The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, August 10, 1839, Image 2

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POETRY. MV BAtlW home n. u On NMl UmU« oo* ***** . re to. IretM* .k. " A~H~ M~ ESfcxssu KkESsk. Then art ■; MU** home I Tkt rirert reO »wr WT*M tiMoiillnl (o the *ea,— Tbe Mil and valley* bloom wiili health, Tu* «rere »>* on*m b* I SH M. hr ifc, p*wk! «h atraanw, Mm tor thin* turn dwom,— | BII I „anv SouthI—I ding ui ilir*,— Thno >11 o* retire h nnr! |-„ moil honnnth Itntla'n diran, B*bnd*ruh>tinJ>W(, On Kthyn't hill., pr«J oo* nobHin., Where nilurt't womWre Ihreml CrTerept'a diulo aunlit uranme, , w5o*dfcofdd.Wre.B,- Pel ne'er hoe* finind to fair n lend Aidren-tny entire hornet And then hut prouder (hake In,— Thee netnre oner per,— ha ehede o'er thef, her pnlel de«, And trredom’i plnioni wore,— fnlr edroce fllHt her prnrli nronnd, IMIftoo UfU her dome, These, these endear thee, to my heart,— |fy on, lov'-d native home! And H heaven'* be* gift to mm ” i* thine,— God M«»* thy ro»7 «irUf— Like sylvan flower*, they tweetlr «hine,— Their hew** are nun* a* pearl* f Aed grace and goodness rlnrle them. Where'er their footsteii# nam, Hew can I then, whilst loving them, Net lore my native home I tend of the South!—Imperial land !— Then hare'* a health to the#,— htai as the mountain barrier aland, May'tt thou be bltaaed and free! May dirk dissension's banner no rr Wave o'er thy Cwtllo loam,— Bat Md it coma, there’* «n* will die, Te lava hi* native home I From the Knitkttbother. A FOREST WAI.K. "Why should we crave a hallowed apot f An altar it in each man'* rot ; A rhureh in every grove that spread# It* living roof above nur bead*. ’ Wtritretrlk't “ Ood In Nat art." A lovely aky, a cloudlet* tun, A wind that breathes of Ivare# and flower*, O'er bill, through vale, my itepa have won, Te the cool form'* ahadowy bowvrat Ooa of the path* all round that wind, Traced by the browsing herd*. I chute, And eightt and •ounda of human kind, la nature'* own recesses Imue ; The beach display* it* marl hi bark. The spruce it* green tent ai ret elm* wide, While acowla the hemlock, grim and dark, • The maple'* scalloped dome betide; AO wave on hith a verdant roof, That keep* the very tun aloof, Maklag the twilli-ht soft and green, Within the columned, vaulted scene. Sweet form odora have their birth £*?* ihn dotted bou,h«, .ml Inmine n.nhl Whu.pino*uineiJnipH-l-«*o. piUindilnml, '“ r '* «f fre**, •»! <10™ of fern, WUh many a wild flower'* fairy urn, A thick elastic carpet spread, Hera, with k« mos«y pall, the trunk RwMag into anil, it sunk ; Tlmra, wrenched but lately Rom tu throne, By MW fierce whirlwind Girling nut, Itt huge mom matted with earth and alone, One of the woodland kingt it cut. Above the foreat lop* are bright With the broad Maio of tunny light ; Bat now, a fitful air*gu*t part* Th* tereaning branches, and a glow Of dasallag, atanling, radianre darta Down the dark *lema, ami breaks below t The mangled shsdowt tiff are rnllvd, Tka lylvan floor i* bathed in gold t Low aprouta and herb* befurn unarm, Ditjmp their ahapea of brawn and grunt Tlnta brighten o'er cite valvel mou, (Uaama twinkle on the laurel's glo.a | Tka, rabin brooded in her nest, Chirp#, u tba quick ray strikes her bwJ»», Amu my ahadow prints the ground, I aas tba rabbit upward bound, Wkh pointed eara a.t instant look, Thaw scamper to the darkest nook, Whale, with crouched limit | and staring n*, IU watchca while 1 saunter by. A narrow veata, rarpetird Wkh neb green grata, incite* my (read; Hare abowera the light in g dden dou, Tbara alcrpt the abode in ebon apot*; So blended, that the vaiy air Swou nctevrurk at I enur there. Tba Partridge, wboae deep rolling drum Afar hat aounded on my ear, Cataing hk beatings u l com-, Whirls to tho sheltering kranchea near; Th* mUk**nak* glide* awa>. The brindled marmot dives from day; Am Mw, between tbe bouglit, a apace Of tba blua laughing aky I irsro: On oaeb aide shrink* the bowery abide, Befcra me apreada an emera'd glade j To# tanahta* steep* ire grata and tnota, That cou.h my fonutepi u 1 cross; Marrilv hem* tho tawny bee. The guttering humming-bird I am; M«*ti th# bright butterfly alone, Th# iaeaot choir ii loud In aong, A mat ef light and life, It arrma A fairy baeat for fancy d>eam*. Hara MratdKd, tba pleuant turf I pma, Tn hnary of Idieneaa; +**?**i •** glancing wing, and shy, Spotted with ckmdethaprs, charm ray aye: WhU* nmrmttring gnu*, and waving trwu, Their leaf harp* tounded to the breese, »*« a miulc loreynari A«4 by tha changing ahadu alone. 1b» pMaagn of tba bwr M known. Au**t, Jim, lt3t. 4.,.,. ea yeatcr* million of dollara in moat Important a .7 paeaew which w *r,BoliJooj Mt leu thw • mill y«>» n» fcllewi., m tbo CreuWamn, SIM,000 S*!* 0 —*M.00» uaiumora. for Ham goj 000 ^n.Bufa'rerealWm. tor Uip »n». whieb 2K ,Md without compUInln,, or “ ' ,U ‘ »• tutklml Sr uy titlu WMbreMf brehmm treurectlmm—Af. Y. Jo,~ -IVoSJI™’- 8 "? 1 "’— Tl “ N'*T«b tree “M “ If Hr. Ck, k m. rh. c.iuliduu of th. *be whok Wbi, pony, uaitior *1*11. r»l f.hh, tho .freo,th —.y MdOtncral Harrison, nothingoan P^Htarm" " U '* rMluclloa for ** fro ? ***• Clnclanati Gtaea*. U “ l lf HUT. «nJ th. Hw irPOlb.Sret le* oo_W. y. Nr* Erm. fk.ll. Ntr/M Dr or;. g A«T100t* COS BED BUGS. Swell Uwre from . mwlleol (n. BBSSsarSfirS l««pJSS^ k ui , ig~7—W Hmi... lr«t!SS£'a K, AS oid niot. [Dot He VkrooitUA ON SRADDOCEW DEATH. To Hr EJitort of At CbmM. Seek, ie root pamr ot roemwllr wrenilof *" or tick copleA Irma lire Nitwul lauM|eMn. rek- tint Ie lb. review k wkkhOwt. nrmMwIi Iml UaNk.udltkWnflmre.wlth lh.ceiier.llrn.. reked Kpklmi dark, d from udklil wonmU ul the kttk k which be Ml, I hare lhuu|bl I'm pahllw kill knee from hk wid.tnce.nn. Ccpi. O.mer kmrawwwl*. .Jlre.wd I* 0..V, Shop, cud lnlfH»rem|...Hc«lcli.H-fe. mi|lil !■'«>• im UMMk, W JNrer medert. cwl >.„<« • dew* of M* TbedreuMU- id ol Ireelac l.c.1 fi.e hmi tlwt ewIee Wm drew, hk dtMthw peilhwn eneexb to kml re th. luppp- alt In that tbe wwwd wldcb hUtod him wee from th.Sreofib.ewmp h> which hk little crop wo A gUDSCRIBEIl.' Fonr Cv:iuKHi.*ao, July If, 1733. My Dear Silt I am #*• aatnmely ill in bed with tba aveund I have loesiv. d in my tbigli that I am under the nrcenlir of employing my friond, Capt. Hobaon, to w rite lor m-. I cetR-lusle you have bad soma account of tba ac* itors near the banktnfibe Atonongsbils, about 7 miles from tlm French font at dm report# nrv vary imp-rfoet, wha' yen h ive heard moat lat so tun.— Yim thoutd have had more*asly account* of it, hut every wlBcer whoa# Huaioeat it wat In have Inform- e.1 you weaeithei killed or wnumlotl, and our di« treatful iliuaiion pul* it our of uur power to alt-nd to it to mucb*a* we would otiirrw im h ive dnno. Th- 9th inalant are paurd and repitaaed the Mo* •ongahs'la by advancing first a party of .100 men, which wat immediately followed by another of 200. Thn General, wills ihn column of ariiller/,be|.'gnge, and the main body of tlio isriny paased the river the laat lime about one oVbick. Aa atom a« tho whole lud got smi tlifl f rt aide of tbts Monnngahele, we beaiu • vary heavy andipiick fire in out front; we immediately advanced in finl-r to aoatain them,bin the detachment of llm 200 and 300 mengavu way end fell back on IK, which caused «ucli confusion and *lnick an great a panic among our men, thin afterward* no miliiaiy expedient could be made ute of that had any rflcel on tlicm; tbe men wme *•♦ ex* tremely deuf to the etlmrtaiinna of thuginierul end tbe officer* ibultlie) fi.wl in llm moat iin golarman* ner all their ammunition ltd tlsen ranolT, leaving to the enemy, theaitilb-ry, ammunition, providona, and baggagvt nor cou.d they I* persuaded to *t >p aifar aaGucit'a planiaiion nor there only* p‘ rt * many of tbam a*far a* Culunal Dunbir’. party, who lay aix mile* on thin aide. Tba officers were absolutely sacrificed by thair unparalleled good behavior mlvanulng soraadmef In b«idi«a andaomr. timet aeparaUly, hoping by aocli naample to s is. gaga the foldisra to follow them but tu no pur. pO*—e The gennral had five lioraea allot und-r him, at laat reoalvrd a wound through hi# right aim into hi* lung*, of which lie died tin* 10th in«t. I'oor Hlilrly we* shot through iho head, Captain Morris wounded. Mr. Wualiinglun iiud two lioraea shot under him, and In* cbsilma allot through in aevoral placet, behaving ihn wlioln time wild iho greatest courage and icaolutinn. Sir I'eier llacltii w at kill* esl oil the apot. Col. Uurton nnd Sir Joint Si. Clair wounded, and enclosed I have .ant you a Cut oft In* kill' d and W'Mmii,*dnccoidiugtoa«exactaii<0-000111 M wa aie able to gel. Uiain our proem ding with the whole convy to tit* Lllllo waa found iinpindicNide to advanen in that maunust the gHueral tlH*rvfo*n ad* vancs*d with 1200 men, with Iho uecraaisi) uiiillesy, ammunition and provision, leaving ilia mum bmly of the convoy under dm command of Col. Dunbar, with orders to join him as anon srpo«sihle. In lliia manner we prmmeded with safety and exixnlitiou till lha fatal day. I have juat (dated, ami happy it was that disposition waa made; olberwiao tliu whole muit have either etarvi-d or luden into ih<* hand* of tho enemy, aa number* would have been of no service to ut, and osir provLiona were ell lost. Aa our number of horaea wa* «o m-ich reduced, end tlima *\irem»-ly weak, nnd rnmiy carringe* being wanind for tlm wounded men, occasion* •I nur destroying th- ainmuuii-on and •ii|teriuoU' part of thn provi.hsna left in Col. Ilunbir* cun* voy. to prevent it* fol lug into the Im nl* of the one my. A* tho wlmle of tboarlil'eiy |alo*t,and the troop* are BO extremely w oukenod by death*, wound*, and it judged impossible lo tnakenny forilu-r attempt.; therefore Colonel Diinbur i« raimiiiug in FortCumbarland with every thing bn is aide tobiiug with him. I pr-'pos* remaining here uniil my wound will .of fer ms to remove to I'hileilelpliia: from thenen I «hull make all po«*ll»|(.* di * lo England. Wliai* ever command* you may h<ive for mu ytm will da me thg favor to sliivtit to mo hnro. 1 am, with tho greatest sincerity, your moat ohe* client and mu«t humble Movant, KODF.RT OIIME. By the particular disposition of the Finnnh and Indians, it is impossible to judge of the number* ey had that day in tlm field. A* the Generali* chariot i* to be disputed of, 1 should be glad lo know if you fcould have it aaain. (the* been at thi* place shro nur departure fr.on hence, lf you propo.e inking it again I will aond it to you. and bring the Gtmend'a rmch back.— Capt. Wlnn'a eoinplimnnia nttnnd yen, with Mr, Washington'*. P. 8. Writing to you a* a friend, I flatter my* •elf, you will rsuuae the hurry in which this I* wrote. To tbe linn. Clov. Sharpe. LATF. FROM CHINA. Wa bate beet# foveured with the peroral of the Contort Rtfitltr of the llih Feb. The arrival of letters, however, et New York, dated Canton, March 21, baa anticipated It* eenteat*. Th# New YorkEtprera of Ibr let hut, baa tbe following:— FROM CHINA. We have letter* from China to March 21, later this by tbe way of England, and which will pro* bahly be later, when received in England by tlm steam sblpa, than the last received by the mu-land mail there. ‘llm quarrel* butwn-n lira Chln-ae autlmritira and '•the barbarian**' (Kuroneeu*) about •* lira black mud" (opium) ate rapidly vurging to a |K»i .t. An order to prevent Foreigner* Rom leaving for Macao, ha* been promulgated. There are olio Edict* odd relied by tba Im|ierial Commiidon-r, Lin, one to the foreigner* and the otli-r to tbe Hong merchant*, tlinsitening both with ilw utmott severity «f the law, If the opium node i« not entirely |oit e stop to, and requiring moreover Foreign .*r* to givo up nil tlm Uidiim now at Liittin lo llm Chine** Oovcrnmout, hinting by inch compliance tlm inqierial favor will lw ..blninod, but opposition to llmee order* will involve in danger tlie wlmiu foreign trade and even tin* live.* of Furvigncr*. LATE FROM MEXICO. Tlm N. O. I.oumaaiaa, of tho 3l*t oil., m.*o* lion* tlm arrival of the scltooncr Edi/itr, from Mexico, containing soon* newt. Wo extruct tlm fol* lowing ;— General .l«w*o Drrra hiving u'uimd tlm rfomermy of the general gnvrmmt-iit, lin.l ie.t*n deprived of the rank of brigadier general fwliii ii wn« pre«erved to him after the defeat of ilio ed-ral party, of which he was tho chief Ily a decree of tho president, ad interim. person* who hid taken up arm* ugainu the hoiImh ritii't, a* w-ull u« tlioav who hud been included in the rnpilulatiuii or amnesty of tlm government, could not reside in tlio city of Mexico, nor in any rapilal of lha department, or any fortified place in the republic. fJeu. Uitnxa wua to go to Europe It was raid. naval. The U. H. Ship Erie, romnander Tnylor, nr* rived here yutlerduy from a entire—officer* and crew all well. Thu Erie it hit from Tttninicn, having I'revl'iudy U-uu nt Vera Cm*. Uur NIinia* tec, Mr. Ellis, was received with all ilia honor* thut could Im shown him llieru % A military escort wa* rent tn conduct him tn Mexic-., mid tlm public outliorilifB seemed utixiutt* tn tnuku every tioMible dtimniislrutino of reqmcl toward* him. ’Tin* Con* ■titution «ni|ed mi the 20th Juno. We Icnrn from other amircM, that site wa* ut I luvuna and tailed llmnre on theft hin«t. When tlm Erie soiled from Tahipicu, (Ion. Hit* tamonle Ii id lufl that plurn for Mexico in order to lettimc the Pro* denry. Tim Mexican Congress Imd refuted to emienr wldi Santa' Ann in hi* hot* tile mennire* toward* Texas, which Im Imd rncum mended, mid tlm Inner hud retired to hi* country •eat.—Pi nturola flaxrllt, 27/A «//. LIVERPOOL, July 9. CttAttnx nr PiRACT.—On Saturday morning Inal, Mr. Ogden, the United State* Consul, took hi* tent on tbe bench with Mr. Hunhton nod Mr. Houghton. Ultimas Alluiit, a native of the United Stulc*, wa* placed at the bar. Inspceim Uruuch rated that bo nod that morning taken tlm prisoner into custody, at tlw instance of Capt. Uur .ey, on a charge of hav* ing committed murder oo thn high *eo*. Mr. John W. Barney stated that on the first of February lost, ho wu« first officer of the U 8. ship Geu. Parkhill. which tlten lay at ancliora consider aide distance from land off tbe coa«t of Florida. About 4 o'clock in tbe efternoon, tho second mate attacked Mm with a water Cftk bin ami knocked Mm down. Ha was severely stunned, and know not bow long bo continued Insouiiblo. Wb«-n he canto to himself ho found the mite on the tup ol Mm with a d awn knife. The mate held one aim, hot tho other I* had at liberty, and defended him* •elf from tho hlows aimed by thn knife, a* well •» bo could—bo struggled severely, but received stab* in eeveral places, among which were one in hi* arm end one In hia side. He called loudly for help, but not e soul in the ship gave him any assistance. A few minute* after be come to himself, be aaw sia of tbe men standing alongside of him. They were sU of tbe crow wbonuho second mate had in* •ligated to assist him, and who were in conspiracy to kill Mm (Mr. Barney) and raise tho vesral. He board tho nrato call tnetn by name when ho was calling for assistance. The prisoner wo* one of tbnee men. At length bo got free, and Kin d a musket which wo* at baud. It wa* not printed, and bo waa retreating to hi* cabin, and about tn prime tbo musket when they rushed at him, seiml him, and confined him ia tbe fore-cabin. When the crew-were shipped, ell arm* were removed from the vessel, but thrj bed, by somehow nr otbor, got all armed. Ho wa* standing in tho fore cabin when tbe mato eame in with his (Mr. Barney's) sword cone; with this be ran witnest through tlw fleshy port of Ms side beneath bis right *boaldcr, pinning him up against tbo cabin wall. In this position, unable either to ait down or draw nut the weapon, bo remained, nailed at it wore to the woodwork, till treat day at nino o'clock. Nqi content, bow* over, with ihu* transfixing him, ono of them, pro* vious to tbeir departure, fired a musket at him, tba bell Rom which just glanced past his ear They all departed from the ship, stealing a boat, with two hundred dollar#, tbe ahip's compass, a silver mounted powder born, all tba captain* effects, and many other article# belonging to tbe owners. In reply to questions Rom Mr. Rush too, Mr. Bonwy sold tbo veeael wot on American ve**«J, moaned by American sailor*, sod abe lay in the Chdf of Florida, upward of nine mile* from land. Mr. Rudttoe having consulted certain author!* da*, boM that ho was sorry be bad tw jurisdiction, aa tbe cote waa une of tbe most atrocious descrip* Wo bod »»Jurisdiction on any am where tbo admiralty bod not jurisdiction. It appeared front Cyeimeeiarfoa of Chooeelfor Kant that tbe law wo# simiUar in America. It was Intimated, of contra without any know* ledge of tbe feet bj lh*i magistrate*, that the Oxfi»rd praket «MP w«dd asU .a, U- foUowi^ day. Mr. Heabten sold be bed no power to detain tbe prison cr; Ira men be discbargtd. The prisons Uikr.i gregtly elated oo boeriug this wtrlligence. I Iowa* Jbe dock, and wa* dirabnrged fiwm EaglLh amody. He was aa sooner out of 5* P?*. I»wqw, than Ire found Mrnralf in *• *?:„**• pywHl^of by the con* •al aad Captam Barney and two or three of our po. Vea afficen McerapaMod thorn down u> tbe Oafiml, jMi «e no tbpt tbe peeoe wa* eoi brolran. Oorrtopondtace $■/ ike Chnrln'-iM (’■•irifr. Ollico of llm Nmiv*, > 8t. AonuiTiRR, E. F Aug J, 10o'clock, AM. > Tiu Waii—Tlu* following nv.u-hur* out account of tl*c surprioe of Col. IIDrury's coni* mund, rencln-il lirre (Ilia inoruiiigby "xpirs*. Col. O.iirs, comionii'ling Etui of St. .1 -lin'a, bus Irnu** milled orders for immrdin r dcleticr of thu po»u South. Am’t. Ain't Gxxkrai.’h Orrtcr, > Army of the South. J Fort Bko >r, (E. F.) July 29. Sin:—It beenmrsmy pHinfulduty to inform you of the ORiuuilnniioii of thn un'-iter pna of Lt. Col. Harney'* detachment by the Indians, on the_morn ing of the Did in«t. on the Co|uo*ulintchie rivrr, where they hud gmio in nncmdunrn with tin* I truly at Fort King, tn oatiihliah a trading lioiitu. Tim party consisted of nlmut 2H mm, ni-urnd with Colt's rifle; they were encamp'd on tlm river, but unpr.i* tectrd by dnf'Micr* of any kind, nn-l it i* suid u lilt* nut srntiiml*. Tim Indians in hrjr lur< o m<idc llm nttnek b fore tho down of day, ami Indian reveille, and it it aunpo*cd that 13 of tin mm were killitl. among whom win Major Dallam, nnd Mr. Morgan, sutler*. Tim remainder with Col. Ilnmcv, es cap'd t •••vrrnl of tlmm »ovmdy wuundml. it was a cnmplrtr Hiirpri*P. Thn Cumnianding (Irimcnl tln.-reforn din-rt*, limt you in«tnntly take mmsiuv* to plncr thn dele .cr* at Fort Mullnn in thn imnt complrtr «Im»u of repnir, and Im ready nt nil time* to reprl an atl«ck. ahnnld one bn in ole No portion of your cumm.oid will, in future, Ire sotU-rcd in fotivc tlm garrison, rxcnpt under tt atreng oscurt. The dflHiehitteul at Fort Maitlnnd, will Im immediately witlulrnwu. Should Fort Mellon prove uolmultliy, nnd tlm Surgeon rneummend it# nhondnnnmnt, you ure uti* thoriBitd to tr.msfrr tire garrison, it d r •inlurccsoin" of thn nriililMiring inibIs., GEO. II. GRIFFIN, Asst. Adjt General. Lieut. W. E. Hanson, Comr. of Fort Mellon. Office of tbe Herald, j Sr. AtmusTlxK, Au,». 3. ) News 1msjust emm from - l nmpn, C«»l Har ney, was nttncknJ eurly in tbo mm-uinc of tho 2-id nit. nt Colentnliatchin. of his cotnniund i|i*28 tnen, 13 and thn two sutler* were killed, flu* remainder with tho Co| escap'd. Tie# la tlm moat trencher out unt committed ainco lire war commenced, and it illiiHtnitivo of tlw mtnntioii* oftlto Indian*, nnd bear, out all tlm llnruld lias said »inco Macomb's order* wore published Tho following it on extract of n lett'-r received In this city, front u gentleman reaiding in 8t. An* gnatine, dated Aug. 3. •• Time will only permit me nt present to any, that wo have just heard by mnil from Tampa Hay, that thn Poit ou lh" Cnleoa.ulmtrhm, under com mand of Col. 1 larnev. wits recuntly attacked by the Indians, who had " gUno in u.«dur the treaty, and 13 out of 3tl men killrd. Col. Ilornvy, himself narrowly ctcnped on hnttni a ve«acl in the harbor. Tlmso nre somn of the fruit* nl* thi* miserable nnd Iraudulont treaty—and thoso ton nre the very In dians who atHMinpanicd Col. Harney from Tampa to'Furt King, to dope the Commander in Chief of tho United States Army. Surely tho Government can no longer doubt the " good laith" and " peace* nliio intentions" of the Seminole*, the opinion of the people of “ St Augustine,*’ nnd " Tallahassee," to ti.e contrary notwitlistanding." From Ike PkUi'ltlpkia Inquirer. FtKlT* tit Titx Lrvakt. At our latest date*, the great powers were evening themmlvc* to the ut* to |>r rent a war Uewen Tu key and Egypt, al h nigh dauhia wer • *ldi rnlerta nud a* totheauc* ce*s of tlrair effort*. The dilferent covernmouts m rvfoivnce to th * object, have oaeli uiainiHinnd a strong p.iwi r in the Levant. A French p ip.»r givo tbe full.twins tmcwmi «f • | wir K-speciive fl eta. Tnrki'h FI el—Six ship* of the lino via. otm of 110 gun*, lineo <tf 96, one of Of, nnd 'tn" 9d; eight fr.gatu*, vis, two of 61,one cf 60; and nn« ol 39, ono of30. owe of SO. two of 46, four bigs of20 gu t*. two Bti-atoeta. Total 22. Egypt! «ii Flurl—Tw.-lve ship* of lilt line, four ftigale*, four rorrette*, three bug*, nnd one steam er. Total 24. French 8 luadrOu—Four ships of the line, one corvette, une brig. Total ft. Nust-mncr. English Squadron—Eight *hip* of the line, iwo frigatt-B, on« corv tte, ono i<r<g, twastcamei*. Total 14. Auatrinn Squodion—One frigate, one covolte one achoonei; Tumi 3, Ro.sian Fleet In tlwTMack 8"0-Two ships of the line of 129 guns t aclt, en«* of 11», eight of 80, three 78, ei;ht frigate* of 44, five corvette. of24, at-veral brig* and stremere—in all ehaut 30 sail. M.iat oftlwra vessels are at Supsttopd, where there are 19,090 men atrambled w liocen proceed to tlm' required, in tlireodaya; This estimate of the French and EngMsh combined floou, is much more limited than some others we have seen Wo *b >uM imigiimit enuneout too, from lira foot th at according to some account*, tho French and English combined fleets, were au thorised to prevent the war at any baxarJ, which would of course incinJe an attack upon the Turkish fleet, as at Navai ino, if neeeraary. According to tbe nbree uble, tlieir force is nut strong en ogh lo ■uthoiUe such a mov* m -nt on thv pwl of the a.lmi* • el*, especially If the Sultan t»e eupp..r*ed by lluisia. The subject [MtHDM* cmsiduiable impotlaaee.— We *hili serve up from day to day, every thing we meet with in our English file*, calculated tn throw light on th* ut .lives, movements, and avail able fuice* of lira |Mirtiee. A OeuD Spor—We hear that tbe crew of the -jam frig ala Fulton, in proatlslogwith a 68 poun* die off Sandy Hook, loot week, finally attained such aecwraey of aim, a* to plant a ball in tbe target at a distance of twomUo*f Tub Ciu.iv Don..—Thn following extract frf a speech racet 1» deh*vtvd by Mr. Grave* to M* coast it neat* ef LovMT.flv. sad repotted In thi Lotdiville Jounwl, *ltowt by wha fogte • mea may bring himself m do exactly what be dmpisee, and think tUt imneuory whu h he abbora. It show# how worthless th «*• rewiln'ino* against wkkedee*sf are, which yield tbe moment temptation • trail* them. Fray does em rw rj body *h-» abhors dad* ling know, that is only when bom* dumand* it that any duel i* f<Mgh*. Tint inmality alone is g>md which will maintain itself in tlw midst of tempt a. lion. But this duel, b-nr.ble at it wa*, ha* dote* greet good. It lias brought out publicwpinion,nnd brandrd every man who ww engaged in it with a (Miblic disgrace which can iwvrr b«i w ij»e*l fn»m Itit character. Thi* stern public coudciiuiition will hauut lie'geii y act"i* in liut li .rrJ.le affair to their grave*, aid we trust prevent iii -mhersof Con* grei* from ever Airing so lignin tu iii*ult their con stituents and thenalio i.—./«•»• .art/ of Commerce. A ml yet the gn at moml Whig parly follow suit in Cnngrvs* tu nil tlm in.une tu itiuiit ui une of |IkW men so *'hmuded with jnblic ./<*g»ace," accord* Ing to tbe I'oiilovt .ii of onu of thn leading Upposi* lion journal*—th" literal Whig p-irty of Virrintii reflect to Co'un'o, with nt oppodtion, one of llient so *' hr j oil'd with p*bhc i liigruee’ — tlie moral Whig party in K*-utocky eru voting for nnothi-rol thuiiiko'-hniudnd with publicilugrace" —ami lit" Whig party of I'hiluJcljdiia lately invited to • public dinner, h.hI rep.-ate.lly toa*tv<f, o*»c*»f tfo'in *«• •‘branded with pailir ditorace.’’— (iiobc. Tin-iiUmbur of Coron r'a liiquerts held In till* city in*! year wa* 6(13. I'iH-rawp w-i-ra as fullowit —Suicide, -'m—Murder or viul -nt death, 15—lt»vo* Iniitary Killing, C—Accidental, 73— Cause* un known, Mi I—Doid tyund Exhaiitlion, 14—Burned and sculded. 24—Du irium Tremens, 7— Strangled and5ufTiH-nt. il, 11—S ilH>oni, 11—Drowned. 98— Intempenince, 33—Vf.itation of G*hI. 23—Drink* ing Cold Water, 7—Apoplexy, .VI.—Jour, of Cum. From ike Nitenrk Doily Advaliter. Another Vetkiiar Jkksctman ooxk.— Wo hivo ju*t heard of tlm d.-atli of tlm vcin-r.iblc Shkpskd KoLt.oiIt, a r. v.iluiionery officer, well known tlirougliont our state, and deservedly vene* rut. d He dual nt the advamn-d ago of 88, in thn city of Fhiladelphia, and was yesterday buried in EliuUmtbiowu. “How lire a Saint iik L- oks!"— Tho Whig paper# of New York ami eLcwhero Imviw mndo a 'ramendo'i* outcry agiin«t the appropmitiuti by tho New York i ity corporation tod -Ir.iy the ex|M-ii*a* of tlm I'reaident's recipt'-m in tbit city, und their viitiiiniA indigirition Im* moved them to many afl fecting nppe<d* to the lax pny-rt lo express,tlmir nppodtiun I" sn -h an unjiMt expendi nre of their moiioy. Also wliu.i tli" i-lnirl* who conipo«c the cor|Nnntinn of the city of Hadron, voted they did " not fuel hmiad by any cun*<doratioris of jus* tir.e, prudence or lnopd ility, to expend tho pen* pie's mon -y or descend from tho dignity of th"ir offi-inl station." fur th" purpura of paving •nimble rc«peet to lira President, tin* Whig p tper* landed tlm net, nnd shouted p*en* to the lirnmus* of tho Hudson corporation. N'.nv ure they sin-no in ull tliisT Are th'iy Imsi—i in llu»«.j profession* of anxiety th** " jienpl.*’. money" slneild not I** wasted 1 Unqinstiuiialdy u* sincere a* Glmi-.-Hter in making similar pretension*. "Seeming saints, wlmti iuo«t they piny the devil." For wh-'u Mr Clay, their own favorite, wa* re- •-eiv.-d and im I'.ificently ente. Mined nt DufTalu, at the expeine of the corpord'oti, did these *nme pn- per* lift tip ih«lr voice* ayninst ill Dal we hour then any expressions o( myninatliy f.»r tho • t ix* payer* r Any indications of concern for the ' peoplo's uto <ey I’ No: on tlm contrary we heard warm encomium, upon the h wpitwlit v at the city of Buflalo; huttltoir patriotic horror of injustice to thn people had io*t all it* elo-pmiice. " Oh, wlmt authority .iml show of tru h Can i-unning tin cover itself withal." > Haitii,i.ire Pott. BRI IT'll INDIA. At n inr-Mii.g held on ili.Gtb of July, f.irtlinpur* |h»io of nstitut og u aoc.ely tin tliu iclicf ol Bnti-li liidint— Lord Broiigliam, having t ken the chair, open* ed llm pr ending* by «tnting lint it give him th" giealesi poss.b'e sulufi.-'i m to »ce mi moimioits, and o«|K.-cnb|e h iii. n't log no to great an occasion, andoidv lan.enti-d tint the pmt > f the pr cc.dmgs wh rli ilavolve I upon him w at.d, partly Roin limn* r»l deficiency R"it pirtiy m-t-ideoHl rircum* tlan e*. In* imlilT leellv jwrforme I, but not from any unit ofxu.d on Ids pail, fur hi* heart wa* u* mu.-li in the can*- as Iwt of any om* present. Ilu had 'ini l>a.-n in hed until past 4 o'clock tint- m-irn* ina. ami th*! wim the excuse which lie offen d for hi* delie ency ill ilia pi-rfoimalice ol hi* cliureiopro* c •• diogs. It had been the policy nnd pride of Great Britain lor n long sorie* ol yenr* to vX'end her dom ni..ti over eveiy region of (lit* hahitable glnb ; nut conical with being tho mistress of two of thu fairest iale* on which ihesUn rose, «he hid sought con-taut ly to in* crease llm extent of her way. In India *lm had a Imritnry "f I 100,0*10 opinie iniles.i'i-opled by 120*, 009,1109 ul.j'-ct*. wati-ii-d ly rivoisditntaing Iruit* folnc** over the land, n lunvng, cnricliii.g, und A-* fen ling Ilia' vast dominion. il> r m my • iii«-a span* gte.i and glitn red olid- r th" sun; her n it vc<* wink* ol day and night i" t'm cultivation of her rich soil,an tlm' a revenue of £290.009,999 n year wa. prod'.c* cd from i:, tho laige*' known revM.ue in iho wurid, except lliat of the mother room ly und of France. It was too fo r now to n,k whethei it wn« wire or prudent, or strict'y him -*t, in tmy conn r., to hold •ii-h inun n*e pov»e*si"ii*j Imt griming that, it cmiM not ire* d uhlrd i-y niiv tout the |N»««csston of dnitiini.'ll entail' d a cuim oiiiiiuiii duty. unldfEng* bind would have mi empire oil which lha sun never a *t*,elm ntn*t gowrii it on priucipies which con* •idled the goad of the millions of her subject# [cIkh-is ] At home »Im‘ In Id H to bn her duty-to give protection to tin- p.-ople mr. turn tor th.-tr ol.c- dieut'.i, nod tlm poop e nt lionn-h id n share in the r own governmpiHt hut tiiout;h lie believed that they wore infinitely e*« represented liuni they wurei-n* titled lo Ik*, arc .rdmg lo ills* principle* of jH*ticc, their Msprerentatioo "t nil • v.-'.t* wa* un infinity compa<ed to it.'iliiiig when eon roleil with lha ui* tar unrrpieio til* d *'»'« of ull ihu indlinn* of I lie ].,• ilie# (cheer*.) Not one of tliera mdlinu*. from the m"*l jMweiful mjah to tho most wn-tclieil ryot,who cultivated the land, had u •ingle cry, exrcpi the cry of misery wh"u 'amine covered the lainl, upon eny moattiro mJnpti'd for the goveriiini nt of h* own country. Of the vest revenue of twentv milliont a year which India afforded, foui teen ni'liion» weivdmivt-d from the ren-a and profit«"fland; and ihn r-n.Aini"g *Ht in pmt from i"b* nnd imp«.ti, but principnlly front mercantile monopoly. \\ «• (mj l.y t..ut tcim Im meant the comp ny) tlmro p«»»e»ed u m »n..po- lv of opium to iho extent th it no pars *n could plant it wiilmiit our uti'hnity, and tt.ei, in |»ar iciilnr district*, perrons were contpa led to plum it whetlf >r they pl'-u*. d or not. no p--rs<>u could t 11 it with out our pe.-niU.ion;such * men .paystunted indu»* try in rum clut.-mel, h did harm to *11 and Ii tie go.A to n-of. Tin-n we led a monopoly of *ah; n..t a II ike of tail, which there the ray - of tlm tun, hy a natural proc **, evaporated Iro n tho water of llm sen. could any one lick up fio o the »h«"0 with bis hands or tongue under a |*-n«|ty uf £30, or two month* imprisonment, or both, ut lira discretion of tlm court. It wu* true they derived two and a half million* from that tn-Mi *p >ly: but th. n it was uccunpauied by pdrse«*mi«>n en-lle»», vpxmi.o.* iuf.uiir; it waa in* jui imt* to i|i.»*u who ultimately paid it—tlieconau*' iucr-5 and it wa* only imncficinl to tlm tnonopolisit,' a d they w-iuld perhaps It itu double tlm amount to pay that they would ultra, wise have io pay for c»l* l> Cling it. But R* to theremaim.g f.iurteen mil lion*. which cnine from tlm rent of lainl, that wu* paid by the ryot* who cultivated the laud, and who paid it toilie wmindar*. n sort of middle nu-n, by wh-on it wn* to the g'.vcrnmoi.t. By Lord Cornwabiweltltfinctit it had 13s. out ofeveiy29«. ahuu.'dgoti the govern.nent, end that lh" 2a. ohoiil.l trathu profit of the la'ioici; Lord Coinw-allislMd said Net that stun-. 1 ; let that never be .(taken, the •overu'iieut i* not • Uudhalder.' That haigain wi* fouueil in 1793, butabout iluee year* ago it had I men lli-iugiit fit L. a uoi>|« kiatman of h a. then Governor of I.uli >, und hi* Council, to open that .Hinngeinent, aud look n lull* *htrply a. bout lit- 2*., [ auglnrr;) not to gin* up any part of lira 18*., but tu in<|uira al<out the 2*., which wa* I*wind to have increa*«-d to 6. 7, and 8«., in cun**, queue" uf lira improvement in the luud. But that wa* not all—«in< .fourthor on'-f9th..ftueiami which h« i br«n left tent free by Lord C.iruw«llii waa brought under tld* new inquiry. Coitnniaiuwmr* illwrcn a.'poiutnd. einl abiiraUirs nUo, m dnci.le u|*on the rights of partiea in paili.-ular cares, and 3,799 cam* b*d Imvn dcci le.1 io favor of the own* rr* sad «gain*i lira gown.mem who had named the •ihiirstor*. ibeivfire, by llseir own ran-aat*. who were liabl* to bedumi*«rdhy them at oo* rmrmm'* warning, [lood cheer*.) ri>* want of road* thoro bod been lh* unto of mooj ot ihetoriow* famiore which bed afflicted Out SAVANNAH, August 1,1839. At a meeting nr lira Agricultural Mattagrr* Ssral rty, held in Savannah, on thi* dny, Mr. JAMES JOHNSON, was rh'wen I'reskfont. at.d Jamcs E. Gobrucr. wn* icipn-<trd to art a* Secretary. Af ter tho meeting wa* organised, the following pro* nnihln ami resolutions, for llm government of thn Society wa* uiiutiimnu«|y adopted. MVreae itappeaiiiig manifest to u«, that for iho wnm or pioimrefforts, much injury hat resulted to mu profossionn* planter* und uversoer*, as well *« great diatreaa loth" widows and orphans of many of our pn/esshm from impro|ier habits, on tbo part ol those whose duty it i* to provido for their own household; Therefore, in order to counteract tho*n evi:#, we do nereo to form ouiarlvea into nSw* ch-ty to Iralitl.-d the Agrirultutul Manager* Social), under the following rules: let. Thn Officers of this Society ahnirconalst of a IVsidi-nt, Vico Fn-aid.-m, Recording and Cor* reapoi.ding S -crciaiu-s, and Treasurer. It ahull Ira lira duty of the Pre.ident, to preside ov.-r ull muctings of the Society, to call extra meet, ing* when confitutiunuliy required to .In so, end preserve order during the sittings of the Society. I Q th - nlmence uf the President, the Vico President shall preside nnd net n* President, it shall be thn duty ofthe Secretary tn rernnl all the proceedings of the Society, and make a report of the »amo nt each annual meeting, or a* oft.n as lie may be required *<• lo do; hi* hook* shall Im subject to tho inspection of thu , fficer* ofthe Strait, u committ.-e npjralnted for that purpo*.. It sliall be the duly ofthe Correajranding Secre- tni-y tocommuuicatu the requests nnd proceeding* of thn Society, to all and every jrareon with whom the Society desires correspondence; to korp n re- cmd of such correspondence, ami report the same to the Society,irom time to time. It ahull be the duly ofthe Treasurer to receive und c«, fort nil money* dun the Society by iutnrm. b,-M, or otherwise; lo k«-rp a into rrtmrd u f ,h* iMtnra, nnd pay them out by order of the Society. It ail' ll alto bo hi* duty to k.-rp un alphabetical record nl ull ih.- member* of ( |,e Society. Ho ahall ulvi make n ie|mrtof the state ofthe fond* of the Society, et once ■ yenr, end ns often •« he may ho required by n vote uf thu Society, or a majority . .. - ....... - - - - ~ ..... w.... 9 ( Birin; hi* books slmll always be subject to tho liTIIy "violence. tnMch^aniT J’“ 7 "Pl" 1 * 1 ^ =o« rem.rail. y-ud t e Mi-si.-ippy inspection of tbe Society, OI n c 'mmittee appointed I Chawhno C..R«* T >brr.—TI.r Everdi'g * * * *“ n*l, wiiicli h •• nude ilo-lf enn-ph tl'i-ulv uneivi. in it. 'ii- itment of iii- I'r -.i-l"nt. «n tin* 24tb nil. said !iat Mr. Vnu Unreu |i<id‘ I «*-n u*!ieml imo tla- country. If tbei* wa* in oo* district a plentiful tup* pit of grein, a ueiekboring and lot* lotiuoste di*- trkt wa* **ee*wpm*ly abet not from tbe brodi of it a* 4mot r-dkd Wtwotn iK*m wvaa if Urey were la diiecoot pknrt*. Tbo eoeaoquone* woatbot, on ooo oocostun, • famino bod born prolonged for a parted wf two yoat*. at every Instant of which Ora government wa* cwmpellrd to auppott by daily pit- tBKOsoffo A. dol»l mt loth* atai»n-g iimsli* tanU, 150,099 of itaauhjccta. When he toll them that twenty million* of raven* i.e were levied in India, he most n mmd them that it was not nil spent there. II" had lira aoiliomy of lira chairman of lira K*»t InJia Company for t*y ing tlwt during the currency et ilwlBU cluit-t finty rich' million* ttcriing had been dnwn Rum India to England, hut not one fiuihing of which hud ever Iwuud it* way back (cbccis.) What wa* lira effect of this grinding syaiamf Why, lh it tire cultivator* of ih<» Und wer* *o deprived of capita : , that 20, 30 ami 30 |<cr cent, iuieretl wn* *om< time* giv- u by tlram toanalde them to buy reeil. Ileha<i pui|ni*c. ly avuidtJ one que«ii m; I.e arid mithii-gof llraralm.* ruble charartri, lira miiii.genil--, je-ac ful.M-dfinm. ly quiet nil I iiImIh nt nature of mu IihI-uo f«<l"W •»ul»j--i te; lie said nuthiiig of ill • igtu»ram-e,tlie «pir* i u d dsikne**, in wiiieli nray wuie wrapped. Tint Cbiidia lily mi^h leivri.-d ..verby ih" mi<«ionDiie*( tu tli.t d.trkiei*, he con,id' r<*J wry p,i*iili r; thit i: would be attempt* ed, nnd w<th incrradng ncc,••, tie Imd i<u dutib:; hot lie nra-Mlt-d n*-t with them—Ira m-'MIe-J not with i Ira educator*; lie wi-li-d that kiiowrledge l„ Ira difT-rrd which would »|iow both lira spuatudnu-l. Ira •ec'dnr trnrlier the wants of pcopli* in Imli.,, Ira wished the English penple t <rx»ri Irani*-1 "id endeavor to ba iter and improve tire conditi-ni <-f tiivir ffts-k*, -rod so to pn-parc the *"il for th- spiri tual a* wi- "J-; temp -rnl *rt-d, which-t woo'd nt-rr- ward rre-eive [Hi • r<.) Another q'restinn al«o Ira had widioJ to iivmd, whicli wa* j,re**< d upon him by am rounding ,-irt-uinttDiice*. VVo imd often !»< ca called lono-oun for .uirtr, n'uu-iit of tiativo pnii'M-*; and liecoid-l not telroin from nCinimg to th" cie C'imAtat.C'-* whirli Imdxccurri d on tlm demise "f the U«t occupant of the tlirone nf Uud<‘« It it wall know n that in tin- night pr-vimi* to tlm death of the prince, the u»uip< r, a* he *hou d call Ii in. not lira r:glitfill heir, hi I in en in luc- d to *igu n pup -r to lira i-ffl ct lha- ifth" gov- rnmunt woual pul In n <-n tho luu-notNl, he wmi'd -igu nny thing tln-y chon.e to d run,; and that do^um.m had In-en <ic< opted by lire gallant col'Uii I who ic*i-ittd nt I'rapluic. At first lha comluct pmaued I-y ihu government wa* to senteaco lira thief, hut «ha>e lira •t„len goad —[la'ightuis] for ho cmromled to uec-pt lira cm si,ms "f leirit-ry and grant uf m-mey which the u.nrpei had offered, under lira | romira contained in that document, a* the pii- e of the tliron.-; but now be had reason to know that all lire benefit of thm agreement had Iraeu given up by tlm government, that a most, ffacive reprimand hud Imcn scut ou'. lln *|N>ke in lira prvsmire of his higline«*.(itm Pri o nf Oude) who, ia hi«( Lord Broi.glam'.) nion, was llm rLh fill nw.rar of the ilitoira, [ nh' i-r*.] lln und< ritood that n vny*<-vere pruci* i-nl n-p, in,nnd hniMn en sen' out by her M ,jetty's gn.< mint-lit to Ca oittn. T .e ool,le chnimi.n, nf* tnr iomu furihrr oh-orvati *n«, cttnclntled i,y eufo,c- mg on the inaeti g tlm cluim* wliich tlm tiativv# of li-diu Imvo on thn justice und humanity of die peo ple ofilii* country. Tho m<!cling lud n«M-mlifod for tie* p'lrjwra of firming a central committee to promntu tin- great obj'-ct* tln-y bud in view. Tim n>,ble lonl then «at d-iwn amiilat loud and lung ca linund chi-etiiig. Mr, O'Connell ro«e, amidst great cheering, to move the thinl n*a ilution. He cnni" t*icl liinjiMiicu for India; and Ik* th <iiglii h" mud" no h iZn don« pio* phacy wlran h - • ud 'Ini' lie .Imul.l live to Un dny when jua'ico would lied ti" to India. Enghiti< nnd Lelund rt,uld never lend u denl'nrer to lira v,lieu of au(f.-ii"g;nnd Ind'a.uri'h her teeming and peace ful population, cried loudly for tlie uv-i-tunc- oi'thii comitry. The hon. nnd leurn-dgemh-men 'lien pro* cenned tostutu that they wotiLI iiiiv.t tlm women of E'lgland on tlitfir *idein lira trahle struggle in which iliry w re about to engage, nnd they would, iuaucli aca'i*e, be a hu*t m tln*m*e|v, n-*qui*itienv were ma I hlooilrlii d. The hou. u limadvenrel in atrimj iitiii* uii vunuu* iviong* to which lira naiive« of iu.lia nre sulijireied. If lira p)*ople ot thi-c-u ery only kiK-w 11..* <ippie»*io,i' a d i .justice du ra in Imlin, it noted’ aura a lliri.l of Iiiiiror'o pn** R»mone und "ITIie land to lira ar. [Loud i lie,o*. J Aud ant policy toilie li'liv" of th.- E'*l wn. a* iiij'id'ciiMia n« it wa* t< ra .ninal un I oppressive; l„r a milder, ntnl better, nmI jiutei system of government wmildvnMly inen n*w the re venue wli-cli wn dciivn from lu.I.u. Tira l,ou. nnd leiiriD-il g -ntleiueii tln-'i udvirn-d to tlra umn'-rou* frightful I'nnin* a with w lii.-h India h <d he,-n,-,I, in consequence of the BiitLIi ml.g .v, r-mrant, tlirn a*ki-d, con'll any man " Im kin-w ofiliene ii„r> mr* i we it Id. God witlmutfiui nnd tremhlii.g.ilTra did iml do win level wu* in hi* power io avert thu •ejn-iition of .uch aw fol c dnmiiie*. •Mr. O, Conn. Il next proeecded to dem.unce th< govern n nt lor mu-on u-in j • Ii— pro,l'ictiou nf opium by thnir m-iiMp dy in it; tin* duitrnying tlm iulellecia of thu n itivos, ninrdering their bodies, end rmuniug their soul* forever, lie trusted tlrat this waa the first uf a .erica of nre, tn;» wliich w-ou.d begot U|>throughout the laud,'until the tnoniipoiy in opium is f irever nL-ilian, d. Let not Cliriatinni'y Ira nn empty nn-ue; h-i tlm unlive* ol Indui see limt it* profe**nri enn uc> a* well nau-ncii. The l.miurn* lilc ai d foamed g.-iiii«i'i.i,iith,-ii coikI'uIcI nmi.l.t deafening clivers, by raiding lha foil-wring re oltt* tin-:—•• Tlmi I hose evil# exi*i in u country of van extent uimI crroit liutility, wliosu iiiliui<iiuni« are dorile, inirlligeiit. nn.i; wlio«e anr.ieni institutiona might l>e made in.tnm.rnl il iu go,nl governm-ni—m count-y capt,' lo of supplying in .i.y uf our demand* lor tropic-d produce, nnd ihedi si.,- nnd p.,pulution lo loct-ive Urn manufociures, and stimulate ilraconimercei.fGrenl Britain would, under a just unj euhghicd rui-*, be incalculably dcinlopi-d." Sir Churl,'* Forlra* .ecunded tlm tvauliiiimi.— lln wns «oi rv to any iliut Ira cimcuricd m every thing he had that d .y. lie wi.lied he could per* snide !iitn«i-if thut In* wnsoily dicaming wlien Ira r- flecte,! on the wrons* uf India. II* regretted "inch that he did not »o.» n greater number ol’iio* i-lemen un-l gentl- tni " there, uohleiin-itnnd gMiilu* men who owed every thing they p i*tcA*rd to then*, live* uf Indie. Mr. Blanchard mnv «l tlie next resolution, wliich ■ vl-itrd to tho appointment ol u cmniniuee. Thu I'rico of Undo seconded the (osnlution.— Hi. royal highne-a nil iretrad tho me. ting iu tlm I'vraian hmguug.-, nn lianriitii.f every sentence na Ira d.-livercd it. 1 h" prince *pn,« withgn-at onergy nfmnuilei. lie full greully u'dignj •o the geuilun'i.-ii pr tent for forming lid. *oci. ty, because it nroporcil to pr-.iiHH" lira mieie.t of his count rv und countrynran. He deeply regretted lira I til.- pni<i to Indian auiijncis in the lluiuo of Common*. He Ind ir-ivelicd nil over England, Scoiland, Ireland, nnd Belgium; and yet, nutwiih* •landing all ho Ud *e*-n in theso conn ric«, Ul in was oo pe«pla who |rat*ei*ed m ire rxc'lfom q-ral* ities thaahit owncuunlrymen. He knew nop,.„p|o more moral or m »t intelligent, although they Ira I always been treoied ns u degraihtd people. They received no jutiice in India.—Some ol them enma ovei la England te »eek j-rora.; he did *w II" tin.I been here for some time, und nfu r spending Id* fortune win referred bnck to the government nfludia by i ho govi-rmneiit he<e. Tbe resoluiiunwa* then (wssed amidst acclama tion*. Thank* were given tn thn chairman, after which the meeting separated nt 5 o'clock. Silent Ketcnok. Tlrarw i* now nt Mmeillet a man who, lor r.-a.ons unknown, hx« cnmde>nn.-il him-eif to |M-rpetun| silence. Tlw pD|M-ra of that city, after •i<itmi( th >t neither hi. relatives not the police have In enable to extract on- word from him, observe that the tingu'nr re* -I'liiou* of playing tho dump a.lopird in lira lust century l,yu young lady nl Province, nf the Dc J'.lluu fimily, who being m irrieil to a Marquis, neveyxprrstoti herself ntl.ei- wire iIran by «tgus, lira day on which her ungallant lard inicrrupted her in thu middle of a ronrerMtiun aid before a la ge aareml-ly with “Madam,-, laises>voua ne savexeeque von* ditea.” To thu hour of her death never utteerd one woid, though her husband duily imp'on-d her tu tnlk front morning tonight ruinr than |Kr#"vere in a silence which prrpetuaiiy reminded hm of hi* bru tal tntenupliun. Th«- second h i brend ofthe cell-* brated Madame do Stai-I displayed more grant Im* mor when, u* is said, fa Ing at a largedim.ei party, he was vitiu-d by hi* lady with the very uiigiaciou* apo-'rophe, “ Men.icur uisez-voua et nojir.**rt> From Ikt UUltdgttiUt Jon mol. SINGULAR INCIDENT. tn# ttiiuiti witR. Some few years ago, • young mgn left hi* home i# the State of TemwiM#. with a hurra drew, for .die purpura of seriating in driving a lot of Itorra* Vlo tin# “Georgia Market."Vlhe Teiln •o-can. mm-iing with 4 *ee fur all hi«h<lGe*. an.1 imk wish ing ti retain one to rai4y the yumf man Lome, ad* viti-d him to remain in Georgia, aivl seek employ ment a* n lulrarrr nn ono of our rail read*, stating that it was a profiuble buriira**, by pur*uing wliich, lie rnulff nut tail lo make m-rovy. Naturally a aim* nletion, th-* vraing man fo lowwl th" advice of tbe todi' id uni who *h»u ,1 bare protected hint, and who had enticed him from hi* hum-i, und sought employ* meut on tlra.Monrou Rail llm l. Here ho wu*m.i*t unfortunately thrown into bad company,an-l wa* in* duced to forge an onl r. atnounling to about forty dollar*, on a store for good*. The forgery discov er.-d he wa* iudicte-l, tried, convii-ted, nnd «entcti* ced to lira Puniteuli iry fur livu yeur*. 11 * trial traik plaic at tlie Mutch term of tlie Siqrar.or Con.t, in Murmur county, 1818, sii.«rc which time Ira h i* been confined to hard labor in the Peuiteo. liury. Hi* moth r, nn old ludy nf *i\ty yeurr, residing 430 mile* from Miliedgeville, h'-.iring of th.' oufor* tonat" condition in wliich her * ra nut placed, nnd kumviue tli)-iiiib.*ciiity of hi# min I, with all a m.'tli* er’a uft'-ction, dvierinincd to prm-ceil ut unco to thi* plnce, nnd to ni.ihu hi* tr u< wittmticii known >u the propernuthoritiei Bm ulus! Ii«wr wn. a poor uuJ 1„ ,,'iy woman, without money or frieinl*, hav ng no roinvi-yutict of In-r own, to get to Millclgevilk-1 With a rriol'iliun truly heroic, ilii* "IJ lady deter* mined to travel on foul, the whole duluncc, un 1 no c. unp'iiiiinl hy a *i*ter ten year* y..u*,gi-r than her- ai-lf, -h'* neiuallysturtnl.mid over mountain, stream nnd valley, ahe w iikrdlhe i-xtraordinnry distance of four hm lied und fifty mi et, to petition tliu Gov* ernnr tu punluu her uiil'orluiiate*oii. An inveilign. lion of the c i*" induced tin* G jvcnrar to extend tu lira unfortunate youth a remUston of hi* aentence, aud wo had lira melancholy plrauuni of seeing the old ludy and her «i»ter, logutic.-r with tbo ton, slow* ly wending their way hack lo their home in. Ten* nv*M*c. M hat will not a mother's nlTi- ti -n* ac* i-ompli.h f Tin* incident, iu the “ Heart of Mid* Lnthiun," of Jcatiiiie Demi's trip to L uidun, for lira purp"«n of procuring n pardmi lor her sister, Irani-* no raimporiton tu till* proof ■ -f filial allcclion ou tho part uf a tnotlier to mi unf'irtuiiatn ton — May they all r«*ii<‘1i their lionf-a in «nfety, mid may lira young man, un ler the guurdinnship of Iii* ngeil neither, Ira restrained, ill future, front tho commia* •ion of crime f Tlw drover who enticed him from home, ami left him to suffer in a land of stronger*, knowing Iii* inilraciiity, should supply hi* place in tho Penitentiary. y From I he MiutachuttUt Eagle. Murder of Ridge and We are in- ■I,-l.i,-,I ti, a itien«l in pnrticuius i- «|>e,-tiiig the murder of the Clwnikrv Ciiicf*. Mr. Itidgi* muri ird tliu ilaughicr nf Mi Nortliiup, of Lee; lu-r ai«ler tin* widow „f lira lulu llud.oii VY. Bali,.«Lo nr.ived in t.,wnonSmunlav I**t,directly Iran thn Cherokee Natino, wa* nt the liou.c of Ki.lg<-, at tlie time lie w-i* put Ind ath. Slat alnte* limt ah .at day htenk nn thn lOili uf Junu foil. Iiidi.-insoal'red III* hnu*e, trail, him lioilt Id* If-d. cairie.i him a leu rod* from tho ilo-ir, a>.d -iiifo-d him wuh kiuvea in toon- than twenty place*. Tin-re wvre thirty oi forty Indiau* ahout tie- h"U*e at thu liitra. Setnui'ropn'ed lolunn liralati!,lings, hut oiheia prevent,*saying lliat ilt<*ii nrd* r* wen- ia de.iroy no pro ,-riy.Mi«.,Ui Leandeliihlr. n had l> ft lira p!a-il"'.i":i Ural go..etu a white tcl-h-nn.* •ih-'i't fifty iiu'es ili.innt. Maj-.r lliilge wu. .Im! f.nmhi* horie tiled iy pi* vinii* t" th" muriler of Id* son. Bondi' o wa* de cayed fi„m M* h "is,* Ii, »f iho Iiidinn., under the pretext of visiting n airk friend. At u *l,ort dis- t ince from hi* liaiise, twa otli -r* spraiiL oat of die won.i*. null the iltree tngelherde pnti'hed him. It i> .ii|i|Hi e I tlrat lira*.* mill'll r. weir,- -inm-lted it'll. i*iii.i'i of J.din lla*«. wliai* the leideroflh M TMU., KAmmi 1^, Ure «ren " **ler*tnnA that Mr. la wj. t N ;^U . U |."?*j5Su^*j**' Wsrekw .1- uH.ia.~i c.iumh bMre.reUil..Ui. ■.KTry r -,yH l *el r lh. .I..ire otm, ,0 prerem- lb7»LZ ful relations beiwcen tlie two countries," l ^ c * Tlw *ua pairar state#, authoritatively, that Mr S'evcn-oo, o> r Minister at the Court of St. » -* had determined to pay, and has pa d the twit marked re*poet in hi* power to Mr. Webster, " Sauce far tho goose i* sauce for the gamier," U the homely, b 4 espn<>*>ve. adage hy which the Alexandria Gxxette siguifie* iu disaptirolNitioti nf the pageantry with which Mr. Clay i* received «n hi* uwr through n rail of this State, ami rebuke* the hwoosUteocy of iho*e who comment tovon-ly upon Mr. Van Buren'* progre**, while they i.Uron awl rejoice in that of Sir. Clay. We concur ia thi* view entirely, end emeruin little Ara'n that both traveller* will fin-L at the end of their>Niroey. that, to (tr M political advaacement may have entered fatt* the calculation* with which it wa* undertaken, bey *U1 oot begaia*r*.—,V. y. Jmtr. (Whig ) C ty’’i'f Al'.i"<y will,‘-i,III! e |-„ npai d.-imim.lnnce, til'd Cuiinuit, S.,l In ty. Mu-ie, un I Dflrae holders eauld inipm t tu the I'uiieni,'. <4 i.-en Vh-tori i li"W •"If cm d».- nc |y hv-e riv-ill, ,1 hi. R, publican M*je»ty iu ll».-go-g.*,.'.*iH-*« • f Ins rrr« ptian." Ui. lira d -y .iliei, the 25 h, the •nmn Jmi’ntd eliaiig-'* ii* tin.!, nml n'tcm,'t.* to produco all im* pn-«*'.im lh t it wa% nut *o“ g.Tgo-<u»"a lecepthm aft* r nil; ilmt “ Imt f-u lln* military eoni|Miiiie«, of which u large unmlreT wi re Waievtlie wlndeniTiir would kaee bton m mine table in np/fearanrr a« it wu* meagre in number*." Wliich of tin.*#" »tnt<i. mentsTa true,nnd which i* fulo-1 They nre i-nl rely inrcncilahle. und cannot ther. fine both Ira true.— I'liea Obtcrcer. A suggestion has been ntiuln hy n Medical gentle mun, wliich during tlie prevalence of tliu molndy to wliich (lie iiiiuci-liuntcd it subject, deserves alien* lion. Ill* observation draw* tlrat the dock* nn.* tho auurce* nf the inniariimt pois-ti flarit'ng in tlint In* cality, let stranger* n\oid ns much as pos.ible visits to tira dock* nnd tlrair vicinity. Ills well known that during the * "f similar di-ra-es in Nmv York, tin* public uutlHiriiras fencid oiT'Im- iufi-rlion, ami a* there seems no doubt of tlie locnlity this soa* snn ofthe dirordnr, there is •iifeciiuntel in the sug gestion. Tira Medical gentleman has mapped tin* progress of the fever in surli a manner n* to have traced every c.i*e to tin* wharves or tbeir vicinity.—Ckrtrlctlon Pat., 6'k inti. If one inquires tbe price of a dinner I* Arkansas, he ia thus informed by the obtigiag bolt | •* four Mtt for a common dinner of bacon, green#, bread, and milk; six bits if we add chicken ' fixen*;’ and ooa dollar if vnu have' flour doing.' Wn understand our friend Asher Paxsoa, of Soleburv. niised from one grain of ml chaff beard- til wheat, fifteen hundred and twelve grain*—who cun heat tlint 1—DoylerloKH Intelligencer. MR. TR 1ST, THE CONSUL AT HAVANA. TheWa.hiagt.m Globe i« perfectly un- qnivneal in it* defence of ilii* gi-n.|.*mnii; dirhre* thut “a nnn of greater probity nml piudence doe* not live," nml says it il-'iilit* nut limt “ Im will cover with sliuuie and ror.fu* on tlio*e who .e*'k In excite the prejudice* ncnin<t him tor ill" .torn ju.-ic* wiili which 1.0 relmkeil oppre*»i<ni at liuvaira." After long nml sciutioixing oliservntion of it* ehnnictcr and course, wo htivoimhilm! the highest confi-h-uce in tho prubiiv nnd prmlen'-e of the Washing on Globe, otherw-i«o wpshimlil think that it w-a* acting with no little te>n*-iii>, in thu* brei-tin; the volley of puintd i.guinst Mr. Tri-t. Thn Gioliecpii-s an cnergoiicurticle iu hi* defence from the New Hi lean*Courier in which it i* stated that he i« quite ready to meet hi* ncru«.*rs aad to refuin their clinrges »erivim. One nf llm rro.t gnilil'yiiig iilijects til un uprigh* a- d | hiintohinpic mind, ia to see in'egrily soaring u'.iovu iho cluud* ufculumny.*— •V. Y. ATew Era. Tie cultivation aj Op um —In India theextrnt of turrit- <ry ocriijiied with the p''py,andthoiimnuut of popii'aiioa and c ipitul mgng'-ii ill its cultivution and in the preparation of opium, are for greater than in anv other pait of tho world, M ilwa. Ben* are., and Uvhur (Patna) are the ciu< I* liranlitic*; and nenrly every che*t ofthe dttig ex|N>rted from India b<>nr« one of tlrair name., uccardiug to thu pan of ilweuuntrv in which i- w ,s pro luc-d Aim'll one ha f ,*f the wh -lo pr *du t of India is ohiained from Mulwa. Though the chiol# of.Malwra aie under British prot,*' tion, tlm miii'iigoni -ni ofiiie soil is entirely beyond lira Company's uiiilimity, and hotli the C'dtivattnii of >h-- p <ppy an I lira of opium an- fnra. Tira traffic m tira drug i< aim fre--, excel ling “ ruiifit duties. " which aiel«-vied upon it wh'-n passing tinout-li ih - Hriiidneri lories, us most of it does on it* way lo B"tnh iy, from whence it is exported to Chi»a But hi Benares, Behar, and il.roiighout all the trrnl-ri,» within the Com* pany's junadiction.the cultivation ..f the (Mippy.the 'reparation ofthe drug, and the traffic in it until it s brought lo Cnlcmta, ami »old by auction for ex* •O' ta'ion. are under a .irict nranop-jly. Sh"i<l I an ' dividual undertake the rulti«»tinn.witho«.t having '■enierod into engagement* with the government to deliver the produce nt th.-fixed rate," hi* property would ho inuiR-iJiutcly uiiiichcd, und the ijrot com* railed either to destroy Id* popple.,or give aecutiri'-s or the fail foul delivery ofthe product. Nay. accord* ing to a late writer," ike growing of opium it com- pnlnory on the part of Ike ryot." Advances are mudu hy Government, through ive servant* and if a ryot i«-fu*<-s the advance, ' tlie simple plan ot throw ing the rupees into his bouse is adopted; •li-'uM attempt to nh«romI. th-* peons reixe him. tie the ndvuncu Uji in hi* rlothvs, an I pu»b him into hi# huuse. The busim-st being now retried, and there being no rem.-dy, h«* applies himM.-lf, ns be may, to tira ful foment of his contract."—En- glitk paper. iflT yester* I J. Wil. day Iratureu lira bust* Dunne end S immri Ii*, tho firmer manned by A'irnh-im Seaman. Cor nelius Butter, ami L*wi* E D. Ik-lisrt, o#r*M n, — cox«i*aln: the latter hy A. Ludlow, J. Lud* iw, Abruham Ludlo*, IL Burger, oarsmen, and M. Burn*, cox-wam. Tlie men cummonced from a stake brat off Washington msrkrt, aiwutxl Be J- low'* Island ivl ba k to th" place of starring, (<h a pur*# of 11000—thn Du ma coming l/t 290 yard* alieadt time of rowing, 43 minute*; dlatenoe about •la miloot-X Y. Timet. 2nd. Any Ovi-rsvoi- whhlng tuhreo ne a metnhi-r of thi* Society .hail ri^nify tlm name lo ihn Pre*L ,li-nt, Vi«-e President, or S,-rretury of tho Society, hy Iraler specify ing tlie desire, which leilri rhall ho laid I'fftiro the S tcieiy, nnd ho halloited for; nnilif n majority ol vqt. s ar>< in hit fnvot, hu riialfhe ttf titled to membership; every p,-is,i n howevr, on becoming n member of the Society, shall pay into the h ind, nf tho Treusuter the sum of one dollar. 3d. Any individual other tlinn nnOv. rseer, wish, ing to become n mcmln-r iff this Society, may du so, by fraying into the bund, iff iho Treasurer lira sum of ten dollnrs. t " dill. Any itiilividunl wishing to become a lifo momlrar iff thm Society, may tin *n, hy paying into the hund# of ihu Tremurer tlie *um of one hundred dollara, ftth. At nil meetings nf thn Society, tho number of nil#** memlraro shall coiutiiuiu ■ quorum for tho iff bu«in'-sA. fiih Am ijoi ily of lira vote* of the Society shall dcclil'i oil question*, in tlm uffirmniive; when u tyn shall occii on any qut’stion, tlw President shall have the easting vnto. 7ih. No member shall l-e nll-iwcd to speak more than twice on lha aamo subject, unless by permit* sion, or for the purpose of cxplauntion. 8tli. Any mem'rar of this Society who shall be guilty of .uch conduct, ash, the estimation of tho Sooiniy, should disqualify him for un associate of a gentleman, either hy intoxirntion, or otherwise, it •raing kuuwn to the Society, shall be exrludcd there* from unworthy. Otli. Any member who #hn!I foil to pay his annual subscription after due notico Ircing given him, shall y n vote of a majority of the member* of the So ciety, he expelled, unless ho can shew to their satis- fortion that at tho time Ira is incompetent to do so. 10th. Should any member of this Society slender or abuse thn character of another member, the Preei dent on h-uring thereof, ahall call a committee of three member*, whose duty ifthoy should foil to de so, lira President shall report him at the next meeting of the Society, and lie shall be dc«It with a ccording to rule eighth. 11th. Any young tnnn wishing to engage in tho buxine## of overseeing, nnd will make It known to tho President of thia Society hy letter or otherwise, a committee of tbroo member* shall be appointed by tho President to investigate hi# character, aud upon thuir report, the Tresidont shall be allowed to give him a certificate of his qualifications, during the rcceax of the Society. 12th. A committee composod of five members shnll Ira appointed by thi* Society, (called tho ex amining committee, whoso duty it shall be to examine all young men wishing to engage aa over avers w ho ahall repot t to the Society, and If found worthy, shall receive K certificate front the President signed by the Secretary of his qualifications. After the adoption of the above resolutions tbo Society went into the eh etion of officers for th* ensuing year. When Mr. James Johnson was on* animnoxly elected President, Mr. Daniel Shirer Treasurer, and James E. Godfrey recording and corresponding Secretary. On motion of Mr. S. F. Davis, the Secretary wu rvquestrci to furnish the pluntrra generally with rules II aud 12. and request them to employ no young man who cannot produce certificate therein mentioned. Ou million nf the President the Secretary wu requested to communicate, with the overseers on the different rivers in North and South Carolina, and Georgia, and urgo tbe formation of similar Sociotie*. On motion of Mr. Johnson. The Planters in th* counties adjoining Chatham, are most earnestly and respectfully requested to aid in carrying wit bo object* of thu Socioty in the employment of tlteir overseers. On motion, the thanks of die Society ba returned tn mir much esteemed friend, Mr. William Maser, for hit kiminet* in offering to procure an appropriato flag for our fir*t anniversary. On motion uf Mr. Edwards, the proceedings of this Society ho published in each of the Savannah papers. On motion of Mr. S. Zant. We now adjoura to meet again on the 1st day of December next. JAMES JOHNSON, President. Jahu E. O.iPFKXY, Secretary. Aug 0-ie (Hop.)