The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, September 21, 1839, Image 3

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another konuimr. E. Ilut«n*l.» t-V , m rdbbt*-.TWS«)nn«hl 1.4 «r S r.i«av ■«■ on*. *j mm «f the soon? «b« «" iofc-b* >«r fly. The, eMotr* the »'•>«'to J.v« .» Riyss »rrR hv wrcocbin, it -•pro »(th • •».*» rki«-l Md inn ksr, stmilsr to *» o>n! t'.w «ti«iio« w»«l* •ftkfirnwtT. Th- y |»nvw\inl to the sttoog hot of Mont*. J. E. It SCv «ks-k «•». t lit kos. «nd took frost it Mtoroo l'2d oni 13.1 tkt'-srr, »* >Im murlty duo hill. und o.«om oso stotioj: to ,|U Mk ' Tiro" trot o lifkt rent k) tko orotrk i» tko ««* some tints kcfo» tlty. Jsotrolsy tn.onioy. tko trstokmtn rolled to too. oko nt thro.’. ttrrT w»« inform'd h?o voice wllhta, tint ko tko ownerof Uw *t ns ...... The instranreuts nred hythes* ,n foreing ope*, the draw, h***> l*s'« h-A at ,*•» Nt-w* R'»m,in h-tjv that tbrlrcvamfoxlfo*, may. by he,o* hlen ,h- «J. toad W the detect*** and puu'uhnicat ol tlie V F-rtra. AUGUSTA UOXUO DK HKM.T1L* A Sunday. Sept. 15-12 M. Tha Boxrl report the death* of five white |wr- „a*«, ami three peraona of c»4t*r, from fowr. during the last t«entyfour ta*ur*; and one death iron, vio lence. M«»n-Ny. Sept 16. The Roan) report thedeoh* of four white per •on* ami >«*** nrgto in town, ami one white child ia the country, during the Iasi tweuty-tW ho u*. Tuesday, Sept. 17—12 M. Tim board r"|'»'rt *ix death* in town, and one in the cvw»n\ty, daring the last tweotyfout hour*. I'ulrisstiod hy order of the Board Wednesday, Sep*. 18—12 M. Tha hon<d re|-*,t the death* of four white per. moo,undour prifoo oTeolor.du.ln, tk ’ l»-t toru- tyfour leatw. IhthlUhrd hv orh*r of the Rovd. A. GUMMING. Mayor. San’l. M. Tttawrsojt, Seen. I.ATK FROM NASSAU, N. I». By the British schooner AY* ares, Cipt. Hill, we received Hrt mewing, a file of tha Royal </•• tette. to theith tort. tarlaslrr. W* *ee nothing of impataacw la the Bahama papers The slave •rhooner bad bewa aeen hovering round tlie Bahama li'aud*. prexkw* to her capture, on tho3lit uli. Knott Mabasha*.—Letter* haw been received at Sa^ns M i”., fora Maranham, to thn Nth of July, .tating that 'he revolution waa continued in tltat province wi'h greater vigor than ever, tho n- heU l*a\ in- me, with new successes. Business wn» very g’eailv inxrupted hy the unsettled condition • f public affair*. Craxias i« in pi,»*es*fon of tho In* eurgeut*, and every effort I* now made li) the go vernment to presorw tin* rap tat from falling into thvir hand*. A Court Martial has boen ordered to convene nt New York on tin* 9;li of tliia muiith, for the liiul o Lieut. Col. Chnrle* 11. Ilronut. The Court iscom- po-erlof the following otlicer*, via: Lieut. Col. Kobcrt D. Wainwright. M joraml Bvt. Lieut. CoU. Sam‘l MUlcr,Sam'l. II. XVatum, Win. II. Freeman. Captain* John Karri*, Jutitra Fdelin, Abraham N. Br**vo».rt. Kit net t>f h letter, dated •• SAVANNAH, fcpk 18. A teport ha* tenchcd here thi* morning, by tho tleenter Ivatih. e, from lllark Cteek, Florhla, that they have had eoveral caeca of Yellow Fever there, andtwjor llnee death*. 1 cannot vouch for tho curtvctnt'M of tint ivjhiiI, hut think it moil likely to 1)0 correct.—C A or. Courier, ItltA iml. [We believe there are ioiiiu ra*e» of fever nt Black Creuki hul we have tint lientxl any re|Nirta in thl* city, of yellow fevvr being nl that place.—[Kd. f7 r ci rg inn.] Extract */ a tetter I* ike EJi’ore. "AIKEN. Sep. 18, 1838. "Mr*«w*. Korrotw—Thi* place »* tjuite crow «l- ed with vidiom from Charle.i.m and Augusta— about 350, inclmling children and vervanu. U the average aamlwi—a* aome a:e routing aud otlwr* leaving every day. "The account* from Au-uata are most iliactviru- gihf. Right died in 21 hour* ending 12 “’clock je*terdny (Sun*l*v ) Thi* m uh i«-g. I nn» told, Mu Battv dtml last night. Thi*i*a great loss to Au- *a*ta. Mr. B. wa* the enterprising kee|wr of the Eagle ami IVniv ami Gl»ibe Hotel*. -‘Some attiihuty’iht* *iekne*s to the low river. It U now so shallow that dray* fo*d it eon-tuntly emp ty, *o aa to*aw vme hatf the hiuLe toll*. "The Mayor, Mr. Cummins. U m iking every ex- ertam to abate the evil hy burning tar ami spreading •towe Hme it, the infvetcd di**» id. ... "Ila ha* much t«, do in taking cate ofthedek ami E\»r»c, of a letter received in thi* city, dut d "CINCINNATI, Ohio,Sept. 10.1830. •* We h'tve ha l licit* an unprecedented drought; I h’ve inner «eon any thing to e,pm! it in all my ex|*eriet'ce. Within two or three days pn«t we have had *■ me go tl .liouret*, but previouaiy the want of waterdii’Miglniut th« country wu* distressing, well* nml *j*rini« that hid been considered exlinu*tle** h-d failrsl, ami in many place* the cattle linil to be driven a vorv conddemble distance to get water nt nil. In one neighborhood not far from here, 1 heard that field* from which it bus been u*m,l to get forty and fifty bushel* of corn to the net** would not yield thi* sen sun more than two bu-hel* This I* the third year of failure in corn in consetpicncn of drought, ko that insteod- of con, being at thirty *even coni* h bushel, it sell* at *ixty two and seventy five. Wn hav»»,however, abundant wheat crop* this season, and Roar now sell* at $1 75 per bushel. Time* are getting extremely severe in money matter*: th” hunk* liere^^,doing no huMtiess and almost every Iwly is in u^ia-“ *—>• Thtm have her 1 several failure*, and «n.immense amount of proper ty is to bo offered for sale.” Smugglkd goods in this iVusr.— 1 The Cit|ciH- smiijuipeni *t tie that them lias been a *eisui that city of about $ >0,000 worth of foreign goods alleged to have been fraudulently imported. dxinr, ami ve,y few have tin* resolution ami cour age to a**, t him. Wo must no* forget the 3 ladi>** (Sistei* of Charity.) from Charb*st,ui—they a,e die i.f all iln-y can t*» alleviate suff’riog humanity in the Catholic Asylum, wlwue there aieaUntt 121'cr- *>***« *b k ami dying. * The layimlatios, is said t« be revloced to about KHiO white, in the city. We sincerely Hope the cool weatlier n«»we.vmmvnce»l will duck ihi*tlread* ful scou'gv.”—f'lar.Cssrirr, 17*5. HEALTH OF MACON. O ,r city was never healthier th in at present.— Our iveideut pi)tnlvi>« i» l »rjp* f>»r th»> Mtivon of the war;'vet we haw, eo-.iu arattvely slacking siekuca* ant»'i»g*t us—for which, we en>>mn be grateful to a uwreitul providence.—.Vurva 2V/. 17. Huittl or MoaiLS.—We l ave n vvr taken the |en under uwwe di«ag,ee.ib(e rir wnstc-ees.— But a d-v or ,w »*in»e,we pended the death of one <yf,oirprmte»e, an*l tlm *wkae**uf other*, and it i* IM«w **ur mc!a»eh«4y 'duly to *tate that th junior editor is iua d*n.» rv»u* siontiun (i, doniv kitow* uth-re tlie ja*»ti.» n-e may eu.1! Our friends are I'abuvg arvuiml «»s like the K*uve> in autumn and we w,it» each put >(tr>,ph. with hut af.iid h”[-* oft id, tiugaiwoher. We must, th.-refu.*. be* th>* it.dul* genre of our distant frte::il*. b»tii fur liietjuuity aud quyalttv of »air e.ii|orial mat er. Theinteiuwet* fur th- last two day*, number a tmatSS.'ompjrtda* tuauy »*f ”U» m-Kt uoitliy friend*, •sal several temaies. fhude’*re«,s** f must not.buw- evx'T, bea-liil’Ut.d to n falliug off in tlie di-ease; it is owieo »<b*r tu <he fw« p iswi it ha* left to act up«uu la the la-televen day*. ISO have heeninte, red. Ties moruing, even wldle we w rite.the hearse i* . • .aw et ’ow. and the outy emjuiiy mad» L, who wa* the ms, virtim. To*' store*, with the exception of those belonging to tine Dru-gists aie mootly ebwed. and we *euic> I- meet UH) different |wr*-r» duiiug tin- day. though p’mu' ttlat ni e uwi ler .Idy it, an t ith ut the city.* Cam AVg»i/rr..sV^. 12 HKI’ORT OF TIIKCHARITY IIOSI’UAL. 5k| |. 11—up to d o’clock, I*. M. Admitted Yellow lever Deaths 15 11 5 MAISON DM 8ANTE. 5 |>t. 11—op to !> o’clock, 1*. M Admitted Dttfhsrtwl Died Keruaioiag ta the house 5* Interment* at th.* Dry on eetnetry. Sept. II—II 3 fioen the heapita'; yellow fever 6. At the Cmln lie cemetery 4 tutenoent—mute of yellow fee, r. At the A mertcoacemetery 2 interments—Uith yellow fcvtr.-.Y. U. f.Ve, 12 5 iu»i. RAIL ROAD ACCIDENT. A most serious accident occurred on the Canid’ nod Amboy Rail R»ad on Wednesday week. The passenger cars rushed with great velocity on the track,mftet the locomotive had left them, and d sh ed against a crane used for hoisting good* uboaid the Lot. Had the boat not been tlwre the cars Word! have been precipitated into the dock. A few of the pn^'n^r* who were standing on the pU:iorcn > at the cod of tlie crs,_ were very serious ly i»;urrd. via: llblunl Butler, of Putetsoo, New Jersey, thigh broken. William Chvrpsetr, Washington City, compound fracture of the tb'gh,cnl! lrdwoe broken, and other wtM seriously injure!, recovery very doubtful. JocavsAiken.fiusnGdway. L i lan.l, recently from Msnayuak, thigh broken,and his head bruised, and severely injured internally. James Fuller, Skaaeateles, New York, c>df of hi* Wj shgktW brawed. Calvin Buia-d. of Northampton. M issnehusetts, braised, hut not materially injured. A brakera.m who was leading the brake, ankle spruced and bend bruised. It appear*, by information obtained fiom tbe brakemao, that he was the only person having charge of tkr train of Eve pa***ag<*r cars un«l the refreshment car at the time of the ncciden . and that he attempted to stop tbe twin by ihe brake, which b,L'kr, a-d he attemp’el to re .ch another brake, bat did wit succeed ia time to prevent the •criksL Air. ClrtjTrr has since died. Tbepoereoger* po**ed ike fix lowing resolu’i' wkicb was aoavimuusly adopted: KeavletJ. Tb»r. ta tbe opinion o* this m.cting, the pcopriefc** »ii rainagvr* of the Camden and Amboy R til Rood Cwnpony wer* g’ci-'ty of grots mmd nparJom.m .l* uegligrace in mot furnuktag mere kttml* to t»p*nntind tie broket uVacKed to tie cart, and tb.t to our opinion the Ural disaster mkach hfp «r l by the ciecussioo of tb»* cot* thi* d*y bmU probably have been obvU’ed b vl rh-re bra m **dkrkU number of persons to *ap.riotetid fm rat Mtomuumv.—Tbe following i. bb rm wi of a V.zuer from a eentlema-i n iw in tbe IH«mws>, i^edJowikJ. IS*):— “The AttJip bjt t* •wartr.i.’tg with pirate*.— Ike Anora.1. Fretnch, sal Kagfidl birr ma-b of •tar is *ntea t l eir «anm>*re-, hut alaemgh the ««• sis wMti btffir bis American g-otleman viiilrMifcm kani Lore mil fccea tivurir d Irj nryitiM*. there iat mat berm mm darners orurl "f ^f m Pharef»r mere tkmu a year Tbs Atneri- > awefc of it, sad bpvt of mm * f >(akun»u Uftadt ja,” •lathttkctBsef The Chevalier D'Arguix, tho newly uppmiited Minister I'lenipotentiary Iron, the Court of Spain to the U State*, bn* arrived in Washington. Tho Chevalii r D’Argais succecils Mr. Calderon do la Barca, nh • is appointed Minister i’lenipiuentiary to Mexico. B3* Tlie President Im* niliciully recognised Luis Kiv»lerico do Figaniere u* vice cnttsul ofBrutil, for thn |Miituf New York nnd it* district. CJ* The anni'erstiry of the b title of North Point, was celebrated by the Uuliimutetius, on tho 13th mst. with great spit it. Hampok!* and Sid.nky College, Va.—Ault- first se*'iun ol the Medicul Departnmt of this inoti tutui»( 1838-9,) there were matriculated -Hi student* —from Virginia 40, North Carolina 2, Georgia 2, Arkun-as 1. At the commencement on the 4th April list, the d’give of M. D. aas conferred on 14 students. judged. If I am not |>i obtain justice here, where 111“ — 1“ •**!* It 1 1 know that my clinrueter it in tintiliniidi of my |inistcutor, leud Join, Rtuseil, and that Iw I* in |ios*c>sii>n of infmittittinitviitli re spect to tho but tdug of Jitwill’s mill whirl, would convict the really guilty party, Why, then has he not eniue lien* anil rescued tlty aharacter front the misrcpresniitatious nml enlntnny wltieh Imvn |h«-u lica|N’<| upon it thniugh thn ttgnney of the pom law eontmi«*ionei*T Island bvioiv ymt in my run*ci- cnee and before lloj ntiilUes* of every crime Inst liiul nl liiiting what III* Inmk tenches mo to halo —speaking tigmast nothing but what Hi* hook teaches tjj.’ to denounce—guilty • f no other crime Eabthui’akk —A severe *li>ick of un enrtlii|ti>tke is sa d to have been f’-lt nt Maysville, Ky., oil the 5rli,ab. iit suiiri e. • It lusted several seconds, and made quite a rattling of the furniture and glass in the ci:y. We learn thui the suit against Cel. J. W. Webb, instituted by Mr. J. Kennimore Cooper, has been post|Miaed to tho Saptemlicr term, 1840. The Philadelphia U S. Gazette say* that niders for the purchase of Hour received in that city by the steamer Liverpool, had been countermanded by the Grout West. rn. The late vtorm.—Tho Washington (N.C.) R«’ publican states that ut least a thousand lu4M of hor ses, cows, sheep, &c.,perished on Portsmouth beach during ihe lute storm. Important rtto a Was.ilvotos— The captured Africans.—We learned ye-ti-rdny frmn Washing' ington, (says the N. Y. Herald, of the 10th inst.) that Si’ervtarv Foray tit hu* h id an interview with the Spanish minister, relative to the Afrieun* enptu ed in the Atni*tud,an<l 'hat u cotrospomleace or inter- view( ha* taken pluee of some kind, in wh cli the Secretary Ini* indicated n willingness to give up these men to the requisition of tin- Spanish government. This intention of the- Secretary, however, requites the sanction of the President, who ut the last ac count*, was at Rochester, and whose opinion* on the subject urv not yet known. It teems that Secre tin y Fui *y th banes hi* intention oil some clause of u treuty with Spain. If this be so, the guvei nmeut have the absolute disposition of the»o men, and the proceeding* at New London or Now Haven, if th” government choose* to act, are null and v -id. The Charleston Courier of the 18th, toys:—Tho trial ofj. Watso.v Webb, editor of tho New York Courier Enqutrer, for a libel on J. FpnimuRE Cooper, in a review ttf “ II»mo as Found,” has been postjMineil until September next,in consequence of tho absence of C. I- Webb’s Counsel. In notice- ing tho postponement. Col. Wepb, furnishes abun dant ground for another indictment. The election ia Vermont and Maine have both shown u great decrease of whig strength. Gover nor Fairfield, of Maine, is elected by an increased majority, greu ly increased—and in Vermont the Whig* will he outvoted in joint ballot in the State Legislature. Tho peo’du are certainly great fools to be always voting for on Administration, which according to the Whigs, disregards tlie popular will!—Perhaps though, there is some mistake.- It m iy be thut the Whigs would trample the paoph in striving after places.—Ckaletlon Mercury. Iroll THE OKORUIAX.] Mr. Editor:— 1 “Quo of tho Sovereign People” has lately taken lltolihmty to compare the pnllcu of our city to that “jolted down” by Sltakspoure, nnd though, us huticsi Dogberry himself says, “comparison* tire odorous” (“dinii*), I nut dis posed to think this one, too nearly true. Thi* principle of mercy, which scorns to bo engrafted upon the Dogberry* ol our own city, is but too dourly obvious, and a* they seldom or never bring thieves to justice, It would scoot thut they did let them show what they are, hy allowing them uitlcal out of their clutches. Your correspondent having, however, canvassed this subject lolly, utid shown his reading, 1 too, would «how mino, and nt the same time show up our public functionaries. You have doubtless read,—and so probably have all out city fathers to their profit, judging frenPlIiu way in which they copy tho oxatnples therein laid dowty Knickerbo Iter’s history of New York. If you Itnvo done soul a distant day, pray do so again, not only to refresh your memory of it* iniiniiulilo wisdom, but to eqjny its humour anew. There is too, so much in the hook fitting tlie shoulder* of the faulty, whether us compluinur* or complained of, that all menwould do well to read and think of it. As I am otto of tho former, I shall take tho liberty to apply somoof thoHo parallel cases to tho luttor,—oven to tho bucks of our City Council. y'l’Tliu first example in City Government which ap pears to have been implicitly followed, was thut of the renowned Willioltnu* Kieft, bettor known as William the Tkstv. This mutt was tho first dis coverer of that powerful engine of war and govern ment, called a proclamation, nml which now seems to have been so efficient or at least of such constnnt u»o, front General Jackson and Governor Fuirfiold, down to our own City Marshal. Tho latter in tho most pnteut manner proclaims against horse* and ctnvs running at large, against tho nlioottng of night hawk* within city limits, utnl against all the vuriuu* jnfructnnm of tho City Ordinances; the Bonrd of Health prnclnim again «t nuisance*, and his honor tho Mayor against vagrants und incondiuries. Whli what success may readily bo dceii, for cattlo still run at lurge; tnulos still annoy our old friend Tanta lus; (llii,’ lie dares no longer complain.) gun* are still fired mi our common*; noisome smells sultttc the nostril* at every corner; and thieves and burglars are still undetected. Still 1 cannot but hope, that these proclamations like tin,so of William tlie Testy, will otto day full into disrepute, utnl more uclive meusures follow, tho’ far lie it from me to wish, that any of our city otKcinls or deputies should iv» ccivo in tho discharge of their duties tlie sumo in dignity that some of hit did, namely, n kick on the crupper. Certain it I*, that proclamations cannot remove the lu icks that have Inin under font till sum mer el tho corner of lluliersham anil Broughton st*. u* well ns sonto other such obstruction*, while it is equally certain, tlml they (the latter) cannot offer any active rcsi-mnre. Another striking point of comparison is, the same disposition exhibited hy William Kinft “ to multiply laws, and tint* secure the property, the parsons and tlm morals iff the people, hy sorroimd- ii.'g them in it nmntior with mon-trap* and spring- guns, and besetting ov-u tho HWoct sequestered walk* of private life with quickset hedges, so that u man could scarcely turn, without tho risk of on- countering some of these pestiferous protectors.” The consequence was, a* in our day, that “ ho was lontimiuliy coining petty laws for every petty offence that occurred, until in time they lieenmn too Hunter- to bo remomltercd, and romnmed like those of certain modern Legislators, mere doud letter*,— revived occasionally, for tho purpose, of indiviii ail oppression or to entrap ignorant offenders. 1’etty courts consequently began to tipjiunr, when the lnw was administered with nearly ns much wisdom and impartiality us in the nugust tribunals of the present day. Tlie offences of lltu rich wore dis creetly winked nt—for fear of hurting tho feelings of their friends,—but it could never be laid to the charge of tho vigilnm. burgomasters, that they suf fered vice to skulk unpunished, under the disgrace ful rags of poverty.” In this latter point our pre sent government shows the quality of mercy, differ ing tint* from this illustrious example, nnd were it not, that they were thus impartial to rich nml poor, I would recommend lit., plan of punishment adopt ed by tho Testy William. This wus a gallows hv which culprits wro suspended, hy thn waistband of tho pnntaluons in-tcml of tho nock, thus making them to dangle nnd sprawl between hnaren nnd earth for thn umusoment of tho citizens. But nlas 1 there an, no subjects fur punishment in these days, for every man,—good or bud—rich or poor,—bus n vote, which tho judge presiding, might lose hy condemning tho accused, oven though guilty. In strument* of punishment are therefore superfluous, and hence some philosophers presumo that there is no guilt or crime, aud talk about the virtue of the people, tho improvement of the age, &c. I have thus quoted to you, Mr. Editor, aotno few passages from Mr. Knickerbocker's vnluahlo work, —and have tl ereliy practically proved the value of history. Thus will it appear that tho experience of tho past, and its wisdom will he imbibed. Titus may tho enlightenment of those who havo gono be fore us, benefit the present und futurd, in thn sume manner that our worthytCuuncil has gained wisdom from the example of William Kiel), tlie second Go vernor of New Amsterdam. Yours, v PROLIX. lliiui endeuviii twiVai master their minister lielJ, und Adi stone wa* luu mid men been Can you, g. ly upon mi in no i„rotirid*r will, which h> but nty lit',-1 cnmriat-il mi live your* ago any political Uiiun oftlf f tinttiilly, thee ed hy tho nov with those tw thing to do; I me God. W file the difference* lie- id never utiliI I became i of Hyde, nml ifinikin• bridge, since their first pules between master* [COMMUNICATED.] Wc have cut tbe following from tbe Charleston Gaiiier:— Tho British government has concluded a contract with private individual* for an exten-ivo steam communication between England and tho West In dies and the [sirs of South America; and, the pack et* are also to call at < harleston, S. C., if not at another of nur Southern ports. Tho steam ships are to befatrteen in number, and of 1400 tons bur then—nnd there are to be two mails per month to and fro. In tbe report of Parliamentary proceeding*, we do not observe anv thine more definito than this, “The numlie* of steam-rs required (for a two weekly mail) tcouLl be 14, and tlie restdt would be, that they would have communications, between tho whole Northern part of South Amorica, and the whole Southern part of the United States, and with th* British Islands.” If the Courier has any other authority for appropriating t is to Charleston or nny of oar Southern ports iu particular, we should like to know it, as Savannah is equally intcro-ted. And we hope,m ireover, that by rite time this communica tion :* perfected (the summer of 1841) a* propos ed, wa can *how equal claims and offer superior adeantagft, for becoming its focus for the South, ern p,rt of the U. S., being nearer the West In dies, with « *afer harbour and offering (lien) a man repkl communication with New Oilean* via Macoo. Wo object to Charleston J arrogating too much, not only on our own behalf, but as we dnro *• y Brunswick is ready to put in an equal claim with either of os. A GEORGIAN. (••men a verl'ct of rail- ■ Im ha* endi'itvoiod at ominc pence nnd go id tty tiairly every tiling a poor, broken dorcft, red with what I wa* tecl da* I still am with irretl upon m» thw cm,* *, and then, not inteii- • poor as it was aflbet*' t is ooly in connection .I I havo ever bad any fatty thing el*o, so help etd ci may be, I have i .nee ortaleot,(for I ,lo your pa**ion», or raise nil’. If I hud any fit- lenient Hi my trial. 1 f I ittlil havo no occasion to kod away mill, tit e aotncth'Mg likooc.ilm y ns there wus nt the Hire was at tho hist na ve been tried. Put all •r, look at them singly, eii concent rn toil Impre- ttr unsophisticated nnd • loyul principle*, your ;li*limei, nnd Christian*, utlur the Q men, and all above us; tuke a general id boaring, nml then on your con*ci(inc r f, and hofure this Court, sny wheth er I tun guilty or tint guilty of thi* charge.” There wa* a burst ofupplause it* tho rev. gentle man concluded hi* address, which was mutually checked hy tho ollieois of the Court.* not poss-va tl your sympitl vor to n-k, it had not Iic.mi be here. I r ns-izes, when nnd tninquih lime of my nt sizes, when I these t-ircum- nail then lonl shin, ns they iliawsed jt (Jin ist’un oir men who in authority I d«w of their Lord Palmerston »al l, no settlement had yat futon come to respecting lit* American boundary question, Tim Montreal Herald of Wednesday announce* the death "ft he lion. Koch do St. Our*, alter Iff for thn district of Mon it cut, at tlm age of 3(1. The am nouncetiH'itt N not Hindu |KHli,ily,hul on ye* kuur- rent report. Tlm w hole hwido roof ofHt. Paul'*church, Mon- •tool, fell oil Ttl'.silay ln*t,wl hn tuiriblecrush,de alt nying ohii’.si evoi v one of the pew^ A meeting of Wed-yurt Methodiswand minister* was held m Moutrca 1 on the 4th Instant, fur the purpose of contributing !•> thft centenary fund. The Uov. |)r. Aider presided The intend nice wn* very lii I, and doiiatinn* to tho umbutit of $8070 wore nidioi'trd, Similar nict’iiiiii* were to bo held nt Quebec, Udel'own.Siunsteiid und other pluuos, at which the uiii>,out “fd-.itiilioiii will, no doubt, be equally lu»gn and ilbeiul. Too extensive mini factory of Messrs. Converse Sl Co. m Montreal, in tho rear of the nowjuil, wu* totidlv destroyed by lire oil Tuesday mornin J also tlm d woili ,g hotiiio of Mr. Converse, und another Voodcn building. Cori etnoudenceof the North American. Kimiston, Jamaica,Aug. 23d, 1839. “Our crops of sugar will lm little beyond 40,(Jill) Itlid*. fullyune iliiid short of tho last, and from tho into of cultivation we must count n still grea ter deficiency next sonseo.. So fur, l am aur.y to •ny, I cun *uy little in favor of the wmking iff*our new system, n negro requiring us much us lie cun got for the lent posstli'e quantity iff labot; 1 think an improvamvut I* gradually taking place; this how ever i* cortlin, that a large number of our sugar <S5'«*cs zznmt tiff ird tho expuase nt which they are now cultivated, and many tnttsi tlu refera ho thrown up.” tham hy their jmculinr posllloti, halting between llmlr sens* iff a wise pnlimr end lltn necesstly of eeh- odlatinf iho ultra ehnliikmlsie of Gimi Britain, whose support is essential to their contlmmaco In power f It U difficult to tlcvL’Iono the hidden otirrrnta (hat sometime* direct tlio tn.llnyof Motiarehlcal Govern- menu t hut the straight forward manly course Indi cated hy tho Buko iff IVellingtoo, in Id* pithy and admirable remarks on this subject, I* that dlctoual by pul ricul honesty. If the suppress un ,if tho Slnvei'i rado lm* Infinite n cardinal point In the pol icy of Great Britain, let her avow nnd act np to her Intention nf making war o|tvnly ngnlnst it* promo- •or*, hut let her not, to save an old nltyt Portugal, carry out that design covertly, hy suldcriing tho vessels of ull countries to thu odious riglit of search. tf. Patriot. Mu. KniTiint—You will plcaso publish tho fill- owing ticket fur the Legislature. All tho porsons named are sterling friends «f“Old Chatham,” and INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT. For the Senate. W. W. GORDON, E*q. For Hnptiisontalire*. Col. JOSEPH W. JACKSON, Muj. JAMES S. BULLOCH, Col. MQKDEOAI MYF.IIS, THOMAS PURSE, Esq. Cot. David Crocket.—Extract nfa letter from Holy Springs to a gentleman of Wheeling, dated 22d tilt. “ It is stated that Col. David Crocket, i» yet nlivo, ami, in Mexico, working in thu mine*. Tliuro were two men, who were known to be in the Imttle of Alamo, passed through Memphis u few days ago, who say they escaped from tlm ntina* iu Mexico, and thut Crocket wus curtninly there—those men nro known by soino (if tito citizen* of M-mphi*, to lm men of rcsp4kd>ility; those men Went from Giles county, Tonne-* . There is great excitement in Memphis about it. It will appear ia a few days, aud it it is the case, there will bo nl least ten thou sand troops from Tonitosseo, volant .*er iu loss than two weeks. 1 am determined to g«.” X —1*. Cll.M III. a a From the Georgia Pioneer. TCPrilE COMMISSIONERS OF THE WES- 'O'TERN & ATLANTIC RAIL ROAD. Gent lumen ; I li qj of yon t-i suspend dm* for the extension of tho Wust-ni At All.uitic Rail Rou Lfrom the Cress Plain* >gn, until the meeting of the legisIntnreB of Tentinssco und Georgia, iu October nnd Novumlioritexi; and for tho following reason In tlm Ik*! place, if WiMt Tea- ttcsseo should refuse to mu* t our road nt it- larmi- nuiioii at Chatianoogu, its preloneation toilnt jioini liy ourStnte, will givens notradu which wo will not obtain tfiruugli tlm Vauville and Rail Roads to be constructed by thu citizunsami State of Tuiiiicssro. Secondly. The cost of thr road from tlm Cross Piitiii* toCliattanoogu, will nut lm much short of n million ol'dollars, and to- r.pcnd this sum upon it, in f-icu of tlio great uncot-miniy of it- proloiigntmM tli’onghor over the Cum 1 •fbnd tnoiintaio* hy thu ^tuto of Tetmn*«ue, iu a direct ion for Nuslivdle, and tlio valley ofthoUhiu, would ho unwise uul ittipoli- The IIev. Mr. Stephens.—Wo mentioned tho trial and conviction of this gentleman, in nur first summary of English now* hy the Great Western; and thut he hud been sentenced to 18 months of iinprisumeut. Hu conducted his own def.-nca; and perhaps some of our reader* may be pleased to know what remarks ho offered to tho jury, in com mitting his fate into their hands, He said—” May it please your. Lordship, gentle men oftho jury—This Jay my Iasi hns not overtaken mo unaware, nor has it found mo unprepnred. I have long since foreseen its coming; I welcome it now thut it has com”. I have often told the poor, my Lord, on whoso Imliulf rnthor than my own I am here to plead, and in whom steud I ant willing bonds, that tho faithful nnd fearless advocacy of tlieiL righteous couse would eventually 1 ad to scones liko this. It could no', my LaSfl, ba otherwise; for that taw species of tyranny which, in tho nuine and under the foim* of law, has < f late years ondeuvour- ed to overturn tho liberties of this c.-untry, could only hope for establishment and p-rnianoncy by anfcingand overthrowing ull those, however bum ftfrfrwho had die heart nml tho hardihood to ofpose it. This, my Lord, is the very nature of tyranny.— It begin* by first of ull taking the weaker and ceerc •InfencolHM. Itdrawnoff tho nye, and lulls to sloep tho suspicion of thoso who would oppose it in tho first instance, cither by tlie promiso of some imme diate advantage, or by holding out hones of greater security and beuulit to themselves. But stealthily and insidiously >» it begins, it must, iny Lord, go on, taking us one by one, until onu hy ono wu have become unclosed within hs net, nml ho prostrate nt iu mercy. Thn Rev. defendant then proceeded, in n speech which occupied upward of live hour* in tlui delivery, to viiidirutn himself from tlio charges preferred against him. Ho said he wu* no ixiliiicinn, nnd never took any part in politic*, lie had only de- (loumud the now poor I tw and tlm factory system. Tlm now poor law ho innintaino-l to he contrary to tho con-titutlori, ns well us tho word of God, nnd ought not therefore to bo olieyi d. I In concluded bis address in tlm following terms:— 1 ” Gentlemen, judge of ms at you would wish youriolve* to be CorresporrUnee of the Journal of Commerce. LONDON, Aug. 23, 1839. Allow mo to call your serious attention to a bill thut lot* been most liastly pussed through Parlia ment, avowedly for tho purpose of suppressing the ‘ora, hut whir slavers sailing under Portuguese colors,hut which I* most likely to involve this count.y nml thu United States in difficulties, should tho British cruiser* Thirdly. Two-thirds of tlm population of Ton- nen**.-e, aud itvr-sixth* of it* r«*oucu*, are novum to Gunter’s Lntidio ; limn Chattiiiioogu, and when it is cuusidt-red ihutu rente by tlio former pi ice, will conduct tho western traders to ftvo port* upon tin, Gulf and three upon tlm Atlantic, and to two mil- lions nf iithabitnnls; and tho latter will on y lend to •hreo or four ports, and L.2th),DUO itthubhuiit*, what id-jilt have wo to expect, 'hat Toiinosse?, will meet os at the contemplated termination iff our road, nt thn probable expenditure of lour millions of dollars, when she cun moot tho Alabama line, m the cost of less than two millions. Fourthly. Tho propriety of ono of your board visiting Nnsltvillo in October next is suggested, under nn oxpeemtion that tho wishes of Tennesseo may ho ascertained before any further work is put nmlcrcoiitrant upon this great and important line of com ni uuientinu; und from a full believe that no ovil or iiiconvenieiico cult arise from litis short proems, tiiiiition of ope lions upon tlio road. Fifthly. Ifit is ascertained tlmt Tenno-soo will not meet our road at Clmituiiongu, (and I have a strong belief l hit I this will bo tltocuse) you will ho driven to tho necessity, in order to pruvnnt it from being in a great muu-.iire a failure, to slott it ut the of tho lliwauroo Rail Rond; und in- commend to tho legislature the pitssago of a law for tlio coiistrution of it branch from the imighhorhond of Ca-sville, by Rome, in n direction for Guntor’* Landing ;withovcr> expectation! think, those stop* will meet with tho approbation of Goorgiu and Ala bama. Sixthly. Should there measures not ho adopted and hcVSghl to maurity, you may look for lltu fill- I jwing cons-peiic'-x sooner or later, to an absolute certainly. As *cou ns tho friend* of Brunswick shall obtain sufficient "md*, and Alabama (as slto will) become fully awake to Iter best interest*, u Rail Rend will l> • cn-iruo'.-d from Nushville hy Gunter's Landing, Wert Point or Columbus, to Droo«wick,a distancoofubmit.ifil) inilos.und which will throw in the ground tho Western und At lantic Rail Rond, nml greatly darken thu present hr^ltioitbg prospect* of her auxiliaries, tho Central and Georgia Rail Road*. Every step iff this routo will pus* through a cot ton rejftttn of grout fertility, and fiom tho knowledge I possets of its nrfiur.d facilities, tho views, resour ces,CS:I intelligence ofits inlmhitniii*, there can liu no mistake in regard to the results which are an ticiputcd. til 1 am n friend to the Western and AtluQtic nii Rond, to its Commissioneis, and to a syttom aHIn- turniil Improvement* of a bold, libera! und tid ed character; and I hope tlio above suggestions which nro offered solely from a wish to pininotw/Ae interests of th-: Stale, may not be spurned or dis regarded. CHEROKEE., Correspondence of Commercial Advertisvr. MONTREAL, Wednesday morning, Sent. 11. The Court met Imi night at half past 11 o'clock, for the purpore of discharging thujury, which could not ngree on a vor- ict in the case ofJulbort, for tho winner oftho 1 tie Lieutenant Weir, of the 32nd re» g iment. Immediately on it being pronounced from the bench that the jury were discharged, there was a general rush upon thorn by a mob, which hud col lected, armed wjih sticks. Tho scene which fol- . „ lowod I* beyond deseriptnm. While tho mob was to suffer, though I have done nothing worthy o£ beating the ten jurors—all Canadians, except Aiwa- ter, an American, and McKerrickor, a Scotchman, the ruth to the doors was tremendous I w as not pres ent, but havo heard that not nag in the shape of order wit* restored till the arrival of detachments of thu Grenadier Guard, and 7th Hussxr*. The pri soner had to lie escorted to the jail by u party ol tho latter. Hud ini* not h< on dona tlf* province wuu'd have been saved the oxpunse of miotiior trial, a* lie certainly would h.ivn been Lynched. Imme diately un the row commencing the judge left the bench, and Mi. Walker one of the pri*unei’s coun sel, suved himself by coiire-dmuni in some corner. up to llioir instructions. Tho Duko of Weilin.toii, with his umiul iiigncitv, saw tho conspquonccs of the measure, mid boldly opposed its missing, but it wont thn third reading without a division. His Gruco declared hiinsolf to bo most earnestly devol v'd to the universul itliolitimi of slavery, but lio loll convinced, if tho bill passed, that hy its very pro vision the law of uttliuu* would bo violated. Ho thou said that— “ Tho bourding nnd smirching of foreign vessols by tho commander* of cruisers und otliur vessels in her Majesty’s sorvico, without duo nxaminntiou of papers, would ho contrary to existing treaties lie- twuon her Majesty nnd tlio different power* of Eu- ropo. Such breaches of treaties must Inevitably lead to discussion of a serious character. IIo would nut tho cass of a French vessel in Intitudu 15 N., iongitudo 30, W. Ho would suppose site was do- mined, hoarded, and searched oy onu of her Mu- josty's cruisers. Then hn would n*k tlieir Lonl- ship* whether that would nut be u limnch of our treaty with the King of tlie Fro licit 4 If U wore n Spanish ship, it would also bn a broach of treaty with her Cntiiolio Majesty. This tnit't hnppnn la tlio nature of tlio service. French vessels must ho smirched, under siiclicircuinsiutiecs. British officers should not hu nut in n situtuiu'i which inudo them jiuliiu to cmninit mistakes. The country must til- tilt lately suffer. “ I tun of opinion,” said tho No- hlo Duko, “ that tlio political power of this country has it* finiudiili’in in justice. My opinion is, that if mod ration u..d jnsticn were Ini'iislicd in iliplo- mnr.y from ell tlio Caliinut* uf tlio world, they ought to find un usyliim in tlio British Govommont.” They ought to take tint manly course of going to war with countries which violated treaties, rather than ptirstio a sinister course. If they fol lowed the principles of tho hill, war must bu tlie cimseqiumco. Tho right of search would hu execu ted upon thu vessels of nnri^n* with which wo liutl no treaties whatever. Whatever might bo tho foul ing on the ptirL of America tin thu slave trade, there was no individual iu thn Unilud States who had not tho strangest fooling on thu question uf suuruhing vessels by tho cruiser* of this country. Indeed, thu exumiso of that power wn* resisted in nil purls of tlm world. lie certainly d : d rt'coinmoiui tlio Nu bia Lord to consider thu diflicultios ho would linvu to meet lit currying this hill into uxccutiun.” A proto*! lias been entered on tin; Journal of thn Lords against the hill, utnl signed hy Wellington, Lyudldirst, Fitzgerald, Uuvurly, llosslyu, Devon, Ormonde, Wicklow, Rodesdule, Hu warden, Can terbury, Shaftesbury, Glongnll, und Do L'Islo and Dudley. The following are tlio eighth and ninth clausos of tho protest, and thoy alludo to tho United State*: 8. “Becatira tho provisions of tho hill convey powers to thu Lord High Admiral and to thu Secre taries of State, to give instructions tnliur Majesty's cruisers,and to give authority ton 1 person*, which must occasion hreuclu-s of tho stipulation* of her Majesty's engagements with nearly ull tho powers of Europe, if oxurciscd as limy may and probubly will bo.” 9. “Because thooxerciso of tho powers given hy the bill to the Lord High A dmirul and to tho Socrotniioi of State may tom) to tlio dominion mid search for pnpnrs; nml tho conierpioncu* of these acts on hoard tho more ban I vessels belonging to tho citizens of nations or tha subjects of powers with which her Mujasty is nor engaged by nny treaty for the mutual detention amlsomchuf vessols for lltn purpose ol preventing the traffic called tho slave trade, may ho that such detention and smirch may lie resisted or retaliated, nml evontondy lead toother measures ofwur.” This protest was signed on the 15th, and on tho 19th another was entered in which thuru is thu fol lowing important claum: “B.-caii»e thn exorcise iff tho right of detention, lunudmq, search for and exit niimiion of papers by vessels on tlio high sens, iu limo uf minco, hna been declared illegal by th" highest jit-fria! authority that ever presided ovurtliu English Court Admiral ty ” I have boon thus parthul >r hccaiisa lam well nwuro of tho jonlous feeling existing throughout die U. S. on this subject,—u fooling which every nation cumfbt but appreciate nml udiniru. That the bill will luud to uon-id'irtible discus-ion in the U. Suites, l nm n!so convinced, nml thnt it will ho most severe ly denounced hy the South, there can ho but littlo if nny doubt. All parties connecXd with tlio trulic nro likely to arouse tho spirit of your country on tho first search or seizure of u vessel sailing dor ‘Tho Slur Spangled Banner;* but I do think, nay I am convinced, that no muo who glories in tho name of a citizen of thn United States, would or cuuldradction whnt tho Earl of Minto, tho first Lord cil'fno Admiralty, nnn-iunccd to be tho inten tion of thdsn engaged in this horriblo traffic. His Lord-diip said, “ Ho hud stated tho suhstauca oftho orders which had been issued to prevent tho traffic in slaves, and ho should udd to thut information a stntemont of i diabolical plot entered into by tho slave dealers, und his hopa wus, that through the press, persons might be put upon their guard and onubled to avoid tho consequences of an atrocfoiu design to deprive them uf life. Tbe nolde lord ulludud to a fottor which ho had received since this subject w*s last before the House. The letter wn* from an officer on the coast of Brazil station, in which he suited, on the authority of Sir George Jackson, that on tho examination of the papers found on bonrd the Ma fia. n slaver capture-1 by Her Majesty’s ship Gre cian, a diabolical plot had been discovered, concert ed between the slave traders nnd thoir agents, ugninal tho vessel* and crows of till* coUhtry. Tho instruction* sent to the captains and agents of tho vessels engaged in th« slave trade concluded by giving tlmm advice, in caso of capture, to poison ^ a cask of wine, and poison the water upon deck, so* that it might bn drunk by any ofeho crow* of hur Majesty's cruiser*. This diabolical advice ended, by saying—this is thu only way to dual with these English.” Doliuvlng, that in thu approaching election of Senator nml Representative* for our county, wo should Iny a*i>lo “ I'any” nml look to tho interest* nf nur City ami tha Siute til lurge, I propo«e tho foil iwiug grin lemon ns candidate* lor the noxt .Legislature, knowing that thoy will do thoir duty. CHATHAM COUNTY. Senator, W. W. GORDON. ■Rrpreien/iifrer#, JNO. W. ANDERSON. JOS. W. JACKSON. JAS. S. BULLOCH. WILLIAM LAW. Orb r h; Opaji louni, Fulfil, DiUiowc.—F. Sorrel A Brig Excel, J-hn son, New Yorkr—C B Carter *& * m*ivm rrris wssK. Sldp Irenton, Slnptrr, Nnw York, ' ’ Burk G’lxrlfo, M rty, Mv iro f. ’. r Brig Savannah, Hiiblmrd, NaW York. New brig Wilson Fuller, Thafrlwr, New York* Brig Cambrian, Foqm*, Bucton, '•*’'. , ‘ Brig Oglothoriny Symonds, Bulitmoio, Hr scltr So 111, Hull,Na/suu. . • , > Steamboat Col. Jawetr,' Bills, Charlesinrr. Steamboui Cincinnati, Smith, Black Cn?< k. Steamboat Forester. Wnnsberde, Black Creek, Siniimboat Ivnnhae, iMvIs, Black Creek, Tins DAY’S MAIL.—12 IU. W3 Pknnatlvaxia Loan,—Tbe Pennsylvania Loon . of two millions ami fifty four thousand dollars, »u* . .. . - thnrixrd hy n law of lust session, for Improv^im’iit * - • M' purpose*, hns been ukon by tho U. S. Bank, at aq • / . fit£$ interval uf fivu per cent. FALL OF U. B. BANK STOCK *. . ! In New York on Saturday, at the Broker*' Board, United States Bank stock opened at $104}, and gradually doclinod until it lofr offnt $103. After * tho adjournment of tlio Bunrd, 400 shares were sold at par—$100, being a declino of ,$5 por ihOie. since tho day before. Tho Journal of Commerce, second edition nf Saturday, says f— Wo do not loam that this great falling off il owing to any new disclosures, hut somebody Is push; fog tlm stock off, nnd buyers'are not found except' hi this way. Another uvont of imp 'rtnnco is the sudden stop- ’ pagu uf the system of redemption of safety find note*. Thn .Stuto Bunk hns stuck up a notlco that' il Is not redeeming, nnd the other two banks which wore engaued in the sumo thing bare ef cuttrso stunned buying. This cessation, we presume, however, is but tem porary, ns siiveml country cn-hlor* nro In town. Thn day has boon ono or universal excitement in Wall street, und affairs are not In a satisfactory -Inis. 1 * UNION TICKET—McINTOSH COUNTY. For Governor, Charles j. McDonald. For the Senate, Coi. n. j. McDonald. /hr l/rpresentatiees, Col. I). M. STEWART. * Capt. C. I. W. THOllCE. PEOPLE’S TICKET—MoINTOSH COUNTY. For Senator, Col. C. II. HOPKINS. Mu. Editor :—Permit me to suggest the follow ing gentlemen us fit persons to represent the county ol Chuthani in tho next Legislature. Most of them havo hoen tried, nnd being acquainted with n ma jority of those, who will probably bo members, nre from thut ciroamstunce (with others thut might be named) perhup* uulcuiutuil to Itnvo more itillucuco than an entire now delegation t— Tho Qoclicc Transnipt .mtio'ince* the arrival of tbe hurnuo Alnino utGioite Die, from N- w (Ji fo-aT) on Sunday last, and stale* llint tho captain and two of the crow Imd died of yellow f vor on tim passage. Tho hurquo was ordered into quarantine. Advice* from England to the Bfihiff August had hern received, by an auiv.d I'r-on Liverpool. 'I lie subjoined item* of Paihamonlary inULligenco aro given in tho Quebec paper*. AFFAIRS OF CHINA. In niiswor in n q ui t"*n from Sir II. Pool Lord Palmerston slid, ho had nrt recelvod nny ofhrial informal mu id^ritie alleged event at Cant but *um j lim-sinew he had received pfivato infoimn- lion which led Inin to oxpocHhut tin* Chlnosa meant to maintain thu laws ng iinstlha importation ol opi um with grater severity. In uniw«r to anotbor q'tsstion. For llcprctenlativni, ‘ '.K FI 1,8. A. LE C. O'NEAL. Not*.—Wu ropy tho uhuve ticket* from tin* Mo lniush county pnper. Post notes go hartl at 1} a mo. Bjll* on Eng-, land are 8] a 9j. nnd lome have sold higher. On Paris if: 15 a 50. * From the Constitutionalist Extra, AUGUSTA BOARD OF HEALTH, Thursday, 8ept. 19—19 M. Tlio Board repoft tho deaths of seven white per son* in town, and ono in the country, from feper, nnd two negroes from old ago. Published by ordor of tha Board. A. CUMMING, Mayor.- S. M. Thompson, Secretary. Cor Smator, W. W. GORDON. firpmcnlulivei, R. M, CHARLTON, JOS. L. SHAFFER, ^ JNO. MILLEN, JOS. WASHBURN. Tho abnvo aro nil frionds to Interunl Improve- mnnt, nml slinttlil they consent to survo, will doubt- loss usu overy exertion to benefit • OLD CHATHAM. ’ ^ UOHillEKClAL. L tTKST DATES PIIOM LlVXUPOIII AUO, 24 LATKST DATKS VtUlM llAVttK............ AUO. fit f.ATKST DATKS PKOM HAVANA ...Supt. 7 SAVANNAH MARKETS, Sept. 20. COTTON—Arrived sinro tho 13tli instant, 336 bale* Upland and 4 hale* Sea Island, and cleared at tlio same limo 1(13 bales Upland, vlxt to N. York 153 bale*; Bultiniore 10; leaving n stock on band in clusive of nil nn shipboard not cleurail on tho 20th inst of 1007 Inilfl* Upland aud 110 Imlc* S. Island, fiincu our lurt report our recaipts of cntlon have Iron increasing, and umount to 336 bales, mostly by the Rail Rond. Tho ncc rant per Great Western have been considered morn favorable, and tho Inquiry for cotton hn* linen more animated. Tlio sales have bean 295 lm lea, viz: 7 nt J0J, 33 nl J0f, 63 nt IL 30 nt 114,53 ut 11}. 12 at I l$,.7I at 12.18 at IS}. In Sen Island no sains to report. The now-crop appears, so far, not as fino us usual, and but littlo prime hn* been offering. The quality' generally runs from middling fulr to fair, Liverpool classificu lion. Bu.ines* generally rather active. RICK—Tint Inquiry for this article during the L'ok has boen quire modi-nto. Tim sale* amount ing only to 250 cask*, principally et $4}. CORN—Is selling from store at OO tlOGc, with a very moderate demand. FLOUR—Sutes of Hnwnnl street nt $7}; Canal In whiilo and half bids at U}, stock light. GROCERIES—In coffee, sugar and moltssos there is n fair retail demand nt former prices. BACON—dales of(1000 lbs si los und shoulder* nt lOall}; 100 Ham*at 15c. SPIRITS—In domestic liquor* small sules at last week’s prices. EXCHANGE—On England nominal; draft* at sight on New York5 percent prem. FREIGHTS—To Liverpool dull at |d, to New York 50u62c per halo. From tho An gut! a Constitutionalist, 10lh, HEALTH OF AUGUSTA. During the past weok, tho weather has been very unfiivorublo for tho hcnltl, of our city—tho morning* and ovoni?,^i being cool, while inthe mlddlo oftho dav th" hunt has boon very oppressive. Our city ia still suffering from the diso so which rondo its np* p.r-.itnco about n month ugo, and we aro sorry that wo are not able to give to tho absent the glad tidings that th >v may return, for in our opinion, and ftom the opinion of those with whomwa havo conversed, (whoo wo toko into consideration tho Inrga'number of inhabitants who I&vo loft, and tho small number remaining,) wo must sny that wo cun see no’dimfhn- tion, und tlio disonio uppeur* mure fatal nt the pre sent, lit n nt any timo since Its commencement.-. ~ . Every thing tlint ould bo dono by our dtyotuho- ‘ - ritius lm- boon dono to ruinnvu tho reputed cause* for disease, hut it still continues, and we do'pot look foe Its dlsrontinimnco until wu lutva rain sufficient to swoll our river (which at tho present time is. loir-. or than ever boforo known by our oldest inhabitants) . 3 or until we havo u very heavy frost.. From tho cammoncement of the disease up tQ tho 13v’jI'.!, t., there wmo ninety deaths repelled, viz, 81 whites an l Dbluck*. Sinco tboIStbopto thu present time, the following additional death* by fever have been reported ky tho Board. Alien Andrews, IMrs. AnuuFox., Mrs. James Johnson, Richard F. Bush, Thomas Avertdl, )Jumes Huggarty, Cnpt. Wm. Colvin, Mitohel Nelson, Mi i, Sturgis, A child, (namo unknown,) IGeorgo Lark, M. M. Brown, Charles Smith, Mr*. Cuihcrhio Albeit, Martha Scott. Th unu* I'hilliji, C« Butty, Mr. Thomas Lynn, Surah Washing oil, Mr*. Hart, ICIiild oC Arr, Smith, 8 years old, Elijah Gnrrntt' IJolin lK-.Uorton, John Hart. Mrs. Jano Mitchell, Isnuc freighter, Mrs. Kruzor, A. Stutzm-rt, ’ Edwuid Marlin, Mr*. Wm. HuynO*, Mrs. Anu -Nurrell, Mrs.Murtha Turman, And 4 iiogiCO. • Resident. Connecticut. Resident. . Germany, unknown, llesident. Ireland. * Resident, Ireland. •r Ireland, non resident. 1’ennsylvunia. ■ * n'- i SA VANN AH EXPORTS. SEPT. 20. NEW YORK—Ship C«liu—70 hulas Colton,25 cn*ks Rice, 31 packages S'lmliie*. NEW YORK—Brig Kxccl-83 ha'rs Colton, 223 casks Rico, 12 packages Sundries, 2099 foot Lumber BALTIMORE—Brig O|iolou»a*-45,00U feet Lumber. Rioht or Skanch —Thofiettor of the London Correqi'n-lnnt of the Now Yoik Journul of Com- morce, wliicii wo hive copied, in relation to 1 ho moiisuros adopted hy tho British Government for too *op|ires.ion of tho Slave Trade, contains intnlli- geticu of th" higliUSt importunco to this country. It i. nbviou* if thi* merauro is carried out, uccnrding to thn iiiatnietioo* - f that Government, that the Uoitc<l States will bo forced, sooner nr luter into hostilitio* with Great Britain. Tho power givon hy thi* Bill to tbo Br.tuh Comandors, making tho limit to it* oxureiw' their own discretion, wa* pie- eiv.-ly that kind of policy which precipitated, if it did not produce, th" late war. If Die Biiti*h Minis try havo ni.ul" thi* c-mrcaaion to th" English Aho- litioiiisU. they h »vo sowed the seed* iff ucrimony and liitterue** that will yi-dd a harvest iffhlu'Kl und ii'«tio:ial hu-tiliiy. It i* «ur|irisitig th it with thn axpnrieocwiff thn l-rt InmeiiUldoconte.i, originating in thi* very *|HH;i"* *ff di*cretiou.iry a-uhnrity Imlg- ed widi Dri'i«h Officers, the snm-.dau;vrous meu- *ure wh'itild Imvn found favor with a ministry which apiiear* anxiou, to preserve peaceful rola'iun* lw» 1 w<en tho two countries, lias It boco forced on PASSENGERS Per ship Trenton, from New York—Mr F J Mc Carthy anJ ludy, Mrs. J. Maxwell. Messrs. G W Behn, T F Newton, L Duller, J Iugers-dl, and 14 jn 1 ho steerage. Per brig Suvannah from New York—Messrs. Allen, Uostwick, Chapin, aud Lord. Per brig Oglethorpe, from Baltimore—Cspt. Ru» dolph, lady and servant, 2 steerage. Per brig Wilson FuII-.t, from New York—II Ro heits,lady andservunt, Mrs Hart und 2 children, Mrs Grimes aud child, Messrs Jencks, Merritt, Grimes, Barnard, Gillm in, Iliihinson, Davis. ' Per StoHmb'wt Col. Jewett, from Charleston— Mrs. Wade, child und servant, Mrs. Mill*, Miss Augusta Mills, Col. W. F. Mills, Copt. E. Bird, Mr. Wade, and 2 deck. Per Stqamhuut Cincinnati from Black Creek.— Lieut. McKinstry and lady, Mr. McDonald and la dy, Mr. Gilpin, lady and son, Miss McDonald. Per Stoamboat Ivanhoc, from Black Crock— Messrs. Fuller, M iyer, Morrick, Bronson, lloye, Cl-dund, Burton, Willi mis, Kino, Walker, Captain Chjcu, and 3 .teerngo. Pur •tcarnhoat Florida, from Black Creek—Mrs Nock, Mis* Nock, Mis* Penny, Rev J F O'Neal, Mussis Muckuy, Long, G’ludry, Williams, Good-, ri4$Eastman, Mills, Wilson. SHIP NEWS. POUT OK SAVANNAH, SEPTEMBER »1 Sun rises.. Sunset*.,. 5 58 6 Itt Moon rises.*,4 CO High water 6 05 CLEARED, , .. Ship Celia, Hammond, Now York.—Cohen, Milfor 4l Co. Brig Eleie ir, Jonea, Bakinwre—S- PWIbrick. 1 Used nt of the citif. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. Iff. CiiabitY HuaPtTAL Rkr0ut.—Number of potf- ontsmliniued yesUirday 14 5 fewer eotea 9 J deaths B, Cabal stukrt InriRMAur.-Admitted ft; dis charged 4; deaths 1. Remaining Id House53. I Interments nt tho Bayou cemetory, Sept. 12—25? 5 frmn tlio hospital; yellow fever 14. At tbo Catholic cemetory 3 intcmierO, 1 yellow (over. At tho American coinotery 2 intermoriu—both yellow fovor, [ Translated from Ihs Nolicioso de Ambot Situs* tlos.) NEW YORK, Sept, ldtbv SrANisn Scnn. Ammtad.—IVe regret'that wb have to suy thut our friend Don Joso Ruts bus not yet been uhlo to write the narrative of his’ awful voyage, us his henltli is'mtieli impnired in conea- qunure of hi* long end creel suffering*. Wo expect lm wu vor to bo able to publish the nurrutive in. our Vjxt number, ' •In the mean time we will give a brief answer tar several writers of article* published in tba newspa per*, and to some editors who hava manifested o- pinion* opposed todefivering up or surrendering tbw- -laves, opinion* based either upon ther mere euepi- cion that the black* were imported intotb* Island of Cuba In violation of rite Spanish laws, or upon the allegation that publio opinion in ibis couqtiybeiof in favor of the blacks, such surrender would be too much against the wishes of this nation* Upon this first point we reply,—that tbe nation to which Spain-has conceded the greatest latitude on matter* of slavery, Is England, and that-tho Spanish government ha* never acknowledged the right of English Court* to decide'by themselves cases of slavo prizes; but on the contrary tho c— mauders ef English vessel*, whenever they *et slavo ship tuko it to Ilavunaand delivered It u th" ntixod committee,* and it ia Ibis tribunal w '"H declares tho captured black* free or q And let it be borne in mind, that the ,< vosscl coming di.'f tly from Africa ^ sent* a very simplo case, and one which -i further proof. If then the English right to capture such vessels, luty.o n Clare thn black* free without the _ — mixvd committee, how can tlie government of (bn United Stauaor if* Courts assume socb right or authority in wo present cu**, when' tbo owner* of tlm black* prasoul documentary proofs of having purchuseil Uwtn legally 7 ' <»','/.(' A* to tbo point that public optiiioo io this country is opposed to (be surrender of tbo blacks, W» fiff tlial Uldo.Uii. bcinc n toiy . ool’Uii m>(ur, .. tho Soutlicm SIMM Ihinli vurj JiOcrentl, firoi tho Northern Suite, an thl. .ul^t.thnl It hultal to ol’urro, tlmt fureijn ootlom hero noihlo, t. do with public opinion her., o. they Inro w concjra with pertlW "or *• notion., oer-W tab MMUM ireHile. with .lie AhollUonUw or wllb tho toliorul jovemmoot, wlowo Mmn< it u .re biodin, upoa oil lit. StolM,' .oil fiivoiSi. »u cannot miko roktood Uluwjtj {hturoulltMol -. • r; preunu cannot .... compj-a end rlmlow of wtloo.. MUnd Contmitlc. U » Committee CJinppwSIf Kn,ll.hood fiptnlth Contmlwinnerin put jnd,* moot In .11 outlet, cotcutnln, tbs trtilr.. OO S) ■m V (! hi