The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, November 09, 1839, Image 3

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8|t 8Wr»l>g «»o»c()»h. Cent*, 101$; Bdfiltw Tterro prf Cents, Tlf 70s* Drlemii Rank, 7dJft l'<Kliiren Time |er Cent* 25). Hi)lien L »wn, 4Wf, 4tf7l5(fa,498t 75c,500r Exchange on London, I month, money, 35f22)o 9 mom v, 24f 95c* (Correspondence of the New Yoik Times.) LIVERPOOL, Oci 18. A Gentleman—tn cbm tho account by tliu lulo park* ^bpts should Im autfaipalcd by lids stoamoi, we refer ti our Circular of lb* 20th ulu tier (be " l.iv- U *rpool.” lince when our Cotton ina.kct baa been I gradually declining, ami is now I n |d per lb. lower D tliit11 ut ibnt period: toe present quotntion fur fair qualities, being (J| u7)d per Hi, ili.iurlyi Ihir extenl ofbudnei* haw been going C-rwiml fK tlie w bole lima. The sale* for tbo week ciuled^nTi lilt., were 23,980 lores, for th*' ended 4ih inwt. SO,<*>:iO b los, for that eutled 11 ill instant 29,026 bale*, and for the week term iuie lug today they uinuuu.od to 23,110 bal't. Tim money pressure ONitinoce unnlwtcd, and ..po- at- a unfavorably on every brunch of trade. '1 Im recent account* reap* cling the injury sustained by the crop in tho United States, have doubtless bud eonaiderable influence io preventing greater decline; on th« other band, tbe interruption to tho China traded and tho uncertainly n« to iu renewal, mn), it is tlntught, givo u* an increased aupply of the Kn«t led a A<>n tho noxtso<isim,and lessen tho export of goods and yarn* to China Till*, together with tho discouraging prospect for tha ex|Nin deniand lor goods for America, has prubahly induced tha CVton holdcnt to soil molO freely of In u. The iinp.irt into Liverpool since tho 1st of January is DL’BjOUU bates, ngainst 1,256,000 to saino period Inst sea-on; the supply from tho United State* is 753,0U0 holes Im- | ing n decrease of 303,000. Tho sti»ck in this port is estimated at 375,UDO bales, against 4 1(1,0U0 .a the I s une time lust yoor j the slock of American is about 346.600, or 15.660 hales less than it llieu was. 'Ihe Inn vest may ho said to ba'complcte«l l and there are different opinions ns to the result; tho most getiom!, however, is. that no further foreign suplius will he required—mid nmser|uoi.tly, that tho duly will shortly be prohibitory, und coutinuu s ». At prosunl the duty on Flour is 6* 5d per hhl., but next week it will be Us 2d,and most probuhly soon rraob 12s fid per hhl., whatever may be tl|.‘ result next spring. Tho quotation fur Flour, duty puid, is 3D* a 41s per bbl. 'LIVERPOOL, Oct. 14. $a Cotton Markei—We ciuitinuo to h ive a good in qitlrv for expert, for which account l ,303 haiea A- nieriVau h-.ivo boenpurcltusod to-day. The total sales amount to 4 000 Milo*, all Ameri can except atnrtit 120 Brazil* 10$ to I lj,l; 2000 E- gypliuns, I l|d to 13d i and fi.MI Suruls,3d to 6:1, There is no clntngo to notice. Out. 15.—Our Cotton murict rcm'iitis perfectly steady, und u fair amount of business was transact ed lo-duy. The entire sales consist «.f 3,500 bug*, including 2'I0 American taken for export. IliO Egyptian, Il|dnl2^d; 00 l’uiiiumhiico, II u lljd; 4<i0 Surat, 5Jd u’fld; 2,720 American, djil u 7<1, total, 3.500. U. U 16.—Wo bad a fair demand for Cotton to- dav, and the salcsof ull kinds iim- cnttn 3.500bags, including 1,000 American for expert, 'ilieic is no g.turution iu the prices. Uct. 17 —There has been n moderate deuinnd for Cotton to tin), which hu- b*d tolhed sposnl of 4, <00 lings Our market is fin', and prices linvo rather i| ; tendency to decline. Exporters have taken 1,500 4ittfriean. Uht 18.—We Invo had n-fair dcnmn.l fa - Cotton to-day, und prices nru fu! y umintai a-d The sales wuie 4,0u0 laigs.inclniiius 500 foroxpnrt. LlVEItl'OOL, Oct. 18. Cotton wuir-AdN-Tli'i fiiisinh-s iii rmr outnm m u- k<-t this wuek, l»a< nutheon equul in oxioul to that w hich was done during the pivceedlng. Fpiuin-rs have kepi op a pret'y a -live inqniiy, a d iheii pur chases have lieen nuirM'n, hut generally small,nud In tlm aggregate by no menu* weighty. Thu pur- efilealers have been few ntnl iii> , imbilei-.ib|», ns in commonly the cs«*. Indeed, Imtli spinners and denlers nreqnito ilisheaitoned hy toe sue ni trade in yarn and eiiah, which were, I ist Tuusdnv, at Mmchester In viMylimiteddemnnd,und th" sales made were nta farther re.lueti -n In prices It s-eins that every thing which nocurre I, was calculated i.i b list lit hiipuafenrlynm-oidme-d, auilc.onseqii fitly to opnraicns n check to nil exnnion nnd on erp>ise. Many spinner* Hint mminliic.tii'ors.wtt nro told, have ci'u-oil to light up their work- either morning nr evening, nod merting«nre held Inunliino l«> time in order in ili«i ii-s ihe question nf resolv ngto make that the universal practice. Such u resolu inn,how- (ivnr, is nut likely m been rh-d And in this belief lliolinliler. ufcntinn p.nniii.aon iho coniinu nice ol ■ heavy n in oi-option, w'licn. ad ledn» iho export •'ill carried o-i, is deemed a eiitBci -ut to the main'Hii.aiu-e ni least of pr.cerj espi c ully, n* we are infnrtTfoi|,ihat the pn‘v ilenee of yellow lever, and the lowness of tho rivers, ns well «« j-m htiuk wnrdne«s of the new crap in the United Suites, wt.l greatly retard ihe shipments hither, nnd n Imit nf ii reduction of nor stock beyonil w hat hud lieen nut in- ipnted. Hnsides if I* con (•*, •nir.-d I lint ill" now rr p there will not oxe-'ed 550.000 hales. But inking every ciieomst mce into urco oil—nnd the ih-raugo- m«nt ofmir m metory system in purlin iInr, the it-i- fovoiub'o preilomin-ite over tho liivondd % iiinsinucli ns nuhioip tint spirit of S|K-O'duiion, Which lias in- klmolfqiiivtly since In-1 Fr il >y, Ql)ll0laig« of A me. rirnn. AimI inr nny liveliness w liish has la-en oliserv. rd, wo Imve i)<nin In>cii |lrii|cipully indehied tovx- porters, ilmugli they l.uve liouglii mil) 2700 Ameri can und 125 Surat. Tlu^lomlenry ill* prices has been in decline, null yet tvo do no 1 find it m-cos-iii y to irdoco «r.y of mir q'Mlnlioiis mure ilnin j I pci l!». Upinud, Oilem-s ami Alahnnt i lave nearlyc-j^- grossed the attention of havers, who, nt tie* snnv lime, have been, promptly tnm, nud to whemthu cmiressioii of ^ per lli lias* been I'.eipiently mule, und even far ilie miildlo nod lower qualities, which alono h iva keen in grant request, S.-n Island is taken sparingly at previous rates. Of Brazil and K'iypti in tho snlas have been circumscribed, nnd and most of ilium imv • been at pricui 4 I per Hi. below wltnt wore previously current. Surit li t* been in raqu -st, but Im* nevertheless fallen jd per lb. Our present x*ock of Co'lon nmonius to 374,400 hags, viz: 341.800 America-., 10,0110 Dittwil, (l.8'i() Egyptian, 12,000 East ln«li:i.mill 1,800 Uemeinri, West India, Arc. A ye.,r ng.i it iiiiMMinieil to 44-1,- flOOluigs, viz: 303,000 American, 46,000 Brazil. 5,100 Egyptian,51.000 East India, and 7,000 lie- tnerarn, West Indin, Sir. We remain respectfully, sirs, vnitr ci’.’t servant* LONDON, OCT. IU. Monty Market.—M<in>-y continues ensy in the IIou*e at from 5 to 5| per n n for a *huit porimlj tinning the bankers at (I per cent. Consuls continue stomly ut DllJ for tlm nccuunt. Money 00( | some aslu the car y part ofiheniiirii’ ing; Exchequer Bills 24 ilis; Iudi-s Bonds 1 pr.-mj Bank Siork 170, f r Account 100. LONDON, OCT-16. Tho news rec-iv.-d this morning l.y f.o British Queen steamer, fra n A *w-Y»rk. is cuniidtired by our rommendal men less satisfactory than wo* t« have lieen expected, considering the discouraging teiiiluiici of tint ttccoutits t centl) iihltiined Iron (lint city. This is pay day in the English stock market. We do not lieart'mt there |* much laisi- DO-s &an*nering for the in-w Account. Conso's are qnnt.-d 90J to | for nvmey, nnd 901 in J for tb * Ac- count. Exchequer hills are 2 ills. In pni; and Bunk Slock 1791 to 180. FLORIDA INTKl.UGKJjCK. By the steamer ImmAm*. Capt. lUttar.tbe FJI- tor of tha Oeorglqn yesterday received from bis at* lentive e.itrespondeiit, with whom wo sympathize fo\his teeent Ulne-s, tlm folhiwhig. We anlettlly hope that the feast) weather we experience baa shed its purifying touch upon Florida, amt restored its pristine an I delicious climate. ( Prom rnr Corrrtpondtnt.) Cl A KEY’S FERKY, (K.F.) Nov. 3. 1839. My Pkar Sik .—I have not given you any army inf.irmatiou for some time, as hut little hot Area or •eonlfl have Inm<ii dono hy tlto .troops, on account nf the universally prevailing sickness. 'Iltc lever is uhr>ad in the land,and scarcely any o; e escap,** iu onwelcnntc v|sltutinn. St. Augustine, with all its wrll-il -miveil raput.itiiiii fur linnltli. is now must wofiilly nlllict d. The mialical men say licit one good fio-l will ehauge the com so of things, .-.lid most anxinti'ly do we ux|«ct it. Tho six cnmpiinies of the 2d Dragoons, under Col. Twiggs, now nt the North, will ntnhark fur Florida on the lUtlt inst. Tito Ist Artillery has been ,ur dered n» relieve the 3d. which will remh-xvoii* at Fort Columbus, N. Y. harbor. It Is said riiut tho 8th Infantry, (Col. Worth’s Regiment.) will cotnn to Florid i. I regret to inform yarn that on the 31st nit. Pur ser W. A. Slnc'int, of tlto U. S. steamer Poinsett, died of tlto fever ut St Augnstiuo. St. Auousti.vk, Nov. 2, 1839. Pied Inst nighr. Purser W. A. Slneunt, of tho U. S. Nnvy, u lit live of Alexulnlrin, I). C. W. J. Dalev, of Tuseutnhia. AIh. Arthur O'lingao.n unlive of Ireland.—.Vers. WHAT'S IN A LETTER. Not, gotillo reudei, an epistle, fur thateontnins often much; ex. gr. when redolent with sighs of some ah'cnt fair one, p airing Into every word, every letter, iIuho impassioned feelings, which, when present, nro hurled with resistless influence from lw- twixt those long-cye-lashes, wliielt feather the dmU of Eve's f dr daughters, nnd direct ilteir wounds so unerringly nt tho rougher sex. But we mean a simplo loiter of tlto nlpluiliul,or tho alpha he/a nf our language, which nlthongh apparently trivial, when view ml -|nglv, and insulated, heenmesuf great impmtunce, when connected Into wo-ds to exptes* our idea*,w hether oi.nlly, or on tint wrlttm pnge, To spunk or write rortcctly we ilei-m a grant tic- rompiisltment. hut to print cuirrctly, we consider ihe-ocNte of human perfection. Now, the nhcRion of ii single letter mars the page, nnd confuses the nn-lersinuilleg. and dlstructs the smsa of rite wtl* ter. f III yesterlny wo nrn made to call this present month of November liut'dy, hy tlm mere nlterntioii uf o p into no n. What! this month, opening upon os w-iili tlm joyful retorn qf friends, their chuetfu) smiles, and tlm •»aim grasp of recognition, to Ih^ enlled •'Innely,” No! wo are rather induced to call it lovely—nnd looking nt tranquil Nature w lit the s.,iil of ii pool, with him tnexclaim.— •• How clear the cloudless sky! how deeply ting’d With a peculiar blue I the ethereal orcli < • Mow swull'd iinmensol nmid whose azure thron’d Her radienl sun linw any I how calm below The gilded earth!" When hy dny wo survey—" Autumn’s yellow liisire” which " gilds tlto world,” and— 1 " at night tlm skies, disclos’d anil kindled hy refining frn«t” wo cannot fe* I lonely, for we c-tnimuno with "Na ture, all soflieieni, over nil;” while ^within wo find "a friend, n bonk, tlm st-nliug hoars secure." Letter* from on hnatil U. S. fi'igntn Co'itinhla, dated Macao Road*.May lflth, stutestlin'29 dentlis had ocrUi iod on hoard from small pox und dvsenlerye sIiicu leoving iho Unllod S'ati-s. A ron-ideiaM iiuntlier ha I died mi hoard the John Adams. [COMMUKICAIKI*.] TilE I.OW RIVER. On this subject I hero seems to bn considerable inqiery. That the Bnsnunuh river isui this tima, nnd Im* betni sineo August last, much lower than for many year*, cannot Im double I. In tho latter part •if fa* Hinnim r nnd nmunin o| 1795 it wus lower than It has been siia'te until the proionl yditfi Tlm great fn-shet known us ihe Yazoo Frethel, and thegrantcsi probably ever known in llm Savan nah, occurred iu January, 1796; bonce, therefore, if we si.mild judge of the fuimn hy tlm past, in the cour-eof llm ensuing winter we may expect iiuntlier Yazoo. REM I NSICENC'E. A Frost.—A welcome while fr<»st yestcnlay jnorning. Perhaps laifore our reader* peru-e our 4Jaxctte, they may Welcome a killing frost; for wlil o we write tbe birfdnger—a steady North Wester, With • tranquil sky, foretell* it. Lieut. Rodney, mil Q .aitcrniusler M'Cruhh, f Mill or the U S Army, dual at St. Augustine, the former on tlie 5 h, ar.d the Intrar on tb- 6<li inst. SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER. The Novemlier numlK-i- of the Messenger U a good one. It beur* tlm impress nf many new quills. Tlie articles are shorter, nnd of a more mi*adlunc- sol* character, wo apprehend, than usual. Tlm Island of Candin," tlm ancient Crate, from tho pen of Lewis Cass, nur Minister at Urn French Court, I* a Hassle article—and exhibit* the fine taste for whiebrthe General is dislinguislied. Hi* descriptive powers ate fine, nnd Id* porlrai ure uf the scenes of antiquity delightfully vivid. “ Cur- raftto Caiamosltiet" stand forth In ilmir usual Bright colours Tlto " l.lterury Notices” of the Mehenger ara very good—tint on the " Nnlionul - Melodies of Aatefica,*’ pirtlculnrly rxi-eljsnt. We j^va net penned iba wbtfla of the literary morteanx with which tha tmmlmr ahrMinds—hut wo aro murh . plcssed wjtli «J| Vfhavtf looked uv r- » the Boston Traveller, tbe Na«a Cont.nlulormr* eontamnUte dev.uln| tie sndra gapichy of the PhlUdalpfUa Nan Ywdisr tha build- |>f SWwnwIiSni ' ZE-. . -Y' .: [co.mmukii:atki>.[ THE THEATRE. Mn. Editor l-"Yon aruawnra |I|«» our Theatre wn« opened on Woilim*<hy ••veiling la«t, for llm first lime this season, nnd ntlliourh I know that il is not considered exactly "/A« thing " to make mir ap pearance lit such pVra on llm first night, I had noiliiiig in do on that particular eveuinz, anil so tie- lormineil to drop in for a moomut. nminly to son wlint was going mi. and nl tlm stinm timo tnhn a peep nt the corps theatrical,in order to judee of its ability, to furnish amusement to your good chizun* for tlto next month nr two. Tho Imu-e, r.-mslduring U wits the first night, was lnlcrnMy well filled— two nr linen Indies, u nl nbonl 150 ger.tlemer. I have never seen older belter prnsorved, nud llm plnv •* Sweiitlmiiris and Wives” went oil' secmiuzlv to tlm satisfaiilian of every one. For my own part, Ido not li-siluto to snytlut I wiisagn*- nblvdi* ippointod—the company isn much lietter mm ilion I hadesported tufind.nnd infinitely superior to the ono presented by Mr, Forbes on n previous visit to tUU city. Inn word, l think wo have every reason to Im satisfied with theeiTiru of that gentleman in catering to our winter’s nino-o- mein, nud trust Im will recoivu tlm ttncuurtigoiiienl Im so well deserves nt our hands. - Mr. Col'in*. I believe, is lire only one of llm enm^ pnnv, (save Mr. Porlm* liim-Hf) who has Imfuru nppenred on nor liHttrils, nud it is Imt doing sheer ju.iit-c t - say that lie would Im eousiilimul ail unqoi- riitinn to nny tle atre, Mr- Lousing mnde nm laugh right heartily s«vnl tim-s during tlmovening, Im has a queer |di>X of his own tlmt tells you *t onro lie hits fun in him, nnd l liavrf no doubt b -foro tlm seasoiri* ov.-r, Im will ln-l»o'.ed upon as u trump— In* haiks ill*- v-ry porsotilfiearion of low oonedy. Mr. Peurson’s forte seoms to Im In -i"gingt nnd rnnlly Ills voice is (I nemi when winging) I* very nnd Ids "spring time of year is romiog” •lepglilfii!;—I is style of love miikinc 1 did not much like til is iimi heavy t betakes the thing entirely I'M seriously, and if Mr- F. run do lietter, he should never hu cn-' in ohnnictei* where the tl ing is neces< snry. fnr however ijmch ho rnny re*-?inbIoan Apollo, Im wnscertuinly never rut nut for an Adonis. Messrs. .Sievvnri nud Mnli-oii.nro very ereditnhle actors, and I have no doubt will In* well received. Mr. * (.’sales i* u flue Imikiug fellow in tlm tartan, and dunces the Hi.*blond Fling most splendidly. This is it* much und all I can for tho present any of ll gentlem-n. Tlm ladies,cenorallv,pleased nm betteri now whrtlmr I did not nrrivo at llm ronclusion i fnim llm fact that 1 really bo-MW.-d M|wn tlmm much llm larger share of attention, or whether they real ly did not not better, I canuot pretend to say—ill# nevertheless the truth. I did like them b-tter. Mr*. Barkar i* certainly a fine irtrc#*, and I am suie I hazzanl nothing in saying, tha*. *ho w’ll win upon our Mings over) timo slm m ikes her uppenrnnre. There is som-Hbing very ladylike iu all slur slats, and besides, -ho sing* a very g-aal wmg. Mi*.Clive ti»o, "ad d well het pvt;”—»lm ha* a fine pm *an, a pleasing face, and very winning way# wImiui lmi{ any thing ia tlm way of love-making and coquetry seams to he exactly tuber hand—slm figures «o plresn me exactly,and l like her. Mis* Ulvaif la • vn^y defer actntssl she timkesalj laimlt- able la ad-lady, and is lit* very thing for Mra. Ball, and character* of that dvMpri.m. Mrs. CHet during lU ova Ring, danerd a 8**1 vary cred itably, dtesacd hoaulifully. kod It harm If vary piap I j, Wf*llw dllUpptMid, l l-wr m 99N9- cart «mrelu*idy U \W wy lib, tod I wa»Uck*d by tho whole boast—ska was *• pretty we coaid not help It. It is really a p ty, Is'nt, Mt. E*llt**r, that alt pretty women will marry f It was her hiuband, I *upp «e, wlio daik-ed tlm IBgliUml Fling. I will auw close this com-nuaicatiun, a* 1 have Mkl somathiog. I think, of every one I recollect tb have soon during llm owning. When I tee more, you inky expect to hear again front C. Soirma.—John W.JacVt a ciilieii nfGi'rrgrtnwn tenuinutnd his exlsletirn, early on tin* morning of the 2nd inst., hy first cutting his throat, nnd then discharging tlm contmtsofapistol into Id* left side. This lash deed U iliought to have hern llm-(T.-ct ofietnputniy tutanitv. He bus left « luge and da p-ndaiti fumd) to lament liis derettsi*. MOBILE, Oct 30. Iktkrmkst-.—•'There were six inteimitits ve<- terdn),nui| up tn the present writing, wo hsvn hr'nid of ihree tu-iiuy, embracing somo ofonr oldest ntnl omsi respectable citizens, in inmi of the malignant caw**, the black vomit occur*. R KMtniseicNcK.—If wo may judge fmrn tho hand writing, the following communication conic* from a much tviqiecti-d cm respondent t Samcm.CVi. 29.1839. This day, fifty ymirs ago. tlm town of Salem was hies* d with tho praseneo oftlm great anil good und god like Georgo Wu-liingtun Tlm writer of this well tvc'db-cts him, and tho following word*, the only Words ho over hcnnl him utter: -Pot on ymu lints, my men, ymt «ill get cold.” Wn-niiigion onnreivd in tho house of Joshua Wnnl, E*q. near tho Riiilmnd Dopot.iiml slept In the southeast chain- Imr. I saw hint tako Ids departure for tho east- ard in the morning, I lo onllcd to see tlm veuentblc JohnPyinnn&s. in ilridgr-st. near Beverly bridge, who was then inoro than 99 yours old.—Salem On* xetfe, MEETING AT MEMPHIS, TKNN. Tho following preamble and resolutions adop od ntu nioeting ut Memphis, were laid before the City Council ut their mooting mi Thursday, aiid^mdo.od Im puhli.-ltod:— BANK AND RAIL ROAD MEETING. At n meeting of the citizen* nf Memphis nnd the ad jncent count i y, held, jiursiianl to rim me, ut tn Town Hall, on the evening of the III h lust., to adopt mcli m asuresn* may he dormeil la-st forinen-n-ing Im Rank capital nt lids place. O-i motion, Gun. E. P. Gaines was railed to the clmir, nnd J. T, Trezevnnf, Esq. apiminted secret ary On motion of .lolin liiown, Esq the Chairman was unipiiwe.ed to appoint n r.oniiniuoe of livo per son*, to draw up a pii'umhle and resolutions, ex- pres-ivo of the object of llm meeting: whereupon tlmehnlrappolnttnl John Brown, E*q , P, W, Lu cas, De. L. Shanks, K. C. Williams and Julin Tiigcl "ho after retiring u |i*w moment*, suhinitP-d to the meeting *he following ppeatnhle and resolu tion*. which were unanimously rereivod; Tho committee to whom was rclin-red tho duly nf draMing op u preamhln und resolutions, expres sive of llm uhp-ct of the meeting, beg ioavu tesiM-cfolly lo au'oinit tlm following:— Wlicren* thn convetminco ntnl facilities of com* crow depend upon anil require hanking capital bc iiing n reasonable proportion to tlm nmmim of na let And wlmie is iko town of Meuqilii-, having nil expor trade of iihmit $1,511,0110 m.d n whole sale, r> tail nnd commission business of about $3,- 500.0011, whit banking e-apit il of only IjllOO.OOO, iifi'irdiiig ii uireiilution m tlm present tnn- of uidy nhmu $l3t),0il0, isso deplorably d-ficient inbnuking ficoines, that tha citizens of tlm town an.I connt-y, ini ling nt 'Ids point, are induced to seek mi uiilmge. meat nf banking cupitul in nny way tlmt is ntu-t pinciiciililo, and least objectioieiblo, lo meet their pre-cut rommen ial licecssilie* anil nil Is. To clleni this oh act nt the present tilin', various scheme* have Imen siigg**sl -d. Unn isn liriucliof llm Ch-irlt'slon Bail Komi Bunk, nr of ilm Georgia Rail Ron I Bank, another is a Unincli of tho Bank of Tennessee, it Metnpbis, Ac. An. ToobUiinn Hninclmf the Chn> lesion oi Geer.-in Bank, will require a •'hnrtereil from th<* Tennossee Li'gislnliir-;aud io secure this privilege will require our petition,bused upon theiiiipl|ei|tion of one of iln-iie hank* losoulu hincli to Memphis. To usertaio llm disposition of eitlmr of those In stitution* to coniiiTt iiseif with the trade ■•film Mis sissippi vnlluvni Memphis, and tlm pr icliciihil.ty and inility of rim connection, by a bruncli IiaiiU, can only Im done by uoinuiiitiicntiiig with tliosn rompn- nii *, so its in ohlain llm necessary inform ilion iihmit ilmir schemes, tli.-ir fumre objects, wishes Sic., when llm propor -uliseqin-iit nctimi ni»y he drier- mined upon, from the inhrinulimi QTitainnd, liy linos th- r meoting. To effect tlm other solteme, nil that •-ail lie U-mn is tocuntimm lo pres* ii|ioiTllie Legis lature, ilto extreme urg'-ney of our warns, and tho ndvantngn to the linuk of Tennessee, of having >n hritMcIi nr. Memphis, were tlm largo amount of ex port* would nllonl oxchungo To curry oat lho*o view-, tlm following resolutions are respectfully -ub- iniit'-d. vizj 1st, Ri-sulved. Tlmt su.-li is the pressing i|>'mnmi iu ilm town of Memphis, for mi incrensu of himUiiig mpitnl, nud such have been the neglect, anddisre- gniil, heietcfore, nil tha part nf uur own State, of onr wants* that we art- foiced to look nl-rtsi|l for cnpital, lo uvnil itself ul tlm extensive nnd profita ble investment in hanking nperminn* which the exports niel comm ice of tills point nllonl; and to ntiiib|eniir mercbnnt* to furni-ii llm nece-snry fa cilities to tlm trade ronccu'ra'eil at Memphis. 2d, Res-1 vcfl,Tint to determine ilia p.irtlenbili ty ami utility nf a. connection with tlm Charleston or Georgia Rail Road Bunk, by n brunch of eitlmr of loose institution* at Mump ii*, to lui iiisb bunk ing facilities tins* may Im profitably employed.relieve our pressing wunis, and bring ubout an nrrflrigemept and conceit uf notion, which will speed ly securothe completion of tlm Great Atlantic uml M> sis-ippi Rail Roud iiiipiova-iiicni, i* nil ohj mt of so mucli importancen* lo n quire immedinto action. 3d. KcmiIvoiI, That Im nnd are hereby appointed n cummitlRO to open n oorre-pnn. denr.ti with ihe lending nmu of tliosn institutions, for i lie pm po-o of ascertaining tln-ir views on this subject, ami uhtuioing ilic inlurmation necessary to dei.-ruiiui' upon ilm pr ic i"»hi|fry nnd utility of the scheme, 4th. Ro-olvod, Tlmt Im and nro k"reb\ nppoiiited a c •minitiPeto asciirlnin the prac ticability of obtaining a l-ntnc Irtnfihc Bank of Ten- iiossim at Mempliis, nr t • n*< erlnin tlie prnctienbili- ly uf liny otlmr sclnonn that will supply nur wunts wiih'int being ml ended inilsopcrmion with insttr- innuiiiublo ubjiTtinn-; such us the constant drain of exchange from this point, u* would be the case with branches nlViihcr thn Union or 1’lantors Bank of Tennessee, placed here w|ill a dcpcliduul bonrd of directiirsi Alter ilmrecnp-inn andndoptinn of ihe forgoing preamble and reso.trious. the Chnirmuu of the meal ing, through I*. W. Lucas, Esq., submitted the fol lowing preamble and resolution, which Beta unatii- niously ndojitial hy tho meeting, viz: Whereas, thn citizens of Memphis and of the ad jacent towns and counties oft he Western District of Tennessee have, at sundry times during the last seven ye irs,desired rim a tom inn uml eoopuiuiinnol'l tlm citizen*, of Cliarlesimi, South Cumlinn, nnd I Savuiinnli, Georgia, wi h lliuse oftlm iiiierirvaliate Suites of Geor4-a, Albums and Mississippi, in llm local on mid ron>liiiiionof a Kail Road from Mem- pli.s-l'i Clin I lesloli, or Suviliinali, to heeulled thn Mi-tissippi und At untie Rad Roadl And w her-u* during tlmt |ieriod of time the whole of tlm Simtli Carolina sec lion consisiing of 135 mi|e—the Au gusta and Alliens-ection, cnosUting of 114 miles, an I tlm Decatur and Tu-mmiiIimi, Alalmmn, seetio.i uf 45 miles liuvele unuompl in I, uml ip alignments Ikiv.- Inmii made for the location und completi ai of a large portion «fi lie Georgii «iot onto l||e Ten- nesseo river; whilst tip* La Grime" and Momphis section, Teriussee, oonsisring of 511 mile* is iimh-r c.mtinet, unilheiltz for the mu t purl graded, i* ex- pvc ed to 'lie Completed in llm ensuing yeai; lenv- in g Imt nlaiut olio iliinl ol this rnagnilicent work of 649 milo* from the Mississippi to tlm Atlantic me finished, or unprovided for; the'eoinidatinn of which .with throe principal Bnnchv* will np«ntn the great sea p -it towns ofSonthCsrulmu,Ge»rgin and E't-t Florida a Bail Ho id Cornmu .lc *tion of onsnr|»as»- ed valtio, inasmuch as it would at once mute llm two Sootlmni Atlantia States with East Florida to the centre of tliu valley of the Mississippi, "• the point where ilia cotton region termin i'"*. *"d wlwre llm suhslstsnce and min ml region* begin— bringing tlm incalculable wealth, t'rrngtk, and rr- ion rret —per tonal >inil material—of lid* great val ley, to wiriiin thren day's tun of all the most valu able of our South Ku-'ein si aiio i-{ itITnrdlri|effec tive protection to the wlmie of that im|an'Hritfron- ties during « A'att of war, with acommero* afgnsl value iu war and in po ire| thnrehy relieving ll»*» good poopln of the mid lln ami iiurdi-u a veutions of Ibis treat valley, (amonn'ingalrraily lon ar*«von millions, and w li in the im at sixty yar 4 . at ih« close of ihe present century, umouiil to fifty tig million* uf Innab UoU,) frinp the caprbe* and op- preiiitmf of • nltifl# outlet to ibo ’»«•,—ire uutltit \ with merlteit often glutted hy u ovedkiw of up- oeuMry pioderlt—and atolp-a tcrlstW lw low ••ter iw by the eUnntlon of yellow levert Ami whereas, the nM«intpli*limei.iofihe pnq* -ted gieet Mail Road is a work* completely within the power Ot HO people of the people of this District, CiMitd lltey at on. o run veil their real estate el Uv value Inin mnnet, nr otherwise ,>t,mjn Banking facilities lo the amount necessary fur defraying tlie ex|mnse oftl.n wmk —To effect this important object, they ats constrainetl once mine t>• ajqa-al'lo their nel^libora amlfellow cillseu* of the rust ami south; and with ihi* view they prepare tha fdlowlne reso- lolioll. Resolved, That niiexecnilviM-ommlttea lieniqiain- tod, tocoii-isi of live uti-nilmrs, whosiulttiy it -hull l<© to ent-r into a correspondence with tlm G .v» m* ocsof tlie Ensioinun.l Niutliera States, and with the 1’r shines of li nks, and other ill-tlugui-h.-d cl ixens deemed likelv to lake in imprest In tlie pro- posed Mail Rond—communicating to them the v.ea# and wishes of this rr. v ing, and sol citing of tin m whatever aid or ro-npcnitinn they may Im di-po.ed tn conirilmte townnl* the aci-.uiipliriim. nl uf the proposed Misslr ' spi Si Allan le Rail Road, w ith tlireeiii lion* to report precceding* to a inoiitldy meeting toliel .-id at thisplaee, on the last Saturday in every month, until uilmiw lsn direct. I. On motion, Resolv■ i, That Messrs And* r<nn, Willinm*, Shanks, Liu-a s, Tri.gaud llruwn, he n committee in curry out rim objects ol the resolutions. On m it<.Mi,itwatfiirriierra. ii've.l, Thai riioGhnii- m in nf mis tm-ciiiig Im added as u inemlmrof die committee. Me* dvod, That tho editor* of papers in this plnoe, In Chiirlesioii, S. C., and .Savannah, Gn , slid thn odious oftlm interm.-dint. 1 -wiis.fioni Augi|sin and Allo-il« to Tilsenmhiu and |M Grange,iimln-ivn y. Im respeiefully requusied to give publicity tO tlmforegiH log pieumides and resolution* EDMUND I*. GA1NF.8,Chulr’n, J.T. Tiikzkvant, Si'c'ry UE \UTIEB OF FKDRRMt WIUGEUY, Tlm leading article In ilm New York Courier gild Enquirer of ilm 25th last c-.Milas tha following as- vlhaist "We have already Iho eaperienco of mir Iasi aits- pension, which Rom plainly demon trail'd tR*fd never have takra plsrr, hatl the Unk* in New Yorit ami IVuiivy lvaiiinlrie Iypakloutihes|ach tlmy In Id- Are wo now doomfil t«* a seeivnd general *u*nen*l hi, because obieletu notinns, disc mb d Hsewlmio hy common consent, nro in rhlf roghshod ovtr tlm plaiiH*at dii-tu'es of c.dnnmn sens* and wn may add, of honoif” The very uextaitb le In tho same patter Contains, in tbe same I'.dtinm, the following hi reference to tlie Adiniiistrallnn, vis. "Tlmy l.uve hr.-u.-lit alioilt one universal stl«p.*ns %bm of sjH-cie pay-nh'Ot*, and aiio.hs'r partial sut- |H'iisl»u, Ii l* n -w n lmillt'd on all side* that under our iiro-i'iit finnneial pnllcy» this state of tiling* can- nnt fail |o continue. Wo -loill have an repuso, wn shall h ivv no regularity In our fii.andsl aff.iir*. we shall Imo no change fur the Imtier, until we change uur financial system uml tliu ntdll who administer In one article we are* told tlmt the Ad'itinUtniMim btought nhoiit the funner siis|v>n*ion of siaatic pay mem*, and in the other that it' "need nevet have taken iil.ire hud the hank* in Now Yo.k ami 1'ennsyl- vanin finely paid nut tlm specie they held." In one article it was the fnull nf the hnnksl In tho othei'i it was the faultofthe Administration! ex|»*cu c ntiiaocv in tlm Blddl-'diO'lglit presses; Imt their su|i|Mirirr* have a right to insist tlmt their innnt-slstnncie* shall not ho put so cooio ti g- liter.—Globe. The e expenditures „f the Smte nf Vermont, during the Iiisi fisc I venr, wete71,665 dollars 53 cent* Tm ■ Itrioi fund amnmits to 119,648 dollars 21 c -ms; tiie hunk safety fund to 19,932 dollars 74 e.'iit*. ( Correipondeuee of tkSouthern Patriot.) WASHINGTON, Nov, 2, 1839. Thu appropri itinti- mini" by Congress lor public buildings in till* city being uovvexld died, some hun dred* of lalmr r* will be discharged. Yo.ienlay tlie men employed tin the Patent Ofliru, and New l’e*i Gfilct'lmildingi, were apprised oftlm (ant, Imt wore al«o informed that they might continue, provided lle-v would accnpt vouchers instead of money, until a further appropriation could lie made. This was refused. Tlm Coiiiin!**ionors of Public Building* limn madenn application in ilm Bank of Washing' ten, in which is u large nmiiiint nf Government de- pu-iti's, to ailvaoro the money until the meeting of Congress. But tlm Directios h >ving but little f.dih in t|m uniicipiiti'd prompinuss of our Nntiumil Img- islniiire in suoli tnulters, wunld nut consent. The orection of these hullilings having been dccl. ded upup, it was, to say thn lens', a questionable |tnlirv in C»ngre**% n fuse the full appropriation. It was n mistaken idea of economy, ns tlm ease of the New Treasury Building will prov*», Last year n hill wns pus-nd granting i-ompensntiou to ii whole regiment of laborers, for the timo the wmk on tlmt edifice was stis|iended. In tlm pres nt iastunce, Congress w l| bs« hound hy equity to do ll.o same, a* most of tho men me ilestdiite iu tlto extreme, nud were drawn her'under it promise of employ mem until tliu buildings should have been coniple. ted. It l« inmnred that ihe’ileposite* of Govi'rument In tliu Bank of Wushington are about to he with drawn. an I placed with (lie Pali iutic Bank. It has nlso Imvii asserted, hut I wh| nut vuu.-li fur it* liuili. that the lulter inslitulioti hat tefused ts lake them. Last evening I atiemhul n v-ry respeetnlile men- tiiu.euuvi'urd for the imrpiise nf iliscmsing tlm Bank question. Sontenf the S;*enkers handled llm Bank* wi Ii mt mittens. It wns urged th n th" Suite l-egislature* in grunting Bunk ch"rtev f >r n l>on«i*, thus tacitly a.*l.nowledged llm' tlio’|mnpl« were to Im'slinvi'd hy the i«*ue nf paper. But se'd the •S.iu.k r-. it Iiii-Imen su'd thntllic people doit them selves, iiiHsmurh ns they elect their Bcprrsrtua- lives, thus The Legislninrrsencoiiriige Bnnks, Trie p.'iinj.* uri'iite tlm Logisl'ittirci, Tlicrt'fnie the |MVo|dn encourage Bunks. To show 'h- fallacy of this |io-Uion, heintrodtic- ml imo It t svllngi-m. Tim rich injure tlm poor; God efoHt. d tho rich, Therefore G-«l injure* the poor, Tlmro is some talk of esiahli*hiiiK a Congression al Debating SucHy, similar to thnt in Londnn, forth.* improvement ofnnr L-'gislators in K'ncotion, etc- This will he quite superfiiioiii. ns tlm public business Inis nlivndy rulTered ten much front long *|iocclic*. In 'eed,toward* tlm close of last Session, it was O lder serious eonslderalion whether n law iniglit not to It made limiting each Spniiker to one '■tier it penalty of losing n sixleritih pat; of 1)1 KGB IN AUTUMN. ritOM "Ul.I.AfulilANA,” IK TIIK I.ASTKNICKKItllOCKKIt 'Tisan sutuinnsl eve—the low winds sigliitig To wet le .ves, rustling ns they hasten hy; * The eddying gusts to loMsiug boughs replying, And coon iliiikiicss filling all the aky | Tlm moon, pule mistress, palled in miUqiiii vapor, Thu rack, swift w*iiduriii-> through tint void ulaive As 1, a inournorby my lonely taper, Send back to laded hours lli" plaint uf lovo. hi* toiigiiu forever) traiirgression. It I- n cnri-ni* fi,'n many of nur best orntnr nro deficient In that kind nf courage which is roqiil situ for imhlie speaking. I could name several who nqvcr think nf nddrcssltig tlm House, until they liuvc lirat Hiiilressed themselves to the Imr room l.n- low. Willi otlmrs a false charge or a hi-ltrr -pe. rb will It ive thn ufi'ect of rousing llmni. To illo-tinte my inenniitg, I will refer to the cos.* of n eel, b n'eil luvvver named Jnlinson, who In tho reign nf Queen Anno was sent Irnnt this cnoiitry to plead in behalf of Veimnii', on n disputa with the mother country respecting nn nnihigunus law. Johnson, on rising was so owed hy thn pompous nppenrniicn of thn Commnns, that lie could only utter iliew«nl«" I nnot see—I cannot see,"—md wn* uhniit to resomo Ids scat indespuir | wimn one of the Crow n lawyers observed, •• {vuppies never can *••« until they nrn nine dny* old ' Tl.l* n-niaik raised tlm timid Jolinsoii, who with the energy of a lion,im- iniiilinieiy retort.'.I, " tn-'lliinks I lieur oiiu bur!.,” nnd then pnN't'i'd'-d with fierfect ease. During the first of each Session, the repor ters have moeli ditticuily in l.-n'iiiog tbe name* of no inhnra, en-'h S|icnker filling distinguished only n* " ill-' gniitli'iniiii from —," wi'biiiitnny reference to the n-ime. Willi slip N-vv Ymk for In stance, iiinoimtbig to forty, ninch ill fueling i* some- 'lines engnndered hy speeches la'ing set down lo tbe wrong man. Since the passage of llm law re quiring members tn sit uucovete I, I Imve in a men* -ore overcome tlm difficulty hy classifying them hy ilorii headv. On taking my seal. I survey llm whole muss, nnd fint suleatlug the bald Iwads, Icnrn lliejr iiumos; l then set npurt tlm gray bends—tho red heads— the dark heads also the block heads, nnd rmty bends. By tlm* dividing these pnliticifl star* into cuisielUtions, I may toon have tlm hunor of th»ir, " per-oiiul ncqualiitnnee," and mu hereby onuhli'd to givo oor.h this own tlumder, TUB MARINER'S CHIU) TO I1IB MOTHER, nr nisi i.amh.1*. Oh, weepnn more,sweet mother, Oh, weep no morn lo nig In | And only watch tha •-•», moilp r, Beneutti tlie moruing liglit. Then tho bright blue sky is joyful, And tlm bright blue sky is clear, And I can sve, swept ntotlioi, To ki-s uwny thy tour. R-.t now llm wind gore wailing O’iji tho dark and ngcklrx* deep; And I kpowyonr giinf sweet nt.ilher, Though 1 only hoar you weep, My fatlmi's ship will come, mother, In tulmy o’er ilm main; Wheni|irgrape* me dyed whli purpb', II" will be hack again. The vine- were but in blossom When lie hade me wn'cli ila'in c f,, w, Ai.d now ilp'lurgn leaves, mo'lier, Com mil tlivii eriinsniigloWi lie’ll living w«»ImvIU and sea weed, And wing; Itul what are these,dear moll't-i 1 It Is himself Im’ll bring. (Inr bountiful Minlmiiiii Will maik bow yon Imve wnjit, The prayers ol early morning, Tlm vigil*you have kept. Sim will gui.1" Ill* stately vessel, Though lln- sell It (lurk und dip»e, Anoiher woek of *iin»hiun—’ My father wdl he here, I’ll watch with lliee, street mother, * But tlto slur* fade from my light j Come, come nnd sl-np, d-ar nmlliar, Ob, werp no more lonigbq From ihe Metropalii. TAKE THE RUBY WINE AWAY. Bring me forth thn cup of gold, Chased hy Druid's hands of old, Filled from yonder fountni'i’s hreu«t, Where the wn era are nt restt This fnr me—in joynits hour, This for me—In hiutnty'* Imwer, 1 his for me—in iiinnhnotl's prime, 1 Ins for me—in lifu’s decline. Bring mo forth llm humbler burn, Filled by hunter's lined nt morn, From llm chrvstal spring that Hows Undertirntli thn Moonting rose, Where the violet loves to sip, Where (bn lilly stools her lip j Bring mu this—and I will say, Take the ruby wine owiiyl Tako gwav ;hn damning draught, By the liuroliitialinti ipinA'cri J Take uwny tl.n liquid denih—• Serpents nestle in its hivutli, Terror rides upon its flood Vice surrounds its brim of Ifloml, Sorrow in its bosom stings. Sorrow buoyed on |ilun*qin’* wings, D-n the luickut in the well, Where the trout delight* to ilwrll— Where tho sjmrkling water sings, As it bubbles Irani tlie springs— Whore tli« hrccxoi w hisper sweet, .Where tho happy ohilitreii meet, Draw,and let the drauglit Im* mine— Tako uwny thn rosy wine! IVaihington, 1839. Blesxnuis uf peace, once in my pntliwny springing, Whore liuvv your brighlness und yuur spleii.lnr gone? And TAna, whose viiicc In me runio sweet si sinking, Wlial ri-winn lintds thee, iu tlm vast Unknown f Wlmtstar far brighter tit n tlm testcilutsins tltee, llelnveil, departed—empress of iny lipurt? What IhiihI uf full beatitude enchains tbep, Iii realms unveiled by pen, or prophet’s art 1 Ah! loved andjnst I t'l these ntitmnnnl hmirs, When fairy nolursdoek tin'paintM tree, When tlm seem a sea nf fl wers, Oil! limit my soul, exulting, bounds to thee! Springs, ss tn clasp tltoo yolfit UK# existence, Yet to heboid thee si my lonely side i But the Hind vision tliells at once to distnm-e, And my ssd heart gives echo—*A* kai dUdl 1* N Ynrit.attuivlvys, \ yv'to.-ni fllscoMW)90(lays, |mr ct j*rem; 3 days slgt.t, • cts premt nl slglit, 9 per cl pram. statement of Colton, ffo*. 8. UplNU. S t. HtiwV on hand, 1st October,, •,,,,,,, 162:1 ||Q RrerlVrd this wrek,•»*.,*,•,,,,•• 1044 Dm lavvioosly 4431 2 Kxhirti-d tklv week, Do. previnosly,,. 9163 3034 7818 5197 90 Stock mt Imnd, inolndias all on ship* b wnl nm cleared mith" 8th Nov. 2621 THIS 1>AY*S MML~42 H. tO* TIhv New Oilcans lino, Ist !n*t. suy» t—That we leaia ill >t tlie lion, Ilugb I* White has resign* ed hi* seat in the -euate ofthe Unlt- d Stale*, Copt. I)"ty, nf the lirig Otrmito, arrived last ovo- nlng.39 day* fmm Rio Gratnle, 'reports that Ihe Capital of llm I’m* Inca, t'ortoAlcgro, is still iHtselg- ed by tlie telmls, who lewo had several skirmishes * Ith t'ie giivemitw.ij tnoipv. Tlm latter sufleted eonsMiu-itb|e In nn encounter In which 1500 rebels iiiinekvxl th" government troops, ntnl olfltged lh<*m in take icfiiso lo the city, laflugalmndeut to piece*. Uii llm 7ihOct. tlm O made IVrnsmboco, and was smut after biwnled by II. M. brig End.ins, Hunter, who repot t»x| dial tlm I'rovinm of Muranham was ilia state uf revolution, nnd tlmt things there were quite at a stand-—A’,' 1’. Jour. Com, 4/A. Jgj JJ" "n.ViH-ITHw Vnnszr, t. o. KR tMa..*. m.M, U am. Mira mid will have despatch, Fm Irrt bt apply to Copt. D.mi bond i.| June*’upper win.fot to — •*kk t A«ri on 29 LADD, T1JPIM _ For 11 avi Tbe en Lawton. have drspuuli t 8IBTARK. wifnJJj rfHp n MoS'nCI'.l,M), J. fl. oa t has enmineuerd kudmg, and will - — , For freight nr passage, baring somairtabkt occomm, apply tu ^ Ill), FAY r 23 FAnKLFOUD.VAY h CO. For iVow Vork-IMx Lira. To sail on Saturday, Tli-n.,«l,r IW, (VM. WYkOtl, , N. Ili»v,mn..rr, will Mil on "nlunlay 0.1, ' lost. For balance of freight or INMssge,luiving first - - rate smimnitalaiions, apply un board at HuntcCa . wlmrf. nr to tievO WASIinUtlN, LEWIS St CO. For Now York-Ueorght Une, * • To suit onSntunluy next. ^}A Tim new brig L. BALDWIN, wRl sal) M SAUt obnvo, 4 ■ 1 HEALTH OF AUGUSTA, &e. The health of our city Is miiolt the same a* lust noticed. There an* hut lew now eases occurring, nnd tlm do uli* it mount In only four hy fever, and three hy oile r disc ises. During tho past week we Imve Iml every prospect of N good rajn, hut hav? Imen disiippoiuted In nur expectation, "illy a suffi cient quantity having fillon to luv the dost* Until wn have a haul rain ntnl black frost we will nut mlrise nbirntm** lo make the city a pnmarteiit If* sidence. If they wish to visit llm city they can do so, during tlm day, without tlm least fi ur. In fact most of uur husims* man now visit tho city dully, and attend in husines : and during the week, nut streets huv" asauimul tlmir usual lively appearance, at this season nf the year. The Ini owing nro tlm name* nftho*" mentioned above n* having dtoil this week by feveit Master Chari, s Ogden. Resident, tllrxrkinb U.dly, Jacob Danfoitlt, " Mia Guy, (bnvtiiullonnllit. Il'lAll KsillOII. 3 CAKES a-sortod, wnnunt.d, a'l (lax, atvl of superior qnuliiy, for sale hv the pieeo. hy nov 7 HENRY HARPER, Irish DrtiiiiiaU* SPLENDID article, for sale liy nov 7 HENRY HARPER. Nl*»» HI life. A N Historical Homnticeuf America, hythoAu- t V ilmr of "Athenin uf Diiiimscii*," Si6, in 2 vnl*. Just reci lwd and f* r sale liy nor 7 THOMAS PURSE. H W. II. de S. Honors, AVEJust lee'd front New \ork. viz I 6 cases Nun* p, l.rn' H'ui U 1 do *'I|mt Fluraoco UraitrU.miioli (latest syle) 1 i|" 'In Eng, Straw d« d" I do il" Anierleitll do do 1 do in|«so* re'uid Flmenee Hats 2 ilnx do Fbuen e II.hhIs I ease t"'|M K"aw lloi-nets, Ac. N "ct 17 Hmith «Mn Miuket Square. Iluitof. c"Fiiitw MnrLirT iiiM-r, \c. Landing per Ship Newark, (YA KEGS Goshen Ruiier JmlVf 36 Boxes Chens" 10 Hnlf Uhls Fulton Mnrkel B*«l GOO Bologna Haiisagus 2 Crates Onion* 20 Bids Cracker* 30 Boxes Spt rm Cimdlrs, fur sale hy - net I UI.AGIIORN At WOOD. . ig L _ Fur Iroight or passage, having sari pvriur accumtmvlivl ns, (state rooms) apply oq board nt Mtmre'a wlmrf, or tu L. BALDWIN. Pop Phlladulpliln., >12A Tlmfirst mto now «ohr» KLIZAltF.TH, R* Sal Ren*',m, m iller; will have immodlntb dels p«ndi fur tlw ahuvo p,irt. For freight or passage, apply to Capt, B, mi hoard nt Taylor’s Wharf or to nnvfl 1'Ji 1 ££ & BARTELS. Pop lYtiw Opleuiis. 1 jQA Tlio suhUnnllnl (hit sailing hriff 8T. SI*' ' Wi MONS, Cum. A. Pnckunl, will moot with desnsteh. For fivii'ht nr itimn-n. rtinvlni? srrwt nn* despstt'h. For freight or passage, (having good flomtniNlntions for a fuw passengers,) jtpply to I master «m hoanl tn tn iiuvft COHEn, MILLER & CO, tho /ri-V: Pop Prolfflit orCImptop* JPA The lew St'hr MAGNET, A Kelly MU Mr, SMskis n"w rimdv to receive freight for any port, For further particulars, apply to Cant K nn heard, «rto WHITE iLKaUTHLS, nov ft Psvp Pliilfidi'iitiiin. The fiist sidling brig JUNIUS, CitMafft Crowell) will meet with dosputch fot Iho tw bore p,m, For freight nr passage, apply to 8 PHILBRICK St < Pop Ilulfliuoro. l£2S sfijA Tho regular pnokn brig OPELOUSAS, .' I SKlftCaptain Forrest, will huvo despatch. Fop*.. freight nr passage, apply on boned, or tn FRANCIS SORREL & CO*. , •' * landing and/or vale, from void brig, 1060 bushel* nud filtl) hag* Mnryland heavy Oats 2(10 harroU lldltimorn Howard street Flour 750 Baltimore cured Rama 10,000 Ills, Hliinddei's Bacon 6ft koga ground Ginger • ‘ v, . Ill boxes 1’upper und 10/V* Mustard , / unv 5 V ^ • For PnrF«burffh. ft fiy ft Theste.imerSWAN, Capt Baker, S¥OlSSnv3Cs w|l| leave fi»r tlmobove plnoocveryt Munday, Wednesday and Friday, gad returning* leaves Puryshiirgh every Tuesday,, Thursday amf Satunlny, for freight ur passage, apply on boanl in Eastntn wharf. . wov l-Om Slo.,11, Ship Oro>«t VVnalorn ltl mKM JAMES HOSKEN, R, N, CuwMAxnxit. S AILS IWtm New York Ibr llrlstol oil Splurilny, lflth Novoinlwr next, Fakks—To Bristul In M.tln Ratoon and deck State • Boom, thirty five Gu 1 liens, $163 33 In Fora Saloon Stum Rooms, thirty Gnlii- ens, '<+ $140 > ;* Children ttndor 13 years nf. ago and ipfVDUll hnlf price. Yrsl when (ha tuoininguflmryaara was brightest, That angel presence Into dust went down; While yot with rosy drentns her rest was lightest, Death for tlm olive, wove tlm eypiess crown; Sloop, which no walking knows, o'er came her Im- siiiii j O'ar came Imr large, bright, spiritual e iiwercnnnutdal mm fair hit Spared in herhowercnnnutiia! oim fairlilossum,— Tlnui bure Imr spirit tu tlm up|ier skits. Tlrnrn let me meetlirr, when, life's struggles over fami enow, The pure in love ami thought llielr . Who email s forgiving ami redeeming Lover Hpr ads out Ills Paradise tn every view. Lot ilio wild autumn, with its leaves de rending, Howl iiii the winter's verge !• .yet spring will come; So my freed soul, no morn 'gainst Into cotiiondliig Willi all it Invetli, shall regain its home. October, 18.19. W. G. (J, MARRIED, Iu Dahlonegii. Gn., nn ih" overling of llm Q4lh instnn'.hy the IL'f. Jo«epli Teniideinn, JOHN I). FIELD, jr„ E-q., ut Mi** AMANDA M. MA- SUN, dnnghler of the rbitif Coiner of ilm U. States Biiineh Mint, nil of Duh'oncga. LOniflDUUIAL. Latkst HATf.s viiiim LiVRitrooi Kxr 20 LATKSr IIATKS KltOM llAVItlt HKl'T.'Jll Lathsr oaths rnoM Havaxv tier. 12 From the Savannah Shipping and Commercial /,iil, Nov t|, COTTON—Ar Ived sinceih" 1st Inst. Ifl |4 hales Upland uml (IQ hub's S I im1I»ii, und clear, d nt the same time 2|63 bales Upland and 90 S I cmtoni leaving a stock nn hand, inclusive of iill„n shipboard not nlnniml on lit" 8tl> inst., of 2621 hale* Upland and 30 hides S l col mil. Tho receipt ofcollim lids week have mini jnut'd on tliu same limited srnle ms previously, nnd tho denim d for Upland litis In-vii steady, yul prices li .vc further rectioded ^ et per h. Thn sale* are 1043 hales ns In |nw»| 2 nt (ft 7 lit 10^; 35ut II; 26 nt 114; «f!7 nl ll|; 107 ut Ilf; 165at 11$; 62 at II); 135 ut 12; 26 at l.’Jt 113 m k'4;23 at 12). Uf Sea Islands there has Imi-iisiiIiI llllnflo Ul2lft 2 ill 36*, 19 sinini'd at 22; and IU ut l| ill', Rereipts of Cotton ut llm fo.|.-wing pluces sin Octidier l-t. Georgia, Nov. ft,,,,,. Smith Cnrolinu, Nnv. Mobile,Uct. 2<i....... New Uilcun«,Ud.26.. Florida North Cnrnlinn, Virginia,mm 1339 . 11297 ,.10465 . 226 .53661 1833 19463 13381 Alll 25142 69589 61166 The following is n statement of the slock ofcmloo Consigners per Rail Road Cir*, arrived on t|i" ftlh instant—306 ha|e*Cntton tn Wimberly St Jones, K Sinclair, LmH, Tuiqier Sl Sistarr, Bo-tun Si R-indlr, L U’dilwin, Il M Pliinisy, N A Hard'*", R llabarsltsm & 8on, Adam* Si Burrvu|h», C liar, irldge, E Pli|i &Cu. i hand m the resfirntive phici •h ii wined. Savniiinili, Nov ft,..,.,.. .. 3651 11127 Smith Carolina. Nov. 1,... .. 6765 167(10 Muhil", (Jut. 26 .. 1424 2467 Nmv-Orleaus, Uct 26,.. •• ..48676 1857ft Virginia, (J.'t. 1,......... .. 561 762 North Caruliua, (fat. I,,m .. 666 86(1 Angiistii* Ilniiihiirg.Uci 1, 6163 6733 Miicoii, N"V. .. 5585 3' 66 F’loridn, Oct. 1... .. 656 1666 Philadelphia, Oct. 26 .. 1338 1275 New -York, Oct. 31',• •nt* ,.11060 6060 113332 (12445 I! tick \v limit. -| /\ HALF UiU lluckwlMuil 1 A I 50 qia do do 5fl uiglitb* do do, hmlini and fnr min Uy n,iv 1 ■_ COI'K A MII.U. Lmlioi, Loodwii StewnnU Fees, JJI.Ift ($6.06.) • No second n!n»« iff xUwnvjtt paurngrr* AnkfrtH ' All ox|ierionced Surgcmi \s ntlmhod »o >ltlpi ' a ad every provision mud" (hflhn VK'infotH indte* •nrity nf tha nqiscttRere, She oan tgke ubout 2QI1 Inna freight, For freight nr pussage, apply personalty or by latter tn RICH^D IRVIN, ort 02-lm 90 Front at,, New York. Cdeorulii Femulu Uolluge, •' ‘ •. T HE ttxeralM's of tills Institution will bo rflsumtvj 61 ‘ ' * ' ‘ “ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ 5000 Turkish & Spanish Lowhesrin fine by ’ orilnr. net QP Just recclvud, und fur sale THOS. RVERSON Vlrtflnln StilrtliifTN. fff BALES unbleached Shirtings, of suimrior JSO quality, 3-1 7-8 and 4-4 whin Fnr sale by net 20 8. D. COBB ITT. Liverpool Coni. O X TONS, very siiiN'rhir, rernlveil nnd fnrsnla dSO hy net 16 CMGHOUN St WOOD. Enilorn liny. A AfY BUNDLES prime Eastern Hoy HkxJKF landing front Notli'l lluuiiur For sale low hy n t28 M. DILLON Si CO. Uncoil mill Fork. O OIJDS Ihicnn, sides I.dml 23 lilds pilmn I'nrk Just received for sale hy net 28 _ M. DI LLON St CO. Fulton ifliirkct litter. 1 HALF Mils, mess Bfiif, just ippeivcdnnd X* I forsujo hy ■k;i 39 1.0’.0 St UAT'I'IIRSON. Otialtuii lliiftci'. FRESH supply, lutulinil from brig Savannah, . nnd lbr snln hy act 20 GEO. I). CORNWELL. Cniinl Flour und lliickwhcut. BBLS, nnd 2U Iml* bids amnl |'*|uiii', amt Jj\ f 26 kegs of Bnckwhont, just ruuelvi ii nnd fur sab' liy net 29 LONG & PATTERSON, on tint first Monday In Octnliar. It Is very desire ntfln Pint all wit" propose to liecnmo pupils, •m tlmt all wlt'i propose to uvxnme pupus, s 'end nt lliif hfgmiiiiig nf Uio-sosslim. Ap early regular organization of the Classes is Important U *' —’ “ ’ ■ '’ ly and equal, the carrying nil of our plana, and tofalf ano a«q competition among tlm tnetltett* iff(st«»h olss*. . To relieve tho Fmadiy "f einlinrnissiuptiiYii tha nnd to facilitate tlm prog I'Htjnii of circular*, and to facilitate ihi progress ul the iclnflnr, wo earnestly recommend parents atu) guunlians lo hrlhg their chUi.Irm nud wards nt tho o|wniiig of tho term. . To relievo our patrons, whn llvo distant from ux* of nil imiieci ssnry nnx|nty, wo nssure them that In ,.r .I..L.I...J bind nnd 'constant shall case of slokness. ntfepilon, b Im rendenri | nnd thnt prompt Infiirmo'lon shall bn given to re|qt|rps, wfau. gpy ren«mah|o ground of apprelionslon caisia. Ilavhig flill oonfirTspce op* solves in tlm healthiness of tlm location*** confi* donee fuumled upon thoexpi'rlenro nftbo hut term. * and llm fnot that iho Stewmd’a family with tw<y young ladles, itirnibore of lie liistiiuijoii, have ro- ninined during thn wlrnlo aumiqur, without Intern , ruption of hunlih, wo beg onr frjendt to discredit tho . nxnggernti'd rntnori of sickness and fatniity tha| . sometime* get t titrenoy In tho ""Untry- lf ot any time fuels M arrant ulurm, wc ptedgo •qrselm Ui give notice, M H Thn Snlinribtr, AS now opuirri tlm whole of htr nssortmon), i * “ ‘ ‘ ' riin.l.llnir uf iho llv<t. OI»j 0«W,.t .1,1, French F,mhroh|erics. Vnloiiclenne*. Inco. point do, J*nrl» do, catlan, cuflfe • nnd caps of ilia *n|np piub-i jal Blob eliimgeahlo silks, gre* d'Alger'a Katins. Reps Satins, Foulard. Siljt* Flails Reps, Sgtifi L«ipe,.Mus P« Latne, do dft Siam Fliibi — 1 -— J * ^ * Drown Stout nud I'ortor. OA CA“KK Lninlon Bottled Brown Stunt nnd Z\9 I** 'oi’icr, nf first quality, quart* nud ^dnts, lu'i,linir niii) far side hv .... 011 1*1 out 29 COHEN, MILLER Si CO. Kmboldcr'd do, fni Cravats, gent's rich Gloves nf nil dosarjn||"n Long do misses and children do, Belts Gnalimi Hitttt r, eltr, L anding from Wilson Fuller 26 ki'UH GimIiuii Butter 56 do Imnl Id 0 do smoked Salmon For silo hy oct 23 C LAG HORN h WOOD. Wccsp Cl In* L ANDING from sclir. Al-Ignat, 6 ffliie* fl Holland Gi»,(Weii.ji) "Crown” ami "Stag” Brand*, received direr! from importers out of< linn hoiisu stores, mul wiirrunlnd pore. Al«o—In s'ore. 6 pipe* Mender's " Swan” Gin, nimI 6 half pifios " Seignelte" Brandy. Fnr sale “’on 2j nnoiuiK a. may, Itlen nr eft 10 FMLP IvirreJ* Mess Beef, just received ' nnd fur sule by BICE—During ilm wrob there has br«'ii Ion lit. tin doom lid for this article. Thu *aW made Imve licniiat$34"3|. CORN—No cargo sales, llo'alls from store at 96a| Ul) et*. 4006 busied* oats ai 46) cu. FLOUIt-^Sales of Huward-st Hour at 7); canal -18). GKECEIUF.8—Iii cofl'ce, sugar, molasses m« Imve m fair retail busbies* nt all prkws witli|u> the range of «ur quo'atioas. BACON—Soles of 15,0ft) middling* at 0 r|s 50 ki'gsl'irdat 14) cl*. HAY—Sales on the wlwf at H Mg. Ki’IIHTS—Indureesiie liquors said* of N KHuni at4J*Nets. Whiskey 14cl*. Go. 43*60rts. , LX'.HANOE-Ou Ln|Ut»d, numiusi. Prift* du M . II. A H. Ilopn. . H AVE just to.vlvod per recent arrivals from New York, nearly incir full supply of Foreign and Domestie Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS ttinoiig will'''ll are the following, vixt Vre'iuh, English and Sco'ch Capes and Collars, do splendid plush and silk Shawls, do. embroidered muslin, 4-4 & 6-4 muslin Holies, large open sewing silk Shawls, (now nr- tide,) black Lace 4-4 & 0 4 du fell Flower*. Wreaths, ft l)rtrich Plumes, Thread and Valenchm Edging# and Inserting., Erminunml Fur Cullur*, f'hantilln Veils, mi|<|lo hunds and Infants waists, Tartan, Roll liny and Kahylc Sliawlr,' English am| French Murines, Kentiinky, liluo ami strine Juans, Scr., Sen. Sin. 6iiif t | :J ■Sqtitn Side Market square, do do hi and llfered night Satin white Chally Rich plush Shawls, do French Cnshmcrodo Kjik ami III d’Kccnpo Hosiery raw SllVdo.' •.* /, •. . • Fine flowers, feathers, rich lfurmut Ribbon, plhlft •.. . ^ Ribbon nl all No's by the piece ur Imx Emhroider'd pocket Hmidnercldcfs, 'futcUt filtl) pluin E. 8iraw. togeilmr with qnniogaht fiisoru ment of Bonnets, Caps, hcqd dm^CI opd T«U / bnns > WrrAlyfjBi This nnd all iho rarpnlt|d«*r of her athok, v put lo," for cash, pxjmciing to Ipavf cfti^rii 1 ' tfta spring. N. B. Ne nrtjnle when e^tared an ibfl Books, wtt) lie takra Irnck, :, v • act 29 2w MRS. BEAULARD. Hosiery, Ac. X AD1F.S ribbed and plain silk IIo/o . X-J do Dluck, mixed and whtlq cotton dd-. do Mack, worsted, caShmara find rotton tfo Miss"*'white und lilaak ertuott Ham • *.", *•". Boy*' lambs’ wool, merino oud v:or»tod balf dQ po Iinbleaclied, mUed -ad,while cotton do do . Infants'wnrstrd and *|lk Boots Gsntlemen’s Inmbs wool, moritia qnd worsted bfiif. Hose • Gentlemen's white and black sjlk lialf Hpso ~ Du merino (.oeg) , a«, . Forsaleby - . G W BEHN, r } • "V L - Shad’s RuUdlnf v ; Jui|t Hoceivody. - A COMI’LETF: assortment of Morina Shlfll.. and Drawers, lambs wool Shirts and Drawers, • Silk Shirts and Drawer*, which will be so>dlfl' r ! . j hy C.C .THOMPSON A OQ. ' • nov 8 ,/ . , Ncxtdoor Bail noad Bank, '' i Jfmt Bfinelved 50 BBLS. Chenango I’otutoi'x, J, I), OAUDBY. BhIq Ilono. Wit!,'.*.' Qlovcw* T A PIR8 foiy, M«k and -I.W »,* f Li Ul.ok nnd will,. do JI«wSIH..«n|iM..»'rM.iMBido Mlw.'M.d.m.nd " BOIont 0 •nllcmdi’. H.wk, - ..h ta.dw.1 hjr« "Vln. , Silk, rnffilw. WL*ijSl"S®*f Veer, Wloo. mul |.<>Ti,IOf». 20 |6Q h’lsof tha ii Trentoa 35 or cask* For..lar BOV I ' brlgWm Tnylor m