The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, November 02, 1839, Image 2

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1*0 KT It v. m w-drli l«* lied "•«*•*• • Ktatisive rbcula.lro thee Um* MbrWHif. •*/ Hir Wiiliem Jotf*- I» Uiwthrc |Nr IMM* lira tifpRliietiS'R *"• nod Is dMtatdsH'd (m •tiwngth end b^n*»»- •• •ol wspr-s* e sentiment that dura not lied • «**l In rwn fnm Ult. AM DDK. What cntmhnlrs t state t Mm M«ti n erd helilemewt. mr Ulmred mound, Tkfc-li • sd «>r meet' d fete— . Nut citiesproud, with tilin'* end t'HtrtsenmlHnl— Nut l«« • nnd 'mmil nrm-d |i"»t*, Where, laughing at Mir storm. rich males ride— NuUUltrd wad spanKW courts, Where low-Imuw.iI Immon-s* wafts perfume to pri'h’ No! men, high-minded melt, Willi p«imm* a* lor above dull built?* endued' In fmam, brake, or dm, Aa been* rami mid rock* and brambles nele— Mm who ihrir dut ms know, llut know tbeir rig lit*, and, knowing, dare maintuin, 1’revent ibo long-ulmcd blow, And crash the tyrant wld'r llry rtndilie rbain, Theaoeonatitula a Mate; And aov> reign law, the stele's eollertod will, O'er thronra and globe* "Isle Siu empreM, crowning good, repressing ill S Stnit by her sacred I'rewn, llie fiend distension like a vapor tiiiki. And e'en tit' sll-dstslmg crow n Hide* Iter faint nty«, and at horbkldlng •ink*. Such wat Mil* heaven-loved l»le, Than Lesbos fairer awl ihe Cretan shore. No mure aimll freedom »mile t Shall Britons languish, awl he men no moreT Since all must lifn resign. Those sweet rewards which decorate die brave, 'TU Tolly to decline, And steal inglorious to the silent grave. From ike United Rlalrs Gazette. WAKE! DEAREST, WaKE: BTWIM.UN R. MliNRia. Wake!drare«t, wake! die summer Muon Is beaming on our lovely bower. Their harps the night wind’s stiffly tone. And sweetly hreelWa oath op’ning fiiwer. As dews these silver skies impart. That fall on every laid like haiio, So Nature slieds upon my heart The quiet of her holy calm. Oh! who such fairy acme can see, Nor yield hellerhi fairy power* Than ope those elfin eyes awl bn The Queen of Mils enchanted hour! But no, I will not wake dire now, Korin! soma Heavenly vision snails Across thy breast, and on dint biuw, Thu glory of its home reveals. Some ray from ott'ning Eden flung Seems round tny rosy cheek to play, More bright than hoes by evening hung, Ta deck the roles of closing day. Say, shall I break thy drenmsf 'iwpi® sweet That I rpighl hid tlieni By, to press Those lids that well might turn to meet Some sitter angel's sod caress. No dearest, happiest, slumber oof Though night her loveliest charms comhino! What islba scene I gate up.-a To visions of n soul like thine ? York, Pennsylvania. ThR nttsT Atlantic &tkamkr.—The success or the great Adamic Htvnm Experiment, having directedmlillle attention to tha .nhject—a fiieud has looked liver the old newspaper* for lira Inst IB nr SOyaare, with tho object of obtnluing some pm. ticulars In relation ta dm first experiment nf tliu kiad over made in tMt ooimlry. From those we lmrn that anew and oh-gunt steam ship railed die Baisnimli, led New Yoik on the 26th nf March, HI ID, on an ocean voyage by steam. The vessel was into .sled as a Savannah awl Liverpool packet, awl wasonmmandwl by Capt Moses Ungers. H was owned by a company of enterprising gentle, man in Savannah, and was so constructed as tu lm tiavlgablo In the usual way, with tha sail*, when* •m tbo weather should render thsuie of her sleam dangerous. While in New Ymk ImUr, sbo wu. visual by hundreds, and made various experiments In tha neighboring wntors. One of tliosu is thus do* aoribodt TIIUIIftDtY, IK.'HMIER Ul. IB.1B, IT lbs N. O. lautinniun,nf tba tlih test., .sys that the N IN leans llsnk swill ha t-iflqwlxd to n snow |ia,ioieats in spncie, "should the New Yotk Banks emetinoo to |ior*uu their pita of redramteg tbeir wees in rash.” WHOLESALE LITEIIAUY I'J.tJ.NDCIIINd. On tin* lilt of the present month, wa roph-d from llie Charleston Courier, a beautiful piece of p>«try, In-ad'-d " Lines suggested on the loss of the •hsip of wat Hornet " At the lime we tliought we had in llie course of our tending, levelled in (lit splendid imsgery of die p.mmUfori?—)«t publishod whh ilia following guarded remarks!— IP* Wo copy from tint Charleston Cottier, n piece Ilf poo y in blank verse. It purports tu lie wtitn-n by one of our cititens. Tin* lovers of true poetry—natureI Imagery, and harmony of num* 'sts. will at once say that the author bat poetry in hissmil. We were so delighted with ilia lines and struck with the idea that wo hud read them Iodine that we determined to discover whet her they were ori ginal nr not Tim result has shown us that some wight has imposod on our contem|Hirury of the Charleston Courier, for tint " lines" may lie found verbatim, racepting in the first verse, 12th lino, who re " angry gulph" is siihstituied for” Atlnntic flung," in dm |Hiernuf dm 'Mato N. T. Cahuino- to.v, edited by Ids son II. E. Carrinutu*. 3 vuls. IS mo. London I US I," Tlmy were never republished at large in America ; but any mm who will refer to dm te- pnhlication of tho Edinburgh Review by Foster, of New York.willfind a criticism of Caukikmtom's l'ocms, An. HI. p. IIH. Tim VkUmUlphia /m/ulrrr has slsu been dupml, for it has copied thorn without remark. Oilier pa' pers have, no duulrt, done the same. Wecertainly c innut envy th'ise who would se.-k literary fume, hy such mean.} neither do we admire those who are fond of practising such deceptions. Tin-re was wh in limclassicul lions practised hy a form r resident of this City U|am a i'liiluililphiii Reviewer, who rouily jumped at the idea llmt Mr. Wilok, cnminliied a plnginri.rii from At.cures, in hisla-aulifiil line*,"My life is like the hammer Hose." llut diem is none that we can sou in nierel copying from u tree [umt who has gone to " tho laiurne, from whence no traveller returns," uml signing a fictitious name to the filched production. On Monday last • trial was made of her speed, Rad although there was at no time mote thun nn Inch of ataam upon her, with a strung wind and tlda ahead, she went within a mile of dm anchoring ground a* Stnlon Island and retort m| to Klvmitrltet wharf, in ana hour and fitly minutes. When It I* cnttsideird that she iteulcululcd to U*ar twenty in- chna of atenm, and that her machinery Is entirely new, It must he evident that sha will, with tram, pass any ofdie steam hunt-npuii our i.v. rs. Hut cabin Is finished In an alcgant style, and is fitted up In the most inity manm r. There are thirty two berths, all of which are slate rooms. Tim cafthi for ladias Is entirely distinct frem that Intended fur featkuaen, and Is admirably eulrolnted to aD'ord that nerfret retirement which is so rarely found un board passenger ships. A Narrow KscArc.—The loiluwing anecdoiu may be r»M un as authentic t—A fat titer w Ini at tended nur races last week drank so ofion " pottle deep" that lie became inioaVated, and verified tlm adage—ta eiao omritasl fi.r so strong wete his compunction* for having negtectrd the duties of Ids business, hy all •tiding the race instend uf !«ing ut the bead uf Ids harvt-ters, ami thecloial on Thurs day evening threatening an uiifavntnbk* rliann* of Um weather, that he determined to esca|te frum all ftitare upbraltlings ofcunarlence by enmmitting *«• ieldal Accordingly liu went into the simp of a druggist In this city, and asked for a packet of nr ante to destroy tat.; the proprietor, sinn-k by tba iaeolMrancy ef his speech, and tlm strangeness of his manner, tnl.l him that the law furl ado his selling It, unless the stranger was accompanied hy a witness; the applicant limn went out mid i.otit - dlatitly ratnrned with another |mr«on, to whom it aeamad be was a strangnr, hut who, for a " treat," had contented to arcompuny him tu the shop though ho was Ignorant of the rent oSieet rf the farmer. Tho druggist still sus|(ociing that "all was not right," made up a packet not of atsenic bat of cream of tartar; hit customer then departed. The fanner went hoiirc, tu Ited, and secretly to -k hli supposctl poison, immediately afier which feel ing an "awful" internal rumbling, he called his wifis and family to his bedside, confers d that the reproaches of his conscience had driven him uf desperation, that he had brought arsenic, had taken It, that ha Twit his death was at hand, and therefore beoopjurad all tha idle to take warning liy his fate aad forsake, before it wat too late, tbo p*t! u «; Indolence and dissipation. f The consternation this confession nrcnskated may be imagined, though it rann*ilhe described.- the potr *wife In hystetic*} tl»* f,mining Irarre fly. log tutbe medicalatten.laot oftbe family;promptly did he arrive, bis (mcket armed w<th a stomach pomp! Galen soon discovered that tlm desperate nun (red taken cream of turier.a td in eommunica- Mag tbo fact to all around him difuseil a joy ami eoagreiuJation In which tho doludml man mo.t ocattily jetned. Oo Tuetd ty last his wile cuino ta the city purposely to thank the.druggist for his foresight ami phila, ami at tli- same time assured him that tho narrow esca|w of Iter hoshaml he already wrought a ref.trmatioa in his conduct a»l that sha belived he would never agin neclect, * fMMilnm she knew be might keep •"juynwnt of rational iSMitiios —nar/sni l imes. KT The following from that sensible and al»l« prim, the Southern Put riot, orChnilcton, nntlor* sea, Slid more fully eapre-ses our sentiments of Mr lluuti Swinton Lkoakk, Wo hope tho Ihdon will never require the nitl of such e Cuunus, who would plunge into the yuwnlng gulph, os n leud-r of the soi disunt "Hpuitao Baiid"(!)of Conservatives! Faugh I This name smells M „k of British Toryism. The Hon. Hugh H. legate, nd lr- .red a litre. msetiog of Conservatives ut New Yorlwm ihe'ddd Inst. I ho Whignnd Conservative pt|K*rs pionounoe v«7 "•«« culogiutiM on his speech. Tlm Cummer* cial Advertiser,says—" Too s|*cech ofMr.Ie'gnra was one of great ability—of sorpustiog c|..qo.,i,oe mid puwt r." We have given the proceed ngs en- pat t of the History of the Times. ItaiiiTats to os, how eve., whatever force ofuloquence might have been eahildled by Mr. legate, and tumiim* is lo.s inclined to Helmet from his iiitnlleciiml powers than out solves, ihut the lissuu of his present ntgo* m. nt, li-.wever hrilliuntly wrought, varies in tm re* jioct from ilmt which formed the web nf his Con- trassional Hferts on tlm same topic*, with tldsdif* eretifu, that tlm stnplo Is a.imawhut w.-ukunetl hy Iteing diawn out. Wo believe it |* now several times that wo havo, In Mr. L'ssiKwchos, hemd tliu allusions to the black broth andiron money of the Lacedemonians, In derision of tha Administration plan of keeping, collecting and disbursing the pul * lie money. This, with several other ll.omos of p«.. Iiriodlnvertlvr, are somewhat hacknlud in the re- isjllti.m. although we do not dmiht they were made |*u *ul srly * ff strive hy tliu art and address ofun uc compllslied rimiiir-ciaii. Tin* Naw York Conservatives might have •Itartul themselves tint tiutihle «»f repeming their pledge of •• •mcompmmiatng hostility to the re- ales'tinn n| Mr. Van llttren?' Tint fiat has gone rortli. 1 lot issif II I* In en fairly miolo up. The people have decided thut Martin Van Horen slndl he re-ehmietl 1'iesident of the United Slate., mnogre llm ediirisof tliwt Mjiurtuii Hand, the Comer* til Ives, who alone think themselves fated to ssve ihu He- public. NOT SO FAST. ,-Tn* Columbus Enquirer, in enumerating the llanks that Itsvre su«|ieiid.'d specie payments, men tions thti.e of M,iron. Whereas, tha Alm-un IlHtiks hiivaae/ su-pendtalt However, we think they, os well as the SuvNiittah Hunks, evince no wisdom, in pmimming a they will very shuitl* Imciim- •ellevl hy the force olT'irenm-lances to adept, j hero s no use in hesitating iimldahhermiogiibouta tliiuw tlint we know must ho ilonu. In taking u cold hnih, tlm sooner the plihige is mude, the souner will thu shock bu over.—A!neon Telegraph, 30/A inst. From Ihe A', I’. Com. A do , 3 HA inst. Mittieo of Msaratars.—A nemUr of lataitM *s owe asss-mMM ut the City llutal on Tt^s* day ew-nlne, Inna.sder llie |He-rnt •iiiiarion uf aff'sri*, and devise mraiis t->r sta b si I to the mrr- raatlle rummaidiy as the rtlgeixy uf tbs rim* re quires. The meeting was cmtlnw-d aver »•* last evening, wlait tMefiy BOO of the prim ipm busitiess men nssemldfd, and the f.dlow ing re|x» was made hy a rummilti o aptadmesl at lla- liirii'er meeting. That after such Impure, nod deltlx-ralions a. tlm limited time would ed .w, th y have deemed ' es |iedient to present timf.dluwing views ami revolu tions for tin*C'.iiildiTHtinn <>f ltd* m>e log Wlten tint sus|N*n-ioti of the I'lnind -i|thla bank* was made known in o vr city, tint wh |.v community willingly put futlh tbeir inergks to sii*t*ln »Imj whiilesume |K>siiion of tnir insTlulitstis, with a full Ittpe nf a reciprocal giaal feeling in return, at ms tht u period n« the cotntniMi safety would admit. Tlnil perkai having n tw arrived, it Iwcomos tie- duty uf all b> fix upon Mine* course of action which will provide in the im*st elT-ctual manm-r t»r tlscis grtwral pro eclion and brnelit. Titey ilterefoie re- cummeml th>* following res-ilurinns 1st. JtesoUed, That tho tinm is now at hand when the abundant crops of cotton, t'dmccu, and hteatl stuff's willBflcctuiilly relieve llie present em barrassments, nnd thut assistance is required only for llie next r ew months. 3d. Resolved, Tint a committee often he appoin te«l hy this meeting to end u|hjti tin* sevcrnl Uuks, to urge tlm m ci-.siiy of i-xtending their discounts; and ilmt the snid coimniiteu ascertain from the linnks, in wriliug, amlrepotl to the in eling lo-mui- i tw evening, such I auks u« will, and such ns will nut.c .tiqily with tilts tev|U st. 3.1. Resolved, That iltc hunks bn revpiested to receive in payment for debts, and puy nut for mites or id'ltdi«<‘nunlud,tlie hills of such siifety fund hanks of tho • uto as they may designute, itnd lh«t th<- cutninittev- nvcuitain nnd repoit to-muirow evening, wliiit hitnk* will and what hanks wid nut comply with (hit request. fill. Ri solved, That the pto«i<letiU of thu sevcrnl hunks In requested to cull a s|K.’ciul meeting nfiheir ditecior* tw-monow morning, for Uie purpo-e of taking iminediute net.on u|xin thu requests made in the foregoing resolution*. Alii. Resolved, That util-,a some cflectmd tm-n- sitris ofteiici shull ln» iminrdiiilely udupteil, we set! mulling thut rnn avert the prostration nf tin- me-, muui,ruc.iuiiiig und cummuiciivl classes of the city. Gilt. Resilient, That a committee of tluco lie np- pninicd l.y tint eltuir to retire nnd icp.-rt the muni* of gentlemen to compose the committ-u of ten, un der the secoinl lewiluthvtt—wlterettpon Joliii M L-avitt, Archihnld Grucie, and Ilobeii Lillie), Esqs. were appointed said committee, whu reporud the mimes ut tlm followingr Tliomus Denny, Guhtiul I’ Disosway, I' H Schenck, 1) A Cu*hmuii, J Atnmy, A G Stunt, Jnsepli Tucker, U Immpson, Charles Wurdull, Holieit Jufitey, 7th. Resolved, That this meeting adjourn, to moot at the City I Intel un tliu evening ut rim 34 It instant, ut 7o'clo«k, to hoar tho rupoit of their com- mitterl nod that the proceedings of this meeting ho published in tliu dully p ipcts, signed by thochuir- mnn nnd secretary. l'KTKHH. SCHENCK, Chairman. J. Avomr,.Secretary. A sul»-coiiimittoe wus nppointed to wnlt upon tho hanks this morning with the foregoing reaolution*, und to obtain their decision thereon, consisting of Alessrs. Amury and Deiu.y. It is not to be donien that there is a grant nnd in creasing excitement among thu mere.lm -Is. They insist—whether justly or n«t wo slixll not attempt to decide—ilmt either tint hanks or rite tin-tuliauis must givu way. They say the protsiire cannot bo endured live days longer, mill that, Unless relief comes to tli nt in somu slitqie, there will lm such a crush as tliu country bus never before experienced. „ , , MOUILK. Oct 39, Busin mi.—In \ Itiug the suburbs this moruitig, we were much gratified to find themr uf but tie wld.-li • rvaded tho aiioeia. Suverel vrs*. Is are un‘ ad- ng, and must of the wlmlesalo |H*op.o seem busily employed in upeniug llieli winter supplies, while m llie tetail store* a lair lornt might hero nnd there lie distingo'shed, pnrchailng the usual nick nncks. We Ihi|h- a rise tuilie ttver, or an early Iro-t will a« M in take place, sad furnish us our usual busy time* at once. Oi l Jack, it is pmlmblr will not ho seen be fore tho middle of next month, hut If a gum! 4(1 days rain make* ita appearance, wo shall bo noarlv corn.|. ly s'ltialiid. 1 The hvaltli is not one iota bitter, nor has tint disease lost a jot of its maligna, -y. Nix iiitermunts wore mudit yesterday, and lour tint tlay proviaus. I once went to tba theatre. The trtgedy of Hamlet was pci formed onlay positing aona. noble thooghts. ami much mUU morality. Tlta audience listrncvl with admire- thm and with applause. I said to myself, " it mu-t SliLr 10 ”* •»»*« empire over mao’s uttmtenu and eiifiti.ui*. 1 But Ru*v an Lalian wmtaulmnk appeare.1 on tho stage—n man ofex- ^ ‘ • l ’. 1 «rv*nd. h.' per. ,rid “. -si di-.«w3 MlMylW.., ,ui|iri*in, .ml umimur.l ^ If.''*!>• uti-ii b yonit g—hw l f il»y> | W. d.u.h, H,ml«MVy w ' “ W , “ rB 1,1 *!•" mountebank. Tbav had lutcoed »wiih attention to the lofty. ,hau»h "J*l fa— «*, "whw. i.|lba .Imrf U*M, vppl.uM, nr niling nwa*. mind. .b.'n . 7_i .!T“-rr Kl Sm of lb. #0.000 in.. IIkai.tii of St. Avuvsnar.—Since tlm puhli* catiou ulyrstrnlny. wu havo had an interview with tlm gontluman there referroti to, who aimires us thut lli'tt'k'li there was a good deal of siakHcss in St. Atigotiine when he lell it, yet (tint there wus no yel low fever The diseast*, hy the symptoms, is pnih ably what we rail tin* "Broken Bone fevet,"uml is not considered mulignnul, yielding readily intrant- men! in general. Wo are very glad to Iks nhlu to mnko this cortectiun, nnd sincerely li.qie that Si. Augustine may never Itise it*reputniion fur Iwalth. Titomisapprelionsiun origiitau-ti.we are uuw inform ed, in the stivatement nf a private letter in reference to a single case of fever, nnd I* in nowise to be Mini. IhuihI to the gentieinan to whom we have alluded. —Chav. Mercury (Jet. 33. Fr*» tux South.—The steaner W. Gaston, Cap; I'oinsett, srriv.Hl from Key lliscuyuu ou Sun day .a -t. 1 lie W. (4. has exjverienoiHl wry severe weatb- r, having to put buck to Key Uivrnyne for fuel, and make a harbur twice under the*lee uf Cat* Canaveral. Among Iter pjssuiiuers are Lieut. Col. Il.irn-y 3.1 Dragoons, Lieut. |'o. |e, 3J Artillery, l'uraer Slocum, und Fa-sod Mulsh p nan Smith. U. & N. Col. Harney, we am liapny to state, is rapidly its covering from a severo inJ.a|—• - bus been afflicted. il.sjHisitioii, with which lie Key Utseayne continues wry Iwalthy. as well as llie posts of Now Smyrna, Fmt< lemdcnlalo and Tietce.—St. Augustine Am 35/A t nst. From the. N. Y. Jour, of Com. 35/A inst MEETING OK MKHCHANTS IN UELATION TO THE FINANCIAL CRISIS. Tie* extreme scureily of money in this city has indtired n tnnvemnut on tho part of sumo of our tnerchimia, with a view tn nhtuln relief A Hirel ing wn« held nt the City lintel on Wednesday eve ning, at which a committee previously appointed, made a re|*ort. In neconlutica with iu rerotnmendnt'on*,nunther committee was now appointed, o wnitupon lliudif- feront Banks in tin* city, ntid rcunt-st them, I. To enlarge their diwuunts; and 3. To take the notes of idl Snli-iy Fund Bunks til par. In tho eoursu of yesterday. tho committee per formed the duties tissignud them, soiiehiug from each Bunk, ns iiistrueied hy thu meeting, n written nnswrr to the tippliciillm. I^t.l evening, ut 7 o’clock, ngreeahly to n.y.uirii. mem. n nmnertHis meeting of morohanu and others nssemhlml nt the City Hotel, te hour tho report nf the committee, nnd to take such order thereon n.i might be deenual expedient. Mr. Thomas Denny, whs appointed l'reiid-mt; K I* WiHNlnill', 1st Vice l'resideiitt John L oyd, 3d Vico l'resldent, nnd Jno. Amury nnd F S Lmhrn », Secretaries. After which, tho mooting was callxi to onh-r hy tho chair lit dewtard safe t » trl cvs llut community al l "Nltoakl Ilw ti|ggesiion* remained In* .b>rm* d pt ar* tirslde, albr due eontuHalton with llie ufikt-rs of »or Hi) II inks, ties inriituiain will cMqte.ata la e drying tlwm latu • f-ct. '•fiie Itoeul dr.tre um- to rx|*ress ihrir |*rof.Min l •ym(aith) with lb- m- iHmhis nt ties city in tl*ir pres* at sown- writhl pre»»m», and-their de.ire to do every thing in thrit p-wor to ulirvi vte tin- exist. Ing dist-e**. "J. II. I1EE1LS, I'retid. nt. Thk Mich ax ics' Baxr hate " Resolved, 11ml the Inliiiiutn nHinertl..n among tlm several Hanks of this city, in all their ho*.ness relations# renders it tm|xMsible for any ihm- Bn k to tlorbla up«m acasinrs sahnnortant ns iIiomv teiptiml by tite Alrrcbunts.•Meclianics and Mni.nfn. tun-r* ut lheir tnocmtf Inst .evening, wilhmit first a*retitiinii.g titfi views atal inu-tiliuns yf tlm other Iiratituiinn*of llie city, and this Board, tlvi.'lnn-. la-g leave resjajet. fully to dscuiai sr.ting ujmih tlm subject at pn-sent, llte^r however, nssura *'ie that lltey are willing Ui agree touny iiH>n*ure which may Ini adopt- eil l»v nil llie principul Banks of tixi city—and tluit tin- I'lesid.-nt ami Lashler lie rr*|uest' d to attend any nNieiing of the Batiks that may bo called in re- Intimi to the subject." Th* Manhattan Com pant have Resolved, " 'I lint tho Bon id of Ditrclors are and havel#een inostdesiro's togivaall the re Win llieir (Miwcr to uilevinte tlm iutenso mercantile distress which now unhappily exist* in this citv, and thut they will make u*o of till the means ut their dispo sal for this purpose, consistent with theii duty to the Stockholders und the faithful |H'rfnrmuuco of llieir engagements to tlm public " Thx National Bank bus “ Aetohed, ’That this hank has heretofore, nnd will continue to extund iu discounts, ns f,r us in its opinion is consistent with the inqverntive duty ini- ptisc.l on it, of innintuining spi-cin pnytuenls, tlmt thi.l.iink singly, und without run suiting with tho other city hunks, hustily adopt tiny s|N-citic reso lution on the subject matter or the resolutions of the meeting nfon-snid, tlmt thu 1'resident und Cashier In? dirocte.l ncconlingly u» consult with tin? officers of the other city hunks tut tliut subject, und report the result to this board." i f ,,K Bank or Amkrica, "feeling nn anxious licitiide to do all tlmt they can to ullev ate the wants of the commercial interests in the present emergen FHHIAY, NOVK.MBEH I, 113V. L7*TIm slnatn parket Oavannah, Capt. Faxa- LAMt, was to have left Hsltituore yeslervlny after imi. ii at 3 fur Hav-ianah, Chsriotun. 'J-'nh Inst. 350 share* L\ 8. Bank suld at 77j a 70, at New York, STEAMBOAT SOUTHERNER. This la-auiiful ami OMumodious boat, touches reg ularly at our wliarws, Kim is thus spokun of hy tliu Rust WorldA Advocate. W* run our IlnrlJn AJtoenlr. W. run endorse our F torula conteru|torur)'s statements from actual ob servation t-J ^ 1 tlx 8uuTHKiuiu>^The steam packet Souther ner, Cuptuin B (fiQpaving put into this port lor w.MMl, un her wuyltt Ft Augustine fniui Charles ton, wo had an opiKNtunity of examining her beau tiful iiimh.'l a»d splendid interior uccommodati.inB. We congratulate our im.ghl>orsorthe "ancient city," on thu increased facility nod comfort secured to the travelling public hy this uri alignment; uml think it siteaks higldy for rite public spirit anil enterprise of those who have ell', cted it, and doubt not that they will renliic u rich rcwunl. KJ* Most sincerely du wo tnist tlmt the following contradiction of tho rumored death of Gen. Jack- ion, the |m. riot, the sage, and the soldier, whoso devotion to his country, oven his enemies nuvor, is correct. Living or dead, his nutno will ever l»o inn rued in tho heniu of nil freemen: Gknkkai. Jackson.—The Pldlndelphia Gaxelto of yusteidny on tho nuthority of n letior received in lid* city from Luuisvdle, uddre«sod to a mercantile house in Church alley, Hi.iiounru* the iIcmii, of Geo- entl Ju.-ks'.n. Astl.o Somliein mail of last even- Inc hri'.gs no coulinnutiou of this intelli-erc.-, wu trust the report is eirniioous.urd lImtthe vvuenihle patriot .t|| Ives*with the pro- ( ;cct of tears before ’I lie GnXrlto is ut leu-t mi<info nt-d a« to him. The Clmirmiin adilrassed the meeting os fol lows Gentlemen,—The huge number of persons whom I *ee nnuind me tnusl In* sullieieiit proof to nil. ilmt thoiwruii.ui which 1 nil us iogeth> r is one of uu or- tlinurv interest. Tho inurahnnts uf New Y..rk do not like to alto id to wlmt does not concern their in- tu.-esu, their business, or themselves. Wo limy llirrefnrv conclude that the s bjcct on which wo havo met is one of deep nnd general In'erust to tho commercial community. | i egret extremely tlmt one so young ns 1 um shmild have linen cuPml on to preside ns your uhnlrnmu. But for me rea-ons, many who an- older und mom oxpjr'encetl, and iMigiit to lie here, were not willing to incur tliu re sponsibility. What ver may have been the opinions of the venerable and gnllunt old ointi of Tutmesseu on eertuin •tihjtvis, tlieni is one tiring for which I admire him; lie never sh.imk from taking all the resjtousihility. And in that trail of his chnrncter, I mu sure tlmt ever) man should imitate him. It is known that ut tlm previous meeting which was held, it remised to reipie-t tho Bunks to make every possih.e exertion tu rel' ve the present commercial distress, niul I will now rend the IU?|Nirt of Uto committee which was appointed to curry that reso lution into eficci- Tho committee up|MiitiUHl on Wednesday evening tho 33d, res|M‘ctfully report— From the Globe. COXSKnVATUMTHK SAMK KTKRT WIIKRK. The pre*«*rvAlton of alvutes, ami the rvutenness tvTtlw British system, it Conservatism in Enelso,l. system, it Conservatism in England. 1 be maintenance »f Bunk aluise. it Conservatism heie. W lint it is in Chiua will be seen from the following* "At bottom, it I* far le-a tl» evil effects of opium on the cmiliiution and moraU—sufficientIv shown hy the tree permission given by law and religion to use anient spirits ta any * tent—than the dread or innovation, and the terror uf foreign aggression, which have actuatod tho Chin— —- lion uf the upium trado. nf C. MT 00tWO •dvor- four tu fiva ^ tMa^^liJTJ .Vj* ll i*V U . for 1«€ sISi.// r ^5j| f *" n ’««fafa fa ta tlwir peraecu- Thera never existed such conservatives as the Chinese—llie Ja- p«iuoo«c»|.lcJ. Tlwlrburrur of iimi.v.iitin rn,. umrf.nut only .nliibilwuplilcd uuMuiu «il lb. wiy mnh.«k.n. A .blpbulU .lib .ay euawnSmt ifnpiMienaml, wikjIJ b. „ nudilv c-<m- •b*mnM in Clima, ,. on. wlih a hlw itcMitinihla fuualry. N.| roan daro., raepi by uaallli. u bava any Nlifbro but u. ibe Kroparor. With tba CbbM., I-fall lalipun i. a .|*cU rf Cnn. (i«fafa C “—• “* an)any tbln, bat irfbfaa, and bara not a .pa,b rf e«bi«la.m‘ A. 10 Mhiea and itbllMopby, any opinion I. daiwr “ fa “fa fa* -.wrtalias, by dua S.IWJ yau. ^o.-).'rf,aui( On;i(l,. 7 " That nt an early hour this morning they rnllcd t»n the different Bunks ami presented the official ac tion of snid meeting, with the reque-t that they W'.u.d favor us with their answers in writing in time for it* to report to the meeting this evening." He then rend the letters from the different Banks- (Wo have made for tho Giorginn a synopsis ) The Bank of New-Yoik will agree to extend rind, discounts from 5 to 71 net cent on their Capital, prnviJ.-d the Banl a ill this city, generally, will do the same. l.t reply to resolution the 3d, of tlio meeting of Mciclmuts am! Traders, respecting the Notes of the Safety Filial Banks of this Stale, the Buurd uro not yet ready to give a definite answer. Extract from the Mimecs of the Board of Direc tors ol the Bank of New York. A. I'. HALSEY, Cashier. To the Committee of Merchants, TiaO, r.,&c. I'llr.NIX Bank.—Their discounts now exceed their tcceipl*: |h-y desire to increase their discounts as soon as lliev ran sm? it safe »o to do; und will no* ojM-iate with thu ullwr banks in receiving safeiy fund money at par. Bank or thk State or Nkw Your, replies tlmt ••y. will extend to them nil thu facilities within the jiurnnimint duty of maintaining specie payments— hut th?ems it inex|milient, nt present, to receive nnd pay out lho no p* of safety fund banks as required.” The American Exchange Bank will, provided nil tho hunks will ngrcc,axtt?nd its discount linu/rn per cent upon its c.upitul, nnd will receivo upon do* positu and in pnyment and pny out safety note*. I"* Lkathxr -ManvrACTUttKiu* Bank—' Will yield to ha drulers all thu uccommodutiun in its |tow«r; und further,thut it will cheerfully concur in uiiy measures, calculated to give relief, which mu' bo adapted by the Bunks iu Now York generally.’ North River Bank.—Will extend its Imo of discounts fivo to ton percent of its capital, if others Hums thinks it would bo sufo to do so; will du whut the others do generally about sufuly fund mo- nay. The Merchants'Exciianok Bank.— 1 "Will ox- pttntl its 1.inns to sustain tlm Mercnnlile, Muuufac' luring and Mechanics interests of New York as fsr us pos-ildc, consistent with its obligations to tlm public," blit is not prepared to give u definite an swer us to safely fuml notes. The Commercial Bank, is "prepared to co- operate with tlm Bunks generally m nay measure they tnuy deem it *1110 to adopt to relicvu i|m wains ol ..iir bu»m ss men. Asnnyexpuiisii.n on ilu? pint ol the smu la. Bunks, without thoconcuin-iH nc ion vd llrn linger l:i*tiliitions, would t-xposo tlm former to a ruinous drain nf coin to meet balances, it will ns.dilv be percrivrd that our course must.-f n-'ces- *'». Im? governod hy tlmt pursued in Wall straut," it oxptossesiis rend 1 ness to contribute to 11 result in nccnivhiico with tbo wishus nf tho mere hunt-. Bank or thk N.Y Dht Dock Co.—Noquorum. TiikCitt Bank will continue loallurdulltlteie* li.'f, In thu s|iii|h? of discounts toils deului s, l lint it has tho mmius to give,—in utbnr winds, all tlmt is coinputihl" with its ability to tmn t its own obligu- tioiit. And Ibnt it will v-ry cli.-erl'ully unit.? u-ith the other Bunk* of the city in nuy general mea sure that may he deemed p.ucticub einutlurdiiigihe relief roptiied. On tin? subject of receiving nnd pitying nut tho notes of Saf- ty Funds Banks of ibis Sun-, whil- thoy uie Im l-.w tlm specie stun.lnrd in New York,the Board lire of'.i|>iiii-tn tlmt tlm tnetisiiru would bu at tended with ilistqMTnble dillicultii-s. Tlm CliuiriiMii srid tho Bunk or Commerce hit. not diminished their discount* to nuy cnusidenihle extent during the lust thirty days, and ure tliAj.u,i «| ittdo alt that they can. consistent wjih the safety of Banking Inslil.ilions—and purlieu Inly their own —to relievo tlm present un pieced ntrd pressure of the money market. After m a lii.g the letters, it wn* on motion Resolved, That the thunks ol this me. ling In? given to the Committee, und tlmt llieir report bo ac cepted und published. On motion of Lewis Tnppnn, Resolved, That a committee be app. luted to rniikti mu immediate request to the Bunks thut they will tnke ni. nsures to hold u Convention ol nil the Banking instituilons of tlm city in tlm cuiirse of to morrow. with a view to increa.iMg their discoutUs, and .vlfiir.lmg such other relief ut the exigencies of llie crisis requite*. Which resolutions being iinnniirouriy adnptod, Messrs Tliomus Denny Messrs Junii. Aniory Win I* Mhlor Uola-rt Julliay O Thompson F S Luthror. Fctcr H Schenck A G Stuut G I' Disosway Chus Wuidell were nppointed a committee to curry the same into effect. It was then, on moti-m, ' Resolved. Thitihi* commilt. e report on Satur day evening, ut 7 o'clock. After souin lemuiksliy the Chairman, Mr. Dcnuv it was ' •* Having long been tlm recipient nf the Safety fund Batik paper of this State, mid being now n la.gvr holder of llieso notes, tin? question of pnyins them o .t as a currency, is one iu tlm d- ra-ion of which, as a matter uf delicacy, thin B ink must fol low that of the other Bunks in the city. " As regatds extending its di«cnnnU, thu Bank is not nnlv disposed, out determined, to giant all the aid in this respect, which it mny consider consistent with iu own security." Tux Union Bank—Wishes to extend their di-* counts prorata with other Bonks, but drum* it un* ••do to extend thrm beyond their nrripu unlu-s others do the same. It ctuinat cr.tertaiu thu pro- positiou contained in tlm third rt-soluiiun. The Mkrciianta* Bank—" Will, at every ne cessary sacrifice, continue to revleetn all Us liabili ties iaspecio. ' "The receipts and payment of the Safety Fuml money nf the iutcrlor, teem to them Ms be imprac ticable: and if the mtuuure worm edupted, it would at give the general relief anticipated. , "This Bank w.ll increase its discounts five p 1 •nt, on tb« amount uf iu capital, provided Um other city Baaka will simulUBeuusly Increase theirs In llie same proportion." North American Trc*t & Hanrino Comta- N|—" Will cheerfully unite on any plan that may Resolved. That in the opinion nf this meeting there is no ahoriintivt?— if the Bunks do not nffonl,there must beau almostmiivmsul Bank- rujrtc.y. Tlm meeting then adjourned lo Sntunliiy evening October S6ih,at 7 o'clock. 8 ' Til. »MAS DENNEY, 1'resident. F. 8. I.ATiiuor, ) Jonas Amort, ) Secretaries. ThoCliitirtiiaa 1 licit said.— Wbile thesv communications w. re living read'o ihe meeting, the Secrotury has taken down the mimes of those Bunks which on? willing to t ike Safety Fund notes FIFTEEN of the Bunks ureiea- dy toad -pt the measure on nondilinn that thn other Banks will also do it. EIGHT Bunks mu not as yet prepared tu conn? into this arrangement. Sonic of them with for timo to consider it. Uthers have mudo up llieir miml* on the subji*ct, and cunsidet it iniprui-ticahle uml inexpedient. Your Committee have now laid before you an nr- couut of nil they were directed to do by 1I10 in.-ei- ing lu,t evening. The ohj-. tuf that meeting was, that a commit tee lie appointed to wait on the Banks. And w- now have it in wiling from almost ull the Bunks within this city, that they have lie,11 doing and will do nil they cun to su*tuiii the jnorchnuis of Now York. The tner b ints of New York know whether that nt -a«uruof support will uiiswer their puri».se*.— As 1 sii.1 In-foie. iu?.Im|.s uf ill •>• egbt Bunks many of them will change their, int.-niion, when they • the other fifteen Bunks me tvudy to take the Snlety Fun I hills. A large |.ni|Hirii»u of tlieni wiil I think ml q*t ihe same imwrarc. The rejniri of I lie c.o nmil ee wus then u>'Cepted by the nieclins, w ith loud cheers Mr. Lewis Tnppnn, Mr. Lloyd, Col. Stone, Mr. Disoswuy, Mr. James B. Clurk ad.Ire-.-itI the meeting. On motion of Lewi* Tutipnn, Rrsolvtd, Tliut h coiniiritti-e lie appointed tu inukc mi immediate iwpi. st to tin? Bunks tliut they will take m-n*ure# to hold u Convrmioii of all the kinking tm-'Jtutiou* of tho city in tho course of to morrow, with a view to iuc.ieusing their discounts, nod alio ding such other relief us the exigencies of the crisis require*. Adopted unutiitniMi*ly—ami a committee appoint ed to ent ry tho same into effect, and’to report onr Saturday event >g. It wus also Resolved, Tint in the opinion of this meeting, then, is uo alternative—if tin* Banks do not atfiad nssistnmv, there must he au almost uni versal Bankruptcy. The meeting then adjourned. ""Our dunks remain firm; t»m demand for specie is vety much reduced, and th« intensity of tlm pres- sure in the money nurknt is vety mu. ’h confine,! tu the dry goods Interest—we are assure,! that the Hanks will take no course which will hs/rml in the tlio fact that tumors unfavorable to tho General’s health hud In-.-ii in eiidilution lor several weeks. It will he seen by an extinct from ibe Nnshvillo Uni*.not Ocl< bur 14th, which wu publish this ntot- rdng, ilmt lie was present ut the iimoguruiion of Governor Folk on tho previous day, which induce* us to infer thut he was in hi* u.*uufhuuhh und spirit* ut thut time.—A’. Y. paper. CTWaf nr Mr. Lkoare will nhtain n nnii.rity ho should nut desire, lleully, we shoul.l dislike to see that gemlemun becoming ull ai onee"n wander- lag" puliticnl Koord. S.o wlinl follows:— THE GREAT REJECTED. Will Mr. Legatv, who is now so busily engaged in haranguing the F •deral Wldgs of tho North in form us, whether the woid consistency it to ho found in his viMinbuliiry? A retriM|iect nfduyn gon.i hv, must cause him to pxperienre ugly twinge* of conscience, if that word hnsnot shored the fate of tbu former. There is one point we tnke upon nur. wives to vouch fur, without putting tho intcrogn. tory; that is, ilint his old constituents, whom ho win wont so much to extol, were not a party cnccncd in sending him on his political nii-ni«ii t j Now York. 1 nlin.idgn and himsnif, we suspect, are elec- tionuuiing on their "own hook "—N. J'. New lira. I'ttsT Note#—Dtutt anu Diixlap— Ik- Now sofk ll'tsel nt tie- I3lh in-t. C'-pie* one of Dr. D)oti's Manual Labor Notes, at tile fiMil ij w It obsetvet " For Mitering this not-, ami •f orward* snsp> nd- ing speeir payments, Dy<Hi i* n..w wrnvn grott. n « oth, at ten pence per vmrd. in the I’ei.itcniiary nf IVnns) Irania Tint following |* a copy or ,1 Uuiiod States Rank po*t note." Then tome, llie copy I fa United Stair* Bank P 0,, " , ’ u % w ' l, t Un* foll'.w iiMt queries appende-l: '• \\ list should the mien-rsiIh? atwivn In? made III do, in Older .0 lien. h> the State, nnd give nn ex- tfitpl" to the world at largnf Cun un\ finnurb r iu Chestnut street stilve this probienif Or have the el.tors ol I’nilaiL-lphia, niatltemalks en.iiirb t-j work it out? • S me mny look upon tho eompnrison nt lnv|. diou*, Imt they are not few who seen useful moral in it .—Daily Pittsburgher: A person having n chock lor.eveml tlmnsund dol lars on u New lo.k hank, a dupr or two since |ier- tented it for payment The teller commenced „,y- ing nut the notes of the bank, when he was nsknl if they were not a •p.-rle paying bank. Tlm reply was in the affirmative, when a demand was made lor that article. The cashier was immediately cal- led, nnd n collmpiy ensued in whieli the officer ud- milted the inability of the bank to pay it, and the ulror terminated liy Iris piop .Mit to give a certificate nt a s|ie,-iul deposite in specie, which tho h>d Inrof the ch-ck was ibrred to receive or else hunk notes, for ofspuciu there wus nano.—Philadelphia North American. I’arngrnpb* like this appear in one or another of the I'i.iludelphia papers ui most vvery dm—evidently for the purpose of throwing discredit oo'tlii) position ami pructinu nf the New York bunking iitstitiiiioii*. We put it to our frieads in 1'hila.lelpbia, wbntbei they uro doii g justly or hundsonn-lyin publishing stch vague uccusulions, tin? geneiuiiiy m which tnuki-s it itnpns-iblo to deny them. No officer of u New York Itiuik, or New York editor, cun uudenuke to stiy that such an incident us is ub ve described did not lake place in some institution of this city, ul- th ugh In- may feel v ty confident thut u did not. Give us til,? lucidity—toll us trhat hank in New Ymk has reins, d to nuy out it* own nolo* or specie when ilein.ilt.led. and we will admit, il t«uw, or deny, if ful-ie. But do nut n«»iiil mir institutimis with outer- tuin rhaig.-A that cannot, in tln?ir very nuiiirc, he brought to thu test of nvestigutiuii.—A’. Y. Com• mcrcial. "GIVE US THE FIGURES." "Old Cornelius IIvkr," any* n N. Y. "Whig" unitor, called for the figures! lie snid that "Ji. guns never he. ! 1 Now, wo give onr " Whig 1 friends the “figures mny we inquire, " how do they like them f" If they dont wish to answer, wo mu too polite to areas them. Wo shall, though, wn hope, lie excused fur extracting tlm "figures," from tlmt Dentocritic. print, thu Albany Argus. Wlmt a glorious spectacle it presents of the indomitable spirit of freedom, which rises triumphant from the infectious'slough of Biiukistn, Wlriggery, nnd anil- Republican sentiments. Truly, the I'outine mur*h. et have hern drained, and tha fertility of thu soil, (having been cleared from all " Whig" weeds,) lm. produced a crop tlmt will gladden the huurts of el' true freemen. Recapitulation of Democratic Gains within the last two years: New Hampshire, .VluiiH-, Vermont, Rhode Inland, Mn**uchuiieits, North Ciirolitm, A IhI. mm, Maryland, Georgia, New Jersey, Delaware. Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Iudiiiun, Teunesuee, Ohio, 3.083 6,373 3,310 710 7.844 10.511 1 .imo 4.065 3.300 3.078 630 35,633 1,111 3.737 700 33.542 33,457 Total Deuim'nitic guin.4, 151,235 Thk Wkatiikh—Has hern very warm for several lay*. N.ilwiistnnding the unprecedented drought which lm* Imen of three months diirntion, n number of our fruit tn'os uro lit blossom.—Macon Tele graph, Oct. Hit. •I.ghtest degree llieir ability to continue specie pav- munu.—,V. Y. Evt. Post, Oct. 35. MONEY. Affair* are nt a crisis in New York. From tho Charleston pupvrs, who*e Editor* hnvo received hy tlio Neptune, New York pnpers nf Sniunluy morn- ing lust, we extract tlio following:— A Correspmideiit of thu Courier, under date of 11, A. M., 36th inst., says: " ^' e hive nothing of inq.ortnncc ill's morning, it not being lute enough to nsertniu how Slocks nro to day. There wns a .uraiiug of tlio officer* of the uinoront lln»ks in this city lust evening,hut without ultnnug llieir previously avowed resolution of aiia- tninhig specie pnyments, which those de|N>ndent on ti e Banks for money do not ut nil like, und feur tho result must inevitably lie ruin. There him been several *u*pon*iiiii*, and sumo stoppages, and mmiv more expected daily. All those who lire sound set-in lo agree 011 one point, tlmt is, to continue pay ing t|iecie." , 1 lie Courier Sc Enquirer, of Saturday, says: " The scnrciiy of money still prevails to nn un* preccdcuied extern, nnd ha*now prevailed so long, tlmt it seems irks nne to reprut ibe rontiuunnec of its existence. Foreign Exchanges, in consequence £, lilt? supply ,,f bills being fair, nnd tho pressure for money *0 areat, have fallen. Sterling hills were negociote.l ut from 1UU n I08.j, which i- about the fair quotations, but some drawn by H Bunk in New Orleans ur»? reported to have tieen *old much I'.'l.iw ihi* rate. Bills on Puri* were sold ut5f. Guilder Bills 40). Slocks have n*.nin rather r-ved-nl. Ammirnn gold fresh from lh-? mint, wns offered nt j p,*r c-nt premium, but n..buyers nppenrine, it was plnred •in deposite in the Banks. Treasury Note* off-ring at 1 per rent di-count, which ir i« believed proceed from some institutions In Wnll-stieet. Tho Rank*, wn under-fin I. will meet in enliven- t urn this afternoon. Ion the result nf tbeir deliliern- lion* not lw pro.niilgnted until at ihe meeting to morrow evmring. We lentn from gpod nuthoriiy that they will eiidenvour to meet the views nf the community n * fur a* is enu-ticaMo c. mpnti- hie with lli-ir own seeuihv. The Bank of Ameri- cn increased it* Mne of discount* con-idernhlv ve*. lerduv, u* wo nro informed did also some other hank*. The picket ship Garrick, for Liveiqio<.|, takes •.Hit no •p.-cie worth naming. NEW-YORK. Oct. 26. The amount of hii«irtcs* done at thn Stock Ex change yr«ieidiv was not very la-ge nn.l prices di.l notvary niat-rinllv from llie quotations uf the pre- i-eeiling d.,y, Uuitnl Status Bunk closed at 77A, the Annie a* on Thursday. exchange—Tint hanks are selling hill* on En- clan.l ut OaO). nn.| private bills are from I to2 per cent lower. On Philadelphia the rates are III. | » nnd 12) on Baltimoro dull at llnl2 on Now Or- leans from 5) to 6. and on other places nominal. Jiensuiy Notes sold it the bond yesterday af from 4&I per cent discuuul. The sales w ere fll’.OUO ai 09) ami $1,000 at 00. The 11 mount of spocio shipped to England and Fraii' O hy the packet ships was comparatively •mall. The ship G.rrick, which sai o.1 yesterday tor Liverpool, had on board $70,000, ami the Iowa which tailed for Havre the day In-fore, $32,000. Half dollars beat a nominal quotation of A per ct. y™ k " "».Crj.l., u.1 ftnpfMl.-d ro „p'„ r ,|, -ff ViOOft, which sIhjw, thtl f|-eou cannot he •••Id st a premium. From the Mount lhdty (N.J.) Herald, Oct. 24 GREAT VICTORY. Two thousand and seventy-two majority in New Jersey for Demoeray and Van Buret1 Our victory in Now J.-r-oy is splendid—a majo rity of more tbnn 2,000 of tho popular vote, lielow ure thn particulars—Sussex and Warren lira set own the same ns lust yenr, tliu Fedrnilits 1 mining uo ticket in either. As nil tl.o counties h ive iu- cnu4.1l our last year's majority, except Somerset and Cumberland, the p>e*umptiun is that onr mn- joriiies in Warren und Sussex would have been more lliiiii Inst year; the Federalists fearing this, left ih" field undisputed. Tho olliciul returns show the billowing icsuli: Middlesex, Fed. mt\j. Dem. mnj 76 Smsaox," 160b E-sex, 918 Warren," 864 l'nssale, 133 Huiiteidon, out Morris, 123 Monmouth, 501 Somerset, 161 Aduntic, 226 Mercer, 268 Siilmn, 160 Uiii-liligtnn, 333 Buigen, 316 Gioucester, 271 Cunilmiluiid, 33 46110 Cujm Muy, 173 2537 2537 Dem. mnj 2072 Lnst year s iiiajotitii.s this year. —m* Federal tick??!* run From the Globe, Oct, 26. Below will Ik- found n copy ol a uoin iPinlcntion bom thu Secretary ef War lo the Secret ary oil lie Treasury. To save the Indians from the degrada tion of puhl'cexhibition, f- rguiii.i* the duty nf tip- Government. It shocks the seiisihiliiies to contem plate Mich a project, nnd tho Kuuidiunship which the United Stales exercires over these a ! ready oil- fortunate p.-oplo requires it of the Wur Deportment to protect themnguiusi Ihi* oiitm.-e. Weuntclud to snu that ull the me.iisiin-s likely 10 prove efficu- cions hire been promptly adopt, d, and that it will nnl be |.ermiito.l to expos.? to the public, gun?, in England and on the continent, tlm natives of our fore-ts, infill the pockets of cupidity, to the greater deprnviilion nf tlieir habits, nnd the still fu-tber crmpiioii of their appetites. The (den is ns new •*• •• i* i'idefon*ililp, niul the nttempi in execute it •lioiild In*, ut ilhas been, rlo-ckeil ut once. War Dki'artmknt, Oct.21.1839. Sir: Infurmatiou bus been received lit this De partment ilmt un nt i-mpt is nbout to ho m uie hy si.ine persons, n*soiiiit«il for thut purpose in New Y**rk, to curry out to Engfe*-, on s|«coluiioii, n number of Minns nf the i«JRb* of S.ics nnd Foxes. The object i* o-tderstood to lie to exhibit these poo- pie in Europe fio moi-uy; and, ns the legal guardiaii of the red men, the President feels hound to protect them from this d.-yr.idutioii: This Department, then-fun-, in conformity wMt his orders, hns taken nil tlinpieciiutious in its pow- er to prevent their ulHluclion from the Ui.ited Stutes. A9 the measures adopted to prevent tln-ir Iming re moved from the I ml um roiinirv may prove fruitless when opposed lo the love of adventure of the In- il.Htw uml the cupidity of • peculators, I have to tv- quest that the Collectors of the porta of New Or- li-nns and Mobile may lm instructn.l to inform the district attorneys if aiiy attempt lie made tu embark these Indians at oitherof these ports, in order thut proper legal measures may Im taken to restore thorn to their homos in tho Wist, and to punish tho of- fenders. I havo the honor tn lie. Very respect fully, Youroh't serv't, ,, „ J- R. POINSETT. Hon. Secretary nr thk Treasury. From the Standard of Vn’on, 29/J THE ELECTION—PETITION, 20/4 ull. Wo till up to day, n complete •! it-ment of tho :'l.*rtioii for Governor nnd memlieia of the Gener al Assembly, hy wh’.rh it will liosecn that the Union l).-m .erotic cundiduto has beuten his opponent, 1890 votes. * 1 In eighteen hundred und thirty seven, tha present incumbent succeeded over hit competitor by u ma jority of762, which mukosa guin touurpany since that election, of 2658, Our political opponents still contend that this result ha* been produced by the agitation of tho petition question, and sumo hove gnnero far at to pronounce it a ptvconccr e l mensure. for the benefit o.Tiie Union par.y. If it wus, the whole scliumo wa* concoctod nnd n.-ted out hy Messrs. Lumpkin and Flournoy, who have not to our knowledge Imen suspected of a desire to advance the interests of tbo Union party, and one of whom is now the object of bitter execration by hit political at>octuu>*, tlio whig*. It will require but a slighc investigation to settle the dispute st to which party the paternity ol this mensure belongs. Col. I.tinpkiii I* u lawyer of emi nence, nnd a man of d -Miction, uml a devoted partisan in the whig rinks, and no rational man would suspect him to utd in bringing the Union pur- ty into power. Mr. Flournoy hi« never to our knowledge ucted with the Union party, nor did wo • ver hear it suggested until just before the lata elec tion, uml we have no duulii that ho voted for Judge Dougherty, s Bui why U it that the whig* spare Col. Lumpkin, wi ll-tlmv denounce Mr FlournovT Ho it more ■alente.1. equally zealous u .d indefut.gnhle, nnd yet they breathe not his num -. Tho most conclusive proof thnttl.e petition quc»- lion was not u measure of the Union puny, arses from the fact that in the Into rtiuvust of the legi«b HACOUcon VfiNTIOS. ..Si"? 1 ?. I lie t onv» niton wa. 1.10.^ . ' V.’ H^J.D.TD.^LrioXyTcii? b > u - fay .—...—.I ...”*13. 0 ''- Irtf tlieir Renort t iM,. ’ 11 d "7. •« that they ^ pl«..Imr R .,".n,- •t^i^'ssar. ">-** uJsSu^SX£n£S!' m 8 "' h " a ' M - It,trim— GG Rogers. A „" Ch, n» | . B l> Tnicv, IV IV. cw«.MIV Con..minn m,t. '» O'CLOCK. Hon. Thomas Bull, r KTng.Chnlrmnnof th. mltlee ol 21, submitted the billowing C m * REPORT. 1 . "‘•‘"•f 0 w,M,m referred tlm R e ,o- instnic'ing them to present the subjects on which the Convention was culled upon tu deliberate and act, beg leave to Report: full exposition which it contained in tho Cotton Ciicular adopts! hy the Planters and Merchants, at llieir meeting in the city of New _ 5ork, on tlm oth id July Inst, they deem It in soma/ degree superfluous, minutely to explain or locular*/ 01. the points submitted to ihe poo,do of the Cotton giowing Suites in that document. r ° r u, “ i™n'°» »r 111. WIiMhor the), be ,„ y Inlmrenl Hefa) intb. 1 ulo and manner of shinnine n... —.1 • manner of ship),11,g OUr gn at sin.-le under the existing of advances, nmd- hy the Agents .. the r -.reign Houses,, whom it bus hith erto been principally exported f 2 I. V\ hetlicr, if the injuro’is tendency of the sys tem Im demonstrable, there exists within ourselves any remedy! Wo will now, ns succinctly ns posilblc. proceed to tbo discussion of t esc points. 1) i. well hnuwii ihii) will, )he esccplb.n of )bo very inc.iniidaiidile portion nf the crop puirhnscd under tlitvcl ordor* lorthe spinner*, nnd for Foreign .lie gir.t bulk nr .111) Collon I. .Iiipntj either by the I Innter or Merchant, or Healer, under a Ivnnces made by the agents of Foreign houses.— 1 ho mude iu which the operation is conducted, is as follows? Usmdly, tho Banks In the Southern Stutes ad- viinee the money that moves forward tho whole ®. r .°P» , J t ‘" r 'v •«,) on letters of credit, as sic’urity” ided upon these securities, are usunllv Tho hills fuonilt at 6(1 days -ight. "F\i these securities, ore usually . - ~jv are forwarded at once; but the Cotton being much more tnniy in its movement, they Irequenlly mature imforo its arrival | und the C.itton has to be jorccd upon tho market; or thn acceptor of the hill has to pledge the Cotton to Brokers or Baukera, to raise the money to meet his acceptance. This muy bo done when money is plenty, without difficulty; but the moment it becomes necessary for the holder of tlio Cotton, or thu Bank, to realize th.? luu.U advanced on it; .hen theCotion must lie sold, w hether during a depressed 01 favor able market. W believer the Bank of England re- luses to discount the Cotton receiver's bill upon his Broker, endorsed by ins Bunker, his Banker can- not give him nuy further mentis, treenuso, perudven- tun?, rim Bunk of England has pother faro ngninst transactions in cotton- Then tho cotton must bo suld| nt nuy sacrifice lo tho spinners, who are well advised of the iimnum of our staple thus rendv for F"* sacrifice, und the period when it must bo fotced upon 1I1- murk. t. It moreover mny happen thnt tho bills which the parties shipping tho cotton huvo rcci-ivi d muy bo good, 0/ good for nothing; and whut does the planter und shipper trust to, wlten be uaires to take these bids in return fur tiro produce I"* it'dus.r) f lie trusis, first to th-authority nf tin? Agent to make tho stipulated u.Kimct?, und to draw ilu? necessary bill on Ids principal. Ho trusts iuliie next iducu, to ilia incliiiulion of the pnnies a uoitd—First to iicrepi the hills: nnd, trusts finally iudi'ineiit of llie forme. 1 bouse, in tuic.there u • mu a |H-titioi, mm in i|n? State, who candidate on the Union side, while there wns 11 large number on the other, who were z -niou* ad- v<mates for the project. We mention these fficu tisnii net of justice louurown party, and to di n- •'UM-1: of an unjust imputitiim. Why did n..t the whig pres* spe.k out against it before the flection! Why did they not sei their fires agninst it H...I warn tlroi pooplo to biware? I h y profess ihe duct r>iM?s of State Rights, mid y, 1 folded their arms and sculed theii lips, when de* putisui tureutviifdiho Ian I? But still to show m ro conclusively, tlmt it wat not »et cn foot «r pr- moled hy tin? Union party, we hive only to point to the enur-o we pursued. .* We •aw and felt thut a scheme wnsin progress nflism- pie upon tho rightsof th-- peuplo—-ilmtthe rA««uu- lion wus in danger, and wo under u sense of duty from which we could n. t shrink, rrsolvsd to s/iiko for onr country, and speak lit the name .if tlm pen* pje. Wo did strike, end our arm was felt—we dill speak, and nur voice wra heard. But consid ering the question es fettled hy the public voice, u-ul never expecting il again to agitate the public tniml, with these remarks we leave it te its merited oUivlon. Li tho skill n»d judgment of 1 ho foreign house, tlte rculizntioii of the property, nnd to thoir ability nnd dispuuitiiiN to hold it until ilu? most favorable mom-ntfor it* sale. The receiver of ihe cotton risks nnihing, but the difference between llie market vn ue ntid price advanced, unless the Inner is both extravagant, and speculaiive, (uhicli one puny °*i-bt not to «*k, nor thu other to give,) thin risk is tr fling. ' U e are entirely uwaro that it mny be urged, that probulily liiui-liiili* ol the produce of tho Globe is ciiculutad hy the means of Bills of Exchange.— It Is jest us certain thnt protested bills, drawn against shipment* nf cotton, uro sentbnek by thou- sunds nnd hundml* of ih»usunds of dollari, hy evry packet, whenever tho market is temporarily d. pressed. If the price is liiuli enough tu rov. r . them, they are uccopled, if not, tlm reverse hmviiu- bly follows. We think from this statement, it must be nho- gell.t-r olivi u# t ihm our great staple is without any proteclien whatsoever; to sny n-.ibii g of ibe fact, thut itmuystimetimrahoin the hin ds, and nt tha muicynl I huso whose interests und nympnthh>s nro with tin- buyers nf thn article, rather tl au with the shipper*, or the producers, in spite of ih-i-xamplion Irani rid* imputation which i* ju-tly due to somn of the English houses, who have mill, red to tlio iuu-~ res* of their correspond.mi-s great firmness, ami fi-V delily umidsi uui?xanip|. d d.ffi, uliies. Indeed ii is rtltogellier imporaihle to conceive n system of sale #o utterly defencelesa, for nn inqioro hint n* tide, wh ch performs such 1111 essential of fice iu regulniin- tho Kxchui.gosamiinfluei cingtlie- curreucy of our country. u We will now pio. ccd to the second branch. 2<l. Having thus dcinonrtruiud the injurious ten dency of this system, the quest! n arises wliothor their exist* within ourselves any remedy? The avowed designs of this Convention being 10 devise- some mean* to protect, in future, a most important Am ricun interest, we pura et m.ce to iu cons dera tion. It mny nut be out ofplnce to advert to that de- rongemeni in the monetary system of the United Slates, which, in 1037, led 10 a u*pon*ian oftpecio payments throughout tho American Republic. At that time our country owed to Great Britain a large commercial debt, urising out of the excess In value of tho import* oftbe United States, in their trade with England. v To pny this balnnco in specie, wns impracticable- — An unusually fuvoral le season had given us a crop of unprecedented abundance in the coiton grow ing •tnlcs. To transmit this property to the coun try of our great cm. I iiur, as fast nt possible, oe an evidence that the citizens of the United Suites were neither wonting in ilia memm nor. tho disposition, to redeem all their obligations, tliu aid of iho Bunk ing Institutions of tho Union was invoked; nnd to guard u part of Uie property, so transmitted, through llieir instrumentality, from unnecestuiy sacrifice im in the market nf consumption, the agency of Hum phries itnd Biddle wns established at Liverpool- The result of thnt agency, in winding tip the largo crop of 1838,is conclusive proof of what may bo dnue by consignees thoroughly devoted to Ameri can inturerts, subject to no necessity by heavy ad vances, to glut thu market by forcing upon it luigo- stocks inconstant nnddisusierous succession. In ibis brief outline, is embraced the whole head and front ol the offeneo w hich has led to so much animated di-cussion, und wido spread denuticiulioa in the public prints, of b ill countries. Whenever* however u dispassionate nnd disinterested judge ment shull be proiiuorod upon the motive* and ob jects of tho-e who cstn’ili-hed this agency, thnt judgement will prove equally honorable tu their sagacity, niul their patrioiiam; und to thn gentle- nt«u in Liverpool who conducted iu affairs— who ■re entitled to tire abiding confidence of nur’ peo ple, for tin? fidelity and firmness with which they? adneru.i lo the interests ol their constituonn. It might tmturnllyliuve be. n expected thnt when; the causes which hud led 10 rim establishment o!7 tlii* ugency for the defence of our great staple hud. Iteen O&svcd, tiro trade would full back into he cliii.ti'M^un.l that the protection for our intarests would be ample, wiih the m un* at tlm command: of iudividvult engaged iu it. No une sought to pivv.'Ut this. The field wax iqien toiheonti-rpiise of all. No embarrassment was wantonly thrown in the way of any one. No thing lm* Imen snid, or slum*, liy the so called " mo* nupnli-t*," to prevent others frum entering into & fair compel it ion with tlmm. But we Imre, untortunat. ly, been obliged to learn If a *0*010 lesson, that other countries,, as well u* our own. nt timo*, Im destitute of nn adequate supply oft he precious metult. Wu have toraal- hn the painful truth, that aft-r d. voting our cap ital, our anxious attention and our labor, to pro duce a good crap, and nfter witnessing th.? partial ilisuppo n m.-ntol our hopes, from tlm unfayoruble , e, c “ °J , ‘ 10 taunts in mir own. country, tbo value of wlmt we hive secured i. to ho ust-iiliullw •luttmuhed hy the oxtent, or deficieney, of a diffiir- cut crap in eiuithur countiy. 0)."i | n#ih | ) 1I1. ly rf | f ?•“« »'« '“'"‘K •» ul I'l.i.iiieiir. Ly winch ||,„ |.l..lccli.c .....r.iw. rf uu , pcuplc nn.lcwl '» •»'. ...Ifilll III Iw I.lnnmirly ■uii—l '.y ,11 utiici couniiid, panWiwilin in hoc