The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, September 28, 1839, Image 3

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gfrr SS&crfelj? 8 AT Ait SATrilllAV, SKITKMUKH S3, 103(1. FinnofihrCm I still IwnrU.y nwmjr, UnllinmMUlimU)li -IN" Jrt n'»*l ■ O'er earth's proud realm* thy stars'lhpl«y. Like morning** rndlsnteht'id* unrolled. Ping iff tho skies! Mill peerlessshine, Through ether's xsure vault unfurled, Till every hand and heart entwine. To sweep oppression from the world. =r== * = ’ FOIl PRESIDENT. M ARTIN VAN HD ItKN. FOIl V1QR IMtKSIUENT. >. JOHN FORSYTH. Siil»ioet t'» the decision of n National Convention. "** FOIl GOVERNOR 0H A RT.KS_J. McDON ATiI). ter We refer our reader* to an nrtlelo in this day's paper »n tin* “ Eirly Culture of Silk in Gem- gin," from the Southern Silk Jounuil published at Columbus It will Im seen that Men. Ont.KTitmtPK was one of its earliest mid warn test advocate*. t, REDUCTION—RATIFICATION. Tlie voters of Georgia must hear in mind that on Monday week (7th October) they nr- not only call, fulnpon to elect proper m-n, ns momlwr* fiom their rospertive counties, toll.- Legislature. hut to decide the question whether they «U1 stiller the uvlls ntten- dant large Indies, ns now «om|Hise the legislative of the State government. The plan which has been submitted by the conven. tion reduces the Sennto one half, nttd from the House takes nearly seventy members, leaving the latter sufficiently hirge,(ucnrly 150 member*) to shield the rights .Tthe pcnpl-, whose repres n- Uliveii tltoyare, from nny attacks which many deem n small body subject to. For ourself we have no fiwr, that in this enlightened nge, when “the sclmol* master is abroad," and when the blessings of civil nnd religious lilmrty nro so highly appreciated, that nny hut pure undeap'ihle men will ho entrusted with the high prerogative of legi-luting' for n free po<»* pltf'—wo have no fear thnl cormplion will he agnin anifered to stalk in our halls of legislation—to stain tho legislative nnnals of the State, and rouse nnoth* er sun of Cliulhnm to unito with such hold patriots, «• Jaxks Jack-on ill defence of thu pen- pin’s tights, to hum, with consuming lb c, the record* tho apostate*’ shime. l)ur growing Stnte, ns yet, requires nnntiul so*, •ions. The wants of llm people domnud |N-rhN|icn| legislation. It slioul I Ih> tlie r.hjeci of all, while they, preserve in its purity the right of represen a- lion, to make tho hnsine-s of legisintion neither op pressive to the coiiFiiiiient or the representative, who aranllke.a* ei items, cnll-d upon to co itribute from of government. Now, wccoiitenil, that in a body Composed of about 150 numbers, there would lie, mom prnlnbly, well digested legisintion, titan in a body increased in more titan two hundred. The firmer number would no 1 he so smtt'l to he exposed to the inrouds ofc-r* ruption.nor so large nstoinipede the business of le* gislation. lleduee the already unwieldy House of U.•preseo-, nnd tlie reason ihlo (• is, that you advance tlie business of |egi«|'iti*ni by uccoinplidiitej a despatch which litr.’e m isses nre lint cnpnhle of. Tlinrc will, Mu, by the plan stilonitted, on ly from $:)().(IDI) to $40,Will, saved in tho Treasury oftho Suite hy the reduction of members, l.nt the despatch of business will Im so much greater, that tlie Legislator! will, in fnitrorfiv weeks,generally, close tlv ir sessions, nnd tints n to Iter large sum !*o retained in tho I'miisitry, for dm wants of Govern ment; nnd thereby the people bo roll ml, in n grunt measure, front tlm exaction of tnx laws. This relief is the mom necessary wh otitis consi- tls-Xal tlmt frequently (ttud especially at the end of tho session, when mennsiden'd bills ure lyingoti tho tnide) a hare tnujnrityof tlie tnemlH’rs nllend to bu siness. Thus, at Inst session, there were 170 mein- \eyft in tho Ilotiso—(which the Inta census will hi- crouso next session to mure than 3110.) Of tlm num ber at Inst session—170, 09 would cnusliliito n constitutional quorum Oil turning to the .lourunls of that branch of tlm General Assembly we liud, on the 3rd of Docomlror, " u llill to iiineud llm Con stitution of the State," lost hy a vote of 00 yeas to 50 nay*5 it requiring a constitution'll majority of twodhirts. Tho llouso agreed nett- day to recon sider the Hill. On tho 25th of same month, tho reconsidered Dill came up a second time for n third reading, mid Was pnssed hy a vote of 07 to 27—there lieing 21 members absent who voted on the previous day. Thus tho Hill wns oventu'dly passed hy u vote less than it received on tho 3rd, when it was lust. This is but onn instanco of many which occurred, and hid wo time, wo nro sntisliod wo could present more Ougrant instances of tlw disregard of Ueprescntn. tive responsibility in sticlitt large Innly as the House* Another fruit of short sessions will lie, tlmt more men of talents and experience will Im found in otir Logisla'ivo Councils, for tlio sucrilice will be com paratively nothing for tho merchant, the profession al man, or tho enlightened agriciilturi-t, to forsako tho cares of private, for tlm incrousud anxieties of public life. Wo may continue tho subject. Ills writhing s»irn«m. lie wns » grout orator. lint, lorn lor n wlrfhi to nonietitplntc tint chnwctcr of Dkwiit CmnTok. Ills suecossfal ndvoravy of tlm Canal ***** la New York, has given him an imperishablerenown. Tho narocof Cttavtta the Canals t*T New York, wlh go down to |toM«riiy together. They will Im insepcral.le—ami millions will |. N »k up to his memory, ns tin* great benefactor of tlm State. Wlnt these Canals nro to New York, Rnilrnnd* will Im to Georgia. And those who designed tlm umiestie plan of tlm Central Railroad, will yet be liNikixl oil as im*n win deserve well of their coniitiv —their nain s will be rminh-d in the archives of fimii'giuii enterprise—und their childivn will he re- gaded with nfficthm, hy n gruteliil people. 1-el our ivnders, while tlm subject is yet gnvn in their minds, luick to the |tcrind when llm Central U .ilroad priject was first diseusseil. They may, it is true, recollect that some |*'ni iis doubted its success—otlmrs Imhliy stilted it was impmrticn- blc. Hut thu creut Imdy of our cit sens, from tlm hitmhlo storekeeper to tho wealthy mer. hunt, seized it con omorr, and declared tlmt it slimild and would succeed. Stock was stibscrilmd for—tie* pro pillar breeze set In its favour, and like the gnllaid hark, on the pathless ocean, it suiled Imforu tho wind, until it readied the haven of prosperity. Tlm lolly pines have fallen before llm ax —tlm woods have heconm peopled with huinaii forms, mid the hissing steam is now hoard where nought Imforo disturbed the almost primeval solitude, save tlie crick of tlie hunter's rille, or the dcuth*mnuii of the expiring deer. We have n*k*-d nnr renders to give n retrospec tive glance nt times gone by—mid why ? That they may Im fortified hy tlm'example of what untiring zeal, nnd uni ed exertions, even with siiiull means, can accomplish. Let them never despair—toil go stnight on with tlie good work. A willing arm and a trim heart never will or enn fail. Every day iilfunln fresh evidence of iliu inciea log pms|mrity tir city—the passing observer cannot but sec that Sivumiuh is yei destined to bo iho grant entre pot of the coinmerae of tlie West. She must ho so, in the nut nnd order of cvems, hut she needs ut pro* •lit nil tho nid her mvn citizens can give her. Where is tho racioniit son who would not nid his mother? We siinll resume this subject ngain. SA VANN All—IM 1'ltOVK.M ENTS. No. it. A few yenrsngo, the houses of our fellow citizens, Col. Fannin, and Cupt. 1', opposite tie* New Unrntuk-, on tlie South Common, formed the extent ofllm city in tlmt quartet. Indeed many considered their houses then out of town. Apropos, oftho Hairucks, however. When tho four win::i completed, two of which am n'raiidy finished, this building may he considered mi nr..imieut to that pint of Siivmiiiah—and only for tho Florida War, which has swallowrd up so lunch of tlie public money, tlie Barrack* would nmv lie entirely finish ed, mid til for tho reception of u garrison, if we needed such a force. Oil yesterday morning while jicminhiihithig nhotii this section, wo were perfectly astonished to witness tho vast improvements ilini nro Imiug uiiide. A lino brick building is reuriug its hi-nd on thn West front of die Uurrueks, which from its present up* |iearauco will Ik* it Imuutiful edifice. F. So unit, K*q.,*U tlm owner of tlm propeny, nnd tho house is to ho his residence. Noar this is another build ing in the state of cicclhin for tint owner F. W Ukinkmann, Esq. On the .South front oftho liar- rucks, tho Female Orphan's Asylum, mi uviik’iict* nee of tho pliiliinllirnpy mid enterpriso of tho kind hearted Indies of.Savannah, is already rn .fed. It is a •ubsinuiiiil mid capacious lu ick hiiilding, three stories high—plain, vet not wit limit suine pre tensions to iirahitcctunil distinction. It will Im soon randy I'oV the reception oftho recipients of the bounty mid active heiievnleiico of our luir towns women—nnd long may it endure to perpetuate their fuitfo, nnd nfi'unl it secure retreat for tlm In fant orphan, where shu can hn shielded from the pitiless storms of it hem-tluss mid a vicious world, and iinlolx* from tlie purest of nil sources, her virtu ous benefactresses, lessons of morality nnd useful nos*. As you proceed further West, you will soo build ings without number springing up—uud additions mid improvements Imiiig made to others, pninting, newly f slicing, nnd decorating I here already built, and mniiy ether tokens of thu spirit thut milmutes our people. Tho City of Savaunali has long Imen in a sleepy state. Sim has not until lutuly thought of thu nbuie ihinco she possesses. Indeed when we directed our organs of vision along lint iiimiy acres iff line building lots, the sale of will *h will yet fill the cutlers of tho City Treasury, our heart Imut high *n proud uu ieipatio.i of thu high destiny tlmt awaits thu old spot on which Gen. Oclktihuii’k, first encamped his forces, nod planted tlm standard of his Ihiynl Master. Surely tlmt gallant soldier, who refused to druw his sword during thn rcvoiulbinary strag gle, against tlm colonists of Georgia, would rejoice to see tlm iiinguilii'eiil structures, nnd tlm well re gulated city that has risen on tlm lilull' that served him for his first encampment. Wo may imagine wh it would Im Ids feelings, could he hut now sec his clieridieil sell lenient. Few ritms in lift Union present a m ire favour- uble aspect, in uliumiciul point of view, Siivun* null, ut tills day. She is literally out of debt; hociiisc, for the $501),DUO which she owes, her own tmul.M, site Ims placed to Imr credit 500,000 shares of tlie Ccntnil Huilroud Stock, which most und-iub|- edly is bona Jida vatuo for tlmt amount. There fore, there is nothing lo mar her prosperity, hut tho listlessucss of her own |N*ople. We lire not, hmv- uvur, afraid of such Wo will not believe tlmt our fellow citizens, now tlmt they mo on tho high rmiil to commereiul distinction, will inuko a sudden Imlt. No. They will still Im energetic, nml an cniisider.itinn shall induce til in to swervo ET We nre pleased to receive n neat Magazine, cmiilrd tint "Literary (Imnlinc," In English Mild French, puldishivl in Wotewlrr, Mass. It will, tn» douhl, heConsblelvd n »|ar fan non In the boudoir, wlmn It Is once introduced to tlm acquaintance «»f llm gent of croatlml— oMi* fitlr eounUyuomen. It is indivd a very Imndsome publication. DIRECTIONS WITH REGAllll TO ELEC TION RETURNS. Ry a resolution of the Legislature, It Is mndn the duty of theCh’ik ofllm So|>eri>.r Court, in earli su|s*rii.ten*l nnd n—’-t the malingers of election, In rimklmt out llm coesnUduted cleclioii ralurns at the Court lli.u-e. Tlm eloclhm return lor Governor must Im pm up, to it»elf, nnd arcnmpntiied l*v a li«t ofllm nnntosof the voter*, nnd tnl'y rlmet.—It should lot sealed tip uinl iliiecti'd ns fdloust lion. Pntidfht of the Smote, and Spader of the Home of IlrprtteHhtlieci, rare rf Hit lUctllenrif tlie (inventor, Miltrdgerillc, deorgia. It should Im malted immediately. If no mai^ passes to tlm s uit of Government within seven day* uflcr tlm election, n special messenger may Im cm* ployed lo carry it to MHIedgoville. The fleetbni return for ommlmrs of tlm l.egi«|i|. tore, nod “Uaiificniiini" or "No Ruiitirntinii," may l.o made out together, nnd directed to Hit Excellency the (invernnr, Milledgreille, (leorgin. Tlm following is tlie form of a consolidated elec tion returnIbr Governoit GEORGIA, ? Wo, the presiding Mu- County, (gistniie* un i Siqwiinten- dants of an election held nt the-Court House, and tho several precimu* (if then* bo precincts) in frIiI county, for Cover nor of the Stnloof Geoigin,d» certify tlmt yvelmvo compared, counted und udded together the votesgivonul said election, ns a*c-1* tnttietl fram the returns pradu* ed by tlm supeiinlen* dants lit tho tespective places of holding elections in s,ld county, from which it appear* tlmt Clmrlns Dougherty received votos, und tlmt ClmrlesJ. Mr.Doimhl received votes iis will iippcnr by rofereuce to said returns Imrewiih triinsmitt'd- The hImivo form may ho varied to suit the case. If■ lit* election is for Seim or, Members of ilm le gislature, and Riitilinulion or No llatilicatioa, let it Imj so stated in the proper place. Tlm election re turns should Im signed hy ill least one oftho super- inlcndanls from each place of holding elections in tlie county. If it Justice u.- Freeholder, lot it lie so stated. A Rank in Kttrrr —A London paper stntr** that Sir Mini** Mo .telioie is at presont in Egypt, where helm* otferetl to established a Uauk, wldi a capital •fa million sterling, If the l'acim will relieve thu Jews in his dominions w.mi tlmlll«iibiliiie« nml |H*r- '•Ml ion* which they nt pra«.*ht sufler. Sir Moses •nt lit his lirst nil lienee of tlie Viceroy in his ex- olllcial'eostimio as sheiilVof London, Qy l’rofe*«nr Esrtr j« in nnltimoee. Ileexpinfo- ml the principles on which his limoy i-founded lo a large company of go .tlomen nt ilio American Ac- endetny of Fine Arts, on Wctlunsthiy evening. THE CASE OF THE A Ml.STAG'S CREW DECIDED. Tlm New York Jimriml of Commeree, Sitonlny 2. p. m. hnsihu followiou postscr'qet We !enrn that n mentlmrof tho Grind .liny ar rived in lid* iby this morning in tlm steamboat front Hartford, nnd stales tbit .lodge Thompson decidod.lhat in view ofllm fuels presented hy them, Ike courts of this country lust no jurisdiction in the case, and that the I rail tori ion inis to ns the same as if taking place in lliva a. Coiisoquent- lytlm Grand Joey blin d im liill nguiust tlm Fram the Const it uiinnalis' Extra. AUGUSTA HOARD OF HEALTH. Monday, Sept. 23—12 M The Hoard report thn deaths of two persons in tho city, non adult mid mm infant in the rniimry, from fever; und one negro woman in town from-hid nge. Tuonliy, Sept. 24—12 M. The llimrd reports tlireu deaths in the city mid two in the country from fover, onn from npoplexy nnd ono negro mail of iulliimniHthiii of the bowels, daring ths last twenty-four hours. A. GUMMING, Mayor. S. M. Thompson, Secremry. II KAf.Tlt nr Auiiuata.—We received no effiein) r pori of tlm nnnilmr of denili-, Inil learn from letters tlmt llicic wen* 7 death- for the 24 hours, inline nl 12 0'1-lock on Sunday. Amoie' them, we l ave th« ninii“ u Daniel S. It man and Will. Uuinidlice.— t. har Courier, 24//t. NEW ORLEANS.Sept. 19. ClIAItITT I Iospitai.—Admitted vestei-iluy 10; fever 5; died 3. Into meiils nt the llnyoti Cemetery, yesterday, 17; fram llie llosiiitnl As Yellow Fever II. At tlie Cntlinlic Cemetery, !t; of Yellow Feve At the Protestant Cemetery, 1; of Yellow Fever. Thn Norfolk lleaeon of th» 01st My# I—" We |iervelvtj tlmt tlm storm which tmgodsn extensively on tlm Atlantic roast ulNitit the latter part of August, made its appearance at Nassau, New I’rmrldoner, Wednesday, tho day ix fnrv it appeared at Norfolk. llllstkimilNirnlos tlm ilnnay of |)r, Fr.inklin and .StdbMiir Espy. Tlm NassautRmmrrdoes not re* present the wind to have Uvn strmig, hut tlie sky wnsoverrnst.aiMl allilmpr»gniwlk‘auf a storm were et hand." Nat At..—The I'ensncola Gazetto of ihe 7thin«l. ray-:—"The French Corvette,MnWc and brig of war Illinois sidled yeslerdiiy. The forinerfor Vein Crux nnd ilm Inner on a cruize or four oi five weeks, at tho end of which time she is to return here." CoMMonnRR PoHTKlt.—A letter from Commo ■lore Poiter M n friend in CImsier, (Pu.) puldislied in the Upland Union, nnnoiiuces hi* safe urrivul nt Smyrna. Tlm letter st itos th it tlm Archipolngo Is still swurntiug with pint os, which "require the convoy of tho light cruizer* nl Englutid, Franco mid Austr.a, to protect tlm com mercc of their ras|mc. live ||ig«, which, ns occasions occur, is willingly nxtoiid. d to one uiiotlioi." LEGISLATURE—U. S. SENATOR. Ilnnoiahle II. J. Wallo r Is tho Republican ran, dklato for tlie PoIihI Stain Semin. HimmwMn S.K. I rentl*., a it he ramlklsto ut thn Fedetallsta, ha* taken thn (k id n|almt him. The elerlhm will Jake plaon at ilm next meeting Isgltlstme,— I he ftillowhig from tlm Fire Tradei is an enr.mst ofllm spit)with wit! hthe Repuhllran press olthn t .Ool* entering the contratrisial Ibis ol the con- vas.t " The Natchez Daily Courier of Fr'day Inst, "I « 8. I'n’iir.iliailMWiB « .'.I lo Ipo, on.. mol Ilia. In nt'rl...Hi.1... 1-a 00. ol' ilm Whig. ..r Mlnlulpi'l. w llm. ■>». iknwl.l t r roh it fur ... mrmhrr, lo It r .. '•'t -'Hii' -lo ovhIJmil olvr hi, rtilr lo mt".'?*' iflli|fl»'llml..uo,»V..(ll,AI)l,V ANII I'lluUIII.V IIKBI'ONll'IUIT. I.y .lector ing ilini the sine tjua nim of lb nmcniey in tlm State ol Mississippi requires that every true Demo, ml shool.l vote for R. J. WALKER ns United States hutrnni his Kiqirarantniivn so to do. I « THE DEMOCRACY OF MISSISSIPPI MILL DOt We netsl no pronqniugs in our duly froel thn •• plehald, *|H>ckled \\ big phiiy" in j lion lo it. hi tint ste.'ii nml lolly schoolf .,»■ KiqiuhiieiHi principle i, wo nre ready to do the Jr* V) ding ut prineipl q und nswo.Vtvo llm evidence i'Jj< ROI1ERT J. WALKER has ,..t only douo A .‘a dnly and Imnurad the St-ito of ids adoption, I.y his wso,»ahrnry nn.l s-Htcsmanlike 1 coiiisc in Cougiess, wu slmll S'Mnin him us SEN- AlOROF THE SPATE OF MISSISSIPPI— I'm* only represen ive four proud Sale in tlm .Seunto w hom wo nve piuveil, and In wrhnm we •mve unshaken confide c. It I* n matter of con- grntulillioii ilmt Hi.- pit . l0 life Hun. Rolmrl 7 Wnlkur is su *h, that llm Minis vnofthe do,p i, tboso or pun* niornl* mul Irreprauchtible fve*. can '* ,p ' r «"i.inges with a elmr conscience.— l Ins they could not do to n gambler nnd a mail of 1 ■•'ft hut# life; this tliov cml,I it <ln ton profane person sir one iid.licled to tlmi„ v shin of iIm e * •• eied Imriiers which ' -e reiir* nroinnl the do m'stic id —w li'cli p'velal ion «nn,*'i n<.n* d «**t*ivti I leaven approve*. We go with tho great Demo my for ROBERT .1. WALKER." llm FroeTruler s.iystlie lute* for the l,,'gi-|.iiiir<* mo busily engnyed in ill * field, and th ir triumph* nre up *er few nor smiill. A t'ormspiunlriit ofthoMis-issippinn,writing fram Holly Springs,.cl ?i nn interesting Icttoi as fol low.; " Plio prapecl Is 'bright nnd lirightening' nl. nround net every rtny bring* Irosh inielligi-nen ol the ouwiinl mmch of DemncuiMn principles in thl* and tho a.ljoinhig nonnlles. Y ui may rest fu |y assured tlmt ilm news of the November election will he,N .rth Mississippi pramuts an iiuhrokeii I),*. mocratlc front."—Natehez Free Trader. The Charleston Mercuiy of Tuesday says:— Stopping is iho order oftho day overy where. Sev* ar il Slates have stopped nil their public works, nml we hear from Adinvillo tlmt tho stoekhohlcri there met, have voted to stop llm ill Coluinhiii. This is gn,nl high ground, nnd if there is dnngcr of getting into quagmire* hy going further, they have certainly dono wisely to liiiul up, There is nnu con solution—thu " routes" wi|l remnic, nnd whenever wo get out of Inreiness, or owrniii with inmiey, can go nt it iignin. Hot really when the Getirgin rand is finished, it is probable wo shall see very Hi de nerd oftho other. What tlie U|v-coiititry wauls now, is u system „f w«dl built wngoo ro ids from every important (Kiint to Columlda. Outlie !3lh Inst., then* were only two interments in Nutchyz—one of u child nml ono from tho bus- pit til. Arconlingtolhe Courier of tho Ifidi, for the two previous days, thorn was only one dentil by yellow fever—hut nil fever cases, both nt tho lauding and llm hill, mine d yellow fuvnr symptoms.—Louisi ana Advertiser. SAVANNAH—IMPROVEMENTS. No. I. We love to riso curly mi l " sniifi* the morning air." A morning stroll along South limnd street, Into West, just us the orb of d y rises to shed his golden rays over tho enrth, when few ure stirring ^about, is most refreshing nml healthful. A peep ut tho Rnilreud Depot, before tlm numbers employed there have commenced their daily labor.,, is to us always instructive. We cumin help rcllcctiii;' on tho past, ns we seo the stores uud wurehouse*—tho fplendid passenger curs—tlie loss ornamental cars for freight—and all tlm |*nmplirrimliii of tho train. |n their proper places—wo cannot, wo repeal, hut fecnlloct that three years ago, this was almost a barren spot. What is it now ? Tho commence ment of a stiqicndous work, which, we muy safely prophesy, wifi yet connect Georgia with tho Valley of tho Mississippi. Ye.-—tho iron hands of a vast chain of Kailrouds wifi, nt no distant day, Im Ini I down throughout th • mighty West, which will roll ulong tho product of that fertile rag on, to our At lantic shore. Tin) Central Railroad of Georgia will Im the main trunk from whence tlieso branches will spring to en- ^ rich tho people of tlm South, and South Western Slates, u’.d consequently to humintiizu and draw closer together tlm Imiii.L th it connect us us one people. Piac *s ihw far <li .taut, will |w brought closo together—and tho li il.iis mid manners of the people of various States will ht coino more ussinii* luted, by the frequency of intercourse with their fel low citizens from nil sections of the country. We have hud many great and shining spirits in our political horizon, since we became u nation — Tho men, Itowovcr, in llm various Stab's, who have connected themselves with vusl work* of iutermil Improvement, have secured a more enduring fume, than nil tho power# of eloquence of tho most brilli ant order could bestow, J.iim Ranuolni. fm in stance, hn> often ina.lo iho Hull* of Cmigrc* wiilt his thrilling oratory-hi* hitur invective— from their duty lo their uiil'vu or lliejr chosen home. Should our people not relax in their exertions, we confidently hope cue long to sec our city nil im portmit mart for the sale oi foreign produce, which will hu imported in ships of Savannah hoitmn, and direct from Eiiro|H*. This is nil wo want to crown our prosperity. No port ill tho South is better ndapted I'm importations than our own. The largest vessel used for commercial purposes in till* quarter of the globe, can cross our bar u <1 find ■■ safe harbour. Our river i» miiiiiully crowded with foreign mil, which come to hear nway • ur great staple to an English or o her European market. What, then, is to prevent us from receiving in re turn the woollens, tho silks, nnd the luxurious fruits of tho earth from the markets of England nml Franco? Nothing. Savannah bus become what she is, hy individual enterprise iilone—nod tin* siime enterprise pnqieriy applied, cun nmku her even greater than ln-r fondest and most cnthu-ia-iic advocate has ever dreamt of. THE A HO L IT ION ISTS —T H E "WHIGS.” From the fo lew ing, it will he seen thut the Alndi- timiists have made u line political cup'tul of tin- windfall of the s : nvo schooner Amistad. Wn lire convinced the (imerniiieiit will act us justice—stern, unwavering justice shall dictate—maugre tin* fatui ties. What the “ Whig*" will do, icniaiu* to he seen: — HIT The Ahnliiimiut* count upon 30,000 voles in the Stale of New Yoik. If the whig* oppose the lih.'ratioi| of ill" captured Africans in New Haven, these voti** will go fm llm loeoliit'os; if the govern- ineiii ih;aver them up to tho Siianish nulhorilies, iIn* whig* will get the votes. Tlm Abolition society Imre is preparing to ucl uu tlmra view*.—.V. 1'ori llerald. Oxatii nr k Mf.nnr.R nr Cunorms.—Thn Mi\ souri Argu», announces tlie d>*nMi o.i thu7th ofSep- temlirrof Albert G, IUrmoa, member of Congirr* fram ;hat State. V /Ok MUIIII.K, Sq.l. 20. We hnve no tnnro fnvornhlo iiccoimt* to give of the lieidih of the city Thu mortality is still flight- fid. hi pr portion in the poptihitiim of the city nnd ougli our liihlcs show u singular fiiictiintioii* from •' iy to 'ey in the nmndcr of iulemieot*. there is, we fear, no reilsfill to hope ilini the disease is miti gated in vuilenre, nr lessened in extent The mini- tier uf dei'ths since our lust publication, in which r tiihle wiis niiide up to Weilir day night till' 11 ill iiisamt, lip to W«*dner. y ni*:hl III' tins v rek, is 9(1, nml I'm total f interments since the 1st to the 1 tit li inr.' isive'27 I. Amo tlieni nre snnin of our most popular nnd estiinut'lo citizens, nml we tray ndd, thut of tliose who still survive, very ninny Ir vo hid nl’ecks. inure or less severe, oftho com mon enemy—,vhi h is uiieiuiiviH.'iil yellow fever Tho propor ion of deaths to cases, is niiirli less tl* li would lie *uppos**d from tlie great mortality 5 Inn tlie nom' r of t sick is veiy large, nnd where s.-ilful medical treiiiniftit. uud giHnl tnir.iiig een he hnd, tho disc.i o is coin, only arrest boo i the ivlnrn of s'-eugih is exe edingiy slow. Several phy 'eiuns ,'roin oilier p' ee hnve, wi'h u Inghly e.vditnhlo spirit n. d phi'nichmiiy, romo mu**ng ns, lo nid iis with ' V pi* ess'oinil skill, hilt the uiiin- her Vck is st' I grenl y loo mueli r nr nil I* e rredl- cal rco in town—and among thu punivr cImsfcs, ' c deficieuey is very grout. Skill uud hunurihy mid privntu rhnrily do nil that thn physiriul powers of mu* riiizcns willnUmv; Imt thut fu'is. we feur, very fur short of contrilnitiug to the positive iiece»- sill. i oftho stilTeriog poor. Wo nro honed to ndd, that there enn lie mulling nl'eg.’d, iis promoting disease, in tlie condition of llm c : ty. It hns been in rxeellent order, generally, and is as elean and pure ns nny city of its sire in nny purl of tho • nin.i,*. The eilv nuthorities d-* servo credit for lie. .hrming this portion oft heir duly llioiinighly und 'udo-tiion-ly. Tim daily iu'crmciit* in tho. City Grave Yard, since our last, nre ns follows Tlinrsdny 12th hist. 10 Friday 10th. 17 Sniiinlav 14th, 11 Sunday 15th. 9 Moiuhiv Ifitii, 20 Tiiewhiy 17th, 1) Wedncsdiiy loth. 15 Total, 90 TALL VIIASShK, Sept. in. "On tlm Dili in*!., between Fort Fnnning uud .leu- liings, thn lndiuns m lacked a wagon uud escort; killevi one man and wounded ilinn*, (one it is sup. posed tnorinlly). One missing: four mule* nml mm liorso killed. Tho wagon wns burnt. On the 11 ill nothing had been heard of the missing inun.— Scout* from Foil Funning und Jennings nre out in every direction, but tho Indians liuvo not yet been found."—Stai. Fram the (leorgia Jan in '/.21/A imt. STATE Hi in I is Lkttkr rno» JoKi.Ciuwrauo. Esq.—We hnve i pi.liiely luil.l-h* il w nil the Copy ol a teller froiu this geiiiietniiu, hv ilm Governor, well pei mission to iieiko iis content- known to mu r nder*. We p <* • fish il liclmv. No coni'iien*, nt this lime, will he made I.y us. A-t*r iho election, we slmll take tlm liberty of culling the iiit-iiiiou ofour rcudcis to the financial ol’ tho country. [enrr.] LIVKKl'tlUL, Aug. O h. IB 59. D/.AR Silt:—I nmody wailing fill n pa»-n.*elo tho U. States, uud may by tbu Gurrup which suiL on thu, renrli Gei.rgin, n* smui as this lettrr comes io hand, via Savm null. A sale of unv Arne iie..iu Stocks, hi this kingdom, without a ruinous sn entice, is ju*t now impos* uIm. Tlm II ink of Eng- land is discounting the •*• * (hiper, on -liort time, lit 0 percent, and hut fora lativy hem taken leceml; from llw B ilik of France, must Imlorr llii-day.have snspcinled «|Nicie paymeni. Rrokeis luvu phtniy business ut 9 |mr cent. We must rely on mir own resour e* fir money, foreign loan* being out of tlm ques'i.m. t Very je-ps^ tfully. Youi most oh'*. Gto. R. (iiijffcH. ’ J. UtAWi OilD. UOMIUEIICIAL. LATKST OATHS t'ltllSI LtVKItfOOb.,.. IsATKSr DATK.1 rttO.4 IIaVRK. ........ I.ATKsr OATKs rami Havana , ...Hkc.U . Skit, l . .Hupt.lfl SAVANNAH MARKET, S qtt. 27. COTTON—At rived since the 20di instant, 024 hides Upland, and denied at the same Mine 403 Indus, viz: to Now York 3II0, riiiluilotphin 42, halv ing n stock nn hand inclusive of nil on shlpho ml not lenredon the 27th lust, of I223 hulas Upland, and I III tale* Son Isl iml. Since our Inst report, ilicre ha* Imen more enquiry for cotton, und tho sales amount lo 501 hales, in rally new crop, nt the fol lowing price# : I4 nt l()j,l9 ut 11), 3* nt 111. I2 11 j). 17 nt 12) 109 nt 12, Oat 124, 135 nt 124, 50 nt I2], 01 ut I2L 25 at I2i. Thn receipts have Imen (124 hales, nnurly nil per Rnil Ruud. We do innsnmuch lino cotton n« u-iinl ntnnng the curly receipts, and in faclnonesiiM this week ivu< In-H that grad-. Thepiirelins"* so fir, np|H"ir to Im for the northern innrkctjl, nnd Mirra rentn* 10 ho n uiego iiigahmiul a* yet. Tint iii'eounts per thu llritTsh (jueen hnvo cnecked some !i<tledisposition tond. v oice prices. In general business, considerable i* doiiia in n retail way. RICE—Tliern Is tint much doing It; this nrtlelo. Tho principal side* nre for home consumption, nt 91|u44; 11 lot ol 43 tictcc* old sold at 3}. Wo qnoto ?IM4- FLOUR—Small talcs of Baltimore nt $7J; Cunal nt 8.4. CORN—A smnll cargo of 3000 bushels, n supe rior nrtic e,nt 95c; retail* nt USulllO, GROCERIES—In coffin*, sugar und mola»scs, a giMNl retail business doing at former rntos. HAY—SiW* of 701) butuUos from l)5al00c. BACON—Sulo* nf 00011 am* nt 12|:il5 { 10,000 lbs Shoulders nnd Sides nt On 11 SPIRITS—In domestic liquors small sates of Whiskey nt 42a44c; Gin nt 4lluli0. BAGGING—Sales of 100 pieces nt 21 cts. EXCHANGE—On Knghiud nominal 5 drafts on New York at sight 5 percent prom. FREIGHTS—To Liverpool dull at Ad; to New York 00 cents per hide. . id c 7* •*** * ,h# •»*** lo S3M0 k»l^, I ft fit) American on ajtrmlctk end 2500 American, 300 Pornam, 140 AUnhlnim, ■ml 1000 Surat Tor rapiti. l(K)Ugi Hen Islam) ■ml 500 Stained are anmmncctl ft*r auction on Fri day next. Halo*, .110 Sen Islnml, llhaOdl 4DStain- fd do. UJal4| 0(l4t| I’plu.d, IlinHA; 21 (HI Mobile, &c. U4nU|t 5710 Non Urlran*, G|all|. Tho busl* rn*#* fit dav nnioiiiita to 30**0 bales, afl to the Irmle, •xerpt 200 American forexport, nml rott»i*la of400 Urnrils nt Ud 1010|d, nml tint tvttialmler American. Tlmre I* no change in price*, llmugli tlie murkvt is dud. LIVERPOOL, Sent 2 Com—Tin* business in wlnmt consisted chiefiv t»f tho sales to our local millers nnd denier*; mnl tm-#e having ptnvhoml only for llielr immedlnte w imts, .mill Ihi tier* n* hnve Imn-m desirou* to sell have had to submit to n reduction in prlre of Ud to 4d p 1 70 lb. Flour must also bo noted la ner«ark Choi|tor. IU?I. ft r.»J tviftfr. fcr. u * hSL)> I'nesdav, Wednrmlav, Tlm reday, Friday, 72 70 74 70 7ft 70 70' no no 82 00 00 01 05 » n j tr en 1 1 .... ■:* r :. a. tv. 0. Wi 0. Ki a. a. t. ■rSTKMKNT tir Till! tVsifi ilKil, -ftrUtynknlUf, l'iUo,,n,,o -jr. \ ^Urnr). 1 SA VANN AH EXPORTS, SEPT. 27. BOSTON—Brig Cumbrian—40,057 foot Lum ber, 91) liide*,233 Skins,42 puckngisSundries. NEW YORK— Brig Wil-on Fiill-r—147 bales Cutton, lOcu-k* Hire,50 colds Whim). 1*111L A D K L I* II l A—Scltr Imlejioiidenco— *42 hid* s Cott-in, 7 cords WiiikI. NEW YORK—Brig Suvnnnnh—210 bulcs Cot ton, 12 puckii-te*. BA LT1 MOUE—Brig Oglcthorpo-KiO casks Ilice. Tho Cluirlcsfun Southern Patriot of the 23d ptihli-hi‘A the following:— IMPORTANT FROM AS1IVILLE. Extract of 11 loiter received in this city, datml " ASH VI LI,E, Sept. 19, 1839. "I have jii-t returned from iho Convention, which, lifter 4 dny* sitting and invcMiculiou of nmuniis, X*n. luive resolved to sns|ietid nil works linynnd Co lumbia until tin- road to that 1 .lin e is lirst made, nnd likewise hnvo adopted 11 re.olnti. n, tlpit the Slates united in the pmjeet he uppeuled to uud iui'irin- ed tlmt t e nnnl must stop nt Colmnliin, unless they mine to our ussistniice. Now y-m nnd every body else knows thin thu nid of those Slii'e* will not ho granted, and therel'oru tho road stupi utColuni- hiu. "Thu Teiiiii*)#cnnns nro resolved lo make nn ef fort to unite with us hy way of thu l!iwn«scc Rood, and at 1111 ui\jniinicd meet ing of M10 Stockholders to he hold nl. Coliimiiht on tho *lth iif Oocemiier, will send dclcyut ■* to concert iqbi’sltrys. The deiiates in Convent'iin w-tw exciting.oiii(.wwn ngrimnninns. However tliu cun vent i n broke, up lii.hunnoiiy uud our object hnve Inh-ii fully nttuimNl." CHARLESTON, Sept. SO. A letter to tho Ed ilm* from Marion, Court .House, S. C., dated 24ili last, any*: "Tlm.long nml atill prevailing dio rjit in the IVeiloocoililtrv, has blight ed llm prosper** of 1 he firmer* to nn extent uu- pnielellod III tlie last lliiiteen years. The Ciittun Crop ha- e • nod to mature, mul is now nearly fully brown—.'min.: iou* farmer* w|9 so-n hnvudomplet- ed their Inrvest. Lute rum. pm* uud potatoes urc almost entirely blurted."—Courier. Mad Dog—A rabid dog wns killed yesterday, nt ••* corner of Wndii.igton und Uounilury streets, but nut until n .or In- I1111I bitten n negro worntu. mul snvorul dogs. A umlier oftho dogs bitten wore ‘niniudiutely kill- il —Did. THE NEWS FROM ENGLAND. Shadows ugnbi—d.mills—nil thing* the dingy mud color of soufusion—sales of Cotton lurgu •nniigli.liiit tl 0 price nut very suiisfnciry—the grain T-jp m Eiiglnml good, nnd In gennml seeureii, hut fid'nwcdby lili'e oftho relief tlmt wiissocoiiti.loiilly predicted from such nn event—tin? Bank of Eng- iind studying out new pr ssincs, nml lies tiniode- lermli d to pill the serewAwlipie they will lie fell hy e country hunks, tho mnnufiicjiirrrs uliil cotton —g still n drsidttalum, 11# tlie logicians ray,nnd iho Kmpern. of Room much blamed for Ids specie pro • lilies—Mrhemct All s-'lling Cotton largely to pay '« nrmy. so tlmt tho " nll'nirs of thu East" are melhina'io ns thl* lime— iho Hunk of England 10 cosed of subscribing h .If n million veiling of Ex- do*?* er Rill* which sir* had not, to the Chnnrcllor'a n> w debt, nnd then making it g-md -o onwhnt ut ter thn mnnsorof thn U. 8. Bank, by selling the said half million at ndisciunt to pay fur il, itufiing tho market n-d mnking holders i-mk blue—pro- parnliniis on n large rcu'o for another defeut hy Turkey, tho Viceroy of Egypt si oi'Silnnte n* n mule, nnd the representative* of the" fivopowor*" terribly pnzzVd nt huving inn foul of of net unco in their liv« s—nimois i f -uicesses of the Anglo- Indian nrniv, heleived !»y Mm e who wl.h it #0; de feat# and-victories, ndvai co* and rrlnats, muidei* •mil mnnifi’stoos 11* thick n.« c*cr in Sp-iju—the French sneering ut Q110111 Viclorin’s pro*Ci»lllcuii couriosii-s nenis- tin* Channel, np-l tli" English limk- ing grim iii return—Such i* the Milistonco of the news liy the ln-t mrivbl;exc- llont 'Vo"I for specula- -ion, Imt fin nmitei of nil Me* light h- il.liwlo Imitei than sornucb ini|-orteil ihirkin si.— Charleston Mcr- cur H- FUNERAL OF MATTHEW CAREY “ Tlie fin.ernl of the venornMe Mattiikw Caiiky took (dace nn Thii-sduy iifieriiimu. Wo do nm remember to have seen Itoforu in I'hilndolphin, so many |w«r*..n* intend 11 funeral. Not only wn* the procession of nn unparalleled length, Ion ibr sirc--is, !V.,in Eleventh to Finr'b street, were rr-wdeil with persn :■ of both sexes nnd all nge#, whose serluii# il. porim. nt gave testimony of 1I10 iiiffb respect in whirli tliev I eld -he niomorv -if ilm good man whose ie# were then in Im celolirnt**H. Severn! of the *o-*l* I-*# of which M r . Carey hnd Imen n member walked in profession. Tlm ".\**ie I'hrtion of the Friend* of IrelmV," the mil tnry e-impiinv.-he Monigoioery 11 ilM-rniu Greens, tin* T p giuphienl A'SN'ia'n i, nnd oilier sncieih s. St. Mary’s Church wn* crowded wiMi (wople, nm t of wlmm had 'Miefed before iK* procession nriivml. Tlie inner il service wi» jv f* m *d hy ilie R**v. Dr. Burroo. who gave n sliort dre-« upon lie** per*-n»*d and nn exleot-uion 10 the Mielieneu tn Imreedv *-r the clringeMint hid cone upmi him whose fuuerid they were nt tending. The body wn# pined in tins family vault in the church yard, Oce.nioo* will pn*s. iit them-clvr* f.,r n*fi-n*nre to the virtues of Mr. Carry, nnd tin* bright exnmp •» m h-eh Ids life presont* of limioraliia curuluci, firm rricinLhip.uii I en -rtedtom* v leiiee. Tloai .11 ud* foil, wed Mr. Ctircy 10 tlm grave with grief for his los«, mimI reverence for bis worib; Imi more mourned, in unobtrusive silence, Me-ir friend i|\|Kiriefuctor.—V. tfi. (hurtle. y» , Boston pipers iiniiouoen the d«*atli of tliX Inr/s-Hi Gray Otis. Mr. Oti* wn* one of llm accomplimed mind* ever reared in New Eng land. With ntniiiquil grace In* hnd worn to extreme old nge, that well merited lion <r and general rei|Mo*t w hich were the fruit* of fine t-dents well used. The denth of su-h n mvn in *u*h eircumitnacc* is like t #tir extent during this week, but b»*h"«n very free. the quiet fading ut slut) lu:u a serene sky.—CAaA^ 'ly supplied by holders ol Amrrienn, xnd the murkot ^ LIVERPOOL. Aug. 3t. Tlm s de* of this week nro ■Imut 04,090 I.nice* imp irt l7,0iH),ex,*ort poraliaseraukout 4,000Ini*, this week, uinl s|N-ciilniois havolnken 1,500 Intles ol Amuricuii. The tit irket close* dull nl ( I decline, except in tlm finer qualities of Uplands nn.l Orleans. Money matter* nre smlly nut of joint still, ami the account* from Loudon nti Mint subject cant hum* to In- very g u nny. The Bank i»r Enulm d is reMrli t- ing It 1 Mi it •lints and keep ng nti exceedingly tigh bund over Its Issues, determined if possible, m briug dow n i:,e pi Ices iil'productr nnd mercl>nmfise geuerl u ly, so ns to creme n liirtln rcs|mrt diimatnl fiir all 111 ticies huiiublu 111 thocoritinontliil trade, and #0 to bring the Exchange ton more favorable rate, which ■II tho ell’iirtsof tho Bank hitherto, hnvo failed to do, ns gold is still much dearer huthlii Humhurgund I'utl*, limn it is nt thu London mint price. In con. sequence of the precarious statu ofihe weather, tlm' on me wlndo i; lias been fnviirablo to tin, harvest *0 liir. it induced ninny tonnticiputu higher prices for grain, nml many heavy 01 dots wore therefore sunt f-ir purelmse* *»f various kinds. Those ihe Bank n -lur.tlly set** murt bo paid fur, and tlmt in giil'liii.d sliver, 11 ul m.ut likely, however good the harvest may prove—nml It is supposed that those piymoiitg will uhsoibumi neuir ilitenll the gnml ef li-rts ofihelnte nrrnngomeut between thn Unuk of England nnd tho Bank uf Fiance. Aug. 30.—Tlm husiness uf oureutton market thl- week hns been 1 ** romdih-nihlo ll an tlint of last Dunlers and spinner*, however, continue to give proof of willingness to augment their stocks nt th - s'urivm rates; influenced, we believe, by the gradual increase whirinlie consumption |,n* boon untlorgn- ing nl' lute, and Is still likely lo undergo, though It is duel ireil tlint the snV* of neither yarn nor goinl# euu yet In- madn in general nt mnunerating prices. But it serin* Mint, daring the Inst ftirtnight, ynrn hns been in great request, nnd sold largely; ’thus affording spinners a tunninnnd uf money which usu ally lend* to extended up rations, w hen they pmmiso nny advantage, nnd ndv utngo will bo reaped, if it Im- I, s* uri|irnli:iibt'- tu spin full than short time, a* we mo told is nt present mostly tho ense. The hope, ton, of 11 good uinl oliuuil ml corn hai vest ap pear* tognin strength, and should tills be renlized tlm hnine trade in roiton fat-r es will doubtless Im essentially bonefittud. Ilmsaver, it it conceived that Cotton is hold over v eightily to admit or its enhancement at ntlme w* enthc pressu e Tor money is unexampled,und them; ouniabsorbed In tho ur- uele unequalled in any funner year. Throe weeks ago, our stock was oven 52,705 hags m ire than it is now. In tho meanwhile our hnpmt h is been very light, nnd the delivery pretty consid erable. For# vcntl month# hence, wo muy, indeed fairly rockqn 011 the outgoings to so far excerd tho arrival* as vn# |y to nl ev'ntc our pecunlnrv cirrurn- *lnncn«. Sou e last Friday, prices hnve altered hut little—short «tanted American description* liuvndo- eline 1 in va'ue nlioir 11 per Ih whilst most other de scriptions, with w h<cit we me only scantily supplied have risen m lo.v*i n* much. Tho pm chases of speeu- Blurs Itovo been few and nit igethur unimportant, consisting of 15U0 hugs of A moijeun. But export ers liuvo kept up ntt tinivis'tig inquiry, nnd have bought2500 A norlnmi, 300 I'vrnamhuco, 150 Ain- nuilrini. nnd 10 ifiSirnt. Upland, (Jr|a ms, nnd Al ihnma have gone off ra ther ht’gely,hut principally nt imo* |d per Ih Irelnw our formerquiilniiiini.esiiei l illy in ilia latter part eftliis vvi ek. 8--n Islnml hn* I cen lo request, and hn* hnd snmn tendency to advance. Hraxlhsurts hnve n Is-been in good ih-maid, and hnve ri«en |d to h4<I peril). Tliflsit'me may Im said of Egyptian. 8u- •i t as li an ofmndv sale nnd firm in | r ou. From tho24th to the 3lhh in*tnnt, inclusive, the sides altogether nre eompiri.i ni33 810 hags, vixl 310 Ren Island nt IDd to2s, 40 ttahied 0|:il4d,0,< (141) Upland Oinfild, 15,710 Orlennsnt (if * “ 11)0 Ai ilmmnnttd Mohila nt 04»Ui t 1.4L buooMt Uj ilOAd; 480 Uahi'i.nnd Matielu atUiuOftiL 1.401) MHinnhnm n4>i0jd. 30 l)emrrnmG4nl0d,l30 I’eriivian UjaHj-l, 330 iMXfi w at 84tOAd, 450 Cm- thagennat 0jn(l4d, 700 Egyptian 114'tMd ; 3,0(JC Sunn 4|u«|d—33,840. The import In the same time amount* to, ns stated Mow, 17,802 hag*. 100 hags of regular and 500 of sinimtl sea island have been announced forpuh- lie siilu next Friday. Our pres ul slock of cation amounts to 407,000 hag*, viz: 401.900 American, 0400 Brazil, 990(1 E* ■vpliun, 10,200 East India | and 7200 Dmtmmra, VVest Lillies, Ate. A yeur ago it amountod to 504,- 700 hugs, vis: 410 000 Amcrlean ; 38,000 Draxll; 81)90 Egyptian, 33,300 East India, and 7500 Demo- rare, West India, Ate. Prices of this day. Ordinary Fair to Good Good to'flnt Dmutlbil Ot-iHcr, fr..m Clmkl' ton—Mum K|i.h,Si.W.Ii»,C««7, Allun, I’M ...tnmboti InnbMi, Son. llluk Crkvl—lil, tioryfcttl l.'ly, MrCnmmun.Jr, and 3 omlprli- 1'ttr «t«nm p,,knl O n.rjl., (Vim^C»M' W.iiklui nml I..I,, IVr Strom I'.ck.l RHlUh Quora, Iml» Llrrr' >d. -rriml >l Now Y.wk.—Mnira K. Molnwan, It. Httlchln.offj w. C. O'DriMtdl. aim* nhw«, I'oiil* otniAVANNAH. 8Brf«ag5jn5r-’ ’.onni1«*,.i). Sim rl-c* Hun-nt • 5 57 High warm-.., .8 10 10 94 Ct.KAHBD, "*c"'"’ rhn ' u ‘»*on-—Wuldnini,Uwl. Brl ; Slivnntinli, JHubljord, Now York—C. D. Cm r, At Co. ( ' rig Ogleihnrpc,, Daltimora—8, Pb|L ri k At Co, n. Aff ttVK Ps™ m nrlc J I'n'mcr, Anliy, I'hiladriphiii. Nis-um* *t CinriniiHii, Smith, Hluck Creek* ... IniMt IvuiiIiih-, DnvlBlack Creek. Slew l (horjin, liollins, Cliarfi aitm. Htoiiiqhoi.t I*i..:dn, Nock, Blaak Cieek# S'® "tOaeitC'ol, Jewett, Bills, Charleston. ie*tin° m ,WCktl ' ‘ luror ^ Du ‘ric(i Slmjiin/n, Char* ^Drudge boat, Cupt. Mullen, 2 day* from Charlc*. „ SAILED, Hrlg 8av:.annl, HuMu-nl, New York. Brig Ogle** i.nia, Svm • Ms, Baltimore. Brig Wilson hi'ler, Thatcher, N. York. Schr Imlepeinleiiee, Wilson, I'tilfudelphh. THIS DAY’S MAIL.—12 M. 03“ Tho last numlmr of tho Spirit oflhh Timet I# accompanied by a portrait oftho celebrated Eng- ligh horso Lkviatiia.n, of Floronco, Ala, A letter from the Colombia, to the editors, of iho Charleston Courier, says:" Our river is lower than R hits been for the last slxty-fivo yean. Wn lii.v* h id no rain for near four weeks. The 1'ea, Potnti« and Turnip crop is almost ruined) (nml complaint Is ma le by tlie Cotton Planter,on atomnt pf th*» bolls being shed, wljch is said to make one-third * difl'uroiico In tlm crop.)' From ths Augusta ConslitnUanafist Extra. AUGUSTA HOARD OF HEALTH. Wednesday, Sept. 25—12 M. • , Tho board rqiort that but one death has *<ocurrad from fover,daring tho last twonty-fuur hoars. A negsn girl died on Saturday, in Columbia ertun* ty, having been removed from the city, but (lie As : i ' was not known until lo^Iay. , ; : V TnuRsnAr, Sept. 20—12 The Board report two dusth* hi nuyrt iind upd' in (Im country, ft out fever, during thn la*t , twekity., four hour*. . z The Board also report one death of a tvcihii gi eliild—one negro man fromnehrunlc complaint-r and one negro woman in ehlld*hed. • ! > A. GUMMING, Mayo*. 8. M.TitnxrsoK, Secretary. ■ [By tho Financier.] Extract of a letter received in Chnrhston, doted "MATANZAS, Sept. "Tho prospect for the coining crap of sugar never wns belter, and will probably Ihi both uhuiiduntaiid curly in market. Tliufiiviiraliliiieusi'n husuLopro- duced huge crops of corn, rirc and other ground prnvisimis—iho supply of which will m ilortnlly i l* feet thodonmn.l for tstri-lgn rice in tlie com set if n inaiith or two, nnd prices must go low wi-liymi, t make shipments oftho article with uni ti qiti of pr Correspondence of Ihe Commercial Advertiser. IIAVRK, Sept. I, 1830—1 1*. ,M. Thn week which II I* just rl'isud has hern elm.- aca'rised hy nil axtnioniinniy degroo of uctiviiy i-i our Cotton market—thu snlcs on Mniiduy, 20ih nit. having reached tho iinprecudent* d umount of 10,- 001) bale#, nml daring tlm rein iind r of iho week about an equal quantity wn* taken by this trade, making uu iiggregnte from thu 20lh lo tho 31st nit. of new ly 21,ilOO be ins, nt nil impnivemenl id 2n3 lamlinu's on iho ciirronry of the pr-vlou.* week.— I'rices are well supnorti'd, and holders evince eon- lidunce in tlm urtisri**, having hi various instances refused our g. ing rates. IIAVRK, Aug. 31. Cotton.-“Wo never had to record, in nny of our fiiriiiur reviews, triinsnctious in Giitluus, so extun- sive ns tliose whirli have taken place since our pre- ceding rcjiorl of the 23»l in-t; nor huvu wo ever seen, on lim other hand, so iiiimh business dune in tliis article with so little el)' ct on prices. From tlm 23d (Friday week) to (lie 27th (Tues day Inst), the stile* were 15,477 bill*’#, of which 15,259 United States, nnd nil ndvunce of 4 i2 cen times per 4 kilo in our rates for these deseriplions, wns only perceptible oil the lust mimed day. Since then, that is to say from ihu2'Jth to yesterday in* clu»ivo, our market hns hren coinpiinitively q’u el, lint thu -ulesof iliesn three days ciuopriso yet 2320 hides, all in U. S. Cottons, without change in prims. In uggnuntc, tlie sides of the hist eight days amount to 13,313 hales, enmdrtiiig uf 11,435 New tirh'iin*, lit fits Inf 117 5l): 1109 Mobile, nt f.9l) to r.l 12; 4972 Upland, ut f.9(l to f.lll ; nml 707 St. Domingo, ul I*.Util io f.105—thu wlnde duty- paid. Thu urrivil*. per c-mtru, nro 4832 hides, \U: 1181 U. S., und ti >1 other sorts. InijNiris in Aug 1339,9,375 b. of whirli 5,930 U. S. Briviuiisl, this year, 195,51)8 175,021 HAVRE, Aug. 24. Cotton—Out cotton prices during the last l iglr- ■lays h ive not undergone any viiriiilion; ill tho Ihi ginning of llm week business was rather languid in the ni tide, hut townrds its closi* mure activity wns pcrci'ptuhle, particularly u* bolder* (hough firm, mode mi difficulty in selling ut the current prices of tho day. IIAVRK. A«g. 20. There wax to-day a great stir in our cotton mar ket, und 81)18 liale* lor the most pail from llm U. vRtntes. uud of inferior nml ordinary quality found buyer* ut an advance of I to 2 cu per j kills*. LIVERPOOL, Sept. Cotton.—The demand for Comm Im* been to a close* heavily at a decline uf |d per lb from U»t to Mid. Fair, d. d. 19 a 22 0 it 0 plund * Ola 01 Irlenus (ila Cl lolil|e oju 61 'enn. nod Ala. 0 n 04 Vrnamlmco 9]n 9$ Jalil’i Ac Mncolo— a 0$ dnrunhnm Bja I) Fair, d. ' d. 21 a 20 10 a 12 L, Fine, d. d. 28 a 30 14 a 15 8 a 8! 8Au !).j Ola 0 •»)» i S iftn 7 la 10 lO^a 11 i »4a 0| - n - )|a 9] 0|a 10 Sen Ts'nnd Siuinml Upland Ortcmis Molil|n Tenn, IVrimmbiicu Ualil’i At Mncolo— n Maranhnm ttju l* lira — n IVrovian — n Ih-mc. At Rerldce 8 n Dm limbic* — n Cnininuii \V. I. 0] i 7, Lagnlrn • fl|« 7, Carthiigpiia — a Egyptian II n 11, Uniirlion — n — Surat 4f<i 5 lillllglll Iinjmrl from the 24/A to the 30/A ins vs. 01a 10 10|a Hi t»T “ 0j none — a — 8]* 8$ — n — lUn 10 10. - 71a 8 8 7ja 0 0, 7 ja 8 8. ii 0 n 0| 0; n I a 12 I a — Vessels. .3 from Charleston, 4 Now York, 4 New Orleans, 1 St.JuscpIi, Puerto Cain llo, Suvnnidu, Trinidad, Mnrc-ilh'S, Trieste, UNION TICKET—MclNTOSH COUNTY. Far flnrrrnar, j. McDonald. For the Senate, Cqi. n. j. McDonald. For Rrprfsrntatirrs, C..I D. M. STEWART. Cupt. C. I. W. THORPE. PEOPLE’S TICKET— MrINTOSIICJ'JNTY. Far Senator. Col. C. H. HOPKINS. Far Representatives, A. LEFILS. C. O'NEAL. NrrrR.—Wo ropy the above tickets from tin- Me lnto«h county paper. MARRIED, In \ueusta, nn llm (Oils Inst., hv tlm Rev. Mr Cunninrham. Dr. RENNET HARRIS, u Miss REBEKA BAI.DY, all ofthiitcliv. In Wrichlslmro. outlie Hills instnut. hy tlm Rev, W. P. Arnold, Mr JOHN II. BEALL, of Co himlda comity, in Mi«s MARTHA A. MK8SKN G A LE, of tlm hunter place. From the Augusta Constitutionalist, 28/A init. ■ HEALTH OF AUGUSTA. Tho weather Hill continues unfayupihle to tho health of our rhy. We heve been a long lima' without ruin, nnd nt present thorn is very l ltkprOc- K Tho river conUnuos low—|n fnct lower that) te remctiibrau *e T uf. uuriddjpst inUub^qvi^ Drays truverso it without any nnngoi 1 , tlm waMrhot goln ? over t>(b hobs of the wheels, untilxiikio.twtf’ or three yards of the Hamburg shore. . As regards die .sickness, :r report of yestenbre‘ exhibits a fair showing, but tho fever mill ram hi thn city, and Is more sea it ml than ■( any time previously noticed. To our absent friend# we will •till Hjr, ke-p •-•j-.n.l lh<y may „ H we will inform them of Uio earliest moment, when they cun return with snfoty, M In eur lust reports wo nuticn) llm i)u*dia of ons hundred ami twenty-six persons by fetwr—slndb then wo.bave to report the following, among them tho name* of sumo of eur must use Ihi and enttit^ prizing eiilscns, vlxt— George King, Wm. Rankin, Jolm Riley, (Tailor,) “ " Jghkirk, Resident. •1 llsuac Hu Daniel MeMtirphy, Mrs.Cnihnrino Cndtnmn, " . Mrs. Elizo Mi untx, •• Mrs. Murgarat Dewar, " I Dr. Milton At tony, "' t.lnsoph Cxmpfield, , " I Another child of Asa Smith. " Robert DUIon, « |John B. Guedron, " Daniel Roman, " Wm. Roundtree, " Miss Frances E. Turman, " Victor Crepu, • •• Miss G. Turman, (10 years old,) " Morgan Couvart, unk'n,believed N. York. Jeruoiiali P. Morris, (In prison) Georgia. Durvhi’* sun, (0 years uld) Resident. Rlcliui d Dertnont, Ed wind Denver, ♦Wm. Tun. ♦ F. Ulodget, (a child,) Irwin L. Howl, ♦ Wm. Piinlon, )Jo)in J. Sheiir, Wm. Morris, Mrs. Crus Icy, Jonathan Dunn, And 0 negroes. ♦ Died out of the city. Ireland. Maryland. Resident. wiik*, a$,\ Resident. - M EnglanJ. id Chaiutt llosrtTAi. Rki'oiit.—Admitted yea* t- nlny Ul, fnvorcasot 17;diod 9. Cahai. btukkt IxrinuAiir.—Admitted yesur* day 2; discharged 0; died 2i remaining 30. Lneiments at the Dnyuu ei-metory, Sept. I0«— 21); II) from the h ispilul; yellow futrer 13. At the Calk.lie cemetery 2 inierment*; yellow Fiver 1.— ■ At ilm Ainern-aiicemniory 2 int-iment.—both ywL lever.—AT O leans Picayune. 20/A imt, - . From the London (Robe, of Sept, Q. \ Monkv >1 aukkts,(This Day.)—City Iwxlv* O’Ciaick.— 1 Tlui heavy speculations (ora CtRU Consol#, which have been carried on wWt so moch * obstinacy for many months, and even years-part) appear to havo nearly , all been closed during the August Asxuuut with a very slender fatal | the market is, therefore, left to find Us natural level, according tn thn onliuary supply nr ylemaad, tie' longer a host of greedy Money Stuck; thoie are no DIED, At Cetlar Hill, near J-’ff>-rsoaton,Cam4- , ncoqn’ ty.ontlieUUd Inst. WILLIAM T-. jr. only son of Wjl ianiT. ami r.lizilp’tli II. Hopkins, aged Aydars. Ift inon Ih and 15 day*. In Mobile. JAMES FITZ3IM0NS. -gel ahrei, 30 years, of the firm ef Gwiue* & Fiu»iuw«*, * ms, live of Ireland. spoculntors ready to buy for the nurpqyr of realising ' . their profits upon s des pievioiisly otU-etwl nt hJgJiet rates; therefore when stock is ufioreq for sab-pit-Is - not en*y to find a boon lido purchuser with ready 1 money to jmy for il. This gives mi iqqienrancn of pr at vreakna** to the market, und a fall nf into half pet rentl* caused hy sales whjcii w xud not have made any impression w few weeks ago. The redu th>n on Saturday waa effected hy this UH’uiis, and tho tame freliag Ttre*. vails thi* m Tiling, wl'h every-appmtntfcft of a*graw dual duel ue, ns lung n* ilia m ne-y market remain* under it* present emhirf iMin-nts. The irtmwal of th-! sale* of stock by tlib Dank .broker seems 40' have given ths* first impetus to tbfdedfoe. . 4 ^ Tho op ninu prices thl* mmnittg qrere, Consol*/ 89} toOUI'or m mey.niiil 9tl$ tu } for account.., in Part* the |Tieo .if SpaaLh uowls k advanc<il 3 per cent on Satunl iy, leaving off at 24}; iliere they luvp advanced t • 23 tn 231. after bciug at 21}. 1 "Ill—w Haw Fall nn.l Winter tionSi. T> Y.tbc latest arrival* .front New York and fh*c« IJ ton,nnd hy tlie barque G-r-M- ftn-n T.iverpont, tlie under Igne.l h tve icccleril a lull a si'riment <.f nrw and *ea-»n>»hi Dry Grinds, for *a<e by tb* package or piece, on their usual liberal ttrm#. SNIDER * NICHOLS, . sep 23 d2iwcGt Mos.7 & 10 Gubou'. builds^/