter dated Mahon, March 30. Tlie pupil
apprentices, 51 in number, nre snid to lie well be
hoved, intelligent lads, who give every promise of
becoming good seamen, perhaps officers. The wri
ter adds—
They are nailer llm exclusive charge of Lieuten
ant (iiiosevoort, who takes groat interest in them,
as do, indeed, ull the officers of the ship. Tlie Boys
nre divided into two wntchcs, one watr.ii atten
ding school, while the other is employed in the or
dinary duties of file ship. They thus attend school
every"other day. Their schoolmaster, Who, by tho
way is very capable, having been a public teacher
in the United State*, reports favorably of their at
tention mid improvement. They will, I think, ob
tain us good no education as hoys generally get at
our public school*.
They uro taught rending, writing, arithmetic, na
vigation nnd composition; some specimens of the
latter, which have been shown to me, written by
tlie elder Iroys, wore really very creditable to the
writer. They nre allowed to go on shore nn liberty
usn reword for good conduct, nnd thus fur hut one
or two have, required any punishment. They havo
the free use of the shin's library, aud most of them
uro very devoted renders.
Rihcidk.—A singular cure of suicide took plaeo
nt Madison, on Thursday evening last. About sun
set, a genteel, well dressed man wnJked deliberately
down to tlie river, wulkrd in. and immediately dis
appeared. A deaf mid dumb man, wliosnw him en
ter the water, rushed in nftur him, and brought him
to 1)11* shore,Imt lie wits lifeless. Under his vest was
found a large stone, which plainly indicated that lie
! did not intend to fie foiled in Ilia attempt. He hud
upon ills |iewon, vniuubje papers mid $151 in money,
As ro*|iccu aecommoJiihons, no uneasiness need beside* an elegant gold watch, it up|»eur* by Un*
bo full. On the main roads, llrcm uro froqiMMit and po|»er*, tlmt his name was Natliuniid Owen*, resl-
regular tavern stands—mid nn less public roads, I duneo nt or near ladiannpnlis.^ Wo gather tliu
uv«ry Iiuumj It u house of anU'itulniru ul. I nimro fact* from tho Danner.—Evening Post.
The sales on Thursday lust were 1 tiOO lings; Fri
day 1000; Saturday 15(10; Monday 2000; Tuesday
(S(I0, mid tu-ditv 2001). Tlie business done since
lust week lias been limited, consumer* only supply
ing their inmiedinto wants, in lirico there is no
material change, l»ut the tone of tho murket is de
pressed Cotton is ofleriug in plenty, all hough n
number of tlm principal houses keep hock two
third* of tho stock of American. The imports of
tliu week niiiotiols to ou!y 3205 lings, Imt il is known
tlmt tienriy 100,000 bales of American cotton are oil
the water for this port.
Ifith—Notwithstanding tlm depressed state of tliu
market holder* continue firm at prices of Friiluy
lust. Sales 2,000 bales; ull to tlm trade.
May 17—Tito snle* to-duy were 1200 hales, at
Jinn prices,
Cotton.—Tliu dem,tnl for Cotton being still on
the most limited scale the market continues heavy,
und eloses witli a decline of Id. per Hi, on last week’s
iiootnti >ns of American. Egyptian remains in very
limited demand, mid lias declined Jd per ll>. In
Brazil, Mumnlinm hurley supports last week’s quo
tations, while I'ermim ond Bahia have declined jd,
per Hi, from Inst week's rates. Tlie business in Su
nil is niisiiiilly small mid declining prices. Tlm
sales of the week miioiiiit to 7,900 hales, including
200 American and 100 Miimnliuin for export.
Cotton.—Since tlm Liverpool steamer left Imre,
(2Utliuiitiino) our Cotton market lias continued gra
dually to decline under tho influence of mi exceed
ingly disc imaging state of trade in goods nnd yarns
und tliu unfavorable course of llm money murket.
Tliu limited business now going forward in tho
lower nud middling quadric* is al primes ufimit I .Jd
per lh. below thu highest point of the murket 22d
of March, when tlm Great Western sailed on her
Inst voyage; thudecline in liiirqualities is nlionl Id;
mul in good mul line, which are relatively scarce,
the depression does not exceed jjdiiijd. Tlie quota
tion fmTuir qualities is U.|aUjd per Hi., nearly no
At lids time there nre little or no symptoms nf
mnendiiient in tlie export demand for viiriis whilst
tlm scarcity, or pressure, for nnaiey throughout the
country Inis been inure fell llm present week tlinu
previously. Tim consequence tuts been a further
important mnl very general curl ailment of tin* work
ing timo of spinners, ond n’llimlJonnf the consump
tion nf cotton, which U now variously estimated at
from 5090 to 7000 hales per week below tlie aver
age of'ast season. Tint uocuunl* from llm United
States nre to tlie 2 M ullo., and full as decided us
before respecting-Iho great deficiency of the crop,
and tlie largo holder* cmitimm very generally to
nlislain from pressing their stocks on tliu inarUet,
hut ns ihedcnuuid for weeks past lias only la en for
small parcels to supply tliu daily w ants of spinner;
it would not have been possible to sell largely, ovet:
by submitting to a further considerable radorihm
As holder* have not been templed by low ofl'en
for largo quantities, tliu stability nt tlie market lias
not hccueiroctuully tested, hut the quantity oO'criiig
continue* greatly to exceed tlm demand. Tlie
business for ilio four weeks ended lo-dny amounts
to 33,320 bule*. Tlie present week sales nre 7950
hales—of which Bllpl nru Upland, nt 7<Jn!/; 2250
Orleans nt 7.{nll; 1200 Mobile mid Alabama, tit 7.|
lift, mid 50 Sea Island at 23u30d per lh. The
winds hnve latterly been unfavorable for arrivnls,
but llm import into Liverpool sinco tiie 1st Jan
uary amount* to357,U90 halos against 599,000 to
sumo period lustscuson. The supply from the U.
States is 282,000, being a decrease of 224,000
hides. Tlm stock in this port is now (animated nt
310,000 hales, ngniiist 320,000 ut hiiiiio period lust
your; tlm stock of American is uliout 200,000, be
ing an iticrimsn of nhout 30,000 bales. Tlm slock
iu consumers bunds nro supposed to fio lower limn
at any former [mrind for sonio years, wliilo tlie
stocks of Yarns uro heavy, uud prices relative!)’ far
below those of tliu raw umlcriul.
Since I Inst wrote you our mmkcl Ini* weekly de
clined, und our quotation* me now item ly as low as
at miy period this ymir, tlie consumption lias decrea
sed about 30 pci cent ami since the end of Mnrcli
to thu pret' nt tho trade has tnken littlo over 10,000
hugs per week.
Wiilt our manufacture* trade is very had, nnd
gnnds an’selling at Manchester nl little over tlie cost
nftlm rawoiaterinl, whilst tho stnpio on the Liver
pool market i* nhout |al j hulmv tliu co-t of import,
Mich is thu present slalcol nffiiirs.
Tho uccuutiU brought by the Great Western con
firmatory of short crop luid no ollrct upon our mar.
kul, it di dined on the face of theta.
Most oftim mills ut Manchester, Ate. mo nlllmr
working short lime, ur ollogcilii-r closed, mnl tlm
stock tliey hold ol the raw material is small indeed.
Wclonr there i* liltlu hopo of realising your ex
pectations upon Cotton.
Sales this wcuk 7900, five* same n« lust week
from tho 22d March to 17th May, U weeks, tlm
trade lias token only 75,570 lings, 9110 per week.
There arc now mure onlcr* for goods lit Man
diesicr, and the murk-t nuist hccniuc in sumo nica
of a rci
iniugn ,., Q n , lt ., nnn I onn unneno, m small par-
c Is, at flintier price* {55 hags St Domingo sold ut
action, HI] a |o|c per lh, <1 ms.
Cottah ,—Tlio sales of Colton till* week linvo been
limited to small parcels to supply Immediate w ants,
nt llm recent current rates Tlie market closes dull,
mnl buyer* not inclined to come forward miles* nt
sonmn'diietioii. A few hundred hales were tnkon
lust week for e<cfniiintinn.
Flour.—A fair demand has prevailed throughout
tlm past week, Imt prices liavo further declined 124
n 25c jH'ifild, nud quotations nt tho closo of our re
port nre in a great measure nominal. Tho sale* of
i'*ee common lirands, hnve mostly lioen nt 7 12,
some parcels almve und some holmv; 200 hhl* I Inw
ard street 7 12 cash, and I a 500 do Ohio via Cn-
mil, good brands $7 5 390 do, iUcliitiond $7 per hhl,
all cash. Federickslmrg nnd Alexandria sold thu
miy part of 1110 week at 7 23, oil I ms.
Provision*,—The demnnd lins rather fallen nfl*
litis week, mid stiles of must articles limited—price*
continue about the same.
llice.—Y un her sales of 2 a 300 tierces Carolina*
45 a An per lh, ft ms—10 tierce* sold ut auction,
1 75 u 4 00 jier 100 lh, 4 nt*.
Sugar.—.fhe market has rather improved for
box Sugars, witli a more netlvo demand. Sales of
ft 11700 boxes llavmn Browullj a IJiJr, and 230 do
do superior quality. 9c; 400 boxes White, for re-
lining, to go Smith, ll.J n ll]e; 20 bills Brazil
White 10Jo;30 liluis Porto Uieo 7]c peril*, land
(I ms. Tho import of Munilhi, 3:109 hags, per Nn.
hob, sold for refining, 7.Jc per lh, ft ms.
O’Tlm Treasurer of tin* Widows Society ac-
kimwli diies the receipt of $27 fiont tlie Grand Ju
ry; nnd also of $10 arising from tho settlement of
mi nrliitrntion tu«n. Tho Society returns many
thank* for Imlh these donations. je P
ID 3 Wo uro requested Iry Mr. James Fui.kkr to
tender his thanks to hi* Follow Citizens for lltuir as
sistance during tin* fire on Thursday morning.
.Nuvnuimli Market, June 7c
• Home productions.'
COTTON—-Upland,oriL to mld.c^. - ® w
Fair to good,.,.•«•#•*•«» — ®
Prime,,.^ —
Sen Island,, 30 QMS’
Stained,,..,,,,,,,, H ® 25
, J! C, f.T T " r,,r,Hr 10 *oud„w*V.44® 4f
11.UUR—Howard St §3.® 1 8*
Canal, $84® ' 9
Philadelphia nud Virginia,<t — 9
CORN—Retail... " SO 9109
Cargo '— 9 —
OATS 55 9 CO
HAY 87 9*%t
WHISKEY—Per gallon, hhd* &bb]i, *5 © 40
GIN—Northern, per pnllon...;.,»... 47 9 63
TOBACCO—Cnvemliah 30 <3.40
Manufactured, 13 9 18
2 — <3 —
3 $8|© 9
TALLOW-Per lb .124® —
PORK—Mcs* VV ®$27
Prime........— 9 $2f
HAMS 14 9.18
laud.., 13© ic
BUTTER—Goshen 20 « 30
SOAP—Yellow C 9 9
CHEESE — ®,'—
CANDLES—Northern Mould.,16 ,®|18’
Spermaceti,.,,.',.;..., 42 9 —
Georgia ,,20® —
LUMBER—Yellow Pino Ranging Tiny*
her £<$; 10
St. Sawed Flooring Boards $18 9 20
River Lmnlier, Boards,
Itnnk and Scantling.,,. $14 ® 10
QitnrtorudV 1i inch Flooi- !. \
ingBoards.,..,. ,.,,.$15 9 10
White Pine, clear.,,, $23,-® -
MercliniiCnble,,$14 ®
Red Oak Stave*.......#. — <3^,
White Ouk Slaves, — 9
Perhtig Win Taylor, for New York—Mr* Bailey,
Mi*« Kellogg, Mi*, Whitney, Miss Cranston, Cap 1
Mendidl, Messrs Field, Sluqipard, Brazin, Valen
tino, Kiclnnimd, Livingitim,Briggs, mul 4 -toernge-
Per steanihont Forrester, IVoin St Aiigiistinuviu
Bnmswiok, &c.—Miss Segoine, Mrs Martin, Rev
it W Dunlap, Dr Forliis, Messrs Provost, Midler)’,
Parker, Htii'riiigioujlreed, Gibbs, Deyuish.
1 -‘0 I
7 01
twenty-five linndred miles into tlie wilderness, for
ilio pleasure of one mure huflhlo chnso liefore lie
slioold finally ernlmrk for (lie sliores of Albion. -. , , .. , ,
Hn went, nnd plunged again into tho wild pleasures •»ro rcl.cvcsl hciurealor.g tune elapses,
of the Snnke Indians, and hunted Buffaloes nnd
grizly linnrs for annlhor two years, nnd is now
once more on hit way to his "own lurid.—*V. Y,
The following i* nn account of the military fi
nf tho Gerrnnnic Powers nnd (’onfederated States,
more corrected than wlmt wo published, some days
since, from a Frankfort paper, and which is »tq>-
plied us by a correspondent in that city ;•
Ship Millcdgevillo, Porter, Now York.—Wnilihurn,
Lowi* fi t'o.
lb hiij Unlit Burns, Mnychull,Sl Joints, N. B —S.
I). Corbitt.
Brig New Il'innviT, Curly, Ptiiliidnlphin.—S. Phil-
brick A'- Ce.
B*ig Win Taylor, Iloey, New Y*»tk,—C. B. Curler
Schr Maty Weeks, Speights, Baltimore —F. Sor
rel St Co.
Fclir Lady Warrington, Beard, Baltimore.—F. Si tr
ial Co.
Schr Eagm, Wylie, Newport.—L. Baldwin.
Ship Smaiiiiiili Camming, Salter, Boston.
Ship Newark, Snulm d, Now York.
SliipOlvc, Sedrlek, Havre.
Ship Tanmrlmm, Tlmnhuld, Liverpool,
Ship Celiu, Bocktnnn, New York.
Sidp AUimh.Tndd, Havana.
Br'g Virginia, Jordan, Boston.
Brig Augusta, Livmmure, N York.
Biig Clinton, Lyon, New Ymk.
Brig I’luiiet, Kimmttr, Pinlsinooth.
Brig Edwin, Fit/gerud, Bnltinnir*.
Bi-igl'liilurii, Slier man, New Yolk.
Si’hi'Culutnhiu.Steven*, Cluirlesion,
Schr Eagle, WJe), llavaiia.
Sclir Pelerslnug, Cole, Now York.
Steam packet Gaston, Freoluiid, Charleston.
Steumhonl Foiresler, Drake, St Augustine, via
Black Creek, Jacksouvillound Brunswick.
Stcumlmui Duticun MncRac, Colvin, Augusta!
Steamboat Oglethorpe, Williams, Augusta.
Steamboat Florida, Nock, Gamy* Ferry.
Steamboat T Sahnond, Frederick, Cliarlestoo.
Electoral Hesse
Grand Ducal Hesse
Saxon Ducliie*
The town Mecklcinhiirgi
Ollier States
ft8 000
Tho above number* are independent of the war-
reserve crops.—a atatementof tlie militury forcoof
Russia, which we derive from tlie snme source, but
which, wo are inclined tn tlrink, it greatly overaled,
runs ns follow*:—
Imperial Guurd 43,000
127 Regts. of Infantry of tho lino 508,000
36 buttalion* of Infantry iu gnrrison* 103,600
63 regiment* of regular cavalry 60,000
33 regiment* of regular Cossack* 30,000
Irregular cavalry, Cossacks, Tartars,
Calmoucks, etc. 87,000
Corps of dragoon* 11,000
Artillery 1,750 piece* 67,500
Engineer* and nuxillury enrp* 19,600
Polish urtny United to the Russian 50,060
Officer* of all rank* 24,900
The Austrian navy i*composed of 8 sail of the .... ,
8 frigate*, 4 corvettes, 6 brig*, 7 schooner*, und sov-
••ml smaller vessel*; besides a flotilla of 25 armed
ImniU on tho Danulre.—The )tu«*iiui navy U com
posed of 30 shin* of thu line, 23 frigates, 8 cutters,
10 brigs, fll schooners, 27 galleys, 142 gun fain's,
30 floating butteries, 32 steam boats, making in nil
374 sail, having together 7,|0Ugmit 36,606 sail*
ors, 1,100 murines, and 6,500 inurimt artillerymen.
Burton, Uto rninpdiaii, of Philadelphia, L < liHrgad ,
iu one of Uto London paper* with having run uway Hi),
Grain.-I )ttr import* of nil (i ruin ure again lip In Imt
a* respect* Wlioul, tlm market isuhuudinitly supplied
witli granary samples. Tlm vend lor tlii* Grain,
since Tuesday, lias been less lice, uod (idtlii
lioldcib generally have not been disposed to press)
aurcliuses, especially of llm inferior descriptions,
liuve been iiiudc on lulliereusicr terms.
HAVRE, May 15,
Cotton.—The adviecs brought by tho Great We*,
tern from tlie United Stales, havo produced an un
favorable effect on our market, nud render importers
still more anxious to realize, so that we linvo to re-
cord a further fill! nf2a3 continue* nn American de
scriptions, and purtirulinrly on Aiiieiicun grades,
and purchases to any extent could no doubt ho
inude on still ensicr terms. The reports ns to slmrl
crops iu tliu United States produce no favorable
effort, now tlint our stock with tlm coming out
goes will ho a sufficient supply f r tlm coming sea
son, and thu question rests coiis»qiicntly wholly on
tlm degree of cuiisiiinptiiMi, nod ns tlm ncrount*
from tlm oiiitiufacliiriog districts continue more mnl
more desponding, it becomes evident that ii erh
is approaching in commercial niliiirs. Tim sales
the week hnve amounted to 1839 Imlc*, including
American, I'll hides S. Orleans, nt 94a!22f.481
Mobile at 93f. 50u| II, aud KiOrpluiidnt I Of.
import, 14,336 fades, stock 99,500 hales, of wliicii
90,000 is Amnrirnn.
Rice,—Carolina has given way, and 170 tierces
fair to g«Nxl fair, were sold al f.30.5Uat'.3U, duty
piiid. Stock 400 tierce*.
HAVRE, May 7.
Cotton.—Tim same heaviness which we noticed
in our preceding report of tlie Oilrii nit. has coolin'
ued to prevail in our Gotton market, throughout tlm
Inst eight days, and our rates for United Sours short
•tuple description*, linvo cx|mririn cd u fortlmr de
cline of Jo2ccntimes per Jk, according loqoulity.—
Tire aide* comprise only 20‘M Imle* consisting of:
1056 Irate* N Orleans, nt 97f 50n 116f 50 ; 29(1 Mo-
bile, 97f 50nl l-lf; 315 Upland, I05f 50nl I4f} 20
J’ernamfiuco, 135; 874 Sr. I)onilng«», nt 1001' it I05f
—tlm whole duly paid. Tlm urrivnls ^mrcootru,
have amounted tu 6631 hale*, viz: 5IVJ United
States, 1170 Rnuil*. Stock May 6, 86,535 hale*,
of which 83,013 United States.
Rice—No traiundions have In-en reported this
w?ek. Tho receipts front New York nro I70ller-
Rales at Havre, May 7.—Colton—41 bale* of
Louisiana, Il5f; 57 do. 111; 50 Ho, 112; 34 do,
107)39 do, 101 50, 20do, IlKitfil Mobile, 111;
■Ii do, 166 50, 32 do, Ka*t India,73.
Coffee.—4833 hugs oi I’mK Run, jmr (,' uolu.c,
«r«. *
From thu Richmond Enquirer ol* llm 4lh, wo
are enabled to givo tliu following uspcct of the state
nf parties;—
11. A. Wlso,
John Hill,
Joint M. Butts,
C. F. Mercer, •
W. I,. Hoggin,
John Tullinl'erro,
Cause routines,
J allies Garland,
G. W. Hopkins.
Joint W. .limes,
Joel Hollciimu,
Francis E. Rives,
Geu. C. I)i'omgno|e
Linn RnnUs,
Walter Coles,
William Limit*,
Unfiei t Craig,
Lewis Slciurud,
Green U. Snimmi.
Audiew Buiriie,
J. Jolmsuii.
Dub-Treasury Whig,
R. M. T. Hunter.
Ext met of a letter—last Evening's Mail,
“The Slate is safe. Glory enough for otto cam
paign. You ueud lei I no concern about Col. Cm-
roll of Gr.iyum —he isu tuin Duiuocrut—und through
ft lend of Mr. V. Buien,"
Wo linvo given the preceding summnry, with
mi* excepted—We hasten to correct it by tlm
nddilbmal return* of last Evening's Mail. With
your leave, Messrs. Whigs, we ask you to relievo
llruxtiMi Si Lewis fr no llteir "diininro vile"—(On
ly one buttonhole lower, my friends, if you pluu.e.)
The ocRiiiim wl'l then stand tlm*:
On j"ini vole, Administration 81
44 iMves Whig* (Hi
" Anti Rives Whig* 1(1
11 Conservative* (1
Doubtful 3
. Friar* cxeep’ed l Oil, of course, Sir!
BAGGING—Hemp..,,,.,.., 9.2?
BRANDY—Cognac,..,....$140®! 7St
GIN—Holland.., ,$100®1 29
SALT—C'nrgo 42 9 —
• Sack ....$1,75 9 2
SUGAR— Havana, Whlto„r. .”„•«* 10 9 —
Brown — qy —•
1’orto Uro ., 7|® 9
Muscovado. ffo lltj
St. Croix 10® 11
Now Orleans 7|® 8|
Refined Loar....,.’*,.,.,,, f6A® 17
Lump... I4A® —
TEA—Hyson...... 50® 65
IWM—Jamaica $1®-] 3
New England 41 ® 45
MOLASSES—Havana...,,— ® 39
New Orleans .»•• 38 ® 49
LONDON rORTER—Per dozen.... $3 ® —
BUS pordoz.. $3;J® —
RON—Swedes $110 ®120
NEW YORK—At sight Ij percent pram,
30 day* £ per cent prom.
(JO days par ®J per cent df*,
FREIGHTS—To Liverpool, nominal at jdjN
York $1 per bole, w •
From tho Savannah Shipping and Commercial
, List, June?.
COTTON—Arrived since thc3Istuk. 10171 tieftra
Upland and 2 hnles 8.1. Cotton, and cleared at the
same timo, 1090 halos Upland and 000 bales 8. f.
Cotton ; leaving a stock on hand, inclusive of all on
•hip lionrd not cleared on tho7lh inst. of 12973
liule* Upland and 359 hale* Soar Island Cotton.
Succetslvb European advices to the 2d, ffih and
Ifllh nil. hnve been received since our last report,
nnd being faith politically ond commercially unfavo
rable, tlm trnnaaction* in Uplandfliis week comprUv
only 19 bulea ut 14 aml.llOat 45* until tho safe*be
come more oxtonsivo we omit quotation*, lo Sent
Island tlm only truniuclion we have to report 'is 19
hags at 45 cts.
Receipt* of Cotton at tho following place* rfnev
October 1st. 1838 . 1837
Georgia,June7 195228 279417
South Carolina, May 31,.,-.*199003 S65359
Mobile, Juno !,••••• 243495 307629
New-Orlouns, Juno 1,..,. ,..,537168 637798
Florida, May 28 103625
NorthCurolinn, May II,.••••• 10119 15059
Virginia, May 10, ....21000 24209
1260395 1635074
The following is a statement of tho stock of Cut*
ton on linnd nt tlio respcctiva place* named.
Braxton and Lewis, which returned a Federal
Delegnte Inst year, bus returned a sound Democrat
at tlm late rlectimi.
All hail to Virginia! Mr. Rives is ostracised—
Conservatism I* dead in the nfil Dominion. Let us
cfaitmt its requiem!
Fiom the Charleston Mercury, 7th imt,
By tho schuiincr Stephen .(• Francis, Cnpt. Ma
gee, arrived yesterday, we recoived rhoAVrr* of the
1st iootaol, lo which office wo mo iodobted fnr the
follow ing intelligence:
"Aii old man named George Brackenlmrry wn*
killed by the Indian, ut I’iroliitn, near the landing,
on Thursday lust, his Imuso rifled, und burned
Gn Wednesday night lust a party of Indians at
tacked the lmu*e of Mr. Ostein, ut Alligator, oil
the road to Newoaiisviiie, killing Mr. Ostein, and
wounding Mr. S. Dill mid Miss Ostein.
On Saturday afternoon, a detachment of Drag
oons, brought in from I’icolatn, a liwun-gni niunt d
Morris, taken up tinder some rreumrtnnrc* nf sus
picion connected with the recent niuider of Brnc.k-
enfa ny ol I’.colutu. It is however satisfactorily
rist’eimined lo fane been llm work of Indian*, ns
tlm command whiclt went in pursuit followed thu
trail for •cvcnil miles,
Tlm situation u!'tlm |n*op|e of this Territory I*
now infinitely worse than it Im* ever Imen, n nomi
nal treuty of |iouce I* proclaimed, and citizen* uro
nmrden'd with impunity.
On Saturday hut no illtcreation occurred nt New
Smyrna, lietween two privates of Cant. Utynni'i
Company, 2d Drngoous, 'resulting in tho ileatli of
private Kem n*.
Tor clmrl<m2eii,viaTliltuii Omul
Uuiml'orl, ami
The *pleodld •Irani packet \\ M.
__SEABHOOK, A. King, tnam r, will
depart for thu uhovtr plaro* imi MONDAY MORN
ING, the I0thhi«l., at 9 u’elock. For freight nr
iMUiHgo, having •i/jaufiir serommo latloa* apply un
Imuid, or tu
N B, Thv Win. Scuhiinik, will foiitliiqo lo run
rryulurly iimil Monday, UM'i June, nfior which lr*r
rip* will |,c du : jiillo'iwl far the *. S>Oll, je I
Savannah, June 7..
South Cnrnlinn.May 31,.
Mobile, Juno 1
Ncw-Orlenns, Juno 1,..<
Virginia, Muy 10,..
. 37369
. 83119
.. 2300
25000 .
North Cnrollun, May 11,,,.. 1000
Augusta It Hamburg, Juno 1,10921
Mncnn, Mny 1 ..••...3854
I'liilndnlpliin, May 25,' ..Q55.T
Now-York, May 29, ....... .05009
2377.1X11 27503 ’ .
RICE.—The sales of the wcok havo boon confin
ed to u few small lots nt $ lj. Holders are. asking' . - ‘
Stt- SMicii vprj’ liglit. ■: ' j* .'yS.Y
FLOUR.—Continue*dull. SoIcsofHovranlft,'
nt$8ullj. .. V .«
CORN.—Onn cargo arrived this week lio* been
•lured. Retails from store at OOhlOO.
GROCERIES —In Cufluo, Sugar ond Molntcr,
wo have no chnngc to notice, either in thramnd or
11 AY.—Sales of 500 di undies, on *tho whavf, at
87c.n$l. "x
SPIRITS.—In domestic liquors, sale* of N. E.
Rum at 45; Gin at 50a55; Whiskey at 46a47.
EXCHANGE—Oil England, nominal. Draft*
on N. York, at sight, 14 porct, prem,
FREIGHTS—To Liverpool, nominal, at jd.; to*
Now York, $1 pesbalo.
Statement of Collon, June 7.
UpPd*. S. I,
Stock on linnd, 1st October, 3164 35 ^
Received this woek...,.......... 1091 2
Do. previously,.. 183161 4792
137410 4129
Exported till* wonk, 1099 09 ,
Do. previously,..173344 4470 174443 4479
Stock on baud,innlmling all on ship •
h-cird not cfanrad on tlio 7th Juno. 12973 359
■ BBB!■■■'-■ ggSBS2
For 1'ivolnta, via Brantwick. 8t.
Mary’s, JachsoavlUc, ft.Black
The elegant *tenm packet FLO
RIDA, Captain John Nook, will
leave a* above on WEDNESDAY next, at2P. M-
For freight or passugo apply on board or to'
, R. <Ss W. KING*
No freight tnkon after 1, P- M.
Ail freight pnynhlo by shippers. • •. -I
Slavo passenger* must ho cloired nt tho Custom
limise. j* 8
--- € i |ur | Cgto|t#
AJJa Tho *cfir. COLUMBIA, S»ov«n», .pinstar,
will leave To-morrow mornlnf, ffih instant.
For freight ur passage apply on bfatrij at Kirche'*
wharf. ' j« 3-It
For iiicw YorS-(Olil r.b.hflri
XV Tlm fast **111114 packet ship OKI
StrSk Iluckmaii, will sail on TliUrsdoj
hi*'., (having her rvldn ruT’otijIjr newly filled im
with siato room*on deck, can cmnfmiably *—-
ni.Nlntn 11 few more |ms*t ng«>rs.) Fnr |ni*M|
ly. apply to Cipi* B. on hoard at Anelanx's.j
otui JaO COIIE.N,' Mil.l.E/l .t (
l’«r I'mvlili no' iV litTfum.
Th. in 1, vuif— wcttmuh
. ini,'HRsniATtm <iiii*mi'k
nuw loadliis fai tlm almve pirt*, ami will tail
In *11 next w*4'k. For f-f|ghl or pa**w*, apply
lotln* captain unhivnl nl ILed’s wharf,urf
j-i l. Baldwin;