The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, October 12, 1839, Image 4

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♦ • I* OUT It V. RKTIUINU rlWM BIMIXKSSl A UAIIO.UN. I. Poor oM, sent a nw>«*meio WmIiIi, A friendly one ifemgli, *»y thnh)| Hot rivals wrm limy, till tl»« lilll** god's health Began, tike hi* biniim*«, to dip. "Frfend Wealth" iftiil Uin Cupid, "I in re. the,— I'm Weiry iff ifeiriing In hearts: I'vff a large stock on hand, which l Uojto you'll ad- i'll Mil tliptit in frouor in*|hitu. II. N«. I U ft lot tint l started with first— Tlwy were Sweetheart*—poor aen*ilivo things! lly Hopft mil myself they with Carefully nursed, Till Jpnl..n«y sfeit forth tier stings, Anil iHii win'il one so wiihlier venommi* pain, print Hni* IpTi llm othei to inonni— 'i hough I think I could manage to join them again, Ifpridu would but let them ■Inin*. Ill N i. J is it Spinster lot—nbitinnte—tough— Which has hung h long time upon hand; Hot, with your assistance, I think *1*11 enough A sale ltU«uro*ioi:oinohtiid. N". 3 W ft heart thtl «m broken by mo Onoc, fmg-tting it* fiang.bln innuMt I trfed oft to mood It,—hut Toi M, ns you'll aoo, And 1 loar that it ne'er can bo told. IV. "No. 4 im lot tluit I grieve tn resign,.. Tho mut-rial i*nll of tin best; lhil whether it cum-# fmm their lieing too fine, They've not Ion! a chance like tlm re*l! In short, you will tee it, 0 insetting up irmlo, 1 laid io n vari»u« supply, And urn aunt, iuyour lianil«, thnt tho atock c/in I* made To hitch cent. |tor cent, by and hyf" r Soya Wenl'.h, In rosjonoo, ‘My denr* Love, for your lake, Thu propoanl I glndly will meet ; Tl*o gauds ntyoor.iwn valuation I’ll Inke. So acini them |t»*r Imorcr (om/ dr-anile!” For well dnl the cunning old nlchyinht knm{, Lei them fl'en of tlmir kinda I* tho wont, llo hud only to gild them, and roaioiu would fl.n To buy *11 tlwut up ua lie*JietH J. A. Wan*. TIIK I'OOIC VOTER'S SONG. They knew thnt I wn* pimr, And lliev thought llml I uita hu«o, And would readily endure Tola* lo.'iil'il with disgrace 5 They judged 1110 ol'lheii trife*, Wln» uii vllu mummuii dute, So limy otlen*d me 11 liriln*. For my vote, Imy*, vote! O. almmo upon my fe*tters, Who would my cuiincienco Imy I Blit ahull I wear their feller* I ' Not 1, indeed, mil 1! My vote f h I* not inino Io do with ua I will: To enat like pearl* (o swine, Tnlfe-so Midlowen* in aw ill: It i* my coeniry'* dia>, And I'll give it while I run, ‘To the helical nod llto true, hike u limn, hoy a, iiiuh! O, aluiui *, Ac. No, no, I'll hold my void Aa it livuatiru uml 11 truat; My diahonor none ahull ipioto Wlieii I’m mingled wiihtlie dn»t; And myehddi«iii when I'm gillie, Shull bo strengthened by the thought, Tluit their tittlier wea not oiiii Tufeilniuglit, Imya, hongllll O, aliunio upon my fe*tlors, Who would iny couaciuocii buy! But ahull l wtwr their futtera l Not 1, indeed, not 1. NF.W ORLEANS.*-^. 27. Ltrx Nitwt ritoM Mrxtru.—Tint at rival of dm achiMiiiPr Weaiwr, Capt. DelvailK putua in p»a«caahm of our regular lile* of Tampico papeia to Ihe7th H-ptemfe-r, and piper* of the city ofMcvico to the Slat ull. incln-ive, uigrilmr withaaveral let- •ra from private correspondent*. Tlmmo't interesting intelligence i* that which nnnmmrea the probability that the Mexican gov* ernmeul will reirtrl ita unjust decree againat mer- cfetndix* hn|Note.| into Tampico during tha tenure of that town lay the federal lorrea. Wo lentil, by wav id" Met imoroa, that the army ofthe Federal (leneral ImmiK wna defealed by Ch neml Ceunliaa in the nriglilHirutal of Monterey. It ia H'ld'-d dial he lo,t ad hiaartiliery,h iggage, Sir.., ‘.*11(1 oruont'ia, nml that the two Imiuua' hail Hod in tie* direct loti ot Telna. A tleapnieh to till* HTect ia piililMicd In a nipple- OMOittotliv Dii-cogaiio de Tuinuuii|ma of the Sill in«t Then* ia no*hint very important from the Ci'y of Mexico. The itilmlnlatritVin of ttuatameiito war becoming more poputnr. A iliH'.unient waa pohliahed at Mexico toward* the end of Aogu«t, which produced atone aenauiiun til* re, Nidi wilieli nii(M*rti» to I ten death blow to toe ■epolntioii of Sniibi Aiiim n* 11 weriior. An olTirer of die Mexican army, who wea preornt at the akir* miah at Vera Crux mitlte bill llecumher, haa <* etlin die (Joamnpolita that in the ulfiir jual men* tioiHol Santa Anna behaved likw n owurd, nml h« aii*tidna Ilia naorti ina by n numlwr offneu of which he wna nil eye wiluea*, nn>i wit clt weronlro aeen lay purl oftlie dcteclinieiit that waa then mid I hero engu* g'd, KaT'Ct t>f a Idler, d'lted city of Mexico, Aug. 17. "Tllia country ia reined; din bill-icnco of the clergy ia one • mure in the itaeenilont; |Mi|iulnr anperii* lion goes #0 fur na ton*rrilie leitlyihc |H*ili.r* matif« «f mirtt'lea. The ut|iuini«iMdoo of joaiice Itec line* every .lay inttni corrupt nml viciona. tVhl'e tliia alnto tliiega Ina'a, liireign coioinerce ioii*t continue p'lniiiaed, if not unuihiltited. Then* nre nlining iiaa.ioie acnaihl- peraoe*, who letd the evil which «pptc»a their country, hut luck th* etmmge and union neccaamy to get rid of diem. They tole rate nidi npndiy the pica mt Imliecile ui|oiini*trn- lion, which, it ia trim, d ma no li'irm, if to in'diituin the country in it* |ire«<*ni relrogra.lo poaition bo not tfonaith r d a erioie." MbiltiKit.—'Tlindond hotly uf.Mr. John I fimtoii wuafiiilliil on Sntimlny Inat conceidiid in tho wimnI* three utile* from thia ptnen mid ISO yunU from tlu* rood. Tin* akoll wna broken iii,iip|Mruiilly with an uxo.—Sonin plunk* ufo wagon on wdrchwero MinnI tiiidhiiiiu. were huiiul uciir the InnIv, ua oiao went 'wngoutruck* in tvhiidilhnuoipaehmi evidently Ih'oii eonvoyetl to dm apot. The iiiuiden*d man Imt thia village in com|mny with, Ida aoii 011 Friday livening Inal, mill when Inat mum alive, wiamet iilmut IDO yunla li'-tui llm apot where the wagon turn d out of tlmruiul. A Ciumiur'a iinputat wua ludil, ni which ninny rlrciunaUncea (tluit public opinion limy null* oiinleiipiiii the mat.or, wo deem it iinpru|H'r to de- mil here) w*.'iil to (lx tlii- alnwkiog criom upon die aoii. Tim Curonur'a.1 ury nceordiugly found 11 ver dict of wilful murder nuninai thu ton. who hua lumu urre-led olid i* now in jnil io thiu plueo.—Wo uo- dot atom! 1 In- lad ia iilniot liliooii you, a ofuge. u though iioonent !ir.«t gimme enuld aoppoae him to lie inure tlimi tell or twelve — Wtuhiitfllon AVira. I ft It I llt.K ThAIIKIIV.— \ deep nml meat pniiiful aenauti n waa excited in the coiiioinnity tlda niorn- ing lay tho rumor of 11 deed of idood which it wa* sincerely hoped lit liral wua hut 11 minor—leil which, after iiiiptiry proved, ulus, 1110 trim. Tlmae who Inivo liecn ucniatoiiied to walk in ChcanUl atreet. ill tho iieighburhiHNl of lude|*en- denew Sipmro, \n jwiint, jwrh ,j», w ith the exception nf tho Ivxchitiige, where both at day nml ovoning mir I'itixoiia in ,at do congregate,) muat have ft»- ijiieiilly atopped into the coureclionary atoiv uml re- lioahiiieut rouina of Mr. Wood, oiiiMiaitu llm Mule lloiiaC. They tniiat rotitemlmr also Ida hundaoine uml nt* tentive daughter, wlmae chief earn it wua to intend From Ikt ,V. ) r . CommrrnaJ, <)rl. 3. DIS\Sl KKS AT SKA. Bv III* pa keibiij* Acadian, Joooa, aifiv d at lloaton from llalilax, WO have pupura In-m die Ini- tor pint lu llm UUth of Sopteinboi. We have on •cvuinI ocaaiotit had to rocord di*a*tcra by dm a*-, veni Soptomlmr gale*. Tim pa|*ra now before ua add In tho inimher. The French ahip Mario, from IJuvre, for New York, wn« ca«l away 011 the l.'lth of September on llm I-In of Sable, him had on hoard aevU 'ty-five puaiengoia, ami • full caigo of merchamlirn. It nlTorda ua pleaaura to any llint llm ciow nml paaacn- f erawrruull *»ved—fwtj iv. the litter arrived m lalifnx in dm governmuol achoonei Victory, Onihy. UTtlm cargo, l*JIH! ImakeU Cli*ni|mgoe loid baam aaved. The reaidue, witb tlm alnp, will I* a total Iota. Am. aclir. fiermrnl Marion, from I'lctun, was driven nalmro at Sandy Cove, uml bilg. d—crew nod matermla. aavwl. A fetter bo* lie. n received at Halifax from I'ic- loo,dated Se^omher, ‘iltl, which rtate* "that nine ,laminin veaao.a, auppoacd to In- fi«hnrnmn, were casuiwny 011 l'rim o Kilw-uid • laluml in tlm gale of dm IJiu iuataot—crew* perished." In addition to dm aouve we tin.! tlm follow ing:— The schooner Three Brother*, of Bedford, aaho u on I'etot'a laluml, llit*lic*»—crow auv.-d. Tim American schooner# Alary June, Vine, and Amnion, uie ashore at I'oii llmal Ihig I'ilgrim.Campb It, from Boaitin for 1'ictou, was toU.ily loa 011 I'miou Bunch. Fishing aiiiMNOieia I'u 11, Cyru«, nml (Joiar, of Nnwhury|*,i, uml Idu, of (ilouceaier, pin iaio I'm- ton with lot* of Citldo nml anclmia. Schooner .Morning S nr, of I'nrisninudi, aahoru lit hliip llm- Inn,—moat discharge. A liuge miiiiher of other Amerirnn vuasols nro iilao irpolled n-hoie ut dill' rent pluce*,—nuioea unknown. I’ll•• (Fieeii Victoiin, O’Connor, from Hu ifiix, •N. S., bound to Bay Chnteiir, on a liahing voyage, wna hove 00 her beam end* on llm I Dili tilt., nhooi '.'I! niTlea M'. S. W. of Snhln laluml— a a* fallen in wub by tlm •i-lmomr I'luuei, Ilium, (from liny Cli.deor, IhiuimI to Hugged Jalaod*, with mnais *|irung, loa* of sails, »Vtc.,) who took off tlm crew, seven m number. Ship (leicotcs, of lloaton, for Full llivoi; brig Clinrles. I«r lloaton, nod seine mer Alury A Simuii, liar I'hilndelphiii, nt 1'ictou, rmlii out tho gale, the fnriiiur wuh lulling duinugn. Tho Iirig| Sappho, (of Blim Hill.) J O. Strovar, from Halifax lor 1'ictou, inbnllaai, wna )o*i ut Tra- cudii*, 10 dm (i'll of Causo, in dio gofe of llm Mill inat.—cr-w uml materials saved. Brig Ware, nf Until, from I'icioulbr I'liilmlolpliin, fed'ioo r-ported ualioio, wn* ha‘ seen throwing over Imr cargo, pro- huhly 10 ex|*etiilioo of her lloatiog oil' soon. Sclir. Hen. Alai mu, Iruiikliii, of nod for I'lovidcuce, fio.o I'ictoo, went nslioni in thcromu gale nt.Sandy Cove nod lolged. Schr. M iroing Star, (heliuvud ot I’oruui utti) went uslmve m Ship llnrhor. ami M»"H diaclairgo to gut off. Tho Sappho wua in- soied ot lloaton for iiIhiuI $aDDl). I'him.'K FIIIV a it o’* Inla.vo, Sept. I7 —Tlm sclir. Kmily went u*hore m Stnnhopo on Friday nighi—thu cuotahi uml 3 (out of 7) nf die crow were drowned, in ntloiiipiing to luhd. Snvoinl other voasel*. mimes not mentioned, wunl ualaire, mid aeverol live* wuie lost. J wo Anmiicun vv#*el*oru on almrelM'twecnNmt- fragu m.d Kuat I'oim, crow* lost. Two men wore tuund dead on hoard nno of them. l.ust night thu linripia Kiclmid. Willis, from Sa lem, drifted on it 1 eel ul rocks m tlm entrance of die tmrboi hua htlgtd, uml will moat prububly bo lost." Tlm brig AUerinuo,Snow, mrivod nt lloaton to*, tuohiy ni on ng from Sydney, whenco she left uiuhu 2lil o Suptombur. Tlm gum of tlm Mill was vniy severe ut Sydney, and every veaaul in port was more or ic»* injured. Tlm A. had her head uml cut wu- lei mi 1 led uwuy, how spl it apt ong uml hr ml* hud ly chilled. The Aldcimuti sailed incmiptiny with ship Anti och of Ca tine, lur Nt w York, inhulluat, having had hur hroadsidu slovu in, cliuin plate*, i&c. dunmged iiillm auine gale. Left *hi)i> Commerce, Wise able of aetiiif like li tnordd* men, to drive tin*to from tlm siipjroii nf Mr. Ihdl, sli.iuld lie become a candidate lor the Speaker’* rlidr. Instead of re ceiving Democratic vote*, we think it will be »li«* cuvrn-d that ho cum art obtain the unanimous *up- |nrt of dm (Jpp **itioii. It i«, of rourse, by no meant probable lie will ever be okH'.U*<l Sjaaiker •gain. Washinoton ox rarxit cvHitinw.—We pub' )i*h the following loiter frooi Uuoural Wusbiugion, addrosied hi Fubrimiy of I7U7, to Thonin* Shorn ’ then a member of dm Semite of Muiylnnd. '1 he o- pinion ..f (Joimral Washington in this instance wn ended luidi by tho liillowing citciimiUincea. A bill hod |M*aud die House of Delegnh a of Maryland, proposing tlm issue of bills ul eivdithy llm slum to tlm amount of throe liumlnki nml fifty thousand |*oinii|ia, tube loaned in various soma, rodoomubloio ten years, and ih awing 110 interest ot six per cent — Tho Senate iiinuiininusly refused ilmir ua.eoi of ill* bill. In dm coMlrovursy uoauerl dm opioboi «f Heucml Wu-iiinginn wna inked, who returard dmuuswor aiilijoined, It may ho found in Spark's Life of Washington, vo|. ix page ‘.Ml. The cir- cum-tance* ut itmt |*eri el were in m my res|»octs si milar to ttiiMH we nro now passing through. Tlm country wua already Hooded with paper issues,nml •preiohad beta drown «l'Uo»tcitiiivly from ciiuulu- lion. ' • Wlut icmninod itiicxporhxl bad been chiefly " locketl op." a* staled in tlm loiter, through the f«»t* of those who hud ulreuily auffutcdlty llm de preciation or iho pupur currency. So tmnh wn* the propordon of apocm to |wpvr m oiey, diet whilst scarcely antheicni of d*o forinor could ho procoivd for llm want* of (iovurnmeut, tho MbumlaiM'u eft lie latter hud rwlsed thu pi feus of every tiling t'.,»* l*u- yood their actual vulm-s, thus " opening, dm door for a|*ceoUiion by which llm len-t d signing uml parhupi tiHMt vnluihle pmt of the coinniauhy were preyed upon hyihu umiu knowing und Ciully •pe culators." Such iathu luiigoiigeof tlm Hreut Wash- ington. Such were hi* ronanii* I'm ndvi«iog h cur tailment nf tlm |ai|N‘i circulsthoi, and placing llm currency ol'the tommy on n more sinbht lw»I« — Let every voter road till* let tor—let hint mink well Us ooiituolf. Tho advice i* na upplicabie to l he country inw- na in 1707.—Oehitrnte (iaxtlle. DearSii:—Yum luvor of the D1I1I1 iilliino, came duly to liniid. To give hit opinion in a causa of so much imjHiitance o« that which |iu« wwrmly ugi- luted llm two brnnclie* of your legislature, nml which, from die appeal that is made i* likely tueru. ala groat and perhaps dangerous division*, is iniIio a delicate matter; hut. this divi iai y ofopinii 11 ia on awhich l twliuve, occupied the mhwls of moat men, and as my amitinu'ii's thereon have boon fully and decidedly expressed long liefora the Aaaeinbly eirimr nfMarylaml or this State w a* con vened,! do not scruple to declare* that, if I Inula voice inynui legislature, it would have been given decidedly nguttiai a paper ontiaaioii H|hiii Uie gene ral principles of it* utility a* 11 inpivscniutive, und tlm n-cessity ol'it •>* a in>nliom. To itaaigo a reason for thia opinion would t*e RMVusiy a* tedious. The gnnind haa fevit so often trod llmt u pluce lutnlly teiiodns untoodoxl- —-In a word, tlm necessity arising from n want of specie I* representerl ns greater tlmn it renl'y is f I cooicimI, that it i*by dm suh-uwee, wh wuh dm shadow iff a thing, we ere to lio beneliited. The vri*d<*nt «ff man, in my humblo opinion rtuiuot at thia time deviao n plan, by wlii-'h theerodii of piper money would bo long supported, con*e*pM‘iitly d»- preeintiwn Weeps pare whh the •ptao'wy *»i thnemi- •ion, and article*, which ilianxclun-ged, ria-ina greater ratio than the sinking vn'm* of the money. Wlmreln, tlmn, i* tlm farm r, the artisan, benefited ? The debtor may t>e, lo-cauae, aa I have observed, he give* tlmahAdow in lieu oftlie substance; ami, in pn>|*ortion t-» hi* cmlitorortlie body t***li- tfe autfera. Wheiltor it lm v legal temlernr not, it will, a* lias boon observed wry truly, htavoiiuudei- Wftdvo. U must lie that nr no'hii.g, Anevile^ual- ly groat is, 1 lie door it immo Imiely ojrnn* lor apo, u- laiioi. by which dw-loott designing, uml perhaps m<M valuable part of llm commuoily are toetrel upon by dm mere knowing and cr fay ••mculaior*. But oontiary to my intention ami d vlar «tinu,I am offering reason* in tupi*->n of tuy opinion; reasons I <o, which of all in Imr* nro feast plea-mg loth" advocate of pup -r in on-y, I -bull ifeivluiu ouly ofe Mivogimorally. dint so many p ople have soth'ied by former emi«ti<Hi«, that, like a feimt child who die-ids tlm lire, UulKM-siM* w ill (••Uidi it who can p-a- sitdy avoid it* Tim natui.d * oo-repn-mn of wliieli Will he, dial the spa m, winch remain* um-xp ot*xl, will h« inaundy locked up. VYtlU groalcsiwmaud regal d, I am dear 8b, Youi*. (HXJKHK WASHINGTON. to llm more elegiuilmini* In. lion a of dm eatubliah- loa. of mixen ntaat of Cap. Subic; Clm*. Cm roll! H ' ,u,U,,a “* ttl - lrl 1 wtg. cargo; A M ueturt,f,out Bristol, It. |, diifted usliuro III tlm gule, lust liilsu keel, bend* badiy cliaf- ud tevuiul tiiuburs brokoo, nml between duck* ken; would take purl ofu curgo for New York; Inig* Hen. Uulivur, W ilson, cliufud badly, ropg for iiu»- lun,3 t|»j O-wego, Wiswell, Uo*t»u, 3; KlirulH.‘ib, wig cargo; schr Cupu Four, n*pg lor Button, 3 da; hunpm Henry I'erkius, auilvd 3 days previous for Boston; brig I'uitu Kico, got uaboie und knocked off Imt rudder—auded 3 (tuy» previous fur Now York. ('orreiponJence of Ike Commercial Adeerliter, HALIFAX. N. 6„ Sept.31. Tlm U. S. «chooio r Hriinipu* is still bore, und her t'Hirer* urn “largo IUh" among u* I assure you. Til** gr- Hie-l ut i-ntioii is pni<l them by the geinry of llalilnx, and In their gi'iith-maoly rlepoiioiunl they deservo ull tlm iitteniioo they ntceive. Yeaterdny they were vi-iiod hy Sir C. A. Fuxioy, die (Joveru- orol I'rince F.dwsrd'a l-lnml, i.iahnty nml finii.y, nod irso l,y Sir Cmoii ('amphell'* liimily,* took ut lioidn 00 on IhniuI nod were sulnied, on Ion- vine dm scliouuer, with 17 gout and tlm yurdsmun- tu d. The visitors, 1 luurn were highly pleated with die suuotivo polilenest of dm ollicor*. . Cos tut Thut.—TImi |.ip n r* are filled with •tdefet ag«m*t this geothoiMo. In .Now York city, •l ft teasing iff atop no, era and ahip owner#, ft »r. S'** ••• knwaidwl io itt-r I'r. tideul fer hi- r • Muvalt»>.w, '*#*•*. d il,e ciimgv* are true which •reurougm atatuai hiui, be domrvus 1* uiovsl. An MWesttgeitoii mi .Utblfe*. U ma.le hi Cooirv** it.. SKSS1S-r*' »“• rSKiZ jmreftlMS Isimw aftodg'4 agdu.i Mm, a**4 1,0.1 drsl, *tp <a *l*« •4'iwii, 10 a-.r In «!,w to clue* Ifffti. Hb«d them.rente*, f l'..) Hipnkiuun Sim wn* 11 faithful mwl dttlhul girt, jn*i bliteliliitg into womutihond. Among her ninny ad- iiiiiui* wu* u young mini in Sixth street of thomuim of 1'ouk, who sin craalixl in aoc.nring her tilYcctinii*. AInhU two wiw-ks since, wo imder-iund, they wore prlvnloly married, nml on ThiitMny ev uing die young W'omnii left tlm eatnlilialuneni of her futlicr, 11ml joined Imr hiltlntud. Do Siilunluy aliu rolunii'd, and nil llm cireuuisluiices wviv m ule known to tlm former, llo in«iunl!y closed Ids shop, iniicli to tlm turpi-ise of tlm public, moru limit particular attrac tion Ireilig now in dm Indio-’ depart nm t—n striking likeuets of (Jit on Victoria hy 11 young nrliu of this ony having Innui placed there lor exhibition. Tho deinennor of tlm fndmr to his dniuhter wn* morose nud loinHomeiling, nllhniigli lie hnd previous ly invited Imr lio nu; Imt slmstrovuliy every ne nns to avert hi* ill feeling, which, *0 fur hi It wa* likely to end ill any tiling desperate, Im iiigenioualv nm- ceuled. This morhilig, however. IU ultuu! Itloelock. nt the daughter wn* sitting in the room with her liitlier, mill we believe with some other memlau* of dm family, Im walked deliberately up to her, uml drawing i\ pistol from hi* bwtom, pi need It ulmwst ng >111*1 lierforolieud. uml shot Imr emir ly through the tirnin. Tlm IhiII, wo lenrn, jiiusrxl through the skull, uml fell in mmther part ol die room. Tlie murdereit* weapon w»s ut nueoihruwii from thuhnn>Uof tlm dotpsraU* mm, in ilia pro-euci* ol III* dying child, ami bim-ell •••■ ured. 1'lie elieiitl of dm city w«* silling in hit ellice, and wat imims dinlely nwmi that amm ihing imiuunl hnd nccurred. He eroaaid the atreet tunmnliutolv; nml umendini; to dm npuriomuia wlmiodm deed wua done, found llm murderer, pule nml terribly ugit m d, with In* Imck to the lire plnee, nml his dnujiter lying pros- liate nml ble-xling on tlm fl.a>r, with Imr bead near hi* fret. One eliUil, it premising lad, was clasping hi* knee, and livening with leurl'ol eyes, an I language of imploring passion, dim “ lirlier di<l not, fnilie* could not doit!" whilenihci mrmbei*ofthetamily wero sobbing nml ahriaking over tho dying slster ninl child. Un the eutrumm »f llm slierill', U ihnI liliixl Ids mm n«if 111 the ucl of firing u pistol, nud exclaimed— 1 '* I nm tlm mnu—1 allot her—l allot her!" While writing till* article, we le*rn thnt the father, lifter etch 1111 act, is sound n« u-'p, with u gaud of ollieera over him. An inioiei'*** crowd gnlliered around tl»e place, yet none were admitted hut vteTtnin mombtsrs of tlm owtlicul faculty, nml the coroner** jury of in pwal, wli.» will delay ill- ii verdict until 6 o'clock tills evening. Tile gill was lingering m gn-nt agony towerl* tlm close of tin- forammn, bill not llm slight**! ti<<|*e* ot her r- cnveiy were cmeitnim-tl. Mr. W*hhI was nn Kiiglisliman, who may he ro- memlwrerl at 11 fr'iit teller lor m my y.-art in the Cheviot atreet Theatie, nod the kee|*er >*l u hide •Imp In the Arcade, «huh hi* ilnoghter nml him- •' ll attended, lie hu* tevernl oilier children who with their n-uther, me thrown intomconci*iviil*le dittrea* by this dread net of murder und uf blood.— Fkiladelpkia Hu telle. We Ami tlm following in tlm I'liibulelphin (in- sctlc, relative to W*hn| who aliAl lus daogliter. The letter I* from 01m of Wood'ti-ouosel: To Ike Kdifor of Ike I'kihuli lpkia (latelle. D* Alt Siu:—We desire to rectify some oftlie errors *•!' tlm pro**, with icsjmct to dm eielunclioly occurtvmv ol yvstenluy, which hour liunl ii|nhi dm prlsnimr uml bis ilislnmled fumily. The fact •* that Mr. W. w it a’poiUiee,frenzied manioc irlra ke tknl kit ekild. Tlmro is nliun- dunce of evideoc** ah *m it, nml it wiil lie mu le dear, uuloaa the pro** take* captive the public oiimt ami denies him u fair trial. • • • * Mr. Wood was attentive Mini kind to hi* daugh ter from tho Imur site iv-enieretl hi* Ii.nim-, slid prior to tlm marring*- was il»vot«dly affectioitnle to her.* l lm tit of insanity that lmp|ame<| on Mou lay was the first moment of ichor livliug*. We have aeon Mr. W«nhI lo-.!ay; W ran leumm- her only f-iintly, ns n divxim, dm event* iff yester day; ho doe* wot rernomltcr, even, in wh.,t purtuf tlm Imhiso dm a>'l took place, lie 1* Inferably com- p-*Mil linlsy, Inn in a state iff*dm im**t poignant ( ;rief. Y*‘»tenlay llm Sheriff orvlered two nmn to te alationed tn hi* cell, tn prevent him from doing violence to hnn>ell'| In, condition of insanity iiimI a 1.does, was so remakable. This is not dm first attack uf in •unity lie has *uff-n-l undei; he anstain- wl a similar aim nation of mind mow two year* ago. Your*. ivtimctfuUv, * * Ad. Willi# (i. Clark, j:«p * l lm wilier nt'iat be mistaken a* in the “ first mreimnt" uf motnily, if.imh it it to Im regard**!, l lm *hutdng up ol llm shop for seventl d *)t atal llm poirh ra*' of llm pialult Oil Saturday, are eiieum- tiaiae* of imp*N> •»• do* couoretinu, while tl*e loamli laki ii Wlore the CiNnuilMKOi tffllw* *fee«l d.aibtW* coulHbuftal to In out on llm |dnvna)r, Thr el io eased Jlattv dial Wins! out imt liatM a trial it, wn think, auiwrtlgmii, Dm rnurta ami to thv utmost ow dm *td* of <«Ur jairn* alttayt fean twiry,— From Ike Ulukc. MU. IU.LL. It *■ em«, from thu •ubjniuu l uutiru -if tho Lind*- vdte Advertiaei, tout Mr. Bull cnfeul ite* on 1I10 gelling v-to* from die Hepublicttus |, M tin; 8puk- O'snip, by lurking t ,rt purty iiuiim to lea Whigciy. ll fethis v vy douoe-vlu.vl n; which bus mute hiin tie iiiostudmii* nmu io C'ongre-s to tin- IUpul>||. cun* Tli y know him to to- onscrapul .u* nod unfair a» a pretidiug olllcer, uml 1I.0 moat mibg' mint oppouont in thobmly; und we have uo doubt that in u choice b tween him and uny frank, iimnJy Federalist, there would bo perfect uutuimiiy among the Democratic member* io favor ul die lutter. From Ike l.oiiit»ille ( ATv-) Adeerliter. llUICi lUN OFSI'KAKKU. Tlie Naslivibe Banner is eo-m-sily iidvecntiug the elaiuiN of Mr. J0I01 Bell to die oilier of Simaker of the Homo of lt»pro«enmtiv a of th-j Uoit<-d Smto*. it cull* Mr. Bi ll a Urjnihlican Whig, und itilim lie* that he may receive dm votes of some of •ho Ad>niiiisiriiti"ii momlier«. We ndvi-e the Ban ner not 10 i t'Ki eoolMendy 00 thu electi of All. Bell to the otlice of .Speaker, os it i* mil known hucuunot lie f.dr-’y el ct.d unle,* Alarylnnd >1 Aliasissippi -h >ulil elect uo Democrat* to Coo- grev*. We know tho Opposition Intend to outrage the tooling* ut thu mtiuii, ifpravlicable, io the election ot Spunku,; tluit Imy unlculnlo «>n etfecting tlieir object with the aid ol’tltu vote# ot'live <lefeaietl Fe- iiuiuli*u tram New Jeitcy, win* n-celvuil certifi- eat,>« ,4 1I1 rough ti efr ludijent and corrupt conduct of the U.ivcruor of that Slate. Stewart of I linoi* Im* also rev o.ved 11 ceitificute of election, to which lie is not emiiliHl; and hit aid it expected hy the Federal puny in die elecd-m ol'Sjn uk>-r. By allow ing men to v»te who lire nut legally menilmr,—-men known to hove Imeu fairly beaten at llm polls—it it po-sible tin- Kederaliats may sue- cotal ia uleu iug one of their puity S|Kaker: But what cm they gain by m--un* so coirupt and dote*- tabu l What vvti| dm ivuiontay, shoulit a Speaker lie loirted ujhoi tli-i ||ou*e by a minority of the lawfully ulecu-il 01 ink-r* of that body? Can Al . Bell believe lliai if the cmrupt conduct oftlie Ho- vemor and Soeieiury of Mate of Miuoit, ami dio Uuvenior and Council of New Jersey, and of die llariuburg re be t, who sought Its Im.d |Niuer in de fiance of die public will, and to subvert die Hoveri • mem of I'vuiisyivuuiH, should lie Cbllnwed by .1 sue- ceskfii I effort to force a Fo.loi ulUt up«u the Umums of Ueprvs -ntativea as Sp--ak- r, tlm event would no Jos denounce I by every votueu* man in tlm nation? Tlieelevaiiuo t4 All. Bell by »uch mean* io llm S|H akur'a clutir, eouM inn fait to render him odious tmoagUvuv the Unit).*, ami t>» ctu«u ttto tiuuesi imriioouf hit friend# lu Temmstve lo abandon him liirnvrr. Tla- Banner, ifit suppose* Mr. Ik-11 is popului among dm im nilH-r* ut Congresa, i* deceivetl. He *Iimn1 well uutil he wn* soured hy disupiHiiuimeiit —untilenvy of* successful competitor caumd him to descend to tlm ouimis.ioii ot arts which were deapiscil even hy tlm decent potion of tlm 0,i|M»i- lion. Hi. course toward- Mr. Polk wa* Insulton*. viinliclire, and uuiiiaiily. A* Sjaatker, Air. I’olk t-tNild do outli'ii; tint »>vnmd right in tho e.tiuia- lion iff Air U ll. If e •ni'nittia-s were nnoeil .,e. c*oiling to llm usages wlik li had i-vn olio-ruil A* •Ur. IUH kt'Otr/f, a. well a* all tlm Speakers lli.ii ptia-edisl him, It-- eoukl see iiulhiog hut lontijlitv, •'•muptlo.i, xml Into- .oh* rvietmy to dm F.xivulivo In all hi* movrintoiU. 111 all lie said, an I all Im -lid, e|malv on evenly, in dm HiNim, emy iff Mr. I'ulk waa iNiviiMi.—so much llm dm hliu.|e*t iff Air. Bell'* loluwer. could mo fail to |M-ive,vu it. He a a* known a* dm wire-worker among llm a*»ail<int» of dm au* nker; at dm |o.onpu i and a>lws*o uf tlm dt-Mt( tveUe**, «n4 dm hlarkguattl poiboi iff lim Federal limuilmit, hy whtnn iIm< li|n-a»er wu* daily aoaoye.1 ||m*«- tart* are well UisferNiud ai W4.hlii<t>oi, ami i|„-y are iff anal'ire • afeulatcd, U aiiy «>| tU Ffvkitl utembvit aiucap- Tlie exlrn -dmary feat peiformed liy Cftptnin Bar clay. die Knfli*h pedeatrl.m. of walking one thuu- •nnd rnilrt in «mh» ihoucnnl tuceetsivo hours, it llet* ru'nbnl hy the Liverpool corrotpoieletit of dm New York H101: In October. MOT ll'Hrhy m.v|e a mntrh of a tlloil-und guinea* widi Mr. Webster, a grout spur *• mnn of that day, dim he (th t btptrtin) wtml l walk 11 lliniit.uid iiule# in a |Imii«iiii-I sirre**ive loeir*, ■i tlm rate of a m : fe in 0 icli an I every hour Tim feat wu* to Im perforiiMil on New Murkpi II* ulli in June, MOD. lie went into training under Mr. Smith, of Daituii, in Yorkshire, nn I on June I, ID iO, stiirt.-d nn the mutch in excellent spirt* nnd health. Tlm lh»usnn.| hour*, a* you vv ill ,eo if you divide t!|. m hy iw.-oty-l'oir, make nearly fot.-two day*, and du-m-ttlm whole of this tlmohu could . .. •»— 'igreuim-ol was d not do to walk l'.-r four; no. each mutt be done in a 1, Im bad two weutlier. Some- iiitetnim* n |o»-e und strong, ood m, dm outer pair , to keep Ids lega tor summer, dm 1 llml Iron, this, the nsvef-e; f»»r ged tn inve tlm twice nr do ice U becoming lun ;x*hm, was tho uei loiter,a Hoog- uriin i, the legs ■ovo dm ground. Im feat, he suffer- linn of hi* |ega, t now cost him li e, which hi the lies, llm, doling i hi - oats, ut .Mr. nk well, uud bets if hi* winning.— run fourths, din otter, und hu re ins now hull'con- 'ii linn he wut in tattur* at Tulle r. Tho wont Imr luoac great ceat, il put un thicker if l.'Pctabirs wn*, July is ini*, mum Imvu lia linislied, die iimliridge, Lluiy :li it* live guinei'S St, A Hums, Furl* ey, Lord* Foley Sir F. St uud rail, wu* ond. il. Dn y hud vety mil- ll evoi tew ci uo llm d put soil',—nine iin<iieiidc-d him to cm In* being in- o'-jectcd, saying lu llint hu would wove , do- email much tluit ii Im nek. On the *••• , spirit*, nml, on ,) 100 goiii-.-us to 1’, indeed, it was I, Im wulkud hi* hu hud done for lir.e. l*. M..wm* •r* of mi hum to d Barclay noited (rent leal. > lulil finished hi ed uf or Im hud woll-ed u mile »r I'bb-n 11 trun«ili'Oi , to dial uf n-p'tau. Inite Ion \ • ' 10 wn Ik 11 four mile* sepaivtc r »ej III tilt-1| On slur 01 tbr n s« lim#* Im I greatcoat, lie bad tw Imilig Isn, dry. A |tl weal li>-r v |m found 1 that, 00 tl ground ro eucli hour hard. Barclay ■aom a* 11 ing gait, v being scan Ashe ami ed much uml tliia u full 20 mil first, im hu thu whole Tuitersall were 2 10 When Im sinew* of gained Bit fj#m-) 1,0 ftO*h »piri •nil* freely WU* now h lie dooiicij ■hot • th'ili Du Sunil gietif, nud 13, when I been pro* price ol a uod ilmnii The Oii .a Hrtmveuur und S'ino-i Ac. were 8undoy,J incroateil- li< hi than f of Captuii huve the g commtnletl tlmt ii IimiI miller uvo of dm croi came nect C'liwl lust *1 Wetlne-du •re 1 IB China 1011 Inst mile w •nine time done.—Hi spurt*. The trail about £20 llo wen long walk slept uhot: two, boiuff from « »ta SKIIU It i* Ion] gnn e.l ii* lio) uml I- euiiiiiiuiice p.nd'-s No, lilted we 1 while the Bowery, fi blocked 11 crowding 1 gine* st>Hi nnd anion two eompi We.ihten we under* man, 111:1k ger-'iit*, e he wu* pii U aides* aunti'hei) nguiiist hi like Inil 1 he wn* cn «ociule*. linn*, blur m.iat ever were ju.*t would Im arncv-uf t Wlide tin perfectly pressed tl nioli n* tli in ut wn* of #t -ppli No. Io wi of viclrny T CSovpni letter to Al’Inlin-, propnrath men in dn ting of tii c died dm give n-vtie ii'ii-X-rti'i utitted to d.aing, nn alieit-ira t cut emir*' Kxcol'cnc liiforoti numlH'i o Iv-en sold chusctu oilier* to inoowealt bo> tier ing widist-ml ul ranee* 1 rcprescnti th-'-Aioo# oxecote ll pnivitliog cloiselt- r opeoiog a foreigners ineffe^tua Stale i# ci liaest fro many of t obtiiimnl <1 m-ist exit l hem rirr Is- • xertu Sun. :fdl riot. II n* ihn-ply ,|is- III (i ii'clock, by 11 1 pluce in-nr tin* it ween lira com- imeiltiiti'ly oriui- ’ ving m die i-pot h, w.- I'.und dm o B.iy.inl street. •ed'Oi of people ny. Tin- two eo- die of the toning, member.* of tin- noil Iff o-kgoanls. if ^ii'eompiinii's, apectutdw y n»c i ls» of die be| i- ••nconuii-r, when No. I-Vs mei is tromp-t •led with, greu-ly were*'I upon him iin li lorn, In-line 1 llm pre-s of 11 lot see, Liiceru 11, ili-licnred ni ne of llm lighters il*. nnd m leed, it 'Urbane- n>u| dis- dpi* **ty drunk.— 7 eiim-' 11I0114 io a Ide m nner, and nine 1 ranch tins 51 nee t’ie depart' ig bud t -e eff. ct lug the mob. nud ip ny with slmutt UI TORY, bus aJiliossod a it Slate, Rufo* it very i-xteu-ivo a set uf lawlf** swick for dm cut- asoii mi what i* retpie-liiig hint to 11 alt tit'ier*, th *t Aluine will i>e r- sysiein of plan- d in it nod their He thinks n feoi- ng enough. His rived llint n lurgu •ro tnlb-d. In* Agest of Maata- ltiiiuswick •oid noil hy llml Co.-ii- tied leiiiiory and KisiiNik river, not- •s|*cctful nnioi' Stut M . And 11 it Hate conmiaiMl on -tilde fin 1 hi till in o Iasi L -gi-| ,iure |Nis»ers. if Ala-sa- pci mil*, tlmre y a the 1 ninny of mhimI and t-odei I twice wtiich tin' 1 10 ••• |, manifetily prove so [irniici 1 ^* In the fe at intereti* ot ilm Stare, and etfircially at *<• im|Hirtaut a crisis at llm prireot may lair.y he noi-lJcred ill ref aid to the great ipiettion of bouudury. Vety re»|M-uliu!ly, Your obedient servant, (Signed) JOHN FAIRFIELD, Hover imr. Agreeably to thnfiovBiior's surg tllon, public no- lim hn* liecn given by Mr. MTutira, cauiioiiiiig all |M-r*on* aguinti eutling dmlmr <oi the dispub-d ter- 11 trey, whether with or without p-rmiis from dm Land Agent in Maaauchuaeita.—Hall. American. Tmt C11IXA Tiunx — It would term, from the annexed extraei, that C iptain Dili t it rather io- clmcd in h .vo a brush with »!»•• Chiiarat. if he can. Ill* latlUfeieut iniuiuinu* »»« llm* *et forth in u feiter 111 mi Cunton, published la tlm Boston Mer cun i-u Join mil: Capt. Klli»tthreaten* to do something w-|mu lie ia oiirftoutside tlm Bogne, which may make it un safe Tor uny fur* igtier* to reinuin hi Cuntmi, but say* that ho iniend* to give tiun ly notice tn nil. that they may go uway, if limy please, llo intend# to urge it ti long ly—-for, to use hit own words, “ CniiMn wid bo mo hot foi uny whom I may leave behind." Of course, over tlm Amei icno* Im has no control—yot, you know the duuger It alike to all f oeiguei s at Cunton.- In ensu of hostilities by any one power outside, die Chinese will out discrimin ate, F.lliot say* that when hn Ins tern tho opium all delivered, and lio can leave, Im will issue hi* fin d proclamation, in which In- will give such infoi* •nation ns may at unco cau-c foreigner* to bo oil' lie urge* die Knglisli daily to bring ihcir uffmr* to ns near a clo.o ut pm-iblu, uod rcipie-L* them to render to him siou-umnl* ol'all nml uoy claims they may have on dm Clihm-e—which they nrc to louvo in Id* hands. This looks w uilike, nit-.l you 0..11 see thmef-iv.ilmt it i»«pi,to possible we may ul! liuva to go Io Alarao, bag nod linggige. Too Colombia, (liOguu*.) Comm<H|orn Rend, ii io Alaeao Roads. Wu arc now daily Imiking toi tlm John Adams. Wo lo urd she wu* ia olsu, fell it proved in he 11 false report. The (13) is ui Clmnpee, wii.-re the npmoi tliip* are dehveibig. Tho Veins, French, (04) 1* daily expected 1V0111 New- South Wale*, ns wed us die Alligator, Ku- (2D,)—and Capt. Ivliot sat* that thu Admi ral iff thu India siuiion will lie til-re wiill « Heel w-nliiii *'X week*.—The Go-id Success was des patched to Madras, with despatches for llm Indian Hovernmetii nnd the Admiral, on the7th April,11111 tlm Ariel. Warden, hn* fe-en taken up to entry des patches 10 Sue/., f»r tin British G>ivcrninont. and will slid iminedmicly. What llm Admiral will do when Im arrives, no one can judge. Ul KD. In Cnl'imbu*. Olil.. nn ik.2<,n.b..r, Mr.. MAItY II. RKNSIIVW.• if. ..r il». It", t. Sln«. ml Knti.tinn-, nl’lr' 11 |n..trucl. f .l illn... of ..'Vm.l month a. •••I in i-much will prdotbly Im- •iinlcuv r tin ilm 1 • 0-1 that ond-r -Infill power will *.<l any in i.fe-rini nper ui-ot* upon th-‘ di*pi|ie<l leiniorv, lor die pie* s-ro, any ran li-iroy wivt. v r.— Should tli-* authority prov-* in*nlli■•leni, lim power of llm Slate, in it* I •gld.ilive e ipi.'ii», liniv s.noi Im liroughtloImwi 0|wmi ihe-ub.t-rt l,y n l-gniniaie e\. is - ot daisover ignty ot dm Suit over its public 1* tea mi Y’- u Imd hotter, tliorefiire, lorewarn ifem who haw ohiaiimd tin •*» laTWli'a Uni ev. o if ill y afemld lie •uern-s -ful in their ojieralioii* iff rutliNg, ii i«i„4 iinprohoble lhai tho tmilmr would Im rendered eo- tlrulv uuavnllifife »*» them ft001 tho com *0 which llm Ktate would ft'ol i‘ lN'»c#**ry to tak- for tlm maiNiraaimt* of its right* nud tlm pre#«Tvaii«oi ,ff it* iftloitiala. ll I* »*'M #• fly to be I top-I tl*. reioie, that tf won# of th# high eotwki-vxtumt winch tlm rare picacul* to dm audmriliet iff M**anrloia<n. *10 aiitih'icol |o prevent the i*-uingofilm.e |wtnih«, on riliti'ii iff Maine, at feast, wot aliriapl to ever, cut tty ttppottd Hgbu uodVI Umui, w Uvo u Weuiff A TiUNCKor a Wkkk's Dcmatio.v.—A young girl residing in n house hack ol'Germau Mroet, be tween Fourth nnd Fifth struct*, Suutliwnrk, u mem ber oftlie Methodist church known u* the Academy, i» Fourth street, n tv Arch on dm evening of Wed nesday, tlm 23111 ull., nr sc from her Imd under ligioos excitement, mid begun to pray. The icli- exo> cites with dm w-irk ing* of Imr own imngi- nuiioo, produced tucli a stnto of excitement 11 her mind a* to throw her into a which 0 noil lion *h • Im* remain' d Mn.-e y sicrday w-iuk, iiiscn- silde toevery object nod event around hoi. During thnt p< riod she hilt pmtukeii uf no food, except tuchalimont at thin gum!, which hur fiend- or tendants forco into her mouth, between Imr clencli- e«l reelh. Such u long period uf unconsi ioutn>-st aln-ti -ence hn* hadiionppnieiiti-tleci upon hci Ilea th: -Im lireudiot rogiilutly, Imr retpirolnni it simt'.ar to thnt of n per#»u in a >b'vp steep, nud Iwv elm k* nnd lipt Imvu dm glow mi'l lorn of health, dm ruddy color of whii'h, n hind to n fucep stetsii.g regulnr.iy of leniure, gives her on extremely into.- es ing uod benutil'ol ••p | M-nmnce. The only mmi 'ii tli.'ii im* been observed during this length o time, by those orouii i Imr, it n nmvem-ni of thu hood, which i« turned «icci»*ion illy from 000 - ila t i die o'her, a* she lies upon In-r hack, nnd 11 rapi I rolling of the eyeball*,aider the clo-ed lids. Mb'- ba now liecn eight days In lie* singular ttn'o, nod seems no neuivr u letiora'iiia to 11 suite ol'c> ntid->u*ne#s than at tlm lime ufihe first nt'uck, ilmogli ye#terdo< one of her >ittendiims Imnrd her whisin-i, indi-tinrt- ly, tmin-ihing iibunt her brodmr, w hich uimh-diem be|i- ve dim 1 fe; til of iiiiimimcmhi*ii- #t wu* near to its term un i»n. Sim lint i ecu vi*in*>l hy livoor six phvtieiuos, though iti*n->t known to wloit limy n— • l lo-her pres, nt coodnioo, whether llm effect <4 phy»iea| or men ml cause*. The “ nu" licliovert," many of wloon Imvo visited Imr dully, nserilm il, C'lir-e, to supemnMiriilcaiisut, und Imlicvo dint her •pirit i« cooimiiiiiiig with tin* blessed iuliubit'int- uf unulher w-r(d. uud tli t she wiil Im nblc to make some si 1 mice revelation* tin Imr recovery, n period to which many of ilo-m look lurwiird with feelings of mixioit* hope. Whir mer may have lo eo the c oso w hich prodo<-e-l nil CHOtiioies ibis singobir effect, there i* one dong rot tain, Bint die fict* detailed by liei friend*, in i-gmil to Ii r nre- teiil e at Ini 01, me ttiietly to hed-pended*»li. The uaon-ol'tlm girl is Nancy Siinps io—Fhilndelphit Ledger. In hni l Quarantine.—Tuo Tiostees nf the t->wt- Wu-hingtoo have passed an nrdili'ince, proliiliiting tho eonvey-nn-eof persons sick with yellow fever, l*eif» Is'il.itn: ivy nwitihmwlix**, (provisi<*«* nml gin- C.-iie* exc-ple l,) fr 011 X iicb- X »•• llml place, under n penally of fifty dollar-. The citix-us tff Nnlelicx eioiipliiiiiifflliwregillalion a-iolio-pilnlde nnd inhii man. The inter-licii'iu -how* ut len-t aront iguo- ra me of dn-laws ofthe di-i-iso. The wl-e cm iii'ii of ill •( village * I'in uvidently impn sseff with llm nolion, lone since vxpl d-d, that yellow fever was eoiitngioos.—.V. Orlrani lint. C'l.Ktticti. siiiikwhnkss— An Roglith pnper tell* a go al story i!f a ch-rgymnn, who, haying re- c-ived 11 puldic d<«'iinii'iil, w-nii-li was onleieil to lie rend in oil ill • t loiivlies, -nn! which was pnrliciilnr- ly obnoxious to the p-uplw, very sbvewiBy ob-erved l-i!ii*i'oog galionllmltlmoalilieliadpositiveonlers to rea I the di-clunilion. they had mine to hear it— they might ill lefnre fenve lie c'lurrh. They to-k the hint, mid the clergyinuo raid the document to umpty p ‘W s. COMMERCIAL. NEW DR LEANS, Oct. I. Cotton—Received tinea 27til inat. 2003 bale: making ilm tutnl rccci|na to dote 302,313 lmln«,(.>l which Hi 09-» uie ol’iho new crop.) Kxporied llii- wu k loU'J link s, mdvitig wu addbiuu to-teko*. 1 !01 bales, und leaving a tialitnoo on liniid, iueln- ding nil 011 shipboard not cloud to dale, of 13,021 bules. There hn* liecn quite n brisk demand ibis work, coiisideiing th-! peri nt of tho season, nnd the limited stock on tin- mmk**l. Tho transaction* have liecn priocip'illy io new Cottons of fa'i to gmnl f dr ipmli- tie* mnl ns thu price* paid exhibit too e improve ment, we -lightly advance imr (pnilntioii- lor tli- de-crip-ion.. Thu role* of III • week nmo'ioi to nlnml 3200 biles, principally for Spain, llavio, ■ he NmlIn-rn mniki-t-. Tlio new nop Is coioing in I roily freely, and,should ih-nc-nimt* by the Hrit s'i Duvn-n, vine fe-re t»- lay ur iwinorrow. In- fav-irnlde, we sli ill, dmibtle#*, Imvo 10 unioiated market tu-xt W.-ek. Wu give tlm pur icubirs, us follow*, vix: nftlie n.a '111.1 Ali-si-sippi, 47 hales nt 9.]-. o d crop I." •23,!(; 10, ?•{; nil. ll.J: 21:0, Hi; 134 at 0 and U^i Dull -new crop lOiilm csni 113:22, I2R 90, 12; 20, 12.J; 27, I I^;ti7, IIJ; 318,12;24, llA; 14,11; 0. Ilj: 17. 12}: 107, IIJ; 132, 114; 53, l2julSA; 41, tlli;23,ll.l: i;.7,lli; 113. 11^30. 124; It. Ilj;271,1-2: 123, 1*2:21 11^. 13,9; 128, I3J..12J; 25. Ilj; 77. ll}; 47. ll}; 100,124: 153, 11; 38. II J; I IS. I I.J; lilll. 13}; 30, It|; ‘21,111; 30, 1IJ; 105.1 J4: 250. 12; 120.124; 83.1‘2; 0, lO-i; 70, 111:01,11;till Ilj: lot), Id;30.124;DO. 12 ; 40. 11.]: 33 1 ll;32l. 111; 70.12; 12 I Ii; 30. 124; and 135 nt —ci*. LiverpoolCli-sificminn—'ird mry 8 a S.J, mid dling Hi!)}, fail 1 l4:ill'V-o UU( l ,a ' r l*'4al24, good nnd fine 13. Sugar. I.iiiiisinna—We quote 4 3.Jc for inferior to ciiiinn -11,04.17 lor pi ime. and *4-‘ for • xtra prime. Mida*»et—Then- is scaici-ly any di-mnnd. The •mail made from die 'u* veo. nrent Inat week’* ipnnatiiiii-, a.iy2!hi30e. Wo know uf no Irunroc* ti-ni* nil pliuilntion. r.xrhungt— |hern i* verv little doing in Euro- t*'no Exelianges, mi I rue. om withnu' alteration. D iin-siiu lull* nro in Inn Imnt' d di-mund, uud rate* urn mien-rig d, rxd'p for draft* Ml short s'glit, wh rli w • slightly advaneo. Freigkh—Kuni|i>un I'r-i-ht* ciniiione* dull, th -ugh wre notice h -fight improvement in tit# rate# lu I lavra. Dim* slop has feton taken, for a full carju, ul I] I'euis, *'d dl A I *liip In* engaged pm ot a e ,r-ti 14 '- N*» cha-ign 011 lie rate* l« Liver* (Mini, hllk-1,1 nothing doing. MARRICD, In D t i*on onmy, in th • 'Jilin inat, hy Tlinma. Beall, I! . Mr SIMEON BK'KiKS, .ffMmiror ei'uaty, to Alt.* l.lll'lS V C. |U! I' 18, d«>rghi< t *ff L'api. Ilenr; Bu i*. In Alac-'ii, un | loiitil iy ilie 2tbb Keplvmfe-r, b) tli# llsv.lia st# Fi l*li tee, Mi. I K Foil I , to Miss LaI-'UA r. Al w lAlut.llLY. all «ff >Uui> I'ASSKNGKllS. IV(hrig Augusta, suiled from Now Y’mk, fur till* port—C B (.'niter, I idy nnd *2 children, C Cnmpla*|| lady. 3 children and servant, M-* Brower, Mist Den-low, MU* R I'iltbmy. Mi»* Alnriin, Ml** War ren, Mi-aStning, Mcssr- 11* Bmicroft, K Icing, J M Webster, A Stow, J C Stnrdevmit, K K Chinch, W Gorham mid son.S K Lord. II B Jml.l, G dem on*, A Rosenluiry, 1’ Greeley, K Hielinnlaun, C C Wuroer/J F I lot met, 11 Mead, J B llayne.J D Millet, J Livingston, C C Thompson and servant. I’erhrig I'liilum, from New York—Mr* Adorn-, Mr* IL-nisbiirt, Mr* Vaidiom, Mrs Nuvitt, Mr* Davit, two children uml xervnnt, Mr* Turner, three eliildi-en nniUervnnt, Mrs Bmfer und child. Mi* Bailey mid three children, Miss Mdler, Mis* Ad* ants, Miss Hoilmid, Mias Turner, Mis* Kempton, Miss Butler, Messrs AYoo«l, Hopkiu*, Remslinri, Hollis, Simiton, Dolnmator, Vanhorn, Turner, Dempsey, Powers, Cullen, I'nrintoii. Dmicer, K K*t.ibrmik, A KstnbriNik, and 40 -terraxc. IVrbrig Eleanor, from Baliiin^re—Dr Kuril, la- ily und 2 children, Messrs Bel', Heibort, Kister.nnd 4 steerngo. Per aieum packet Georgii, from Cnaifeaton— Mrs Hunt, Mrs Bradv, Messrs Hawkiu*. Uni ty, Rnwlt, Barry, Dnnei, 11. Ro*er,S.Il. Fny, Lntbrop, Judge Randal. Porsteambout Reaufurt District, from Charles- toil—Mrs Cnnly, Mr* Rnwlt, Mist Coekriell, Mis* Alaev, .Messrs Long, O'Driscoll, M-irteo, Rndolpli, Melt n, Siles, Rawls, Cockriel, llopkin*, Biis-ole, Haywood,Tnhin*, Afi-xmoler, LientCnnly, D S A, SPaiier*.n.US N. Per stemnbniit C'inrlnnnti, from Black Creek— Mr Louis, Indy nnd 2 ehildreii, Mr* Hunt nnd 2 children, Capt Day, US A, LtsSlnrer uod Mdcnlf USA. A • Natlrr. I.l. r-r-Ht. nr.- hnSiy ,,,I M i„. r r n ?r i ,r *"»i-"o >"«o m»j. i.« !«*«• "Il'.'li. of ctmiiiy. fl.'.ir.l, n. [ ui |||„ m , pi^y,, ■ k0 „ lt aun.iniii, -nid wit., i,i,ni,. r , l,b. numWrtf od.. r valnnblw p>|*K, «•. .Inli li Irom in. In Si., West Florida, on the I3ih July last. Tlie follow ing i« a true copy nf *aid note, f.1,573 IU Jaminry IDtli, 1039. Twelve inui’th* nft. r dole I promi-e in pay tu ll« order ol Jno. N. Cnpelnnd.lhesum of three ihotit- ttn.l live humlreil rind sev my eight dollars forty cent* for vnlue received. (SIgnerl) GEORGE POLLOCK. The n'siVM desrtilied note wn* not endoned hy me nt the lim-1 I st possession nf it. nct5-T-WG JNO. N. COPELAND. For Charleston vin Bciuifort* N The splendid new steam pneket T ~iiIf BEAUFORT DISTRICT, Copt. Simp-00, will feuv / for the nbnve plnces every .Mon- dny morning nt 0 nVfi-ck. For height or pn»*:ige, h iving spl-ndid nci-omooi'latiou*. npply to the cap tain on femnl ut Gtiilmurifii'* wharf. nci*9-tf JOHN GUILMARTIN. K5" Tho Beanf.irt Dis'rict g-cs inland from here to Bemifoit, outside from thereto Clmrlestoti. Passngc From Balllmoro Io Sa- viiiiiiali via Cl»:nT«sloii. t isr - ^ Hy the Atlantic Steam Packet*, SOUTH CARO LINA, Cnpt. Colf-'e. nnd GEORGIA, Capt. Rollins. T IIESK populnr nnd well known Stenrn Pick et*. having been newly coppered mol put In tlie best possible order, will eonuneiice tlieir regu lar Trips LEAVING NORFOLK. Gmngiu, Cupt. Rolfius, on Saturday, 21st Sep* t ember. S<mill Carnliijn, Cnpt. Coffee, nn Saturday, 20di Seiitemhei. LEAVING CHARLESTON. Gi-orgin, Cnpt. Rollins, on Saturday, 2Dili Sep tember. South Carolina, Cupi. Cofl'ee, on Saturday, 5lh OciolhT. And*0 »n, leaving S»rfdk and Charleston, nl- terimti-lv eveiy Saturday. These Pm-k.-is raitwurd will tnuchnt (!har'eslnn • n l iminraliuti-ly pr-a-eed in Snviniindi,—Return in Clnirlnsioii in time for their regular Trip- inward. The Central Rail Road fmiuS'vamiolifo Al-ieon, is c-iniiccted with Stage Homes In MllfiiWi-vYde, Augiistu nnd Cofimibii*, with uinpte uccoiiiiimnI i- tiun for nny niiailn-r tlim may olV-r. IO* Pn*<eii;‘ei* fiv these Stuini Packet* to ike Sooth, leaving Ne.v Y’ork nn Tnoistluys; Piiiladel- t'ltla Tlmr-'lay evening, nr Friday inorning, will lie ill lime for the Norfolk boat on Friday evenings nl 3 u'eloi-k, from Bnltimare, tn join the Sttimn I’ucket wailing ni Norfolk nn Saturday. Ticket* in he had nl the -illice. Ilowly's wharf. Baltimoie. or from J. B. Peek, ng-'iit iff Ciii/vos Union Line, Dock -tr«ei wharf, Philadelphia, on hoard thu Stemu B"ii's fr an Philiidelphin H» Bnlti- iiioiv, or on hoard the Noifn k Boat*. Passage ami fare on Wn il the llmtlt from Unfit* more to Clmrlusiim, §30—To S.iv.ioiinli §33. Re- till nine iliu-anin, LO‘ Carriages und lloisesenn in- taki-iion hom'd tint Georgia, mal freight in both Boats. For furdiei particulars inquire nf T. SHEPPARD. Tn-nunrer, Ifim lv** wlnrf. Baliimme, nr to CL AGIiORN & WOOD. *ep *25-3m Suvniniah. Oircct Cotiutitiitiruiioik bclivccn Savaimalt uml (!Iia»i«stoa, via IIcatiFinT, S. fl. S Ct? - * The superior new stemu pucket lTiSWTTnT COL. JEWETT, John C. Bill, innster, will run regularly fe-Uveen the iilmvcplni leaving Suvmiiinli every Wednesday inorning, ut 8 oYluck. llnturiiing—leaves Chmlestnn every Sat mil ay ninrniiig immediately on the arrival of the steam pneket from AVilmingloo. I'ns-oncer-from I lie Non h comitig Smnh, making tlieir nrnnigements to Ik; in Clmiloston on Saturday, or tli-i-e from the W. going North, lu lie in Savannah on Wednesday inorning, will proceed nn their journey without delay.' IVrsoas for the up enuntrv. returning from the North daring llm prevailing sickness in Augus ta, will find till* tlieir most expedition*, safe nttd plea-ant route homeward. Applieiilion—postnge pdd, to eitln-r of the undersigned will secure births. ELIJAH HENDERSON, Agent, Savannah. A. WITTE * BROTHER, sept I2*3tnw M. W. K. Agent, Clmrleston. Florida IIaihp. ST. AUGUSTINE. EAST FLORIDA. Till* commiNlious Hotel In* licen put In 'HI. complete repair; new fiiriiituro, bedding. Ac &i'.; nnd is iqa-n for the nvep'inn of vi-iters, under th<‘ sap nntend--nee nf the undersigned, who pledges himself tn tocmvluct thw «**tn!»t?*hment,n* tn so‘urn tn il n character equal to nay Hotel in the Southern country. W. AV. o ATES. N. B.—G.avl St ihlingfor Horse*, nnd mtentive Oxifers. On- mid two horse Carriages, nml Sad dle Horses f--r Idre. Si. Augustine, Auga-t 5. ID39 —nog Ifl Inw2m Foiilr-il Hole?, Alaron, Gttorgin, M rhe suhsciife-r hnving taken thnt well known estahlisliment for a term of year*, most res* peel fully tender* his services to the public ns nn Inn K.-epci. He d'-cljnes any new t -nper details orfnir promise* of wliai he intend* to do for tlmro who •nny cnll nn him. hut simply adds, that his constant eflo'l* will Ih» used to render all cmnforinhle that m v fnvnr hiin with tlieir nnnitmtiy. Plenserall and try. FREDERICK SIMS, sept 2w3m Itistalmenf. Oemutgce Hank of the Stale of Georgia, ? Maciin. null SepteinfeT. ID39- J A N Instalment of Thirty per cent, on the capital slock of this In- itutimi Is napdn-d to lie paid ill. nt the hanking house in this city on or before .Monday the 10 h day nf November next, of which stockholders will take due lint lee. By order of the Board. J. A. AVIHTK. Ass’t. Cash, sept l(Mavv2in John S. Cooti»b«, W ILL riinilnne th- KACTotuoxnnd CoMMlt- • ion Businks*. ill S.ivnnnnh. fir his own Bcpoi.nt. JOHN S. COOMBS. Rrferenre—G B. l^imar. Savannah; A. Sildy, Augiutii; R«-v K. Sinclair, Mneon. Mi. T. D Morel, will act for me in my toni|mm- ry absence. jy ll-lnwll N. a 1IIK KUBSCHIBERS expect to receive in llm course of Novembsv w-xi. or earlv in Dermn- l»cr, iiu assorteil cargo of 8AVKDI8II IRON, con* si-ting of vnt inns sire* ami dlnien-iou*. soitnlde for this, tlie Columbia, Augusta nnd Savannah nnikn* Ifemlcrs wishing |mitfeul»r*, me reqm'slnl to apply to them. IIF.RCKF.NR ATII 4k 1/YWNDF.8. Clmrfi'stod, August 2D *ep 2-law.Idee fYotlrr. A I.L |N»r*mi* Imiog claim* against tlie lair Jrr- /V vmhth Cuylcr, I’.-q,, are napicstM to pre-cut ife'iu, pra|M-rly nilesli-d, and I In re* indebted will pfeare make pi*, incut to AIM. II. f UYLEII. I’Jw QiuLjitd lU^utor. Now Full and Winter floods. B Y the latest arrival* from New York and Bus- ion, and hy the barque (lax-lie from Livrqniol, the under-igued have leccivcd n full n-snrtmcnt of new nml seu-onnble Dry Goods, for snlo by the pucknge or piece, on tlieir usiinl life-nil term*. SNIDER A NICHOLS, sep 23 dtf-efit No-. 7 4k 10 Gibbon's building, GcorRin Female College. / T HEex-reises of this Institution will lie resumed on the first Monday In Octoln-r. It is vety de*ir- nble that nil who propose t» liecome pupils, sheulil ntieml at the liegjniiiiig of tlie *e-*inn. All early regular urgmiirution of the Clusse* is important to tlie cnrrviog on of nor plans, nud to fair nnd equal rom|N*iiiion iinimigtln* niemfe-rs ofench class. To relieve the Fneuliy ol'einbnrrassnieiit in tlm distri bution of circulars, and tu facilitate the progress of the scholar, we earnestly recommend parents ond guardian* to bring their children uml wunls nt tho o|N*uing of the term. To relieve our patrons, who live distant from u*, of nil unnnrrssury anxiety, wo assure them that in rn«e of sickness, intention, kind nnd constant shall be rendered t nnd that prompt informal Inn -ball bn given to relatives, when any reasonable ground of upptvfe-u-iiio exists. Having full confidence our selves io tin* lieidthiiin** of the location—a confi dence founded upon the cxp-ricncu oftlie lust term, ■Old tlie fact llint the Stew aid's fumily with two young In-lies, member* of ill-Institution, hove re mained during the whole summer, without inter ruption of health, wefe-g nor friends to discredit tlm exaggerated rumor# of sickness nud fntnlity thnt sometime* get currency in the country. If lit nny time facts w-irraut alarm, wo pledge ourselves to give notice. The l'rimnry Department will go into operation simultaneously with the College. The very general satisfaction, which we midm-Htmid wits given during the session under many disadvantages, encourage* u* to hope tlmt our future effurts will Im crowned with enlarged success. G. F. FIERCE. Macon. Sept. 10, 1*39. |sepi Hi “lTI.ilIm*rry and Silk Culture. flQL WARD CHENEY A BROTHERS, nnd mZbMASON SHAW, Im ve now growing, in the iiin-t IliHirisliing condition, in Augiistu, Georgia, ad- joining tlm Hampton Hucc Coiirm*, nt nut- 80,000 Morn# Mult leant it Tver*, which they offer for snlo ill lots to suit purchasers. For limber information cmpiiiy may lie made of Messrs. Cheneys, nt tlieir roemmery in Burl nclnii, Nrtv Jersey, or of Muso'n Stmw, ol the Kugtu nnd I'limnix Hotel in AugiiUu, Having had tevenil years experience in nil*, tin:* tlie mom* muliicaiilis from hods.cuttings, Are. they will furnish each purchaser with printed in struction* nf the best nud most approved maimer of planting 1111J cultivating tlm trees, tlm kind of sell most Hiiitnlilo fin* growing llm snme; nml also for rearing ilm -ilk worms nod reeling the silk. They will also have for sale. Silk Worm Eggs of tho most esteemed varieties, from m- tlis selected with great care for their health, strength nml perfection, nu- COLT'S «()() K-K K K PING. A FRACrrUYAL AAOHK ETON A FLAN J\ ENTIRELY NEW.—Tlm ni'cmmt* which form the liases of the science un-classed under Five Divisions, with definite explanation* after tlm forms nf grammar nud arithmetic. It cuutniiif a vocabuy buy of inereiiiitile terms olid phrases. .Also, a ke- explaining tlm nnttiro uud milliner of Jonriairuing each of tho Day-Bmik entries ns a pmcliciil necoiint- nut would expioin tlm sumo to his pupii; this ><» simplifie* the seien-w that nny vnnng man of com mon English education may acquire a knowledge without the assistance of n teacher To which is added, DinH'tinns to the Imunier, and Fractical * Forms for keeping IwNik* in every extent nnd variety ofcommen-hd houses; Fnhlic addresses, tlm first ever delivered upon tlm subject Arc. Ac. Fiildislinl by Tlniimis, CmvjM-theviiit, und Co., Fliilndclpbiu, and for sale nt the prlneipul Book-Stores in ilia United Slate*. j„ 3-UwUui To Kicc Fianters. T HE subscriber having obiniovil 11 patent fora i.etv and u-eful m icldne for thrashing rice, in the nuin-ami under die title of Allen's Improved Socket S:ccl Tooth Tlnesliing Mucliino, nnd believ ing it to fe* by far tlieclniip st nod most useful ni- tirle ever before used ui known fur Unit pm|Hi*c, Imgs leave respectlu'lj tmioill'y the Rice FTnnims that lia hu* now on hum! mi l willcni.timia to oma iiferiuro the. nfeive miieliinei>,iil Ids r |inp in Brjoo, near West Hrnmrstreet, Suvunnnli, wh-re ha in vite# nil interested, to cull uod examine snid ma chines; iluiy have Imeu used hy u number of plan, ter*, and approved of hy ull wiiolinve used tiiuni. F. GRAVES. SAVANNAH, July Sill, 1039. Dear Sir—I have two thiu-lmi* mmln by your- nollTnr llm purpose of preparing rice for ilia pes tles nod believe from the experiment mode,1 hut tliey wid Hin-w-r nil purposes desired hy lire planter* in clenniog 8(1(11) luisli-l* from llm straw, this evideneu hit* been meat •utfefac.tmy, In the spnedy process ns well us tlio cleaning of 1 he stulk, and l»# bcii g broken tlmn even llm frail, an pr -nounred hy expe rienced planters, who visited the mill when in full nplietulion. I um yours, very respectfully, AVAL MANED. Mr. P. Graves. *ep4-w.lf For Sale oil Cii.ulMsiiuiiU Island. A VALUABLE Plunmihm, Which, fur ndvito- inges of climate, soil nud situation, cannot Im. surpassed on the const of Georgia It contain* 3080 n**n** (by actual survey) exclusive of salt marsh, of these 2100 are hammock lands, of which 850 am clean'd, nie* in good' condition, 41)0 having been., lately el-nlvd. Alsu, an island swumpnf4U0 acres, 1 of a qnuliiyof land equal to nny in the world, 2UU nn» cfeantl, drained and in perfect older. The corn now on it is estimated at 50 bushels the acre. The whnlncnip of corn, rune nnd cotton will show its productivnimrt. Tlie ten.bmd pine lands contig uous nffui dun excellent range for hnrtes, cm tie nnd hogs. The whole may lie conveniently divided into three tracts, with a gmnl landing on each. Tho buildings on the plnca are tluldes, a smith's shop, 22 negro houses, u Inrgo nnd commodious cotton house, a gin house, with 2gint,nn overseer's^ionse, uud other convenient uni Ionites, with com £nl» for housing 4000 bushels nf corn. Adjoining tlm plant ing land, are extensive marshes,convenient for mu miring, nml tlm water* iifeiuml in fi*li und oyster*. Cunife-rluud Island it not only houltlily, but o|#o fa vo ruble lu llm production ol tropicn) fruiu. Tln> orange, citron, lemon, lime nnd olive, nre now growing there in perfection, nnd may Im accn ut any tinio. Fur further particular* inquire of Mes-r*. AV*, King A Cu.,ftt Cluirieston, Noble A. Harder, J>fei| t| at fiuvuiiuuh, nnd of the •ulwcrilier, at Dungent-rs* near St. Mary'*# P. M. NIGHTINGALE. ftttg 3Q-2t-eowlt 930 Reward. R ANAAVAY’ oinho22d of this mouth NED and AVILI.IaM, who will 10. doubt make tlmir way tn Savaiiimli. Nt d has a littlo senr, i believe, nn hi* left cheek. AVilliam i* ufa light complexion, well made, small eyes, something taller than Nrd, nnJ wi* pnrcli ised in AVare cuniy. Any p/Vton nppiclieiidiug said negroc* 01 lodging tliem in jail to that l may get tlmm, shall tie entitled to the above reward, or $25 for either uf them. JESSE F. GREEN. Bmkc csninty, Georgia. net 1-tf t Fur halts T Of Nil. 1*2 (inviw ward, nnd liuildings m pro Xj -cut mciipi-d hs a F>-iiiufit Asyiiiin. ■ion given ft om Ut Octofe-r >«• l-t Novrmlirr next FUH RENT. Tlie two story brick 'building ** nfeive Mr Wngnrr'»,in Utmighvm>-ttn-ut,i)ccupiud ns a Bakery, and two lufek lunemciii* in tin* feu-. 1' given on 1st .Wimfeir next. Apply to M. RICIIAUDSONK, M. M. MARSHA LL, ® CiMiiinlltee. iloriiK KI'mTiIiiuiiII.. pOOTI. Trees, n hJ It'l l* ot'Moru- .Mu'ifeaulis, I t are .riT red for *afe by Die subserife-is. Tliey invite tie* atiemmit of lie* grower, and •lenfi**# ttv lid* article, in ib' ir ftgeiiet I wlm may dc|iewl on •I 1 is*t •imntmii, ftud •iTuralu ie|N»ii ul s di .aiiiuul* '* »“, Ji JUI. CVMMIMJ k LU.