The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, October 12, 1839, Image 1

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e i TJIi: WEEKLY GEOIU1IAN It ruRMHMP in me I'lljf or NllVUIIUUll, 1V1I.LIAJI It". BULLOCH, FUSLISIIKK nr TIIK LAW# Of TIIK f.Hln.H, *KU CITY AKI) COUNTY rRINTKH. WEEKLY PAPER—Thrkk Dollars, per no- Bum,—Payable in advance. ADVKRTISKMKKTS iMertml »l lU Claibf ton ram. EriNwiug* mu't lx* pdd on all Cobjiunica* TIUNS, ami h*tters nf business. MONDAY, OCtORKR 7, 1031). K^i We regret In record lli« decease, on y ester, day morning, of our wtwmnil fellow, John W. Stiiik. E 4 ij. The Shipping in Port yesterday displayed their color* at half mail, n» n murk of rea ped for hi* memory. Mr. Stiiik wn* formerly llnrbour Ma*ler of the Port, and at tlio time of hi# ^ decease, an In»poctor of the Customs. OUR CANDIDATES. Freemen of Cliatinim, you uro tliia dny culled on to |ierform n *a!unin duly to your county, mid your State. Wo truat you will acquit yourselves of lino duty a* you liuve done in duy* of yoru, with liouuur and credit in yourselves. Tim Union nnd Stale Right* Party of C'liulliuni county bavo pruaonted you with tlio following names. FOR GOVERNOR, Charles j. McDonald. For the Sennit, WM. W. GORDON, For Rrpn sentatives, JOHN M1LLKN. FRANCIS M. STONE, JOHN E. WARD, R1CHD. I). ARNOLD. Till* ticket it I* your duty to support, because j t la the regularly uoiiiinuted demncrnlic ro|iuliiicnii ticket of your purty. All the niiiuea oti it me itnex- cuptionnhlo in every senao of the wool. Firm, un compromising, aiul sterling dcniormt*, every nmn on that ticket will do Ida duty in the stntion to which the people will Imvo culled him. Not one of them will waver when hia country calla him to his post. Two of tlio gentlemen wlnwcnnmes mo on tlmt ticket, wero in thr Legislature, a* represeututivea from tliia county, when ilio Central Ruilrond Char ter wua grunted. Thoao who rumtunlier the cense- leas labour, tlio untiring mlvucucy, with which they wrought night midday to ohtuin that Cliurtrr, mint Ik; happy to go forwttrd to the polls and vote lor them agitin Thoy.uro “fullbful servant*.” They doaerve more honour tliuu it ia in the power of their grateful fcllow-citizens to bestow—uml nil will Ih? gliul to commenco puyinunt for their aerviccs, oven by tho amnll instnlmenl of a vole today. Tliree of the gentlemen on tlmt ticket liuve not before served you in a legislative capacity. You, however, know them to Iro sensible men ami men of talents and rectitude, who would deem no sacri fice too grent for tlio publiu good. They are, in deed, individuals who have worked for tho common weal, although not in thu Hulls of Legislation, yet in the primary assemblies uf the people, they have ever been in the front rank—mid Ji.rKKitso.x snys that Lilierty is to Ik-found inoie pure uml iiusullioil in the first assemblies of the people, tlinn vlsewlieri*. On tlie whole nover lias 14 Old Cliatliiim" made n better scli-ctioa of linr sous than oil this occasion. Like tii - Roman mother, when asked to show her jewels, she Inis |Miinted you to livo of Iter sous; uml they nrn wnr liy of her. Freemen uf Cliuthtini—Union nnd State Rights men, if yon are true to j-our own often expressed principles, yflll will go M tiro-poll* tiMliiy,-pre|rim*il to vine the regularly nominuteil ticket—TitK wttoLK TlgKKT—AND NuTlllNU OUT TIIK TICKET. • “McDonald and ratification!” Let llwse be the watchword* to-day. Wo hope evoiy man will sen tlmt tlie word " Hutificution” is written or printed ou his lickut, before placing it in tl,e llullut Uox. Clinthnin cuunly is pledged to 41 Ratification," and we hope the will be true to her trust. Roth parties in this comity were represented in iln 1 Reduction Convent ion—nnd tlm whole deh'gntinn a adopted tlio systom recommended—tlierefoni both parlies in Chatham are bound to suppoit the mea sure, uml vote for 44 Rnillicntion.” We -Imll see if any of our citizens shall prove recr-unt to their pledge. We shall not tresspass on our renders* attention, by snying ntorj than a word in fnvoi of Judjp McDonald. Ho is a man of spotless liniiu, ii genuine Ilopuhlican—an unlluicliiiig oppuser of tlie scheme of a National Bank—a SuleTicusitry instil—it supporte-* of the Admm s'ratio; .--tad nn honor to Grargia. A* «nnii, ho is cutiilcd to your votes. Do not desurt tlm cait-o f-ir whicli your fathers l»led—tho undying principles of pure Democracy. Freemen, do your duty. VOL. I. SAVANNAH, SATURDAY OCTOUtilt 12, - M* No. 33 (L?* A mutt of tlteuume iff J a mm Wool!, n confec tioner, in l'liiludolpliia, murdered his only dnuxhter, liy shiHiiing her through tin- liead with n pistol, for marrying ugninsl his will, on the 1st instant. Ills establishment was in Chestnut stn-et, opposite the Slate ILmse. His victim was 22 years of ago, of" correct conduct, atniuhlo disposition, nnd ngree- able nppeniunco." The Crops.— V letter ft mo the senior Editor of tlm Constitutionalist, says,—•*' I liuve born in the comities nfJasper, Jones, Newton, DcKaib, Co'-b, Cuss, Floyd, l'anlding, anil Carroll, uml such a drought never was experienced t all tin; wnlercoiirs es nn- cither dried up or so low ns to Imvo stopped all tin- mills. Tlie corn crops an- to ornhly good, loll tin- cotton crops liuve been most seriously injur ed; it is goncnilly estimated tb it but half a crop wi.l Im undo. Tin drought has also Irocu full in Aliihutnu, wliere tlie cotton crops have been serious ly injured. Tlio late corn lias also been seriously inj ured. As luroitTANT Aiuu.xukmk.xt*—Tlio Baliitnon- Patriot uieiilionsn letter fruui Philadelphia, which says:— 41 1 have scon u letter received jror stcmnci Great Western, liy u iiiglily respectable firm in this city, which stain that certain monied urmiigieneiits that are known to Imve Ihh-ii in couteinplatioo for sninu iilllo timo past, between a certain monied in- stiluiiim of tills country uud nil extensive hanking house in London, was so nearly complete, tlint there remained no doubt of its final uud sutisfuctury com. plot ion. VinniNt A.—A great Whig Convention, commenc ed its session at Staunton, Vu., on tlio 26th nit.— Gen. EmvAttn Watts was chosen Pn-sicent, nnd J.xo H. 1'lkasants and Riciiaiid II. Toi.eii, So- civturies. A committee of 23, Bknj. Wutki.n#, Clinirmiin, was iippoiuted to report meu sure* proper In be adopted by tlie Convention. Virginia Wiiio Convention.—This body ad journed on the 2 llh oil., having passed resolutions recommending Henry Clay, for tin- I'resid nev, and N. I*. Tulhimrig-', for tlie V. I'residency of tlm U. S., but leaving tlie mailer to the d vision of tlm National Whig Convention, to be lurid ill lluiris- burg,(I'a ) Delegates to tho Hurrisliutg Cooven, lion were appointed for each Congressional District in (lie Stale, and Hcuj. W. Leigh and Governor Barbour fur the St no at largo. We understand (snys tlio Phil. U. S. Gnzrft■ ) tlmt tlm sloop ot war which has Ihh-ii some time on tlm stock* in tlie Navy Yurd, is to be I reached in tlm ciiiiise of this week. From thu Treasury return of tlie 1st of Octolror, it appear* tlmt (lie aggregate amount of ull outstand ing Ttvu-nry Notes is $3,707,331 32. Captain Cole, of tlm ship Niagara, arrived ni I'lii udelplda on tlm 30lli ult., reports seeing on tlm 22.1 at 9 A. M long. 71, 20. Sen n ship tin a • Wisicln, from New Yoik for llri-tol. Lkogktt's Liuraiit.—It is suited in s>Nra York paper tlmt rim Ironcmed Leggett left u I Jinny valued by n competent appraiser ul $7UUl), ami that Forrest bouglit it at tlmt valuation. Advick to Young Men —Shun tlm despicable character of u political brawler. Bill let mulling, except being bed-ridden, prevuul you from exercis ing thnt inestimable privilege, tlie elective fniticliise Never disgrace yourself liy nil nhsenco from the polls, under tlio uqjustifiublc, fulluci -us plen, that your single vote is of no consequence. Some of tlio most imporinnt mensores of legislative bodies, lierc and elsewliure, liuve been curried by tiinjoi- ilies of one, two or three. Tlie voto on tlie nlidicntion of James II., and tho eicvutioii of William and Mary to tlie throne of Grout Britain, was carried by n majority of two— ft I to 41)! 11 Let this Im nn uncensing wnruing to you of tlm importa»ce of n voto or two. Novel have to rep much yourself, tlmt u priilligutu nmn 1ms been elected, or n laid meusure adopted, ihrtiugh your ubsencu from this sacred duty.—Mathew Ca rey. THE G B. LAMAR. Every week nearly we uro called upon to nn nouilco tho appearance In our wnters of n new Racket vessel,-tin evidence of'the enterprise which excites our brethren of tlio North to meet tlie on- *erpnsc of tho citizen* of our commercial city, who, ns individual*, have been striving of late years to open now sources of locinl prosperity. Tin- G. B. Lamar U the third vessel of the Geor gia Line of Brigs, constructed to ply as packet nnd freight vessels between the Emporium of tho Empire State nf tlm North and tho Commercial capital of tlio (that is to lie) Empire Stale of tlm South. Sim glides into our waters under fuir auspices. The Central Rail Rood is wooing to tho Atlantic eoust of Georgia the produce of an extensive back coun try, teeming with the grent stnple nf tlm Smith, nnd yielding all those groins necessary for human sub sistence. The return cars already bear, eighty miles into the Interior, the valuable Ihixcs of good# which crowd our Northern packets, wliila tlio pas sengers by those packets are also conveyed snf ly, and with tlie velocity of steam, the same distance, on their way to a hnppy and welcome home. Traveller* have arrived at Savannah this season- who never before paid its a passing visit, and, o* in the instance of the pnssonger* ft«m New York, in Ihc G. B. Jstmar, on her first nnd r- cent trip, hare t»cen able, after tarrying in our city, merely for a refreshing night's rest, to take curly in tlie morning the Rail Road cars, and by night bo placed in ■ hiliyrrgion of country on their way to the Far West. Wc congratulate our reader* on these re peated evidence* of tho fruits of tho enterprise of those Internal Improvement men, wlm ha«-o put their •bouldais totlw wheel, nod nevci fullered until they »*»t tho cars rolling forward into tlto centre of our enlightened State. The G. B. Lamar h is. handsome accommoda tions, her berths being in private state rooms, simi lar to those of tlm Wilton Pullet, whom arriva] we chronicled tho oilier day. Ia every respect she is n neat vessel, nnd credit able to the owners nnd builders. She hoars, loo- the name of one of our most enterprising merchanis, whoso efforts to increase tlio strain facilities on our . river merited tlm cnmplhm-nt, ty justly Imstowcd At the invitation of Mr. L. Baldwin, Agent nf this line, and of C’apt. Ilnur, we |Mirtnok on Sa turday of tlm good cheer which was spread Iteforo their respective friend*. May success crown the exertions of all interested to ml twice tin- public, ami their individual pro.p«rity. Wa leant that tho fourth brig of this line, now in the course of construction, will be named the /.. Baldwin, after sootier of .hi, arrive irmrelnuts [communicated.] SAVANNAH RIFLE CLUB. Tills n-sociutino completed its lust regular meet ing for the season on Saturday, the 28dl ull. The follow in. is then-suit uf its shouting on that occa sion : I'cvsent ten memlmrs,—who fired 12 bulls ench, Histnnee 120 yards ofTliauil; targets 20 by21 inches, 120 slmu lircd, 1 Hi bits,22 in the spot nearest; 12 sliotsofoNe mouther measured -12 inches, nearest; 3 sli->ts of a member measured 1 inch 4-lUili*—win ning tho prize. A member nf the club who fired 240 times during tho season missed hui7 shots, nod on one oo-iision his 12 allots in lliu target measured but 33 inches 6-1 Oth*. You are authorized, Mr. Editor, to *nv, that the Savannah Rifle Club will lie pi-used to contend u match in off hand shooting, with any “ Regular Rifle Club" in the United States. OFFICIAL. WASHING ION U \CES.—FikstOat—Tuk* hat, October Sweepstakes; two mile heats. —The first nice was won by Col. Francis Thomp son's liny filly .Marion, heating Gen. Hunter's cln-s- nul cult Hope, uud Mr. Gihlioii’s Mariner. Tlie second race (two mile I lent*) was won by Mr.Stockett's buy colt, beating Mr. Follies'* Lydia and Mr. Loughborough's smrel filly- In tlie first race Mariner wu* decidedly tlie fnvn- rite, two tnono against the field. Time uf thu first race, :i 54s; 3 56*. In tlio second nice the winning horse was tho fa vorite. This day's race is for a purse of four hundred d-d- lars; three mile lients. Col. F. Thompson caters Col. Stonestn-cl's sor rel tnnrc lluwcnu, by Timnleon, dam Luuru; 5years old. Mr. G. L. S'nckett enters hmwn horse Mozart, by imported Flyde, dam by Timolouu. Mr. E. J. Wilson enters bay horse Buck Eye, Isy Critic, dnin by Oscar. The Maryland Sweepstnkcs is postponed until Friday, on which dny there will Im threo races. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 0, 183!). ~ The election. Wo Imc not witnessed, for some years, such n quiet election in Cliiithiini us we did yostenlny.— Our opponents learning wi-dutn frem experl»nco, tun no tickut Tortile Legislature. a great munsure, the small tiunilier of vote* p«i|'ihI—ftf)!L Tln-y will be counted tliis nioriiiug by the presiding magistiiui *, who will ronintence at 0 o’clock. 10,000 CUE tilts FOR MARY LAND ! THI: MONUM ENT A L CITY REG EN ERATED! THE WHOLE STATE ERECT!I! All hail to the Slate where C' CahhoI.I. first drew lirenth. Old Maryland, the luiid of tol« 'nition nnd correct principles, lias returned to the iV.itertml bosom of her democratic sisters. Let tier lie liiiunred (hr over. Let her never Im spoken of hot with respect. Again we say, nil Imil to Ma ryland ! Wo take tlio following returns fioin tlio Ball!- mure Patriot, of tlio 3d, (a Whig pn|mi) Imcnusc they are in mo ample than wo can find ilietii else- where. The Patriot endeavors to Iw-nr the defeat of Id* party with dignity, on tlie rule tlmt 14 there is no In-Ip for spili milk." Wo givo nil his remark*, Imiug quite satisfied with tlie glorious remit MARYLAND ELECTION. Tlie general election for momlmi-s of Cungiiiss uud of the Stutu Legislature, took place throiiglioiit .Marylaud, yestenlav. In ties city, the Van Huron candidates succeeded ihraiighnut. There wn* nn aggregate of about 12,301); uud tho adminis tration majority is, in the general average, some tiling like 400. Not at nil large considering tin whole number of votes counted, but quite lurgi enough for present purposes. Our opponents, vv lie- •her l»y sii|H;rior tad, or superior minibus, have carried the Congressional mol Assembly tickets in lli.s district. Tlm fuel is sufficient for ilieni, us it is iiliuuiluntly so for us. If greater vigilance, or oilier lair nod honorable means, on tlio part of tlie Whigs, might liuve served to avoid this result, it is not worth while to say so. The best thing to lie done even in tlmt view of tlie subject, will bo to Hike or der for correcting tlio pr- ceduro, mid far retrieving the ground lost, on the next suitaMo occasion- In- su-nd of repining over the past, which in nil its re sults, is now beyond our control, let us look wl Ii renewed hope, nnd with resolute purpose, to the future. Tlie ballot boxes, us tested yvstordny, will ahow tlmt in tiny event, and under nil eimiiii- stances, there is n Whig phalanx of Six Thousand two Hundred votes in the Monti non til City, who limy always fie counted on us irmly to rally in sup port of tlio liesl iiili-rosi* el* tint country. Wu present below tlie result of tlie’ vote in this •ity, with siieli accounts from oilier districts or enuu- ics, us Imvo coino to Imud. BALTIMORE CITY ELECTION. Tlie result of tlio election in ting city yestord •}', is us billows J— Cong rets.—Kenned v ( W ).... i'.lts (\*V.) (lurroll (L. F.)... IJillen (L. F.).... Legislature.—Collins (W.) ... Liltig (W.) Steele (W.) Wwills (W.) Rusk (W.) Giles (L. F.) Lci-rand (L. F.),. Graves (L. K-)..,. Meidunstrickur, ( L. F.).... U.5U-I Gulleglier (L. F.)..«« ....(1,531 Sheriff.—W. I). Ball, 7,8311 Ni-'holus Tracy, „,4.355 Owen Bouldin, 2,UU3 ..(1,213 ..(1,133 ..3,803 •. 0 503 ..8,218 ..8,134 ..8,178 ..8,i«r» ..8,14!) ..8,823 ,..(1,810 ..8,802 MARYLAND ELECTIONS. In thu third Congressional district, composed of Uiillimorumid Harford counties uud part of Cm roll there seems to bo no doubt of thu re-election of J. ‘J'. H. Worthington (L. K.) In the fourth district, composed of Baltimore uml Aiinujiolis cities uml Anno Arundel county, Messrs. Curroll uud flilfou (L. F) wre eluded. In lliu tilth district, composed of purls of Carroll and Frederick counties, ami .Montgomery, Win. Cost Johnson (W.) U re elected. Bo far as heard from, the following is tlio result uf (he Houses of Dclegntcs:— Baltimore rity —Win. F. Giles, John C. Lc- gratid. J. J. Graves, John B. Scidcn.trickcriiiid Francis Gallagher, (all Loco Fuco.) Carroll county.—Menses Cmbb, 1'arko uud Rromwcll, (L. F.) uml II.-ok (W.) At tlt-> election Inst full tlm Whig vote in this ci ty wns 8131, tho Loco Foeo was 8t)7 L—’litis year tlm Whig voto is 8213, uml the leico-Foco vole 8003—showing uii increase of 27 U big voles, nnd 534 Loco fiicos. In tills contest tin* great I sue before lla* country has boon fairly met. Two rebuke merits of tlie In- depemti-m Tn-usmy a d a N-ilionnl Bunk havcliecu ftdiV discussed. ’1 lie vote of yesterday is the dec! sion of the jM-ople upon the*, question.. (fur miter s tries in the city Imd very desired advantage —limy hud their fiivoil e tvgls rv law, upon which they Imve o tinted so imicli—tl.ey Imd a umjorhy of the judges of the (Hills—the day was favorable h r a turn out of tlio * 4 decency nti-l dirtily," uml of the oltl and infirm of their party, iindy i ibey have met with an overwhelming defeat. The gain to the democracy since the election of Inst year is FIVE HUNDRED AND KIGH rY-Ft)l’R votes! Our delegate tic ket U eleciutl hv mi uveinee mujorilv of FOL K HUNDRED AM) TWENIV-THREE. At the spechd Elect on of 1837 Air. Kennedy's nmjniiiy in tills district was almiit GOD. Tho demo- cnitie majority for the Congressional ticket in the city yoste.dny was 4(H) The voto in Aline Arundel nnd Annapolis cannot materially affect it, showing n gain of about TWELVE HUNDRED voles in the district since 13371—Balt. Post. MOBILE, Sept. 25. . Ukai.tii.—Interment*yesn-iday, If);day piovi- oils, III. Total since lsliusi. 333. Wo have no remark to make, furibui ih >u wh*i is evident to uny one—there is no abatement in the dmmse. Nkw Uklkans.—Iuteimeiils f yellow lever, 0. For the week previous, 123 inter- meiits ure repmte-l, 73 nfyclluw lever. Natchez.—Tlioru were 13 luterim-nts in Nutclicz during tlm week ending (Bill Inst. The previous «lny there were 3 denilm by yeliow fever. Fur lliu 24 hours ending 13th ut 8 p. in,, there hud beuu no iiitcrmcms —Register. THE ELECTION IN CUATIIAAl. The Result. Tlie votes curt on Monday for Governor of the State, for a Senator mid four Representatives to the Stutu Iw'gislatuie, nnd for uml against ratifying the nmcndiiiciit* to the Slate Constitution, proposed by tin* Convention in Muylnst, weroyestenlaycimiiiIihI. The result Is, that although we Imve dueled to tho Legislature nur regularly nominated ticket — alt good inch rind true—our candidate for Gover nor, owing to the small montioi of votes polled, Im* not received n* handsome n majority ns wo desired, and to which Ilia sterling rapacity and orthodox principle* cutiilcd him, in 44 Old Chatham.” Sim must, liowev r, do bettor nnotliur your. Wliere Ylmre is mo ticket for tlm legislature, arrayed in opposition, u* wns the rase in Chatham, sumo men will neglect ihul invnludde privilege—tlie elective franchise. Mr. Sii.tYYKIi is also n Union Vim Bunin mnu, and run for tlio House as an lndepomhmt Candi date. A Gentleman of the opposite party received 59 tlm 23d Inst. V4 ’ ,,,i » f " r Senator, but believing, ns we do, tlmt In lllK WratiiKit.—Tlm sun crossed the linn on Sunday lu.t, uud wo liuve us yet experienced no signs of u gale, nur uny muierinl change in the wea ther. ’i lie morning* continue chilly, while mid-day seems us warm as we have experienced. No correct judgment can ho formed, tlmref r.-,ufilie approach •f IVost. 3 o'clock, I'. M.—it is now raining.—Ibid. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 30. KT’Muny death*, wu undcistauJ, uccinred ou b uid tlm su-nni > Corsican from yellow fi ver in Iter passage from this pint to St. Lmil*. She lolt here with fifty pusseugei*; of whom several died ou ill-? voyage beiorerein ioiig ihe niomliol'ilieOhio— there three m-iredicd—and when if,.- Imai depnned for St. Louis, tw- Ive or liltei-n went lying nt the point nf dcnili. AImhii leu K-.iles bi-low Cii| Gmiiileau lli-t Cor-cinn grounded, ulii-n- -lie in rilled at thu liret nccouuts. Tliree dcnili* Imd ih*- cuned idler her vlepnilun* from the in-nuli. nnd there were many cases of sickness still on board.— Bulletin. NATCHEZ, Miss.. Sept. 24. Ukai.tii ok tiik City.—F.»r ilia twenty four hour# ending at 5 o'clock yesterday, there were live interment*. Thu number nf oases Is increasing.—Free Tra ded Tiik Banks -r N'atciikx hkmovkd.—Ye-t- r-lny the various bunks, or the greatest part ot them in tlm eity of Nuicln-x. came to n resolution |-i remove their business, nt.least to the siibllib.4 of the cilv— Tills is a priideittiul mnvenieut on the put ul the hanks to preserve the lieulth and lives of their clerksnud officers.— Ih. Tmk Rivku.—'There Im* Imh*u n rive of several feel in tlie river ul ibis place. The 1'inshuig paper# of the -sth, «l do there was a heavy rain ul dial place the day previous, mi l that a rise uf water wa* an Ir.iputcd.—lb. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1330. dhl not uulhorito his name to bu run, we liuve omit ted it. FOR GOVERNOR. MeDoiiald. (Adm.) ••••••••• .. 330 Dougherty, (Opp.) - STATE LEGISLATURE. For Senator, .. 260 Gordon,. For Representatives, .. 393 Milieu, h::::::::::::::::::::::: .. 374 Ward, .. 343 Arnold, | £....................... .. 341 rilonc. J “3 .. 336 Shaffer,. .. 217 field, eog» r for tin* contest. Tlie W liig* were imve. in better spirits, or tiuiiNi sanguine, lluliiinore, tlm double-shotted district, issnie, thunk* to tlw Regis try Law .—AVr York Star. WIIIGKIIY AFTER IIIE AIARVLAND ELKCriUN. 44 We riHtonl the result with profound mortifica tion and regret ."—Baltimore Chronicle. Uutificutioii,.*... No R-itilieuiioii,.. 415 138 305CHEERS FOR "BULLOCH COUNTY." McU'Uinbl, Duiimark, The Hnn.JumusC. Alvord, nn-niberof Congress from Franklin distriol, Mussneliuseils, and tlm sue* cussorofMr. Grinnell, died at Greenfield oi. Ftl- duy l ist, uluiniti illness of several week*. he; IU Tlm Cot hours en-llng nt Intel meats, nil I fatal duy of the IIEZ. tlm- twanty-four f*H instant,sewn . It was tlio most Rkp-kt ok 3-ltlt Supt.)— death* up to 3 ,E A NS. Oct I. PAI..—( Yesterday, uf yellow fever; 2 Ao E-liuliiirgh journal contains sumo remark* on BALTIMORE COUNTY—Govanstown Dist. For Congress—Worthington, (L. F.) 214 Tnniur, (ludupeiidunt,) 73 /!*«< mhly. Hook, 153 Risteun,* 142 Ware, 124 Stnnsbiiry,* 178 Adniiuistralloti men. Welch," I HI Holmes," 118 I'oultney," 233 Grice, ‘1 Tho candidate* were a Those marked with an * uro tho regularly nominat ed Candida es. Sheriff— Ball, 185 Tracy, 55 Dmild n. 45 Committiontrt.—For C-uuity Commissioners, Tuvlor received 193 votes, .lacksnn 129, Hutchins 193, Offtiu 128. CARROLL COUNTY- Independent Loco Foeo. Iajco Foeo. McCollum, 1340 I Cnihh, 1443 Bixler, 102111 I'urke, 1413 Crawford, 978 I Broniwull, l-IUd I look, (Whig) 13431 I'owdcr, ’1338 Oiiw Whig uml thn*e le»co Focus elected, being n From the Augusta ConslilHthnalul F.itra. AUGUSTA BOARD OF HEALTH. Frid-y, Oct. 4.—12 M. Tho Board report tlm death., of one udolt, two children uud one negro woman in town, nnd two adults in thu country, during tlie last twenty-four hours. A. CU.M Ml NO, Mayor. S. M. Tlinwrrw, Secretary. BT General MfDurrra lit* Imro Selected to rie. lirar the eulogy ul Utt lata U«u. Uukent V y c. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 2;). Interments nt the Bayun cometery. S»-pt. 27—12 from tlm hospital 4; yellmv fever 5. At tlm Cath olic cemetery I interment—uf yellow fever II. At tlm Americuti cemetery l interment—of yollow fever I. Interments at tlm Bayou cemetery. Sept. 28—5; I from tlm hospital; yellow fever 0. At tlw Cat ho- Hit rpmeter) 2 interment*; 0yellow fever. At the American oenmtrry I Interment—1 volluw fever. Charity IIoskitai. Rr.roKT.—Nunda-r of pa tients mlmitlivl 23th 12; fev-T esses |t); death* I. CaxAt. •rnr.r.r Ixkirniht.—AdmitUNl ft; di*- charged 2; doatlis 0. liamiinhu in ILeis-t 38. Joseph C. Neill, Esq. the editar of thu I'ennsyl- vanlan, mul tlm willy and talented author of 44 Char- coal Skutcho*," Im* boen menlnsUrd hv tlm Admin istration |a»rty of tlm comity nf I'ltiladulphia f<r • »«-•) in tUx h-gisUurc Whig giiiu nf one. CONGRESS—Fiktii Distiiict- Johnson. (W ) Duval, (L. F.) Carrol county, 327 771 Tiitnn District. Worthington. (L. F.) Turner, (Iml.) Carroll countv. 705 421 routtTH District. Whig. Loco Foeo.. Kuuncdv. I’itts- Curroll. Ilillen. Baltimore city, 62 i 3 6133 6693 6597 Aiinnpolis, mnj. 17 17 Messrs. Cnrro'l and llilleo ( L. F.) elected. 1 We have ra|>orts from lliu 33, 5th and litli dis tricts in Anno Arundel county, which state that these districts tie. This is ii small Whig gain. From Annapolis tin* report is tlmt tlw Loco Fo ots linvu a majority of 17 votes for Congress, nnd that the Imco Foeo delegate i* elected—Iw ng u Whig I Wo have given tho " name railing party" th« privilege they delight in—that of terming tlio dem ocratic republicans Ijteo Focus. It seems, though, thnt even tho despised Loco Foeos ran Iwnt them. Tlm Baltimore Republican tells tho 4 * Whigs'' to 44 stop that ball!" Wo tell them to defeat Van Buukm now IF THEY CAN. So lur ns wo ran see wo Imve n certain gain of Olio momber of Congress in Maryland, Tlm last delegation was composed offlee '* Whigs" and three Republican#. It I* now probably five Republican* no I three *' Wlugs." tlw subject of appear to be sen rend. r*. howevc he better enubli rionc -, wlml dm to the writer's ol Tint fir.*t. oti! sing Is this: t i persons, both in fixed plHcusfor liiliclu-, and ari wards any pari it mnler iImir miiii nut he-i'iitioti to n u msiileralih-1 ply -.f ibein, mil Imtnddies*, wl htisiue**. l'uopl fuvondily impr ia lla* iiowspiq 'Thoadveriii eyes, and thu* p.ufcrbim. B of advoi tiring i; vtys tlm impr.-i nut pratoieliug- iuusfur basin' s unavoidably *ii| civil pm son, wli e-t ni'e, docs •- trnih-sm tiiliko uxpediem togr. of course, like t. mat tliu » tlmlsueli ciruuii they sek’Cl it u It inayhe ndi view* n>o set fr greater titan in • practice in tlmt burgh paper *n heavy ux|N-ii#e, U* giwil effect* wspnjmrs. They a*. Those of nur 4 in business, wllj tlteir own expo, i is to he ascribed M\HYLAND ELECTION. GLORIOUS RESULT—IIIE I’EOl'LE TRIU.Ml’llA.NT! Tlm ctintast I* over—tlm li-mle is fought, and vic tory p'-rclic* upon tlm Imoners of the dam-mrnry. Oar adversaries snis-t now neknowl.-dge tlmin#elve. fairly, hounraldy, and eimplrlrle lamten. Nothing that inmmy, |M-r**msl itifluoime, unwearied and on* ergelie action could tin, wn* left undone by ilmin dutlttf the O-Hivus*. C<uifes«i-dly Imve they never niwh- a more determined, n more on Wed, nor nmotv vig-itoiN dibit, vet limy an- netted—the siuipl- loaje.iy of trulli b»« lriutn|de«l, arel MaryUml now ,t ind* mw of tlm m<»t brilliant in tlw glurious con- (VdUlton u( ddttucraUtt ftuta# says, d regular ndvertl- i. ii largo dn*s of iw-ii, who Imve no ‘-ertaiii neeessary ed and drawn to- ' nr.u--.lly brought Ii, they yield with- "H hi lit-* eointry, .who wish a sup- miiiuica'ion^wlth * to much ulterior i 'd*o li'ihle to bo if sight of a name distiiicfion !n their iking a cli-dce, to important effect t nuturu that con- y—prate,aling or pmekish—is mix- nus for htisinscsis islrious,nitentive, ini- satthedicn|»- mutest nnd mo.-l land uses every miner*. People, hew circum .tun- ig nssuring Omni s particular shop. BULLOCH COUNTY. For Governor. 312 | Oougheity, Senator. Cow, 219 Representatives. 18-1 | Strickland, Rnillicntion 33 No Rntilicution, 21J Dou-jhurty, EFFINGHAM COUNTY. For Ooeet nor. 14'J | McDonald, Senator. Morgan. Representative. Wellman. Rntilicution, 22 No Rutilication, 171 . From the Baltimore Repnhliean, -LA inst, Ihk Hmui.t,—TimIw te hash.uii fought, and tlw vn to. v won, in spile of the fund* ntnl the frauds of our udvorsiiri--*. We Imvo hel most fimtful •aids to couteiiil w ilh; Inn wo Ii ive gloriously ovet** come nil ohst'ieles. Tlw most desperate tiieun* Wliidi wen* ever enipl iycd l.y u desperate nnd reckless party wgro re-nrted to. Tit-* inuyor of the ciiyo(M-u.y look tin* ti--ld against iis, and prosiitoird the power nud influence ol hi* office to *ccuin the success of Id* putty; Ii it the luiiidwriiiug is on the wall uguliist him. l»nU*-ry tlm most open nud un- di*cui*ei|, «n* employed Ity our enemies. Threw# weie ii*o.| to iipi nidn'io tlm tiini.l. Frauds iumi- nierahle were pro ti*ed l.y seine of Ihe patty judges who wuro solecti-d for the pu*-(»ose. Tint iufnniaus registry perfoinmd it* wmk against us. But in •pita of thi s-- dilficiiliie* thu banner of Democracy was siMtainml, and tlmse who rallied under it have •In* saiitluuiun loser h ll.aitnig triuiui luutly m t In* htvi-x.*, Weeoiigratulnte ni*r Doiinwratlc fellow-ritizens of tlm d strict, of the State, and of tlw country, on the glorious result. We have redeemed tho eity mid the distriei; nud Imving *m >d in the breach he- tween tlm adversary nnd the Con#tilnlion, trail tlm •r-is|H-rity of the country, we a e met uii.f driven mck with dis’omfiloreiin I disgniee ihe ussnilaiits. Wo Imve saved tlm country nun secur*i| tlm success of the ludepeinleiit Tn'iisory system. Wu liuve olvc uil iw-ii who will o«o tW»*r le-sl v-u-lenvors to expunge from tho stniuta book tliu infiiinoiis and uuconxtitminunl Regi.try Law, and mail who will take meiisiires to bring to light tlie hidden niy*tariu* re»|N-etmg tlw mining out of tlw affairs of the Bank of Murylund. We Imve omulnicd tho exitiii- pie of our politinil brethren of tlm South uml West; and ns they afforded ns nn iippurtmiity to rejoice over their triumph*, nnd «o gave to them thrinucd of pnti.o which wns so richly due to them fortboir labors, wo have n-nipiawaied the benefit by giving thuni nn opp -rtouily to rejoice over our victory, and we cull upon ili-m to give to us theciedit which is due. Wo Imve Imd nil -S|wniln struggle, hut the victor, we have won, m re tlmn make** lor #11 oor troubles and ull our toil. Wo cull upon our oppmn-iits now to look and see tlw vanity of cnlcnlsting upon deceiving tlm pcopl -. They huvr a milwnimlxed tint Independent I'rea-nry system withoit' stmt, but have studiously avoided miH-tiog the question. They vainly iiunghi- ed tlm people would take rant and fust Inn for ran son uud urgiiment They supposed they could ft igliien them with i heir raw heed uud lilundy lame* ■epn-sen’a lion* o it, Iwl tln-y Imve found them to lie t*Hi iiiielllgeat uud pmietnitiug to Iw thus led a tir.y, We call upon them imw to look and see how much they have gni ied by tlm violent personal iilui.e nnd vitu|M-rnliou, for which our humble solves runic hi for so large n •huto. We now have tlm advantage nf them, utid If it can nffonl them nnyuou* diitbui Ihr Ilnur <1 I'enl, thuy ore wulcume toeenlinue tli.-ir emirse. Wo can well hear it when such te*iilts lire ill** eunseqiirnce. Wu never doubled wlml wmiid Im tlm result, nnd we have Kkkm.'t OK tiik IlnoioHr on Cortmi.—W« hare been (tirmshed wish l aw |md* uf Sen IsUn l . .. J eiton, Itooi a (•lanialmn wut t'linr eSIon, llliulra* "-if W drott|ht or llint staple. I In- io«»i>*i |at*!| or |iwt D-tWkad nnf, - - r*t (Ih* Imtiom ol tlm stalk; I. ui$y 8pMMl)HNl ma* hired- Tlie next lit the it min.liug scale la Ml pat* Italy "|Niii-.l no-l m •Im d—the next toon (MfeUye “-and the topmost one |* tlmreagl Ijr wi'tecL nM •m-i. «ir. ..., j AeffaS. Th ft"t,l| fn.iti whit'll iln-dl pud* were taken, pto* mUmU.Ar.iwonumth*eg.., furnyi “‘ the iis-rv—t tl.eoutline e-.w I* reti llw pet acre—/hid, yli-M of 150 ibato ilucial to 70 of 73 #v ""ul ufir «*'**»• llm following note relmlvetd (his rtf* srw-Ue, lets htmn politely laind.d n* MlhlTlJit )'I,*, 0 ” Al. wlm know thatrfjstifeMftsfal gentleman, wil. be, „ u , , H|t . ness or his statements, but or Ift# ability to STS accurate jndgnitiut oti the subject. 7 ™ *" „ ATHKKs.Sept. 23d, IW9. . All-on Chase. Esq. - ' Dear Sir: Tlw cotton serai with TAhith mV *oH rurmeud you, tvtia grown in our ganlrn th# pres,-nt year, and may Im relied onus llm genuine now sou* cie* of cotton, dcsignutml by variou* names—■* Al* lliu M »*'"'l". M.hlaiull,SEw,3KM. MaliMte,*., I nn I lie seed* (ram which wo ohtnined ourplnnts (be* tee.-n 29 a ml 30 in number) wen-gHett lu us by Gt-n. Stephen Cocke, of, Mississippi,. My Mb, haying fiirnislmd yon with specinwft of both the stn|-!e and stiiik; I dram it unnecflsgfy ttY attempt to describe Its peculiar habit uf gKiWlir. 1 on ate appris-'d that thu suiiAon here In,# d that the season here bus , been ■■*■; ***j. *8 much so, n«to cut off In ffff thimiion in-lie iluiii one half of tlm pruductofcot [COMMUKIUATKD.] Savannah, Oct. 1839. 8\tv—8wmet\me mgo l found $35 In w certain Bar nmm in this city. 1 afterward* found out it was yours. 1 could not return it sooner; hut Imvo inclosed $49. which will pny tliu interest, To Mr. — Tlio money, wo understand, wns duly received, nnd tlio finder will please necepl lliu thanks uf the (rorsoii who hnd lost the money. In nddilion to the nbovu, 1 may remark, thnt small sum, $59, was lost in this eity yesterday, mid returnod to the owner hy the gentleman finding it. It is happiness to livo In a community where hones ty prevails. ii'imtion tn-iiu tlmn onehaRof tho pnaluctol ettun. lot out plant* of cotton will iiverngo from ft to7 tael high, and about 1900 seed to plant. I unhesitatingly h -liovu it to be a very superior specie, or cotton. It* principal ttdvtfntogci consist in its early maturity, requiring a shorter season to make a crap. The staple being of a finer quality, uml the quantity which may be raised from a glvtai •pace of ground, larger than tlio onllonfy. cot ton r A1y opinion iff the ait|rorioriy of this species flf got# ton over other kind., is not formed alone b* Bn own limited i-zjierimeni, but is corroborated-by «/.- try person, with whom I Imvo convened, who ling made n trii.J of the same. From different portnmf 1 Imvo hnirned.tliat tills new variety of cotton, Rag- first discovered by u planter in^tho Stale of Alabatha, A single stalk in u cotton field, where the count* hud been picked out, attracted hit fttanlitin; being withum limbs, uml the oxtrnnrilinaiy du.ttlfs of bolls rdheritm to tlmstalk.hy short stems in flusters «f from 3 lo7 bulls on a stum. It is soitl Im fuum! no cotion on the stalk, oxccptu single lock wKli nine seeds, and from these seeds tiro Variety Im* bvorf propagated. I think t.ticHiacuv. sy wu* mB ,h, l,,,^- year 1830. Very respectfully, &e. WILSON LUMPKIN. From the Char. Mercury, 7th fit*),- IK IN * DESTRUCTIVE FlKEiN AIKEN. This enterpr slug ami fioiirisliing (own hint taef with a disastrous check In Itscorcof, (hb particulars uf which, w ill he found below. Extract from a letter lo Ihe Editors, dated I<Mt , "AIKEN, Gcf. 4,133ff. 4 ritls place wn*, 'o-dny, the sceno of a most tutv- rihlouml ..'estruciive amiflugmtion, and o large iWt.’s lion of tho village lias been laid in ashes. Thu fire broke out between 9 anil IUo'ehck,A. M. in thu •tore of Junes & Buuskett, and tlifm lmirt| no en* glim, hie houks, oi any similar nppnrutus of uti in such utiiergeneies, nml nn oxtrenn* snirrtllyofwn* tui.thu Ilium sraged with unruutiollublh’ fury, awk 1 in twu hums every store In tho town Wu# destroyed,- with tlio exceplioo of one, (Mission's,) which w#*' nruioctud from llw liuuso where tlWftte originated, by menns of a *mall brick building known lh’re u# tho Bunk. Tiro number of stool's consumed is 18* or 29, with ns many nut hui dings Th« pew mnr* bet uud town Imll In the centre of tlm main street hns also been consumed. The* lft»s of (iruprrty in never hesilat-d ta declare our cmviction. We gomls aiid houses, Is estimated (It fnim 80 toYoOJIOiy knew wlml the Demo racy of llnhlmun* c-mld dot lollurt The pihiciptd sufferers. I understand, ere nml wu were satDlieil that they would do their They hive done it; our’predictions liuve miiz*a|, and wu ure triumphan'. To our brethren in the States which Imve yet to vole, wu •uy do .ikewise, ami nil will Im well. From Ihc Constitutionalist Extra. AUGUSTA UOVtO OF IIEVLTII. Saturday, Oct. 5—12 M. The Board report tiro deaths of one white person and one negro, during the lust twenty-four hours, from fever. Sunday, Oct 6—12 M. •dl'lio Board report tiro dumb* of three white poi sons and two (rorsons of color, during the Inst twam ty-four hours, uf fever. A. CUM MING, Mayor. S. M. Tito arson, Sucretniy. lilnln where t)i04e 'Urtising is much advantage# of the (ream, ill** Ivlin lie drawback of ii ly strong that here i apparent. Tttr. missin limits I elongin; Irani iidousgut b-eu lirtird fro the gale, uml Th re were fou apprentices wl lumi.i •#, who h di*tru.s.—i>ou —Tlm two pilol t were out in tlm •go, have not yet ihey wuru lo.t in I have perished board uml tliree u pilots ull left real uiuiciy and Tho Fre*ide; ed by the Seen week at Afirnn S-oi'inel of Til nt Kiii'b-rltook Y. Eve. Post. limes, nccmnpnoi- i* Indy, wer** Inst tlio Kinduihook i*ut was expected if tho week.—JV. Th-- Arknnsi State lo the am i suld ill pr the bond* nf this ion of dollars have U. S. Bank We Imvo notice •590,000, of r States has beet Tlm l'hiladclpl du.titutu of foi K\V Oni.KAXS.— •i lirgo amount, unk of the United I Oi leans fur sale. * rupmt is utterly rn Patriot. Not bad.—! was once upon with whom lie whom bo ll id i a* rim door, w! d e-or thus i> t Scheno-'tady.' Well, where hi of Union C-dlego. man in Sqlediurie, e«|Killdence,hilllo e-l. Iln kno'ked Openml, when the I uni Noll, fioin mi Schenectady! Gttir.r—TI I. llm pleasure one purdoiiu'di pleasing giiof wo Ihiuvm are I ... Wu s|k.d taais wl#'') < •.ompmrrd in gri' f, ig it- TIm'iv i* hut hi dn|*nru-d. This ninfort | tlie sigh. I" nf loving thuill * iliink of tladr iluirnrHire, and wn dn so, too, wIm-ii we think on reunion with I'rnm. ami our taat* at b-itli turn's are trot vety dif MARYLAND ELECTION. Tlm ratal ii* from ull pins oft ho State, ns fnr ns received, nr a gratifying beyond ull ouruxjrontations. We have elected live members of Congress mil of tiro oight, this wo expected; but we huvo t-Iected llicm liy majorities not uuticipaicd. Ch-re is yet a possibility (bat wn Inve elected u sixth,—Mr.Slow- nrt, in tiro first distri-'t,—bin n« yet we h *vo no re turns. When it is roc d-ucm-l liuw long tiro stale hns bran under tho d •iiimaiion of Uro nd vmsarins ol democracy, the desp -raie efforts made nl llos elec tion to maintain theiriisi'emln'icy, nud the (input- taut cnnM*qnencns, boi'i to tiro stain nnd to the country, depending upon the i«#uo, llm triTimpli of sound principl •* cmmil hut Iro regarded with the proudest siitisfucii-it througliuul tliu union.—Bull. Post, i'h inst. Federalists. W. C. Johnson, Daniel Jenifer. MAl(YLAND ELECTIONS. CU.XUUK.SS. Democrats. Francis Thomas, J. T. II. Worthing!. Philip F. Thomas, Solomon Ilillen, jr. James Carroll. The Congressional district composed of Worces ter, Durcliestor, nml Hotimrset eounties, Vi'timiii* to Iw hennl from—result doubtful. Tho Democratic purty will have u lurge majority the State Legislature. Tiro following oxhiliits tiro state of parties in tiro Hoii so of Delegates, us fur us siilficictit return# Iioviv been received to form an estimate. V.U. Whig. I'. B. gain. 3 3 4 2 tie 1 St. Mury’a Cha< les, Prince George, Cnlvert, Aune Arundel, 2 Aumqioli*. 1 B.iltitn-<re City, 5 44 County, ft ilurford, 4 Frederick, ft Washington. 4 Allegany, 3 Moii'gourory, 3 Cni'oll, 3 Cecil, 3 Kent, Hroron Anne's, 3 1 allwit, 3 Caroline, 3 Dorclmster, 9 Somerset, 0 Worcester, 0 Los* 46 Who!** number uf Deleg lies—79. V. II. gain 10. Baltimore Post, ills inst. WHIGERY BEFORE THE MARYLAND ELECTION. Msuyi.skh Kt-Mtio# —Tomorrow tlm fight vomtmiwMM in ftlat)UuU,aud built ^srUas #t« in th« Post up thk uihikb.—Tlmsmube of tlm hntlle liuving cleated away, wo can trow ascruniu, with a tolerable degree of certsdniy-fthe nomlwrof the kill* ed. wounded, and missing, lo tlm la<o tmliiieul con test. Wo have captured llm eSnttes Irotn the one mvTennessee, NorthCurotimt, nml Indiana. At itujflt elei-tiuns their Fod- rd majorities wore ' 20 tHffn*nml in Tennessee, 19 tlroiis-md in Indinmi. nntk, 17 llimi-n al on their Governor in Nerth Cur.illna; n w wn have 3 thousand in the first State minted, 8 thousand in tlm second, nnd 7 thousand in the Inlta —making tiro unprecedented Dptn«crniic gain of SIXTY-FIVE THUUSAND inn siti e lu cam- puign Throw up your beavers, Wliigies, we have plen- ly of such “pmsperi#" instore for you.—[ports- mouth ( Vn.) CHA Dominion. To the above add Maryland, "captured from tiro • nemy!" Muzta.'p I’jmt ttoTK*.—’The Daily Gazette, tho lending Whig paper of Ciuciiinu<i, says: "lliu Pi'iiii*ylviiniu Bunk of tlm United States is sending out a largo edition of port mile*, some of them running twelve months. Tliis is nny thing but bn iking. We hear talk of such issue by our Ciiiciiinuii bank*. Is there no luw ugulnr Ii f is then* nay sound policy in its fivor 1 Tliu day of pnynmiil u-iisl come; tlm Imsou is thureforuliut put ting off nn evil dny. It will enable ami tempt tlm produce dealer to purchase at high prices, nml thu day of ■ ny incut may cumjH-l hint to sell at u hcovy I is* " OFFICIAL. TREASURY NOTES. iiillur* The pihieipid sufferers, I understand, aro Messrs. Jones & Buusket, T. fit J. Tup[ror,McKeff fit I'.aig, John Marsh, uml Schworta fit Toney.— Several orrim other iH*-irlinnis wer • insured. Some,- however Inn puilially. Ills supplied ;lmt, if u the very commencement of the fire, in thanhsence'-F' water ,lwo or three of tliu coiniguous lionnis hod houn' cut down nr libiwn up, tlm oilier# ’could have been 1 snv«d, but before Vhe nnwrovnronu for using tiro Pwd.-r tt'iiU U rom|.Ielrd,ih, lliimn Im.l |.n*rc..-- oil •'•mindly nml lo such an extent, aa lo render it ofhutfitHo service. Thus has this pleusnnl aftsd* flourishing little village been in turn risked with its shore of peeulinr nlilictioii, nud cncuuuteted a.' n«y vere, Inn I trust iiui futal, blow to its prasp* rity and 1 Nmtei prize. It wns grntilying to observe, that throughout the whole affair, uncxpoctcd nnd ahum* lug ns it wns, not tlm leuit pualo or cunfusinn wns* exhibited umoug the citizen*. Every one apprared 1 loexliei t iiiinself to tbo utmuil to rescue lliu pro’- |rorty iff Id* fellow citizens from llm devouring flames and all that wns wnntine to ensure suae**, wns tho' requisite mirans nnd materials liir contending whip the nugry element. In proportion to tbo size amt ! po|iulaiioii of this vil'uge, peiliup* an diMtrnelive a fire has not irorm red in noy place, ami it is to bar hoped licit lliu mercltiints of Aiken ititluiircfliuUta recover from this disaster m d repair tliclr loan, will- overv where find Unit generous situpudiy nnd nisis- tnn 'O, which honest umlimlustriuusmmi, sirtigglliiff w th mi«f<iniiue, are entitled to oxpcct aad receive^ from ull who nro able to extend to limm a helping bund. There is mi duubi tliui ilia origin uf thu Ilia wi* uccidentnl," TttKAsunY Dkpahtkknt, Uetolier I, 1339. Amount l#«m*d under tlm pnvi*i-iu id'ilwuct of Oct. 13, 1637, viz: $16,61)1 ),t)U8 UU J (Jl tlmt is.iied lliere Ini* been rcduriiinl, 9,769,570 55 Leaving onGtamllng lo lieu of those re b-ein- ed there bus Ihh-ii i*- saeil nil ei act of21-t May, 1833, $5,709,010 01 Of that i**uo there has Iroun re-leeim-il 5,483,373 15 Luaving of t hat i#»uu uulslumling <299,121 45 Aggregate of first end second Isjuus ouistiindiiig l Tho issues under the provisions of tho act of the 2d of MureJt, 1339, u* moon ml to 3,857,276 21 Of lliul i-siro, there has Irotn reiloi-tn- Oil, 661,750 00 Mnkiug ili'aggregite of ail ouutond- —3,195,526 21 mg $3,707,331 52 ^ LEVI WOODBURY, ^ Recro'ury of thu Tivu*ury. Tiik Nuiith Cakoi.ixa Duki..—It is tnt", nft.-r all—nxront account* plucu thu mutter buyoinl-hiu •> —that IiI'mkI was slw I hy our eccentric fri -ml Slut co Jones, some mo-lhs ago, near Currituck courthou*e. '1 Ic* deed wn# did. True, Mi. H. Wright Wilson was not killed, hreatm* it i* a very difficult and prel'y impossible to bit u non-eathv.— But, wu re|roal— he ground wua mmked off—there is no doubt iff that fuel. Blood, loo, was sled.— But in«tefld oflroin - the blond iff u nmn, it turns out lo Imv.- bi-en thin i-f u pig I A li imlkt n hief wn* statfp<vl in its hiiNMi, a- J-1- ph’s hietliren dyed the coat ofma iy eoluis—u-el bonce the “signs nfw e" which gave the original cm leuey to tlm story. Mr. Jones It is now la.tly eur-rod tiro title uf "it wiiule Img in hi."—#V. 1' I om. ClI AllLEsTl >N,Oct. 7.—'Tlmsrhr Caleb Mr.bu)*, Uuwe, I*out New York, sailed 23 It ul'. for tilts port, with a cargo iff Si mu!, Bricks ami Hay, went ashore on Hnturdsy nigh',at I2 o'clock, on Bull's Breakers. Tiro setir lumrodial-ly bilged and filled, and had com* iironced to go lo nleoaa at 4 o'clo k, when the crew, 7 in number, ami Mr. J. Hardwick, passenger left in their bout, and lau*M at fiullivan'* Ijlumiyoster* day, Vessel and cargo tot ally lost. Tb# craw so* ved nothing but the clothes they stood In* The vmmI bdong to to E. Watermnn, of G argeuiwu. Thnenrfnwasewne*| hi thleeily.—Uourlir, We were visited with anotlmr dry gale nr blow. Yesterday Ii jiii tlm km»t »«<l Niwth East -tbn wind uwtvaai'ig as night ayyiMgltgd.—Itld* Tho New York correspondent oftbo l > lilladriphu$ U. S. Gazette writes— The Queen bus taken out about four millions of dollars teinitta nee, nearly ono fourth of which was in specie. $3|5,000 wont from one private house, ami 23,000 from several. There is no concert whatever amo ig tlmhnnks’.- Tlds lam sme of from my own inquiries to-day. I "•k"d ono l-ank President the nimnml gaing out/ ami he replied, 44 a single d-dlnr that I bxve yet hoard of." Tills wns nfmr tbo vessel | lm ] , a Ueil/ I asked II geitliemnn Ut tlie brink door, a* I came out nnd lie said, miner one million than ha|f." A third (enshier) 4 km-w of$473.000." The New Y-rk Express of Wednesday, 2, P. Ms- says— Tills is one of tiro bright dny* in Wa'I street.—* Stock* have gone up for two days pa.t, which it quite a nuvelty. M .troy, it is laid, is also easier. Tiro B> Irish Queen tank a little short ofeigiit liun-r rlritil thousand dollars in a -ecie. Tills, with what freight, sin Imd, gave her u freight list of tliirtevrt hundred pounds. U. S. SHIP Bha.xuywink.—We Irani fremalatd vis.tur ut, tlmt this noble frlgnta is In full readiness for sen, nod will depart from HomptotY Ronds oil herd.-stimition to llm .Mrdiicrrancun, in' nil the passing we* k. Tiro exhibition slip already m ikes us a specimen of aural epuipmenl, though sa* •hurt n time from the duck ynr.l, is spoken of with 1 gieat udmiraiiun hy those whu Imvo visited her/ As Is well known, le-r Captain is one of the most- papular and distinguished of tfir oflin-r# of our Nrf- vy: at once the skilful seamen, and tlw accomplished 1 nnd polished gem In nmn, and we prnphesy a moat- inter '*tiiig c uisp,. in tiro classic regions to wbidf l this ship is nhuut soiling to theintelll^t company uf ufiiccrs who we are told, have tho good fortune (tf *i rvo under Ids command. ttst or okYicmw; Captain— W. C. Bolton. Lieut*.—John K- lly, Hiu / d.S. Pinckney, Frubciy B. Kilis n, Gunlon C. A-luon, Henry K. Thatcher/ Jem' S II. Rowan, mart Ale*. H. Marbury* - L eut. of Marini s-Addison Gar ami. ' , Suigeoii—James M. Greene. • Purser—Greenville C. Cot^nir. C'linpVm—C. 8. Siownrt. • Muster—Junvm M;Tjrok'-|t. . Assistant Sutteou**—Nltitun Plnkflby and Sinclair. Paired Midshipmen—James F. Armstrong, Rir t«r N. Stemhel. Do»j4mhi It NidoN# G-orge Wt Clmpmun, Wm. H. Adams, Jamo* VV. UuadcTJohif B. Randolph, and Henry Gadwnll.ider* “ • MiiLhipnron—JolnT. AbJroi- Tbotir.# G. Cor* bin, Martin Dor.ilde, Charles II. Baldwin.- Francis Alexander, Aimer R*wd, Hlo’d.P. Mason/ Gcorga W. Rogers, Regindd Fail fra, Somin-rvlLeNlchoK ton. AngiMtus W. Siubkln#, Alsxan l r J. Dallas nml Madisun !tn«h, Captain's Clerk—C. 8a.«ford S , ewa;W,..M’'; M U Mitswnio—Charles MutllfiA.'* Gunner—Isawis Parkn, ‘ y Carpenter—Hairy D. Les’.f.*, bwiimaker— William Uenoeu—N t Ys CdUfflfr MifANOiioLy occuuAsAti.—The A'bnodiii Ke|iubliron of the 11th lust., states that Mr, Da vhld- Bunrot. luta sharlff of Na'ahltacl^s.dnat «wtnp«in« to resrne a trogm nmn who bwl hdlen in tnthe river raqoMila Nalchltoche., was hitoaelf ua (urtuiwUilj dtwwMd,