The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, August 24, 1839, Image 2

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ffifor&tatt. m* ss»rew» 1*0 E 'I'll V. TIIK RESUIIHl:CTlUN. "(• ihrr -rat id Hilda llw ia|mUira Mm, u a _ - . _ i. k "_<ii Mall •mXm Uw m«m aiid •Vitim • ••Mi."—Si. Mat thaw, ***H» w*# 8fl. The watch U ant,—the it tral .1, AmllWlhednwy Mlftat. Wan stare their lustre have revcnl «l, In the Uneg*w»u’* l»*jlhi. Maine nlKlrih'« With tWroKaartby At the tame tlm*>, it I* our «lo»> W Impreea «pon i Itf * — them the «t atem/iit mad* in ri>e Mouse by tb« lr l****t frirttiit, ami which it, »n know nit'*, the uplnioo of Ihnir friends who are not in th- House—'nf m>n wbu (•*«• f.* year* Inkraired te Improie bothth*" moral and their nhyticalc-nd'iinti—it Ununluty to infatriti tha working cl»#*u*. who "*« ChnMiant, that their best friend*, bath in the Mou«* aid »*«' •>» the llon-e, condemn veiy strnngl* ilirir violent lan guage and nomlurl, himI declare that they batnJnnn im i sound lyjk* on tbett t in th^Blm In#. IdlraN onfach uw an tranquil hour, AlldlmW oTVSch tmt awl flower, Tint hw* of night am thrown,. And silence reigns, the watch it set,— Aad tbt wild crowd are gone. And tWv, wlthnwatHtwl tu p* before rocky t Ilia rocky totnii pa***' nv, Tley ll-a I tint dewy pathway n •• Wtonwlly,—silently,— ' lilllboy too lot sealed _* Andmilliboy teetl UatiHmd,—unbroken,—I w ‘ Why dotheatronr ones turn *o pair, It fall ‘ * iVhrdoi And to lie north fall down ? Wkji awe nnd fear their spirit* quail, Tho’tomb It ctnnn thrown, And nil too bright to gaxo u la onsboiklo tho stone. HU faeeaa beavon't own lightning gWtn*, And whiter far than anew, The floating ml* around him •mint. Na form efeanh thoy know, It Iba all radiant itcing there, And to tho earth they how-. Awtyl nmf mil jrnnr font ful info, “oihnp ‘ 1 To tho proud ruler'* rnr. •Ere lit# firststroek of morning |mh», It breaking on the air Away! and tell an angrl *>nndt, And wntcliea fur you here I '* Oh frare where it thy victory!' ht1"C I No more thy terrors hri Her buried Saviour faith can *eo, Rite on immortal wing. The first* fruit* of a countless throng; And “death hat now no sting!" #Vmn fJU K. Y. Commercial, Adv. 17/A. TWO DAYS LATER FROM ENGLAND. By the arrival of the packntihlp Sheridan, C'ept. De Peyiter, the editor* of tin* Commnrclal Adver tiser hat received filet of English |Mipcr«, Liverpool la the IGth, and Loudon lu tho evening, of the 13th, both inclusive. By thU arrival, we nro furnished with nuo day'* later advices in relation to tho Liverpool e.nllnii market, which it will bu soon, c|o*cd with mine d«- gran of firmnei*. Wn eojiy from the Run of tho 13th, nn nli*trn' » Of the Parliamentary proceeding* un the night of tbn 18th. Lord Drougham moved a resolution to tho effort that It is ex|*edbint to plnru beer hnii*n* tin tho a footing, in all imports, u« thorn of Ikimsrd victualler*, nnd explained in nnu of Ilia •porelie* that what ha wUhed, wut to pkictf the beer liouso* Bplettlyundrr tho conlrnl of tho magistrates, that, without giving any reaton or without n convic tion they might take awny the Ih-vnso That would bn tantamount to dodmylng them, altogether, fur the magUiralet would undouliUtlly tnUe uwny tho Tbn Marquis of Wcatinin*trr, VUrouut Mel- boorna, I«onl Pnrimnn. nnd other noble Lord* tip. pottd the motion. It foiiod fuvnur, however, with tbn malntityof birdt.und by 41 to 37 they adopted Lord Brougham’a n tohuioii. A brief cunvcr*ntlon ttuik place on the noitnge jdatt, when l^ird Melbouruo tinted tlint tho plan would he brought forward at all event*. Some of tbeir Lurdthipt. limy and their friend* lining far gratter reclnlcnti of* public reveuuo tlinii contWiu- tom to it, hintntl their hoitllity to any pluu which nboutd endanger tho mvenuo. Tbnflr*! hutlnett of any impnrttui<« In tho Com} tnont wa* Mr. Atwotal't motion for a enmmitteo on tbn national petition, on which wo have oltuwlictv tnadnnfaw romarkt. Hit motion for a committee ivat oppnaodliy Lonl John Ruttell, Mr. D'ltniifji Mr. Slaney, ami •tbera. It wot aunnortnd by Mr. Hump, Air. OXJonnnll, Mr. IVakley, and other*, and wot finnllv, war a lengthened debate, Inal by 835 to 4fi, both tbatmat parties uniting to re*i*t tim motion. Grout fjjnJwwevBr, will c«irne from the dltcin*ion. It trill tied to moderate the people, mid lend to make tbtir opponent! grant tonip of their rupiestt. It 1| tmutlng that Mr. Atwood nttrilmte* all our •tUi to » want of pajK'r money, nnd Mr. Sidney to t rttt of public walk*. Each member hat id* hobby, on which lie trot* forth on every opportunity. Both nmamiable, well-intent* Hied gentlemen; leith take after many other wcIMiitonthitipd gentlemen, wbn bavo made tholr crotchet* into law* t but we submit to them tlint tho crotchet* of nn individunl* Wn tbn proper fouudutiou fur tlio law* of the com- IjJWn RumcII «i , cin*n|*oto1invn a crotchet, which It, that our law* nro among tho host of ull poetlhtn laws. Ho ditmgnrd* tho evidence «(tlia Mbring million*; dUrrgnrd* the facts which coil- tinoally requiru him tu make Inwt for tho *«• •nrfty of property, a*, for example, tho rural police •nd new prltont he U detirou* to e*tnbli*h, nnd --——. jncauto Die net Iona In aomn of tlio nelghlmring enuntrie*, that nor fewa am excellent. He it an excellent man, hut baa onnvlncod ut tlint n minister can have crotchet* M well at any othor person. After the national petition wn* disposed of, tlio I to dli 4 Houm proceeded to diwus* llm postage qnestimi, W bringing up the report of the committee of last Friday. Wo havo neither lime nor space to enter fiutbar into tho question than to state the remit. Mr. Goulburn opposed tho resolution of thn Chan- enftor of tho Excliequer in a long speech, which (•rand principally on the deficiency of the revenue, •ad tbn neoeaiity to tako time to consider all tlio drrutniUnces. Mr. Rico defended the plan, and t|Hikp In much Mgbar terms of tho manifold Advantages of tho ro- °f pottage thnn Inst Friday. He exposed Mdttvf Mr. G.nilhum. and tho tnndo in / 4ur **" ^°* >crt Fnnl wont hunting about lor different pretexts to npno«c tlie motion. After •paecbea from Sir R. l’eel, Mr. P. Thomson, Mr. Warimnon,and Lord Sandon. •Lj Houto, divided on the oricinal moilon, and Mr. Goulburn'* amendment wn* lost by 213 tn M ton Tories, In their attempt to oppose the i 113, wwo tonet, in meir attempt to opni teMrioa of a uniform penny postaru, rimnd theinti-l- Mi In a minority of 100. i minority _ Sir Robert Poel afterward moved to leave nut «nword^ *' pledging the liouso to mnko good nnv daodnucy in thn revenue," and bo wn* not much morn fortunate than hit colleague. He wa* tup- petted by 185, and opposed by IR4, leaving him in a mlnoritv of 59. 8<i tin. Tories were defeated, r "?y*nteiy .defeated, on Uw pottage question, nod ••Us^r will over bn on popular ami just measure*. sarge^majoritic* for the plan show that the Taty member* fur the towns prefer their teat* to Mppofting a faction, and only support a faction wbea that it compatible with preserving their Fcoat tbn tarn# paf-cr— now brliovad »n p*pro- partially at least, the view* and feelingt of the ■riteitera—w« take tomo editorial comment* upon ^ '••••bate occasioned by the Chnrtlit petition. r -**'• Atwood brought the grievancoa of the bulk “'‘d'r llw notice of th« lloo-w of Com- *7? y •‘fht. and moved for a committeo of the **?7 rcowta io take into consideration tho national -- ” ■—wiwin.inin urv naiinoni I mUC *’ more P roiracu »ri than was _;*t .-**-» —od. and a con-id arable number ot member* expressed thcii opinion on tho question. 2* fr ?V r ? U , mbcr * ‘P^akcr* were on tlw side of Bt filkiatl U»»«o who opfuMed It, generally nre tetnagtoaxpret* lh?ir opinion* by tho more signiti vbywweoft vote than by argument Kveqk however, *■ *’ r ' -l r, be satisfactory to the petitioners to remark, tboug^tho strongest opposition wx* F'yri te their views, and their violent hncuago " ’ firmly condemned, •*Wngtbn people to arm was tote the petition was treated with courtosy, and HI,), WliUI MJH., HM>. with respect. Ir. fact, it wa* not any ■■»■■■** ef Mr Atwood, but a consideration of dee to twelve hundred thousand petition- ^ oa * c PfModowco to Mr. an immcn-o Injury to their own cause and to lha cause of the public |il***rty. They have nvrry where alarme«l ih* middle e !«»• * * fur »h Jr property end tln-lr live*, and made thnn ready to support any guvemmont, though it were an nlioui tyranny, which pmmiwd iImuii J'ro- I eel lull. Tin* middle classes sopjwsn tlint it i* only by a cordial union with the govormtient that they caneaprct pnili-clinn t they have Ini-n mode tleneti- dent on it, and nn* willing tn support it nt nil linx- ards. In fa.-t wu know that limy have linen tn it fur help, ami that tim government ha* had great dilHriihy In resisting tho demand* of the middle rinssiM fur airtiug un-l coercive men*urn*. It hn* risked, w« believe, the Ins* of pulitind support, hy n--t finding as much alarm, and ucting on it, u* so ninny mill-owoer*. 'i'lie nl'irm of the middle classes t* the natural and upco**uiy cotiSPqtiniH-i'ol the liiutmge jtei con- duct »f those who have mutinied, tlnmph we Iwlinvc witlmut nutiiority, to net on ledinlf of thn people.— If tint latter mold aucreod without tlie midd'e rln<- *e», ami in spile of them, their conduct might bo mtfonul; Imt iigiiitul the middle cltsaset, ninl ull tlio sinister inu-tvsU disposing of niltlieorguiiizcd pow er in the state, they could Imvn no li.ipe of sucre** J and the violent lingua;'" and conduct of tholr lou der# Imvounly defnntrd tholr object, nnd postpon ed, if not aimihilnlnd, tlinso reforms which ni-o es- sentinl, not merely t„ thn proauerity, Imt to tlio salijiy and existence of (he commonwealth. Another remarkable Icntom of the debate wn- lie langunge used ill the House it-elf; not one, hot several, gentlemen, embracing mi extreme opinion*, plainly stated (lint the ilou-e hud actually, grossly, nnd contl mnlly neglected the public interest* in the prosecution refaction* and party purpmie*. The House wot told tlin^it hud made law* for tile bene fit of a class, uinl the injury of the public, and told that it liinl io«l, nnd deierved to ln»n, tlie confi dence of tim i eople. Sinndiug on u bench iunne- diately hchimi the minister* Mr. Wnkloy, in so mnuy word*, recommended tlinpoiiple not to petition tlio House nuy more, us that wa* hath undeserved nod o-elea*. liy mm a thnn one inomher the lungimge of the people w-m, de- scribed ns very frequently ireusonoldc; tlio peopln having already reac...-d tlint point which Mr. Wnk- ley recommended, and which l* the nnd of all elm- dience. The nrilng from liuliil w ill preservo thing* in their old tracks for soom time, hut ns sure at action full,iwslinmglit, so sure will the Iren-onuhlc language now generally used on the one luind, and lliaeoiidi.mmitiou pronounced on thn 11 nose its. If —in llu* House, Iij i>« own member*—on tlio othor, produce eiihor ocompb le nl er-itiou in tlie condoci of llul House, or tliu total overthrow of its inillio- rity. Men do not eoniimte to wor.idp nn idol, nfW tliey Imvn rtltaiiied n coviciioo ilmt il ia oolvn useless lump ol hewn stone. Wli n thii^snie nt the wor«t they begin to mend, any* lint proverb; nod dork, there foie, ••* nro now the notluoiil prospect*, from thn acifuh, Ihciioii*, mol disiooii „t proceeding- of tliu Legislature, lln-re iirises, from the ddmie no tlia nuliniiul puiiiioo, tome hope tlint the duwti ofo brighter day i* not fur oil'. A MualcAl. Etc PKMRNr.—Tltern hove been some enriou* ruiin-rs in the moticnl w-m-bl for thi- Giltnii*|it buck, which ivehnve m,i thought it pru dent to mention until tie y c»n|d n „ |„ n g,. T | >r doubt- oil. Ills with puiti wo now statu tit t Mrs. Ibsliop has, willioultlin reiisetilor knowledge of her lies- bund, U-ft him nnd three children. She is gone, it i* repotted, to tho coHiincnl, accompanied by Dneli*i. Her Id’lily respected pm ent* nre left in u stnip hurdeiing nn distniuiou. It i* fenred her mnihor will net -mvive tlie .hock, nnd tlie wro.Mclf ed sitii'tiinn of her indulgent mid inlci ted liii«li'in>l •nay ho mere eu-ily innigiiu-d th in d scribed.— London 1*0x1. 1'i om the l.ioerponl A/hion of .Inly 15. Fatai. Aromx.NT to an Amkiucan Captain.— On Friday nil inquest wn- held mi the body of lion- jumitt Miner, wltu vvua killed under tim following clrciimsiancps J—The dccensed, on Wedoe-dnv, wn* on hoard the American ship TitHuhii-sce, In tlie Victoria dock. The lintclies were opeli-' for the niir)iose ofdi-oliiirging cotton, llo tnndo n sjit-itig from the hutch to the stage on tlie opcnsita side, overlnlnnced him-elf, and fell hack ward into tlie Imld. lie wa* taken up mid c-mvoyed in a chair to tint Northern Hospital, whore In din I in two hour . His skull ivii-fnictiircdt and there was n ntpinro of one of the large nt lories of tim bond. Verdict, tic- tiilcntal d<-utli. Captain Minor wn* commander of tin* A merican vliip Neuuntiim, wliicli lay next to the Tallahassee, nnd tlio melancholy accident nt-oan from Id* too pruclpitutu wish to natch his ow n vessel. He was generally respected by all who know him, mid hi* ileutli is a soittce ofsiuceru regret to nil the Ameri- cun enptnius in the pert, the vessels helmiguig to whom displayed lii -ir colors liulf ttin.-t on the oi-eii- sion of Ids death. Hast- member vu srnsihlo of this, and be- J* thaakiag lewd John Ruacil and i »tt»*dail him an oppurteoity H-Mm-ntiW Mr.W.VU, lt «., C; u »ti' D maanar in which {• f »ha peiltkui. «nd declared IT•“«“”« '* «•»L**uter. «p~«b w umpMacL A. f*r, Mm, rf hU oHMH—llml. I.n,U4 C . u» ~.„ p |. b ,„ —nwiled Uw respect of the Houm of Commons, p&BmH in past limes, tbay have obtained an /'Vow the London Olohf, of July 13. It bus tr inspired te-dny that the nmiU of the ills- -ussiou in ills* bank parlor, uii Thursday, was a de termination tosoll a portion oflhnirniiliniiy, knoan under the denomination of dead weight, which U to Ini brought to inorkol gntdo illy, to the extent of four millions cnp'ial, if needful. Acting on this de* termination, tho b ink broker mudo a commence- maul yt sterduy, by the *ulu of utmuiUe* foi whunt £10,000 per milium, rciircseiiling a capital of £140,000. Under present ci*ctim«lnnce*. it is nhs-dnleiy P - i|Uisilollint ilie limik should reduce the minium ef In r securities; ilicp-fore, w.t think no one will deny tho pruprieiy uftoli-ciing this modu of effect i»g her object. It is, undoubtedly, U-tter to not upon tlio market hy the o|am sale of puhlic see urine* than to attempt to contract thn conency hy in .ivlduul ciodit, and refusing thn custouiaiy accommoda tion* required by thn trading interest-, in rejecting litre* masses of bills offered lot discount. CuNiniN, July 12.—The meeting of tim hank di- rector*, yesterday g «vn rise to tlio imiiuI repot t of an incrouto of the rato of discount, but these antici pations were not realised. A very si-asminlde addi tion tu ilia atlrihiiatud unt-uul of hiillion now in ihn country iia< boon mud-* by tho arrival from boiitli A* meriea, of$1,200,UOlJd.dlui; ami it is believed that this occurtuiica induced tie- bunk directors lu conti nue discounting nt tho present ruin. No donlu is entertained that tlio shipment of huiium front Mexi co, to lung inlrrupted hy tlio French blockade, will toon pour into this country largo quantities of the precious motnl». Tho English securities still continue thm, and prig’s of ull sorts are ratlu-r higher thunln-t week, but the busbies- transacted has lo-en unimportant. Dank Stock it firm, being mmird at I !> I j a id ; and India has he«u done ut 2*ii.|e\ dividend, which equivalent to a previous quotation of 257. FRANCE. A London pnper of tlio 13th contains tlio follow- c curious pumcrupli. The Court of l’ecrs continu al with closed doors to deliberate upon the sentence of tlw prisoner*. It was not expected that a verdict would be given before Friday evening. Great fours were entertain ed of another insurrectionary movement, -hoitld tlio Government persi-t in executing *uch of the prison ers as may he condcnmrd to death. Among oilier republican plots recently discovert'4 is one for tho setxuro of tomo member of the royal family, to bo kept a# u Imst-ge for Otirbes, and to bo put to death in the event of the execution of that intrepid intiir gtnt. This hat filled the royal family with tho ut most alarm; none of tho prince* daring to move abroad unlots surrounded bv a guard. In fact Bur- bet is hardly more a prisoner than King Louis l'hilippo and hi* family. The Journal du Harre give* tho annexed article, as having been communiqatod by a deputy. “ It is in coa-i-i'toncc of a series of niisunder- tood reports t ut tlie journals havo spoken of tho project of th* Govoruinant to establish a lino of Government packets hot wren Bordeaux and the United States. Tlw Minister of I'uMiu Work* himwlf, ha- just announced that it wu the inten tion of tho Government to establish l-u-o lino* of stuamota, but in tlw following mannerOne be tween Havre and Now York, the otlicr between Bordeaux, tlw Guff of Mexico, and South America. The Minister deni,-a any otlicr project. BoUKSE, Baris, TUurodav. July n. Half past 3.—For tho account,' tho throe par ccnu ouuiun! at 79f 50c, from which they did not rally, docliuod to 7Bf 40c, and closed at 79f 45c, lower than yesteiday by 10 ceuu. Tho fire per cent*opened at UlfOOc, and closed at lIlf 70c, a fall of 5c. For money tho three per ccnu are 5c lower; tlw five per ccuu 20c. The Fraure share* hare advanced 5f. Bank of Kami Apfrrntien.'—\\o learn that ail tho *;> prooticos oa boaid the Flag Ship Java, have been l, red totlw Frigate Brandi wine and Schooner Sbsrii now preparing for Sea.—Ueam. TEXAS. By the *team|Htrket Columbia, arrive-l yestef dty, fmtit Texaa, we received Uw llirtiftmt T* J*** graph, of lha 31*1 July,nod tlw Gatv«i*iuidaii,« fdio 7lh August. The late newt It that the Cumanctwf ate very truullesome n I lie West. Troops am about M"| rent against them under tlw command of MaJot In the r.Mt thu Indians are retiratint t The Stiawnc-* remain true to tho whites, and •" remove all dmihis of their ainfvrlty.theji Rave given up their gun locki — tf, (). True American, 13/A. THE TltlUMl’HS OF DEMOCRACY. Wo dcdicNte almost ull our di*;*o«uhlc spaco this nioriiing lu tlw n-lunit of thu recant cl-ctinns.— What are specidativaediiorial*, nr tlio most pungf-nt n torts rjf political warfare, in comparison with d o dnlnilt of thn triumphant vote* of a fire |H*nph-f So fur at interns It .ve been irevived, they indicate im- inciitn changes in favor of the Democratic party.— From Ni r.ii Carolina, ^nyo N. Caiollna, Mo»»r*. Whig*,) from Totinoasoe, (iidiana, nnd even Kentoc- ky, the mi. Iligonce i« moticheuiing —Rick. Enq- lli/A imt. Mr-TKittnus.—Wo learn that the store ofC. St H. Ainsworth, in East Wdlinitistown, Vt., wa* imrtivd to thn giounil nn Wednesday alien non of Iasi week. Tlia cause of the fire i* wrapi in iny-lcry, and furnishes an interesting nil jrct fin tho investi- gnlioii of chemist*. Will In nnu of the proprietors •Hid Urn clerks wro engagrul In w ritings cask about half filled witli New England ruin, to their great rotisicinntimi, htit-i will* a lund nnisr, nnd tho ii- qoor, an fee, wut apnlulmer ill" (loe, I Thn whole slur, u n* oiivclo; ed in llu me* in ii fuw niinuio.s,und not oven rfi.» account hooksar otherdecumor.t* were laved. 'Thn Cost Ofiice wa* kn|it in the •nine laulih lug, and all lit roniuut* destroy- d. No lire had been in tfiu building for days to tbn knowledge of tlie occupant*, and no clue i* yet obtained to tim manner tit which It wax communicated to llm hog*- head of rum, Tlio lo>* of property W supposed to ot rated $5(100—of which $3000 i* inaurod.—[Cox ian Mer. Jo ii ill'll. Awri’t. Insanitt.—Wolnorn from Briag'- Bul letin, of rid- morning, tlint Mrs. Barnard, wifo of Mr II. Ihiriiiird, of Andover, (a fnrmcr, much c*- teomed nnd respected^ who hn* fur tomu yearn linen subject to fits of in.nnlty, wn* nttneked on Tucsdny, with n violent mm.ties* which she hud no- v before exhihited. During®* pnroxysm aim reined one ,»r her children, a hoy ton yenr* old, and wiili n knife, severed tho niutclo* of the neck until rite bund full upon tho child's hrenst. I lie cries were heard by n womr.n, not fur olL who ran to hi* rescue, and foi,u-l that the wretched mother Imd pnrtuilly cut tlie lliuintof another child nboul tlir. n yenr* old. Tlio woman tore tho child from the Mother’s grasp, mid lied with il to thu rend. The mother mil-sued her with thn knife red with tlio blood of Iter offspring, nod nu-t n Mr*.' Slum tick, who hud oontn oat, attracted hy thu cries of thn woman und child, nnd ulinrked hor with imuinu ferosi-y, indict ing several wounds. Happily, tomo men passing hy tci/A'd the maniac, nnd succeeded in securing her. Mrs. IL ia n momher of n roligioua society in Andover, nnd when of sound mind, is mild mul nnd- able, nnd hni niwny* been highly esteemed nnd re spected.— Ibilon Tranxcripl. THE HORNET. The following, respecting timill-futrd Homet,re- gnrditig wit'cli vessel so many rumors huvebmmrif" of lute, is from tim Gn'vestnninii. The ncconm up- peats plaurilde nuoiigh—lot our rendura perure it, and jndgo for llienmelve-: ‘Sonin time in July laa», Dr. Denman, a respec- Inldv inhabitant of Point Bolivu, riding with Ilia luiitlier-iii-lnw, mi the Gulf shorn observed ii hotile coik'-d, und alighted in tim hope that it contained wine or spirit*. It turned out however, to cuntuiit only a roll of paper. Tlia buttle wa* small, with n long cork, not sealed. The cork nnd nnrt of the bottle'* neck, « ore covered with hnrnnclot Inqm- limit tngriilify I Imir curiosity, nnd having no lima n# to extract lit 1 Miroll, Mr. Duuntun hrokot llinluittlo ai d Is ft ii nn tlio spot. It wnsnh nit 2U miles tintfl B livnr city, t)n Satnid iy ln»t, Mr. Danmnn hroeght tho man uscript to tlia Gnlvesimiioii olUiV, and leftii fur iiit. aped ion nnd ilisnnanl. We hnvo taken snmo pain* to exhibit it, un I cimsiilt judicious opinions, wliicli re pretty minnimous in giving it credit, Thu mucII m-lio-'n foi-tviinh-d to tim United Sta n* hy Sh nnl Newell, E*i|. to whom woliamb d it fot that purpose. The billowing is n copy t On Board U. S, Sloop llorael, ) 3lat Angus', 1829. j "We nre nil lost—a tmniniidnn* gale Im* founder ed tlio v #*i*|, oil' G dveitnu I-lnod about (>0 or 70 miles distil lice." , /-'rem the Globe. .SlHlement of the eoiunge nt tlie snverul lirancli Mint* daring thu iiulf yenr ending on tlio JOili of Jnirn liisl t— GOLD. HalfEgi*. Qr.Kgla. V.i|.,lol'a. Tumi. Chnrlotte, 7,210 10,700 08.0511 Ul) 08 950 00 Daldouega, 0,303 13.073 07.017 50 07.0*7 50 SILVER. Half Dime*. Half Vnhiu. Dimes. Di I's. Did'*. N. Oris. fOO.UOU 731,000 220,000 223,1110 22:1,100 00 *353,157 50 Wa rejoice to ray that Joint'* K. I*oik has Wen hen tea by u Imnd-oniu majuriy, and that Newton Ciimmii lias liei-n again Celled to the Executive C’litt r l*y ilie freemen of T<-iiiieso i-, hy u iniymity, n* the G.oho would s ty, “ aullicii tit for nil uscini pitpo»es."— Uotlon Al/ax, 14/A ins/. Tim poor /!//<!« hn* found out Id* mistake ere now. Helm* pot "the cor before the horse\ Southgate wn- gains nhcad gallantly. Hi* ma jority over the Loco Fnco Bui lor in Boone, Grant, Scott, and Harrison on the first day on* 335 Owen und Gallnrin not heard front, which guve hint 140 maj-niy •<> 1037. The Whig* wore *mo of hi* trill nph. The Lnc • Focos look blue n- they rend thw ncconm* which indicate tho nltnost cVttatnty of Ilia election.--‘Roiton Allnx Winn color w ill tlio " Whig*" look wli*n tlicy know thn tr util! Will the Allot send it* word ? . DAIUF.N, Ang.20. r.—Thn hops v of- the piste*r Til. Cut-.,—Thrl top* aw. lira • Itnvit thu* fir been fo Ii realised,and tim pn>»j»ect* »ran abundant rroti #-e of tim most fl.-tn-sir g na- ,u,p * During the la«' /••"night tint fttqn*m *lmw- jr* w ca!n havegroaili lm|.invo4 tim corn,but aortie mar# ant etitrr'tiiicd ill It the growth of vim rotion will It# Ioq (uxtiiUm, ami that it will in csmwqoecco cast it* fruit. Many-p!-i'iters in thi* nnlghhorliood hsii* nliendy commr,i<-r,| drilling tin ir crops.— W., «..(« prerented last wo,-k With rortmerown on Hell vide plant-iiion, |,j „ur friend C'o'. C. Ilopkin*, wbiclt i* of a v*ry -upi.iiorqinlity, and nre iaf'Toi- *d hitrrtqt will Im very abundant. Nolwillistand- lag riot (nil in tlie price „f thin great *t*p1fl of our countty, the largo qumitity grown tbi* year wdl initkcanip).- amend*.—/Urnld. £ Infilling a 11 t/V.—Petry, rim proprietor of tlia Morning Chronicle, lias now un incoinoof £ 10,000 per nniiant. Born in the n*»rth of Scotland, and hiving received n go al classical education, nt the nge of twenty he walked to London In sock hi* for tune. He had b-ft, oa hi* arrival,two nnd sixpence. For some lime Im nearly sluived. At length he got employment mul am dl wap** from the editor of the Morning Chronicle, nnd subsequently he become principal editor, nnd then n pnrtm-r. nnd finally sole proprietor. At the ngo of forty he ivn* wealthy. Happening to moke n journey into tim country, he s-iw in ii initlinrr'* shop n girl with whose bounty und m inner he wn# greatly ►mitten, lie hogged leave to repent hi* visitt at tlio second interview ho told her ini would marry her, but added, I am n man «f f »vitine, Mi l wiah to livo h-wpimUly, no.l te m *ke my friends happy at homo. I am not ncciis- tu'in-d lii aocietv, nn<i must havo a wifo who can do 'h» honor* of my house with grao*’, nnd dignityv nnd fn-himi. Now you have *ren nothing of ibo world, and know even leas of those matters than f do; but you have talent*, and would prerenilv be come a I adv, if you worn under proper instruction. Tlicn, if you will go to Paris, nnd spend two year* there to perfect yomself, I will furnish the mean*, and mnuy you on your return. Tho lady, who wn*seventeen, was not long balancing on 11 linid a condition. She went to Paris,pxs.vd two year* there under every advantage which money could procure, returned nn accomplished.Indy, and all that Per»y could wi*h. They married, and havo »ix lovely children. She has been the pride of hi- heart, the ornament of hi* house, un i tho admiration of his friend*. I know an Irishman who did something of thn tamo kind, but I doubt whether there bo any thing sipdlar in tins history ef an Englishman. Private Journal of Aar— **- • Burr. Watch amp Prat.—On Sunday Inwt. a gentle man who was on the Camp Ground infirm* u» that, a watch wa* stolen from the jxicket of a miniftci who was engaged in prayer. Tlie theft wa* short- iv discovered, and tlw worthy clergyman, winding .iff hi* supplication at the throne of grace, turned without n pause to lit® assembled multitude, and exclaimed" Tlw perron who stole a watch it few minute* since is respectfully requested to return tlie •a me." The -icrllrglou* rogue,however, had not yet been arrtxlej in hi* profligate cour-e by tlio word* of tnilli,aud was not eons*’q | i*ntly brn ight under eon- fiction. For tlw benefit of rim good man, we copy the old familiar couplet, •• lie that a watch would wear, thi* inuit he do, Pocket his watch, and welch hi* pocket too." Balt. Post. MONROE It. ROAD AND BANKING CO > M won, August 15, 183 ». ) In a fnw word* I bee one to appeal to tliemag* iwn'ntby nnd patriotism of ull Central Gvu'g'a; morn pailictilittly tltrae wleibiingriieir produce to the noirket Tie- chartered rnpital of til" Monroe Rid R >adniid lluo'.ing Company, i« $1,- BOtl.nnO, of which $1,500 000 inis b. en rol l and provided for; there ram .in* yet to ho sold, only. $300,000, rite •e'l'ng of wliicli, will aurin'rixn the order for (roil to ‘ny our road to l!aine*vil|e, nnd qn very firm insure tho completion of tho whole rim I to the State work, liyiho clo*p ..f the jpnr 1840. My ran«on* for believing tbi* nre, tlio R"nd i# now located nnd nearly nil under coieric', so a* to inttitc tlie entire grading by tho 1st of November, 1840; there remain* hot litllo to he '’olio to nrcompli.h tbi* all important work. I now "PI" «l to all above tdbid.-d t", und «*k I brio t" consult their inter, si and tim public welfare, and iirkili'-m-olv.i* Wli-.t they havo contributed to tin* nccompli«liment »f rid* work. I urn confident tli-t the sober reflection .if «.arfi nnd eiory one, will dictate to tlie or, wiibont delay, to comp forwurd und tnkn enub u smnll pr.q orlieii of rid* bnlanci— small amoiinl*nre pn-f. rrrd. To th >*e who any they are unwilling te tnkn stock in.I.-a* l4»-y cm lake aomn large amount, I hope they will remain silent, for I only intend to speak to th -so that oie willing ton*-i«l in th- nccoinidislonent of rid* grant w.'ik. The Book* nre open nt Miicon, and its ugoncies in Foisyth and CWville. L. L. GRIFFIN, lWt. Moron Post. Nr.w Cotton.—Fivo Imle* of new cotton ware received on .Snlurday Iasi, front the plantiitiou of Judgo Byne, of Butko countv, nnd stored at ibe wnrclmu-o of Me**r«. Stovul', Simmon* Co. Tlie qunlity, woloitrn, i* goinl—11$ cent* wn* refused lor it. Two hnte* of new roiton, of good texture and ex cellent quality, go <1 frir to fine, were received «l Hamburg on Saturday ln*», from tho plnntation oR D. Prescott, K*q.,«f Edg> li.-ld District, S. C., nnd sold to Mr. John K. McDonald, for I2.J coots per pound.—Ag'tx'a ( hronide, 19/A mxl. O* Wo copy the following from the Augus'n ContlHulio/iitlinl of yesterday MAYOR’S OFFICE. *-* AunL-sTA, August 81*t, 1839—5 P. M. During thn enrly purt of the Inst wia*k, five en*c* of Fever occurred in the second Wurd of our city, whichtarminnted futnlly on tlio 10th und I9tl> in»t. Seine upprelnuiHion having licnn excited by this unusual circitmstnnce, I have consulted the inedieiil gentlemen in ralntioti to tlie character und supposed origin of the diseuso Tim Fuculty have reported, tlint the disen-o ule hide.I to varied in no inuleriid lent ores from those frequently exhibited in thn ordinary miinmer nnd nutunmnl fevers, of nil southern climate*—ilmt it wtts mil her infection! nor confngiout—ilmt il wos confined to narrow limits, und originated in some local cutises, which hnvo sinco huim removed Thn general health of uni city was never hot er tlinii ut tho present moment. By persevering nt eiition to tlio cleaulines* of tho lots, 1 led assured tlint our citizens will Im enabled to inuinlniii tlio exultation nf Augusta, us the hcnllhiest Citv in thn Southern Suites. A. CUM.MING, Mayor City of Augusta. ESCAPE OK COL. HARNEY. The following gratifying intelligence uniinune.-s tlia *nfoty of this g •H int ollicur. Wo take il from ilia St. Augusiine Herald, I5ih Inal t— FROM THE SOUTH. ' Major Uicliurd Bouiio't, P.iyifuisier U. S. Armv, arrived hero inf Wednoolny, from Key Biscnyne, in the Citiehmnii—who iulorni- u* tlint Lii'Ul. Col. Hnilicy hud rendied till' pluce, nlior ni'king Id* e-cape from being muamcie.l by the ii * .linn* nt Cnil»o*n-liiil<-hio with tint soldiery, nnd .Mr. Dallam,ii"d eld* n* nn.b r hi* employ,mnoiint* ing to 17 or 18 in nil Col. llu lie) *ut Inudcd u tii.'l pmee on his i ot hi ii from Too.pit Bay hut n few .Ini* jii.-viou* to tim iittuck. Ho ii.-d lie.-n hunting wiid iiegs for provision*, un I returned luio »i night very modi filig ie.l, nnd imrnediitely retired to resi, nod believes riie I were not upjiiized of Ilia return. All an ill hr uk of day be was nr.iii*ed by the filing of guns, ai.d «n going but of hi* 'em, fund tlint ilia l.nlims bud killed ii number of iii -o, nud were pm suing ori.O'* who li»l II <1 loibewuter, firing in i liemS he soon div-nv *red noy nueoipt on hi* pint w imill be frail!»•»*, nn l eflVcteU bwwscnjoj witli Olio iiiiiii by the nn-ao* of » canoe room dir- lance from tin 1 enn.p, Tho B"ld»er* who look to lit** waici made tin ir orcupo by swiioming to u simiil boat soino .ii*t.inco from ilia shore. Col H. met witli (hem und to lira con*t ilmt ni;lil, uinl procured » -m-- breud bft by the Iiub.iiis, wliicli eimblud lIi• ■ hi to oili-i*'. Having met wirii u b rat tlint conveyed him to Key Hi.cnyne, lie sent a pnrt of bis men m Tampa B iy to report to Gen. T-ivlor. Mqjor Bennett tilao iiilnrim us that t 'liitto Tu*- tenuggee, witli lii* fitmilt were tit Key Bisenyoo to gether with u number, f India ns, who were demined by Col. Harney, who sent Cliitto Tnstenuggeo for Snm done* to meet him—tlint Sum Jones rime to Fort Landcrdnle, an.l that both Chilli. Tustenuggen and Sam Jones denied having nuy participation in time ntlair, or even knowledge of the intention to make un ntluok, (saying they were the Spanish In- diun*,) mul expressing th-ir willingness, in tho pres ence of the coinmniiiiinR officer nt Fort Lauderdale, nnd M .j, Bennett, to go nud fight them. Ilorii Sum Jones mul Culttu Tustamtgguu tlcnUra it is i heir wish to comply with the treaty, nud Sam oiler* to give np hi# son ti* nn evidence of h * sincerity. Co|. Huniry- arrived nt Fort Ln»d<-rdn!e just us Jlnjnr Bennett left, whoso intention was to mnko some uirungcmcnts with tho-c cliiofs to go against tlio indinns who made tlio nt'nrk; no iii-rangeineiit, however, was made previous to Major B’s. depar ture Irani Fort Luadci-dulo, ns he canto directly on in tho Cincinnati, tho boat which brought Col. Hm-ncy to that pine; tiio Colonel detain. il the Steamboat Saiitco at Fort Lnmierdulo to uid him in his oppeintions. Major Childs detained at Fort Pierce three In dians, ona male nml two females, nnd »ont them to St. AngiHlino in the Cincinnati. C’npt. Mayo, ivitb the steamer Poinsett, was nt Key Biscnyne, having received his supply of men, with boat* nnd provision*, ho left that place on Monday, tho 12th nisi., f*>r Key West, intending to establish a posl at Carloosa-hatchie to prevent sup plies being taken to the Indinns, na.l lie intended cruising round «* far a* Tampa Bay. The following additional particular* we derive from a private letter from Lieut. Tompkins, 3d Ar tillery, commanding nt Fort Lauderdale, the most exposed post in Florida, to a brother officer iu this city. Lieut. T. from the Commencement of tho truce hn* been " wide aivnko" to n -y attempt th n parly about him might make ngnin«t his small force.— Cliitto iv *s nppnrootly m-ich nfliicted on hearing of the attack on C"l. H ir-'ev—he intends to show him self a man'and n chief—on the 2.1 ho left to look for Snm Jones, hill being lame, could not find him— on tin* 3J, two runner* came in, saying Sum was very *i>-k—that Sam hop^l thu whites would not bo* ii vo his people had any hand in the tnas*ucrc—tlint the lender* in tlie attack were Mirnnopy's half brother, Kolutorilie, nnd K-. i n-ia, who lead ihe«pun- i*h Indians—were opposed to tlie, and sworn to take thn lives of Col. Harney. Sam. nnd di tto. Sam says lieh.s known Sandy Perryman (the jnteiprater) since l e wa* a child, ami that lie was always a rascal—Uml ho will revenge t» <• nm-vacrv, hy going a’ninal the p«rties conrcrued—he says they were instigated hy white men. He wishes Gen. Taylor to keep the* quiet, nnd leave the business to biro. The murder* about Tnib.iiusM<c icrrc all done byS im'x own men. and ho has rent runner* to call them back. ^.nn say* thm according to the treaty, all disor der* und muni *r* are to be punched by the chief* •—ho mean* the treaty shall stand, because it givet them all they want. Blood for bhavl, {* hi* law, and It remain* to be seen whether ho will carry out 3 A'YAiTXT BATURDAY. AUGUST 91. I«W. Flag of the free! still bear thy swnjr, Undiiinn'.i through aga^'ct untold ; O'orcnrtb's proud renln^miy smr* •liqilny, Like morning’s radiant .-binds unrolled. FIng of the skle*! still pr.-rby* shine. Through ether'* nihre vault unfurled, Till every hand and lieart'entwino, To sweep oppression from the world. FOR PRESIDENT. MARTIN VAN BUREN. FOR VICK PRKSinENT. JOHN FORSYTH. Subject te the decision of u National Convention. FOR GOVERNOR j. McDonald. (JCF The Steamboat Savannah urrived ut Balti more on the 18th Inst. HEALTH OF SAVANNAH. Tlie report of the Sexton for thn wenk ju«t past, is veiy favorable.—But two intermenta of Whites— one nil Infunt, n.| tlio other bedrid for mnuy years. Tlio dentlit n m ong thu colored population, it will bn scon, nro lull four—two of them Infunt children, one of ilictn drowned, and tho other died in tho country. • «>f SriiitdVdfjLi)* at y|tr« Tlie 1'mshurg Advocate Fifty stnainhiMt* were rautil and nn the nppoaitn side of the river yesterday. Of theta seven nre new Inal*/more or less unfin ished, Xhd n large numb* r ere " bid up," nwl some four or five were receiving or discharging freight rmn foitor,. fri „„ d ^ (D* Wo perceive hy tlio Baltimore Patriot of tlie 19th, that a riot wu* apprehended in tlint city, in conHqucncu of the elopement of n Nun, from her Convent In Aisq'iith street. Her nutne is Mist Seal, formerly "f St. Mnry'a county. According to the Sun, “ The only cause she would assign for her conduct wn* that she wanted te get out, though she acknowledged sho was well treated in the inslitutinii." The Muior had i**ucd n proclamation calling on all fritted* of pcacn und good order to stay at home, and ull officially conccrnu l to nsscinhlo to protect thn Convent. We hopo it will nil end here. wljlianifmliar >b« « U„ „ re •ver, contains vbwa not expressed In il-... prtvl^ puItlUh—l-wUIcU J.. HEALTH OF MACON. The lu*t Mucon Messenger shy* !— Wo nre advised tlint report* ore in circulation nhr nd, respresenling tho city n# alarmingly sickly A season has seldom passed wHiout such teporta, nnd wc look upon them as u nnilter of course.— But ns soino niny be olnrm. d nt them, nnd prevent ed from coming here to transact business, or avoid the city in travelling, wo will any, tlint it ia n* hcnl" thy us utuul—which ia paramount tn suying, that it ia us healthy a* nuy pli^p in tho United Stul a. HEALTH OF CHARLESTON. Thu lloiud of llouhli report the deaths of 25 per sona in tlint ehy during thn w-iuk ending tho lUlli in,tain—23 whites, und 12 blacks und colored—14 of tlio white* hy strungui's fever. On ll.o29th July, cnusidornldo ilomngn was done at lLtvntin, by u fire, which consumed t'-n liouso* nciii- tlio gate of St. Luxuru*, and destroyed a lurgi umouiituf properly. Mr. Wui. Adams, formerly u resident in India, lm* boon appointed t’rofussur of Oriental Litem* uiru iu Ilui vut'd Uuivcrsily. Mr. Zcbcdne Kcudnll, f.itbcr of tins I'ostniuster Genorul, died nt hi* residence ill Duu,tublo, .Mush,, on Wcducsduy, ng.-d 81. Dr. Joists Milliner*, of Hunterdon county, N. J. is about to writ - llm ldogr.iph> of hi* Ihriiur-iu-.uw the latu Dr. C'uopnr, of South Curol tin. Lower CaNAHA.—The Quelicc nnd Moutren pup i* anno that Sir John Culluniin i* about to he upi-ro'dcd iu ihu civil govornmciit of tho Province* hy tlie Hurl of Clarendon, luo minister to Spain. TENNESSEE. Tin* Globe, I7ili suy»:—We give the return* from nil the couiii iu* in tl o S'u'.e, except two small mu-# —Curler nud Johnson—which iunder it ccrlaiiiilml Cob.n-I Polk’* umjority fur Gov r..or will bu uhoul 3,009. hi* assurances. OPPOSITION ACCURACY. The Louisville Journal *<y* it lint gboiout n« fot Graham, and tl»»t lu-' 1 * nf tw.ito one me offe in Louisvllla on Graham. The cb*r - — news offered III I.OUItVUIO on UUIHlIi. • MV Ill- lltril* out thus— lirahsm fads short of being c!ecte«i 2000 -ut»-*.—Indiana Itemocrat. THE SAVANNAH BRIDGE, &c. We copy the following from tin* Chur estnn Cou rier, of lira 2lot. At nil ndjourned nun-iing of* of Beau fort Dratnct, held nt Coorawlinichic, on Munduy the (Jill in«t>, i" tin* nhseio-e "f M *jor John S. Mu tter, Col. A. J. Law ton tva* called to the clmir, nud II. .1. Damiiu. Es-j. acted n* *cerotary. Capt. John M. Taylor Mibniiilcd tlio following I'awnhition, wliicli was ndoolo.l, to wilt Rrxntoi d, I lmt tin- chairman of ild* meeting lie reqii.-sterl to correspond with the Coinmitteo iu Sil va iianli, und inquire whe In tla- Dpd holders on llotcliin.ou Lbiad he willing to allow n road to In- opened, length**i*e, thiough ilmt I«lnn«l—nnd il the cirir.en* nf Georgia will cmsmict swid road—nnd to ascertain if the c.tixena uf Sni-H-ntih lire willing to make the bridge nt that point and accept tlio com- promira rond offered hy the Back River Board nnd reporti the result of id* inquiries nt an adjourned meeting lo bu h-ld at tbi* pluce oil (he first Monday in September next. Gen. John tl. H**gg, «ucofth« Committee np* pointed to prepare n memorial, which wn* tu have bean reported to this meeting,stated tlint the Clmir- mun of tlio Committee ivn* uhseut, and tlint the memorial wa* not In Id* possession—whereupon it wu* Retained, That the same committeo he continued' witli leave te fidonit the memorial at the udjoumed meeting to he h«-ld in S-pteinhrr. On motion of Capt. Taylor, it wn* Rexolved, That the proeeedinpt of thi* meeting he published in the Charleston Courier nud M* re MR. POLK’S SUCCESS. Really, wo belinvo tlio" Whigs" nre the most Infill anted politicians in tho world. Their greatest effort*, Lnve invariably led to thoir own confusion. Mr. Van Burb.v, hyn " Whig" party vote,in tho Semite of the United States, wn* deemed unworthy to be our Minister to England—and they refused to ratify hi* appointment during the recess, hy Gen. Jackson. Ho was therefore recoil* d. Never did rite “ Whigs" tako n more futnl step than lids. In their anxiety to pro.trate an abb opponent, they in fuel prostrated themselves. They-Intended to rebuke Gen. JacKso.v, nnd lo give n political burinl lo Mr. Van Burkn, by that coup dc main. Well, what win the effect T Mr. Van Btntus was tri umphantly elected Vice President *>f tlie United Suite, nt the election which took place the follow ing Tnll—nnd thn* Gen. Jackson whs sustained. Ills choice proved te he the choice of the only suv- ereign wo can ever have in this country, n* long a* the democratic cmise flourishes—thk people !— Yc*—1!»« people, who could nnd cun strike a strong er blow than a**' Whig " cabal. They undid in a moment, nnd in tlio fueo of day, whnl wn* nn doubt the result of the midnight intrigues nnd re solves of an nnti-repiiblican conspiracy. Rut the people wished to read tho " Whigs" a plainer lea. *iw_»nd one could not he mistaken. At tho succeeding presidential election, when tho "old hero" hud retired, after having served hi* country faithfully, nnd with honor—" tho people " elected Mr Van Burkn to occupy tho station which is tho highest in their gift—they made him President! Bat the “ Whig*" are doomed men. An “ evil .«" directs their movement*. They would not open thoir eyes—for " Democracy" is odious to their sight. Tin'll i-losetli the firtl l ook ill tlieso our days, colic-ruing " ii big" futuhsm I But behold the second! At tlie close of tho Inst session of Congress, tho Speaker of thu House of Representatives—Jam its K. Polk, having discharged hi# duties most hun* ably, n member moved that ho wn* entitled to tlie thank* of that body. Thi* is a custom nt the end of every Congressional session—never, wo Indicvo. before opposed. What did the •' Whig*"—tho Fa- t„|i*t*—do, on this occasion! Mr. PitKNTtsa, Mississippi, one of tho " file lenders" of the pnrty made n furious speech, nnd opposed tho motion. Wise, MkvifkR, nnd other kindred spirits, followed' in the suinu strain, und alrliough they nil admitted that Mr. Polk dio-lmrgcd Ids duty with dignjty nnd partiality, they refused togivo him a vote of i|i'inks< for this reason, nnd for this nlonn—Mr PnxxTis* suited thntMr. Polk, wns nhout te become n cundi. lute for the office of Governin'-in Tontiessue, nnd tlint if thoy gave him u vote, of thunks, it would bo sum-1inning hi* prclentio'lii. niid he giving him po' tilieol capital to trade upon. Moat wisn nnd #n pleat Mr Pukntiss I—most just nnd couclu-ive were thy -reasons! I—ns Time, the great iiuravelleri will show. But how ceuld thou struggle ngnin.- Fute? Well, Mr. Pot.K got no more llinnks from the " Whigs’’—they gave him no " politinsl capital." Yet did he " go home" te Tennessee, und with n'f the concentrated forces of " Whiggery" ogniimt him, ho wns cicct-d Governor nf ilmt Sute—not with standing the wise nnd prudunt foresight nf Mi Prentiss I Will the " Wldgs" profit hy this lesson? NO. They nre ''doomed " Thus emlclh the treoml hook of " Whig" Fatal• i*m. But wo hnvo more on our shelf, to he lukun down another day. The meeting then adjourned. A. J. LAWTON, Chairman. R. J. DavaNT, Secretary. KJ* Tlio Charlettun Courier, of Tuesday, say* thm lira gain of the administration, in the late elec- lions, ini* been so decided, ns almost to settle the question of Mr. Van Buren’a re-election to the I' •ddoncy. lu Tonnessen, n Vnn Boren Governor nnd Legislature inko ibo place of n Whig Governor and Legislaiure; nud iu the C’ougressionnl delegation tim cluingo is from IU Wiiigsaud 3 Van Burenitv# to 7 Wldgs and 6 Vua Buremtcs. lu Indiana, tbc Congressional election hn* resulted in tho choice of C Van Buienit«i and l Whig, exactly the state of the delegation in ihe present Congress. In Noith Curuiiim, 3 Whigs nnd 5 Van Buronitcs were r turned to the present C-ngres-; Imt two of the Whigs, Messrs. C. Shepard and Sawyer, went over to tho ad ministration or nt least in the Sub-Trensu. ry, making the delegation stand Administration 7 Whigs ti. Iu tiio ruvnt ek'd ion -.lie r< suit is Ad ministration 8 big# 5—eli-sing Mi. Fisher,ofun. eertniti politics, bu- supported hy the Adniiuistra. tion party, with the Administration m-mltcr*. In Kentucky, the following is said te be the result n* ascertained. Whigs—Mcs-rs, Tripb'tl.Ucderwimd, Aml-rson, Green, Pope, Grams, White, Ilnwrs, Dmi*, 9. Adminisirutinn—Butler, I. InthUdis* trie I Holy represent, d hy Mr. Menefcc, who do* elincd a re-chclion, the result is duuhiful. The ad- ministration hn# but one tin oilier in the present Con test from Kentucky—i* thu next, it will pro bably have two or three. " We are gratified to learn," observo* the New Orleans Advertiser of the I *t Inst., ' that the duel In'twem the English Editors of th« Bco nnd lM»ui*i- nnian tcnninutVii without injury lo cithere-lhey fought with rifies at forty paces." [It ought lo have been rim Frinek, not English Editors." Messrs. and Baton, were the gentlemen.] Dr. Branch T. An lie,, qnd Me*»r*. C. R Junes mul Hamilton Bee ure nppninied C«.mnii*»ion«ir* of Texas to run lira hoe between that country and A k*n*a* * Atiikni, Geo. August, *39, I t—Thouih jreu* of cimflki vrl.l, ()la w u Imv. chllloil Iho Wrtnlli of curly ftclln,, ln< | Jub . .Iu.d III.. lni.iy.«yrof boprtll ymill,. yc, AU»d. >n | Commciircmcnl^i wunl. I„i| ma „| y . In n mlnil, which once bromlu-J l.rlyhUiope. or,l M folim., nnd now rail, up In all llicir s r,.ou rn.-.lmc., jlmvlnj feolliiy. or Iho |m,l. Even now, I dclljht tu iho ,nmo place, and look tij if, c >am# ■cent'., hollowed hy joy nnd .ufTerli.,, Inraiiralcnn ■on ntnln, In liuicy, die Miochduof mlicr duy., Ul d fcol ngnin iho eniutinn, or pridti and nnticlpudon which tlwu .welled my 10.1.01, .prinjin, | nto cond life. _ 1 arrived hero on Salnrdny eveolop, Ihe 3d, nmir' 0»"*sl. n "irongor mi,lit he nl o In., to occennt for iho continual arrival of .tningrr. I ye, tn myioir ihcra wore hot tho incipiont Miration, of Com’ mnneomont. On Snoilny, nccordio, lo ctiitom, tho nev. Mr. Cunnlnghnm, of Au B, ,h llvorod tho Cammoneement Sermon, In tho College Chnpol. I hnvo ollen henrd other, on tho inme occn.lonj yet i hnvo never li.loncd to nny which ( think hn. boon so universally admired. His text, " Ho was great in rite sight of the Lord," wns so admirably suited to thu occasion, the discourse bivnthed such strain* pf elevated piety nnd morality, nml contain ed such excellent lesson*, both fur tho ,ago and tha youth—tho Christian and tho sceptic—that it could hut elicit tho approval of thu learned, and fix tho attention of tho most fastidious and thoughtless His address to iho graduating clast wns as impres sive as it wns nffootionutc. The Sermon, apart from its nolrio. precepts, reflect* honor upon tho pulpit. Tuesday morning, I attended tho Junior exhibi tion. The speaker* were honored w itli a respect able audioncc, but not tlio crowd'd assembly, which I have witnessed on former occasions. Nine speak ers represented tho class, but with onn or two ex ceptions, tho addresses were very ordinary, and tho exhibition un thu whole, when compared with that of previous classes, wo* poor indeed— from thn very fact that our College has liccomo n school of little hoys. Juniors are only wlint Freshmen ought to bo. In tlio afternoon of tin* snmo doy the Alum ni Society held their annual meeting, when an ad dress wos delivered hy tho Rev. Mr. Cossols, HI* subject wns "Tho literature of the Bible,"—a sub ject certainly of great importance to a peopls who aspire to a superior literature, and of pleasing | n . torest nn n literary occnslon. The Biblo, as C. indy remarked, is tlie foundation of all ku ow Forkion Rick.—Tlio Cliiirl"*ton Courier, Tuesday s iv*:—A letter from Boston, dated 12th inat. sny«, ' Our murket for cotton nnd rire, for long time, Im* been much depressed, nnd pries* about u* low ns with you. The murket for thn lat ter article U much uffi cted hy foreign importation*., of good quality. vUry Ltilo iisG- rlor to CnroliuH, is selling nt 3,fa4 ct*. Wo linve nn arrival to-day from Java, of more tlinii fiOO tcs. about one half of viliich is paddy—it will sell at about 3 cents." From the Angus!a Chronicle, Q2J. " Him RKi'ununAN Majkstv."—Tho Montreal Herald i* highly indignunt ut u* Ynnkee* for pre suming toenilMr. Vun Btircn His Majesty, lie him:— Mr. Van Buren is accused of assuming tho air# nud henring of n throned monarch, although wo never hoard of n '«tnu living nt a tavern nnd getting his hill pnid by n subscription nmong his friends. Mnnnrcli* may be called pnupcr.*,hut they lire so on n vei-y grand s -nle, and they are able thereby to pny thpir grog bills themselves. Wo congratulate the " Whigs'* on being aide to secure tlio services ef such adepts at ahuse, a« the Cnnudinn Tory newspapers. It acemstbnt they wer 1 * nutnhlo to do tho work of abusing Mr. Van Burkn,to th dr own sntisfnction—therefore, they hnva found it necessary to procure the aid of foreign slanderers— of men who are blind devotees of royalty—'who de test tho nnnin of a Republic. All very good ; and .quite in keeping with Federal policy* Certes, \vc arc- not displeased. MESSRS. CLAY AND VAN BUREN. Tlie President returned to Saratoga on Monday, and wn* immediate!*- called upon by Mr. Cloy, whose apartment were contiguous to hi* own.— They both dined lit the public table, and were of course object* of general interest. The personal intercourse of those distinguished gentlemen hn* ah way# keen that of curdiul peraonal respect and good fociing. It is with contradicted minds only that political differences nro nllowed to disturb tho har mony of the social relations.—N, Y. Commercial It is a sec *uch n paragraph as tha above. Why should men dissolve nil social ties, because they happen te differ in politic.* ? But what do we see every day ? Men think bccnu*o otlicr* do not nsreo with thorn that they nro little short of mon ster*. "Agrarians," "Loco Focos," nre mild term* compared with others, the repetition of which would soil our sheet. Both sides are wrong iu this —both nre carried away by prejudice. Would tlint the people rend and judged for themselves, then wc might prognosticate without dnnger, the downfall nf dcmiigogueism and empyricisra in politic*! But we want tho light of education, ere this happy doy arrives. MR. CL\Y. , The Now York Courier and Enquirer states that a sufficient number of delegates to tho National Convention had nl eadv boon chosen, te secure the nomination of Henry Cray, without regard to the veto of New Yotk. Hud tho N. Y. Courier ft Enquirer the settle ment of tho nuttier, the piop/e of the United States would have nothing to do with tha question—al though their vote, a* well "na tlie vote of New York," will, wo are certain, be againH Mr. Clit The** federakbank editor*, would save thu penpli even the trouble of tkinkiig for themselves. Such ! is"aristocracy'" ledge A literature reflecting tho style, fmoj •fferj-, und morality of the Bible, must lie elevating {„ j ra influence upon the mass of Society. Mr. C. show ed tlint hi* own style had received its conformation l polish from the nervousness, beauty, and jub* limity of the Inspired nurimrs—hi* mnnner proved that Ids uim wns not tlie ephemeral npplnujo of a delighted nmlltorv. hut to impress tho importance of hit theme on, tlie minds of those who are now exerting, nnd must continue to exert, an enlarged influence upon the pi-epotuity nnd fiunl destiny of our ao-iely. And when out-own writer*,hnvo mode the IBIde their pattern of composition, wn may vx- peel to see it* holy fire hum up or purify, much of tho trash which Issue* from our press; and is, by a sickly taste, called polite literature. Wednesday wn* n thrilling dnv for old Frankli- both liccnifo it wns her An-iun) Commencement and she was then to tnkn her farewell ofthoso who for three or four years,dual born the subject* nf her tutelage, nnd wmo then to go nut as her represent, n'ives upon tlie world. The result of this dtiy's ex ercise* wns no less flattering te th rt pride of the ins titution, thnn it wns creditable lo tho graduates. If the.eff -rt* may betaken a* nn index of their qunlifi- cfi'inne, nnd nn earnest of tln-ir sucren* i n life, their time lias not been lost to themselves and society— nor has our institution reason to fear father-honor en trusted to their hands. I linve seen no ctuss gradu ate under more favorable nuspiers, nnd it la tnilv to bo hoped, that the credit «o liberally nwanlcd them by those who attended thoir exorcise*, will pf&ippt them to continued nnd increiraed exertion, nnd ton*, pire to the station which they worn destined to hold in life. My gratification was much abated, how ever, by the small number o> speaker**—a Iniich smaller number than, perhaps, hnvo represent'd nny class since tlio College has had a clulnt to pros perity. This morning (Thursday) Hon. Kwd. Y. Hill, of Jasper, delivered tho oration before tho two liter ary Societies of College.' The subject of his nd- dreas wna, " Tlie influence of the opinion of poster ity on tho nnliuns'of men."—A aeries of years of successful pmetico at thu bnr, nnd tho arduous du ties of n Judge—stations ao opposite to tho one h i then held, us might be expected, unfitted him for the clear readiness usually looked for on such nn occasion. His manner wna impressive, but posses • ed not its iisuul animation—his stylo polished and forcible—his language elegant—his imagery rich— his figures original nnd beautiful. The oration wn* of a superior order of composithui* n«d in publi<» will well sustain tho high reputation of iu talented author, ns nn nhlo orator nnd writer. This wos tho Inst of tho Commencerpcni exercises, and from thn pleasure impnrted to tiio midicncc, was well catcu Inted to closo the literary performances of the wcekl Several public meetings were hold during tho week, which I have omitted *i mention os they were nut connected with the Institution. Tlio largo collec. tlon of tho enlightened and wealthy of our Stato who annually visit the Coilcgo at Commencement, renders Athens, nt thi* season, exceedingly gay, ftisliionuhle, and attrnctivo—and tho intelligence nnd liberality ,of hor own eitizons contribute much to the s»ciul und intellectual enjoyment of visitegs. I now tako tny departure, offer five days sojourn, tniii-h delighted with the Seal of Science. * Six only spoke, though ten were npjiointed. Alabama.—'The following are tho results oft he Congressional election, ns fnr a* ascertained—Ad- ministration, Lewi* and Hubbard—Whigs, Delict ib. no m lit Thn Globe says that" Mr. Van Buren ha* always MANAGED *o a* to triumph." Children and foul* they suy speak truth.—A f . Y. Star. From tha above wu are to infer thnt none hut “children and foots speuk the truth/" A* ft-do ral editors, such os M ijorNoAH, were never set down as either " children ot frails," vm must con clude that thoy never speak the. truth! ! I What a confession! "WHIG" PRINCIPLES. Tha Chariei-ton Mercury thus discourses of ' Whig" principle*: . The principle of WhL'g.'ry, n* promulged by Mr. Clay, and adopted by tlio universal bank nress^is "union, harmony, and compromise." Between .—....ony, nnu compromisr. ....„„ wham! Hartford Conventioniits, Tnnffites, Na tional Bankitra, Conservative*, Anti-Mason*, Abo- litinni#:*. nnd p-creant Nulliflcrs, who Imvn abused Nnllific >tion nnd South Carolina, because they will nut aid ihem in soliciting favor and putronsge from thu National*. and Crxbl VThe Co I...:.., ..e .1 l Tlie Constitution of Florid*, is adopted by a tnaX. A —• It.* rarara,.. ' JPtl gorily of tlio people of iho termor.. Will the news papers from this to Qqubec, who have enpin 1 from tho Tnllnluuseo Star, that (lie Cautiitutiou de feated by eleven votes, undeceive their reader*.— Gov. Cail hut transmitted to iho President of th* convention hero a certified copy of ail tho rflU'nton file in the Executive Office.—St. ^*fe*/»x« Her- 1 aid, 15/A. \