The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, November 02, 1839, Image 1

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ii rmuiHiii i« tiii
City or tarannt,
WJJEKLV PAPER—Tiinxx Dollar*, per an
hum,—Payable In advance
ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at the Chailes-
ton me*.
ET Postage muitbo paid on ell Comnunioa*
Tint*, and letter* nfbuntnes*.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 58,' 1830.
""eTHio Mayor of Baltimore offer* one thousand
dollar* reward for tho apprehension of tho incen
diaries who lately made nttnmpu to fire that city.
Tho A«igu*ta Con»Ut*tion*list,»ny*t "Wo see
a notice in one of tho MilledgeviUo paper* that the
Banka in thi* city have au.pended specie ?»*"£""•
we will state that auch l* not tho fact. The Bonk
of Augusta, tlie Augusta Insurance and Banking
^Company, and Branch of the Rail Road Bank have
vitally, suspended? that is. they redeem thetr
notes only in small amount*, when they choose so
to do? hut tho Mechanics Bank and tho Branch or
the Stato Bunk still redeem their notes, in any
amount presented."
A letter from Hamburg, dated 24th Inst., e-tyss
41 1 have the pleasure of informing yon. that our
town is now free of disease. The sickness has
passed off, and health ouse more reigns in our midst.
Our frioniUVre tow reluming liumo, and pmuo and
pro,parity lake. tl>» pl«" »f l ° ?*» °" r
.tract* wore cruw.led with wafon., and th.mar-
ahunu were bu.y filling nut tho o«cu..vo Ml, of
,1,0 plantar,. Wo receivedlhi.d«yulH,ut60l)bale.
Cotton." . ___________
Oslo —The Ohio8tnte,man (Vnn Buren paper)
give, cnuipluto return, eflho law electina .coord-
lee -In which the new Senate eumpri.« ll Whig,
an,l 35 Vnn Buren men I Homo, 23 Whig, and 49
Van Buren men. Showing a large V. B. gam m
both Houses.
UppunCANADA —The Chriatinn Buardlnn of the
10th .late,, in a pMttcrlpt. that tho grant Durham
mooting at Tnrouh, on tin, 15th, become the neca-
•inn of an .Bray, la which two poraon. wore killed
and many wounded, Tha two killed were named
Lopard end Terry—tho Termer of Yunge ,tract, and
the latter of Llnydtown. The Guardian .ay. that
many nf the ntltl-Durhamlto. came on tho ground
with weapon,, and Intimate, that they commenced
the fight.
Lower Canada.—The Quebec Guzctte of tho
17th, announces the nrrivul of the frigate Pique,
having on bo .rdhis excellency the Rt. Hon. Poutett
Thomson and General Sir Ricburd Jackson. The
Ooamer Cairo la was sent down, hut returned at
half past 5 P M.. without tho fri am. Mr. Mur-
doch, the civil secretary, and one of General Jack-
son's aids, canto up in tho Cunndn.
Departure op Sut John Colhuurnk.—The
Montreal papers of. Saturday announce tho depar
ture of His Excellency Sir John Cnlbtrorno, and
contain an address made’ to him. and his reply.
Tim Courior s.ys he left on Friday afternoon, and
was accompanied to the place «( emhurkutinn by a
brilliant eor/rgft, and much military display.
North Eastern Boundary.—The Woodstock
(Now Brunswick) Times of tho 12lh Inst, states,
that Colnnol Mudue nod Mr. FkathkiistoNAUGII.
have conc'n led tMr tour of oxpiunition through
the disputed territory, an l have proceeded to Quo-
Imjo. Tho purty attached to the expedition have
Notlilng has transpired. «nys tho Times, that eon
bo fully depend -d on as t« tho ra-uh of their inves
tigation i hilt adds as the rumor that no highland*
corresponding to tho torm* of the treaty have been
discovered, excopt at the sources of tho Penobscot,
wh»re they are said to bu "decidedly unddistinctly
marked." No doubt!
From the Augusta Constitutionalist, Extra.
Thursday. Oct. 24—12 M.
The Board report one death, from fover, during
the last twenty-four hours,
y- Friday, Oct. 2-'»—12 M.
' The Board report two deaths, during tho last
twenty four hours, from fever.
A CUM MING, Mayor.
S. M. Thompson, Soc'ry.
Thi Citt presents an unusually native appear
ance— our old friend sure dropping in slowly, and fill
up the side walks during the day very respectably.
Tho health, we regret to *ny, is no better, tho inter
ments on Wednesday being seven, and yesterday
BuildinglsrnpidlvprocrcsHing.andlhereis scarce
ly n house to be hud fur love or money.—Mobile
Register, Oet. 19.
Fires.—Two fires have occurred since our last-
one yjsierday morning nt about half pmt eleven o-
clock, which wn- found to pro-tied from the chimney
ofa house on St Michnel street, owned by Sol Smith
The second took place this morning about one o -
clock, in the kitchen of Mr*. Adutns. on Roynl
street. Both an. supposed to have resulted From
carelessness —Ibid.
Messrs. Ruiz and Montes.—The motion for
the dischargo of those gentlemen out of the cu-tody
of the Sheriff,at the suit of the negro SingueH. was
■postponed yesterdny at the request of Mr. Sedg
wick, until Wednesday at 12 o’clock, when tho
itnotion Is tobn made if the ChirT.ber* of the Com
mon Pleas b fore Judge Ingli* by their counsel.
John B. Purrov. We understand that Hn order was
alto obtained by Mr. Ptirroy from Judge 0 tkley. of
the Superior Court, to show cause why Ruhr should
not hedisrhnreed upon his own recognisance in the
suit commenced in that Court, by the other negro
.Fillah.—N. Y. Courier St Enquirer.
HamruroRail Road.—A train of 34 Cars,con-
.w -Mining 5011 Imie* Cotton, wus brought down on the
S Rail Rond on Thursday last,by tlm n« v Lncom »tive
Robert Y, Hayne. For a low w ek pa-t. from-
1500 to 2000 hales of Cotton per week have been
jbroughtdown on til-* Rou.l. nod the Company are
ipreparedto tnkeat least double tint quantity on
Since writing the above, wo learn thnt the train
fit yesterday consisted of 39 curs, loaded wi Ii un-
wards of600 hales; and that a requisition for empty
cars wRsmade, nsthenuml*ere.niph»yed In tho trans
portation nfiipfreigh', was insufficient to bringdown
the Cotton offering.
IVe are informed that the Company hare not
availed thorns dye<i.f theii righto* advance the rate
of freight at 50 pet cl. which tho charter allow*
them.although they have almost ihe pxehmve con
trol of transportation in cotiscqtiencu of tho low
state of the rivers. _ •
We hope soon to see the rich product of our soil
pouring in from all quarters of the surrounding coun
try, and thus off -rding relief to the pressing demands
th itlinvo been accumulatirig on the mercantile com
munity, loan exionth’irdly ever lief ire experienced
in this heretofore fivoied city.—Charleston Cour
Insurance Companies.—'TIib Journal of Com
merce says s—The occurrence, in New York, of so
many fires has dishrurtyued some of the Insurance
Companies, and we hear of one that is inviting a
return of Its policies, with an offer to refund the
premium* paid. We ought to toy, however, that
notwithstanding the sovero losses of late, the capi
tal of mo*t of tlm Companies i* yet full."
Sent**ckot “General Van Rensselaer "—
We learn from the Albany Dally Advertiser, that
Rensselaer Van RnnssoUer, convicted of setting on
foot a military expedition In the United Stnio*,
against a foreign power, wa* sontcmiud to six
month* lutpHwmment Iq this county jail, nnd to
pn^cfiMoflSdO, f
Macon convention.
WEDNESDAY, Oct. 23, 1839.
Th'* Convention met at 10 o'clock A. M., agreou-
bio to adjournment.
Dr Tliumus Il-ixio, i'ru.-ident In the Chair.
Un motion C C Ml.I* of Alabama, That tho
Convention bnnnmed nt *ts dully sitting, by pray or
to the Throne nf Grace. Curried.'
The President requested the Rev Mr. Cn**-I* nf
the Pr shyteiinn Church, Mucon, Ga , to ojmmi the
meeting by prayer.
Rev Mr Casrel* performed that duty. And the
Convention proceeded to business.
The minute* nf the Convention of yesterday wa*
read by the Secretary, und Confirmed.
The following gentlemon presented thomselve*
a* Delegates to tho Convention.
Georgia. Savannah— A B Fannin.
Macon—R K Randolph, Hon E A NLbet, I
Sen t.
Crawford county—H B Troutman.
Columbus— R AlcKensle, J I) Ch ipman.
Augusta—Wra Long*treel, J S Comb*.
Muscogee county—M Torrencu.
Millcdgcville—1 L Harris.
Henry county—A it Moore, A V Mann, M G
Dubbins, H Varner.
Lee county—Rev John Davis.
Alabama, Ferry county—M L mgdnn.
South Carolina—James Hnmhtuii.
Florida, I.eon county— H W Breeden.
On mution C C Mills. Ain, Thnt Jones Kendrick
of Wilkes county. Georgia, la* iiivlukl to tako u seal
with tills Convention. Carried. -
Un motion T Butler King, Glynn co. Ga. That
Thomas M C Prince of Ala, bo requested to take a
seat with tin* Convouiion. Curried.
O.i motion T Builor King, That Henry Shultz
of liuinimig, S. C. bo invited to tako a scat with
this Convention. Carried.
The gentlemen appeared and took sonta as mem
bers of the Convention.
On in iliou E A Ntsbet, Macon, Ga. That Uriah
J Bullock t>e requested to act u« Assistant Secretary
to this Convention. Curried.
Un motion T Butler King, Glynn co. Ga. That a
Committee of bo appointed by the President,
to Report to this Convention the objects of its us-
semblngo, Cntricd.
On motion C C Mills, Ala. That tho number of
the committee bo filled with 21. Carried.
The following Report from tho authors of tho
“Cotton Circular," issued from New York in July
lust, calling this Convention, was read ahd submit
ted by G -ii. James Hamilton, S. C.,previous to the
Prosidmits appointing tho committee of 21.
Aresoluibm wa-adopted by the mot-ting of South
ern Plni'crsHod Merchants, held in the city of New
York on the 5ih of July lust.
Resolved, That Gen J IiimUton be authorised by
thi* mo-ring, to make preliminary anaogoni--nis
with four or five bouses in Liverpool, und with three
or four in Havre, to tako tlm agency of receiving
and disposing of such consignments of cotton, from
tho Sou h, ns muy go forwarded in accordance with
such measures us may lie adopted by a Convention
prop tsed to l»e held in Macon, Ga., on the fmuih
Tuesday in October next. And that he he request
ed to lay huforu said Convention, what In* may do
in the premises subject to its consideration anil ap
I beg leave to report to this Convention, that I
have performed the duty comprehended within the
restrict ions of the above resolution. On my arrival
in Liverpool, on the loth of Augo-t last, I lost no
time in confi-ring witii the I'.llowin-.' houses,
Messrs Humphries & Biddle, Prince.* Holland.
Mol neiinx, Weatherly & Co, Barker & Co, Hoi
land St Co.
And on the 8th Sept., with the following houses
in Havre:
MussrsDelnitney A Co, Dnpnsseur & Co, Pitsey,
Veil .St Co, Lewis, Rodger* & Co, llotleimuir &
Co, Well* & Green, Bonncffe, Boigg-rnml A C i.
To all which houses, I explained fully the meas
ures wh ch had been suggested by the meeting at
N. York on the5th July lust,fin tho consideration
of this Convention and thu duties which it would
he expected that they would discharge; tinder lit.*
proposed agency, that by pluoiiig them Under no
advance in fact, ami merely ns the acceptors of
Bills, drawn by or endorsed by the responsible
hunks at tho Soit'h at Long Sight, it would be ex
pected that their attention would he diiorted to
the mn-t uilvni tagenit* »n!e of the ro-pcclivo con
signment* confided to their e;re, and taunting in
entire concert together ill reference, a* to tho best
interest of those whnso property they might hold.
It will he perceived that in submit ling the above
list of Hoiisqs, with the understanding 1 have had
respectively with them, that I have diin-liiirgod that
portion oft lit- duty confided in me. Therefore, with
■ he simple expression of my opinion, it merely re
mains lor tne to say, that every confidence may he
placed in the ability nnd disposition of the gentle
men composing these Firms, to carry into effect
those nt -asures which now form the subject of the
dvlVierntums of this Convention. It remains for
the Convention to make tire selections from the
above Houses, or to delegate lltu ttu-t el-ewltere,
ns they muy deem prupoi—ull of which is respect
fully submitted.
Signed, J. HAMILTON.
Macon, Oct. 22nd, 1839.
On motion of E. A. NUbet, Macon, Ga. thnt the
Report just read by Gen. Hamilton,lie roro'.ved nnd
referred to the Committee of 21. Carried.
Jo*. G Gamble, Florida, Submitted the follow
ing Resolutions, with a request that they rttuy be
referred to tho Committee of 21.
Resolved, Thut the Convention disclaim* all in
tention or wish by its action to obtain for American
Cottons, higher prices, than such us will naturally
result from the law of supply nnd demand And
the necessity for the meeting of the Convention
would not have existed bat for cotnliiuuiions and
measure* adopted elsewhere, for disturbing the op
eration of thatlnw.
Resolved, That while our habits and inclinations
lead us to prefer Agricultural pur-uits; we are well
upprised,ihar, if it shall become nece*«Hry, wo enn
employ a portion of our lubur in the production of
Cotton Yarns, upon terms which will enable us to
supply the Weavers of Europe, us cheap as can be
done by tho British M tnufaciurer. Su.-h n conver
sion of our labor however, is not desired by us—not,
unless forced to it in self-defence, will we have the
disposition to break up the commercial connexion
which exist* between the Cotton Blunter und Bri
tish Spinners.
Resolved, That It will bu exp -dient to take mea
sures unnuitly to procure correct inforoiation of the
extent ol the Cotton Crops of the United—nnd lliut
a Commitieobe appointed to prepare and report to
tho Convention, a plan for attaining said object.
Oo motion CC Mill*, Ala., that Col. Gamble's re
solutions ho received, and referred to the Committee
of 21. Carried.
The President announced the following gentle
men to compusethe committee of 21.
T Butler King ofGlvnn County, Ga.
James Hamibrin of So*»th Carolina.
M Langdun, John R Blocker of Mobile, AIu.
Wm Longstr-et of Augusta, Ga.
L Upson of Alabumn-
VV m Wyntt of Florida.
A H Flewelhoi ofJonos county, O t.
J TB Tumor of Stewart county, Gi.
John Woolfolk tifColumbus, Ga.
R S Hardaway of Alabama
J G Onin'-h* of Florida.
D M •Doigtl of Columbus, Ga
A B Fannin of Savannah, Ga.
J J Collier of Green county, Ala.
I L Harris .if Milletlgeville, Ga.
I G Seymour, Wm Hamilton und John Lamar,
of Macon, Ga.
E Wimberly, of Twiggs county, Ga.
J EG i«o at Troup county, Ga.
On in-iti-m T Butler King, Glynn c mniy, Go.,
That this Convention do now adjourn until to-mor-
row morning, 10 o'chtck.
The Trenton Gazette says, that in Millville town-
,hm, Cumberland county, tho Democratic majority
i* only 50, and that 50 of John Frank and BotiJmy
all™, are tow k-l-l TO. b, ibo e|.ctlon law.
Figures won't lie, and iq order to nip this false
hood in the bud, we give the result on the A««embly
ticket In that town*hip.
Democrat. Federalist.
Whitulrer, Ull, M
Jonas 174 | Whitaker, 87
Lnit year the majoriry was 106. now 87—19
difference. 19 vole* wu* a pretext for rsw*tu|
thtiusMds,— Woodbury Herald,
CT The Governor of New Yd^^ appointed
tho 28th d ■)• of November, a* a ddflp 1
Janes JervkY, Esq., wason SaiurdnyUitunan-
imttusly elected Pre»idont nf tho Statu Bank, nt
Charleston, vice Judgu Loo, deceased,
Our correspondents hava been dilatory in tend
ing u» returns from thi* county. From the follow
ing which we ye*terday, received it appear* that
Mr.-McDonald'* majority is 37, Instead of80, a*
reported in the Milledgeviito papers,
H. Brown,
Siotu Rights.
For Governor.
108 | Dougherty,
Fbr Senator.
149 1 J* H. Dtlworth, 140
W. E. W. Clark, 205 I
Wm. Cone, 181 1
Ratification, 199
No Ratification, 180
N. R.—I am unuldo to say whether ratification
stands exactly u*-it is above stated, ns l have nut a
statement of it before me, but think it 1* very near,
'y correct. Tho Governor's is correct os returned-
Tho Baltimore Chrnniolo of Thursday says,
" It is stated In letters from Now York that some
of tho Bunks there holding claims against tho U.
Stales Bank had determined to issue attachment
ugninst the bills nnd notes in possession of tho branch
of the United States Bunk in Now York and alleged
to bo tho property of tho United Stute* Bunk of
The Georgia Argus, tut able und forcible expo
nent of State Rights principles, ami hitherto one of
the sirongost opposition prints in the State, says thut
it is in fnvmirof tho Hon. D. H. Lewis, an admin
istration member, for tho high office of Speukcr of
the next House of Hcprosontalives. This is right ?
nnd we only wish to see more nf our opposition
Friend* tttkine " Timebt the forelock," and proving
thnt they are Republican* in fact, ns we): ns in itamo.
We perceive that our neighbor, the Sentinel nnd
Hornld, Iris recommended tho Hon. D'xon H. Lewis
of Alabama, ns a proper selection fur Speaker of
tho House of Representative* ut tlm approaching
session ofCongtvs*. Wo should like tn sen this no-
uummenda ion cairiod out So far as wo know
Mr. Lowin'* political opinions, they sub in exactly.
Ho i» h man of hits It standing for tnlnnts, und if elec
ted willem iainly curry into .h -Clmiras much weight
us any man who could he chosen .—Georgia Ar^us
24th in si.
The Monitourof Pari* of thu I4tlt olt. confirms
tlto intelligence of the appointin'-nt of Mr. PnuthoU,
late Minister Plenipotentiary of France to tho Uni
ted Slates, ns Envoy Extraordinary und Minister
Plenipotentiary to Constantinople.
It is rumored that the Count do Mornny will ho
appointed to succeed Mr. PunthoU as Minister to
the United S'Htes. Thi* diplum itist i* nconnection
of Marshal Soult.
It 1* also iai.1 that Mr. O. Sullgny, one of the
sccrettirh-Muflhe French mUriunin this country, will
ho nppoiutod Charge d'Affaires in Tezus.
Medical Com.kqk of Gkoiioia.—Wo are re
quested to «t»us, in answer to the enqiiirio* addres
sed to this city on tho subject, that the Lectures in
this Iustitmion will commence, a* advertised, on
the second Monday of November next. TlieTrti-
tce* are now engaged in filling tho vacancy occasion
ed by the lamented death of Dr. Antony, nnd of
which duo notice will he published.
The nowspnpor* which have advertised the Col-
lego Circular, and all oth"r* friendly to tho Institu
tion, are respectfully requested to notico this un*
nnuneement.—Augusta Constitutionalist.
Tho Ilorald, of Norfolk, says that during tliofiro
in thut town, n curious efi'ect was produced by tho
bursting of a cask of oil on tho wharf. 11 Tho oil
being ignited, run over tho sido of tlto wharf nnd
into the river, presenting the nppearuoci* of a cas
cade nf lire, and spreading over the wa'or, covered
it with a sheet of brilliuiit flamo."
A treaty of comtnorco and navigation lias ho.-n
recently concluded bctweun tho oriontul Stato of
Uruguay and Franco. It was negotiated ot Mon
tevideo, and signed by tho French Consul Don
Ramon Maria Bakadkrk, and tlto Minister for
Foreign Allitirs, Dun Francisco Lambi.
Wo notico In a Belgian paper, culled tho Com
merce, that tt company is ah ait to bn formed for tho
casting of typps, sto-co ypo, printing, lithography,
nnd paper m iking, which will hnvn n capital nfono
million nnd n half of dollar*. It is to ho establish
ed at Brussels, und will be sustained by the first
houses of Berlin, L -ipsich, and Loudon.
A paper making mnehino of un entirely now in
vention by Mr. Maxfirld of Boston, will bo es.
tablUheil. Thi* machiito will make 500 reams of
paper in a day.
The following Circular has been issued from tho
“ Bank of tho United Slates in Now York." It
bears date " October 21st, 1839:"—
" Sir—In compliance with tho instructions of tho
Bunk of the United States at PhihuMphia, I am di
rected to no'ify you, that tho payment of your notes
will be required at maturity.
“I am further ins true to i to inform you, thnt
from tho grent"d--sire of tho Bank Hi effect a settle
ment of thoso cl dm», they wi'l receive from you, in
liquidattun of the Home, their post notes, hank bills,
payable on demand, or the capital stock of tlto
Bank, nt pnr, at any lime previous to tho 5th of
Novumbur next.”
The Banks in New Orleans have followed tlm
cowatdlycourse of llhldlc A Co. How long will
the pH»idenfthu United StaL** suffer this humbug-
gery to lie continued? Are wn to In* forever under
the control nf soulless corporations, governed by
designing men, who neither know nor euro fur
the interests of the people? Wu hope aud pray
not. Imi the suveretg i peapl J In their majosty
sound thu tocsin? und lei lit- cry ho from the moun
tain to the sea board—*• the sub treasury, and no
mote banks'."—Mobile Register,
MOBILE Oct, 21.
Disease.—Wo regret to announce that Heath
have occurred since our I ist bv black vomit of the
must malignant cha-actur. Some of the persons
bnd but lately returned to the city, nnd others were
old residents.—Tim weather has been remnrknbly
cool, closely npprmtching winter, in the morning and
evening, though there uro us yet no * : gn*of a frost
Valedictory.-— Hon. Kdnnnd Burke, member
elect to tlm next Congress, took his leave of the
reader* of tho New Hampshire Argus nnd Specta
tor, through tho columns nf that pan -r of last Satur
day. Hi* valedictory, like nil hi* productto is i«
well written. For tho *ix y -nrs Mr. Burke filled
the i>eniur editorship nf tlm paper wh ch im hn* now
left, ho labored indefatignhly and ably to the end of
advancing the enuia nf D-m'tcracy, nnd. but tha'
tho people have hired pleused to place him In n
higher sphere, we should regret that hoi* no longer
one of our fraternity. In thnt sphere, wn doubt
not, Ids reputation will bo a* high u* hi* labor* will
let useful. Tlm Argil* wdl bo under th - conduct nf
Mr. Baldwin, fonuorljr Mr. Burke's partner, u
yuuttj' gentlomaa of wet and talouu—JJoatou Poet,
From the Southern Patriot qf Saturday.
The following extract of n latter ln>m a Merchant
in Uoston, published in tlm New York Commercial
Advertiser, who is chsr}e(orit4d as a man of
high intelligenee, great expreiouct end sound
judgment, tunifirms tlm opinion recently t Xpres«ud
in UiU p iper, tlmt tho source of nur present idrcun-
(ary otnb irinssmcnti f* tho Bank of the Uniii-d
State*. Wu would emend tlm explntmlinn of the
Boston Motvbtnt, by adding, these embarrass
ment* tire nut to ho solely nscrilual to over Import-
ntioiis, hut in n great degree, if h i* tmi theii prima
ry cause,to tho Itoavy advance* made by the Bunk
oftlie Urltrd State* toemtain the State at' lYnntyf-
vania in her gigantic scheme of Intornnl Improve
ment*. We Imlieve thnt the over importations of
the present yeat might have been in. t by the ship
ment ofa moderate amount of specie, if thut spec.e
had not been abstracted front mb r biinkin; institu
tions, engrossed by the bunk of the U nil ml State*
ami not remitted to discharge the liulunco of our
commercial debt, but to in- et thu lurge engugt •
mentsnfthat iiwiitution in Em ope.
•• At the present time, it I* bo ieved, all our diffi
culties urhe fiom the opi-rutinus of itsinglu in»ii-
tution.tho United Slate* Bank. For many months
that bunk has been drawing bills on London tuvoty
large amount*, witltou. having funds there utull
adequate in meet them. The effect bus been great
ly to stimulate the importation of British goods
tbs only ovor trad • which hu* tukoit place,w-whih*,
had the exchange* hcou loft to their nutuiulfoursc,
an earlier tendency to the shipment ofiprci* would
have acted as the snlutarv chock to those importa
tions. Tho necessity of tho Bank to ntuke large
shipments of spt-ciu to meet tlm bills ubotit lulling
due, bu* beau the chief cause of tlm present crisis.
It lints aggravated immensely tlm unfavorable course
of tho ruchutigns. Tho stoppage of payipentlry that
bank lias probub.o put an end to thi* most iron-
blesume drain. An abundant crop of cation nnd (lour
is rapidly conti ig to market, so that a few mutnlts
will be sure to turn the exchange* in. our fiver.—
In tho tnnan time the N. York hanks huvu made nr-
rangements for supplying thu market with the no-
cossary amount of exchange, which will probably
muko any farther considerable shipments of specie
From the Washington Globe, 2ith inst.
Why i* it (say the Whigs) that wo are every where
condemned und voted down? Tlto popular suffra
grain Maine, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland,
Virginia, North Carolina, Smith Carolina, Georgia,
Alabama, Tennesse, Ohio, IldtinU, Indiana, Mi*,
souri, Intvo all rce.-ntly rendered decisive verdims
ugninel m. “ How shall wo account far thisl We
tiuve cltargmi the D.-itiocrutic AdoiiiiLtraiimt with
overy odious crime which can bring u Government
into disgrace, and subject it to tlto detestation of un
nteiligeni, Itigit spit tied, viitituus people. We
Imve incessantly, without intermitting a (fay or an
hour, charged it wttn the foulest corruption—the
must unbounded waste and extravagance—tho de
sign tn m so the Executive power o:t the ruins of
the Cnnslilinion, und to convert the G wcriimont
into an olective n'.inurcliy. We have -dturged the
Executive with proscription fornpiidon's sake—ty-
rtnnictil oppression of individuals—an unrelenting
war upon the h-oiosl bunks, the sound currency,
and the Imsim-ss and Itast interests of thu country.
We have charged him with employing the public
reasuto to destroy the purity and freedom of elec-
tioas— f permitting, if not conniununcing and en
couraging, peculation und doialcution in the public
ifficcrs, aud ns wielding tlw purse nnd sword of
lie nation Itim-ulf, nnd at the sumo limo meditating
ho worst designs against the happiness nnd liber
ties of the people. These crave und larrihlo iicctt-
sntiims Intvo mil wnutod the greatest talent, direc
ting the most powerful machinery, to impr ss th mt
on tlto, public mind. AH tho groin men nf tho coun
try, who are exclusively to be found in tho Wnlg
K —tlmtn-istinihieniiulpresses, (which oiitnuin-
te Dent .cr itic pressus two to otto,)—thu mon
ey and commanding autltority nf thtt wealthy, the
w.-ll born, the well behaved and well duing ol.iisus,
have all been brouglit to enforce thoso charge*.
Our grant oral tirs la t bu San t! C ajid Houso of Rap.
resontutives ituvo, for ydtir* in sucectsion, hurled
them in denunciations against tlto A«lmini*triuloni
the great corporation* poured out thoso philippics
from tho press, and inon.laiod thu country with
them Our eloquent attorney* have traversed tho
country, and echoed thorn nt every town, v/l/ugu,
hamlet and crossroad. Our grunt public meeting*
have, in s dumu convocation, sanctioned them In
uvery new and striking form of preamble nnd reso
lutions in which they could hen.rayed, and our nl-
m ut innumerable dully and weekly journals |,u.e
kept up tho cry with tho indoiiuigahle wailings of
theloouat* in Egypt—und yet this most accursed (or
rnthur accused) of all the inuUAdintiiistration* of
the earth is evuty hour growing stronget in thu utf.-c-
lions of u wi-o, virtuous and iudupend.'iit people!!"
Tlmt tho Whig presses sh atldnow interrogate one
another as to this most mysterious result, i* nut
surprising: hut ns the causes which have made it
ao unexpected to them, must prevent a solution in
tho quarter m which it Is asked, wo will solve the
matter for them in a single line—the people know
thnt there is not a particle of truth in any of these
accusations of the Whigs—thut the l*iosidnal is
an honest mutt mid a patriot—that ha Is prudent,
sage, nnd studiously devoted to piumote the bo«l
interests of lit'* country. They know thut the Whig*
themselvo*, by a law, put lire s.vord und the purse,
fifty tltousund inert, nnd tea millions of money, at
his disposal, nt n moment when, If lie had been
ambition* of power, or Imd entei mined hod designs
again«t the institutions or interests of tiie country,
ho could bv a breath have kindled the torch of war
along our w holt! Northern frontier. In a word, the
people know tlto President nnd tho Whig*. Thoy
know Webster. Clnv, White, Bull, Wiso, Gtnvos,
Prentiss, &c. &c. They know Wcbh, Noah, Stone,
Weed, Gales, Pleasant*, nnd their mil of editors.
Thu people kttop truth end falsehood? they know
thnd ff rence between tlte precious metals nnd »liin-
plnstar*. f lense the miscarriages and lutrit-nUtiutis
ofmodorn Whigery,
Finn.—On Tuesday wight about 11 o'clock, tho
drug store of Dr. W. W. Young No. 33 South 4th
street, wa* discovered to bn on fire, T he lire com
menced under the counter, but from what cause
hut nut been lourned certainly.
Another —Yesterday morning between 5 nnd
6 o’clock, ofiio broke out und consumed the cm pett
ier «hop of Mr. Araor Walker,in Cltnrletou st near
Schuylkill 2d, together with a large quantity »f lum
ber, worko.l materials, und the whole of Ids tool*.
A two itory frame dw. lliog adjoining, owned, also
by Mr. Walker, and occupied by Mr Weymrr, wn*
considerably injured, the roof and guide end being
almost entirely burnt off. Mr. Weyrner’sgood* were
savud. No insurance at all on the property or effects.
No fire had been used in the premiso*. which puts
it beyond doubles the work of an incendiary. Tlto
whole was burnt down in a short time, nnd not for
the timely discovery of the fire by ««« «fthe .Spring
Garden silent watch, Mr. Weymer’s loss would have
been great, nnd path ms some of hi*family burnt to
death.—Pennsylvanian 24th inst.
Steam Packet between St. John, N. B. and
Boston.— fha lino on Transcript states that u
splendid steam packet, bui't nt St. John, N. 11., and
intended to ply that city and Bo-toa. will
soon l>o put on the route. She is called the North
Americ i. and i* to beconrnnnded by Capt. Thouiu*
How os,, formerly of the E i*te«n steamboat line.—
The North America It i* been built a* n snb»tnnihil
and perfectly firm sea boat, every regard being paid
to safetv, even at tho expense of speed. But -he
will bo it "fast boat," notwith-n .tiding, her model
being excellent. Sh • h is every arc-mini elution for
three or four hundred pn*«onger<, of all classes, nod
her cabin uinnge n-mtsaresu -orb.—.V. V.Cour. \
Sixoular —M • Vuvniglier, atieimm.ln the
Brazil* In* made tin; iniporWiii .HfOivery, tint gun
powder mixed with saw-dust in equal jiarts, has
thrice tho strength nf gun-powder alone. This i*
mentioned in relation l««*«*<'« »»hla*ti/igracket
i hough, if it i* a fid. wo cm so* no reason why
41,ch should II It tat the cs*c wh-n used for otbor
purposes. Ao objection to it* u*e for nrdiiuuce
nay probablv he foil id in tho fouling ot tho piece by
ho mcrujsed refuse fio:n Hie explosion—Ball.
Dr. Pock,of Wndii'igton, Ky. died Inn fiinfmen-
I excitement, during tb« Croat rue. over the Oak*
mi course at Louisville between Wa^nor and
NgU. U l» said that be bad $ 10,000 bet.
ICTTlio Intonilant of (.‘olumhia, 8. C,, has sot
apart Thursday, tlto 31st in*t. (tu-murrew,) as tt
tiny of Thanksgiving.
KTThe Lcgis'etotv of TcniMssne having cott.
vetted on the 7th l»*t„ Gov. CannoR delivered hi*
Valodict-'rj-, nnd Gov. PoLK wa* duly installed into
"ffico, after which Ito made an Inaugural Speech,
said to lm distinguished l»y great peiipiculty and
beauty. (Jov. Polk's official majority is 2,060.
Hunt! Swinton LEOAnE,o»'8.C.,l* quite a lion,
we percoive, among the Nuw York Con*vrvutives.
Ho Inis buckled on Id* armour for tho political
cru-ade—yet wo would wish to see hint burnishing
his bright holtnct, nnd wielding hi* keen edged fa I*
cbltJtt in h better cause. Mr Leo auk Int* horn fos
tered by tho Democracy—ho was huniittiii by Gen,
Jackson's Administration—Indeed ho wn* once
looked on ns n ery Ajax in the popular cause.
Surry, then, are wa to see him pmctlring the
pirouettes of Mr. N. P. Talmadok—tiny even rival,
ling him In opposition to the pro«nitt Democratic
Government. We see by the N. Y. Commercial,
Mr. Lkqark appeared nt n " great Conservative
Mehiiug," at National Hull, New York, on the 24th
inst., where lie shrine amongst tho most brill! int of
ibo "Whig" constellations. Really, *,» should
thick lie could hardly feel "nt home" in such com
pany. But Nimporte!
The NewYork Sun a paper scrupulously neutral
on till important party questions, 'hu* briefly dis
courses on tho subject of a notional bank: “ It con
centrates in tho country a mighty monied pmv&r,
which, if it fulls into had hands, as it Is very liable
to do, may become dangerous both incur internsi*,
nnd to nur lihortlos. Its cnpital, necossarily large,
nnd its oxtondod credit, are temptations too seldom
resisted, to an expansion of tlto currency, tlte undue
stimulation of trade and speculation, nlwuyHonding,
a* now, in bankruptcy and ruin."
Salk of Mnnus Mui.ticaums Trees.—Tho
Columbus Herald of tho 10th inst. says: Dr.J. W.
Turner, of this city, sold, on tho 18th tilt., cloven
thousand sov -n hundred dollars worth of Morns
Multicauli* troos, nt 20 cents per tree, to bo deliver
ed the ensuing winter.
We hope thu subject of reducing our Lngisindve
■xpensos by providing fur tho meeting of our Go-
i,-tul Assembly only once in two years, will be
brought before thatlindynt an early period of its
approaching session. Although the people hnvn
refused to unify the proceeding* of the Reduction
Convention, we cannot believe that they tire not do-
siroo* of some reform—tln-Jr opposition wits not to
redurti hi it -elf, but only to the plan pr ip»«t*d. Thnt
having fid nd, no practicable inode seem* now to
present itself for lessening the uxpuoics uf Govern
ment,hui liionuiitl «o*sloim.
Many arguments might In* mldured in favor of
ibi* suggestion, hut it seem* until to stuie
them here. The disadvantages nnd the expense of
suppoiting nnnually lor two months ut Milledgevilte
three hundred member*, wit h th'-ir nttmeruit* elerks,
me-'* -ngars, donrekoepers, stationary nnd printing
hills,&n. must strike the mind nt once? and Induce
oil who desire an econniical lulminLtriitiun of thn
Guv-rnmont, to cull for reform.—Athens Banner,
20th inst.
There wn* nn adjourned meeting of merchants
hold ut tlio Citv Hotel lust evening, nt which a com
mittee, consisting of ten persons, wnt appointed to
call upon thu bunks, to urge upon fhorti tho iir«c**l-
ty nfextonding their discount's? and to report die
replies given by the hnnks tlt another meeting t« be
In-Id this evening. It was resolved at the same time
that, thn banks ahoull hn requested to receive in
payment of debt# and py nut for unto* or bill* dis
counted, tho bills of such Mif' ty fund bunk* of Ibis
state ns they may designate? and further, that tho
Presidents of the several bunks should lm requested
to call a special mooting of the director* of tho
banks for tlto purpose of taking s imn immediate
notion upon tlto request* addressed to thorn by tlto
meeting. The following are tho mime-oftl)i)j,or*onA
composing tho conitnittea of ten: Thomas Dcutiy,
P. H. Srhonok, J. Ant-iry, Jo colt Tucker, Churl**
Wnrdoll, Gabriel P. Dissowuy, D, A. Cushman. A.
G, Stout. O. Thompson, Rolit. Jnffroy. The ropo.t
will bo road this evening ut seven o'clock.—N. Y.
Eve, Post, 24th inst.
NEW YORK. Oct. 24.
Exchange on England without alt-raiiun. Tho
hanks lira drawing at 80 days tit 9^ 110, and some
pi ivuto hl>ls are In the market nt O juO. Ott I'iiiln-
delphlu,$19110 wore sold at 89, and $1200 on Bal
timore «t IIB.
Treasury Notes—$1001) in Treasury notes sold
this morning ut par.
Every description of stock has gone down again
to-day with tho except! in of United Slut--# hunk,
which, Incnnseqtif ncu uf tho puhl.cation of their cir
cular rose 2 percent over the dosing price* of yester
day. Tho American Exchange Bunk fell cffi'3 ;,o
cent? North American Tnis*, Bank nf Commerce.
2): Fnimers Trust, 7 percent? Harlem mil road, 1;
Boston and l , »ovtdertce, j; Ulieu und Buliunoctudy,
l.—Com. Adv,
Tub Market —Cm ton remains quiet. Bid* on
Englnml BJitO prem. siil-»?on France 5l'22J? Phila
delphia ln.j; Augusta lln)2^; Moliim I2j.
The pucKei Iowa for Huvuuu tuku* $9utJU in spe
Hulfr|o]'nr*4 n i prom. Gold in$ prom. 5 franc
p(uccs93a96c. Mexican tlellnr* I4«2. Certificates
of Dcporit in Western Safety Fund Bunk* leivehoen
sold nt 6 discount.
Exchange on Philadelphia ot 3 o'clock, llullij
dis.—Jour, of Com.
Money continues exceedingly tight, not with-land
ing ill at the banks arc more liberal. One institu
tion, tlm hunk of Amorim, int-1 $300.1)81) offered for
discount nod did $50.01)1), mo-t of which wu*renow-
ed paper. Our hunks would exennd their arcom-
modal inns were. it. not lor the pitiful movements of
thcUuitcd States Bank, tlmt purehare* with their
notes, midi mere..utile paper as th -y (tin dispose of
lr tlto p.ip r of our Bunk*, winch, wlmu obtained,
specie is immediately dmnnnded. For thi- purpose
a nertuin auctioneer's notes hnvo been largely used,
wh-thor with tlm knowledge of that gentleman or
no', time will assuredly explain. S 'mo littlo
change Inis been made t-i-dny in tho redemption of
money.— From the Wednesday evening report of
the New York Herald of Thursday.
No. 30
From the Columbia Telescope, Extra,
OiMTNuu, Oct 18,1839
I'lirsitnnt to the rail of the Imrndnnt, n very
Inrgn and respectable mooting of rile citizen* of Cu-
lumitl.t Wus held in the town Hall, tocunsiderufihe
muutures proper to bo adopted by them in tho pra
wn! co -dI'loti of thu n 'Cnnlnry ttffslrs in tint couth
trv. Hi* Honot tha Imendmit was called to thn
Chstr l iin,| A. H. Johnston appointed Secretary.
file Clttdrmin having explained the ol(jeet of the
meeting, the f ultra lug I'reamldn and Rosulut ons
were Introduced by |„ Cli-v«*«, Jr. Esq.
" Hie eon'diti <n of our community in gently de
mand* relief. Merahants, planters, all citizen* alike,
with thoir eyes open to the impending dangm, linvo
united Imre to consult fir th" common goal. We
are h'-mme.l in with emliarinssmeuts, tli u ptudence
u.ntld not It ive.ivm tnd n -r economy nnd moderation
have iivereutne. Our pio i.i*enf n fuir Colton liar,
ve-t h t* been h ight^l by thu dr tight. What re
mains uf our crop, suddenly depreciated, hear* u
price hardly inure titan sufficient t • pay it* own ox*
prunes. Our Rivor, exiuiusted of it* waters, leave*
n* destitute nf transportation. Our merchant*, un-
able in c ms.-quem-e, | U dispose of tlm produce ul-
romly in tltolr bunds on uny terms, have not tlm
means of mining their most moderate engage
m ‘tit*, much less uf venturing on mnv pureha«os ?
und the planter’s cotton is in vitin hawked about the
street* in scorch of abuyor, while the uadi r's goods
• ro gathering dost upon their shelve*. Many of
nur patriotic rltDen*. w ho hnvo devoted o pnrtieii
of their m tuts to promote measures of domestic
nnd foreign communication nil important to the
State, are mtw culled no to make payments ut a
time when payment i« impossible—to their loss ami
mortification, and the threatened ruin of noble un-
ilor liking*.
• /it rids nnlmppy e„mliiluii of ilifngs, ourrll-trons
i* inii-tiielyiig-jravoted by the want ofa in umv cly.
cutaiiou, a h-outlo nvun to th * most limit 'd truns-
notions of trade. The'u*ual present d by
rim hank* fo.- tld* purpose, they lire emupollo I, by
the instinct of s-lfpresetvariun, to withlmld. Tlte
difficulty nf olive ting exchange, hitig sitiao ernlmr-, nt present Inon ase* dally, under tho in-
Itaeiiuu of •u*pen«ions by tho Bank* abroad. In
IMiilitdelphiii, Washington, Bolt I mote, Richmond.
Norfolk, and In Pmvidenne, R, I*land, the Bank*
have nil, with two exceptions, in Charleston, tu»
pended specie payments, end there is pndmhilhy
that tl.n*e of N. York will not long liorimte to fol
low the same cotirm. The doninml for speeio upon
our own institu'iuus must therefore, Inevitably, be
come excessive, nnd a resumption of even the m**t
ouutiou* nccommod at ions would expose them to
such dangers ns thoir interest und duty nliku com
mand them to avoid. Our banks, wo well
know, nre safe in tint pioseut juncture,und it j* with
o vie-v to make tlnuii safer, b .t with an entnesi
dieitudo to avail nur.elves of tlmir assistance,
without impiil|^pg tho.r s-curby, that wo a o now
itssoinblml. Be it t< urefoto,
Rftnlaed, 1. That, h iving eut/rn confidenco in
tho iitlicer* and director* of the Banking institutions
of thi* Town, nnd of those w hole In'uiichcsonigcn-
cics, have transacted business among us, wo refer
to tlmir deliberate judgment the adoption ufiuclt
meu*urc* ns muy relieve us in rids em-'rgoncy.
2d, Thai Ifin thoir opinion tho ttrriotU dvnllh
of the requisite currency for the common purposes
of Made, enn only bn relieved hyu -suspension of
specie piyments, we will c. rdially approve tho
proceeding, and misinin them in it.
31. That, I-st in o-msnqooneo of t'ds cmrsnany
suspicion should nttueh to tlte credit and good man
agement .of these institutions, wo declare lliuy in
our opinion they ore Inn perfectly secure condition
nod entirely able to meet ini' responsibilities ns
twill I, unless tlio emit t ary be d-mniidp.l by tlm ne-
cessiries of thn community whnso interest th* y Hie
bo ind to defend.
That a Committee nf three 'ie npp dnted bv tho
Chair to wait upon ilm Officers nfllm d.fferent brak
ing institutions and ngencio* of this town, with a
copy uf tliese proceedings, un-l to hava them prin
ted. • •
The Preamble nnd Resolutions having been road
and submitted by tlm Chairman, tha mover cow
ei*elv n Idrossed tho iifoling in their support.
Mr.'Myer* inuke in opposition to thorn, and mo
ved that they he rejected? tliat h'cbmmlltce iffi' ftp-
pointed to enqitle into the condition of tlto Commer
cial Bank, trad that the mueiing should ndjonm to
Wednesday evening next.
The (juostion being put, tho meeting refused to
Mr. Caldwell saal n fow words, explaining that
the call for thn meeting originated among the mot-
Mr. Ewart informed the meeting thnt tho Direc
tors of rite C'ommnicliil linuk, on Wednesday lust,
lind d't -rmmoil not tosuspoialtnud that those con-
neetod with tint inithuiion Imd nn share in getting
up this mooting.
Tho qiio*lloH recurring on thb Prenmble and
Ro-oliiilcn*. Mr. Myor* moved thnt tho 3j ro*olu.
lion be strcketl out,
Mr. Tnidewell spnke In opposition to that mo
tion, and generally in auppiH t uf the I'rpitmblo and
The i|M'*stioti being put, tho m-itimi to strlka out
wn* rejected.
Tlm Preamble nnd Resolutions were than adopt
ed, a bn ist nn ml mmi *ly,
Aud tlm meeting adjourned, sin' die.
R. W.GIBUES, Cltairmtn.
A. S. Johnston, Sec'ry.
Another Proof.—Wo have ns vet heard noth
ing from rim elections in Ohio hot thu principles on
which Mm* opponent* of the administration conduct
the. content aie pretty *igailicaiitly iiulict<tled in the
following paragraph from the loading whig paper
in Cotcimi ti published tit t day before the election.
L t it lie raimonliered too tlmt this i* rite district
represented in Congress by Dr. Duncan, who i<
often cited by Southern Whigs at proof tlmt tho
Admioistration party in Ohio, nro leagued with the
abolitionist*.—Charleston Mercury.
A word to AniMTioNisTa.— Ihe Philuntliro
pislailvines the Hamilton county abolitionist* to
keep away from the election on to-morrow. " I too
wiJJ sp-ak mmo opinion," Every nnti-sluvery man
-Itould Id* vote. There i- always a choice.—
Tho state of purue* is such, lit >l the Abodtiouists
mint look to the opponent* of the admlnUirnliuo
iiloue to aid in their views. The men in office, go
heart and hand for every prv'mi*ion so: up by slave
holders. Ami if any abolitionist refuse to vote, he
giv -sa use upon himorif to tlte men in office, lie
aids bis enemy, su<l desert* hi* friend.— Cincinnati
Commercial Bank of Cot.UMntA.—Tbo Pre»i-
dnot of thi* Institution has tran*oiitmd the following
answer to the Committee appoint'd nt a public
mooting of thu citizens requesting a suspeiidun of
ipvciu puyinents:—
Cofumbtii, Oct. 24tb, 1839. J
Messrs, A S Johnston, ?
I I) Moiideca i, vVtc. j
Gentlemen!—Q i belt) If of tlm B -aril nf Direr*
r*, I an d to inform you, that the Bunk
It is received, and -tiihj- ct-d to tlm mniuicst const-
ib-ration, the proceedings of the citizens of Cola n-
bin, recommending a suspension of cash pnymonu,
and tlto adoption of measure* of relief fur tho prus-
rnupentlie money nuirkot.
Tlto Buird has broil;lit to tho investigation uf
thesesti'ijccisthe n-ix'ousdeliberation which their
own Importance require*, und which is demanded
by the very high and ru*puotud quarter ftum which
the cdll i* mude.
In thn present suspended state of our transporta
tion, which render* it impossible to cany produce
to market, nail in tlmvury flnciti iting and dangerous
condition of tlm market, ilnvn will, of cour-e, be for
the present a litni ed demand und a limited offur for
For thi* restricted commerce thoBourd will make
evuiy efl'a'l co -si*tent with the su ety of the Bank
to supply the fond* relying on the go.iu will and kind
support of ilift co-ninomly to sustain them nmidit
surrounding difficoltie*, nnd trusting laat if these
diflic'illit 1 * iVom abroad ctntinun to press und uccu-
mul ite, tlmt the geu -rous confidence ofthocommu-
nit), u* tliey Ituvo hu<l the kind ms* to express, will
sanction them in any messuie which it
may liecottte expedient to adopt.
1 am. very resitvcilully,
Yourobe-lient servant,
httthrn Hni«lWk*w.)ns w. II a* the entire msr-
rmtlle btirirminhnt looks to them for aid.—South
CnroUstan,'Folk ins'.
m ■ CHARLESTON, Oct. 23.
Tn* NkW HoTxr..—It it with pleasure we wh
nounen to tlm public that rids splendid Establish*
mant, with h, but ot|him i monthss'ncowss literally
levelled to the earth, hit* Itetin raised, Fhoenix Ilka
from its allies ami U n»w in towering pride, and
benuillbl nrcltiti ritiml symmetry! cnuimentlng ■
tX'Mioi of our city, equal If not oxrelltiif any other
In Bin Union, fur line sub-tantial building* offerinff
to tlm trivollrr nnd tmnidor all tlm conveniences
and comfitt t* tlmt ran possibly bo obtained spare
from the domestic health. -
Tlioextctiornf this edifice Is Well calculated to
attract Um ottrntion of the st nngernnd gratify the
pthlo of tlm citizen, nnd we are Informed that the
htiing up of thn interior is «uch ns wnll comports
with its otttnard nnpeuram e. Tim Icsseo nftho
establishment, Mr. Page, fur merit ofthe Exchange
Ilolel, Baltimore,is an expariuncedgantlrtnanitl Ids
vuculiou, and from hi* well known repetatinn, wa
ttpiy safffiy otigtir tho future piospority of the
Charleston Hotel, Ho ha* our best wishes far his •
success, und we therefore Invto for him tho pa*
Tonngn which w e woll boll ye he will spuro no
pains or expanse to merit.—Courier.
fNTERMRNTs.—During tlm week ending last evo*
nlnfr, there worn 55 intaintant* at tho Bayou cemo-
tery?25 from thu hospital, 19 of yellow fever. At
tho I’rotoituiacoinctery,*, 1 of ftver.—
From the N Y. New Era, 24/A inti,
With ut prejudging n matter which Sa already be
fore a vt ry competent tr bun d, wa cannot help ex*
pressing our stirpri-o that in o civilized o-immo*
nit)r such conduct should be tolera'cd ns hosinatkifed
the c-turso of tlto ubol tlunUu In this matter. Such
nr ckless us-of ntenn* to nt.uin attend—such •
end und continued perversion uf trutlt—so much
malisnlty and 'want of principle, detestable ns these
would appear at uny time or in ui>y‘per*on,ara tre
bly so When peeping fto mho assumed mass of
sanctifiention mid extra piety. It mu-| produce a
good off.-ct in the end, but in tho meantime we re
gret that sinincors should rveivu so bod an imprrs*
sbm of tho ju.tice of our laws and tribunal*. A
coupluorfcr-'lgners, unconscious of violating any law
—just escaped from n*sa«*lnntlon and a«king tho
pr<itectiun of our court* tiEd acting with the aanctioa
of tlmir minister—nre thrust into jail i it tlto suborn-
od nflidnvit of an uneducated Ignorant heathen, who,
did not understand tint lu -gauge in which his affida
vit wus word-nl. nnd who wns perfect’y blind as to
thu nature utid obligation of his oath—nay
thn pious personages whoiuitigatnd ibis proceeding
ttnuld not have known whether the negro was ataU
awn re of tho outturns of the affidavit ho wus swear- ’
This Is just tho light In which this honest transac
tion will be regarded abroad, nnd we hopo th it tho
full credit imiy hu divuh d among thoso whoUessrve
Tiik Last I’ltojxcr.—Tho discoverers of perpet*
uni motion have hnd tlmir tiny. Time was Mlmn
all tlio world wns ngog for tlm Idg reward offered
by tlio Bi itirit government? schomos wore abundant,
und each new one excited n great share of public
int-rest. Now n days, although some howildered
•projector comes forth, unco-h, « while, with a cera .
tain discovury of the long sought dosidomtum, it Is
ntily to meet tlto sneer* of tlm newspnpors, and the
utter imhfferenco of all newspaper, readers—or,
which I* tlm tamo thing, uf every ltody. Mechani
cal ingenuity is driven to now expedient#? and here
I* nil account of tlio lutest that has fallen within dur
notico, Wu cut It, tho o h- r day, from a pnp«r U-
istioil somewhere in tlm Interior—it' we remember
aright, tlm Cleveland HeVuld.
Air NAVtaATt'tNl—Great DlseoveryllI—For
5,000 duller* premium I will pngagu to transport
an expreat mail regularly between Now York and
New Oi-lrima in 15 hour*!
Tlto subscriber hogs leave to announce that be
has invunted a balloon with which he can navigate
tho nir in tray direorion nt pleasure. To the gov
ernment, nnd to tlio public at largo, such a discove
ry must bo nfthogreutost ronscqnriica, as it will,
in tlio conveyance of speedy intelligence, entirely
suporredu riioumofsteamlmuisand railroads. This
invention is the result of Inng'Tnddoep study. The
hitUoon, when constructed, will carry five hundred
pounds weight with ease, and travel at tha rale of
uno hundred miles pur hour, if required.
N, Y, Commercial 18/A inst.
Weakness.—Wp vu<u*rd«y heard thi* word for
cibly 11*0)1. A friend of nure, n western in tn, who
had been d-iwn with thu lever fur ten days past, hud
just crawled nut for un airing. On asking him how
ho foil, lm repliedMost powerful weak—In fact
I um so weak that L can't ruUa a dollar l"—X O.
It wi'l lm seen by reference to the proceedings of
h town meeting, tm Snitmluv last, in our paper to
day', that public application lint been made to our
Bunks for relief, in thu present mon ed emergency,
nnd virtually, to su-pond specio pnymen'*. A* tho
Branch Bank and tlm Agenciu., ore governed by
thoir Principal-, In Charleston, thi* call applfc*
principally to the Commercial Bunk, as the only
wholly indenondent institution in rim place? nnl we
a>e gutifivdio lourn, that \l has declined to suspend,
but lukon measures to afford all necassary pecunia
ry roliof, especially toward* the purchase of cotton.
This is Mtiothpr striking ovidcncp, not only nf ib#
soundness of thi# excellent inatitui'on, but of the
general good ss'me* comprehensive views,aud snimd
banking principles, wludi govern its uffsirt, new, as
heretofore. A littlo time wdl shew thu correct tie##
of its pulley, in the present ins anc- 1 , n»t only for
its own sake, but that of thn business of the place
al-0—espociully if, as scums daily more und more
probable, lire New York Banks do not impend,
which will plncp the Charleston ond other Bunks,
which have been somewhat dm busty hi the mutter,
On Munday night inst. the store of LewIsBrotvn,
No. 148 Market streot, Philadelphia, was entered,
Tho burglar possessed him of a package containing
$430 in bunk hills, a bank hook containing, $1,909,
und a bug containing $50 in sjiecie. In his retreat
from tho store, be dropped the bag uf specie and
tho bank book w itn thu $1,000.
Yesiorday, by tho Eastern mail, Mr. Vansint, tbs
po#tmn*ter of this city, received the following lot-
PHILADELPHIA, Ocr. 21, 1839.
Sir,—If thi* should not bo called for before 8
o'clock on Thursday night, vou will plunso send it
back to Lowi* Brown, 140 Market street, Philadel
phia. It is thought that ho has returned alreadjr,
I'Inase forwnril imnimfliiintoly by rolurn mail,
Tlto letter wus ondorsad "Postmaster, Baltimore,
Md." "Haste?" was postmarked Philadelphia,
and "paid" fifty cents. It contained a package of
biink nmu# to tho amount of $300. Mr. Vansant
forwurdod tho pnekago of monuy this morning by -
tlio mail to r hiladolphla, to Lewi* Brown,
Thera is somathing mysto Ip as fa this robbery,
tha return of the money, and the other ciruum*
stances. Tlto rubber, wnmycr he muy be, U evi
dently ii novice in bis business, and will, more than- -
likely, be detected by tlto very moans which be hu
tukeii tuuscupe suspicimi.—Balt, Patriot25lh.
F>omthe Qni bee Mercury,Oct. 10.
Thi* day, at a littlo ufmrone, tlm steamboat Brit-
irit America, having oil board his Excel moy Sir
John Cob'urnu, wns announced from the telegraph,
nnd a guard of bmioi iminodintely murchrd to the
Q eon's Wharf, to reeiva his Excellency on lan-
ding. At two o’clock, all preparations beingm ide,
hi* Excellency cumu oil short*, under o sajqte fio 0
the Citadel, and wu* received by th>- guardsoftiwo-
or, with tho c-impl'm**ms duo to hi* rank? he then '
ii ountud hi* linrsn, and oroceedctj to Pa)ne'* Hotel
whme up tn moms hnvo iicbii pr- pared for hi* recap
tion (luring hi* stay in Quebec. Sir Jubn: was at*
lelnb'd by a numoions atail', by tho bead* of the mil* >
linry department* from Munireul,' and by Dtefivd
offituis of the gnrriotn, with the officers of st. ff
11 dopurtmontahere.
H * hxcrdleooy w«s loudly cheer* d an landing,
ond rep ntcd'v during hi* passage through the
streot* to the hotel, and aguin on his way to the.
Cast **.
A 3 o'clock, ill* Excellency tho Right Hon. C.
Poulett Thomson disemburkod fom the Pique, the
yards of tbo ship being manned, salutes fired from
the ship a id Citudel. Hb wa* accompanied by tbo
commander of fhe fitrees, Sir Ricburd Jackson,
and attended by thu officers of his suite and.ifaoe*
of the funeral’* personal staff? carriages were in wait
ing, in which tbo whole pirty proceeded to the Cm*
il», nnd Sir John C'ulb-rne having abortly arrived,;
thu coremonyof swearing in th-t new Governor took
place, tlte commissions being read a* usual. So far ■
n* we could a*cerluiu,thcy are essentially*the same .
u* those hold by the Earl of Durham: but tlio room i
wss so crowd d tlmt it wta pot an easy matter to
catch tl>e exact tenor of each sentence.
After i he ceremony w.tsover the magistrates waft* i
ed up n hi* Excell ncy with th-ir address uf w<-L
come Jon his airval. They were received with
courtesy? atid tho answer was in all respect* satis- 1
factory. The magistral)-* were then, at his Excel-'
lency's request, severally introduced to him.
The Governor General after tbo ceremony pro-
cpcd.-d to Schlrup'* Hotel, in Ssint Lewi* street,
win-re hi* Excellency remains to-night,. B id in 'the
evening will ontertain hi* Excellency Bu John Col-
borne and a 1 irge party nt dinner.
Tho Mercury contain* the' Governor General’s
p -odumarion, «nJ Id* answer to 1 the address of tbo
migistrate*. They pra^eut nutblng i f particular f
in rtUicran embaniusing predicament, (own in a 1 eta Herald,
Henry Gr-ttan, in « well written Mography. of
hi- fnriter, tlm grrut frish oratw «nd poUtidan,
say* of (l urge III. with equal truth and tenouess,,
tout "tbo Empire was lost when tbo khtf wm ia
K its-ession "f hi* senses, lr was recovered poly when
n was deprived of th -m."—Boston Morning Potk
Suicide.—Mr, Benjamin Osborn, uf Southbury,-*
In a stale ofmemalderange nent,put a p*rlod tu hie
lifn yos'erduy nftt rnoou, hanging himself In- bis*
bint. He waslalHtringn iddr tlhi hallodqkUontUgr
It nirelf and family werao tmlng to want, nnd were
bo hired nut for heir support.-JY. IU