The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, September 21, 1839, Image 4

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Ktarataw. ,# iVm tir A* I. C**' A<lr., Sept. M» ARRIVAI.UK HIKCJREAT WVUIKRN. 1WIM1 Wm V DAT* I ATS*. The favorite #l«ma p*««k*t Great Western was tak'grjpln'd rid* ni Hulnir, • Hulr Iwfore 7 oclock, and arrived hi Imr berth nl tlm fm* nf Clinton St. •I about 11 nVnck. Ily her wo have received our file* of r.urnjK'.»n |mp"r*—ltendoii mi l Liverpool to Um'.' M of August, sod Uri.tol to tin- tiny of depar ture, tbo 2 lib ultimo. Correspondence of tki Commercial Advertiser. (Jurat Wmtkm* Sept. 10 Thin nalilc packet arrived thin morning ut 10 o'clock, uftiT n |m»*nge of sixteen mul n half ilny., having departed from Bristol on Saturday evening. August 24ill, At seven o'clock. Sim bring* 110 passenger*. amnuc whom «ni tin? Hrv. |)r. Betmn. ofTiuy, mid til.* llo*. Mr. Kirk, nf Albany. Our Lomlon ilnto. uni to eight o'clock of Friday i vi-iiimj, tbo 23J. Tin: IIVHVIWT. rbe tn ul important event to the country it thn jmilialili. orntilt of tlm harvest in England uimI on tlw continent of Kuro|ie. In Krunci., ino»t of tin* grain hud been lint vested, and tlm crop* wet" re- inarkshty Joed. In tlw ■ouilicrn part* of F.oglnuil, the wheat harveat -w»* nearly over, nnd tint croji. generally good. In Wiltshire *nry littlo wn* cut, up to the 23d, hilt tho erupt, it it believed, will Ini tolerably good. Ir. tho midlninl counties, llto tiros- pcct Is not quite at favorable, mid in the north tin* crop* will ho decidedly li.ul, nnd tlm harvest very lain. Tho we*thor for ninny day* had taien lluciu- •Unc.nnd to hnd been tho prices of wheat. In Msre Lano on tha 19th of August, wheal ii'lvaticed 2 a 3t per quarter, and a furtlicr ndvanco wnt |o.,k- rd for thn nett market day, hut providentially tlm weather rlcArod up, which it nt all timet u buruiuu- ter for regulating price*. On tho whole, from personal nWrvnrion, in n rapid rule tliningli many couutict, wn think tliem will be about nn average quantity harvetted. tlioold tlm weu'lier, for tho lint two week* in Suptenilier, prove favoruhlu. I'erlmpt tlw country never re* iinired nn abundant limply of bread stuffs, more than ut pretont; for, unle. tlw ten. of thou.umU of tlw Jtaconlonted get broad nt n rheup rote, they will hfcVA renawod cuhm» of eonipliiiiit, ultlioiigli they may htvo brought on their dun««* by th.-lr own imprudence. Tho nreouun from llo» lloltir am favorable, and we think tlw tame rruiark will apply to the Continent generally. From the gieni wheat di.lriett of the north of England, nnd from Scotland, wo nliall not heur fully until tlm mtorn of tlw Liverpool. Tin: COTTON MARKET. Tlw commrrrlul render it rofivnul to the proper head for a detail of the cotton muiket both at Li- verpuol and lluvre. At Liverpool largo tale, hud been made both to tlm tr.nlo nod for oaport nt lih* proving rate., nnd thimld tlm wratlmr continue Ih. vorable fur the harvetl, price* will prolmldy im* prove to tlw extent of jd per Ih. Tlw talct for thn woi*k ending tlm 9ih went 31,101) Do do • • Kith • 23,1(10 Do do 23d . 30 7 .Ml 97,23(1 Total Iwlet ... THE MONF.Y MARKET. Hy prnviniit advice* wn learned that tlm money market bad been very tight, and it continued *o until the Chancellor of tlm Kiclieuimr completeil hit arrangement for tlm funding of exchequer hill* to the amount of £4,000,000, since which it ha* bean a lUUn twwrweaty, yet there wn* Mill great complaining, ami even on tlm 23d we lint mated in •onto of the lending rby article* that leu |mv rent had been given in amne cam*, ln,t *inco tlm «aIi. of Exchequer bill* it had been ehtaiiied lit 0 tier el. Mr. Spring Woo, tlm present Chancellor of tlm Ex- chonour, I* tn Ini rai«ed to the |Mt'nige, and In* suc ceeded in office liy Mr. K. T. Daring. The Stan dard of tlw 22<l Im* tho following in it* city article. The scarcity of mnAy rontinne* to he uxperien. c«d in the Iiihimi a* well a* out nf it. To meet the numerno* application*, tlm period for receiving up. plication* for di*connt* and n-iuruiiig nu«wi-r* nt the Hunk liH* Iwvn agniu extended mm hour beyond the acctui.imcd time. A» a at rung evidence of the nlutn of the money market, not only in England, Inn no tlm Continent, •mreral gentlemen have returned in tlm Omit \Vo«t- *rn, who hud been commisriinii'il to Kuro|N* fn> the purpnto of elToclhig loan* for *onte public impnive- menu In tho Wo*t, particularly for IlliimU, hut with one partial exception limy Imvn not Umu ahlu to oiitain a farthing. While on tlm continent, we con vened with gentlemen who had gone front tho D. State* on n aiutiliur nii**ion, anil who will *hortly return with llto liko auccea*. indeed, an general haa bean Urn dualro to nhuio fumla from tho Imru |wan capiuliata, that during tlm year |icr»oii* hu\> * good to Europo with iMiuda in tlieir pocket* to tlm amount,of one hundred million*'I Im only thing that can ho attid of aucli niia«Uma, I*, that tho*o who go Matter a littlo money on their way {hut from the preaent atnte or tlm Kogli«h money maikut, wcuru jwrauaded nn now lunu will Ih< made. Another thing Im* taken place, wlerli will tend to ketip money in Knglund. Wn allude to tlmi im- INirtant not of tlm nqieal of tlm itainy luw. Ity the railage of thia bill uioimy for all puriHuei, exrept loan* on lamia, nnd on small Ir t with the pawo broker*, la a merchaiilahio mtielo, uud can Im lean ed on,bill*, &o. »te., at. any rate which may lie •groed upon. Till# will Im of grpat inijmi laiu e to tlm met •cliaali and other*. Ilulhro the luw wn* pa**cd tho merrhnnt, in Id* inminrtion* with hi* dealer*, could only charge fivo |H*r com. un all ud- vaiava, while fur the la«t two or lliri'O month* he ha* hocu (aiyiiig from IJ to 10. Even the lluuk of England ut tlm preaent moment charge* aix jht cent. We fin.1 the felloe lag inn l.onJou jiiuht of the 23d of Augu'd. Nolwlthtlamliiig the late arrival* of bullion from America and *01110 porijyn of tlm Cuuliimut, we fiwl, aa will he won from rlio fullewing oflivinl re turn*, that it ia Mill exported to aome extent,chiefly to Hamburg, for iho Hii«*inu mint ia that city.— Kiuni tho I3ih to tho 2l*t iiialnnt the export* of gold coin amounted to 2(130 ox., and uf Imi* 012 •X Ofailver, tlm export* in coin have Iroen during iho tame tmriwl, 30,104 ox., nod in bar* 11,993 ox. PROROGATION UK PARLIAMENT. The Queen wa* in prorogue I'arliituuuit in |H)r*uu on Tuoaday, tho 27th day of Angutt. Tl»«»« were report* ih London that tho prorogation wn* to Im by commlialon, in order that mention might Im nude of tha Intended marriage of tho Queen, hut lid* re port, although Minted by iho morning l'o«i. a* by authority,proved to im unfounded, and her Majesty la yat to enjoy tho *olo advice of my Lord Mel bourne. Among the bill* to w hich ihe myal naaent haa been given i* that culled THE PENNY POSTAGE ACT. Tho following ia a kumumry of thia imjmrlaiit bill: 8ec. 1. Every lettet ofa given weight, to be hcie- altar determined, one penuj; wiihn propoitlonuto incrvaM for gtvaior weight. Puilinmcntury liauk- ‘ gaboliahed. See. 3. The Lord* uf the Treasury an* nuilior- Ixod to auajmnd, wholly or in p.ot, any purlin mili tary or olflcinl privilege of aeuding or ivceiving' let ter* hy tho po*iage, and to muku any oilier regula tion* for the future exerui»o of official franking. See. 4. Relate* to tin* two p< tiny jioat in London and Dublin, nnd loaves it to tlm Imrd* of iho Trva- ■ary tu Bay whether they *hnll be continued, or whe ther the r«te**hnU he reduced. 4 8oe.f>, 6,7 nnd 8. Relate to atamp papoi*. - Bee. 0 and 10. Unimportant. Sec. 11. AuUiorires tha Lord* of tlm Treasury to mike any rmluciion tlmy may eotrokter expedient in Uta allowanoo to master* of vu««uU for loilcrs cun- d by them. Jb. 12. That wlmnever rim word " letter*’ i* | la thia act, it *hall apply equally to newapa- “ * M not *0 a* to deprive newspaper* of any ■ (hoy now posaca* of pua*iiig free uf poa- THK THAMES TUNNEL. It W BOW reduced to a certainty that thia grrat work will be completed, amt that too within u veiy abort period. Mr. Uruncl haa notified the Lord Mayor that the work i* completed to within Jit foot 00 tbo Middle art aide. THE GREAT WESTERN AND BKITISII QUEEN. Tbtao admirable psekeu, which *xi]o«l from New Ydrk oo tbo latof Auguat,arrived at llmir jmrt* of doMintion afiora very *hurt pataxge. The Great Wottfro arrived at Driaol altar a pa«>ag« of 12 day* H boUra; tho Queen at PortanuMith in 13 day* 14 hours—boln| about one tiny in favor of rim We*- Mr. Charles Wood objected to rite honorable gen- llomaii'a nn-tion, but cam him llm liifoimsUon Im repined. Tha loo eat tender, wliicli haa barn rv* ceiveil, inausiiawerinn public advaitiarmctii, for rim Amciiranmail to Halifax, U £43,000 a yean tlm mail in be conveyed mica a month. Tbit jine |»o*ai spin aie.1 loo bigli. and tho Admiralty have amre made a private bargain for £59.000, tho mail to bo coiivvyod uimu a f«itniglit. Arinngemonl* have aiso been made for a mail from Halifix in liotian unco a fuiluLhl, tlm total annual expetye of which would bo £00,000; tlwao ^ arianpmenia li ivo boon inado for tovon year*. No contract hn« yet been entered into lor packet* t«> the Weil In die*, but government do not exjmcl to inuko u aim- ilar bargain for that atation wirii any party, nuh-a* tliey Imveilileroil* of an .tlicr kind at *lute in the Waal Indie*. No uflhr haalmon made to rim Admi ralty half ao good aa llml which hna Ihhui laken: I'ariie* have propon'd to perform ilm do'y for £210,000, and riii'ir otferhit Imen uin'ejitetl. I'lmis i* now a rnmmiinic-itiim wiihtiio \Vo»t In die, a* wellii« Mexico, by t illing veaaul*, twice a mouth. Tlm employmuin of anilmg pnekota, how ever, lni» lurimd out very unanlUfucloiy. No coin- inunicatioii by |mck<thu* jet been ojmnH with .Malnbir, utnl that lx t*reu tho wlmlu of our Weal Indian pn**M»*inna ainl tlm con*!* of S0111I1 and North America i* atill vurv ilufefltivo. Timm i* nn cnnimunicatinii hclwom Mexico nnd lliu W«*t In die*, nor b"tweeli Culm and tlm «n»l rnnatufA- meric*. Tlmtc d« (icicncic« will Im aupjdie<l by ilm almvo mciilioimdconlracior*. Timm ainull *timm- uiaof 400 hurra puwci will < rn»* ilm Atlantic, nnd aucli linua will Im ettabliahi'd a* will cuniiccl all ilm iriaiid* uf the Wu*t Indie*, wlmilmr llriii-lmr for eign, and at w.ll aim commi t our colonic* in tlm Wet ludic* with llmiu in Duineiain und Ib-rbice, with thn Ciirucca* nnd II •ndiirn*: with II ivaniinli, Vera Crux, und tlm wc«tvrti pint ol tlm United St it-*; * connection will 11L0 Im eatubli lmd between II ivunimb and N>-w York. Tho number of itrninei* requited for ihi*«ervice I* 14. Tlmiiriaogcnmnt wil)inkur|)'.ctiiiilm»uin- liter of Id II; u* aihiii, in fuel, n«tho *ieumera can b<* built. Tin* airungeioeiil i* to la«l leu yeiti* *1 lie Soiidit ir Geimrul puioled out tlm injury tlial W1.11 d be *u*iuiue<l by ilm royal navy if ilm o|mning« lor oiuploynmiil wbicii |nii*ciitnd thnm*cive* in rim p ic kut »ervico were liiu* cloaud, and limuglit govern- meal *lmu’d *lipulutu tliat ilm *laiion ahoiild r-inuin wlmre it had beau for 150 year*—at Kulrnumli. With reganl to ilm first objection of ilm Inarm'd gentleman, il i* perfectly clear that iiiivnI ollicer*, u« in tin* ciimuI the (liual We«turn(wJdrli em -Iny* llirenollicur* of ilm royal Niivy)iiml ilm Rrili»h(4u<‘eo (widcliemploy* two)* ill bepiefcrred u* llmir eoiii inundei*, if •» di«p->*i d, and hi n nmiu liberal rule of reumuuiuliun ihniitliu ruyul nuvy woud vm^ji. aafe them. * • Uo llil**ubjncl, inieii'Kiiug to onr niereaoiili* in- leieal, lliuStumliinlImldatbufollowinglangonge:— “Tlii* oxlenaivo uud well comlmmd ojmniiion nibiiicc* cveiy colony, Hriti»li and fornign, and ilm :oa*l of America from Surinam to Now Oi lcan*, at ilm *111110 lime fiiruialiiog all tlieae countriu* with a oinii'Cled line of jiucket* for com**|M»ndeoi'e and ia««engur* with ouch oilier, and with New York and Halifax, n* well n« with Eurime, by I lie direct tine from tlii* country to und from the Went Indie*. Tlm cniirae of jm*t with the Weal Indie* limn L li- ■Ion to London again will In- 53 day*, witli uhund- mice of lime Ut every place, from ’I day* to 15 day*, a* limy Im (.Inuinica will liuvo 10 day*) to reply to loiter*, riiul buaidea their oiilinnr) comae uf pual a* jn»l d. RaihndiH.'*, (ireunda, St. Tlmuia*, and I’orto Itic", and ul*u, a portion of I lay li will In- aid-* to cmiimmueaie with London in 43 day*." We hear ul*n liuit it i* connmiplated to connect with tlii* plan n line ol'miliiig juickel* from I'aiiu- toSydm y, l*y which lhuc»ur*uuf |m*l between |ilticn nnd London in-glit be Inoiigbl to uluiiit live nioiiib*.” THE CHARTISTS. Moat uf thn leader* uf the dialtint* Imvn been tried mid loiiud guilty, and * ntenced to impri-ou- iiuml from oiiu to two ycura, leaving the parly witli- out a bead lo direct llmir movement. Alllmugb tliey nro atill ngiialiug vurimi* purl* of the Norlli of Kuglnud, it i* belived tliat little mini'linT will Ihi dune. Tho«eiiitiii who were eoiieeilied in tlm riot nt llirmiiigluiiii, mul wlm w» re aenienred to deatli, luive Ih'«u reprieved, uud will he lrun«p,irl- d. Tlm a Icirli* • in many place* are adopting 11 new und Niugtilur method uf iiotmyimce. They uaxem- lilo ut aunm public jiliicn nnd proceed in 11 body lo tlm pnriili clench, excluding thereby ull jmw hold er*, vVc. Frequently tliey aend to rim clergyuiun u text, uud if lie prciichca Irmii it they npju'ur tu lie aulixliud with lii* efl'oit*. (bmenilly, tile clergyuinn jiriiceud* wi ll Id* *uh- jrw.t lu a murtuor net very gratifying to tint Cltnr- liata, mid tlii* leud* to tumult. At Sbeflield, »t ly-wo jtcraoii* tvero nrraMed 5 hut iwo only Ihmjii committed for trial, tin tlm IU1I1 of Augtn-t they iilleil til'* old pari-di churcli in tlmi lotto, and also crowded the eliurcli-ymil. I'liey bud priH'laim- etl their intention of alteudiug the aaiiic place on Sunday thej25ih, mid had *enl 11 tvqneat lo llu clergyuiun lo piuncli from 5th Jainu*, lir»t *ix \it*c —' u Hu to, m»w, ye rich men," &e. One of the chief leader* of tlm Chnrli-'.t wa* the Rev. .Mr. Sleplit-ii*, a disarming minister, lletta* rcccoily trirol at L'beater, found guilty, mul »en- tuuced to eighteen iimulh*' itnjiriaoumuui. He uouducli-tl hi* duli'Hcc, uud iniele a jHiwurfnl ajqu'al to rite juiy. Till: CANADAS. Tho act for making leuiponry pmvirimt for ibt goveriimeiil of Lower Cnuiuln received tliu royal iwreut 011 liio 17th of Augu»t. Tlm l*t *eciiim|irovidc* that the Special Council «liall consiol of not lex* 1I11111 twenty iu< mliera, and no Inisiiica* to be done mile** clctcn be piexeut. Sect ion 2, ivpeal* (be provision o| ilm net of I and 2 of Vielur.ii, cli. 0, provonting the niiikiug of lan'inniieiil Intv*. All permaoent law* to be laid for lliirly day* Imfoiv I'uriiumeiit previous to Imiug coiiHrmed. Section 3, repciil* the prevision nf the lute net prohibiting luxation. No now tax to he levied ex cept for public w>>rka und object* of uemiripul go vernment, uud aucli tnxca not to bo uppnqtriutcd by government. Sec. 4. Reimnl* the pniviaieu of tlm late act pro* hihitiiig (lie alteration of nets of I'urliiuuc-ut, but 110 law to lie piiMcd ulli ctiog the tcnqmrul or nputual right* ofivlcaiustic* or the luw eftemiiv. See. 5. All luw * to luitc 11 publication in llu- (ia- aette In-foro going into eflect. 'Tin- venerable urch-dearou Slnu'liau lias been ceinccrutetl R slnqt of rim I'roiesiaiit Episcopal Church of Up|»er Cmuul:i. Tlii* pivlatc will prole ably return to America by the (Jrcat Western, in Octnltor. Rialmp Mc.D«uml\l, of the Reman Catholic Chureli, i« ill England, lie 10lived ut LivcijHHil from Qiiclice on tho let of August. Ill the House of Commons, 011 the 20th of An- gu*t. Mr. Q’Cniiiicll enquired whether the Secretary for tho Coluuio* lind ivccivvd any inferiiiatuui re specting tlm pixN'Iuninliun of Sir (S. Arthur ugniiist Uruugn proce*»ion* linviug bocn dim'gunled in Cu- mull*. Mr. Lubottchcrv- uitswcrod that he luul not receiv ed any information limber tlmn that tlm priH'lunm- turn bud jiriNliici-tl good eflect; mid lie udded, that ho could give tlw Itouan the general naanraiico tliat Sir (i. Arthur would tie all in lii* power to dhceii- rage Urangcism uud Orange procession*, uud inv ent tlm irrilntinn of purtv spirit. THE RANK UF IUEI.AKD. Mr. U'ConnelUiii* obiniii,>d n tuumpli over tho Chuncell-ir of tlm Exchequer, h.v having driven the latiur Lout Ills purju.u ul renewing tlm cliarlcr uf tho Rank of Ireland. It ia po*tpiuieil until tlm next wt>iuii. Mciutiinc a loll will pn»s allowing the bank a temporary coiitiiiuancc. It appear* to have been tlm wish of Mr. Spring Rico to linvotlm char ter* of tha Rank a of England nml Ireland to expire at tlm tame time—*0 llml all liituro application* •book! he ut the *aiu- session. DEATH OF MRS. RORINSON. It i* with deep regret we. have to *1010 that Mrs, Roliiuaon, tlm wife of our catimahlo friend lUmri* llubiioou, E«q. late cashier of the United States Rank, died in London after u v,*rv few davsiilncs*. SLAVE TRADE SUlTllESSlU.N HILL. The Royal a»»eiu nas Uum given to ilm slave trade lupprtisainn bill. A very strong feeling of in dignation pie vail* in England uguiu*t iho course pursued by Mr, Tri«t tho U. S. cootul at lluvaua. —when the am iil was made kimwu lo tho Com- ar.rrmtiHt a ba* a for ilia aottb-mrnt ef tlm afli-r* «• tho Eft. land I'.ilumi-ton wit glad tbnt tlm lion, iimniiier for Kilkenny bad asked him rim qoetiion, Imciuimi it wrnilil I liable liiiu lo Mato ill'll wliich Im b>vl 11" doubt licit it wmild Im sati«fartury to ilm Imow to turnr— namely, tliat on tlm 28lh of ln*t motirii n note b id Invii piesi-nii'd lo tbo uiiui*ler* of Ilm I'nitc, signed by ilm representative* of tbe flvo great p er*. technically ttt Iro 111 collect ivo note, which *tnt- el that rimy wff in»lnmtixl by their rraperiiv venimeiit* to inform tlm I’orte, ilm the live jmwi r« were ngrernl generally n* to rim afliiir* now jH-nduig between Turkey und Egypt, nnd that they weredt- reeled lo iiak tlm I'orte to •ii«|H'nil liny negneintion* into which il might IniviM-oterod with Mele nmt Ali, und not to proceed llmrein without know I-da" and conciirrenco of the five power*. That nolo liu* been nec-iiled by tint Torkirii govcrionent wilh great ilianKfiilne**. Tlm home rniglit therefore !*• assured that there would Im? no di«turl*nnce *-f llu- |muce of the Eavt.iinb'** »«ini'- new •objer t of dilli'i- cure nros", of which them wa* no prospect what ever nt present, FRANCE. The treaty Is-iween France und Mexico bat been rntifnxl. Tlm Duke nod Duchc** ofOrlcnn* were travelling 1 lining li ilm smith of France, uud were every where received with murk* ofuflection. Tbe fete of Nnpoh'iiiili-id Into celebrated in .eve- rnl district, hy fireworks, illuminutmn*, Stc. SPAIN I* still in n deplornbie condition, nnd tlmn- i* no prospect of a siiei'dy change. Tlm lust inmouiiU ■i nk nfu revolt ugn nsl Maroto. Tbo .Memorial de* I'yreiiuee* oftlie 17ill of August, states dial all the province* bod dec'nrcd against .Maroto. A few day* ago, wink* on tlw frontiers of Fninee, wo eon- versed w ith an English ollicer w ho lind .just arrived from Spain—he iiif"inmd 11* that 'natter* v ulioui a* had ns tliey cunhl Im-, und that hut very few Kuglirii wen- now enguged with ehlmr of tho contending jmrtii'*. Tlm laid dale* from Madrid uu-iiliou I hat the ubiuel wa* in ilm gicatest einlinrra**nwn'. n ma jority iieing ol lit.- opinion llmt il wn* not prir.iiea- bio le meet tlm Coil' ■ at pre-i-iil. In alluding to tlm defi-ciioo of Maroto a Madrid |mpi>r remark*— " Il i- believed linn U''imrul* Eapnriuionnd Murom have cooi'lodvd an arraiigemont uf ilm following oniure : Don Curio* 10 Im banished for ever from Spain hie to Imnllowed an ndequate pension. I lm Carlisl* ore lo jireMirve ull llieir ranks and lilies, nnd lie- nortbern province* lo continue in tlm enjoy* ineiil of llmir fnero*. A Idler from Madrid state* "llmt Don Carlo* left San K-Icbun on the I5ih, for ll-lelli. Jo«t a* lo* was gelling on horseback,In- ml lie.sod iJie ir'mp* and *aiii,"l have un conli dunce many geni'ra'i I am going to pm myself ul tlm bend ol' tbe army witli my •on; w ill yon follow im-f" Tbo aoblier* nil ivplinl, •Wowill fellow-you |e thedeuih," with tlm grenlext iillioiin-iii. ElioM'liinina w iib tlm Dili and pari of Ibu7lli biilliilbin* of Nnvarii-, waicliing ilm rovolt- All llie peiisani* ond lump* arc suid in liu n il ly to rise in favor of |)nn ('arlo* a.'iiiii-i Murom ; bill every riling will depend eu wlint is done ill E.v lellu." UNITED STATES RANK AGENCY. Tlm agency of Mr. .luudunlms ceased in Luinlnn, und bi'ivult-i the bunk will draw on Raring, Rroili- cistVCn. .Mr..lainbm will *|M.'nd u few uiontli* the couliiicot, mid remrii tu lliu United State* in tlm Hpring. MARINE OK FRANCK. The French government are looking le an increase ef *1011111 vc«uo|* fur naval purpose*. Their most oxjM-1 ii'iiei'd reiniuuuder of sleiim ship*, Cupt. Snr- hit, eaine out a piMneiiger in tbe (ireat Western, for (lie pm pose of eliserving 1 lie machinery of this -hip, and also lo pursue his iuvesligulieii* in I lie United States, lie -pent much linio iu looking nt the en gine on hi* passage, and we In-Hovo wn lire correct iu saying that lie wus -urpriaetl ut tlw working ef io'liiiiory during the severe atorm wliich the ship euceuiilered. MISCELLANEOUS. TIIK IIAMM. WKRSTKII. Tlii* guiiriemnu wn* in Scotland ut the close of August, lie wus lo be piesent ut (lie teuriumieni. lie liu* been received with inurked intention wber- •vei be Im* visiletl. In Holland, tlw papers nil •peak in high vommeedutioit wfthn American state*- nun—rejnililisliiiig sumo ef bis sjmuche* in tho Semite. Tbo iuli'Uigeiire from Cbiuii nf the forcible do- li'iilion of the superintendent und the for, ign mer chants, I* confirmed. Tlm •U|N-iinteiiduul issued un elliciul notice t - tlw mcrclmuls, requiring them tu give up ull the opium in llmir possession, uud de- •'luring hi* government responsible lor its value— which wn* estimated tiitww mihion* steiliug. U 1* undi-r.'tood tli il the public will wl sufli r from 11 ii- steppage of tho Fhcnix Rank of Liv- r- ul. l im ms* to the Ateckheldets will he suinu fV.iie Hr A'k’m llanaer, 13/A (*ik MURK .MIMIKI'UI>I:NTATIoN. We IitJ oceft.bih in oui I i.t, to notice ilm ilLih* genuou* aiti' k mud* by tlw \\ big prea* ujmii Ju-igo McDonald, lor hi* vuie in ilm Taswda caae, and to .haw that lb*t vote when pm|mrly Ut»dcr»to,si,mii*t receive the *»wtinn of lii- •; .o.idnrate of nil paitie*. We regret to tat unJei tL-* imce**liy of ng» 11 c«n- letting th<- nilsroprewnuiiion* of our opponent-up on nimllittl anhj'Ci, un i •»! riniwing tlieir folly un I in !.li-s«i«'». 111 charging Jo Igr McDonald witli be ing n I onir mini. In pi'xil ol thi* chnrgc, an ex- i.uci from the Jinn mil ol ilm II. ofRcpteientative* •*l Ul'W, U brought finwifd, whet** auumnwlmeut to tlm it-*o|nii tuiofl'trud by .Mr. Town* wu.propo- ed, by in>u.'(ii"g in one of ilm n solution*, ilm woi-l "him en«tiiti'ion d." Judge McDonald voted ug li'.st llil. Hiuendineiil, uud upon 1 hi- f.iun-laiiou lie- Co- Ininbii* Eiiqiii'iu clrirge. Iiim.with o/irn/y 1 ng the conihtHliuHnlily <>f n Tat iff, “and its con sequent train of on*. rm« 10 ib" jm'oj■!••." That u inntlTorieveiiua i«con*'iiutioHnl no man in hi*sen se* denies, and that tlm tiiriiFnf 1323, pmfi**»cd on Us face and ill it* iitiu to Im uiurilf for ivvenu", nl whoaio iicqniiinii'd w ith tlm-ulijccl know. Ileoce it wn* tccbniriilly in confoiniily wiib the coo-titn- lion, him! was only pronuunrt-il un-oo«iiiulioii d by niiy one, Iwcau-e, under tlm cowr ofa granted pow er, it sought loiiceoiiiplisliiiiiobject unwarraiiti'd by tliu spirit of tliat sacred instrument. There were many us deetded opponent* of tlm rsrilf of 1323 u* the •-•liters of the Eoquiror tlmmselves, who could Hot declare it nucoii«titulional without qu.difyiug lliu uxpruisiuii *0 11* to make il apply lo tlm evident intention, rather limn tlm wind* of tlm net. Even (lit* celebrated promat, adopted hy our Legislature in 1323, only went >•• fur a* to dui'lnre tliutaw “de- ceptivuiii il* tnle," and "uiicousiilutioiial in its well known objects"—tveognixing, of course, it* bmnil, it* ('011.11111 ionulity. Thai Judge McDon ald should h-'.itn'e, 1 hen, in introducing 1I11* word wimieit must und would have Imeii taken in il* hroadi-si.iiiilpuiied *iguilii-atiou, is not tube won dered 111; particularly w Inin ii i. rurneuilieied tliai Im wn* willing to give, a* decided 110 expression ol Inutility 10 l ie laiilf, ns n.,y member 00 tlm il >or. I lm loll-iw mg rasolutiou* bud Imen adopted Ity tliu Simnie, uud were before rim House for limb con- curionc--. To proeuic joint, inillioriiiilivu nci ion, liu wu* ready to vote lor them without ulterat ion or a- iiiiiiidtnuni; and' their iaiigunge i« ceitainiy clear enough to define tbo position of their aii|,|Mirtcr* 10 Ihi any tiling but friendly to a t-irdf winch slmiiM bring u ••train uf miserie* to tbe peojdu." llcud tlmni. " Wimirn-thq |H-r’od hat nrrivod wln-n nn open nnd frank i«x|>io*siou ••! tlm sentiineni* oftlie people, m -ycorr- cl eiroueous iiopresriou*, and to- move llio delusions of either corrupt or visionary men at boiiie,nalo tlm slroiigiiud piedtiiiiiiiuntfccl ing* id tbo cilixun* of (Si'orgiu: And wbcreH*, icceiii event* in on ad joining State, and tlm expression ol opinion* in our own, go far to llirnnteii the peace mid happiness of our beiovud ■miiiiry; which intention is too di«tini tly marked 10 ta> miaiuki'ii insucbuneineigi'iicy, every good citi zen i* bound to rally around our Natioonl Govern- 'lit, which hu« h<-n-iii|orrshed such a bolreovni political, moral nnd civil nssociarion*, us to ut- tract tlm iidiniralion ol ilm world. AWiicIia nmmeii- tons period tlmn, ilm people of Georgia do not be*, ilnlc to uvotv, through tbo present Legislature, u him adherence to the principles cxjucsicd iu tbo following resolutions. 1st. lie it therefore resolved hy the Senate and House of lievrest nlalivet of the Stole of (leorgiu in tiencrat Assembly i/W, audit is solemnly n- solved hy the same, l lml 11* tbo present Fi'ilei-il Constiiuliiin is rimiii’knowlcditrd liond of union be tween these Unile l .States, with a view therefore In make il loiever perinunonl, und to avoid all enn-ca if dis.eiilion and complaini, it i* es.eutiul tnat tlm uiitioiiiilGnvi'i miient iu tile exercise of its function*, should strictly uilheiu to 11 l.tnittl coii-tru -lion of llml instrument,nnd curcfidly avoid ihousMimjitioti of miy power not clenrly given, 2d. llett resolved, Thai tliough Coin-te.s may legitimately raiseu revenue for tlm support of gu- veruiimni; yet in tlniug so, 11 jo-l mid p odenl di*- ci'etiiiii ought In bn exercised. con*i mil ly- keeping in vmw a faint ul ju-t equnliz-ilioiioftlie buribeiisim- posed am.iiigsl III.* several Spite*. We fenl, tiowe v,-r, (bill this principle bus been dixiegaub'd in tlm xisiing Tariff of 1328. Tlii- law, unju-i in its,-on- cnpiinii, Inis also been pmtiul in its upero-ion, uud it» buueiul p'l'iMiic is »iil| continued, nil v in,| interest* of Ilm South. Hitherto tbe of liii. mil lo ilefeat, wlm b •« tm.t we .ball be uble 1*1 At witli taioinmc ii'signutiiei. On tin. .«-•«••. taiw- ever, we bnu- on fear* | for sati*fied of ilm merit of- our randidnte nnd tlm cm reel tH-** of our principle*, we doubt but taitb will Im triiimpbxut. £ 103,0110. LONDON, Aug. 23. Twelve o’cloik •—Money Market.—Consols, which cloimil yi'.slrrduy nt Dig for money, mid !)l] for the iiceiiiuil, epeimd this morning ul 01 j i, bill are now 9)1 |, mid nioni-y9lj| ij. //>/(/'/»>««/ 1 o'clock.—(.'ousel* receded ill tbo •'our*i*of tlii' morning to 01) f for the mvinint; they wi'tv Wlj|— ul piesem Exi-liequer lulls, 20, 21, Id, 19 pm. Tour o'clock.—Consi-I* rloseil at 01 j I. STA TE OF TRADE. Manchtslcr.—Tbe latesobtainixl for jM,werl-mm i-lollnm Tni'olay bavi'lml since llmt day been mam- mined, c-pcci dlv wliew the parties have lu-eu forci'd |o sell; mm ilnnigii the dei'lino has not ex- led I y I jier piece oil goods worth (is (i I In 7*. ■till any decline i- »>i prising, 11* w-dl ns di ing, t''i'iiig how gn-iitly ilm |M«Nliii'tioii Im* been I'tirmili'd. Tim *111110 reiitni'k* apply to twist. There if, however, one redeeming quality to notice, llmt eon*filernldy more business Im.-In enduing. Ilnddersjitld.—Thera wa* an average iiUend- unco of hiiyi'isut m.irkol on Thur-diiy; mid tliougb tilings ciiuimt bo culiuil brisk, still the demand for the lurming districts was very gimd, and lute Hi'ice* went readily paid. The fumy trade is not so bri-k; but as llu- Min ks are small, u diminished demand is not at present felt I.cnls — Tbo dciinud for goals is ntiilulyi'iuilined to the Inuim market, of winch iho su es have Imen cousiderubli-, but at rales by 110 means sutisfui'tory* to tbo mnuuliii'lmvr*. Uur export meivlmnls*iiii' slmw ing more nigos of iilo tlmn of bite, tail from wlmt we can Imur, this is not likely to ho uf long cuiitinuiiiicu. Suite, wiili llmir accustom d patriotism, Imvn yiel ded olieilmiiCM in it. lim tlm time Im* m 11st arrived, TW Brilub Queen was at Blackwall, about four pUmMow wa* undergoing Mine little change iu hit Interior arraagetunm*. (site bad a largo nutn- barof pMMngvr* angnfadj ami will probably 00rue tSwT" 0 *" ^ STEAM ^PACKETS TU THE WEST INDIES. <• la alnsady known toil ateara *l|ip« arc building * twie* a month betwoen England and Hall- llhaa Uan officially announced that (ha gov- jaal I ate ad to lave vtaxm cwmmunicatioa with iR dte Wan Udia UUad*. Ttva utrannaietu* •rcratbo*statedln tlw llouaaaf Commoaaon Dm tlalaf Auf*M,by Mr. Saemary Wood of (ha Ad- rulralty. It «u oa a inuuwu of Mr. Hutna for co- ■ jdaAAfibaa—met. Titlks ash Tln-ru i* n aet of men in nil the sure* of Europe, w ho ns.imic, from tlieii inlitncy, u pie-eminence independent of then' murul churucw't. I he utteuliott paid them, from the mo ment of their hiitli, gives ilium tliu idea that they are formed for command; they soon learn to_ distin guish lliciu-i'lvesn* n distinct specie*, uud being »c- euro of 11 ceiiuin rank imd rtaliuii, take no menu* tu innkolht'iiiseive* wortliy of it To thi* iiuliiution we owe so ninny iiidilfuieul Ministeis, ignorant Mu- gicrate* nnd had General*. Tlictv ure good* *0 opposed that wo enniiot seize both, but, by too tnuvL prudence, tuny pas* between On'IU ut too great n dialunco to reneli eithei. This i* often the fate ol long consideration: ho does noth ing w liar mica voi» to do linin'then 1* alliiwed to hu manity. Flatter not yourselves wulicoiilmriotio* of pleasuio. Uf tin* blessings set ho lore you inuko your choice, and be content. No man caa ta-t i the fruitHof nulimm, while lie isdeligliting lii*scent Willi tbe lluwci* of spring: no man cun hi the same r»m«' fill hi* ropirom rite ntuicc un 1 from lliu mouth oftlie Ndu. Econumy is one of iho cl ief duties of a state, at well u* of an imliviibial. It is not only a greut vir tue 111 ilM'lt-hii! it is tin* patent of mini* otliri*. It preserves men and nations from tho coiinni—ioii of cnnia und tl-o endurance of misery. The man livot within ids income, enu hujiint, huuiuiie, ehar- ‘ituldu and iiidi'|H>udetil. lie wlio lives beyond I', liccniiicf, ftlmesi u^ersaiily, rapaeieii-, mean, failb- lesac'iiitriiipliblu. Thvccoiiouiist is easy and cuni- fm table, I he pi-.nligal, hurins-ed with debt*, mul unable to obtain tin* uecosMtiy means of |,fo. So it is with tinti-ms. National ehurjiter, a* u. II.1*na tional bappines*, ba», from tlm ta-giiiinnc *-f thu w in Id to the pi cent day, been larnf.eetl mi ihe alter of profusion. •• Mr. O'ConiH'll adverted to tho newspaper state ment* which turned out lo be correct, uf a eonspirti- l|n _ -- -- , cy 00 ill* part of Funuguew trafficker* in slave* tn •’ Lflndw* Bridge, whan the WesterO* hava poisoned wine on tha decks of their vessel* in . . —1. 1- case ef CHploio, and to poi«on tini water, iiiiilRbui to destroy, by such horrible menus, tboir oaptorv; Btid cxjHVs.ed tha |io|m' that uur government would promptly represent the facts to the Foiiugueso gov eininout, and n-nuiiv redress by tlie prasi-edtiuu of Iho conspirator*. AFFAIRS OF THK EAST. * In tlw House of Commons im tho 22daf August, thn following iinjmi taut announcement nude by Lurri Faluwrstoa. , „ Mr. Ilotnaasked tlw noedu |onl tho Secictary of State for I he foreign Daparttnrnt.nhcthnrthesiaio- uwnl which had rocantly appasrod in the public journals was uue— uamcly, that (ha foa |>o«vt* Iwd Imjuh AnsoS.-—lie wa* n imm of great mnde-ty und simplicity ef iiinini, r», uimI m> rcservi d iu ge neral aueiety a* to give some truth lo the point of William*, hon mot, " th.u ha Imd been imm I the world, but iicvi r ill it;' \\ .dj»ole, nl*o, is net far from the truth in calling him *' the *ileut son-in- law of tbo Chancellor." Hi* sdeneu und reserve bow. usui.wcic not the olV.priug ufany defieieiiey «.fknMw h ilguor wain of ability, either on gfii<wnl or pro fessional uequtioini'ni*, but Irani tliu natural dill - derwu of hi* own itniii, und a rcluctnueu of .peak- mg iu publie, w liicli many men of c.uitktaruble in let,1* ha vo not boon side to overcome; w hile miters, with n pnrtiuiony of inlcllwcl, me 4»y no meant di'lieirnt iu volabilby ef speech,— Jlui row’s l.tjt •f .Duea. When Faddy O’Rafferty was imt into it seihn chair which Itad no bottom, he said. " 'fit were nut foi tho name of tha thing, ho inLht a* w ell be walk ing." Thi'same might be said of th^ I nlks net work gloves. when in the spirit of uquiiy und iiiiidem ion, tlieir inioiuslt should Ih> legurdeil uimI llie.r wishes re spected. Tliuy lher.'lore, now, in lliu mo-t empha tic lerins, douiii'id it* uiodili 'alum, uud hellerudiqi- tatinii in iho iiitoresl* of rim w ind". 3d. /),' it r. solosd, Tlmt (ienrgia, in eoniumn witli theSoutlioili States, is fully *en*il,ht ul tho im- fan early and li'ial exnogi|is|imeoi of'lur uii'ioii'd debt, ta'cniim w hen tnat peri -d arrive* the call for rvventie will only ho in proponimi to the im- tnii'liate want* liftin' goveriimeiil. Thus a prolific. Hource of •lixcord will l"‘ieinuved,aiol thi'bh'ssi >g* of li'irinnny atill good will ngnio pervade ifio ub l». Toe present legislature view ihi» result wit), p,„- finiml solicitude, nml ta'g le ivo to pins* iu urcum- jdishiia'iit mi tlm present national iidmini-iialioa. I'll. He H resolved. Tint a* lliereaie nmlliei og* a* well u« 11 nv.,\v.'il li.,«|i|ity of the people, iigiibist lb" a»*iini|iliim, by l iingie**. to apply t(„. uulinuiil resemee* to t lie pm * miscall -d •• | nnl Improvemviil," this Loiri-da litre on iwn»l fi»l>enr expressing tlieir di*iippt' 'i>-ilmU "f m.y -oeli appro- print ions, until tbo C.iiiiiiiiirioU of the U„ii,,| State* 1* *0 umeniled 11* exjdiculy to give the power ehiiuieil. full, lie it resolved, That rite peop'e of Georgia view with deep mul increasing solieiiode, the f,,.. qiH'iit uud "pen expression of iqiiiiioo* oofrieodlv to the eoiiliimiini'e of uur present Ir.ppv ituieu; nod tliyx cumint in 1 vv tefrain from deeiaring it as tlieir filii’i and s ileum belief tliat the piv*erMitlmi of the present (ieueial (iovi'inniem us based on the •li rol Constitution, is rite iiN'kim wb.eli imrfutinv safety rest-; and tliat mi tin* rniitmii iui'ii of thi- I'.Mit't-.lciitimi, lint only depends the pivftuut, hut the fit me existence und liappiness of these United States. Nor ran this principle he too highly eber- islied miniiigst our eili/i'i,.*. It i» liruily lH'lieve.1 tlmi ilismiioii, will bring in its train di-eord, tills, cry, uud civil And linn liy, that the pe .pie of ibis Stale, will demn tlnwu iiuwortby of tlieir con- lidctiro, nod tlieir worst eneniies, wlio seek to sow among them tli" seeds of disnniiin, nml introduce ill" ham fnl dial tine* of nullification. • fftli, 1,‘csidrcil, That tliu people of Georgia, by tlieir representative* tinwiit session, view with deep and increasing solicited'', the re-election «f Andivw Jackson to tin* I'tvsiileiicy of tin* United State*, avowing mi open and frank devete.lness of feeling to bis limited constniclion of lit" Federal Cotistiiu. lion, mul to tbe measure* of hi* ailmiiiiMnitiuu gen daily; nml that the |HS»plo of (ienrgia.cordially np prove of lliu lute policy pursili d by the General via vernment iu relation to tlie Cherokee Indians, ii trying to eflect tlieir romovul west of tlie Missis sippi. 7th. And hf it further resolved. That the peo ple of Georgia disupjnovo of tin* political opinion* of John Quincy Adams, us expressed in bis luaiigU' rnl Adilress.” Tliese resoliitiona nppnsiug tlie Tariff', opposing the n ithority of Congress " to apply lim national resources to tlie pnr|H.-eM mi-called Internal Im provement," advocating 11 iimiied the eonstiiiuion," nml iliA'ipi'ii'vhig of tho" political opinions of John Quincy Adams," that prince utailitinii llxlenilist*—weru comlinlly voted lor bv Judge McDonald.nml a* cordially Voteil ngninsl b Judge Dongheny. Went we to adopt tbe iumle • leasotiing made use ofl'V the Whigs, we should charge judge Dougherty with being a tariff 111111, a national internal improvement man, and a John Quincy Adams man, because lie '"t .1 -g iiii.t the n-solution*. Rut he rejected these ta'eau-«> there were others ta'fore the llmi-e wliich lie prefenvd, and Judge MoD.itiald voted for these ta'cnu-e :t» whole lie preferred them to others The opinio, of ui"ii 1.1 such case* nro not always to he gather, hy what they vie against, but by "hat they vo for; u.mI noiwitlistanding the temirks made iu pivviuits part of thi* urticle, relative to the imeo stitu i.maUtV of tlw I vcitV. we cauiml p g ird Ju.l Mel),maid * vote on the prajMircl am iidmem 1 couvevi'ig anv positive information :n to hi- viev 011 tlii* gemiral question. Rut tlie Seniil" ivs.ibi- timi* are rlear and explicit, und they furnish n« strong proof his devotion'o tlie iatere-t of the Sin.• and me integrity of the Union, u* any re-o* u.uble man coulJ desire. The spectra of warfare adopted hy our »p|i.v*euH c ui hem'tit them, (iarbled and perverted ex tract* from the Journal-. ac *:*aoiauiisl hv Inl*e in- f. ivnce* and unworthy clutrge*, hive tai n so .vlts-it par.iiled U'fore the people, tlitit they have wise), tavorne caution* n« to tlm amount of credit which should Ih.' given ttami. We cool I admit 11 similtu course tow .ml* Judge DuilghortV, and make hi'it out to have vottxl eveiy way but the right one ; tan we worn nn employment ot" this kind. R ""t •lid it" cannot siicrec.1 upon a fair pre-euiat hi*claims to popular siqipml, without our jH'rvcit. ing the ucti.111*, misrepresenting the motives or vib- 1 tying the character uf Li* compctitoi. wg njuit sub From Ike Charleston Mercury. At an adjourned meeting oftlie 1'itir.eii* of Bean- fort District, held in Coosawbutebio 2d Siqiieinb* r, 1339, Col. A. J. Law ion wn* invited to tlie Chair, und Win. Youmuii, Jr. to ut a* S'orclary. Tbe clinirninu stated tlm object of lliu meeting, ainl culled for the ii'pnrt oftlie committee. Mr. Albeit Rtmtt, chuiinmn of tho comittitlvc, ■ iilmiitted the following memorial to the Legidu- lun- as tlm lejiort of raid committee; MEMORIAL. To tho Honorable Senate nnd II ii.eof Rejirrsuii- tutivi'* ot tli" State of South Cnroliua. I lie memorial of tint nudeisigned, citizen.- »l Bcanfort District, n'-|M'i‘tfnlly sheweih* Tliat tliey now, im tlie thud tune, piesent to your hoiiorafilu Innly a subject of great importance toihciu, Inwuvorit limy uppear to other*, who hove nut thu miiiiu means of mformation or do not ink" tii" suinu interest in it ns vour meini.riu i«t*. They bumlily pray your honoruhli* bialy to have a new road o|Hined tram 11 convenient point In tlie main Cliiirle-tun uud Suvunnuli road to some ter mination mi Su.uiinuh Burk River, suituMe for u coutcmplati'd I'ounexien, by nLridgc or otherwise, with tbe city of Savannah. Inhahiliug one of the largest nml wealthiest dis trict* ill the .Suite, your moinoriiili*'* yet labor un der the niuxF serious ili*Hilv.iiiinge* iu getting the product* of tlieir industry to u proper market. ’1 he city of Charleston is »u remotely sitnated a* to iiuike the transooitation of their rice and cotton tliithei, 1111 enteijiri*" sometime* of great dilliculty and always of ennsidernhhi risk and exjH'nse; on the other hand, tlieir access to Savnunali (which is our natural mart) is forn'l purjMises of un active coinmerco virtually biten'i'pied by the wretvlii'd eiimlilimi nf the roul* and lorries now existing, uud in which th-ii'is noi the slightest prospect of male- rial iniprov ment, if impr .veyieut ta* po—il>|e. Your memorialist* siihinit, with deferei,re, that ii i* one uftlre liighi'-l d ulies of government to aid on all pro per oeciisimis iu the coiislruciion of roads und bridges, tlm utility of which, iu uil'mding (iirihtie* to trad" and otlier inlercour-e, is scarce.y equalled by tliat of any other of tlm known iiistrmn nt* of commerce. Without the mean* of five comiuuuica- lion Iietweeu il* dilfi'iuiit pari*, 110 country enuever acquire a iiigli iuteruiil prunperity or maiulaiii tin extensive foreign trade, or ui'ike distinguished pro- gress in any ot tlie gn'iit piiwiesse* of i.ivifizatimi; vvliile, by tlie constant intercliange of- tlieir res|>vc- live product*, invention*, nit*, ideas, the various countries of tliu globe ami section* of tli" same country are jila I in no mliiion of iveiprneal ami ty uud iiidi'iH'iidi'iM*", 1110*1 highly fuvonibleto tlieir comninu iidvanci'm, lit, and to lb" rapid develop- ment uf tho moral ami inlelli'ctiiul destinies of mail' kind. Your niemoriulist* would by no menu* have your honorable body implicate the Suite iu every chime** ieiil euterjir,*!' u narrow *('lf-iiitere*i or heated im agination can present for public eiiciilii iigemi'tit; on the contrary, they think iho Li'gislntun' cannot Im loo million* iu guardiug itself from the danger* of mistake or impusii.iuii: nnd so they desire llml the project hero presented may Im li-Hled by tbe most rigorous pniuf's of practicability ami expediency it would be fair lo exact. If on such tin impartial scrutiny it doe* ni't.npjmnr to merit em-oiirngetnent let il be repudiated; and your meniiiriiili-|s will console tin ir diTup|ioiutmetil by tbe ri'llee.liou that tlieir solicitation* have lit least received that respect ful iittcnliiiu w hich i* always due in a free country from the representative to the •'iiu-tiluent. Nor would they liave your lionorahle body muit n just regard to iudiviiluul right* in weighing the ul'ji of this 111 "inoriiil. Tlm lights of privule property cannot Im loo r.»tirinii.riv louchi'd, uudei' tlm plcu of public m ccs-iiy or giiml; only where llii'|in'|Hii,der- ewe of g.-neraiover pnrticnlur interests i* decided, should a propo-iiioii tm ever ent-rtuim'd to invade tlm i'riiei wi«o iiiviolnble siiuctily of vested riglili nor tlieii, except tlm injury is upauieii by tlm lender of a fair |»ecumury ivpurnlioii. 'J'be specii riiiiimi'leeiipiHiiuli'd bv yourhoiiornMctaidy loinak tlm imcess iry linpiirii'*. will lay ta'lhre you a slate if lim. I* nhumliiitlv proving die work a- pr-pu l,e I'M'i-uli'd not only practicable, at uoextravagiint i'x|M'ii*e of money or toil, init su-li as |„ impo i jury, bn' miller a imm'lii and coiivenieucu 011 those proprietor* of lh« swamp tliroiigli wliose land* the road w ill pass. Tlm puhli Ivimtngi's on the oilier Imml will lie very great, Your memorialist* Imlicvc tliat the establishment of ilm proposed I'oniiuunii'ii- lion with Savnunali city will ui.liuure the value o ull ivul property iu tlm region olVonniiy iuuui'dinlc ly contiguous to 1 lie river from ten to twenty pe edit. While increased relinemeui will Im imparlei lo liie lu-ie nml munni'r* of „ur population, tlieir greater famili -ritv witli fin* el. gnnl It ispitalilies of tiint p -li-hi'd cooimiinily. And 11* to llmt otlmr argument, liminh d on a iiieaii jealousy oftlie lloiu idling fort line* of a.sister State, your mmnoi'inli-i slii'lis it MCiirs elv ivspei'liible lo tbe iulelli-ence • your bonorable Innly to bestow upon il a moiuent' I'oii-idi'raiiiui, when il is n'Mii'iubeivil llmt nil iu pediments t.i tlm Irau-p-rl iliou of produce 10 nun ki't, ojieiMiing precisely as an iucinase in tlm co- of piotbii lion. I'oii-tituli' 11 lux 011 tin* consumer. It i- Imd toi'oieeivea linin' preposti-rou* idea, ilmu that tlie pi-oq!eof SooiliCiirolinu would he im poveri-limg ilii'in-i'lve* by tiinline |„ i|,m near utmkel, Il hy proiuol'tig it pioli'id'le irade w ilm city of S ivinnab, wn contribute ever mi liille to propel hei pr-gie—in II in itareer of c imiiiercinl enierpi i.-e, on wbi.'li Imr Mercliiiot* have I wilii sin b .'nmini'ii.hildo vigor, whv *hould il not givens pli'ii-tiio instead of paint How does il be- liuovea lugli mimb'il people as wo are iiccu*t<oiled to cad mu s.-Ivvm, to uni*'' 11 grovelling jealousy of lim ri-iug glory of a neighboring cooiiuouvveulib Ismisl in us Ivy mv many ties of interest, wtVvclh'U and le-p-c I Your nicniorialisi* nut Imlinvc tho pride of I10110'iihh' Imdy ucces-ihle to such but ill it you vvid decide the merits „fllieir |N'lnioii ooilei-e high and -1 ilesniaulike ground- upon which alone t|my •••*! a li qm or dc«iin of its upon which alone all euligbieimii Li'gislaiioii should preci'dl. Audyoiir ini'iu.iruilist* will ever prav. \ c , AI.UEUT RUE IT. ('baiimun (.‘ommiit' i'. For St. Helena'* I’srlsli—II. II. IlyihewiHHl,Dr. 10. A. F. Scott, N. J. Danner. Fm Ft luce Willibni.—'I In Milan J. I ley ward, Gen. C. Marks), Jno. L. Thompson. For St. Lukes' Fnr'ub.—Win. Youiunt, Ji. (sen. Jno. II. Hogg, |)r. J, Tickling. For Si. IVter#' Fnridi.—Nsihiin Johnston, Jim. S. Matter, White W. 11 inb e. Un motion of Gun. 11 ogjf, _ Resolved, That tlm jirocenlinj* ho jiuhlislit® in lie Charlrstiiti pad is. A. J. LAW TON, Chairman. Wu. Youmans, Ji„ Secreimy. Tha Cbsimsa sppoiHted Ilm following • Dr vtn or Mu. D. Guaiivm, hxxtt —In conse- leni'e of tlm deuth of this distiiiRUt-lm'l nn inta'r of <• New York II ir, Ilm Imlli civil ami criniioid. now in session, uil jimrued user to thi* transacting any business.—*V. T. Err,nny Fast, Illii. It is but n few weeks since we had tbw melancho ly task of recording ilia iludlt of Mr. Guaiiam’* 1, I iinvt.vs GiuiiAM, Esq., udisliogiiidmd tiioni- Imr of thu New York Bar. , — -—■ —-.. >■«« tin* 1 rath* a I""* *'il tliu sales Htnouat lo 31,100 h»jt« Hg iiu.i an bnpiui, large fe r i|„ JOjiB 0 Ainriieuiiitasrripiinii* were spaiingly oflmwd ia rial rail) | nit ofilHi we, k. nndi;oo*eqoentlyaaadrt~“ tn pttve* '•■itvadily obtains I, sod abhoa|h || '"•fr '•"".•S-'SHni 'i7u«“Jfi'd l r,7 wilii Ii has caused an easier market, and ensbfed !" "M'I'Ij dMhiKlra,. 1,1,r„ d 5* „ n—rly 4-1 i-t I!..—tJGUU b, K , l,, vc |, trt] -jmc.ilution and 2-130 for cx|hii|. 0,1 ami 2330 tar cxpoil. o^'n'r r& IIAMm.'IKill, A11-. 10, Since our last tnuirariimi* in wtaut have been ‘cry limited, suy about 2000 qunrtei* ut lim fullow- tifi rtilf*: 50 ilrs mixed Folisli and 58A ib* red Made, ling lit 50s. 59 lbs Ull Magdeburg 5s 3d, 59A to 60 mg n hm* nt nus.O'J ib* 1 cil .Maffilcluirff 5* 3,1, fiOl m 60 ■I,*do 53s 3d, and 57 to57j lb* whiteSuuiu at 51s Oil. Ilntliluin, tlm forger iu Auburn, lias, il i* said, ,.|| released from hard labor ns a convict, and ex pects shortly to lie pardoned, II Cn iu v sell "Iced Coffee" ill New Yoik, und ihi* week ll.uu tlm la»t, have iieen^cnlar"n'nT'n.m tin y may drink it lliera fer nil of ti*. rate* tire well supported, tbo inferior nnd’oiriinnre Ukkouvi.—Wo clip tbo following from Bciiuetl's ller; Id: How well it i« tbe -im nnd moon Aie placed «o very high Tint no pio*iiMdng us* can reach, To pluck them from the sky. If'lwere not so, I do believe Thnl somo refnrming us*, • Would soon iiuempt to Hike ihetudown, To light tliu world w ilii pas! COMM UKC1AL. Coflee wn* toulay in much request, 400 j; t> Domingo oLlni|i,il 324 cent*, 21101.;.,,. . )H | 0 B^.ji 30) cent*, 200 903 re,,,^ B|M j , 00 Isag.fuj.! ditto 31 cm* per bf-killo for con.un.m ii,,ii. ”ugur und most other uriielo* remained n lict'd. il nog- „ ,, . Havre, Aug 21. _ , r '!" ,m ,l""« J Sl. I-. in.|mrtaut . tlii* rate descript How suppnried, tliu inferior and ordinary l * ■■*■•»'•<• T...»,l a .Iturle lowur. , .•.•!}■ .1.0 „„ M1 ^ .,1 ....|.n.v,iiiw l t ran .i„w Iw ,,Mik.M for, In ih, lieu -J -t".u.., j " ..I 1.1. Inin, tlie ...ulh, ,l luy ,,i,| , c[ on prm..i|.lc.l only •u|>plyi„ R i|,ui r w ,„ u uud laying in but a bare provision. Havre, Aug. 15. . Cottons--'Tlm triinsncrioim simuiour hut report ,i ill.* 7sli 1 bijve been considerable. Our rates On the rending of rim report, il win uunniinini*. |y mi .pled, und order,'«l lobe published witli tlie I'tnco, ding* of tlm •Heeling. Col. A. J. Lawton, 1* Chairman oftlie .Meeting in August, Iti ported, llml lie luul I’opied the 1,'sobi. lion |uis«i'd ut meuri'iff in a letter addressed u, Judge Herrieri, Clutinimu of a Savon- null, requesting inforiiiiiiiiMi ns r» rim views und wishes ol tlie citizens of Savannah, und oftlie own er* nfilm soil on IIiitcliisons Isloinl, iu r,gmd to the constI'iiciion of a road ainl bridges to meet tho citizens of thi* Suite nil Savanrudi R ,ek River. Tlm follow mg extract of n letter liotii Judge Re, rien, in reply to Col. Liivvton* inquiry, was tl.eti rend and e.rdeti'd iirim piddixlicd beivwilli. ‘‘ Tlmcommittee hnvo hivvl several meelieg*. uud having uhtiiined ul 11 meet tig of citizens, and ufteiwnri I* hy u resnlu- lioiiof council, nuiluoiiy >•• employ nn engineer, on- gngeilllw service* ol Mr. Ueynolds, Engineer ot tlm Central Rail Itosd. According to the instruc tion* given to Inin he pxntnitii'd two sever ,1 route*, uud furnished tho count iliee with a rep.ut and es timate-,ond a pi ni. The report i- too voluiriitiou*, an-l th" plan sin* wing thn line ofrlie Itoad from it* c.immenccmcnt to’"* termiimtion. nnd of ilmpiinri- 4 pul Rridge, of which it furnishes n drawing, tun | nge to lmcopit-1 wiriionicuiisidoinblu expense; hut ifnny irieHilier of your c.iniiu«ltc« who may visji ShviuiihIi, or nny gentleman of your vicinity, will do me the fovom to give me a call, I will tike great |ilei»»u«" in shewing them to him, nml uny explanation in mv p*» • or which ihe ex iiimi i- lion of ihem may suggest. In the iiu aii time 1 have to-late riiaUhe plot which ha* ta'cu approved by 'll" commitiiH'. is t-i erect a Rrnlgc with a draw across tliu southern brunch, ii little below the Canal. This will strike llutcbisoiis Lliind oil the lund < f Robert Hubei slum, F.sq It is projio-cd to eon- lino,* tlie road on tin* simlln'rn edge of that iitnnJ over tl.i* gentleman* ’and, until It conic* to ilm ilivi- ding line ol his plantation, nnd that of Mr King, (formerly Mr. Youngs) and followir.g that dividing lim- i.i lenrh tlm Back River, ncros* which ilm Bridget • ta* cmslr.ii'li'd will strike tie ad „f mi speak a* being in a emit*,* of con*triic- tiou; Mr. I lata'i'shaui has expressed lo me liiw tic- quiescence in tin* route, uud it is imderstoml llmt Mr. King lias q|»o i.s-eiited toil. Tim e-t, male of (im c »st of ilm Bridge i* about ^12000." Tin* Cirairniuu further stated that mi tin* nuilmrity uf Judge linger, the owners ot tlie soil (with one rx- ceptio .) hud osaeiiteil to tlm proposed route, nnd that from all the investigation* made, thi- route wus decide Ily lilt' best 'bat could lie udopltd. (>ii motion ol Gi n. II. Resolved. Tlmt ourSeu'ilorsaiid linprusenlativc* Im n qimsii-lloadviH'utelim lucnimiul ta'hm* ill" Legi-l'iluruat its next *e«i,vi. will u*o llmir Irest exertions f„r tbcHitaiimie'i! ut il* olijtvi. On in,item of R. F. Sent I, Km j* Resolved thill thecblitilMii appoint a commiitso uf three in each Fartsli. to procute subset ibers to tiie Mviuoiul LIVF.UFUOL, Aug.24. Colton.—Iho inquiry lias ta-en good ibioiigliout tlm week, ilm irade juiichiming more freely, having expci lenccd an improvement in tbo liiuiiuiid f„r :ls uiiii yarn, ami tlm sales .uin up 27,590 Imb's. ;e* of Amuricun me |.,.|,i jmr Ib lower. I Dili— There bn* been u goo,I itemnnd throughout tin: week, uud tlm sales uinonnt to 31,100 bugs, the market closing firmly ut mi udvuucu ol jd per lb on ■ican, Uiutrintwl .Egyptian, Bjmculutors hi/vo taken 300 bulex <■( Amci ictfn.titiil 590 ofSurni; uud x|Hirters 2300 bulcs ol Amuricun, und 250 of Su ral. LIVER FOUL, Aug. 23. Forirlinut a week alter the departure of the Li- ver|mul rtleiinmi , it huge business wus ilium iu our Cutoni market, producing nil improvement of 4"j|d per III ill price*. 1 lii- was followed by six or eight dull days, in wliich tbe rate* deciiimil nln>u Jd —hut iu ilm piesent week we liavo uguiu llml a good nnd oxtuiisivc iluiuuud, ul jiricus nho-.i ),| llmt uur pru-eul lutes may becnn-iduieii jd per II* above tliose uf the 1st iu>l. Fuir qu dilie* limy be quoted 7)-t7jjJ pur lii. Fur this last improvement wu are mainly indebted to tliu export th'inuml, as tliu operation* uf tliu con sumer* alone would bu scarcely sulle n lit to keep tliu market steady, since tliey cunliioiu tin thu most pari tu buy liit.c beyond tlm supply of present wants, winch (though limy urn gradually tncruiising llieir winking uinc) is stiii 111111')! Iicinvv tlie uvuruge aimptioii of‘list year. Tlie prr*-un> in rim mo ney uiuikcl In* notOiuiiid bul in lliu least. Tbo Rank ul England, on lim 1st iiisl, advanced its into ol inteiesl to li pm ci, nml lias since continued tn curtail iu disc,mul., uud scums Lulu w»*m» i u expect effeclniil n In f from this pre-siuu so|.,nj .my teat* him cut,a tinned iilTuitncr foreign -iqq ol cram being r. ipured, w lucli uor.i depend upon thu weati.ei for some vv, ek* in coni" l In: * dcs nl cot.on far tlm week end. d Dili iust. imoui.ted to 34.003 bale-—-iu, that end, ii Iti lriii-t. hoy were 23.000 luii< s, a..,I tills week they ainmmt to 19,751) hales. Uf ttielulier 10,350 lire Uplands nltiaoi; l4,1b0Urlcaos nt ti)afi.j;‘i-R)0 Alntinma and Moliiii'a) (ia9il; and i.'iU.xca l.-iiin.i .11 20)a25d per b. Aiioui 10,000 hales me for export, aim JU00 ••11 sjh'Ci iatioii. Tlm iiiijhi l of cotton into I.ivcipool, sinco 1st Jaiunoy, t« 8-»7,000 lade*,against 1,1 I6,UU0 ,0 same period lust season; tiro supply from the U. Slate* is 701,000 bales, being 11 deciuase of 28(1,000 haler. ll,e slock in litis |„nl i* "stimulcil at -»i 5,001) lial, *, ticiiig ju-l os il wu* ui -nine pinna! last yem—ilm stock of American is 407,000 Imlcs, or 33,01)0 min i' than il tiiun was. • T't,„ wenllmt lor U '»e„l,s pnst tin- Imen Vllrlable, lurt on lim w hole mu li more .avorahb'lor the crop* and tlm hurvest ill >u ttie l;,it"r p„r, id ,n*i uiimti.; ami liiere is liu less cxcit -tuetil an t oi.easiue-s 011 riiul score itian «ns then fell. Thu most guuuicl bn- p,u-9iouis llmt miHluiuti iygo <1 werttberf. ra 11100 li to come would i.isuru fait uv. luge creji-; Put mncli ,1.•pen,IA nil tllis. Tlm dmy on (lour is now ii'duccd to (i* 5,1 jierbrl and prolai.iiy will slmrily be 4>, und r> iiimu Imv fur tie next3 week*, Imi nor.'ilciilatiou wliiuevei ,-iinhe made us to vvlial lliu rule will be beyond 11 ni'iini,for ward. The di'cliiiii in tli ■ corn m.nkeisi* 11* yet in- eimsiderable, but ll.ey lire very d'.li und l,u*in>.s* i* nearly su-ni'lided ut present. Flour, dill) paid, may lie quilled ui 33s per Iu I, only in u 1 curd wuy. T lie we*uber is now jmr- liciiiurly line. J.lY'KRFUOL, Aug. 23. “Thera Imr been 11 good drill nnl lor r.«atoii this week from lim trade wild lor expert. Sjo-culti'ors In vo also biiugiilu niialeruli' qi.unliiy. tlie |„ Id ris buve»1i ,vvn n di-posiii.ui to meet the tli'inuud, ami III,-ret,ni!, nuiwiliislini.lmg ibe exten-ive sales, uuadvunru ol iuipoituiico basiaki-u pla. o in Aniuri- can. I lie prices of Rrnzil ure jd per Ih higher, us • lie stock i*l"'i',lining light. Egyp'iunund Ea.t In dia mu uncbangeil. The sales to day may untoiiui t 4000 bugs ut the full price* ol hist week, Ihiuigh upon tlm whole • lieu* is Ivs.s unimai'on iu tlm in.iikct." Spceiiliilion. 2500 Am 1ic.u1, (itill IViiiaiii, 500 Egyptian ami fillt) i'urat. Export. 9300 Anicii,.uii, tiOO IVriium, 500 ligvp iati, und 500 Surat. i'lie sales dining tho week inimiint to 39,750 i uilrs,of which 130 »vi‘ie Sea Istand, it Is 8) i2* Li; •10 Mamed O1I3.1; 10 350 Upluml li i3.j; ),490 Alu- Iuiiii 1 and Mobile l.jj .9; 14,100 N. Urb-uus Ii)a9),|. Tlm eurreiil pra'e* areSea 1-land I9,!u3.*, Maine,I 9a 13d, Upland O.illj, Alabama ti.i?j, .Mobile (j*n9, iN. Uileiui* li) dl.j. Tlw cntMiuqiUuu up to 1 lii- d ry is 553,(100, of whim 3!li»,600-ne Anii'iicns, making q weekly average of 10,112 ‘I lie cmisumptiou during ihe sumo pei i ai of 1838 was 77G.OUU. of wliicli 000.700 wore Ainuricniis. The weekly coioumptioiiof 1838 was 22,353. Til" stock on Inn,I ibis day i« 518, U00, of w Inch l(i'!,U00 nn* American. Tlmt nl I ,si year, to ilm sumo nine, 503,300, iuciuding 420,000 Amcri.'uii. L1VERFUOL .August 23. Corn Fxchangc.—Having li.ul a line settled wcalbei sinco Momkiy la-t,reaping in tlm early jiarts of ihi* district is now progressing favorably, anil if not iiitemqned by a return of rain, hiirvcrt with us w ill be general in thu course of next week, when tlm amount ol injury juevioiisly .tone wnl be suiuo- wliai more clcaily u-ceriaiued; uieauwliil,. buy,-is eppeur disincsiiied to u, l nvety, und the trade iu Tuesduy unti, io-,lay, lim been utlici languid. The arrival* ef Eugli-h and fon'ign Wheat, with n small quuuthy oflritii, com 4924 quarter* since oui ii'pnrt ol Tuc-duy last but ol oilier gram from tiluuud we h ive none fiesli iu, and witli tlie above exception, tlm supplies coast-wise mul from li eland ure trivial. Tiie duly on VYIw:il i* reduced to I0s8d (ht quar ter, on Fioiir lo (is5,i p r barrel, nnd on I'en* to Us per quiu ter, wnh tiie prospect of rim former gi ing down to (is8d next we. k. On oilier fuicigu pro luce tlie ibitie-roniaiu unvaried. Influence,I by tlie contiini uiec o' piopi ions wea- thei, ami hut lew actual buy eisut tins day’s uiaikei; rim transaction* in wheat were unimportant; uud though some bolder* relit-ed to pres* business, oth er-. un theriurtrury, evinced a gruwl vUsivo lo effect sales, and u di cliu,' of 2d to 31 pel 7lilk* from the current iuti»"f Toeilay vv ,# partial y i'stwbiislii',1. Eugli-hnnd lri-li Flour, nltiwngb sullvviy seine* li'iivllv uiuiulained hue puces.and nil vie-cription* iitecliug little inquiry: For, ign vv a* 1* per barn.'! cheaper: 1.1 VKRI’UrtL. Aug. Iff. Cotton—Tboiletnarilfrom ihe irndubusta-enmo derate tlii* week, but ilm exporici* suit continue m piircbas" Irecly. Tbcile-ireto sell • a- bei'.ium more general, ami consequently prices have gro the extent of .|,l »•• 5 I pm «• on America on most oilier kinds, with tlm exc-ptim and Egyptian, wliicli fully muiipnin lust weeks qu, tuiioii*. S»|HCulu*or* bavu laken 1200 Am m'a an,I 300 Suiat. and cx|»oricr* 1500 Anmncaii un 300 Suiul. Ihi l.icri IVIrfOar,’/ Ut OH inti. , . S ”, * I.: 1 It,', I no n*e, Imi in several instances. Mile* of U. States aluirtata- pie.Ins,•np"",.* have Imen Hlecie.l «i 1 centime per i kilo under tlm cutieucy of tlm previous 0 jays; vvuUuui evincing jvmffsely nny iingerne** to realize their '•lock-; most ol tlm bold, is liuvo mot tho buy ers very freely. 1 'I he sales embrace 13,05(1 I,ales, Mandating of niiri N. 0,1,1.11, ,i, . w ,„ 11,ir, 1,„„ la ml i.i Oll'i.. I iri'Mi to 1151; 2558 Upluml at Dll*to 117f 3... Smcks 31* July J 18.202 b uf wliicli 113,307 U.S Imports since 2,6It! Sales sinen 120,938 17,933 114.075 16,938 Stis-k I liii Aug. 1939 |02,!I55 1839. Stuck 1st Jan. 35,591 b. Inipoitsof all de- script ions, fi,>m Jan. 1 tu Aug. Id 193,214 233,805 Outgoing* dodo 139,850 1338 1837. 32,989 455,551 244,852 194.677 277,841 219,916 296,419 169,037 71,392 76,831 Stock I lilt Aug. 192,955 llicr Fricos are improving.—We liavo to re* port 61 tieices Ctvroliir.v wffivir qunlvty, but n littlo broker,,^nt 3 If 50; 45 ilogoial mil. at 34f; 1(1 do good at 3-i 5 70 lines white Bengal at 2(lf 25; 333 do a 201 50; and 8U bag* Java lit 23f duty paid. -SUUTIIEUN AGIUCULTUIt 1ST. Contents of the September number. Faut I.—Euitimiui. andUiuuinai..—Addross, delivered belovo tho Agricultural Simiety of Bean- fort; by J. M. Vkuiiikii, Vice Fresiduut, at tho Anniversary Mii'iiug on tbo I5tli .Imm Inst.—-Fio- cei'ditigs of tlm ll'otic.iiliiii'al Society ofCliurlestun. —On Improving Worn-out Lauds; by C. R. C — Advantages of tbo Culture of cullou over Silk ; by Sciicx. AitT II—Ski.kctioxs.—Of Litnc.—Astonishing I 1 acti.—I'reserviilioii nf tln'^IL'alth of Negroes.— lnoculatioii or llu,I,ling.—Charcoal, us a Cathartic. —Do. Nutritive Quuliii,!*.—Sipiush Vine*.—Origin ol Silk Worms.—I’m ting up uud Trauspluiitiilg Seeds.—Varieties of tho Mulberry.—T « Mulberry Cnq» und Frice*.—Analogy of Medical and Agri cultural Education.—On Breeding fro in Young Slidliiui*.—Yiircinnrinn.—Power of ilia Horse,— Spanish Oxen—Working Cow*.—Metlmil of «*• cerluiuimr tli" W.d^hl ul' Cuttlo.—Statistic* of Cot- Faiit 111—Mia KUtta l.XTKLMOVNCff.— Just received hy W. Tin Williams. A Card. D octor Robert kocii, fmm Drisdeu, Saxony, Frofi ssor of Music, Annpolis, Md., these the la«i 1 luce years, begs tanvii ii'Hpec, fully to iiiiimiiime lo 1 lie ladies mid gentlemen of Suvnnnalq tlm! lie w ill •'oinini'iiee Ins Mu-icnl School on the first nfOctota*,, ibis year, giving lesson* on tho Organ,, sl’i--ni.* Forte, limp, Guitar,Gernmu Flute, Violin 'V Clnri. net, Iv-nt Bugle; also, to sing, 1.111 tiuulurly Clniicli Music. Tl,use wlio will favor him with llieir ronfidenco w.ll pleu-e to leave tlieir name* at tlm Rook store of .Mr. Tl'os. Purse. aug 30-lnvv-lm HIiiUxtiTy utnl Nillc Culliirc. WARD CHENEY &. BROTHERS, nml •nJLa MAStlN SIIAW, have now growing, iu tliu most flourishing condition, in Augiisla, Georgia, ad joining the Hampton Race Course, about 80,0(10 Morns Mul/icaniis Trees, whir It they uflhr forsnlo iu lot* to suit purchasers. For further information enquiry may Im made of Messrs. Cheneys, nt tlieir ciN’imiiery in Rurliu-ton, New Jersey, or of Mason Show, nt the Engle mul Fliienix Hotel in Atiguna. Having bad several years experience in cultiva- tin:: tin* morns multienulis from bud*.cuttings, .'to, they vi ill furnish each purchaser witli printed in- structions uf tin* ta*st mul must approved minuter v»f planting and ciiltiviiting the trees, tho kind of soil most suitable for growing the same; and also for rearing the silk worms und reeling tlm silk. They will also have f >r sale, Silk Worm Eggs of tho most e-leeniial varieties, from moths selected with great care for their health, strength and perfection. nug 17-3in-su COLT»b n () OK-K KEPING. \ PRACTICAL WORK UPON A FLAN IX ENTIRELY NEW,—The account* which il form the liases of tlm science ure classed under Fivo Divisions, witli definite explanations after tho fertnii of grammar mid arithmetic. It contains a voenbuy buy of mercantile terms and phrases. Alsu, 11 ke- I'xpliiiuing tlm nalitra and maimer uf Journalizing each of rim Day-Rook entries a* a practical account ant would expinin the same to his pupii; this so simplilie.- ilm sciem'e that any young man of com mon Kiigltah education may itequiro a knowledge witlmiii thu assistance of a toucher To which is added. Directions lo tlm Isuiruer, and Practical Form* for keeping limik* in every extent and variety of commercial house*; Public niblrcsses, tbe first ever delivered upon tlm subject Ac. vVtc. Publislicdt by Thomas, ('nvviHithcvuit, und Co., Philadelphia^ and for sale at tlm prioeipul Ruok-Stora* in tho- United States. jo 3-law fun Notice. A LL persons indelned to tlm eubsrrita'r, rithca hy note or open uccounl, which was due on tlm first of Jnuu.oy last, ure respect fully solicited' 10 call and settle 'lie same,us nil notes nnd accounts, that u«e unsettled oh the fu»l uf October, will bo placd in the IriiuU of nttortiey for eollectiou. ling 23-111 w (it WILLIAM HALE. w John S. 4’oombjt, 7’ILL ••0111111110 tie* FactoRsuknimI CoMMIA- ion Risinkss, in Savnunuh, fer his own account. JOHN S. COOMBS.. Jtcjerrnfi—G. R. Lntirir. Savannah; A. Sibly, Atuusla; 1ta'v. K. Sinclair, Macon. .Mi. T. t>. Morel, will act for me in my tampora- ry absence. jvll-lawtlN. | (Hi; SUBSCRIBERS exjmrt to recei tlievi) l fill - A eonr-e of Novi'inln'r next, or early in Dcci'in- Imr, an assorted cargo of SWEDISH IRON, con- •istitte of various size* mul dimun-ion*. suituldu for tiii^. thu Columbia, Augusta nnd Savnunali maiket*. Dculeis w tailing jiuitiuular*, are roipmstcd to apply to them. mm mm" j hi:rcki:nhath-v lownde^ • way lo j (;|,i,l,'»ton. August 2'» .ep 2-lnw-ldec W ! — ... ll.l,I.. | llll*Ui»R. 600!X;rL!:i:r (li , SXMI’KI. SOLOMONS. 43 and 41 C'iii‘I'(uu:f for Hale, A NEA T mv,nnl bunded Ciniiagc, but littlo UMil, fm *uiv on uccummoduiing terms. Ap» TUr« Iu. bcvti a dvnuml fer cotton during ! pN al l *l' 4 *4' fi'Uallw Extract fro