Newspaper Page Text
i> ri'BUiiun i* vi
City- of Sitvunnitli,
WEKKLY t*AI'KU—Tiirkk Dollar*, per an.
mim,—I’ayaWo in advance
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at the Chariot-
Kri‘«*l.«|e must lm paid on all Communica
tions, and letter* nf 1
CS*Tlio Augusta
will tw pulitlicd d illy
We will make room,
ItiunnlUt, wo perceive
» l«t of.I unitary next.
f proposal* at toon at
••the new World."-
YcsterTay w • received the firut No. of one of the
mntt splnnd d folio uheetr, of the newspaper tribe,
under the above cognomen, wo bare ever wit nettl'd.
It it certainly a ne plus ultra, lit editor! are
Park Benjamin and Hurt;* W, Griswold, mid it
it published ut 23 Ana-st., New York. AVo have
barely spuen to notice tho paper in thi* day's Oeor
gum, [ml elmll probably allude to it again.
We aia happy to ann-mneo that Mr. W. C.
Fount:*, the uhlo iniinngor of many Theatre* in the
Soutii, lint arrived in this city, and that lie it bitty
in-making the necestury arrangemoiiti for the open*
ing of our Tlwutre.
Many of the corpt dramaliqup liavo arrived ill.
ready, uml wn untiuip-ito the engagement of an rlli-
cient company. We have not yet toon the unmet
of those who will present themselves to iho notice
of u Snvunnnh public, but are ccpnin that iho .elec
tion of .Mr. Forrks will bo found fully competent
to ditclnirge their several histrionic duties. Wn
hope our readers will enjoy the rich mental treat
which the representation of S|iAKsrKAliE's heroes,
mid the playful humour of tho disciples of Thalia,
mutt afford to nil.
R- B. Gilchrist, of South Curolinu. to be Judge
of tlio Unit 'd States fur the district uf South Cure*
linu, in the place of Tliomut l.ue, deceased.
John Henry Yoimg, to be Clerk to the Commit-
sinner for running die houndmy lino between the
United States uml the Repmdic of Texu«.
Charles Evans, of Floridu, to lie Marshal of tin
United Sutet for the district of \V««t Florida.
Death ok J.h M. Wimtk.of Fumtru —Sincu
mir first edition vvns put to press, wo h ive received
the St. Louis Bulletin, oil which it endorsed;-—
*' Oct. 19.—Hon. Joseph M. White, of Flopdi,
died this morning at the residence of hit brother
In thin c|ty."
Wo copy tho nbove from the 2d edition of tlio
'^Baltimore Patriot, 28th inst.
Naval.—The U S. ship Con-tiiution, Cnpt.
Turner, tailed from Ilio do Janeiro on the IXtil
Sep(. bound to the Pueifie.
The U. S, sloop of vv.n St. Louis, Coinmindur
Koreo, sailed in company with the Const lint i >n.
The U. S. tclir. Shark, touched at Mudoin on
tho 15th September. Rod sailed die miiiir day, bound
to the Sir lilt. C’upt. Si.-b.-e of tlie bnnpte Glnlie.
arrived at Now York mi Monday front Madeira bus
despatches from tho commanding officer of tlio
Shark for Government.
The U. S. ship Independence, wn* at Rio on tho
17th Sept.
New JkR'M'.—Tun LegLIntt rp of N'*w L-rtey
■•si milled nl Trenton on Tno-diiy lust, mol niguii-
fre.I by do* nnpointmi-iji of Josi-pl, Pmter.ofGloii.
co-tei, View I’r.-iideni oi Coooci ! ; woo received nine
vote-, and Judge Price, of IL-rseii, -ix votes.
In the House of Assembly, Wi||ium Siite*, of E-
#• x un* elected Speaker byn vote of!|-2 to20.
Peter V. Coppurk wus re-e|.ctnl Clerk, nnd
r Geo.M. Fiirtmiii Doorkeeper.
There wn* no uuu-uullv full nitenJence on tin
first day of tho se siont ev.-iy member of dm As.eio
lily, nud all tun one of, being at their po>ls.
On Friday, the Legist unre went into joint in"''t-
jeg and mild • the f .flowing appointment, viz. Gov
ernor, William P.-niiingtui.; i.'hief Justice of die
Supremo Court, Jo-opli C. Iluiiild ,wer.
From TMttSandwich Island*.—Tho llosionAd-
vertber -ays: Wo liavo received from u friend the
Sandwich Island Gqzoltn, of Apr I6. It i* dinMi'd
mourning for th-'doatli on die 4di, of tho Princess
jKinnu. Governess ofOtdiit, in tho 32ud year of lioi
Slip was the'sistar of the fting, and ditilgli
<er ofthe hue King Tuninhnmahn.un.l wqi n.n-ried
in 1327 to Kekuoma. She suece* d -d t • tliu aoth-iriiy.
,of die late Queen Regent, Kanhutnniii'r, on her
•death in 13 i2. 231m was thr-e weeks pn vinns to bur
l»l"'lth «eir.ed with tlio prevailing "piilt-ir.jr, I lie
mump*, wliieli Irrmin tied in u fever, and proved
She ha* left n hush'oiil. three sons- and ii
.daughter, the latf-ro'ily five inondis old. Sin- vv
woman of talents ami spirit, mid appi-urs to have
inknn nniinporiunt pint,in the ndmini-tritiun of diu
government of the Islands, he.ides liuving endru
.control of that of tin- Island of Qohn. .
jWr.Tevlor, of the pilot hunt Relief, informs u«
tl.ut oil Wi-diiesday ja-l, Cepe Henry b'-aring W by
N distant 18 nr20 miles, lie hoarded the wreck uf
jy sebr. Iiehiogtng in Deiuii-. Slw |,r.d n green bot
tom vviih black lmm|s ar-onid mid bright wuisis; ap
peared to Im ut Rpchor, nnd is of opinion dial -la
wns capsized mid her Midairs riinotij'roin her Imw*.
Slio was lying on her vi le, tli" sea con-tun, ly break*
ing over ln-r, aiid appeared to Ik; upwards of 100
Anns burth-n.— Not folk Hracim. Oft 28.
Drought.'—Tlm present dtouglit is iinpniu leicd
t»y any jovcecdii.g one within vwvr r> coll ctipn, “r
the memory of those with whom we have Conversed
upun the tnb|tct. We do not remembpr having
mor teen tliu earth so dry und the wulor so low us
ut prp-ent. Vojietoiinn allows evidei.tiiuitks of de
cay, and the liindsenpe piesemsun appenramc not
unlike that of a more .nurthnrn region niter a sue-
cej-ion of biting fro-ts. The cotton crop w ill, in
conteqiionee, fall fur riio-t of previous uulicipu-
tions.a— Washington Ni tot, 31 it u It.
The Fnyetleville, N. C. Oli»crv,-r of Wi dnestlay
lust says: •*We rejoice to sny to our friends iq i|ip
country who nro inti reset! in tlio state of the naviga
tion, lliut die igms of Friday latl swel.ed the C"|h*
FotMiai to Rthird wnt- r for ad kinds ofbouts;
that ajhiinmonse quantity of gO"J* which have lieen
detained along tlio rivor have arrived, nnd more
may he expected." Tha Wilmington, N. C.Cliro-
nicloofTuesday la«l ohserve-: “Aftera drought of
Aev.rRi week* dural inn, we hud a diiviog rain from
'Thursday n gbt last to Saturday morning."
Treasury Department. )
Nov.-mla-i 1, 1839. {
Amount issued under tha provision of iho net of Oct.
12’. J837, vi*:....$ 10,000,000 00
/)ithat is-uethefi'ha*
been redeemed,,. 9,740.802 21
leaving outstanding.,,,,,,.
jn lii?u of ihose re-
(Inmnel iheye lint
been i-»u*d undrp
net of 21st May,
1%3 $5.709,8.10 01
fitihatissuethcru has
bren redeemed... 5,502,643 15
gr aving of tlmt issue
outstanding ,
Aggregate of first and
second issues out-
•1 la* tfsua under tha
provision of die act
in 7,271) m
fit I hai issue then hus
Inmr redeemed,,. 809,400 00
$259,137 79
147.160 80
{06,304 65
/.caving outstanding f ,,., 8.080*376 9 \
$3^)94.180 06
flaking i|*e aggregate
t|f all yutstaoding,
of Ut Trtanrp,
No. 37
By tha f«tt s.iilitig frig ll'm. Taylor,Cnptnln
IIoey, we Inst evening received New York (morn,
iog) int|K-rs of I liurtdny last, In anticipation of thi*
forenoon’s mn.l. We observe uuthh-g. bovvever, of
nirtivular imore«t. Tliu marme intcUigeiico will
>o found under the proper head.
NEW YORK. Oct. 31.
Extract of a letter.
Uv nit root, Sept. 23'h, Evening.
Tim harvest will probably turn out u bolter one
than la«t y ur. Bill thi* is not saying much. • We
shall want corn, nnd have ro imitt-y to puv fur it.
1 should not Ik* surprised to see an issue of 1 notes
btfure the yeur is out.
(13* The Bo* ivi Adaa compluins that them afe
deserters tlm " Whig" party in the Democrat
ic rank*! “Oh, Gemini!" Whnt news! Th»*
owigrown children have li-nrned to walk in ihciight
path. No b.Mldieiiag Mr. Atlas.
Wg. A. 1 low aiid, E-q. of B'lstmi, Into Captain
in tlio Uqitpd Suite* revenuu. hit- been up|Hiintcd to
the c-oiiniand of a nadonal vossel hy the Texan gov*
Tiik Buckvviikat Crop,—ThoCinoinimiiPost,
of 2Gth oil. says:—A g- ntleinai well known in this
city, who has just returned from n tour along the
Cannl, beyond Day top, nnd far Into ilie eonntry, in
forms us dint lie never saw- sifnli immenso fields niul
crops >.f It nek wheat ns there wore upon die grounds,
to tho extent of three counties.
Tlio " Union and lluimony Convention" of Penn
sylvania, a very good<*, adopted for r very vain
ohjoet, Imve eraseil tlio *‘Ga-nt Western's" (Mr.
Clay,) umnn from their liannnr, mid d--mired then'-
on that of the renowned nnd itiviucihlo " Whig"
nailable—Gen. W. II. IIaiiruon! 'lids moot
shall avail them not.
We received Nos. 5 mid 6 of this viilualdu work,
for Septemlicr. As utnnl, it ulioiimls with useful
information on all subjects connected wit|| In|e|Tiul
Improvement*; and it m«*t be of great icrvicu to
any prncticul man, inusmucli as it is full of hints in
Mcchnnics, and Engineering. Wo know- of no
Miig-izino in America, which has greater claims on
the cnncnctom of the various public w orks through
out tho Union, than tho “ Bail Run I Jonrn-il." In*,
deed, no mnu of ti scientific turn, or one who windJ
study tho tnournntnl of tho pr-seut day, nlmost
nmouiititig to a rage for gignuiio undertakings de
signed to bind together tlio most distant sections of
our great c onitry by adamantine links, and to im
prove nor ua'nml water channels, by nrtififi:i| re
sources, should bo without the Jot|rtt'd. Wu wish
it every sunooos.
Tlio Governor of Su..t|» Cutolina hat, by Pro*
clnmarioii, set ii pa* i M inlay, the 11 th inst. to lie
observed, tlirougliout tlio State, its a day of Fasting,
Humiliation nml Prayer,
A fine sm-tll siPRudm.t of 50 li-wse p iw»r, wiih
two pi ime engines,drawing le-s tbuo /tea fret, liH*
been iiitroduced to our wu i-rs by o»i- o d mid outer-
pri-ing fellow citizen, Mr. John Guilmartis.—
SIiu U designed to atci-nd the Sivnouali, aiul ply
in tbo udjniniiig rivers, to lire plantations and tliu
Sen Islands, toucldngiit tlio various bluff* mid laud
ing places, for any froigln that may Q*lbr—and os
•lie is nrcompiuiied by two large freight bo its. her
-npubihties for aocomm.idiiliiiguiistomors will not
bncoiifi ied. Siivnimnh will bo tbo depot of all the
riches s||0 will lii'iv with her; and when "Old Will-
t-r" »cis in with Ids fro-iy nose—nlbeit, we, in out
genial Soutli--rn i-liino, core liillti for tho “old
hunks"—it will bo typical of a cherrlid Christmas
fireside, to *• o the nfoiosuil freight bonis liulon
with tmighoak, iiqd pugnacious “old l-ickary."—
But, to otir sulijcct, the name of the stronger is
The Dispatch," and slio made her first trip >'■
Piirysbmg last Saturday, and brought down n cargo
of Cotton nn-l ivo-mJ—ubimdantly testifying her
Wo conclude o-ir notice In n word. t'The Dis.
patch" is well cnlculiiieil for ligh'cring| nod nmro
especially for towing vessels in Sea, requiring no
greater power than she pos-ct«es. Wo wish her
The death "f Col Joseph M. White at Sr. Louis
of cong-stive fever, is reported on stnteinents re
ceived nt l'liilndclphin mid Cinciiinmi. Tho Na
tional Intellicctiner remm^R 1 on lids rumor:*
We f nr that tlio report is well founded, for wo
hem from cod authority that Col. W was nt St •
Louis iiu a visit to his brother on the 17th, and lind
then lieon very ill for some days."
P. S.—We have received o letter three days Inter
than the date „f tlio rumor, which m ikes no meniimi
of it; ami we 1,-ari that ii relative in this city lins n
letter daieifthu I7lli, which states that lie had been
ill; hut Ipid recovered —Globe,
PENN8ACOLA, Octolo r 10.
Naval.—The U. S. Ship On arm arrived here
from a cruise n Ttiursdav last. She is last from
# Nn»«nu, New Providence, in nine days.
Tlio Frigutn Macedonian an i Sloops of War Erie
and Levant, dropped down io the yard on Friday
lust preparatory to going pn a cruise.
From the JV. V, F.xpri tt, Ocf. 30.
Private letters, from the v. ry liiglie-t sounat,
state that tfin coodilioii of tilings in Finland is much
better tliiiu wluit uppenri in the public j.airiuili
Tlie ci'iips urn in. mid tln-ru will bo nn uverngo
llio-igh not ii g"od crop This fact lias cuused u
better stale of tlii-gs.
Tlio mon y market was ea-icr. but nothing was
doing in Amer'enn securities. Letters Inmi I’m is
in relitliiiii to U.Suites bills, me of the in »st sulisl'ic*
lory kind. Alt the bills of the United States Bank,
>n Hot eiigeur & Co , Paris, are protected and paid
as they come to muuirity. In fact the whole cause
In the acceptance "f these bill* wus owing to iiu ac
The il'jiejs nf the Cashier of the Bank in PI iiu*
dolphin presented him fium advising by the Liver
pool steamer, which sailed on the 23d of August,of
a.I tlie funds sent fmw ,rd to meet the drafts The
packet ship Sully, that suih-d u few days after, cur
ried out tlie loiter that should liuvo goon by the
steamer. When tlu-se advices reached them, ull
'as made rich', and the bills were honored.
Snbt at the Stock Exchange, Oct. 30.
$3.3110 Corporation Bund-, 93
81 sh ires L' Slates Bank, 7lI
3 ds
60 d*
• G m a
v Jq
■ 30 ds
Bank of Commerce,
Sales comtnonced nt tho bourd to-day for cash, at
a decline of 3 percent, nud f II us low us 67—mu
king u fall of 6 per cent, and tint price is entirely
su tallied from the purchase* of the Board. A tfrniig
disposition wits elicited to «• II most Mocks for cash,
and -eveial were very uiocli r> duct'd. Stoiuogtoii
f-it tifl'3.j. New Jersey |.j, Vicksburg 3 per cent.,
I). lawdru I, mid Illinois State Bun-,, sold us low us
34.—.V. V. Eve.. Pott, 30/A ull.
October 29-6 I*. M.
The demand for money ruinuin* much tlio smiic,
nnd nites ore • ntirely uciairdinj in tlie nature .if tlio
transaction,and vary toui 3 to 8 |n:r cl. per in-,ii Ii
Go-«4 sio'ling hills ur • offering lit H.j pn-m.,or $4,82
tin- £ fl'crling. In unenrrent money mid oxcliunge
there is hut little change.—N. y. IJcruld of Wed-
net day.
The Boston Atla« mentions that there have hern
hut four lailoirs in that city within tho last fort
[We are glad to hpar it. But nnotlmr failure
linn occurred in Boston—mid a tpnst signal one I
The Alla* has proved n total failure, every limo
it has fit cavmiM-d I" fn d an Anti Admini-tration
candidate for the Presidency. Alter ntuny disas-
ots. we expect it vvijl set up un iionest business, hy
joining tlie people—«(when it sees what it shall see)
—and vote for Martin Van Burks !]
Gov. Gilmer, and the State Right* Dem»cmtic
Whig party ill Georgia, hive lieen d hy the
in Jicioii* cul-imny circulated, that Gov. G. wus in
invor ofar« pool of tlio license law.—.V. V. Slar,
26/A »<//,
The N. Y. Star often pretend* to pennliur ncc».
acy nf iufuiinntiim. The Miijm, however, or Id*
doable most have been napping, when die foregoing
morceau was penned. Why, Gov. .Gu.Muit, wus
nn candidate nt nil; Vau-o whv 7 lie could
popular member of the Suite Rights party, Judge
UotUHMiTV, vvns Mailed, uml get such ulicking
that " my eld friend, the Boy of Tunis." w-ou.d
have eaten ntoro iia.irtily of his pilau*, uud sipped
un extrabo\yl ofshertieri, had lie witnessed such n
republican exhi!-iii»n of the political Inis in.ido.—
Weft, we can't blame tho^Mnjor, for framing nn
cuse—ever so tiirt'tig. “ A htwl extmse," tlio imr
verbliutli it, “ is bvtur than noqo."
pnbdklio.l at West I’, Georgia, will be read,
we hope,'with attention. “ Th-- J« lfersoniuii"diM*s
not belivvir it* name. In nccmiiiiing for the recent
.defent of the Stale Rights parly, the Kditer writes
the following mtit le, cmitpl-1- ly iipseiting the
chilli,-rit nl teutons of tlie Georgia Journal:—
Under tlii* head the cdoor* of ti e Geoigia Jour*
onl have nsdgm-d us the cause of tlio detent of the
Stale Right* pasty the nirinorial qurMiun. We
give lii» lunging-:—"How it hnp|H-u« that tlio
kCheiko of Mr. Flourno) and otheis, fill tho repeal
of tlie lic-'IKit law, Inis iillecti-d tint inloieslonl) of
toe State KL'Iits party m tlie late «lection, is to he
account, d fur upon tin- Let that our opponentt of-
I'ectnally miccerded in tnuA/ng ii large portion ol
■ lie Slat,-Ruins Pmty belieee the utovuntt'iit
wus a Stum Be Ills Iii.-itsiiret in oilier words, that
it wn* planned and concocted by State llighti tarn,'
und that it WO-dd rec-Uo the sii|t|M„| nl the Slate
Rights patty in the Lcgi«ltture. That thisques.
lion may have exerted a if ll-ngii llucm-e upon the
KulH-rnutoriai plnctinti we lire not prepared to deny!
hut tli»i* it U lliesalociiu-euf the ileleut of the par
ly we ciitiii"l lM-gui to believe. Men are alumt one
half of th ir lint ■ d-iug wr-nig, nud the oilier lui.f
iiersun ling ill nt-nive* that they have done right.
We are of i-pi'ii-m that qtuny ciii-ch have conspired
to pro luce lid* r-kiiht m,d we think if the caps- s
that we at nil attempt to assign nro properly
.weighed, great nsTonishnteni will be full that the
resit t iina not Irneii more disastrous.
How much uughtiuho set down to the tempo viz•
ing policy tlmt ha- clt irurlernted the lenders of the
pally lelalivo to the U States Bank, the 1’n‘tideii-
t'nl eniivas-, mid iheSoli-Trensary. A"d first of the
Bunk. Wn have lieen of upiiiion that ||,e State Rights
pmty have it* utiiiiiiniuu.l) opposed this iusiiiulioii
nn toe ground uf its tjne u-sli titionuliiy its they ever
did any other inc isure lint m t their oppo-iiinn —
\\ u recollect dis'inctly llialllieie wasuuu universal
oxpn-s iou ip fuvor of (}.-n. Jackson's veto hy tint
Slate B glus puny. An>l it wps mil until ii dc-ign
was set on foot to pluco Mr Ciay intotl.e I’residen-
tin), hair that we heard that tlipro wus such un
anomalif u* u State Eights Dank in <n. Suic-'
however the pmty lias I ii attempting to dunce to
the music uf th" wandering piper limy tire becom
ing us plenty as blackberries. Wo u»k our Suite
Right-friends wliaare keeping time to this music
to rouse—the ' lung.-* me too quick and \iolcnt.
Bill Hi fie m»r--sen uis, how prepo-fcriiuj • Iiu
effort to pnltn Mr. Cmy upon the State Right*
party, lie who tins above nil "liters warred iiguinst
its principles nnd p'diry, lie who »»n* the father
ol tlie American •)•*!• m and who ex'-rted bis in
most nltili ies to fiisteu tho system upon us nnd
wlimi 1)0 discovered that lie had passed tip'
line of toloiiilic.e, uud had iiious -iI the uncom
promising hostility of this some party, ami
alien ho *uw tint tho system was loitcri-ic under
its own rotieiipess, comet forth to poi|r nil upon
tint troubled wuinrs, iutiio I'onn ufciimpriitniso —
I'lie-e wu »ay wore his reasons in part for ibis </i«-
interested net. But let him speak lor himself. A*
one tune lie a iv« the act was pmutpiod hy his kind
h-elmgsf-tp the ualliliers, nnd dial he coi.s-uited to
tha iirringeineiit to save I lie m front the halier.—
At miotiier tint-* h-iwevi-r he t"h* tliomuniliiciurors
that tin- bill wn* Irnao-d wnlnm «y-* single to tln-ir
iii'cro-ts, for if lie had no- secured f-«r them the
unto nit of protection guaranteed to thorn by tlmt
bill they would have lost nil. For this disinterested
hoelect'd, "no way you caild fix it. A in-re net ij.iijio of tho leading State Rights papers lone
cqvnitxotes .nEss.voti.
ouit I’uit.ic Schools! Fivk Hunduku Dollars
ItfcWARD.— I’Ihjdoings of a midi'iglit baud oftl- s-
|H-rad *-*,w Iiu apisnir to lie u, liug in uoocert liifiu^R-
uuttlie U. Suites, have benunotruly alarming. Be*
sidestitedHsiructivu fires in N wYork, I’lnlu-lelphia.
Mobile, Nutchi^, und miter large cities, uud a great
mi'ob -r of sinalter town-, we have tin- fiend* - ngtiu
a; wmk within our owd precincts. Ttieir object
now s- emt h-vetl-d witti that inaliguiiy im uicul, d t*y
tho most d-'piuveil, nolunly ugaiust property and the* of in lit*try, bgtulso tfi menus of dif
fusing e.iiicntuuimiddispe.l ng duikuess,inimonil iy
und iufidelity.
On Tucduy nighi last, they hro'.e into the Public
$chuq| House No. 14, in Houston street, nnd after
breaking tint lorniture, Uu y attempted f set lire to
tne building, and made oil writbsevriul niticlesthey
had rohbi'di *On Ttiur-day night, tliey Inukvinto
the I'ub.icSchnol No. II,in Wwitrr street,nml iu
tempted to*nt fir-* toil itnt) oed.fiurent -•purtim nu!
Wo rejuicetosco lit" Mayor has called publication,
ti in to these ularniiug occurrence*, uml oflers a
rewurd-of $500 for tho uppiehcntion nfihe incen
diaries It is remHfked that many of the recent fint*
in our storfli liifve poqpnenccd in the upper stories
—entered, probably, by iticeridiarios from the scut-
{Ies of the roof.—An Insurance Company is oiganiz*
ed, sjMteiulIv to re*cu« property from tires.—A. Y.
Slap, 26/A yU,
KfT4& Rkn.contric.—On the lOtlt ln*t., m I'mr
vi)|e. La , an Rltercaiiou took place I /• wern a Mr*
ILosbfnil a Mr. HMd*"DA M, ''|d < >iit«r»qf di»HM|ion.
which icolird inRntlinmiwIiai't dt-aihofllin latter.
Ho WM shat In fit* or n yard by Mr. Brush, and ox*
pirtd in about five tnlauie*. 1 lie enute of tlm quats
id L not stated. Brash made hi.r.caj-c. -
Henry Clay stated that the election nf Andrew
Jackson to tint Presidency would be a ealmnity
worse than war. petti'once nr famine. Ha* not
the result proved the troth uf l||n prophecy 7
eilh'-i, fiont nil of (lipse ciiliimiiiu-, the coiimry
would linvp n-onyi'|Vil, sooner i|i|d wjjli greut'-r en
ergy than it can tu.'uver front the long liuiu of evil*
which the policy of Andrew Jm-kson. carried out
ua it lias been hy Ids successoi, In-engender, d.
Wecut the nb'tve from 'hat prim ami most fn*-
lulluu* newspaper, the Ppivldonce Journal. May
we u*k tfin “ wui', pestileiicp, and fainiun" editor
one nr two que-thm* 7
Wn* not the U. S. Bunk •• the grout rcgulntoi”
bi-foid Gen. Jackson usceudnd lit" presidential
cl u : r 7 If so— Did i» not suliseq'iently interfere in
the elections of the emin*ry 7 N ty, d ,1 it nut bribe
a put tioit uf the press 7 If so—For tlm I liter mi*.
dcmeflnornlono,did it not deserve tube pm dawn?
Answer ut, “ war, pestilence nml funnel" But
may-imp the bribery nf the press was on'y “ a fair
business transaction I" Do you think so I If you
d i—hss tie* money ever lieen paid hack to the
“ great regulator 7" I)« tell us, good musters, u*
we ura rather du'iinus on thut subject. Wu ure,
ilnaich. nlwnysopeu to c-mvicti u.
But we deny 'hat the Government of thu United
Stales opposed the U. S. Bunk, simply because i|
wis n Bank. Nn such thing. On the contrary,
welx'lievelliat liu-l tint Bank a'tended «n| -ly to it*
legilinmto bu-iness—hud not interfered in the plop,
tiuns of tho cnqtifry-riioL lipiliedth*' press—hat con
fined to I , legilitna'O liUsiuess, it would yet he alive
and vigor-'U*. Till* i* iair opinion, nnd however
we tiny differ with the I’rovidonce i d.tor, we have
the cunsnlntiun qf knowing ns tho Into r led ions
prove, thut we have tliu qie it und overwlielining
maimity of the people with us. Here on earth we
acknowledge no sovereign hoi the popular will—no
divinity in this inundaun -phuio hut beauty.
Wo liavo all along been of opiui m that tho linn*
est portion "f tlm State Bight* party could never
Mipporl Mr. Clay fin the ollice ol i’le-ident of the
United S'a’e*, and also thut tliey wer- opp >scd to n
Natiouai Bank. Tliciefon’, wo have cuirfnlly ith-
stuined Irnm cmmcriing the npan and candid mem
ber* of the State Rights party, which wo liuve
above <h line itcil.wiihtho-e of that party, who are
willing lobe called“ Whig-," nnd who would siip-
poit Mr. Clay, in prefereneo to Martin Van
Bviikn. The positions, we Imvo taken, have been
liilly-justified by late results. Tin* mere *• flash in
the pan," of rgi-ing the numu of Gcorop. M.
Trocp, at the mast-head nf »nmo of the tpiatf
State Right* presso*. ha* evaporuted, and not even
left a -mull of the." yill'iinius saltpetre" behind.—
Tlie late election in thi* Si ite. In* opened the eye*
of every mnn-rrund fairy vi-jons latye p.itj
and the living reality remain*. Thi*
sired. All we ever rvqoiied wu* fair at
and dispns-ionate di*cti*«inn, to prove tlie stabili'y
of our opinion*. That we gl.ny in having arbieved,
Ouc itpponents-srnol tliu h-mest State Rich's men
••f Georgia, who with u» piefcr tlm “ Nortliern
man with Southern principle*," to any other can
didate now la-fore the people—hut llio-e who would
licnil the kncit tn II4ai., uml burn in ituhnly fnnnit
the altar of M an Ron, every principle of Repuldi-
cani-ni, did tlmt s icrificeluit subserve their own in
dividual inl«ru-l«. Such nuyi would hml tho pot-
pi" captive,and lntru>'*s them to th* fa-lural car of
Mr. Clay, Sudim-'n, noityfrlisiatnljitg the dreadful
lesson which the fill of ifiat niiyivldy, yet pontlrr-
ous machine,the U.S. Bank,teaches them, wo-dd for
their own private ends, mim another, and perhaps
more pnwtrfol In.ilimioa, on its yet crumbling
ml'.*. Such man—such p-t/Hgni#.—we should
rather say,—might be Ih Rivnmpiice# foe % modern
CiTAi-tita,Inti tlmy niunti line represematBo* uf
thtl Rt»! uhlican I'hurwUcr. In corioliortAiion of uii»
views, tlm following HO.ii a Stau- R ght- jmjkji
been telling tho pe,i,.le tlmt they sltuuld rvwuid him
witti tb- PiesidenryP
This w • lire gl 'd to say 111* been 611110! to he
“no go. Tim 11'iiplo ura now mid th -y should
tuppnit G M.Tr-up Tlii-is tlie-hallowest srlillc.'
1 li'ii we Imve ever seen attempted loin* pluye.1 oil'
upon an enlightened people un-l th y will in time
fu.iy itud'wsl tudit. It i* a-a, «euU»' io-u, tlmt you
lira *qd>'V..t' i| lo Trail: 1 up hi* principle*; this is
fqllysh-otii |;y ymir wl||itignesa in lake (’lay. N >
guiltl.-nteii, it is U-cau-u you would pui down tliu
suhtre.isiny. Ting wo think lias luvn tlio gist of
tlio' game. Losing *igjH nf principles tha party
jin* lieen upon the broad field of ox|in-lients, mid
a* one'of (lie party wn prmesi against fighting uuy
longer hehiml t|ie*e tttusked iHltterips, Lei the
party tnke liicli r gr -iiihL Lot tlm people be tin
i.inxcr told • Inti ibis question of th** currency i* nno
nf minor consrqoer.,-,-. Lot *.Im' puny no longer,
for tlm mem sake of ill" “ loaves and fishes.” at
tempt to blink it. We |-eik upon it q* ii)V"lv|ng
tlm wu igbticsi nml tnojt nijslify cnoMupieurps to the
prsspei ity and li'iurtm* of the country, uml nn ron*
sidemt'oii* either nf pet son nr puny shall affright
it* front lia' dlmj it in siiuli a niuiti|er ns we -hull
ih-eni le-Mculcnlute-l fin its success. We ask the
State Rights party to roiurn in its old motto of
I'principiu in 11 In.mines,“ uml shew ill again resume
bur pii*tiuit pit-ity uud once more liar success will
equal those of luo paliiiii-st days.
Milleilgeville, Nuv.fith, 1839 V
I't lloir Citizens of the Senate
and tlouie of Reprtsrntatirrt.
Assettilded together u» the ruler* of the |>nqde,
to pus* law a for their government, it is nn-'appropri
ate uctuf duty tn iicknmvledge our di'pomhuice up
on the .Suvntvign Ruler nml Lnw-gi\rr of the tint-
veise, and t.iiisk that lie will so guide ilia public
council* n«tu secure the hupj ita-ss of the govt-i li
ed .
In accordance with pstulili-licd usage, I preroed
to give you an un-mint of the course wliii li lias
l>ceii pur.m'd hy the Exccu.ivu l)cp -ntU°''' during
tho past year, in di«rliiirci> g ita xuih.u- diilie.| and
to lecomnieiid to the Legislature tho nto.isilivs
of pnlilic policy which experieiicit or tu-llection nitty
suggest na best calculated to uilvum e the public in
The mi'itinof the State, under the command of
Gen. Floyd, who wuto employed tit tlie time of your
Inst sessioa in protecting the iiilinhitnut* ul the
counties adjoining Florida, siiccm ded by tlieirenn-
-taut neiiviiy nml c uiiogo in dr.viug the Indian*
f'.un theOkcfiuokee.Swamp, uml tlie'r other fa*t-
uessi s, io ell'eciuiidy tl.ut the enlarged pmt of tlio
coiiuuy lays rent liqad in scuuijiy ever si»UP-
1 Iu* net passed nt your lust -cs*iun lo provide for
the payment of the militia who were culled iniollie
service of the State during the year 1833, to repel
tlio invasion nf the Indians from FI ridn, ha* been
oarri- d into ex- cuti»n hy tlii* Depiiriiiieiit, a- lltlly
us possible. The nppiopriiiiion of fifty tli. iisuml
dollars proved insuffich ut to satisfy m|I tint claim*
"rising under it. Two companies of Lowndes
county ivtiutin unpaid,,and the iiccjunls fin tlie sup
plies Ihndshed nil tl|u uompaiiies who i» srr*
vico iu that cumitry. 'fho report ol Col, King, the
Cnmmi*.iniier appointed under the net, will-how*
the in inner in widclt the appropriation bus Imh-h
uvpcuded, nml tlio probjbie tint unt uf its del'l
oieticy. -
1 regret to iiifortn tint Leg’slitltiro tlmt the He-
E urtment lias l()ilo«| iu itsi-flipti |«| pn»ci|re from thp
niteil State* (iovornmeiit tbo puyne-nt of the fitly
tliousund dollsrs which has beau tints udvntu'cd by
tlio State, or tint sum which is yet duo to tliu mili
tia for 1 heir services un I expenditures. When lit *
iipplicuiion was first tr.udu to tlio Secretary of War.
to pay tlio militia, tlio uns>ver pucojve.I W"S, tha; the lunns of the law thou in force, making
appropriation* for tliu suppie-siou uf lndiun liostil*
it es, did not ndntii uf the puymeiii ol* such troops,
u:ul tlmt the nu huiiiy for iliuipnr|>osoiiiii«t Ik* given
by u a.H'ci il act uf Congress. The I'rcsidnnt and
Secretary of Wsr fui oil. however, to bring the
subjoin, to tlm yiew ufCungpea*, n t tho upon ing uf
ilssessi .n; uud u.though it wus afterwurd* hnmghl
Ih'foro Congress hy tint deleguiiou from this Stqie,
11.1 such *|ieciul uct was passed; neither wu* tlie net making nppropri-iti ns fi-r |lio suppr. i-
s| •" nf Indian liustiiUi s, stt dniwii up us to tivoi I
the dillici.liy which hud oenu ied under the previous
law, orl-i|.mvidu in miy otiiec iituiiu r for mu ring
the required pnym tit*. 1 lint this Stuto hasj.,»l
IV.1-U11 In couiji.n'm of this c-nduet of tlieauihiui-
tie* of ilai United Slates, is i-vid ul front the I'ams,
that hul'oie the State onl. red any ir<>np* i> to (•* ser-
v ee. Gun. Je-up. tit 11 commanding in, tyq»
intonned uf tlio danger vylildi tlireiiieniul l|,.> j|i-
liuhitniits of tip* counties iiiljoining that Terrilnr. :
Tl' -t he proinisi'd to tilEnulTlu'in protuelinn: Tliul
wliun tit • linli ms euten-d the Ukeliiuokee Swamp,
soon ther-iifiei in Millie.ieul I n:u to uml-uiger the
whole of tho neigh!,1.ring population, no tiie.iusli.ol
hecii p '..\idod liyCp-n. Je.up, or any mil- r ollicef
"f til" Uiiilpd Mutes, to riq,ol them: Thut tli|i
emergency rendered it iiidi-puu.iihlu that 1 l|u mili
tia of tho State -lioulil In* .tailed nut jitr that pnr-
pose: That inform,tinof the iuvasjoq pf the
State by the lndiun* from Fto|-idn, wi|t iitni|Uilintur
ly coinmquie.viod o|lluially 1 Ijo l'rcsj(|tuii uf tlm
United Status, Secrotar. of Wnf, mid to Gen. Tay
lor, who Ii id u short tiuie iK'loru succeeded to Gen.
.letup'* rumnt md, in Florid 1, with a pressing cull
lor ns islunce and pro tvtio : Tint n> gunner
fince wu* e-ill. d out hy tho uutliurilirsLf tlio Stale
th in tho extpm of the d nigoAtupilred, nor retain-
ed in servicu longer th in was nece—uryt 'ijiut the
General (iovi riimunl is I ouhI hy tint
In pr ter-t tlio Status ng iu’viisioii | And tlmt
it is its prncilce to pay tlie milhii uftli.-Suite,
furpeiToimiog licit suivico wh-uevi r it could nut
liuvo been pciluritn-d hy toe tt'o;,p« uf tho United
0 hundred mi|«-s of the gndtng nnd tnnsonry
s mil romj U
(nr Mr. Da 1.1.AS wqs to In* eiiterta'iie.1 hy his
f.'llow-ciiizeii of I’liiliululpliin, nt u pul.lie di ipep nil
yusterdiiy, ns u welcome home hi- onihussy to
St. I'eteraburg.
NEW YORK, Oct 31.
We luvve not much vnriiili.ui t*» state in tho *tock
market. Uni oil St it.-s op. n.-d 111 70, buyers 61) days
ail.I cl'i-ed .villi a cash salu m 70. tvidn'i i- 2 pet
coi.t better th hi the in .rket cl.i«e.| o' yesterday.
North A ririiq Trq-t fr*|| itfl'l p-rcent llaileiu
Rail II -ad improved |, and Sioningt n 2,—We nr"
informed tlmt after tliu Uoitid a Ijoinued, United
State- sold at 72.
Exciianok.—'fq.inoirnwluting|iw!i*vi day, more
biioqes*bay Inu'ii d.uie in exchuug" iliitn for some
duyspicvioits. Solar a* we cun im-erlain, the pri-
c * o! hill* on L m l-iniir" front 7 to il| I’rint" New
York hill* may he olenined at H 18]. un-l good South*
erwln.U nt 7**74 —Com. Ado.
Tub Mv it k XT.—Cot too punnin* inoiionles*, and
nouli| It • h 'ight alt-npi'f, Flour i- Helling freely ut
$3 75 ns the lop price for common In uml*. South
ern. $6.u(i 25.
S ilo* of w-hi*nt nt 1151120 rt*. Corn Ini* fallen to
681-tsfqr S mi hern wt, and lowor prieea still cun
on'y Int odcii'nied on. Northern Cam 7*1 ifiO.
Itilfron Eij'fq.e mi* very pS* my l ouipur d with
money to l>o\ '|,em, and price* dri-upiug. I'hihidel-
phiu, 13a 1.4; Ituhiaune, 1‘2AuI3; I* rpiijence,Ga8.
Money mailers nro gradually becoming'cusicr.
and public feeling culm. The report of fujiuiv*
lt"r.- which we hear of from the, nro ju gen-
cm I nu ro fal.ricniion-.— Journal Cor,p
of riie Bank of Darien und it* Branchi'*, 1111 M"U
Hnv, the 7rii day nf Octoher, 1839, us required
by the Legistqture.
To amount nf Bill* issued, $771,665
On linn I, 4iW,y 45
In circul'.tian.
(' •pitul stm-k paid in,
Amount redeem it.
215 865
$293,720 09
Dividends unclaimed,*,
An,mint due to other B ink*.
Check* on time, unpaid,
Haliitire qf p-ip'l^ed fopd, lifter tin-
ducting aj* lii.jgt. depri-ciaii.'ii
of properly ui dVxpeu-ctodate v
$-135,185 00
1.558 63
•52,685 39
22.906 14
31,512 04
21,130 94
$161,165 59
By ca*h balance, composed of Specie,
In Go) I, $11,502 5(1
Silver, 26.866 51
r—.* $-12,1-19 09
Uillj of uthi'i Banks, 14,042 66 *'
$4H.4»I 01
I'f the mil rumi U row cntnjtMfd. naropt a small
di-Hpme whom tiuegppoipd i|iih- nitjot )mvo been
mot with which will soon ho imqctunn, T|te re
mainder of lists road would Imvo Imhjr put under
contmet for e- nstruction befop* this tiqie. lift for
the want of liinda,
The onllre cost uf tin* r ad up to th«* Ar*l of Oc
tober last, bus boon one ntillion thr- e huudml nnd
twenty thousand uno hundred nud forty eight 10-160
dollnr*. Ot' thi« *mn. nlmnt one million und seven
ty tlioiHnud dollar* liavo lx*eo ohtuiiu'd through the
Conti- d Bank, nnd liy tint salt of pledge nf tin* stock
l«Mied under tint lifts uf 1837 nud 1838, having 0
bnlunctf ..f upward« of two liumhnd qui| fifty th"U
sultd dollars, duo lo tlie cnntmrtnra nnd other per
sons in tli« employment ol’ the Cnmmisriniiei*,
llio pu\incut of this last sum, toguiliur with what
Inis la come duo tlie conlrucloi* since tliu first of
UelnUtr, l.ugbt pt be provided fill itmnediate'y by
(he Legislature,
Tlie nniimil rejMirl nf the Bourd • f Commissioners
to the Legiiliitmo, will show t|;o liability of the
Stuto for stock sold, for money nilvqiicri) niton the
pledge of slock, nud for inteirst which may wronte
due upon those sums. The great enthanassmenl
in the money market of thi* euuiiiry nud Europe,
•"id the low price in which Slam -tuck* have fallen,
I'omlt’i" it impos«ilile for the State to raise money
op Hi Credit. Tint Legislature |tijut, )|n iffitiR, (jc-
teitoiiie hy whnt •-iferr means it wi.l provide the
limds necessary lor executing its givat work of in-
•erniil improvement, |
Alilmugh the failure of the Stnl'-'s agent to sel^
stock may increase the amount which imui he pro*
valid lit for catry'mg onthce.iuatiue.ijun Rfthp
r.ind, ju-t iluil cip-unistiqw'ulifiih- r adil* to iu filial
Cost, mif h*««c* it* mlviV"ngr» whm it -Imft |ie rtipt-
ph-U'il, Tlio indisposition ol tint Loci«li|iiim|o imi
pose heavy Hi ft usual Inxp* upon the pimple; ilir
1 ur<"demand* which m-i-t Ih-made up.iu tlm Trea-
**">■ fi" oilier pur|Hi*i s during the present year; and
Itod ninged stuto ol'ilio linattcc-t liuvo created an
iippielieusion, le*l the iqud shall ho ulmndoiied ul-
together. Great its \lte difficulty w{ft hp in fiiujjt|g
means for constnio iti? the road, thi* apprehension
ennmil hut prove needli***, w hen it it contiderod
tlmt $1,320,14U 10 liavo already been expended in
it* construction, which will hit lost entituly to tlio
Slain, if it shall ho thandmuul; That the linn of the
niiift I* thec||pR|tt*t{ and shorta-l prartirnhle tiiutn
by which tlm Uo-t and Southwest c<lt Ik*connected
with the Atlantic; and tine It* great cost will there
fore create un additional security that it will enjoy
tho monopoly of it* udvantage* t Tlmt it is duo to
hor enterprising chiton* who am constructing the
Go irgia, Central, and Monrmt Railroud-; Tlmt ilia
Suiio stjuuld |jni*U t|p; Western nm| Ailqtiftn Rnift
rim I; Tfiut a* tho Hovcrmtipnl nf tha Suilu hu|tl*
rite political opinbinthnl tho Henppil Government
has no const jt otioniil power to make internal improve-
menu within the State, it owes it to itself nnd the
other member* of tliu Union, to execute 11 work ne
cessary for the prosnorityaf several, und itdvuninsc-
o'tstn nil, and which nonaenu execute Imi Georgia:
Tlmt tlio road will furnish the only m<-un* by \ l.jpli
tlio heavy ami vnluuble productions of tlie Cherokee enn reach 11 prufiiub:e market t That it will
connect the Suite with one of tlm most exlcnsively
loriilu com.ti ies in tlio world, go q* to iiilrq lurp julb
evoiy in|i t of i| S||p||lius qfilm first necessity, m ail
rimo* and in •>">' quantity which may b (Icmniidril:
That it will give to our cities 11 large expi-n trade in
the prod act i> ms of the' We-tern and Souihwostern
States, und an equally bem liciul tiade in "applying
tlieii liomecon-iimpii n: Thai h mutt become tlm
w gicut llioinughfaie lor tiavol ing b tw-j. 111 Imi South;
idod liyGdl. JeMq», or any otli. r officer " v ' 1 n"d tlie Atlantic; Ijiqt (l will strengllien the
•-. “-->i '***-“- •*— Ipqids of t|in Un Ion | nod to the itirtiu* ofinuiuulile*
fence nud proteci-a uiiioug the St ile-; elevate ||ie
ctiaiiictei 1 filti-S me; advance its geiM'iu| loqtpri-
ty. and ruluiii within jt s||u |K)pu|.itipu qqil wpolili,
n-liii h W(|u|.l otjp'rwisp piiijgnilp t • other States.
It, turn ever, the L-gislut me should consider tliu
fiminci's lolie In supli q condition os to foib.d tlip
coitiuiiaiiee of flits iqud by foodslo be driiy q from
taxnlion, I woiiM recuipqi-nd ili .f the (g.-gLIutute
auilior ao tlio lalnpl qf t..i|||tniMiiiner* luuccoiit uf
tlie piopiMiil wliieli Inis been Hindu by tbecmifrqppirs
nuw nt woi k on the road, to receive six 1 prceni stock
of tlm Stutu inpayment for its construction Ip lift**'
A copy of ihecorrcRpondi-nceof ildsdepartniant
with the Cuii'l E -giiii'itr,iiiiiiu this subject, nml in
the piopiMul on the purl of tliu contractor*, is luid
liefi.r-'you. If tlm LegUluiure should dt-trimine
upon -iccepsing tlio terms oflernl hy the coniptrmis,
l would advise 1 lint ii hoi|imemt soon a- possible, so
lieu may bo notified ql |( hy tliu timu that tliolr
picsi-nt com met * shall he completed.
Report* liavo beoo n-ceiveil from all the Banks in
the S if", -Inwii.g tln-ir «ondition ( on iIh> first of
OcIi.I-t lust. Tin «eii' pm 1 a nro so numerous nnd
••xti-m|'-|| tlmt cop e* could not bo nta i«i out to nc-
compiiny ti They urefih-d in tbo exocu-
liv>-ullirte subject lo tie-di«|HMiliouuf tliu LrgU'.a-
'i'll.’ lu o 4-i*|p*iiVmiuf sporin payment*hy mnny
•6 t 11 Bank*, .■11. 01*40 gcn.'ially uud loamili an ex
tern, th" iulercsi of tliu whole emnniuniiy us to call
I* r riie di-ci.l.-d ii.lerfi rein*" of the Legi*'attir.‘, to
pruvein tlie iujui imi* con-equeura* whigli may follow
from it. Th" pn-cpodi||g suspension of -(mciu pny :
m.-'lf* hy t(|e II,Hint; found if< just|licn|iqii it; thp
exi|qii|u iMicpisity which wq-ciealo i by ths-uddi-n
u-voUion in Hade, and geuer.lioss or confidence in
coimni-reiul irun-nctious, which succeeded imrni'di-
uielv nit r the "Xce.sivc i-sues ul thb Bunks, which
•i"d been cn'lcd f'.rby overrml no, on the'pint of
tlm ini'ivliuiiis, exitiiv.igiinl puf-chu-es uiign cnuL{,
nving Ik yond ilie r ntoiin*, by the noople, und the
I'irii ..f-prciilati.n, wbnli |k-i vnd- d the wlmlit conn-
try. It gave to tin* lliink- tin- m -un* or i.ffindiug
riie 11 ii..| facilities fin biitoiess, nml nt tho smnu time
of grndnnlly curmlliug their discount-,
3.451 1
Amnuritdiio hy ii'her Banks,
Ualan -o d'io hy Branches mal Agei-
Real fjslalp, li »4 dopreciqtirn.
Kxchaqgu DiscoqiiU-d, after dcl I u Cl
ing all bail,
Notes, do do do
Slocks ofolhef Hunk*,
ihotcsl Amount,
$ 164,105 59
. • More than one half of till* nni'.uul, p i|i| on
Spin* nidar pinteri, qiid rannol In- iliawn mil.
Rank'of Dsri, ..,U.m'i i 2.5. 133.1.
In pur«iinncn of othor provision* of the same uct
ulriody r.'fopvd to, Attgiistin II llim*o|l, Esq,, wus
uppointHil u commissioner to -unlit tlie claim- aris
ing under it in 1 tie Cliurokim counties nml mi nil
Go.irgin, ami \\ in S It. ckwi-ll, K-i,.
for ihnoouutius west of tlie O.TIIU g.-o r.vei mid
south of tlie road li-iplitig from Mldeilgevilhi to L'-i-
lumhus, Thecomniissimiers found gioat oilliculiy
111 iiodiiing the cluiuu pr.-senn ft i„ i|i"m, 11 - tli i
this Department in allowing ijp-mti- "ju-l ai d weft
lomnleil. ' Noil" hud ill tli"ip incepiiou any |.«m
upi.q the Troasuiy of the Suite ns having lieen
cri-ni.-d under tliu 11 in Innity of its laws, or hi a-
c rdiiucu with uny qeneral principle ruudi-ring t
•ihligatory-upon tho Mute t-. pay them, mid co,f|d
only liiurufoiv IhmI.-io. min. ,| ujmn l.y the inic.l |, |.
*'* r w* tlm Inw >hic|| di|.-r.p-d i||e.i s.-tliimt. nt.
Lop;"* lit thu lopmtof tip, cmqm|4.i»ners ur,. „i,|
Ik-Io e rial L -gi» uturo, und wi 1 sliuw in what man-
"••r they have discliurgcd tlm doty assigned them.
1 he Legi-luluro wn- informed m it-lust session,
'h»« tbo nee-.nuts ugaiirt 1I10 United Slates, fm
paymentsmado by this Suite, to it- imliti i „,„| vo-
uiili'i-r-, under th" acts of |l{3q' mid 1837 lm I Ikk'ii
pio-"..t,-d to the War D.-p rtm.-nt f r icuubii *. «
m c.iinpaiiiml by tho tlnu th y should
tie I Iiss.-d upon us-ooii ns possihlo; mid that ill • nml Ri-presenlniLt's Ir in this Stale in
Congress, h il a I mi Itueu ieip..*i"d wluit
portion of llio-eai-c units wq .j.l Ik- p u |.| |,ytho War
Dop irtni.-nt, 11 q 11.. apply p. Coiut-ss I.-i h- pn**
•»86 nf n special law, to uutlmr.Zk' tliu pavuienl of
the remainder.
Tli so ncconiits wore placed in the pm-i-ssion of
tho .Secretary nf War, for iidjostment ill the ruontli
nf.lime, 18.(8. In the nimoli of Jmiu irv, theieaf*
ter, having received uoiofrirmiitinn tout uuy prioress
Imd lieen inode iu their aeiiluin)i|;i. um| perceivjug
tlnu the si.bjiv.t h-ol nut Ik-cii hronght h fore C'on-
gie**, tiie utterniim of tliu S cn-tury of Wnr uml the
Delegation, was again culled lo il. Near iln- coo
of the session, nml when ii was too Inin foe the Dele
gation to iiptm, t 1* olilajti |he pq-aigunj' 11 law liy
('migress, lo reioiliiirse lint Sfate for the p.-iyiii>-nls
in ide l,y it, tho ucroii ting olfici-r* uf i|m Wor De*
pmtnieiit, re|"irti-d that tho wlmle of those pay*
mei.ts Imd heou m ulo either coninny to Inw or rp*
ijitlred form, op that tjiey wire ipi.iipporii.'d by mjI-
Itcii-nt evidence.
I lay Ik f.,re the Lrgi-I ,lur#r for tlieex' iri-e of it#
paidouing power, tlio cq«e* of two convict), fof
murder, Ut wlium nqiriovcs have boon gr.mteiL
1 wriulil avail myself of the present, n* a lit op
portunity l'«r earnestly r.-ci uinn-iidiiig to the la'gl**
Intur*, so to modify the law defining murder, uud
prescrihiug it* pmii.limout, ri* t.iupikeii .iirgepoi-
thin of tho off nice* which me l»v tin* «li-ci|»i*iri sil mir
Courts, dolermiui-d to ho murder, nnd piinisliiihle
with dentil, subject to 11 difl'.-ieut punishment. I’m-
don* liuvo I--.-ii »» uniformly ,f-ir u long time, grant*
"il to convict- |*or nimder, whom* guilt lot* Ik-oii nil-
iilteinli-d hy 1 i,cum*.mi es of grout ulrmrity, as l"
prove, conclusively, tlmt some oilier lU"mi# than
•eiitence* of hurigi.ig most lie provided, to*sgci;ie
sncieiy iiguinst such 1*.
It is stilmiilteil fi ( tin- q-|*.lorn of the Legislature,
to determino wlielher tho object of tho proposed al
teration of thu Law, will bu best ufli-cted by creat
ing two 1I1 -lint*! c-imosof Iho acts, which uro now
in.-hided in the dcfiuiii-.n of murder, di*tingi{isliing
t cm hy 1I10 ciicum-Uiuces uitrrnlunt upon tlii'ir
different d-gree* fguilt, und miking the uffi ncoof
thu i.'iist degree, piini-huhle, by couliuemout iu tho
I'ua ti-ntinry—wwd the highest with doallt, or by
leaving it lo tin disifeti'm of tlm Judge, liffupe
wli-int convictimis f >r trig di-r rnuy uku pla«n, to
pa*s si'tiienco of dentil, or confiiieinmil In tlio l'cni-
tetitiary, accordingly us the guilt of the convict may
Imi intended, by circumstance* of uileviuliun or agr
Ill qbedir lieu to the ii'qiilrement of llwt I^gislu-
lure, the ll'Nird of Ooinmlssimnrs of tlm \Ve#t rn
mid Atlqn{(c Rail Road primeedgil loi-xurnlnu the
emm-ry nn tlm Tuuiic«*«<> river, with-the view of
t-cenginiog the mostcligibla termiun* of tho rotd
for sociiti'.g the udvantage* of tha liude with tliu
We*t. This i-xaininniimi jciulp-d in th Ir fixing
upon Ross' Landing u« lliftl trrndim*. Th* solrc*
rioa hu* Imi n fSoncurrrd in by tha Exi.-eQt.vjDv''
qWNthmahder that U-, |hnf snmbl only h«
1 • $bl»lit fROfi'IOftitilf l’ f curirncy and n
UmUnraisaisniilai.d becan*r it gives to tlm L
iRlUfr %n opjmriwnl'y 9f wpi-uW lb# l4««l) _ .
any rigli'X an* scqninil tinder If, A* V'fJ A* th*r -
currency of th* country la fit bank ruics, its proi-wt'
tPiglatiuaUof so much ImiMfrtnncu tw every ii.JU
vldual anil tlm public, that t|av Si^ieaught to retain
suincieat powarovrrll to hrutect the vsunwquity
fium Its ahitscs. Thn L**f Wlsfre should avcaitstq
w hut ■•Wtint of capital it reqniinj lo furnbh thss
circu'aiiRf nttnliom, aufeteot fstr th** purpose* of
trade, where »yph capital tMtabj ta ha crprv'pvul.
■mi togranttlm privllwgo of using Itiosui-h p«sTk.i,
and upon such rundilboa wotfid bv>t secutf q
sound rmrenry.
Rank rbartcrx are not intended tie lb" egcju*ha
wnefit uf tlm x'.'okMdo's, but tq, advance thu
Wealth and prosperity of nl', Th* taiaWot
general Banking Law, is tu Indore those V
no tnohey, are largely indrbtml, and tltus* v
eiRjil-yod 1(1 t'giouiivtf spcoulatious to aid
iimkfrg RVncy, nrV(b«t 1'gsscs f"T.ll, U ■
aqd more Wpjtl Brans of acquiring it; than 0
Althonch ifie |*w ax passed, enn^aiiNqj r-^
w Inch for th|> tiipe hay" Pfeyrtfitfil th* c
bring flooded wfth irmlromaW" bank L v ,
pol oy is hqlicvtid (q ftp rnunfied jn orrofr l„ _
cring laud and negrurs a better security fora afru
luting paper medium, than gold and silver; and tha
all iiemms awning auch pruprity, ought not only
toliiTetlft) tlulit of using it, aiftoyitig Its ptpfits.
.ml M'lling ii Itir Ii. lulim, hill ,|,J
prtralntln, ur ulMng iho vuluo uf oraij iih,,Vor,
in this matter consists la providing for the eventual
redcniption of bank notes, rnther than for thala
continued circulation, wlilmut depreciation; and fb»
tliu hem fit »f,jo, issuers of bunk tmti**, rather ihaa
tlm interest of i|k) wftulo capimunily. Land aid
negroes are Unfit ln*tiumoiit< IW earning oath*
liusiuess of buriur nml exclintigc, or for being utada
tliu bads for Lsin s ol bunk notes, becauso limy can.
net |ie exclianfl. d ipt R (ftonflv gt tfii- will «f tfip hot
tk'rs, or a* the nr enssitias ..fcooimeree may require
I he rich may profit hy land and negroes, being the
basis for the issues of bunks which fail, but a laiga
imitinn iff the Imldcts ol'ilio notes qf such bonks.
mint pai t with qt any rate of dpprcclaiicn. If
qowavrr. the Legislature should continue of tlm
opinion,bat tliu business of banking may hu Iefttui
ipguUtr- itself under the restrictions initioscd upon
It by »((•• goftoiuf |aw upon that subject, llmm res*
Whnb*Mi«uaUtft W ftipteaird Vy rcqulilag that
banking com panic, .hall (mnsiit of a wullLlwni nJiaat
Ikt of.ioiklmld.'r#,and|lp.,(o.U Im'.d bV each lie
*0 limited asm prevent the bunk* from fulling nn-
d.-r tlio control nfindividuuU, or or* fiqv tivrsoni'.
und ijienhy secure tl|f{n f H -n | H -I n g directed to
tpccu.utirc or liuuduleniparpnsru. W
In c..m 1 .limi, 0 nlili tho r. «lml,m nflhn U.I.I..
lum, Johi, Jld-hm.nn U« , r | , n , Wm. IV. llult.i^
Ah."l-m H. CI.H|.p..|, K.,.., hnv,. been nnpaintwj
tnnimi.kionuruto npuqgo and digiut b *yit-m ,,f-
IU» S'... 1 Tlmlr «|?4 WII1?^. m
lmi u,.n m, a,., V|„ high tjuahActUuu, „f
tlu se gentlemen for the doty impure,I upon them,
tin lulu,r wliieli hut boon untpl 'yed In Its ixnrurmt
mice, and tho iinpotuncc nf iu subjoct, will entitle
'"I'srri to gteut eon*j.lcrution, '
W.lliarq Law, Joseph llcnry Lumpkin and fls*
yij| C, CnmnlH'll, E-qrs,havoberm appointed coin
Riiujtmefg (o iiveitjgnip (|>o plnlmi nf Trcicyant.
Gnlpbin and Kllin*. The result ofthrir InvailiMt 1
lions will bo repotted directly to the LegLIaturr;
and will, it is to bo expcctud, I'roduce a final di‘po
st- t«»n of those claims.
In purtu'inco of tlio uutliority givpn ihji Doparli
meat, Charles Douglnirty and Jqqqjs A.
liter, j-mr*., liuvo been emyj-ycd at counsel to
II 11" ."’•'■“''••na pending in tlio Superior Court of , •
llnlimlinm county, in tiavor of tho nelta of certain
Imljim rossrvrcs, against the grantees of tha Siule.
or iIiimo who hold under thorn. Tho Legla!aiuru
1 nfmipl |o || w rppun nf lh"«o {r||l|r«,p, f.f
ml rmntieri upon tha *u|ijeot nl i|jq{p |u||(,
I n for the Legisluture to tlie correspondoaoe
butwmm thi* D.-pnrirnunt and the (ftivert.or and
Couitnis-ieiii'rs ul the Siule of Alubauia,rorinl'uim-
tian in reluiimt lou pro| o-itinn mado by the Goverj
r.ur of Alqbqnia, tq r HR ggnju (lip |fre Wfe* lU
two htnip-, m cuii|unctiiin with thp qufti^itct of
till* Mute.
1 tiunmiit tocqcli hrqnch nf tbo Legislature, a
lt»t ol tlie Executive warrants signed during Urn y-i nr, nml ofutfic-rs appuiti.cj In tftc Excculiva
•411 mg tin «am • timp.
Tlm prociq»dmg< of tl^n LegUlntures of severe)
S I* •lift S(.i«t*, upon subjects njsupposed r
uterusl to all tho Stale*, nro laid btfuip
their rr quest.
lirigmlier Ocncnil Z leharidh While's 0 mmnnd
ha* Micnnie VMCimt, by hi* removiilfrnm the Stale,
j |||J' heforp 1 |(o jp'gi-lMmp, conies of the core
*ii.iri||onco tKiiwepn this ()pnar|ment and Cij. Asq
H- for improving.tbr? nsvigatina
ol ChnttnhiNKdiie river from the city of Coluni:
bu* to the Florida lin-, and tho simerlnicndeai
Hiinjnniiu V. Iverson, J-'jq,, with copies qf thfjr.
accounts ugqjnjt the Statu. TU*e papers d
III" Department that the»um ol'tbitty-fiva thousana
dollars, which hud bet-n tocclvpd fp.^i tlie State,
hy ChI. Bate-. gnm|y pypordpd vilQl hp was pn-
Mlcd to lor h(» services. 'Ifioy wifi also show ilia
difficulty which occurod in ascertaining what ought
to Ire paid 10 the superintendent. They are r ler;
red to the Legislature, tlmt *uch di-u-rminaiiyjt
may be bud upon thorn as a higt fpgmd fftr tba
publ c imeii-,( nml (hp rights of tliu couttuctur and
#ujh*| inti iii|"nt may requjre.
Mi* Howard, the ngent who wn< »«n( tq England
to procure copies of the colonial records, relating '
to thu curly history of this Mato, has placed in tha
Executive ollice niuotccn niunuscriiit velupug a|
thu result of hi* labors. Grout cipdlt {4 dtp tft Mr,
I low aid f p tins im]u try qmj peuevunnee wllfr
which # lip uvL-ivuinu the diffii u lies which bo toot
w**h *71 ‘'fTwclj'iff |l|« ukjqc, of his mission! "
Thu appropriation for building a house for thn re,
tidcticu of tlie Guverner having proved insulficicut tq ’
coiuph to the bui ding in tho style and according tq
the plan on which it wu* commenced, (fip popunit,
ten W'lju hml the *U|Hipnti;n(}aiico of It* pruplign, bur*
fuyyc(| Irqni i|u, Celitpl ilqnk, U|>on thefrnwa cre
dit, tlK'-uniol 3213 dollar* lo -upply the,
cv. Tlm public spirit which imlu. ed tlie comptitfetj
to incur their responsibility, eii||tlct ihep, tp (k* re,
liuved by he Legislature in tint some splrjft An
euclutuni und out houses corresponding iu stylo witq
'.lie orincipiil building, remain to be erected.
1 lie (iuiiuofthe districts within which Justices
of tlm lVuce exercise tlieir regulai jurir^Aoiu. utwj
puptattif ql M'lili'i «!'Piv fW'n'IB'J' f»‘P Ff $L*s I»^ .
now in force subject tn tho (eginiontal coprts of In,
biful, Jf-Hl, ft.
as lignin
to resumo specie piiyini-ni* wiilmul giem pr.-s.ure
upon their dobiors; and to debtors the opportunity of
mtykiqg payment* l»v time, in.hutry uml i-ciiiiomv,
»i)llTOl tlio pill. whl«ll hll,0 I Il'.p
ponsi’rjomicij to mnny of ftircnd co||pcrimis ipimi'di-
iqely nftpr tho took place. The present
susp. ntiqn lint been ninde under very different cjr- •: . u f L'.» " ” T “ J".7’ r A _r
cum-tunco.; nnd if ,H-rmitt.'d to go unnoticed, liy rim . lh !. f'* cc "!j ve
Lcgt-hriir.'. will tend to priKliicn un insecurity und
yiici.lutio 1 in Bunk issues uml cimlit, uffecting most
injuriously tlie lehilbniiif il,-||ii;r ipid cieditor, and
tlie g.-n -rul we diti and pr -*|K'iiiy of tlu> rornmum-
>• 1 ho coinluei of mnny of iln* Rnnks shows the
dighs control which theohlipulion topeiform thelr
contrui'isitus over rimm, nmi ,1m probability thut
ilipy wi.l use thu qppqrtqnfty which the tiisj.i-io.ion
giycslhitm, of m-ikingioofii from it iiiib--s rest rain-
eil tiy 1 ffi b-ntluw*. U'lii|*r, tht-n-fore, I woq'd re*
cummi-i d that all thu* should fj • jK-rmittcl to Cum|
re niii lliuir chirteis, whose repotl* show that llmir
business hu* Im-o., c.indiic eil with ordinury cuu'hin,
uml icgnjd fqrtlio riglii* of tlm pft'dic, I r)eeiu it
very imjMirtant tljnt tho Legishriqre »Iioij|,| im|K.»e
such ca litmus •q,i,n th qj us will pri vet t llli jf
iruking exccsshe issit sj sjiecnliiiinu in oiiltun or
other prndiiciions; or sol ing speci' 5 und fmc« limn
to ie-iiiii" s|.e«-iu piynieq:* as soon a* *h- picscot
embjrr ■•(.neiit ip lhr* mmicy mark-t in ihnsernup-
trie# with wliirhqm hs»piT}-iini"iciif.i|»-i)liqgs.*hqll
Ifiiyo p »»#• *1 Iiw.iy. T||i.y should Ini required lo
make quarterly ihpoilt ro thu G iveruor, slmwinf
tlmir coiidiiion and • xli bi iog rim amount of their
linhilitirs, nml the s;-ci |e in tlmir Vault*. Tlm con
dqci of sevef il Bifiks dining their previous siisjwri-
»ion nml since, |uovi-|,i|ui pi on. fitly nf suhj, ctii.g
•hem to incrims"d |ii'pu|iies lor i-suilig c ungn bill#
of null's u-iderljie doltnrs; und of c 'tnpplljng lhrm|
by tin* sumo m un#, to jwy rimirfive dollar n-'las In
sjiecie, when, f itemed tothu 11 fui pjymcntinsmqjl
niilry. Tli.-irii.itiaofihe btqtnjs so ifttorganlfc d n$
present thut it wmikj bo a' nmttpr of some coave,
u^cm-p tot .th tlm |mnp|eand tlio Executive Depart,
mom, if tli * |Kiwi rwcre tnkrn from tho military
courts und given tu the Inlcrim courts of tho cuu|(j
Noiwitlntuinliugt lie effiirts of the Department «•
collect into die Arsenal at this placeUw public RfTOf •
which uro sc-allt'wf qyer tlio emifry, 4 firni'mjijf
yut renjaiu in lip- possesrion uf ti.dividni.!*, Wpcra
riiev are 6cc.imieg useless liy want pf care, are useq
ami dispo-ed of uf |ij-|yq|p'prg|ierty. Iho cyil If
sufficiently extensive to anthurixe dm Legis'alure tq
coiiipul, by peuul i-nuctinenl*, those who moy hnrp
p,ghric arms in their linnds, to dclivur tin m up tq
some designaud officer.
1 lie sure in wbid) |1|P nilbl'P wort foaod. •
which have beep cq||cpt^} jntn fh« Apscnnl rendered
jt qecessary that c.qnsiderxUe expense' should be lq-
cunvd iu clcuniog and repairing them to preterva
them fit fui public use.
In .-xecutiug the act passed at your last sasstna;
directing thi* Department re have soljj speh flftjjg ;
public arm* as nfighl dpi m’pd unnecessary to tef
loin, an order was issued to tho Military store keupf
ur* to select mid soil, according to the tarns of tho .* *•
uct, lh- useless aim* under their cose.
Tlm re|Mirt- of the Military srero kcoppps, copies
of which aie laid before tho two Hgfjspi, yfU} jfiuig.-
tho munner in wlijcl) tj|f(( nrt Wbeen' ptfrried iqtq
effect} und thp pqmlition uf the pfrblic uruu in each
of tire Arsenals.
The Bunk of Duiien and the Banfe of Bnnjc * up-|wi-io (Myrneois. und stopped discounting,
InAhvcaity port oftheyeni. file loss which lias
been MisiuiiH d by individuals pad thonqlj|)cfrufp (Im
dejoi-galiiiu 01 the Ini * of thew (j.inks, vpndera |l
ilia duty of »h" State to i nquire intq the -pauses of
tlwiii iat.utef, that vurh iriimtln may be applied *«
will gun 4 ri»* uommjjnity from »imllsr lo*sc# berir
after. A« the failure* of tbe-Diikin Bank have
nio-t pr.ihnldy proceeded from Ilf liavlnx h -cnln Ilia
linnds or Director* xn.-olnted-by/tho Stair, who
liavo hud l pi-’ or n 'interest In its safe and | fafita-
bl* m ni-.cpg) nt I won d recumn)"nd either tlmt lb#
chatteroltha (tank I u foife l d, ur Utat the State
dispose o a Urge p'*rri auf It* stack, sons toplses
tlm.dlro.'-tlw} .f tlie Bank ii) tha hfnd# of those
wlm willt-av ‘ a strong t ulivUual Inrepiit incflndpci-
int it properly.
Nu pejsot-bitvnas yet avuijod tJjamMilrcsoflfre
ptivtl ge granted hy the lugr*passed at your Ust
»u-shai,ta ft) the Citltmi-of the S'air, hi esiibl'sh
U.uks. result 1* for noji.* Wf tnermintry, as
li« very ^s.uln,ibai if aay btuks h*l gone iMf
1 bu aj-p. opt latino of Iffl theft**™? for I
Goulogiral Survoy of tlw Stale, tvjft he pjcjiond. d be
fore thq rml of the presebt year. ltwi|iboneo.ssaif
tlptt aiiad llTwal approprla ion shallba mad", if U
if tire purpose of the LfUUtnre to continue the op ;
eru jonsof the G.ologist, until an entire survey of. •
,l))P Btaja shellJm pofllplcipr).
fha budding which qaw bdng erected for q •
Lunatic Asylum will Imi completod before your seal -
I'vshn , and ready for tba r caption of the ia»an *f
! would pill (ha attention of (be Lcfiy'gture to the
nucessity of prescribinr tlie rule! upon which iu ia?
mutes shull be received, adutiting proper regulitlons
f.,r tba government ol tlie iMlIthUoa, appoiat'ag %
U.«nl-fTnui.,. C'flu .uirrt-'oSo** MSte
.inkiImi, tnJ » pl-Jf.lel 0 f r IU mnJIc.1 S.r»ftlM,
Tbcn arn .1 WMM M*Lb-HfaS Ml
vk 1. In lli. Panft—ri-rjf. TN* “I")",I* IW u -*°
In ba anipkyfnl -llWa'Il* w»Mal Wkllf|.« W ’
a4n.ll ofili*o»*'M. bK»l -.I**** UMlIlK/Wg
diNHMat, Um B'.a^rr of aril. -.wcrpcwS toia,
one iitmnffa n , .
Thr IM cipal Keeper, bis *
Roirdof UHutdra, tiav di
iMr mpcetlve oU''#*ia a maeaar which b$4
f« tb. In.iluiikpi aa a.—M w*