The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, July 06, 1839, Image 4

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POETRY. Prom the Augusta Mirror. LIFE’S EMBLEM. Wt»t trUlini lnrl«lrnw will c*u*o tlto springi of Ui« human heart to well forth! How easily «» aorrowa and ovr aympnihlM simiaal t I ** w » beautiful child holding iu tnotlter with on* tend, 1 upward* with the other, to a >1 two. whilst U uttered In (dalothc ccenu, M Will it blossom no more, rf" Will H Monom no more, door mother, Are iU leave* and lU flow’roU dend, El tail myself nnd my own dear brother No more ’neath lu brandies tiead t The troe that our sport* htith ahndwl, That grow liy our cottage door, Haro lU leave* tmd luflow'roU fcd«*d, Will they Ido* tom f«»r u* no mure t "Sweet child! In tho scene thee, Thou mxy'sl road of thy futunr doom, Of the blight that I* gathering o’er thee, To whiter thy ymitli und bloom; Liko tho troo that thy sport* hath slmiled, Joy* bk>*tom tliy pathway o’er, Out oncotlint their bloom hath fudod, They will gladden thy soul no nioru! Will tho heart that Dctpnir hath broken E'er throb with delight again T Con ho who hath worn Cain's token, E’er wash from hi* hand* the atuio T Can you gathcr-from earth, tho wnter You have apill'd on It* thirsty plain f Or after lit* blood-rod »luughtcr, Giro Ufa to the haplos* »lnin 1 * 'Tl* thus with thn tree Itcforo thou 1 'TU thin with tho humun heart Tho' bright be the *un»hlno o’or thee, Iu glory will *<ion depart t Tho hope* that you fondly cherish, Tho treasure* of Loro’* own *toro. Like tho troo that thou moum’st, will perish, And glnddon thee nevurmoro.” Savannah. It- «• c. FLORIDA. W* copy tho following from the Tullahatsco Floridian of tho 82.1 Inal.: The extract of a letter from Mr. Poinsett to n cltIron of till* territory, afford satisfuctaiy evidence that the Government have resolved that under no ciroumitancoi alinll the Sominnlu* I hi aiiffored to rrmnin permanently in Florida. Tho Waaliington Metropolian paper auppo*o.l to ho in thu confidence nf the Admin!*)ration, odited by Judge T. J. Smith, lately of thUTeriltoiy, confirm* till* deter mination of thn Executive, by Information derived from 44 undoubted authority." 8» fnr «o Rood. We learn Cov. Call hn* not benn officially informed of the view* of tho Government tinea (ion. Macomb’* arrangement. Sir—f take the liberty of requeuing the publi cation nf tho enclosed extinct from a letter 1'ru.n thn Seerotnryat Wnt, which place* tho nrniMj ment madn by Macomb in it* true light. It clear ly *hew* tlml the Adminiftrnlion have ne idea of ftobtthuiiuf the Armiatieo made by Gen, Macomb for the Treaty of Paynu’s Landing: “We mint expect hostilities to ho partially con tinued Tor a (hurt period after an armistice; hut I amnf opinion that tho arrangement m do by Cion. Mncomti will lend tn the pacificallen of tho country and ennbo metoromnvo the Indian* from tlmTer ritory muoh sooner than can ho done liy force." (Signed) J. It. POINSETT. *MR. ADAMS ON PHRENOLOGY. Tlte following oharacteriitlo letter from Mr. Adami, I* puhliihc.l in tiio Alexandria Goxette t WABIItNOTOK, April 5, IBM. Dear Sir t—I have road with satisfaction your two Lecture* upon tiio Scionco of Phrenology, which I havo uovor boon abln to prevail upon my. ..jgalf to think a* a *eriou* apnculntfon. I have C*- —d it with aldtymy. with jui'jclnl nstrnlogy. with S , and, n* Cicero stm that lie wonder* haw irnau augur* could look each other in tho face without laughing, havo felt komothlng of tho <! aame aamriro.that two learned phrenologist* c- : - meet without tho liko temptation. ’But, a* It ha* Iwcn »ald of Diihop Rcrkloy'* anti- maturlol system, that he ha* doinonttratod, boyond all possibility of refutation, what no mnn in hi* *en*e» can Iwliovu, *o without yuur assistance, I thuuld novor havo been able lo oncouuter tin* *)'»• tom of thiity-throo or tldrty-fivo fncnltin* nf tho im mortal Mini, all clustered on tho blind aido of tiio hood. I thank you for furnishing mo with argu ment to moot tho doctor* who peck up tho fire *on*ea in thirty-five parcel* of tho bruin. I nm glad that your Lecture* havo lieeu ao successful, and hope that thoy will Imi yet inure in, In rocalling the •obur sense of tiio material philosopher* of our age to tiio dignity nf uii ini|MTialmlilo mind. I rumaln, dour sir, very respectfully, your ft'end, J. Q. ADAMS. To Dr. Thomas Skwall, Washington. LETTER FROM THE VICE PRESIDENT. Whitk Summikr Sritixos, Scott Co., Kr. Juno 8, 103!). Dkar Sir: I have received your favor in which you requested to know whether I hud oxpr'-sod n wish to decline being n candidate for tiio offico I now fill, and if not, whether l wo* willing to servo n second term if elected; at the santo lime giving it a* your opinion tlmt it wu* dun to myself, ami par ticularly to my friend*, tlmt I should no longer re main silent, a* some diversity of opinion existed ns to my withes and fooling* in relution to tho second canvas* for tho Vico Presidency. I have avoided tho subject of yotir letter a* much at I well could, and was in hope* tlmt it would not have been considered necessary that I should tnke a different course. Rut letters which 1 hnvo re ceived from othor friends, on tho same subject os yours, havo indued mo to answer your favor. I have never authorird tiio declaration that I wu unwilling to bo tiio Democratic candidate fur n second term, if my follow-citizen* desired it? I havo no reasons which did not exist nt niv first nomination, why l should refuse the same station if reflected. 1 wish it, however, distinctly under stood that I have alway* declared to all wiih whom . I hnvo conversod on his hend, that l was not on' willing, but would most cheerfully retire, if it slum!., bo atrertainrd that it wo* tiio wish of those who eloctcd mo that imoUicr person should bo suieetd to fill the place. "In my opinion, the office of Vice President is one that should not bo sought, and I do not think I have any right to bo consulted, or should have anv cause of complaint, If another should bo chosen. 1 had served my fellow citixeu* of my native State (Kentucky) for thirty years as a member of Con* eras* in one branch or the other, nnd I Imd retird from the arduuu* duties of public lifo. In this re tirement I wascalld by tho voice of thu pcoido to toy present station. It was conferred ns a testimony or approbation for my public services, nnd us n mark of their highest confidence in my fidelity ami political principles—so I considered when I accept- •d the ofilco. Many distinguithd individuals hnvo been named a* my successor. If it should appear that it is tho wish of tlto political friuud* with whom I have always acted that anv one of them should bo soloctd as the candidate, i shall manifest •» much ohoerfulnest jn retiring from tho service of the people as I havo tu servo them when they have n nested it. Vith these sentiment* I shall lenvo this subject In the hands of the people, from whom all my ho- From the Washington (tide. HON. ELY MOORE. Tl* Federal journals wem to taka a particular delight In vilifying ibis distinguished member of the Republican party. Whence lid* concert of abuse, levelled at a man, than whom annhler, pu rer, and morn blameless, was not tn be found in Congress! Is it, first because bo has raised him- sell by hi« intrinsic merit* lo thn commanding posi tion which he Im»I«L, from that profession, which armed Franklin in tho cause nf liberty! They cannot Itcnrlhn idee, that one who had once Iteen an operative printer, should enjoy the honor* for which limy claim a sort of birthright for ib«lr para sites and pretenders. We know that there was net a mnn who enjoyed a higher personal regard m the House of Representatives than Mr. Moore, a con sideration secured to him by Id* acknowledged ability, purity of life, aud courtesy ofmaunm*. Hi* argument agnlnst timconsilloilunalliyofa National Hunk, wns pronounced by one of his opponents, tlto strongest which has bawl delivered upon that ques tion. nnd ibis is no slight prulso from a disinterested source, Hut them is another reason why hn is the peem linr ohjoct of their illiberal assaults. Thu manly stand which ho look in favor of Southern right*, cannot easily ho forgivon by those who wore so anx ious, for political ends, Pi identify Abolitionism with Democracy. HU able speech upon this mo mentau* question was hallad ny tho true friend* of the South, n»n manly nnd efficient vindication of their institutions from the calumnlos of faction and fannticisin combined. It was, as nn nrgumunt, de cidedly more original nnd conclusive ihnii tho much vnumed subsequent effort of Mr. Clay, und was pronounced so by the Charleston Mercury, which presented both * pouches to its rondure, tlmt they might ho compared and fairly judged. Soul liens iMiIiticiisira should ho the lust lo join In tho senseless two nml-cry Against Mr. Moore. CENTRAL HAIL HOAD. The report of the Engineer which will ho found in to-day's paper, will gratifying lo every ciiiz-n of Middle Georgia. Tho extent of road already completed, and thn ox jut already under contract, with every assurance of# speedy fulfilment, forex- coeds the expectations «f it* mn*t xeoloua frimuls { —-while the enemies of tho rend tiroromploUtly con founded at their oxtrnnrdinnry nnd most unexpected siicco*i. This company under odvorau citcum- stunco*, advene, if wo tuko Into consideration, the absrnco of all Sinto niri, mid in mnny instunccsoi on tliecoiintciiaiice nnd good will of those who should bo their friends, with the notlvo opposite. . of its enemies, hnvo accomplished wonder*. They have with noaxtrinsionid, In tho shortest tiinu,Construct ed tho most unproductive rond through tho most barren country in tho United States, wo wero going lo any iu the world. Tho eighty mile* nf rood r. ,r fiuLh •<!, pnsivs through that bolt of untidy, pine barren,Vopiirating tlm fiat sen-roast from the Hilly nnd mountainous districts of thn middle socti i of the Htntn, nnd which, as n distinguishing geographical feature uf tho country, i* proverbial for its hrrreuness nnd un- prnduciivi-ness. Unlike every othor rond with which Wo nru acquainted, it* progrr • tins heretofore viold- ud no coimuousiiriitn profit,—hut this dilfinr.y , now nt iui end. Tho eighty inilo station roaches n rich fertile country, and every mile'* progress here- lifter, will in freight, a* woil a* passago money, )i- Id u prolitiildu rnturii to thu compnny. Tlieii coiirsois now onwards, by tl-o must practical route to Macon, and ns thorn is t o ret.iml ohslndo to iinpedo lliolr prog, ess, uoithor c..n there ho ntiy physidal dilliculties interposed, but wit 1 , h by their interprixo mid pcrsovoranco, tlioy will bo nido to uvorcotuo. Let thou tiio prufessed friends of tills grout work cense their qnerulousiiess nnd ungeuor- ous siirmisos. Grout ioiiin *co lias nlrendy been dono tho compnny liy idloctioiH upon their sincer ity, and it i* lull timn for our up cumitry friends o mahu the ucknuwleilgon’ent, that till their jealous fears have been groundless. Them U no room lon ger fur any one to doubt,—tho road iiiimI, nail will come to us by tiio shortest practicable route, and ho who still suspects tho good faith of the direction, • after tlm pvogro** nlreedy nmdo, nnd tho cortninin- dlcntions ofn coiiiiuitod prosocution of tlto road to tho desired terminus, i* most fuliiously nnd sulci- dally contending ngninst hi* own interest If wo oru unnlilo or unwilling to onntrilimo jiecuidarily to tlm work, Ictus lit least lie patriotie enough to give our good wishes, nnd mngimnimmu enough to give credit where it is dun for sincerity and good intent ion*.—J/acon Mciicnger,'27th nil. TRIAL oFmACKENEIB. An nxtrn .mi tiio Ontario Messenger, pn!dl«heH AtCannndniguo, New York, und dated Juno 91st. givos the following our * iilnrs of ilia trial of Muc- Konite, tho patriot, lor u broach of tho neutrality luwi "Tlm trial of Win. Lynn Mpckcnxlc, *fer n vinln- lion nftha neutrality law of 1810, which was com- nisnceil In this village, yesterday morula-/,' wns bnmglit toii*:lui0 tliisufternoon, by a veld lei from the jury of guilty, _ "flm tostimmiyin thn case was but it rccnpliii’u- linn of n fi-w of those facts with which lllrt Nvvy H’and affnlr had mndo the whotn country familiar. "Mnokontia imd noconnsoljniir did ho introduce The 911 iit Jtxx.—This was* tm morableday in annals «f oar Sine. It I* the anmvttsaiy of a r'-*- rioos VHrtoty, non by us, whila yel a colony, hut on thn eve of breaking our colonial fatten. The op pressive mother country despatched •powerful na val armnm nt to chasti-o ua Into auhmi**i«m, hot the race was not to tlm swift nor Ut« lmtlic to itm *t rong, and tho simple palmetto fort of tlm farblo colony tumbled the pride of tlm mighty nation on the hoH.icd element of her glory. The victory of the 38th June, I77ti was an apportunn precursor of the glorious fourth of July—it was hut In keeping that tho victorious colony, victorious over her op pressive rtder, should cease to iickfiowledge subjec tion, and Lticon o an integral part ofan iodc|mndenl repul,lie. This was indeed a proud day for Smith Corolina — for ita glory was the handy-work of her son*. The Rom in firmness of President Rutledge, refusing to despair nf tho republic In the most adverse rirrum- stance—tlx* uuc.ib:u!iuiug valour of Moultrie, court ing the ImiiIn against fearful odds—tho daring in- t •■pi-lily uf Jasper, lifting op at unre tlm Hug and the liopeK of hit country, while balls were fulling about idm like hail stones—the dying exhortations of the patriot McDonald, not to give op the contest for liberty—belong lo ihc history und ibo glory of tin* day, and rue thn property of South Curoliiia*— Char. Courier. Thk Sraman’* Home.—It is with lively satis- faction that wo copy the subjoined paragraph from tlm Sailor’s Mnga/.itic for tho present month. "The forecastle ef the new ship Catharine, of New York, Captain H her, muster, ono of tho Chn 'Ion lino of pnnkels, presents n model well worthy the attention all. This ship is of 170 ton* burden, and is said lo have cost $40,000. Tlm forecast lo is twelve by eighteen in the c!e»r, hav ing a guru! table in therentra, pteniy nfcl»<ct room, room for th" chest* of tho men under ti e Inwur bortlis. Is well lighted, nnd all finished in good style, pod painted. Here, then, is n £ ond nmm, w here tlm sailois may sit and enjoy riiemselves during ilmir wntch below, where tlmy in. lenri with com- rt or hold n prayer meeting, nwny from the din of business. When uttcniiun ran thus bn paid in all our ship* lo the comfort und uccommndotinn of tlm seamen, limn wo may hone fur *iicce*s in our at tempts lo instruct and reform them. CAUTION. Ifticknu in I luinilton and Sdnnil’s Lottery, have been exposed for sale in tiny part of thn Union, wo crutiun all porson* who tnuy iiuvo Imcomo pun-ba se to retiini their tickets, and claim back their money without de’.iy; for not only is tlm schema in itself a monstroH fraud, hut so fur from being ne- thorixed liy a law of ill's Territory, it wns lent wir ier, **tndUvely fmhiddeu, by lira Governor's veto. Tho Exocutive bus, we nte hi'jipy to learn, already moved in the niat'er; nnd wo doubt not, tiio solf- respcct nf tlm jtcopln of Florida will over preserve the Territory from thn poiliH'o.i of those who would come Imre, under tiny pretonee, to practice offences, which are felonies in tlmir own States. Im F« Mian has discontinued the publication of tho Lot .'cry-scheme { not wishing to l»p instru mental in.fleecing tho public. From tl-o moment bn inf.iinnn* nnmnmcem»*tlt met our eyps, we saw without a prompterllte cimirao'that common linims- ty to our roudor* dotnunded.—r'iorida Herald, 20(4 inti. From the N. V. A'. Fra. Tlmt cniiihustHile paper, the Montreal Herald, "ontaiiM In a recent numlmr, the following rhnnic- teristic invitnl’on. 41 A inttling lilaxo from a couple of Yutikre liarns," would ho very npt to spread across tlm Imvdev. To the Kdilor of the Montreal Herald : Sir—Why does not Colonel McCiilltirn, of the Volunteers, whose bains nnd outhouse* wero burnt by the rascally Viiukco syunurhi/.cr«, uncording to tlm notice roiitniimd in this tiny’s number, retaliate on thn villains by tiring tlm h-irns and outhouses of tlm two nearest residents, over the birder? That's wluil Im should do,41ml it is to bo presumed tlmt Ills neighbors will lend it willing h. ml. Them need Im no dependence on tho 44 Imperial Ati.lmri- lies;" tliey look to thoir own precious interests, nnd let us till do likewise I hope tho result of this intimation will bo a rattling blare from a collide of Yuukoo burns. A VOLUNTEER. From the Wathington (Hole, AVAILMH.E8 Tim politics of the Whig* are so pet fectly identified witli tiio jobbing concern* in which they tnku root, und from which they •' oivo support, thnt thn very Inngimgo of the nmney mnrt i* niipiuui to tlm spin- linn of n cantliduta fm- tii* 1'iosideney, ns if it was simply 11 matter of mercon.iry iiegoriatiim. Their aim, tliuy any, i* tlm 44 ejection of the present in cumbent ns thu par. objec ." mid for tlmt they urn ready to sacrifice nil preference founded on principle, or c-p.eity or any ilii-g else. They sum up all tlmv long for, iu this brief expression, 44 IVe want an available candidate.” Any scheme or contrivance by which nn availa ble can ho procured to open the doors, tlmt Fedi-ml remedy may rush loin ilmGovoromont, and rend er It available to their mnreemiry uitn*, is nt once ( to be adopted ! This fueling thrrw^lfr. Ct.AV into imy testimony, tlmt tnstimoiiy which ho proposed to I Im nrtusof Mr. Adams, liy way of bargain. Mr. I nrmluco having been deemed inadmissible. Ap.ims wus then tlto available Tint Whigs of He addressed tlm court and jury after tlm evi- denco w as closed, in a speech about eight hour* long, which wn» mndo tin mostly of historical ron'* ter in raferencutu himself-ud the patriot cause,and Most respectfully, It M. JOHNSON. From the N. Y. Courier and F.nqxi rer. AUempttd Fteape and Death of a Convict.— About noon on Sunday, ono of the HluckwoH's I*- Form, **»d convicts, named Isaac Stagg, recently sen- tcoced by tho Court of Sessions for three years was foandto b* missing from hi* ploco of confinement. Saaith wu made, and ho was discovered at- tempting to make good his oscapo by swimming “WJ tho East rirer. jdsws ballad by tha sentinel on shore, to which, gfjtfths unfortutmU 1 convict paid no attention, d* midala of tho current, r •myWjra thinking, bi*«*cspe certain, when the F»TQMf iMd,^ as Sugg immediately * un k, it is Mppoaadihat tha ball must bava struck his hand, IW feUlwtn, Jhwt M«M by wn. Ham P«o .haulJ bo kept In mlinj.l. nil .nun, inMMwlMtra lbli.kii.jt uf cmmiMln, mtlrlnii FmSSuuZ? L “~ l “ 444 of diver* political speculation* which hnd little or no connection with the qttostion which was before tho jury. IIo showed much ability, however, and Id* remark* worn not unfrenuoatly really eloquent. "Mr. Renton, the District Attorney, occupied about nn hour in pv/Montlng tlm argument on tiio part of tlm United State*. 44 Judge Thompson charged tlm Jury nt considera ble length, giving 11 very nhjc und lucid exposition of the inw nnd thn facts of tho case. Tho churgu was decidedly adverse to the drfendcut, Tlm jury wns out three liuur*. Mackenzie heard tho virdict with calmness, though It is said tlmt ho hud confidently anticipated nn acquittal. Tho sontenco of tlm court was pranon -cod upon him soon nller tho vcnllct. It wns, 44 that ho he imprisoned, during tho term of eighteen months, in tho ««wnty jail »f Monroe county, and pny a fino uf ton dollars." Tho Me • ranger, in stating tho re. tilt of tlm trial, presents tint following 44 co.stnwt," which is turn thnt cannot fail to strike the reader, and to create some wonder why it 1* tlmt of all the multitudinous offen ders against tho ncnir- ity law*, M«ckenr.'e, a poor nnd persecuted refugee, should bo tho only one brought to trial and cnuvic'od. Thk CoxrtiA.sT.—The men who invaded our land, to burn tho Caroline nnd murder American citizens, are not only purmined to walk the soil of llritnln, wMiout rebuke, hut tiio minions of tl.» British Muuarchy even honor them for thoir nefa rious deod. While a man who has for twenty years been struggi'ng tondvanceilmoniisoof human liberty and human Impnine**, llooing to us for help ngninst the enemies ot that cause, finds himself ar rested Ity our lows, tuyudgisl guilty of crime, and doomed to Im incarcerated, like n coiniiuin felon, within tho gloomy walls of a prison! Tho following sketch of tho 44 comhiuuj action," of pin etiological organs, is from tho New York Sunday Morning New*. Thu subject of tlm action wn* n nice young robirar who ha* ponoirntod into tlm vault <>f a bank, aud i* ubuut to remove tlm deposites. The young man turned thu key slowly m£l with indecision. 44 You are n fool to stand thUly-thallg In this .way, 4 iterated Comba tier nett. 4 * No matter what Irafall*. art one way or tho othor, orgo A»tt£yuur*cif,"exclninicd Destructive- nett, indignant at hi* hesitation. The clerk ontured tlm safe detorminod to purloin the money. 44 Whut with those nent little drawers nnd pigeon hula-*, and their luUty-Ulcd papers bound with red tape, every thing Iturclwik* very nbra," said Order, prlmlv. 44 The package is in. that coiner," intimated Lo cality. *' Judging from tho out/iue, thnt is it," said It is al»om tlm *amo Au?A," added Si: e, mea suring It with Id* eye. Robert took tho liuudio of hank notes, and eyod It wistfully. 44 Ho more collected," utged Conenttralioeneti. — 44 Think of litis ono point, your present awkward position." 44 He shall hereafter think of it often." said Cox- leientioumen, in n voire *• not Icu l, but deep." 44 It i* daylight already," remarked Color. 44 Yes,'U* past threw o'eloek." «aid Time. Tlm 44 Relvidero Aptdhi" suyst 44 Mr. Beqjamlp M, Dummln-ry, a yotntg man emphtyod in tie* oflkw of tbo Apollo, on Saturday last set up in 10 hours, l'J.OUl) cm* of solid Long 1’rinmr. Jf any of mtr Jersey hrelhern of the lyne, have lienton, or Ulink tltey can heat this, he will do 11 few thousands more in Um samn.itu»'o of time, galw l»w ■ w * wo to riiaku outfr." Virginia would take him again 011 tho sumo terms lleartlm Fiedorlcksburg Arena: 41 Wo holiovt 4 tho vast initjoi ity of tlm Wh'gs of Virginia prefer Mr. Cf.Af to any mnn whose niinto is bofore tho nation, hot they arc prepared, fur tlm s.,l:o «»f hurmnny. to give hint up if nocossnry.— Tuny wo.ild support (porhtip- with less enthusiasm i tyot cordially) whumsoavor nmy hochoson by llic convention. Foroursoives. grant as our admi ration Mr. Clay is, «r regard the ejection of the present incumbent at thn paramount object; and wh'lst wo prefer Mr. Clay to any man in tlm UtmdS .tos, toe «mnt an available candidate. Wo heiovo Mr. Clay to ho such a cnndidrto, but should tho convention think otherwise, wo are pre pared to sustain its nnminco." CHARLES SFENCER. Wo learn from the St. Louis Republican of tlm UUh inst., that the absconding Cashier of tbo I’hne- niX Bank, Conn., hn* lieeu roleusotl. Spencor wn* committed in defnult nf his finding bail tn thn nm't. of $ 15U0. An application was made to tlto County Court for n habeas co-pus, nnd granted; und nller tlm examination of evidence against Hn*, ho wn* to- committed, but two oftlmjndga* finally ugreed to reduco tho hail to one thousand dollars, nnd receiv ed hi* cnuti el a* tile security, nnd released Spencer. The Republican ubservo*: “IfSpcneor hat taken, at is alleged, $'>,000 from tho Hank, it would bo an easy operation to dennsite the one-lift It of thnt sum with his counsel and let tho bond bo forfeited. We mention tbo facts ns we have understood them, und ns it i* understood tlmt Spencer i* oil’, there is not tho bust offociing prevailing in tho community, a* to tho manner of his getting owny." Painful Suicide.—Wu nro informed that Ezra Jewell, Esq. Editor of tiio Lyons Argus, committed Hifoide nt Lyons, on Monday Ins.. between 12 and 1 o'clock, 1*. M., by shooting himself through tho heart with a pistol. Tho deceased suffered under pecuniary umbarmssment nnd wns smr.twltnt given to despondency. Ho was an industri- us young un married man of 22 or 23 years of ago, and was much respected hv Id* follow-citizens. Tho event of his sudden unu violent dcuth is in every respect greatly to bo deplored. From the York (Pa.) Gazette THE PRESIDENT. On Friday afternoon last, Mr. Van Duron ar rived at Whitehall, in this place, on hi* way to tho Slate of Now* York, nnd early on tlm following morning departed for Harrisburg. During his short stay hero, tho citixeu*, without distinction of party called iijwu him ex matte, to pay their r»*- 5poets; all of whom wero exceedingly gratified with their visit, speaking in the highest terms of tiio plainness nnd simplicity of his manners, Ids unsv and cllixen-Hko deportment, nnd hi* discard- ing owrv thing like form aud parade lu thu recep tion of Ids visitors. Ou. Democratic friends Invited Idm to partake of a public dinner, hut ho declined the honor, as w ill bo seen by his reply to thu committee of invita tion, which wo annex. Ho is accompanied by His son, nml trawl* in a stylo becoming tlte PEOPLE’S President, dignified, liut unostentatious. Tux BuitmiiNavt.—Whether the British Navy is reduced to a nonentity, or not, may l>e gathered from tho fact that utt the 1st ult. there were in com- mission 6 first rates, of 104 to 120 guns nu-h; 7 second rotes t of 00 to 02 guns each t 17 third rates, of 74 to 78 gut:* each; 2 fourth rales, or 53 gun* eachi 0 fifth rates, of 30 to 40 gun*each; 21 sixth rates, of 20 to 88 guns each; 40 sloop* (ship*) of 18 to 30 gun* each; 30 brigs, of3to 10 guns rnch; 23 *teatner*, of 100 to 390 horse power J 11 sur* ve) ing vessels, of 4 to 10 gun* each, 23 sloops of war lifted a* imckeus nnd 3 yuleh*. Total num ber of gun* iu immmUfloa, 4103, beside* tla-se on Ixwrd of .team .hip*; or about exactly doubt* the wltulrt number of guu« in t)ie American Navy, in eluding vessels not In commission. From the Ttnntttrt Patriot- MR. VAN BE REN AND THK TARIFF. 44 If wo cannot vole for Henry City because he is in favor of a prottnivs tariff, how can the South support Mr. Van Huron, a ho hat voted for some of the >antn hills to which we lure alluded, and w ho i* *aid to lie a* warm n tariffite a* Henry Clny?" We answer this inquiry by nnening in general terms, and rn thn vury b<-*t authority (Mr. Butler'* Inner to Mr (iailund, March, 1835,) that 44 Mr. Van Hu ten’* pm tonal feeling* have been at all times averse to thn hith tariff policy," It i« known to nil who have made themselves ac quainted with tho politic* of New York, during the but fifteeny< uia, that up to 1830, and probably fur n few* year* afterward*, the people of that Stato were generally in favor of protective duties, Mr. Van Horen wns their Representative, not., min ally u» many legislator* are, Hut realty nnd iu until. He spoko their si-ntimenl*, nnd voted in accordance with their instruction.. Nowit would be just as reasonable to churgu Mr. Grundy with being oppos ed to tho Independent Treasury System, because (being instructed Hy the Inst Legislature of this Sinte so in do,) he voted ngninst this mensure, ns it i*, to call Mr. Van Horen the friend of a high tariff fur ha viu>' voted when instructed by his constituent, so lodo.fur a bill the *^4 and policy of which we linvp the most conclusive evidence to prove that bo persona'ly deprecated. In bis roply to the Siiocco Spring* comtnit’oc, in 1832. he u««d tho following language: 44 The protective system nnd its proper adjust ment became 11 subject of frequent nnd iivcc.sniy consideration w lid.t 1 fin mod u part of the enhinet; nnd the nmtutcr in which lira I’re.-idwnt proposed to carry in*fji*lfcrt thopoficy in relation in import*, recommended in HI-* previous messages, lias since been avowed, with that frankness which behuigsto bis charae or. To this ond be recommended 4 u niudificnijon of 1 Ho tariff, which sh«uld produce a reduction of tho revenue to tho want* of the Go- vernmoot, nndim adjust incut of tlto duty upon im ports, with a view to cq>4 justice, in rolntion to all our nn ion.d market*, und lo tho cuunteroctiou of foreign policy so far ns it may bo injurious to those interests." 44 In thesesontitnents I fully concur; nnd I hnvo b-on thus explicit in the. strlumeut of them, tlmt there may lie no room for misapprehension a* to myownviuwa upon die subject. A sincere and H tiiful npplicntion of ilieso prineiplns to our legis- • lion, on warped by privnto interests or political dosign, a restriction of tlm wants nf thn Govern ment to n simple and economical administration of its ulluirs—tiio only administration which is con sistent with tiio purity aud stability of tlto Repub lican system; n preference in encouragement given to such munufuctures tre nro e..onttal to the 11 .li.tnul defnhco, nnd its extnn-iun to others in proportion as they ora adapt -J to our c< uutry, and of which tho raw materia] is produced by otitsolvos, with a proper respect for thu iiilo witich commautls that nil taxes should bo imposed In proportion to the ability nnd condition of tiio contractors, would, I uni convinced, g*ve ultimate siitisfurthin to n vn»t majority of tlto people of tint United Stales, and tend to nnost tlmt spirit of discontent, which is now unhappily prevalent, and which tlirt-iiten* such ex tensive injury to tho institti'in.i* of our country." In addition to this it will only lienecessary to sub join tlte following extinct* from Mr. Uunlon's let'ei to Gun. Davis, umi we buven compluto view of Mr. Van Hiirori’*|(eiitiuinnt*ari regard* the tariff. " He, (Mr. Vun Huron) was tho first eminent members of Congress, north of tlto l’otomnr, to open tbo wnr, nt the right point, upon tlto tariff of 1888, then undergoing tho proeea* of iucubarion through the In-truinentnliiy of a cunventinu to sit at HurrUbu g. His spot cb ut Albany, in July 1027, openly cluiiucturi/nd tlmt mea.nre us n political iiiitMatuvra to inftueneo the 'mpu.iding Presideiitiul olectinn; und the graphic expression 4 a measure proceeding* more from tha CLOSET of tho POLI TICIAN limn from tho woitKsitor of the manukac- TUUKit,' •* opportunely and felicitously used in ilitil spourh, soon beennio the opinion of tiio public, nml suire-qiienily recoivid tin* impress of verific t.'.m from tim nbandono ettl, und the manner nf nimudon- ing, uf ibo wbulo i'ubric of tbo h : »h turilf policy. Failing to carry uny body into tic Presldeutinl choir, it* .loom pronounced .by the election of Juek.on nnd Van Huron, it was abuudoiu'd, ns it had been created, upon political calculation; and expired un- dur 11,/rat otnuiuititig, not from tlte Workshop of the nmnufactuior,liut from the closet of the politician. True, that Mr. Van Huron voted for tiio tariff of 1023, notwithstanding his speech nfl827, but equ ally mio tlmt ho voted under iustruclions from id* Slate Legislature, nnd in obedience to the grent Democratic principle, (demos, the people, kraleo, to govern,) which hits nlwnv* fin mod a distinguish ing feature ai d a dividing landmark between tho two great political pnrlias which, under whatsoever name, have always existed, and still exist, in our comitiy. Sitting in the chair next to him nt the timn uf that vote, voting ns he did, nml upon tiio s o.o piii.eiph-s; ia.erclianging opinions without reset ve or di»gili*c, it cooies witlun tlte perception of my senses to know that he felt great repugnance lo tho provisoes of the turiffnci uf '28. nnd voted for it, ns I did, in obedience lo n principle which wuboth hold sacred’." Tint South cun then, consistently with it*princi ple* und its interest, vo-e for the re-election of our present Chief Magistrate, whilst all within her nml. about her, is tinctured strongly with opposition to his great. rival. Here we feel satisfied that wo might stop nnd safely lenvo the mat.or with our renders. We hud indeed Imped to bo able tn con- elude our remarks ou this subject in tho present number. Wo cannot do it—nor can we now fix any definite limits to tho observations we feel con strained to million this all impoitiiiii question. We shall, therefore, commit it for tbo present, to tbo Norious consideration of our render*, again adding, tlmt (four liberties ore worth preserving.—if our institution* ought to he kept up—if tho welfare of our common country and tlm prosperity of tlm South nro worthy of our regard—thou—thou, can wo never ontortniii the idea ufolcciing llenry Clay to the Presidency. A New York paper, after giving some account of the eccentric hnldts of Mr. J. G. i'ercivnl, who resides at New Haven, (Ct.) says; 4, We nrenui aware that he is accomplishing nny thing at pre sent, worthy of hi* calling." Mr. I’ercivnl hn* forsaken tha pntln of poetry nlmo*t n'togothcr for some years past, to w ork in those iff science. He Iui* been known to tlte public more n< 11 poet, than ns n scholar; hut llte intr"? character lie possesses iu a very high degree. Geology is nt present his favorite study, and we venture t» say ihnt no purt of this country has boon more carefully surveyed with reference to its geological character, than tho Stato of Cmmoctlcut hy Mr. Vercivni. We hope yet tosco tiio result of this investigation* in print. In other departments of knowledge, nnd particular ly in Philology, Geography, nnd various branches of Natural History, and we may addin Medical Science, few could veil'urn to compete with him. If nature mndo him a poet, indeitigahlo study, with the advantage of a memoryJslngulorly retun- tivo, has made him a learned man. From Ihc Pennsylvanian. Why, ay, this kooks rrrki.uon. Tho Nn- lionul GhhoIIo of Tuesday, after alluding to tlm fuct thnt the delegates to the Chumherfhurg Con vention wero chiefly chosen undercalls addressed to tho friends of Ifenry Day. remark* upon it in the following shot land sharp style: 44 A course such ns this, is to use the most lenient term, had policy. Wo entertain us High respect for Mr. Clay a* any of our follow citizens possibly can, and would wish him. above nil others, to succo-d tho^presenl Chief Magistrate. But personal pre ferences cannot blind ns to plain facts. Wo do not believe from tho evidences of tiio past that Mr. Clay can g»t the electoral vote of Pennsylvania.— Ohio ho will also lose, and probably ladinmi. This,-we take it, is to bo rcgnrdod ns a signal rocket—a blue light of encouragement tu Thnd- dens Stevens, and the forlorn hop.* of IIin ri*oni«m. It i« meant, ww presume, to assure them that not. withstanding tlto rebuff tecoivod Hy Ponrose, Dic key and company, at Clianibersburg/ tfo-y hnvo still 11 linmirull «i friend* nt least in this quarter, who will not ho cuffed into the train of Henry Clay, or consent lo play second fiddlo to a division of tiio whig party which wn* so lor j extent to hold nn interior station. The paragraph is brief to bo sure, bat it embodies" a volumo of exhortation to perseverance on the part of the friends of General Harrison, sn-1 we observe that Ponlson’s Adverti ser follow* up the lead with several cheers for him "whose rye novor blinked." KKOKUCK. 44 Wo have conversed with x gentlemsn recently from Dc* Moines,* observes the Boston Tranretipt, •who says that KxuxUcx wa* stabbed ity Hlacx Hawk during a drunken frolic, hut was recovering from his wound, which was not mortal.' The Publication of the Bowie Knife ha* been suspeudriJ, Wa wish many of ilia cowardly ras- cal* who carry Bowia hnivas, ware suspended,— Dolt. Sett. lest on, erpreu line, daily. T he, ted n this I $25. cd ns thn rail road is opened. Tbo cutnpnny I throe of tlm fin "'t sex steam packet* in tlto Uni' State*, (nil new) viz : the Gov. D< Hey, North C nlina nnd C. Vanderbilt, which leuvu Charles for Wilming*>in nllnrna'c 1 / every nfternnon n •epeake and spo*d, rn mol be ci'udled. F Walden, $°0—ti Wilni^Kton $8. songers mu't be e'enred m tbo Cnstt pns-ngo, apply on board, at tho Wil Pocket wharf. H. H. JAC Wilmington Steam Pocket wharf. Cits Heston, M>v Ifi, 1838. T’i MEDICAL COLLEGE, IN RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. niy follnw'Rz. AUG’S L WARNER, M D, Professor of Su und S.irgicul Anatomy. JNO. CULLEN, M I), Professor of Theory Practice of Medicine. TIL JOHNSON, M D, Professor of Anatomy Physiology. L. 'V'. CHAMDEnLAVNE, M D, rrufc.i Materia Medicu and Therapeut'es. It. L. HO HANNAH, M I), Professor of Ohsti nnd the Diseases of Women and Children. SOCRATES MAUI’IN, M D, Professor of rn's.iy nud l’iinrioticy. Ler of ■ ue.Of .ing M di- l aud Surgical Cases,- which the Student i rs access nt all hours. The College lufirtiurv, together with l!^. AI House, I’en'leutinry and Ar 1 o.y (wh’ch ore uni thu charge of two of the Pro e-sors,) will afford 1 Student uii opportunity of witnessing the varii* incident to n Southom climate. 1 nlrwidmico of mutcrinls fur Anatomical purpus umi the reduced pi'co at wtiicli they nro furnish, will enable tho Student to ticquiro an iitimi knowledge of tho Aneiomy of 'inhuman body, a the use of S irg'cnl Instnune its. During tlto lest Winter Co .’.Sc of Lectures, fn tho number of Surgical Cases admitted ic.'n the finnnry, tha Pnilv-or of Surgey was enabled nx’iililibefore tbo cl«s.> f marly nil tbo Inportt Surgical oji. rntiun- upon the living subject; a from tho increasing pnpul-rity of t.10 ltihrmu there is reason to holieve tlmt iiereaftor tho Sui cal Cases iti tiio Uoasc, w'Ugrontly increase. Good Boarding, 5 icluditr; .aol. 'iglits, sorvar attendance, &c. can lie obtained in this city four do.tars per week. We nro nuv.mriscd to stato tlmt a full Coarse Lectures in this institutinii will bo received user valent tonne hi tho following Medical Schools; L varsity of Pennsylvun'ti; Jefferson Medical C'olli of I’biliuk-',tliiu; Medical College uf tho S.utu South Carolina; Tnrasylvnn’ii University, Lexi ton, Ivy 5 University of'Maryland, &c. Are. Tbo Prolssor of Aiir.tumy will open the Dissi ing Rooms of tlm College on the first of October AUG'S L. WARNER, M. I).; Demi iff ie Med'cu] Faculty Rinlminnd, Muy 17th, 1838. jo22-3lawi! District, S. tions prepared tor tlm vecentum of viri on w place, will be entirely finished liy tho 10th ol next. From three to four hundred p--sons c in the different cottages. The x« is un abundant s •nlinrd. Amusements of the reach ofvis’ crs. The in enrringes. The Limestone Spring is n highly medicinal v ter. In nddhiun to Linn*, there is fo.11 d Mtigi'e und Epsom Salts iu it; and the great quantity ofC boiiio ticidgi s. constantly oscap'.ng .101.1 the Spring, renders tlm wnter very light. To Dyspeptics, ami persons laboring under Rver eompliiiusis, or of con stipated liithita, experience enables us to say 1" wa er is i ivulunhlo. If any vis’tor Inliorin nnv nf these diseases has over visited tiio pi not linen lieuetit.ed, it is to tts unknown. T two lino Cluilylieato Springs, 010 rising 0.1 Limestone Quarry, und tho oilier n short di low it Iu addition to Iron, they lire sunm nutj umi afford many fire und delightful walks. Several iiiMligcnt nttd respcclnhlegeiillenien In settled perniunnutly at tiio Springs, nnd consliti nt all titnos a delightful society. They have mr their arttlonieiiu with a ,wofold object, lienlth 11 the cdnci.tiuii of thoir clii'i'iren. For this latter p pose tliey havo established iv/o excellent schools- Male Academy under die direction of Mr. 1 a Female Academy, limit r tl:c care of Mis-' Both .-.obools merit every encouragement tho Springs, will havo .he opportunity < their cliiidren in those exeoilent school*. may bo required. A competent instructor instructress in Dancing, is..expected, nnd w certuiulv in atttcndauco to instruct ull win desire it. The»o urc some oft he inducements which a seated to tiio public, to favor tho Linn-stone S witli thoir patronage. When it is remember, this establishment owes iu foundation to tho ii ty nnd patriotism ofmauy gentlemen who huvu ... vanned large sums of money for the purpose of pn " such gross irrcguluritie believe will ho successful. Persons cun bo a vote, secluded nud retir; .i ns they please. dation tliey may require. Till* llllivi-rrfllltu n.lmitlA i ainusoineut for leisure travellers. ment of the races on the first Tuesduy in October. Holts of Boarding, atfollows: Person* per day, Do do week. For lets time thnufour weeks, Four weeks and longer, Families stationary |H>r month, Cliiidren and Servant* lialf price Horse* per day, Do. |M*r week, Do. |H>r month, The StiK-khiildiva in the Company * y, at tiio Sprl $1 121 7 00 8 50 8 00 5 00 0 82A 3 50 3 00 11 T’"——'i—y xre reniindisl (• nsremble on tlus 4th July, at the Spring*, wliere a Dinner will be meimred, and an Oration delivered by somoaUtinfuisheif gentlemnn. Tho public uto InvU i^l WM. MURRAY, Agent, L*8. Co. xprll Ufl. " LEGAL NOTICES Notice. "CtOUR months after date, application will be J? mads to tho Hon. the Inferior Court of C'nat- ham county, while sititng as a Court u( Ordi nary, for leave to sell all the Real Estate nnd Slaves, belonging to the estate of Enununl De La Mottn, deceased, for the bonefit of thu heirs and creditors of said estate. ' je20 SOLOMON SHKFTALL. Ad’mr Notice. lAOUR MONTHS after date, application will J. Ihi made to tho Justices of thu Court of Ordi nary fur tho county of Liberty, Cot h’nve to sell u boy hy the nnmo of Albert, belonging to the estnm of John Bradley, sold for the benefit of tho creditors, je 13 JOHN S. BRADLEY, Adm’r. Notice. L30UR MONTHS after dale, application will I. be mndo to tho Hon. the Justices of the infe rior Court of Chatham county, when sitting for Or dinary purposes, for leave to sell u House nnd Lot in lim City of Savnnnub, nnd three Slaves, belong ing to the estate of J. Stone, late of Savannah, do- ceased, for the bonefit of thu heirs und crediiur*. JOHN LEWIS, L. BALDWIN. jcl3-2nw Administrators. Notice. TNOUR MONTHS after date, application will Jl Iio mnile to tbo Hun. the Justices of the Info riur Court of Bulloch county, when silting for ordi- nnry purposes, for lenvo to well n lot of lund in tlm Cherokee, now Cass county, drawn by the heirs of James Henley, dec’d. je7 JAMES NEASMITH, Guardian. Notice. "ITtOUU uvuithii from date hereof, application will L be made to tlte Honortil le, the Justices of the inferior Court of Chathancounty, when sitting as u cu.iituf Ordinury, for leave to soil n certain tract of Land in £a« coun'yof Stownit, (lute Lee) con turning two hundred, two and u half acres, lor the benefit of Sumuel IJ. Courier, rn orphan und mi nor. her SUSAN X COURTER. mr.y 25 tnnrk. Notice. T7IOUR months after dale, application will be -1. mndu to the Honorable, the J it .ticca of ihe Jnfrrior Court of Liberty county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for lenvo lo sell nil the estate, l.-oih rent and personal of 1(. S. Lennurd. lute of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. GEO. W. DUNHAM, Admr. Ricebnro, May 15, 1839 may 17 Notice. T710UR months after date, application will be J. mndo to the Honorable, the Inferior Court of Bulloch County, when seuir»for ordinury purposes, fur leave to sell tbo real estate of Wm. Slater, de* ceased, lata of said county, fur the benefit of thn heirs. may 2 BARBER CONK, Admr. Notice. FT^OUR months nficrdaionpplication will bo made X? to the Honorable 1 he Justices of the Inferior Court of Chut bum County, when sitting for ordina ry purposes, for Icnvc to sell tho undivided seventh parlof Isvbella D. Vnllotlon, a minor, in a certain lnt«riuud containing forty-live netes,situated in tlto Fitst Tytliing. in Reynolds Word, and known by tlm number (3j three, with nppurtununccs thereto be longing. may 38 WM. MOREL, Guardian. Notice. FT^OUR mouths after date, npplicntion will be .F mnile to tin* Hon. tho Justices of the Inferior Court of Chuthniii County, when sitting for ordina ry pnrj'o-es. for leuvu to sell n tract of lund shunted in Murry county, Georgia, containing one hundred und sixty (160) acres, belonging to Christopher Day, a minor; lobe sold for the benefit of suid minor. LEWIS.!. B FAIRCHILD, nmr 6 Guardian. Notice. I^OUR months after data, application will lie L made to tin- Mniiornhlc, tiio justice* of the In ferior Court of Chatham countv. when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell n negro slave nnmed JONAS, belonging In the estate of Jon junto Ltingevin.of said county, deceased, for thu benefit of the heirs nnd creditors, apt 26 l’AUL DUl’ON, Guardian. Notice. AT the expiration of four months from dam, tip- ■ JvjL plication will be made tn the Hon, the Cnprt nf Ordinury, of the county of Bulloch, when setting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell n negro man belonging to thn estate of Senhnm Mikull,deceased, for tiio benefit of ilm heirs ofsaid deceased. ALLEN MI KELL, Administrator. March 11 tit 1839. mnr 16 Notice. "TIOUR MONTHS after time, application will JC bo inado lo tbo Honorable tho Justices of tbo Inferior Court nfCliuthnm County,when sitting for- UrcFnnry purposes, for lenvo lo sell nil thereat es tale and slaves of tho late Dr. John R. Allen, of said county of Chatham, deceased, for tho benefit of tho heirs aud creditor# of said deceased, mnr 13 MARY L ALLEN, Adnilrx. Notice. pOUIt montha after date, application will bo X made 10 the Hon. the Justices of tbo inferior Court of Liberty county, while sitting tor ordinary purposes, for louve to sell threo negroes, nomad Benjamin, Judy, und Lyndu, belonging 10 the es tate of William II. Parker, of suid county ,'dcccusd, for the benefit of tho heirs nnd creditors, mnr37 SOLOMON PARKER, Admr. Notice. POUR months after date, application will he a made tu the Inferior Court of Chatham Coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for lenvo to sell one lot nnd improvements, Oglethorpe ward, Pino street; ono lot, No. 2, ami brick improve ment, in Liberty ward, on Broughton street. — Ono lot of land in Bryan county; containing fifty ueres more or less, and known by the nnmo of Fort Argylo. All said lots the property of Tiiomus Lu- . ceita, lata of Chatham county deceased. 5. M. BOND, mar 1 Adtn'r. will -he will nnnexod. Notice. 11111 REE MONTHS after dnta application will X bu mndo to tho Planters’ Bank of the State nf Georgia, for tbo renewal of six certificates of Stock of .aid Bnok, which have iieen lost, viz: two in the name of R. Bolton; two in the name of R. R. Bol ton; two in tbo name nf C. Bolton, trustee of M. O. Bolton. ROOT. HABERSHAM, mnr 28—3m For the parties Notice. f I HIRER months after date, npplicntion will be X mude tothe Directors of tho Suv’h.Og. and A 1 . Canal Company, for renewal of Scrip No. 39, for forty shares, ami No. 90, for four shures in tho capital stock of said Company, given to Alex. Tel- . fair, the sumu being lost or destroyed. ROBT. HABERSHAM, mar 31 Ex’ A. Telfair. Notice. f IIHREE MONTHS ufter date application will i be made toiho Planters Bunk of the State of .Georgia, for the renewal of two certificates of stock of said Bank, which lmvo been lost in tho name of R elln Rul ‘on. epril I5-w3m JOHN W. TALLEY. Administrator's Notice. A LL persons indebted in ihc esluto of Walter ■iX Dltbeis, deceased are requested to make pny- •3Mt, and those to which bo is indebted, will pre sent tlmir accounts within, the time prescribed by law, for payment to may 13 CLAGHORX & WOOD, Adm’r*. Notice. A LL persons having claims ngninst R. S. Leon- £\. ard, deceased, must present them, duly uttest- ed, within tho lime proscribed by law. GEO. W. DUNHAM, Admr. Ricebnro, May. 15,1039, may 17 Administrator's Sale. TTTILL be sold nt tho Court House in Bulloch 11 county on the first Tuesday in August next, a lot of land containing 33 J ncros, lying in the Cherokee purchase, belonging to th* estate of Ar thur Kirby, decrused, for thu benefit of tho heirs of said deceased. muy23 JAMES KIRBY, Admr. Notice. A LL person* indebted to the undersigned, are xm. requested tojmnke put ment, within one month from date, otherwise their nccounU will be placed in the hands ofan nttnrney. Savannah,fob. 95 C. MACARDELL In llio Court or Common Plea* and of Oyer and Terminer for the City of Sa vannah, April Term, 1830. W HEREAS Joseph C Habersham, Georg* G. Farrie*. Joseph Washburn, Aaron Cham* pion, A. B. Fannin, and William Beo, were drawn and summoned to attend this Court as Grand Ju« rort, and Thomas J. Walsh, Amass Bennett, Ro* bert Mackny, John Dennis and Peter G. Sbick, Pc* tit Jurors, duly summoned and have made default, us such: It it ordered, That unless they file sufficient causer of excuse with tho Clerk before the ensuing (June) term, they bn fined, Grand Jurors in tbefcum offer- ty dollurs, nnd Petit Jurors in tho sum of twenty dollars, each. And whereat also William Gorham, a Petit Juror, made default on tho first da\ of the term; It it ordfred, that unless hn will file suffi cient excuse, he be fined in the sum of five dollars* Extract from the Minutes, jo8 R. G. GUERARD, Clerk. Georgia—Liberty county. By the Honuroble the Cuurt of Oidinary. for laid County. E NOCH DANIEL.and Eli Bradley, execntnra of tlte last will nnd testnment of John Miller, nnd Elizabeth Patrick, administratrix of the goods und chatta, right* and credits, tfint were of Wil liam L. Patrick, Into of suid county, doceatcd, ap ply for dismission from their said trusts. These are therefore to cite and udmordsh all per sons conr.urned, to file their objections (if any there bo) in tbo office of tlte Cuurt or Ordinary for said county, within the time prescribed by law. In default thereof, the said execiflbrs'and admirt- is . nix muy be dismissed in conformity to their up|.l ration. Wiuwss the Hon. William J. Way, one of the Judges of tho said Court of Ordinary, at Hinesville, in tho county aforesaid, ibis thirtieth day nf Muy, in the your of our Lord oighteen hundred and thirty- nine, and in the sixty-third year nf American Inde pendence. E. BAKER, c. c. o. l. c. je 7-lnm6m State of Georgia.—CHATHAM CO. T O all whom it may concern.—Whereas George J. Kollock hath upplied to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Chnihom County, for letters of administration cum tesfamento annexo on the es tate and effect* of Min Frances Butler, lalo of Pennsylvania, deceased, These nro therefore to cite and admonish all nnd singular, the kindred and creditors of the said de ceased, to file their objections (if any they hove) to the granting of the administration of tlte estuta of said deceased, to the applicant in the Clerk’s Of-, ficc of the anid Court, on or beforo the' first duy of July next; otherwise letters of administration, as prayed for will he granted. Witness, the Honorable Anthony Porter, one of the Justices of tho snid Court,the third dny of May, 1839. EDWARD G. WILSON, je 1 Deputy Clerk, c. o. c.o Brought to Jnil. O N 2d inst. a Negro mnn nnmrd FRANK, axed about 20 years, about 5 feet 8 inches high, says he belongs to Frederick Frasier, living in Beau fort, Sooth Carolina, and runaway about threo weeks sinco jy 3 P. O SHTCK, Jailor- Brought to Jnil, O N the 30th ultimo, n negro mnn nnmed JOHN, aged about 30 yenrs, about 5 feet 8 inches high sav* he belongs to John S. Maxwell, Bryan County, and runaway two months sinco. jy 1 r. G.SHICK,Juilor. Brought to Jail. O N the 36th inst. n Negro mnn, who says he is nnmrd TOM, thnt he h>-longs to John Mil- ledge, Skidnway Islnnd, in this county, nnd that he runaway about n week ngn,liu is 5 feet 8 inches hieb. nnd about 23 years old. jo 29 P. G. SHICK, Jailor. Brought to Jnil. O N 98*Ii inst. n Negro man about 30 years nf use, nWuii 5 feel 6 inches high,.»ay* he bo- lone* to John Moon, Liberty county, nml rnnnway on Wednesday Inst, calls him«elf William. .je 29 * P. G. SHICK. Jailor. Brought to Jail. O N 28th inst. a Negro mnn named July, nga nbniit 35 yenrs. uhont 5 feet 6 inches high sny* hn belongs in James Gould, of St. Simons I* land, nnd runaway threo weeks sinco. jo 28 P. G. SHICK. Jailor. Brought to Jail. O N the 7th in*t. n Negro mnn nnmed WILL, about 6 loot high, about 5ft years old, snys I10 belong- to Dr. Harris of Bryan County ntul that ho r'vnwny in April last. jo 8 P. G. SHICK, Jailor. Brought to Jail, O N the 23d inst., n negro boy named TOM, nhont 14 rears of ngn. about 5 feet in height, snys he belong* in Jnmes M, Dyr, nf Augusta, and mrnwnv about two mouths since. jo 25 P. O. SHICK .‘Jailor. N. Brought to Jail, O N the 24tb inst,, ii negro boy nnmed MOSES, nged about 20.year*, about 5 feet 6 inches high, snys lie belongs in William Cooper, of Burke county, and runaway about one month since. >25 . 1». G. SHICK Jniior. Brought to Jail. O N the 18th inst., n Negro man nnmed BYRD, aged about 24 yenrs. about 5 feet 7 inches high, lays he belongs to J. II. Randolph, Tallahas see, Florida. .>21 r. G. SHICK, Jailor. Brought to Jail. O N tbo 7tlt inst. a Negro mnn mimed FRIDAY, nged about 25 yenrs, about 5 feet 8 inches in height says lie belongs to John Smith of Beaufort, South Cntviiinn, rnnawny on tho 5th inst. and taken out of tho British brig Robert Burns,nt sea, by John Robbins, pilot of this port. ,> 8 I*. G. SHICK. Jniior. Bronglit to Jail. O N thn 3rd io*lnnt, n Negro man nnmen JOE, nged about 28 yenrs, about 5 feet 9 inchcH high, G&ys he rnnnway in April l»»t, and thnt he be longs toGenl. James Irving, of Barnwell district, Smith Carolina. jo-l T. O. SHICK, Jailor. T „„ , Notice. IIL subscriber has given Mr. R. Ralfortl an Interest in his business, which in Aituro will Ihi tmn inete.l uoJcr tho name and stylo of C. B. Carter St Co. J*l C. D. CARTES. Admiuistrrtrix Sale. W /.LL be ail'd on the fir.t Tucadny in Auguit next, before the Court House door in Bul loch county, nt public out-cry, three tracts of Land belonging to thees'rtoof Levi Davis, deceased,— one tract containing five hundred acres, adjoining, JdfelFre'mnn nnd others; one tract containing twotJJt^Srcd acres, nnnlhernf three hundred acres, both adjoining James Slono ond others, for tho benefit ot tho heirs nnd creditors. Terms made known on the day of snlc. may25 SUSAN DAVIS, Adm’x. To Trespassers. A LL persons are hereby forbid to trespass upon the following described land, the property of tho estate nf Joseph S. Page, late of McIntosh Co. f deceased being 640 acres, situate, lying and being in McIntosh County nforosnid bouriflld North by unknown or vacant land, East by land surveyed for Wm. Cannon. South and Flust, by J. H. McIntosh,. South by Iniid granted Wm. II. McIntosh, West, and North by lund granted to George McIn tosh. - Persons cutting wood, will be prosecuted accord ing to luw. C. MACARDELL, Savunnuh, fob 25 Qualified Admur. Kuna way. L EFT my plantation on the 28th April,in Ilona ton&airty, a ttegr* man by tho name of Wilt about 5 feet 7 itichos high, 25 yenrs old, very dnrk plexion, und n little inclined to bo bow legged,, walks as though he hnd been crippled. Ho wns raised in Glynn county hy a gentleman named Grant, and sold to n Mr. Bowen of Clntham, near Perry, May 1. mtty 9-2 m 9100 Ilcwurd, W ILLbo paid fur the apprehension of two ne gro men, PHILIP and SAMPSON,' ' 1 are sup- 1 vicinity leg which causes him to be lame. Sampson if of tho same complexion, about 30 years of*go, and six font high. The above reward wilt bo paid, ox thoir being lodged in jail, or fifty dollars for either, on tp* U llcstion to mxy25 *sl&tu-4ni CUAS HARTRIDGE.