The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, September 07, 1839, Image 4

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* ^ gftt awtritig TO A #I*D ItNOINO IN THU CITT. CM, l«nl WN. IM Mltla( MO I Wk,, Klktril; ■•'«*«■ "T; IuiMm Ihl IMMMilinall *£3 W ■*•? IUf.hnjt.miJl lh**m W, Aad »*»*•*• remora from hat many t 7V tinkling nil end whispering •lod, Pur tfaes m» fi‘1" Wfaeo every wnfdly *j*h h •Ull, And Uivt?i»ly tlmnghts uni mind employ, The tender s -eg ••• mront to All Thu peo#l»t tenut *UH silent jny. But faete, when Jiicoid reign* around, *TU to the netting Uu*t»l Im att A awctlbul m. l-nclioly mhiinI, That makai h flutter lu depart. Although thou art a stranger hi re, Par from thy native, f.vui if*grove, Tot do tby note*, *o strong ami clear, Breathe naught but lia|»j»in»-»a and love. Tneb M, nrrl bin), ihjr tniwful «rt < t mid, Ilk. rt*.. li iJ .11 «u»,. bit i Like thtr, vllb ju)(ul Imln, b™". 1 would make music every wbor*. J [Frtm Mark rood'i Magazine.] Uoe« cognatrd by David’* picture of Napoleon attop in tiia study, taken ahortly befor tire battle of Waterloo. ©Ualaofdy’.—fejtaeej* mom. Tbaaiatrly chamber of HU re*t7 Impart* a graaping awn «•»•* 6lounr Unto the l«*h Intruder’* breast— Ham kneel and limit I—but breatlre nor. Int Tfavgro#* material breath a lone Should wake that eve’* Immortal Mate, Thai Nke the la*t ArohangeTa g*re, Might acoreh thee Into atone I Ho ileapal—wWU earth around Idm feta, Aad mankind*a million boat combine Against the aoeptra awotd which aoala Their (ate from Lapland to th# Line- While, Ilk# a lion rouaed from wine, Grim Europe starting walche* him, V The Warrior-Lord nf Lodi’# field— vO'er Jena'# rout, t» b»» abook l.l# ahield— To OM«h«d In alumlrer dim I Ht .leap# I—Tiro Thunder of the World For one# bath wearied, drop the bolt, Wboae atroke aplit empire* tip—and hulled To dual ear It purple mantled dolt, 'Mid havne, ruin and revolt! Lo! Idl’d like a badvbv It* nurae, The Imperial Eagle fold* that wing Qdeaeent. whose awakening apring Shall thake the universe! Ho #Wr«!—a*>d alienee hind* that tone clept the Alp*' eternal walla, no sleep* Which t And bridged hit pathway to a thrum Above the Avulunchr r t hall*. Hark I how that victor voice appnla Pole Auitria'a butt In line, when fir*t Hecruahed gaunt nalura'a bar* aaunder, Aod metnor-g irt, in flame and wunder, Upoa Marengo bunt! !b aleep* ami dreamt—oh, for the arnto Of aome aitblimnr ipbom to know, Wharoatraya the flerco intelligence Which scourged thn nuiinn'a hero beluw 1 To Urn Empyrean doth it go 1 Aid would it* wild ambition strain To map the balance of the akiea, Ana systems, aunt and aura comprite la OQi tremendous reign I Ha dreamt and tmileal the c^nquerer's brow, Gall’d with the wreath'* triumphal pride, Look* gladly aalm and placid now, A* It young Knohikn nnvrr died! Aa i(—VJciorinu* Homicide! The ruih of Borodino's itreum— Hi# bony legion*’ framing groans, Aod toy Hniala’a forest moan*, Alt heard not In that dream! The plan and pencil In hi* hand Have dropp'd, aa though their effort fulled To draught the crimson sketch he aennn'd la Fata’# van volume, seven scaled: Bet earth aboil ace the page revcul'J, And hear Ira fiery purport too, llatil her curdling Imart-blood stops— And oamagiwtlogged, tly tickle drop# Outworn, red Waterloo! Ha dreamt ami *milet! Yon hloe tea primn Uncage# Fortune'* rrownrd bird,— And France, eiulting France, he* risen Through all her border*, trumpet atirr'd 1 Ho Made it not—somu vision’d word «*Wh •® ow * falm Ocean’* ’diitant wave ytundering the moral of hi* atory And wiling hnumllm at hi* glory Round Su Helena'a gravo P.lnlrr! nil il,» f™ .BiMeetiified philotophy, "faro# ready, reasoning tongue would swear That brow uf Dospot cannot bo •» V?® crt,l# d cam one moment free— Ten him thy life-lmpaiiing eye, • Narouou'i aleejiing hour aurvey'd, •• And with one dauthleas giant chuth mode Immortal now the lie I NEW F.NQLAND WIVES. Thn IbW duegbtert of Now England ah—Id be ats* an approving and rewardiag atnile upon the ed itor aftha Deaton Keening Journal, for thn* bearing tnertmony to their various worth t "It ha* baa* said that our New England girl* make the beat wlvea in the world—and we think that any New England tnao.aiW atndying domeatie life In miter cuuntriu*. will cheerfully admit the truth of the aaylng. We pity the men who hea not a New England wife, N.w England wlvea are faith ful and afleetbimue—ina nneea uf eosdugal infidelity are of raw occurivnoe among them—Urey mgke rt- client motliere—charming comnanlona—are fru gal ami 'net hod leal in tlielr household erraagemenla —whine in a drawing room—ami appear te great ad vantage when superintending the economy of the kitchen. Such wivea are Jewele, ami no avonder they should be sought for far and near." Cnrrrfjmmlrnce uf llw U. 8. Gatette, August 22. New Yonn, Sunday, P. M. We have liltln in tlio way of new a hero to-day. The U 8. Steamah p Kidton la up, but saw notliing of the auapicioua cruft, mentioned yeaterday. The vclmonera, however, are atill in quest of her. The arrival* from Mautiori and Callao, yeater day, brought notliing of intcroat, with tin- exception ^»f a large quantity of *|>ocie. We had later date*, vbilI’ana ni(i, than iiuw ruoeivcd. Monk or tiie t.nar Hornrt Sloop or Wan. —The Gnlvp»iun Gazette nf 2d inutnnt cuntaini llii* note, found in a buttle, corked hihI tcab'd, and all covered wi'h burnnclea, on Point Bolivar, by a Mr.Duwnin, who Uvea there. Tlve M8. lot* been forwarded to Wn-hington, with an expectation that tlic huinl-writing might poaalbly Iks idmitiflvd. On UoAttn sLmip IIorxrit, U. 8. ) 31 August, 1829. | Wo are all but—A tremendous gnlo hat foundered ihoveaael offGiilvealuii ltlund, about ai*ty or seven ty mile* distant. [r..R TIU OEOROIA.X.] ••CIVIL FREEDOM." What it Itf Tito right to do any act wrhlch the Constitution ia not oppoaed to—and which the law# do not prohibit. ••TEMPERANCE." Whft ia it t To enjoy the fruit# «f God's bounty .yfth moderation. " To cat. drink, and Im merry, fur to-morrow we diu." NolUtor to cal or lo di ink too much. "NEW LIGHT TEMPERANCE." What ia it f To cat n whole turkey for dinnor, and drink cold water—not to drink brundy hut to eni pcachra or cherries preserved in that “ proscrib ed " liquor. To qunff Burgundy or Cluimpuigno— hut to turn tin iho mhilet of your eyrt, if you a*e n poor devil drinking n gloM of grog, after a hard day*# work. Oh thou Phati»no I "TEMPERANCE.” Whnt ia it I To dviiotiucu honur.ililn nnd consci entious men, becausu they voted nccording to thu prinelplea of /lepMblica*lim—because they were oppo-cd to Fanalacitm—and would not yield to tlio tyrannical awny of aelf-rightooua Demagogue, im I To put down lionnat moil, Iwcauae they dure to b« FREEMEN 11 To •• proscribe "*all wlio do not agree with thn opinion# of thn Mombur* of tlio Tt?m|iomtiCo Society—nr who nre not willing to permit thu tamo body to tuku tho City undur it# paternal care. Ina word, to put dnwn uml oppreta all who •' knnw whnt it right, and knowing dare dntaiu It." Such la Intemperance. "VIRTUE." What la lit It may bo likened to a pure ami lovely vestal, whore benmiug eye, mid modest mein would prevent tha moat abandoned—mo*t recklca* from committing crime in her presence. Nny, more, it ia Uhj redeeming attribute of humanity—inatill* etl at aome i*eri'»d of lifts in tlw hearts of all. Iu moral force of virtue " it auperior to all •• reatrim live laws "—It ia tlio inward monitor that brcatlie* ill the heart of a good man, the thrilling wortla— VOX I’OPULl VOX DEI- " Do Juat and Funr not." [Tlie editur will ploniu puhliah thn nimve in re ply to " Ctvis," of latt Saiurdny morning.] Saiatma or CtatM^Ai phia aftha Philadel- cuttem hoeae arrived ia tM* caiy, on Tboraday •ng, and upon bis lafenmifei, the eollecter end surveyor of tbit port aetaud 89 bade* of Uoed cloth, which, It ia alleged, were Imported in violation uf the revenue lews. Thu aggregate value of the cloth* ia eatimatrd at $30,000.—BaUtmrt Ckronielt. Tbn Baltimore American autre that these gvod* wete the property of Mr Uuttomly.a cillacn *f Groat Britain, by whom they worn placcJ In the hands of tha Baltimore houtra to be sold.—A'. Y Commercial Wuio Mertinob,-A correi|Nindent from Gooch land wriias u«, that the Whig meeting held in that countv waaa very thin oae—*• a tad affair," and Im did not baer mure than one or two ay a upon the pe*«aga of the resolution. " The King Boe of your city I* appointed one of the deb-gate*; he will ‘re- piea-nt number one.’" The Woodstock S ntlnnl taya, that the Whigs had • meeting at ^ugu«t court, in Shenandoah couoty, to rend dolegatc* to Suuntwn; and " u mea gre affair it was! About twenty-two-persona were present—nearly half of the Whigs in tha county— and they nro a heterog.-neoua man, composed of Wh-ga proper, Itivua men, Nullifies and antbSub- Tiuasuiy |MUtieian-{l»utaU uniting in their opposi tion in Mr-Van Buren, and willing to ad<»pt mea- am. a t. j.u* blmdowo. Tliere teemed to be one gciii-ial feollng nrnungiliom; and that was to pur- tue nny cmiran winch might lend to theqjeetmem "f tho prea-nt incumbent from tlio Presidential t lielr. —Richmond Enquirer. Mr. Cloy hu* reuclird Rochester. The people received him with np.-u hand*—a. VURtuiaaaald, "Hand* with hearts in tht-in."—N Y Etar. That ret I pretty hut they wont receive him with ImruU with volet in ilt in—that’s the brother of it. —[Balt. poet. The SUr might have added to “hand* with hs art*" «*rea and epadee In ilium a'au. Thepcoplu of llo- cheater umleraiaud how to entertain their disiin- guUhedgue*i.—[Hampden Poet. They want to make him the "trump card" of the convention but they are likely lo find the “honor* divided." A GALE. The wind commenced blowing yutienlny owning about 7 o’clock, with niucii violence from llw North Host, and conil mod t*a lncrou*o in forco until this morning about 0 o’clock, when it veered round to the N. W.—and when this wn* penned, at half post l o'clock, hod somewhat lulled. Ilaviug come over the land, it luia done no dumogo tu tlio city or «hi|>- ting, and will cuusu no iiyury, unleaait chungrMvio- ently in the course of lira day or night to tlio East ward —E. Patriot, 20th alt. NORFOLK August SO. NAVkL Cupt. Bolton aaaumod thu command of the fri- gitnUi andvwine, now lying off iho Naval Hospital ami I to it mi lor tho Mediterranean onSalimlny morn ing On which occasion n Sulnio wan fired, which wns roturiRHlfrem the frigate Juva, flag thip. A DABBATII HYMN FOR A 81CK CHAM BER. M JAMES MOKTUOMERT. Thnureads, O Lmd uf ho*u! this day Areoad thine altar meet; And teas of thousand* timing to ttay Thetr homage at thy foci. They aee thy power and glory there, Aa I have sren them too; Thay read, they brer, they join in prayer, Aa I wai wunt to do. Thay sing thy deed*, a* 1 have sung, la sweat ami solemn lay*. Ware I among thorn, my glad tongue Might learn now theme* uf praise. Far thou art in the midst, to teach, When on tby name they call; Whoa thou hast blessing*, Lord, for each; Hast blessings, Lord, fur all. I, ofauch fellowship beiafi, Iu spirit turn to Oh! boat thou note bleating left I “* if, Lord, fur roe? The Un'ied Stain* Gucette of yeaterday had a letter from New York, in which thn following pn^ soge occuia, nff.rding a ludicrous specimen of thu ajHtd.*# of humbug and swagger in which tha oppos ition journal* oi v ap* to deal; “ Tho passage or »>lr Clay throuirii the 8tate has thrown quite a damim. upon thn faces of the Loco- focoa, and «umn of them consider the game up with poo. Martin." If it funny enough for whiggery in its present dilapidated condition to talk uf“ damper#." Wr suspect that a greater damper that th u received by Mr, Cla v, in the tlinpo of news from the west, wliil- ho wa« playing love umong tho rosua a> S. re tog*, wa« i.over esperb n« d by un aspiring politician. U damped him ther.—it damjasl him here, end he will feel <loin|» r and darner until delttxcdnn.1 politi> ally diowned Iu thu returns uf the coming* - tlttl election. To lie more effect Hilly damped than Henry Clay ia at this moment, It would bo noce*- «ary to bo wringing wet, end if tlio correspondent of the UnitedSiatea GauMlecan find a sane rnan.eiili- cr a •• loco*loco" or u fedotal whig, who will serious ly any lie •’conalder* tlio game up with Martin Van Hurea, he would he wunh putting in tho Mu*, urn a» a curiosity, among thu old fish aod other “damn specimen*.—PcHiiiylvaiiian Mr. Mathew Caret, in useries ornumbera ad dressed tu the cultivator* of Cotton, recommends a diminution in the cultivation of ihui article and n morn extended culture of provision*. All such re- commendation* nre futile. Sell interest U not only the bust, hut the only regulator of this matter. Whenever Corn it $1 perbuahel and Cotton I* on drr 12 cent* per pound, thn cultivator* of the latter article wiil extend tho culture nf th»* fmm* r, with out admonition* from the Ftetaj but when Cotton •ell. for n price beyond 12ct., and Corn should ha even at the above value, no auch admonition will deter the IMnnter IrOm converting hit Corn into Ct tun Lands. No evil of mngniititlo enn reault from chnnge of cultivation when tho level oi prices l* not violently dis u-InhI l.y an abuse of the paper-y»rcm. No flue- litationa in value lake place beyond that produced bv tho nntiinil law* of trade, utiloi* by tho over- action of those bank* which mako Inordinate ad vance# to favoured individual* for spcrtilniinn. An ndjustment of price* toon accommodate* iuelfionny natural deficiency In thu supply nriemporery over- S reduction or diminution o* consumption; hut the ucliiutioiia incident loan alntae of hank neemnmnd- ntiontnay ho prolonged for a cnnrdernl.le period and renewed nt interviil* almost indefinitely. Advice would Ik- properly directed ifnddresied imho legis lator* uf tlio land, or where ih<re is defect of power for correction of the evil in Legislaiiire*. to thn pro prietor* nf the hnnks, to I i»k more narrowly into their adminietialion. This Is the great fountain head ofthe evil, It is not the Banking System per ee that aflli.-ts the community with di*.t*iniu* chan* grain the relations totinde nnd fltmnce, hut the vicinua or defective adminietration of their con. cernc.—Southern Patriot. The daw lias thick on all tha ground, Shall my pour fleece ha diy I The man role. from heaveu around, Shell 1 of hunger die f Bahold thy prisoners loose my bouJs, IPlia thy gracious will. If tot, contented in thy hand*. Beheld tby prisoner stiU t nny not to thy court* repair, Yet here ihuu surely art. Lerd. oaaaacrato a hou*e of prayer m my aur rendered huaiU T* Althraveal the thing «uutocn; Tohepetbajoya unfuldt iMfeewhhom awibetween, Thla gloty nuw bcUukl. ‘ thy fkee an me to thine, Tfet dhtAt end fer wu>cea*c, •Lift op Mqr Countenance henigw o.b., use— ate peace. *- BALT.MUHK, Auk.S3. Capturt of Indian* tythe U. S. Steamer Poin. IB CapUla Bre*hwood of the bs U Tribune, ar- mediaHimpten Roads un 8#turda> last, state* mt the baigee of the Poineett, captured on the Mfeal River on the Stb loat-, four canoes with In- maaa «a board, among whom wen# Toakeaego, a Bead ehlaf, aad Tiger Tell, another obief of the Beyealf lribe with their frmilie*. Col. Harney mf rea fonaar ua buxid the steamer Cincinnati, ■dad ta New River, fiw the parpuee ofde> him labring ia Sam Joaea, who It wae *Ml» that aaighharhuud. giving fatal idiikatmi therafuaa) of fam Joaea to tku th. t»Uwu< ml* .U U pul ui • Ur,. Mil, HtbUMM M .. , JuMlu MMplh mm. m mm M I-4*» S^i. br <U pw— uf j-wsin dw rbn wJ tain. u. tb. M,bb*.Wd U •h-bj.-J’aftM. From the N. Y. Evening Poet. From Buenos Atiie* —By tho arrival of thu bark Urymo at Uiutun, papers frem Buenos Ayres as late at the 2()lh Juno Imva been received. The blockado of the French squadron which had cxiat- od four hundresl nml filly day# waa to all anpenr- nnce* likely to be continued. Thu* far tho t rcnch have satisfied tliemtelvca wit’ the hurnltm of a few small vessel* caught in the attempt to effect an en trance into the city. An arrival at Montevideo of tovoinl vessel- of war from France, led to lire opin ion that the hlm-kude would be abonduned for se verer tnrnaure*. It waa expected that a minister •ent rente time aince frem Bueno* Ayres to procure thv inter-ention of F.n-land might anccccd in put ting an end tti tho diflicultici. The inturrecdons which lately were made In tho Argentine republic have been entirely quelled. A despatch from the Governor of Santa Fe to the Go- vcrtUM of Buenos Ayres, give# an account of a victo ry which had been gained ov. r tlio Indiana, of whom thirty-eight hud been killed, amongst whom was tho Cacique Valentin Santeynn, who la said to hnvo made himself very f.innid .blo by hi* vlllany. Th# detachment took a* prisoner* 116 persons, squaws, clrild-cn, Are., ami relcared six cnriolUn captives whom the Indian* had taken, including the daugh ter of Dun Ftancireo Lnpct. There also fell into the hand* of the victors two hundred and five hor ses. Pedro Nolacto Rodri.iufl, charged with high treaaon, who wut formerly provincial governor «»f Cordova, was shot at Conception on the 21st of May, by the order of General Lopes. Domingo Cullen, for a lung time at the ho«d of the Cnitarian party, hat been arrested by tho authorities of Bue no* Ayres In consequence of the stand he ha* takon on the French question, and will in all probability be condemned In death. Tlte Washington Globe, Sflth, says t We regret to hava to announce the*death of Commodore DAN IEL D. PATTERSON, Commandant ofthe Wash ington Navy Yard, who expired yesterday morning, after a short nnd violent attack of illrie**. In expectation uf a more ample tribute to the merit* of this able and gaHmu officer, we will mere ly stMte, that, wla-n a youth, lie was taken prisoner at Tripoli in the daring adventure of tlio frigate Philadelphia, ami hi* murage and conduct while ia the command of the Caroline, on the Mississippi waters, materially contributed, in die estimation of friend aod foe, to the glorious result of the memo rable campaign of New Orleans. THE EXPLORING EXPEDITION. Wa understand, say* thu National Intelligencer Tuesday morning, that letters were yesterday re ceived in this city, from tlsu United Suites Explore bv Ex|Mji.HM., .bith, .fur, .pent •blaUm. Id pu.hio. iu n|J.nilnn w lU SodUi. ™W V.lp.nil«D on Jm I'acific Ocr.n, .bout Uw, of May, ibr nffiom uj eonpg.lD( lb. ImId, .mull, |„ ,doJ bMlth ul .plnu, n<Hwith,UDjui, Um fuUu.. which lb.y tuJ W. ken Aulhar, Ibu Un E>|«dUb>D forrol lu way u • point Aulhar Soulb tbw cm Amina aaterpHiv baa m k«CM icmImJ. Ua,lo, caaj. Janbly Mirra lha JbcuYirtaa of tba Praiwh aaj Ru.*iaa atplaria, ptpcj.lbiai. latWI", .hr lam. TbUUa Anther la lha rap af cur N«>y. PoiTOmra l(Kni'..,THiNa.—Tlirfi.limiin«Cir. cu'nr whifli npueur* tncniiluin some new legislutinn y the Pusl (Jfllce Dcpiiriment, is pubiished by the usimaaturat I'liiladt lpliia. IWOrrtcR Piiii.aor.r.ritiA. ) August Kith. 18'itt. J The following lottrr fiom tho Post Ulfico Depart ment it published for general information: Poet Office Department, ) Appointment Office,6th July, 1839 J Sir,—Your letter ofthe 2d Inst, has been receiv ed. •' Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magntine," and Fraier's Mi-gasine," are unilerstoo.1 to be mdhtli- ly publications, nnd if not accompanied by any other mutter than wlint pr.ineriy beltings to such works, they should l»e classed with other periodica) Magu- *inc«, mid charged with |*o«tagt? accordingly. But tlie two Inniks submitted hy ynu, and which are heiewith returned, are composed of so large a pro portion tif oil vert isi'oicnta. cata'ogues, proposals fur new publications, dnd othur mutter which is tuhiect to lettyr postnget that they cannot bu circulatetl thioujh the inuil* at the rate* of postage prescribed for periodical Magntines. They must, therefore, either be excluded from tlio mails nltogrther, or tho whole bouk must be charged with letterpoetoge by weight. Very respectfully your ob't serv't, KOUERT JOHNSON. _ _ '2d A»s’l P, M. General. To James Page, P. M. The attention of publishers is alto called to the following sections from the Bouk of the PostOffioe Regulations: Sec. 34-.Lettrr postage it also lo he charged on all hand-bill*, printed or written, propnrol* fur new publication.; circular*, wrifen or primed: lottery bill* and advertisement*, blank forms, and manu script copy for publication, and upon any memoran- duns which shall be written on any newspaper? pamphlet or mrtgasine, except it baa notice from the printer of a newspaper to a subscriber, stating the amount due for subscription. Sec. 59,—Puhii«lwrsof|>ampli'etsandmig>itines frequently attach to ilicm one ..r more printed page*, containing advertisement* of new publications, Sic. Such pages are tube rated with postage accuidlng to the rule* herein laid down. Sec. CO r—The cover of a pamphlet or magtxine iinot to berated with postage, unlost tho matter printed on it be a part of tlio body ofthe work, nr unless it I,c used as a vehicle for general advertising. Tho following is an extract of a letter received in Charleston, dated :— VICKSBURG, (Miss.) Aug. 16. “The Cut ton crop throughout this State four weeks ago, looked more promising than I ever saw it, but of late the same calamity which destroyed it about this time last s^asor., has again commenced; the worms are cutting off die boloa and young shape* tuan alarming extent. A friendof mine, an extensive Blunter, who suffered hy the same evil last acason, say# be will not make more than half dm number uf bales which bo calculated on two or three weeks ago. Tba weatbrr hs* ends gone a aeesibm change fe the better within die last day «r two, and with l» tha sieknn** hat vi*t‘t'y ilerreasr-1. The wind I# •nw from the Mimh< a*t. and we inhale tba moat balmy breevs and iMinute atm -aph'ie. While die wind continues frum this qwar er, it must ia n great’dwgien, free dm city from di*ea*e, and re- bealth. If it •t.ould continue for s,.rm* time healthy region, we muy expect a delightful fall, and enrly butincst aeeaun.—if. O. True American 94th. Tlio Adml'iistradun have cheering now* frem Tennessee. Bulk is elected Governor hy nln.iit TlfMIO majority over Cannon. They have gained in the tueint-crs of Congrats. So also iu AUboma and in North Carolina, and Indiana. Kentucky is in statu quo. Webster ha* backed out. Mr Clay *"■/ U P hi# fiddle. Gen. Harrison hi# banjo, •JJ** , ^ better not take up his trumpet. The abolitionist* will run Wm. Lloyd Garrison ar.d Sla.le against Van Buren and Wm. K King of Al ebama,or Forsyth of Goorgia.—Floridian. A Hint.—The evidence of a go**d tavern, a co- temporary remarks, is its being well supplied with tmw«ri*prr* and periodicals. I^et that fact be re membered. Observation will confirm theattertion. _ New Yorh American. That depends on how dtny ore procured. We were nt u hotel, lately, where we noticed that mine host visited tho steamboat upm its arrival •t the docks, and tmggod thu papers from the pas sengers. His indu-try wtunm unrewarded, for he obtained copies of three of tho four New Yoik evening (lepers. How much mureernnomical this was than subscribing for diem.—iV. J\ Com. WnETTIRO a Rxeor.—a young f .p, who had juat imgan to aha ve f.,r beard, stepimd into a harbor's shop and after a grand swagger, desired t.» be *hav- ml. The harla*rwent througb ih'* iistial movement, and dm sprig jump'd up with a flourish exclaim- lug— "Miw folne fallow, what's y«*ur chawge !" "Oil, nochnrgu," was the reply. "No charge I how's that t" "Why wo are always thankful when wo can got tuft calf skin to whet our raxor’son!" From the Nt w York Poet. A corresppndont has sent us the fallowing copy of a letter, which, according to him, Mr. Clay re ceived at Saratoga, frem his overseer at Ashland, just before lie not on his return t*» Kentucky, and which protiably wa* tho cause of his nnxinus de sire to roach home •• with the least practicable de lay " We hove hail strum rluuhts about the pro priety of giving 'hit letter to the public, inasmuch as it appears tu la« nf a private nature 5 but our seniplra in this respect have given way on recollect ing that all tho facts contained in it linvo been pub lished already in the newspapers of both partie-, ni d that in this letter vlrcy nre only put together in a brief summary. We omit, however, die name of tho writer. •• ASHLAND FARM. Aug. 13th, 1039 “ I take my pn in hand to let you know that things are going on very liudly on your farm at Ash land. I do my best to keep your fence* in order, hut na fast ns I put them up they comedown again, and T am afraid y>>u wdl linvo hut short crops this year. Fanner Jackson ha* got possession ogain of dm big farm to die south of us: dm jury brought in a verdict in Id# favor tho other duy iu that eject- montauit; helms apiked the old Camion on tho green before the house, that used to roar for you on holidays, nnd Im lias tin nod un enormous hull into thu pasture next to our form, who keeps I'oking at your fence# and breaking them down witli In* long horn*. Thn cnttlo nf the Wabush breed in the form to thn north of our#, have kept nn #nch a terrible rearing lately that my henrt died within mo. The ••ther day they broke into our inclosiire nnd tram pled the Grave# in the Lonlsviho Int to #ucli a de gree that it wax for n while doubtful to the specta tor* whether there were any Grave* there or nut. In mm of your lots tlio man who kept your riicep just escajH'd from Iwing thr-wn down and mred by them, hy running Under the Wood. In lot No. 13. tho Souih-gnte Im# been thrown down, nnd the But ler nf your old enemy Vun Buren bus taken full pos session. The man thnt elnim* lot No. 1, keeps high fences ami fierce bull dog#, a# ho did lust year, •0 I dare not go upon it. Ho cut* higher grass than utiy on your uimulmv#, und Ids corn brings twice tlio crop. “ It I* the opinion of us all that you had better como home a* fn«t n« you can. If drinking the Sn- mtogn witters would mend your fence#, or if the Now York Ihrm that you went to look at could lie bought with nnpr in-mey, it might be well for you to stay, hut the neighbors here think thsteunnot be. There i# an old lawyer almut lien* who says that your title to tills fnrtn I* not n good one, nnd thni you can In* turned out of it hy a writ of njectmont. Some uf the neighbors any tlint your fences will never stand till they nre built of good stout hickory. In short they sny all muniiar of things, nnd I nm in all manner of trouble*. In the hop that you will hurry hack before they servo that rascally writ of ejectment, I subscribe myself Your loving friend, Sec." A FRIGHTFUL "FIX." While nt Fort Snclling, Cap', Mnrrvatt hernme arqnain'ed with Cupt. Scott, of the U. S Armv. n naitvo of Vermont who is nee nf the greatest Nim rod# in the country, nnd prnhnhly the best marks- -nan In the world. Two potatoes living thrown up in the air; Im will wnich his opportunity nod pas* hit rifle hall through thorn bnih, and this astonish ing feat he i* said often to hnvo performed. This potato piercing business, however has nothing to do with one of tlio liuntor-Cnptain’s perilous nd- ventures, a* related hy himself toCapt. Marryait, in thesn words, to, wit: I was riding not one day in Arkansas, and it an happened 1 had not my rifle with me, nor in deed a weapon nf any description, not even my jack knife. A* I enmo upon tlie skirtsnf a prni- ri<-, near a small eopsr, a buck started out, and dashed away aa ii much alarmed. I thought it wns my sudden appearance which had alarmed him; l stopped my horse to look after him. and turning my eyes afterwards in the direction from whence it had started. I percrived, at I thought, on a small m rood of rnitli raised by an animal called a gopher, just thn linad of the doe, her body con cealed by the high gras#.—I Imd no arm*, but it occurred to me, that if I could contrive to crawl up very aoftly. tlio high gra«» might conceal my npproarh, end I should Im able to spring upon her and secure her hy main strength.—" If l can man- age this," said I to myaelf, "It will Im something to talk about." I- lied my horse to a tree, nnd com- menerd crawling very softly on my hand* and knees toward* the gopher hill; I arrived clone to it, and the don had not started; J ruse gently with both hand# ready Turn grab, and prepared to spring, slow ly raising my head that I might get a sight nf the animal. It appenred that the animal wa* equally inquisitive, and whi-ln-d to gain a tight of me, and it slowly rai«el its head from the gras* at I did mine. Imagine what wa# my surprise and conster nation, to find that, instead ofn doe, I was fare to face with a large male panthe* It wa* this brute which had to seared the buck,and now eqoallv scar ed me. There I was, nt hardly one yard's distance from Idm, without arms of nny description, and al most in tha paw* of the panther. I knew that my only chance wn» keening my ’ye* steadfastly on hi*, and not muring hand nr fooi; the least motion to retreat would have been hi* a<g< mil to spring? so there I was. n* white nan sheet, wiih my eyes fixed oil him. Luckily he did not know w hat was passing within me. For some se cond* 1 he animal met my guxe, and I began to give my self up for lo*t!' ll’a time for you to go, th night I, nr I am gone; will you nover go? At h«t the nidmnl blinked, and them hi* eyes opened like balls of fin:; 1 r mninvd, fascinated a* it were; he blinked again, turned Ilia head a v< rjr hulc.ihen turned round and went awavat alight ranter. Imagine the relief. I hastened lark to my horse, nnd awny alto went I at a light canter, and with a light' r heart, gfate ful to Heaven for having preserved mo. Movement* upon the Northeastern Bovnda- RT.—Sir John Harvey, Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick. August 10, gave Governor Faltkald of Maine oflleial eoUee that Colonel Mudge, and Mr. Foathertionbaugh were about to make a topographi cal exploration ef the disputed teriUery. “_ rf l^f d »-^knowing a» he Governor Fairfield r * power.—New York Doily Eepreet, LOWER CANADA. Sir John Colboiinr has issued hit proehimntio bearing date the 24th of August, and declaring mar tial Uw no loger in force in .the district of Mon treal. Martial law was proclaimed in November, 1838, and has continued in furva since that date. BUNS. The world's a printing hone*. Our words and thoughts. And deeds, are charactere nf various sixes; Each soul is a empotilor, whore fault* The Levfers may eorreet, bet Heaven replete. Death lathe c«mmon s»rri# from whence being driven, We'are gathered sheet by sheet and hound for llctvtn. IM Howard. R AN AWAY from tba mdMcriber, ootbe night o the 19th ioaUfct, a ttegra man by the name o LEWIS, aged about 22 year*, dark complexion, slnirt neck and full fa#e, with a pleasing expression of countenance! of *tnu*| athletic, ami muscular frame, ami 5 feet 4 or 5 Incites high, n carpenter hy trade, and a quick and ready workman. Said slave stole a fine fieri gray horse from the United State* horse yard, at Fori Brooks, on which he made hi* escape. Hi* di*t‘n*tt>on, it I* supposed will be S. Carolina, whenre Ira was brought last fall, 'llw above reward will Ira given for bis apprehension and confinement in turn, juil.on information communi cated in me atthi* p’ace, hy mull nr otherwise. Tampa, Hi l-borough Co., Florida, aug2’l*w8w AUGUSTUS STEELE. D octor RonriuMtocil, ft. Saxony, Brefestor of Mostc, Anspolis, Md., these the la*t three years, begs leave respectfully to snnmmcolu the ladies andgenilemen of Savannah, that be w ill commence hit Mudcal School on the first nf October, this year, giving lessons on the OrgiNi,* I’iano Forte, Harp, Goitar, German Flute, Violin Clarionet, Kent Bugle; also, to ting, particularly Church Music. Those who will favor him with lhair confidence w ill please to leave their names al thn Book store of Mr. Tho*. Bur*e. aug 30-Iaw-lm Notice to Creditor*. T HE suh-cnlier request*ell poison*to whom ho ( ia lawfully nnd justly indebted, either by note, endorsement,or oilier wi* present the sam-legnl ly ro Messrs. A. J. AT. W. Miller, orlo thu tub *eribcr,at Augu-ta, Georgia, on or before the firat of October next. Tlie object of the undersigned is to ascertain who he m lawfully and justly indebted to, and to obtain their content to the sub-crilwr’s commencing business00 hi* own ancnjnt. and in hit own name, for « term of years, not exceeding ten years, and the profit* m iting oui of hi* bu*inn** du ring that period, or befinc, if he cuii realise an amount sufficient to pay ofl’ all ih» said cluimt against him, that the siimi' w II ho honorably deliv ered up for thnt purpose,loti the same shall notke de manded until the expiration of the ten yvur*,unlu*t at the wishoa of the uiidi-ialgned, lo linvo the -amo settled previous to the limit agrvil upon hy said creditors. It is uecdles* here to state the rea*on why the aubserilrar w-islie* to do biis'ti>'S« in hi* mvn name, as mifliciuiil chimps h'ts led him now to the present Course, nfeiah-HVoring to pity nil hi* lawful debt*, n* he should justly do. and not allow lorn elf again to Ira deceived in bu-iucis.a* this community well know* to haw? token place lo the seriou* Inju ry of tha subscriber, wliil" acting a- 1151*111 for oili er*. WM. C. WAY. Ao«u«ta, Georgia, July. 1839. CJ* The f li;n l.-.ioo Courier, AoKo.fn Sentinel nnd Consiitutionnli.t, and lira Now York Courier A Enquiret, will please give one|>iin weekly for ihreemuath* forward their bills for payment to tho subscriber at Augusta, Gu. jy 3l-w-3m WM C. WAY. fltrnycd* F nOM my place on the Ogeeehee toad, a small grey Mare Mute; branded T above in S, nn one of her hind quarters. Any person finding said Mule, and returning her to my place, will re ceive a suitable reward and all necessary expence#, by calling upon Solomon Cohen, E«q., who will act at my Attorney, during my temporary absence from this city PHIL. MINIS, attg 29-eo3t Direct Importnlton. T ilESubscribers have tunned a co'.tn-xionin bu siness. under the firm of DICKINSON, SE EKING St ST AT HAM, a* Import*# and \Yb di- sule Dealer# in Broadcloth, Ca.simere* and Vest ings, nnd will open on or mImou the first of Septem ber, a complete assoitmi'iit uf Guilds, selected by one of their partner* in London uml Baris, which will comprise every article necessary lor Merchant Tabor*. Store in Mcoting, opposite Penrl-strect. • T. DICKINSON, E. .SEEKING, B STATHAM. Charleston, August 5, 1839. oog 10-law 6w For Sale. A VALUABLE on Os.tbnw Island, which consists of two tracts, containing toge ther about 1100 acre* of Uml, vit: one tract ol about 300 acres, by the plot, lying in one body, iltg (•renter part of w hich i* lit for cultivation in cotton and provisions, and being bounded tho whole extent ofthe rail and west lines, by creek* and marshes, is very conveniently siiunt< d for being mnnured with mod. On tha premise* are an oversreer'* house, and negro houtrs of tabby,a cotton house 2 stories, high, u corn home nnd gin house, with a horse gin of Unities make. Tho otlior tract of300 acres i* a useful appendage to the former, its chief valoo consists in the live oak and cedar timber on it, and in itaboing un excellent rnnge for stock. For terms apply to R. lUbershnm, U.-n., *““*“* “ STO jy SG-flar lOl B. HOL'STOUN. Dover. T ills valonhle tract of l.nml, situated in the rounty of Greene, on tho Oconee river, seven mile* from, (the present tertninos of the Go *rgia llnil Road.) containing 2200 acres, 12 nr 1300 of which is wood land, tho linlnnc* clmired, nnd the larger portion in a Itigh state of cultivation, is now offered for saloon reasonable teim*. There is a largo dwelling house, with all necessary out building*, 00 said place, together with n fine sum mer rot rent one mllo from tho mansion, culled Mount l’isgalt, from which con la? viewed tlio land of prontis -, (lowing with milk nnd honey. A large portion nf said plantation is low ground, and of great value, ami the *oil generally, peculiarly adap ted to tho culture nf Cuttum Pei sons w ishing vest fund* in property of this kind are invited culi on tlio subscribers nnd examine f.*r themselves. GEORGE G. MATHEWS, CH ARLES L. MATHEWS. Jr. Augusta, Aug. 24. aug 27-1 w-4t John H. Coombs, W ILL continue the FactuIuuk uml Commis sion Business, in Stiviinnnli, f r hi* own account.. JOHN S. COOMBS. Reference—G. 11, Lamar. Snvumrah; A. Sibly, Augusta; Rev. K. Sinclair, Macon. Mi. T. D. Morel, will act for mo in my tempora- ry absence. ' jy II-ltiwilN. 11 lbfiry nml Silk Culture. M WARD CHENEY & BROTHERS, nnd MASON SHAW, linvo now growing, in the most flourishing condition, in Attgustu, Georgia, ad joining tlio Huntptnn Unco Course, about 80,000 Morue MvHlcautie Treee, which they offer for side in lots to suit purchasers. For further information enquiry may la* made of Messrs. Cln ney*, nt their cocoonery in Burlincinn, New Jersey, or of Mason Sltnw, nt the Englo nnd Blirenix Hotel ill Augusta. Having hud several ye.irs experience in cultivu ting the morn# multicnulis from buds, cuttings, See. they will fundsli each purchaser with printed in structions of the best and most approved manner of planting nnd cultivating tlio trees, the kind of soil most suitable for growing the tame; and also for rearing the silk worms nnd reeling tlie silk. They will n!*o hnvo for salo, Silk Worm Eggs of the most esteemed varieties, from moths selected with great care for their health, strength and perfection, aug 17-3tn-#n in or iis multicnulis. T REES OR CUTTINGS.—From I500to2000, or more Trees, from three to six feet nnd up wards high, will be contracted for, to be delivered in the city, in tha months nf October and Novcm her next, with or wi'hnut the branches, as may be agreed on; or tho cutting* may bo hud nt a reason able rate per eyo, by applying to I. K. Tefft for In formation. ang23-2nwtf • Notice. A LL person* indebted te the subscriber, either /V by now or open account, which wa* due on the first of January last, are respectfully solicited 10 call and acute 'he aome,as all notea and accounts that ate unsettled nn the first of October, will be placed in the hand* of attorney for collection. augS3-ltu6t WILLIAM HALE. Florida House. ST AUGUSTINE, EAST FLORIDA. M Tbt* commodious Hotel has been put in complete repair; new furniture, bedding, Arc. Ate.; and is open for the reception of visitor*, under the superintendence of the undersigned, who pledges himself so to conduct ih« establishment,#* to secure to it a character equal to any Hotel in thu Southern country. W. W. OATES. N. B.—G.«od Stabling for Horses, and attentive Ostlers. Ono and two horse Carriages, and Sad dle Horse* for hire. St. Augustine, August 5. 1039—aug 16 law2m COLT’S BOOK-KEEPING. A PRACTICAL WORK UPON A PLAN ENTIRELY NEW —The accounts which form tho bases of the science are classed under Five Divisions, w ith definite explanations after the f«rma of grammar and arithmetic. It contains a vocabuy lary of mercantile term# ami phrases. Also, a ke- explnining the nature and manner of Juurnatiung each of the Day Rook entries ns a practical account ant would explain the same to hit pupil; this so simplifies the science that nny young mail nf com mon English education may acquire a knowledge without th* assistance of a'tcucher To which is added, Directions tu the Learner, und Practical Fnrntt for keepbig book# in every extent nnd variety nf commercial houses; Public addressee, the fir»t ever delivered upon the subject See. Ac v Published by Tlmmat, Cuwnethevaiti and Co., Philadelphia, ami for sale at tna principal Book-Store* in lira United States. je 3-lnwrtm Snvuiinnli Library. . . A Printed Catalogue of lira Book* In this Insti tution. with a enpy of It* rules, dee.,under the same eovrr, may be bad al the Library Room for Metals- J* H For Sale on Cumberland Island. A VALUABLE Plantation, which, for advan tage* of climate, soil and situation, cannot be surpassed on the const of Genrria. It contains 3680 acres (by actual survey j ttxcliulveof salt marsh, ol these 2100 are hammock 'and#, of which 850 are cleared, nn't in good enialtlinn, 400 having been lately cleared. Also, an D and swamp nf4U0 acres, ofn quality of land equal to any in thn world, 200 are cleared, drained ami in perfect aider. The corn now on it i* es -mated to 50 bti-hel* the acre. The whole crop of corn, rune nnd cotton will show its praduciivrners. The scrub and pine lamia coni If- mm., afford nn excellent rat-go for horses, cattle and hogs. Tho whole muy Ikj conveniently divided into three tracts, with n good landing on each. The buildings un the placo nte stables, a smith's shop, 22 negro houses, a large nnd commodious cotton house, n gin house, witli 2 .gins, >111 overseer’s house, und other convenient nut houses, with corn cribs for housing 4000 bushels of corn. Adj -ining th»* plant ing land, are extensive mor*he#,conven J em for ma nuring, and tho wn ers nlroimd in fi*h and oysters Cumlrarlund Island I# not only heallhly, hut also fa vorable to the production ol tropical fruit*. The orange, citron, lemon, limo und olive, ure now growing there in perfection, and may be seen nt nny time. For further particulars inquire of Messrs. W. King & Co., at Clinrh-*lon r Nol»lo A. Hurtlee, Esq., at Savunnul), and uf the subscriber, at Dungoticrs, near St. Mary’s. P. M. NIGHTINGALE. aug 30-2t-cowlt For Rent* L A commodious two story wooden dwelling L hnu«e, with ttnhleand nil necessary nut build ing* nf litiek, nnd lira proof, in theroogh repair. It hnsfour room* on the lower story and three rooms on the upoer story nnd one large room in the attic. Iti* pleasant Iv situated on Wa«reh square, on u truer lot. For term* npp.y at this office, aug 20-3nwlm To Kent. L Two dwelling Hou-w a. directly hack ofthe L house occupied by G. Schley, Esq. Po# session given l«t October Apply to JNO. P. WILLIAMSON & SON. aug-9 ImvGw Fresh Bent Rice. TIERCES primeq’ialiiy now henting at the tJV/ luwr •p2 r mill, and for sul». Apply ro W. WOOD BRIDGE. Caution. T HE high reputation which FRANCIS KID DER’S Indelible Ink has sustained for 15 nr 2ft years, ha# caused several imitations of tlie nr- tie'e to bo offered for sale a* •• Kidder 1 e Indelible SSSSSSte RatmOTWl W*.»lali jwj PrtiSL’jff BSS? fancy drilling*; India aad Georgia Nankedntt white, huff, and figured Maneillaa; white and buff geradOhaliya, plain bfek .nd figured Silk. Hd Satina; silk, cotton and merino under Shirts and Drawers; silk and cotton half Hose, ailk, cotton, and linen cloves; black and ootcred Hosklndo; black, and fancy silk Cravats; Cravat siHfear*; Stocks, Saspender*. Shoulder Braces, Belts, ailk and cambric pocket Hdkfs, Halt, Umbrelhs, fte. which will he told low for cash, or on abort time to thoto who are prompt pay; no other* need apply. mV: apiao JOHN MALLC 8150 Reward. A BSCONDED fromWaverley Plantation, Com- xl. den county, on the lGthday of July last, LAR KIN, DICK, and CATO. Larkin Is stout Molatto fellow, about 28 years of age, 5 feet 6 to 9 Inches high—he has a scar on his right rbcek, also soma marks of small pox about hi* face, particularly on his nose, also a Inigo scat from an axa nn hi# fnot^ near tho great ura. Larkin has rather feeble mice fur a man of his stature. Cato is a blark fellow, an Afnrun by birth, he is a stout, square built fellow, about 5 feel 4 to 6 Inches high—bos the mark of his tribe on hit breast he isliKowi*e ruptured, and has u very largo mouth. Dick Is a .mall black, well set fellow, nlso an African by birth, with a round face and down cast look, easily confused when interrogated: there is also a lingular appear ance mIiuui hi# mouth when alarmed. The above three fellows were Iraught of the estate of Jno. H. Morel, in Murrh 1838, and formerly lived at th* Cotmnhnm Plantation, Bryan Co. They are also well acquainted in and about Savannah, feh28 GEO. C. DUNHAM, Manager 1 8200 Reward. A BSCONDED from my Plantation, Osabaw Island, on or about the 21stof April. 1838; a npgro woman named ALICE. She is very tall and dal irately formed, handsome, goes well dressed, and is in evary way an imposing person; about 24 or 25 years of age; one tooth out in the upper jew, if re- colltfctioti serves rightly, and the nail of one ufher forefingers injured it. such a manner as to cause do- formiiy. She wo* horn and raised tin Wilming ton Island, by the lute EUxoboth Whiting. She has been absent for tho greater portion ofthe last 5 or 6 years, has a husband in Savannah, belonging to Mis. Frazier, named Bing, who it ia behoved harbors her occasionally, sho has boon frequently scon, within tho last twelve months on tho Islandsof- Whitnmarah and Wilmington, at the plantations of Dr. Kolloch, Lewis. Turner, T. Barnard, the estate of J. Barnard, and that of the late Col. Shad. It is believed that the i* at times harbored by her two brothers, Jim belonging to Mr. Lamar, of Savannah, and Zed, belonging to Miss Catharine Durkec, recently of Savannah, but now of the up county. I have heard of her being seep on the Railroad, in tlio course of tho last too or twelve months, with a family that formerly resided in Sa v-.nnnh; I also have heard, that in her absence, she has been taught to read arid write, and if so, sho muy forge for herself such papers aa will pro- tect, ond screen her from doteclion. ^ Tho above reward will bo paid on her confine ment in the jail of Savannah, to 'hat 1 get her. N. G. RUTHERFORD Island O-ahaw, July 24, 1839.jy 26-tf City Sheriff's Sale. O N the first Tuesday in IMolter next, will be sold before the Court Huute in the City of Savannah, between the usual houis of tale, the souihwestern purt of Lot No. 5, Oglethorpe Ward, St. Gall, containing 5ft fo«-t on Zuhley street Ink." They resemble tlio genuine Ink in their cx- £ end30 feet in depth, hounded south hyZubiy street terior eppenrance, nnd a* some of them bear the god en»t hy oiherpnrts of said lot No. 5, end west name of Kidder, tho public hnvo Iteen grossly do- h* 1 No* 6, w itli nft the buildings and improve- To guard against this deception,' pur- iskfu “ reived. chaser* will pleose he pmticulnr lo asl Kidder’s Ink, and observe that his name is on tho top and front of tlie box. Just received nnd for sale hy T. M. & J. M. TURNER, jy 3 Monument Square. Ladd, Tuppcr St Slstnre, O FFER for sale, 275 ling* green Cuba C<-ffeo, 40 dn do Lngttiro do 130 do old government Javn do 160 hlids nnd liorces Cuba Molasses 30 hid* New Orient* do 10 hi d. prime Porto Rico Sugar 27 boxes Boston and New York refined do 100 half boxes Chocolate 10 b -xes white Havana Sugar 20 half chest* superior Black Tea 10 hags Popper nftd Pimento 75,000 Hnvntm at.d Principe Scgara 10,000 very choice Rcgulia do 10 casks London Porter, quarts and pint* 10 pipe*pure Holland Gin 20 halfpipes Oinrd, und J J Dupuy Brandy 40 bhls Monnugnhelu and Bait. Whiskey 300 do Plielp'* Gin 250 tlo Barber’s & Gowdv's Gin 150 case* Champagne and Hock Wines 130 package* Madeira, Sicily and Port do 140 pieces heavy hemp Bugging 100 sacks Liverpool Salt * 200 riuks Nails 225 bundles primo Northern Hay sop 3 ments thereon, l.-vi d upon by virtue offi fas, issued For Franeie from the Honorable Court nfCnmmnn Plcm md of . Oyer and Terminer tor the C'vJ of Snvannnh, at the instn co of Mathew Hopkins, rt al, v#. William Lovell, property pointed out by plaintiff's attornies Also—At the some tlinp and place, Lot No. 9,. bounded hy nnd hulling • n East Broad street on the west, nn the not I It by lot No. 7, on the east by lot No. 10, on the south hy lot No. 11,containing 00feet front and 165 feel in depth, togetht-r with all tlie buildings nnd improvement* thereon, levied upon hv vi. uoof fit fas, i«#ued from the Hotinrabie Court of Common Plea# and of Over arid Terminer for the City of Savam-alt, at the instance of Sibley and Shields, ct ul, v* Jitmns and Homy Sngurs, pro per y pointed out by plaintiff# nttnrnh-s. • aug 27 LEVI S. RUSSELL, Sheriff. Sheriff's Snle. TTTTILT. be sold on the first Tuesday In October ▼ v next, before the Court House In the City of S.ivunnnli, between tlio muni hours of sate, four largo three fold purchase blocks, two large falls white Manilla rope, three elnmp screw*, two small Jack Screws, one Blncksmith* shop, situated on Scnddcr & Williamson's w-linrf, one nnvill, five pair black- smith'* longs, one blacksmith's bellows frame, one hliicksmiih's bellows, one lotnfiron, and the de fendants entire interest in three high pressure •team boilers; levied on under nod by virtue ofa ft fa on foreclosure of mortgage, issuing- out of the fllennrable the Inferior Court of Cli nhum Coutt- iy in favor of John Koehler vs John Cant, ritffl ELISHA WYLLY, Sheriffc.c. Mortis ITIiilticntilis.l T REES or Cuttings.—A few hundred Trees for solo. Person* desirous of contracting for the Muru* Mulliceulis would dowi-ll to call at the sub scriber's reridunce, William gm-ct, near the Rail Road Depot; planted last March, from cuttings, averaging from 6 to 7 feet high, wjth branches from 3 to 4 feet in length. JOS. O. DAVIS t»p2• Refrigerators. J UST received per Wm. Taylor, a new supply, for sale hy D. FERGUSON npril 9 Broughton st. 3d. door from Barnard. Fork and Beef. Qr| BARRELS prime Potk, OU 40 do do Beef, foi sale by je 10 LONG & PATTERSON. Lamp Oil. Ch/4 TIERCES and 25 Barrels Superior Spring Strained Oil, now landing from ship Milled gcville, and for salo low by jy It)L. BALDWIN Playing Cards. 2 GROSS superior Playing Cards, received and for sale by je 10 THOMAS RYERSON. Prime Pork and Beer. (Y/4 DDLS, primo Potk; 35 dodo Beef, Landing and for sale hy jo 5 CLAGHORN St WOOD 600 je 20 Land for Sale. ACRES Land on thn.Ogechee Canal,. 8 mites diitant from the cit^, for salo by R. Si ' . KINO. Wm. OI instead, orrans ion sale, HMDS. Porto Rico Sugar, mdVj 4 do prime St. Croix do 15 boxes loaf do 10 do white Havana do 3 hhd*. St. Croix Rum, 20 bb|a. Phelps Gin, 20 do Eagle do^ 40 do N. R. Rum, 30 hhl*. Canal Fluur 30 j do do do 20 fafals. Baltimore do 25 | do do do 50 boxss bunch Baltins, *' 50 J do do do 100,000 superior SpanishSegars, 50 000 hull' do do 25 boxes Sparkling Hock, pints Sl quarts, 25 do A. Y. Champagne do do 20 hhl*. Butter Crackers, frrah, 20 cn*ks Lo. don Porter, quarts & plat*. 1 I boxes Starch, 10 basket* Salmi Oil, 80 bag* prime green C«ffe*. 20 do Java do, 40 Inixc* pipe*, large bowl, 100 Baltimore Hums, 50 10 lbs. Bacon, 8lde* and Shouldara 30 131b. boxts Hyson Taa, 5 do Black do 20 boxes Tallow Candles, 50 do* Broom# 1 80 dot Buckets. 1*8 Notice. T HE accouau and cUiet* in favour of Jacob R. May her. are placed in my hand* far eoUacttoa, and If tat paid by Um Ith October Mat, will be JOHN M. CUIK. A«y John I?Iull<*ry, Draper and Tailor, A T the old stnnd, on tho Bay, nearly nppoalte tho Exchange, keen* constantly on hand a com plete assortment of Broadcloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, nf superior qunlity, and most fashionable colors, which ho is prepared to make up In the most approved style, at shot t notice, and on reasonable terms. Also, an extensive variety of fancy articles, constituting a gentleman's wardrobe, tuch as Caps, Stocks, Cravats, Sliffncra, linen and muslin Shirts nf every description, linen Collars linen Bosoms, plain and frilled; gum elastic, buck, cotton nett and silk Suspenders, and extra Ends; Riding Belts, Shoulder Night Caps, Purses and Watch Guntds; Hoskin, woollen, buck, castor and silk Gloves: Hosiery of all kinds, Pocket Handkerchiefs; cotton net, merino, lambs wool, chamois and silk under Shirts and Drawers; Hats, Umbrellas,Money Belt*. Sic. nov 12 White Sulphur Sprliiir Water. *VTI7 E have just recoived the Water of the White v V Sulphur Springs nf Virginia, in bottles. The high reputation which the Waters of this Spring hsvo required in the prevention and cure of diseasn*, and us a pleasant and wholesome h«ve rage, hnt long rendered it an object of peculiar in terest in the public mind. The teputation of these water* has increased in the same rapid proportion with which they have become known, until they have attained anoint of celebrity equal to any of tho springs- of Europe, fur exceeding that which any other in the United States ha* attained. Tfe son.ible medical effects of this water are mo#t en. vlously displayed in it* action upon theJwwals, liv er, kidneys and skin. It i* high|y recommended for dyspepsia, chronic rheumatism, nourelfie. para lysis incipient calculus, chronic nephrite*, chloro sis. hetpmorrhoid*. general debility unatteeded with acute diseases, jaundice and scurvy, iU conditioned ulcers, cutaneous eruptions, and in that enfeebled and peculiar condition of the system resulting fron\ tho long protracted or injudicious u*eof mercury.. For sale by T. M. fa J. M. TURNER, aug 21 Monument Square^ Savannah Insurance * Trust Co* November 13, 1838. FT1H IB institution having been Iti successful oper. X at ion fora year, continue# to make insurance against Marine and River perils, on Vessels, Boats. Freight, Money, Merchandise,‘fa*« Also—Against |o#a or damage by Fire, Op Build* fog*, Merchandise, Produce, fae., aod 00 vessels and cargoes in port, on tho meat fxSoruble terms and for any desired length «*Ttime, promptly paying its l«.**.-* and taking advantage of no technical obi jtciion if the right >f the assured be dear. It also effects insurance on live*—buys and sella exchange and checks on the northern dries, and re ceives rruHo-y on loan, at rates ofintaresivaring with the term nfnepotit. /be committee# meet ever)* day at 12 M. and act at once upon ell applications. J. P. Henry. President. G. B. Lamar, W. Thotne Williams, G. B.Cumming, 11. ltnter, R. King, F. Sorrel, H. Harper, J. H. Burronghs, E. Podelford, D. Ponce, L. Baldwin, W. C. Hunter, nov 14 BAMUF.L C. HOUSE.Secretary. Champagne Wine and N. E. Rant. Ofl BASKETS Champagne Wine. (Jolley #dSVP Brand,) 10 do do (Golden Eagle) a supe- ring article, 25 hhds and pipe# N. E. Rum, just ro calved and for tale by TURNER, EASTMAN fa CO. may 27 exchange Dock