The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, October 19, 1839, Image 4

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w- .Mfc - *V iVMit’# s y> *>«• M** ARRIVAL OK THK LIvKIIKOOIh V HIGHLY IMFORTANTH II p*n».At»nr»H>i tuoUiin. Protest of bills drown h *** Vhihi filtlrt 11**1 —Protpcets »f ikr I I tree! eery gloom y-Po- rUcoUon qf Spoil-H**o/*Uon i« «r«Mr. t*»d— Threatening Stultef Affairs U Turk* 9, A*. \c. At ? o'clock tW« muroini w e It id tlm pleasure n< fairing that tit* |mckr\ steam -Up Uvitrpwil *«* ia the lower !«>■• anil afoul II k our faithful ntivt enlkrtor was at our elluiw with our Imc nepers. Utir London dstr# on* In the •!*enui*f u, &i-ptrmber ‘JO, and Liverpool in llm 21st. with the Intel t comin.rclal ini vice* from tin* various pnn* o' Kaglaild and the continent. \Ve urn «»•*«» indebted M Captain Kam i'fi and Ip Me»*is. Abnttonii Hell A Co. tot file* til lata papers. GREAT IllllTAf . EkxlU. «<-» .11 pro, i>t"» pl>". . In sote|-«l |wfta «•*' ill* kingdom. At Mnrn.-lo-#t*l, Sir Georg" .Moiray. the lory candid ite*. him defiist- rJ by a mojori'v of At Cnmbii Ig", Mr. Gfle •on, *ha liberal candidate, wu* imsuccesritii Mr Wysa, liberal. •*«« ••Icrt.-d it Waterford without opposition. AleoAlr. 8ldd, rmelcctud, at Tlpjta- nr L frigst" l*M|'Ht «ail d from Port mouth lot Quebec nn tlm I3tu of 8 quettilier, having on hoar.I Mr. Pouk-t Thomson uud suite, noil 8ir Richard Jackluii noil his suite Tba Marquis of Hastings Ini puhHdiul 1 • eery long rommunicniioo, fortified by letters, rv (nets amt oilwr documents, iliw-lism- nil tin Inn relating to tint calumny upon hi* si-ter. It di# doses nothing nf imere*'llmt was im>i known li foru except that (In Mu-q ii* ho«l rhull need I.omI Melbourne. fboblum.i *.f tin nll'mi scons to In thrown pretty cloiuly imi Lady I'ortman iio.l 811 Jamra Clark. Tba government hml in«litiitcd 101 inquiry into tbacondtHt of the Itirrmn* Inin mightrales during the riot*. Tin jnvesligu’.: .1 commenced on tin 14th of Seprcmln r. Tin London pnpiM'i nnmiune" tin death of tin Bari of Lninleninle, In tin Will year of hi* ng". The projiih'loriliiji of llw Lomlno Courier Ion I men changed, iiml it avernn now to In u Cnnrerv.i. tivo f*mrtu|. A young woman tnineil Muxnr. t Mo^c* killed Itorewlfuti tin' III1I1 of .Sopluinlnr, l»y leitping from III-* top of tin Monument. Of eouno ahtt w * dailusl to pieru*. I’uconJilry ili.tren ornl uppre* hanvion wire the cnitiai, u« •iippoistl. Only on miter imtuncoof mirlde in till* nnnner huortmi. rrdiitwai In 131(1, when n tlmmnnd imrelnni it tni-'d Levi lliit'W him*n!f lium tin ti*|» of tin Moniimt nt. nn.l wn« ilmttennl to I'm tnient*. Mr. O'Connell wn« in iftimnent nt Unrrvinnr, amnglng hi* tneaium fur u fruili re|»«ul ngitn- linn. The King and Queen i f H.'li*iinii Id) London for thi'ironn kin«;domoHlln '.'lltli ol'Sejiiemli r. I heir viiit dora not ap|,e,ir to have refilled in liny hi* rangemrnt for the miirrlngo of Quren Virtnrln—«t lent tin Itlnku nu ulluiioli, to noy avrnt Among tin pniMmgera In the Liverprud are M ij. Hall, •ecretury tniheflovern* r (SeneiiiiofCiinndn, (fenornl II imiltnn, 8. C\, of Mr. Vincent Nolle and Mri. Kiirwil'inni. The uiinenniiity tlnil hnng over the »lnle of the Knfliih hnricit, when tin |lriti«h (jueen loft Bn* t laml, li not entirely removed hy tin nrrivol of the liverpool. Thu wonthnrhol been exten*ivo|y mi* favorable, nn I it la not to he eonceuh'd III it tile tone af ilia advlcai i« ndver*o tolhoekpi'etntimi even of anatvragecinps hut (till tlicro wm room for hope. In Irvland, however, the ipm*tien wn* rtoiaulered a ilh-d. The crop* there, of griiu ui well n« ol pitatoe*, were iinqne.tiotinUy fir helow the nve* rage. Thu tveutber hud Inun fatul to the potn* tot*. Cotton wn* n lha'ht lower nt our formnr ndviee*, andeutifidcncu wuifult ilut it lud net readied it* tnlnitrt tm. We regiet tn lenrn that hill* to n large umniittl, drawn hy tl.o United Siatm Hunk, had Iteen p in teate«l in Fiatuto—hut it will lie *eeu tlmt an nr* rang**nient I ud Imrn made for their payment. We give beluw the a|M>cul'ilimi of lovorul London pa per* on this uo|dcu*mii auliject. ' . The e*pollution of the piweinti* melul* ftotn th* poll of Loudon, for the week etnliug on 8»|ti. -I, wit*,'gold In Inn*, m llnmlmrg, .Mill o*. ditto in ealn, tuHt. Pfiorthmg, l/MO ui; Miiiniliua, (I«IO n« (liver in hur«, to llnmlmrg, 3.700 n/.; t’aleiiiln, 20,000 orj ditto in ruin, to Maorilhi*, -UHlill) Hamburgh, 114,4*10 ors Now York, 9.).V!-»II ot; UriU*h \Vo*t Indie*, OOi os. Thi« retuniexhildi a Urge Inr.n tun in tin oxporutiim of alitor, hutli IncoTn tindburr. '' ’ LONDON, Sept. 00, .. , Two o'clock.—F.ncluh sivtirMna me heavy with out any actual vnrlution. Contois for money 30j to I, ami lur uccuunt iKlJ to 01. ' I’.WIIS, Sept. Ill ' v French 3 percents 110; 3 per cent*80 fJO; Hunk Yjuhoo, mo. iv’ - ’ tFrnm tlm Luudon Cornier of Sept. 10.1 fflvW % TIIK UNITKI) 8TATKS HANK’S HILLS DISIIONOHBI). V-.•*:_* Havrk hk flit.U'k, Sntmdny. Sept. I I. itimdcrstmid to hava mturned to town in tie: course of the afternoon, Tbo cuneni rato of biurmst in Urn discount m t* knt is b| to ll |»r cant, per ittmum. Then* 1* h"« liuw activity III tlm Commrrrlal walk*, and time i* con«W)iieiitly by no mean* an rxUtmiiu detnatal for accoinmodaiiiin. tFtom Uki leiielon Morning Herald of Sept 30.1 It I'unnot I hi denied that the United State* Hunk ha* received a blow with reganl to it* public credit tli-it mn*l seriou*ly rw-nct upon the fitvlit of tin* commercial intereal* of I lie I.ailed Slate* at large. We are o«»t«lt«pn*nd to (-• l ardt In our remark*; but tleiru i« a strung impress!.m m-ong mast of our m innlit' tfnlnr end c unmendal interests that the (l ink <d the Untied State*, nn Icrlhn u Iministmtion •»f Mr. Middle, bis II >*ml Its trim Imnkir. |H»wcr by tin* rw-.klc** mlopthm of jobbing In ptmlnre, and it* neglect of the true principle* und in lion nfhunk* ing, by directly, a* w.*ll n« indirectly, lending Itself to u ipruia tide commercial »pcculatinni. The a** •mnaro til’ tins great dilliculty liuiug liuully seltlcd, we t n*l mny bandied upon n* certain| elm we cuniiut fore*eo what mny In: the ru»iilt on (*illi«*r tide ol the Allmi'it All. Jnudou has MU rued limn I'm it to London s * I hi* univul mny lead to limber sutiiluctory exp'uti atioiat. Prolnt nf the Umti tl Stnlrt llnnk liilU.— The I'urii Memiger | vesllm following expianulion ol llierefninl of Al«*«r*. II iilingtii'i lot uilihiil* dmwn upon them from tbo United Slitost—"Dating the •ate fm.inmul crisis sotcrul Koglidi nml Kiemdi hunkers ruber ndwinced money nr gnve tlieir signn* lure* in lip* for tlm rclinf of certnln li-iii*us, utul sineotlnt tint* large tpiumllics of cot* ton huve Inieu eonsigiiud to Lou-I m and II ivre, to novi ihcot oblig itinn*. It uppears, however, that fresh Inlli wi n* ul*o biting drawl ol llntsu cousignmeuls. TTi>* entiou m irkct Indn* *0 •lull that «nl s could not Im rlf-clcd wit 1 n sneritiee, nod Mo**r*. Ilotliiiiu. r, >vh 1 hod l-nt usd 111 ire to 1 ho Uoiu'd Stu e*. being them fore unable to realize money upo 1 tie guar inive in tlieir po**iM*i ui, tbey have, us am ■ vine of pr-'cntuimi, itifumd. in tl.o pr '(tint slate ol lie nunlu'l, to jure ormccupt the hill* ulii. li l.avr laien drawn opuuiiieio." I’AltlS MONKV AIAHKUT. Ihunr, /■unr t'etnek.— I'lie timely intervention of the boiistfof lboh*ehiM has indue d M. Ilottiu* filler, the banker, ui last to accept tint hill* - United State* Hank. At the open log nf the ||< liiismnss was rather flat nml muney dillicult to in* obtained, hilt in tlm itour.o of ilie day some exten sive pun-liases gavo impetus to the markni. Tim l-'ivn per (.'enls were not ipinte.l for the nml of tb-t •ooatii. but wornilotm for crndi at 11Ilf. dtlc. Tin* Three per ('cut*, elo-eil ul * tb'. 3c. fur cash, und Jilt. IDc. fur n'count. HANK OF UNO LAN I). We ropy the following nr>ieles from the Lorul-m Son of .September ‘,'0. Theinrern*t lit pr.-suit l iken in munctnry alfiir* will mikolbu publie read willt mgerne** the nc* count which -ippeat -d in our evening edition, of the h-ill*yuurly lli- nioig ol the I'roprintors of Ihe Ham. ■ifKngaiul. We have only onu mm 11 k to malm While the country is sutlcrin.-, tlm Hank seem* *0 pre*|ie.. The di'ideml was divlaied to he 3.) per t, arid the rc-t, from which f mire ilividerid* m »y ho taken, i* ini-mused by X’ti.*,(10(1. 'I^lm spit 11 wh'-'bilictntes lliu oliieelinii to 11 gift of Xoill) to lire iihui'ch id Keglaud, wlulu somo genilumeo of lie Jewish pot.iiisiiMi ii-pioli iled the object it,,1, iiutt s'tive. To have no anti (.’liurcti feelin-; uiniri* festei* in Ihu inoni'V mn-p- latiou i« the 1 ll et of ihn many 'Ioris nimlu to nxriio u faeluioiis tegerd end Mippoi lor ilieileeayimi (,'liun-h of Kiigluud. Qntr orly Avenge of the Weekly Liiibiluios nod Assets of 1 lie Hank of F.nglaiid, from tlm ‘J.'nll 1833, to the 17lli September, 1!I3!>, both in* elusive, published pui'«uunl tilth - Art 3 and I W. IV., unp. 1)3. s-arcely • day's fiiU-rn.lsshm for tba last fortnight. a*.. . . . s.*..^ , » t.UIIII.ITIIS. (*irctilntiuii X 17,1*811 000 Deposii* 7,7113,111111 Seeuntii llulliuii an 7tiiin TXrrt O'clock'-'Tills town or milter the co-n* I portion uf it, is quite in n cuuimoliun, in /■>.’ fr-. -. tfrblwuiuenfia of a circuntstuncu of immense import* ,,VA^ttW which has ju«t incurred in the memmiile #orld Imre. You am of oourso awnro that Havre - V t ' •h® grea* entrepot ot* the pnalurt* nf llm New • - ’ ‘World as fur ns Fninrii is concerned; met that it* i u fhtnMflions with tlm United Suite* of Americ-.i, ’ , ' • m Ctltfud oil hyn dnohle line of pneket *ldps from h«HJa to Now York n"d New Orleans, nre. there* fore, tlm trnusnctioii* of ihn I'n-in-h nation. In their nmbltimi to rival the in mnfueimv* of Liij laud, fll . ttttd oonioqnently to disiien«e w ith them ulingiihcr, th« commotciul capitnlists of this country him ''or . the last twoyertri ovenrudi'il in cotuin. . . One ofthofuarful result* of this gumldtugsystapi . ofinoculation hnsjnst falleninthi* riivlike ailnn • • • * dtrdiolt. This morning n hill of the Untied Snti * 1 Bank fur a sum of n little short of n million srerl v •» was ifiilp>ndre«l hy the house on which It was dmw u - in Havre, one of tho oldest und must opulent end, .’moretal astaldishinents in Fnince, nnd conn .ted with the house of During, Druthers & Co. nf Lon* >», dott. You con hardly uoucuive tho cnusiern.-ition thL drcumstancu has enuseti here, or tho injury which is likely to nccpio'frnm it to the mnvfiutile commnnity. Many |mrsons soy that the net was rash and unndviicd, and urgn in strong terms the certain solvency of tho United States I while otlmr*. on tlm eotnrnry,say thnt it tvns n w. II limed and well managed tour d'nihlrette, to ppwoet the Americans playing Clio *nme trick with Franco 0* Ihey.did with F.nglund in 1837 5 that i*. hi plain . terms, overreaching tlieir too credulom Kumpean r' s . correspondciita. This latter opinion ohtuios credit aranpg thn majoiiiy of men uflmiinc** in llnvrv. •. ® e ^ owo ' vr » »* »* may, tho Ann rienn mer* chants in tills town as null as thoM* native luui*c» l<His largely engaged in heavy transactions with the AVeitem Continent, or not *n well infnrnicil u.« tho oouso in question, are nil in utter dn*p«ir: nml the Atoaricaos, so long ov, rjthing with the Fn-in h ua* J“*i am now a* much out of favour as they were - - ,, WWJ* preferred by them. Since Havre heennm tbo Liverpool of Fmneo never was Change in so agitated a'statcas it has been all this day. Ani'-rh u is now looketl on as a bankrupt once m re. [From tlm Imthlan Times of Scnt. *>').] “it gooctally U'lievml in ihn city this uftuinoon, that tho hou*o of Urnh*chlld in I'uri* w i l interfme to recovei* the draft* of the United .States Hank «i. Messrs. Mottittgaer & Co. The current v. ru in of • *y - the tratwnc'ion most uce.rcdited, for there am *cv« tal afloat, is, that of tho wholu amount of tlmse “HU* which U fl.200.0U0 francs, or about JC‘113,* •W), tba amount of £00,000 had been uceejntsi for “•“c of third parties, and that tho rcniuiuicg amount nf £183.000 hmi been, or would b«. u,-. cepted by Messrs, llntluilii'd. i^f eour-o under sc* known or^hjee** ** M * ,u "*-‘ vu rt Wituinly _• tFiom'l-o M..™ r, s. p t. 00.] - ,• 1 Tbo ioformaunn we wen* enabhxl 10 gjvo yi-ttcr* 1 dairwikb nrapect to the imivrimmu of Mr. Juuduti at Paris. WW l*ro.prepaid our n a<h r* for the 1 . •s«tit WO bit* BOW loaonimunlcate. It npre-ar* th.ti S'. - . tbo Mils, which tho United Suites Uauk ha* drawn fhraovta tii'lljoas nf francs un Mrt*i*. llottii.picr x : -i tJkClrwf Paris a«i if iiwi>, but which the*** {>*•,a! * . hum did not feel warranted, in just ic« to them ml. - • re*, W a'V'-pt, will be provided for at ma uiity hv L*J} y t . r : Messrs. Hutnsdiild ami Sons, to whom the agencies . hay* baao transtmiud. It bus hceu rumoured that * Ah(»*ni likewise undurttke the agunev of the bank .'.W this country, on tho retirement of Mr. Jandon. ; iMtwww a little too much that n foreign bank aboard be panted permao-mtiy among us, to intnre ,*> ,. fcr» with tha prtnprr f'lneiions of our own national maintain an iujurinits monopoly of fore fitgn imports. Fcrhupsihe interfetenen nfMe*we. liothsuhUd and Sons is to bd conflnod tn the d'ify ^ ■ of wiodlpg tip Iba alTtlrs of the Uuitcl 8'ates Dank tn l.U'OjMi. tko market# am glutted wl h Atnuri- ratirattohaffld A«arlea*» Merit* Mankinds, and, ai.lbar* la 00 longer any demand lor attber, w# do * ail# Mjc/CMbawtodo. Mr.Jaudofl TBT' S.i.f LMlilll Downing stunt. Sept. 13. 13311. From the l.icrrimol (Shr init lr. if S nt, 21. SI ATF. OF THADl-f. MANCIIF.STF.U, Friday Kvi-ning. Cotton Troth.—Tin* general feeling no a is, ibat cotton will fall to th-> point at which it was mate two years ago, nml tlii* has hid thoi'liect of keup* l"g "'ll of the in like jiiirehaseishoih of twi.t aed goods; and though b -lii have Imen olVercd mi lower li'itn* since Tim sduy, espeda ly heavy dntn-sties, lhn#e oiler* have in mu*t case* pr -vc.| indleciiiul, at no one pretends to IAi so wise a* l-i say hmv *im,|, the I'll.I extent uf the dupi«i**ion will lake p| ice.— Till • genet III feeling, coinhiiied mill the dishiiiimini! of toe drills of llm United Sales Hank, ami 1 In- very uiiL'i-riiiiti suite of hurse.t, nnl.i * this market miprecedently do 111 id gluomy at the prenrut ntu. int'ut. MANciii-:sn-:ii,Ti..*iay. Tlioconiiioi imv of tiiilavoriililo weaili -i Inf’ the harvest, logrilier with ilicin-coiinf nfthcuou.nci'Oj - mice of hills ill 11 o n hy tho United Slates Hank, had nn imhivoial It* rfl'«rl upon our mink-; and tho demand, leuh for yarn nnd g-iyds, •Ihii llm picri'ditig Tims ov, with soinewlmi of 11 do tnw-ird tendency in pneu*, hut without nay very marked decline. Clithrivr.— I'lie staple trade sin-m* t-i Im in 11 flourishingeund : tl»ii; theci'tinn mill*, ne me in* formed, huve been working full linn* during ikn hue depre*simi, und Ihe nui*t.-r*uroii»w ini:n ii*ing tlieir o«titldi*hmeu:*. I h- pio«pcct* in thecalico proit- ing husliio**, ton, me voiy cheering, und it 1* the gtmt'nil opinhin that there oill he lull wuikfornll hand* dm ing tin* whiter. [From the Liverpool Cliroiiii'lu of Sept. 'JI.1 LNCLAND. TtlK llAuyKHr.— Ihe emtliiinniirn of tin* 1*01 went her has quite desltityed whit little pruspeets 1 hi* litiMH-r* had. The grain in many distriets ha* begun to sprit ; and in some case* i* nearly wmih* less. In .Anglesey ami Ciinim'toiishire the erops linvu net Imen in 11 wer*e ain'u tor very m inv years, nnd very little is homed, lit Lmuai*li re^the as pect nf tlm country Is smneiliing similar. In this county matter* an* very had. \Yediiesilay wa* ra tlier a better day, mid yostenl.iy 11 decided climigo for the better snenn-d to have taken plnen until af* terinHin.| ulieu the ruin u^aiu set In.—Ckrater t.'kromeii•. Lamcasiiiuk.—There appeal* now to lie lit 1 )•- if any doubt of ihii- having a sea*ou ofoieli *ear -itv that a famine, without mi immeiliate repeal of the coui-hiws, must Im the result. Wu live tm veiled thi* week overueo-isid'-rdde port ion of l.nneitshire, mid where the crop* scent to he in a most lament a* Idu cendilhm ; nnd weupprelieiid that at leustthree* fourth* of the wheat proditeod will, when got, he tiusoiiud, and eome^netitly he unlit Cm- mu. Ihn crop* nre looking miserable, und there seems now I'ltle hope for them, men .should 11 month nl'uiiloo Ken line weather bum nliati-lv ensue. The account* from ull part* of tho uomitry nre uufivoruhlc.— Fret’on O.Wrrrr. Celttoi'« IJ.xnvKSTlMt m tiik Fates.—In the North Kvtnr, uud other purl* of t..o ten* in this county, tanner* nre paying Jilts per acre for reap* Ing, ihn men employed working op to their knees in wnter. To prevent their taking cold, they Are supplied with strong ule, nnd at time* with spirits. Htii corn is taken uway in boat*, mid laid upon the rm* to dry.—Shim ford Mercury, SCOTLAND. it was remarked hy minty last week that they had never seen nround Dumfries so dotisu un army of grain in stock, and the same remark, we suspect, applies 10 ulmo.-t every hW-tditv on the neither side • f the boundary line of the hill | U „| moor country. In ordinary scusons Iga.liug and cutting co forward siinultiiHtously; but »o much rain his fallen of Into, with *0 few dry days intervening, that lengthened !iuc* of thravr*. attesting too painfully the vicissi* tuics of weather have accumttla cd evury where far beyond the goner I average of yeur*. Hud tho wisdom of I'urliameijt permitted u* to buy bread wills what we cun make cade*!, tfor this is tho ttuc way of putting the min') wo sh-'Uld ho now receiving ample supplies i f cheap mid excel* h nt wheat front Anieric *; mir cotton and iron maim fuctores would lie'inerea««d linm-nlintely; going lull employment at good wages, to « much larg>-r amount of laborer* than would hntrliiunl fnnn cnl* tiv itiug >terilu soil*, nt starving wages; and land now fHvopii-d in tins iirswla tiouot had wheal, wnuhl h.ivo Ihs-ii feeding half a* many cattle nml cheap ns we now rear; yielding far mure'profit in meat, wind, leather, Sit'.., t|tan tho farmer i-ati possibly rentin', by baving musty ,-ore down the threat*, nnd at tint t-o«t of tneiMNipte at hirira; intpoveiish ng the com* tiviiiity and not vnricliii.g himself. • 5" , b* niilU in ami ah-uit tila-gmv havolieon gruiiliiig Utile but fsuvigu triin for tlie*e two month* back, ttt'd.Caml-idiiH mil f ur that m-ri-ai ha* bminTo" 5 ' U \T} Crindi.g at tho rate of 800 loll* every 81 hour*. FwniwTU» Uiuv^.i—rho DnMm’- loj I-O.I of Inn lll.'.Uy, S.-UI IT, ,«y.. •• Tlivrel. noloi*s>*r t, i'<* m,ut,. tint In Ireland we shill have a InmanulU failure." [From tho CWleuham F-xatnincr of Sent- 19 1 HKLAD AND K.Al.N. 1 J There are event* abroad, imitation* in tha ea»*i. net and dinjuirt in th« eowmry. Ihu there i* nothing half so imporMiit as Hie rein, which has been *tea (lily pmirinf down for several days in ibis, and, as we lenrn, in nil other p«rts of the country, with 1 lie wheat U ntn nil in as the landlord's jmirnal* assert, ami a very largo portion of It I* ms'eriu'ly injured hy llm wet. A gmll d»nl lut* begun tn sprout, and It Is now inevitable tint ihu ipialitv of mir corn will Ur very iii'eriof. Tho ipiautity will In* oven lielow that of last year. Tint mean* «f re* lief by foreign corn will, however, Im much lc*a than they were led year. In the first phico wo luul a largo «apply of foreign wlM*at in Iwnd h*t y*-ar. We have now very little; independently of this, it is llm price of lioOin grown wle-nt which governs tho duty, nml as thi* i« inferior, it wi:l tm long Imv font tho price rise* siitficiontly to admit for. igneern. In the meiintimo, lh« po*»plo inu.t either cut hud bren or pay exorhitanl rate* for go>-i| bread. The fact i*, however, for tb« first six or eight month* thu former will Im* thu case, nnd wn may ccrlainly'tm* tiifpuUt nalionllbiiio**, if not absolotu |M**ti* llllMtll, Chops ih Itvi.t.— 1 The M-,niiour publishes a lut* ter from Milan, which mention* that llm wheat crop had liven uxtrerni'ly almridaul thronghottt Lombar dy, Imt that them Ind iMten a con*iderib|o defieiiin the other grain* mii uccount of tl^- exce*«|ve bent. 11111,1100 Ih. of silk had heeii *-dd at the fair of Hre«- luu. I'll \NCK. There i« not mm li new* of intorsst from this kingdom It i*ir.,nlidi-inlyu4«ariod that a con i* d -ial.lem ui*ui*-til of troop* will speedily take place in ALier*, under thu command of the Duke of Ot* lean*. The oltje n i* probably nothing more than to*treii2lbeii iliiiHiliniiiHtialion of ibn Colony, a* no resi*lance fr-011 the 11 dives i* expecti d, mid coil* sivpiniulv no w ir. Th- man-h of the tmo •* wn* to t,e from Alfiu r* to Constantiiiu, 1I1 ncu to I'tol- lipp-ville nnd Hun t. Tho I'aris p iimii * allege that a tn-atyofe oiimerre with I'exa* h i* I, -en ai-Mnilly liegocl'iicd—i/i'-lniliiig, ofc-iur. e, ihu iodepeiidence of thu repiii-hc. It hwl il'it I signed, however, in con*W|'ieiice of the omi«*l mol a rlnu«e enturing lilier-y of ciii»«cience —Hie I'l-xau negocin or* douloles* Imiking opun suuli a daiiaun* aliofii-thiir «operfluou*. SPAIN. ;ri:it\iiN\rio\ of tiiic civil war. Thi* event, no desirable f,,r tie- int.-re.t# "f Im* •nn.l* . mnnity. In* been at length • fleeted, '(iriucipally hy pi thn bill* of tlm I tlm delect! -n of ihu C.ir8*tgM|iornl*iu*elilef.Mnt(irot wi It 1I1-1 piincipal part of tlm army under Itiscom* moid. Il» bad heeii lir s-ioio time nogociaiiug with K-pirtero mi l I.-rd .folio II iy for a eessmion of li ,*'. htii-.. on the basis of n mnrrinjo Ifetweuii tlm y.i-t ig Q i im nn-l tim son of D 01 Carlo*, mid the nvogiiitioii i,f the privda:;"* claim dhy tlm Hi** cuy.i 1*—K-piitor-i n-lii*ed llm muri.ige, point* blank,nod on the 27th uf August matched in fnico ngniiMt M.110I0. In llm meniiiinm, on iho2oili. Mnroto hud come to an open rupture with D.m Carlo*, aod tho latter, on tlm appro nth of K.puituro, fl-d townr I L*n-ll 1. M out 1 ii-t.r-il, leuviii ' u> Bsp irti-roulVeonutioin e 1 .to (iiiipnrco.i, nnd ■-•mi nllir emen d into li-oct eome.ioiiciiion wilo the Quotin'* guoer-il, ill" re*ull of which, Idsdeser:ion from Ike cau*uoftl.e |-r.-u*u dur, nml jmictiim with ilmforce* of the Qieeo. A treaty liei ween llm (ah guuural* wa* r.oiicnrileil on 1 bp ‘ifliii, subject IoiIih approbailun of tin-C -ries. Finally, imihe I 11 It S ';tembei, Dmi Carlo* en* ten-d tho ii-rnlioy •■! France, with hi* familv, und wn* <|iin*kIy followed *»y Kguin, Kho, .Negii nnd oili er geneiulv, with several hut lull -li* of troops, who wcroilinirmod, and tlieir orm* wer*- given no Ij K«* pariero, who hud followed hard upon In-logi'-vus. Outlie 17iliof Sii|>nmibei IlnuCai i s •iitoll'lVoni llayonue for H-udi-inx, iuiendiufi, it wn* n.iid, to pass onward into Italy, and there 1 ike up hi* ie*id- once, all tndmillig all hi* pn-te i 11* 10 the crown of Spain. 'I hese event* of 1:0111*.• cuii*ed great rejoic-nfi* at •Madii I. The I'-irl-s a**eiiible-l on tlm 1*1 of Sep* Ipiidii-r, and having I illegally etm«iiii.t«*<| omlin Ill’ll, priMve led -ii -.nre |„ eoiMnli-r the treaty enter* e,i into by Ivpmteio and M.itolo, which would no ilonlit he rntilied. A splendid din er wn* given hy the Q 11 lteg»nl on the II1I1, in eelel.raiiou of the happy i-veiil*nlio\|i il '*i |-ibi-d. A id *he was formally cuiigiaiiilaied mi tli« lit li l»y llm w h de dipt tn lie body. Air. iviion, the Amuiii-an Iimii-tei*, lenloigtliH addie*s. TIJKKKY AND IKiYI'l'. No great ping re.* «eeni* to have b.-en niiide to* ward an iiil,i|4tmeiii of tho dilliniltie* hetween ihu I'iicIiii and thu I'm - .". The Saltan, 01 rather hi* tuini*|ei*, hud iidihessed a hitter to the repiesuiitn* live* n| inu me liming power*, urgiiig ail tmiii.-ilimu -eltl-inunl, und ex,ir-'«4ng a de*i,e ill it uonl'ereii* ce« might lat upi-nuil at Cmi*tiiitinople. II s not a wa* c-.ti*ideivd, hv Mi-im, a* a retiimeeiiioti of the liemy ol Uukiai Skole**!, which coti«titmed llin*iu the «ole proteoior of Tmkey. I.or-I |'mi*oiibv and Admiral lliait«iM arc *ai<l to luivu ili'ni-iiiile.l pi-riiii'sioii fur llm sipiiidron* of hiiiaeomnl F.iigaiiid 10 enter llm Daiilmu-I|e*: mid it i« lit.-iliui and di 11 tlm t(ii**iniiiii"ii*ler gave im* tice to tlm I’m n». that if the deoiiiml u01 e complied with, h<- should"ill for hi* pii**poii* Tlm dein-iad wn* mu complied with, nnd on tlm conirurv ih-i Ihiiisli xml French envoy* wore r ipiesnni to with draw thu squ idnin-ilon gr tiler distmit'O. Ihu mitwers of Lord I'ooM-mliy mid A-huiral |{oi|.»in in thi* ivqiiest lira said to IiiivpIhuu cuncli- od m very ein-r.mio terat*. Ihe I'uri* /ferae,/,stlni.c Months alleges that llii«*ia and I'nis.iii Irive iclii-ed to enter into -viy tiling like a c ml'-iioiu'it oil llm Ka*tein q ie*lioii. In tlm mein-iuie tlm I'isch't, o tVul mug perhaps oil u disagreement li-tween the five pnwei*—Bn* fll-Htd, Fi.iiu'm uiiiI Au-t-i-* oiiilm one side mid Uns* *i-t »Vf I’rnssla oil the i.tlie- — h id icfnx.-d to give up llm I'urkLh llm I mu il nil his demmuls sh-mkl ho co iiiilit-d with li i* atlirni" I tnnt a * mug desire for I'lgypti-oi -wav eyjsis in Turkey—that nnm-r* oils I"lilies of 1 ro ips ha l jouu-d tlm ui my of Ibra him, a id th a he h ul been repeatedly urged to iiuireh into th-Ttu Uish ny. HSK1S sJ*J«,b!i:l,on» 2,111(1.1111;) t is said ilia' tlm Ktnpeior of Hiisdn has declar ed hisrendiiii's-lo fiillil id*,tipul 'lion* 11 ihe tra-iiy ot Uakiar S'.ele**!, by niarcittug mi army |o the a<* si'tiiiico of dm Sultan whenever called upon to do so. It limy he n* well to *n*to that his % demauds are nmv couliia-d t • tlm here.lit.iry *..vereign v of Kgypt mid Sy, in, and tlm d *ipi*sal ol K i"new-1'ud in from tlm pi-eiiiiei*htp of I'urkey. The I'orte iefo«es to dtsmi** Kli'Hiew, und r. fuse* uisu the hereditary so* voivignty of. Sy 1 in. I" tne in- ami ii.-a i.itlici pivt- n lci ha* spuing up to tlm throne of .Mahmniid, in the poison uf Nadir Hey, wlm clitiui* to ho a son of Alusiaplia IV., dm alih-i hroilmr mid piodecosvor ol A1 dimoud, by one of the ladi'-s o| In* Imrem, who escaped when tlm women of Aluitiiphu'* ser-tglio were put to d nth, bring pFegiiunt ill tile time,nml afterword gavobiidi to thi* same Nadir. The (i rmunii- Diet, to which the Hanoverians luidnppe.iled against the tinconstitiitionul piaiceding* •if the king, liadd- ui led in Id* fivor by' a majoritv of one. That i*. tho Dn-t had decided not to intcrli-re, on thu grimiiii that llm matter in disputo i* imt ouo alfcciiug interests or die rights of tlm euiifedera* cy. Tint kiiig had thereupon mimuncod the lot ma lion of a comini*«io • for tlm purpo*u of laying Imfoi© hi* people llm proposition* which h* doomed e**ou* lial 10 their w elfare No hope wa* eiitert-iim'd that his itinjiviy would relax In his pr--to i«ion«, tiul-.-ss foico.l to do it li) a general insure ciiou. Ill the Dim llmclontsnl' th-* Hanoverian* were supported hy the ttq resent at iv-* of AYiiiomlmrgh, Jlavurin, Suvmy nnd Un-Ion, nml opposed by tnoso of Austria, IVutsia, F.lcctoiul lle.-su and Hesse Darmstadt. SWITZKIILAND. A h'vniittimt In* beun c-.r.ii d into effect in the Cuntua of Zurich—esullbqj in the uvi-rthrew and expiiLiun of tlm Kxivtuive n d firand Cuuuci «. The tf mlde was of a religious c'tmactor, mid com menced in the appointment of Professor Striu** to the chair of Th-'olugy, Id* opinion* being con-i.lcr-nl lioiermtox. Some of our reader* puihap* me no* quainr-d with hi* works, which Imv.i made no little M'lumtimi f"r somo vear* past. In one of them '10 argued at grout length, not only ngsin s the divinity •mi against thu wry existence of tlm S ivioiir. Piowcul'oii* were cotiimune* d—tl.-lugntc* were arrested—.loop* were us* •niMeJ — uni finally tho exa*p-ration of tho jm-qil" bioku out in vjol.-nce. On the night of Sepl-iu'iei 3, the p»:oid 1 of Zorich were limit 1 mnis, and a »h«ip conflict cn-tle.| on dm next morning, in which 10 wctu kllh*d ua«l 33 wounded—among dm hitler «no of thn Kx-vutivu Council, whose hurt proved tuurtal. Ueiitfiirecinoiiujoiiied the people—and, to m ik-* *horl thu story, the government wn* fuittud to res'g’', and it provincial council of s ate was f-»rmo I, after which thu people retired to tlieir home* and quiet wa* iret'triil. In the Val i* nlsc tlmro had herni popul tr cam* motion*, the causa of winch >ve ciniiut di -timtly trace'. Sevci tl ;ier«on* wore wounded mi l 0110 of tlm g.’iid' aiitrs* w*a« killed. The ttaubJu nresv'ln some way from the prumulg «tlon of a new rmuiitu thm, imJjr the sinction of llm Diet, which wa* op* paid by tho aristocrats and priu»t# Hl'hSlA. A widely e»tended conspiracy is s»l.l to hive been di-covered ill a Witssl in corps on it* mar h to Poland. Five hundred oincurs uru Huelar-d to huve hem i.rresiad atori" blow, und other* sub*-• 'j'lentl), Two IiuinIiMiI «| them woracoufin^il in ill* luii|Sou* of Warsaw mid other places,and the test t*»tfe defrnded to tlm rank*. 1h« id'j'^t of the •‘•impimii’f* wa# to »e,*e n number of fwiltas«e* m Poland, and adr up tic Pole* to a general insure •action wlqle# hug. |» r ion of die |{ii**iau arndca Wasemploygil at tlm .-mm tr -tiewat Hormlino. Tills ssrUo irvi- .i .p|H*ars to hare Imv-h rlomly Watch-d l*f lie* Kuiop- 01 p'iiiflcinn«,au.| w itb n *.mm| deal of int- r#q. Tb- i"im>wr of tr.Mip* n*..-inl.|i-d wms nearly HUjOQU, srel itmemnmniid wn«a«*mnyd by th« Bmperor in i-er»"u. amj, *ulMirilitia'e com. oiands werogiv/niM is.- heir*a|qia(eiil nnd il,c Duke of i<eiMj||ienburg. I) -a a* were i iiirrinin-d olictlmr thi* great bmly of m-n wa* hr-mghi tofiodic, iiiumv ly fordi«pluy, ami it whs rumored Pint order* had Im>«iii given fir imircliirig a large jcniion of them to tlm Southward. It the*" m um* were correct, however, it is probable ilMtlhuordni* wcroncca*ion* ed by the neciMMtv of luhifoiciiig the nrooe* in CJIi* »M«*ttt where tlm war carried on by tbo ui.iir^cnl* with un'ibalcd courage nnd uciimy. laikstTuom ckntiial amkrica. Wo Imve rccciv. il thu Halite papers to August 31*1, contiiining dnic* Ij oui Omni I America to thu Otli of tho snno month. The following i* nn out* litmof llm iulort intelligence fruin tlinl distraetud country!— Tlm C-'iitml Americnns are occupied in taking nma*iire* to curiy into ellcci u > ompletc polilicul re* gcnerntioii. ’I'lie whole of tit- States in tho most explicit in-’■ uncr, Imvu ro. og'.i cd the prm iplc that each i* free and iu3e|H-ndei' of dm other—thi* prim ciplu ha* ill* * I, en reco.’idmil in ull the treaties that have liilhcri-i taken place. Tlm Si. tool Los Alto* liu* 'iikeu it a* 11 hn«i* in tlm decreejlm•As sembly has is*',i-d ; it is a sort of fund inientul law, form il by thciuiauimoii* consent of tlm S utes, that cacti i« f,oc, sovereign, ami independent, und cot,se* qu lit y ltd* u •niiiiimii* consent ha* d on* nvviiy ith dm Roii-litinimi ot 1821, wide!, hml for its bus.* a unity ol sovreigii'V in ull Central America. i'll * Stuie* of lloiid'ira*, Cod u Kicu. Nicnnigun, und (iiiremala. iim-t positive y and *lo dm* ly fiMed to mnko el e i-io* for tlm r uination of ilm iiutlmiitie* calle.l Fudeia . I he popul idoii nf there four Sni'es, foil us the g-eat ol dm in! .’hi* taut* of tlm whole comor 1 ; and I llm vvi.l of the majority is what ought to prevail over tnnt of die minority, it j* cl-ar and ovii'oiit tli-it the *u*d an lun* hie* niu lugully ahoiialmil l.y the will itsed'a'u.ic of th 1*- to win,in anprcmacy heio.ig*. Hm only cmisti'utim, which ul present exist* in Central Amoric.i, by tbo will ot tin* whole, or tin miijori y uf thu iiiliiilmiiiiis, may Im reduced into three Ailiclu*: 1st. Thn Btites have uiiunimoiisly determined that de.egutcn from all of them Im uppoim, ,|, nnd tit ‘ol, in order to *ti nl.ito the iiiuil'i and cm l.t.ou* on which they ure 10act. 2dly, l lm Slam* r- cognise i-ucli otlmr n* pol.t'cul ho lies, sovereign *nd iiidcjiciideiit, und tlun in,no of th m has u right to in'cri'itiu with the u«'m,ni»tr • lion of «he other. .’Idly The audio itins'c i Ft-d- ral huve legally cea*,.,| to oxial, four of the States having relit ed to make • lection* for tlmir periodical renovation. ' Wc ahull add that nlthougli the four Slutca of Ninirugiia, lion Inras, C‘o*ta Uic.i, uud fiuateinnla, do no: recognise any com,non or general null* r v, limy luive not di-turb d any tiling concerning foi-ei«n policy, r-H rvlog tli • nrraiig. men: of lima * m t »ra until the Coiivei.tnni mcclH, w hose condui t him ho .-n 111 at prudent wli never it could proceed, ns fur ns tlm actual.suite of things vv.mid allow tlm member.*, uud there is no doubt it will very much furilitatc the heat niriiigoment in in-itinra of cniiinimi intu- at.— A’.’F. Jour. Com. 0th uti. From the ,V. )’. Jounml nf Coinmrrrr, Hth inst. FROM StHII II AMKRICA. Advices from Cullao to dm 31st of July, ntnl from Puiiiintit to tlm Lilli of August, have hceu received. A letter to the editors ol’tho .lowr.iiil of Commerce slate* tlinl (imi'irri, llm Pi-csident of Peri, (ro'u* ala ed by the Cbiliau*), ha* called a t .'ongreaa, pro* huh y to deteimiim tlm aepanilioii of j> livia frnni Pent, nnd lluit t-llieieiil iimreii ea nr" taken to a.*, cure the election nf su.-h deputies ns will ii .ol tlm views ot tho Chilinn goverument. The condition of tlm country is represented n* inns- deplorable—agriculture uud commerce iicnrly extinct, mid nil lininche* of husiiic.** opprcsHcd hy tlm exaction* of the government, (i n-iul Simla Cnu, men 11 while r maiii-d at (iuuyuqiiil, prohahly wntcliing for llm favorable moment to return n»d plii'-e himself ul the head of nimllier ii'.vohilimi— for which, it is said, 11 strong lispusiiiou exists among thu |Mtople. Tlm loss of tlm Chilians in the invasion exceed ed ItlOll men; 1000 left Cull io for Chili mi thu 10th of .lone, with wh it money wiis then collected, mid nlmui 1000 more reniiiiiii-il in Lima, to curry n(V tuore money uud UOJtiltt loaves uf sugar which the p unter* ordered todelivei in August. The U. S. corvette Lesinglon, Capt till Clack, was expected d lily ul I 'iilhm | (lii-iyiiqiill. The Fulmoutb, C-ipt. Ariv-ever, wn* nt the f.inncr place. Tlm exploring expedition *ailcd nlmnt the Lith of.lnly, siippoH d for llm Sandwich Islands. N»:vv (luK.v.viii —An in*iirrcclioii Imd broken ini' in 1’iisto. onu of th- previiice* of this republic, Imndcd hy 11 priest, and lotuonlcd hy 11 uiimher of niii'eoiitentfl and ngilntoi-s. Geuerul llernm had iiiurehcd from the capital to put it down, and as* si •luin-e had been olK-ivd from thn republic nf Kl Bt-iiad r. rim F.xecutive had sanctioned the decree per mitting tbo transit of dipkuuuiie uud mnsulur cor* respoiuh-iico free of postage, across the isthmus of Pimiiina. Nifty OKI.KAN’S Oct. i. Vkka Cruz.—Hy the way of llnvam, we have ndvircs from this ciiy to the -Ith September. I’lm Censor of the 3d contain* 11 |o,- * account of a most tragical deed perpetrated a few d -s previ oii*ly, in thu iieighhuiirhnod of Nuutlit A Finish Commcr.-iul gentleman by the naiihi of John Gome/., while 011 his rente to that vill ige, wliitlicr he \ travelling „n hii*ine*s, wii* waylaid hy 11 pair of sn«»iii*, and iiuMt croellv murden-d hy 11 stroke of a hutchei im the Imnd. Tho Censor -talirs that Go* me/, wa* a man of exemplary conduct, mid univer* sally respected. Tlm* were not ap|iru- liciiihxl. ' On thu 22d Augt, tho Minister of war ami .Marine issued a proclamation, stating that tlm.severest p naliies would ho inflicted on every emit mu in lent ol n port found nxactiug of vessels more than the legal duties.—lintletin. From Havana.—Hy tho schooner Henry Clay, we received our files of tl.ivmm papers to tho 2tilh nit inm, inclusive. On the 21st his Kxcelloiicv Don (Claudio Martinez do Tenilbi* Condo do Villanueva, Are. Arc., wu* re instated ill his office of Superintendent of tho Island of Culm nnd luton leiit nf tho city of Havana, by u royal order most fl titering anti gran-fid 10 hi* furl ing*, Ho had been some mouths since invite:,11>\- the ministry then in power, to r lire front ofli.*e fur a year, for the recovery of hi* heaitli! Tnis gen* tlomiin** reputation is 1101 confined to Havana.— Doth in Kumpn nnd tbo United States his talents, experience, nml exalted chimtcter are wo'.l uppre ' atetl. He h i* been some L> year* in office.— From the N 1’. Eve. Pott, 7th inst. Late from China —The ship Canada, C.iptnin Hick*, arrived at thi. port on Saturday from Can ton, which place she left oil tbo 22d ol May. li will bn puic.-ivcd ill u the new* she brings istwc|v< days inter than ibat hitherto recoived. Hie Chinese government have proceeded to extremities in relation to tlm opium trade. A „eurnil oditl hit* Imhiii issued by tho imperial c.nnmissi ier, giving leave to all foreigner* t" depari the einp'rn.' Tlmse who lemuin.ilo s-i ut tho p-ril of tlm !■•*« of life, nml tlm v.o-ifwentioii of tlieir pr .petty. All crew* ami ship* of fot'i i-u nation* arming in Canton mo made liable to the p- miliie* of confiscatiim uml dosth, upon llm .leieriniii.ilion «f the Cimn-su au thorities lint tli-y have beenongafied in intmihieiitg opium. In a notice of thu Hrit>h Sape.intemb-iit uf trade, resident* are wain d ag dm* re'iiaining in thn cimnlry. a* no coiifidi-nco'v-nn salbly bo placed in the govunan lit. lie say*:— - In investigation iipan ih -se «uhjecls, thu Clii* lies.* am hm i*i •* wo .Id preh ddy he gnihlcs* of any debberato iniention i.*.-.imniilmH.if ;u heal spolia tion nml murder. Hti> h is plum tint ia tm* pivseii* state of lit* inlereoiirsu llimo would lie excessive risk of such and therefore tim pro* *eiii nwis inciwiipniihl" w :, h *afi* or Imaorable con tinuance at Canton, if mi lling ei*o had h*p|it-iicd to estaldi'h the -a ne courlo*i-iu. " It places, in p-.inl of fact, the lives, liln-rty, and pnqiert) of the whole Foreign eo-innuuity here at tlm mcrev of any iwkle.* f.iru.gimi* out*ido, and mote immixlwtel at the ilj»piis il ul tin* I l.i .g Itii-I* uliMiit*. Ling lists, Cmiiprid.ire*, mi l lumr r** taim*r* ** Th-J Chief Svipuriwtumlent liy n.v at *vv* uretiho* gun'nil wickedness t" those parti s, hut tlu-it situ, atiimaml linbiliiio* muknlhent v.ny unsafe report* Ors, mi l yet it I* mainly upm tlm icpart* tha the jud-nent of ihu Goveronioiit will It© taken." The folio wing are the ordnis front th- Impmial Ciimmls*|oiirr. the tl .n-rnnr, and Lieutenant Gov* ••rimr. iiermitting the foreigners, of ull nations, to leave Chmat— Front th" K*vmech.*w Foo to tha niuo olwtnts, cemnvMti*'it"'T thu order ot tlm C-ni'iil* viom r, G ivurttar, an I L'fit. G-v-rnur, r.-g* ding lh« putiiittinsnt uf foreigugisfat dciliug in opium Clmo, by special appuiatnirnt. I'refi ct id K** n g‘ «h»w foo, IssMt* CHttmmuls to tit" qrigml'Hoig nmrrliant*. nml to llm *t>vrral *eni-ir‘anl other llutig mrrchaM*, for their full informntlon. He ha* now recalved from Lin, tin; high Imp-rial Com* mifsioncr, vVc. Tang, Governor of the 1 wo Kwing, nnd K., lint l.b-uu-nant Governor of Kwmigtung, the following order# t— •* It tlm F.nglLh Supe’rlnmndent Kl- Hot, tlm AmericanSupcrmiendinfi officer Snow’, nml tho Dutch Suiierintrnding oflicer Van Ha*"l. have pre#r ted nddr«i**i.-«, restiH*«ting tImt they nil should r tii'ii home atlho Imnd of me people ami tlm ves* a.-|*of their seyei d uutlnn*. " There addre»se*comingiMiforen*'lie Cienml*- sjoiR-rniMl G ivi-m >r, and being duly il itliei.iic iteil wu reply:— " China In* in.lvfil im need of c-umtierrinl inter- cnuise wi'li outer bur'nnuns. Hut Im-imo*" you have come from alar over the sens, itcanimi hear to puriiyou ultuily away. You Icivn enjoyed the over* •Imdowing, tlm coutpruln-niivo, and deep hem-vo* lonceof the Great Km M*r r, who Im* given smic* lion to thn trade with Kw-nngtimy; yn-i, who have cmno to tlm territory of the CeliMi il Kmpire, have not only ent of thn h rhigean l tr-"l tin* s ol txpially with t'm |M*ople of the land. Imt have nl*o, hy your buyingaud selling acquired very rich advantage*. It i* iiiiiiirnlly your duty to rest in your stations, observing the law*; hm for 1.11 of yi-nis pn*i, ton Inve,on the contrary, employed u thi'ie hurtl'd to nn n, a* 11 menu* of gain ng and posses dug yourself ■ f peopl'.-’* wa-nlth. " Th" Great Kmperor. anxiously recanlfulof tho general well |i«i- has ih •rcf-ircib-il m-d lii* plea* sure that this should be severely piobiliiied. And if the I iw* Ik* not plainly ilcc'nn‘il, Imw slmll the future ingress be put a stop to l While now, ail Sui'iiriniO'idu >1* m.d Co-.sols uforeoi d ure aware tlint tbopromhiloiy enactment* nf ihoC'elea* nu Court may not ppoo-d, you me vet nuxiou* 10 regard lo point* of ditlioilivin ri-l-H*** tnyour*>wn ,c nutria#,and req-iestlbut, nt thebeinlol the people and vessel* of yum *ev ral cn-iulri"*, yon may ull toguihi r take your depaiiure 10 re .urn hoilTu. " Those of thu foreigner* wlm*" names nre pro minent 11* having hceu lialiinml *eller.* of opioin, li.-»vo iln-udyere this been ordered nwav. Hut be* #u! . .Im dine nml oilier*, who have gone nvv-iy back to their'-re yet remain ninny lingering licliiml. If indeed ull leave China I'm. v.-r, I Ini" will beef coin*", no opium gain m.ranee into lim inner inud, uml ibi* evil iimv be removed. •- Alt' r tln-ii tlm full com let ion of the present di-livtiiii's. lot it lie even us request d Ii .null Im left to you entire!) lel.nn l iymir coiiuu-ies. You will not bn nllow-e.l tn make pimexts for pmmus* tiiKttuii! ami 1 claying. Ami Hirer you have thn* re turned, yon will not lie allowed to coiiieagiiin. Let there Im up imning li-n!;wards, im irn-on-.tancy, whereby iavestigniioii ard proceedings tbereun will Im inv.ilv. d. “ Having reference in tlm crent nnmb-r* nf fo reigners, nf the xurioii* nations, und the op-imes* nf coniiiiuiiicalion by *«n iiFeverv pan, tim laws and ennctmeiits of tin* ce'ustial court bi-lug '-X'renii-ly •trie!, it is still requisite that ill" piiiii*hm-iil ut* incliml to ill-prohibition again*! tlm impoi lai'on of opium shiedd bn plainly pi-o.*|nimed. All you fo reigners of every nut ion, should yon imt come Imre, there iho mutter rests; Imt should you cmno 10 the territory' nf tlmceleslinl emu I, be ynirftireig.ters of any c.i.intiy w'm.s.icver,soolien us opium i. lire iglil, in all cine* in accordance with tlm new law, ihe par* shall Im nnpirnlly exmmimi, und the propmty unlir ly coufiscutcd. Sny not it was not told be forehand. Wo proceed 'o issue these order*, commuiidoig the I'rei'eet immedi itely to enjoin lim ortii-r* on tlm '•riginnl llong iiierchitnis. and on the several Se nior uud other'Hong mi-rclntols, tout they may plaiidv enjoin th" snmu on tlm *pv.-,nl Snperiiiicud* ingofm -r-a* aforesaid, that they having kn.iwhdgo theniof m iy ofl'ur no iippu-iiion. This having been received by the Prefect, ho pro* mis to issue iho-e command*; when thu*" reach c said llmig uierchums, let ilmm imm.-dial«-ly enjoin thu same plainly 011 each of ihe said Super* ding oflicer*, that they m .y h ivu ku nvledgo lliureof, nml oiler no oppusitnm. A special com* maml. Tnonkwring, lllih yenr,3.l month, 2.itli tiny (81I1 May. 1838. F ROM T11 K WHsTTnI)IKS. At 11 very in « hum- we h ive nceiv d nfil" uf .In* maica p ipers, to thu 10 h of S-ptemhei- incln*ive.— li.e I Li. ul (111/1-110 nf that date aiunmucos that all difficulties are removed, between the government and thu prunniters ill* thefteiit limit convt-ytiiicu hy steam frntn F.iiglnml to tho West Indies. A ch mge fur the li-tti-r is said to have tnken place mi many uf thu p aula ion* ; ami 'It- Gazette expresses strong roniiilcm-o that with proper lirtn- 111*** "it the pait uf tho uirhoriib-s, every thing w ill go on well. Tho arrival of Sir CI1111 le* Metcalfe was looked for with great anxiety. Sir Lionel Smith had given general oflence by stiy'ng, in one tr hi- nns-.vm s to laretvell addres-es, lliut he hud been re|ieatedly in diingor uf ass ■ssiniUiim.—,V. 1". Com.. Ithiust From the Cazcnovta A’. J’. Monitor. Cask Lr.wi* Wimixr.—Hy hi* confevsion it np- pears that lie uml hisuti-ilpecliiig vienm erossed llm lu-idgo nt N"W H'istou u* stilted by the witness Hikings, 1111 the trial, that on reaching ilm dark jun gle where llm body f uud, Im drew n pi-iul ami pres- tiling it to |tarherdom:i-i led hi* mo cy. As tonished at #0 sudden und strange u demand, the list* ter begun to nt- with him, saving h" had supposed him to be n triei d and <111 Imimst mnuiunil 1 but be nml I not even tlmu belirvu him serious. On being ns-ured tint ho vvns in eiiruest, he ds-liv- ••red Id* pocket book und purse coiitniniug -nine 80 iir.IlK iliiliar*. Wilber then cninmuudi-d him to Ii" dmvit iipi-n his face, nml not move from that p-.mi* tion under hnlfaii hour 'I hi-, ns lie s'utus, was with 11 view to enahl" him to makegood his escape before the nl.unt slionM tie aiv.-n nn-l pursuit commenced. But before leaving hi* prostrate victim, lie concluded thnt hi* only safe* iy was in tnkiu- hi* lif-, und accordingly -tabbed him. He say* the lir-t s'ah was fatal; tbnt imt a word wii uttered, or tin* |en*l resistance niTered. A* iisinl in such en*e-. tilt guilty wretch, in view of th-near appro mil of tlun jnoie’e which h» hits so long eluded, pnf.-«siw great contrition on account of the imnioinii* fiil-ebo-ni* lie Im* told in relnti-n to the II" wind I *‘givo ull the world" if he could he placed back where he wn* previous to en tering thn p'en of "hoi guilty." It is stated lluit In* ha* in p-irt lifted the veil 1 Imt rover* hi* pnst life, but us yet it discloses n 1 viYy aggravated crime*, except iho one for which he is now about to sutler. He i» but 23 yenrs of age. Tbo great nml salutary change which public opi nion i* undergoing in regard to the hoiking system, grew* everyday 111 ne nml more aniMreiit. Tlm result of the election in tlm Sinto of Maryland which tiMik pi ice on Wed'iesdny, is full nf eucuuragcmeiit for th" frinn Is of it simplo goveriiniem uo>l sji iring legidntion. in Mar. land the great qu-siion wh -ther thul'ma-i* res of tlm l-Vdurni fi iverun *nt sli dl be iav i|ved in the fluctuations of our b 'likingsystem, tvliich pour* out uud r-ingtiifs its v.i-t iisuos of cr-dit like a whnlp ol of the sea, bus been fully discussed, and tin* people hme pr-mnum-od tiiuir decision in thu negitive. Mnryliin I will Im r-pr seated hy a De mocratic delegation in the-n-xt Congress, nil I will give her an..port to tlm admimstration in ih- policy of securing the nntimial revrutjug uml clmck-iig that nriduos* 01*speeul.itIon, the p-rfect on nuJ maturi ty of ihe credit systoai, wiiicii, not stopping at the r-iia of imliv-idii .1 form,ms, sirikes at the resources and tlmcruilii of the fl >veriun-ni. Werejo'cn with our read-rs on ihisansp’ciou* It i- with us a mutter of exceeding pleasure ad some 10 see our warmest ituiiripatinns so completely fulfill ed—to re-* th" principle* for which vve It iv-u con tended *.i widely u.n'iraccd. und a just, holiest, uml Democratic couree uf public p dicy ratified b; thu general voice.—.V. Evening Post. Th" conduct of tho U S. It ink of i'enusylv >nia is most imjns' toward* the other banking inst it n- lion- of the country. She draws oil l.o alon nml selling her bill* to the N-vv Y .rk Imp iping Mer chant* at ln«* than it will cost them to remit in *po- cie, with the pmeu" I* r.f these sales, in tit- bill* of ilm Now York B-tiik*. she di iw« tlmir simeiu from them to streugtlien herself. Shu thus gain* time, for i.-’*!ii.h i* no I.omI in fin |* tnni-elh *r nill*. -Im uses her credit# in Kara *e for thi* pnrpo«n. The gain of 93 diys'when her bill pngigeineiit* will tl*ime to nt it'iriiy; i«in th- pre-ioit s'-itMofthem-m- ey mnrki-t ut the i'vm"wi ofuihor bank*. If tliere Unbalance dm* in Bump* lotto liquidated in «pe- «ie llio pnvmcnt* ought to bu made nt oico mid not nit*ipiHind» If tho brokers are to Im weakened, lut th"lr *pt*-*ie Im applied to extinguish our foreign debts, a*far as it will go. and not appropriated hy onu institution to strengthen herself, weakening other*, by th* «en* itioa, imho same prop.11 lion;— if. Patriot Sitttriloif. •Wh-tt is n rebus!' innocently nshed a lovely miss ofablnck.i ved l td. Imprinting a smut k's.'nuhcr hieaihin; lips, hu replied. If you now will return tile conp lamiit that wii. |m. tv-'cis!' Sou w s #.iii-ll'-d wiilt the Inf-troiaiMa. Imt returned tho cutnjditnwiii to cany out tho llluitution. srsi’KNSION OF- SrBdfK I'AYMBNT hy TIIK I’MI'iiDSTATUS BARK—AND TUB 1'HILADKLFIItA BANKS—(Etttplteg thi Commercial Dank)—ALSO THRn/^TBN i:D Sl'Sl'KNSiON HY THE BALTIMOKF. BANKS. \Vu aimmcnco tlm dataHs nf th# «b«itii news wiihtha fitillowii'g extinct,, tunl glvo all wo can flu tin in the papcist— ' From the filobe of ike 10/A inst. LAST CARD UK THK UITOS1TION. We tind tin* following very significantly leaded, uml presented in ilme.liiuriai column* ol tho U. States Bunk's National intelligencer of this mom* ing:— ••SUSI'KNSION OF TIIK BANKS. "Thu subject ul another susjM!n*i'*n of specie payment* by tho banks I* oputily discussed by thu Northern pn|M*r«, and is beginning every where to bo tamed of nml predicted. Loiters are published w hich say that the bunk* in I'miadelphiaJt'iu only waiting for and anxiously expecting tho Bunk* in New York to" show leu.l," that they may folluw. Nuy, some liuvo gone so fur in Haliinvre us tical* culateilio ptecise day on which n suspension inu-t lake place. On llm oilier hand, it is HSierted by somo of the friends of thu N-r-li nt banks, t-spu- ciuliy those of Now Ymk, that they never were beltm prepared fin 0 crisis, than ;hcy are now— tlinl tliev will not sus|ieml—and that, if it comes to u quest ion ns to which shall s:und, tha hanks or im-i.-liai.ts, llm latter must "go to thu wall." It seems 10 bo a imitted na all hands that utihira were never ma e glmmiy in tbo umiimercial world, us far u* money uiniter* are concerned, ilnn they are at p.o e..t."—Alexandria Gazette. Til'- hne which 1I1O Hank journals have paraded in capitals, " suspension ok the hank*," liusnti-n- denev toprodui-o the result, which Hit-aunox'-d com- moot does not in the least rumituiurt* The rumors given, on the contrary, are all calculated to un-uta douti s, nml, ns a conscqaunce, runs jin th" lllulk^; nml 11 th'ow a pall ov r all, tlm utiiclo c includes " affairs ter re never more gloomy in the Cummer* eiat world-" There i* one point in this annunciation on which we would fix ill** imlilic •••". " If it coiws (says lilts Bank bulletin) to a question at to what shall stand, the hanks or the merchants, the latter most go to the. wall.” Not the slightest consnii-raliou is iiidiilg-d, in u miiitur which involve* th- whole country, in regard to It- iniere»t! A nation bn* taken thu paper of th" hunks us uioney—the actual niniiey of tlm nation in its snmd, has been drawn into the vault* of ill' corporation*, or transported by Ute mercituuU to pay foteigtt creditors; ami when the mci propos.-i curries will, it tne coimoqncncu* thet the paper siibstinitesh.ill *ink in th-i* bauds of the people,and so rob every man of a portion of Ins Ini'.l-eiu m-d menu-, tin* is not tliongbt wore by of being weighed m tbu doci-ion. Thu solemn le* gnl obligation* nf the charier*—llm coofiuct with the people, which, it '* hold, ves's such inviulalilu iglil* in the empomtebodies—.mnfei not the sli-ht* •at reciprocal claim on thu pin of the cmnmuni'y • mid allats inter, t—ill iisoxpcc.imion*—ulliisde- maml* on express promissory nolo*—mny Im set nt mu- lit without hesitation, provided neither the bulks in.r merchant* nr" injured. If ihe hunks 11 make sure tlieir footing, and spend .for the •uke of their ovcrdenling m-imni-rs, it - ill lie done it sunms, witlnmt enre for tho -nfl'.-ring pro- Ineed. Wo should liopn thnt there i- u Imiter mo rality in uni- corporation-, if ihny have nn 401,I*, nnd that this id.-n ha* it* origin exclusively with their heaittes* "ililor*. I’.S The above wn* in type—tv rittrn under the prehi'iisiuii tlinl theaiiiiounc'mciit of tlm Bank's organ here was iiiipudcd to seems, hud Imen nln-ndy necoinpli-h.-d. Wu find ilm follmv 1 lgjiu the Baltimore Americnn, brought by thu 12 o'clock mini:— Front the DnUimore American, 0th inst. SUSI'KNSION OF SPKCIK I'AYMKNTS BY Tl IK I’ll I L.ADK Li' 111A BANKS. We learn from n highly ru*|H > ctahln gi-iuletniin of thi* city, who nrriv-ed last, night in the car* from I'hiladelphia, thnt the hank* in that city simpnuded specie payments yesterday. It'npprur# that nn Tno-dtiy utiurnuoii large draft* on tlm IMiiladelphia hunk* for specie were received from New York. On lluit night, n meeting uf the bunk nflio-r* vvns held, mid it vvn*duiormin>-d that the ilruft* slinuUI Im paid. Tlm tha tliat thi* meeting wa* held Im- came known, however, in vnriou* part* of the city, mid ye-terdny morning when the hank* were open ed,- thi.-re vv-M a regular rail upon them lor specie.' One of thu banks somi erased paving, and this fnct, we are told, determined some of the other*, nnd in the conrm of the day most, if tint ull of them, ecus- c<I fort her payment* nf specie. The I'hrudeljihin National Gazette mid I’bilndol- phin Gazelitrill yesterday afternoon, received last niglti. have the following conllrinution of tho fnct of the suspension: Fro in the Motional Gazette. 9*4 inst. SUSI'KNSION OF SPKCIK I'AYMKNTS. A combination of adverse circumstance* has re luctantly compelled tbo bank- of this city to resort ton toinpnrui-y suspension of specie payment*.— I lie failure nf tho harvest In l-li'gluiul last year caused 11 deinam] upon thn Bunk of Knglnnd* fc*r inure than six millions nf pound* sterling, about llurly millimi* of dr.IInrs, vvideh was drawn in gold nnd stiver from it* vault* und exported to tho con tinent to pay for grain. Thi* withdrawal of so Inrge nn amount of specie produced at unco a d.-pressimi in the value of cot- ton and other American prod are, and of course lex- seia-.l our menu*, in Kiiglind, ..f paying for the large amount of importation* of foreign merchan dise. There ha* therefore been a continued drain upon our hank* for specie to ship to Kurnpu to sup ply this deficiency. Nothing cun lie more honor able to tho character of our merchants, than tho sacrifices they have made to support tlieir credit Imtli nt home und uliroad. In thi* honorahlo struggle to maintain inviolate tho commei-c' I character of our country, thov have rece'.ved every support which was in the power of tho hunk* to render them". There i* however a point in hummi nlliiir-, when it heenmu* necessary to resort to self-preservation us ill" first law nf na ture. That period i* now arrrivrd; every effort has keen made hy our Imnk* to stem tho torrent, but in vain. In support of this declaration it is only necessary to state, tliat -inre the late resumption of specie pnyments the Bunk of tho United Stares hits paid out in snocie upwards of twenty millions of dollar*. In addition to thi#, tho Bank ha* made great sacri fices to support the cause ofiurerutil improvements, not only in I'eiisylvmiin, Imt n!.*mvheru. Of the whiUly of our hanks to inert nil thir en gagement*. 110 ono can doubt, Thn safety of a bank doe* not con*i*t in the amount of s|MH*ic idlo In it* vaults, but ill tho ample security which it hold* uf its debtors. All that the bank* require, is tint" lo collect thu debt* due to them, to enablo them to resum* specie payment-. From the Philadelphia Gaz of the 0 'h inst. I MI’UIM'A N l' MOV KM KNT. Wo lenrn thm n conference nf dulegn"** of the diiTerent hank-, and of the Bo ml of Trade of this ci'v, vv as liebl ln>t evening, ut which it wa- do cr- mined, ns a niat'er vitally concerning the xaf-ty aiiil prosperity of th" c onmmihy. fortiiwith to #u#- pund speriu payment*. This rosolu'ion, with o re or two except inn* of which we bear rumor# not fully muli-ntic, wa* carried into un.iuiinoiuuxi-cution to day. It i« tnn"c<i«nrv,HR if i-impractira'-l", m go xud- denly Into nn nntplo elu.-i Int on of th'* great men*, ure. It i* sufficient to know that il i* not one of qu-ck muldo-per.ito immaturilv: it L one of cool n-fliictioo, o| wa |.weighed fnct#, and wellole-cried remits which, in any event can scarcely fail of nlloi'ding relief where bufioo lliore were perplexi ty*, distress, nnd struggling confidence. Of tho main m onentum to ibi* paint, op.-rntive in both T"*.wc propose to-penk la idly The alfiiir i* not one of rliiucn bv ti .• bank*, but of necessity—a nec s-ity not -iriring out of a l ick «.f power to continue specie p-iymimu, leu of -elf-pres* e; vat ion, under llm form of keeping th" specie from being drained out of ih.-cou-'liy, 'l'hi<iicce*.iiy In- it* chief chii-i* ill the ri-vulsion nf'lie opium ipido with theCtiin««e, a trade of any fitly million*.' The in«trmnont of thi* trad" i# known to hu opium. Thi* drag run no longer be employ ed as nil aniclo of exchange with that pe qde. Sjre- ci", therefore, mu«t take the place of it. Thu Bank of Kngl-iml fiirly reded under these I’doig* from China—nml was furred 10 make n loan tiflho iTank of France, and into llm ismo of two pound note*. Tlm bumnot of trade being against us, de-i.aiid*ca-ne over bore for specie, nnd every pneket ship w-ntour carrying away from a half to a million ot'dollars. Tills uD«'the great causa of the late stricture in our hanks’ discount*—tha banks could not discminl paper, l*Mi-uu*a tlmir is-ims came berk upon them directly lor speci". Tn- memhunt# were blcoiljng nt every pore. Trad" nnd commerce were literally •toppml. To aid, u* far as possible, tho hnnk? (or •.onu ofthetn) gavo tlieir credit to tho omichaot* u-tdurlhu form of post notes, peyxldo four, nr •{«, or • igjit months ubasd, Imputi by ihu time tbyy ar rived at inutmity that thu pre*suru lui^ht Uicuum rsluxvJ, il ^ • , — 1 "» iviw. Th* «*>• u L “ ir r r ’ ,, i •» »"«.»hi«*i to ih.. fo• i*jj J!i 1,11 “ •«*■'#* roM., 0 rMm.riiv, ■ our .:ith)..d,d Ike Mol. ro... W|,.i u..'N.url, olrfum-KoN,, ... u> 1 " nJ,M *' -Ml .1H stilid, under a s**a»on of susp. nslhn, a- under ii...rl poslto Tlm obligation tu joiy out .p Br |», be J kcti ant of 1 hit country, nn longer existing,,he| r *pr. cm remaining *rcuto In their viiiilu, and the cmi*o thnt forced thim to subtend discounting | l( j n , , e . nvivod, a relief can now be extended to • sufliring |mople by r -laxlng their order* for rurta'ds, as well as hy su table hid# through disrotintX. But Im-sMi-s thi* foreign demands for specie tha recent fire* in New York nnd in thi* city have •hiida a call for the relief of ih^suflbrers, und.-r all tha.rfurms. for at least one million nnd a half af dollar*. This I* nu addition to the. ptev-ous pre*. sure. -The calamity renulrcd to be met—but tha bank* could not meet this additional demand ex* cept at thu loss uf just that nuch of specie to’ilia country, r There is great relief at tha bottom of ihi* *u.pc„. h.n; Let Hie people regaid it in Its true light, and it will be eveiy where applauded. | TI10 ■nn.nirAnlred loro.|.oildino„ ur l, uml d |„ * lm-l., hero n„,| i„ N,. w v„ lk , °„ kn , iw |lH X*! 1 b f 10 ''" m.-clmnic. ami The l-liilii>li>lpliia Nnllnn.l „,.*.. ..l». J7 1 XU” 1 “.'-TiUV Comin,rolnl Bonkof l || l«.cjp,«.i,„ l imitcii In .mpAdiii* .pocli! imv munt*. 1 iv From tho second edition of tho Baltimore Amori. r.uunfth«.Kith instt— SUSPENSION OF THE BALTIMORE BANKS At a meeting, nt an nnrly hour ihi* m .ruing, o tho uxecutivo -or* of tho Banks of tho city of Bal u.b.’md'!' 0 f " ,l0Wi ‘“ ! rc '* ulu,io, "‘ wee unuti.muu*ly Wlmr-as information has readied this cltv tint th" Hanks of Philadelphia have susp-nded splolo payment— resolve I, Thnt under tlm cir- thi* mum ing deem, it ndvisablo that thu Bank* ol thi* city forthwith spocm payments Tor tbo prca.-iit. nn 1 luoo.nmcnd thu same to beards ot the * vmal Bunks, *. Tlm evHniii, mli'Amof thn Nt'iv Ymk .1 mtwI nf Comtnoice ol*the 0 h Inst. Im* tlm following:- VERY IMPORTANT. SToPfAOS OK .THE U. STATES BANK The U. S Bunk, in Nmv York, ha* received a note, in low words, from the U. S. Bank of Pennsylvania saying, you will pay nu farther of tl>o U S. Bunk. In consequence of this, thu Bank has put up the following notice: „ , BntoJthe U. Stall, ia K„, ( N. York, Wuitimaday morning, Oct. U, |() ,\ t \j t •'Notice I* It reliy given that the notv* of tlm U. Sint"* Dank of Pennsylvania will no longer bo re- ceived at tlm Bunk ofaho United States in New Y Tk." Post note* tn tmrnmount of forty nr fifty thousand #dolinrs. nnd perhups n much 1 trgnr sum,lire due to. day. nnd will be pretested. Un the pn smitution uf a $ 10,110b post noteut the opening of ifiF llsnk this morning, the holder wax put nfl*for nn nsttwar to 12 o'clock, nnd tho'n nnswered in the imgutivei '*** Tlm excitement in Wall street ha* Imen very great of cour-i-„ nn.l conjectures rife Ha to tlieVnl state of llm ea-". Our reader* vv ill pi-rhnps be nblu to com- pr- heud vvlint our opinion mn*t be. The gotmrnl imprussjon seem# to be, that there will of coiir-u hu u g"neral su-pen*ion of spccin payment- .in Philadelphia. We necessity for this, for we mny nay now, ns wo have often said before, "Bunks which can .pay any thing, enn pay xpocie," except pos-ibly on somo sudden emergency, und fern short time. Somo people think that of course thuie must ho a simp ration hero. But for such nn opinion there i* not the least ftiiiu Juiion. Our Bunks resumed in tho face not only iil'n inclt non-resumpiitiii in Philn* dolphin, nnd nil over thu Spilth, but in llm lace of an net ivu opposition. Tlmy wvio tol l front high authority thnt to re- sumo without Pliihithdphin, w-.iulil of c.uur*o Im a failure. But some mon thought otlimrU', nnd it proved thni resumption elsewhere ivasiu iio wise important* ' Thn difference wn* adjusted at once bv th" rate of exchange, nnd for four months our Bank* paid be fore Philadelphia resumed, and in fact tdie never te-umed,—fut post notes staved off tho whole thing. Our Bank* nnd nll^ast and west will stnnd firm, nnd pay in re cu-ily than before, for mm of tlmir ivorr enemies wu* post nolits, utul that is of course nut id’ the wuv. Tbo money machinery of tho country will work nil the easier for vvlint Im* happened. There liuvo been no sales uf stocks or post nates since the new*. P. S. The Philadelphia papers of this morning nn* silent no tlm subject. An intelligent correspondent Im* hnndrd ut thu fol low ng S— . '• llm refumil hy thu Bank nf the United State* of .Ills city nf lluv note* of'llm Philadelphin Bank is considered v> the form tinner to a «us;mu«ion ill that city. If thi* should happen the nat.urni nnd i.ccc* mn y effect will he that nf relief to # nll oilier- places, tunl especially In Now York, from whom’ Philadel phia has tnken largo stint* fur export and ntherwi-o by iho sale of post notes which must now cense. "Tho cffi ct bus Imen to rompel tlm Bnnks of New York to contract their engagement* and place them- solve* in n position of positive unfitly, nnd their dr- poshes und circulation ore sorcduml that w ith about four mil but dollar* specie they are beyond the rem it uf liny tiontluecnry. "Tho expott demand for specie has been rrwro fur .the wants ol’tho Dnnkthnn for the regular trade, und n* our crop* nre near nt bund, nnd the amtptur duo uliroad smnll, we look fora gradual ameliora tion iuthe inouuy market.and a feeling uf increased cuntiduncu und security," From Ihe Commercial Advertiser. The Bank of the United Status in tlds city has thi* day refused to redeem tho notes of the Bank of tho U. Stines ol Pennsylvania,even in cases ]q which tlmy were by 'hoir tenor made payable here. This lut* iiccnsimud no vmall excitement. In ihi* statu of thing* it i* satisfucinry to be nbln to sny, ong'-od niith-uity, that the banks of thi-ciiy wbich have been for a long limo strengthening themselves, nre In n position to maintain specie payments under any circumstances. The dram nf money by tho negotiation of the post note* of thn Bank nf the U. Sta'es will now cease, and the money market, we mny snf.-ly conclude, will in ii fovv days be mure easy than it has been fur month* past. In the m'-antimo it seems to u* worse than use less to run npoii the bnnks for specie, nr do any thing thatenn tmpedo their eff.rts to sustain them- solve*. The effect cun only be hurtful to thn com munity, as well a* give the bnnks unnecessary trouble,nnd excite alarm fur which theraisno etb> quule cause. ^ From the N Y. Express, 9(4 inst. MONEY MARKET-CITY NEWS. Wednesday. 12 A. M. A large amount «*f Post Note*, drawn by the Uni ted State* Bank, in Philadelphia, da'cd 9 May, AC 5 month*, p lyable in New York, nrn due to day, and will he protested ol three, o'clock. The United States Bank has giran notice that they will no' pay the same. An unpleasant rumor in Wall street to-day and thnt is, that the Post Note* of "thn United States B oik, payable in this city and duo to-dny, nre not met promptly, It is certain that they am not paid ut ties hour. The day, however, is not passed, and they may he met after nil. The hank Notes of the United States Bank, and nil other* in Philadelphia, are not received in depo sit to d iy Thi* is not wonderful, and yet it is » -rent disappointment. Those interested io getting j down stocks, have circulated rumours of every de-' scription—tumours thnt we shall not nlpeat, as a fow hour* will ten their accuracy. Great drought.—The present is probably the severest draugth ever experienced in tin* Southern country. It extends through the whole South. As an evidence of its effect in this Stole, we were yi-s-e'dav shown a letter from Stokes county. ( which our reader* know is in ifoe grain growing region,) ordering * bsrrvl of flour to be sunt tin re frem thi* town, a* it was impossible lo get grinding dune at the mills in that county. An individual in Mooro county ha* been mentioned to us. wlm bad to send thirty miles to have corn ground Wa nrr informed hy m gentleman who had I -ng paid intention to unr river, that hn Im* nevet known it #*• low, And yet our enterprising boat owners manege to gat go*>ds Mji somehow or oilier The crop of cotton must ho materially shortrmd by this drought. FuriU"ut*-ly, the grain » a# generally heynirl tins iu#rii ui iitju.y.—J'lyetUvilh (,V, C.) Ohsuroer.