The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, October 26, 1839, Image 4

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©<je i&lrrfcli? Crferffian. Iron INK OWMUIt.] JOHN SMITH*® fcIHT INWICRETION, N HELPING OUT A LOVER." IV Ruble hard. wl» aemewhero said, (No matter where, so It's been rood) • TVl 1*001*1 labor Hot, foraouth, In " « beginningtold tbo imtb J But no w«Va done, ibo wmiotI shows, That fetor* loo will bav* iMr woer, Awl lodn ort of ladywinning, *' Silking to Kurd 04 0 beginning. * THRCARI/KMAHATCHtBIIAMACRR. The following particulars of ih* «*MM*foo*oC tVMO'roonol»WoSo«i»e tbo U. 8. Dragoons, will V rood with ;««•*!. A Mr. Smith—We'll call l.lm John, Tim mow by which W* mostly hmiwn, lo coarw of juaticc—court* of Uwa, Where he ha* post In every eaua*— And taller or defendant, he, In evenf case I* aure to lm 1 . (t'va known him once or twice ronrlctod Of crime* by law long Interdicted 1 And though 1 never eaw him hung. Hie fam*ln that lino bath (man aung.) Tlria Mr. Smith, a widower free, K l tired of bla celibacy, solved at hut he'd '• nuke no bones, Bat forthwith vlall Mr*. Jo net;— Not that John felt himself it loot, Though thi* tlte otur-y seem* to prove, llut, m ha aaid," tl*re’s any bow, No harm In purclwsiug a cow I At leaat, I'm aura thla single life Might he Improved, hod I 0 wife." Smith bad, no doubt, tlm story got, That evert ecboulboy’a learned by rota— "* A lady lair waa never won, By heart that'a eaaily outdone." t ‘ One morning John roae from Ilia lied, ' And then, we'll any, ho scratched hia head, That'a not quite to important, though, Aa that Iw dressed up like a bmu, Ate breakfa»t, uttered mins few aiglia &.groana, And left, to aoe the widow Jones. On driving to die dmit, lie stopp'd, And an bla Icnoea the relit# lie dropp'd j No amlla upon Ida fuco waa aeen, HI a phia waa of the aoboieat minu | Tlie Important purckutt of a tow, Requires a buitneit face, you know. Out lo the door ihn widow came, Oulle a genteel and sprightly dntnoj tpon her hood, and foil In sight, Site wore e cap of anowy wbilo— On which to give tlm light* and almdea, A Ribbon black, aa " ace of spades." The silence hero waa broken with— *'Gnod morning madam," from Mr. Smith | Onnd morning, Sir," the widow aaid, And then a clever oourt'ay mode. TV widower, here, Ida atnry told, And how he came to moke so bold J At early hour lin'd called lo know If ho from h^r could boo a tom. M A cow, why In I yea air, I'll sell, Tho terma will auli too very well;" (TV parties tVn left for the meadow, Smith eyeing, all the while, tlio widow.) "A loti have of Durham klne, 1 hat are indeed, air, very fine ; . If Dimming cattle you prefer, A a tack of them I Imvo too, air," tSmlth manned Um cattle o'er and o'ef, • TVn eyed tV widow aa before;) ' ** TVwra Roan," aaya aim, " a rood milch cow, No better enn be, you'll allow ‘'Why yea," aaya Smith, "and on reflection, Wy poor friend Jonea made tV selection t" I lure Smith caught Mrs. Junes’* eyo, which drew fttim Vr a lungi hened algh. *' Beaidaa, hero's Dun and Urindle too, Terhapa you'll look tho whole herd through; Docido tlm matter aa you may, I hate not many words to say; A fairer lot, tinder tlm sun, Cannot lm found—and so I'm done." TV widower enst a loving look Right at tho widow, aa she spoke. Ho walked tho meadow all around, Looked at tlm widow, at the ground, TVn at the cattle, and again— from eyeing bur could not n Train. Corporal, now Sergeant Haywood, 2d Dragoon*, a New Englander from Serray, New Hampshire, furnishes us with the following not.mire of bites, cape from the maunere at Carloosabatchle, which wn give nearly in bla own words. Nearly all Is oor* roVrated by ut Vr information, and tbe whole la plainly told. Tbe Sergeant Is poaitire tV Indiana dhl follow him, and that their bovedng about with* oat molcatlat Irim, was a reality—note vision. "On (V night of tV 22d of July, five of our dra* goeni were camped at I'unte Haase, and iV re mainder 17 In number, In e large hospital lent, 10 mile# uplV river, neatly half e mile from iheautler’a store. Col. Harney's tent waa close by, Charley Drown and his wife were also camped near, with Sandy lVrrjuiaw. Simpson was at Um autlci'a, where ha acted aa Interpreter. On the mon^ - of lV 33d, Just at daybreak, awakened by a whoop and riflle shots, wo rushed from tV tent, at tV other end of which tV Indians ware entering, breaking all before iliem. Nona of us were Injr.ud, Vcau 0 we ware lying down, and tbe Indians hod fired too bight wa had our rifles, but owing to tlm naglpet of a non-commissioned officer, no ammunition, and being tVrefora unable to make e defence, took to tV river—iV Indian* following to tho bunk, from wVttce they fired, but tlm water being shallow, wo had waded a good distance, and by dropping down only two of us wdra wounded, though tlm balls full like hail, and scitteied tho water all round. We iVn proceeded down tV river, keeping out of rifle- range, but could not cross, as there were Indiens on • V ot Vr aide, and *omo of tlm par.y that first attack ed us walked down tlm beach opposite lo u». Aa we closed in a little In approaching a point (ftm water Vcnming deeper, and sumo could nut swtm) we aaw that snmn of tho Indians were old acquain tances, who had been about our tent* more friendly thnn wa wanted, when at Key Dtscayne. One of them who apoke English called our to Seft ea«t Bigelow, "Sergeant, come nsfo-re, end bring your men, wear* friends, and will not hurt you." Believing there wa» sumo Intended ircacli- #V#m Ik4 Mat on Mr timer r \7lk inti. It is dally boeomliif more and more evident that tbo great communication by Rail Ro»d* wl'h the Weal mart ba made through Georgia—ami al*o, that the port of Savannah can he ibo first to receive its Vnefits.—Both Sooth Carolina ami t V Western Steles are directing tVir entltr attention to it. and abandoning their ot Vr prelects. That Savannah * ESS ery, I opposed going, but the sergeant nttd eight olVrs went, end wore friendly received. I saw one Indian walking by the arm with Sergeant Simmons wnn has not since been beard from. The remain der of the men continued down, and on rounding tlm point wete taken on bourd a small sloop boat, which bad dropped down when the stuck commenced — One wounded mnn and myself remained behind, ns tho other* landed and set out with the Indians their return to the cemp—wo were called upon to follow, which we pretended to da, but kept in tlm water, and when the party was passing over some rising ground, w hich hid them, cut for the woods. Wa passed one dragoon pierced by three balls, nnd his bowels ripped out, and beard a firing towards the camp, whioh was directed, wo supposed, on tho remainder. Besides Mr. Dallam nnd those in Ida employ, l am certain nobody was killad except Um*e who were enticed buck by (ho Indians with protestation of friendship. " TV wounded nun end I separated, nnd I rnn into a awnmp nnd sat down in wnter knee deep nil day, and at night went nut into the plno barren to aleep. The nest day I attempted to walk towards the coast, hoping some vessel in passing might see me, but my feet were terribly sore, for having no shoes, they had been cut badly while in tho water by oyster slielts. In the afternoon I hoard a wton.p, and seelrtg two Indians nonr me with rifles, rnn ifti for a small hammock—running across this, I enme Ft three whole weeks, onco every day, Did Smith this lot of cows survoy— Rcmemb'ring always, at the meadow. To take a good look at thu widow. In tills way matters long progress'd, Without things coming to the test t Smith lik'd Urn Durham vert well, Rut lik'd tho tcidorn hotter still | lip camo and wnnt, hut yot somehow, He never could soloct tV cow 1 Kind -Mrs. Jones at last Ibund out Tho wey to bring tamtlhlng about t Smith was too diffident to toil Tbo widow that V lovod Vr woll, . So sho told him, that she thought TVcuttlo nuver would bo bought, 41 If I'm tV com you want, you know You only have to tell mo so." 1’our Mr. J mm* 1 a V missed him much, And " such e husband, yes air, such A husband Vre her voice gevo wey, When Smith told her to name the day ; In ono woek'a time the knot was tied, And Smith took homo his loving bride. Hero I, kind reader maka my bow— Smith got a «(/#, if not a torn! From Ike Southern Literary Meucnncr. THK DRUNKARD'S HISTORY OF HIMSELF. M had a father—tbe grave la his bed t 1 had a motVr—sho sleep* with tV dead: Freely 1 wept when they left mo alone— llut 1 shed all my tears un their grave and tVir stone;— I planted a willow—I planted a yew, And left them to sleep till tV last trumpet blew I 'Fortune was mine, and l mounted Vr car— Pleasure from virtue bad beckoned me far; Onward I went, like an avalancV down, And tV sunshine of fortune was changed to a frown. 'Fortune was gone, and I took to my slda A young, and lovely, and beautiful bridal Her I entreated with coldness and acorn, Tarrying back till 1V break of tha morn | Slighting Vr kindimsa and mocking Vr feara; Casting n blight on Vr tendereat years i Sad and ne*looted and weary l left her— Birrow and care of Vrmuua bereft her— Till like a atar, wVn it falls from its pride. She sunk on t V bosom of misery, and died I Thad a child, and Itgrewllko a vine— Fair aa tlmnioe of Damoocui wav mine; Fair—and i watched o'er her innocent youth, At an angel from heaven would watch over truth. Sho grew like Vr motVr lo feature and form— liar blue eye was languid, Vr cheek um waa warm; Seventeen summers bud shun* on her brow Tho w vemoemh w.nter beheld Vr laid low I Yonder they sleep in their (revet, side by tide, A fntlwr—a mother—a daughter—a bride! •When tVy had left me I stood Vre alone— Nana of my race or my kindred was known; Friends ali forsaken, and hope all depa rt ed it-despairing, and desolatr-hotrted, F^Mlig no kind doss for aught that was human— ylaited by man and detested by woman— x Bankropt in fortune, and rtiinod in name— { kept in tbo pathway ».f shame I And uil lids hour, since my lather went down My brow has but kuowu a continual frown. to a fire, by the side of which, wot a ni-gru, tliui l am certain was Sumpson. f than turned mid ran out Into tomo high grass in hopos of gutting to a largur hummock opposite, but the two cut mo off, turning mu towards a sand Vacli, by rising up in tha gross, and holding their rifles In a menacing position, without firing. This drove me down to a beach, when tho sufferings of my foci bo- coming unbearable, I tore olf part of my shirt and wound It round thum, and then want through the night walking on ibis bench, the Indians still oou- tinning near me, until about 11 o'clock the next day, when I fell down on the sund completely ex hausted. Shortly ofter, the two Indians that I first saw camo up to sumo trees cleso by, and wore joined by otVrs. I expected they would shoot me, but said to them, "why do you wish to hurt me; whenever any of you oomo to our tumps wo treat you well, and when wa take you prisoners, wa never harm vou." By this tlrao I became diaxy, and full senso- »'•, w Vre I liy unconscious for a lung time, though the sun was broiling hot. " Wlum 1 came to myself again, thu Indians wore gone, and I saw no more of them. I attri* but* my delivery lo Sampson who liked me, and I Uilnk mutt have prevailed on tit* Indians not to mur* dtr me, for I know no other reason. I 1I1011 wont on till I came to a river, down which I walked some distance, 10 hide my trail, and then crossed over and wont upinto a tree, whore I passed ilia night fighting mosquitoes, which were so thick that if I did not fan ilium ufl* would light on my face and fill themwlvss whh blood fester than I could slap my oheoks with my hands. In ihe morning I continued on to the coast, and found myself, instead of hoing on a beach, among a number of mangrove islands, wVro finding the difficulty ol’getting on beyond my strength, I returned ngaiu (Mangrove Islands, 01 Keys, are small hanks of sand ovur the cuust cover* *d at high tide, on which maugrovo buOms grow; between ihem are wide channels. Tho hushes 5 row so dense as lo be nearly impervious, and front to roots an immense number of shnrp-pniniocl sprouts slick up, which makes walking through them like walking on spikes; especially (or a man without shoes) I now endeavored lo go back ugaln up ihe CurloosuliHtchie, hoping that some vessel would put in. After fimrieon days wandering 1 laid down betide a fresh water stream, where I ro- tnoinod fourdoys; when I heard tho noise of the stqnm boat coming, ami by wading out wn* seen and taken on board; never was a man so happy M I when I taw that bout approach. " The wouml>q| Dragoon wlto ran ashore with me, hud laid quite near u»trvain close by, without my knowing it, and was also brought oil’, He then looked in much Viter condition thnn mysolf, but has since dlod of tho wound he received in the thigh on tho first attack. 1 had nothing to eat but racoon oyitcrt, which sometimes washed ashore, (a lank watery thing which grows in clusters) and hud only a stump of a penkaire to open them; on tho last duy I bad nothing but fiddltrt (a species of crab not much larger than good sited spiders) they were horrid bitter, but I oat them down like raisins. Hud not the vessel providentially arrived I should not have survived 21 hours longer, I am canfidcnt that 8andy I'errvmnu, the negro interpreter, wus not among the dead as was reported.’’—Florida Her* old, 10/A imt. possesses this ad vantage is evident from the for ward- ness of tV Central over the Georgia Hoc >, (by which South Carolina ia to becomn n shsrer in this trade.) TVso additional Inducements impure cor responding obligations on tV peopio of Central Georgia, to bo active in forwarding the work, and on tbe slert that no obstacles be suffered to be thrown in their way, either among ourselves, or by those whose 'cteresU • o not with us. We are not exclu sive In nrj feelings on this subject, or jealous of the interests of others, either wi'hin nr not of the Alt we ask Is SO lei u* ul..m>, sr m«t MS faircompeti^^in the race. The interest and glory of Georgia, are our aim. While to our own *."4 K t, we would wish to cce tha Vnefits of our la- r, and the expenditure of the funds of tho State confined, we would not throw the least nhs'ruction In the way of our energetic neigh hour, Chnrlestun, deriving such odvantsges from them, as tVir on* ternrfse may entitled l Vm to. In Tennessee, they appear to V pressing forward the Hiwusseeroed with gloat antiviiy. Our state r "*'l m^t be pushed to tV line of Tnnnesse, (10 miles) to meet it. The Monroe road is actively advancing to completion, and the Cculiul Iload goes s eadily ahead. Through these roads, wn cmift- demly trust, will he the first union of the South und West. We copv the annexed brief notice of this subject, from thu i'endletoii (H. C ) Messenger. We repuldi-h some articles from western papers respecting tlm Rail Iload, 10 .In-w tho opinion which t irevails there 011 tire subject. That tho Georgians lave gone abend of 11* in the mnllcr is beyond doubt; and we have little doubt either that theirs is a Viler route than that contemplated by our rail rond com pany. It Is etisier to turn the mountains than to scale thorn and Ibo obstacle* by tV French iirond If not insuperable, will require an amount of money which the company can never commund. The true interests of the company nnd the state require, in our opinion, as wn have more thnn once said, that wo should endeavour to connect with the Georgia road, and in that wny, bring n large portion of tlm western, and Houth western trade to Charleston— and abandon the other route us impruciicuble with our means. their cotnracrriel trpuuUoa for the ambition nf lit" State of Penns) I vaiia by prematurely projecting a plan of fnts-rtwl knprovetnnnu, it. rivalry of tV Kioto of New Yor», ami ‘Jte no more exrusahle ambition of the I’bilad. Ipliia Merchants, joalou* of tho New York Trailers, who have long enjoyed the tnono-Ktly of selling on long credits tot Vir tireithnrn and South Wcrti-rn rtisiotnrr*. TV banks and merchant* generally in our StiutVrn nnd most of ••or Northern Citi.-*. are sound nnd can r' ib*em all thnir engagement.. Hut such are tlm relations and •le|Nmdctici<-s of trade that mtF££3>T* of n .tn dl ;«rt too fre<|uently involve in temporary embarrass ment nearly tlm whole of an extensive country.— Southern Vol.-lot, 19/A imt. GREAT FIRE AT VICKSBURG. By tho atoamer Commerce, arrived Inst night, from Vickshurr, we have received tho ITcAsAarg IFAig.of the 8th instant, which contains tV newt of auotVr destructive fire, a* follows: Our city ha* again boon visited with a destructive fire, perhaps the most destructive which has occur red Tor years. At about one o'clock yesterday morning the (tame* were seen issuing from the office of John F. Piursun, esu., attorney at law, on Cherry st., and with such rapidity did they spraad that £ 1 a few minutes the wVIe block of buildings from Main to Magnolia street were in a blate. Tha extrema dryness of tV weetVr for tho last three monilis, and tVbtiiiding* on Cherry street Ving all frame, rendered it impossible to check tho progress "V *1*® fiieuntU it had burned the offioo in whioh it • l®rifl®Atud-the offiecs of Messrs. Cuurcb & Turn- |Goteyour chiklren, tell them tha tale, VWI tVm hi* check, too, wiu lividly pale, Jril than his eye wa* ail l>lu *d-sbot and cold; Ta/btoem his purse wus a stranger to gold} Tell them V passed through tho world tVyarl in, Jbe victim of *01 row, tod misery and sin; f *?”** “ 1‘fe's shatmful conflicU were past, I a bom* and anguish V perished at last. Wmr SUamer.—Tho New York Herald states that tbe United State “ Sea Steamer," now huildinr and general* a model comlunmg the requisite for Nagailvantafemisly protrelied by wind nr steam. Her " construction" is to V in all respects that of coabitiMgtpead, atrengib and durability, .ndno tains are spared in accomplish that object. She Is Her general dimNsiutu are as follows, vitt Length ofkeel, ' r between pfspeedlctlars; & Ut u> mr. m 220 2(0 39 M*tsufcai—tie taws, Mott & Bryson. Hurst & Taylor, William A. Mke,esa., Dr. Cbewning, John H. Martin, G«o. >. & J, o. Yerger, and the office of Messrs. Pren* Vss & Guinn. Tho residences of honorable S. S. Prentiss and U. H. Crump, o*<i., at north end of CVrry street, were also burned. IV«eodiug south it cpnsumvd tbe jewelry store of D. B. Downing, at ✓ 'inn corner of CViry and Main sin-et, and advanc ing it* ravage* down M*iu,hurued several offices, together with the fine brick storo of tlie Messt*. Crump,together with several warehouses in the rear and fun Vr down tho street. A high wind was blow- hg during tho wVIe rime, and too much praise can not be awarded to our gallant firemen for the noble manner in whioh they combatted with the flames, and finally conquered thorn. It is almost a miracle that tbe frame building on Main street, occupied by Thus. A. Marshall, was not burned; and In tho event of its burning, tbe whole square must have been destroyed. All ol tbe buildipgs adjoining were on firs several times, but tV untiring perseverance aud indomitable courage of our firemen saved them in spite of all disadvantage, among wifeth no incoasi- datable one was tbe greet scarcity of water. We have beard no estimate of Ute damage yet; but tV loss of 1V Messrs Crump la very severe, not leas than $20,009, and no insurance. Tills lira it unques tionable the worh of incendiaries, as two man were seen leaving the premise* at thomomenitho fire waa discovered, and our oitiuna will do wall to be on tho alert. Wiioabk Rgsponsiii.K r.»u nut U. 8. Daxr.—. Every Fodmal paper in l'biladelpbia and' Baltb mere approves and justifies the foil ore of the ••greet regulator." Evrey Dr mneratio paper in both cities condomnilu—Albany Argue, THE NEW YORK RANKS. The New York Banks seem to V inflexible in their determination not to suspend. The Ameri can reiterate* their purposo in tho following most jsosillvo terms: Thk Ranks.—Thorn arc some few plain propo sitions connected with tho present Condi lion of our Brinks, which It may nut bo amiss to recall to our readers. It is wi ll known that New York, universally, is a creditor ciry, und consequently, cunnut ho drawn upon from elsewhere. Tliure can, therefore, bo no •lunger of any drain of specie from our Bunk* to satisfy debt* in other plnces. Nevertheless, wn hear puoplu talk of drufii for ipecie from Philadelphia as though we worn the debtor* instead of ihe creditor*. This is frightoiiiug one’s self with *liud»ws. Again, it is said wo cannot now collect our debt* In Philadelphia, Baltimore, «bo. Why omf They cannot, indeed V colleetod at pur, but at the dif ference bet ween specie and irredeemable paper they can ho collected. Tlie lus* tlm* incurred would bo tlie subject of after-uljiistnieiil by tho debtor, on whom it should, of cniisu,full. But tho foreign demand, it Is urged, will drain the vault* of our Bank*. It lias not laid thniuffirciVre- tofum. Probably same throe millions of dollars have been sent to Europe from this port wiiliin tho last six weeks; yet, in that same period, tho specie in tho vault* of tho city Banks hat actually incrcat- alt nnd now that speaio hu* c ased to bu the stun- duul In the cities south of in, it will, ns a matter of course, soak this tnurket, as that where it has most valuu. For tho snnn reason, bill* ofexchungo against tho now cotton crop, flour shipment*, or other consignments to Europe, will nil contra here, because hero they will bo sold for sound money. In t his way,bath u supply of bills and specie may V anticipated, independently of any of thu luttor drawn from tho Banks. Moreover it i* Imped und believ ed that sumo of our Bank* will, as tiny can furnish somu bill* on England hy tlie Liverpool, which is lo take hor departure 011 Snturduy. I111M It mny l» MHle.1 u w.lnln, lint 1,111. will t* furthcoming for money, always—tl, 0 rate, of course, must beg .vernod by thu reluiiun between supply and demand. * WecuMcbulo,thoruforo, hnwtvnrsnmo mon may n™! j i N,| d howovor much it may ho desired in I biludelpbia, or olsewliero, lliut New Ymk riomld follow an evil example—that tbo N. Yoik Bunks are—ns buvu bnlbro suid— and will nuuuiii im- pregnalde. TVy are stronger now by reason of n smaller circulation and u low or nmount of deposit*, tlmti wlnm, In ibo fare of onrne*t oppnsit on from ibo Bail's tif thu Unilod Slates and llmsmiilioin bunks generally, limy nwurnwt specie payments. How, then, -Imold, or cun it, bo doubtful, that limy will maintain them now, when the U. S. Bunk is mti riy powerless! Them is nut u shadow ofdouht. OHIO AND PKNim&VANlA. TV»e two gr*«t riupuldiem States may well be con/dcrerl tbe m«h olnt-r Union. Never diddis- rjinitm factions, Ufowiag lo ui.scille the founds- lions of our Gov^mment. mcot with n tiern-r r«. huko than in thn recent elections in those powerful States, In Pennsylvania, tho couqiomid of Anti- masonry, Aboli'ionism, und Bank:*m, has mat with universal defeat. In Ohio, thn same element* have mot tbo same foie. In some of iV counties in tho Conno.‘ icut Reserve, where overwb-lming major ities have hitherto V^n given against the democratic party, Federalism has at last cn. oiiiuered a repulse, By uniting on ihn nominal ion of tho Aleditionists, •V Federalist* have disgusted ilia friend* of tha Constitution among the rank nnd file of their parly, and tliu cnnsequunco hu* been a signal difeat for the first time. lit Gcnnge und A-htabuIn, which is a senatorial district, nnd which gavo last year a majority of 3,900 against tiro Republican ticket, such a revoluiion in public sentiment has been ef- fecled bv thu courso to wbii;li wn Imvo referred,tint tin* ifemocniis have curried the ticket fur Senator und part of tlie Represent stives in thorn two coun ties Mo hail these successes in Pennsylvania and Ohio ns something more ihnn party success.-*, Tho dan geruus combi.anion which ilirantenod the pence of ibe Union i* dissipated. Federalism ami Fanat icism yoked together bnvo iictensed the alarm of the people lor ihcir cherished form of Government, nnd die result has boon that their amalgamation has emasculated -both. Extract from a letter, dated Coi.umiius, (O.)Oct. 13, 1339. Djcxn Sin: Inmld liun to the returns sent you yesterday, it i* ieduced to almost n certainty that Wo Imvo curried a Sunntoruml two ItcAresentntivcs in Brown, Adam*, nnd Scioto;and nn<v&nd perhaps two, Hepresamitivcs in Marion, Cruvmrd, und U- nion, a Senator und two ReproscuiniivMn Geauga und Ashtubula, and one RepresuoiutivoTin Monroe certain, anil prubuldy ono in Lucas, Wood, Sic. und a Senator in ihat di-trict certain. 'This will give us 25, and tho Federulis’s 11 in he next Senate— majority Ml If the above member* of tbo House ore elected, a* wn expect mny be tlm case we shall Imvo 49 nnd thu Fedora lists 23—a majority in the House of 2p,and un joint lei Hut, 40! We shall not boast, ust-uiihhing us is our viciory, a* wo have just learned that, if possible, Federalism is worse beat in Pciinsylvunia thnn with us. P. S News just ia from Monroe- Democrats elected by overwhelming majorities —Globe. Kith imt. COLUMBIA, Oct. 18. TnrCommbiicul Baxk —We understand that thu Board of Director* of this Institution, at iu meeting of Wednesday last, resolved not to suspend specie payments I This is highly creditable to the Bank, and speaks wed for its present condition, and past msnsgemsnt.—floa/A Carolinian. BCP Tb# Boston Couri* i of the lfitb, a " Whig" paper has the following article:— Nicitot.Ai llinnr.r..—Every body asks, Where i* Mr Biddh ? and How dno* it happen that he does nut step fin ward at thistim* and show hi* love to in* snfiaring country, hy attempting, at least, to quiet the panic, excited hy tha suspension of payment by tlto United Slates Bank? It is but alaiut six month*—six little months—since that in- stitution wnsin astatenfgrootpm parity, according to hi* declnratien, in tho letter containing his res ignation of tbe office of President. Here is that letter.— " To llto Board of Directors of tlie Bank of the United States:— “ Gentlemen—I execute a purpose which, as vou are aware, I have long meditated, nnd which I in timated lo the stockholders nt their first meeting, under tho new clmrtar.—thut of retiring from the direction of the Bank. It is now more titan twenty years sitire I entered the service. They have been year* uf intense labor, nod they have earned forme a right to cluim the relaxation and repose which up- preaching ago and precarious health require. I have wniteanxiously fur tlie trios’ appropriate .I,....I n, ...'I a i... i .. . ... .... mont at which l could In* best spared; but hitherto, whenever I have sought jhe retirement I so.muclt From the Evening Pott. Ium glnd to say that our Bank* foul so much,*, liefdrum tlm siuppagcj oftIto drain upon their vaults and nrivuto deposits, by tlm United States Bunk and its timdors, as nut only to nut beyutiil question their ability to sustain tiiamselve*, but ore enabled to extend very considerably their discounts. Gra tifying ns this fact is, it soivosto heighten thu atro cious conduct of tho United States Bu k, which has, in Its* death struggles, kept our wind, mercan tile conmmnitv upun the rack for months past, und caused more mental unxiety nnd pain than its mail. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 15. Mit. Van Buhkn’s KkckI'TIon.—Agreenblo to nr- rnngomnnts prev.ottsly made, Mr. Van Baron loft Burlington yesterday morning, where he hud spent Sunday with bis friend General Wall, nnd arrived at Kensington about eleven o’clock. There the citi- tens nnd soldier* wore formed in proper order to re ceive him, nnil iifinrrtotne iicce-nry delay, thn pro cession took up tho Inin nf march, headed by Col •foists Thompson, as Chief Murohull. Wn do nut see that tint Cuhatel sits a liursu less ea-ily, or displays line wrirtkl-- rnoioilmn he did twenty-live\eais ai>it. Tlm first part nf ihe proee**inn wn* ui:uv.|> adu ol two huiidrei! ami twenty Itorsemon. rai her iudiffi-r- enlly mounted; tutlinsu sn. ce. iled twenty-fourba- Touches,carriage*, wagon-, «Sic ; lieu u large hand of music; then the invited l»»r the day ; to whom *uc- ceniled Mr. Van Uuruii, accompanied by tlm Gover nor of thn State, nnd.Iuhti K Kune, K*q. Chairman of thu Coinmitiou of Arrangnmeitt*. Following all tltese was tlm military, which made,a* usual, u hand- *unm npriearancu, and 1ml to l(in conclusion, net un* frequonily arrived nt.thui c.itixeus witlmut Inigo dis tinctive badges, nr foil uniform,ntuko a pour appear ance tn n procession. Tlie Murshnls nf thn duy were numerous.,and dis charged tlmir duties with nil possible fidelity. At ma ny nl tho streotcroasings, Hugs were stretched dingo- lially nnrnss,nndtho struots w«regenerally well lined will* men and woman, looking ut tlm purudu aud sa luting t|m ohjeet of tlm pngeiitil. So lur as wo could judge, tho whole arrangements were well mndo uml happily carried out. Thn route pursued was that designated in tlm programme yes terday published; und when the head uf the preens- sioti reached Sanderson’*, it opened to tho right und loll, and allowed .Mr. Baron, Governor Poitor. thn oouimitiee and invited guests to enter tho Hotel. .Mr. Van Bitten re* •ondml to Um lienriy cheers of Ibe m-dtihido, nnd the comp my then moved forwutd to Chrxuut St root, where they were dismissed. Among the persons invited was Major Roach, llto Mayor ef llto city, hut ho wus detained by official duties hut wont shortly ufterwurds with Councils to puy ids respects. needed, same difficulty In which my serviro was deemed useful, nlwnys interpnsud to detain me. None such exists now. All the political dissensions connected with the Bank for the l ist ten your* have ceased—nnd the Bank has returned to it* accustom- od channel* of business in pcaco. I can therefore withdraw at length without Inconvenience, and I do it inure readily, because Ilonve thenfiuir* of tho institution ia a state of groat prosperity, und in the hand* ofuhlo directors nnd officer*. " This separation from friends with whom I have been so long '111(1 «o agreeably associated, is among the mo«t painful nets nf my life, und 1'pray you to accept ut i-urting my sincere w ishes for the perso nal welfare of you all. N. BIDDLE, PresSdont. " itlolphia. March29, 1039." " Able Director* and Officers" indeed! to In?able in six months to destroy un institution, « hose ulTuirs were in a state of great prosperity,—all tho politi cal di*sensimi« connected with it having censed, and tho Bank having returned to ii* accustomed chnnnel* of hu-incs* in peace. Well: Tlm proverb soys truly—"Tito prudent mnn foroscetlt the evil and hidctli hlmsulf." Who will dotty thut Nicholas Biddle was a " prudent man?" to any judge of any court in the prejier county, to allow lent nr her to make ptoof of said nfusal no oath or affirmation, by one or more disinterested witnes* or uritnesHW, before said judge, whose duty It »h»ll be to give at l«*a«t tun dsy* notice tu tlto president or cashier of *ni»l Ituk, of the time ai.d Baltimore Markets fn anotlicrTolifinn ^^ place of making such proof, in orde, that an n P por- v.acein the price of J-Tottr. eltm tunity mny In- afforded for rebutting the same by testimony, and ifihtt facts be substantiated, it shall he tlte duty of said judge tn reduce the same to writing, and to transmit the some to tho Gover nor. And it shall be the duty ofthe Govennr, imme- diairlynn the receipt of the written proof sbovus|>cc- tfied, lo issue his proclamation, declaring the char- tol [ "* |J* 0 * n id bank tn be absolutely null and void and uf no effect wbatseovet—except that said hank shnllhe liable in its corporate capacity, for the fulfilment nf all contracts previously made and T'i.c ln, o b * ilJ ,ml the •mekholJltr* thereof shall have power t..elect director* as usual, nnd he capable of compelling thn fulfilment of any contract enteied into with said bank, previously to tho dato uf the said forfeiture. Article X. The said Imnk shall make to the Au ditor General monthly return*offt*condition, sitew- ing the details of ita operations, according to thn form of tho rations tho Bank of tho United States now makes to the Secretary ofthe Treasury, or ac cording to such form a* may bo established by law. Section 5. It shall nt all time* be lawful for a committee ofthe Legislature, appointed fur that purpose, to in-pcct he hooks and examine into the proceedings of tho corporation hereby created, and to report whether tlm provisions of this charter have been by the sumo abused or violated, or not; and if the officer* of said cor|K>ration should refuse V* ^ ,B, ^ ,,rn 1 or xffifmed, nr give evidence, or tn pro- sap-sstertsfisES crep. b. pwn, MiMbl. th.l.,,,;tarti™ m ? u or (1,™. from ,1.1. I* -III be Men by our Weekly a"' Delllmuni klerb... L .7 l *'? on ? r «■ i .h® price of Flour, aince Ihi. deya Ja.l one dollar per benvl, end Ihe edvence In Wheels Irow Mvemeen lo inemy cent, per builiel. era ..cell,ni prlra. fer ,h. I. rm „ t .„ a .h..uld .Zn Isle him niMbd hie ,reln lo marhrt-lih all reeran. able despatch.—Salt. Pet. 19th in#/. Land Apcnc). ril HE subscriber located in Albany, Bakor county M. v ill open a general land office, at that point! 1 lie object of which will be to afford evenr facility to those who mav wish to purchase plantations in the counties of Dooly, Loo, Baker. Decatur or Early; nnd will bo prepared personally to accom pany those who may cull on him, in the examinn- iiun of such lands as be is acquainted with, in tbo counties before mentioned. dttco all such of their hooks or , , , . . papers as may ho demanded before any such committee, then the legislature may by law d- clan-the -aid chartervoid, nnd repeal the same; und whenever any enmmitteo as aforesaid shall find und report, or the Governor shall Imvo tea-on to believe, that the charter has been violated, it may be lawful for tlto Icrislntare to direct, or tlto Governor tn older, a Scire Facia* to he issued out of the Supremo Court of Pennsyl vania, in the nime of the Common wealth or Penn, sylvunin, fwhich shall bo executed on tho president ofthe corporation for the limn being, nl | 0 „ Bt tPn d .ys before tlto commonrnment of tho term nfsaid court,) calling on said corporation to sitnw cause wherefore the charter hereby granted shall not he declared forfeited; nnd it nhnli bo Inwful for said court upon tho return of said Sciro Facias, to exam ine into the truth of tho alleged violation, and if such violation be mado to appear, then to pronounce or odjudeo that such charter is forfeited nnd qnnulled; Provided, however, every issue of fact which may hn joined between the commonwealth nnd the corporal ion,such issue shall bo tried hy jury; aud on tho ttiai thereof, the commonwealth shall have thu right to change the venue from tho coun ty of Philadelphia to any adjoining county. And itshull oe lawful for the court aforesaid to require tho production of auchof tlie books or paper# of tho corporation, ns it may deem necessary for the ascertainment ol tlie controverted focts, and the final judgment of said court shall be subject to all the usages ..flaw in oilier cases.—Journal of Com merce 17/A met. UNITED STATES BANK CHARTER. Wo annex several extracts from tho present char ter of tho U. S ato* Bank, granted by tlto Legisla ture or Pennsylvania on tlto IGtli of February, 1039. Tho (Jth section, relating to tlie bonus, i* |,.ng, and wc therefore content ourselves withan abstract. By thu acceptance ofthe Charter, the Bank stipulated to pay tho State of Pennsylvania,— $2,0110,003, ut such time as the government might requite. ° 500,000 on the 3rd March, 1837 2,000,000 in instalment* nf $100,000 por annum for 20 years. Applicants, if disposed to purchase, by stating thnir preference, ond employing the subscriber to make the negotiation* upon such terms as they point out, will receivo immediate attention. Those having land# to soil, will plcnso leave at the office of the subscriber, by writtou communic | lion or otherwise, (post paid) such information as is } important to tbe sale of their property through his JT agency. For further particulars, the subscriber would re- for persons wishing to purchtue lands in tho South Western pur: of Georgia, to R. K. Hines, Esq. Mucon, or to John 8. Thomas, Esq. Milledgcville, WhOSe KUOS' PnVIl Ilf thi. mninn eCrtniiHi.. ...XII ,. I p dgu °f this region of country, will ena! bio them to give a proper direction to applicants. . ALEXANDER SHOTiVELL. Albany, Oct. 20th. 1839. oct 23-lamf2m. Ugnr* could atona for by years of imprisonment. Yuur comment* unon tho Bank, and its fraudulent career are just and true. I once enlortained differ ent views with regard to the financial ability und integrity of its management. I now believe that »* » • wtw l ,uo l vcnt ywr* “go. Why did Mr. Biddle at llto time of tho last suspension issue tho hill# of tlto old Bank to the amount of some milliuns of dollars? It was said at the time, that no did it because ho knew that lie would not he ob liged to redoem thorn, although ho might ho forced tup resumption of spocie payment* on tho hilts of the now Bank. This may be partially true; if so, it was a deliberate fraud. My convictions are that ho was conscious nt that period that tlto Bank was rotten, and with the "suspicions of a guilty mind," foared the public itudsome inklings of its condition. Ho therefore resorted to tho issuing of the hills of thn old Bank that ho might havo tha udvuntngo of the credit which from long familiarity, they had ac quired in the public mind. In either case the Is suing of them wus dishunest, illegal, and virtually no better than a forgery, lohnsun definos forgery to bo •• thecrlme or falsification." For this crime, Biiqjrimin Rathbun is now confined In the States, prison at Auburn. Why is it that anoth -r indivi dual whose speculations have been eqti til) wild und reckless, and whose " falsification" has boon great er than Ralhlitui's, should now bo basking in tho aliiuancc of a princely fortune, "calm ns a sum mer's morning," raising mulberry trees and silk worms hy wny ofpastimo. Verilv it is a marvel to mo, who profess to tako only a plain view uf the matter, why the fortunes of some men should be so opposite. A MERCHANT. It is a melancholy refioction that tho conduct of single institution, (the Bank ofthe United States,) should involve the banks generally of the Union in llto misfortune nf a suspension uf specio pnymonts. It toom* that that institution has chosen its time for a HHpension, skilfully. Four or six weeks lienee tho suspension would havo been limited to tlte Phil adelphia und Baltimore Batiks, for within Unit peri od tho Soiuhorn crop reaching tho markets of ox* lortuUoo would have completely protected the southern Banks from a drain of their specie, if they hod not suspended. In tho sius of thu mammoth institution, therefore, those who havo not boon par ties participant in her profits of her monopoly are compelled to share both the burthen and the odium. To carry through tho gigantic schemes of Iuiortial Improvements, Pennsylvania wa* induced to charter a himk with an immense capital, which as tho con sideration a large bonus was not only paid, but ad vances were made in taking up her loan# to a very large amount, The City of Philadelphia, commercially jealous of Now York: sought in 1838, to engross a forge share •f the trade of the Southern nttd South Western States, which tbe New York Jobbers gladly shifted to their neighbors, warned by their losses in 1837.— Remittances having be<*n delayed to tho Philadelphia Merchant* from tho South and South West, and be ing unable to meet their own engagements, tu*|ien- sion ofsfgvio payments in Philadelphia is rcsuivtd upon, in a groat degree, to save thorn from iasoiven- cy, and tbe Bank* of Philadelphia, to whom they are large dobturi. from heavy losses Thus have other part* uf tha Union been mado auswerable in NEW YORK, Out. 17. Kxoil AMOK.—Thn banks inmiiiom-ii yosterdny are still so ling bills on England nt UjJalO, und wo Imvo jtm been inlnnm-.l that tint Non It American Tru*t Company nrodrawing at tliCHumo rates. In uddi- tioit to thu bills drawn by tlie bank*, shippers of fl«'Ur uro in the market to a considerable extent, and tlie supply ofexilmago will no doubt be equal to thu tlematiu. Stock* Imvo generally fallen off to-day. United Slate* opened this morning at 83, and left off ut 80, which is linlf per cent, below the closing sale of yes- tordny. Mechanic's Bank to-day sold at 83, which I* 7 below the Inst sales on Monday. The Bank of the Suite of Now York fell off 2 percent. North American Trust the stune. Bank of Commerce I^. Manlinuic*' Banking Association supported its lust prices of Tuesday. Delaware amt Hudson opened at 55.j nnd dosed ut.VliJ, being2j fool iw yesterday's prices. Vicksburg supported yesterday's quotations —Imt Ken uckv foil off at 2 tier coat. Rail Itnnd* •hut Kenucky fell off at 2 percent. ' Uiiil Heads remain a* yesterday, with tlto exception of Hutfom, which receded 1$- , About $100,000 in specie hns gone out in the Li verpool and Havre packets. The first branch of tho City Council nt Baltimore has pussed a bill authoruiug tlie issue of $100,000 of corporation certificates, of tho denomination of 50 cents and upwards. The state Inna of $1,508,000 hns been taken hy nur City Bank, ntpar. Thoro is u fair probability that tlie quantity iof specie to go hy thn Liverpool will be nittcli fo*« than was at first anticipated. It is sta^d in the Illinoispnpers that tlm 4 million Inna-negotiated for the London by the commission ers of that state is to he advanced in ihe following manner, vix* $'>00,(100 in rail road lion, hy Thomp son & Co. of London; £50,000 sterling.or $250,000 in onsh; and tlte residue from time to time ns the amounts may be required. The negotiation was mude ifitii Wright St Co. bankers .—Com. Ado. MONEY MARKET. Nxw Yonx.Dct. 18. Stocks are still tending downward. The U. S, Bank* foil olfB per cent from yesterdays prices. It opened this morning nt 78j and closed at 72 North American Treat declined 1 per ct; Batik of Kentuc ky 4.(t Vicksbui«h2; rail tend stock remain# almost the same. Exchange.—As yesterday OJuIO on England. Oil Philadelphia 13 below pur; $3,500 were s dd this morning «t 07.—Com. Ado. A draft on Pliilndelphm for $20,000 was sold yes terday tu John T. Smith, exchange broker nt 85,and subsequently forgo umuuiit* tjffored ut 84 in tlie sired and reiiisvd. Thn talk in Wnli-st. ii Hint the U. States Bank stock rose a day oi two since in cons quunco of the Bank consenting to take it* own stuck atpar, in payment for certain suspended debts, nnd considera ble purchases wore inode for that object. Be tin's as it may. tho Bank will resort to evety expedient tn bolster up a roitau concern; but tlie time is nut far distant wfon the Bank and its whole system of finance will oxcir universal contempt und execration. Policies on specie forexp. -.ration, fora consi'dera bio amoisit, have been cancelled, and n learn amount in gold |**pnrcd for shipment was paid to one or our banks Or exchange. Tho current of even's, i>s w#3 as public opinion, all total to sustain our* — Eve. Ptit. $1,508,0110 in addition to litis, the Bank obligated Itself to subscribe $875,000 to tho Capital Slock of vutiott* Hail Road and Turnpike Companies, if requested to do so by thu D:rectursni tho Companies,uny time within one year from the pnss.igo of the Charter. Tlte Bunk ulsn obligated itself, whunrvei required by law, to hum tho Suite, against Certificates of St"oi< iniy.iblo in 1808, $0,OOU,080, giving pur for tho Stneh if the iiitarusi should he 4 per cent, nnd 10 par cent preiuiuni if tlto interest should ho 5 n«» rt. per nnmint Also, to advance to tho State, us a temporary loan, $1,080,000, nt 4 per cent interest per annum, ru'mbura Idem the pleasure of tlto State within 12 month* from date ofthe loan. ’ To sum up the whole in oim sentence, tho Bank obligated itself to puy, us n bonus fot its Charter. $4,500,008, to puiebaso Pennsylvania Stocks, ut a Ilieii rail., in iliuum.itinl or *0,600,001, lo limn tlm Slum II 4 por cm iii»<n.»t, fori, p.-rin<l nut exceo.l- Ing tiiiaymir, 61,000,000, und m .ubrerllm to I|„j| ■''"‘ii 'ind rtinipiliii .tuck., $075,001,. Tmnl, $1" . 175,000. Tlm burtlunf Um. impuiml ii,„,„ ,k'„ , i'n'nl.r'" in lh “ “OSTOOibi. tu at loiml $0,- UU8,UUU in cash. . Extract from the Charter. Section 3. For tliu man,moment ofthe affairs ol the said corporation, there shall ho loinually elec ted at tho bunking home, in •heeiiynri'hiludelphia on the first Monday in Junuary in each year, by n phtnility of votes, which shall ho given by tho q.»nl- tlind stockholders of the said hunk in person or by proxy, twenty directors, who shall he cupnble of serving for ono your, and who sha'I, nt tho first meeting after their oleetion in eneh year, proceed to oloel mm «f tlmlr illroelora hi lm tlm |.to.i.loni or ihirporiillmi, wli.i .In,II ln.M tlm ,„|d oOii-o ■iurlim tlm him pi-rind fur ivlii,-|, di recto „ uru elected. Section 4. The following shall he the funda mental ut tide* of the suid corporation, to wit: Article 1. None but a stockholder who is a citi- *on ol the United States shall bo a director, ur vote ut un oleetion for directors, either in person or bv proxy; and nil proxies shall bn dated within sixty day* before tho day of each election. The number of votes 13 which each stockholder shall be entitled in voting for directors slmll bo us follows: for one sltare and not more than two share*, one vote; for every two shares, ttlmvo two, nnd not exceeding ton ■dintos, ono vote; .for every four shores above ton, and not exceeding thirty, ono vote; for uvery six shares nbnvo thirty, und not exceeding sixty, onu vote; for every eight shares above sixty, and not exceeding onu hundred, one vote; but no porson, co partnership, ur body politic, slmll be entitled to n greater number than thirty votes; und after tho first election, no share or slmros slmll confer a right of vting, unless the same shall have boon held three calender months before the day of election. Article IV A general meeting of tlto stockhol- liers for purpose* relative re the institution, mnv at tiny timobe called, either hy the board of direciors nr by sixty or more stockholders owning 1080 or morn share* of the enpit d stock, on giving at least six weeks notice in tvopublicnowspnners, publish ed in the city of Philadelphia, and specifying in such notice tho object or objects of such meeting. And 'hero shall bo a general meeting of tlie stockholder* ut the banking house, in the city of Philait.-lphia.on the lirst Monday of January in every y^r, at which time tlie directors shall lay fo-forn them n general and particular statement of thnnff.irsof tho com pany. Articlo VI. Tlto rate of discount at which loans may lm made by said bank within this Common- wealth, shall not exceed one hnlfofone per centum for thirty days. And tho note* and bill* which shnil he issued by order nfsaid corporation, orurider its authority, shall be binding upon it, nnd thoje made payable to order shall lm assignable by endorsement, but nono slmll be issued of u denomination less than ten do.lars; and if tho bank shall neglect or refusa to pny iu notes or bills or moneys deposited when duo, on demand made nt the hank during bunking hour*, thn person or persons entitled to the same shall receive interest thereon nt tho rate of twelve percent, a year until payment bo made. And the notos of th- corporation in emulation, shall never exceed the capital actually paid in. The total amount of debts which thu sum corporation may at any timo owe, whether by bond, note or other con tract; excepting the amount of money due to de positors, slmll not nt any time exceed double the amount oi capital stock actunllv paid in; and in caso ofexco**, the directors under whoso admin- istratinn it shall happen, shall be liable in their ia- Uividmil enpucit es, H nd an action of debt may in such case bebn&ghl nguiiistthem, oranyofi^m or unvef tl.idrh. iird. nnuiMiiw. . 1 * THE OHIO ELECTION. Below we give tlie complete returns from this State, showing llie glorious triumph of Democracy over" Whiggery." SENATORS. Elected taut year. Democrat*, 12 Federalist*, Elected this year. Highland and Cliutoa, 1 Franklin and Picnwny, 1 Gui rnsoy and Monroe, 1 Clark, Champuign und 1 Logan, 1 Muskingum, 1 Cuyahoga, 1 Portage, 1 A lin ns, 1 I 1 l I 1 Belmont, Hamilton, Perry, Morgan, &c, Hoss, Jefferson, Richland, Columlmtiiu, Clurmont, Geauga & A>litobu!n, Lucas, Wood, &c. Biown, Adams, and Sciuto, 25 REPRESENTATIVES. Dkm. Picnwny, 1 Delaware, 1 Fait field & Hocking, 2 Knox, 1 Belmont, 2 Montgomery, 1 Mot gun, 1 Way no, 2 Hamilton, 2 Highland, 1 Licking, 2 Butler, 2 Washington, 1 Perry, l Iloss, Pike, nnd Jack- son, 2 Huron, 1 Holmes, I Harrison, 1 Jefferson, 1 Columbiana, 3 Coshocton, I Richland, * 2 Sandusky & Seneca, 1 Clermont, 1 Miami, Durk and Mer Franklin, Clark, Charnpuign, Guernsey, Logun, Muskingum, Green, Warren, Clinton, Medina, Lorain, Ctivnhogn, A*htabuln, Fayette Ait Mudi- son, Tuscarawas, ' Alliens, Trumbull, Gunugn, Lawrence &Gnl]ia,l Crawford, Murion and Untun, l Carroll, 1 Stark, 2 Shelby, Sic. 1 Washington, 1 Portage, 2 Ashtabula, 1 Lucas, Wood, &C. 1 Preble, I Brown, Adams and Scioto, 2 Crawford, Marion and Union, 1 49 Tho whole number of Senators In our Legisla ture is 30—whole number of Representatives 72— on juint ballot 103—majority 55. —,— was turn in' nbout, w hen a bullet came »liistling through one ar«nvyr,l,.,irh..ira,CKmmar.,.r'a.imi,,"i«ra,'oTin "“j'r * h "-, “'T M “ k, ! , “ e »ny Corn jurisilictiu,, l.y ^ “'T' 1 ,h l 10 thejailor'. ditor or creditors of such corporation. u ,., AN ISSUE OF VERACITY- Mr.N. I’. Tulluiadge, as In- been stated in thi* paper and other*, alleged in his »|>eech, nt Syra cuse, that he hod been warmly urged by Governor Miircy tu oppose the Sub-Tito*iiiy—»{,*„ 1t w#| originally suggested. After some days' *jfo nr( , tho Albany Argusol* Monday denies, explicitly, by aulhority of Guvernor Marcy, that lie ever did *u urge Mr Tnilmndgr. Thu assetthm was unqualified—the denial is un- qualified.—Char. Mercury, 22d . t-v »»> cre- orsuch corporation, and tnuv lav prosecuted lo judgement nnd execution, any cottdi- tton, covenant ut agreement to tho contrary n-J. with.i.ndingj tul tin. .itt.ll not bo cutumnlu ex- .mfl tit. rai, cutuunatbiti, t.r tbo hnd.,, Soud. mt.l of tbo ram., f„, m ,„ in . all ,| Italtlu for nnd citxrgcdd., Kith the raid cxcc. Serb t.r llto raid dlrrctor. tu may lm>, bran whan the raid oxrai. an. otimraclml ttr ctvatcd, .hall not ba ooti.idrrad a. cnnratt.i,,,, or liable thfntfitr.and Iborawho mny I „ed...cnwd from the reMilution or trot whereby the rame wn. cmttiaa. rxlorarented, and wlm.bell ante,their di .ra llt . m ntmate. af bo b.atrd.rbam.alvc. SRift ZtS:, pur- tho fact to the stuck Imliiers _ wlllob lire, .lull Itavu jKiwet incall fur t|„V pose Article VII. |r tlm rati bunk .Imuld at any time refa.0 la .ay af It. ante., bill., „bll„itma., ar depiMitnltnawy., In ,,,|| „r.|l,c r , ,he,1 a, ,„ ,f. trr tb., cninr-tmaaf tl"«, fr „„ ,, ,,, t! Ih.ll and may Iw I trvlttl |„r thw Imbler or lira, ftr.wwrul tlm .ante, t. inal,. U|t|illc.i!on In wiitm.- From the Montreal Courier of the 15/A imt. Thera wus a report in circulation last evening,that the sympathisers had crossed LakeOntario,und burn ed nearly all tho hints"* in Cohourg. It wn* said that only Mr. C.iicott's distillery and dwelling, and about ailoxen of other houses, escaped. It was also reported, that un unsuccessful attempt wus mude to burn Port Hope tho same night. Wo give these reports ns wo heard them. Cohourg is about 300 mile* from Montreal, and intelligence cannot woll be conveyed from one place to the other iu less thnn two days. If Cohourg was destroyed, therefore, it must have been some time in tho night ofthe 12th, to be known at Montreal on the evening of tho 14th. But wa have tlie Roches ter papers of the 15th, in which no mentionis made of any such event, and Rochester is only about 50 miles from Cubourg. It is probable, therefore, that the reports nt Montreal are unfounded. But if Cohourg has not Iwen fired, it seems that Mr. Mackenrje hns been fired Ht; as stated in the following paragraph from tho Democrat oltho 15 th. Narrow Escape.—On Saturday last about noon, Mr. Mackenzie, of Toronto, now confined in the jail of this city, went up to the window uf his apart ment and laid three letter* un th« sill, which he in tended shuld lie convoked tn tlie post office by his friend, M r. Kennedy, whom lie expected at tlte front of tlto prison a little before noon. Ho had not been looking out more th-nliHlf a minute, and T Chatham Academy. Hh Winter SegMion of this Academy will commence on Monday, tho 4th duy of Nov. next, under tlte following Instructors: Classical Department, J. E. Larncd, A. B. Senior Boys' do A. It. Palmer, A. B. Junior Buys’ do D. S. Dickinson, A. B. Senior Girls’ do E. E. Pynchon, A. M. Junior Girls’ do F. B. Folger. A. M. Junior Girls’ do 2d Division, II. H. Miller, Juvenile do Miss C. H. Bradley, French, Italian, Spunish, ? , ,,, German, Sic. ( Bloom - It is desirable that those Scholnrs which intend to join tlie School, should be present at tlie com mencement of the term, at which timo thB clusses will be arranged for tho winter. The Teachers havo been selected with muchcnro, and they will be pertnnnont. Their character, ta lents and, qualify them for their several stations. Few institutions are so well supplied as this is, with nil that gives facility nnd effect to stu dy, and it is offered to the friends of correct educa tion for their pntrunage. KDW. E. PYNCHON, Principal. Snvnn nnh, Oct. 11. 1839. oct 12-2uwtf Instalment. Ocmulgee Bank of the Stale of Georgia, ? Macon, 10th September, 1839. ( A N Instalment of Thirty per cent, on tho capital stock of this Institution is required to bo paid in, nt tlto banking houso in this city on or before Monday tho I8tlt day of November next, of whioh stockholders will take duo notice. By order of tho Bourd. J. A. WHITE. Ass’t. Cosh. sept 10-law2m ' Hotel, Iff aeon, Georgia. I ho subscriber having taken thnt well known establishment for a term of years, most res* pectlully tenders his services to the public ns an Inn K-eper. He declines any newspaper details orfnir • promises of what he intends to do for thoso who mny call on him, but simply adds, that his constant efforts win be used lo render nil eomfortnble that mav favor him witli their oumpHnV. Please call and try. FREDERICK SIMS, sept 2 w3m Mulberry and Silk Culture. && WARD CHENEY & BROTHERS, and ■2*;'MASON SHAW, have now growing, in tha most flourishing condition, in Augusta, Georgia, ad- joining the Hampton Ruco Course, about 80,000 Morut Atulticau/ie Trcet, which they offer for sale in lots to suit purchasers. For further information enquiry mny lie mndo of Messrs. Cheneys, at their cocoonery in Burlington, New Jorsoy, or of Mason Shaw, at the Engle nnd I’litunix Hotel in Augusta. Iluving hnd several yours experience in cultiva- ting tlto morns niulticaiilis from buds, cuttings, Sic. they will furnish ench purchaser with printed in structions of tlie best nnd most approved manner of planting and cultivating the trees, the kind of soil most suitable for growing tho snino; and also for * retiring the silk worms nnd reeling the silk. They will also havo for sale, Silk Worm Eggs of the most esteemed variotjos, from moths selected with great care for their health, strength and perfection aug 17-3m-sn T „_ To Rice Planters. HE subscriber having obtained a pntrnt for a new nnd useful machine for ibre.lilno- rt-» tn nnd useful machine for threshing rice, in the name a nd under ihe title of Allen’s improved Socket Steel Tooth Threshing Machine, and beliov- ing it to be by for tho cheapest and most usuful ar% tfelo ever before used nr known fur that purpose, ' begs leave respectfully tn notify the Rice Planter* that he Inis now on iiand Bad will continue toman, ufuctura tbo, above his shop in Bryan, ncur West Broad street, Savannah, where he In vito, nil interested, to call and examine said ma- chines; they have been used by a number of plan, tors, and approved of by all who have used them. P, GRAVES. SAVANNAH, July 5ih, 1839. Ueur Sir—I hava two threshers made by your- seif for the purpose of preparing rice for the pes tle# and believe from tho experiment made,that thoy will answer nil purposes desired by the planters in cleaning 8800 bushels from the straw, this avidenco has been most satisfactory, in tlie speedy process Jt* well ns the cleaning of tho stalk, and less being broken than even tlie frail, so pronounced by exm£ noticed planters, who visited the mill when in full oppernlinn. I am yours, very respectfully, WM. MANED. Mr. P, Graves, *ep 4-w-tf chi hoy, who stood in the area, to tali him who had fired at the window. Tim lad, who had heard the report of tlie pistol, said In- did not know, and no one else was in viow except B person near ibo stair of the brick black- sniiili shop opposite. O.i oxnminoton, tbo murks when* a bullet hnd passed through the pluisier wn# risible in tha wall opposite the window, leaving the inference that tbe shot was fired from the other side of tho millruce. Tho jailer, on inquiry, learned thnt a tall stout mnn, wills u fowling piece and n dog, wn* seen in the direction whence the shot must have procerdetl, about that time; and he n'so found that •» hole hud been made with buck shot (which he h**) in one of ibo panes in an adjoining window. To suppose that uny one would mistake lho elated bats of Mr. Mackenzie’s windows, in thetbird story of a Inrao jail, for game, is absurd. Hols, however, tru ly grateful for hi* preservation. Fuiur fOR Exoland.—Tho New York Post stales that orders for fiuur received by tlie steamer Li verpool are to be executed, notwithstanding the ad vance in prinu which has taken place in that mar- Let nine® the receipt ol (lie now* respecting the un favourable projects uf the kartell in England.— COLT’S BOOK-KEEPING. A PRACTICAL WORK UPON A PLAN ENTIRELY NEW.—The account, which form tlie bases of the science are classed under. Five Divisions, with definite explanations after tho forma of grammar and arithmetic.. Jt contaips a vocabuy ary of mercantile terms und phrases! Also, a k<£ Ixplaining tjfe nature and muhner of'Journalizing ench ofthe Day-Book entries ns n'praetieol accuunt- ent would ox {Iain the same to his pupil; this so simplifies tho science that any young man of com mon English education may acquire a knowledge without tho assistance of n taachor To which is added, Directions to the Learner, and Practical Forms for keeping hooka in every extent nnd variety of commercial houses; Public addresses, the first over delivered upon tho subject &c. &c. Published / by Thomas, Cownelhevnit, and Co., Philadelphia, and for sale at the principal Book-Stores in the qnited 3-iaw6m Oscar J. II. Dibble, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, R ESPECTFULLY informs the inhabitants of Suvnnnah nnd it*'vicinity, thnt he has bought the stock in trade of Mr. D. B. Niohols, and will continue the business at the old stand, Market Squnre, on hi* own account, nnd solicits a share of that liberal patronage hitherto extended to the old - concern. In addition to his well chosen assortment •I very superior Lever, Duplex, Anther. Leplen and ether complicated escupement Watches, he is in the daily expectancy of receiving a further supply of such articles in his line os will embrace every arti cle usually kept on sale at such establishments; such as Diamond, Gold, Silver end Gilt Jawalry; Silver nnd Plnted Wares, Musical Instruments, fine toned Ilexes, Barometers, Thermometers, Hy- dromotm, fine Cut lory, plated and bronze Lamps and Candlestick#, bras* and green Fenders, Spit- toons. Sic. Sic.; together with a large assortment of Military Goods, embracing uil that is requisite for ' lie equipment of a Soldier. N.B. Parti 'articular tmenrimi will be paid to the re pairing of Watches and Clocks,and their tints war ranted. Notice. D d. NICHOLS hiving .old M. .lock In trndo . iu Mr. O. J. H. Dibit!., tnkn plca.tire in raoumnwn.lln s him lu hi. old Irhmd. nnd . cr., and aoliolu Irani Ilium Ihnt |i.lrana|. hithrrm Jjjpj? 1 hi . m ' l Hi. buj'ki nnd pnjwr. nro hit wilh Mr. D. who D .uilmriud W receive hi. due, during III, nhrance. .UdOil Now stylo of Huts, RKCIUVEU Ijur b,l s Auiiuu, >n wThby ° “HT* 1 "' '<l»s|ily wl w JOHN MALLERY,