The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, November 09, 1839, Image 2

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W t"V* %• h miff tk !•«• »Mrh « c-owr4H. Tkrw ka*a l*ew wo rttitutkier* aatneg ib;ri-<vrai*rfiiri«itkpi»» yasr.ktnaa raeaira. m.d ikaaMMt ftWh*l»ftk cuartata ha* nfwW U **lll*thalaf MV MfHMl }«M. apwatd* wf Bight UhmmmI deHart. But mi rUrala uf tk offe r*. In ■* free »*H directed, ran mskeik in-t notion wlurt it to Ira, n tenor to nil duet*, and tk meant ©f nfforiwlnr criminal*, without the aUl iff a well to f ulaied poke. Ill*specially necra-ary tkt tk • awiciireimxf daily cornmonicaikin w bkh ia imw per twitted among t • convict* should bn prohibited,and that a a*pnr*in budding slrauUI bu enrie-1 for tba reception of (bww>a craukt*. Upna Um aubjett nf ilia reform* u htrli am wer*»• t tetkgatenmraiitni I»kj I'o.iin.iiiiry. tk I.*- •a I* respectfully iclcficd Imho report, of tlm t«r*i and tlm Committee of iho Le- . alblljr recommend I ho repeal «c f tha law passed ai your lad session, > culture ot'nlk. Kmm enquire* made lent, il ha#been a* etialirad that tire f cent* oM l»y that law for oarli tooti* raised in ik Stair, l»|wlrellie __.n of llrair value; sutkt ilie proJoee.s, moving the premium, will i rod re certainly twice tlra value furcoooMna, and throe tiro- «, if ikv can find a mar* bn In* them. The extended pi in rings of the intiru« mulrieoMHa andbeity lice, which hua already been made la tbi*8t itctmho facility with which it can be npUIr wnpuedl ita quick grow th and early fit. HCM fur feeding 'he ailk worm; and tlm raw «ith which any quantity of the »Hk worm* may lie obtain* cd | render it highly |»mkhlc tlmt a sufficient quan tity nf ailk coconot will Iw raised, rn itb-d to p c* • ml m*, to exhaust tlie Treasury in a few year*. Theta caa be but littlu doubt tlmt th * will In* tlm caae, if nttr elltnate, soil, and cheap Inti.U, admit of the applioriuo of labor to llm cultivation iff tlm malborry treo, ami railing ailk conra-ns. *n na to dr* rive ibrrtfnun lira oMinary profit* recoiled fn>m orime employment*. If not, tlmn all tlm premium* whichahall ham been paid, will lie much publicrno nay thiowa away. A* ilw law giro* an Implied pledge tint the premium ahall Iw paid fur ten, regard for tlm public fulfil, n* well a« lira puldia inter* att, inquire* that If it I* to be repealed or modified within tbf ten year*, it ho dm a ut oi/co, and before very eitrniiveobligation* ahull have Iwen incitrml to ... - ,_ r |nq;r amount* of the public toooey nvidaway. Besides tk*o objections tnthopnilleularprovMuii* of tba law, the nolicy in which it I* founded is lltvlf wyqur»i|onahh». Tlm people of till* country aro aaheaah alive n.limb own intrrest*; an little tinder the hdkraatw of long continued mage*; and change fnwa ao» employ me lit tontmtlmraoremlily; that the interference oil tie Government in giving a forced di< ’ toetkm to their labour by boontir*, eftn scarcely Ira justified ta any butane* whatever. Aatkiaisii'gnf •ilk eernona require* neitkr rxiramdinary capital nor ekillt ha« been kit .wo lu the | eople uftfiia Slnto from Um Gift cohnlil Htllemi'iitJ I* designed to supply thedemand* of litanrv and not of nere«*iiy; and lecrefaraonly encouraged by ilra.Sialrtirenl«rgr tba tonics* of pndiit tlmie.i* t o strong* r induce* man! f«r It* earmragenratrat hy Imumy, than any oth* r production winch the I,- gishtii a may bo nf the opinion can Im taUcd with mintage. If tha Legislature should In* of'ho (minion, kw- em^lhat tlm law is founded in •imiinI |-nlicy,and ought to bdroollnued In force, I would recommend that It be *o modified, a* totnkr off the iNointynnw allowed upon ailk coctnina, and iiHin*a*e that allow* fd upon*.Ik, and e»p*«ially tiimnnw or reeled *i.k Frauds are to aotily rtmimil'n I in weighing eormins that they rantiut be ptavrultd. ‘I In to i* In-nide* no object to be effected hy enrtnimginc tlm miring •froeouM at present, a* litem i* no •ufiicient mar* kat far their safe in ilw Unhid State*,‘and Imeaute giv»*ati»famb« to title, for llm violation of it a ciOMtitational riaht*. by tlm refuwl of (Jot. Da tap and flnrrrtmr Kant ta d liver ap to It* authority* uponilmir ib mawd tha fuiitlvr* from it* Juitice, riiUbrook and Kvltersn. Tim will p*rerl«s from tha poNvedinga of lira Lrgirlatiire of Maine, at It* lalt Mwrioa, that upon retrirnra to It if all tlm do* rutnent* in r*l*iiiHt In I'hill.r-ok and Krilrnm, it contentful itself by rewriting l lit I llm whole of that •object wat akrluitvely within llm |trnvineo nf tlm Kurotive Department, and tlmt it we* ineiprdienl for Um lmgi*Utma In lake any older in relation therein,not wl li«tan lln* that tlm hegirinur* bml pwamlv law at It* ptwimia aefrinn, driinlog llm power nf llm Knerutlve Department In arreding and dolivetinr Up fugitive* from jmtire from oilier State* and evidently with llm viewofjiiMifying Cher. DunUpin hi* previnn* refii*nl to deliver cp I'MI* biiN.k arwl Kelleran in llm nuthnrilir* id till* 8'ete. 1 Id* conJoct of ihu legislature nf Maine, and the previnn* cnndnel of novernor Dunlapand Cinv. Kent, prove conclutlvely that the opposition to lira. in*liiiilionof rinveiy I* so ffteat among tlm p*nple nf that State, that their public nnlhoritiea aro pre* vented Oom obeying llm injunction* nf ihcCimtlilu* lion of the United State*, wlmn required to deliver up fugitives from jinfire rha coi with the crime of violating the litht* nf pro|mr|y in *Inm**. Ilii* State mu*i tlmrefuro protect l»y its own authority, the right* of iurilntrn* in *lavn nrupi ny again*! lid* difporilion uf Maine, to vlnlatii them. Fbr tld* pur pine, y*ei willbn jii.tifi.'d in declaring by l *w. that allnticen* of Maine who may come with* In tl.e jurisdiction nf till* State, on Iwaid of nny vo**el a* owner*, nlllcei*,iir nnirWmr*, riiall Ira con* •idereil a* doing m with tlm intent In commit llm dime nf seducing negro slave* from limit owner*, and Ira dealt with neciirdingly by tlm officer* uf jus* lice. I have not railed a enrveiillnti nf the people o' tlm Slate to take into consideration iho course limy might In pur*ne in maiinnioiog ll.eir ri«ht«, in erne ae*pmnee nf the refusal of Maine to du them justice, a* directed by llm resolution* of the l.egi.l Hurt*, patted at ii* *e*«ioo id 1IK17, for the reason, ilmt llm (mtiriaiure filled le providn fur the espouse* of *urh n Convention, nnd beei»u*« a Convention for anotirar iriijeet had nlready lawn ra b d by llm Is • gislaiiire, nndiu pmee* ding* submitn d to the poo* ph fur ruiifii’iition. Vmir iittenime i*railed ton law whirh ha* limn pasted by llm Imgislal re uf llm State nf New York, to anili«iriietbenrre*i and detention of fngitiV' a from ’•lalieo from otlirr State*, and llm Tcrritnrie* of the Jnited Stute*. « copy of which tl.e L**glriaiureof New York hasenused to be tinnsmliled to lint fb.v* rrnm* nfea 'liof llm Siaie*, in order that similar law* may I r passed by encli. Tlm copy received at lid* Department nraontpanii'a ibis nm-sage. I al*o lay bi'fore y. u copies of very imereiting pro- 0- tnlinga of rim Imgi« aiiirn nf the State uf Sntilli Carolina and the Mate of New Jersey, in relation toihecontroversy helwai-n this Stale and lira State of Maine. The amendment* to the Constitution, which were imposed to the people for ratification! hv the lata /'otivrniion, have Imtu rejected by the most derided • vprraiiim id' publh: opinion. Tide i* the sn ond time that the people have refuaml Uiiatetlon the proreeil log* of Cimveiiiiniie, bold to rolbrin the C'on»iliuliune and in both instniNf* have prnlnildy Imm induced to thav cannot Iw aont abroad on account of limit great I I bulk In proportion to llndr value; the injury dmin to them by eompreMiun; andtln-ii lia rillty in decay when t k|NiH*il to the damp nf tlm ocean. Haw ailk, I tm th-* rum nirv. fiiid* a ro.idy maikettoany amount . r in Yotgiaud or France, and I* s i light in proportion to llj value, a* M lie rent abroad at veiy liule m* ptn*e. Ifoilk Is toliemade imhi* State in sufth |. nt quaatilb** to become one nfiia stapln ptodurijor.*. It will avast probably be In tlm form-ill'raw *ilk, and, Ua ref.we, encoutagement tbouhl be |Uoa to It In that total, if at all. Nndiilrthutlnnh'ittmen made iluring tlm pa»t year of tba fund* appropriated hy the act* of IUJ7 •ad 1131,In establish a general system nfrduration by Common Sell -o'*. This delay ha* pio.-crd.-d from lb* «th .Usted *talr of the Trcnsiity nnd llm laaMMiyof tho Central think ton Iv.ince lira animini,I •keept in llm bills of tlm Darien limik, whiihllib Treatun r n futrd lurrevivr. I , ‘iWhllri lira geneml syiti m uf cdiraatlun I* yet mnjrarotlve, a suitable nppmtmdiy ii afforded tnibn I • Legwlaiuiv of again em|u!ring wlutliir tlm mt-u..* proposed to le u*ril by It are n*|ruliiti*<l to autwer IM tad designed. With a view iusucli an enquire, It may be proper to observe, tlmt the pr ninry oh* |tcii to ha attained in ettabli«||ing tnch a *y*irm, are gtnarelly undrratood to bo lira building of com- Portable tcliiNd hou»e<, of durable m-iteriaUrin evo.y . school district J tlm placing in tln tu a liluarv for tba im of all the *rholara, of Inaika ralcu'ateil to .-tmpraa* a|M«n them roliginna, mmn| and practical truth* | ami the Increase of the number and quulilV eariona of the tea In t*, Ira providing cortuin an.k | aumci- nt public fund* toi ff.-ct that purpose. A v ry | aligbl i aaminaihin of the Act* of 1837 and IIW3. will *buw, that these objocunre not pruvblvd for It . •*’i °r very Inadequatvly, by lira prtipmed ay stem. ImmIiw* direct that tho tiNMovs «l' th^-well ml, [ dutricti shall local* and superintend tho erection I of tollable iclmol bo0*ra'in tbi'li re*|tMli\0 du* ,- trlcti t but eipeen y pKdtlbH tlralr tiring thw-seli'ml . fund flirtha\tMir|Ni*\{nobtmkicaiihepaicha»cdi-a*l eept what may bo nvccaaaiy fur tlm children who*e parent*.arvi unable to supply them; although the I Slain could pvrheM la no way advance the rauie of f V» .C^uqiUotl morn efthctually tlmt* hy causing the high* I ly impurecd elan bd«»k* which h ve lately ken pub* I lUhed InthU country, to be i<l*c d in iln- hand* of every child Neither duna^ne system pr-rakle ode*[ ou ite fund* tqprocu.a lira nrcr**nry- supply nf quail* . Bed teacher*. The academic ami piair •tIhniI fumU nnd tba luterott derived'from une-thinl nf the aur >r plu* rerenue received from tho UuitodSmte*, nmku up the entire turn appropriated for lira *iip|mii of tlm '. general tystetn of wduention, ami may k conridered equal to aUty tbunaand dollar* per annum. The law lotomU that thU •um shall Im mi extended n» I' -■ to octoad tbn advantage* or education mpiallv to all I . the children of Um State. The extent of lira State I ■ i* «qual to rigly thousand equmc mik-s, mi that if them should be a school Iraoso in curb sixteen I Mi.tarii mile*, as there mo t bo to bring a mIiooI within reach of all the chiklren, the wholu muo np- plia.Ud to the payment of *ltra resekr uf eaili ® - acho 4,’will be sixteen dollar*, including in that »um [ . what may ho anootsaiy for purvharing mb* ami r' sutionary fur the poor children, h. • .Aaiutbirview may perhaps pn*«ont tlm subject la ayet cJcen-r light. The whole number nf chib : *. droa herwoen ihn age* of 5 and 15, king those w Iw •' are entitled to tkkn. fit*oftb.*ay«ten»,ear»-c.l uncj ‘ . hundred and •Uihu'taaml.' An M|uul expendiiure 1 of the sixty tboNaand dollar* among tln-m, w ill allow arnn-wh •» wore t 1 an fifty c-nt* in bo applied [ tnilwaduearioo of each child. lYben, then-fine from this *um nf fifty cm* f ,r each scholar, «>r 10 ‘- dolUro fur each wlaiol, U deducted what may k } V necewarrta supply tk pour children with hnnksl awl atatmtanr, what may remain undrawn from tU T»eatery, nnJ that which may bo uiUapnlied or not applied at all by ag**ntf, It wl 1 acarcciyr be naceasu* - ty t-»««timaHi the sum which wit remain of the 60 tkretaad dollar , to show its entire iiunlrnoecy to 1/" pay teacher* for all the achm.1 district*, and to chi cate all the cliUdica <a the State. It ta tnm the law prorUe* t at to eld of the fond* which hnre kco aupropriatcl, tho t»u*tee* of lira school du* trl.rt* may ralac money by voluntary aubaciiptiom., and that the Inferior C^orta uf ibe c-‘Untle« may lay at ix. Bui that systmi it no system at nil wbklil r- A depend* open voluntary assistono* to austain it. Il« opera-ioa* mu«l be too unccrt.,|» ami vuriNble to be P"' rti kd apon forany valuable potp ** wlivu.wer. In nd-lirioaia ihaai d-fret«of tlm if may be added, tkt th« axpaoditu.o of the M-iumt fund* a* direouvl hy k.»W ha ten- unequal. |„ N ||Um pojN ul-nia and- ««i|»iy di>trirt« a> d rsMiuUvs, wlmre school h-msoi wJIlTra erected, laarlievs i-mp|n>e.i A- children tvagli», wktlier «ny aid i* received from »h* public fund* nr nor. the pro|s.w i...» or tk »ch.N»l fund to which *oc.h OKislia-auddkiicu may km- > titled, will be rawlred and ex|mndrd, w hilst lira •pit* ly populated and poor districts aud orantire, whereodmo!* are no’ mppoited at |>reaent, will ie* o-iv* nothing; because tbeii pr. po*wn of tho school food will bo tun email to enib'o tkm to employ tsmehar* or nwiataia sehnnla. Eotcitxiniag tkso of the Insoftcieeeyend im-quallty of the general ajttrntnfidueathra byrommoti 4»<h, I cwnaider it ravriati to r. commend to llm Imgi.latorr. te into ij if mi as |n maka It w I At it pu.p-fU to »*e, oi la abend an k si*|siW. r Tlieiwo baose* will «wl in ,U aceompan>ing tfSKwratf *—u,s.„_. I r.,m n UnM .Ik. iU l M ul> tan k sws(Msi*«fcSfSmS.4uko,sysswiwi. TIIVKSIMV, M.VKMIIKI. T, I03B. gt»r watrMg esroegtaw. Il e course pursued, hy the belief that the aineiidiiicnis uffered for their npproval, were Intended for aertinnsl ■ leiti|Ntrary party purpose*. That the nf these Conventions should have been liable .. derisive objerjuns, is very tnui-hlo Ira regretted, slMce tho amemlnm its to the Conitilullini, which they were called h> make, are indispensable to the l’imnI gov- eminent of the Sta e. The present numkr of the meudieranf the Irauislsture must Im reduced, and tlm representation of the people equalised, to secure to llm country a wise, economical, and Just system of pub lic |H»licv. From whattoer causes the failures to amend lire Constitution may have proceeded, it con tinues to Ira an object of the liigkat importance to the people uf the Blair, that it should be amended, Ac co rdiug lu the Cousiiiuiinn lira power uf amending he dufei-U behni^t exclusively Ui the Legislature, uu.| to that Inriy I would therefore rcspccllclly refer the c,insidrratii.n nf the auldert. The necessity of establishing a supreme ap|iellatn ju Isdietion.lnunlrr to give security to private rights Iqi oorrectina the errors, rendering uniform nnd car* tuin, and maxing public the decisions cf our Hujirrier Courts, ha* ken frequently brought to thr allanUmi nf the IragUUlure. in |trevuNi* cnnuimuicutiiiiis. Tlm nniiiiiurd, iihlce.l. im-renii. g inqmr anco of *uclt a UihunaL arising nut of the increasing wenllli ami pop ulation nf the State, and the enlarged value and diver* shy iff the interests, which must iff consequence k adjudicated by our Courts, make my justification for ■gain recommending to the Legislature the nryaid- sathm of a Supreme Onirt fiir the correctinnuferrors. Long cimtinued ill health must lie my apology fur •lie inqierfoci manner hi which there views are pre sented in the Legislature. I have ken prevented hy th* same cause from c ving an exposition iff. ilia pro- ■rut state iff the public finances, ami attenqitliig In show hew the million* of inuiiey which have been re ceived fur public Urnli, ami ftroin other Mmreea uf revenue, have been rsmtinurily wasted, rillrarhy ml*- taken appropriathm or Improvident management until lliefraasury is not only an exhausted that M la whlioui lira ruitda forrarryh | mi the lira! great wure which lias Iraeu undertaken by the Stale, but a puldlndebi lias beeoenutiacted of more than a million iff dollar* I limstrontciit ii yself with reminding the Legislature, that whilst foe several yexra It* appropriations have been mater loan lira Treasury wmiIU pay. lira general annual taxes, which belong properly to the Treasury. Iiavo beep olvon away to lira cmimiea. xml of wlmi Is, perhaps, *tul more hiqNirtani to bo remembered, that III* errdtl iff the Stal# lu* ken aacrificed. ami h* chars. ier lUierated, by the protest, In another Stale, of a dehtof threw hundred thousand dollar*, contract- ted by lira Centre! llsnk, nmler the authority nf the Legislature, and which the Legislature lua prevented the Dank from paying when due, by requiring that ha tilbana should be applied to other purpoai-a. Tlm pre sent state of the finance* ami the system iff piddle rev. enue ami axpcmhlure hetesfier to Ira ado|He«l, are aubjecia iff the liiglra«t inqmriam-w, auddeinaml.a* I trust .hry will receive, lira prompt end earnest alien lion iff lua Legislature. About to retire from the Kierutive Department, I must avail myself iff the present opportunity of ex pressing to you, and through yon to the people, iiiv deep sense iff gratitude for the kimluci* and confi dence wlitsli I nave received from the onuntry, dur lug tny now extended public life, and the strong desire which I must continue to feel, that the Oo.vrnmciii may k so conducted askatto secure the li.imr of the TIIS I.KaiSLATUHK. r.ill.i.lD, fr-ti, Iwntif mir rorr.,. Th. HUM,o.lll. pap,.,, ri>.r*il,ir.i.i .Mr -l.l-m.nn. 8|i.c. i. Irn pr—l... f..r b»lj» remarks:— . MiUsr.Danvri.isE, n..v. 4, ib.ib. The Senate i.rgemred tmdny. The Van Horen SukTreasury Party have* mqiority of 12 or M.and rlermri. wilhootriiporiiloi, fli-n. Kc|i |.,of Walton. I'ra.ldeni; Col. II. J. flailey, of Hull*. Secri-Mry; 11 Hoprr.of Muscogee, Do>ir KccjN'rj —.... |l.,g. P", of Cerrnll, Messenger. In the ll-Hi#** lira Van Horen Party have a major- ItyofllJ to 24. ami trade clinic, iff Jnscpli Day, of Jomy,Speiikcrt nml Joseph Sturgis, iff .Muscogee, Clerk of the House. Sturgis (Union) IK—I,* Tas'o(S. It.) 81; blank I. A. L H.drioson, rlf Butts, Messenger; Martin, Door Kee|»er The Van Horen Party Imm many talented mem kre in I mill llotisea, amoag others. Col. Pn<t>-r, iff Forty • h; Crone, of Lumpkin; Cordon, n| Cbatbam; Jordon, nf Jasper, In the Snate, nnl manv in the llniite, Tlra Ckrnktra member* are all fnvnrnbly disposed inwanlaKavuiinnli.aiitl your able delegation will meet with a wnrm.«up|mtt. MiM.rnuKVit.r.K, Nov.5,1839. To Ikf Editor nf tkc (Jrorgion i D»:ah Sint— Another cm respondent In* trnns. mlttcd you tba details of lira election of Officers ill hot Ii Ibmsesoftlie le'g'ila'uro. Tlra etln-r party made no opposition, as tli-ni is such a decided majority iff the Union Denioeraiin party Inr'icb Iloo*e. Uv-iy thing it still i,, the cunfnslon attend ret »i|mr. the fi st nrgnnlxalioi, ,,f kglslniure. Tliat rid* will be niiimjnutant session to the people of Georgia I hovn no doubt. Mnn< nffulr* of great Intere i t itlrair pni«|ierity iirndversi. ty will have to k acted upon. Tint financesnfi State Is one subject which will require much reflec. linn, nt lira anrnu time tlmt there is mi urgent neees* cusilty for prompt n* well na efficient nr lion upon I km. Amoher involved in that, i* the poshing rompl lion of tlmt grant chain of Internal (rnpnrae- nrant wlilrh is ih'stirmri to link llm sen board to the mountains of nur favored Stnlo. 1 ||op„ tbn Legis. Igfiiie will bring to ibis «uhj. cl ilie chIoi nnd di»,, M .. sinn.ite rootwb-rMii.m which it* great imporinner ,|e. servos, and iliaf no |N-tiy prejudice* or serthmnl f. cllngi will hentloMud to inierfnre in their dnci.ion upon it. The olrtion for St .te Officer. wi|- conenu In a fnw day*. fLraortinr McDonald will ho inaugu* r-tcil t.-ui -rrow. 1 regret to litmrthnt Governor Gilmi-rl* in Avery precarious stAloof Imwltli — Whenever any tiling of importa*** is on lira tipis, you sh-ril bear from mo Ymirs, Ac. • “gg fiuDay, N(jvi;mdi:h s, iisv. Savataan ItAVMS — We oi-rervn tlmt in lira Hank Not* Table of lira New York Express, (< Saturday l**i, )|hSt lira notes of lira Bank of tlra Stato id Georgia ami Hrsra-les, with ilis rotei n others of oar State liiilltuiimii, sir quoted at 10 15 per rent d'seount In New Y *fk, while those of rim Central llad Hoad A Hanking Company, Marine Ai Fire Insurance Hank, and I'Innioi Hank, with mlraia located ("it of Saiann-ih, aro quoted n« high a* 20 per rent discount, 'flii* lal |e il seem*, is made p in \Va|!**iroet, in New York Irat is tlmn- any just raura fin ibisdepreeiniloo n idi regaid to lira Daoka of tin* City. All irar City Hank* nro »pecie pnying Hank* a« wed a* tliioe of Now Yoik, as well a* many in lira country D.iMKstic Exciiskok.—Etchxngo ut New York onHuvaiiiiah i* quoted hy ik Journal of Commerce nt 121. This would bo a luiuous rule to the ennoimi-r, who generally pays it on lira arti le Ira consumes h re. If it were to continue. But w- notice ii piiiicipally.ut ibis time, in remove the im 1 pioision llinl there i*sii"lin stute iff sliiii|;a it"ttn*ily uxLiing klwoen lira lwoe.ili"*« Tlra liiglicst run ut which cluck* nt aiihi have be.-us.dd in this City on New York aro9 a Id percent. This i« kdcira lu nil c<ui-ci«-nce, Mini tli" lain* iff cxi-linngD**li>'uli muieruilly fall, us lira cropisfoau dcd, State, and tho prosperity of the p GKOItti IH 11. ail.MHU, From Hr ('aurHit /’roarer, 2d iott. Wo I cam from aiiilmriii. tlmt tlra Hdl* of the Tenncssira uml Kentucky llunks, tlmt an* in granl rrodit in tt-irir own St ilus, nro nnviveil -a lira \gcii* Xy of lira Monroo Kail llnad A H-inklng Company in this place Tilings tire now kglniihig to work as llray sit old. We cannot sec win tlra Hunk* (ffGiraigia slran d tint t^ccivv the bill* of tlra Tenie swra uml K"lilu ky -banks, iiimI those luniks recoive (ieorgiu funds. Wo see no proliab.e Injury that could tvsull to ill-* bank*, but a general knell’ and saving to tlra r’li Irens of encli Stale. Tlra vitiren* of Tciiihos. e nml Ken tucky Imvc to make heavy sacrifice* on tln-ir own fund* in this Stale, and we hive to do liki-wire with nur fund# in llrair Slate*, purely for lira want of some friendly anangement ktwven the bunks; ion| under tlra present crisl*. If the Iraukr do not moke sonw arrangement* of tlra kind llrair trade throughout this country will Ira materially imjmvd—we canm-t •buy tlra-r producs* or stock, nehlrar can llray buy any thing f um us, fitr tlra want of a homo cur eney. Let lira bank* of Tennesson and Kentm-ky nriiv •^Vnle tlra course of lira Moroue Hail HimJ hank, //s influence 1* amply •nj/tcirnt to give n put/cur* eeney to all tlraTomrasseu Mild Kentucky money tlmt will get win.n ilsciir.ulniiiig ImhiinI* untilMinraoth* er bank* adopt tk same ciairsc—and with -ut lira assistanoe uf any i-tlrar bank it will Ira nhlc to pro- !• cl tlra trader* m thp*e Stair* from the liuni hands' uftlw many Uokcis ami shaver* that are daily in amburii, awa ting tln-ir arrival*. Tlm lime I* nm far distant w Iran we can go from Savannah, Ga., via tlra Central, Monroe, Atlantic A lliwaairao Hail Hoads, lu Kouxville, Texn. in thirty bout* Under tk pnwvin dciangviirant of miun-y andbair *, ■ traveller from Georgia would not bo side to buy hi* second meal’s victuals after bo left home. Such *rro"gement», ! f they were generally adopted, would krrafil tlra bank* at well a* lira pe..» plo. Every Hays transaction show* lira necessity iff such • co-njmraibui between lira solvent Irank*. |mr- ticularly of Tranrinv and thi* Mi e. Wcsraira g(M»d (insui why it rirauld not k dime, and many why il slrauld. Oira uf lliu striihge-t institution* in Go -rgja Im* commenced lira wort—we h qra Ten* ****** will ran be found (wkre she seldom i*) in lira back ground. * HAVANA, Oct. 00. Rio* doll—lira list catgo dit;aired uf 1S| rtt Boor #17. (imal qtAli'y sugar* wan e and firm, brown and reUowe 6 tnl|. wbhx l|(«121t molastsa 3o31r*. Coffe, ikre U haidly any in tk market; lira old *toek vxlumstrd. Incc%*nnt ulna have re* urded sujflW Utile oM hi markc;,0a»0|. Exekage M Lombm 15 per ct pram; New York 2x8# per d |icttn; N DrWa. I|a9 per rt prem. STr7.ino.Oei. o'* Thm Um ooSm UA l» >-*r .ml ih. HllUi*Mlk«U-wjml l« IW omwm, . It..— Uiwrt U , 3i.<il«Wl.3Mil"'“>' -•*»• M. TOmwi, nti.HlU. mIiM 'In I'.'lnl H*a|es; Ih an for Sptrin taka «t 19 U> I4|. Met ling 10*18 |rar cl preuij bills m New Yuck dull St J*ar. THE FLORIDA WAR. A communiaiibm from' a Fforbln Cnrrespondent. pnlilisliril in lira Gnorgiun iff llltft ills., in wbb-b the mplnymcnt ofbloiNl 11001111* is rRCommendi'd, Im* glvi-n the Kdit'-rinl writer iff the New York Courier no opportunity of concocting a bitter iiivcctivu n* gainst lira Administration. This Kilit r, in ibu I'uiirsii nf hi* phillipple re. innrk*—"to crown lira •lisurnce of tlra country, it is Serb ms lv prop. s. d to let slip tbn Hlo-d Hi. U ii-la to bunt il -wn lira n iknl mi-age in bis nniivc fastness." Wlint misp'nced philanthropy ! • Cumfi-rtably s'sitcd in III* enr|H>ted nflico, in Wall-struet, by a biasing coal fire, tbi* n«pirant for Edit trial funic ex- hiM*l* hi* sympathy for tho "naked savage," and expends Id* wrutli upon n patriotic Ailmiiilslnithin, bile lira gnllnnt officer, ilmnned to wude thr nigh miry awumpa und to face impeiiclnitilo fore* s w Irance lira deadly and un»e. n Indian rifle mow * down tlra rank* of Id* lirove followers, and often nr rest* his.nwn mortol canter. I* fnrgotioo, and Id* suffering* nnd dentil chronicled ns n tiling of course. 1* there mulling dun to tlra chivnlrm* karing nf tlmso pstii'itiu soldiers, wlfo, ever prompt to re spond to the cnl s of their country, wlratliur nmid the snow* and Ico-dnd frontiers of the North, nr lira pestiferous swamp* nf lira remote Smith, hnvri-n dared tk |rariU of snvagti warfare, nnd nftrr year* of suffering nnd il'somra, nml tlra ftiipraut spectacle of tlra lifi'lnsa laaliea nf liulnvisl cmnindos lying hi tlra grasp id death, without lira aldlity in the survi- vor* nf avnnglng tlralr fate, demniul iff their country •kb nid a* will Ira effi- hint in such an emergency. I* there no symp'itliy for tlra helpless wntm-n mid ahildren, who retiring nt night, in fancied s.cmlty, to llrair happy craiche*, are awaked |»y llrami-bdgbt cry of tha ruthless Savago and by lira crocking flame* from tlralr dwellings, oreupod from by them only to ment lira loin iliawk and tlm scalping knife. None, it would aoi-m, in lira breu-t«ofsonie, enj lying every comfort,every luxury which wuilihcan be.t.iw-.— Hut wills such,tlra personalMi-ii-i|y of lira citiinms of Florida i* of litilo minima'. It matters not wbuilu lira sun go down upon an hilinldtatil nf tldi bleeding Territory, b-uvlng liign surrounded at Ids i luvifol health, with tlra happy *odli-|« of wife, children nnd friemlY, and tlmt it rise upon Id* m il ill- ir h'lvd ug enrre* and tksnrakingemkro of Id* late jranroful dwelling. Who hn*ilouo tld*!—"the naked S', vage," and lira mnn'erer lie* fled to " hi* native f-sines*" to duly tlra soldier* nf rim Union, and ex cite ill- sympathy of n New Y -rk Editor. Instead of such nd oipp|if<l.pldln nt In opy.lct thi* Kditor slintr Ids sympntby lot Id* linohren by buckling no Id* nitirar nml slrarh.g llrair iluugor* in lira Smnlrarn i. Lei him throw imo the tire Id* unjust tirade* ngaiiut lira AminUtiHiioo, uml ni l in bring ing to a clo-o a war wldcli, as h-' aeknow-b-.lgrs.lrai de*tioyoil "lliiiiisNinD of valuable live*," If lira war bus ken conducted badly, It lias not ken fo* the want of men nml money. Il'*'ilioiisaiiilaiffvalo* able lives" have been ilostreyeil, and " million* of tlicp.iblio money" expended, it has not been larainuo ahlemililnrylal. nl ha# n.o ken itulisti-d,nml lira .ircomplislrad laciiciun* nf lira Naiioa arrnvod against tlra inthl.-** ami deceitful Seminole. Mint then the •• video of humnnity" ho awakened to shield the red mail, while the citixeu, from enure* battling human mean*, sinks Irafnte ld« Moral -taimil arm! No I L*-t the voice of humanity appeal to lira I.I.nnIIi.uihI, if necessary, to frighten ilie Savage I nto *iibmi-*-.uii, m il the enus.- iff biitiaiuiiv w ill h sulVivml, lor ld*ti.ri.-alexpi yience tenches us that there are feairal,nnd fenred.n coutrsi w ith tln-m we nntk courted even hv lira Savngi. Such s course will mil exterminate lira wretched Seminole, for we aim in A ala war iff extermination, hut ju« ico should he doira to a weak people, to a p .trioiic soMiery anil t-« a Nali -o'* *uprrm*ry. While in arms, le,' the Indian* he c- nquered—wliile without arm«, let ihem k protected. THE L. BALDWIN. Auuiliei stronger, we were about to write, fits* lira moment they enter our river, llray uru nil coined n* -ru-ml*, lie* nt our wlnrvo*—Til. Hai.iivvia, lia-f-,u,ih of iliai fim* line iff N -w York "I'd Mtivaii oh IVk.-i*.yc/>yff—THK Gkoiuiia l.i.i Tlra Dilll.t'tu, tlra fair I'loneei— then, tho Fnr.t.KH—ilien, tha G. H. Lamaii—now, lira L, Dai.imvin They hnv-icomn in quick *ncce««i,in, nml pro-enl n knuiifiil fleet of I'ackets to temp lira Georgian In lira spring tine of tlra y.-ar loom' bark on tlra oceuu wave to seek u Northern oliinm i.r.intho present l-.n.-Iy uulumnal mnuth,to*e,-k tlra borne, wlii'in frieixl* units* to gladden tlm social Iranrih, wldlo happiness reign* triumph mt at die ilomcsiir. bourd, 'i ho acciunmndmions of tlra L Baldwin reipiira to heenijoyed to In* pr-qraily up- iaicl, nml wo anticipate some il.iy the plea-lire of milking imo .ff many of her future pas,augers, und trail her tippcniniien in nor wnier* n* unuiher link in that chain of iracic.iurre, which i« to bind lira Norrii ami .South n. an unlirok-u Ii llowsldp. Steam Ship Live* fund —Copt, Lomhnrd, of the h-udueGalileo, arrived nt New York, rrpmi* that on tho‘J3 i oil in,-., «i 4 1’. M., | fi.'l. *aw stenm ship Liverpiml, Irance for Liverp ml, wind light from oof th word-—all sail sot, and gong off in tine stye. Capi. t.iiwnn, oi the -lup iilney,H* H»*ton reports llrat on lira 2-l-h, when in Infiludu 42 14, l-ng rode 01, saw steam ship Liver-pool. Vi rmniit.—In th i House of Assembly „f Vermont, mi tin* 2Jd ill-.,a icnoliniiin, cndi-miiii-g the Sub- Triui*iiry,iiiid in-trm tmg llieSoimtiin.,iinil i. qu j«ting ll»e Hi-presei.lntive* to vote ngit!n*t it, w-nn cirri d- 15 to 207, ns nu unramlnmiit to Mr. Dart ridge'* solution*, m favor of tlra *r|innu-. Tlra new* of tk death iff the lion. Joseph ,>J t Whito I* confirmed hy 'ho siihji'hii-d extract from the St. LuuD Republican iff the 33d ultimo: "Tlwi Inwlv of tk Inmcnti^l White was followed t*i tk grave yesterday i-veni-'g, hy n largo nnni'rat ofeitireng. lie wo* Iraricd with Mn-nnic honors, in the First Presbyterian gmvo yanl." NORFOLK. Nov |. Natal —Tk frigate United State* Imulcl from tk Charleston Navy Yard on F.i.lay hut. and an cltnrrd i-(T the Noitli Hatlerv Wharf. Tk new ekmp oi war Marion lie* at anchor . ff die Navy Yard at Charleston. Tk Huston Atlas state* tlmt tk steam frigate Fulton kuk<d Into the Dry Dock at Charleston. Tk U. 8. *ekr. Qraiwpu*, Lt. Payne, anire.1 at HMifki, 12th Inst, in tkro »!•>• fmm Aiiclmt— •shoro night «f tk 10th, at tk rnuaiwc of Ariclm* h irHm-.aml recoivo-l aom* damage.—Tkfl.ampus •Hived at Prior*. Edward 1*1 tad ^1 lr«t. Iron. * ensiso hi tk Ual|di. At thr*# fa tk afternoon, #H* ki*ted Ik HritMi ensign nt the fine, nml stinted <kf irris.m with twiMity one gun., which was ita me. diately traarwed with • like tminkr. Frolay she talulr-l H. M. S. Andromsrk, with nine guns, which wat ret trued. Th• Gromups remxined at llalifaa tk I O'h, and would sail for Pmlland nex' tiny.—Bt*c*m. i lVinoU.—Gov. Cnrlin,.ff lllim.l*, hn* issued hi- proclamation, cunv.iking un extin r liimry *es,i..n .ff lira Legislature ofilmi Stole, on lira s.-cmd.M..inlay nf Deceuibei. (boat inton-*t* of tho Statu Ira siiv* urn involved, rcipiiring speedy legi*lnlivi-actiiin. THE SAVANNAH THEATRE. Wit huvu in tliis City, it Tlraatio, which f.-r lieno tyuf scenery, cliiisl.-ne** of uppeiinuice, And gene ral neatne,*, will hear comp triMin with that of nny otli. r City in lira Sou'll. Y n of lute,our fi-ll-.n. cilicen* have not exorted ikinrelvo* to sactiro tlra pori'idiciilinteii'luiicc of ii go d company. When stars bore, m.w ami nxui», llu-yr are well aiip- port-'d, but wlmt we cuinplaiii flf, is the f ,ci, tlmt a regular *en»on fur theatrical* Ira* grown into di-ore ill Suviiuntili. Till# elmiild not be, In every place in tliu civilised world which a«plr<-* toriiltivalioii, ami i« kge enough it. niiii.inin one. n Tlrawtio I* oira iff lira lint IiHiimroms tlmt I* en-cied. Our people, mil long since, thmntln so, nml n Savannah nmlieiice has horcmllire *I.hhI um ing*i die lirsl la dislincuS-liii.g merit, nml rewording geuio* We inai'iiii tlmt lira drniiin, priqu-ily regulated, •* psseiilinl lothe ulirervHtice iff souiiil -morality. It i»,ind ed, n powerful auxiliary to Clirisllnait).- Fol wlint can give lira y.-ong mind n'in"re ex-.|'i*.l opinion of viitiie nml il* certain reward, diati tli>- deuoiirmriit of every |.|.-co which the g. uiu* of a HitAKSI'kAUK,U JoxaoN.U Ma**IK()KU III|Ot\VAT,im a(ioi.n.xM'TH, Ini* prmli ice I f..r the edification nml aneiieiiient of pu«terity T I).ra* the patriot wish to oxliihitto Ii!« non tin- ordeal* w hich it fn-einun inn, have to undergo, let him hrfng the yutiili to wiine- lira repre«.-ulNtinii iff lira suffering*—the devutb.i —ilie triiimpli nf a Tstl.l., over tyranny and oppres sion—or tn'.n him to see tlmt o'her performance, VittaiNilM, the offspring of tlra same muster-mind, the il"inuiii*t iff modem lime*—Kno\vi.m! In tlra Intter, lie will helinhl lie* virtiiou- father slaying hi* beloved child, rnikr tlmn allow h--i to exist wiili 'i jn*nishi'd reputation. Wliai scenes nn* mine caleulati'd to raise lira mind of youth, to lira eini- lidrVii •* Travailing at night on snow sIimn, this party of right nrao." (il bethink* me that one leiirl cult- ducted it,) " come to a small Inke in which w*« In-auiiful lilui-d. On lira they framd nine In dians a*krp around a large fir.—and si- gling imt earh hi* man. eight of the savage* awoke no noire, «o f.tal was tk fire. A| other Indian end.'* •n| to p*cnp*', hut waWeited hy n Blood Ii belonging to the parly and despatrlrad. After scalping them, llray cut a h»te through tk ice ami plunged in tlra .lend bmli.-*!'' Tlrare. Col, Webb, is ii lesnint think nn tlra sym pathy of tbn Masiarliiiseit* puritan*, am! tlmn talk of cruelty to the Scminob-* In the prerent war. is too Into in the day to make tlmm who have sera mi'h their oten eyes, believe, llrat it is *• liuiiranity' to deal iqranly, put trust nnd confidence in tlraM’ .Semimdc*. *i ho statement* of that articra aro di lectly agninst facts. Wo linve receiv' d, invariably, treachery fiir confidence t slx hnn-lred Indian* ga thered nt Tnmpn nod trusted hy *"lenin oath lo re main, fl"d from Gen. J.-sup: Inst spring Tiger Tail and 150 doped from Taylor* in Jiffy. Col. Ilnrney'* detachment is mnssimrcd, again*! nil pica nfjttstlro nr pn-text: nnd tlra oilier day, lit New River, they murdered those invited to one iff llrair nalimml dun- lint one mnin ohji-ct in mliln-ssingoiir render* nn thi*uccti*ion, i« not *o much to *••! Iirforo them lira many udvantnge* uriiing from lira well regul-ited perfoiniaiicc of tl.e leg! inrate drama, nt stated pe riod*. in S'lvannnli—as all tnu*l Im aware iff them, ns w« impress tlm necessity on our fob hiiv-citixens «f co-operating with lira Rnvnnnnh Tlraairv Company, in carry into effect. the uhiect* of llrat Starieiy. Tlra first thing that should Ira done, is to Iiavo tlra hoxes sold f»r the >en*i.n. nt at imalon'ien mien* possible—n'way* cxcludingtlie right of lira ow ner* on Irairafii nichi*. Thu would create a certain sum, mild thus enable lira dirretoi* to cator for tho public, acc.oding to tlralr mean*. It would nbo ensureu respectnl.Ie, iikiIic boxes would generally Ira puirbnred by ilie bends of fimilic*. Tlra pit, Ac. coil'd Ira left open for the public generally, and lira n-tahlhliment could -be cutaim-d. H< fresh.unit* might ho sold, uf all grateful nnd kimlicinl kind*—hill tlrone Ii quart should he pnihibhed. Cig*r$ should be nbo put under the H in. One of thegrentest nil* that arise iroin tlm sule uf liquor* in n Tlran're i* tho fact, llinl the Irar i* gem-roily ptneed on the box lobby, and hence, a.I the di-irdet und tonfa-i.oi that a ise* there, annoy* the nudienc.; und ladies ami ait- ntivr apeelntcr* are di-tiirlrad. Weseite lift* period to spenk iff then* matter*, when there ia n Tlientrirpl Comp-my |erli.nn n;, nnd hope llrat lira remarks we make, will be tliken a* int- tnle.1 for the publle. weal. [run Tllk SAVANNAH UK'IHUIAN.] Mr. EditorI" tho N. Y. Courier Sc Enquirer .ff tlra 2I'th tilt., i* an articl* that *e«nn* lo o-quira n comment—not so much from tk pajrar in which it nppenr., ns fro n th * siipjanition that many who may nrail it would k unjustly pn-judici d. It I* tk leading urticlo iff tk l-alitorial head, and comment, ing on some remnik* in your pap r, concerning the omp'nymrni of Blood Hound* in ti e present Send- no'o-War. Yi"ir Correspondent will d-obtiess de- fend biniM-l*, and It U oot my intenti-n to interfere with him—but on tbi* subject, tlrare lew remark* are suhittitta I oil tk spirit of that article. Skuld you deem tkin appropriate they are nt your service. Tk Courier ••pint Jt* •>*’* " » frighlftd width to begin, a* rii.utgh something new nnd nynu'imut wa* prcM-auil. le'thlm tu'it to hl*ti>r)',to tk hi*, lory of tk Indian wars, ami is* how new it thi* manner'/defending tk ohltn nml civilised agniiwi tk brutal savago. A lew week# rinco, iw another Northern |Ht;rar. Ii the following nnecilote, lo tub stance this l Talk iff our enmity { our roursn Im* ken intended luiinunity to tlm linliiiii*, lait it Ira* been dentil to ns. It lias Imcn to our lira to sny, " glut your Mppe-it.. for murder nml destmciioo, slake y.rnr thirst for nlmnl in tho fountnin* flowing niter your knives from tlm Imuil*iff innocent women mid eliildren—kill and destroy, till vour fiend-like pas sions are satiated: and limn rune* m iij, nml will clothe y ai—feed with nor Irast rnlio" give yon nil nnnuily, nnd convey you to lira west. This, Mr. Courier. Ira* laran nur rotinm; then, is not nn instanco of nntra.-c**ary er»ieJiy(«r nece**nry I ptv*iim",)in tlra course of the cunlest. Bin w-hnt •tumid hr the eonr*e. Some tuny any, tlmt If the ivnr wii* to he carried on it ulimili! have h.-t-un onergi-ticnlly—tlint it •hoiild Iravo l»eeo distinctly uudurstood by Ixilli |>arties, for every whi'O that fell by nu I, tlm next prisoner sliou'd wing uvor lit* grave. Cany out this principle in tle-re iiiilnnre*. nml lira el- nrant of fear bad then •lone m -re linn llinumnd* of soldier*. This Irad been liuiiraiiity—for, n* tho* Courier »:iy*, " ihrai- snuds of lives Iiavo been lost." W lint hypocrisy in that ruot'irk!—forii wa* the w-int of Blooddiouml* h.t killed those men. How! Why, in the long tedious marches <m trails, iliioogh swamps, and wallowing in mud, while bridging inormaes, •o#rd in llm eciiroliing sun* by dgy, nnd ilrenelrad in tho dews iff night. N»r is it always th- wmk of 'lay. At night t-ui, are ilmy railed to neurrli out tlra bidden fim: they strive till mmr, nml when limy come to tlm fire that led them on, lo! It i* nun, long sim e d"*<-ited. Di«nppointed, nod |rarlrap* wiihou ml, they ret rare llrair step*—they return to rninp oxlifiusti d: congestion from solnr heat seise# their hmin, llray die, uml uro buried} such U the fin., of soldier in Florida—it is no imnginnry picture. (Xml wlran it is prepared to use n dog to loud nn tli" track, iii'teml iff following hy the slower nnd exhausting way. hy tlm eye of men, and thus iravo tlmso tliousniid*; forsooth, tlm Courier exclaim* iiiilmunl iff Imiluhly I" If it i* right lo follow tlm mill to nn Indian ennip nml bayonet him without give notice wlmn you nnivo there,—Il ls mpially right t- Ins guided hy your dog Tlm end is t" kill llm linlitin, the menu* nro equally just. 'I hero I* no bmp bole f..r tk cn«ui«try of the Coori- or; Mini ua yon will, you must linve tlm world n* it oiiglil to be, in j,» are—not ii* it In, in war, Iraforo untinn* will lake "llmr tlmn tlm mo*i speedy nml eff. ciiml inetlaal* in order to bring nlmm penee, if they net wisely. Tho war must bo pnisccnltnl nlmml-ilii-d; if curried on, it •liuuld Im so combicied n* to bring it to a speedy termination, with n* little loss nl life, to ii«, a* |NM*ible. 9Now we humbly con ceive tlm employing of Hlmal I ml* will snve many live* uf both partial therefore let them Iw used. Tlra Coarier cnnipiuiu* of lira wnr, nnd tkn np. po-e* whatever might terminate it. Sis pore iho 1’resliletit, to hi* traxt Cm gross, nlioiilil ndvnente tlm military may. nod sny—" lira treaty y.-u iiutho* rl»i-l lia* fiiiled, lira Imliii'i* nro aenttcred nnd my triaqs me i-nt li^l.iii.g il.eni, but ombniiig swamp nml linmmm'k; tlra liulinu i* rouqirari'd only by compiering tin* lerril-ry—for tlra forty tlmn- sand square nil'e* iff gniuml. | must have 3*1,0011 onjii, nnd to terminal" tbi* war. mini have money to support that army five month*;" if such should Iw ilis jiirt uml reusonnhlo Inngiiiigo, wlint wiuiM tlra Courier do. It would Ira clothed in blnrk, tlra requiem of liberty would Ira sung, nod picture* uf ra ces nml axes, stories iff" k'gfou* nnd Coliiuu," the reign of Ouligiiln widlmving in luxury, nnd n Nero fiddling over ihn mUrric iff hi* c-untrymon, would Ira Ilia snug. Iln would op|HH-i nny and every thing tlmt llm Ailminis-rm nn might propose,' 0 THE M ASS ACM CSETIS "WHIGS" Tlm fodowing corre-|MHidei«o will show the npini-ui* iff tlm •' Whig" rnudidnfe* for Governor nnd Lientenniit Governor of Mn*snrhu*rtl*, nn the eulijoet iff Slavery; nnd may tend tlm Sniiihii lesson of what it may i xpoct ftom these " Whig*,' shniial they fill lira highest office* in lira State. Wo copy from n " Whig," paper, tlm Boston Alla,:— CORHESI’ONDENCK ON SLAVERY, Hkiwkkn Gov. Ktkhktt ami* IIom Mii Boiipkn. Fall Hivkk, 0>». Iflih, 1839.. Deni Sir,—A* you are again n camlidai" for re- elvet'oii, and u* there uro many, very many in thi* C'lmm.oiwenlth, who h-ok upon Slavery, n* ii exist* in these UnilR.i Suites, a* nn evil of lira first nngni Mi.b-,—an evil ilmt nuglii in ho immeili ii.-K rem v ed.niid tlmt if removed -it nil. peacenhlv, i* to he ilnnehy u n-rexen be n( rim elective fnuraliii i properi nnd that tlier-for.'in tlm exorcise of ilini lran--h they inighi to Ira rovenra.l, to some extent, n* least hy ill" views which lira r.indnlsic may enter niu upon that *nhject.—in consequence iff ihrse eon-id om'ioii*, 1 am indiiced'lo pnqmnnd in you tlm fid lowing Interrngnllot-*, to ivitt 1st. Are you in favi-rof the immediate nh-diiion, by law. of Sin very in tlm Dbt.ici iff C.diimMa, and ol tlm SI .ve traffic Ira tween lira Stale* of this Unim.? S-l. Are you opp"*rd to lira udmi*»h>n into tha Union of any now .Stale, the Const it ut ion und Go vernment of wlocli ii.l* rate dom vtic Slavery! Uelraving, Sir, ns I d •. tint it i« lira right of the e’ector thus to ii.t> rr-gnte those who may lie can* diilntc* fio office. I sliull make no np. logy for thus nddressing you, hut do must earnostly, yet respect fully, r.*i|Ue*t an early n-plv. 1 am, Sii, with much r«'e.-m, Yoji fti.-nd nml . h't >civm.|. NATU’L U BOUDEN. To Hi* I'.xeellenev, EntvAitn Etxrktt. *• Watertown Oct. 34th 1839. Dear Sir—Gn Snimday ln*t 1 duly received your holer «t the I8iii, priqeiiiiiijing lo me ceiiniu inierrogaiorie* u d earnestly requesting an ratly nn«wecf j YtflHhwnre ihittsrv. ral Relieve* "n the snlc jecl fff in..— enquiries aud other kimlr-d topic*, ncrompaef d liy n very aide n*|rart, woreintrmlii'dl in>o lira Seuatn «-f lira C»mmon-vealili lira year Im- for- |.«t, by a joint committee of the two 111-1^*, of which the late gremlv Itimentt-d Mr. Alvm.l wa* ch Thtv*w Resolve*, after having been some- what . nlnrged by amendment, were adopted by lira Legislature. They appear lo me to cover ihe wlto'e gr "it'd .ff y-.'ir two inieiraci.t-.iie*. Having rheeifttlly cn- o|rarated In ik pastic of lira re*ii|ves, and* con curring In tlm general iramning hy wli'ch th»-y were sustained, in lira pnweiful'nf tk Ckic ins i of the Cnmntit'ee, I re*pond to both your in- qidrie* in the sffirmniive, Tk fir«t of tk three sub#ratsemhiaced in your enquiry I* tk oulyone iff ilram which cnnmlrafoio Coacre-s while I wa* a inrmlwr. I Tultnl in tk iragsihe nn a mmi -n to Ujr upon ib<- table llm |«- tilinn nf tlra Amerissn Ami-Slaveiy Society fratk abolition of Slavery in tlm |R# rid of Columbia,trod on tlm mlmr nroiimis ot'like diameter, iRlrodlug id n.t of llm ciHitklerulboi iff this • |is« nf swtiliui a. 1 air, ski* Sir. vmy nM|«cifu ly Yiwt fil-'R-l nml terrain, EDWARD EVERETT, H'.n. Naik'l H, Hold.u. SAMilsfuati, 0.1. I Silt. I839. Fnaxcii Jiiiwk, F*>|. Deir Sit,—You' cnriWitiialc^Hkof llth iosl lia* remained .it.nn-wered thui account uf suiira prps*ing bosiira-s. , "T " Withoot a-king any pledge" from me, you «!r •be to know my pterent i.pim..u*—|,t, a* t«» tk propriety of the iinn eii »te afo-blbio by law idSla- rriy in ik" l)i«'rict of C’olumb.a, "ml of lira Hlavo trnffie ktwiran lira States "f Ibis Unioiq—utik 3tl| if I am npp..#".| t" ik aHmlisioli iff any new State bit-, tk I't-irei wli-ire t'on.tiiutioo and Govern' mei t shall tnlemie dome-tie .slavery. I now uvaii u.jM'lf • f a I *ure mnment to reply to your enquire* with ilie sumo Irunktra** trod fririellv feelii.g with wli'di llray were prnpoiii-d"d. Not havieg rotitempiai.d kingplarad ilia |"i-' ti-in,(if elected lo the office fi*r which I nm * cn didst.')whc'ro 1 sliotild Iw rnRial to act uIRckly on lit* inotneiitiios qil.'*lion, I c-.tifcs* I linve not ii.vixilcnted lira subject so fn tbftilly nml eiitirally n* I should h-ive felt I«"IihI lo do, li ul it Imcn oth- erw i*—Irance I should not have been prepared to pledff m self d.'finitely on the subject of your lira* enquire—bml .vmi naked iL In common with a vn«t majority of tlra dtit-ns of New E-iglan 1,1 deprecate lira roorao nfSIevcry and wish it removed in site s|H-e-lir*t manner now »l*ient Avitb lira safety of nil concerned, It seems to tira ilmt lira fl 'irarnl Government Iraave aright slavery in ll-o Disiiict of Celuinbin—to litre D-ouc-tic Sin* e, and 10 lefuso lb" adinisMQii of new Sint.-* wlu.*e const it lit ion to trlemtn* ilutncitic Shivery, nml thnt llray shots LI Very res|mcilnl!y, Y"nr nl.|'«0"V*, GEO. HULL. at a xr ardsari-; SATURDAY, KUV. 9. 1839. Frag of die fiee! still karihy sway, tJndimiiiM through ace* yet ant..Id ; * O'erenrtli’n proud realms th? star*display. Like morning'a radimit cloud* unmllod. Flag of the skies! still peerless shine, Throu;fli ether's azure vault unfurled. Till every hand nnd heart entwine, To sweep oppression from the world. FOR 1’RKSIDBNT. MARTIN VAN BUREN. 8.111 VICR I'ltKSIDENT. JOHN FORSYTH. Suhj.'Ct to the decision of a National Convention. THE centra!, rail iiowt. If is indeed cheering to *cn lira n'no.iut of Inisi ness inn*arfed nl tlm depot of tins Road. Tlra enm|mny, we see, |* daily lidding cnis fin tlra trim*' pii' intion of fr ight, nnd already do nur reports ol* Cotl-.ii brought d'.wi., allow the arrival weekly of iff fifteen hmiffr.'ff lisle*. Two new and very splendid eight w hccld^n-aoiiger curs, rnpnhle of nccotmo Hlating fifty pn«*enger#, urrived ftom tlra Nnrtli a few ffav* m. unff are now in ihe work-shop, in be put up (or iinnraffiste use. They are named the IVaihington nnd Jefferton. One of them will Ira pldceff on tho track, by the tniffdlu of the next week. We rej.ff"e further to iioiice, lira pnigre««ivo ioctenre of travel, and the cense, qirant receipt a of profitt. Wo learn llinl ihe rnsli receipt# far pn*#nc« mnucy ninouut to ftnm 15(1 to $21111 per dny, that lira nggiegntn receqiis for freight mid pu«-nqo. from the l-i Soi.ieinber lust to tld* dny, exceed the «nm -if $23.00<b I.ATE FltOSL EUROPE Bv the memo i-nckct Beau fort District, Cnptuin Simp-no, arrived brat ev-ning from Clint lestno, we Iiiivc received from our a tentive roriespondent* of lira Ch.irlonoii H"iiding Kitxin. lira Now Ymk Hr- raid, extra, of Sun lay lira I, with the Climhra'nn Courier of yesterffuy. They c ».taiii the niixiinraly xpeci.-d 0"W* by tlra Great I Vrtlern. w-hicli steo* ntrived on Saliirduy night ftom Brisiol, in M •lay*. 7 hour* Tlra G. W. minln Imr lust trip mil (o n little less than 13 dny*. Tlra nl vice* ft oiii Kugln.d nro liiolfttli tilt., in- liraivc. The Brili*h Q'toeii nrriveil nl I'-.rUmonlliiili (he 15th ult. having niu-lo llm pa**-.;-in I3diy*.2(| hour*. Sim i* to mil on tho 18th lost, uml hn« Hourly 200 la'i lli* i-uguged. Several pane* of gl rasin n window .ff lira priviiio sillb.g r-ann iff i|»-- (/.raen of England,a* uhuismnc in un udj iniug room had iamn broken by flint »ioue* thi own nt them from the out-ide, 0 of which mi»*i|e* wore found mirli-r tho chairs in tlm latter room. The affair was siill involved in inysteiy, tlm touiiimls oil duty not king able explain i'. A pu-.eng. rin lira (Lent Western writ-* ftom New York, tu lira Eiilun uf the Courier—ns fol low* t— You will see by the p*|>ers which I send you. that there was no uolitical news in Kur»|>c at lira lime of our departure. The snine uncertainty which has existed for mine mouth* past, in regard to the nlliiiri of tho Bust. Mill continued. The civil wnr in Spain was Mill protracted by Cabrera, who holds out, notwithstanding the flight of his muster, Don Carlo*. But the subject which itmrt engrossed’t‘ e London trejj, fur lira lust two or three weeks, lias been tlm tank of tho Uuitud Stales, mid its agent, Mr. Juudmi —a short time before our milling however, lira prompt and energetic measure* of tliui gentleman hid placed •lie a flair* of llm institution on so favorable a footing, as in relieve the public mind from all anxiety in regard t it- ° Thecoitoii market at Liverpool continued in a vory depressed stale, with liule prospect ef improvement; in deed fears appeared to be entertained by many large ly interested in that staple, that a still further decline in prices might tnke p are, should mill* be put upon half work, u* wiii expected to he the cine, early in the pre SL-tiUnnnlh. AT the lime of our departure, the Bank nfBnglapif was in a very embarrassed aituati n, and the su*/eu- siunnf specie payiueiii*, or what was considered as tsntnmnuiii to it, the i**ue of small notes w.i* confident ly looked for, At n meeting of the Directors, tlra dny before we Marmd.thn .iu!«je tiff raising the rjilu of inter est ui the unprecedented extent iff seven per cent, was under disenssion—it is now at six per cent. The corn crop is tlmughun he an average one, hut much "fit wa* taken in in had order—iiiipplie* to some extent will dnubl less Ira required aud they would gladly' receive them from us. hut in that cn«e tncy would nut have to pay for them in iperic; but a*, the continental nali-ms can nfliud to sell chewier than we can, they will Im very apt ra look ra ihein lor iu nml this will cession nu ex port of lira precious metal*, which will uecessardy ‘•e the cu.m quem-r, uml which will tend to increase lie d tliculties ufilie Bank of Englaial. Among our passenger*, i* the Hon. Louis M'Lane. formerly Secretary of llm Treasury of the IL Stale*, and n»w l'residrut of the Baltimore and Ohio Kail Knad Company, This gentleman lias been to England lor the purpose of disputing of the kml* iff die state of Maryl oid. which Iwve been advam ad for lira pur|*M* of corn ideiing that great ..mlerukiug. It i* un fcr#rao.| III t aitiinitgli be could not etfm a rt.reel sale ,ff the lamds. ha Ims succeeded iu making xuclt arraugemant with tlra house of Baring A Cn, as to enable the Kail Unad Company'to prosecute their undertaking m it* P‘ romplcdiiti. W# have anieng nur luftoetiger*. Dr. Linn. Senator from Missouri, who has Imcn to England on « similar errand from hi* state—how far lie lisa sum cemled, 1 am not informed. lira London .Morning Herald of tlra 14th ultimo, Anmkr eirriim*ta.«o has also aomawhat tandetl M bring about tk preseirt slate of thing*, which U tk gtneral statement that tk ammgemettu *»tda ky Mr. Jnrnlon on th" part of tha if. State* Hank urn! the ho'dcra iff ita post noiea era now aitl-fiicUi* nl) settlcil. rhrnOAbuut Englaial and Scotland, a fortunate rhange in tk aeatkr bail greatly ntltigntcil tk previous ill pro*;raxrta of ik agriculturists, anil blitl thorn to M-etiro n Inrte share of a pretty fair harvest. It was tmlievnl that tlie crop* would K ite neitlf r lull rair short, but a fair an rage. In land however, tk deftcer cy was computiff at mtMhinl.ond taking tba inferior quality of tk grain of tlm acimat crop tb In paper of ik . that two thinls of Kxeh inge that day *o low as from continue to have n t, for which no. been purehaaed to. to 4UU0 bole*, all into I'oniiileruti-.n, lira alii w us cMiroatnd ut one bnl Till n't stafos, n* an illi tin.* wlmnt exhibileit at wn* InMigh* up by dixtili 19s lo 32*. " Litkrpool, Oct. Ill, good imin’ry for cotton count l300bnleaAmerk dny. The total *■>• nmn American cxropt about 120 Brallla. Thera I* no clinngu to notice lit price*." The tale* in Liverpool during the xreek ending the 17th. were 29,620 bar*. Oct. 11.—'There it iioelinnge In tk cotton mar ket sinco Tuesday, prices ciiuiiiiun *tendy,inn grout mea-ure to be attributed to lira export rlcinttnd. Tho •ales Ural ay nre nhoui 40911 bales, yesterday 5000. A gio it riot had taken plnco between tk Englitli nml IrishJohoror* on the Cheater miff Hirkenknil I'ullw.iy—tlm f iimerking 230 strong, tho Intter 300 —armed with pick nxc*, slravcl*, bludgeons. &c.— Tlra Iri*h were victors. A great manv were severe ly injured, several ra ineh n degree timt tkirlivea wrare (leflpnirml of. Tlra jmlico made pri-oucr* of Fiianck.-—'Tho I’aririun intelligencei« up tntk Ifitli uP. Fre«li rumors of intended change*in tho cabinet woie nflont at I'nri*. They seem, however, to Imve been sugge-Mcd in .ro by iho arrival of M. Tin'll* in imvn. tlmt) f.inralu.l on fiiou deserving nl- trillin'). Noclinnge would, it wa* goiiornlly heliev* .-d, mke pln:e Iraforo tlra assembling uf tlie Chain- Imi*. Fnrtlmr nrrest* nf person* ongngnd In the ln«ur* reciion iff lira !2ih Vluy Ian hml tukvti p|uro Tho nrtesiof M. Hlnngui, n lender in llm iiisiirroclioii, wiili several iff hi* accomplices, ocrnriuirad consid erable excite mom. SATUUt»AT,Oct. 12—Paris Money Market and Commercial AYtr*.—Several cargoes of wheat huvo arrived ut Marseille* from tlm porUuf Itnlyand ilia Ulna k Sea. Tlra pi {era of C..rn, however, in iho market* in tho Hcii.iiv iff tbo cnpltul have not M yet ilimini.Imd, kmillori Imy up nil they enn lay thoir luind* on, nnhe sumotimn liuldlng buck their flour, except nn exlorldlaiit terms, so tlmt the 4 lb loaf still continue* at 18 #m.s, (0 3-3,) nnd i* likely to remain nt tlini price for some time. Little improvement hn* n* yet tuken place, nnd viirtuiis liinnches of commorco, nml ttnile in goner* nl nro in n niosi d. pro.-o,l at.ite. He-producilon nml nppn«iiion nre ot tlralr height, but correspond ing outlets nre wanting. Di-count* nro with iliffi. cult* i'fTci'ted,niid bunkers will linrdlviuke any bill* Iraymid tlnvo month* ’ Tho city iff Ghem wnslho ihrntre of iremrndona rim*, iho beginning of October. Tlra rioters nod military Imd mi engneentPiit in wliicli iiuniber* got bndly wounded. A paper of ihoadth nnmmnre* that tlra city wn* don,nred in n *limi of singe, but iho MnniteiirdiM's not mention ilia rbcumslnnccs A greut number nf una t« Imd token plncn. Tbn Join nnl* giro various-'detail* dated the 3d Oc olier. Two hundred workmen, women nnl children, went to tlra .mnmifnitiory of M. Huy ok, wlo re tlra men wore still nl work, to order tlmm to leave off After ii violent dispuio tlra proprietor judged it prudent to atop work. Hie ,imc Imp. poite l nt other mniiufticlurie*, Tlra Pur's National *uys, positively, tlmt Don C'nr'o* bn* nuili<>riz"d III# agent nt I’nri*. lira Mnr- qui* d- Labrodn. lo recognise, in hi*, do government iff tlie Qiie-u of Spain, nnd to write iifficinllv to Cnl-rern mi.l tlra Count d'E*pngne, or during them to |nv down tlralr nrin*. OFFICE OF TUK'N. Y. TIMES. \ Snnilny, Nov. 3, 1939. J . Tli" Grout Western enrotinler.'d no heavy gule«, hot the wetitliei wii* in geirarnl mmleriite, tiiongli boxy. Sin* brought out 123 pn-Hongcr*—nuioug »yli..m nro the Puissiuu Miui-ter to the United Stnle*. It iron Iteeira, lira Bi-liop nf Tufhnt", Hon, Anion Viin.lciii'Hil, OH-niln'r id C.'iigiw*. and Mis, • Vnn.leriHiiff, .Slnjur and M.#. Van Huron, Mr, Ctiiiinrd, iff Hu iliix, N. S„ tho cuntruetor for tlift iqiiiveyuiieo of tlra mnil* by ateiim, Cnptnin T. H“J*. U, S. Navy Hnd ii gient niimlrar of Imlie-. L- t* r« written jn New Y-.rk nn tl.u l-t iff An* gust.Im ve boon n.isworotl In tint unpn cedented aliort period iff ihiily-twn dma! London Money Market— Hut little change hus ccunx'd in lira money murket since ftnmer ac- c.iiini-. Mniray wa* still srHice, but tk more fa- voinbte coudilinii ,ff lira corn.m irket, nnd the ox, jrar minn iff notion to tho continual, were produring tl S'llntnry effeul. Mr. Juud'oi, tlra ng-nt of tlra I'ennsylvnnln Hank •f ilie Uni ed Stute*, bail nucced- d, but it I* said nt (tr»*n» siicrlftci *, in oinking nriuugemciit* wberrby nil tlra dm ft a iff the Bunk will In* iraecnted. Two riiniisnnd s'liire* .ff tho Hunk were sold ira tlra IfliT). Oct. ,nt £20 irar share Mosna ll.iring nnd Brother* linve tliken lira ngcira.v of the Bank , und lira Hivi- •lends doe un the stock* on lira 17.1* ult. went regu- Inili pn'ul. Tlra Loudon Courier any*:— Wo nro chid lo Ira enabled lostnte tlmt Mr. Jnn* loo hn« miule nr/nngemeiits In mm t all the enenge- ment* of ihr. United Sintes Hank, nnd ilmt Mes-is. Barings will |ra iho ngent* for Him eslnbliilimont. Wo inny ulsn mention tlint tlmt gentlemtiri Ims sue ••••ed d in getting Id* list filled for a new loan of £UU0.009 sterling for tbreeyenrs. secured on penn- *) viniii six |H>r cciit stock, nt94^ ^ . Gold, ii nppetir*, is returning from the continent lo thi* country. A remillnnro wa* received yester day at lira Bank of England., nf foventy-fivc mono blind ed lIf.ui*aml poumN. in #neriej in addition to llte "hove, oil bin a short period som : ' large amounts in -pecio Imve been received from Mexico nnd the IJ iiiii'fl Stilt",; nml furl Irar received from Mcxicu nnd ihe United States; and further largo remittances are expected daily from other qianer* of tk glolra. There demands will greatly ndd tospeciein tl.crof- fi r* of lira Bank or England, nnd lira issuing of onq und two pound note* will be more thought of. In Scotland, there wn* still n good deni nf grain exposed, lo tlra neighborhood ot Edinburgh and Glasgow, especially tlra low ground*, tho field* were entirely clear. Klsewhoio there were still qunntU tie* to ail, Kioty where the potutoo crop was abundant nod of excellent quality, Tk same was lira cn -e «ith lira turnip ciop. In Irelund, the harvest work Imd met with a very serious inieriuption in consequenco of the ruins, which Imd been goiMml. Tlra in unit r.v armmd Dnk Im and Cork,and Limerick, hud particulmly sufferetl • from tho wet, cold, and ungcnial weather. In Galway, however, it wa* said the oat crop would he abundant >y*s Tlra Money Market, in lt« commercial dcp-irt- nrants, h «* acquit - d n tone, -rad u greater degree of fii-nmes* nt prereut .nppenfo to pruv il in it tlmn it posiM'SM'd ut tlra coinnraiicentent of tho week, und we Impo ilmt tiothiitf in coming events will tend to throw a cloud over lira vast interest* iff this cmnittu wily. 'l ira circum lance* which Imre In-ought ulraot tk exi-tiiig colm may tho* k briefly related. It I- now pntuy.widl understood that moeb iff tk apprehau* run which Hid |*revail In tk Bank parlor Lu ok. led in con#w|U"iiro of lira *ymntom* which appear, that tk tide* for the Import of l.iiltioii are at present mndemudy M tiinf piwiird* this country.and a* it torus out ikl ik defirlenry in lli>*| iu this neuitry, •• well «• uthar irartbin* nf f-Uiroia*, lias keo mimh manraled, ii f Ifowa that lira Hank uf Enxlital dirreiiim at pretent fool tknuclv. a lo u iiukIi ufer |Htii;iuii. State of Trade—Oct.. 18,—Manchester.— Ex- co dit.gly gloomy market, yexteidny. graid* trod yarn* of all description, quoted lower'than op^he pr red ng Tuesday. A number of individual *pin- tfi# un I manufacturer* in xnriuu,partsufiheneigh- iMrhood Imvo a ready reiisod to light up thoir ftlcto^ rie-. S- veiiil meetings, for tk purpose of cunsL d.-ring tin- Mibj ct, are in coAtemp aiun. Huddersfield Market. Oct K 15— All la gloomy nn.ldi-ciiu uginjj with almost a complete stagaatior) in every description af good*except low funcy wool- Inna. Tho subjoined extroct of a letter from an intelll- g-nt lire-poo.lout, give* nn nrcoiint of lira stale of tiling- i-i Enciaiid sumewhat different from tbn( intuiued in musi of ihe letier* we have sm n .— London, Uc. 18:b. 1839.—Although the wea'ke a* Ini'll iii-hx. f.vnrauie during tk last fort night, it i* n.-w pretty well n.ccitainrd tlmt tlm liurvi'si will mu exceed un over ige, and that n largo union iff t'ra wheat was h»usnd in u-wet state, and ili reqmre tk intermixture iff dry grain Iraforo it •o k iro'd. Un ler these chcum-tanre* large »a- •r, for grn<o Imve nliendy been given, nnd cinrti* deruble tonnagecliih’tpred to bringit home from iho coifriiieiit. To tmettha riiuin tlisse impmtntinn* mu«t pixslnpe. tlra II nik certainly ha* notin Its cofi, ft re two million* in gold. Tk eoarequener, ibeic fore, if lk*o premi-r* be cot reel, hpprars evident. She will Ira brought to nliaud still, nnd will bnva recourse to the imntof one nnd two pound nuti *,— Till*, however, Dooly u palmtive, and w|:| not euro tk .liM‘n#e;antl 1 amalr-dd ik only elect nal remedy will Ira fdmtd in tk suspension of cash payments.-* TM«l* n gloomy view; lmt I cRimot kip vntai tsiniai it | and if lira winter k a sew ra’one, ik suflbring among tlra luwi r e'aa-ea mo«t Riwitarlly k veiy xr"*rt- Tk n noufacturiiig laborers have for sumo [oms wlneb appear, time part kea rmpbiyed oqly threadays in tk wark si si x . x. |,ARI *» 0CT > l0 ' Money Market.—Vita par oeau, I iOf 0k 60, 55c.? trair pet rent*, IOf 4Or; three per «*M*, «lf Clio 5V. 80-* 55c fi(h Hunk actions, |f IOf; Hea'a IWf I Or 3d Hnawa*. |03|i Span* da Nipl«*/)ffir, I .sh Arrive*. .121. M l, 1.1 | I, Spaniib Dlfcf* N, 14 jl Spxnith l'usiive* |, |, |; Belgium Fite p*C