The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, October 19, 1839, Image 2
gftt 884 c eft) t? Brougfatt. Illl H'DAY, in TtrtlF.H 17. |J* "A I'l I*," IhH® !»**•** ftfrWMl**. **•«• |l** _ IIIJIHI.T Ml I All In 11 nKNihif loan) fr*n, llw wW (•* HrefnM# MrDm.atd, WJW3 I iWbrfly, ail.liH MiII.hh.M'i tn*>ilijr. (I'« MI»'R “T"* 1 ™ jnfi.Wx ) In I’auldlft* ■>*•! I'uU^Wl. IM. In |l!t7 In thu ndv orontW'%, Hchley, 30,0041 (Rimer, 3i 0|3 Democratic gain, 5,9311. In llm remaining II ctiuttllus to be In I f" ,m Schley’* m*jmlitrs tw * CiilitK'i't ilo. Difference, M AI mu.icTmekTind. {lltlMINi IM. H», I3TI. Al n meeting of tin* Ciliren# •* """"*• tailed fo» tl^ pwpoae.if *pp"lolbig Delrgnle* to (lit Commereinl I'omeallon nt Mnrnti, J. II, Hur- m. mil..I to thu Chair, and J. Olni»t«n<l appointed Seeretnry. Tim following lUtnlufomt wore nnonlttimfly adopted? Resolved, That llm .l.'U'irnlion l<» llw Macon €'..i.- vrniion lo Im held mi Mowlwy, the Slat iutlniil» I"* now nominated and appointed. WbtmijKH. Uni following *.i"l«nien went nnml- Mini M.I rl.-« ir.l t Joseph CummingJ'lutrl.'* Ilmlii.lgi'. !*• !*• A, H. Fannin, J«»*. Waahhnrn. Resulted, Tlml llm Chairman nml die Delegation now elected, Ik. niiiIh.HmvI it. «.i|.|.1/ any vmnnciu* that may occur I»y tlm inability, In serve, of uny of dm gentlemen now i-lucled. Resolved, Thai ill A fkwiitlwy notify ihn nlmv penile men of their app-inlinci. JOS. II. UlJIIIIOl'OIIS, Clialrmnii. J.OLNiTcaii. Sectrtniy. far tract of a teller, reerirnl in this city, ilateil I.IVKill’*N»|„ Kept- ‘.'it, " AIhmK n week ago r.infnleiiee wn* growing find ilia general opinion win tlml the wore I hml heeii jmuwvI—»iiK-c then, however, the llnrve*! Ini* hceo t-.mri.lcn.My byncoi"|m»iico of l.n.l wen- (her, nn.1 to Im*I|* niniier* lo lli«*Tr*.» townrda getting mir*c| the refusal of llw II. S* Ihinh Mill. L ’lly it« I’srl* agent, hna occurred rm.l pnaliico.l n vary arlforl. It I# .liflieiill to aee uhul ..Ill- male elect, this allow will produce M|miii money nuttier* on y.oir al.|o, hut it lines ai’ein mid.'lll tlml th* withdrawal nf so great no liill'imire n* (lint of tlm U. 8. Hank, tuusl materially derange llw For eign Kachnngea of llw country, unlu#* the blank Iw supplied hy willy iiimI lirgo shipment* of lliia pro duce | if ao, olir al.N'kaliem won l let duprecinlud l tlm oilier nltenmtlve U the siiapuiwiuM of ajiecle jwjmenta, in which cnan we neeil not fear nny ex tnmrdinnry linato in your prnduci* coin'll t fnrwnid niel our atocka would liavo tlwlr fair rintiico of llw markot. Till*. KI.KC1ION. KT Thn Mncun Telegtttpli, Iftlli ion., any. t— Willi the n-Mill of the itllnii, an fur iia lii'iiril from, wo an. highly giutilw.1. Tlw ll.unocrne.y hna again irlutnplH .1. A'el).uiaM, llw IJohui, Vnn Hu ron, OemuOriith’. SnleTreiiaiiry eiiiull.lnle, la mi- «|uiilile.lly elecliul, hy it Imti.laiiino iiiii.lnilly I And tlmro la ulao an Iiveiwlietuiiug mnjoiiiy of Vaii Hu- ran men elected to tlw Iwiialntor 1 , Tlia I). 8. (Inaeiie, I'.'ih, any.-"Wo on.lei •(anil tlml Mr. Van Ilmen luiaoideied Mi. Trl*l to ratum Immediately f.oin llu.aun. Of cmiran, the ohjoc.t U for him to antwer to aome of tlm Ilona ttiadu iigainai him loui likngliiaa'cwiiMlaliipiii lhal city. itwtTKiwir/.V /ifhiaat’'nnn. (t * no ) INTIIIINM. iMIMIOVr.MKNT. Non that llw ttKMHaiy totui rt.a of ll^ 1 r.rnmwr- rial trorl.1 are In a tight rWhfon, It »• h-ora tlw ptv^fo of ilw Urate .4 ft-nari« **>• •’**' me«na fori'ie priHMrutiou of llw ae*n»l Interiwl now In |ui*ire«i. And fm lliU pm р. Mr, It l« ea|w.lie>.t that tin- iv..hj»«. a nf llw State •(...oil U fooo-l.l I., l-ntr .wi a atA.jw t »I tally tne |nn ant. It «ill leK do for lliow ~ ho hate pot f..ith tlwii roergh-a a.»d .i.ked tlwlr fortune* In commeiiw leg tle-ae grrt.1 and Imjeotanl w.ok* to !■» fahil ,.-.|. .mo lolw iI.wmi. .(iil hy llw luma, mmd a| aul eenlrwileil »w»a ol llw aupl e atel imliffi-r* ions mr, llwwoik I go on, or that pmlioo whieli ia M |nadv eomplco-.! will yield .lively a • mail locew, and lint whirl. I* imiy putiallr oia.le, mil i.on .in a duel rapilal, We have tlw i.wnn* in | H . |,hyairal foneof the Slate to jwiform two iliinlt ,,cthi«w fwirtllt of lie* wmk in hand, without the •l>l of f.Mvign eupitid ; mII lint ia twceaaary la to •lint a ml loin* foot nrtiun t hit Ion*. Mnu.wlwii nli.ooiuly i.pplnal, i« pr.alurtivo of weitlih—or Whut coi.illliilea wealth. ’Ihit Inhor l« within reach, nod ean In* l.rooghl to Iwor io n ». •idemMe tlerier on llw w.oka now in p •a. Tlw cx|k Hni.oit hit* nlniely Iwen oin.le with aueceaaj.y lie* Molina' Kail ll.n.d Compnii) n e..n*idenihle pouimi of |Ih< mml l.oidi.ig ft out For.yth to llw ler.ninu* ol llw Weateili mel At- I'lniw Hnil lloa.l, ia now Under eontmei, nod ill progf.'**, with the aid of aiiNjII money cupitul \ the wink ia laid out and eiuiti.e led for, piiynl.lein tw. tlili.l* «*f tlw *lo*'U of llw Moonm Hail lloa.l Co. niul one tl.iid lo ea«h. The |..w price of Cotlm nivaelita nn inducement tu I'luutera to apply it p"t lion of IIwll- lulnir to the .•oiulllirlioli of Hail lloinl* Tlw Cent ml Kuil H»nd nod other ComfNioie* may follow, nod the wo.k will Iw iicc..mpli«ln d. Money, or llw credit of the Stole for u term of year*, ia on ly m miiod lo priHUiio llw Iroii—nnd It hna Ihuoi im* с. 'ilulned liom uo.nI .eilhoilly that iron con Iw pue cm.'d io Kngl.iii.1 for Stale h .inlt. The work midi the Immediate au|wrvUhm of th i C.eomUaloucrx« the Suite of (i.u.ivia, can Iw continued hy laaiilng State Ccililiciilea. Iwmlinj inlervat nl live per .-.'lit ledeeiocd within aixty dnya ; •oliio of tin Ihinha will doulrtfo** tnkw tlw»eeettillcntea, nnd la in tlwlr own n.itea lo circolalo in place of them, illl llw uiideraimidliig that llw Hank ol llw Slate will recoivu «.wh hank nolea in payui.u.i of till dehta due to the State of <tei.r»l», nod re- Inliiinu them foe tlw purpoae of nxleellliliK llwir certlllciitoa with the hunk* lit aimed peilmla. Hy till* armngeineiil the Central Hank of tlw Stale would roHect a vital uiuouiit which olherwi«e might Im* hut, for many of iw dchfora are iil.lo tu w-mk who mo not nhai to pay. (in till* pi ill, laltor Iwlng nind.i the l.iula of a|w- cie, »|H*eie will not he m illed, provided llw lulair lie performed . Iiit'lly hy the llihahi.niita of the Stale of (ieiilgiii { for If llw hihor were let out to foreign. ,, the avail* of it, or u poiiion tlietvof, would go out in *|H'de. . Tlieao hint* nre thrown out to bring lliia «uhi.-rt Iwforu the people mid our legidtilivn imumula^iii till) hope, that our great work, of luleriial Iinpr-ve nt may not Iw lall to langiiidi mid |N-ri*li for lark of energy. The Slnto aliould pot loitli le r aireiigtli III itid of Ihu work* now Iwgiint iia for liman tlmt arn yet In enihryo, prinliun'o ilictmea tlml they aliould Ini for u linin' inupici-uia time. I', /■V<oa the ,l«g«at.» t.'iinililuliiiiiiiliMt I'.aIui, MUU1StA lUl.UUl (JF llUAtaTIU* Mon iia V, Oct. I -I, Tint lloai.l report one d.-aili In town from lever, .lining lint laal twenty lour houia. A. Cll.MMliNd, Mayor “ M. TituMt'tuN, Siu’reinry. If HtIM'ftIFt laliatl I* at the i*iryrf*|»r ililarf *•! ha* 1 IfiPIftt Rll T. _ J ^ pity tg the whole Moaatan, fht.Pth, in *'»• 81II.I, I III.MI.nIniC.h t nM I.a UllATlOflf Tkr r/«ar<»*' «n>1 Mnrkomlt* Unnk—iki »<«.* ||a»o~dr St* lfo>'-#il 4»t«rat"l •* With tlw ni<M paWdul atul nwaNrlmly (..hfi. • e aga'it anno tlw I*t ii.vtaw of amrtlNf tmul nwfal nrd de.iru live ro .3 lion In .mr »1"*"t.-l city. At IvoiiV.K'k Ui'inio N’K|,tli.l|onf ktHHiN •i".| *p dkl e -!•!*-I «» , ; a Maia'i n li e ... |> ioeie.1 im fur, and to Mieli nh t^ltnl tlut it waa |»tl|"f Ii-la lo. xliuguuh ••. We have oily lime to >t), lli I fulfil >“ • M’ltat.oi llouwi the > " waa cmntou'.'r .ti d to li c nmgNlfeeol iww ll'4ei oljoii.lnt on tlw MMi<h, all cl. W • yd io an t| lain-I atale, a«l loll" 1 I' anlera' ami Mil'll ■ il« Hank, that new In* ,o .1 and •plelid'd eilifn'.'. lertll of which wen' I lo ftahet Front ll"' M‘W Hotel tlw foe rio«M-.l Hoyai v.rcet.ami tlw C"' 1 ' f portion of ihn arpwn* weal of tin * Hn» r ' "" l Mao.i.oi IIoum- I* alieady de»lroycd. ami w .in' vie write (7 o’eliwk.) I’w ll" : I* alii' M«i"g. The i. .ideiice nf Mr. I 'ilimingli 'Ol, adjoining llw iww Hotel mi ll-oi-it.’iwnt alr-. t to ttw S*n»th, l» ilai cm-oiiic.1 n« well a* llw vep.-t.hht market IIoum-, and tlw tin. i. till cut Imj dowrwa.d towanl tlw water. tVInun It will eml, HojI only know.. Ti ii lo<* hy the me tt.ii monilug, nln, le*« limn || \l«F A MII.I.IilNUF MMe I,Alts'!! Chml.« Cullmn, K«|. «h• wo.thy p ill- uiiil.ropir un.l noltlln aplflt .1 propr'clot o| lit*- M .lou II wn. i.uiin d |(iT,0«ll». hut Ida I; .idea will Iw vety gienl We Inivu naertaij ollwr p'irticl.Int.. All la horror nnd ronfo .ml on rveiy r.i'.i.leoa... e I* depict..11*.*' ' ;• • l.-eiM-it nwhiiirlio.y, and glmuu \\ iililo tint I .al tell duya, pioiwrty to tho nmoiint of upwind, ofa million of dollar, have heen nej •li.iy.d hy fir.-: nod hmulnola.if worlhyeiii/enaard I- l will,out • dollar. • rev.-n u rm.l to .Idler tin u, Inau tin- |».|ile«< itoriil. And ii woe, all h •vllnhle iilt-lhme Itiiiii lie th * •le.-iieiit, we aee liom i* exlemlio; I' llw I'lmiler down f.'ouM atreet, fimeiou end. nod whut tire we cuimii| \V<- •iniinllte.l to unuil the lu'lidhh "f imeiuli Im nor .1. window, lli it ill" liio nod .\l- trlianU Hank. l..'iiv.o. I wrlwie w ill it tot IIhove dint tlw Hml MMtdrtiN tanlu.iry • d ill id Nl i ilw .oiltnaty me* • .I'm nl nflhl* ruiio* IV. I c-.jw ctiwti of «P hate it- riHitl *nda» la urgau.M N »)*trm nt) in ihi* great ildci* 11. * .a o.o country I" hi Citin’*' mea.-a llut a.uhl. — 11." Corulaf, af»a/ ae»rtv ! |niwril oliMftatha •. lid. Ungoagel—“ I--- »• •»-* tlw ...diM lurt .I»*rl.iae4, thn •-»•» lit** Mnni dHy antmi"! **f thl» »l»o4 M*| lint it. aamd Im *ew, lit. • ir tunwialing |uW "i .1 I'ki men an h- try * A l‘., ^ i tool •mr In* dml'Hi.t tied ol l'i > tan jlil •»• win* I. - - •» k *' t" »l" ‘ • ... in tlwrononeioi'aiel li If hy Nd'lly am-iuiii, hulk and ou.i-lev, »n.l t'-al ile fme •• l.ankl"g In* • in.tiuat mn«t lake the charge of It, nnd the Ill'll' vnluel eiilerpittn ind tviomo. * uf a g>ent tiatlon, •if t*n lie ate unalde t.. handle or ahi,' it. it U then t • new uh-n. I- ll to Iw tlev- Hi tt.iaage nf itnptuteiiH .it and ..tiliiait*li.«.n. I’e.hupa ll would Iw well for u», at m»ce to relieve llw whole un'ott into a hankuig curpnrtlimi, to nnry on that po'thn, wl coniine-, c tlmt may • oteaiv.hUy in aiimont." So far I.i.iii admin nr ii !•• Iw |H,..aiil far.l ditrloied, tint tocoli lid unvvi ddl^ mnuuntof cotton, tlint it eammt le tiaii«milUil, Sx., with..Ill lie. •'lined cd-OiHiMlh'li "f "ur hank' ing until It #UI«,’ l utterly O' ny the exlatence of any aiich fart. The only thiii^ tlml onion hat to dma.I, ia ihocomhinationanflhr hunk* wiili ap lit on; from tlwlr guardian enre, good Lord deliver u«. AH it u«ka ia mi open und uiiliaminelled inar kel, ill llw co nan of legolal I'Utineaa. It hna !• cmeollair lntlwcomnioicial»v..i|.l Oilltfo it .I. tlioyed.—MMU Ailvcrliirr. An If potirNr Thick.*—'Tho fo.liann|mli* .lour* uni tell* the fottowiug *tory, which* the ill*'ll i'npii l"iil t.irk that ha* lately enow to light: —'•Sunn fellmv, whowl*hiulloliavn Mr. Itutkirk, ihn l'o*loia*l i ill HI'N.iiiiii;t.ui, in ihi* Slate, re moved lioui ••llii.', forged a teller in tlw i.nom of Mr ll. to • I’lainwii'r Hcwnd, re.'uooig the olllee, all I recoiil'iieildlng ft go A. JoIiihoii, Karp u* nniiinhl" tw Illl tli • viicnncy. Of roil, an, Mr. Jolimo. vvnt no le*a -mp.i*ed at receiving llw <ipp"i»ln*.i»t waa Me. Jhm'.iik .it hci. «ii|H'it.'.l.-il, wiilioul Iwicg conti'i'uia, or llint mw hid h"iui ulli'ped ugnh.a' him. Iluim- mediately wrote loth.) ih'iutilini'iit. deiuiiudiiig ilm .vi.ue of In* lewoi lie n-c ived for niiawer, that it wn* in nccotd'toca wiili hi* own i.'.joett.— Mr*. Ho«Mrk him ii* yet hecn tiuildn to lin.l not tlm foigur. Ilo oiler* 1100 reward foe Ida dm loction. $0? Wn Irani from the Wjlmlugion Jtiirnnl that tlw Uatvktof UcIawiuo, vm hawtieg of lh« auapfiithm in I'llilndclphin, iinnie.haiely lid owed mil. ti if. iiisTuicr hanks. • We iiii.lcit(und lhal tlw Ihinka in tho IMafrld of Columhia ^excepting the faitriolte IJhhI) have nl* •impend^ the payment of apccle. Spouia la'm.w wortli Nevan prf cent, pivniium in Hnliiinnrv, my Viiionlclenf tlw 13th. ic Joutnal of Cuminerctt, 11th, Sd nllil.ui, at—Tha Coiumeirlal and lYiiiuylvanhi Huuki I'hiUJcIphia have aua|wn.l- d. So them mu now no apiH'le paying llnnka in riiilu'ltdphln. Tlw Hank* In llwlliatiict ofCnlumhiu tuapeiidi'd apcclo pnymimla on the l till im|. • Nkw Y"Hk Hannx.—Tlio.loiirnal of f.'mnuierce •ayat "Aa to the Hunk* in Wnll atreoi, wu huvo ■ jntvheen to acvcmlof llwm, n»d if they hnd font never an drtcrminetl toaimpeiid, it would linveh Impoiailde, for every thing la n* enlin n« a »i morning. N'dmdy will mkn a|wcle of them. Wn heat of wo internment in nny Wind ol mci chon. .. dUalneonacpicnco ofthonewa. Check* on I''lpliia have Iwen told nt !I,J . C , . illH'ouiit,hutthu would not huy without n "Tmff v — L much larger rate, any th.ll) diacount. w?- • t'll Tlw Journal of Coniincico 11 th, any* that tlw Na' tlonal Uim'tle(U.S. Hunk organ) urge* the cvj H » dlency of ■^impciiahai of tlw Hunk, in New York • and aiguo^pil a c.inilmmijon of apecin payment* here ia in fact iiii|mi«il.|e. Tho Nuti.ninl Wk ' Rv:' forgo ten, we preaumn, the alory of thu fox that uti- fortuuut' ly h»t iia tail U. S. HANK STOCK. Thla Itork waa rpioted nt 77J on tho 1 lilt In tlm Naw York paper* j und aoino ahaica weru olTei-iid ul 71!!! OHIO KI.KCTION. Welmvo uveiv.xl nothing dofiidlo fiuin tho bloc- tionju*t over in tie* Suite. HF.A1.TH OF NKW OKI.KAN'S. From the ‘lath of Sepu’inhcr to tho 0th hut., tlm •umWrof death* ivmIU; of which 3!) wont can*- e«l hy vcllnwr fever. Wo glcun from tlm I'iciivuiio i*f Uw 8th. SI'SI’KNSION HY Till'. CIIAItl.KSTON HANKS. We find the following unw'i'leonm now* (otho Chinle»l«*ii Ctnirler of tlw I.Yili In*!. Cliv IIF fllAKI.r.sioN. O' roil Ml 11. I»iu. Al n meelim: of llw C.oiiiuittcc* lioui tlw l!oi...i Hank. Smto Ihmk, Hunk of Smith CitvoUnn, him'* vlllo, Cllidiinull and Clairlealon Hull Hunt Hank, IIII.I I'laiilei*'IIII'I .Meelninie*' Hank, held till, .lav, it wu* reaii.'vixl to ivd.uii.ihuhI to their aev.'iiir lloiinl* to *u*pen.l S|N'.ie I'aynieii'a f"rlhwilh. nnd.that llw foil'Wing iiJdiv** |„ tho Huhlie, lai pulili.lied ill llw aevernl pnpiu'i ul*ihi*oily, with 'im roiieiinvuco of the iihnvo i.uiiit'd Hank* The •eveial ll"inla Imvo* concurred hi tlw i'oiuiimii.laiiiin of llwir coiumillvea—the mldie-a i* iia follow* S FI I 1.1.oW-(.TITZUN'S j All iiiii«<niiip|cil crid* ha* mi l*rn, tlnealeiiiiig, >f not limelv pnivideil foe, to lu-iov upon tl.i* ei.onuu why tho givwtert di<t«e»*; it tlmivtwie U-conn * tlm impenilive, lli.nigli painlnl duly, of tlnian wlnuo in. tori at it i* to waieh over the i. iiiii'taiyi'oiicimiauiid cp'dit of lliia Slav, to min -I aucli Iliniaiilva a* ,irc for hy tlw p e*eot eiiwigeimy . Y’mirC.Mtmillleefeottha de-p reapmiaihilliy whioli Im* devolved upon llmm t nnd nre nuxloua to .ioatily 10 tlw Stale, and to tlw world, iho cuurait iifproeeuil- ing which may Ihi.adopted on till* ocou-iun. They ilimk it puiper to ,.t.a rve that the* of tlii* city Iwvo hig'-od faiih, notwillu'.iodiug tlm exinio.ili- limy |ip'*«nn-ol'tlw lioiea, puimin.illy and elieeiliil- a aiimmor |y leileiuiieil tl.ttit pnpoit mill, ill I It'd* me lime, al- t.'l'dod «ucli atVomiuod.ilion*ii n •ulleilog ennimuid- i av h wax iw tlwlr jwiwor tw give, nnd they ronfo ilmilly helieve, tlmt hut * foi even I a iiltogellicr Iw. yoiid ilicir contp-l, would have rmiimu.'.l to do an, 11 ia known lo our fell'iw) ciliKiut*,that llw Ihmk* of I'hiladelphia, with tlm Hank of tlm (lulled Stole*at their Iii'ii.I, mid llm Huiik«of Ihdiim ire, have au»- |<eii.|i'd a.iccio payiii 'ol*. which nin*t lYoin inve..s'. ly, Iw followed i.y il."»eo| Now Ymk, nnd our oilier comm -p'iil eillea, Tlioi'tloct would Im (if not pro* aeiiti'.l) to draw for ahipmout aliroa.l, every doUur linm the ll.nika of thi* city wiilioul the power on tlwlr pnU .ifp'|.lcii «liiug their Cotlor* except nt llm imut .netiliic*. involving for wool of nc- uitiii to llw cititciiN ovey mail at nil uon* !»• cted whhtlm or e» w nerclnt concoin* •I tlie country in unpariHeled d'atifaa, Yoiirconoiiitce » tlm I u-t that hy tlw ln«t *ter- ireiaainee tlm aippcnalon, in tlm cit'ca l».-fop» Allu ded to, largo diull* mid nmoimta liuvw comic on nnd mo now wailing to know iho reault of the pro. civdiog* of thi* mo ling. And your Coimnlit.o hcHcve lhe> will in n few .U\a Im follow.-d hy •nuny other* wlniiui nhjccia U o ckfoax *|wculati..ii. iv'gmdlcaa of tlm ninliiolled ill* which limy In mg iipnuilila com,try. With fooling*, llierefnra, ofgivrt pulti middialiv**, lint called f.r hy tiny con dor no ine*iaiAt>|o imccaiity, your Coui'iultee are iiiafr .1 lhal il.c.nen«.inini iO Mp.aiiy'-i; il»i* nd-lr**** ndwjovnl hy thiv mooting, n* tlm only atop wl.ioh eu.ild liavo Iwi’ii lukuii ul lliia extiuuidiiiary junc- turo. i Mahon Sapt Fim; IN NF.VV OH I,KAN'S. A fin. ImU om >I.k.i :i„„ ,|„ ln „ ni |„ g •f llw fith, in tlw above city, which dnatpiyvd thivv nowly huill frmiHi hou*c», valued nt fd.'MHK). \ howo wax al*o burned to death, und u lino eurrluru vwluud at fUOT. Na»*t—The United Sintcx *hip Ohio wax at .0, all null. Tho United Stntca ahip Independence, Commo- >, . *foraJ*'ch.>l«iu,—Co.,.tiiuti„„,Coinmo.lot»CTnxum OS T* ,H ‘ Sl ' Lo ‘* 1 *' u,ns ^ lUo Janeiroootha iUthwf Augutt, all whI. . Thu Umte.1 SlAlea ahip Hnindywmo.Cnpl. Ho!- *• , j ,n f “IT Urnbcrt’a I’olnt, Norfolk, wailing u P ; v - •**» ,, *« ofwlad to proceed to aea. N«wto*« B*JHU.-Tha Now YorkCnu.l- r and J " J*"«l«‘ r '*Nf »fu?r ramincntiog on tho *N*/>c**.„ H |.. ^ ; rbiladclphU, thus apeak a of the New Yoik Hank* ' * w ) M . l «rw'—i..!»- .... watentay nfteru jju, hy a number of guntlcnwn con- Sf*™ ® u f *nx'tt»tion»—gcoUcmcr., w)ia*e J.- * n " ‘location, and who«o J-j, 0r . - j. ft^fe*** ih^»Utaof*HirU*nk»enahlethcm»o.|K*ak flaOora/a/iPf/^—whu u* that th* Dcruaita » >.lo tlw Banka are *oadi,l|. and the line of due. out* • - reiloc- d to l-.w,tbit U it entirely in ike txtrer nf tXepmkt im pis ri'y ronlinne specie roy mtUnt rtssrliof U n farther cnrtnilmemi m etc ^ M*r.mBdtU> t*'y .*refmHy determined toco*. From tkr SorMk, of Ocl. 10. SI'SI’KNSION IN NORFOLK OF SlTXTF. I' V YMK NT. Tine Hank or Viuqivia »m» iiik Kaumkii'* Hank or Viki.inu-— Thehinneli of tlw Hunk of Virginia nuhi* place mi*ia>ikIi*.I aiiecic payment* yvaiwulny, »• nl*odidthe Firmer*’ Hank, on the iv cuipt of .Im intiilligencw of tlm MMpcn*inn of tlm Unnk* of llm coy of ITiitn-Irlpliiu Ihiliimoie. Tlm Kxcluog.- Honk of Virginia in li.i* pliuvdid it «ii*|h*.h|, nnd will, we tniat,bo«ih!e to *ii*utn iUrltnguiiPt the «ev.-i\. cm rent which ia aoitl- in aguiu*t our luiik'ng I .stiiuti un. tt . ~ , NKVVYonK, Oct. II. llm l man liner., hive bed hut n umpgro mi *nd. tvncc. mil kiiiiiinira teem toil we »uvn mini- feated in them tlim ever In-fore. Timid were two Iiirei yr»ieolav,—iho fu«t for n pur e of#tliit | inile hvittat f.<r which Mr. It. F. StiK'kton'a |». f. Cundiue, Mr. .I. II. VanmntieYch.h. Ilorohlowcr. ami Mr. S. IctinF* ch. h. Ibv*tur were enteird. Ilorubl-'wer, in tlw milaet, wu# llw fnv... ite Tlw „‘ r *7 TT n \ ,,rt ' "dl tofietlwr,' Imt Cnroli *»»., * , S* Wlj nUimnicly waa ilixunnxl. The ivoud h.,t. liio ti.*r«,*4 .. |t ,'.I* . ln ,!k ! ssWttsgSssss ami ll.Mnbfower wa* dtatuuccd5 ti,,,.. T'V^ Tlw Second |{. .< waa for n Sa.mi.i.t, mite i-'-l—I'.I.U .mniw,, ,|00 f. Mivkltm [M..I tlw fitrii-it. K - \ Jeiw. . colt woo both heat, caaily.—,V. Y.faprtu. From Ike S"K<A C««i.»i. non. "Tlm COTTON CIUCUI.AIC." It la mil my p . ,.o.alo aii.. | )/u all llm .dm'in. t* act I'oilli hill' - ' uxlramiH nty duitu. mi'llt which I* uniitl.'.l lo t'u'l ii* nnich we*.;ot from llm'...Him* ii'iim-Ii.-.) to ifonv lio1.1 nuy .mu.I it limy huvo in iifr' non , or llm pr . 1..1I 1 4 it n.|. vancea. I a'uill uoiiHiw my-elf to 11 viuy l.rin,*u<f ami. « 1..11 uf ilm p.niiilcnl piii|.o 'li.m* it coiiniiii*, fori', a Inter e.| lli e proil.iction of co'l.i",— llefii.e we e m*i.t.v th * - ihi- e. in all it* fo-n 1 e; wu niu*t ml pm iliiy a.lopt ll • i.len. tint llw p. diic-i* nti'l coin.' . nr*, ill" *peculnlor« and regular put .ihn "1* of thu iinii'ln foe umiim'rcinl p icpn e* — o t ei'w»> with tlm IhinUt o. lu.tUa d * of Um At- lan.'e, 11I1 have llw «.inin i. icr.-«t nnd me N.i' oeoi|. .11 n.'d. Tli'a 1.0 hi Im hi, if 111 itil.l.wl co Id Im In might to net ii ( mii anlilitiie 'oc.ple in in • • nla, fold down lay ii* Divinu An.Inn, " o 111 otl'i'i'* ii* )■ 1 would Im one hy." Hut, iinfoi •lately ■>, iniauin iiul.iie, wu liuve *eeu nnich m llm hi o.y of even the la I few year*, to induce o« to hell,'it), Hmt .1 110*1 ttw n-v. r*o o tli* ptiimip I* llie li I* ill'imliini. Thai lli.'in i* n dn.r of luieieal 'a »*.n «lill‘. lent daaaea concerned, 1* loo •'ii* a* • till d!ia .lAiioa. Tho t'lii'ii. r p'OjK.*.'* to proteel llw plnmiug or i.rihlui'uig 1'ileieat. II. t h uiual ho ..l.-erv.-.i H at m even n ddler. two tu tlmt latere. 1. T .. ..go |,a.lion of phtnieia, purtica inly in ili< ,•,1.1*1. who lire.h lain.*, nnd tle-ru ur.< a t .,-*•* If. lit,-Sail ll, Ill'll, ullli.Mlgli, they III-I) In. I.tor*. yd, .tuiak tlml. him ilelitor 1 . It v. .',1 h» t», vlilv p « Neil, tlm; lh«*« who me di-iit- mi, mavd. airu idviilioca, whiletli.iao who urn not may Im iinli'|"-n.| | of iiiIviiihv*. Now it aliikua me. lhal 'hut” dur p-.w . .U upon thu idea, t'nit "II pi 11 m* nro iluhloi*, nnd iiu.-.l pnaucl n.i. Tl.i* I ili'ii •. ll may Iw, that then' are p'liniura, aah.' h ivi* ali*orIi.'d iliuir diaiini'l nxaocli In th.' t'lnniciur of *|waul.iiiii• in the pure ui*u and ■Kilo of eallon, ui.d it limy Iw Viuy expudient tor nil auch, in H>ly llwoueivox with l.aid,*, nod nv.-ivo ihi'fui'ilil'i'* llnil logo monied ii>«iiiiiiion* mny nf- find ilii'in In llwir ohi'Ct*} he. whut mny In* fo'o lo llieui, may Iw dc lli tu llnuu who cliuuau a very lilf ..'ill Coiiaulv'ioig the v«*t vnrtvty «.f hidivlvlunl intu* real*, : | I* 11 very duulitliil p.'o|i.Milhni, vvliu.h- rmiiv I'oiilhiliiitlnii ciiii Im for heuclita will. lend tlwiuo'lAu* c.puilly io illl; mid u »|, I 111 *.u 110 Icliil «,ce, if even inch N c.iuihiti cmild Iw lor.iicd, w|. 1. in tlm end, >t vvould not pi.Kl.i'w like coniine o ', • on tlmoihur aide, ill » would ernn'o .itch vdi ntio 1. in tlm p.’ce of ciitliui 11* rather 10 ngg. iv: e, thu. all.iy the evil nmv enmiiln'.md of. I* it In Ihi anppo- •.l.i'iutll'wcco'''wiili ih. l'imka Imre, l.a ludd w a* hi in ke it piodaca whut wu may wip.iooi 11 full price, ilm t.m *piii» ,* ..ini 111 1 nifici.iivr*, ho Ii In Now Kngluiiil n* 'll 11* I ltd Kngl..iid. will 110. like 1' comhiii.i io- gethw wUUtheli t. ik* to depn--« t'm urtie'e f wild Ih-Iwiv.i ihe two ojH'r tlo.ix, i.iiiud of ifgiilmiiy ami ciiii'ol) in tlm p.'ice, (which tho circular p.o- '«<■* la doairi*,) ii.* I'im'ly <!m n-ve *0 will he pm- li'i'.'d I ii* look at tlm ojH'iut'oa 11 muiiinit. Ollwr ciaaiir.ea, lM'alile« »Te I'n.ied Siati-a, ralio cotton; nnd it may Im lla« Ii* cicat of con*iiiiicr*, in h3ig|.iiidand ia ihi* coinitry, A* we!' 114 Fr.uco, to niiuiimnpt mid fiMier the i rnd.icihin o u of tho (J. Slut,'*; und wo *imuId hecureful to do nmliiii 1 ; that inav diivv lli.'in into concert of uclioii for that pur* |HIVU. I Mippo-e tlm pu'aeiit growth of Cotton in the world, to lie uhoni ihill.lHHJ.O (I pound*. Of thi» the II .lied Stnte* pvwvliwex l,-VIU,UUU hiigaov -Yl-V Dill),(1:111 pouuiU; l!KI tmllioii* ill A*'u( 30 mlHii.114 in Kgvp ; 30 million* in Hni/d; til in' lion* hi Mexico und So.iili A ill.'lieu, .mi «.f; ‘JO in' • lion* in Morucco, mid ufong tlm co.iat ol'ilie Mu.|i- to nioenn, in AiV.. d io million* in 1 \Yo»i Indie*, \c. TYva* will also i.ipidlv i.m< into a g.cnl to Ion iv.' 'll. \\ hell »lim-ll itc.1, lliciv is no pin- dir timi lhal can Iw Hindu to iiicrciKeinoiN-nip'illv. In 1701,1'. iv were only two n, lion* of pnmiilt giow 11 in '0 I,'. Stnle*, of whioli Sauii, Cmvliim priMliii*<*il l.ullO.OHO|hi.iiii|«. In 10‘JI. thciv wen* only I,*0,0(10.110(1 |H.aiid* grown in (Iw I**iii«hI Suite*, ofw hi h tl i* atate pnHlu-'cvl 30 million*. So licit we aee In « short iwiIihI of « low r*, how (lie nriie'e call Iw doubled. I* it \vi»e u,' p u- dent iu to pnr*ue aucli n course a* will Iw ii|. duNvily N Iwmity for it* pnHlucliou rlacw here f We now mis** more tlinu o00,t)0n,000 |nhii..|\ or half tlm prudu.'tnf the world, and if wopur'iion W'l*o mid pindenl*c, a.nislicd with i* ivnvuichlo ami light, withoui gr4*piug nt tiHiiiiac!i, we shall, in n few year*, iliivuoat all other com petitor*. cvpt Trxn*. Hut, if hy ntliaiMV* wiili great monied corp .rution*, we attempt to foiiu n imtaiiiutiiaii for the purpose of control,tag the m ir- ket, concert will iimvit.-iMv Im pitHhiced U twren lliivae countries to which I hive alluded aUive, (ogeiucr with the givwt cotumwing intew'-t «f th.* Id; 11ml they will llirov into the unirkct. la.t 40.i.(M0,0il(l uf pou,ids, a* they now do lmt Have time* that nmoimi. Lot u* look ct tlm iittcrv»t* il'ivcilv iuwIvinI ii, ihi* ui.iter. 'I hero an.- afomt Hi) millii' a of |••.l1uJ*'HnalMHy coieumol and mnuutiictinvd in Kiixioml; about i'll nfo'fon* iu Fnncot 150million* m tho C. State*; >10 million* 111 (h'ruiany S -0 iu l’nisdn, mid Ituasia 14 d»o Im- enmiag a cimaumcr; beside* more thm Slid mil lion* in India nnd China ; ami m«uv or le..» now n, e • .y c.vilitod country in the world. If we then combine with our monied in>titutioiis. to bold hack and keep the price up, by any undue nai.m, tlw wit will Iw. ticAt wa have ihe - uv.innfai-turiog apilal of tin'at U.itnin, witii the lank of Knglumi und the r-•source* of the Unt.ah Government ul it* l»uck, in like combination ag<*iu«t u*. Secondly, woxliall hxvo Fi'a' Cii ao«l Imr capital, and lmt, i|hm'”|, nut lean, we *-fo»ll Invo the inamiracturin* rapitulikta of Uw L'uIunI Suiw, with tbe r lunks ngninvi tu. I aul.tnit in candor to those wIioKnvn written lliia Circular, whether all tUcwueoinbioatiotsaudcuuu- ter canibiaatioBs, arv likely to prod oca certainty awl Nubility in tlm pi k o lJ the American planter. Am wu a im*i]4e wliu eaa act ia eoocert f Wo Imvm a fixed an-l timw populaiioa. Wo have /utlu "i no fovavittg capital io ineet alt thtwe gieat i»»ue* u trade t sod the coa^.*jueocc will hr, ifoa wo nnd will take ihe pl.10* t. iu foreign ir« ••ni**iaii«. Gold and »ilvcr tt.un .clvc*,ure aoinofittw* awhjvct t.» icmpoitoy Ihmtu. liana utcuilnai |Hjiiit*.miil hocoiin'.i 'J' CU ol cuiii" aa. i.ili* und •pecula'lull*. Sail will Im withCot.ol it'.il it I* in vain la cap.'Cl to | H'vcin it. I fo il' ch la-no pr.Hlaciiim ..pial loco ..i, in piijn.cnt ot dehta, la ll tin* almost ai.lvuisnfoy of .torn and, Mud uuiveiaulily ofpnc; licove, ll 1* .fo-timultoh' - llm .Cga'u or III iloni«*tlc mill foreign ex change*, i.'.d l.uann ird.-p' ii'u-nt vnhu* in that ojH-r- uti"0. Thu idea. »«ijm»-»i«-il by the " Cm ton Circa- for." it, that hnuka should ndvnnce to iln»*u, who uwn thu hi licit', to nci. 1 ly h* value, *011* to cimhlo them to li'ild it aa l.a.g .* they may think proper. Now, I ink.; it lluit you naift |>n) llm hunk 11 lundtonw |w-rcunt.fot thi* ndviitwemcwt. They, tu 11 *t inako it 11 pi'iilitahlo lni»iui'**, or thoy never will ciigugn in it. ihun a "iviuuneimm piico" 1110.1 In* n'civcd, tiM'imlilu llw plm.iur to he iialum- i.ilied lor what Iw pins the hank. This rvmil, I fear, wdl lint fo) mi vu.yrertnin, Thu whole iiiudy- *i* of ilii* mailer, ia. th'it llw hunk* will ndvaii.v (heir itreil it of col Ion mid upon llm fuith un.l credit of entail it*. If. Thi* i* to tit, ilm planter will pay llmmii p cent, for tlu'l. Ciul.t a.lvanru.l up on nil, wli ii ha*lH'ltcr ciudii live lli'lu* oir, than dmy have, lie hold*mi iiiliclc, upon which I'iiiii) i* thu heat c.udil, nnd give* l. pruiuiaui for This i* 11 hcuuliful li .utu'foit operation,indeed, for u xuuaMdu lunula iid'.pl! 11 nniy do for tin.*.- wli.ia.ciiistriiigliii-n-il umslimci *, mid toice 110 rni*c fund* lor ininiu- •li'ilnd.'liinii'l*, hut non Iiuis. ill" pl.iutoi'hold on.illlm pticuiliw* tint • tit him, joiuiig liny combi iHlion to ir.-.-ivu "ndvimce*." le t get thn wlinli' Iwii. lit ol Ii CO loll, w itlioiit agreeing to dividuit* credit or prulit* with dm«, A* to ilm proposition Hindu iu llm Ciicuiur, 1 hut iho Hauks*hmial i-aua po*l ii'.le* Ac., I l.ol.l it ta hi; not wo. lliy 11 moni-'iil'o consid.'ralioii. It strike* mu, that llm day i« pa«l, wlwn any one will suii.nia* ly uiiti'iltdnu grnvo iu ..lion of adding lo tlm im*- iicoinuh | ii oirculiiiiii.i of tlm ciuiii 1 y. It would he too giuut Alt omr.igu upon tlm . xpetiuncu mid ,o»mI su"*u of llm CMi.nimiiiy. For hank* 0 adv c. |HUt iioiui up.uioui coiioa, w.i'ild Im lit.-inlly ink- iu’ Irn-di. mnl ivo vodlyeiico'nlbig iln-ir crudit m thu iim.isuiu of valau, If it wuruimt far di-high n-nim* nttnclmd t«. tlm Ciicalar, vve w.ail-l In- ti»fo.'<*d to Ih'I .-v.-, il,.,t it pr<i|Mi,n« 11 4cIm"uu I.y whi- li tin. foo.k* mu to g.-t nu.liol lime Ml' crop, to u.uiMu them t- tain tlmm*e'vc*. Wu know dim ilm im|i.ii-t,* have h.-.-n very li 'iivy lit thu h.-i y. in. m.d lnaali'd d lit* of .'.Mpo.nli'.IM 11.u iH' any nci'llial' liinniu. Tlm Smtcs ea.iaol owqI.w* IIIIO.OIIIMIUH. ho ..iw.d a ilill. i. nl form*, IY..111 Ivit'opc, tu eiuihlu them t"'cat.i ll uii gigantic •chemea uf vi* 0.1 .-y and pi oil;; .tu, .1* wed a* mm till*. Alioi*. lotoa-cled wiili dm caili'iiA-rcad dul.t.iaw.dlc. IciiIm'uiI :»nvatu heavy Imha.'u* n-;ma*i n*. In .laaiiaiy, 1337, the ban ciic-iluthmof thu H. S. sv.. fl-ln.tUHt.utHI. 8m pua«i»i, laal. platu I‘J h May. follovvi.ig, and ie- • I- loo .■•4..IIM-I in* mar ■ tl'l.n a year nil.'.. Hot i i« luui.iiktib'e, ul l.u re-M.apli.M., hotv linln ih<- g. ." in 1 p. c”'S ol evciy iliii' • were all*'c.. .I, except wild land* of tin* Wni, Now, if dn'ic hud he< n 11 wonri.I i.'fliimpi"ni iiihI can-, ciiaii oipipei'i, la real com//«''/«'/»«/H'r. pi Ice* o.iglu to haw ,.l- l.-ii grc.-tly. 11 . lie.*. *• Inv.i n gr.-.ti coni-ic i of ihu .'.it .il.ilitm to a si.oikI l.osi-, ii \*on',| Ir piodnci'il dint ulP'ct for a nine. Thu n-.ili i*. th it uiiciil .l'mi hna not lii'cn g. ity co ni .'led. It may Inivu tuoime.l iMl'-.e. t fomi*. A* mmiv hank I. IU moy not Im in circat 'ii-., tail d.imv,|i.' hill* have vastly iiiciv.iic.l. .011 .. uik*.la ih-'ir <"i-m- *4 now in cxciiii'ige*. Ci' dii ,e«,"»ii*!l»ili i.-smanot now miidi Ii l-.w wlinl thi') wciu 111.1 iiiii.i.y, 11137, IJn- .I--, iliu-oclicnui* in .1 will I..**liili*-nli to. 11. u haul.* that h ivu uov'iti.v I'ly, -I Vei.liavd into «tu» fiul-l of »pv« e' - '• «* her III i M-hioige* 1-r pro-l-icu, lo mi lam 1 mm-. iihIc** * icy can get caiiluil of llm I'otiung co <<ui crop. It wilil,-- to ilium ii«uh*iiin u lor «|mciu, mid • ii .ldu di--.,i t„ do liusiia* Uj-oii cr-d'l un.l ptoducu, in lining iI.ciihuWca to die l-'g'linuiii QtMN'IM. IN YKI.I.OW MATH. THa l.afayrttu tformts wwnHw.a tlm aafotxi? rff. rt IN ra*e* of ve low futef derived from tlm • *• IdMihai of tlm aulphat* r»f .I'llnlim In kne doaea. IWw r*l tact# ro 1 log dn.b r «nr lm*fl«M|i*t« know* hJrs rnablr ua to r ar-fo.i*t« tlwaUMMeat. and *« Nod tltat ON ImU* v« tlw "qulftirw 11 U termed, to U a mo*t ImponaNt i«fpiK**blibla iwimfialul rllscuvt ry. * T Im nun net of employing tha ijitinin" U fever ea*e«, whol. In* Imew followwlfo xacba*toNl*liia* •unit*, d .1e a altogetlwr from the nKafo In which that lemedy U usually admli.ldeie-l. Tlm common ph) alriant hna fora to give Hill snmll d'laua duriiif llw jH'.lmlt of i.iiiIsmiW. Ihn »■* pr,r|h r i* l.i-ud -.|hm, « dill- .rni ttwiv, »*»d vsivc* • swot dly from tha old. Wla*.. rpnuine 1* inkcii in I'.rce r|U*..tilloa, III- men .»».««•»»• •• dint it pirtdnce* hut a *• glitnn.1 |i.coiiai.ler-.l'h' atlnmiH . itg • Imct, wlilrh i* auccedeil within a few lioui* *•) n p-.wrlf-.l auiUtivu imj-fv«*i"li. tint " g' l'-ia ly'. Walt tin* view dm mediriuo i#exhil.o«.l in one very I .rgod .w of from 20 to 00 or ««»ttrs'ii* in llteineipieocy ol tin* fever, A»llil"lhc an" hid net loll «r« lo Im iu proccax of hiiniati-.n—-dcit 1*, within aix or eight ho *, iriimruliatcly after the ap* of the unlic-t sjmptonis. Ill* nil im- |h>it.aiit. If we righdv un«lei*imal the "f ••* ua.', tlmt the rpiiniiin aliould Illl I'lnployrd Iwfur-r ral iiiitiiti.m or If•»* txkull jvlwc*’. "(>» otlmr wool*, wl.ifo tlm malady i* conlnwil lo tin nervoii* xv«tem, and llw organisation i* •« yet urn imp.lin'd. When taken snclirlrriimatnnrc*. it* fast ull.-rt* 'lie a v.oy slight iaere»*nolThofehill''»yoi|i* tom*; llw pn'au poiliop* |n-fioiii«# quh'Uencd. llw re*|'iiiitian more huiiu'.l, and tlm usual C'-n#-- ipiei-cu* of slin .di mu present. This ci.ialitioii i*. how.-vr, hut*a*iii, iapiumiuly lul owed by a isoiru pending ih'pii'xaioii. All llw more vh.lcnt syiiipiiun* suh-iil. 5 lli.v temjM raiuio of dm snifuco ia lowered; pall. .hiiiilii«h.'.l; dm pnfou is gentle ami *uIn|ii."I; dm skim# eovercl with a healthy moisture; Inshoit, llw chain of nssuciniiun* bec-mm hr-.knti’i ah'i'p i* •iijwinuluci'il from which t o pa- limit awiikuiiv it fii'*lii'.l ami #uh-tvntn.|ly Imltcr, and within iw.-iity-four or thirty-six hour* i# con- ai.l-'.i-d ill I *1 .tu id convah'-ciincu. Thu .4 -c natuxclusively coiifiiail to ihu cini'loy men ol quii.iiiUi though mi* i* the nhivlTuumdiil ng. id. TTmiiai.a imrm.a.ilohviiitmg tea l, ..--ii'* lolocnl ir.-tatiuo inu-t be n anilc.l to. Tlw akilfal prarlitioiwr will m-Mlify his cor-.tive niearurc* .nvanliog lo tlw ucossitica of llm case; C.ipp'ug, loccif ag. dll- warm Imlli, and local uppli- cm unis in.iv l.u lin'd a* ciiciiin't.incus cull inr llieit inp lynieiit. Th.' rpMiiinu i* udinini-iu.ed in u aingluilutu—llm ohj'-. t of llw physician is to l.riog tlio ft-'.laUvc n-th.>;» ce ol thu rviiwdy l.cfuro any oi'tlw organ* ol dm houil, slotnnch utc., become cap.-cinlly ulVcciud I.y llw «li»eiisc. If it should liiil to product- li.u ..iilicipamd i-Hivt, tho cusu is too fur l»r a-eroii.l irid, ..nil it niuai Im trented ong.-iwial padi.'lga* d prinriplus. Let", however, hu ruifiuinht-r..-.l tlmt 111 tinny or folly* which linvulmuii aiilijeci.'.l la iia* novel cuimivc method, not one Im* lein.i'iated faiully. Tho action ol thu quiniHC has been ai.i'o.inly ni",i sulutarv, ojH-nnii.g like a charm, nnd .It—ip .iii.c llw syiiipl.nns ot liie inalu-ly eiv ihu) Imcuiim conceal rated uii pmliculur 01 gllll*. We have Im-.-ii nu eye witness of llw excellent v fleet* ot dm .piuiiiielreatmem in seven*! ilutniico*, a...I cm. with justice tvinlui a tribute to tlm zeal und tiil.-iil di*pluyid by some uf llm niuiiihnrs of tbe pro- li'**niii in tlmoiii|.h.ym»i.i of lids remedy. Wu uru not aware to wham dm muiit of tlw diacuvcry Im- l-nigs. Those phy-icuois who have paid pailicnh.r utiei.tion to it* niuitiu I'jn runiH, und have employed it In the largest number of caws, mo Dm. Hunt, Ih'iiiliu, Fa.roll, un.l Muckny. Tlwatt gentlemen c-.ii.-iir in llwir views of llw ilmory upon which llw li.'uiumiii is li ned, ns well a* ill the unexception able uilviiniiigeuusresult whichnccrucs from "sup plication. ^ • r.i.rnl C-.f-./ «/ Ot.rgU, M • J — ftnjnailiuilt. An./ -Iia /),.. tut. ot I^in- rcinl banking. Wu cot ton during tlida-i and tlmt n o ■. wli-c 1 > u* wu did. The I mi' ui.-ly aft r ,-p n.i .1, f.i,Ill’ll,DUO, p:i’ iii'ii' i* l.ile, und *"td lli- low llm 1 1 po III.I, mid a had ul. far 1 1 c anon, m.<l ii w '"•••I as to ii'.aan- a* .,n . .Im l.\ Slates, iiiim.' . ilu-l I.OII-U lot ""Ion, tw Ive montl.4 al ia New Ymk, at twelve aotluaci * to K.iglioid It il.t tli-'ii c.Aiitu irttwtlwi S.aM* aw.l S*.*»ti*.\\ eat, nnd » its h.iD at a -if 10 |s*r c.-i.t. t'.-i dm I. currency. Th ir bill* were thu* ho.-.lit lor remit tance* iu the North. Tho hank then la->k die local curieucy of tlm cotton siii'es, m.d puivha.e.| cm ton ut 0 mnl!) cent*, iu dwsummer ul Id 17. I hn they may in" have ihaw na a hwk, but it is s>; impudence to #-iy lliuy di-l not u*u ugcuis t-r tlii* purpose | mnl did that indirectly wliu'-i they d mid not do directly. It waawlth tin* e."t ai dm Ihiuk was eicil.I.Hl to iiioclthcirbond* running to auiluiirv in l.oiidon. And hut t*.r tin* ojH-r in ... ihmhuni. could iH'vet|linvo resumed wln-N it if at a-l. I will not pioleiidlti say win" has been m ohi in net pi of" hy thn hank, hut it wn* tin" ojieruthin tin" gave" 1 c •oil ice* A'lpnvalenlto ajmeu*. I think its foreign hoiid* ainounle.1 to near $r.0'J0.000,winch were sold m a p.vmiaai of 12.1 per eem, If this Iw a ,iuvulu|iuitieiil ut the power and re- amircu* of eallon over the currency and banning o|H*rut 01 this coiiui.y, llieii lat.-r pitMluc- s it, ought to have "4 tall lx-ii< lit, and th.-y will Im guilty ol stapi.l folly, " they ever again p r- mil llit'iuaelven to ho ..iitvviiiv.l hy a toioiga iii.imi- thin, unininaiiding llinsu rvaomeu* whirli tfod mi-1 Nature gave to llmut. Any eoinlnnmiaii of no hank* us proposed t.y the t'lr. ulai, would reaiil in till owing tlw .e»ou.ce« of eotioii huady ia to tho hand* of the gi-fvulkt stock *«lei«-»t «| dm N'mOt. Those luitik* m tie' Smith, (for ui-limce, in Chailo-ton,) that h'.ii-'sily desired lo coniine llieui- selves to the l.-g-timuteohiccl of i*onioicieiu| hank* ing, would not enter into tlw arimigement, nn-l the result would ho, th." *pucti'miie; "auks would bo used with Northern funds, prei-io-ly a* they have fos-ii in Ali«aiisippi mi IcUe-v u-re, to Awimllu tlu- Suuilmin planter out ol ihe just pmHts of hi* cott -ii. No! give 11. a pr nipt payment o'.' jaat hut-ilitie* from nmik* a* well 1* iailiv.davls, with a g.i|.| und stiver standard iutii .win. h we cun iuina'- diutcly m.d practically convert al piput; nmI Im soiiiherii |ilaiite>, d It-' c-.i.ti'H** huii.. It top In." mg, xnlmui *|-wnittii»Mi,u-k* iw mt tr>»m h»'>W>—-iw* e-tit-.ii will Iw h'* pi.sp.irt ihr.iagli tfon oma.eiviiil world- Hy tin* hleasing ol H 'O-oo, lie isen.inlud t.» raise the noblest w.-e-l ill:" was .-v,r given far thu comfoitof ihu human fondly—a, d siiia d to make a naw era in m-xl. me -iu n. r- e. if who raise it have apirii mi l vi.iuoenough t. acorn and, duty llie hmikn-g mnl s|h cul-itivu ipmck* uftlie day. 1 have 110 idea that tlm -lav.-fonding race c-u.l-l mxmtaiu tliuir -its'itv «>r imb iH'.idouc.' tiro year# without cotton, ll i» trial which gt*. 011, onr i'iiiu.|.ri*e, our iHteilig.'ii.'u, mid commands the reaiHCt of foreign powers. Ihu Kgyptimi muy I.Mik wiih devotion l» liisNih*. us d o source of tlu paiwcrni'd wealth of I'.gvpi.ttv | '.l^v muM HitialH- taut of the Holy Lund, iim* 'milm ui*ac-wl Jo.dan and take c.iut-al front wasloag his .i»*—lho Ilia* diHi muy w.ualiip the L-tu*, under ua idea l -at Vi-hnu created Hrenuh l;v»n its ui.I--Med ll .wcr#; hut a genuine *1 .ve-bolder in S hjiIi Curuliuu, will ever hwk with 10 tne Cmtnn - J’Unt. •«* iho source of hi* power and io* lifo rty. All ihu ptrchinciMJ U|n»'I ran It .amid never protect him fiouiUiu grusjxug avarice tml fanatic d luiy of nur- Jcrn aocicty. It la* c*|Ka't» to preserve iloi jwu- liarinaliiuii.Hii of IrtaCountry, mid tranaiiui Uicfit to poatxiiiy, be mu*l tv»ch *"* children to fo-ld ttm Coituu I’lant in one huud. and the *w.nd in tfo- other, ever ready todifend it. A COTTON TLANTLIC. IIHmtrnCB8. Nine* |)i/ronntnl, ntanlii^to maturity, ronaklurnl (in llilli of Karhxngc. ” ” " ” N-si.fc nnd lldla uo-lur In auit, da do da da is" in a.ilh lbHi.1* of City nt ttavxoiixb, at 7 per«I- htlvr^k Making t'Ail litDiaroumril p»|"T Nial «H‘y H*W»*la, l»ftl.u paper under pnne*l. there i* mnnidiicd ^ ^ ihe papel ( si I'riwipal Hank, lr.ol.llul at do Had at do (link! at llrancli, Dollhllillxt .to Had at do par- hy othrr Hank*, In IihimI* of agent in Nnw York, Hn« k» of oilier, liunkiiig H"u»«'s nn-l laila, Held F.state taken far deirts, Kx|«'hIcI .mi, mnl iu rdalKMi to IUil Hoad, PpMe-ts, Kxpeuse*. I Iuiii ••oiiint I'riiicipAl Hnnk, Silver mnl C'oj'jier, 6.®* M l.r.»3 t« 7« Ul t,V.ui tM I,|IK) INI too 00 liii.oia o 31.ami 73 Cold c II nt llranrh, nl C’ujiper, ^4.I.U.I 09 If,342 91 e‘Jl.:iJ. r i no 93.8M IN) Note* of .Alter llnnka at priucijial II ink. At Hrwirli, Clmnge Hill* of the Cnrjvtirulion of Havutmuh, llalnnce between |irioci|'al bnuk ami braiH.h, Iki.ik Capital Shirk. It nil I Capital Stock, Hunk Note* issued, jmyohie Ol'iho Notes olT’riih-ip-d Bnok, There nr" "O baud 1" I'ri.ieip.-il IJ'iuk, /OtiJlCo 00 do d'» do ItrniM-fi, W) 00 tlf the Note* of the •Irumh ■■ Tln-re are on hand nl I'riimhml Hank, 130,3.10 00 d.. do do Uruncli, no. Kir. 00 Lenviue in cirenlntloo, Kail U.rarl Ticket* in ciirnlatiiw, Toll* of llri.lge nt Mncuu. pledged by City of Macon, f!iirpnrnti.ui city ofMut'on, Corporation city of Suvuiinull, Pur toother Hunks. do acuut. |’-.r ui»Tiiimi-.l Pivi.len.l*, T.) liNliviilunl Deimsiiurs, Proliis, viz.—Kesurved Fund, 13,083 -IO lloud I’rolils, 17.942 39 Hunk l’rolils, l«-"!'9 39 Alprt»etpnl Mn*k. M/isemm. 4— 4I..4M W 1 or,C23 40 5*13)17 39 .11.1 it »*) «:|,.M«) 50 1*4.711 IN) *1* Ut 4 YVM 27 40.M)3 31 ejr.V.I 17 I.H)S 57 *.707 74 I45.IKNI IN) I42.r u) 00 917,201 41 9.1 ,eca 31 3,411 C5 29.377 99 .145 73 345 72 11.173 CM) 0,575 00 9.1)90 »9 32,022 55 42.019 37 tt.OK) IW H.0K0 0(| 1,170^131 44 1,1703134 44 10 M) 119 50 138 00 4,735 41 1,048 73 0,384 13 •r 120,173 03 3,558 M 2.210.080 58 At Principal Amunnt. Ihmk. Hank A/iicoa. Wli,03*2 50 150,000 00 955.632 .M) 097.1)55 Wi 997,055 IX) 720,370 00 257,400 00 J 9.335 00 30.015 00 50.000 00 7.0)7 95 4.017 93 334 03 3,000 00 3,065 00 324 03 39,922 03 9,734 20 1,715 05 39,050 21) 92 92 11,195 49 1.589 55 19,785 01 72,902.50 11,323 39 84,285 97 49,625 24 5,722 99 55,548 23 2.210.080 58 LATKA FROM CHINA. Hy lli.* 'iirivnl of the ship I’mimnn, Captain lleir wu Inivu 11 Ivic-s liom to the 2ml of .Iuiii'. mnl from Mucno lo thu -Itli incliisivu— nt whieli dale thu .ipiiiin nflV.r hud reach. .1 it* Incut c.iin*l.oplm; ..ll iii'ii nnw ri-iii iiii* is dm iicli -n 0ITI1.1 Hiil'ah gov.-iiimriil, ul* which wu shall probal.l) liavo sjiitcTie iiifiirointinn hy tlw next slumn puck- «t. Tli" thruaienu.l |ir.N'|iimalion of C'apjiiin Klliolt, which vviix io wotk such wonder.—mukuCm-ton l.i-i It'll for all f.ireigui-r*"—Im.l up|mareil, mal like llm oilier procliiui'.toui- of tlmt ollicuil, pr.1v.1l mncli hiss twvuiidiihle in fnllilmwiit limn in jirwnd**'. llw .lull Caul.mi I'-.r Macuooii the 21th ot M ,y, iicc.mii- p»ai.-.1 I.y ..II llm |trili*li ruii-lu.its, und hy some of oilmr iiatioiis. All the lore' ,ncun*ul* hud also pr-r- cu-*.lu.| lo M icii.i I’.iu no we of Cujit. Kilim? was is d no the 33ml of May, two day* hnforo h' duparlure for .'licun. Iti4ii..t.X|-lic.t,mi'l ill fact nrtiounUto Im’u liuyonT a rep' tnion of wliali* said in hi-* for- procbiriKilioiiA—to wit, that no cinluluiire is to Im pln.-.'.l in tlm Chinese goveriiiiwnt—that thn snr- 1 .'ml r of dm ii. Tun wu* cimi|'ul*o i mnl ii"ju*i— l.< : fmthur couini rcinl imuico..ise wiili Chimi ii-.i#I Im <" llm risk of thosu ungugin-: io it—-un.l tlmt Htiiiilt subjects, buviwg ihu c.iuutry, 11111*1 nui .e up suiili'd statuni'iiilsoftImir claims, 4c, As to i!ni course of llm llrit.sli guvurnnii-ul l.u m.mi di*liii<-l i..liiiiatioi. is g.vcnthan Ihu following*— An-I lie lias once ino.u lo warn her Mi.i. *:y’a »u'*j cis, in nxxiuii* terms, that such sudden und "tr-ng oica-nies ns it may im found iiucessary lo ml'#|i1 sin tin* |»art of compel.-lit mitlmritiu*, for ths honor mid intuii-st4.ilThe llriii-li Crown, .‘..1111..1 Im pr*'j dicu-l lay ilmir .*omii.ii--.| residence in Cunion, iN-yond 1I1— pciinl of In* own stay, ii|m>ii ilmir own reap nisih'lities, nod in sjnlu of the aoluiiin injunc- ti.".* of her Mainly'* ollici-r. Having 1 Ini' removed liinio-lf and hi* countrymen finw Canton, Cupt'iin Klliot chartered a vessel, the hark A. ml, to convey d -soatrh- * lo K.igliiud, I.y ihu way of Cosder, on llw l(c>ISu.i—to'in.-ct Wi.gli-.rn' nvi'rl.iud until—un.l thu Ariel sailed on the 20.h, pa* ing Angiur on llw tiili of July. t lm m-nix-i ofC'iplnin l'.Hiiia'*d-'|iurliir.- i» thus du«.'iihed iu the Cn.iio.i Jhgi.ier of May 2311" Tho h-ur of 11 A. M. ha<l h"cn t/xed I.y Capinin Kilioti I’m his dupiii'liiru, |>ut llm local g.i-u.iiiimiit, in or.Jur to oviiiru usury p.Msilrlu inark of uoniuiiipt I'-.r, nn-l to rau*e every kind of putty .imii.vauce to, il.r llrit-sh >.i|H«.iul.-iid.'iil and ti.ocxp-lled of hi* c-uutr)nmn, delayed tlw departure until A I'. Al.— Ctiptiiii folium Im.l nlrciidy put oll'fi'i.m thu steps uf'lt- lluii-ilUMiuulutr, when lluw.piauud Man darin Mow.pia—as lie i* culled, arrived; and to ptovuto tim e individuals the supur.uiity of foreign iniii'iiiiy to llm so tiiucli boasic.lceremonial polite. 110* of the Chinese, Ciijitaiil Klliolt backed hi* hu." to the slop*, landed, and received I low qua in tin- garden of theco.iaul -to. I, we believe, 111 ole a-unu Iaiiiu excuses fur tlw dcluy. t).i llw 23d of May un uddres* to Lnnl I’ulmura- ton wusdiuwti up nnd signed hy thu rusident Uri- li'li mnl I’aitcu 111 re mnl*, milling forth Iliuir griuv- mi-i-s, gHing u brief liisiuty of llm coinmiasioiH-r’a pr-me. dings, compliniciiiing|Cupiniii Klliolt for tlw pirt Iw ind taken ilir.ioglinui,ami urging tbuiecog- uilion mid fu It'd meut of Im. condiltoaul pledge that the .'Inims of ilu> rcsidum foreigner* for ii.duui.ii- lie "ion nil I re.liuas sIi jii.iI be eiil'orcud by tlio Uri- tish govurmuept. Thu iiirrcnil-r of tlw oj'iiun—20,283 chc*l#—win tomphned on the 21st of May. Tlw manner of its diqwaiiioii was in" determined—w hoi her to Inn 11 it,Uirow it into liiu sen. or forward it ull tu I'ekin. —The laiest pr..|Hi-ilion wa» to dig lurg.-pits, into which " was 1-1 Im I lire .*11 wiili ipiant. *ujf. uf oil. «aW, water uii-l other ingredients lo make it liquid, nii.l iii'ii let it 1 un intu the river lor tlw Unelit of llie fish- *. * A* nny !h? *uppa-o-l, t' v foreiinbiisin.*.* at Cnu- toil was pretiy much broken up for llw time, mid tho few foreijoer* rcinaimng were chiefly A men- Tlw prospect ,.fn renew nl of trn-le wa* v« ry douli.- ful, Ih'.-uiui- ihe Chinese uutlior-tiea, not saii-Kci with ti* • ba'a-l giwn by tlw n**i«lonl nunchnnt*. -lip. nhiting that /key -vuul-l not dual iniipiuin, fa.tlmrde ni iiidud a similar hind liom thu Ciq li.m and con signee uf uv-ry vc**"l that rli 'ultl xinv.-, sgiccing. ro ti.c enniis **xti-i:i of vuva.1 nml cargo if .my ..piurn all uil.l Im lunn 1 uuboard, nn-l that ull p'.r.ic* eoa- iieciud with thu vessel should sutler d- aili.— On tIlia foreign vosmiI* wore nll-iwod comu up to.VVhn-iipoa, but uaiw had av i-lud ih- solve* of thu |mriiii#*ion. Indeed Cipia n KUm on tho 10th of May, ix*uud a formal noi-co, forbid ding the entrance cfnll Hritirh vusauls until hu should publi-h a doclnmtioii that it would Iw *nfu.,tlm continisii-H'ur having #0 su<*.va»r.i y cum- plvivd hi* uiwforuUftij ugv'a*l Un* wpium, had Iven prum."u-i to the go.cnmeat oitne prov.ucuaCliuk- c ing nod Keung/e, ihosecoial .(ftne * mpire ill rank and unpiiruiiiro. In ihu omanll’ne, however, a new ir-nihlu had spring up in icga<dt» ihu nHa«aie.m-nt of foreign vc/s-l*. Tim ro ii.niaaionur Ind or iurv.1 all the •hip* arriving with cargo to bo inqmclud hy the aup- prelect, nnd thuir diinuiiaiu.i*, i.'mingoond draft of wutur joho ivjHirie.l: uivl witUtlurtecn vesreUlyiug at Maun .th * wa* done. Hut unu American ahip, ihe I'uili-ta-lu, (ll-dwrt Fulton.) made anil, and would not any to Im incnsored* whureii|Ninua*ued u long *«r.o* u( cl- ur rep-.ria and special edict#, the mcc of which ujqauta in rim io) owing ex.r*. ti» Thu sliiji l’uih-ta-lu, winch rcfunud lo be incus- Ul.'il, end prcvuin d to .sail uway Kuatwur.l, hna uvi.lcnrly done so for evil, \Vu have tent ncom- muri'ciitiori to thu hop|Hi, that he convey to tho hong morcliantu uotto trade with hur, but to hasten her ilupiir. ire hack to her com"ry. Thn mud *uluprefect &c. will give, direct commands tu the ciU'xu s to take with ilium liiiguisla and pilots, im.l iisruilnin plui.ily where IVih-tu-lo bus gone; and. Iindiug Iwr truck, coney to hur the coinnmnd.: tin" having ht'un unwilling tube nieuauivd, it i* dent she lui* hruu-jhl cunt.ubund giaal*, nnd Im* dared to show .qqwsili-.ii; tlmt. while oriluis Inivu h un given for thu oilier* to uniur tho pin t of Wln.m- po ., sliu I* no, nllow.-d to Undo, hut must rail buck toiler country and not loiter uhnut. If* ednrea to sail to other plarr* uu llw high sun*, where it-is unlawful for hur to go, lo form connexions with the ship* of Chiim** nuirundi'i*, and tridlic in Opium, tlw erni/urs will ull uiiitu in ntinuking Iwr, when tupu »m'ii will Ufa two late. Ax *oue us any real tr.ic# of tlw *i.i I vuss.'l nrn found, lui the same be clearly repot ted to ua by express. FROM TI IK WKST INDIES. File* nf tlw Itnrhn.liuii to tli« 7ili of September incliisivu Inivu Im-uii received at the Kxcluingo Head- ing Tlm |iapurofiliiii.latu complain* bittur ly oflliu piochinj; drought with which thu islnnd was atllictud, #aid ta he tlw «uvure*l ever knew a nt that time of year. Itai'fluct wu* iiiiiiriiHis in tlm uxiruir.n iip'.ii thuenno urop, tlm Indian earn, niul pr'ivisinn* generally, A poaiscript b"wnv. uu, mm.nine.'* tlio welcome fu'l uf ruin in liruvy showers. A* Wiili mo*t of thu West India ptipur*, tlio pollll- cal toiiu uf the Harludian is that of vulmnmni opj.o- si|ion to tlmcuuisu inkun hy theHiilish l’urliiimurit and ilm Col'uiinl Oflicoin foindon. Tlw Haihii.lhincum|ilniiis with much show ofln. rli';nlhui ngniiut ihe gnvuriiim'iit.if Hrlil-h Guinnn, which it nppt'iirs, lui* ilespalclmd nu ngunt to Uar. Im !.m-s t.iiiiducu thn einigrniioiiofco|-ircd Inhorer* to llw former, Ii allege* that " llm agricultural In* Im cr* nre now settling down quietly and contented- ly iindbr the now system"—ami that, "p.ipulnus ns tlm istnud I*, tlmru nre no agricultural liil.orer* to spare.” It nls» that "11 direct injury, nnd n very serious one, isnflcied to the proprietor., in tlm island, I.y llw .'sinhlidimcnt of tlm ngency."— AI. 1% Commerciut, 12//* Inst. NKW YORK. Octolmr 12—12 M. Mount Maukkt—6V/jr Nor*.—Some duscrip. lions rose tonlny while ("Iwr* di'clin.'.l. North A*, tni'vicnnTrust' wont up tn dllij, and J!) nflum.l for it m 00 days IJniicd Smtus Hunk stood nt 70. Some other dusr.i qituiu* Collotl'. Tlw Si.wk Alnrkui I* in n vacillating statu;—(7. S. Ihmk slim.I* iilmilttlm*amnit lull oil*yesterday. The mom Inis put an und to all outdoor huaitmss. Tho crisis scum* to Imve passed—all is jairfocily quiet liuru, and latsiimss seems to go on in iho onli- nary din Tho Hanks in thixStatoand thr-ngh- "•it all Now Kiiglaiid, will stand firm. Tho stop page of tlio Ihiliimurn Hunks wu* exported, mid tlu-rulore oxcitud not tlio slightest suqirisu or sotisii lion. I? i* u’*o riilciilnted tlmt Urn Soiithem Hnnks w ill foll-iw—iftheydo in", our citizens will bo ugroa- ably MirpriiM'd. Kxcliutigu on l’hilndol|diln and Hnltimnro is'from 8 to 10 per cent discount. Nothing further South w ill sellatull.—It will tnkn n wi-i-k for tlm rates of Kxrluingu to Iwconto nt nil sutilud I nml when they nre, rates ofdiiicouiit will, 110 doubt, lie very great— much greater than they have lieen nt any limo yet. h is honed, nnd faintly believed, that the New Orleans Hanks will la- nu exception, und that thuir |Hi4i.'on is aucli tliut limy may now continue to pay ajwcie. 1 im Horton Transcript announce* a gnml omen in reg.rd to tlm Huston Ihmks. So little excitement wa* rivaled there bv thu *ii*pun*iou of the U. S. Hank uud it* .1. puiaiunciu*, lmt llm Huston Hank Director* had not ilnnight it worth iliuir while to call a meeting, even f«»v consultation on the sohjnet. llm news, however, creut.’d n terrible excitement in tlmtciiy Vf-Uonhy. It gave rise to a grant vari ety ol c.Hijuciun'a nnd opinion:., In" produced node- finite action un the part ."'the Uaiik*.—Express. October J2, 3 I’. M. There wn* n prevailing report in circulation in tlm street ilii* morning that thu 1’rovidence Dank* Im.l "iiqa-ndcd. Wo find on enquiry it is not L P »« hist ni.thl they paid spec'. on dumand. A mceiing ul m- rclimi* niul uthers had lieen held, at which it wn* siipjiuied thu hank# of Now Y'.-rk w«’-j!d •us|m„.|, mal .under that impression it was I.Mied they would «tnp towhiy. , If *jmy vilipend under this impression, when they hnd N.-w York i* firm, it is boi eved they will at once r.'smm—Express. From th- .\\ y. Tinas, 12/A lust. Ux.TKtiSrATM Usxk—F/yi, 3 Kites I 'O hy the I.ivorpo.,1 that '„ , r*' ,, " l ' ,1 !? u '* r & L '*he I’nrU hankers a .1 agents." the I ennaylvuuia Hank of ihn l!intu,| Status btt,| letiiM'd to honor the draft* of the Hank, created soiiih wunder, im.l many *up|ioaed nrivnto in rmatiuii hud been forwarded of tho inability of .0 bank to muei it* eiiiugcmema here. Sach in- Iwrmatwtu wa* not to put t h 0 wary hankers • I I ana 011 tie irgunnl. limy knew tliut tho Dunk 1, »• I.uruiaj to met-, those bill* hut the jrol-l and silver whvl, were shipped to Mr. Jaudou hy the very pock", w hid, took out tlm hills, *md for winch they lr 1 been ...Id, Tlio truth, bo .1 but, is, that th-; Hunk expected a favoiublc result i" it* negotiation* with Holland bunker*, audio trancor l '| t '“' m onurinou* amount nf their • dead We'-lit #"curitiea,and thereby redevc itself. Hie iM.-go. atinn, however, wa# not completed; hcaco the* to meet urn bill*. And now, Iho Hambnrg hanker# will decline the arrangement., niul tho syap-m of " kite flying” iaaton end. This system wa* wdl midor.Uwd in l'uria, nnd would wot K-countuiTuiccl by the «li*tinguuhcd an-nta of iho Honk in that city. Tbe hill, were honored hy M r ra, t.Hhachild, hui not until Mr.Jau.Iou had v ,•!“**! 1**'*, ""J douhtle,. imiuli-rred tu them 1 iu proruixl* .d' tlm sm-cio which which has been forwarded 10 him by the JJauk. Wo do not iiccuau the mnimgera of ihu lYiiiisylvu* bin Hank of tlm United State* uf wutit ul'fainic#*; • hough it cannot be deuiud,lhut some of their recent acts ure iqa-n to susjdcion nt leh-t. Why were 1 lioir post notes'dated 7th October, p nty one tin if previous lo their suspension of specie payments, thrown into our market t Wu bulk-ve that tho hunk managers took too much . 1 thfiiM-lve*; and in piHcavoring to sustain tho niiiiieiniM IrMtitiiiioni nnd public works in which thu hunk was inter.Aril, tlmy Imvo sunk tliut institu tion- i here ha* been nn evident ilispnaitioif, too, on the part of the bank to court the favor of the loco- • fncos. It had become th of seal a pent of tli 0 fede ral fiovernment, and cutered into migugcmc-ntx with the I’nisidunt and Socro niy of tlm Truastiry, last winter, wli'cli gave reason todisttust its policy, if •»«" rc»|wn*ibility. It has also rcceivwl tlm sjic- e’ul favor of the loeofopu ftnvernur uf J’onnsylvunin, nnd '"lined to that Slate tho enormous amount of $1,800,000, although tlm Governor hn.l previously d .ounrud it, mid dci'hired it* charter tiiironatiiu- liuiml nml olituiimd by fraud, nml tlmt lie would never ittcugidx" its uxisteero iilRdnlly, Wo liopo lo see llm director* of ihe Imnk honest ly perform ilmir duty, mukc n l -u- statement of its condition, uml tli'-n v d np its ufliiir*. Such of the hank* in I’hila.h-lphiu mid elauwla-ro n» wore nut so twitch Involved with the United Slates Hunk us lo muku ausimnsion nhaoluiely necessary, will noun regret thm, in anoi.giuiide.) mom nt, lln-y yielded} uml we doiil" nut they will soon retrace tlii-rr steps, hnil rvsiiinu the puyinunt of their debt*, uud thus regain tho confidence of tlm ponjdo. From the Philmlelphia Inquirer. - A PROCLAMATION FROM THE GOVER NOR. _ The following wa* received, last night from Har risburg. Tho tone |« quite moderate,nnd therefore praise worthy. Wu think the Governor mixtnken, however, hi n-lution to »m ill nnlea, especially when we remember tlml New Jersey, New York, und all tin- Now England Slate* enjoy tho fucililiea of one, two, und tluce dollar hills. V KxicctiTirK CiUMncit, ) Huuislmig, Oct. 10, 1(130. y To Ovid F. Johnson, Esq., A tlm nuy General of Cornmonweuhh of Ponnsylvanlu. S' ,-— “fho suspension of specie payment hy must, if not nil the hnnks of thisconim.-nucnllh, seem* likely to produce tliusnmedalmsemntit Biid-derangc- nn-ot of the currency o." tho country, tliut have at tended ilm snmo on former occu»huia _ iho several acts of aarumldy piohibiling tlio issuing and circulating of notes, ticket*, nml mltur paper* in the of hunk nutes, under thn doiioniinulinn of five dollurs, ulford aiiqd.- jirolectioii to the community against tlm evils arising from this illngnl and ijmrious currency, if prnjicrly enforced. 1 he only defect in thi-so laws la, the omission to unjoin the duly of unfoicing them, upon somo par- ticiilnr nliicurs of thi-cuinmnnwcalth. To this oniirainn Is prohuhly owing, that thoio siniitnry law* have hi-on jiruticuhly disregmded, and ireotml as a more dead letter. As the execu tive or the Commonwealth, bound to "take car® that the laws be faithfully executed," I feel R to bo my duty in this emergency, to prevent as (for n* po-siMo tlm violuiin., of these law*. 1 « W e it i» the people of Pennsylvania, whose donreat interest* nre involvud, not to shrink from thu performance of 1 ii* duly, h I* my desire, therefore, that you, ns tlm proper olfict-r, should immediutoiy adopt .noli mwaxuros us you mny deem la-si suited to the ullaln- mi-nt of the object in view, to win tho entire sup pression of all notes, hills, checks, tickets or other papers, of the similitude of bank notes, or promise* to pay innney omilu-i thing*, under the denomhm- ti'.ii or live dollar*, from being Issued or circulated within this C.ini'iionwenlih, so fnraa the law in re lation to tho subject, furnish adequate powers for that purpose. It ii pruper tlmt I .IwuM Mnlo ihnt In dlnictlng thi* proceeding, I do not Intend or believe that it . vvill opeiniu to shake tlm confidence of tho public in the ultimate a'ddty nf most, if not nil, of ihe honks/ of th'# commonwealth to meet all thuir obligation* and to redeem their fuith plighted lo tlm communi ty; ii'irdo 1 think it will throw any obstacles in th® way of their doing so; on the contrary, I firnly b’ lirveilie exclusion of small notesTrom circulation will tend more directly Ultra any athor maanuio that enn now lie devised, to protect tho public fronx In.uiJ* un.l impn*iiioii, uud to enable the banks to lu.lil ilmir respective cngagcini-nu The ciicumaunce* hy which we are surrounded' will tl.iubtleas fond in the cultivation of a spirit of forbenraricu und moderation un ull sides, u* jn co'ir*u best ndopted to rusioro a sound nnd iicnliliy condit ion of atfuir*. Every attumjit to ag- S » n, "’*V»' A»b*rr**smeni* unneccsanrily, • I'.-'* '* 1,0 discountenanced hy all cool and reflecting citizens. 1 hero is question abundnnee ofspecio in 1:.t-couniiy to fill all ; ie channel* of domcnic cir- culniii.u,«ithuuv distressing iis piivutc holdora or cue n.inKi; and a* thesuspeniinn of spreiu payment* by these in . itutlons, cut. off „ great portion of tho <* oieigti ‘Iron,1 upon It, nm#t readily find iu way into the liuiuia of tlw people. Reqa-ctiullv, yours, Arc., * DAVID R. P0R TER . In compliance wiih tho nbovn proclmmitinn, th® Attorney General Im*. i,.u.-d a circular, addressed tiL-m ^ P "' y *» •h" State, Inatructing. them to inaiiiute pnaeudinga against all persons or corporat,un. wbatever, who shall iaaue nny substl- doU»ra' Ur mU ’°J B ^'“ denomination than fir® An extinct of a Ietfr from Aogmrn, dated 12tb instant, say#:—•-Tlm rivn-r is almost dry. Air. attum, uxpixts to rniae a crop-of turnips on It* iw.1 IxTore wu get rain 5 Im has ununlly 'ploughed up nnd planted *b..ut an acre, above aud below th* bndgo and laid down the worm of a fcoce.”— ths. Csur. Ib'/A lmt. Wewvra favi.c d,on8umluy night, with » hnnvy *nd ra rcainng ia!i.—quite u n..*dty in tlicie dr/ Uiuvj.—ttkar. CvNritr, las/.